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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1905)
THE SUNDAY OEEGONIAK, PORTLAND, FEBKtJABY 28, 1905. Entered at the Postofflce at Portland, Or., as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. INVARIABLE IN ADVANCE. (By Mall or Express.) Dally and Sunday, per year 9-00 Dally end Sunday, six months 5.00 Dally and Sunday, three months 35 Dally and Sunday, per month -ou Dally -without Sunday, per year Dally -without Sunday, sir months 3-BO Dal'y -without Sunday, three months .... L93 Dally -without Sunday, per month Sunday, per year -Pj Sunday, six months Sunday, three months 80 BY CARRIER. Dally without Sunday, per -week... 18 Dally per week. Sunday Included THE "WEEKLY OREGONIAN. (Issued Every Thursday.) "Weekly, per year - r. "Weekly, nix months J Weekly, three months HOW TO REMIT Send postofflco money order, express order or personal check on your local bank. Stamps, coin or currency are at the Bender's risk. EASTERN BUSINESS OFFICE. The 8. C. Becktrtth Special Agency Xew Tork: Rooms 43-50 Tribune building-. Chi cago; Rooms 510-512 Tribune building. The Oregtralan does not buy poems or stories rrom Individuals and cannot under take to return any manuscript sent to it -without solicitation. No stamps Bhould be Inclosed for this purpose. KEPT ON SALE. Chicago Auditorium Annex: Postofflce News Co , 178 Dearborn street. Dallas, Tex. Globe News Depot, SCO Main street. Denver Julius Black, Hamilton & Kend Tick. O0C-912 Seventeenth street, and Frue auff Bros., 605 Sixteenth street. Dea Moines, la. Moses Jacobs. 309 Fifth street. Kaunas City, Mo. Rlckeecker Cigar Co., Ninth and "Walnut. Jjon Angeles Harry Drapkln; B. E. Amos, P14 "West Snventh street; Oliver & Haines. Minneapolis M. J. Kavanaugh, 60 South Third; I. Itegelaburger, 217 First avenue South. New Tork City L. Jones & Co.. Astor House. Oakland. CaL W. H. Johnston. Four teiuta -and Franklin streets. Offden F. R. Godard and Meyers & Har rop, D. L. Boyle. Omaha Barkolow Bros.. 1612 Farnham; Mageath Stationery Co.. 1308 Farnham. Phoenix. Arlr. The Berryhlll News Co. Sacramento, CaL Sacramento News Co., 429 K. street. Salt lAke Salt Lake News Co., 77 West Second street South. Santa Barbara, CaL S. Smith. San DIcjto. CaL J. DUlard. San Francisco J. IC Cooper & Co.. 748 Market street; Foster & Crear. Ferry News Stand; Goldsmith Bros., 236 Sutter; 1.. E. Lee, Palace Hotel News Stand; F. W. Pitts, 100S Market! Frank Scott, 80 Ellis; N. Wheatley. S3 Stevenson: Hotel St. Francis News Stand. fit. LohIk. Mo. E. T. Jett Book & News Company, 806 Olive street. Wnahlnxton. D. C. Ebblt House Jiews Stand. EAND. SUNDAY, FEB. 26, 1805. hi'OKTH SEA INQUIRY DECISION, efforts of the North Sea Com- rcners to lormuiate a decision should not "cast any disrespect" use the exact words of the transla n) on either party to the proceeding. y seem to have stretched their com ion sonse and logic to the limit. The k'iar rircumstances may be recalled a-ftitment. British fishermen were Ur.dE their trade in a aanc nignt. on i-ecogri.iZed fiBhlng grounds in the North Sea, some forty to fifty miles off the common path from the Baltic to the Straits of Dover. Their presence and occupation were proved by the custom- rv lights. The majority of the Com irlsslon declare that in their opinion no torpe3o-boats were either among the fishnig-boats or In their vicinity. The Russian fleet passed close to the fishing smacks, and without warning or In qulry opened Are and continued firing on them. The result was that two of thA fishermen were killed, one boat sunk, other men wounded and boats damaged. So close were the search lights of the war vessels that some of the fishermen deposed to being In their full glare and yet the firing was con tinued until the battleships, pressing on their course, had passed away Into the darkress. So reckless, was the firing that one or more of the Russian ships suffered .from the cannonade of their comrades. So the Commission declares, exclud ing the Russian Commissioner, that Admiral Rojestvensky was not justified in opening fire. But, say the Commls- unanimously, the Russian Ad- could jiiiianally, from pre Jrltlsh expense, and Totlung remains except to note the es tablishment of another precedent jus tifying the abuse of neutrals by bellig erents in time of war. Some compen sation will, of course, be made to the families of the dead and for injury to the wounded, and for the destruction of property. Possibly the British people will not rush with as much eagerness into future arbitration when their peo ple have been killed and their rights trodden on. But Tar has been averted, and that will cover a multitude of sins. REGULATE THE BILLBOARDS. Rail as we may against the unslghtll- ness of billboards, we cannot remove them entirely. They are with us to slay, So long as owners of vacant lots and buildings with "dead walls" have more cupidity than civic pride and ac tive merchants wish to push business among a populace wno can nest oe reached through street advertisements, the nuisance will flourish. The only places in America safeguarded against the vandalism of the billposter are our public parks. Here, at least, we are not offended by vulgar commercialism. But the evil may easily be reduced. By municipal statute Portland can reg elate the height and the length of these open-air pictorial dreadfuls. Blllpost- Ir.g has a quasi standing in .the busi ness world, but, like the porcine mer chant who misuses the sidewalk, It is a Bla891scBlssBs8i9lBSSBSssssssssssssssBf SHssssBsBHHssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssrra BtasssssssssssssssssllsssssssssssssssssssssssssWis- HssssBisssssssssssssssssssaHilHPT SSSSSSBSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS W trespasser. It must be curbed. It will not be permitted without restriction to Invade Inviting residential districts to their tHsflgurement. Just now Portland Is considerably worked up over the matter. A genuine spirit of reform is In the air. There Is no public demand for more billboards, and wide dissatisfaction Is voiced over the especially offensive ones that have been forced on the community. Disre gard, of the universal protest against this nuisance may be met with a li cense fee which will tax billposters out of existence; therefore, It will be best for property-ownerB and paste-daubers to submit to reasonable regulation. "A RELIGIOUS AWAKENING." Early in the present year a wave of religious enthusiasm struck the little principality of Wales and for a time carried all before it. The undercurrent was speedily felt in the north of Eng land, and even the surface of the great City of London was for a time agitated by its partially-spent force. Yet a lit tle longer and it reached our own At lantic seaboard, and, starting Inland, struck Schenectady, N. Y., with the re sult that the "Electric City," so called. Justified. ltB name by flashing into a sudden glow of enthusiasm. A genuine old-fashioned revival of religion fol lowed, minus, it is said, of some of the more hysterical features that belonged to the campmeetlng and circuit-riding era, among which shouting, handshak ing, embracing and wild exhortation were conspicuous. Another long leap and Denver was struck, and again there was quick re sponse. That there was need of a great awakening of conscience in the Rocky Mountain metropolis cannot be doubt ed, -unless the reports that have come from there during recent months are wholly discredited. Be this as it may, under the direction of Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman, who will soon be due in this" city on like purpose intent, the meet ings grew in interest until on one week day early in the present month 400 busi ness-houses closed their doors, 35,000 persons crowded into places of worship in answer to a proclamation of the Mayor, and the State Legislature ad journed for the day. Theorists are at work attempting to give an explanation in the light of hu man experience for this sudden Im pulse or stirring of the human emotions by which thousands have been touched and moved In "Widely separated cities. It is the common view that great relig ious awakenings are co-ordinate with, or follow closely upon, periods of finan cial depression or panics in the busi ness world. So long, it is said, as the country Is prosperous and Its Inhabi tants do not lack In material comforts, their thoughts feed on things temporal rather than things spiritual. When trouble comes and the social and eco nomic foundations are disturbed or threatened, men turn for consolation and assurance toward things which material disaster cannot reach. Tn other words, as Public Opinion says, "the prodigal returns not from the joys of riotous living, but from the husks of the swlneyard." From this bald and somewhat cynical theory the conditions attending the present religious awakening plainly dis sent. Men are turning to religion in a time of great material prosperity. What then,? The journal above quoted makes answer as follows: The cause of general religious revivals Is any condition or set of conditions that -will create uncertainty as to the foundations upon which society superficially relies; It may b. and very often Is. a business panic, but ivc may dismiss the suggestion that man turns to religion simply as a consolation for material failure. "What man wants 1 truth something upon which he may rely -with full confidence and the greater hli reason for Immediate un certainty, the greater his efforts to discover the ultlmates. So, at the present, we are strikingly involved In large changes which we cannot fully understand. We are pro' pcrous; we are In the full enjoyment of many Intellectual as well as material blessings. But the processes of change are making us feel In eecurc we cannot see -whither we are going Industrially, politically, socially. The unusual rapidity of the motion In the various depart ments of active life is tho greater reason -why -wo desire a sure compass and a safe chart. "We are uncertain about the meaning of things; hence we arc prepared for the mos cage of religion. Bravado mi.y lash the helm In defiant ignorance. Sane intelligence will seek the truth. That "sane intelligence" in due time asserts its sway and the masses who are stirred by "conditions of great un certainty" recover their mental poise. Is one of the facts of human experl- History repeats itself along these lines as well as upon the events of the material world. "Time rules us all," d events work out In their own way uncertainties that vex and annoy. irehenslon gives place again to a ig of security and the world wags before until the next "religious :ening." tland has not been without its ex ce In this line. without any effort of memory the emotional lent Into which many of Its clti- Re thrown by the work of Evan Part wmi thlrfv-flva f fArtv fLgo may be recalled. Edward n Hammond came later, and the eating rink was crowded to suffo- fe many a sultry midsummer night teeekers." Evangelists, including Moody, Alexander Dowle, "Jack" the boy preacher, and others or less renowned for their power "move the people" through song and exhortation, have come and passed with the years. The wave is again setting this way, and upon its crest rides Dr. Chapman earnest, voluble, persua sive. A great religious awakening is presagea. Jiiinisiers ana laymen are working for it, systematically and per slstently. That It will follow along fa miliar lines cannot be doubted, both in the flow and the ebb of the great tide of human emotions upon which Its move ment depends. BOYCOTT IN LOVE AFFAIRS. Love laughs at tariffs and boycotts, but even love may be forced to laugh on the wrong side of its mouth by con certed action. According to -the Ar lington Appeal, and In dealing with such a momentous matter th editor would hardly Indulge In surmise or lend the weight of print to mere rumor, some such struggle between love and organized repression Is going on in Umatilla County. "Girls at Weston," says the Appeal, "will boycott the young men who keep company with the girls who attend the Normal. The home girls claim the interlopers have gobbled up all the marriageable young men of that city." The boycott, of course, will be of no more effect than a vaudeville slapstick In the case of the young man who is "keeping steady company." He boycotts himself. He tries to forget that there Is more than one girl In the world. As regards the butterfly lads of Y.rcston, things will be different. They -will feel the force of organized reprisals, and a lonely lot will be theirs when the Normal Is deserted for vacations. Women .have always been protection ists. When one of the "heathen gods or goddesses" became enamored of a mortal, the mortal got It In the neck from the jealous partner. Io was turned Into a heifer by Zeus, who thus hoped to baffle the revengeful mistress of his Olympian household. Cain made him self "Impossible" by taking a wife from the land of Nod. The Tape of the Sa bine maidens was possible only because there were no Roman women to boy cott the men who married the captives. The American girl who goes abroad as the Duchess of Rockyboro Is looked upon with small favor by the girls who had contemplated with satisfaction the effect of a title of their own. There would be nothing strange, therefore. In a display of resentment by home-dwelling girls who had seen strangers within their gates monopolize the attention of the young men, drink the soda of fel lowship, consume the Ice cream, snug gle into the buggies, take all the dances and receive all the tokens of admira tion that are so dear to the heart of ingenuous girlhood. It may be that concerted action will cause the young men to pause before it is too late, and they are all engaged to girls from the distant counties of Harney or Lake. But If they still persist In Ignoring the girls with whom A year ago, and blithely paired. Their rough-and-tumble play they shared jthere is still hope for the boycotters. Let them also become trespassers. Thanks to a kindly Legislature, there Is more than one Normal. Let the girls of Weston attend the school at Drain, and make bond-servants of the young- men In the district. It is a poor rule that will not work In both Yreston and Drain. GRAND DUCHESS ELIZABETH. The Grand Duchess Elizabeth, widow of Sergius, Is a conspicuous example Of the quiet submission to her fate of a high-spirited woman of much sensibil lty and rare culture. A Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt, born of an English mother (the second daughter of Queen Victoria), trained and confirmed in the Lutheran faith, beautiful and highly accomplished, she married while yet quite young the imperious Grand Duke Sergius, the most dominating and im nerious of the "big sons of Alexander n." She stipulated, as did the wife of Grand Duke Vladimir, also a German Princess, that she was to retain the re llgion in which she was reared, unless of her own free will, through conviction and conscience, she became willing to accept-the tenets of the Greek orthodox church of Imperial Russia. This privi lege was, however, withdrawn very early In her married life, and she was subjected to such persecution, slights and Indignities by the court and church officials of Russia, and treated with such open and flagrant brutality by her husband that she Anally yielded the point, joined the Greek Church and proclaimed her own religion "accursed," according to requirement. During this period of her troubled life she sought sympathy and advice from her grandmother. Queen Victoria, hop Ing that she would be counseled to a separation from Sergius and be given an asylum in England. The Queen, however, with her well-known disap proval of divorce, advised her perse cuted grand-daughter to return to Rus sla and conform to its customs. This she did, and that she has learned the lesson of submission and endurance well has been attested by her uncom plaining life and. strict adherence to Russian customs ever since. In view of what she has suffered at his hands and the indignities that he heaped upon her through his gross in fidelities, the world may well believe that the emotion of the Grand Duchess when required to kiss the dead body of her husband during the obsequies was due to horror 'and disgust rather than grief. She acquitted herself of this last revolting service, however, heroically, and may now consider the martyrdom of her marriage at an end. The Grand Duchess Is beloved by the people of Russia as much as Grand Duke Sergius was hated. She has long been associ ated with the Red Cross and with other gentle charities, having taken her first lessons In this work when a child In Darmstadt under the tutelage of her mother, who was noted for her prac tical efforts for the relief of the poor, and especially of the soldiers' wives, who bore such heavy burdens during the war which resulted in the unifi cation of Germany. The Grand Duch ess is forty years of age, and, though she has bidden good-by to youth, is still a beautiful woman, with many possibilities for usefulness, and. It may be hoped, some for happiness yet in store. ABNORMALLY OLD CHILDREN. Dr. Maxwell, Superintendent of Schools In New York, has published facts carefully planned from observa tion, and statistics as carefully com piled, which show that from twenty five to fifty per cent of the boys and girls in the public schools of that city are from two to six years too old for the classes In which they are being taught. In his opinion this fact Is the most serious one that confronts the school authorities and presents an ab normal condition for which a -remedy should speedily be found. In the mean time he has ordered all the principals of the schools in which there are dull and undeveloped children to organize special classes for their Instruction. Specifically, it is stated that thou sands of children between the ages of nine and fourteen years are found In classes with children of six years. 'This Is a condition which works evil to both classes, since it compels association In school life that Is nbt profitable to either. The crowding of the lower classes by dull children, who from one cause or another fall to be promoted, necessarily forces the others on part time, and. further adds to the number of the "abnormally old." Dr. Maxwell's statement has been taken quite seriously, as It deserves to be, by the press of New York. He says and the newspapers generally agree with him that every other problem with which the school authorities are confronted Is insignificant as compared with the problem Involved In the ages of abnormally old children. One thing Is apparent. The public school curric ulum cannot be adjusted to the pace of the minority. As stated by the Brook lyn Eagle: That the bright should rot be kept back in their work by the dullness of the less for tunate is plain enough, but that the dull should be kept at tholr tasks in extra hours Is a mat ter in which physicians shonld have a word. Mental strain may be as damaging an the physical strain of athletics. Moreover, It Is unfair to regard most of the backward pupils as dull. Thousands of children have not the time to give to their books that they should have. They corao from poor homes, where they are cblrged to bear their share of the burdens. where they must sweep, wash. cook, run er rands and care for smaller children, while tholr parents toil in the sweatshops for the prlco of bread. At rany rate. It is unfair to assume that a majority of our children Is dull because It cannot keep pace with a hard- driven minority. In our own city, the conditions of which in this respect are. however, not comparable with those of New York. with Its large foreign population, pre ventive effort has been made In ad vance of any material difficulty In this line. A plan or system has been elab orated whereby the bright even ab normally bright pupils can go for ward as rapidly as they are able, or as their parents will permit them to do, while those leas quick In comprehension or less1 strong physically can find their places In the work and pass along easily and naturally without undue stress. The trouble with us seems to be that our abnormally old pupils are at the top Instead of the bottom of the grades. Boys in knee breeches and lit tle girls with flying curls crowd the High School and learn parrot-like les sons In the sciences, which It is Idle to suppose their minds are capable of as similating and retaining. The problem of properly placing abnormally old chil dren In school -work, whether viewed from the one standpoint or the other, Is, therefore, it must be admitted, a per plexing one. ON GROWING OLD GRACEFULLY. No thanks are due to Dr. Osier for the almost brutal way In. which he forces people of 40 or over either to agree with or differ from him on the proposition that at 40 we mustget ready to let go and at 60 retire as gracefully as we may from the world's work. Some of us honed that he riad been mlsre- ported, hut, now that he repeats his blows, It Is up to us to take stock of our contemporaries, and of ourselves. In Industrial, or rather In factory, life. Dr. Osier is in the fashion. Until now it has been felt that experience and the ease that it brings In handling men and machines overset the brightness and spring of youth when the manage ment of large enterprises and many men was In question. Maturity was supposed to add value to men as well as to "wine. But twentieth century Ideas run In other grooves. When all Is specialized in industrial "affairs and for every operation a "new machine Is invented of almost automatic efficiency, and the men attend the machines and supply them instead of the machines assisting the work of the men, it fol lows that the whole scheme of industry- may be. and Is reconsidered. So the readiness of the young to adopt new methods, their enthusiasm, their teach ability, fits them to get all there Is out of the new conditions of Industrial life. And all who overpass Dr. Osier's stand ards must. It seems, resign themselves to this replacement. But then the abil ity to do things does not make the total of life. The men and women most fit for action, fortunately, do not- const! tute the world, though they may domi nate IL In this twentieth century eight hours seem' to be by common consent the day's work. This is but one-third of the day. What about the other two thirds, in which the claims of the most vital parts of men find their opportu nlty? For, after all, we are meant to work to live, not to live to work. There Is an element of selfishness in the as sertlons of the young that the world revolves around them. The very activ ities In which they have ttelr being tenc? to engross and so to Tlpilt their outlook. Yet so strong Is this doctrine of the world for the young that In thinking of It we forget the very point of consolation for those who are pass Ing the milestones marking, the middle years of average life. There Is, in spite of Dr. Osier and his adherents, no such thing as absolute age. Those who know thel? Pickwick as intimately as they should will recall Sam Weller's eulogy on his mastei"BIes3 him, his soul was born twenty years after his body!" Some folks, and those the best-loved of their time, have the happy faculty of holding their own with -their souls, even when limbs stiffen a little, and the run Is exchanged for the walk, the hair whitens, and the pursuits of the con tcmplatlve life begin to loom up above the urgencies of the active life. What charming companions they are, at home and abroad! The ripeness and mellow ness of Autumn are as beautiful as the early greens of Spring, and the heats of the Summer world. Competition with the young Is far from their thought, and -they are willing to stand by and give full and fair play to the coming generation, taking pleasure in the sight of their activities and pride in their power to do. To grow old willingly and gracefully Is an art to be studied, especially when the fortieth birthday has come and gone. It Is one thing, however, calmly to resign oneself to and to make the best of the Inevitable, and quite an other thing to seek an excuse for a lazy life. Against this last thops whose years admonish them should heartily fight. To grow old by necessity 4s our common lot; not to give up to growing old postpones the evil day of inability to enjoy. LOSS BT DEATH'S BELAY. William McGee, said to be the only survivor of the Custer massacre. Is on trial for murder In New York, with an excellent prospect for ending an excit ing life In a convict cell or the electrical chair. Here Is an Illustration which might serve to prove that there are oc casional cases when the world and the Individual most concerned would be a gainer had the-age limit of Dr. Osier been enforced. But as a rule, with few exceptions, it Is the individual, and not society as a whole, that would be the gainer by the removal when man reached his prime. William McGee, by murdering a man in a quarrel over a trivial matter, proved himself to be a poorly balanced old man with vicious tendencies, and nothing of the heroic to relieve them. And yet, had WHllam McGee, the Indian fighter, gone down to his death with Custer In that awful massacre on the Little Big Horn River, the world would have paid homage to his memory, as It always will to that or the gallant Custer and his band of he roes who perished on that bloody field. The world's history from the begin ning of time presents numerous Illus trations where men who had scaled "the starry heights ot fame" slipped back into obscurityr poverty and not Infrequently disgrace, simply because death failed to reach them In time to save their position. William McGee, In escaping the fate of his comrades, lived too long, but it Is a certainty that among that gallant band butchered by Sitting Bull were others for whom fate had something better in store than a murderer's doom. The world of Htera- ture, science, art and polltlce-can never even approximate its less by the Civil War, but unquestionably thousands of Americans with talents that In later life would" have enabled them to reach high places were sacrificed on the altar of their country. Sleeping their last sleep throughout the sunny Southland are thousands of young men, the flower of the Nation, and their passing from life Just at a time when they were be ginning to master its mysteries In a de gree retarded the Intellectual develop ment of the country for a generation. There were undoubtedly William Mc Gees among both the blue and the gray who are "waiting the call of the judg ment day," but It would be a harsh re flection on the thousands of others to advance the theory that, the world as well as themselves was a gainer by their early demise There can be found today criminals, vagabonds and miscel laneous nonentities within age limits of fifteen to ninety. There are also to be found plenty of men In all walks of life who have failed to get even a foothold on prosperity's pathway until they were well past sixty, just as there are others who have taken high rank before they reached the age of forty: There are rules that cannot be proven by the exceptions, and one of them is that which assumes that all men are so nearly equal that a horizontal age limit establishing their degree of usefulness will be sufficiently fair to warrant Its enforcement. This Is a matter that can be gauged only by the Individual, and not by the people as a whole. William McGee would cut a much better figure as a dead hero than as a live murderer, and It is a matter of re gret that he did not remain with his comrades on the Little Big Horn thirty years ago. We must quite naturally assume that Dr. Osier is speaking from experience, and there will accordingly be no great protest If he applies the chloroform bottle and thus prevents the cruel world from referring to him as "that old 'has-been,' Dr. Osier." There Is a growing disposition to hold the In dividual responsible for his acts, and because William McGee. after reaching a certain age, became a murderer and Dr. Osier an ass, society In general must not be held accountable because they were not killed off earlier In life. No State Fair will be held in 1905, but the annual appropriation will be used for the construction of buildings and the making of such permanent Improve ments as may be needed. To the an nual appropriation of $10,000 the Legis lature added $5000, and all of this sum can be used In putting the State Fair grounds In good condition. The Marlon County delegation, which always looks after the Interests of the Fair, even though It Is not a local institution, dis played good judgment In making this arrangement for the present year, for It promotes harmony and good feeling, and will prove most advantageous to all concerned. It Is very doubtful whether the State Fair could have been made a success in 1&05, for the reason that no county exhibits would be made. The several counties are putting forth great efforts to make a good showing at the Lewis and Clark Fair, and could not have undertaken work at the State Fair at the same time. So far as at tendance i3 concerned, it Is not proba ble that the State Fair would have in terfered in any way with the Lewis and Clark Exposition, but the holding ot two fairs In one year would mean a di vision of effort that could not be pro ductive of good. Wars may come and wars may go. but the Mad Mullah goes on forever. A dispatch from Aden states that thl3 angry gentleman from Somaliland Is again on the warpath, and has killed a number of the Sultan of Obdla's follow ers, and Is within a day's march of Ob- dla. It's a poor season when the Mad Mullah is not captured or killed a few times, and if his life were subject to the same limitations as that of the ordi nary cat that Is credited with but nine lives, he would have long since passed from the minds of the present genera tion. If some of his numerous captors would hang on to him long enough to make if worth while, they could amass a colossal fortune by taking him down the vaudeville circuit. Dr. Osier would cut a man off as a cumberer of the ground when he Is forty. Other men who claim to be sci entists say there is no reason why a man should not live to be 150. Between these two extremes lies the golden mean which the -majority dC men, aided by kind Nature, find. To die before one In forty Is to curtail life's possibilities and enjoyments in a measure that It Is not pleasant to contemplate. To live beyond eighty or ninety Is to survive all, or nearly all, the friends whose as sociation made existence worthy to be called life on the journey to the sum mit. Tracklaylng on the Arlington branch of the O. R. & N. Is proceeding with a rush, and a National bank for Condon, at the interior- end of the track, has been organized for business. Settlers are pouring into the country, and new buildings springing up all along the line. The activity noticeable along this branch la no greater than that which will bo in evidence In Central Oregon, In the Wallowa country. In the Neha lem and In a number of other isolated localities as soon as they are given transportation facilities for reaching the outside markets. Mr. Richard Croker has decided to leave America to Its fate, and will here after reside On his country estate near Dublin. He will thus escape the oft recurring inquiry as to where the money came from, and If Ireland can stand It New York may as well make the best of It. The ex-Tammany leader might form an alliance with William Wadorf Astor. as they have much In common, neither of them being missed from this country nor welcomed In the land they now claim as home. It is probably just as well for the blockade-runners that they were all gathered In by the Japanese. The de cision regarding the North Sea Incident establishes quite clearly the fact that no craft Is safe within reach of the Russian, guns, and the Vladivostok squadron would most certainly have mistaken the blockade-runners for Jap anese torpedo-boats, men-of-war or transports, and served them with the same greeting as was given the Dogger Bank fishermen. The Washington papers which are complaining about the treatment of their state by the Lewis and Clark Commission will perhaps cease when they learn that they owe much to the consideration and good-will of an expo sition management which has given Washington a fine location for Its bulld- ing at no little trouble aria sacrifice. WOES OF A DRAMATIC CRITIC. These be .times of perii for tho dramatic critic, as the Metcalfe inci dent bears witness. -The resolutions committee of a National convention of theatrical managers -would probably report back this plank for the plat form: Resolved. That dramatic critics should be shot without benefit of olergy.' It is almost a certainty that the plank would be adopted with a Whoop, and. If the syndicate werqj In posses sion of all branches of the Govern ment, the critics would supply a car nival of carnage equal to the "Red Sun day" In St. Petersburg. It would seem. that even managers and critics might live together in peace and unity, but recent occurrences prove the contrary. At the present time one of the fore most writers on dramatic subjects in this country. James S. Metcalfe, of Life, Is refused admission to 17 New York theaters, which practically bars him from every prayhouse in Man hattan. Metcalfe has incurred the displeas ure of Klaw & Erlanger, and, as these gentlemen are in the scats of the mighty, they retaliate by stopping him at the theater door. Acton Davies, of the Sun, one the ablest and most entertaining re viewers In the metropolis, Is likewise shut out of the Klaw & Erlanger houses, and although the late Hilary Bell has been dead more than two years. hl3 paper, the Press, is black listed. Alan Dale,, of the Journal, finds no welcome ut any of the syndicate houses. In fact, he cannot get In for love nor money, and Dale Is commonly supposed to be Charles Frohman's press agent, Frohman being a lending mem ber of the trust. Even William Winter, dean of Amer ican critics and the most learned, has been subjected to the humiliation of closed doors. A year ago he was re fused admission to two or three New York theaters. During the Nance O'Nell engagement Davies and Alan Dale were barred from Daly's. but when the unfortunate engagement ter minated the embargo was raised. This suggests a story of the bitter quarrel between William Winter and Augustin Daly, "which occurred some 18 years ago, and was. afterwards hcalca. The two great men fell out over sonic caustic articles Winter had writ ten, and the manager Issued orders that Winter was no longer persona grata at the stagedoor. The great critic was not denied admission to the front of the house, but whereas he had always been cordially received at the back of the stage, he was io be pun ished by exclusion. Now. In thoso days Daly had a stage doorkeeper who Is still remembered as a unique character. He was known as "Old Owen." No one ever hoard his other name, and he was faithful to Mr. Daly with the fidelity of a dog. One day the great manager instructed Old Owen that If William Winter cume to the atagc door he was to be refused admission. Promptly on the accustomed hour. Winter showed up with the intention of going "behind," and was politely but firmly told that he could not go In. The lordly sage of the Tribune waved Old Owen Imperiously asides and pushed hl3 way In. The old retainer was not to be undone, so he followed Mr. Win ter and laid a heavy hand on his shoulder, saying that Mr. Daly hud ordered that William Winter should not be admitted. The pressure of the door keeper's hand set the critic on fire and he landed a blow on the faithful Owen's features. Now, It should be under stood that Mr. Winter is a little man and Owen was a giant; so the big doorkeeper promptly picked the Tri bune representative up in his arms and threw him on the floor. A wrestle ensued which created sufficient disturb ance to attract the attention of Daly, who came running back to learn the reason, no was amazeu at tne signt he saw and sot about extricating the entwined arms and legs, after which he led Mr. Winter to the door and out onto Sixth avenue. For years there after tho two men did notjspoak, but before Daly's death they rruido it up and were the best of friends. There was a time within recent years when William Winter was forbidden en trance to the front of tho house at Daly's. This was after Daniel Frohman secured the historic theater, and the occasion was Maude Adams' attempt at "Juliet." Mr. Winter sat In a box. and during the first performance tore his hair and expressed his quiet disapproval of Miss Adams in the part. Ho endured It until the third act. when he got up and stalked out of the theater In disgust. The next morn ing the Tribune printed his critique of the piece under the caption, "A Very Sad Affair," and Miss Adams was mercilessly scored. During the remainder of that engagement It was understood that Wil liam Winter need not apply. Tho lot of tho dramatic critic is not al together pleasant, even under the most favorable of circumstances. Perform ances, good, bad and Indifferent, ho must patiently sit through. Between acts the house manager or the company manager take turns at telling him what a fine fel low he is, and Incidentally volunteering the Information that his notjeo on the following morning will mean success or failure for the engagement. They insist that "Maggie Lovelock," the leading lady, Is suffering from sore throat, and Is not singing In her usual form, but "If you could have heard her at South Yakima last night you'd have been delighted. However, you understand how to make allowances, old man" and so ad Infini tum. When the critic tells what he thinks In the next morning's paper, he finds that none Is so poor as to do him rev erence. If he praises the performance, the public accuses him of being bought up, and If he grills the show, the public accuses him of being sore because the "second lady" wouldn't go out to supper with him. As for the managers, so long as there is praise for their offerings here is nothing more than matter of course, but when the harpoon enters there goes up a wall, long and loud, upon which the unfortunate critic cannot close his ring ing care. Sometimes follow recriminations and red. red war. ending In locked thea ter doors and locked newspaper forms. Such conditions do not exist locally parish the thought but in most localities there Is a heartfelt sympathy on the part of dramatic reviewers for Metcalfe and the other New York craftsmen who are out of favor with the benevolent managers. The managers told them they were fine fel lows on opening night, and they ungrate fully told the truth the next day. There fore, wherefore "You scurrilous scribblers for a venal press, yon must not contamin ate the virgin atmosphere of our theaters with your presence." All of which leads up to the everlasting and unanswered query: "If a man Is willing to pay the price, shall he see the show?" A. A G. K0TE AND COMMENT. The Collector. O all you foreign nations, come and hearken unto me. And I'll show you all the pathway to a brim ming treasures. Since Uncle Sam In Nlaety-eight waltzed up Manila Bay He's got an all-posrcraing erase to ray and pay and pay. He's making a collection of your Islands, groat and small. And bring they gain or bring they loss, re doesn't care at all. So if you've got an Utand. Kwampy land or. dry land, , Low land or hl?h land. I'ut It up for sale; Uncle fcam will huy it. Never asU to try U. But pay you on the nail. He started bU collection with some choice Pacific Isles In the scattered archipelago where the 0!o- wleldcr smiles. He picked up for a bagatelle that lone Guam' the chico. And rounded out that set of islss by getting Porto Rico. And now he's in the market for islands great and small. Or even bits of continents, he doesn't Oat at all. The boss ot San Domingo Called Uncle Sara the Grtnjfs, And now that land, by jinso. Is a half-protectorate. And then he has the promise Of the Danish Isle St. Thomas. Jut the thing to make a million aire's estate. But whon the Islands all are bought, from Eng land to Ceylon. The coHtlnen's will atlll remain, though smaller gam6 is gone. Alaska came by purchase, and if China dees the sume. It wlH be a ralr extension of the ialand-pur- chae game. So ail you fonslgji nations, join the scllfirs ie their crush. And 411 your homeo right early, if you would, avoid the rush. Kor Unelc Sam is dying To be buying-and a-buyinp. . And to have his Hag a-flvinji Over all the land there is; He Is out to buy anu buy land. Ue It continent or Island. Xo matter how the- market mij have ris. ".Memoirs of a Rat" and "The Auto biography of a Dog' arc two books thai have Just been published by the Mac millan Company. We may soon expect "Reminiscences of a Worm," "Rumina tions of a Cow." and "Travels of a Flea' "Among the many girts nc showered on his bride was an automobile." says a story in the Philadelphia Bulletin. Just think of being out in a shower of autbs. Love Is not always blind. A i?ort lander Is chasing a wife who has skipped with a cross-.yed man. There is a certain amount of humor In the notice pasted on the safe of the Albina Fuel Company, "Save your time; no money In this safe. " How disgusted the burglars must have seen when they discovered by Investigation tho truth of tho placard. But why not have a pane of glass In edch safe used in Portland? The robbers could then sat isfy themselves that there was no coin inside and tho owners would be saved the expense of repairs. The Hon. Something French Is now a private in the United States Army. If the fashion spreads, barrack-rooms will become something of a society resort, and the little sisters r the billionaires will be "walking out" with Private jtba . Earl of Entail and Trooper the MarquJs of Nodough. The regiments most af fected by the peers and heirs to peer ages will be represented In every en gagement. Five Admirals, after grave delibera tions upon the North Sea Incident, came be said upon both side." Some jocular dramatic critic recently announced that Frohman had decided' to dramatize one of Shakespeare's plays. The jest has a grain of truth in Its satire, for "The School for Scan dal" has been turned Into a musical affair called "Lady Teazle" and "She Stoops to Conquer" has been made over' into "The Two Roses," another musical thlngamajig. There Is no apparent reason why some of Shakepcare's plays should not be deftly worked Into musical comedies. Buffalo Bill's divorce casG pursues the laughing tenor ot Its way. A young wo man who figures prominently In Mrs. Cody's accusations 13 described by the bibulous scout as a lady press agent. HI3 enemies Insinuate, however, that most of the press work was done when Buffalo Bill had his arm around the agent's waist. An exchange says that the Swedish town of Hafanger Is about to Impose, a gradu ated tax upon all persons weighing more than 1C0 pounds. As if a fat man or a fat woman didn't have troubles cnoush al ready. A Kansas City paper refers to the pro posed oil refinery as the reflhatentiary, and says: "There la nothing absurd ia the proposition that the addition of a $10,000 building In which to board 16 6r 30 convicts to a $200,000 refinery, with a work ing capital of $200,000, makes the whole a. penitentiary." Rut this Is wrote sarcas tic. Chicago's Alimony Club certainly has an apt motto In "United wo stand; divided wc stand It better." After all. alimony; Is a fixed amount that cannot be In creased; but how different With house hold expenses. From the Kansas City Weekly Journal of February 16: K. H. When will the Lewis and Clark Ex position open, and what -will be the nature of the Exposition? A. I have not seen the date announced. It will be of the same general nature as the Chicago and St. Louis Expositions. An anti-gambling bill has been stolen from the Missouri Legislature. Appar ently Oregon hasn't, all the smooth ones. Interference by the Chief of Police pre vented a pleasant social affair tfiat had been planned In Olympia. It was to have been a fancy dress ball, pajamas being the fancy dress. Truly the life of the lcglrlator la dull and colorless; and the police tako It upon themselves to make things worse by preventing the quiet re laxations that mean so much to the over worked man. Portland has passed arf ordinance against ex pectorating In public places. She should have borrowed Seattle-'s; It doesn't appear to' h working. Seattle Argus. There is no need for alarm. Portland's ordinance joins Seattle's In the realm of. innocuous 'desuetude. Portland got a peep Into Spring's blua eyes yesterday. "WEXFORD JONES. I