5 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF THE OREGON'IAN'S TELEPHONES. I Counting-Room Main 66T uanamc Editor iiain two Sunday Editor Main 6233 tCJty Editor Main 100 Society Editor Mam B2 ICompoilnj-noom Main 6S5 Euperlntendnt Building ki East 61d Office East 01 AMUSEMENTS. COU. MBIA THEATER (Hth and TVashlnston) Matinee at 2:15, tonlEbt at aim, "uia Jiei delbtrc" LTIUC THEATER (cor. Alder and 7th) Farce- comedy. "Beyond the RocKlos," 2:30 to 10,30 P. M. STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) Continuous vaudcvllln. 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. BAKER THEATER (Third and Yamhill) Con tlnuoua vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. At "Work oj Raimioad Boildinos. Contractor George Wakefield has started on the erection of the new machine 4shops and paint ana repair finops at me ter minal Grounds In Lower Alblna. ine (former will stand north of the present I shops, and will be 1C2x339 feet, and of brick and steel, work on the concrete foundation is under way, which will be reinforced -with expanded steel. The ground is covered with barrels of concrete land bulldlnc- material. In the macmne shops thero will be a single traveling crane, which will lift 120 tons, besides a smaller one. which will pick up lo tons. On the old stone foundation northeast of ! the shops will stand the paint and repair f shops. Bridob Committed Meeting. There will be a meeting of the drawbridge j committee Monday evening, in the East Side Courtroom, Grand avenue and East ! Morrison street, to organize. Chairman Buchtcl added Ells G. Hughes to the com mittee, which now comprises: Joseph Buchtel, Whitney 1. Boise, Ells G. ; Hughes, Edward Newbegln, C. J. Schna- bcl, D. J. Malarkey. Francis I. McKonna, EL M. Brannlck, IL H. Newhall. Dan Itel !ahcr, Jav Smith, R. L. Sabin, J. J. Ross, Herman Wittenberg. O. M. Scott, Lu B. Ohipman, W. J. Peddicord. Arrange ments will be made to have an audience with Judge Webster Tuesday, or as soon as possible. To Extend Street Railwat. It is an nounced that the East Ankeny branch of the Portland Consolidated Railway Com pany, which now ends at York street on East Twenty-eighth, is to bo extended across Sullivan's Gulch and connect with the Broadway street railway, which ends n the new Holladay Park Addition. The trestle was built across Sullivan's Gulch through the ground of the Doernbecher factors' over a year ago. There yet re- ! mains about five blocks to build after I crossing to make the connection with the Broadway-street branch. IK MEMORT OF FV. A FAI.KEVRRRC. In I memory of Head Consul F. A. Falken- Iberg, an appropriate programme was ren dered In Multnomah Camo's Hall. Wood- jmen of the World, East Sixth street. Fri day evening. J. D. Lee and J. E. Staples delivered eulogies on the dead leader of the order. The following was the musical programme: Piano solo, Mrs. J. EL Sta ples; vocal solo. Miss Donaldson; recita tion, EL A. Jewell: vocal solo, Mrs. J. S. Hamilton; "A Real Story," J. E. Staples; I vocal solo, D. Allen. Members and their families were present. frT Oirr thc Rent T.katt. TIia host way to do it is to come out to Evelyn, Iwnere we sen you a nou.se ana lot ready for occupancy at rent rates and less. Homes n t rent rfltes. Kvlvn 1r lh V.st land latest tract put on the market In the I Mount Scott district. It Is selling very fast. ThlR district is h far outstrinnlntr every other suburb. Don't wait until too '.ate. Take Mount Scott car on First street. Agent on ground. City office open evenings. George W. Brown, room 293 rauing miuaing. j'none -Mam zizs. Company Gets Franchise. The Esta- cada. TeleDhone & Tclecrnnh Oomn.uiv lhas secured a franchise in Estacnda. fnv Itts lines, and a contract has been entered Into -with the Pacific States Telephone Company, whereby each company may t-ae tne other s lines. This will mean that the noonle of Estacada will hnvi mnnnc: of communication with Portland and the I outside world. Several miles of wire will be strung this Summer. Slight "Blaze Extinguished Fire broke out In the closet of the cottage at W2S Brooklyn street yesterday afternoon, nut was extinguisnea oy tue lire depart- nent Deiore any great damage, was done, rhe alarm was turned In from box 271 I The house Is owned and occupied by M. K. Espey. The cause of the fire is not known. Mr. Espey was absent at the time, IDs children being alone. Rnv. John A. B. Wilson to Lecture. lev. John A. B. Wilson, of Grass Vnllnv Jal, Will visit his son. Rev. flarenrn True Wilson, this week, and also Rev. F. Bufgrttc Short. Dr. Wilson will speak at Taylor-Street Church Wednesday night. m the subject. "Darkest New York After jarK. Oregon's Finest Roses grown by Clarke iros., ZS9 Morrison sL, headquarters for i!I tho new and rare varieties, ns wotf the best standard sorts. Now is the time 0 plant our lanre dormant. 2-vfnr-nlrt hushes, the best In tho land. Prices low. handsomely illustrated catalogue free. HELD Br Odukt. Victor Tassnnn. vehn Is chanted with having concealed .Iaa Riorebello after he had murdered Amelia piriannl, was held under $20CK bonds yes lrday by Judge Hocue to aDnear in the Pircult Court and face a charge of com plicity after the fact. The North and South Portland rare nn Irhird street, on Sundays, will rim direct Io uio Exposition grounds, Instead of to he sawmills, as on week days. An extra ar service will also be riven on tho Mnr. pson-street line to the - Exposition grounds. 8ellwood's New Hotel. Plans l been prepared for a new two-stnrv imti tn Umatilla avenue, near East Thfrf r-treeL and the contract wllK nrnh.iiii. vn !et the coming week. Tho stockholders n this concern arc residents of Sellwood. St. David's Dat. The Welsh nnnnie f Portland will celebrate St Da'id's day, March 1. with an entertainment and ita l-t Hassalo-Street Church. The pro lamine win commence at 8 P. M., and Jl Welsh people are invited to bo present Ladies are invited to nttond in. Ing of th Chromatic Baths, 411 Morrison fcireet, on Monday. New management Lady physician in attendance lion free. Full month's treatment fnr nn If ordered Monday. Etangeltbt to Hold Rehmpm rro trellst Charles Welcle and wif -hii -hnta rpecial meetlncs in Penlel MteHnn sv,. Hall, 256 First street Sunday, at 2:30 and 130 P an and Tuesday, at Decker's Moving PicrrmT-jj u- hew Cameragraph. Flicker obviated tomlc instructive, excltlnsr. v nr r a' Saturday. Februarv 25 8 T nr Amit lo ce is. Matinee 3 P. M., admission 10 renis. FRED this week. Jl facial moonra h'cry SI worth of eoods. Sniai r,r4 En plastic and featural surgery and all kin diseases and blemishes. Am tii, ttibbecke, 364 Morrison. Tel. Hood 2S2. i the steamer Regulator has rOC'ITTIA1 er run on The Dalles-Portland route saving Portland on Tuesdays, Thursdays' Saturdays. Will make a special trip to I iiv jurojies ounaaj, Jf eoruary 26. STR. F. A. Kllburn for Ron -R, I ailing at Coos Bay and Eureka. Sails rom Oak-st dock Monday, Feb. 27, 8 P. ii. iei. jam iiou. Save Monet at Bartlett & Palmer's, runk, leather goods, umbrellas. fith.Ai Rose Bushes, best kinds on ' Inable. Burkhardt Bros., phone Main 6o lis. and homeopathics, now 307 Wash., rutfaui fiuti vu., arenxs. -inone 2693. Dr. O. D. Thornton, dentict w rw SuHdlng:. Open evenings. Anslet's Envelopes are best: dealer IWoobter's coffee challenges comparison. ojl c. w. Barr. Dentist S17 Dekum. Don't buy Wooster's coffee; sample it Regret loss of Paktor. A committee of the Monta villa Methodist Episcopal Church, consisting of J. F. Croft A. M. Aylesworth, Edna A. Forbes. Mrs. P. S. King and J. L. Small, has drafted resolu tions, -expressing the regret of the congre gation at the contemplated removal of the pastor. Rev. A. Monroe, to another field of labor. Owing to ill-health and the necessity for a chango of climate. Rev. Mr. Monroe has accepted an assignment to Wasco. Tho earnest wish that he be restored to health Is expressed in the res olutions. Five Chinese Discharged. Of the six Chinese who were arrested after the re cent shooting affray at Second and Wash ington streets, all were discharged yes terday but Wong Chow Quen. who was held under bonds of J5000 to answer be fore the grand Jury to the charge of as saulting Lee Moon . Judge Hogue re moved tho charco of assault with Intent to kill against Leo Moon, but held him under $1000 bond to appear asa witness. Sufficient evidence to hold the other four Chinese was not offered. New York Societt Meetings. The regular meetings of the New York Soci ety of the Lewis and Clark Centennial will be held on the second Friday of each month at tho City Hall, and all former residents of that state arc requested to be present at the next meeting, -which is to bo held on March 10. F. E. Beach & Co., the Pioneer Paint Co., selling the best things made in paints. Agents for "Liquid Veneer." "Jap-A-Lac," "Hygienic" Kalsomlne, Neal's Enamels, Plate and Sheet Glass. 133 First street Sentenced for Six Month3. Ed Duf fey was sentenced yesterday by Judge Hogue to six months In jail for unlawful cohabitation. The case -was a tlagrant one. Arbor Lodge lots. $100 and up; cay terms.. Phone today Union 1063. Catherine Johnson, manicure, S23 Alisky. BECOMES MRS. LINCOLN HART Miss Louise Brandt. Leading Lady, Bride of Theatrical Man. Lincoln Hart, who has been lessee of tho Empire Theater for the last two weeks, anJ Miss Louise Brandt leading lady of the Brandt-Baume Company, were married last night, at 6 o'clock, by Rev. Gottlieb Hafner, pastor of the First German Evangelical Reformed Church. Miss Augusta M. Brandt sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Rea Irwin was best man. and the only other guests were the Immediate members of ,the bride's family. The bride wore gray, and carried violets. One minute past midnight this morning Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Hart loft Portland with the other members of the Brandt-Baume Company for Seattle. ARE NO NATIONAL HOLIDAYS Congress Recognizes Certain Ones for Commercial Purposes. PORTLAND, Or., Feb. 24. (To the Editor.) To settle ar&ument, -will you kindly tell us, through your columns, what holidays are considered National holidays in the United States, and oblige. SUBSCRIBER. There is no National holiday, not even the Fourth of July. Congress has at various times appointed special holi days and it has recognized the exist ence of certain holidays for commer cial purposes. The proclamation of tho President designating- a day of Thanks giving only makes it a legal holiday in the District cu" Columbia and the territories and in those states -which provide for it by law. NEW INDUSTRY P0R PORTLAND Crowds Impede traffic at the intersec tion of Fourth and Washington streets, every passerby stopping to watch the weaver In Woodard-Clarke &. Co.' show window, who. plying his trade upon an Intricate piece of machinery, le turning out each day elastic hosiery, belts and supporters, beautiful In appearance, per fect In workmanship and quality, and representing on the part of the flrai the outlay of a large sum of money, and all this for the purpose of more accurately fitting those cases where the support of an clastic web, with Its constant and even pressure, is necessary. The members of the firm are delighted with the results thus far. One of them remarked yesterday: "We have for years sent our orders for these goods to Eastern cities -1000. miles away. Our customers havo bct'n obliged to wait oftentimes In suffering, to secure a perfect fit, or havo put up with a ready-made article, -with its attendant chances of misfit and un satisfactory results." The firm is to be commonded for their enterprise and lib erality. SEWED SOLES, 75 CENTS. Goodyear machine. Better than hand work. Best material Used. Schw'ind & Bauer. 269 Yamhill, between Third and Fourth. Board of Trade Moves Offices. The Portland Board of Trade has moved its headquarters from the Chamber of Commerce to US Second street where It is located In an office on tho ground floor. The new headquarters are large enough for the holding of executive committee meetings. When a general meeting is held however, the hall at 162 Second street will have to be used. CARD OF THANKS. The husband and family of Mrs. Thomas Healy express their heartfelt JxaUtudftS th.SK.,nny frLenAs who showed them such Wndness on the death of a well-beloved wife and mother. i 'eee Come Down, Gentlemen COAT SHIRTS Fancy in Colorings While Around OUR Corner Select YOUR Spring HAT " FAMOUS CLOTHING CO. TROPHY CUPS For prizes. "Vc have a nice assortment of solid silver and plated in all shapes and sizes and we can fit your pockctbook. too. If you are going lo buy one soon, dbn't place the order till you have seen ours. If we canH make you the best inducements both as to price and variety lo select from, we don't want you to buy. Remcmber? it costs nothing to look. MEDALS, BADGES, ETC. Made to order on short notice. We are manufacturing jewelers and our shop turns out the finest work to be had in platinum, gold, silver and other metals. Diamonds reset. BRING YOUR REPAIRING class style at reasonable prices. Jaeger Bros 290 MORRISON STREET, NEAR PIFTH. fit -r? r-f OREGON", WASHINGTON, IDAHO. ALASKA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. Send All Orders to Eastern Manufacturers' Co. 46-48 FRONT ST.. PORTLAND. OR. GOODS SOLD TO THE TRADE ONLY,. A JEWELRY SHOP ENTERED And Stock Changes Hands Quickly The "Intruder" Is Known. And well known, too. The many friends of Mr. L. Schuman will be pleased to learn of his return to Portland and that he has purchased the stock and good-will of C. G. Plngry. manufacturing jeweler, 23C Washington street over N P. Express of fice. Mr. Schuman will continue the bus iness, and solicits the pratronage of all former clients and a host of new ones. Mr. Schuman's splendid reputation in the past should aid him in building up an immense patronage in a business where so much must be left to the expert skill and honesty of the maker. Diamond set ting and fine jewelry making a specialty. Stick a hatpin through the address 253 Washington street up one flight Lowest prices on tho Coast WHERE TO DINE. All the dellcaclcn of 'ha reason at tha Portland Restaurant Sne. private apart ments for parties. SOS Wash., near 5th. The Empire will serve a fine special Sunday dinner today from 11:S0 to 7:00. 192 Third street Fine chicken dinner. 35 cents. French dinner, with wine, 50 cents. Oxford, 6S Cth. Genuine French dinner with wine, 50 cents at No. 93 Fifth street, near Stark. Special chicken dinner today at Per kins Restaurant. 35c D. M. Watson. ' The Butler. D. J. Bj-rne. proprietor. Elegant turkey dinner served today, with wine, 50 cents. 145 First Main 235. CARD OF TIIAN'KS. Mr. Enoch Brettell and family wish to extend thanks to their friends for cour tesies shown them In their sad bereave ment of the loss of wife and mother. 1 INSURED Against All Calamities It has been proved so often that this Is mere iteration: Save your pennies and dimes; then deposit your dollars here and advantage yourself by reason of the 4 per cent Interest we allow. Compounded semiannually, you will net 4 cents on the dollar. If3ou -want to know more about It the men at the windows will tell, so will our booklet, free upon request Oregon Savings Bank Sixth and Morrison. PISS1I IT'S WORTH WHILE TO GO A BLOCK" OR TWO OUT OF YOUR WAY v SUCH PRETTY SHIRTS . AS WE DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOWS ARE WORTH SEEING $1 (Ml CORNER MORRISON AND SECOND We do it quickly and in first- JEWELERS OPTICIANS rLAonuurn, oai i circles, PLATO CLOCKS Manufactured by American Electrical Novelty & Manfg. Co., Chicago. New York. We have been appointed Sole Rep resentatives for We Arc not giving- thorn away, and We Are not selling- them below cost, but We Give you full value for your money and We Have the finest pianos in the world to select from. Come and see. Soule Bros. Piano Co. "Stelnvray DealeM." Easy terms, if desirod. Used pianos and organs taken In exchange. 373 and 374 MorrlnoH .St., Cor. W. Park. wab Pri?iting Co. BZST irORK. XZjtSOttjtBLZ PRICES 247KSTARK STREET to us. No. 70 WELSBACH BURNER The Welsbach consumes Jess gas than any incandescent gas burner manufactured be cause it has an. AIR ADJUSTMENT that is protected by patents. This is the DIF FERENCE. Tho WELSBAOH gives the MOST light and burns the LEAST gas. SOc Complete YES, PUT UP THE JOHN BARRETT CO. SIXTH AND ALDER TEETH For molars deat&I work. World-renowned SpeclaJUu. Lowest jrlMi ccailiteat -with flrit-clu work. Go to th NEW YORK DENTISTS FOtf&Xfi AXD MOSKUON tiTS. HOMEOPATHIC KEMKOIES Complete stock, hi derate prices. Mall orders aoilclted. Catalogue tree. WOODARD, CLAKKE & CO.. Portltad. Or. a a aa a aa aa aa aa aa aa a a a aa aa aa aa aa aa aa a a aa aa a a aa aa aa aa Worth One Fifty of Any Man's Money ea j aa aa aa aa ea aa aa a a' aa aa aa e Now Ready for Spring Planting. Fine Varie ties and Good Stock. The Sibson Rose Nurseries 1 180 MJlwaukle Ave. PORTLAND, - OREGON rhoco 22ast 1S5. M"in Issue catalogue about March 15. COAL WE SELL ALL THE LEADERS DIAMOND AUSTRALIAN ROSLYN NEW CASTLE WASH ED NUT BLACKSMITH Full Weight sad Prompt Delivery KING COAL CO. Frost ana Kearney 8U. Main 1425 Every Woman It Interested and should ksc-ir &bont tha wondsrral MARVEL WMi-Hof Spray The- New Ladles' SvrlnirA .Best, barest. Moat convenient. I v. Twa ilk jeor 4rafxlt far It. If h cannot enpiily tl WtRrCr.. arrant iu other, bn: send tump for U ltulrattd book mKIt erres idl oartlralin and !lrertioM In. TAlnabl a to iadfe. MAnVEJOCO.. 41 Paxk Sow. New York. "JVoodard, Clarke & Co.. Fortlaad. Oregon. ROSES 10 iJSI'll'" Sarnesiii Snvite 2our Snspection of the new exhibits of Men's Suits and Top coats, Men's S-hirts and Neckwear, Men's Hats, Boys', Youths' and Children's Suits, and Misses' Coats and Dresses for Spring and Summer a J 9 OS The Greatest Clothing House ia WE HAVE 'EM AUTOMOBILE GLASSES Just the thine or you when driving your auto to fceep the dut and Ina?cti oul ui:, .y You cann? cnJy ride without a balr of these xoSASc xacuu uLuisana are eomctntnj one M, l.ni. n..- i, i n .wi.iv .a uuc u In selecting Riass for any purpose 284 WASHINGTON STREET Between Fourth and Fifth Manufacturing- WALTER 133 SIXTH STREET HOSPITALITY AT SMALL EXPENSE Entertainment tnat i, pleaur to your rueat Hoes not dtpend on tho money you ipead. but oa ydur own kaowleds of how tp rtcedvft and xtad hospitality. Christina Xerhune Harrlck tell you all about It. Pot paJd. 30 cents. E. Jr. CI.ODK. PnbUher. 1SS Tilth Ato. - Mwr York. 9m i 1 "- 1 I CAN II YOU I THE LEADING BICYCLE LINE of independent make is the SNELL and it's a SWELL iTmTn iMmmim,iimiii,nn i, . . . m'i i m i t-i 1 1 r n i jpift 1 1 j -A CARLOAD JUST IN We have sold them for six years. They are of known quality. They can't be made or finished better than they are. They are "THE BEST EVER" and in dependent of any trust or combination. Prices $25, $3Q, $35 COASTER BRAKES ON ANY WHEEL TIRES, SUNDRIES, REPAIRS Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. FIRST AND TAYLOR STS. 4- f k, S ' t t" X t ' x- t tte Northwest cannot - uuwiik over hA Tl'U hrtut . 1 . 1 wen scieciea. xou win hav whatsoever. no trouble 284 WASHINGTON STREET Between Fourth and Fifth Optcims- Pmtlaho.Oreg. Read the imprint on your watch dial at 8 inches from your eyes? No. Then you need Glasses. REED THE OPTICIAN OREGONIAN BUILDING CURIOS, Antiquities, BougHtanti 2oiri. Indiin Stone Kmves, Relic?, Carving and Idols in li''.S-J""-Mc- War Uuba, Spear. Bows. INDIAN STOKE ARROW AND SPEAR POINTS AUsJw. Baiktu. BcUr. Mats, blcuils of all Nations. HEADS ami B0XNS of Animals, War Hefial. Native Body Ornaments and Dros, Ancient Klint unns and Piitols. Coins, Shields. Antique Silvtr and Armor, Shells. Send for Photo. Wholesale Dealer. Nathan Joseph, 604 Merchant St, S. F. Cal. 4. 4. a 0 a a a a a