The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 05, 1905, PART TWO, Page 12, Image 12

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President Roosevelt Installed
Amid Plaudits,
- 12
Every Person Who Wears .a . ,
Is Always Satisfied
He Swears Fealty to the Constitution
Amid Scene of Brilliant Splendor
and Is Hailed With the
"' People's Love.
(Continued from First Pas.)
Of distinguished guests. By this time
all tvere standing:, and nothing could
be heard above the roar of thunderous
Velcome. Immediately following came,
arm in arm, the members of the com
mittee on arrangements. As the Pres
ident passed down the aisle he bared
his head, and with characteristic sweep
of his hat bowed in acknowledgment
of the salutations from the stand and
the ovation from the people. His man
ner was not that of a man Incurring
onerous responsibilities, three years in
the White House having familiarized
him with the duties of the high office
to which he was to be inaugurated.
While he waited for the applause to die
out he stood in triumph, with no show
of vanity, with no evidences of polit
ical enmity, apparently no memories of
the campaign gone by, and nothing
more disconcerting than n huge gath
ering of loyal Americans.
Swears to Support Laws.
At a sign from Chief Justice Puller
the clerk of the Supreme Court stepped
forward, holding a Bible. A hush fell
over the crowd. The President raised
his right hand, and the oath to support
the laws and Constitution of the Unit
ed States was reverently taken amid
deep silence. When this nad been con
cluded there was practically no dem
onstration, and the President began bis
Inaugural address. As soon as he
finished speaking ho re-entered the
Capitol, and as he disappeared within
the building a signal was flashed to
the Navy-yard, and the roar of 21 guns
was begun in official salute to the
Secretary Hay's Gift.
On the third finger of President
Roosevelt's left hand during the in
augural ceremonies was a heavily em
bofssed gold seal ring. The ring was
a present this morning from Secretary
of State. John Hay. Instead of a seal,
on the oval flat surface of the ring is
a receptacle with a glass face. Under
the glass is the lock of hair cut from
the head of Abraham Lincoln just after
his assassination and before his death.
"While in his room and waiting for the
ceremonies in the Senate chamber to
begin. President Roosevelt called at
tention to tbo ring. Secretary Hay, he
said, had given it to him with the ex
pressed wish that it should be worn
during his inauguration.
"I am very happy to wear it," added
the President, "and shall always value
it very highly."
The ring is very like in pattern to
the' one which Mr. Roosevelt wears on
the little finger of the same hand.
He Speaks on Our Duty as a Nation
and Problems of Greatness.
WASHINGTON, March 4. President
Roosevelt, In his Inaugural aacress, spose
as follows:
My Fellow Citlsens: No people on earth
have more cause to be thankful than ours,
and this Is eald reverently. In no spirit of
boastfulnees in our own Btrength. but with
gratitude to the Giver of Good who na
blessed us with the conditions which have
enabled u to achieve so large a measure of
well-being and of happinest. To b as a
people It has been granted to lay the foun
dations of our National life in a new con
tinent. We are the heirs of the ages, and
yet we have had to pay few of the penalties
which In old countries are exacted by the
dead hand of a bygone civilization. We
bavo not been obliged to fight for our ex
istence against any alien race; and yet our
life has called for the vigor and effort with
out which the manlier and hardier virtues
wither away. Under such conditions it
would be our own fault If we failed; and
the success which we have bad In the past,
the success which we confidently believe the
future will bring, should cause la us no
feeling of vainglory, but rather a deep and
abiding realisation of all which life has
offered us; a full acknowledgment of the
responsibility which Is ours, and a fixed
determination to show that under a free
government a mighty people can thrive best,
alike as regards the things of the body and
the things of the soul.
Our Duty as a Great station.
Much" has been given to us, and much
will rightfully be expected from us. We
have duties to others and duties to oar
selves, and we can shirk neither. We have
become a great nation, forced by the fact
of its greatness Into relations with the
other nations of the earth; and we must
behave as beseems a people with such re
sponsibilities. Toward all other nations.
lurgcT aryi' small, our attitude must be one
of cordial and sincere friendship. We must
show not only in our words but In our
deeds that we are earnestly desirous of se
curing their good will by acting toward
them In a spirit of just and generous recog
nition of all their rights. But justice and
generosity In a nation, as In an Individual,
count most when shown not by the weak but
by the etrong. While ever careful to re
frain from wronging others, we must be
no less Insistent that we are not wronged
ourselves. We wish peace; but we wish the
peace of justice, the peace of righteous
ness. We wish it because we think it Is
right and not because we are afraid. No
weak nation that acts manfully and justly
should ever have cause to fear us, and no
strong power should ever be able to single
us out as a subject for Insolent aggression.
lroblems of Internal Growth.
Our relations with the other powers of
the world are Important; but still more im
portant are our relations among ourselves.
Suoh growth In wealth. In population and
la power as this nation has seen during
the century and a quarter of its national
life Is Inevitably accompanied by a like
growth la the problems which are ever be
fore every nation that rises to greatness.
Power Invariably means both responsibility
and danger. Our forefathers faced certain
perils which we have outgrown. We now
faco other perils the very existence of
which it was Impossible that they should
foresee. Modern life Is both complex and
Intense, and the tremendous . changes
wrought by the extraordinary Industrial de
velopment 'of the Last half century are felt
In every fiber of our social and political be
ing. Never before have men tried so vast
aad formidable an experiment as that of ad
ministering the -affairs of & continent under
the forms of a democratic republic. ' The
conditions which have told for our marvel
ous material well-being, which have de
veloped to a very high degre our energy,
self-reliance and individual Initiative, have
alto brought the care and anxiety insep
arable from the accumulation of great
wealth m industrial centers.
Upon the success, of our experiment much
dependc &ot only as regards our own wel
fare, but as regards the welfare of man
. kind. If we fall, the' causa of free self-
government throughout the world will rock
to Its foundations; and therefore our re
sponsibility Is heavy, to ourselves, to the
world as It is today, and to the generations
yet unborn. There is no good reason why
we should fear the future, but there Is
every reason why we should face It se
riously, neither hiding from ourselves the
gravity .of the problems before us nor fear
ing to approach these problems with the
unbending, unflinching purpose to solve
them aright.
Act In Spirit of Nation's Makers.
Tet, after all, though the problems are
new, though the tasks set before us differ
from the. tasks set before our fathers who
founded and preserved this Republic the
spirit In which these tasks must be under
taken and these problems faced. If our duty
Is to be well done, remains essentially un
changed. We know that self-government Is
difficult. We know that no people needs
such high traits of character as that people
which seeks to govern Its affairs aright
through the freely expressed will of the
freemen "who compose It. But we have
faith that we shall not prove false to the
memories or the men of the mighty past.
They did their work, they left us the splen
did heritage we now enjoy. We In our turn
have an assured confidence that we shall
be able to leave this heritage unwasted and
enlarged to our children and our children's
children. To do so. we must show, not
merely In great crises, but In the every
day affairs of life, the Qualities of practical
Intelligence, of courage, cf hardihood and
endurance, and above all the power of de
votion to a lofty Ideal, which made great
the men who founded this Republic In the
days of Washington, which made great the
men who preserved this Republic in the
days of Abraham Lincoln.
Procession to Scene of Inauguration
With Military Escort.
WASHINGTON, March 4. The White
House was astir earlier than usual this
morning, and after a. hurried breakfast
the President's household began active
preparations for the day's Important
events. The time set for the assembling
of the Cabinet and the Presidential es
cort was 9:S0 o'clock, but the arrivals be
gan nearly a half hour earlier. The
first to reach the White House was Postmaster-General
Wynne. He was soon fol
lowed by Attorney-General Moody. Secre
taries Hitchcock, Hay. Taft, Metcalf and
Morton. Secretary Shaw walked over
from the Treasury with Jacob RUs. a per
sonal friend of the President from Jsew
York. About the same time Senators
Spooner. Bacon and Lodge and Repre
sentatives Dalzell, Williams and Crum
packer, members of the Congressional
joint inaugural committee, arrived in
In the meantime the troops to serve as
the President's escort had formed on
Pennsylvania avenue and the adjacent
streets. At least two hours before the
time eet for the President's departure the
square in front of the Executive Mansion
was densely packed with an enthusiastic
crowd, waiting to wish tho President
God-speed. Promptly at 10 o'clock the
President entered his carriage, drawn by
four bay horses, and with a detachment'
of his old regiment, the famous Rough
Riders, commanded by Colonel Alexander
Brodie, riding on either side as his per
sonal escort, started for the Capitol to
take the prescribed oath as the Nation's
Chief Executive. Squadron A. of the Na
tlonal Guard of the State of New York,
and a detachment of Spanish War Vet
erans and a body of United States Army
Veterans also formed a part of the escort
and rode in the rear of the President's
XJeutenant-Gcneral Chart ee, with his
staff In full Himlitary drees and superbly
mounted, preceded the Presidents car
i Bl I'M i' r r . s i
riage by a short distance. The President
wore the conventional silk hat and frock
coat, and as he walked from the White
House door with brisk athletic step he
seemed In the best of spirits and in per
fect physical condition. The President
was seated in the rear seat and to his
left sat Senator Spooner, while facing
them were Senator Lodge nnd -Representative
Vice-President-elect Fairbanks' car
riage followed the President's, Senator
Bacon and Representatives Crumpacker
and John Sharp Williams being seated
Born in New York, October 2T, IS5S.
Bon of Theodore and Martha. (Bollock)
Graduated from Harvard, 1SS0.
Married In 1SS3 Alice Lee, who died In
Married in 1SS3 Edith Kermlt Carow.
Member of New. York Legislature,
Delegate to National Republican Con
vention, 18S4.
Resided on ranch near Medora, N. D.,
Republican candidate tor Mayor of
New York (defeated), 1883.
National Civil Service Comtaleeio&er,
President of New York Police Board,-1S95-D7.
Asoietast Secretary of tb Navy,
Lieutenant-Colonel of First United
States Cavalry Volunteers (Rough Rid
ers), in Spanish-American War, 1S3S.
Promoted Colonel for gallantry at bat
tle of Las Guasimas. 1
Mustered out September, 1538,
Governor of New York, January 1,
1390, to December 31. 1B00.
Elected Vice-President of United
States, November 4, 1900.
Succeeded to Presidency on death of
"William McKinley, September 14. J POL
Elected President. November 8, 10OL
Inaugurated President. March 4, 1905.
with Mr. Fairbanks. Then came Secre
taries Hay, Shaw. Taft and Attorn ev-
Gcneral Moody. In the fourth carriage
were secretaries Morton, Hitchcock,
wiison ana iostmaster-General Wynne. mm ana last carriage contained Sec
retary Metcalf, Secretary Lcebf Colonel
BromwelL the President's military aid.
and Commander Winslow, his Naval aid.
Rough Riders Form Escort.
The Rough Riders, in service khaki.
as they spurred their horses to posl
tions at the sides of the President's
carriage as It passed out the east gate.
showed by their bronxed faces, sinewy
figures and their careless grace and
ease in the saddle the free life they had
led on the Western plains.
These men were chosen from the fa
mous Rough Riders whom the Presi
dent had led up San Juan Hill in the
Spanish war.
.Out into Pennsylvania avenue to the
stirring strains of "El Capltan" the
Presidential cavalcade swept along
past the Treasury building, there to be
met by a mighty roar, which was.
taken up by the thousands that lined
the way to the Capitol. As the Presi
dent's carriage wheeled into Pennsyl
vania avenue proper he leaned far out
to one side, shading his eyes with hi?
hand, and took a look down the avenue
toward the Capitol, whose mighty dome
was visible above the blue haze which
enshrouded the base.
Turning to Senator Spooner, he called
his attention to the splendid sight
From ' every flagpole and window
American flags, stirred In tho stiff
breeze in the fair March morning, and
the crowds, the densest that ever lined
historic Pennsylvania avenue and Its
debouching side stroots, waved wel
come with flags and banners.
Galaxy of Generals.
The magnificent boulevard was
cleared from curb to curb its full
width, and the President and his es
cort were seen at their best. Lleuten
ant-General Chaffee, the hero of Pe
kln, the grand marshal of the day, ac
companied by Brigadier-General John
O. Johnson, headed tho general staff
of the Army, the first time this splen
did body of military genius has par
tlclpatcd in an inaugural ceremony.
Directly behind the General camo the
color guard, composed of four cadets
from the Military Academy and four
midshipmen from Annapolis, sons of
veterans of the North and South in the
Civil War, save one unique figure in
the person of Cadet Titus, -who at
tained fame by being the first soldier
of the international armies to scale
the walls of Pekin in 1900.
The staff was composed of eight of
fleers of high rank, and they In turn
were followed by eight special aids
wearing blue silk sasnes.
Then came the pick of the Empire
State soldiery, Squadron A, made up
of merchants, professional men. and
workers, all splendidly mounted and
preceded by their own choice bond-
Surrounding the Presidential car
riage, as he rode down the avenue,
were SO picked men clad in khaki
They were deployed in front, in the
rear and on either side of the Presi
dent's carriage, making the personal
bodyguard which the President had
long ago promised to demand of bis
old command when he should ride up
Pennsylvania, avenue to assume the
Presidential office.
Veterans of Civil and Spanish Wars
Behind the Rough Riders were the car
riages of the Vice-President and of the
Cabinet, and then came a reminder of
the grim past a detachment of picked
veterans of the Grand Army of the Re
public whose gallant step belied the gray
locks and spore forms or tno oia soiaiers.
They led & detachment of veterans of the
Spanish-American War, of men who had
taken cart in the famous march to p enm
and of soldiers who had campaigned in
the Jungles of the Philippines. Closing
tho escorting column came veterans of
the regular Army and Navy, the whole
veteran organization led by iiajor-uen-
era! O. O. Howard, of Civil War fame.
The President and his escort moved
along the avenue at a foot pace, owing
to the presence in the column or tne
dismounted veterans, to the Peace Monu
ment, at the east front of the Capitol
reservation. Wheeling Into rorth tf
street, the column moved, to First street
east, thence south and west into the Cap
itol grounds on the central roaaway, in a
military aids passing to the right and
the civilian aids to the left of tho wash
Intrton statue. The PresIdenCs" carriage
surrounded by his personal escort and
preceded by Grand Marshal Chaffee and
the "color guard." led the line of marcn
at B street and Delaware avenue, escort'
lng the Presidential party to the Senate
wing of the Capitol.
President Signs Last Bills Grea
Gathering of the Roostvclts.
WASHINGTON. March 4. As President
Roosevelt entered the Capitol building by
the long flight of marble steps to the east
cm wing, he paused several times-to turn
and raise his hat to the cheering throng,
which reached far back across the fine as
phalt driveway. There were so many
cameras in the driveway turning Immedi
xiely to the Cayltol and so close did their
operators prea that the President hisa-
For the past two weeks crowds of people have watched our expert
weaver making these goods in our window. Hundreds of customers
have been fitted and gone away happy, because they know they liave got
newly made
Fresh Goods and a Perfect Fit
"We have the only loom and expert weaver in the Northwest and guar
antee every piece of goods turned out by us. y
Call or send for measurement blanks.
.We Carry a Complete Stock
All shapes and colors
Agents for the new Reform Eye
Send for descriptive booklet
$13 NO. 4 FOLDING POCKET CAMERA Focusing Back $13
This Camera has all the advantages of tho larger, more expensive Cameras. Can he carried in the
pocket and can befocused the same as the bulky plate Cameras.
From now 'intil April 1st we will develop all films bought at our store free of charge.
We guarantee every package of FLOWER SEEDS bought of us to be fresh
stock, full weight and to grow.
"We have none but 1904 seed, which we are selling at the following cut prices:
All 6c packages 4 All 15c packages 12
All 10c packages 8 All 20c packages 16
self directed the secret service men to
clear the space beside the carriage as It
proceeded Up Capitol Hill.
The carriage which bore vice-iTesiaent-
elect Fairbanks closely followed that of
President Boosevelt, and he, too. was
cheered, Mr. Fairbanks was as gracious
as the President in acknowledging; these
enthusiastic salutes as he proceeded to the
CapltoL A squad of Capitol police headed
by Sergeant-at-Axma Ransdell preceded
the party to the marble-room adjacent to
tho President's room.
Senator Fairbanks avoided the party as
he passed the door of the Vlce-Presldent'3
room, and entered his new office.
Little business awaited tne .President.
The bills which wera passed yesterday
and at the evening session were presented
to him by the House officers and he signed
them quickly. He had considerable Ume
to devote to Senators and members wno
called to pay their respects.
The family of the President and his
relatives and a few intimate friends ap
peared at the Capitol soon after 11 o'clock
to witness the ceremonies. They were es
corted to seats reserved for them in the
Senate chamber. The members of tho
party were: airs. Boosevelt, Miss Alice
Boosevelt. Miss Ethel C. Boosevelt, Mas
ter Theodore Boosevelt. Master Kermlt
Boosevelt. Master Archibald B. Boose
velt, Master Quentin Boosevelt, the secre
tary to the President and Mrs. Loeb, Mrs.
Cowles. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Robinson.
Miss Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Emlln
Boosevelt, Mrs. Christine Boosevelt, Mr.
Franklin B. Boosevelt, Miss Eleanor
Boosevelt, Mrs. J. W. Boosevelt, Miss
Lorraine Boosevelt, Hon. B. B. Roosevelt,
Miss Elfrlda, Boosevelt, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles M. Hammond, Mrs. Reeve Merrlt,
Hon. and Mrs. George B. Cortelyou, Mas
ter Bruce Cortelyou, Master Wlnthrop
Cortelyou, Colonel and Mrs. Charles S.
Brown ell. Commander and Mrs. C McB.
Winalow, Surgeon-General and Mrs. P. M.
Bixer. Miss Isabella I. Hagner. Major
Charles L. McCauley and Lieutenant Roso
C Bulmer.
President and Mrs. Roosevelt Cheered
in Gorgeous Pension Building.
WASHINGTON, March 4. The in
augural festivities closed at midnight
with a ball that In splendor, attendance
and artistic effect fittingly us He red out
a brilliant day. Thousands of hand
somely gowned women with escorts
from every state in the Union and
nearly every civilized country paid
their social devoirs to the Nation's
Chief Executive for the next four years.
The setting: for the ball was beautiful
with a wealth of various colors In ever
greens, palms and flowers.
At 8:30 tho President and Vice-Presl-
denfs. party arrived. As the Presi
dent and Mrs. Boosevelt reached the
grotto in the center of .the ballroom
they paused and, facing tholr box, saw
beaming upon them, their children.
Miss Alice Boosevelt, Theodore, Jr.,
Ethel. Archie and Kermlt.
As the party strolled slowly around
the hall many friends were recognized.
Completing their promenade, the Presi
dential party ascended the stairway to
th first eallerv. where the President's
reception-room was situated. Instead
of waiting until ho had entered his
box. the specially invited guests en
tered the room and a. reception was
held In advance of tho hour appointed
for this function.
It was just 10 o'clock when the
President and Mrs. Boosevelt entered
their box. About 6000 persons thronged
the imorovlsed Italian garden and
cheered for several minutes.. Their
greeting was supplemented by the stir
rlnr music cf the barfd.
To the right of the President's box
sat the members of his Cabinet ana
near by the. members at the diplomatic
corps had seats. Tho Testaent ana
his party from time to time received
friends and othcra Who were presented
to him.
At 10:30 the President and his party
and the "Vice-President and tho mem
bereTof his party were escorted to the
supper room. After supper, which was
For comfort and durability
Is unexcelled.
Special fitting-room. Com
petent lady attendant.
finished about 11 o'clock, the Presi
dent and Mrs. Boosevelt with the Vice-
President and Mrs. Fairbanks again
entered their box. As soon as they
were sighted by tho throngs below, a
mighty shout went up and the Presi
dent responded four times to the pro
longed cheering. Finally he turned
and escorted Mrs. Boosevelt to tho
railing of his box, and they stood for
several minutes bowing to the crowd.
Following -a ten minutes conversa
tion with the members of his party,
the President again went to' the edge
of his box and. motioning to the band
.at the. opposite end of the hall, clapped
his hands, Indicating the pleasure the
music had given him. This again called
forth tremendous applause. Finally,
the President and Mr3. Boosevelt ap
peared at the edgo of their box for tho
last time and stood for several min
utes, bowing their farewells. They
left tho box, followed by their party,
and after about five minutes spent in
the President's reception-room, de
parted from the building. At 11:30
o'clock the President entered his car
riage to be driven to the White House.
Although many people remained af
ter the President left, and dancing ex
tended over a considerable portion of
the hall, the larsrer crowd followed the
President's party out. The festivities
stopped about midnight.
Poolseller Tries to Eat Racing Sheet,
and Almost Chokes.
NEW YORK, March L In his anxiety
to swallow alleged incriminating evidence
during a raid in Brooklyn, Hugh Winters,
the reputed proprietor of a poolroom, near
ly choked to death. His life was saved
by the prompt action of an amouiance
surgeon. When the obstruction was re
moved from Winter's throat with the aid
of Instruments, It was found to be part
of a racing sheet.
Winters and ten other men found in the
place were arrested, but released on ball.
The poolroom was in the rear of a saloon.
When the raiders broke In, aSout CO men
THt DOit
J0H AyersChrryPctBrJ
IW Ujwi efi .35ta39rac
BHHfH I0fsrs3 20tZ44ro$
M 1 M. ft jhti UtolSHrepi
PHf tputiM .9 to 1 2 (Start
JUP !rroM....4t
JM ' n wiiii rumufietfcm
S IMUrfllHM Mm m mr nr
bB yi'igoi
The ansco
bolted through the doors and windows be
fore they could be halted.
Winters -was found in a corner o tha
room coughing and choking and in con
vulsions. In his hands he held part of a
torn racing card. He was purple in tha
iace and frothing at the mouth. An am
bulance was quickly summoned, with tha
result noted. The scrap removed from tha
prisoner's throat was carefully preserved
as evidence by the police.
French Anarctic Expedition Makes
Important Discoveries.
BUENOS AYBES; March 4J The Char
cot Antarctic expedition, on. board the
steamer Francois, has arrived at Puerto
Madrin, Argentina. A telegram received
here from Dr. Charcot is as follows:
"We landed at Wandel Island and car
ried out all of our scientific work under
favorable conditions. The question of
Bismarck Strait was solved, our party
passing through it. We reached Alexander
First Land, though Ice prevented our land
ing. "Notwithstanding the fact that our
vessel grounded, sustaining a serious
leak, we were able to continue the. voy
age and determine the contour of tha ex
ternal coast line of the Palmer Archipela
go. All are well."
Germany Will Seek Reciprocity.
BEBLIN, March 4. The German gov
ernment. It is believed, has inquired, or
Is about to Inquire, through Baron von
Sternberg, the German Ambassador to the
United States, if a proposal to discuss a
reciprocal trade arrangement would bo
favorably received in Washington.
Miss Porter Married In Church, Too.
PABIS, March 4. The church marriage
of Miss Elsie Porter, daughter Of tha
American Ambassador, to Dr. Edwin
Winde, of Zurich, Switzerland, took: place
today in tha Church of tho Holy Trinity
and was followed by a reception at tha
American Embassy.
Do not undervalue the
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Therefore we say: Con
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Also Kaan&etarers t
AYER'S PILLS For coaftip&tiM.
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