THE SUNDAY OBESONIAN, PORTLAND", FEBRUARY 28,. 190o. 2t PORTLAND CHURCHES Baptist. White Temple, corner Twelfth and Tay tar streets, Rev. J. Whitcomb Brougher. D. D., pastor "One Accord" prayer meet Ins, 10:15 A. M.; morning service, -with eermon on "Tho Bis Work of a Little Church," 10:30 o'clock: Bible school. 12:10 P. M.: Young Peoplo's meeting, 6:20 P. M.: services at 7:30 with sermon on "What Others Think and Say About Us"; baptism and special music Immanuel Baptist Church. Second and Meade streets, Mead M. Bledsoe, pastor Preaching. 10:30 A. M.: Bible school. 12 M.: B. T. P. U. meeting, 6:30 P. M.; preaching services, 7:30 P. M. Christian. First corner Park and Columbia streets. Rev. R S. Muckley. pastor Sermon on "Tho Message of the Xon-Christian World .o the Church," beginning revival serv ices, Bible school, 12:15 P. M.; preaching. r.30 P. M., on "What the Bible Says About the Action and Design of Bap tism"; Endeavor, 6:30 P. M. Advent Cnrlstian Church, 250 Harrison itreet. Rev. Charles HefTendon, pastor Sunday school, 10 A. M.; preaching. 11 A. VT.; praise service. 7:30 P. M., with ser mon. Christian Science. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Scot Bh Rite Cathedral. Morrison and Lowns lale streets Sen-Ices, 11 A. JL and S P. II.; subject, "Man"; Sunday school at ilose of morning service. Second Church of Christ Scientist, Au Iltorium building, Third between Taylor tnd Salmon streets Sunday services, 11 k. M. and 8 P. M.; subject, "Man": Sun lay school, 11 A. M., in the reading looms. Evangelical Association. First German Church, corner Tenth and Tlay streets. Theo. Schauer, pastor Wor Jhip and sermon, 10:45 A. M., and service it 7:20 P. M.; Sunday school, 9:30 A. M.; r. P. A., 7 P. M. Congregational. First, Park and Madison streets. Rev. E. u. House. D. D., pastor Morning service, ritli sermon by Rev. S. M. Freeland, on 'Wilderness Experiences": service in the vrning with sermon by Rev. Mr. Frec and on "Indirections of Life," at 7:80; P. 5. C. E., (5:30 P. M. Pilgrim Chapel, Seqond street, near Lln oln, William H. Bronson. superintendent -Sunday school, 9:30 A. M. Latter-Day Saints. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day taints, Alisky building, hall 400, corner hird and Morrison streets Services at 1:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. People's Christian Union. Unity Hall. 162 Second street il A. M ddress, "Man The Working Form of tod"; 12:15 P. M.. study class in life iroblems; 7:45 P. M-, concert by Union rchestra; S:15 P. M., science lecture by Ir. Coulter, subject. "What a Thought ooks Like and Weighs." Episcopal. St. Mark's Church, nineteenth and luimby streets. Rev. J. E. Simpson, rec r Holy communion. 8 A. M.; morning rayer and litany, 11 o'clock; evening rayer, 7:30 o'clock; Sunday school, 10 t. M. St. Stephen's. Thirteenth and Clay treets. Rev. Thomas N. Wilson, rector iornlng service and communion, 11 'clock; Sunday school, 9:45 A- M. Chapel of the Transfiguration. Sixth treet, near Oak, Rev. W. R. Powell, haplaln Service and sermon, 11 A. M.; unday school, 9:45 A. M. Trinity Chapel, Nineteenth street, near Tashington. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector loly communion, 8 A. M.; morning serv ?p. 10:30; evening service. 7:30 o'clock; unday school. 12 M. St. Matthew's, corner First and Caruth rs .ptreets. Rev. W. A. M. Brock Jn harge Service and sermon," ,lijL. M.; uriday school. 9:45 A, M. " ' All-Saints' Church. 492 North Twonty- tcond street. Rev. Robert Hope. Ph. D., . D., rector Sunday services at 11 A. M. nd 7:30 P. M. Divine Truth Center. Divine Truth Chapel, corner ElevcYith nd Montgomery streets, Thaddeus M. tinard. pastor Services at 11 A. M. Methodist Episcopal. Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, cor- er Twelfth and Taylor . streets. Rev. . larence True Wilson. D. D., pastor 9:30 .. M.. class meeting; 10:30 A. M., sermon; 50 P. M.. Epworth League; 12:15 P. M., unday school; 7:30 P. M., sermon. Taj'lor-Streot Methodist Church, Dr. 'rands Burgette Short, pastor 9:30 A I., classes; 10:30, morning service, sub- -t. "The Soul's Growth; 12:15 P. M.. unday school; 6:30 P. M., Epworth ague: 7:30, platform meeting, subject. The Layman s Part, addresses by Prof, . T. Davis, M. G. Royal and Samuel onnell. Epworth Church, Twenty-third and Irv- ig. Rev. Henry T. Atkinson, pastor unday school, 10 A. M-; preaching, 11 . M., with sermon on "A Lamp, and a Jght": Epworth League, 6:30 P. al.; reaching. 7:30 P. M.. by the pastor on The Need of Humanity;" special music. Lutheran. St James English Lutheran Church, rner West Park and Jefferson streets. A. Leas; pastor Services conducted by le pastor, 11 A. M., with sermon on Working for God": Sunday school, 10 . M. No Luther League nor evening rvlce. Norwegian Lutheran Church, 45 Four- cnth street North, Rev. J. M. Nervlg, istor Services, 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.; anday school, 9:45 A. M. Methodist Sputh. Flrft Methodist Episcopal Church, juth. 171 Second street. Rev. E. H. owre. pastor Services, 11 A- M., with rmon by Rev. C. L. McCausland, pre- ding eldor. and 7:S0 P. M. with sermon anday school,. 10 A. M.; -Epworth league, SO P. M. Presbyterian. K-alvary Presbyterian Church, corner leventh and ' Clay streets, Rev. W. S. llbert pastor Services. 10:30 A. M. Ith sermon on "The Harvest White" 20 P. M., with sermon by the pastor on Conversion." Missions. Berea Mission, Second and Jefferson reets. Rev. J. H. Allen, (pastor Serv es. 10:30 A. M.: preaching, 7:30 P. M., ider direction of Holiness- Mission. United Evangelical Mission, Ruth's all, Savier street, between Twenty-first id Twenty-second streets, H. J. Holzap 1. pastor Sunday schgol, 9:30 A. M.; trman preaching service, 10:30 A. M.; ngllsh preaching. 7:S0 P. M. Church of Christ Mission, corner Fre bnt and Union avenue Sunday "serv es at 2:30 and 7:30 P. M. Peniel Mission. 266 First street Bible fcss. 1:45 P. M.; holiness meeting, 3 ; M.; evangelistic service, 7:30 P. M. Spiritualists. f irst Spiritualist Society, Artisan's Hall, Ington building Lecture by "Mrs. L. F. lior at 11 A. M.; children's Progressive Tceum, 12:30 P. M.; lecture by Mrs. Hor at 7:15 P. M. Biblical Spiritualist Union, Drew Hall, t Second street Afternoon services at lo P. M., subject "Biblical Spiritualism"; Zoning meeting, 8 P. M., lecture by Dr. Hlllams on "Jesus the Christ and tiartta or Gutama, the Budha Com tred." Millennial Dawn. Willernlal Dawn. G. A. R. Hall, north pt corner Second and Morrison streets 10 P. M. lecture from chart on "The Kine Plan of the Ages." Unitarian. PlrFt Unitarian. Yamhill and Seventh reels, Rev. George Croswcll Cressy, D.. pastor Services with sermon on ?he Ethical Allies and Foes of Social THE GREATEST FLESH-STRENGTH-PRODliCING PRO DUCT KNOWN TO MEDICAL SCIENCE Appetizing, Nourishing, Gently Stimulating, Flesh-Forming Blood-Making Build up the condition of tho Blood, and you build up the con dition of the fundamental force of the body. Blood degeneracy denotes alack of power to resist disease, A weakened condition of the blood leaves the system an easy prey to pulmonary affections and kindred complaints. OZOMULSION The new I.lfo-Savlnc Kood that Prevent Dlftrnse, Preserves Health and Prolong Life, is the vital force which restores the blood to its normal germicidal potency. Is of quick absorption and rapidly fuses with the circulating fluid. Consequently It is of quick and IMMEDIATE VALUE For weak. thin, pale-faced, consumptive people and all suffer ing from Colds. Bronchitis, Weakness of Lungs, Chest or Throat Catarrh. La Grippe, Pneumonia. Consumption. Wasting Diseases of Childhood and during convalescence from exhausting diseases. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE Sent by mail to any reader of The Portland Orcgonian on request, so that invalids In every walk of life can test it for themselves and see what OZOMULSION will do for them. All Druggists. Two sizes, 50c and $1.00 the bottle. OZOMULSION CO., 98 PINE STREET, NEW YO RK ism." 11 A. M.; Sunday scnooi, i-.w r. P M. Mrs. H. C. wortman speaks uu 'The Study of Art" Y. M. C. A. Sunday Club meeting. 3 P. M., at T. M. C A. auditorium. 164 Fourth street "Life of Christ" in moving pictures; illustrated songs. Half-hour concert by Coulter's orchestra; other music Zlon. Christian Catholic Apostolic Church In Zlon. Rev. John Alexander Dovvle, general overseer, Rev. Charles A. Hoy, elder in charge, Alisky Hall. No. 201, second floor, corner Third and Morrison streets Junior meeting 2 P. M.; serv ices. 3 P. M.. subject. "Healing of tne Lame Man at the Gate Beautiful and Present Day Miraclos"; -:30 P. ot.. stereopticon lecture on "Practices and Principles of Zlon and Zlon City. Swedenborgian. Portland New Church Society, Swed enborgian. chapel 228 Sixth street Sunday school 10:30 A. M.; lay service. 11 A. ML Volunteers of America. Barracks, 267 Ankony street Special meeting Sunday evening at 8 o'clock; Sunday school, 3 P. Ml EAST SIDE. Baptist. Second Baptist Church, Seventh and East Ankeny, Rev. S. C Lapham, pas torService. 10:30 A. M., with sermon; Bible school. 12 M.: Youns People's Union, 8:30 P. M.; service, 7:30 P. JL, with sermon on "A Baptized Life." Bethany Bapllst, Sollwood Sunday school at 11 A. M.; preaching at noon and at 7:30 P. M. Central Church. Woodmen of tho "World building1, "Bast Sixth and East Alder streets. William E. Randall, min ister Service, -with sormon on "Dodgers," 10:45 A. M.: Bible school. 12 M.; illustrated service, "An Evening in the Orient," 7:30 P. M.; Professor W. F. Worschkul, musical director; Miss Ruth Shogren. oTganist. Calvary Baptist Church, East Eighth and Grant streets, A. Lawrence Block, pastor Bible school, 10 A. M.; preach ing. 11 A. M.. by Rev. H. W. Jones; Ger man preaching service, 3:30 P. M., mass meeting for men; Young People s meet ing, 6:30 P. M.; evening seunon by Rev. H. W. Jones, 7:30 P. M. Congregational. Highland Congregational Church, corner Prescott and East Sixth streets, north. Rev. A. M. Rockwood, pastor Sunday school. 10 A. M.; preaching service, 11 A. M., with sermon on "The Secret of Power"; Junior Endeavor, 3 P. M.; evening service. 7:30, sermon on The Greatest Thing Yet." Mississippi-Avenue Congregational, corner of Mississippi avenue and Fre mont, Rev. C. M. Sraytho, pastor Sun day school, 10 A. M.; morning service, 11 o'clock, with sermon; services, 7:30 P. M.. with sermon; Christian Endeavor, 6:30 P. M. Hassalo-Street Congregational, East Seventh street North and Hassalo street, Rev. Charles -E. Chase, pastor Services with sermon .at 10:30 A. M.; Sunday school at 12 M.; Christian En deavor at 6:30 P. M.; evening service at 7:30. Sunnyside Congregational, corner East Taylor and East Thirty-fourth streets, Rev. J. J. Staub. pastor Morn ing service at 11 o'clock, with sermon on "Wilth Thou Be Made Whole?" and children's sermon on "How a Penny Grew"; evening service, 7:30 o'clock with sermon on "Looking Unto Jesus"; Sunday school at 10 A. M.; Christian Endeavor service at 8:30 o'clock. St John's Congregational Church, in Beckner's Hall 3:30 P. M., preaching bv Rev. Charles E. Chase. University Park Congregational Church. Haywood Auditorium 3:30 P. M., preaching by Rev. 3. J. Staub in tho Baptist Church. Laurelwood Congregational Church, Rev. C. MacPherson, pastor Preaching at 7:30 P. M.; Sunday school at 3 P. M.; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30 P. M Episcopal. St David's Episcopal, East Twelfth and Rpimont. Rev. Georce B. van waters, D. D., rector Morning prayer at 11 o'clock; Sunday school, s:i5 a. ju.; evening ser vice at 7:30. Good Shepherd Ssllwood and "Vancouver avenue. Rev. John Dawson, rector bun day school. 10 Al M.; morning prayer and sermon. 11 o'clock: evening prayer and sermon. 7:30 o'clock. St John's Memorial, Sellwood. Rev. W. R. Powell In charge Sunday school, ll A. M - evening eervice and sermon, 7:45. St Paul's Church, Woodmere, Rev. W. R. Powell in charge Service and sermon at A P. M. St. Andrew's, Peninsula, Rev. John Dawson, rector Holy communion at 3 P. M. Church of Our Savior. Woodstock Sun day school. 2:30 P. M.; prayer and ser mon, 3:30 P. M. Christian. Rodney-Avenue, corner of Rodney ave nue and Knott street. Albyn issson. nun ister Service with sermon on "Tho Pres ent Outlook for Christianity," at 11 A. M.; Sunday school, 9:45 A. M.; Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, 6o r. jo..; evangelistic service at 7:30 P. M. Central. East Twentieth and Salmon streets Rev. J. F. Ghormley, D. D., pas torPreaching, 10:30 A. M.; services at 7:45 P. M.; Sunday school, 12 M.; Junior Endeavor, 3:20 P. M.; Senior Endeavor, 6:30 P. M.; special services at s0 P. M. Methodist. Central Methodist Church, corner Rus sell and Kerby streets. Alblna. F. L. Young, pastor Morning services, 10:30; Sunday school, 12 M.; evening services, 7:30; Epworth League service, 6:30 P. M. Trinity, corner East Tenth and Grant streets, R"ev. Harold Oberp, pastor Services at 11 A. M., with sermon on "The DR. B. E. WRIGHT THE PAINLESS DENTIST Wio can fill or extract any nnmber of teeth without in flicting the slightest pain to the patient The largest and best-equipped dental office ou the Pacific Coast. Washington Street, Corner Seventh 'Phone Main 2119. Goodness of God"; Sunday school, 10 A. M.; Bpworth Leaguo, :30 P. 3L; preach ing at 7:30 P. M. on "The Mortgaged Soul; Who Can Lift the Mortgage?" Centenary M. E. Churcn, Ninth and Bast Pine, William H. Hcppe, D. JJ., pastor Services at 10:30 A. M., with eermon on "The New Apocalypse Transfiguring the Age"; 7:30 P. M., sermon on "Life's Sheet Anchor"; Epworth Leaguo at 6:30 P. M.; Sunday school, 12:15 P. M. Patton M. B. Church, Michigan avenue and Alberta street, Asa fileeth, pastor Preaching, 11 A. M.; Sunday school, 12:15 P. M.; services. 7:30 P. M. Presbyterian. Piedmont Chapel, corner Cleveland ave nue and Jarrct street. Rev. Myron Boozer, pastor Sermons by tho pastor, 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M- First Cumberland Church, corner of Twelfth and East Taylor streets. Rev. H. Nolson Allen Service, 10:30 A. M., with, sermon; Sunday school, 12 M.; Junior En deavor, 3:30 P. M.; Senior Endeavor, 6:30 P. M.; 7:30 P. M., sermon. Evangelical Association. First English Church, corner East Sixth and Market streets. Rev. G. A. Plumcr, pastor Worship arid sermon at 11 A. M., subject, "Home Mission Work"; Sunday school, 10 A. M.; Junior Alliance, 3 P. M.; sermon, S P. M., on "A Hopeful Sign." United Evangelical. Second United, corner of Fargo and Kerby streets, Rev. iJI .Bowersox j&stor Preaching, IX A. 21. and 7:30 P. Ml; Sun day school, 10 A. M.; K. L. C. E., 6:13 United Evangelical Church, St Johns. E. E. McVlcker, pastor Preaching at 11 A. M., subject "Circumcision and Uncir- cumclslon"; Sunday school, 10 A. M.; Jun ior X. L. C. E., 2:30 P. M.; Senior K. L. C. E.. 6:45 P. M.; lecture. 7:30 P. M.. on "The Spring Election Will Determine tho Fu ture of St Johns." First United Evangelical Church, corner East Tenth and Sherman streets. Rev. T. It. Smith, pastor Sunday school, 10 A. M.; service, 11 A. M.; Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. ji.; service, 7:30 P. M. Unlversallst. First Church, East Couch and East Eighth street Rev. W. F. Small, pastor Sormon, 11 A. M., subect "The Issue of Human Destiny Again;" Sunday school. 12.15 A. M. Friends. Friends' Church, corner East Thirty- fifth and East Main streets, Edward D. Smith, pastor Preaching at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.; Sundal school at 10 A. M.; Christian Endeavor at 6:20 P. M. Lutheran. Bethania Danish Lutheran Church, corner Union avenue and Morris streot Gudmund Grill, pastor Sunday service 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M.; Sunday school, VI M. Our Savior's Norwegian Synod Church, corner East Tenth and Grant streets, O. Hagoes, pastor Services, 11 A. M.; Sun day school, 9:30 A. M.; services at 7:30 P. M. African Methodist. As M. E. Zlon Church, Thirteenth and Main streets, Rev. G. E. Jackson, pastor Services at 11 A. 3kL and 8 P. M, FUNERAL NOTICE. ROE The funeral service of Login Fontnella Roe, son of Mrs. A. F. Roe and John Roe. deceased, and nephew o Henry E. Roe, will be held at 3SO Benton, corner Broad' way. Sunday at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. STEINHBISER Entered into rest at her res idence, Feb. 25, 11)00, Mary, beloved wife of the late Solomon Stelnheiser, mother of Mrs. A. Freld enrich, Mrs. S. J. Freed man, William Stelnhelser and the late Isaac Stelnhelser, aged CS years. Funeral notice later. ALBERT In this city, on Feb. 22. 1005, at the family residence, 154 North 15th at.. Henry Albert, aced H years. 4 months. 23 days. Funeral today (Sunday), Feb. 26, 1000. at i:30 ". Al.. irom tne aoovc residence, friends respectfully Invited to attend. Interment Rlverrtew Cemetery. JENSEN In this city, on Feb. 21. 1305. Her man Jensen, aged -19 years. Funeral today (Sunday), Feb. 26. 1005. at 2 P. M., from Hoiman s chapel, cor. 3d and salmon sts. Friends respectfully invited to attend. In terment Lone Fir Cemetery. P.OE At Astoria Or., on Feb. 24, 1905, Logan F. Roe. aced 21 years. months, id davs. Funeral today (Sunday), Feb, 26, 1003, at 2 P. M.. from 378 Benton nt. Friends respect fully Invited to attend. Interment Lone Kir Cemetery. iiuL-Ait? in tais city, i-eoruary 25. 1003. at 21 Sixth street, Mrs. Annie Hulmc. aged C4 years, wife of Thomas Hulme and be loved mother of Thomas E.. Edward M.. Harry. Robert and Charles Hulme. of this city, ana jirs. josepn w. Lee. ot Vancouver, n. v funeral nouce later. SEADSCHLAQ Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services of Albert Herman Seadschlag, which will be held at the FirsUErangellcal Church tuerroanj, corner oi lenm ana Clay streets. at 2 P. M. today. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. DUNNING. McENTEE Jt GILBATJGH. successors to Dunning Jt Campion, under taker and embalm era, modern In erery de tail. th and line, l'hono Main 420. lady assistant EDWARD HOLMAN COM Undertakers aad embalm cri, nave moved to their new bolld Ibc. Third and Salmon.. Lady assistant. Telephone- No. S67. jf. P. FIN LEY St SON. Funeral Directors. cor. Sd and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. F. S. DUNNING. Uadcrtakcr. 14 East Alder. Lady assistant Telephone East K. ZELLETt -BYRNES CO.. UNDERTAKERS, Em balm crs. 273 Bueiell; lady assistant MEETING NOTICES. ALL MEMBERS o t - b f o o t Camp. No. 65. are requested to meet at w. o. W. Hall. Tenth and Washington .streets, at 1:30 o'clock P. M. to day. for the pur jioso of attend ing: memorial services to our late Head Consul. F. A. Falkenberjr, to bo held at 2:30 P. M., in Taylor-Street M. E. Church.. A. L. BAItBUR, Clerk ALTj MEMBERS OF MULTNOMAH wmp, Xso. it. are requested to meet at W. O, W. Hall. Tenth and "VVahlnoa streets. at 1:30 o'clock P. M.. today, for tha purpoao of attending memorial servfeen to our late Head Consul. F, A. Falkenberp. to be held at :ao p. m., In Taylor-Street M. E. Church. JOS. WOODWARD. Clerk, ALT MEMBERS OF PORTLAND CAMP. No. 107. arc reauested to meet at V o W. Hall. Teath and Washington streets, at 1:30 o'clock P. M today, for the purpose of at tending memorial service to our late Head Consul. F. A. Falkenbers; td be held at 2:30 ir. Ji. in Taylor-Street M. E. Church. HERMAN SCHADE. Clerk. ALL MEMBERS OF ALBINA? CAMP. No. 101. are requested to meet at W, o. W. Hall, Tenth and Washington streets, at 1:30 o'clock P. M., today, tor the purpose of at tending memorial services to our late Head Consul, F, A. FalkeobeXK to be held at 41:30 i.: .m. in Aayior-atreet ai? E. Church. F. CT DREWS. Clerk.' ALL MEMBERS OF PROSPECT - CAMP. No. 140, are requested to meet at W. O. W. Hall. Tenth and Washington streets, at 1:30 o'clock P. M., today, for tho purpose of at tending memorial services to our late Head Consul. F. A. Falkenbere. to be held at 2:30 P. il. in Taylor-Street M. E. Church. GEO. W. TABLER, Clerk. ALL MEMBERS OF GEORGE WASH1NG- ton Camp, No. 261, are requested to meet at W. O. W. Hall, Tenth and Washington streets, at 1:30 o'clock P. M., today, for tne purpose of attending memorial services to our late Head Consul. F. A. Falkenberir. to be held at 2:30 P. M., In Taylor-Street M. H. Church. H. L. DAY. Clerk. ALL MEMBERS OF PROSPER1TT CAMP. No. 306. arc requested to meet at W. O. W. Hall. Tenth and Washington streets, at 1:30 o'clock P. M., today, for tho purpose of at tending memorial services to our late Head Consul, F. A. Falkenberg. to bo held at 2:30 ir. ii. in Tayior-Street M. E. Church. C. C. BRADLET, Clerk. ALL MEMBERS OF SUNNYSIDE CAMP. No. 310. are requested, to meet at W. O. W. Han, Tenth ana Washington streets, at 1:30 o'ciock p. iL. today, ror the purpose of at tending memorial services to our late Head ConbUl, F. A. Falkenberg. to be hold at 2:30 P. M. In Taylor-Street M. E. Church. T. J. HAMMER, Clerk. ALL MEMBERS OF MONTAVILLA CAMP. No. 87. are requested to meet at W. O. W. Hall, Tenth and Washington streets, at 1:30 o ciock r. M., today, for the purpose of at tending memorial services to our late Head Consul, F. A. Falkenberg. to be held at 2:30 P. M. in Tayior-Street M. E. Church. J. C. JOHNSON. Clerk. ALL MEMBERS OF ROSE CITY CAMP, No. . are requested ta meet at W. O. W Hall. Tenth and Washington streets, at 1:30 o'clock P. M.! today, for the purpose of at tending memorial services to our late Head Consul. F. A. Falkenberg. to be held at 2:30 P. M. in Taylor-Street M. E. Church. J. W. BOOTH. Clerk. ALL MEMBERS OF MT. TABOR CAMP. No. 310. are requested to meet at w. O. W. Hall, Tenth and Washington streets, at 1:30 o'clock P. M., today, for the purpose of at tending memorial services to our late Head Consul. F. A. Falkenberg. to be held at 2:30 P. M. In Taylor-Street M. E. Church. E. J. RATHBUN, Clerk. ALL MEMBERS OF WOODLAWN CAMP, No. 773. are requested to meet at W. O. W. Hall. Tenth and Washington streets, at 1:30 o clock P. M.. today, for the purpose of at tending memorial services to our late Head Consul, F. A. Falkonberg. to be held at 2:30 P. M. in Taylor-Street M. E. Church. W. M. COOK. Clerk, ALL MEMBERS OF ST. JOHNS CAMP. No. 773. are reauested to meet at W. O. W Hall, Tenth and Washington streots, at 1:30 o'clock P. M.. today, for the purpose of at tending memorial services to our late Head Consul. F. A. Falkenberg. to be held at 2:30 P. M. in Taylor-Street M. E. Church. WESLEY PENNY, Clerk. ASTRA CIRCLE. NO. 152 Will give its next whist party Thursday evening in A. O. TJ. w. Hall. 10th and Washington, selling Hlrsch bldg. UPCHURCH LODGE. NO. 126. A. O. V. W All members are requested to meet at Up church Hall, corner 17th and Marshall, today at 12:30. to attend the funeral of our late brother. Henry AlbeM. Members of sister lodces Invited to attend. By order Q. TANNOCK, M. W. FRED L. OLSEN, Rec. DIED. POV AY February 2, 1003, at Melllne. P. I Captain George vv. Povay, aged 54 years. STEHNHEISER On Feb. 25. 1005. at the fam ily residence. 574 Hoyt st.. Mary Steinhelser, ased rc years. 4 montns, iu cays. Announce' ment of funeral later. RASLER (NEE PETERSON) Near Port Gam ble. Wash.. February 25. 1003. Marcla H., .beloved wife ot Charles Rasler. loving dauch ter of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Peterson, and dear slater of Laura A. Peterson. Mrs. Will iam J. Howatt, Mrs. Jennie H. Gallowayq and orest J. i-eierson. iTinerai notice later. NEW TODAY. Only $3900 for S2&X100. choice location, near Kearney ' terms. C, H. Korell, 231 'Washington st CLASSIFIED A3). RATES. "Room," "Soomi and Ber4." "Xee- keepta Rooms," Sltuatlaw WateJ," 15 words or lew, 15 cxU; 16 to 2 word, Z cental 21 to 25 words. 23 treats, etc. e dU- coQst for additional laaertloai. CXDEK AIX OTHER HEADS, except Xew Today." SO cents far IS words er least 10 to SO words. 40 cents t 21 ta 25 weeds. St cents, etc. flrat Insertion. Each addltlaaal Insertion, one-half; bo farther dlieeust un der obo month. 'SEW TODAY" (Ranee measare asate), 15 cents per line, first Insertion; IS ceats Ber lino of each additional lasertioa. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The OreponUn, aad left at this fQce, should always be Inclosed la sealed eaTelopes. No staaap Is required ob uea letters. The Oreconlan will sot he responsible for errors In adrertlseaacBts taken through, the telephone. NEW TODAY. S. L. IN. OILMAN AUCTIONEER. Special Auction Sale of fine Household Furniture. Rugs. etc.. at residence. We will sell by public auction bmorrow, Monday, Feb. 27th, at 10 o'clock A. M. At residence of Mrs. Josephine Re Aune, No. 468 10th St., near Jackson All the furniture, etc., of residence. In cluding almost new blue woeicn filling for PARLORS. lace curtains, shades, par lor ROCKERS, couch and drapery, music caomei. iiorris cnair, pictures, UDrary typewriter, one very choice KAZAC (Per sian) hug about 10x5 feet: one deck. RESTAN RUG. two SMYRNA RUGS. EL VET WILTON RUG. SxlZ feet: FINE OAK BUFFET. ROUND OAK EXTEN SION TABLE. BOX-SEAT DINING CHAIRS en suite. HANDSOME ALL BRASS BEDSTEAD. COSTLY BIRDS EYE WHITE MAPLE CHIFFONIERS. DRESSING TABLE in blrdseye raanle: chairs to match, OAK COMPLETE BED ROOM SUITE. DRESSER, COMMODE, etc.: IRON BEDSTEAD, with springs. mattresses, feather vHIows, 25 yards LINOLEUM, row bushes. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE, OLD CLOCK, hall rack, hall and stair CARPET. MAJES TIC RANGE. GAS RANGE, kitchen ware. crockery, etc. Buyers will do well to attend this sale TOMORROW. MONDAY, at 10 A. M.. at NO. 468 TENTH STREET. Sale will commence In PARLORS. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. Oilman Auction and Commission Company, S. L. Oilman, Auctioneer. .Salesrooms. 413 Wanhlnzton street, extend ing to 108 11th, with basements affording roomy space for the proper arrangement of ftoanehoid furniture. Sale at rooms every Tuesday. Thursday and Friday at 10 A. M. Tuesday's Auction Sale Will include all the recently selected household furniture, carpets and ruzs from flat?. No. 329 Mill street (to be sold on account of departure for Salt Lake City). On the list are valuable all-brass bedsteads (massive), with the complement of springs, curled hair and felt mattresses. genuine blrdseye whito maple rincess dresser, bedstead and commode: china closet: handsome dining-room suite, solid polished oak (the best), couches in velour and leather, choice center tables, rockers in leather and weatnercd oaK. weathered oak furniture, 800 yards carpets, steel bed couches, pretty three-piece parlor suite in dot mahogany frames, costly parlor pieces. Davenport, oak dressers, tinted' Iron bedsteads with mattresses. feather pillows, cabinet folding bed. twice folding and mantel beds, 100 odd chairs, wardrobe, pillar column, extension table. gas range witn water cou, Kitcnen tur nlture, etc.; also five packages household effects for storage. N. B. You will find furniture on lioors equal to or Better than advertised. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. Auction Sales OF Household Furniture Thursday and Friday at Rooms No. 413 Washington Street, at 10 A. M. Each Day Buyers will do well to attend these sales A large quantity of household furniture will be sold from residences. 5. L. N. GIL-MAN, Auctioneer. Auction Sales AT THE 211 FIRST ST. Phone Mala 5655 TOMORROW, MONDAY, FEB. 27, AT 10 A. M. Tcsterday afternoon, without any pre vious notice, Mr. Roth, from East Port land, delivered at our salesrooms, zu First street two large drayloads of first class furniture and other household goods for positive sale without reserve, and tne list Includes solid mahogany bed and dresser, with French plate cheval mirror these are very fine old pieces; 6 box-seat dining cnairs, very massive oitt oiacK wal nut extension tame, iw zeet: iun glass. swell-front china closet, blrdseye made bedroom suite, upholstered natented rock cr In massive oaK irame; center taoies. couches, bed lounges, fine lace curtains and a large variety or carpets in Axmm- ster, velvet pile, body Brussels, all-wool Ingrains, rugs, etc. These carpets arc all clean ana iikc new. uaa aressers, noici combination dressers, commodes, pretty iron beds, three-quarter ana lull size: cobbler-seat rockers, wicker rockers. Yum Yum springs, plain springs, wool ana floss-top mattresses, Jewell gas range, Rrllnsift cook stove, kitchen treasure. kitchen tables, kitchen utensils, laundry utensils, several pairs of counter scales and a hundred of other small items too numerous to mention. You will find what you want at your own price at 211 First street, Monday, February 27, at 10 A. M. GUS A. LOWIT, AucUoneer, AUCTION SALE At 211 First St., March 1st WEDNESDAY NEXT, AT 10 A. M. "We have received from South Portland a very select assortment of furniture, car pets and bedding, to be sold at this sale without reserve, some Deauuiui oaic oea room suites with French plate mirrors, new bed lounge In velour, 4-pIece parlor suit In raw silk, bamboo desk, massive oak library tame, ciipper-eage coucn with high back drapery, leather seat and back uoholstered rockers, goose-feather pillows. choice clean comforts, dresser with oblong cheval mirror, a neauty: iiorrls cnair, cushions in velvet brocade, parlor lamp. oak dining chairs, kitchen chair3, spring edge couch, wicker hall chair, carpets in lmrrain. Brussels and tapestry, lino leum. high-grade matting, iron beds, snrlntr mattresses, set of golf sticks with caddie bag. cook stoves, heaters, kitchen tables, etc.. etc. GUS A. LOWIT Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE At 211 First St. MARCH 3d, FRIDAY AT 2 P. M This sale is clean-up day at the Portland Auction Rooms. It consists of the dif ferent lots of furniture we were unable tn make room for at the "first-of-the- week sales"; while there Is furniture for the parlor, bedroom, dining-room and kitchen and good furniture, too. yet the biddinc is not quite so keen as at the earlier sales, so you are sure to get some great bargains. Remember the sale Is at 2 P. M., Friday March 3, at 211 First street Gup a. luwh, Auctioneer. NOTICE To buyers of good furniture Attend our auction sales. NUF SED. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, I -U nrst street. Phone Main 5655. Port and Auction Rooms NEW TODAY. Auction Sales BY J T. WILSON AUCTIONEER Monday, Tomorrow, at 10 A. M. At Salesroom, 180 First St. SEVEN MONSTROUS VANLOADS of housefurnlshings consigned for positive auction sale to our salesrooms, 1E0 First street, comprising two parlor organs, ccstly nlckel-in-the-slot graphophone. hand-carved dlnlnz-room tabic In quar tered oak (handpollshed). an assortment of mahogany naiior furniture, pictures, portieres, -willow and oak rockers, chairs, tables, pictures and picture frames, very fine davenport, chiffonier, mantel and twlce-foldlngr bed. Iron beds, dressers, com modes and toilet sets, upholstered parlor and sitting-room furniture, elaborate car pets in fine patterns, kitchen furniture, steel ranges, stoves, etc. Seven vanloads of assorted housefurnlshlngs to be sold at public auction Monday, commencing at 10 A. M., at 160 Flrpt street. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. MONDAY'S SALE At 2 P. M. At 408 Grand Ave Cor. Grant By order of the owner, -we will close out at auction sale seven rooms of first class house furnishings, including oak sideboard, dining-room and bedroom fur niture, library and kitchen furnishings, linoleum. Peninsular steel ranso. lady's bicycle, dishes, enamel ware, carpets, car penter's tools and a fine assortment of other furnishings. Sale prompt at 2 P. JI. TUESDAY'S SALE At Salesroom, 180 First Street At 2 P. IY1. Auction Sale of LADIES'TAILOR-MADE SUITS PR ATTRNKTTES. NEW-STYLE JACK- t?.ts skirts rOATS and other furnish ings. 4 nis is tno closing J. AL Achcson stock. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY'S SALE At Salesroom, 180 First Street At 10 A. M. Th rnmrW ftirnlshlnes of a modem flat to be sold out at public auction In our spacious salesrooms. This sale In nhiAoK narlor. dlninc-room. library, bed room and kitcnen furniture, an ursi-ciaa. nonrK- now. furniture: earners, nnono- trrnnhs and a varietv of other useful goods. J- T. WILSON, Auctioneer. FRIDAY'S SALE At Salesroom, 180 First Street At 10 A. M. CIGARS, CLOTHING, SHOES T.nll-r nnd trftnts' furnishings, boys milts. 500 Dalrs of shoes, pants, men s shirts and a variety of other necessaries, Sale commences prompt at 10 A. M. T rri TT'TT CrV innlinnaltr Public Announcement iva hot- tn -v that Tve have been years in tim auction business here and else where, and we claim to have some know ion nf hnqlnpss. This being a fact. will it pay you to consult us before selling your house furnishings, etc., before ar ranging tne sale or me same w uui parties? If you want top' prices, cash in homi fnr -.-mir trnnds. or a successful auc tion 'sale at your residence or place of nttninpcifi. interest vouraeu in eeinK o. i "WILSON, Auctioneer, at ISO First street or -phone Aiam irza. GRAND AUCTION SALE OF COSTLY rv WVOTTTSTTF DESIGNS. LARGE CE dt.atto nr. ass dqohs cuar TJAWP. 4 MTSTKH KL Iib. UttUSaEU CARPETS. POINT ARABE CURTAINS. PRINCESS DRESSERS. GOLDEN" OAK DINING- FUKM 1 L UlCrj, xnjyjtoc.o. BnirT.-rnP nPFTCE DESK. LIBRARY T-ATti.vs MORRIS CHAIRS. ARM ROCKE5S UPHOLSTERED IN REAL HANDSOME UAViiiNruKi, LUbwinii DESIGN; Ull- rAiiMiiius. oi-Lvcxw- WARE JEWELL GAS KAiMiis, wuu V v-5W. t-vPYTHmo UP-TO-DATE AND COSTJjt. -BUi wiiju do -3wllj TO THE HIGiUitoT aiUUHsti. vjn PROSPECT! V tj i-UKLHAOEina TTTMT.V ATVISED TO VlfciVt lUfi GOODS TOJIOKKUW, Sale Tuesday at 10 o'clock Sharp . BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE fiDWi-n A T.TTPTT? AND PARK STS. GEO. BAKER & CO.. AUCTIONEERS. On Thursday Next at 10 A. IV! AT BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE. We shall sell the complete furnishings of residence removed from 14th st also four large cases of toilet soap and about 15 3Uit-ienstns ot imported cloths. Sale at 10 A. m. snarp. GEO. C. BAKER & CO., Auctioneers On Friday Next at 2 P. M. We clean up all oddities furniture, car pets ana turs ior me wec. GEO. BAKER & CO.. Auctioneers We will buy your furniture or sell the same for you on commission. Phone Black 1S42. RIVER MEN TAKE NOTICE We have bought of the Red Front their enure stock of A. A Cutter's and Hanson's Three Lake Driving Shoes. We are also sole agents for the Chippewa hand-made and Stil son racmc Logger, we carry Watson, 1 own ct Capen Shoes We are prepared to take care of the logging camps formerly supplied by the Red Front. Lib eral discount in quantities. BARON'S SHOE STORE 230-232 Morrison St. Near 2d PORTLAND, OR. EGGS 20c Ranch es. two doaen - 45c Dairy butter 30c and 40c Creamery butter . 50c and 05c Beat creamery COc and 05 c Beet eusar-cured hams 13c Bacon 10c. 12&c and 15c Swiss cheese 20c and 25c Kull cream cheese, 2 pounds... 25c Saturday, chicken day 15c LA GRANDE CHSA3IEKY, 2tH Yamhill. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Oar zwcortis ar complete and up to data. w lumJas aDstr&cu promptly. MORTGAGE LOANS On iBproTCd Portland Real Eatau. -BECtTXnX ABSTRACT XBBST CO, 214-215 Chamber of Conunexca. Sales NEW TODAY. FARMS We briefly mention the following, take from our large list of farm properties, re questing Interested parties to writ to uj for fall and complete information. Then farms are all Improved, having gtjod build Ings, fences, aoil, well tratcred, etc, unlesi set out to the contrary, and will appeal substantially aa represented. 400-acr rich and well Improved farm, 14 miles west of Tertland. well adapted to -1 or more divisions; one of the best farms la the fctate; an opportunity for parties to bo? Adjoining holdings. Write for full informa tion. 102-acre farm. 10 mites east of city, thai coat owner $13,000, now olTered, on account of serious illness, at 812,000. and this laclud Ing nil stock and implements. A rare chanct to secure a first-class stock and dairy farm. 53 acres, near Falrvlew, east of Portland 10 miles; all old born; no Improvements! no waste or gravelly land; $75 per acre. ICO acres, on Columbia River; 120 plowed 50 acres flpe bearing orchard; rich soil; Ah fruit-dryer, in addition to other good build- ingij. Price reduced from $8000 to $"000 f9i immediate purchase. With $3500 down, bal ance can he paid In easy installments. This farm Is tvorth $8000 today, and with some added improvements would sell for 10,000. 40 acres, at Sunnyside, Clackamas Co.; xi plowed; balance mostly brush; $3500. half on time. 80 acres, at Washougal, Clark Co.. wasn.i on Columbia River; 81 600; 5500 down, bal ance on easy Installments. A rare chance for a good farm. SR acres, all hiithly improved, luuoimna TelTerson. Marlon Co.; fine new bo 11 d huts 1 new prune-dryer, etc. sold S1600 worth ol prunes alone lost year; SoOOO; $1000 down, balance In Installments at 6 per cent. Has. all kinds of fruits In best condition. Pro duces blsr Interest on purchase price. 4C9 acres, in Yamhill County; r0 plowed! pood soil; running- water: a fine stock and gram larni, anq very cneap at price nai offered. S12 per acre; half on time at a pel cent. This farm is but 5 miles from station and steamboat landing. Wheat yield S bushels per acre. 200 acres. 10 miles east ot ureson wiy; n rich bottom: 83 under plow: no better land in county: $35 per acre, with 82000 down, balance on easy Installments at 6 per cent Loans TTe bare mnner for good farm and cltj loans at reasonable rates. City Properties We have a larse ILst of city properties fol homes and investments. Jennings Lodge Ai.n nnrntre In tlil dellfrhtiul suburb) that combines the investment with the sub urban home. These properties will do vera valuable oonus day by reason of the location and fine soli. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 243 STARK STREET SPRING IS COMING! You will regret not buying a lot in RESERVOIR PARK When the fruit tress and berrj patches on this beautiful suburban tract are in bloom. There is no prop erty adjacent to Portland that offen such inducements to tho home-builder or speculator. LOTS $5 DOWN AND $5 PER MONTH Take Mount Scott cars to Eeser voir Park, Kern Station, just 20 min utes' ride from the heart of the city Pull particulars of agent on premise! or H. METZGER, Owner, 228 Front St. University Park The bon-ton residence portion of thi whole Peninsula. To have a home al University Park is a mark of respect ability. University Park is the onlg "dry" precinct in the City of Port land; seat of the Columbia Univer sity, an educational center; central to four miles of deep-water front; a monthly payroll of $25,000, building restriction, liquor restriction, insida the city boundaries of Portland foi 13 years; far-famed Bull Run water; Portland city schools, wide streets and alleys, electric arc street lights, busi ness houses, everything for which tha heart could desire. Lots, ?60 to $300 each, on easy monthly installments, Money furnished for building pur poses. Francis I. McKenna, room 606, Commercial Block, and University Park Sta. Agents wanted. New, Modern lO-Room ticmse, 710 Broadway Street, S. E.. Corner E. 10TH ST.. ATVti CONVBNI KNCES. POSSESSION' GIVEN AT ONCE. CAN BE SOLD VERT REASONABLE; TERMS EASY. WaKefield, Fries &. Co. 229 StarK Street Phone Main 14' IVAN HOE! THE SIGHTXJEST SUBURB of Portland, lots 50x100 feet, with alley In rear; excel lent water supply. Take Woodstock car Sun day afternoon to Ivanhoe Station and vletv this addition of comfortable homes. Man on tho ground. Lots $100 to $175, $5 down and $3 a month buys them. Buy now, before the advance. You won't regret it. A. H. BIRRELL, McKay bids-, corner 3d and Stark. Lots on East Ankeny $550 Each Easy terms, vis.. $100 down, balance eaa monthly payments. Mall & VonBorstel 303 East Burnside st. Phone Union 152. FREE LAND IN OREGON Under the "Carey Irrigation Act." Deed direct from State. WRITE OR CALL TODAT. Booklets and map free. B. S. Cook & Co.. 231 Alder street. Portland. Or. $5000 Bargain Choice quarter block with two modern cottases, near E. 12th and An keny, facing car line. Room for three more houses. C. H. Korell, 231 Washington st.