THE .SU1DAX OBEGONLOT, VOlZTtiAm), MARCH 5, 1905. IS HOP POOL FORMED Yakima Growers Withdraw From Market WANT 35 CENTS OR BETTER Farmers Believe. Conditions at Pres ent Warrant Better Prices Than Dealers Offer Five Thou sand Bales Held. NORTH TAKIMA. Wash., Mareh 4. (Spe cial ) Tlic hopfrrowera of Yakima, wbo are till holding their 190 crop, met here today, and declared themselves on the hop situation. They unanimously decided to hold for 35 cents ' or better. This agreement trill last for an In definite period, or until the price goes up to EC cenU. There are yet 5000 bales is the hands of the growers of Yakima- Some of them stated at the meeting today that they -would not sell at S5 cents. This meeting was called after long consideration of the question, the "holders be ll erlng the market at present warrants a. bet ter price than Is offered by the buyers, and Is meant to encourage the growers who are still holders In Oregon and "Western Washington. Offers to Growers. WOODBURN. Or.. March 4. Specials There Is more activity ehown in the hop mar ket and nearly all dealers have orders at 24 cents, Meucke. of Aurora, sold 100 bales to Dorcas at 24 cents and numerous offers have' been made to growers at this figure. Plncus t Sons report New York firmer and the Jura tion market higher. PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Hour, Iced, ' Etc All the cereal market are quiet and steady. There is very little demand for wheat and no selling pressure on the part of farmers. Hay Is dull and weak with large oSerings. Flour end mlllfeed are strong. WHEAT "Walla Walla, S6c; bluestem, 82c; Valley. S7c per bushel. FLOUR Patents. $4.0004.85 per barrel; artralghts, 54.S0g4.45; clears. $3.&54; Valley, S4.1U4.2S; Dakota hard wheat; S0.5037.SO; Graham. $3.504?4; whole wheat. $484.25; rye flour, local, $6; Eastern. $5&5.10; commeal, per case, $1.90. BARLEY Feed. $23 per ton; rolled. $242S. OATS No. 1 white, $LS51.40; gray, 51.40 1.45 per cental. MILLSTUFF6 Bran. $19.50 per ton; mid dlings. 525: shorts. S22: chop. U. S. Mills. SID: linseed dairy foods. 518: linseed ollmeal. car lots. $29 per ton: less than car lota, 530 per ion. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. Im pounds sacks, 56.75; lower grade, 5536.25; oat. meal, steel cut, 60-pound tucks, $8 per barrel: 10-pound taicki. 54.25 per bale; oatmeal (ground), 60-pound sacks, 57.50 per barrel; 10. sound sacks. 54 per bale: aolit peas. S4 per 100-pound sack; 25-pound boxes. 51.16; pearl barley, per loo pounds; impound coxes, XI. 25 per box; pastry flour, 10-pound sacks, Z2.60 per bale. HAY Timothy, $1416 per ton; clover, $119 i.; train, iiy.ii; cneax, i4fia. Batter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc. Eggs are moving off well at a steady price, Chicken receipts yesterday were somewhat too large for the demand and the market weak' ened. All the arrivals were not disposed of at the close of the day. Butter was quoted firm yesterday, as the advance at San Francisco has shut off shipments from that quarter. Receipts from the country, however, are good and give signs of further Increase. EGGS Oregon ranch. 17c per dozen. BUTTER City creameries: Extra creamery. S2',c per pound; fancy creamery. 30c. State creameries: Fancy creamery, 2T'i30c; store cutter, lilffl&c. CHEESE Full cram twins, new, 14815c; old. 13c; Americas, 14&15&C POULTRY Fancy hens. 14Q14V4C; old hens. 12ij13c: mixed chickens. 12S12Hc; old roost ers. 10llc; do young, HHS12c: Springs, 1H to 2-pound, 17llc: broilers, 1 to im pound. 22625c; dressed chickens. 1415c; turkeys, alive, lC17c: do dressed, poor, 17 18c. do choice, 2022Hc; geese, live, per pound. S6Hc; do dressed, per pound, 10llc; ducks, old, SS.S09; do young, as to size. 59 10, pigeons, Jltfl.25; squabs, 325T2.50. Vegetables, fruit. Etc. There were no carlot arrivals of produce yesterday. Business was very active until well Into the afternoon. Sweet potatoes are becom ing scarce as dealers are ordering sparingly, recent receipts having been in bad cosdition. Oranges show -considerable firmness. VEGETABLES Turnips, 51 per sack; car rots. 51.25; beets, 51.25; parsnips. 51.50: cab bage, California, IVic; lettuce, hothouse, 23c per dozen; parsley, 25o dozen; tomatoes, 52.75 per crate; cauliflower, 52 per crate; egg plant, 1015c per pound; celery, 53.253.60 per crate; peas, 10c per pound; peppers, 25c per pound; sprouts. 6c ONIONS Fancy, S2.40S2.60. buying price. POTATOES Oregon tfancy. S53O0c; com mon. 60ig'75c buyers price; Merced sweets, 1H &lc; new California. Sc per pound. RAISINS Loose Muscatels, 4-crown, 7c; l.layer Muscatel raisins, 7c; unblcacbod seed less Sultanas, C5ic; London layers, 3-crown, whole boxes of 20 pounds. 51.85; i: -crown. 51.75. DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated, CffGfc'j; per pound; sundried, sacks or boxes, none; apricots, 10llc; peaches, i&10'-jc: pears, none; prunes, Italians, 4fif5c; French, 2&S3c; figs, California blacks, ojc; do white, none; Smyr na, 20c; Kard dates. 6c; -plums, pitted. Cc DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, 4-Uer Bald wins. 51.2591.50; SplUenbergs, 5L752; cook ing, 75000c; figs. $S5c$2.30 per box; cran berries. 512.60 per barrel. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy. 52.759 S.75; choice, 52.75 per box; oranges, standard, 51 4532; fancy. 5-32.25: mandarins. 60965o per box; umsunnca. iL-wu- per ix; grape fruit, $2.7533 per box; bananas, S&5&C per pound. Groceries, Nuts, Etc COFFEE Mocha. 2tJ2Sc; Java, ordinary, 10 Cj20c, Coeta Klca, fancy. lS02Oc; good. 100 iSc. ordinary. lO012o per pound: Columbia reset, cases. 100s. 513.SS; 60s, $13.83; Ar- cuckie. l.fct: iicn. i.ea. RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. $5.37H; South, em Japan. 3.60; Carolina, 4fe0Cc; brokenhead, 2?iC SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound talis. 51.75 per dozen: 2-pounds tails. $2.40; 1-pound fiats. 5LS5: fancy, laiii-pound fiats. 51.80: impound flats, $1.10; Alaska pink, 1-pouna laiia. tc; reo, x-pouna laus, fcociejez, 1-DOund tals. 51.85. SI' GAR Sack basis, 100 pounds: Cube, $0.40; pondered. $6.16; dry granulated, $6.05; extra O. $5 65; golden C, 55.4ft; fruit sugar. $6.05. ad ance ever sack basis as fololws: Barrels, 10c; half-barrels. 25c: boxes. 60c per 100 pounds. (Terms: On remittance within 15 days, deduct mc per pound: u later wan 10 cays ana within Si days, deduct Mc per pound; no discount after 30 days.) Best sugar granulated. S5.b3 per 100 pounds; maple sugar, 160180 per pound. SALT California. $11 per ton. 51.60 per bale. Liverpool, 60a. $17; lOOfi. 516.60; 200s, $16; half.irround. 1006. 57: 60s. 57.50. NUTS Walnuts. 1351c per pound by sack, le xtra for leas man eacx; razu nutsioc; m. beru. He; pecans. Jumbos, 14c: extra large. 15c: almonds. L X. L.. 10ie: chestnuts. Ital. tans, 15c; Ohio, $4.50 pier 25-pound drum; pea nuts, raw, 7e per pound; roasted, 9c; pine- nuts, ivo itsc; nic&ory sua, 4 c; cocoa nets, S5Sr90c per dozen. BEANS Small white. 4c; large white. Sfcc; Vina. S'ac. cayou. kc; xama, true Oil. GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases, 23 Vic; Iron barrels. 17c; 86 deg. gasoline, cases, Xte; iron barrels or drums, 26c. i-OAL OIL Cases. 2114c; Iron barrels. 15c: wood barrels, none; 63 deg.. cases, 22c; iron barrels. ISfec; Washington State test burning oils, except neaaugnt, fee per gallon higher. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. S6c: cases. 61c Be1 led: Barrels, CSc; cases. 65c; lc lea in 250- sauon lots. TURPENTINE Cases. 65c: barrels. Sic WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7Hc; 500-pound iota. 3ic; less man Kvpouna lots, &c . Meals and Provisions. EBEF Dressed, bulls, 3?4c; cows. SfeSSc; country steers, taovtc. MUTTON Dressed, 607o per pound. VEAL ureesea. iw to 12a. 707HC per pouna;i xo iw b-sc; ana up, i:t-tc xwvx. rrwrvi, &v Atfv. 17:50c per pvuna 150 and ud. TtiTVic HAMS Ten to 14 pounds. 12&0 per- pound; 14 to 16 pounds, 12 Vic; IS to 20 pounds, 120 i California (picnic), Se; cottage hams. Be; boulders. S&c: boiled ham. 20c; boiled plcme cam. ooneieev. iic BACON Fancy breakfast. 16c per pound: standard breakfast, 14c; choice. 16c: Eaglislt breakfast. 11 to 14 pounds. 15c; peach bacon; I lie . 1 SAUSAGE Portland ham, lSc per pouncj Kiocea nam. juc; aummcr, cooice cry. .it c; kelogns, lcng S&s; yeinerwurst. Sc; liver, c pork. 9c; blood. Sc; headcheese, 12 Vic; bolcgna sausage. l'nvt 4c DRY SALTED MEATS Regular short clears, B54c salt. 10 c smoked: clear backs. 9c salt. 10c smoked; Oregon export. 20 to 25 pounds, average, 10c; salt. llc smoked: clears. SHc salt. JUiic smokea; clear backs, e; union buttsL 10 to 18 pounds, average. Sc salt. 9c smoked. PICKLED GOODS Pickled pigs' feet, -bar. rels, 55; -barrels, 52.75; 15-pound kit. 5L2S; piouea tnpe. Darrein, 55; -aarreis. x-5; 15-pound kit. 51.25; pickled pigs' tongues, -barrels, 16; -barrels, S3; 15-pound kits. SLS0: pickled lambs tongues, -barrels. 59; barrels. 55.60; 15-pound kits. 52.75. LAxU &etue-renaered: Tierces, sc; tube. OSc; 60s. Hc; 20c, Ofcc; 10s, 10c; 5t. 10y,c Standard pure: Tierces. Sc; tubs, STfce; ouc; STic; 20s. 9c; 10s. 9c; 6s. 9Hc Compound: Tieroes. 6c; tubs. fce; 60s, 6Xc; 10s. 7Jic; 6. "54 c Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc HOPS 1904. 24S26oSer pound. "WOOL Valley. 19S2uc per pound: Eastern Oregon. 12317c; mohair, 25g26c per pound for cnoioe. HIDES Drr hides. No. 1- 16 pounds and up. 16B15Ac per pound: dry kin. No. 1. S to 1(1 pounds. 12c: dry calf. No. 1 under 5 pounds. ICc; dry salted bulls and staga. one-third lew tnan cry cmt; salted hides, steers, sound, 9 Sc,, under 60 pounds and cows, Ojs7ci stags and bulls, sound. 44c; kip. sound. IS to 20 pounds, 7c; under 10 pounds, Sc; green (un salted). lc per pound less; culls, lc per pound; horse hides, salted, $1.502 each; dry. 3101.50 each: colts hides, 25g50c each; goatskins, common. 10015c each; Angora, with wool en. 25c $L TALLOW Prime, per pound, 4C5c; No. 1 and grease, 2XSSc. livestock: market. Prices Quoted at Portland "Union Stockyards Yesterday. 'Receipts at the Portland Union Stockyards yesterday were 200 eheep and 200 cattle. Hogs and cattle are quoted weak and lower. The following prices were quoted at the yards: CATTLE Best Eastern Oregon steers, 54; cows and heifers, 303.25. HOGS Best largt. fat begs. 56; black and China, fat. 55.2505.50. EHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Valley, $4.2584-00. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Prices Current at Kansas City, Omaha, and Chicago. KANSAS CITY. Mareh 4. Cattle Re ceipts. S00; market unchanged. Hogs Receipts, 4000; market 5c higher. Bulk of sales, 54.8095.00; heavy. 54.050 5.05; packers, 5 4.90 5.00; pigs and light. 54.1504.95. Sheep Receipts, 500; market nominally steady. Muttons, 54.50 5.75 ; lambs. $6,500 7.50; range wethers. $5.00C.t3; fed ewes, 54.75 5.50. CHICAGO. March 4. Cattle Receipts, 300; market steady. Good to prime steers, $5.5006.80; poor to medium. $4.00 5.00: Blockers and feeders, $2.40 ($4.45; cows, 52.50 4.20; heifers. $2.4004.70; canners. $L25 2.75; bulls, $2.254.00; calves. $3.00 7.00. Hogs Receipts today, 11,000; tomorrow, 40,000; market 5c higher. Mixed and butch ers. $4.655.10; good to choice heavy. $4.85 5.12; rough heavy, 54.80(35.03; light, $4.80ff5.00; bulk of sales. $4.9005.10. Sheep Receipts, 2000; sheep and lambs steady. Good to choice wethers. $5.25 0 COO; fair to choice mixed, $5.5095.75; "West ern eheep. $5.5006.00; native lambs. $7,000 7.S0: "Western lambs. $7.50 7.S0. SOUTH OMAHA. March 4. Cattle Re ceipts, 100; market unchanged. Hogs Receipts, 7.000; market 5c higher. Heavy, $4.854.95; mixed, $4.77 34.85; light, $4.704.80; pigs. $3.75 04.50; bulk of sales, $4.77 04.85. Sheep Receipts, 700; market steady. "Western yearlings. 55.7506.S5; wethers. $5.0005.85; ewes, $4.55 5.60; lambs, $6,500 7.50. DRXED FRUIT KAT.-KS DECREASED. Business Interfered "With by Mintwinm Car load Arrangement. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. March 4. (Special.) In the opinion of some shippers, the 40,000 pounds minimum carload has reduced the amount of easiness In California cured fruits since the beginning of the year about 20 per cent. Orders are naturally small at this time of year and many dealers refuse to take as much as 40,000 pounds. This la one reason why the market remains quiet. Apricots and peaches are firmer, with stocks very low. Evaporated apples also tend upward. There Is some awakening In prunes, but nothing ma terial has happened. Raisins are Inactive and quotations axe occasionally shaded to keep stock moving. Fresh fruits show & fair measure of activity. The continued warm weather has Increased the eale of oranges and strengthened prices, espe cially for fancy navels, whieh are temporarily scarce. About seven carloads are already be spoken for Monday's auction, showing that re ceipts are now Increasing. A carload of fancy tangerines arrived and relieved the stringency in that fruit. Tropical fruits were In ample supply, but moving well. A carload of five- tier Ben Davis and Baltimore Pippin apples from "Washington fold readily at $L1C&L25. Prime potatoes are .firm and advancing. Best Oregon stock is scarce. New potatoes are In larger eupply and lower. Fancy onions ore scarce. Another carload from Oregon sold at $L25. Asparagus is In larger supply. Grain was quiet, but prices for all cereals were firm. Butter was firm, but quieter. Cheese was firm. Eggs were steady. Receipts: 69,300 pounds of butter, 4000 pounds of cheese and 22,300 dozen eggs. VEGETABLES Garlic 810c; green peas, 6010c; string beans, nominal; asparagus, 50 11c; tomatoes, 75cS$1.50; egg plant. 20c POULTRY Turkey gobblers, 19920c; roost' ers. old. $55.50; do young, $S.G07: small. $303.60; large, $404.60; fryers, $5.6006; hens. $506.50; ducks, old. $50; do young. $607. CHEESE Young America, 1112c; East ern. 14015c BUTTER Fancy crewiiery, 20c; creamery eeoonds, 25c; fancy dairy, 27c; dairy sec onds, 25c. EGGS Store. 14016c; fancy ranch. 16c "WOOL-Lambs.'. 16018c HAY Wheat, $1013.50; wheat and oats, $10 018; barley, $901O; alfalfa, $8010.60; clover. $7 9: stocks, $G0.i ; straw. 40055c MILLFEED Bran. $21021.60; middlings, $: 29. HOPS 1904, 24027c. FRUIT Apples, choice. $2; do common, 75c: bananas. 75C052.5O; Mexican limes, $4.60 California lemons, choice. $2.50; do common. 75c: oranges, navel, S5o0$2; pineapples, $204. POTATOES Early Rose. $L4O0L6O; River Burbanks, 75c0$l; Rived reds. 65075c; Salinas Burbanks. nominal; sweets, nominal; Oregon Burbanks. $101.35. RECEIPTS Flour, 6500 quarter sacks; bar ley. 102,571 centals; wheat. 4000 centals; oats. 22,400 centals; bean 1200 sacks; corn. COO centals: potatoes. 1840 eaeks; middlings. 155 sacks; hay. 223 tons; wool, 63 bales; hides. 291 Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. March 4. Official clos lng quotations for mlnln? stocks today were as follows: Alta $ .04lHale & Norcros.$L40 Alpha Can. .... .12! Justice 08 Andes -SSjMexlcan Belcher .17)OccldentaI Con.. Bert & Belcher . l.OOJOphlr Bullion SOjOverzaan -.' Caledonia ..... .62IPotosl ... ..... Challenge Con... .17tSavage Chollar liSg. Belcher ... Confidence 72!Sierr& Nevada . . .19 .90 7.00 .03 .51 cen. Cal. & va.. l.twisiiver Hill .65 Con. Imperial .01 Union Con. . . . Crown Point. . . Exchequer .v.. Gould t Curry. .15 Utah Oec . . . Yellow Jacket .47 .2S NEW YORK, March 4. Closing quotations Adams Con. ...$ .20 Little Chief ...$.00 Alice ... 75tOtarIo 3.75 Breece .25phlr Brunswick Con.. .04, Phoenix ... .. .06 Comstock Tun. . .09, Potest .. .15 Con. Cal. & Va.. LSOlSavage Horn Silver 1.70 Iron Sliver 2.00 Sierra Nevada Sma41 Hopes . Leadville Con... 2.00 Standard .... BOSTON, March 4. Cleeinr quotations; Adventure $ 6.O0(Mohawk $ 54.00 Allouez ... . . 22.50iMont. C. & C. . Amalgamated. 77.75'Old Dominion. Am. Zinc ll.OOKJsceoIa 73.09 Atlantic 15.75Parrot 29.09 Bingham .... 32.00 Cat & Hecla . 70.00 Centennial . 18.20 Qulncy 103.00 Shannon ..... 7.S0 Tamarack . . .. 126.00 Copper Range. Daly "West "Dominion Coal Franklin Granby Isle Royal e ... Mass. Mlnlnr Michigan 70.30' Trinity io.30- 17.00 U. K. Mining.. 4.25 70.731 U. S. Oil 9.' lOOjUtch 39. Victoria. . . . 4JS OQlWInena . . . .. 13,50 ir.S0!Wolvcrine . 116.59 M.50J, . STRENGTH COMES LATE STOCK MARKET HESITATING FOR MOST OF DAY. Dealings Are Not Large, as Many Members are Absent on Account of the Inauguration. NEW YORK. March 4. Not much impor tance was attached to today's stock market. Dealings were not large and the tone was hesi tating until the resisting power of the market was demonstrated. In the final dealings the demand took on some animation and New York Central and Union Pacific rose strongly. The evidence of the culmination of the reaction In those Inportant stocks had & cheering effect on the whole market and the closing was firm and active. The attraction of the Presidential Inaugura tion .accounted for & number of absentees from the floor of the exchange and had its effect on the shrinkage of business. But there Is perceptible a growing conservatlsfn in the views as to advisability of a further rlee In prices from the level now current. The reflected Influence from foreign markets was brighter this morning and there seemed less apptehenslon over the Immediate outlook In Itussla. The traditional view of the ex piration of a Congress, especially where meas ures viewed with disquietude have been under consideration, was of some effect In the minds of professional traders. The announcement that a settlement had been effected of the -export grain rate war was received with great satisfaction as the length to which this controversy was being drawn out threatened bad effects on railroad earnings. The weakness of the bank statement seemed to have been accounted for, and the strength of the market developed after Its appearance. The decline in the cash Item was slightly more than the expectation, but the loan expansion was regarded on the whole as moderate, con sidering the magnitude of some of the opera tions of this week and last figured In the aver ages. Bankers express the opinion, however, that money rates may work higher from this time. Total cales of bonds, par value, were $2,- 235.000. There has been a great deal of unsettlement in the stock market this week, owing to the heavy profit-taking sales. The recent specu lative favorites have undergone wide reac tions asd this Influence has been sufficient at times to overcomo that of the strong new fea tures which have developed in the market. The result has been a very active but highly Irrzular market, the volume of business hav ing risen to the largest slnco the present active sacculation was Inaugurated. The cnaracier of fee news has not changed and there can be nothlnir to Indicate that underlying conditions of business, industry and money have been altered. But mlaglvlags have arisen that tne rate of prices of securities has been more than commensurate with the improvement which It has been meant to measure. Susnlclon has been growing also that some information industriously circulated during the last few weeks lacks foundation or has been Mireeraied for the purposo of lifting prices in the Interest of speculative holders. This dis tribution led to a precautionary measure on tha wart of larce holders of securities oa nar row margins and with "borrowed money who tr.r Kimnlv waltlnr to get out 01 tneir noia lngs at a profit and who had no intention. 01 permanent ownership In securities for the ad nmisre of tha Income return. The steady expansion 01 me vaiuo 01 merchandise Imports In connection witn uc marked shrinkage In our exports Is watched with attention In Its bearing oa oar future ac counts to the benefits of rorciga money nw -nr-rte hue been less active at tne sioc ex change, but the outside business Is reported to (iHt s. continued large aosorpuoa. uimw States 2s advanced at, the 3s U and the new 4s H per cent on call cn the weex. ctv-ioW onOTATIOSS. Closing Sales. High. Low. bid .A.ICU150& .... -IT ,7J,(7 tTiT inot! ..- n .Til 7-j ora 09 do Dreferred ....... iw "rJ "r . T.lit, K IOO 1111-. ltO 11 auuuu ww.w." - ---z ;j.:r ,acu iwu Baltimore It Ohio.... t.ow nn do Dreferred -- Canadian Pacific .... 7.600 140 lXi4. fWJ Central of N. J -yy 200 1B0H Chesapeake & onio.. w Chlcaso & Alton 40V 82 81 do preierrea -w o- Chi Orest "Western.. 000 22x1 22T4 Chi. & Northwestern. L400 24 41 3414 Chi!. MIL & St. Paul 6.00 17SH 1T7X. 17i 16 cnl. Term. & j.-raos.. ...... .... .- do preferred 31 99 C C C. & St, L.... Colorado & Southern, 100 99 99 100 254 251 200 00 00 200 37 SC 600 191 190Vi do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred..... 36i Delaware & Hudson.. 1BO 355 33 47: Del.. Lack. 1 West. Denver & Rio Grande do preferred Erie 8.600 47Ji 41 do 1st preferred.... &fi e-j do 2d preferred 6.000 71 605 . 82 70-i 01 294 Hocking valley do preferred ... 200 92 V; 92 900 158 158 100 204 23t Illinois Central .... Iowa Central ....... do preferred as Kan. City Southern. , 30S4 do preferred ..... 2M) 66 63 60 Louisville & Nashv. nivin -wti 1i"li 200 1701 170i 170jt 7.600 84H 83 84U 3,000 12314 122?i 123U 7,700 24 24 24S Manhattan L. Metrop. Securities .. Metropolitan St. Ry. ilexican uentrai ... Minn, et St. Louis.. 63 M.. St. P. & S. 3. M. 200 U4Vi H4VS U4i Ark nrrrrvv ... ...... ..... 161 Missouri Pacific .... 6.900 109H 10Si 108ifr Mo., & Texas.. 600 32 31 31 do preferred 000 65?i National of Mex. pfd. - 65 New York Central... 8,100 159 157 54H S3U. isn: N. Y., Ont. & West.. 300 64 Norfolk & "Western.. COO S3 83S do preferred ....... U3 Pennsylvania 10,700 143 p.. a. a & st u 142V4 142 BO Reading 26,700 95jl do 1st preferred.... oo ui do 2d preferred.. 100 00 1H 00 71H 26 62 Vi Rock Island Co 3.400 3 do preferred 400 7ri 6t L. & S. F. 2d' pfd. 2,100 72; Kt. 1m. southwestern. iw -a do n referred 100 62ii Southern Paclflo .... 10,200 69 e9 69H do preferred 200 liaji, iit Southern Railway ... 6,900 do preferred 400 su S5: 36 OStf 39 Texas & Pacific 12,300 Toledo. St L. & "W.. 300 3J4 36 S3 Co preferred .... Union Pacific 66,000 134 do preferred 600 100 53 It 1S2H 100 22S 46H 23 52J4 "Wabash 600 23 do preferred 400 46ts "Wheeling & L. Erie "Wisconsin Central .. 300 24H do preferred ....... 900 S3 Express companies Adams .. ..... American ...... .... ...... ..... United States 4SVS 19 24 U 53 243 236 130 250 "Wells-Fargo Miscellaneous- Amalgamated Copper 14.600 Y7? 77U 35g Amer. Car & Foundry 1,300 36 S5H do preferred American Cotton OH. do preferred ....... American Ice ....... do preferred American Linseed Oil do preferred ....... American Locomotive do preferred "206 V4 35 35 6U GOO 1.600 800 3,600 30 39H 1314 IVA 43 41i 43H 43 IB 434 43i; 111 Amer. Sm. & Refining 2.400 C1T4 91 31 in nnr,rru 1 Art 11CL1 11CV. 11B Amer. Sugar Refining 10,200 14S$ 146H 147V Am. Tobacco pf. cert 1.000 97V 97fi Anaoosda Mining Co. 1.000 109Vi lOSt Brooklyn R. Transit. O.500 66 66 GC uoioraoo iuei 6; iron -,yu aivk &pa 51 Consolidated Gas ... 10.200 2l2"i 211 212 Corn Products 600 20 19 19H do "Preferred 300 71 Distillers Securities Geceral Electric International Paper. do preferred International Pump. do preferred National Lead ..... North American ... Pacific Mall People's Gas S3 600 1SS COO 22U 2,000 -78 187 78 1S7K 781i 59 86 100 S4T& 34T 700 102i 102 34H 102H -to 800 100 10914 lOOH Pressed Steel Car.... 100 1 38 38 3H do preferred 100 88 S3 87. fuuman. trajucc w. ...... 24; Republic Steel 3,700 19 18 18 BO pniHTttt ....... 1W tt TtHl Rubber Goods 400 25 25 23 do prefersed . . 95 Term. Coal & Iron... 15.200 s S7 U. S. Leather 200- ll!i 11 lw do preferred 1.000 104 lOSi 1M u. d. ............. . V. S. Ruisber 200 41 41 41H do preferred 100 112 112 112 V. a Steel.. 3.100 -36 33 S0 do preferred 8,700 95i 95 co preierrea ....... ...... .r... ie; Westlnghouse Elec.. 300 181 181 leO Western Union 400 9S 03H 33?i Total eeies for the day, 374,700 sharea. BONDS. NEW YORK. March 4. Closing quotations U. S. ret 2s reg.104 i Atchison -Ad j 4s. 07 do" coupon ...1043iD. &. R, G. 4i..l01i u. a. us reg.;.HMiiKor. racinc ss. 77 1 do 'coupon ,...101 lit do is tMjL... 103 f: sew 4s rex.ia241N. T. Cent.- lets. 100 do coupon ...132H1SO. Pacific 4s... 93 U. a old 4s reg.l04A4lUnlon Pacific 4s. 106 do coupon ...103 H I Wis. Central 4s. Stocks at loads a. LONDON, March 4. Consols tor mosey. 90Ul consols for account, GL Anaconda. ..... OS Nor. & "Western. S5T Atchison 91H do preferred . . 94 do preferred -105"i Ont & "Western.. 53 S Bait. & Ohio ..11IH Pennsylvania 73 U Rand Mines .... 10 H Can. Pacific ...144 Che 1. &. Ohio .. 5 I'm Reading 4S GL western. 23l do 1st pref ... 47 do 2d pref ... 46 C. IL z St. P.. 183 DeBeers 18 So. Railway . 36i D. & R. O. 33T do preferred ..1003 do preferred . MH So. Pacific ...... 71 Union Pacific ..ICS Erie 48 do 1st pref .. S3H do 2d pref ... 72 H do preferred ..101 U. S. Steel 30 do preferred .. 03 Wabash 23 do preferred ..47 Illinois Central. 1 62 & N. 147 M.. K. T 32 N. Y. Central ..101 Money. Excfeasre. Etc. NEW YORK. March 4-Money on call, nom inal; no loans. Time loans, firm; 60 days. per cent; 00 days, S03 per cent; six months. 3U03& per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 304 per cent. Sterling exchange firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.867304.SGS5 for de mand and at $4.8475 for 60 days. Posted rates. $4.85H4.87H. Commercial bills, $4,840 4.64. Bar silver, 69c Mexican, dollars. 46c Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, teady. LONDON. March 4. Bar silver, quiet. 27 S-lGd per ounce. Money. 2Vr03 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for ehort bills Is 2K02S per cent; the rate of discount In the opes market for three-months hills la 2X0254 per cent. BAN FRANCISCO, March 4 Silver bars. 69c Mexican dollars, 49ftc Sight drafts. 2vic; telegraph drafts. 15c Sterling on Lon don, 60 days, $4.83 Vi: sight. 54.87H- "WEAK BANK STATEMENT. Beserre Falls Almost to Iowest Point Beached Last Year. NEW YORK. March 4. The Financier says: The striking feature of the official statement of the New York Associated Banks was the decrease In surplus reserve to within $8327 of the lowest last year, which was recorded No- vexnber 28. The loans were Increased by an amount which nearly offset the decrease. The loss of cash was largely due to EUb- treasury operations which tended to reduce the reserves of the banks by more than $5,000,000. the largest amount resulting from such opera tions since November 5, 19C3. The greater part of the loss of the banks to theveub- treasury was due to Internal revenue and cus toms collections, both or which were heavy, and payments on account of the S per cent re demption fund by New York banks for their correspondents In the interior contrlbuUd to this drain of cash by the sub-treasury. The statement of averages of the clearing house basks of this city for the week shows: Decrease. Loans SI. 134.425.200 lin.143 40O Deposits .... 1.189,970.000 10.145.10O Circulation 42,851.300 l.SOO Legal tenders.... 6.253,800 178,100 Specie 219.62S.400 8.642.000 .Reserve SCO.&3Z.200 S.720.100 Reserve required... r97.402.6O0 2.536.273 Surplus 8.869.700 6,256,835 Ex-U. S. deposits. 13,663.900 6.367,625 Increase Basic Clearings. Baak clearings of the leading cities of the Northwest yesterday were as follows: Clearlnn. Balances. Portland $193,800 $ 37.46S Seattle 770,446 125.625 Tacoma 606,118 63.029 Spokane 63S.661 73,273 Clearings of Portland, Seattle and Tacoma for the week were: Portland. Seattle. Tacoma. Monday $ 080,772 $ 853.913 $ 453,302 Tuesday 610.354 703,708 781,037 727.300 493.SG0 959.774 427177 859.705 412.146 477.521 506,118 Wednesday .. Thursday .... Friday 903.714 004.177 714.935 770.440 Saturday .... Totals $3,597,031 $3406,904 $2,635,969 Clearings for tho corresponding week la for xner years were: Portland. Seattle. Tacoma. 1900 $1,650,064 $2,248,680 $ 834.440 l.bUy.KSJ Z.3G1.7K: OlO.TCO 1902 .691.933 3.322,732, 1.118,169 1903.... 2.782,694 8,499.972 1,749.202 1904. 2.5U.468 8.218,715 L78S.780 Dried Fruit at New Tort. NEW YORK. March 4. Tho market for evaporated apples continues to meet with some speculative demand and rules firm with com mon quoted at 4Soo, choioe at 6d asd fancy at 7c Prunes are In better demand. Prices range from 23Gc, according to grade. Apricots, firm. Choice quoted at lOVi&llc. extra choice at ll212Hc and fancy at 12315c. Peaches -were also firm with choice quoted at 10104c extra choice at 10.10&c and fancy at 11H&12C Raisins ore In very limited demand and show so special feature. Loose muscatels are quoted at 4U06Uc; London layers, 51.052J1.25; seeded raisins. &ec Coffee and Sugar. NEW TORK, March 4. The market for cof fee futures closed steady at a decline of 5 points to as advance of 6 points. Receipts. 4800 bags; April. 0.1526.00c; March. 0.15c; May, &2586.S0c; July, 6.60c; September, 6.700 0.76c; October. 6.85c; December. 6.0036.95c: February. 7.10R7JOC. Spot Rio. ouiet: No. 7. 7c y Sugar Raw, firm; fair refining, 4c; cen trifugal. 96 test 6Kc; molasses sugar, 4c Refined, ' steady; crushed, $6.15; powdered. $6.10; granulated. $405. Dairy Produce la, tho East NEW- TORK. March 4. Butter and cheese unchanged. Eggs, unchanged, western firsts. 26c; west ers seconds, 25c CHICAGO, March 4. On the produce ex. chamre today tha butter market was -weak: creameries, 23330c; dairies, 22028c EggsWeak at mark, cases included. 20o; firsts. 20c: prime nnrta, 2iHc; extras, 33c Cheese iirm. izsuiic Imports asd Exports. NEW TORK. March 4. Total Imports of merchandise and drygoods at the port of New Tork for the week ending today were $14,- 039.581. Total Imports of specie at the port of New Tork for the week ending today were $107,423 silver and $44,303 gold. Total exports of specie from the port of New Tork for the week ending today were $14,107V 939 silver; so gold exported. NetT Tork Cottos Market NEW TORK. March 4. Cotton futures closed steady "at quotations between the opening and last sight's level. March. 7."lc; April. 7.89o; May. 7.43c; June. 7.41c; July, 7.40e; August 7.42c; September. 7.45c. Wool at St Louis. ST. LOUIS. March 4. Wool, steady. Terxl tory and Western. 22923c; fine, 17618c; fine medium. 19921c V Wheat at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, March 4. Wheat March, 6s 10id; May. 6 10Hd; July. 6s 10d. Cant Agree With the Other Fellow DENVER, March 4. The News today says: A. Lincoln Fellows, District En gineer of the United States Reclamation Service, In charge of the great irrigation projects in seven "Western States, has re signed and has accepted the appoint' mcnt of State Engineer of North Da kota. llr. Fellows' resignation is the outcome of technical differences of 'opinion among tha members of tho board of consulting engineers of wis dis trict over the Uncompahgre irrigation project, also known as the Gunnison tun neU now in course of construction a few miles below Montrose, in this state. Salmon Run Is Improving. ASTORIA. Or.. March (Special.) The runs of both chlnook salmon and steel- heads con tin a & to improve, and the fish ermen who have their nets In the water have been doing well during the favorable .weather, of b past fejr dtyx CASH WHEAT W DEMAND ADDS STRENGTH TO CHICAGO SPECULATIVE MARKET. Foreign Weakness Caused by Heavy Australian Shipments Offset by Slow Movement. CHICAGO. March 4. After opening easier In sympathy with lower prices at Liverpool, the wheat market here eoon developed firm ness, the strength Increasing as the session ad vanced. The weakneas of foreign wheat mar kets was largely due to heavy shipments from Australia. The foreign weakness was partly attributed to predictions of bearish statistics for Monday. Opening quotations here showed aliEht losses. May being oft OUc at $1.15 L15?. July was unchanged to ic lower at 8SJi9Sc From the start the May option was In fair demand, but trading fci distant de liveries was light throughout the day. The ap parent cause of the comparative activity In May was the Increasing demand for cash wheat at alt grain centers, especially at Min neapolis. The situation was made more bullish by decreased receipts In the Northwest Shorts were the principal buyers of the May option here. After touching $L15& shortly subse- queat to the opening. May steadily advanced until the price reached $L16H- Meantime July sold up to 90cC The continued smallness of primary receipts, as compared with totals a year ago, was a factor affording support of quotations. Later In the day a slight reac Hon occurred on profit-taking, but the market closed strong with May up 3c at $1.15iO L16T&. July closed at 90c. EcTeral prominent commission housa were fairly active buyers of com today, giving the market a. firm tone. May opened unchanged to c higher at 4S64Sc. and dceed He up at 4Sttc. A steady demand for casta grain and tha strength of corn imported firmness to specu lative trading In oats. May opened Ha higher at 31 He. sold up to 32c and closed at the top. Provisions were strong on active support from packers. At the close May pork waa up 12H916C at $12.67. Lard was up 6&7c at $7.02'.i. Ribs were 7o higher at $6.82. The leading futures ranged as follows: "WHEAT. Open. High. Lorr. Ooze. May ..$L16H $1.1655 $ltl5H $L15 July ;9S -.99 .BSJi .90 Sept. 90K .91 .90& .91 CORN. March May 4SJi .4Si July 4SVb AS Sept - .48 .4814 OAT8. March May 3i .32 July .31i .32 Sept. 29? .30& MESS PORK. 45 .48 .484 4SH .4SS .48 .43 31 .31V -32 .233-, .30 May ..12.57. 12.67. 12.67 12.67; Jtuy i.iz'r, iz.10 it0 LARD. May 7.00 7.021,3 7.00 7.02 July T.15 7.17 7.15 7.17 SHORT RIBS. May ......... 6.77 a82 .6.77 6.82 JUly ..... 6.92 6.07 6.92 6.97 Cash quotations were as follows Flour Easy. "Wheat No. 2 Spring, $L101.15U; No. 3. $1.07L15; No. 2 red. $L15L17ii. Corn No. 2. 46c; No. 2 yellow. 464c. Oats No. 2. 31ic; No. 2 white. 23c; Na 3 white. 81S32c Rye No. 2. 78o. Barley Good feeding, SSgSOo; fair to choice malting, 43&47c Flax seed No. 1, $1.23; No. 1 Northwest ern. 5L3S. Mess pork Per barrel, $12. 55012. 60. Lard Per 100 pounds. $6.676.00. Short ribs sides Loose. $6.706.82. Short clear sides Boxed, $3.7536.87 Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 24.700 17.600 Wheat cushels 48.000 60.100 Corn, bushels-. 520.3QO 172.000 Oats.' bushels. ... 208,800 163.200 Rye. bushels 4.000 10,100 Barley, bushels 1 0,000 16,600 Grain at San Pranciioo. BAN FRANCISCO. March 4. Wheat and bar ley, steady. Spot quotations Wheat: Ship ping. SLC09 $1.65 ; milling. $1.55 1.65. Barley: Teed, $L20 1.22; brewing. $L221.25. Oats: Red, $1.403L65; white, $L423L60; black, $1S35 L63. Call-board salts Wheat: December, $1.29. Barley: May, $1.23; December, 89c. Corn, large yellow. $1.35l-37. MORE MAY DIE OF EffJUKIES Revised List of Killed and Vounded In Train-Wreck. PITTSBURG. Pa.. March 4. Follow ing is a revised list of the dead in the train wreck at Clifton last night: LIEUTENANT DONALDSON a SCHOPIELD, of Company D, a Clevo land architect. CAPTAIN WTT.TiTAJl R. HENRY, Bat talion Surgeon, and a prominent Clevo land physician. CORPORAL JAMES KEHOE, Com pany C. Cleveland. PRIVATE H. H. EBUJ, company c PRANK: PINNHT, aged 10, Bon of Lieutenant O. C Pinney, of Company C. . DODGE, Pullman conductor, Chi carro. Early reports had ono woman among the dead. Thi3 has proven to ba a mistake. Tho list of Injured will reach 40, six or seven of whom are likely to die. All are belnsr cared for at the several hos pltals. Among the more seriously in lured are: Major J. H. McQuigg, commanding the Engineers' Battalion. Cleveland both lees broken and heaa cut. Lieutenant R. D. Smith, Company H, Fairfield, O.J both legs broken and head cut: cannot live. Frank H. Johnstone, aged 20, Cleve land; right leg- broken and Injured in ternally. George Riley, Cleveland, member of Tirmecanoo Club, gtiest of Major flic Quigg; injured Internally and suffering: from concussion of the Dram; wui nrobably die. Hubbard Lowo. negro, cook, Cleve land; badly bruised and hurt internally. Charles II. Bturgis. company Cleveland: badly burned 'about hands, face and back. James D. Gray, negro, cook. Battery A, Cleveland; scalp wound and internal injuries; wm aie. O. C Pinney. Quartermaster. Com ninv a: skull fractured: may die. Rinvd Palmer. Cleveland, optician scalp wounds, burned about face and hands, wrist fractured. MAY ALL BECOME OUTLAWS Big Minor Leagues Ask Pacific Coast to Join Them. SAN FRANCISCO, March 4. Howard Grifflthspresident of the Jersey City baseball club of the Eastern League, and Norri3 (Tip) Q-'Neil, president of the "Western League, who arrived here today, held a lengthy conference with President Bert, ofl the Pacific Coast Leaurue. . Griffiths and O'Nell came here as the result of a recent meeting' of class A league representatives In Chicago when the subject of drafting players was considered. Tho major leagues now have the privilege of drafting- two players .1... .Ink. -r..-rr ins $750 for each player. The class "A league peoplo declare that this Injures their business and jvant the roie modi flod to the drafting of one player on payment of $1500. This proposition was recently rejected by the American League. The class "A" people now propose to organise and insist on their demands and; if they ara not granted, to with draw from .the National agreement. President Bert tonight Issued' call Downing, Hopkins & C2o. Established 1893 WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Rooni 4, Ground Floor for a special meetlnc of tho Pacific Coast League to be held in this city- next Tuesday, when the proposition made by Griffiths and O'Nell will he considered. WALTER E. JONES IS DEAD. Ho Passes Away While at Stella, Washington. Walter E. Jones, who recently died of heart failure at Stella, "Wash., and who lives at Ingles, Or., was born In Jasper County Iowa. May 2, 1860. Whn a boy of 11 years old he moved with The Lat Walter E. Joaes. 1 .... i his parents to Santa Rosa, Cal, where he spent his school days. He came to Oregon at the age of 21 years. Ho lo cated on a homestead near Beaver Creek where his family now resides. On August 6, 1831, he was married to Miss Ollvo Jarvey. The 'deceased left to mourn his loss, a wife and seven children and an aged father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Jones. He also left four sis ters and one brother, Mrs. J. M. Red- dick, Mrs. J. N. Rice, Grant "W. Jones and Mrs. Lottlo Basse, of Portland, and Mrs. D. J. Barnes, jt Sacramento, Cal. He was burled Monday, the funeral being- conducted by tho Clatskania Tent, No. 10, of the Maccabees Lodge, of which ho was a member. ITEW INDICTMENTS ABE FOUND Chicago Grand Jury Places Blame for Iroquois Horror. CHICAGO, March .4. Indictments against T7111 J. Davis, formerly resident manager of the Iroquois Theater; "William Laughlln, Deputy Building Inspector of Chicago, and George Williams, City Building Inspector, were returned today in Judge McEwen's court, and capiases were immediately ordered Issued. The true bills are based on tho evidence giv en by persons who witnessed tho theater fire which resulted In the loss of nearly 600 lives. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, March 4. Maximum, tempera ture, 60 dejr: minimum, 44. River reading at 11 A. M.. 3.8 feet; change la past 24 hours, rise 0.1 foot. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., none; total since September 1, 1004, 22.54 inches; normal, 33.45; deficiency, 10.SL Total sunshine March 8. 1005, 0 hours and 45 minutes; possible, 11 hours and 14 minutes. Barometer (reduoed to sea level), at B P. M., SO.00. PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. 3 Wind. 4$ la STATIONS. Baker City Bismarck Boise . Eureka Helena Kamloops, B. C... North Head Pocatello Portland .......... Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento Ealt Lake City San Francisco...... Spokane Seattle Tatooeh Island .... Walla "Walla Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy iRaln (Pt. cloudy OOteOjNW WEATHER CONDITIONS. Light rain continues along the Northwest "Washington coast, while elsewhere In tho North Paclflo States fair weather, with mild temperature-, continues. The indications are for continued fair weath er is this district today, with but little changs in temperature. WEATHER. FORECASTS. Forecasts taada at Portland at S P. M. for 23 hours at midnight, March 5: Portland and vicinity Fair; wlnda mostly northwest. Oregon. Washington and Idaho Fair; varia ble winds. A. B..WOLLABER, Acting District Forecaster. AT THE HOTELS. THE" PORTLAND. F Brown and wife,- Phila M Schoenwald. N Y -F D Shields. San Frn J A Paine and wife 3 I -Kelser. Keota. la J B McGrave. Lewist' u urine, canton O M J Miller. N Y W H Glib art. Phila and child. Seattle C L Bragham. Chgo J R Elmendorf. L GmjO "Worms er. N Y Z G Dunn and fam. New York J N Kleff. N Y A M Gardiner, S F R T Watltlna. S F IS. Kennslllnger. N Y C M Dtmmlck. Chgo Mrs A Kuhn. Spokane Miss R Kuhn. do W S Sherwood. St PI T P KeraUnr, Chgo G B Chase. St Louis W H Thomson. S F O L KlUels. Chcago M D Spencer. San Frn W V R Povls, Illinois J C Garrelson. Spoks R M Todd, Toronto T P Adams, Toronto R Llndenberger, Asto Mrs A D Schenck, Ft Stevens Miss Schenck, Ft 8 M Van Dyke. Ft Stv I Manners. B C R C" Taylor, Vancv R Dew, do H Evans. do E C Neufelder and wife. Seattle a ii names and wf, Mlnnpls J H Albert. Salem H -K. Freeman. Cbso in Levin. N X B Llchllg. San Fran E H Hargravea W R Powell. Astoria A I Thomson. S F A "Welch, Salem C A Parsons. Chicago B Sweet. Milwaukee C IZ Peterson, Chgo S B Bur chard. Mnpls C Anderson, U 8 G B B H Bells. Bumpier H t Traab, N Y J Gerstle. N Y H T Hndryx. Sumptrl J B Ettlnrrer. N 1 THE PERKINS. A H. Campbell. MllwklE E Allen. Hood Rvr C W Henderson, iz jiirr Alien. ao Wayns IF W Preston. "Warrat L F Riddle-. San FranW C Kelsor. For Gro Geo W Boyd. Stoux CV Pawley, Seattle ,yf Nelson, Aberdeta iJL M Bole, SeatUo MjtiflflHEyinMalkfeili 62 0.00! 4INW 68O.0020nW 64 O.O0 4 W MiO.OO 10 N 530.00 8 N 38 0.00 0 48 0.00 4 SB GCb.OO 4 SB 60 0.00 4 SW 73(0.00 4 SB 64K1.00 4 NW 74 0.00 4 NE 0410.00 4 SW 70'0.00 14 W OOM.00 4INE 50k).00 4 E 480.02 4fW 660.00 4,"W Chamber of Commerce L Karen. Mesrohls F Austin. Wlnlock J SI Leslie. Los And G A McDonald. Kan Mrs Leslie, do K W Robinson, Houlta W Shlppman, Hood R. R Robinson. Tlllaznlc Percy P Kelley, Alby I J Mosssoan. Tacom J 31 Short. Greshant u C Datten. Seattle Dave Julan, Dundee A is Smith. Qulncy Julia. Carlson. DnndeeiMrs "Short. Greaham J Lindstrom, AberdnliUss Short. Gresham W E Glfford. XralrieC!J E Snyder, Greshajta u s iinoaes, vash iw F Thompson. L L "Wlpert. nldpndcj Dawson W E Maloney. G PsIMrs Thompson, do Mrs Hense. OstrandrfMrs J Dobson. Chehl J H Hamilton, DenviMaude Loney. do Airs .Hamilton. no lEdw Earl, Chehaus C W RoHlns, St L U Connor. Salem R E Simpson. PrlnvllMrs Connor. do I H Tatfe. Celllo !R L Seal. Palmer Mrs E G Noble. HeppiEmU "Waldman. Bosts VT E Brown, lone (E P Mitchell. do J A. Harbke. lone THE IMPERIAL, Dan Markham, IlwaclK F Zlegler. T Dalles W A Graham, Ilwaco Chas F Schieffelln. islea Beaton. S F Forest Grove A M Cannon, Salem A J McCormack. S 3 Frank Daleshy. Denr Eugene Henle, Tacom S M. Ramley, vancnv Mrs Ramley, do Mrs Gerlach. SeattlolE M Pepper, S F D G Hoar. S F IMr and Mrs Match ett S B Houston. Hlllsbrl and child. Balyonla M Murray. Louisville Geo E Pearce asd "Wf. E S Shakshesky, Racine J J Cohn. S F Bowline Green G H Graham. Colo G A Clark, Salem H V Given, Salem J L Morris. Seattle F W "Waldrlp. Colfax "Wm Bates, Vancouv Mrs Bates. tto W J Hewitt, Omaha R N Robertson, Denv THE ST. CHARLES, R H Tyson. Gervals I W Gllkey. Dayton A J Splllers 1 Miss Adah Thompson city I J C Her, Sherwood Mrs Her. Sherwood. H "W Lanic Borinx Joe Hundley. Borlnr H- II Klapp, scappoost T G "Wlkstrom. do S R Sunnuland, do B A Lupowltz, Cal E M Lupowltz. do L E Llvengood, Beaverton Florence Kaylor, Molalla C E Hursh. T Dues (Fred Kamph, do N F Leganlt. C D Van trin. Burke J Emmett, Comstock Mrs Kaylor. Molalla G A Scott, Philomath Mrs Scott. do C II Green. Seattle Mrs Fowler, Orient IL J Ramsey, city R M WTardle. CarltonlMra Bamaey, city C A Epperson, Vane !j W Reed. Estacada. C Powell. do Miss M Morrow, do L Halburt. do A O Balch. Rainier W "W Kurtx, Hoqulam Mrs KurtxrHoqulam. Mrs Hulbnrt. do E R Tlchenor, St Min H J Coons, Cedar M1JJ S Sherman J P Kalfer, Aberdn Mrs Sherman w a iiccraw H Larsen, Astoria Wm "Worn staff. do Fred G Conley, Gresh J P Fllnn, (Etna "Wornstaff, do Henry Palm, CollInslJ C Kuper, Mt Angel THE SCOTT. H J Gcss. S F E B Schonerback, C E Jordan, Pendltn city H C Flanagan, oo C E "WhUtrlght. Bt Paul J B BaUentina and ' wife. Seattle M Richardson and wf SDokane B A Converse, Oakldj N H Eakberg. Seat! F A Alldls. Spokane W B Blacfcmer, T "W Nash. St Paul L E TIdbalL Neb GaM Hill J C Brooks, Halfway! Thos Anderson and D S Masterson ana wife. Baker City family. Heppner IP M Corter and fam- W F Garvey, St PI lly, Heppner, Tacoma Hotel. Tacoma. American plan. Rates, 53 and Hotel Donnelly, Tacoat. First-class restaurant in connection TOO T-ATT- TO CLASSXEX. NICELY FURNISHED SIX-BOOM HOUSE, best location, East Side. Inquire A. R. Clement, care Tull & Glbbs. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, srlth telephone ana bath. No. S North 7th st. LARGE FRONT ALCOVE ROOM. RUNNING water; heat, bath and Phone Main 0506, at 117 10th St., between Morrison and Alder. GENTLEMEN "WELL FIND BRIGHT, SUNNY rooms, close in, private xamuy. -o 5-ROOM COTTAGE, SUNNYSIDB, 1043 E. Alder; flQOO, part cown. ppiy premises. Union 2055 (Drake). "WORK "WANTED CHAMBER, DINING. room, kitchen, hotel, restaurant. launary. camp help. Telephone Drake, 205 Washing ton. "WORK "WANTED FOR STORE, HOTEL. restaurant, mill, yara, cairy, iactory, logging help. Drake, 205 Washington. FARMHAND, WIFE (NO CHILDREN). 935; farmhand, $20; waitress, $20, $25; cook, do mestics. Drake. 205 Washington. WANTED BOY. 16 TO 17 YEARS; MUST iuts Dicyoie ana guoa rexereace, uvo noma with parents. Apply 72 6th. DOG FOR. SALE FEMALE ST. BERNARD, crossod with bloodhound; fine watch dog; good retriever an land or water; 2 years old; will sell for $25, worth $100; has city license good till September. Apply 72 6th. THE TBMPLETON, 206 1ST FRONT CON nectlng housekeeping and single rooms', bath, transient solicited. GRAIN and STOCK BROKERS Wo Charge No Iaterest fo Carying Lour Stocks. GENERAL OFFICES: N. Y. XUs BMg MJnaeapolk. Mlsw. E. K. AXDEN, Correspondent. Room 2. Ground Floor. Chamber or Commerce. N. B. We will send you our dally Market Letter cn request. ' 300 PROFIT IN TWO WEEKS Made by our customers on our advice. $100 Invested with us in the last two weeks on our Information brought from 100 to 300 per cent profit to our clients. The enorm ously rich strikes made recently in the Crip ple Creek, Goldfleld and Bullfrog Districts have caused tremendous advances In stocks. We pick the winners. Direct wires to Crip ple Creek. Salt Lake City. Goldfleld and San Francisco. Writs immediately for our free. market letter and this week's Information. THE AMERICAN BANKING X BROKER AGE CO., 299 Majestic bldg., Dearer Colo. 1 GOLDFTELD JUNE. I Mutual Company, organized to mine In the richest gold camp ever dis covered. Ores fabulously high grade. Best experts In the field; 2.000,000 shares, all in the treasury; par value $L00; full paid; nonassessable. First 500,000 shares at $10 per 1000: 400,000 are already sold. Money in treasury. No debts. Reference: First Na tional Bank of Denver. Write for complete details. American Securities Co. lBeoryrateL) 471 Jackson building. Denver. Colo. Our Hand Book on Patgaa, Trade .Marks, etc. seatfree. Patents procured throws Munn & Co., receive free nolle la 3m ScaEyrrryio ,A.vktca3C ilTJIvN' z CO., 0 1 Broadway, X.T. I 3 I 1 Wiri-paredf oryoa thu! nitrlf neriy Hon of your case and nases of two Mfwrnrnm cuuerers. rRam wnrnat, nv 1. lOMMlSSiOH