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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1905)
28 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 26, 1905. rou BENT. .Room. FRONT ROOMS, Steam heat. Electric light. Porcelain baths. Excellent table. Good service. Reasonable rate. The Llndell." Market su. Bet 3.4 awl 4th. CLEAN. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. PRI vate home, large, airy, first-class, modern, phone, electric light, bath, best location. J3ast Side. Now Is the Uroe to get perma nently located: no raise on account or Fair; $8 per month; must be seen to be appreciated. 09 E. Oak. near Stfa. NEW LANGE HOTEL. European plan; electric lights and bells, steam heat and elevator; baths free to guest; rates 60c. 76c and $1 per day; special rates by the wee. Elegant cafe and bar In con nection. Corner Oth and Washington sts. Sam Banman. manager. F. Longe, prop. IN NEW MODERN. BEAUTIFUL HOUSE, very centrally located on West Side, some elegantly furnished room, suitable for gen tlemen, for man and wife, or unemployed lady wishing a comfortable home; a beauti ful room, with private bath. If desired. Ad dress N 37. Oregonlun. THE AUDITORIUM. 20S 3D ST.. BET. TAY lor and Salmon, one block south of Baker Theater Elegantly new furnished, steam heat, hot and cold running water In rooms; free bath; rooms with private baths; ele vator; rate. $8.50 per week and up; $1 day; tourists solicited. NEW BUILDING, JUST COMPLETED., everything first-class and up-to-date; furnace heat, phone and bath free; large parlor for use of guests, hot and cold running -water In each room; don't fall to see thin elegant home. 207 14th st. near Taylor. THE KNICKERBOCKER. NEW BRICK. 09i Sixth, two blocks from Washington street; elegant newly furnished ateam heated rooms, modern, rates $3 per week tip. $1 per day; transient and tourists so licited. TWO LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms in new private dwelling, close In on East Side, walking distance; electric lights, furnace heat, laundry, wood for cooking. Particulars. Phone East 1310. THE GARLAND. C21 "Washington, bet. 10th and 20th sts., a permanent new and modern apartment house; rooms single and en suite; rates reasonable; large, sunny rooms. ONE LARGE FURNISHED ROOM. 8UIT able for one or two gentlemen: one neatly furnished room for gentlemen: bath and use of phone; private family. 332 Taylor at. THE COSMOS. S. E. COR. 4TH AND MOR rlson; best down-town rooms In tho city; heat and sen-ice night and day: rates $3.30 per week and up, including hath; 1 day. 195 13TH ELEGANT FRONT UITE OR single rooms, first floor; modern: select loca tion; private family; central; board close; references exchanged. AN ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FRONT room, with alcove In best part of the city; suitable for a copule or two gentlemen. Ad dress D 44, Oregonian. iPLEASANT. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, with home comforts, good bath, phone, etc, new house, four block from Hotel Port land. 250b 6th. ONE NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM for two gentlemen, with heat and light; also two unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 105 N. 12th. ROOMS; NEW HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE, hot and cold water; private family; three blocks from World's Fair. 788 Roosevelt, cor. 24th. FOR GENTLEMEN 8 NEWLY FURNISHED room, desirable location: bath, gas, phone; two car lines. 20 E. 15th, cor. Ash. Phone East 31G0. LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR LADY. GENTLE man or couple, board If desired; 15 minutes' walk from business dlstrlot; reasonable. 204 Crosby. THREE NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent, from $1.50. 52 and $3 per week. Phone and bath. 318 2d st.. between Mill and Market. LARGE FRONT ALCOVE ROOM. RUNNING water, heat. bath. Phone Main 6596. 147 10th st., bet. Morrison and Alder. Call Monday. A VERY FINE LARGE ROOM FOR TWO business gentlemen; also one single: across from High School. Main sain. H wor rlson. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH STEAM HEAT, bath, telephone, newly furnished; reasonable rvnt; references exchanged. Telephone Main 4503. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM Must be seen to be appreciated; gentleman preferred. Call COO Couch, or phone Front 67 L 8004 MADISON. JUST BELOW 6TH LOVE- ly sleeping-room, couon, roiaing Dec. $1-; also fine little single room. $7; all modern. CLEAN AND NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. by the day, week or month; also one suite of housekeeping rooms. At xuft cross?. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ALCOVE. suitable for one or two persons; alao smaller rooms; use phone and bath. 7u .pane at. tTWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SUIT able for light housekeeping If desired. 670 Mill at. Must be seen to be appreciated. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS AND FIRST- clacs table board; rates reasonable. Ap ply 308 Tenth st.. Phone Main 4075. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM FOR gentleman In private family; desirable lo cation. 654 Tamhlll, cor. Chapman. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS; bath, phone and gas; a good car service; reasonable. 504 E. Pine East 28. EB0 7TH TWO GENTLEMEN, EXCEP tlonally fine sitting-room, heat, running water, bath; also single room. nlshed or unfurnished; furnace beat; all modern conveniences, vi k. xt in. CO LET ONE FURNISHED ROOM, "WITH gas and use of bath and phone. 23 E. eth North. East zsso. 188 PARK ST. ONE NICELY FURNISHED front parlor; central; rent reasonable; mod' em conveniences. tPARLOR FRONT ROOM. PRIVATE FAM ily, $2; aim small room, XL25 per week. 103 isortn loca su WELL-FURNISHED FRONT SUITE. SUIT- aoie xor J. or more gtnucmto; gas. Daw, phone. 831 14th. fcen TivTrtn5MAT,T. FtrRNiKOTn snnw upstairs; suitable for young men attending ecnooi; price o. B14 CLAY SMALL. NEATLY FURNISHED sleeping-room. 5 minutes' walk from old postofnee, o. FURNISHED ROOMS, SINGLE OR EN suite, new and modern, near Steel bridge. 310 Crosby st. 474 YAMHILL ST.. COR. 14TH LARGE. nicely furnished room, modern house; private house, no sign. WILLAMETTE, 144 6TH ST. CHEAP est rooms In city, from $2.60 up. Phone 8690 Main. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, with stoves, xa ana u per montn. s wa ter, cor. Clay. B13 YAMHILL FURNISHED ROOM IN private family; use of phone, bath; gen tlemen only. LARGE BEDROOM. SOUTHWEST CORNER 1st and Ah. Call between 2 and 3, or 8 and S P. M. 123 12TH. THE SHERMAN NICELY FUR nlshed rooms, by the day. week or month; bath, phone. FOR RENT NEATLY FURNISHED ROOOM. with bath, etc; private lamiiy; no cmiaren, 433 7th nt. BURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN suite; electric ngnt Dam. ana iree pnone. 432 Stark ft. PLEASANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board. In private family. 115 12th ft., near Washington. NICELT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. PHI vate family. 16S 17th St., near Morrison. Main 6370. 17 ONE LARGE FURNISHED ROOM: ALL of the modern conveniences 292 16th, near Jefferson. NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY ROOMS. .USE of telephone, gas. bath; private family. 174 N. 18th. 191 6TH SINGLE ROOM. ONE-HALF block from Portland Hotel; $2 per week; ref erences. NICELT FURNISHED ROOM. VERY CEN tral; reasonable to right party; bath, phone, 247 Cth. NICE ROOM IN NEW HOUSE. MODERN conveniences. 3U blocks from Hotel .Portland. 246 6th. FOB RENT. Booms. THE KINGSTON FURNISHED ROOMS. 1WH m. unjoining .Dancr iiicucr, i and up; steam heat; special attention given to traveling public Phone Hood 657. i ipnr vnn-T TJrvnvf TV t,7!ET HOUSE: every convenience; waiiung uiaa, -1 sonable. 403 4th et., cor. iiarnson. THE RUBY. 25 Hi ALDER. NEAR 3D ST. isew uric ouuaing. ivuim, wu furnished for gentlemen; transients. "WALKING DISTANCE. NEWLY FURN- isnea room, 8 monin. inciuaing ram, paoac, heat. 292 10th. near Jefferson. SMALL FRONT ROOM. NEATLY FUR- nished. In new house; good home ror ngnt person. 724 E. MadUon st. PLEASANT. SUNNY ROOM. WELL FUR- nlshed. mutable for one or two gentlemen, centrally located. 195 13th. FOR . RENT LARGE. LIGHT. CLEAN. well-furnished parlor suitable for two gentle men. 81 7th at., cor. Oak. THE ELM. 13TH AND WASHINGTON etjn: tourists; special rates. THE TEMPLE. 343& YAMHILL ST.. OPPO- site Hotel I'oraana ;siceiy xurmsaru rates reasonable; transient. 181 FIRST ST.. COR. YAMHILL. NICELY furnished rooms, suites and single, corner brick building; transient. NICELY FURNISHED STEAM-U BATED. central; $15 and $10 per montn. Ml) vasn Ington. flat B. Main 5894. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM and two side rooms, modern flat, rates rea sonable. 252 7th st. FOR RENT J70 CLAY ST.. NEATLY FUR- nlshed rooms; reasonable to parties era ployed; private family. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SUIT- able for two gentlemen or man ana wiie. 14 11th. cor. Burnslde. FURNISHED ROOMS: GAS, PHONE. bath, furnace heat; reasonable; gentlemen preferred. 221 10th st NICELY FURNISHED SUITE IN SELL1NG- Hlrech building, room for rent, furniture for sale. Inquire janitor. FURNISHED ROOM "WITH PRIVATE family; every convenience; close in. 25 6th st.. near Main. 120 10TH ST.. BET. "WASHINGTON AND Alder Furnished room, rem reasonauie; gentlemen preferred. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. $2.50 WEEK and up, in central pare city. i-- oin ju Phone Green 462. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM ONE OR two gentlemen; rent moderate; gas, pnone, bath. 254 12th st. LARGE. SUNNY FRONT PARLOR AND bedroom, grouna noor; Dam; eeparaieiy u desired. 200 Clay. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; NICE. quiet place for gentlemen; $2.50 week and up. 01 4th st. TWO NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS IN private family; nice locality; gentlemen oniy. Phone East 2405. 435 ALDER NI CELY FURNISHED FRONT rooms, bath and free pnone; suitame xor two. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT: gas, bath, phone. 355 Market at., cor. 1 in. Booms. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED rooms for rent. 80 Sellwood, cor. Delay st. Cheapest and beat-located rooms In Portland. $1 week up. unman, jst ana Aiaer sis. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT; oam, gas; 3- a ween, rirane -aiain tww. UNFURNISHED ROOMS SUITABLE FOR OF- flce or sleeping-rooms, zzift Morrison st. VERY PLEASANT FRONT ROOM; ALSO a $6 room; bath, phone, gas. 231 5th st. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. GOOD location; Dam ana pnone. mm ou LARGE LIGHT ROOMS, EN SUITE OR SIN- gle; modern conveniences. 434 xamhlll. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. $6 PER month; private and central. 333 3d st. FURNISHED ROOM. CHEAP; GOOD PLACE; two car lines. 600 Jonnson. Main raso. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ALL modern conveniences. 343 10th street. 255 11TH WELL-FURNISHED. SUNNY rooms, clean, comfortable West 761. A VERY PLEASANT SMAJUL FRONT ROOM neatly furnished. 1B0 W. Tark st. THE Y. M. C A. HAS A FREE- LIST OV furnished rooms In all parts of city. 290 COLUMBIA ST. FURNISHED ROOM. private family, batn. race 90. LIGHT. AIRY CLEAN ROOMS, RATES reasonable. 407 East Pine st. "WELL-FURNISHED ROOM. WITH ALCOVE. All conveniences, itso 14 in st. 41 ELLA ST. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. Bath, gas, phone; fine location. 810 TENTH ST. NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences. FOR RENT ONE NICE FURNISHED ROOM In private family. 580 3d st. NICE LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR RENT; good locality. 281 4th st. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 60H N. 9th et. Phone Main 6584. ONE UNFURNISHED ROOM AT 1274 1ST bu inquire on uuru jioor. ELEGANT FURNISHED FRONT ALCOVE suite. 809 Jefferson st. 294 10TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; oam, pnone ana .gas. FOR A NICE ROOM GO TO 389 3D ST. Phone West 093. FURNISHED SMALL ROOM AT 226 PARK; o oer montn. ONE OR TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 153 X. 18th st. NEWLY FURNISHED OUTSIDE ROOMS. 635 Flanders st . FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. AT 820 Tin ST. Booms With Board. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. first-class board, for six gentlemen, or three couples; modern conveniences. Address J 31, Oregonian. THE MAN1TOU. 281 38TH TWO LARGE handsomely furnished rooms, steam heat. abundant hot water, excellent table. Phone Main 1203. WANTED LADY EMPLOYED THROUGH day to room and hoard: family privileges: references required; very central. M 45, Oregonian. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT; GAS, bath, electric lights; with or without board. SOS E. Crosby St., two blocks north of Steel bridge. THE GLENDORA Elegant, new residence ho tel; tame me best; rates moderate; pecsai rates 10 lamiues. jam. near Washington st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, BATH aajoming. private tamiiy; board if desired gentlemen. 35 N. 18th, near "Washington. HOTEL BROWN. 271Vi GRAND AVENUE Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; elevator: ouuora-room; iransienis; do in car lines. DOUBLE PARLORS. SINGLE OR EN suite, with or without board; ladies em ployed by the day preferred. 883 5th. NICE CLEAN ROOM, SECOND FLOOR, good home cooking: modern conveniences. 621 Marshall. Phone Main 4116. 394 COLUMBIA FINE PRIVATE BOARD single room or suite; modem; terms reason- ante; central, lain LARGE FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE tamiiy, wim or witnoui board ; finely lo cated. Phone East 2814. THE HARTMAN. 426 ALDER FRONT PAR lor suitable for three gentlemen; price rea sonable; home cooking. PAYING GUESTS RECEIVED. PRIVATE modern home; table first-class; references 120 18th. cor Gllsan. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLE znen. with board; gas. bath, phone; private xamny. oti a si. ROOMS. EN SUITE OR SINGLE; TABLE ana service urst-ciass; moaern conveniences. Waldorf. 14. 13th. NICE CLEAN ROOM AND BREAKFAST . private family: bath and phone. 634 Bel roont. Eart ziss. NICE. PLEASANT ROOMP. WITH BOARD; cuatnii lurasce ncau 04 xask i'lae. FOB SENT. Room With Board. FRONT ROOMS, Steam heat. . Electric light. Porcelain baths. Excellent table. Good service. Reasonable rates. "The Llndell." Market st.. Bet. 3d and 4th. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY Ho tel, 165-167 10th at., cor. Morrison; there are a few vacancies, fine rooms, nicely fur nished, steam heat throughout the house, porcelain bath, plenty of hot water, hand some dining-room, table and service first class. PLEASANT ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO GEN tlemen In private family; new house and modern conveniences, walking distance and on two car lines; would give breakfast If wanted; references. Phone East 2026. THE LINDBLL NEW FAMILY HOTEL, Market at., bet. 3d and 4th; eteam heat, elec tric light, porcelain baths; elegant outside rooms, with first-class board two people, $45, $50 and $55 month. Main 5561. PORTLAND "WOMEN'S UNION 16TH YEAR: rooms with board; use of sewing-room; use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. Anabel Russell, superintendent. 610 Flanders. ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO GENTLEMEN in first-class home, best part of the city; a good musician will be given special rates. Address T 45. Oregonian. Phone Main 4060. 2S& N. 16TH. NEAR "WASHINGTON LARGE, comfortable front rooms with board, for two young men; modern flat, all conveniences; five minutes' walk to the Fostofilcc ROOM. AND BOARD NICELY FURNISHED room, with board for lady or gentleman; gas. bath, phone, heat; rates reasonable. 055 Washington. "The Ella." TWO NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. GAS. bath and phone; good home cooking: no raise during Fair; close In. Phone Main' 6785. 443 W. Park. ROOMS. EN SUITE OR SINGLE. MODERN conveniences, with board. 631 Flanders st. Phone Main 2312. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board; good home cooking; reasonable; cen tral. 221 13th st. GOOD TABLE BOARD. STRICTLY HOME cooKing, Dy tne weeK, s) C Sin su -N. Phone East 722. PLEASANT ROOM WITH BOARD FOR ONE or two young men; bath and phone; $22. 215 13th st. BLAKELY HALL. 270 OTH ST. PLEASANT rooms witn nrst-ciass board; modern house; fine location. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR FOR two: $60; with first-class board. The Ella, G55 Washington. G01 EAST MORRISON $4.50 PER WEEK. room wim Doara. neat. ngnt. bath. Phone Union 4536. TWO "WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rem. wiui or wunout Doara. coil -ZZ v. Park. LARGE. BRIGHT ROOM; FINE VIEW: witn Doara. 27& 2i'd st. North. Phone Main 1001. FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD. 502 uiay. near 10th, $5 per week. Phone Main 5099. 616 MORRISON DESIRABLE. LAROn room, 2 or 3 people; board. Phone Main 4314. '6 W. PARK ST. DOUBLE AND SINGLE rooms; free phone, bath and home cooking. FOR, RENT THREE NICELY FURNISHED rooms, with or vlltinnt Iwianl IV PimthM ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAM- lly. Inquire 189 10th St., near Taylor. THE OZARK. 225 11TU ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board, hot and cold ttater. 383 ALDER ST. LARGE FRONT ROOMS, wiui or wunout ooara; an conveniences. LARGE FRONT ROOM: ALSO SINGLE room, witn board. 395 Morrlson-lOth. FURNISHED ROOMS. GOOD BOARD. BATH. pnone. t .n. mn st. Alain 4S69. BOARD. WITH OR "WITHOUT ROOMS. N. ki si., or x-none Alain 10.W. Flats. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED FLAT, grouna noor; aiso upstairs rooms for house keeping; all modern conveniences. 873 E. Couch. Ankeny car line. FOR RENT AT TENNYSON COIinV. finest furnished fiat In the city: also single rooms, jrnone jaain sill. 470 Taylor st. FOR RENT AT TENNYSON COURT. FINEST lurnisnea nat in city; also single rooms. I'none aiain 2111. 470 Taylor st. NEW CORNER FLAT. UNFURJJTSHEn mncuy moaern, nrsi noor, wim snaaea; very cenirai. inquire nx em st. NEW. 6-ROOM FLAT. $35; YARD WITH roses; reierences requirea. inquire 367 16th, near Montgomery. TWO NICELY FURNISHED FLATS. 6 AND o rooms, respectively; conveniently arranged 335 Market. MODERN 6-ROOM LOWER FLAT. CEN- i racxni reDruary ; rent $30. l'hone FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM CORNER nat. $35 per month; good location. J 45, Oregonian. MODERN 4-ROOM FLAT. YARD AND BASE- urcui, fiu. it iiooney avc, cor. xmamooK. 113 N. 1STH ST. ALL OR PART OF A weu-tumisnea nat; moaern; reasonable. Housekeeping Booms. THE ONEONTA, 1ST 17TH ST.. NEAR YAM hill New house, elejtantlv furnished anrt. ments. In suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; hat nnri cold water: gas range In each kitchen; steam neat ana oains; iree pnone on each floor. NICE BEDROOM, "WITH ALCOVE KITCH- en; gas range, sink, etc; suitable for one or two ladles employed during day; home surroundings; close in. 426 11th South. THREE NEWLY PAPERED UNFURNISHED iuuiub, pantry ana sinic; iu per montn; also luniiaucu rooms, complete ior nouzexeep lng, $10 per month. 161 12th at. North. TT A VnHVPT.T PI'DVIOIIfn trnitcrtrwon Ing rooms, electric lights, bath, phone and eu, iu jju, uor iur urcssmaxer or omer uusiuBs. r rum wa. na juaer. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms In nicest brick block on .bast biae; gas ranges, bath, etc Logan blk.. jusft union ave. .rnone union 2253. $16 FOR 4 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms with bath at 560 E. Morrison st.; nicely lurnisnea front room cheap at 54 OH Williams ave; private family. YOUNG LADY WISHES YOUNG LADY OR married couple to share expeses of three furnished housekeeping rooms; good loca tlon. N 45, Oregonian. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSBKEEP lng rooms; gas. bath, phone, private family; fine location; $16 month. Phone Main 3969. 101 K. oatn. FOR RENT THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping, newly tinted, modern nouse; no children. 380 E. Market, cor. urana ave. THREE ROOMS AND ALCOVEl HOUSE- keeping; reasonable; every convenience. 407 Stark, block from Washington near 10th. FRONT ROOM. LOWER FLOOR, FUR nlshed for housekeeping, for rent to quiet couple witnout cmiaren. 111 2. 8th st. THREE OR FOUR UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; bath, gas, telephone; new nouse; cneap to aauits. oir; iast .fine. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms; also single rooms; ccnvenl ent; reasonable rent. 302 4th st. 187 CHAPMAN NEAR YAMHILL-4 UNFUR nlshed or partly furnished housekeeping rooms, running water, oatn, central. 4 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, first floor, kitchen, hot and cold water, gas, bam, pnone. aiain ;u la st. FOR RENT THREE UNFURNISHED OR partly furnished housekeeping rooms; clean, niceiy locatea; reasonable. 433 tn. SUITE OF TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSD keeplng rooms, with gas stove furnished, only $Lo per week, ssz E. xamhlll st. 645 WASHINGTON ST. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, well furnished; light, convenient; no cmiaren; Dam, pnone; DriCK diock. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES rrom -io a monin up; modern conveniences. The Columbia, xzi Lownsdale st. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms; gas, bath and phone. $20; large front room, alcove, $10. 294 nth. 240i feTH ST. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing rooms. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEP- ing. zsijfc Morrison st. TOB RENT. HoasekecBlBC Room. 347 HALL VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS. completely furnished for housekeeping; every convenience; pleasant location; reasonable rent. WANTED REFINED MARRIED COUPLE to share 5 housekeeping -rooms, nicely fur nished; piano, bath. 401 Market. HEILER. 280 M GRAND AVE. FUR- nished housekeeping suites; also sleeping rooms, by day, week or month. 3 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. East Side car lines, convenient, with or -without barn. Phone Scott 116. ALCOVE SUITE WITH SEPARATE K1TCH- en, completely furnished for housekeeping; walking distance. 533 Yamhill. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; bath, phone, piano, aewlng machine, yard. 411 Main. Call Wednesday. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS with pantry. 'Ink and basement, lower noor; use of phone, bath. 70 Park st. 413 MAIN, COR. 11TH NICELY FURN- lihed room complete for housekeeping; gas and telephone; no children. THE ELM. 13TH AND WASHINGTON Pleasant front rooms, furnished for nouse keeping; gas, bath, phone. NICE FURNISHED FRONT t HOUSEKEEP- Ing suite, rent reasonable; also one room ror housekeeping 440 5th et. TWO OR THREE LARGE FRONT HOUSE- keeplng rooms, furnished; private ramny; $12.50; bath. 648 Mill st ONE LARGE ROOM, FURNISHED FOR housekeeping; suitable ror man ana wiie or two ladles. 269 Hall st. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS AND HOUSE- keeping rooms; exenange ior ooara. 11 ae sired. 552 Yamhill st. 308 13TH. BET. COLUMBIA AND CLAY Cozy housekeeping suite; gas. bath ana phone; rent reasonable. 435 MAIN ST.. COR. 12TH HOUSEKEEPING room, furnished, modern conveniences, cen tral location; reasonable. 380 6TH ST. WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE- keeplng apartments: light front rooms; a large basement rooms. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS FOR light housekeeping; bath, phone and furnace heat. 827 W. Park. FOR RENT THREE FURNISHED HOUSE- keeplng rooms: cheap. At tli Kcroy st. Phone Union 6511. TWO LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; gas, heat; rent reasonable. 185 r. 16th, cor. Kearney. 465 ALDER ST. TWO FRONT ROOMS AND alcove, housekeeping; electric lights. Dam, sink, phone; central. THE TEMPLETON. 20GH 1ST CONNECTING front housekeeping and single room, bam: transient solicited. HOUSESKEEPING SUITE. FRONT ROOMS; large and bright, bath and pnone. zdJ om St.. cor. Madison. TWO OR MORE ROOMS IN BEAUTIFUL suburban home. reasonable rent; adults only. R 43. Oregonian. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. single or en suite. 146s Front, bet. Mor rison and Alder. TWO AND THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for rent: hot and cold water; use or Dam. 201 N. 16th st. CALL AND SEE THE SUITE OF FUR- nlsbed housekeeping rooms; also single rooms at 851 Taylor. THREE PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS. NICE- ly furnlrhed for housekeeping; gas or wood Btove. S20 4th. 241 CTH ST. HOUSEKEEPING AND SINGLE rooms, three blocks from the Portland Hotel; phone, bath. TWO PLEASANT FURNISHED HOUSE- keeplng rooms; water an sink in kitchen. 67 N. 9tb. HELLO! SUITE OF ROOMS. 2 OR 3. MOD- ern, gooa location; rewonaoia. ou, cor ner namion. FOUR OR SEVEN NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms wim bam ana garaen 109 Porter et. TWO ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR HOUSE- keeplng; gas, sink, pbone. sh Montgomery st., cor. 3d. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKBEP- Ing rooms, with un of Dam ana pnone. iss w. Park sc. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, neat and convenient; close in. 64 E. 9th S. - . 3-ROOM SUITE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP IngTooms. New Grant. 2d and Grant, rnone Front 1006. A SUITE OF NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSB- kceplng rooms, ground floor, close In. -M9 Jefferson st. 8 COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOUBEKEEP- ing rooms witn ciosei. Dam. gas; ciean .406 4th st. FOR RENT THREE UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms: central. 4Z7 Stark st.. near 11th. TWO NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms; gas. range, furnace heat. 213 X, Grand ave. $12-3 COM P LET BLR FURNISHED -HOUSE- keeping rooms in private ramuy. 411 Ever ett street. 402 4TH FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, quiet, respectable location; references exchanged. 2 OR 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $16 per month; no children. 528 Market st. TWO CLEAN. SUNNY FRONT ROOMS. FUR- nlshed for housekeeping, gas and phone. 4Ji Main st. FURNISHED OR HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. modern, central, gas, bath, phone. HJJj 11th st. TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED OR partly furnished rooms for housekeeping. 348 Clay st. TWO OR THREE NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; very convenient. 269 Hall st. 2 OR 3 FRONT UNFURNISHED ROOMS, with gas, in -nice residence; reasonable. 692 Second. 655 MORRISON-TWO FURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping; also one room; gas. bath, phone. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suites, $2.60 week; cloee In. 86 10th. near Stark. FOR RENT FURNISHED BOOMS FOR housekeeping In the suburbs. Phone Scott 4543. TWO FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms; rent reasonable. East 1727. WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madison House keeping rooms; transient; bath, electric light. DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. ONE block from the Portland. Inquire 190 Park. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, with phone. 166 N. 10th st. 435 ALDER UNFURNISHED BASEMENT; gas plate, water In kitchen; central location. CHEAPEST FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suites, single rooms, board; close In. 86 10th. 384 EL 7TH ST.-TWO OR THREE UNFUR nlshed rooms, sink In kitchen; reasonable. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms. $10 up. Phone Main 4032. COMPLETELY AND NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 227 Montgomery st. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSESKEEPING rooms for rent. At 103 North 14th st. FOR RENT 3 COMPLETEEY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; central. 309 7th et. 2 FRONT ROOMS, FURNISHED FOR housekeeping. 264 Jefferson, cor. 3d. 4S5 ALDER ST.-ONE OR TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, very convenient. ?. ROOMS. PRIVATE FAMILY; BATH AND piano; $8. 595 Jefferson, cor. Stout. THRED UNFURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE keeplng rooms. 307 Sheridan st. 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEP Ing. Apply 243 Ash U room S. FRONT ROOM. LOWER FLOOR. WITH USE of kitchen; $10. JW Market. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, $10 AND $12. 224 14th sL, near Salmon st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 503 East Everett.-' Phone, bath. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS.; no children. 40S Couch st. FOB BENT. Housekeeping Reams. SUITE OF TWO NICELT FURNISHED housekeeping rooms In modem flat. 3 blocks from Portland Hotel. 246 7th. Phone -Black 862. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Inquire 71H N. 6th. TWO LARGE LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 203 stark st. Bosses. MONDAT MORNING COME DIRECT TO US. v e may have Just the house you are looking for, and we charge you nothing for tho In formation. Following is a partial list: EAST SIDE. 3 room, bath. N. Grand ave. $12.50 5 rooms, Siskiyou st 12.60 5 rooms, bath. Falling at : 15.00 6 rooms. E. Hoyt st 15.00 5 rooms, modern. Joy at 15.00 6 rooms, bath. E. 20th at t 15.00 8 rooms, bath. E. Harrison st 16.00 6 rooms, modern. E. Grant at 16.60 6 rooms, bath. E. Oth 18.00 !-) 6 rooms, modern. Grand ave. South. 22.60 0 rooms, bath, Weldler st 23.50 12) 5 rooms, modern. Grand ave. North. 25.00 6 rooms, modern. "Williams ave 25.00 8 rooms, modern. E. 23d st 30.00 T rooms, modern. E. 17th st 30.00 6 rooms, modern, Victoria 27.50 5 rooms, modern, Holladay ave 30.00 8 rooms, modern, Williams ave 35.00 14 rooms, bath. Alblna 55.00 "WEST SIDE. , 5 rooms, Northrop st 15.00 6 rooms, bath. Meade 15.00 4 rooms. N. 12th st 18.00 A rooms, modern. Sherman st 25.00 5 rooms, bath. Clay st 1 20.00 7 rooms, bath. 7th st 25.00 6 rooms, modern. Mill st...-. 35.00 10 rooms, modern. Harrison st 50.00 90 rooms, modern. 27th st 90 rooms, rooming-house. Fair grounds en trance. Come early. We cannot answer Inquiries over the phone. H. E. EDWARDS. 185-191 1st St. PARTIAL HOUSE LIST 604 N. 2C'i at... 1 6 rooms $10.00 289 N. 15th st 5 " 15.00 603 E. Grant st 6 " 16.50 672 1st st 6 " 20.00 360 Ivy at., new 8 " 20.00 345 Morris at 6 " 20.00 070 Hancock furnished.. 6 " ...... 20.00 955 Patton ave 10 " 25.00 349 Harrison st 10 " 50.00 410 12th st 7 " 28.00 WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO., 22 Stark St. RENT A HOUSE FROM US $30 per month Excellent 9-room residence. Front and Caruthers. $15 per month Very nice modern 7-room cottage. 186 E. 37th; fine lot, choice fruit, high and sightly place. $10 per month Beautiful new 6-room cot tage, modern conveniences: 226 Wabash st. $5 per montli (-room cottage partly fur nished. West avenue. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO., 149 First Street. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! 90 room house, opposite main entrance to Ex position: facilities to utilize space for 90 beds more; electric lighted, baths, etc: rooms well put together. In conjunction a large dining-room on lower floor can be ob tained. We have the largest list of unten anted dwelling house In the city. H. E. Edwards. 185-191 1st st. DURING THESE NICE DAYS "WE ARE renting a good many nice houses in the city. If you are wanting to rent a house, don't fall to see I. Gevurtz & Sons, rental agents. He will locate you right. We are not connected with the phone. 173 1st st. corner Yamhill. . "WHY DO YOU RUN AROUND TRYING TO get a house when I. Gevurtz & Sons, rental agents, have every available house In the city. Call on him and get settled before all the good houses are gone. Don't call us up. Store Is at 1st and YamhllL FOR RENT TO RESPONSIBLE PARTI", with small family, 6-room, two-story house large basement, furnace, gas, etc, beautiful harbor view, one block from rlvsr and 60 feet from L car. 225 Broadway. "WILL SELL CHEAP 6-ROOM COTTAGE, centrally located. In Newberg, Or.; $2W cash, balance easy payments.' Addrefs box 93. Lents. Or. $0 5-ROOM FLAT. COR. FARGO AND Rodney ave., partly furnished; snap. Pow ers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. $85 12-ROOM RESIDENCE, 5 MINUTES' walk, from 6th and 'Washington sts. Pow ers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST., Rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. $125 IT ROOMS. CLOSE IN, FINE Lo cation for rooming-house, modern. Powers Furniture Co.. 1st and Taylor. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano and furniture movers. Phom Main 1685. Office. 110 N. 3d st. 4-ROOM COTTAGE, $12; ALSO 5-ROOM flat. new. $22.60. Hatfield & Smith, 165 4lh st. Phone Clay 877. HOUSE 7 ROOMS 8 BLOCKS FROM EAST end of steel bridge; large lot. 387 Wheeler st. Phone Union 5390. FOR ONE MONTH; 6-ROOM COTTAGE, with bath: cor. East 14th and Ankeny. Call 7 East 14th st. North. 16-ROOM HOUSE. GOOD LOCATION. CHEAP rent, on ex. Duuaing. -appiy at 1. uevuriz & sons, jsi ana lamniu. FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE. WITH BATH. at 6th and San Rafael. Apply 421 Hancock st., or Phone East 1819. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSE, 4 LARGE rooms; bath, gas and phone. 759 Williams ave. East 2906. FOR BENT SMALL HOUSE, 4 LOTS, chicken-house and cow. Inquire 718 Brook lyn, cor. E. 21st. 64 ROOMS. VERY CENTRALLY LOCAT ed; fine building. Powers Furniture Co.. 1st and Taylor. FOR RENT 5-ROOM FLAT ON GRAND AVE. Just completed. $25. Inquire D. Marx. 212 Ablngton biog. FOR RENT AN 8-ROOM HOU3B. THE RES- Idenoe of C. C smun. juo i-tn st., cor, Harrison st. vnnpnv ir.Ttooxr HOrSR. 1R X. 10TH. John Klosterman, Failing bldg., 3d and HOUSE ON 3D, NEAR HALL-r" LARGE rooms; references required. Apply 449 3d sr., lorenoocr. class condition, on East 9th st. Telephone MODERN EIX-ROOM CORNER HOUSE; close In: $25; East Side, Osborn Hotel. Phone East 376. 4-ROOM HOUSE. UPPER ALBINA; $11. TO desirable tenant. Beattle & Hermann, 109 otn st. TO RENT FIVE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. furnished. Flanders & Leet. 263 Kua sell st.' FOR RENT 5-ROOM HOUSE; CLOSETS AND bath; clean and good location. 526 Clay st. FOR RENT NEW. MODERN 6-ROOM house. 17th and E. Stark. Inquire 87 E. 17tn. FOR RENT i-ROOM COTTAGE AT MT. Tabor to small family. Phone Union 1942. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. GOOD ORDER. E. SIDE. $14. F. W. Torgler. 106 Sherlock, bldg. 7-ROOM COTTAGE. BEE OWNER ON PREM lses, 645 E. Oak St.. or Phone Scott 4112. 400 WILLIAMS AVE. COR. HANCOCK, 6 rooms. $10. C. Bircner. commercial dik. 16-ROOM UNFURNISHED FLAT ON 1ST ST., near Main, can zza1 aiornson st. FOR RENT MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, close in. can 3iQ e. .uarxet st. FOR RENT COTTAGE OF 7 ROOMS. 471 1 in st. inquire juimuii bi. HOUSE FOR RENT. CHOICE YARD. RENT cheap. Phone Front .. 6-ROOM COTTTAGE. 865 EAST 11TH 8T.; $12. Phone Bast eio. MODERN 4-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT. Inquire 347 Clay st. 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 943 BELMONT street. 7-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT. 269 HAS- ealo. Famished HoHirs. 3-ROOM COTTAGE. PANTRY AND CLOS- ets; completely furnished. 901 E. 8th st N. Phone union o4. can uunaay; $ 10.50. FOR RENT COMPLETELY FURNISHED 5-room cottage: strictly moaern; steel range; gas stove. 447 E. Davis st. between 7 and 8, X25 FURNISHED HOUSE FOR 6 MONTHS all modern conveniences, close In. East Side must be responsible parties; J 43. .Oregonian. FOR RENT COMPLETELY FURNI8HED 6-room cottage, strictly modern, steel range. gas stove. 447 E. Davis st, bet. 7 and 5. irnn -r c- vT tmrwt nr A t fvr t x -trim nlshed house' of 8 rooms. 718 Brooklyn , cor .-J.11. riwae umui;v iuos. FOB BENT. Furnished Houses. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. 6 ROOMS; basement, furnace, bath; well iurnismeo. yard 100x200; bearing fruit; large collection of choice roses. Inquire 601 McKay bldg. FURNISHED 6-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. nice yard, reasonable to small family; oest references. K 42. Oregonian. NICELY FURNISHED 6-ROOM HOUSE, best location. East Side. Inquire A. R. Clement, care Tull Sc. Glbbs. 18-ROOM HOUSE. FULLY FURNISHED; .k.l.. .1 03 . Cinvk Hat field & Smith, 1654th st. FIVE-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE. MOD- ern; three blocks from postofflce. Star In vestment Co.. 4 6th st. 5-ROOM COTTAGES. FURNISHED. GOOD location, and Clean; $U. Jiatneiu smun, 165 4 th St., room 22. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE COMPLETE LY furnished for housekeeping, cor. 12th and Harrluon; rent $35. "WELL-FURNISHED 5-ROOM HOUSE. PIA- no. bath, close in, to family adults. 429 E. Yamhill. FOR RENT PARTLY FURNISHED COT- tage. 187 East 32d st, between Yamhill and Taylor. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE UNTIL JUNE 1. small family; $20. After 2 P. M.. "SO Wil liams ave. Houses for Bent Furniture for Sale. FURNITURE 12-ROOM HOUSE. SUITABLE ior one ramny or roomers, or win- sen eacn floor separate as flats; every convenience, cheap for cash. 308 College; phone Front 6S4; no agents. HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR sale, newly furnished, 7-room house, all modern conveniences; reasonable rent; good neighborhood; on car line. 289 Grant st. IS WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS LIGHT housekeeping and single rooms; fine location. For particulars call or address New York Grocery, cor. ltlb and Momon. NEW. MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE. WITH basement; short distance from Fair grounds. 292 N. 20th st; $20. Portland Trust Co.. 109 3d at. FOR SALE MODERN 11-ROOM HOUSE; block from Washington; rooms full: low rent, lease; sell cheap this week. Telephone owner. Main 3010. 14 ROOMS. GOOD FURNITURE. FINE lease, two blocks from the Hotel Port land; houso full: strictly no agents. Owner, 167 "W. Park. FOR $400 FINE NEW FURNITURE OF 5 rooms in new. modern nouse. good location, walking distance: rent $30. 2-tS'i Stark st. FOR SALE THE NEW FURNITURE 11 rooms, fine location; owing to business In terests must sell. 41 Ella. Call at once. FURNITURE FOR SALE OF fl-ROOM NICE- ly furnished cottage, reasonable rent. Can today, 331 3d. bet. Clay and Market. 4-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT; FURNI- ture for sale; been In use 3 montns. inquire 324 Wheeler st. Upper Alblna. FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE cheap If sold at once; houses for rent. Ad dress M 42. care Oregonian. " HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR sale. 0-room house; rent $:; xurniture rea sonable. P 42, Oregonian. 9-ROOM HOUSE. COMPLETELY FURNISHED In suites for light housekeeping; best loca tion. Phone Main 4632. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 434 Harrison; reasonable; going away; cneap rent Phone Main 6453. NEW 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE FOR rent and new furniture for sale; $350. Ad dress G 31, Oregonian. JUST CALL UP MAIN 5655. WE GIVE THE highest price for any kind of furniture and pay spot cash. FURNITURE 6 ROOMS. SUITABLE TWO families, nearly new, house for rent. 44 L Tin North. FURNITURE OF S-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale cheap; rent $36. 3i5 11th. Phone Main 4045. FURNISHED TRANSIENT FLAT OF 9 rooms, heart of city; rent Just right Phone Main 5600. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM cottage for sale and cottage for rent, 347 Burnslde. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF SIX-ROOM house, good condition, bargain. 329 Lar rabee. r-urwr unron Trn t?fitt- KWArK5. stoves xor sae; vtest aiue. j ti, ui esu- PARTLY FURNISHED FIVE-ROOM FLAT: modern; cheap rent; nig bargain. 400 Tam hlll. FOR RENT 5-ROOM HOUSE. FURNI- ture for sale; no children. 185 E. Oth st. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 5 ROOMS; price $175; close In. 205 Stark st, upotalrs. FOR SALE-UP-TO-DATE R-ROOM FLAT completely rurnisnea. 1 4. urcgoman. 6-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT. FURNITURE for sale, modern. 132 N. 14th st. FOR SALE FURNISHED 9-ROOM HOUSE. new and swell. 836 Flanders su FOR SALE FURNISHED "FLAT OF 5 rooms. X 44. Oregonian. Stores. TO LEASE FOR ONE YEAR OR MORE; storeroom on 3d st., Z5xiuo, suitable ror show business. Address V 39, Oregonian. TOacmnr FRAME BUILDING. 17TH AND Savler. corner, zoxoo. newly painted and pa pered, long lease: ii rooms, upstairs, witn gas for neating ana ngnting. &. uunascnun. 1855 Union ave. North. STORE BUILDING. WITH TWO LIVING- rooms In rear: good location. 335 union ave. corner Broadway; $17.60. Portland Trust Co.. 109 3d. FOR RENT STORE. 25x180 FEET, NO. 146 Front st, bet. Morrison and Alder. Apply to aim A. naiawin. 00 11a su STOREROOM IN BUSINESS CENTER. ON best street In city; rent reasonable to right parties. A 40, Oregonian. 3 STORES FOR RENT ONE FINE LOCA- tlon for drugstore. Apply 310 Mohawk bldg, Offices. PART OFFICE AND DESKROOM FOR RENT tile .man of good recommendation, half of a large-size office; light heat and Janitor services inciuucu. -Ayyi? iuuui un, uwuner da! blk. Offices and newly furnished lodge halls, Allaky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. Winter and Summer Resorts. HOTEL MOORE. CDATSOP BEACH. SEA side, will be open during Fall and Winter. PERSONAL. MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD cromatlv to our painless method of treatment; we treat diseases of women only; consultation free; privata and strictly confidential. X Ra dium institute. 3a ana -Morrison. AiisKy Diag. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 A montn aecps jruux vjuiiiiuK mhcu uiu pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed up. XTiUXli J i. calm auu uciitciiw. uiuiuc laiiui' Ing Co.. 347 "Washington, opp. Cordraya. YOUNG WIDOW, AGE 28. WITH $10,000; lady, iit, uu.wvi usuj, -u, fiu,wvi uiusar, 1Q mrA HAtit!flll farm 1 im!t knnAp. able husbands for these. Confidential. Ad dress Airs. w.. out -ruuon su, cnicaso, 111. RE TOUR OWN DOCTOR AND CURE RHEU matlsm with Bark Tonic It cures in 10 days; 76c a bottle at all drugstores. J. A. Clemenson, druggist cor. 2d and Yamhill sts.. Portland, or., wnoieaaie agent -rm-r tit tv r.nAn.i nninvr. r-irvpa good characters, ages 28 and 29. desire to meet laaies neiwtcn jo inu o yenm vi age". matrimonial. E 38. Oregonian. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erta' Nerve Globules. One month's treat ment $2; 3 months'. $5. Sent securely sealed by mail. Agents. Woodard. Clarke & Co.. Portland, or. MARRY WEALTH AND BEAUTY; MAR rlage directory free; pay when married; entirely new plan: send no money. Ad dress H. A. Horton. Dept. 81, Tekonsha, Jiicn. WAXTED TO CORRESPOND WITH GEN. tleman of moderate means or profession, light complexion, stout. Jolly, between 35 and 40 years; object matrimony. -o. oregonian. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 434 Alder st Phone Mala 4S32. PERSONAL. GREAT SPECIALIST COMING W. AUGUS- tcs Pratt B. S. M. D.. the world-famous American Face Specialist of New York and Chicago, will positively remedy all defects of feature, every wrinkle and all facial blem ishes by his celebrated Immediate process., for one week In Portland, commencing Febru ary 20. at suites 61. 52. 63. Seiling-Hlrsch building. Washington, bet Went Park and 10th sts.. where engagements can now be made. Phono Main 706. POULTRY" IS A BEAUTIFULLY" PRINT ed and magnificently Illustrated magazine for all poultrymen; size of Ladles' Home Journal; 60 cents a j-car; 5 cents a copy: February number contains full-page Illus trations of Thomas W. Lawson's country home. No lover of good poultry can af ford to miss a single number. Poultry Publishing CO-., box E, Freeport, 111. DON'T GET LONESOME. JOIN THE 1N- terstate Introducing Society and meet or correspond with reputable residents of Oregon and Washington who wish to marry. Many wealthy members, both sexes, recently en rolled, seek poor but kind, affectionate life companions. The "Matrimonial Register." price 10c. contains descriptions and full par ticulars. Box 1079. Portland. AZA HOLMES-RIBBECKB. GRADUATE" dermatologist; scientific, featural. correciion l9t. beautlfier and restorer of youthfulness, may be consulted dally free; every affliction, of the human face and scalp succefully treated; mature wrinkles, scars, blemishes, etc., removed. Sanitarium and school of der matology In connection. Parlors o64 Morri son, telephone Hood 282. REMOVAL NOTICE MADAME VAUGHN. only graduate dermatologist in Northwest, permanently removes birthmarks, plttlngs. wrinkles, saggings, scars, eczema, pimples, moles, freckles and all blemishes. Derma tology taught for professional purposes. Re moved to suites 51. 52 and 53. Selllng-Hlrsch bldg.. Washington at. bet W. Park and 10th. Phone Main 706. IT HAS BEEN MY GOOD FORTUNE TO learn of a simple homo treatment that ef fectively removes all taste for strong drink. I have personally seen it b-ed successfully In so many caws that I want every woman to know about it. Write to me today and I will tell you what It is. Address Mrs. H. A. Cousins. 207 6th st. Portland. Or. Phone Main 6255. THE CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS. COR. otn ana wasnington sts.. opp. Perkins Hotel. Full set teeth, pink gums 5.0i 22-K gold crowns 3.00 Fillings 5o "We give a 10-year guarantee. Before you have your teeth made, get our prices. PROFESSIONAL NURSE. SWEDISH. HEL- singrors graauate. She positively cures rheumatism and nervous disorders by hand rubbing; consultation free; both sexes; hand some private home for confinement patients; baths. 7 East 11th st. 2 doors from East Ankeny car line. Phone East 260. 7 WOMEN WANTED SUFFERING FROM irregular, painful or stoppages, leucorrhea (white) and all diseases of women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Kessler. 230i Yam hill st, Portland. Or. Private waiting-room for ladies. Consultation free. Call or write. Inclose 10 2-cent stamps. BUSINESS MAN. MIDDLE AGE. TALL ana handsome, worth $40,000, magnificent home, desires at once true, affectionate wife; maiden lady or widow; no objection to widow with children: money no object. Address Bel Monte. 60S, 14 State st, Chi cago. HANDSOME. INTELLIGENT YOUNG WID OW, no children, $30,000 in her own name, will marry Immediately and will furnish husband with capital to start business; no objection to honorable poor man. Address Mrs. Belmont, 500 Hampden bldg., Chicago. DISEASES OF MEN, GONORRHEA. GLEET. SYPHILIS. BLOTCHES. OLD SORES. NIGHT EMIS SIONS. VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE and all affections of private organs permanent ly cured. Dr. Walker. 181 1st at MEN ADDICTED TO HABITS WHICH DE- stroy manhood: Send for my free treatise of home cure, showing how to cure weakness peculiar to men, varicocele, etc Sent sealed In plain envelope. A. M. Todd, 408 16th st. Denver, Colo. VIM. VIGOR. VITALITY DU PONT ET Cie's Kola Tablets. Nature s great tonic for either sex. 25c box by mall. Albert Bernl, 2d and Washington, agent, Portland, Or. LADIES, ATTENTION! ORIGINAL FRENCH Tansy waters ior saie oy icaaing aruggists; $2 per box; nafe and reliable. S. G. Skid more & Co., Special agents, 151 3d st MATRIMONIAL REGISTER." PRICE 10c. describes many residents of Oregon who seek, congenial life companions. Interstate Intro ducing Society, box 1070. Portland. SEXINB PILLS. THE TONIC AND MAN'- hood builder. Sold by Clemenson, druggist, cor. 2d and Yamhill sts., Portland, Or.; $1 a box, 6 for $5, with guarantee. WEALTHY AND ATTRACTIVE MAIDEN. unencumbered, lonely, will marry at once; honorable gentlemen reply. Address box 7S9, Oklahoma City. O. T. YOUR FORTUNE TOLD BY THE MOST reliable clairvoyants; send birthdate. dime and stamp. Profs. Carl & Rollln. 490 N. Clark st. Chicago. GET MARRIED ONLY MARRIAGE weekly published: sample copy for stamp. Matrimonial Weekly, 331 Kearny st. San Francisco. Cal. A GENTLEMAN OF 32 WISHES TO MEET a lady of same age. object matrimony; de scription in first letter; all letters returned. Q 42, Oregonian. WEALTHY LADIES AND GENTLEMEN of refinement anxious to marry; pnoto graphs and descriptions free. Box S 64, Canon City. Colo. BUSINESS GENTLEMAN. AGED 31. GOOD appearance, wisnes to meet may Deiween 25 and 35 years: object matrimony. X 42, Oregonian. MARRIAGE PAPER BEST PUBLISHED: contains advertisements of marriageable people; mailed free. B. Gunnella, Toledo. Ohio. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities lowest rates. &. w. iving. room 45. Washington bldg. Hood 415. MONEY LOANED ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty; building loans a specialty. W. H. Nunn. 552 Sherlock blk. Phone Clay 520. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Accu rately and reasonably filled at Eyseell's Pharmacy. 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d. We print your name on 30 calling cards, prop er size and style. 25c: 250 business cards. $L Brown & Schmale. 220 1st. Portland. Or. LADIES. YOU CAN SAVE 50 PER CENT ON underwear, klmonaa. fine waists, etc.; clear ance sale. Sing Chong Co., 333 Morrison. ASTHMA. PRONCKITIS. GOITRE. SWOLL en glands, cancers, tumors, moles, perma nently cured. Dr. Voose. 181 '4 1st. GEO. ANDERSON. EXPERT PIANO tuner. Order care Fisher Music Co., 190 3d st. Phone Red 062. BUSINESS MAN. WELL SITUATED. WOULD marr' lady with means; no agents. F 45. Oregonian. Watches, diamonds, easj payments; open evenings. "W. H. Lesb. 513 Dekum. Clay 890. DETECTIVE High-class, honest work, char km moderate; beat references. V 85. Oregonian. PRIVATE FUNDS LOANED, 50 PER CENT valuation; low rates. W. S. Ward, Allsky b. State funds loaned. 6 per cent W. E. Thom as, state agt Multnomah Co., 400 Cham C MRS. M. S. SAVAGE, Dressmaker. 73 Lewis bldg. Main 4730. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR homes. Ida Reznor, 127 11th. Phone Main 485S SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 50C AT HOLLA baugh's. 267 Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th.. MARRIAGE DIRECTORY FREE. B. OVER dorf. Portland, Or. FINANCIAL. $5 LOANS AND UPWARDS ON ALL KINDS of security, or to salaried people on their note; lowest rates; no publicity: no delay. 218 Ablngton bldg. Phone Red 1720. LOANS. ON THE EASY-PAYMENT PLAN to salaried people; lowest rates; strictly confidential. Employes Loan Co.. room 716. the Dekum. 3d and Wash. sts. Phone 224. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary security at low rates. C. W. Palette. 304-5 Fenton bldg. Phone Main 1385. $5 LOANS AND UPWARDS. ON ALL kinds of -security, without delay. W. A. Hatha way, room 10. Wash'gt'n bldg. Clay 1814. DIATE LOANS. LOWEST RATES ON furniture, pianos and chattels. Eastern Loan Co.. 419 Sherlock bldg. Clay 528. MONEY TO LOAN; BUILDING PURPOSES a specialty. 204 Macleay bldg.. 4th and Washington. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas Co. lands. D. F. Riley. 606 Cham. Com. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, room 307. the Falling bldg.