The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 05, 1905, PART TWO, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE SUNDATi 0EEr0NIA2sT, PORTLAND, ItfAECH' 5, 190o. ,
Civic Improvement Board Is
at Work,
Rtv. Dr. Brougher Will Speak at the
White Temple Upon Making Port
land Beautiful and Attractive
to Everybody.
Dr. Brougher has sent his name to the
Civic Improvement Board of th city,
et&tlne that he and the members of the
"White Temple are ready to co-operate
Jn maklns the City of Portland the most
beautiful and attractive city on the Pa
cific Coast. Dr. Brougher believes that
every preacher and every church In the
city ought to h supremely Interested
in this movement, for It is pre-eminently
a moral aueetlon. If "Cleanliness is
next to godliness." 'then, says the doo
tor, "dirtiness must be next to devil
ishne&a." In order to arouse the mem
bers of his church and congregation, as
well as the boys and girls of the "White
Temple Bible school, with civic pride.
Dr. Brougher will preach a special ser
mon on the subject tonight. Ills topic
will be "Portland's House-Cleaning; In
side and Out." He belUvcs that Port
land ought to clean up, physically, polit
ically and morally, and will have some
characteristic things to say tonight on
the subject.
movement for civic improvement. At a
well-attended mass meeting Friday
evening the doctrine of a "city beau
tiful" was ably and clearly expounded
by Major T.'C. BelJ and others. Presi
dent B. M. Donaugh. president of the
local Board of Trade, presided. Miss
Giimore opened the programme with a
piano solo, after which Major Bell was
Introduced, who made a forcible plea
for cleaning up Sellwood and making
It the most attractive suburb of Port
land. His remarks were heartily In
dorsed. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. "Wall gave
a piano and violin duet and Mrs. Stone
gave two solos, all being heartily ap
plauded. Other remarks were made on
plans to remove all debris, and all the
citizens were urged to start work at
once. Vacant lots, covered with rub
bish, will be taken care of through
common effort, and lot owners are
urged to look to their own. premises.
Some money will be raised to- dispose
of rubbisb.In a few days fires will be
started and rapidly unsightly piles will
be consumed and tin cans will disap
pear from this suburb.
Sidewalks must be kept free from ob
structions. This is the order that has
gone forth from the Police Department,
and it expresses the sentiments of the
Civic Improvement Board. Merchandise,
rubbish, building materials, obsrtuctlons
of every kind, will not be tolerated.
Warrants were Issued yesterday for the
arrest of tbiee merchants, who, in spite
of the orders of the Police Department,
persisted In obstructing sidewalks with
merchandise. They were Jay Smith, su
perintendent at the Marshal-Wells
building, at Fourth and Oak streets; J. D.
llennessy, 193 Front street, and Cobn
Bros., of 1S2 Front street. It Is stated
tliat other arrests will follow If mer
chants do not obey the orders of the
Police Department. Chief of Police Hunt
is determined that the ordinance- govern
ing the obstruction of sidewalks be en
forced, and his officers have orders to reg
ister complaints immediately against all
who disobey the law in this particular.
Those arrested will have hearings In the
Municipal Court Monday morning.
Real and Effective Work.
The Civic Improvement Board of the
Chamber of Commerce is now settling
down to real and effective work, having
straightened out the greater part of the
detail incident to the commencement of
the great task. All of the various com
mittees which have been named to look
after the several phases of the work are
beginning to learn what Is desired of them,
and are doing their part systematically
and well.
The special officer given tho board by
the Police Department, who Is working
"under the directions of the general com
mittee In charge of tho work of civic im
provement, is busy answering and In
vestigating the various complaints which
hourly come into the office of the secre
tary. A transcript, or complaint sheet, 13
now being kept at the secretary's office,
Klmilar to the document kept by tho Cap
tain of Police at the City Jail, and upon
this are entered all complaints sent to the
office. The name of the complainant and
rf the offender, tho character of the com
plaint, tho -remedy desired and any other
rpmarks or directions necessary are all
catered on the docket, and from this the
special officer works. Yesterday the of
ficer was busy looking into several com
plaints which have come to tho office in
relation to unclean sidewalks and vacant
Sidewalks Must Be Clean.
It is the firm Intention of the Chamber
to see that the sidewalks of the city arc
kept In good condition, and that the order
of the Chief of Police to this effect is
backed by the influence of the Chamber
of Commerce, It Is the intention to see
that the walks are not only In a safe
condition, but that they are kept free from
debris and merchandise at all times. The
provisions against scattering paper, fruit
parings and other kinds of debris and filth
along tho curbs and on the walks will be
rigidly enforced. These ordinances, being
nmong the ones generally violated and at
the same time the easiest to observe, will
first claim tho attention of the Improve
ment Board.
The meeting of the women of tho city,
to be' held In the office of tho Chamber oa
Monday afternoon, promises to be one
of the strongest motives for civic bet
terment since the commencement of tho
improvement agitation. Already answers
are beginning to come to the secretary
from invitations sent out, pledging the
writers to the cause of civic Improve
ment in whatever way they may be used
bv the general committee. It Is expected
that tho woman's auxiliary will be one
of the potent factors of the campaign.
Housemovers Are Warned.
Especial efforts are being made in re
gard to the moving of houses and other
buildings, upon which there is so much
nttendant destruction of property. The
house-movers have become habitual de
stroyers of shade trees wherever they
"uork. and it is the intention of the
Board to p'lt a stop to the unnecessary
destruction of trees and shrubs. In order
to accomplish this object and at the
name time be just, the following notices
have been sent out to those engaged In
the huslness of house-moving In the city.
Dear Sirs: Tour attention Is hereby
called to the following extracts from the
c'ty ordinances as regards shade trees:
"Ordinance No. 13.8S6, Section 4 Before
niy trees, except cottonwoods and pop
lars, are removed from any of the streets,
boulevards or avenues of the city, appli
cation therefor shall be made to the City
Engineer, who. If he deem it advisable
that the same should be removed, will Is
sue a oermit In wrltlnc thT-ifi-
"It shall be unlawful for any person or
persons to hitch or fasten any animal
to or otherwise destroy or injure any
Kruwjag or living snaae or ornamental
tree, or any box or case around sueh tro
"Section 6 Any person or persons vio
lating any of the provisions of this or
dinance) shall bo rieemAri nillti- nt a mi..
demeanor, and upon conviction thereof
py uie ftmce juape. snail De subject to
a fine of not less than 55 nor more than
530, or by imprisonment not less than two
days nor more than ten days."
There has been general complaint of
me aesirucuon or ana injury to shade
ireeB by the movers of buildings, and you
are hereby notified that you will be held
strictly accountable for any Inlurv
trees that you may occasion In carrying
juui uusiimss. iuo uminaace will be
enforced and the penalties inflicted. Yours
By George H. Lamberson. chairman of
cosinuiice on paras, irecs, etc
Citizens of Sellwood Join the Civic
Improvement Movement.
The citizens of Sellwood will 'Join the
What the Dutch East Indies Have
to Offer.
Wolf von Shierbrand, Ph. D., one of the
noted authors of America, who has writ
ten several books concerning the West
and Pacific Coast, is In Portland for a
few days. One of the most widely known
books of which he is the author is "Amer
ica, Asia and the Pacific" Another of
his works is "Russia, Her Strength and
Her Weakness" Mr. von Schlerbrand is
in Portland for the purpose of gathering
material for a series of articles which
will appear in the Pacific Monthly. Tho
articles, the first of which will appear in
the June number of the magazine," will
be practically devoted to the great North
west, "The people of the United States have
had thelr-attentlon attracted more to Cal
ifornia than to the Pacific Northwest,"
said Mr. von Schlerbrand at the Hotel
Portland last evening. "I have noticed
that most of the settlers In Oregon are
from the Middle West States. There are
very few Easterners. Those who live In
the Far East look on this section of the
country with distrust. Nothing but the
widespread publication of the resources
and possibilities will result In the introduc
tion of a larger proportion of Eastern
capital. The Lewis and Clark Exposition
will do wonders for Oregon as a medium
of publicity.
"From my observations I have come to
the conclusion that within 20 years this
Western country will have become as
thickly populated as the East The Coast.
States face the most populous countries In
the world, such as China, India, Japan
and the Dutch East Indies. Sooner or
later this" country will get the bulk of
the Oriental trade. The Nation so far
has overlooked the trade with the Dutch
East Indies, which is monopolized by the
Hollanders, although America is 2000 miles
"The foreign commerce of the Dutch
East Indies alone amounted to $300,000,000
last year. They are as densely populated
as India, and the land is far more fertile.
Famines are unknown; If this country
reaches out it will have no trouble in get
ting a large part of this trade."
Street-Car Company Provides for
St. Johns Residents.
The Portland Consolidated Railway
Company has at last found a way at least
partially to satisfy the desires of the peo
ple of St. Johns for Improved car service,
and tomorrow morning will begin a llm-ilc-
through service.
Tomorrow morning through cars will bo
put Into service every half-hour, running
without stops between the 6teel bridge
ana .fieamont. it is nopea tnat tnis ar
rangement will be able to care for the
people In part. The cars will run on the
same schedule as is now in effect.
To take care of the local passengers, or
those who desire to leave Portland for
intermediate points, or to get on at way
stations bound for St. Johns, the com
pany will put trailers or trippers into
commission, which will run to Piedmont,
where the passengers will be transferred
for St. Johns as at present.
This Improvement wlll partially meet
the requirements of the St. Johns people,
and Is all the concession which can be
made by the company at this time Lack
of equipment and deficiencies in the down
town tracks and curves render it Impos
sible to make more change in the serv
ice than has been provided for. As soon.
however, as other changes are prac
ticable the company will do all In its
power to give St Johns the best service
The Finest Music Assured for Many
Lovely Homes.
In addition to their immense piano sales
the past week, Ellcrs Piano House
Pianola Department experienced a more
than usual activity.
Mr. H. M. Van Alstlne, of the well-
known firm of A. R. Morgan & Co.. pur
chased a very beautiful and costly Pianola
piano; Dr. E. De Witt Connell, one of
Portland s leading oculists, purchased a
Metrostyle Pianola; Mrs. L. B. Wade, of
5S0 Second street, selected an Aerlola.
Metrostyle Pianolas were shipped to
Messrs. J. J. Malone and R. B. Lehmann,
of Tacoma, and also one each to Messrs.
E. and A. F. Hofer. editors and proprie
tors of the Salem Journal, and to Mr.
E. K. Page, of the same city.
The value of a piano Is really doubled
by the possession of a Pianola. Whether
there Is a musician In the home or not
the Pianola can furnish a repertory that
even the most accomplished pianist cannot
hope to acquire by a lifetime of study.
The great pianist, Paderewsld. keeps him
self at all times prepared to play at a
moment s notice any composition. There
are over 12,000 compositions ready to be
played by means of the Pianola at a mo
ment s notice, and they may be played by
any one, whether they know a note of
music or not With the Metrostyle, which
is now a feature of ail Pianolas, perfect
interpretation Is assured, and the pleasure
of playing and understanding the finest
music Is extended to every person, with
out requiring any technical knowlerge
The enjoyment of the Pianola Is not lim
ited to the uneducated music lover, how
ever. The greatest pianists, singers, com
posers and orchestra leaders of the day
are unanimous in their indorsement of
this wonderful instrument David Bisp
ham, who sings in Portland March 9, has
this to say of It:
"The Pianola, beside giving me great
pleasure, has been of immense practical
use to me in studying certain operatic
roles, and I heartily congratulate you on
the wonderful strides you are making in
Improving the artistic character of this
most extraordinary Invention."
Ellers Piano House Is always glad to
show their instruments to anyone interested.
New York Pronounces
Just a "Grafter."
Young Man Who Sought to "Work"
the Charitable of Portland Re
ceives Small Comfort In the
Eastern Metropolis.
Leo L. Iioeb, "the hero of Manitou
who shed the shimmering rays of hli
benign and insinuating personality over
the Innocently sleeping City of Fort
land some months ago, has "came" to
New York City and has "went" his way
again, notwithstanding the admiring
plaudits of a sympathetic multitude, as
he desired, but with .the accompaniment
of such endearing and satisfying epi
thets as "grafter," "gold-brick artist"
"professional beggar" and other well
meaning and sad-sounding phrases.
Loeb was a nice boy with a pro
nounced limp and a vocabulary of
varied and picturesque profanity; with
a bold, bold black eye, a wonderful
adaptlveness for wierd and impossible
tales and a penchant for showing the
extraordinary development of his un
paralyzed left arm.
L&te one October night, last year,
an impressionable and highly excited
young man, at that time working for
the Scott Hotel, came breathlessly into
the office of The Oregonian and in
quired if "a good story would be of any
use." He was told that such a rare
thing oould be used to advantage, and
a man was dispatched to the hotel to
see the "Hero of Manltou." He found
a tall and twisted young man of
swarthy complexion who told wondrous
tales of having raced at the risk of his
life ahead of the raging waters of some
cloud-swollen stream, like Paul Revere
of old, to warn to safety seven thous
ands of human souls. But this was not
alL J. Ogden Armour had heard of his
heroism and had sent for him to be
treated by the world-famed Lorenz
during the latter's visit to Chicago.
The bloodless physician had skinned
the hapless cowboy, had Btretched his
legs and twisted his arms and scraped
the bones, afterward putting all back
in place again. At this time, so the
story-teller said, he was waiting for
Dr. Frederick Mueller, a disciple of Ix-
renz, who was, by the direction of Mr.
Armour, on his way to Portland to
perform a second and more severe op
eration upon the hero, who, by the
way, never took an anaesthetic to ease
his pain.
The reporter was sympathetic as
long as he was in sight of the swell
ing muscles of the unhampered arm;
then he became skeptical and even
facetious, and wrote accordingly. He
quoted the hero In his own words, told
of the wonders of his muscle and also
of his trunkful of "writeups," .and of
his desire to have the story "printed
on the first page with a big head."
The next afternoon an irate cyclone
swept vociferously into the -office, de
manding In awful tones to see the
guilty one. Only his language was
worse than that He was told that the
man of unkind words was out.
"Feel my muscle!" oemanded the
hero, sidling up to the pale young man
sitting at the desk. A gleam of appre
ciation came into the latter's eye as
he pinched tho swelling biceps.
"Feel mine?" ho asked, modestly. The
hero felt and his language ceased. Then
he faded from sight and from the .city.
Now New York City has him. Poor
hero. He is misunderstood. He wont
to the city, waving aloft his letter from
Mayor Schmltz, of San Francisco, and
he prospered. He was trying to reach
Vienna, where he would cast himself
at the merciful feet of Dr. Ixirenz. and
ho needed money. Then the Charity
Organization Society stepped In and
hunted up his record. It was proved
that Loeb was from Chicago, where all
of his ancestors had boen confidence
men and "grafters." Bo the sorrowful
hero slipped out of sight as quietly as
possible, and will do the one-night
stands, leaving the continuous thousand-night
places alone for a time, until
his feelings are healed once again.
Mrs. Susie Deitsch Passes Away at
Daughter's Residence.
Mrs. Susie Deitsch died Friday night
at the residence of her daughter, Mrs.
H. Weber, 260 Sheridan street She
was 68 years of age.
Mrs. Deitsch was born in Pittsburg,
Pa., October 12, 1S3J. In company with
hor husband she crossed the plains In
1852 and took up her residence In Ore
gon, where she resided until her death.
Her husband died about one year ago.
For several months Mrs. Deitsch had
been suffering from a complication of
diseases originating .with bronchitis.
She left to mourn her loss one
brother, Philip Ehsteln, of this city,
and five daughters. Mrs. H. Weber, of
Portland; Mrs. A. Hupprlch, of Canyon
City. Or.; Mrs. J. H. Rives, of Salt Lake
City. Utah; Mrs. T. J. Brooks, of Beth
any. Or., and Miss Susie Deitsch, of this
The funeral services will be held at
2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon and Inter
ment will occur at Lone Fir Cemetery.
We wish to express our heartfelt appre
ciation and thanks to the officers and
members of Myrtle Chapter, No. 15, O. E.
S.; Rev. T. L. Eliot principal and teach
ors of Falling School, pupils of Miss Pe
terson's last-term class, and the many
friends for loving sympathy shown us In
our deep and sudden sorrow.
Blight's Disease and
Diabetes News
1737 Broadway, San Francisco, Feb
ruarr 26. 1905 To the church women
of Portland:
It Is so hard for people to believe
that Bright's Disease and Diabetes are
now curable that I am asked to permit
reference to my own case. There are
too many dying to remain silent I
had both Bright's Disease and Diabetes
for over five years. Was very feeble,
had dropsy and the physicians told us
the case was hopeless. I heard that
! people were being cured in this city
! and procured the treatment In a few
! months the dropsy disappeared and In
! a year I was well. To show how well,
I nm RAv that later I stood a canital
operation at the Waldeck Sanitarium
in the presence of six physicians. Many
friends. Including Dr. Markell. of Clo
v'erdale. arid Judge E. B. Cutler, of Pine
street, are fully cognizant of my re
covery. In fact Judge Cutler Is him
self now recovering under the same
treatment Let the cure be proclaimed
to the world. MRS. S. E. CLINE.
This is entirely correct.
The above refers to the newly discovered
Tulton Compounds, the first cures la the world
for Bright's Disease and Diabetes. Woodard,
Clarke : CO.. is local cenu ask ior pamp&iei.
When to,uspect Brtslst's Disease weakness
or Uos or welcnt; puny ankie?. bands or cje
Hfis; kidney trouble after the. third month;
urine may show sediment; fxlllnc vialoa; drow-
dnesa Ose or more oi utse.
Givers of Greatest Values
Immense Selection of New Black and Colored
Our entire Spring purchases are now being offered at prices which cannot fail to bring to our counters and thoroughly interest
alike both the most particular and the most economical of buyers. This handsome collection embraces all the newest weaves out
for this Spring's wear. In Black we have Crepe de Paris, Crepe de Flanders, Eoliennes, French Voiles, Wool Pourderette,.Wool
Crepe de Chines, Etamines, Nunsveiling, Albatross, Batiste, Henriettas. In colors we have plain and fancy English Mohairs, Sicil
ians, "Panama Cloths, Granite Cloths, Englsh Crispirie, Eoxana Cloths, plain Cheviots and unfinished Worsteds.
Prices Range. From 50c Up to $1.75 a Yard
Here Are a Few of Our Special Values for Monday and Tuesday:
38-inch Mohair, a full line of fancy suitings in alpaca and Sicilian weaves,
with neat polka dots, checks and stripe designs; all latest 0p
colorings; extra special, Monday and Tuesday JUL
46-inch Granite, a very striking material for serviceable Shirtwaist Suits
in the heavier weaves cardinal, navy, Brown, tan, green; 71 P
regular $L00; Monday and Tuesday, special
46-inch Etamlne, strictly all-wool materials, in heavy twine weaves, col
orings perfectly reliable; highly recommended for Summer wear;
all wanted shades.! Regular S1.25; Monday and Tuesday, OC
. UJt
special, per yard.
42-inch black Crepe de Cygne and French Voile, two leading soft and
sheer Spring dress fabrics. Regular $1.00 value; "Monday 70 p
and Tuesday I Jlr-
54-inch French Serge, fine velvet finished worsteds, stylish and most de
sirable materials for Spring tailor-made suits, in navy, brown, tan
and green. Regular, $1.65; Monday and Tuesday, fi1 OC
special... lLJ
44-inch black novelty Sicilietta, with a rich satin finish, in the. new silk
embroidered black pin dots, invisible checks and plaid effects, also
fancy satin stripes; this season's most effective shirtwaist suit material,
guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. Regular, $1.25 Qfir
value; special, Monday and Tuesday vJOL
44-inch Orepe-de-Ohine, one of the finer grades of wool; these are very
dressy iaDncs ana aiways navy, Drown, tan, gray, reseda
and myrtle greens. .Regular $1.2o; Monday and Tuesday,
special, per yard ;
The New Silks
Notwithstanding the fact that this department is the least advertised
in the newspapers, it is one of the most popular departments in the store.
The silks have practically advertised themselves. The beauty and intrinsic
value of the goods at our always popular prices have combined to build
up a silk business which has no parallel in the city. The variety and ex
clusiveness of our showings of the new Spring Silks this year will eclipse
all efforts in" the past.. We call special attention to the following for
Monday and Tuesday:
The New "Parsifal" Silk The color is a beautiful champagne; the width
is 24 inches, quality first grade, very soft, and a warranted- GCp
to-wash Silk; regular $1.25 quality, special JOL
New "Tokido" Pongee A new and rare, extra heavy, warranted pure
silk Pongee; burlap weave, is 27 inches wide; a Pongee CI Oft
that will wash. Regular $1.65; special I 3
"The Victor," a new black, pure silk taffeta, just the thing for drop
skirts and jacket linings; will not split, stretch or tear; every yard re
placed free of cost for that which does not prove as xepre- JGp
sented. Special, per yard ; tJL
Plain Weave Pure Silk" Pongees
24-inch, regular $1.00; special 84
29-inch, regular $1.25; special...: 98
27-inch examine this one 85c value, good weight, ecru color, sp'l, G5
New Crepe de .Ohine A handsome silk for separate waists, evening and
reception gowns, all the new colorings, in light and dark shades, 24
inches wide, worth $1.00 yard; special, Monday and OC.-
Tuesday , 0JL
New China Silks -A most beautiful assortment of these desirable silks,
in light blue, pink, grays, tans, lavenders cardinals, white and black,
for dresses, waists and evening wear, 22 inches wide, abso- OCp
lutely fast colors, for "J
Eoyal Wash Taffetas 19 inches wide, every yard warranted to wash and
wear; a full range of colors to select from; regular 85c qual- CC
ity; special Monday and Tuesday UJt
Sale of Laces
Prices Half and Less
This sale presents to the women f Portland an opportunity
to buy wanted Laces at less than regular wholesale cost, it will
pay you to lay in a supply of Laces for trimming Summer dresses
and Underwear. The following items will show the wonderful
values. Eemember, these prices are for one day only Monday.
The best things will go first, so it will be to your advantage to"
come early.
Laces in Floral Bow Knots, scroll designs, widths from 3 to 6
VALENCIENNES LACE EDGINGS With insertions to match',
mostly narrow widths. Please note prices: 1 doz. yds. for 3$
TORCHON LACE In dainty patterns in both edges, and inser
tion to match; values up to 10c per yard for 3$
APPLIQUE LACE GALLOONS in scroll, wove effects, make a
pretty iriniming for children's dresses and wrappers; regular
7c per yard; special '. 2
25c Cushion Tops, with backs, 17c
Each Stamped in violets, holly,
roses, pansies and conventional
designs. Monday's price,
each X7
Cushion Cords, silk, 3y2 yards
long, finished with a neat tassel;
comes in all colors; special,
each 23
Women's Wrist Bags at moving
prices, made of deerskin and
walrus, steel frame, moire lined;
coin purse to match, leather
strap handles; special 50
18-inch-wide Allover Lace for
shirtwaists and yoking, scroll
and floral designs; some with
beading effect; Monday's price,
yard , 32
New Spring Wash Fabrics
The most complete, attractive and effective
ever displayed in Portland. All the new
weaves and colors, in qualities the best known,
at commanding low prices 5 to 50 yard.
Cotton Voiles, 27-inch, white grounds, with
handsome printed floral designs, extra fine
quality, priced at 25
Mercerized Poulards, 27-inch, in neat checks,
colors in navy, brown, black, tan and green;
make up very stylish suits; priced at. .25
Mohair Lustre, 27 inches wide, dark and me
dium colors, a material that has the appear
ance of wool goods; priced at 20
Zephyr Suitings, 27-inch, color grounds witn
embroidered figures and dots; fine, soft,
sheer fabric; priced at 3Ld
De Beige Suitings, 27-Hicb, color grounds, with
small figured designs, sheer and pretty;
priced at lo-
Cotton Etamines, 27-inch, in all the new solid
Spring colors; priced at. ...15 and 20
Printed Madras, 32-inch, white grounds, in
shirtwaist and shirting designs; priced
at 15
Fancy Swisses, 27-inch, white and colored
grounds, in neat figures and scroll designs,
netted effects; priced at.. 20
New Spring Ginghams, prettier and better
than ever 0$ and 12&C
Batiste and Dimities, in a large range of styles
and colors -. .10 and 15
Women's Suit Dept.
Following are specimen values among the
Suits, Skirts, Jackets and Dresses:
New Model Spring Suite Made of plain and
fancy mohairs, Sicilians and Panamas, in
the most desirable colors, strictly man-tail-
ored throughout and cut in the new blouse
and coat effects; handsomely trimmed with
braids and taffeta silk; skirts are plaited in
the most approved styles. Priced at $25.00,
$17.50, $12.50 and 10.00
New Model Silk Shirt Dresses Made of fine
quality chiffon taffeta, in black, blue, brown
and green style is new, plaited surplice
blouse, with shirred guimp and collar; new
est large leg-o '-mutton sleeve; skirt is 11
gore plait and stitched. Priced at $17.50
New Model Covert Jackets, made of fine qual
ity covert, in loose back or tight-fitting, double-breasted
front, new large sleeves. Priced
at $12.50, $10.00, $7.50 and... $5.00
New Model Walking Skirts Made of plain
and fancy English mohairs, Sicilians, Pan
ama, granite and cheviots, in a full range of
popular colors; all the 'late new styles to
select from. Priced at $7.50, $5.50
and $4.90
Women's Nfcw Spring Hosiery
Women's new Lace Hose In allover and lace
boot effects. In black, tan, blue, champagne,
white, red and all the new shades, also a,
large line of fancy embroidered and Persian
stripes; excellent values tor t 50c
Upholstering and Drapery Fabrics
Tapestry, Nets, Swiss, Tickings, Denims and
Cretones. All new, desirable goods, marked at
prices that thrifty housekeepers will be quick
to appreciate.
60-inch Tapestries, Oriental, Bagdad and ve
lour effects, in pretty styles and colorings,
superbly adapted for re-covering the furni
ture or for rich hangings and draperies;
priced at, yard, 95c, 75c, 65c, 50c and 35
Pigured Cretones and Denims, very pretty pat
terns, in most desirable colorings. Priced at
yard, 15c, 12Vic and 8
Curtain Nets and cross-stripe Madras, new,
pretty designs and splendid qualities. Priced
at, yard, 25c, 20c, 15c and 10
Curtain Swiss, in dots, figures and stripes, 36
inches wide. Priced at, yard, 15c, 12Vc, 10c
and S
Tapestry Portieres, Table Covers and Couch
Covers, the real smart things and plenty of
them for selection. Quality considered, our
prices are much lower than prices quoted by
other stores.
New Arabian Curtains We are now showing
some exceptional values in exact copies of
the real laces in Arabian color. This sea
son's patterns, good quality, regular size;
buttonhole edge, at, per pair, 90c, $1.50,
$1.90, $2.25 and up to $6.50
New Black Mercerized Sateen Petticoats, made
with 15-inch flounce, finished with 9 rows of
stitched bands, and neat ruffle; these petti
coats are made extra full and well worth
$L25; our price $1.00
New Black Mercerized Sateen Petticoats,
made with deep accordion plaiting or circu
lar effects; priced at $1.65
New Taffeta Silk Petticoats, in black and col
ors, several styles, in deep accordion plaiting
or circular flounce effects; priced at 5.50
New Taffeta Silk Petticoats, in black and all
the new shades of tan, green, brown and
navy; also changeable effects, made with
deep accordion plaiting and tucked circular
flounce effects; special value at. ...$7.50
Women's Spring Underwear
Women's Spring needle merino Underwear,
vests are hand trimmed with silk, regrular
J 1.25 grade, special ssc
Women's hand-trimmed cotton Underwear in
vests, pants and tights, the well-known For
est Mills Underwear; regular 75c grade, spe
cial soc
Men's New Apparel
At Special Prices.
Men's new Spring Golf Shirts In lark and light
colors and made of fine French" madras, an
exceptional good value for. ............ 91.00
Men's fine fancy gray cotton Socks, made with
double heel and too; regular 20c value, spe
cial 12c
Men's gray merino wool Underwear, In regular
and extra large sizes, special 65c
Men's imitation silk pongee Shirts, with soft
colors, nice for Spring -wear; regular 52.00
value, special $1.50
New, Crisp and Dainty are the Presh
Arrivals in
Women's Muslin Underwear Dept.
New muslin Gowns, well made In the latest
styles, square yoke, trimmed with tucks, tor
chon lace and insertion, large sleeves, lull
length and width and special values at.... 60c
New muslin Gowns, wide yoke, trimmed with
cluster hemstitched tucks, finished with deep
lace and insertion, best quality muslin, regu
lar 51.00 values; special at 85e
New muslin Gowns, made of extra quality mus
lin, handsomely trimmed with embroidery,
lace and tucks, ten different styles to select
from; bes't values in the city at 08c
New muslin Skirts, made full size, with deep
flounce, trimmed with tucks and hemstitching,
all lengths. Special price 500
New muslin Skirts, made of splendid quality
muslin, with extra deep flounce, beautifully
trimmed with lace, tucks and Insertion. Reg
ular 51.00 quality. Special Monday and Tues
day ....85c
New muslin Skirts of extra quality muslin .made
with lS-Iuch flounce, trimmed with six rows
of hemstitching, also full lace flounce with
protection- ruffle. Priced at $1.25
New Corset Covers, made in the deep front ef
fects, neatly trimmed with lace and tucks,
all sizes. Special values at 25c
New Corset Covers, made with ruffled front,
trimmed with lace and ribbons, all sizes. Spe
cial values at 50c
New muslin Drawers, of good quality muslin,
made full length and width, trimmed with
lace and embroidery. Only 50c
Domestic Specials SSLday
Unbleached Sheeting, 2 yards wide, Monday
and Tuesday, at .....17
58-inch Turkey. Bed Table Damask, extra' spe
cial at -..25i
New Mercerized White Wais tings, small fig
ured designs .25
White India Linen, extra special quality. 10
51-inch Bleached Table Damask, extra
heavy ;..lj35
Bleached Union Napkins, size 20x20-inch,
dozen $1.00
Linen Tray Cloths, 16x23-inch, open, work and
hemstitched, each 25f
New Shoes
At Wonderfully Low Prices.
The season for high shoes Is almost closed.
More Oxfords will be sold the coming season
than any previous Summer during the entire
history of Portland. We have made preparations
for this enormous anticipated Oxford season In
somuch, as placing our orders, a part of which
are now arriving. When all these Oxfords are In
the house it means more space than we really
have to spare. In order to make room we will
place on sale several of our leading makes of
high shoes for the coming week. Every make is
perfectly familiar to every woman in this city.
They're all high-grade shoes made to retail at
53.0a, 53.50 and 54.00. All next week they will bo
cut to 1J)3
E. P. Reed & Co.'s 53.00 and 53.50 91.03
John H. Cross. $3.00 and 53.50 ....$1.93
F. M. Morzeluf 53.50... ..$1.03
VaL Duttenhofcr, 53.00 and 53,53 $1.03
We've about 200 pairs left, all good sizes, from
the F. S. Ford purchase. While they last. $1.43
Kepner, Scott & Co.'s children's Shoes, hand
turns, laco and button, spring and no heel.
Special . . . .- , 69c and 49c
Misses' very fine vicl kid Lace Shoes, all sizes.
Extra special at OScr
Boys' good Shoes for dress or hard wear,
at , $1.57 a Hii $1:3
25c Sunbonnets 10c
52.00 Petticoats ..$1.63
51.50 Wrappers $1,35
Portland's Fastest
Growing Store
Mohawk Building
Third and Morrison