The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 26, 1905, PART THREE, Page 23, Image 23

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Manager McCredie
Goes South
Players Soon to Report at Bakers
field Xew First Bo&eman Signed
Hushes Ordered to Report.
MANAGER McCREDIE- -will lead the
vanguard of Portland's crop of ball
players to their Spring training-camp,
IBakersficld. McCredie sails south tonight
and on Wednesday the entire crew of
baseball players will start for the same
California city. Originally It was Intend
ed that all the players should report
I.larch 1, but owing to a reduced railroad
rate, which goes Into effect on March 1.
the members of the team were delayed
in their start until that date- Most of
the players are close enough to reach
Bakersfleld by the 4th, "while those who
are East and South will not report to
McCredie before the 13th.
In addition to the men who will report
at Bakersfleld is a first baseman that the
3ocal manager has signed from Omaha.
He is Charles Coe. McCredie Is also
after two more pitchers Bill Morrison,
who is signed by the Chicago Americans,
land a twlrler named Eliot.
These men may come In. case Seattle
welches on the Jay Hughes proposition.
5t must have "been the howl of the fans
)that caused the Seattle moguls to turn
turtle about Hughes.
Manager McCredie made the deal
through Rubs Hall, and the way the Se
attle magnates are backing up would In
dicate that Hall, like poor ParKe Wilson,
Is only manager in name,
r Manager McCredie received a telegram
from Russ Hajl saying that he could have
Hughes. This telegram binds the deal
In. case McCredie wishes to make a league
matter of the case.
Hughes Ordered to Report.
Whether he will or not will depend upon
Jhls talk with President Bert when he ar
rives ia San Francisco. On the strength
bf Hall's telegram, McCredie has ordered
ttiughes to report at Bakersfleld, and tc
chances are luat he will be on hand when
the time comes.
Since The Oregonlan printed the story
that the Webfooters would have a trainer
this year, only one puling voice has
peeped a protest. On every hand the fans
have complimented Manager McCredie In
going to this added expense, for they take
this action on the part of the local man
ager as a proof positive that he will leave
Sothlng undone that will tend to bring the
3205 pennant to Portland. This lone voice
Bays that a ballplayer knows all there
, is to be known about keeping In condi
tion, and that they realize the importance
Of it. The truth of the matter Is that
the average ballplayer knows about as
much about caring for himself, both on
and off the field, as a child does about
occult science. There isn't a baseball
player that will not, on the first practice
nay. co out and work his head off. erinnlo
himself so that for weeks he Ig bothered
rwith sore muscles. But, pshaw! this is
Only one little voice, so art explanation
Is hardly necessary.
Gus Klopf as Umpire.
When the local colony of bailplay-
fers and fans learned that Gus Klopf
uent Bert's umpires, a big laugh went
Up. Klopf has been a ball player since
J.S8S and has always been one of the
worst umpire baiters that ever wore
a uniform. When Gus was playing his
best ball ho was a holy terror and
kirove more than one official of the In
dicator to drink by his savage attacks
and profanity. The speculation is
bow. what will Klopf do as an um
pire? In the Pacific Coast League he
will bump Into players with whom he
has played; players that know him of
jld, and when he hands down a de
cision that's a bit oft color, the delight
of the players will be to sand him
some of the rough talk that he, Klopf,
has handed diamond officials. "Will
he stand for it?" Is the question that
the players and fans are asking. It is
to be hoped that he will not. for if he
does he will be driven to the "timber"
early In the season. Klopf knows
every crook and turn in baseball, . and
If he becomes as good an umpire as he
was an umpire baiter he will be a
Will Sign Catcher Swindell.
Manager McCredie yesterday received
word from St. Louis stating that his terms
for Catcher Swindell had been accepted.
McCredie at once notified Swindell to
report at Bakersfleld. This gives Mc
Credie two good catchers, and if Coe,
the Omaha first baseman, does not make
good, he will switch McLean to first.
Manager McCredie hag not made up his
mind what he will do with Morris Steel
man, but he expects to sell him to an
Eastern club. He has several good offers
for Steelman.
Coe Has a Fine Record.
OMAHA. Feb. 25: (Speclal.)-Charles
Cofc is a big youngster, 22 years of age,
and played ball with fast semi-professional
teams for several years, mostly
with Lee Glass and Reesen, original
champions of Missouri Valley. Last sea
son he was a member of Hot Springs
team, managed by Buck Keith, who Is
now in Portland. Coe plays catcher or
first base. He Is fast, a good man behind
the bat. throws well and -hits well. His
local reputation is first-class.
Young Corbett
Trains to Win
Denver Xujnret Is Eajrer to Regain
Lost Laurels by Defeating Battling
Posing for a Snap Shot.
Down In St. Louis one day. Just as La
Jole came to bat for Cleveland, a camera
man ran out and set his machine for a
snapshot of the big fellow's swing.
"That fellow work for you?" a noisy
partisan In the granustand shouted.
"Sure," said Larry- "He always takes
my picture when I make a home run."
Saying which, he waljoped the ball into
the center-field bleachers and went all the
way round unmolested.
IF half of the stories about Toung Cor
bett's splendid condition are true, there
Is a chance that he will dispose of Bat
tling Nelson. Eddie Graney, who has ref
ereed all of the fights In which Young
Corbett has taken part In San Francisco,
Is authority for tho statement that the
Denver Nugget Is in ,tne same superb
condition as he was when he fought Terry
McGovern the last time. If this Is true,
then the "Battling Dane" from Chicago
Is In for "the battle of his ring career. It
is hard to believe that a fighter, espe
cially one thai, has gone the route that
the Denver lad has gone, will come back.
If Corbett does, ho will be the first boxer
to do so. As a boxer and ring gpneral
Corbett has only one equal among the
light or featherweight division, Jimmy
. Britt Outgeneraled Corbett.
Britt won from Corbett because he out
generaled him. Jimmy made no attempt
to stand up and slug with the Dcnverlte
and by his careful work was able to se
cure a decision over Corbett by a narrow
margin. Britt's fight with Nelson was
different. Jimmy's footwork and all
around ring generalship made Nelson look
like a novice, for all that Nelson knows
Is to stand up and wallop and hook.
Corbett, until he met the Dane, was mas
ter of all sluggers. In the Chlcagoan
he butted Into a rugged, healthy young
kid, that had not abused himself much,
and one that was in the pink of condi
tion. Nelson not only ouUlugged Corbett,
but outgamed Corbett's second, who threw
up the sponge in order to save his man
from further beating. This beating was
a terrific jolt to Corbett. It not only
sent him toppling from the top of the
fistic gameln his division but it .practi
cally made a pauper outpf Jilm. It was
the best thing that ever happened to the
youngster. It punctured the inflated Idea
he had of his own Importance and made
him think harder than he ever did before.
Corbett Takes a Brace.
Old ring followers, when they saw Cor
bett beaten down by the young Dane,
shook their heads and said that Corbett
was. When the Denverlte came out with
the statement that If he could secure a
match with either Brit or Nelson, both
of whom had defeated him, he would get
down and work as he never had before,
the ring wiseacres laughed. "He's done
for." It was Alex Greggalns. the San
Francisco fight promoter, who believed
that Corbett was in earnest, and It was
Greggalns that promised Corbett a fight
If he would leave town and train. That
was over two months ago. To the sur
prise of the fight fans, the Denver lad'
took Greggalns at his word, and he pulled
out for San Rafael, where he has been
working like a Digger Indian. Corbett
knew that he had lost prestige, and found
that the fair weather friends who had
followed his wake while he was on top
had suddenly passed away. He made up
his mind that he must fight and win.
and in order to do that he must get oack
to the corbett of former days.
Corbett's determination to get back to
his former self has won for him a host
of friends. They have watched carefully
the newspaper accounts that have been
coming. from his training camp. Some of
the stories they believed, but In order to
satisfy themselves they have watched the
little fellow at work with Joe Garis. They
are convinced that he has 'been honest In
all of. his statements. To these expert
observers he appears to be In perfect con
dition. Up to Corbett to Win.
"I realize exactly the position I am In,"
said the picturesque little fellow the other
day. "If I lose this fight to Nelson, I
am a dead one. I'll have to quit the
I ring. If I win from him I will get a
chance at Britt, and that's what I want.
Leave it to me."
In addition to being a great ring gen
eral himself. Corbett will have "Spider"
Kelly and Tim McGrath In his corner. As
a matter of fact, he has gathered around
him the greatest counsellors and rubbers
in the business. Besides Kelly and Mc
Grath, there are at San Rafael with him
Frank Rafael, who has rubbed Britt and
sparred with him In all of his preliminary
work, and Joe Gans, who has sparred
with Britt and has fought him. While
doing his earlier work, Corbett sparred
with Frankle Nell, and the Denver lad
had (more to do. with getting Nell Into
shape for his battle with Dick Hyland
than any one else.
Battling Nelson has also been working
hard for his second fight with Corbett.
The Dane made Corbett come to his terms
before he would consent to the match,
a thing which must rankle In Young Cor
bett's heart. Nelson gave it out that he
had about 20 pounds to take off In as
many days. If this were true. It was a
tremendous undertaking, but stories from
his training camp seem to point to the
fact that the Dane was not as heavy as
he gave out ho was. for within the past
ten days It was given out that he was
almost at weight. One thing Is sure. Nel
son when he faces .Corbett on the night
of March 28 will find before him a differ
ent Corbett. He may again whip Corbett.
then again he may not. At any rate, the
battle promises to be a whirlwind and
one well worth seeing.
Rusie Would Have Prayed.
Amos Rusie was sitting out In front of
the Mononghahcla House one night when
the New York team was In Pittsburg sev
eral years ago. says 'an exchange, when
an East End "fan" approached him with
this question:
"Suppose you were pitching -against the
Phillies; suppose there were three men
on the bases: suppose big Ed Delehanty
was at bat, and suppose two strikes and
three balls had been called. What would
you do?"
"Well." said Rusie. "I'd put a low ball
over the outside corner, about up to Del's
knees, shut my eyes and pray."
SURE men were picked to manage the
two most prominent lines of athletics
by the Multnomah Club for the Fair year.
Both Frank Watklns and Dave Honey
man have had considerable experience.
Watklns has been very successful with
the football team, and Honcyman with
the baseball nine. Their election at the
annual meeting of the club the other
night was merely a reward for services
well performed In the past.
Watklns, being the older man, has had
6omewhat more experience than Honey
man, extending over a greater number of
years. His last and best success was as
manager of the football team last year.
Although the expenses were high during
the last season, he pulled out at the end
with considerable money left over.
Ten years ago Watklns was taking part
In the sports himself, and It was not until
189S that he managed a team. That year
he was captain and manager of the track
team, and held the same positions the
following year. During both those years
he was also chairman of the outdoor com
mittee. In 1500 he was taking more in
terest In indoor work and was chairman
of the committee that had that sport in
In 1901 he was captain of the baseball
team and In 1902 both captain and man
ager. Since then he has become more In
terested in football and has proved him
self well able to handle the business end
of the sport.
Dave Honeyman's career as a manager
has not been so varied, but he has al
ways been successful in the one sport
he has been interested In. baseball. This
is the fourth time that he has held the
position of manager, and he -has usually
been a playing manager, -y n
Portland an Excellent
Horse Market
Breeders and Buyer From All
Over tlie Xorthwest Attracted
to April Auction Sales.
PORTLAND Is becoming one of the best
horse-market cities on the Coast. The
state has for many years been famous
for its fine horses, but it is only within
recent years that annual sales were held
In Portland. The task of making Port
land a horse market has not been an
easy one, but from year to year a bet
ter class of horses have been shipped
here, until now the Spring sales are
looked forward to with considerable In
terest. Breeders and owners who, In tho
past, have shipped their animals to Port
land in order to sell them, In a measure
conducted their own sales or turned them
over to Eome well-known liveryman to
sell. There was also the old distrust of
public auctions. This was the greatest
drawback that McCarthy & Sons had to
contend with when they announced their
first sale three years ago.
Breeders and owners looked upon the
announced public auction of horses as a
daring attempt to accomplish a thing
which was sadly needed, but one that
would not be a success. In Oregon, Wash
ington, Idaho. Montana and California
were horses for sale, some of the best
that ever looked through a bridle or were
ever hitched to a bike, but selling them
was another story. The first sale was In
a measure a success. Horses that were
sold, considering the class, brought good
prices. Old, conservative horsemen saw
at once there was money In selling horses
in Portland, and when the 1904 sale came
around the class of horses offered was"
better and the buyers were more liberal.
These two sales were advertised In the
East, and several times last year ship
ments of horses came from Kansas and
Kentucky. Some of these shipments were
made up of light harness a-d driving
horses, while a couple of shipments con
sisted of heavy draft horses and French
,coach animals. As strange as It may
seem, these shippers found buyers who
were willing to pay the prices.
Portland has a host of men and women
who love the thoroughbred. Few cities
of Its size can boast of so many roadsters
with splendid records, made not only oa
the trotting circuits of Oregon, but in
Washington, Montana, British Columbia.
Idaho and California. The racer has also
his friends, and owing to the large mem
bership of the Portland Hunt Club there
are over 100 thoroughbred racers under
the saddle In Portland.
Several years ago there was a saying
among breeders that they could not even
give a horse away In Portland, without
attempting to sell him for anywhere near
what he was worth. This might have
been the case when the Riverside Driving
Club was struggling along In swaddling
clothes. It Is surely not the case now,
for last year during the McCarthy sale
Portland's horse-lovers made the fancy
bids for .the trotters and pacers. Ben
Bolt, 2:1S, consigned by the Thomas B.
Tongue estate, was bought by Miss Hud
son. Several others brought fancy" prices
and they aro being driven on the streets
Other horses that were thought to have
been well sold at a Portland sale have
since proved bargains. Mack-Mack, 2:12,
who was bought by Helman for $1150,
was a splendid investment. He won sev
eral races last year and Mr. Helman Is
said to have refused 57000 for him. Bryan
Lac brought 4900 at tho 1904 sale. Since
then he has made a mark of $2:14U and
won several races on the North Pacific
circuit last year. An offer of 42500 was
refused for him during the Salem fair.
There will be the usual McCarthy & Son is April, and amons the first con
signments is that of C. X. Larrabee, one
of the best-known breeders in Montana.
This is the first time that Mr. Larrabee
has sold his horses on the Coast. In pre
vious years he has shipped them to East
ern horse sales, where he has gained a
reputation for himself as a breeder ol
note. Mr. Larrabee will ship about 65
head to the Portland sale, and they wiU
be carefully selected. The Larrabee stud.
Brook-Nook, is located at Home raxx,
-Tr.nt near Yellowstone Park. The Chi
cago Horse Review, In Its Christmas num
ber, calls Mr. Larrabee s stud the finest
breeding establishment for roadsters in
tho rnnntrv. He has 200 brood mares and"
they are an even lot both as to Individual
merit and pedigree. The blood of Black
Hawk 5 crops out In the maternal lines
nt snr-h wnrld-beaters as Lou Dillon.
1:5S&; Major Delmar, l:59?i. and Sweet
Marie. 2:04. Besides mares rich in iiiacK
Hawk and Morgan blood. Brook-Nook
hno ifmirhtprs of Altamont. Electioneer.
Joe Patchen. 2:01 (sire of the- champion
Dan Patch. 1:56), Robert .Mcuregor isira
f irrpat freseeus. 2:02) and many
other sires of champions. Many of thesa
mares are speed-producers, which Is pure
ly incidental, as Mr. Larrabee's first requi
site is that they shall be supero animau
of good disposition.
Rube Waddell Has Worlds of It, but
Cannot Compare With Him.
"No, slree. Waddell's speed don!t com
pare with that of Rusie," said Malachi
Klttrldge at a session of the Detroit
Fan club.
"The Rube has speed, worlds of it,
but there's none of them these days
who've got it on Rusie. Vic Willis has
speed at times, and his curve is the near
est to Rusie's that I know of. but he
hasn't the strength. But speaking of
Waddell. you've all heard bunches of
tales about the eccentric boy, and they're
all true half of them has never been
told but did you hear about him when
Barney Dreyfuss had him in the Na
tionals at Pittsburg?
"Rube was cutting up didoes. When ha
did. Barney always said to him that
Loftus wanted him down at Columbus
In the minor league. That threat made
Rube sore. After being taunted about
It one day, he rushed for Barney's of
fice, and said:
" 'See here, Loftus must have- something
on you. Now. I want to tell you that if
I'm sold to Columbus. I won't move a
step unless I get half . the purchase
" 'That'll be all right,' said Dreyfuss, 'I
sold you for a box of stogies." "
Season of 1905 Promises Well for
Queen's County Jockey Club Spring
meeting, April 15 to 24.
Metropolitan Jbckey Club Spring meet
ing, April 25 to May 3.
Westchester Racing Association Spring
meeting. May 4 to 24.
Brooklyn Jockey Club Spring meeting,
May 25 to June 14.
Coney Island Jockey Club Summer meet
ing, June 15 to July 4.
Brighton Beach Racing Association
Summer meeting, July 5 to 25.
Saratoga Association, July 31 to August
Coney Island Jockey Club Autumn meet
ing, August 26 to September 9.
Brighton Beach Racing Association Au
tumn meeting. September 25 to 30.
Brooklyn Jockey Club Autumn, meet
ing, September 11 to 23.
Westchester Racing Association Autumn-
meeting, October 2 to 14.
Metropolitan Jockey Club Autumn
meeting, October IS to November 16.
Queen's County Jockey Club Autumn
meeting, November 2 to 15.
Washington Jockey Club Autumn meet
ing, November 16 to December 2.
Maryland Jockey Club, April 19 to 23 In
clusive. '