THE , SUCTAYi OEEGONIAtf, POBTlAlTD, MAUOH - 5, 1905. '1 MINERALS AT FAIR They Will Form Important Ex hibit There, PROF. DAY TO HAVE CHARGE Black Sands of Coast, Rich In Gold and Platinum, WJM Constitute a Chief Feature of This In teresting Department. A most comprehensive exhibit of the minerals or the Pacific Coast Is to be made at -the Lewis and Clark Fair by the United States Geological Survey 5Wllh J25.000 provided for In the sundry civil bill by Congress. Professor David G. Day is to be In charge and, as he has been connected with similar exposition work previously, he is fully Informed as to the best methods of handling the exhibit. The making of this exhibit has been brought about by Senator Fulton in connection, with investigations of the great black sands mineral deposits of the Coast. That work will be maae tne basis of the exhibit, but It will not be confined to it. The exhibit will be the most complete of the mineral resources of this country. There are on the Coast great quantl ties of metals which have never been mined, but are of great value. To show the usefulness of these and to experiment with methods of extracting the metals. particularly from the black sands, Is the main purpose of the work to be carried on and of the exhibit which will be at the Fair. The heavy black sands referred to oo cur on all parts of the Coast, and contain principally gold and platinum. Professor Bay in writing to the committee on ap propriations In the House, advocating in vestigations Into methods of extracting the metals from the sands, says: "In connection with platinum, these sands of the Pacific Coast are very Im portant. In many places they carry prof itable values of platinum and the allied metals. In fact, the Pacific Coast Is the only place In the United States where Platinum can be obtained in tms country. and the only region where there are In dications of a sufficient supply for the great need of this metal in this country." Professor Day also refers to the grow ing scarcity and correspondingly lncreas lng price of platinum. He also speaks of many other minerals growing In commer cial value which occur on this Coast, the possibilities for mining which have never been Investigated. Magnetic iron ores are scarce on this Coast, and, since the need of them Is felt. he wishes to discover how they can bo made use of the most cheaply. The gold contained In the black sands he also be lieves should be extracted by some means. The exhibit which he will install at the Fair will be explanatory of the mineral resources of this country, particularly of the black sands. The best location in the Mines building has been reserved for the exhibit, and if that Is not large enough a separate building will be erected to house this Important exhibit will be present, and following the pro gramme an old-time dance will be given. Thn "RaUnra Hnrnnlttf" find the "Vir ginia. Reel." as well as any number of new dances, will be upon every doc ys pro gramme, ana tnose mat can appreciate a. real good time are promised it. IN PORTLAND NEXT JUNE. North Pacific Athletic Association to Hold Annual Meet. SEATTLE, Wash., March 4. Special.) At the annual meeting of the North Pa cific Amateur Athletic Association held here today Portland was decided upon as the place of holding the next meet. In June, but the exact date was not' fixed. The meet la 1305 will be held In Spokane. The following officers were elected: H. H. Herdman, Portland, president; C C. HolrwelL Spokane, vice-president; H. W. Kerrigan, Portland, secretary-treasurer; directors. D. CSulllvan. Victoria: J. D. Fagan, Vancouver; A. S. Goldsmith, Se attle; C C. Holzwell, Spokane, and a. w. Kerrlean. Portland. B. T. Pope, twice president or the seat- tie Athletic Club, was restored to ama teur standing, after having been under the ban for about 15 years. Pope about 15 years ago took part in a ball game in wnicn proiession&is piayeo, ana suspended. His restoration at this late date Is regarded somewhat as a jokc. The records made at the meet at Van couver last July were approved. Seattle will have a track team this year, which will help to make the meet in Portland the best held In the Northwest In recent years. The delegates were given a dinner at the Seattle Athletic Club tonignu Big Organ for the Fair. A syndicate has been formed in Portland for the purpose of securing a 515.000 organ for the Festival Hall at the Fair. The leading spirit In the move ment Is Frederick W. Goodrich, or ganist at St. David's Episcopal Church, who has banded the music lovers to gether. in order to secure such an in strument. The plans of the organiza tion are now completed and they have made an offer to the Loe Angeles Art Organ Company to Install the instru ment. Many previous offers of smaller or gans were made, but rejected by the Fair. These fwere of two-manual,- 35 stop organs, which were considered too email for the purpose, nothing smaller than a three-manual, 50-stop organ being acceptable. The offer from the syndicate will undoubtedly be ac ccpted, as Its plans seem assured. Teachers Get Increased Pay. The teachers of Portland schools who have had three years or more experience In the schools of the state are now draw ing $5 more a month than formerly. The new order Increasing the amount of then- pay took effect with the Issuance of the February warrants, and amounts to total of $26140 more than the January pay rolL According to the new plan of payment. a teacher must have two years expert ence before she is entitled to full pay, and then Is compelled to teach one more year before Bhe Is given the a month In crease. EASTERN OREGON AROUSED. Takes -Much Interest in the Coming Centennial Exposition. President Jefferson Myers, of the State Commission of the Lewis and Clark Cen tennial, has returned from a trip through Eastern Oregon in behalf of the Exposi tion, and he brings glowing accounts of the interest being taken by the people of that section of the state. "While President Myers was at La Grande the County Court made an ap propriation of $1000, which is to become available at once for the purpose of plac ing an exhibit of the fruits, grain and other products of Union County at the Centennial. He visited Elgin, and Is most enthusias tic over the wonderful crops and large output of lumber from the mills and farms In that section of the county. He says that every resident Is planning to visit the Exposition, and that each Is well able financially to do so, as a result of the splpndid business transacted dur ing the last year. The local bank at El gin now has In deposits the sum of 5300,000, which Is considered exceptionally good for a town of less than 1000 people. At the meeting of the County Court held at La Grande Thursday there were pres ent representatives from every section of Union County, and President Myers says that each one had some word of encour agement for the Centennial. The beet sugar factory at La Grande has reached Its greatest output this year, and the farmers are Jubilant over the good prices received. It is the hope and ambition of every grower of sugar beets In that coun ty that he will be able to win a prize at the Exposition for the largest beet, and it Is thought that there will be a display of the vegetable that equals anything the world has ever seen. SITE FOR FRATERNAL TEMPLE Structure Will Stand Between Utah and Illinois Building. The committee appointed by the Lewis and Clark Fraternal Temple Association to select a site for the temple at the Ex position Instead of the former site, which was given to the State of Washington, visited the "grounds yesterday and finally pottled upon & place on Gray's boulevard, Just east of the Music Shell and between the Illinois and the Utah state buildings. Plans for the temple are being drawn by the architects, and as soon as completed bids will be called for, stipulating that the temple must be ready for occupancy before the opening day. The following are members of the com mittee. J. L. Mltchel, president; Mrs. Robert Lutke, chairman of the ways and means committee; J. W. Sherwood, state commander of the Knights of the Macca bees, M. Moorehead and C. H. Preceme- der. representing the A. O. U. W. In connection with the location of the new site It Is Interesting to note that the cr.e selected occupies the same reuv tlve position between the Utah, and the minds state buildings as the Fraternal Corgress Hall at the St. Louis Exposition The site is upon the crest of a small hill. overlooking the lagoon, and has been named Temple HI1L Chairman Lutke, of the ways and means committee, will open offices in the Lewis building on Morrison street. Monday, from which all business of the Temple As soclatlcr will be transacted until the completion of the temple. She will be as sisted by G. M. Hyland in the work of the association. Michigan to Entertain. The Michiganders" will entertain next Tuesday evening in their new quarters In Concordia hall. Sixth and Aider streets. The affair will be in the nature of a housewarmlng of the old-fashioned Mich igan style, and the members of all the various state societies have been Invited to be preront. There Is to be a musical and literary programme as well as a series of five- minute talks by the representatives of the societies of other states. Mayor Will lams, of the New York Society, and Gov ernor Chamberlain, of the Dixie Society, are expected to respond to toasts. It Is thought that at least 500 guests Klondike Exhibit at Fair. Plans for the Klondike Mining Exhibit Company's building at the Exposition have been completed, and contractors are now figuring upon their bids for Its erec tion. The building Is to be 100 by 150 feet. and is to have walls 40 feet In height. The estimated cost of the structure Is $5000, and according to the specifications the building must be completed within four weeks. Pumps capable of raising 2000 gallons of water a minute will furnish the miniature creek, from which the xio.- 000 clean-up of gold will be made. Club Glvps a Mask Ball. The Portland Theatrical Social Club held an Inaugural masked ball at Mer- rills Hall last evening which was largely attended. The floor was com fortably filled with dancers who wore the most grotesque costumes lmagin able. There were impersonations of In dlans, cowboys, Mexicans and char acters of nearly every nationality. Music was furnished by an orchestra of 12 pieces. Meeting to Fix Fair Rates. CHICAGO, March 4. (Special.) The date of.the meeting of rate clerks of the Transcontinental Passenger Association roads, called for March 15, to line up Lewis and Clark Exposition and special excursion and other rates, has been changed to March 7. Another meeting will be held April 3 to line up other rates. THOMAS WOULD BE MAYOR Files His Declaration With the City Auditor. To George H. Thomas, secretary of the late "reform" grand Jury, Insurance agent and Democratic citizen, belongs the honor of being the first to file his petition for the nomination of Mayor of the City of Portland, under the direct primary law which was declared applicable at the coming election by Presiding Judge George, of the Circuit Court, yesterday. Less than an hour had elapsed after the rendering of the decision before the dec laration was filed with the City Auditor. The Instrument is very concise and to the point, as will be seen by the follow ing, which Is a copy: "To the City Auditor, Members of the Democratic Party and Electors of Port land: "I, George H. Thomas, reside at No. 407 East Ankeny street, and my'postofflce address is Portland, Oregon. I am a duly registered member of the Democratic party. "If I am nominated and elected. I will during my term of office be Mayor. The Mayor has power to secure honesty and efficiency from city o ulcers and employes he may protect the city in its contracts, and ho can compel a 'square deal' be tween publio service and corporations and the people. "The Impartial use of these powers I pledge, and a police administration that will Improve the moral tone of Portland and give hospitable protection to our guests to the Fair, and I pledge an eco nomlcal management of municipal affairs and a nonfactlonal executive board worthy to represent out largo business and labor interests. The -following 15 words to be placed upon the nominating ballot: "Less taxes. Honest and efficient gov eminent. Obedience of all to the laws. "GEORGE H. THOMAS." Portland Pianist Wins Favor. Miss Grace Wilton, the talented Port land pianist, who has been continuing her musical studies in Chicago during the past year, delighted the 'members of the Charlavon Club last Sunday evening in that city, when she gave a piano recital and presented" these numbers: Prelude and Fugue, A-mlnor (Bach-Liszt) Scherzo, op. 16 (Mendelssohn): Etude in E-minor (Lcschctlzky); Intermezzo. octaves (Leschctlzky); "Frublingsrau schen" (Sinding): Nocturne Grace WH ton); Gavotte (Grace Wilton); "Shadow Dance" (Seeboeck); Fantasy. F-mlno: (Chopin): Etude In D-fiat major (Liszt) "Faust Waltz" (Gounod-Liszt); "March Militare" (Schubert-Liszt). Miss Wilton's ability as a pianist and teacher has won for her many Chicago friends, and at a recent recital given by her pupils she received much praise. is expected she will return to .Portland in the . near future. A luncheon will be given In her honor this afternoon, when the invited guests are the following four music students of this city, who are pur suing their studies In Chicago: Misses Grace Wilton. Grace Claggett, Ella Cou ncil and Geneva RuaeL' AY OF TEACHERS Director Wittenberg Makes a Statement, HE UPHOLDS THE B9ARD H. Wittenberg Asserts That the Teachers"of Portland Are Given First-Class Salaries for'the Services Rendered. PORTLAND, Or., March 4. To the Taxpayers, Citizens and Teachers of School District No. 1: Owing to the many conflicting and misleading arti cles that have been published in the press (possibly on account of their not understanding the subject sufficiently). take this method of placing before you the exact situation as It now ex ists, insofar as the distribution of the 130,000 voted at the last annual taxpayers' meeting is concerned. The plan that we have adopted has given to 351 teachers $50 per year, con suming, as you will notice, $18,200 of the J30.000 (which distribution has al ready been placed in effect, commenc ing February 1), leaving $11,800 bal ance on hand, You will see, therefore. that we have already used up more than one-half of the funds, and that the statement that "we have not granted any Increase and that we are holding up the moneys of the teach ers' is absolutely untrue. In Septem ber, when the new list will bo made up, I am positive that there will be nearly J50 teachers who have had the necessary experience and qualifica tions, as well as certificates, who will have an additional Increase of $50, which will use up moro than the bal ance that we have on hand. In this is included the small increase which princi pals will receive, but not the crease voted to the superintendent, and which is not figured as being a part of the $30,000 While I am on the subject of super intendent, permit me to state that I am willing to assumo the responsibil ity of having introduced the motion to Increase the superintendent's salary to $4000 per year, and, fcr your informa tion, permit me to state that the Su perintendent of Schools In our city Is not now receiving as much by a con siderablo amount as those In Seattle, Denver, Oakland. Cal., Los Angeles. Minneapolis, San Francisco and St PauL In Seattle the salary has been raised to $4500, and the .assistant su perintendent receives $1600, making $0100. In Denver the superintendent and assistant superintendent cost the city $9000 per year. In Los Angeles tne superintend ent and assistant superintendent receive $7000 $4500 for the former and $2500 for the latter. In Minneapolis the su perlntendent receives $4250. In San Francisco the superintendent receives $4000 and the assistant superintendent $2400. making a total or $6400. In St. Paul the superintendent receives $4000 and the assistant superintendent $2000. We havo no assistant superintendent. I leave it to the fair and unbiased taxpayers of Portland if they believe our superintendent is being overpaid when these figures are taken Into con slderatlon. The .fact of the matter la that the grade teachers are paid more salaries than any other city above mentioned in comparison with the salary of tne superintendent. Our grade teachers will not receive at the Increased sal ary from $750 to $850 per year, and this, really, for nine calendar months although they are considered 10 months. I leave It to the good judg ment of the taxpayers of this district If this is not a first-class salary for services rendered? I will venture to state that a great many who have found fault with our action are not paying their people as high a rate as the above schedule In dicates. This will give the grade teachers from $150 to $200 per year greater salary than they received six years ago. When it Is taken into consideration that the writer made every fight up to the present time in favor of an In crease in salary for teachers, he be lieves that the abuse and criticisms which have been heaped upon his head are unjust and uncalled for. If the taxpayers now desire to further In crease this salary, and are willing to vote a sum for that purpose, I am sure that the Directors will distribute it for them. In my opinion, labor is subject to the laws of supply and demand, and I can assure the taxpayers of this city that we are now paying a higher price than would be necessary were we to govern ourselves closely by the above-men tioned law But we have tried to be as liberal as possible without affecting too greatly the pockets of the taxpay ers.' So much for that subject. Now for a word In regard to the po eltlon of the School Board: I can as sure you that there is no wrangling or disagreement to any extent between the members of the board. Their re letlons are entirely pleasant. While there may be a difference in opinion all such matters are handled in pleasant manner. There was moro confusion at the last meeting than any other that nas ever taKcn place aur lng my membership of the board, and that was greatly caused by aggravat lng newspaper criticism, which I pre sume was made only with the best of intentions. If the taxpayers bf this district will bear with us a little while, I am will ing to go on record as assuring them that they will and that the plan we have adopted will give to the schools of this district the most efficient corps of teachers that has ever been engaged in the schools of our city, and that none of them will endure any hardship or Inconvenience or embarrassment, as Indicated by a few nervous Individ uals. who. In their haste to make themselves heard, rushed into newspa per print. Give us an opportunity be fore condemning us to test our plan, and If louna unjust or wrong in prm cIdIb no one will Be more eager to as slst In changing the system than the writer. Regretting that this article is nec essarily so long, but believing it best to exDlain as clearly as possible the post tlon of the School Board. I beg to re main, respectfully yours. H. WITTENBERG. "WEASING GLOVE CAUSED DEATH Robert Huxtable Met Fatal Accident by Refusing to Obey -Orders. "Robert Graham." instantly killed in the mills of the Columbia Paper Company at Warren dale, last Wednesday, was in reality Robert Huxtable, a printer, who was In hard circumstances. This fact was brought to light yesterday by "the Investigation of Deputy Coroner A. L. FInley and State Labor Commissioner O. P. Hoff. Huxtablc's neck was broken while ho was at work feeding a wet machine. In vestigation proved he met death through ills own carelessness, and because he dis obeyed the orders of Foreman John Bam fleld not to wear gloves while on duty. One of them caught In the velvet Tollers and drew him to his death, before the ma- "DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR" That's Exactly What You Get When You Buy a BUCK'S TEEL ANGE For '"VALUE BECEIVED" in the way of satisfactory service and long wear BUCK'S BANGES are far and away ahead of any other make. We have always claimed that they never failed 4o satisfy. We made that assertion good in January by putting out ONE HUNDRED BAN&ES on 30 days free trial. We agreed to take back at the end of that time any and all of these Ranges that had failed to give per fect satisfaction. If, however, they proved all we claimed for them, those who had tried them were to have the privilege of paying for them on easy terms. NOT ONE CAME BACK! One hundred women are now gladly paying for those Ranges, thoroughly convinced that they are getting a full re turn for every dollar paid out. A FEW FACTS BUCK'S STOVES AND BANGES axe made of solid cold-rolled steel and all removable parts q tbe finest gray iron. The fireboz is lined with the "duplex" grat8, which can be changed from coal to wood by a simple "twist of the wrist' The ovens are air-tight and "buckle-proof." All oven doors and racks are coated with an indestructible white enamel which can be washed like & plate. It is by this cleanly and sanitary enamel that Buck's Banges are known as "THE GREAT WHITE ENAMEL LINE." OLD STOVES AND RANGES TAKEN IN EXCHANGE Here's Our Range News for This Week WE OFFER YOU 50 BUCK'S RANGES YOU PAY $5.00 IN 30 DAYS AFTER THAT $1.00 A WEEK BETTER COME EARLY WORTH READING Put a BUCK'S STEEL RANGE in the kitchen, let your cook under stand its good qualities and she will be happy, your meals will al ways be cooked "just right" and served on the stroke of the clock. There will be none of the worry, hurry and flurry attendant upon the combination of range out fpf order and cook out of temper. If things run smoothly and comfort ably in the kitchen and dining room the comfort of the whole household is assured.. If the meals are always on time and properly cooked the other household cares will easily adjust themselves, and the trials of the housekeeper be reduced to a minimum. LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON OLD STOVES AND RANGES a 1 m $5.00 ar $5.00 sr 1 AAA Week TXLMt l AAA Week I.UU Thereafter 0ttNTEgM3 P IUU Thereafter chinory could be stopped. His body was not mangled. j Huxtable had been "working In tne nun but tour days. He -went there from this city, wheTe ho attempted to secure 'work In various printing offices. He was not a member in good standing of the Typo graphical TJnldn, but was given a special permit by Secretary DeYarmond, of Mult nomah Union. He never could be found when wanted for duty, and about three weeks ago is said to have left here. "I do not -want any one to know where I am." Huxtable confided to a fellow workman at the paper mills, Wednesday. "My father is editor of one of the big newspapers In Canada, and I don't want him and the rest of the folks at home fo know that I am working In this place," It was hardly two hoars after Hux table had told th that he was killed. His body Is now at the FInley undertaking parlors, and will be held, pending the out come of an effort to locate his people. Deputy Coroner FInley and Commis sioner Hoff made a full Investigation into the death, and will hold no Inquest. They found that death was not due in any sense to any negligence of the company. In case Huxtable's parents are not found, burial will take place here. Big American Eagle Shot. John Holtgrleve, a dairyman on Co lumbia Slough, driving to town yester day morning shot a genuine American eagle. The emblematic bird of the United States Is very scarce In this por tion of the country. This one was a big fellow, weighing about ten pounds and measuring seven feet one inch from tip to tip. He has been in the neighborhood of the Columbia Slough for some time, and many have shot at hire, but none was successful until Holtgrleve saw him yesterday morning; rising from the slough- with &. huge carp In his talons. The blrdjclrcled over Holtgrleve. who shot at hlra and 'killed him with a shotgun. He was an old bird, not less than ten years, and in death had his long talons tightly gripped to gether, so that they could not be broken apart. Mystery of Lake Michigan. CHICAGO, March 4. Mystery surrounds the identity of a woman whose body has been found floating in the lake at the foot of Fifty-ninth street. Her clothing was of exceptionally good. material and the pres ence of valuable Jewelry and general ap pearance of the, features Indicated that she wa3 a person of refinement. The body apparently had been in the water for more than a week. The woman was about 0 years old and dressed in a blue suit and f oxskln furs. A gold watch and three rings wero found in -a pocket and on the wedding ring was discovered the only clew to the woman's Identity the inscrip tion, "It. W. H. to C M. TV'.. May 17, 1573." hunsaker Given Divorce. W. L. Hunsaker, a livery stable keeper, was granted a divorce from Mary A. Hunsaker by Judge Sears yes terday because of infidelity. The case was tried several days ngo. A man newspaper business here for 10 years, be ing with, the Statesman, for seven years, and later a part owner In the Union, ac quiring" the Record- In 1901- He win retire from the newspaper business and go to farming in the Palouso country. Adams Arrested on Suspicion. Peter Adams, regarded by the police as a dangerous man, was arrested by Patrolman Kay late yesterday after noon at Park and Gllsan streets on suspicion. Adams had a saw with him that might be used In perpetrating bur glaries. He has frequently been x rested. Sold Firewater to Indians. NEWPORT, Or., March 4. CSpecIaL) John Meslck and Walter Ko'sydore, two Poles, were brought over from the. Stlete agency today charged with having whisky on the reservation and selling it to In dians. They were given a hearing be fore United States Commissioner S. G. Irvin. and were bound over to appear In the United States Court. Kosydore plead guilty. The bonds were fixed at $200 each. Twenty Years of Success Tn the treatment of chronic 'diseases; such, as liver, kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, dlar- rhoea, dropsical swellings, Bright's disease, etc. IStA ,1 I ltn. Complaints, painful, difficult, to frequent, milky .or bloody urine 'unnatural discharges speedily cured. Diseases of the Rectum Such as plies, fistula, fissure, ulceration, mucous and. bloody discnarges, sureo. witnout tne snue, pain or confinement. Diseases of Men Blood poison, gleet, stricture, unnatural losses, 1m- naroed Scrlpps was mentioned as co- i potency thoroughly cured no failure . Cure guaranteed. respondent. In passing' upon the case the court said Mrs. Hunsaker's own testimony was sufficient to convince the court of her immoral nature. Sells Record to Secome Farmer. WALLA WALLA. Wash.. March 4 (Special.) The Walla Walla Saturday Record was" today sold by John Frank land, editor and publisher, to S. D. GpOd ell. of this city, and J. E. Meadows, at Lyons, Wis. The new proprietors will run an Independent weekly In 'the Cope land building.. Franklaad has been In the -vrtfTxri -UKrf roiihid with nitrht emissions, dreams, exhausting drains. bashfulness. aversion to society, which deprive you of your manhood, UHF1TS YOU FOR BUSINESS OR MAItiUAGE. . . MIDDLE-AGED MEN, who from excesses and strains have lost Jthefr XAJfLY POWER. . . , . T ., r - BLOOD AJfD SKIS' DISEASES, Syphilis. Gonorrnoea, painful, bloody urine. Gleet. Stricture. Enlarged Prostate, aexuai ueDuity. varicocele, .nyaroceie. 3UU noy and Liver troubles cured without MERC UK Y OR OTHER 1'OISOXOUS DRUGS. Catarrh and rheumatism CUBED. , Dr. Walker's methods are regular and scientific He uses no patent nos trums or ready-made preparations, but cures the disease by thorough medical treatment His New Pamphlet on Private Diseases sent free to all mas who. de scribe their trouble, PAT DENTS cured at home. Terms reasonable. All letters answered In plain envelope. Consultation free and sacredly confidential. Call on er address ' . , , DR. WALKER, 181 First. Street, Corner YamHfil, Portia rW, Or.