4a fijK iale strom j Cha-rles.)ickens Oliver Twist OLIVER TWIST was the son of a poor lady "who was found lying in tho street one day In a village near Xondon, almost starved and very ill. She had walked a long way, for .her shoes were worn to pieces, hut where she came from or where she was going nobody knew. As she had no money, they took her to the poorhouse, where she died next i day without even telling her name, leav ing hehlnd her only a gold locket, which was around her neck, and'a baby. The locket fell into the hands of the matron of the poorhouse, who was named Mrs. Bumble. It contained the dead mother's wedding ring, and, as Mrs. Bum ble was a dishonest woman, she hid both locket and ring. Intending some time to Bell them. The baby was left with no one to care for It to grow up at the poorhouse with the other wretched orphan children, who wore calico dresses all alike and had lit tle to eat and many whippings. Mr. Bumble was a pompous, self-important bully who browbeat every one weaker than himself and scolded and cuffed the paupers to his heart's content. It was he who named the baby "Oliver Twist." He used to name all the babies as they came along, by the letters of the alphabet. The one before Oliver was named Swub ble: then came Oliver with a T; the next would be Unwin, the next Vilkins, and so on down to Z. Then he would beg'in the alphabet all over again. Little Oliver, the baby, grew without any idea of who he was. When he was a year old he was sent to the "poor farm," where an old woman took care of orphan children for a very small sum apiece each week. This money, which was paid by the town, was hardly enough to buy them food, but nevertheless the old woman took good care to save the bigger share for herself. He lived here till he was a pale, hand some boy of 9 years, and then he was taken to the workhouse, where, with many other boyB of his own age or older, he had to work hard all day picking oakum. The boys had nothing hut thin gruel for their meals, with an onion twice a week and half a roll on Sundays. They ate in a great stone hall, in one end of which stood the big copper of gruel which Mr. Bumble ladled out. Each boy got only one helping, and the "bowls never needed washing, because, when the meal was through, thore'was not a drop of gruel Jeft in them. After each meal they all sat staring at the copper and sucking their fingers, but nobody dared ask for more. One day they felt"so terribly hungry that one of the biggest boys said that unless he got another helping of gruel he was afraid he would have to eat the boy who slept next him. The little "boys all believed this and they cast lots to ee who should ask for more, and it fell to Oliver Twist. So that night after supper, though he iras dreadfully frightened, Oliver rose and vent up to the end of the room and said lo Mr. Bumble, "Please, sir, I want some more." Mr. Bumble was so surprised he turned pale. "What!" he gasped. "Please, sir," said Oliver again, "I want come more." Mr. Bumble picked up the ladle and jtruck Oliver on the head with it; then he pounced on him and shook him. When pe was tired shaking him, he dragged mm away and shut him up In a dark room, where he stayed a whole week, and tvas only taken out once a day to- be Khipped. Then, to make an-example of him, a. notice was pasted on the gate of the workhouse offering a reward to any body who would take poor Oliver away tnd do what he liked with him. The first one who came by was a ciiddle-aged chimney sweep, who ivanted a "boy to climb up the inside pf chimneys and clean out the soot. JThis" was a dangerous thing- to do, for sometimes the boys who did it got burned or choked with tho smoke, and when Oliver found what they were going to do with him and looked tt the man's cruel face, he burst out crying, so that a kind-hearted Magis trate -interfered and would not let the chimney sweep have him. Mr. Bumble finally gave him to the village undertaker, and there he had to mind the shop and do all the chores. He slept under tho counter among ,'piles of empty coffins. The under taker's wife beat him often, and 'whenever he was not at work he bad to- attend funerals, which was by no means amusing, so that he found i life no better than it had been at the workhouse. The undertaker had an ap prentice, too, who kicked him when ever he got near enough. All this wretchedness Oliver bore as well as he could, without complain ing. But one day the cowardly appren tice began to say unkind things of Oliver's vdead mother, and this he could not stand. His anger made him strong er even than his tormentor, who was more than a head taller and much older than Oliver, and he sprang upon -him, caught him by the throat and, after shaking him till his teeth rattled, knocked liim flat on the floor. The big bully screamed for help and cried that he was being murdered, so that the undertaker and liis wife came running in. Oliver told them what the apprentice had said, but that made no difference. Tho uncfceVrtaker sent for Mr. Bumble, and between them they flogged nim till lie could hardly stand and sent him to bed without anything to eat. Till then Oliver had not shed a tear, but now, alone In the dark, he felt so miserable that he cried for a long time. There was nothing to do, he thought at last, but to run away. So he tied up his fe'w belongings in a handkerchief and, waiting till the first beam of sun riser he unbarred the door and ran away as fast as he could, through the town Into the country. He hid behind hedges whenever he caw anybody, for fear the undertaker or Mr. Bumble were after him, and be Tor, long-he found a road that3ieknew led to London. Oliver had never seen city, but he thought where there were so many people there would cer tainly be something for a boy to do to earn his living, so he trudged stoutly on and before nightfall had walked, 20 miles. He begged a crust of bread at a cottage and slept under a hayrick. The next day and night he was so very hungry and cold that when morning came again he could scarcely walk at all. He sat down finally on the edge of a village, wondering whether he was go ing to die, when he saw coming along the queerest-looking boy. He was about Oliver's age, with a snub-nose, bow-legs and little sharp eyes. His face was very dirty' and he wore a man's coat, whose ragged tails came to his heels. The- .boy saw Oliver's plight and asked him what the matter was, mix ing his words with such a lot of strange slang that Oliver could hardly understand him. When Oliver explained that he had been walking a number of dayp. and was very hungry the other took him to a shop nearby and bought him some bread and ham, and watched him eat It with great attetnion, asking him many questions whether "he had any money or knew any place In Lon 'don where he could stay. Oliver an swered no. "Don't fret about that," said the other. "I know a 'spectable old genelman as lives there wot'll give you lodgings for nothing If I lnterduce you." Oliver did not think his new host look ed very respectable himself, but he thought it might be as well for him to know the old gentleman, particularly as he had nowhere else to go. So they set off together. It was night when they reached Lon don, and it was so big and crowded that Oliver kept close to his guide. He no ticed, however, that the streets they passed through, were narrow and dirty, and the houses old and hideously filthy. The people, too, seemed low ana wretched. He was just wondering If he had not better run away when the boy pushed open a door, drew Oliver Inside, up a broken stairway and Into a back room. Here, frying some sausages over a stove, was a shrivelled old Jew in a greasy flan nel gown. He was very ugly and his matted red hair hung down over his vil lainous face. In a corner stood a clothes horse, on which hung hundreds of silk handkerchiefs, and four or five boys, as dirty and oddly dressed as the one who had brought Oliver, sat about a table smoking pipes like rough, grown men. Oliver's guide introduced him to the Jew, whose name was Fagln, and the boys crowded around him. putting their hands into his pockets, which he thought a queer joke. Fagln grinned horribly as he shook hands with him and told him he was very welcome, which did not tend to reassure him, and then the sausages were passed around. The Jew gave Oliver a glass of something to drink, and as soon as he drank it he became very sleepy and knew nothing more till the following morning. The next few days Oliver saw much to wonder at. When he woke up Fagln was sorting over a great box full of watches, which he hid away when he saw Oliver was looking. Every day the boy who had brought him there (whom they called "the Artful Dodger") came In and gave the Jew some pocketbooks and handkerchiefs. Oliver thought he must have made the pocketbooks, only they did not look new. and some seemed to have money in them. He noticed, too, that whenever "the Art ful Dodger" came home empty-handed Fagln seemed angry and cuffed and kick ed him and sent him to bed supperless; but when he brought home a good num ber everything was very jolly. Whenever there was nothing else to do the old Jew played a very curious gamo with the boys. The way they played it was thus: Fagin would put a snuffbox in one pocket, a watch in another and a handkerchief in a third; then he would walk about the room just as any old gent leman would walk about the street, stop ping now and then, as if he were looking into shop windows. All the time the boys followed him closely, sometimes treading on his toes or stumbling against him, and when this happened one of them would slip a hand Into his pocket and take out either the watch or the snuffbox or the handkerchief. If the Jew felt a hand In his pocket he cried out which it was,and then the gamo began all over again. At last Fagln made Oliver try and see if he could take something out of his pocket without his knowing It, and when Oliver succeeded he patted his head and" seemed well pleased. But OHver grew very tired of the dirty room and the same game. He longer for the open air, and begged to be allowed to go out, so one day the Jew put him in charge of "the Artful Dodger," and they went upon the streets. Oliver wondering where he was going to bo taught to make pocketbooks. He was -on the point of asking, when "the Artful Dodger" signed to him to be silent, and slunk behind an old gentleman wno was reading a book In front of a bookstall. You can imagine Oliver's hor ror when he saw htm thrust his hand Into the old gentleman's pocket, draw out a silk handkerchief and set off at full speed. In an instant Oliver understood the mystery of the handkerchiefs, the watches, the purses and the curious game he had learned at Fagin's. He knew then that "the Artful Dodger" was a pick pocket He was so frightened that for a minute he lost his wits and ran off as fast as he could go. Just then the old gentleman found his handkerchief was gone, and, seeing OH ver running away, shouted, "Stop, thief!' which frightened the poor boy even more. and made him run all the faster. Every body joined the chase, and before he had gone far a burly fellow overtook Oliver and knocked him down. A policeman was at hand, and he was dragged, more dead than alive, to the police court, followed by the angry old gentleman. The moment the. latter saw the bov's face, however, he could not believe it was the face of a thief, and refused to appear against him, but the Magistrate was In a bad humor, and was about to sentence Oliver to prison, anyway, when the, owner of the bookstall came hurrying in. He had seen the theft, and knew Oliver was not guilty, s6 the Magistrate was obliged to let him go. But the terror and-the blow ho had re ceived was too much for Oliver. He fell down in a faint, and the old gentleman, whose name was Mr. Brownlow, over THE SUNDAY OREGON AN, POBTLAjTO, FEBBTTABY 26, 1905. ilALLIE ERMNIE km come with pily, put him into a. coach and.; drove him to his own home, determined, i if the. boy had no parents, to adopt him as his own son. Oliver's Adventures. WHILE Oliver, was resting In such good hands, very strange things were occurring in the house of Fagin. When "the Artful Dodger" told the Jew of tho arrest, he was full of anger. He had Intended to make a clever thief of Oliver, and make him bring him many stolen things: now he had not only failed In this and lost the boy's help, but he was also afraid that Oliver would tell all about the wicked practices he had seen and show the officers where he had lived. This he thought was likely to happen at any time, and unless he could get the boy Into his power again. Something had occurred, too, meantime. that made Fagin almost crazy with rage at losing him. It was this: A wicked man who went by the name of Monks came to him and told him he would pay a large sum of money If he could succeed In making Olfver a thief, and so ruin his reputation and his good name. It was plain enough that for some rea son the man hated Oliver, but cunning as Fagin was, he would never have guessed why. For Monks was really Oliver's older naif-brother. A little while before this story becraii. Oliver's father had been obliged to go on a trip to a foreign country, where he died very suddenly. But before he died he made a will, in which he left all his fortune to be divided between the baby Oliver and his mother. He left only a small sum to the older son. because he knew that he was wicked, and did not de serve any. The will declared Oliver should have the money only on condition that he should never stain his name with any act of meanness, dishonor, coward Ice or wrong. If he did this, then half the money was to go to the older son. The dying man also wrote a letter to Oliver's mother, telling her that he had made the will, and that he was dying: but the older son. who was with him when ho died, found tho letter and destroyed It. So Olivers poor mother, knowing noth ing of all this, when his father did not come back thought at last that he had de serted her. and In her shame stole away irom ner nome, poor and imy-clad, to die finally In the poorhouse. The older brother took the name of Monks and hunted and hunted for them, because he hated Oliver on his father's will, and wanted to do him all the harm he could. He discovered that they had been taken Into tho poorhouse. and went there, but this was after Oliver had run away. He found, however, to his satis faction, that the boy knew nothing about his parentage or his real name, and Monks made up his mind to prevent his ever learning. v There was only one person who could Trnve told Oliver, and that one was Mrs. Bumble. She knew because of the locket she had kept, which had belonged to Oliver s mother and which contained tho dead woman's wedding ring with her name engraved inside it. - When Mrs. Bumble heard that a man named Monks 7 was searching for news of Oliver, she thought it a capital chance to make some money. She went, -therefore, to Monk's house and sold the lockst and ring to him. These, Monks thought, were the only proofs in the world that could ever show Oliver who he was, and to make it Im possible for him ever to see them, he dropped them through a trapdoor in his house down into the river, where they could never be found. . But Monks did not give up searching for xjlizthor of "The Castaway9' Hearts Courageous Opjrleht iWM by Htllte Erelni Hit" U. niOHTS REKBVF.O Oliver, and at last, on the very day that Oliver was arrested, he saw him coming from Fagln s house with "the Artful Dodger."' From his wonderful resemblance to their dead father. Monks guessed at once that Oliver was the half-brother whose very name he hated. So he found Fagin, and then and there made him his offer of money to make the boy a thief, think ing that thus, whatever happened, he himself would get half of their father's fortune. Fagin, of course, had agreed, and now to find the boy was out of his power, made the Jew grind his teeth with rage. t All these things made Fagin determined to get possession of Oliver again and to do this he got the help of two others a girl named Nancy and her lover, a brutal robber named Bill Sikes. These two dis covered that Oliver was at Mr. Brown low's house, and lay In wait to kidnap him if he ever came out. The chance they waited for occurred before' many days. Mr. Brownlow sent Oliver" to take some money to the very bookstall In front of which "the Artful Dodger" had stolen the handkerchief, and Oliver went without dreaming of any danger. All of a sudden a young woman in a cap and apron screamed- out behind him very loudly: "Oh. my dear little brother!" and threw her arms tight around him. "Oh, my gracious, I've found him!' she cried. "Come home directly, you naughty boy! For shame to treat your poor moth er so!" Oliver struggled, but to no purpose. Nancy (for it was she) told the people that crowded about them that It was her little brother. who had run away from home and nearly broken his mother's heart, and that she wanted to take him back. Oliver insisted that he didn't know her at all and hadn't any sisters, but just then Bill Slkes appeared (as ho had planned) and said the woman was telling the truth and that Oliver was a young rascal and a liar. The people were all convinced at this, and when Slkes struck Oliver and slezcd him by the collar they said. "Serves him right!" And so Oliver found himself dragged away from Mr. Brownlow, to the filthy house whore lived Fagin. The wily old Jew was overjoyed to see them. He smiled such a fiendish smile that Olivet screamed for help as loud as he could, and at this Fagln "picked up a great jagged club to beat him.. Now. Nancy had been very wicked all her life, but In spite of this "there was a little good In her. She had already begun to repent having helped steal the boy, and now his plight touched her heart. She seized the club and threw It Into the fire, and so saved him the beating for that tim6. For many days Oliver was kept a pris oner. He was free to wander about the mouldy old house, but every-outer door was locked and every window had closed Iron shutters, and all the light came In through small, round holes at the top. which made the rooms gloomy and full of shadows. Splderwebs were over all the walls, and often the mice would go scampering across the floor. There was only one window to look out of, and that was In a back garret, but It had Iron bars and looked out only on to the house tops. He round only one book to read; this was a history of the lives of great crimi nals and was full of stories of secret thefts and murders. For the old Jew, having tortured his mind "by loneliness and gloom, had left this volume In his way, hoping It would Instill into his soul the poison that would blacken it forever, " But' Oliver's blood ran cold as he read, and he pushed the book away in horror. '"SIKES POT OLIVER THROUGH THE WINDOW." ' ' D lckensjx RIVES and, falling on his knees, prayed that he might be spared from such deeds and res cued from that terrible place. He was still on his knees when Nancy came In and told him he"1 must get ready at once to go on a journey with Bill Slkes. She had been crying and her face was bruised as though she had been beaten. Oliver saw she was very sorry for him, and. Indeed, she told him she would help him if she could, but that there was no use trying to escape now, because they were watched all the time, and' if he got away Sikes would certainly kill her. Nancy took him to the house where Sikes lived, and the next morning the lat ter started out. making Oliver go with him. Sikes had a loaded pistol in his overcoat pocket, and he showed this" to Oliver and told him if he spoke to any "body on the road or tried to get away he would shoot him with it. They walked a long way out of London, once or twice riding In carts which were going In their direction. Whenever this happened Sikes kept his hand In the pock et where the pistol was. so that Oliver was afraid to appeal for help. Late at night they came to an old deserted man sion In the country, and in the basement of this, where they had kindled a fire, they joined two other men whom Oliver had seen more than once In Fagin's house in London. The journey had been cold and long and Oliver was very hungry, but he could scarcely cat the supper that was given him for feariof what they intended to do with him lh that lonenly spot- But he was so tired he finally went fast asleep and knew nothing more till 2 o'cock In the morning, when Sikes woke him. roughy and baae him come with them. It was foggy and cold and dark out side. Slkes and one of the others each took one of Oliver's hands, and so they walked a quarter of a mile to where was a fine house with a high wall around it. They made him climb over the wall with them, and, pulling him along, crept to ward the house. It was not till now that Oliver knew what they intended that they were go ing to rob the house and make him help them, so that he. loo, would be a bur glar." His limbs began to tremble and he sunk to hla knees, begging them to have mercy and to let him run away and die In the fields rather than to make him steal. Sut Slkes drew his pistol with a frightful oath and dragged him on. In the back of the house was a win dow, which was not fastened, because' It was much too small for a man to gat through. But Oliver was? so little that he could do it easily. With the pletol In his hand, Sikes put Oliver through the win dow, gave him a lantern and bade him go and unlock the front door for them. Oliver had made up his mind that as soon as ho got beyond the range of Slkes' pistol he would scream and wake every body In the house, but Just then there was a sound from inrlde, and Slkes called to him to come back. Suddenly there was a loud shout from the top of the stairs a flash a report and Oliver staggered back with a terri ble pain in his arm and with every thing swimming before his eyes. He heard cries and the loud ringing of a bell, and felt Sikes drag him backward through the window. He felt himself be ing carried along rapidly, and then a cold sensation crept over his heart, and he knew no more. How Everything Turned Out Right for Oliver in the End. After a long, long time Oliver came to himself. The morning was breaking. He tried to rise, and found that his arm was wounded and his clothes wet with blood. "He was so dizzy he could hardly stand, but it was freezing cold, and he knew if he stayed there he must die. So he stag v Hill gered on until he came to a road where, a little way off. he saw a house. There, he thought, he might get help. But when he came closer he saw that It was the very house the men had tried to rob that night. Fear came over him then, and he would have run away, but he was too weak. He had just strength enough left to push open the gate, totter across the lawn and knock at the door; then he sank In a faint on the steps. In the house lived a lady and gentle man Just as kind-hearted as was Mr. Brownlow. who had rescued Oliver at the police station, and with them lived a beautiful girl whom they had adopted, namea ose. xne servants, wnen niej rnTTiA tn th rTnm murr nrA flllvpr WAS one of the robbers, and sent at once for policemen to take him In charge: out ahss Rose, the moment she saw what a good race tne Doy naa ana now mue ne looked like a thief, made them put him to bed and sent at once for the doctor. When the good doctor arrived and Gin' f"HvfT- irhn tL-ac tlll iinrnnaclous. he thought Miss Rose was right, and whfln fhf hnv hnH rnmf to himself and told them" how he had suffered he was sure of It. They were both sorry thf nnllppmen hart heen sent for. be cause the doctor was sure they would not believe Olivers story, especially :is h had hppn .arrested once before. He would have taken him away, but he was too sick to be moved. So when the officers came the doctor tqld them that the boy had been acci dentally shot and had come to the house for assistance, when the servants had miatnVon him for nnfi of the burtrlars. This was not exactly the truth, but It seemed necessary to deceive tne police men If Oliver was to be saved. Of course, the servant who had fired the pistol was not able to swear that ne had hit anybody at all. so the officers had to go away without arresting any body. After this Oliver was ill for a long time, but he was carefully nursed, es pecially by Miss Rose, who grew as fond of him as if she had been his sis ter. As soon as he grew better she wrote a letter for him to Mr. Brown low. the old gentleman who had rescued him from the pollco station, but, to Oliver's grief, she found that he had gone to the West Indies. Thus tho time passed till Oliver was quite well, and then Miss Rose (first carefully instructing the servant who Went with them not to leave him out of his sight for a moment for fear of his old enemies) took him with her for a visit to Londo'n. Meantime there had been a dreadful scene, In Fagin's house when Bill Slkes got back to London and told the old Jew that the robbery had failed and that Oliver was lost again. They were more afraid -than ever that they would be caught and sent to prison. Fagln swore at Slkes. and Monks oursed Fagln, and between them all they determined that Oliver must either be captured or killed. While they were plotting afresh Nancy, who had been feeling sorrier and sorrier for what she had done, overheard them, and so found out that Monks was Oliver's half-brother and why he so hated him; and she at length made up her mind to save the boy from this last and greatest danger. So one evening, when she was alone with Sikes, she gave n:m some lauda num In a glass of liquor, and when he was asleep she flipped away, found Miss Rose and told her all about it. Bad as Nancy was, however, she was not will ing to betray Fagin or Bill Sikes, so she only told her of Monks. Rose was greatly astonished, for she had never heard of him befdre, but she pitied Nancy because she had tried to help Oliver, and, of course, she herself wanted very much to help him discover who he was and who his parents had been. , She thanked Nancy and begged her to come to see her again. Nancy was afraid to do this, because Bill Sikes hr so closelv. but she prom ised that on the next Sunday at mid night she would be on a certain bridge where Miss Rose might see ner. men Nancy hurried back before Sikes should .olr tin Miss Rose was ih trouble now, for there was no one In London with her tnen who could help her. But tne same aner noon, who should Oliver see at a dls onna Ti-nivinc into his house, but Mr, c4.t.1i- tt namp lirck In rreat joy to tell Miss Rose, and she concluded that the old gentleman wouia ne me very one to aid her. She took Oliver to the house, and. sure enough, there was the boy's old benefactor. vow Hnd indeed, he was to hear what tiA vTim for the old eentleman. when Oliver had disappeared with the money he had given mm to iae iu mo bookseller, had reluctantly concluded that the boy he had befrlendea was. aner aw, a liar and a thief. To find this was not true was a joyful surprise. After he had heard the whole, and when Oliver had gone Into the garden. Miss Rose told Mr. Brownlow of Nancy's vielt and of the man named Monks who still pursued the boy to do him harm. It was fortunate that she had come to Mr. Brownlow, for, as It happened, he knew a great deal about Monks and his evil life. Tears before the old gentleman himself had been a friend of Oliver's father, and knew all about his death in a foreign country, and he had watched his older son's career of shame with sor row. The very trip he had made to the West Indies had acquainted him with a crime Monks had committed there from which he had fled to England. But, while Mr. Brownlow knew of the curious will Oliver's father had made, what had be--come of the baby to which the latter re ferred., he had never known. Now. from the -story Miss Rose told him, he was assured that Oliver was, Ideed, this baby half-brother of Monks. But it was one thing to know this and quite another to enable Oliver to prove It, and the old gentleman was quick to see that they must get possession of Monks and frighten him Into confessing the fact whose only proofs had been lost when he threw the locket and ring Into the river. Mr. Brownlow. for this rea son, agreed with Miss Rose that they should both meet Nancy on the bridge on the coming Sunday to hear all she had been able to find out. They said not a word of this to Oliver, and when Sunday night came they drove to the spot where Nancy had promised to meet them. She had kept her word -and was" there before them, and Mr. fiejiie Erminie Rives Brownlow heard her story over agaln from her own lips. But some one else was there, too. hid den behind a pillar where he could hear everj word she said, and this listener was a spy of Fagin's. Nancy had cried so much and acted strangely that the old Jew had grown suspicious and had set some one to watch her. And who do you suppose this spy was? No one else but the cowardly ap prentice who had bullied Oliver until he ran away from the undertaker's house. The "apprentice had finally run away. too. had come to London and begun a wicked life. He was too big a coward to rob any one but little children who had been, sent to the shop to buy something, so Fagln had given him spying work to do, and In this, being by nature a sneak, h proved very successful. The spy lay hid till he had heard an Nancy said: then he sllppedout and ran as fast as his legs would carry him back to Fagin. The latter sent for Bill Slkes, knowing him to 'be the most brutal and) blood-thirsty ruffian of all, and the knowl edge, as the Jew expected, turned Sike Into a demon. He rushed to where Nancy lived. She. had returned and was asleep on her couch. hut she awoke as he entered, and saw hv Tibs fnis that h mnajit to murder her. Through all her evil career Nancy -had! been true to Sikes and would not have betrayed him. But he would not listen now, though she pleaded with him piti fully to come with her to some foreign country (as Miss Rose had begged her to do), where they might both lead better lives. Fury had made him mad. A she clung to his knees, he seized a heavy club and struck her down. So poor Nancy died, with only time for a feeble prayer to God for mercy. Of all bad deeds that Slkes had done, that was the worst. The sun shone through the window and lit the room where Nancy lay. He tried to shut it out, but he could not. He grew suddenly afraid. Horror came upon him. He crept out of the room, locked the door behind him, and plunged into the crowded- street. He walked for miles and miles, here and there, without purpose. Whichever way he went he could not rid himself of that horror. When night came he crawled into a disused shed, but he could not sleep. Whenever he closed his eyes he seemed to see Napcy's eyes looking at him. He got up and wandered on again, desperately lonely for some one to talk to. He heard a man telling another about the murder as he read the account In a newspaper, and he knew that he must hide. He hastened then to a den he knew In a house beside the river, dirty and dismal and the haunt of thieves. Some of his old companions were there, but even they shrank from him. He had been seen to enter the place, however, and In a few minutes tho street was full of people, all yelling for hla capture. He barred the doors and wfn dows. but they began to break down th shatters with sledge hammers. He ran to the roof with a rope, think ing to let himself down on the side nextS the river and so escape. Here he fas tened one end of the rope to the chim ney, and making a loop in the other end put it over his head. Just at that Instant he imagined he saw Nancy's eyes again looking at hinu Ha staggered back in terror, missed his foot ing and fell over the edge of the roof. He had not had time to draw the noose down under his arms, so that it slipped tnr around his neck, and there he hung, dead; with a broken neck. Meanwhile Mr. Brownlow had acted very quickly, so that Monks had got no warn ing. He had had men watching for tha latter and now, having found out all he wanted to know, he had him seized in the street, put Into a coach and driven to his- office, where he brought him faco to face with Oliver. The old gentleman told Monks he could do one of two things: Either he could confess before witnesses the whole Infa mous plot he had framed against Oliver, and so restore to him his rights and name, or else he could refuse. In which case he would at once be arrested and sent to prison. Seeing that Mr. Brownlow knew all 'about the part he had played. Monks, to save himself, made a full confession how he had planned to keep his half brother from his Inheritance. And he also confessed what no one there had guessed: That Miss Rose, who had been adopted In her Infancy, was really the sister of Oliver's dead mother his aunt. Indeed. This was the happiest of all Oliver's sur prises that day, for he had learned to love Miss Rose very dearly. Monks thus bought his own freedom, and cheap enough he probably thought It. for before he had flnlshcfa his story, word came that Fagln the Jew had been captured by the police and was to ha tried without delay for his life. Oliver no longer had anything to fear. and came Into possession of his true name and his fortune. Mr. Brownlow adopted him as his own son, and moved to the village where Oliver had been cared for la the family of Miss Rose", and where they all lived happily ever afterward. The company of thieves was broken up with Fagin's arrest. Fagin himself was found guilty of murder and died on the gallows shrieking with fear. Monks sailed for America, where he was soon detected In crime and died in prison. The wicked apprentice, who had really been the cause of poor Nancy's murder, was so . frightened at the fate of Fagln that he reformed and became a spy for the police, and by his aid "the Artful Dodger," who continued to pick pockets, soon found himself In jail. As for Mr. and Mrs. Bumble, they, of course, lost their positions, and sank from bad to worse till they finally became paupers and were sent to the very same poorhouse where they had tortured littlo Oliver Twist. Origin of the Honeymoon. New York Press. The honeymoon used to last a month. The accepted notion Is that It must be spent away from home in order that the happy pair may get thoroughly acquaint ed without being victims of the curiosity of relatives and friends. It is so called from the habit of the ancient Germans of drinking "hydromel." which Is a mix ture of honey and water, for SO days after marriage. Hydromel fermented contains enough alcohol to make a man intoxi cated In short order, so that the honey moon really was a-royal old drunk. At tllla. the Hun. Indulged so freely at his wedding that he died.