IS THE 5TJ!NDAXl tTKEGOKTAK, POKTTJAOT; MARCH 5, 1905. EFFEGTOFSTRIKE Government Building Is One Which Suffers. ITriS THE CENTER OF FIGHT Work on Other Structures Not Hindered. AMERICAN FEDERATION ACTS It Practically Decides to Boycott the Big Lewis and Clark Exposi tion Because of the Labor Troubles. The strike at the Fair grounds was practically confined yesterday to the Government building'. "Work on all the structures under way on the main por tion of the grounds was continued with full crews except at the American Inn, where less than half the former crew was at work. The fight -1b now centered on the Gov ernment building and against J. E. Ben nett, who has the contract for this un dertaking. He had fully 400 men at work on the structure, all but a very few of whom quit Friday morning. Practically non6 has returned. He has, however, secured, mainly through the efforts of the employment bureau eet up In the Administration building, between 60 and 70 men who will go to work Monday. These are said to be competent men, capable of doing the difficult work on the roof of the build ing. "With makeshift crews one truss was erected on the building yesterday. Some good men have been secured to work on the roof, and a crew Is being trained which can do the hoisting. What Strikers Claim. The strikers, however, are confident that they cannot be replaced. They claim that the kind of men capable of working to any advantage at great heights are hard to secure, and that they will succeed in preventing any from coming "nore by telegraphing to other cities from which they might come. So far as the rest of the grounds are concerned the strike can hardly be claimed by the strikers to be much of a success, though they still have the advantage over the Government build ing. Considerable time will be neces sary there to form crews capable of doing the work at anywhere near the same speed as that done by the men now on strike. Interest In the strike xias increased a great deal among local unions within the past !ay. It has become obvious that If this strike fails, all hope of union recognition and a "closed" Fair Is gone. The local branch of the Amer ican Federation of Labor has decided to discountenance the Fair to the best of its ability by preventing the exhibit of that organization to be shown here. A threat not to exhibit here has been held over the heads of the Fair board by President Gompers, of the American Federation of Labor, ever since an ef fort has been made to "close" the Fair. Hop to Keep Workmen Away. The strikers have been gathering .at 66 North Sixth street continually planning methods of cutting off outside workmen who might come here and for holding their own ranks intact. As to the latter they have effective wea pons In the $25 fine charged to those who go back to work and blackballing from the union. The leaders of the strike are almost constantly in confer ence at the Sixth-street headquarters and a majority of the men are posted as pickets at the various gates to the Ex position. There they discourage new men from seeking employment and keeping old men from returning. Their means are peaceable enough, but they have dissuaded many men from apply ing for work, though about 100 sought employment yesterday and obtained It. The employment office will remain open and applicants, union or nonunion, will always be able to obtain work until the full quota of men Is secured. Bennett's men on strike were paid off at the Administration building yes terday and their badges taken away. Men on strike yet who do not belong to the Government building gang are comparatively scarce. JUDGMENT AGAINST 2TUEDERER Father of Girl Who Was Killed Awarded Damages. Judge Sears yesterday held that Gaetano Quarascia, administrator of the estate of his daughter, Freda Guar ascia, who was murdered by Frank Guglielmo. should recover $1226 dam ages from Guglielmo for the estate of the girl. Guarascia previously sued Guglielmo to recover for the services of Freda, who was 16 years old when she was killed. The father was entitled to the value of the girl's services from the time of her death until she reached her majority. 18 years. The court allowed lilm $600. It is doubtful if Guglielmo has enough property left to satisfy this last judgment, as much of his estate has gone to defray the expenses of his trial. Guglielmo is confined In the County Jail, awaiting a second sen tence of death upon the scaffold, which will be pronounced as soon as a man date from the Supreme Court affirm ing his conviction is received. .MAY CHARGE PERJURY NEXT Result of the Inquiry Into Alleged Bribe-Giving. "The statement made by Robert Wakefield and C U. Berry that I gave G. B. Thomas, business manager of the Lflbor Press and member of the Port of Portland Commission, $600, Is false," says J. B. Bridges, "and I will prove it bo. He received the money from Wake field through Berry, the bookkeeper." Charges of conspiracy and "perjury will probably be made with District Attorney Manning by Bridges accus ing Berry, who was the bookkeeper for Wakefield & Bridges at the time of the building of the Portland drydock, as the middle man, and Wakefield as the principal. Thomas will also be charged with having conspired with Wakefield arid 3erry to accusw Bridges, and Wakefield with "having made false af- ccavits. District Attorney Manning iLposal awaiting final proof before he will act. Bridges insinuates that other charges concerning other firms might be made against Thomas. He Is Wanted In Los Angeles. Sheriff W. A. White, of Los Angeles, will arrive in Portland this morning with requisition papers from Governor Pardee, of California, for Robert A. Condee, who Is" wanted In the City of the Angels to answer to a charge of embezzlement. White will have to ob tain an extradition warrant from Gov ernor Chamberlain before he can take his prisoner away, and William M. Gr.egory, attorney, who represents Condee, says he will oppose the Cali fornia officer's attempt. Condee is held at the present time on a fugitive from justice warrant issued by Justice Held. Sues to Foreclose Mortgages. Frank Whittler has sued Maria A. Smith in the State Circuit Court to foreclose a mortgage on lot 2, block 47, Portland, for $4000, executed April 1. 1S96; also J2C92 interest, $4211 taxes, and $1449 interest due on the taxes and $1000 attorney's fees. Whittler also holds a mortgage 'for $3000 and $1825 Interest. The estate of Harriet B. Campbell, deceased, holds a claim against the property for $17,000, and the German Savings & Xoan Society holds a first mortgage for $33,000. James Howard Pleads Guilty. James Howard, called "the man un der the bed," pleaded guilty In the State Circuit Court yesterday to rob bing Harry Allen in a room in the St. Charles Hotel. Howard sprang from under the bed as Allen was disrobing and compelled him to surrender a gold watch and $20. There are other cases of this kind against Howard, who Is a young man. Judge George will pro nounce sentence later on. Wife Sues for Divorce. On account of desertion, beginning June 17, 1901, at Oakland. Cal., Louise C. Taylor has sued Christian A. Taylor for a divorce. They were married at Salt Lake In 1S97 and have no chil dren. Inventory of Estate Filed. The inventory and appraisement of the estate of Mary Stelnhelser, de ceased, showing property valued at $12,000, was filed In the County Court yesterday. NEW PIPER PROM SCOTLAND James McDonald Plays at Funeral In Lone Fir Cemetery. A new bagpipe player has come to town, James McDonald, all the way from Scot land, and those who have beard him per form say that he is without a rival as a piper in the Pacific Northwest. He re cently officiated as piper at the funeral of Mrs. Bertha P. Lcdirigbam, who was buried at Lone Fir cemetery. A visitor who was present writes: "I chanced to be walking through the cemetery when I met the funeral party about to bury the late Mrs. Ledingham. Previously, my ac quaintance with the bagpipes was of a limited character, as I had enly beard them played In a room or small hall, but never In the open air. Piper McDonald was one of the mourners, but he was not dressed in tartan. He wore ordinary clothing. Amid the most profound silence of the Sunday afternoon the piper began to play 'Scots Whae Hae the national anthem of the Scotch race. Never before had I been struck with the vein of sorrow running- through this martial air. The scene probably affected me, the walling bagpipe music the open grave, the ceme tery, the loneliness of that desolate spot and the knowledge that I, too, some day might be lying dead In a grave not very far from the spot where the piper stood. But In the meantime the piper's mood had changed to that very Incarnation of sor row. The Flowers of the Forest.' The air was played with such exquisite expression and dirgelike fidelity that the tears stood in my eyes. Never again will I say that there is no soul In the music of the bag pipes. But I had to stand before a friend's grave before I realized what the bagpipes meant." IN HONOR OP ROBERT EMMET Anniversary of Birth of Irish Patriot Will Be Celebrated Tonight. In stirring style the 127th anniversary of the birth of Robert Emmet, the Irish patriot, will be celebrated by memorial exercises held tonight at 8 o'clock, in the Arlon Hall, Second and Oak streets, un der the auspices of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. There will be no charge for admission, and those who arrive early will have the choice of seats. A crowd Is expected. The committee in charge of the event Is as follows: John O'Hare, chairman; E. H. Decry, P. J. Smith, John Smith, John Farrell and D. W. Lane. The pro gramme will consist of musical and lit erary numbers, and will consist of: In troductory remarks. Professor Tlerney; vocal solo, J. O'Connor: recitation, Charles J. McGinn; Emmet's "Speech From the Iock," Dr. Nell O'Leary; song. "Oh. Breathe Not His Name," J. P. Median; vocal solo. Miss Katie Conway; address, Wallace McCamant; song, John Kenny; solo, "Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms." Miss Nora Barrett; and recitation. Miss Maggie Smith. Robert Emmet was born, as stated In last Sunday's Oregonlan, March 4, 1778, at Dublin, Ireland, but tonight was selected to honor his memory as being a more convenient occasion than last night. M. A. A. C. POOL TOURNAMENT Winners Determined In Three Out of the Four Classes. The results In the Multnomah Club's pool tournament to date follows: First class Won. Lost. H. P. Holmes o George -McMillan 2 l M. S. Mulford 3 0 C W. Zeller l Second class S. L. Banks '. 0 2 F. H. Ford l i S. J. Harder l o K. T. Long 2 i Third class ' M. Dunne 0 2 M. Ross '. 3 0 M. Schacht l i T. Zachrlsson 0 1 Fourth class A. S. Frohman 1 l E. Frohman. o 2 J. R. Grek 0 l E. J. Jeffrey. Jr 3 0 M. S. Mulford wins the first class. Merle Ross the third and E. J. Jeffrey, Jr., the fourth. The winner of the second class will be ascertained by tho following schedule to be played tomor row evening. The four winners will be rehandlcapped and play the finals: Monday. March 6, the games will be: S P. M.. S. L. Banks vs. S. J. Harder; S:30 P. M., F. E. Ford vs. & J. Harder. Hotel Clerk. Experienced hotel clerk, speaking sev eral languages, wants situation; best of references. Address C El, Oregonlan. CARD OF THANKS, The Woman's Exchange wishes to thank for their generous kindness on Friday last. Pearl Hegele. the Ira F. Powers Company. Irwln-Hodson Co.. Martin Fritz, Mason Ehrman, Blanch Marshall and Mrs. H. C Bowers, and gratefully acknowledges the kindness of the building committee of the Scottish Rites Cathedral for placing their oeauuim ouiiainc at uie Jxcnange's Cls- xcc jtnai aiterncon. - .JiF9' EDITORS ARE AT WAR A. D. Griffin, of New Age, Is Called a Traitor. ADVOCATE MAN WAXES WROTH One Colored Newspaper Man Is Ac cused of Having the Colored Cooks', Porters' and Jan- c 1 tors' Club Pulled. Portland, sad to relate, is In the throes of a bitter and fierce newspaper war. This upheaval in newspaperdom Is ' con fined to two of the Portland papers, the Advocate, an independent paper, devoted to the Interests of the colored people, and the Portland New Age. Hon. A. D. Grif fin, colored. Is the editor of the New Age, and E. D. Cannady, colored, Is the editor of the Advocate. It is said, however, that the Hon. E. D. Cannady, the brilliant editor of the Advocate, is not responsible for the vicious attacks on the New Age. Rumor has It that W. H. Willis, general advertising agent for the Advocate, Is the one that Is causing all the trouble. Willis Is also president of tho Colored Cooks'. Walters', Porters' and Janitors' Club, and he accuses Mr. Griffin of being a traitor to that organization. In fact, he Insinu ates that Brother Grlflln was responsible for this "Arlington Club of the North End" being "pulled" by the police for selling liquor without a license. The rival newspapers appear on Satur days, and each week they contain long editorials on the front page. Where they formerly lauded the Lewis and Clark Ex position In glowing terms, they now spill vitriol in endearing leaders directed at each other. The Advocate won a signal victory with yesterday's Issue. It contained a large two-column cut of the Hon. A. D. Griffin, of the New Age. Underneath the picture it had the following Inscription: "The above likeness, A. D. Griffin, the Arch Conspirator and Informer the figure head manager of the New Age." Griffin Cslled a Traitor. The following is the letter which ac companied the picture: "To the Editor of the Advocate Dear Sir: Please allow me space in your valu able paper so that the world may know that two such 'nigger traitors to the race live In a respectable community. On the colored citizens of Portland and the race at large there has been a blemish cast by A. D. Grlflln. Grlffln. the so-styled editor of the New Age of which he has no say finding that vocation getting defunct, he has Jumped Into prominence as a stool pigeon and informer against such an or ganization as the Cooks', Walters', Por ters' and Janitors Club, organized for the domestic and social advancement of the negro In the Northwest. John De Moss Is one of his billing tools. For a certain grievance and unknown purpose he has administered the dirtiest blow In the meanest way that we have, ever known In the history of the negro in the Northwest. These niggers should be shunned by all respectable families and societies, as the vilest of the vile traitors and liars. All white people, public and private, are warned against any dealings whatsoever with them. All papers please copy. Respectfully. W. H. WILLIS, "President of the C, C, W., P. & J. Club." Willis is the general advertising agent of the Advocate, and Is also one of the leaders In the club of which he is presi dent. In fact, he Is said to be part owner of the organization. The club Is the seat of all the bitterness. It was asserted that Willis was running the club for profit. This did not suit Grlffln, who did not want to see the profession disgraced, as it was alleged liquor was being sold In the clubrooms. He made a cry against the Injustice of a man being allowed to work on a newspaper and at the same time grow wealthy off the liquor traffic The place was pulled by the police, and Grlflln gets all the blame from Willis. The case comes up before the police court next Thursday. Object to Word "Nigger." The colored population of Portland has not been much disturbed over the row until yesterday's issue df the Advocate found its way Into the hands of the news boys, who paraded the streets selling the papers to eager buyers. So great was the demand that extra copies of the paper had to be printed, but these were ex hausted by nightfall. The picture did not cause so much attention and comment. It was the word "nigger." This was some thing terrible. "The colored race of Port land has been shamefully wronged," raid a prominent waiter yesterday. "For years we have tried to prevent tho white people from calling us niggers, and we have hoped for success. But all is lost now. Our own paper, a sheet printed especially for the advancement of the negro, has come out In cold type and called one of our brothers a 'nigger " "Some of the colored folks of this town are kicking up a terrible row about that word 'nigger,' but I think it Is all right." said a prominent bootblack yesterday aft ernoon. "Of course, you know wo are negroes, but I don't believe we ought to object to rascals and jailbirds being called 'niggers.' Some of the colored people be lieve the word was used all right, but others insist they will make the Advocate take back the allegation." "Let tho best man win." said one of the men leaders of the Portland colored four hundred. "Both of the papers seem to be domg pretty well, but I believe this last Issue sends the Advocate away ahead. I read both papers over very carefully. In the Advocate's articles about the New Age I found 23 words that I had never seen xr heard of before. In the articles in the New Age concerning the Advocate, I only found 12 words that I didn't know anything about. I believe the Advocate has the best writers. It has been ru mored, however, that the management of the New Age has bought a dictionary." PEES ONAL MENTION. Dr. and Mrs. Nunn have returned after a two months stay in New York. Mrs. Elmer B. Colwell gave a card party to a number of her friends at her residence, 975 Corbett street, yesterday afternoon. Hockey-Player Charged With Murder MONTREAL, March 4. As a climax to a hockey season marked by rough play, resulting in three Instances in the death of players, Allan Loney, a member of the Maxville, Ont. hockey team, has been indicted on a charge of murder. A week ago the Maxwell and Alexandria teams were in the last half of an exciting match when Loney struck Alclde laurln, of "the latter seven, on the head with his stick. Laurln dropped to the ice and when his comrades reached his side ho was dead. CoBsamptlon Cored. An old physician, retired from practice, had placed In bis ban 4s by an East India Mission ary tie formula of a alniDle recetahla remrAv for ths spedy and permanent cure of Coa- oaxnjmon. jroncnius. tzaiarrn. Aatama and all Tfcroai and Iunc Affection; also a posture and radical cure for Perrons Debility Tfl all Nenroiia Complaints. Havlne tested Its won derful curative powers In N?anrt5 of cases and deslrlnr to relieve fiuzaan suffering. I srlll tend free of charge to all who wish It, this recipe, with fall directions for preparlnr and Ualnjr. Sent by malL by adncinr. -nriifc iamp. TiwTTiiDg in is paper, w. A. Keort Sil Power Block, -Bog . x. - "c Furniture In New and very modern designs that are very plain (dolnj? away with the heavy carvings) in golden oak, polished, or in weathered oak finishes, are arriv ing almost daily. We have just received some Rockers that you will say are just what you have been longing for. Comfortable and strong they are. Have you seen our Stands and Library Tables and our Library Case's, includ ing the celebrated Gun Sectional Book case (which we aro agents for In Port land)? If you haven't, come in Just to see them, whether you want to buy or not. This Solid Oak Chair, worth $1.85 anywhere: our special, $1.25. Notice our windows. 'Twill save you money. We h&ve had good business last week. There is a reason. No matter what you need, give us a calL 130 Sixth Street SLACK SATIN IN CANS The Perfect Stove Polish Patented 9 The only TTJfBURNABLE non-ex-ploalvo oil polish In the world. En amels any Iron glossy jet black, which can b washed like a dish. No dust or odor. Polishes nickel. Nothing else like It. 25c at deal ers or send us S5c for full size can. BLACK SATIN POLISH CO.. 579. 107 Chambers St., N. Y. C For salo by "WORTMAX & KING. Portland. Room OLDS. GARS RUN ON TIME Regular Schedules Are Closely Followed, SERVICE IS NOT CURTAILED F. I. Fuller, Manager of Portland Consolidated Company, Announces That Improvements Are to Be Made Rapidly as Possible. The letter printed herewith was writ ten to George S. Smith, In answer to clippings sent Manager F. L Puller, of the Portland Consolidated, criticising the street-car service of the city and making the assertion that the cars were run in rains and not on the reg ular schedules provided by the com pany. In the letter Mr. Fuller explains many of the points brought up showing that it is the intention and desire of the company to give the best possible serv ice at all times to the people, and to improve existing conditions. In tho communication Mr. Fuller says: We beg to acknowledge- the receipt of your letter containing- clippings In regard to tho system of. trains In this city. ' First, taking up the Mount Tabor and Ennnyslde, the Sunnyslde trippers which run as far as West avenue when on in the morn ing and as far as Rosedala from 1 o'clock to after 8 In the afternoon, are supposed to be just half way between the Mount Tabor cars, which run on 10-mlnute service. Of course, with the delays on the drawbridges and with the heavy travel during the rush hours. It takes only & slight Interference on a five-minute headway to bring the cars close together. Prior ' to about two weeks ago, from 5 o'clock until 6:10, when the Mount Tabor cars were made through cars, the Sunny side cars left at the same time, intentionally double-heading the service for this period, as It was asserted that practice proved that this gave the evenest loads and the best results. However, about two weeks ago we discontinued this practice, having the regular Sunnyslde trippers run through on the regular nve-mlnute headway and sending out some extra cars from 5 to 6:10, following up the Mount Tabor through cars. The two cars leaving Yamhill street that you Bpeok of as pulling out one Immediately after the other at 8:12 P. M. was due to the fact that the Sunnyslde car had com pleted Its day run at that time and was run ning Into the born. Thus It would be on East Morrison street only as far as Grand avenue, and would take no passengers for the Sunnyslde line. Of course, this looks to an observer as being a very Queer proceed ing, but it has been found much more satis factory when running a car to the shops or bora to run it close to another car than to run In any other way. Washington-Street Service. The statement In the brlefiet regarding the Washington-street "M" cars, etc-, would call for, much crltlcsm if it were true. In the first place the Sixteenth-street cars run out Washington street, nine cars to the hour, at Failing Eyesight Restored No Risks Here WE GUARANTEE TO PIT THE Daring the month of Fehraaxy "we fitted 720 paiis of glasses. Think of it. An average of 30 pair a day for 24 days. "There's a Reason For It" NOTE On account of the volume of business we have "been com pelled to increase our force and have secured the services of Mr. H. Taylor, ose of the most afrfllful eye specialists in the country. OREGON OPTICAL CO. Y. M. C. A. BLDG., FOURTH AND YAMHILL. ft MIOYER Intervals of six and seven minutes. The Twenty-third-street cars run at Inter vals of seven and & half minutes. Port land Heights cars run o'ut at Intervals of 10 and 11 minutes during the day time not always perfect, of 'course, especially when Twenty-third street Is torn up on account of putting down heavier rails, but, taking all in all. we know that they run very close ly to schedule. Now It is manifestly Impossible for cars running six, seven, seven and a half and ten-minute schedules to run in trains all the time. If the Heights car and tho Twenty-third-street car leave the foot of Washington street on the even hour together, at 15 min utes past the hour the Twenty-third-street car leaving will be exactly half way In be tween the Heights car leaving before and afterwords. The same way with the Sixteenth-street and Twenty-third-street cars leaving close together at one time, the diver gence Increases, until finally at tho end of an hour's tlmo they leave together ngnln. In the meantime they have been all the way from one to three minutes apart, which Is the farthest that they con get. Moreover, on "Washington street, for about two rush hours at night, four extra cars are put on, running out Twenty-third as far as Qulmby street. This makes a three and three-quarter-minute service on the Twenty-third-street line to beyond the hospitals. This makes at the rush hours at night over 30 cars an hour leaving the. foot of 'Washington street going west, and all during the day" there are S3 cars an hour. "When the statement Is made that the cars pull out regularly In threes over 10 minutes apart, we know It Is not the rule. "When we consider that about 23 cars an hcur leave the foot of "Washington street during these same rush hours for the Cast Side, it Is plain that the least Interference when a car leaves In either one direction or the other about every minute will naturally bring a couple or more cars together. As it takes, roughly speaking, five min utes for a car to run up "Washington to Thirteenth. It gives some people the Idea that the cars are a long distance apart. Aa the Morrlson-strcet cars and the "W" cars' run on a different headway, it Is mani festly Impossible that the same synchronous arrangements apply to the starting of these cars from the other end of the line. These cars were run as alternating schedules for a couple of months, but lack of cars has prevented as running them In that manner for the last two months. Service Not Curtailed. Contrary to a frequently expressed opinion, the Portland Consolidated Railway Company, running with the same officers, the same as sistant superintendents, the same car men, and under the same orders as before, has not decreased Its service in any district In the city. but. on the contrary. Is running more cars than were ever run in the City pf Portland before, and we would run more If we had suitable "Winter cars to run at this time of-the year. "We have, of course been very much handicapped In having our dispatcher system curtailed, the Morrison street bridge closed for over two months. Grand avenue blocked at the Oak-street Great Care Taken MOST COMPLICATED CASES Ten Dollars Will buy a First -Glass pring Suit at our store. You may look the town over and will not find . their equal for $15. They are the BEST i . VALUES we have ever shown we PLEDGE our word for it and YOU KNOW what that .', means. BASEBALLS and BATS FREE with all boys' suits. When You See It in Our Ad It's So. bridge. Union avenue obstructed at the Sul livan's Gulch bridge. Delays have also oc curred by the relaying of our tack on Fifth street, on Twenty-third street, -laying the new tracks at Sixteenth and Thurman streets, double-tracking on Sherlock avenue., and other delays and Inconvenience caused by numerous street improvements along the line, necessitating changes of grade and other track work. It seems to us, however, that with the large amount of Improvement that Is going on for the betterment of y:e streetcar service In the City of Portland and the betterment of its streets, that tho E CAN TAKE on the market it that it will heat satisfactorily: Some furnaces may be durable, some may not, and some may or may not be economi cal, all will heat. We install the best furnaces money will buy Those that are economical, durable, because we value our reputation. But remember, it's not the furnace but, as an eminent painter said "The brains mixed with it," that makes a furnace heat. "Wo are willing and glad to explain why .-' to anyone who asks us. We wont you to ask us. The W. G. McPherson Company 47 FIRST ST., BETWEEN PINE AND ASH The Worlds Pronounce Jr Harper! raffli Every Tongue" mm M Bermheim Distilling CoJW . V LOUISVILLE. KY. Jmjl w. c. camp, saixsmajt, JEphJ ggVk PORTLA2TD HOTEI r Hew Orleans 1865 Chicago 1893 Paris ISOGi GRAND PRIZE 5IT St.LouisWorldsfair THIRD AND OAK STS. public should be heartily In accord with these Improvements, even if they are in convenienced somewhat thereby. "We wish to -thank you most heartily for your communication, feeling that it was written-in a very friendly spirit for our In formation, and will saj that we will have the Sunnyslde line, which you mention, watched more carefully to see If tho service cannot "be bettered, and In closing would say wo should be pleased to receive any other criticism or suggestion when tendered In suta a spirit from you at any time. ANY FURNACE today and so install Best Experts It The Best