The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 26, 1905, PART THREE, Page 18, Image 18

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!T was a pretty race thai occurred last
week between two very good stock
companies, and It would require a
court of Inquiry to determine exactly
whether the, Columbia or 4Empire forces
Ron. The former presented the classic
"Lady of Lyons" and the latter "North
ern Lights." There Is a great difference
between the plays, but each in Us way
requires much of the actors cast to in
terpret It- Both pleased the public and
were rewarded with, generous patronage.
The brief Brandt-Baume engagement ter
minated last night and the company, -with
the exception of Mr. Salnpolls, will open
in Seattle today.
The announcement that Edgar Baume
and John Sainpqlis .have leased the Em
pire and will organize a new stock com
pany, has been received with much satis
faction. Both these gentlemen are ex
cellent actors of long experience, and are
credited with good business judgment.
Their new venture seems reasonably cer
tain to succeed, and the public expects to
profit by the new undertaking.
Gloom dark and Impenetrable shrouded
the Marqua'm save on Monday, "when the
Case concert took place, and the last two
days of the week Paul Gllmore enter
tained with "The Mummy and the Hum
mingbird." Both events were altogether
creditable to those concerned.
The Lyric contributed Its portion to the
neek's amusement with. "Beyond the
Rockies" and the vaudevilles, with the
Bijou out of the running, were liberally
patronized. A. A. G.
Most Beautiful Production of Mans
field's Great Success at Columbia.
Opening Sunday at the Columbia Thea
ter with the regular matinee. Richard
Mansfield's greatest success, "Old' Heidel
berg," will be the bilL This play is truly
beautiful. In many respects it is recog
nized by everyone to be the loveliest play
produced in America in the last 60 years.
The scene is laid in Heidelberg, Germany,
and portrays the intense spirit of student
life In. that historical town. The story
centers around Prince Karl, and the
unique and touching love story between
himself, a prince, and the lowly daughter
of an Innkeeper of Heidelberg, is one of
the most heart-melting episodes in recent
dramatic literature. Tho play lends itself
readily to more than ordinary ecenic dis
play, and while being full of dramatic
action and picturesque variety, it still
seems to touch everyone's heart with a
more potent power than any other play
that has been produced in years. Richard
Mansfield, in New York and en tour
throughout the country, held everyone
spellbound with this beautiful master
piece. And since it has been produced in
stock In various cities of the United
States since that time the play has at
tracted the largest crowds and exacted
tho highest enthusiasm.
Mr. Ballard is using the entire re
.sources of the Columbia company and
staff of artists and workmen to make the
Columbia production of "Old Heidelberg
the most noteworthy in the history of the
"Old Heidelberg" is the story of a Ger
man prince a very young prince buried
in a castle surrounded by pomp and cer
emony and musty towers und dependents,
who goes away for a while to the great.
gay university to pursue his studies and
live In democratic good fellowship. He
'studies little, but lives much, and comes
to know the pure, Innocent, unspoiled
love of youth, the love of an humble inn
keeper's daughter. Rank is forgotten;
there Is no castle to hedge him about, and
so he. a young man among his kind, sings
his song, loves and rejoices that it is
May. that ho Is young-, and in Heidelberg,
His respite is not for long, however. The
reigning prince dies. lie needs must
leave his humble sweetheart, and his
I'onn i jiMi.,'-ns and return to the castle
to assume the dignity of his station. He
likes not th chill formality of councils
and sratoscraft. but yearns for the brief,
blessed -nays with his fellow students. At
last in sheer desperation he puts away
the artificiality and vanitios for an hour,
and returns to Heidelberg to say a last
farewell to his comrades and his lowly
sweetheart. When 11 Is all over he re
turns again to his castle a marriage of
state and to the unhappy heritage of a
crown. The Incidental music given dur
ing the performance of "Old Heidelberg"
constitutes a most beautiful and impres
sive feature of this, the loveliest and most
instantaneously popular play of the last
Eminent Actor to Present Shake
speare's "Othello" at Marqua'm.
One of the most popular and satisfying
productions m Mr. Charles B. Hanford's
repertoire Is "Othello." Mr, Hanford has
made a thorough study of this thrilling
and magnificent tragedy, his experience
with his own and other presentations of
It having made him absolutely familiar
with its every word. It is one of his fa
vorite characters, and critics have not
hesitated in according his portrayal of
it recognition as a fine, masterful crea
tion. While there are many Romeos and
Hamlets, there are few actors of the pres
ent day who have the physical endow
ments and the temperamental qualities
essential to a presentation of this rolo.
A special production of the play Is of
fered this season, the scenic equipment
being complete in every detail, the cos
tuming rich, picturesque and correct, and
the stage furnishings such as to reflect
the splendid luxury of ancient Vcne'tlan
society. The company Includes Miss Ma
rie Drofnah, who will appear as Desde
tnona. Miss Drofnah has made so favor
able an impression heretofore that her
performance of this role cannot fail to. at
tract popular interest. That excellent ac
tor Mr. Frank Hennlg will play la go, and
Mr. Edouard D'Olze will play Casslo. Mr.
Hanford will appear In "Othello" at the
Marquam Grand Theater next Thursday
evening, March 2. The advance sale of
seats will open next Tuesday morning,
February 28, at 10 o'clock.
America's Greatest Drama to Be Pre
sented at Marquam Theater.
Stetson's mammoth double production of
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" will appear at the
Marquam Grand Theater next Saturday
afternoon and night, March 4. The rendi
tion of "Uncle Tom" by this well-known
and well-liked company will never grow
old. This management evidently believes
in the maxim "What's worth doing Is
-worth doing well." There runs through
this grand story a pathos peculiarly
touching and sweet It speaks the universal-language
of the heart. It reflects
like a mirror the innermost phases of the
human emotions. It is more than a play
it is a moral classic It argues for two of
the greatest themes that can engage the
mind human liberty and the immortality
of the souL Notwithstanding tho frequent
production of this play, it l& never pro
duced in the sumptuous- manner by other
companies asdt Is In Stetson's. It is like
meeting an old friend after a year'o ab
sence. In his theatrical offering- Manager
Washburn has brought together all the
requisites that go to make up a really
reat production, and one it will be a real
loss to miss. The advance sale of scats
will open next Thursday morning, March
2, at 10 o'clock.
New York's Sensational Bandmaster
and His Celebrated Musicians.
Creatore and his Italian band will stop
in this city on Monday and Tuesday
March 6 and 7. for the purpose of appear
ing in concert at the Marquam Grand.
Creatore will be assisted by Slgnor Sodero,
a celebrated Neapolitan harpist, whom
Creatore brought to the United States for
solo and ensemble work In conjunction
with .the band. The programmes of Crea
tore's -concerts are at all times- so clev
erly arranged as to give a delightful con-
Rose Eytinge Strongly Urged to Give
Readings During Lenten Season.
There Is a movement on foot to have
MIfs Rose Eytinge, the talented actress
and elocutionist, give public readings
from the works of the great authors dur
ing the Lenten season, under the auspices
of a. number of ladles prominent in Port
land social circles.
If It depended on MIfs Eytinge to do
her own trumpeting, the walls of Jericho
would never fall, for sclf-cxploltatlon is'
not In her line, nor Is It needed at her
hands. The fame of her afternoon read
ings In few York and Washington pre
ceded her arrival here, and has aroused a
strong desire to secure her services for
similar entertainments In this city.
Her wonderfully modulated voice and
delightful Interpretation of the selections
given by her at the Edith Angus benefit
created a furore at the time, and Inspired
this desire for the readings now contem
plated. If these can be arranged for, as
now seems probable, it is generally pre
dicted that Miss Eytinge will be greeted
by large and enthusiastic audiences.
Wait for the Minstrels.
The attraction at the Empire, commenc
ing next Sunday matinee, will be Mahara's
Minstrels, one of the finest organizations
of the kind now before the public. The
engagement is for March 5, 8, 1 and 8, and
Manager Baker promises his patrons a
genuine treat. The Empire will be dark
this week.
Length of Bill Permits but Three
Performances Dally..
A new policy has been adopted by the
Star Theater with Its new programme
which begins at 3 o'clock tomorrow af
ternoon. Owing to the Immense size of the
bill there will be but three performances
every day, one in the afternoon and two
in the evening. The new bill at this
playhouse certainly marks high tide In
vaudeville, and Is headed by the three
aerial Stewarts, a trio of marvelous gym
nasts, whose work is absolutely astonish
ing. A strong feature act on the new pro
gramme, which is also the highest priced
single turn ever produced in Portland at
a ten-cent house, is Eddie Leslie, tho
greatest of all mimics, who will appear
In a sketch entitled "In the Portland
Rose and Severns are known as Incu
bators of really comical comedy, while
Meiers and Rosa will appear in a sensa
tional turn on the twirling disk, an act
which has been brought direct from
Fischer's Theater in San Francisco.
Then there Is the musical Patti. Mile.
Carrie, to be heard and seen, the cham
pion sleigh bell ringer of the world.
The Hay Sisters arc young in years, but
are natural oorn entertainers, and their
singing and ' dancing place them in the
front rank of soubrettcdnm.
The title of Arthur Jackson's new Illus
trated song is "Nobody Seems to Love
Me" a ballad which has made a great
hit in the East. ,
New and laughable films will be flashed
on tho canvas by the projectoscope, and
the entire bill both In quantity and qual
ity promises to mark a new era in vaude
ville entertainment.
..Keeps Up Its Good Work With Ex
The Grand will give continuous per
formances an aay today from 2 to 11 P.
M. Not only will the regular bill bo of
fered, but some added features. For tho
coming "week the house Is more than for
tunate, for tho bill, if anything, will be a
trifle better than anything which the
Grand has had of recent weeks. "The
Doctor's Dilemma," a great Eastern suc
cess, win do on tne programme, and An
derson and company, five people, will be
required to produce It. The Duffy famlly
of lour will sing, dance and create fun
by their humorous antics. The LouIe
brothers, who made such a hit last Mon
day, but who were compeTfeU. to lay" off
by reason of illnces, have been retained,
and they are certain to please all who
love daring physical feats. Lando and
Maynard. the jolly mlrthraakers. direct
from tne .east, are sure - to flnd favor.
Amy Granville, ,one of 'the most talented
and high-salaried women in vaudeville.
sings and does character work and imi
tations. Charles A. Boyd has done his
monologue in every corner of the globe.
and has always made good. Alf Bonner,
who seems to be a permanent fixture as
the song Illustrator, will present a new
and touching Illustrated ballad, and
"Hop o' My Thumb" will be shown In
the grandlscope.
The Floods Will Appear With Their
Trained Dog Trixie.
The appearance of the Floods at the
Arcade Theater this week will attract
new attention to this standard theater.
The Floods arc juggling experts, and
their act has additional attractions,
since their trained dog, Trixie. will also
appear with balancing ladder and globe
rolling feats.
Carroll and Nealcy, the two minstrel
boys, will masquerade as "blackface
knockabouts, and their merry pranks
have won them the title of "Funedlans
from Funnlngton."
The Alvlnos arc a comedy duo that fill
the theater with applause when they ap
pear In their latest skit. "A Little of
Everything From Everywhere."
W. J. Mack, the famous comedian. Is
billed as "Tho Curbstone Gosslper." and
he does a sidewalk chatter to himself
that has placed him In the front rank of
Harry Hcnrlckson. a new baritone, will
sing the pictured ballad. "She Sleeps Be
neath tho Silvery Rio Grande," and Ed
ison's projectoscope. with new and laugh
ahle moving pictures, will close the bill.
Today the programme Is continuous from
2 to 10:20 P. M.
The Lyric Stock Company Will Ap
pear In Pretentious Production.
Tho Lyric last week had the largest
houses in the history of the theater. The
splendid performances of "Beyond the
Rockies," the sensational frontier drama
which will be seen for the last time to
night aroused universal comment of ap
proval. The Lyric company Is being con
stantly strengthened and for the com
ing week, commencing with a matinee
tomorrow will offer "Tho Convict's
Daughter'' which Is a drama of real life,
teeming with heart-interest. Comedy,
pathos, and rapid and thrilling action are
all blended together to make the great
drama of Virginia one which appeals to
all classes alike. Excellent vaudeville
turns between acts will add spice to the
Third-Street House Is the Home of
Smart Vaudeville.
The week which closes at the Baker
today has been tho most prosperous one
since the theater opened as a vaudeville
house last Summer. Vaudeville la. grow
ing in popularity every day, at least good
vaudeville and that is the only kind tho
Baker over puts up. The past week was
prosperous because the people quickly dis
covered that one of the be3t bills In town
Tvas to be seen at the big Third street
home of smart vaudeville. Tho bill this
week Includes The Stubblefleld Trio in
their marvelous aerial act; Castellet &
Hall the famous sketch artists; The De
Lacys, king and queen of black face en
tertainers;, The Two Klems. the fun
niest of clowns; The Leander Trio.
Roman gladiators and, posers; Bernard
Williams, prince of comedians; John. W.
Wood In a new illustrated song;- Alf
James, favorite monologlst, and the
ever popular blograph In the newest mov
ing pictures. The great cycle dazzle 'win
be seen for the last time today. Continu
ous performance from 2 until 11 P. M.
George Ad li on hi way to Japan for
pleasure trip.
Ralph Stuart dtnls that h will come to'
Fortland to try out his new plays.
Clyde Fitch announces that he will take a
needed vacation. After his rest he will finish
a play for Maxlne. Elliott.
Lionel Barrymore has been stlected to star
next peason In the. new play written by Clyd
Fitch and William Steel from the Wolfvllle
Rose Ky tinge has a book of fare recollec
tions now In the bands of her publishers,' Holt
fc Co., of Boston, which will bo Issued In the
"The Earl of Pawtucket." "The Vlrginlxn
end the sotbern-Mariowe combination are
among the big attractions to come later at the
Mrs. Patrick Campbell has fully recovered
from her accident In Philadelphia, and - -Kill
resume her four In "The Sorceress," beginning
March 6 la Chicago. -
David Befasco has bought the dramatic rights
to Robert HIchln' novel "The Garden of
Allah." and may write . play for Blancho
Bates from It. The story tella ot the adven
tures of an Englishwoman In. Algiers.
-A memorial to Mrs. G. II. Gilbert probably
will be placed in tne iJioomingdale Reformed
Church, at Broadway and Sixty-eighth street.
of which ihe was a. memDer. The pastor. Dr.
W. C. Stlnson, Is working toward that end.
Joseph Cawthorne will begin his starring
tour next season in New rone in a new musical
clay by J. J. McNally. to Be called "In Tarn
many Halt." The lyrics will be written by
William Jerome, the music by Jean Schwartz.
The scenery for the second act of "Old Heldel
berg," which the Columbta Company will pro
duce today, was painted by Frank Klnr from
a photograph taken in Heidelberg recently by
a Portland, roan, it snowa tne garden of an
Inn with a view of Heidelberg Castle In the
Joseph Jefferson will make his reappearance
on the (tag at tne nosion j neater. Boston.
"Easter Monday. His sons. Thomas and Jo
ceph, Jr.. will play "Rip Van Winkle" that
week, and Mr. Jefferson will deliver an ad
dress each evening Detween, the acta. The
following week he will come over to New York
and make his farewell appearance on the
ttage at Joseph Holland's benefit 'at the Metro
politan opera-Mouse.
Amelia Bingham has raad arrangements
for the production on March 20 of a four-act
drama of modern life, called "Mademoiselle
Maml." It l written by Charles Dumay, ana
Is a story of Parisian life, and specialties will
.be introduced In the studio scenes. Among
those already announced a under contract are
jreceric ur tteuexui". crazier i-ouiier. rrea
rlck Ti5n. Dor Davidson and Louise Drew.
Leo Dttrlchsteln Is reading th principal com.
edy role, and mar be engaged for the part.
Mrs. Samuel Charles, who now claims to be
the oldest actress on the American rtage. Is
lerlously 111 in Danville. III., where she has
. been playing In Roielle Knott's "Cousin Kate"
-.Company. She was seen In New: York "with
, Andrew Mack In "The Last of the Rohan."
i aa Cauth, the old prophetess. Mr?. Chanei
J-has been on the stage 02 years', and until a
. month or zo ago had never lost a night on
account ot Mines. She will be taken to her
home In Sedalla. Mo., as soon aa she Is able to
Jack London la collaborating with Lee Bas
com on a ulaj- having for its story a powerful
theme, dealing with a subject new to the
stage. "While this Is Jack London's Initial
essay at playwrltlng, Lee Bascom will be re
membtrcd a the author of "A .Bowery Girl,"
"Three Men- In a Flat,' and other plays, illss
BiKom't "A Japanese Bride," an original
comedy In three acts. Is to be produced at the
Majestic Theater, San Francisco, early In
March. It will be an elaborate production, and
Is exciting much Interest, as It Is something
new both la story and manner ot treatment.
Manager A. IT. Ballard, of the Columbia,
teems considerably amused over the pecula
tion now going- the rounds aa to the future of
the Columbia. In good-naturedly discussing
the matter recently ho ealdr "My leafc on the
theater rumi until July 1 and until that time
I do not see- how anybody can get It unlet 1
retire, which I have no Intention of doing.
It may be- that when the lease expires I shall
desire to extend It. I llko the work and the
company; we are all happy and satisfied. We
would not be happy and satisfied If we weren't
prosperous. I hate to throw a wet blanket on
anybody's schemes, but I Teally don't see ow
I can get out Just to further them."
George Ade's
Grand Opera
HE New York Globe Is responsible
for the statement that years ago, In
LaFayctte, Ind., George Ade wrote
a grand-opera burlesque which was after
ward unearthed and put on by some am
ateurs, with acccompanylng fragments ot
music by Wagner. Verdi and other com
posers. Mr. Ado haBMr. and Mr?. Tyler
and. the janitor as the principal charac
ters. Mr. Tyler Is seated in the parlor
of .his flat Enter Mrs. Tyler:
Mrs. Tyler1 I think I smell smoke.
Mr. Tyler She thinks she smells smoke.
Mrs. Tyler I think I smell smoke.
Mr. Tyler Ah. what Is this? She says.she'
thinks she smells smoke.
Mrs. Tyler
What does It mean?
What does It mean?- .
This smell of smoke may indicate
That we'll be burned. Oh, awful fate!
That we'll -be burned.
Oh-h-h-h, awful fate! ;
Mr. Tyler
Behold the smell grows stronger yet.
The house Is burning. I'd regret
To perish In the curling flames.
Oh. horror! Oh. horror! Oh, horror!.
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler (duet)
Oh. sad Is our lot. sad Is our lot, sad is
V ouc lot, sad Is our lot, sad la our lot.
To perish in the flames so hot.
To curl and writhe and fry and slzz.
Ob. what a dreadful thing It Is
To think of such a thing.
Mrs. Tyler We must escape!
Mr. Tyler Yes. -yea. we must escape.
Mrs. Tyler1 We have, no time to lose.
Mr. Tyler
Ah, bitter truth! Ah, bitter truth!
We have no time to lose!
Hark! What la that?
Mrs. Tyler Hark! Hark! What Is that?
Mrs. Tyler Ah, yes; ah. yes; It Is the
dread alarm.
II r. Tyler
The dread alarm
Strikes on the ear
And chills wa with
An awful fear.
Tho house will burn.
Oh, can It be.
That I must die "
In misery? v "
That I must die .
Jn misery?
The hous will burn: -
Oh. can It be
That I must die
In misery?
Mrs. Tyler Come, let us fly.
Mr. Tyler Tls well, 'tis well; we'll fly at
(Enter all the other residents of the sixth
floor of the apartment building. They range
themselves in a stmlclrcle behind Mr. and
Mrs. Tyler.)
Mr. Tyler
Kind friends. I have some news to tell :
Thle house Is burning; it Is well
That we should haate ourselves away.
And save our lives without delay.
Oh,-let us not remain too long.
Remain too long, too long, too Iong:L
Oh. let us not remain too long. :
Women of the Chorus
What Is this he tells us?
It must be o;
The building Is on nre.
And we must go.
Men of the Chorus
What Is this he tells us?
It must be so;
Th building Is on nr
And we must go.
Grand Chorus
Oh. hasten, oh, hasten, oh. hasten asvay
Our terror we would not conceal.
And language falls to express the alarm
That In our hear: we fee!. t
I Enter the Janitor.) .
Janitor Hoid I am here!
Mr. Tyler Ah, it is the janitors
Mrs. Tyler
Can I believe my senses.
Or-am I golnK mad?
It Is the Janltoro:
It Is. Indued, the janltoro.
Janitor Such news I have to tell.'-
Mr. Tyle
Ah. I might have known.
He hat ucli ikws to tell.
Mrs. Tyler Speak, and break
the awful
Mr. Tyler Tes, speak !
I come to inform you ' ...
That you must quickly rty: 'v
The fearful blaze Is spreading;
To tarry Is to die. .
The floors underneath you jy
Are completely burned away; -
They cannot save the building ' "
So now escape. X pray." y
The flames are roaring loudly
Oh, what a fearful sound!
Tou can hear the people shrieking
As they leap and strike the ground. '
Oh, horror overtakes nie.
And I meraly pause to say
That the building's doomed for certain
So haste, oh. haste away!
Mrs. Tyler
Oh. awful message!
How It chills my heart!
Yet we will sing
A few more arias
Before we start. '
Mr. Ade ends the opera here, remark
ing that the principals and chorus had
wasted so much time In the arias, that
they perished in the flames.
When Lincoln
Was Shot
Tho following is a word for word, copy
of the playbill ot "Our American Cousin."
in which Laura Kecne was appearing on
the night of President Lincoln's assassi
nation, the President being an occupant
ot the state box when he received his
death wound:
Tenth Street. Above E.
Season II. Week XXXI. Xlght 130.
Whole- Xumber of tghts, -405."
John T Ford Proprietor and Manager
Mo of Hollldav St. Theater. Baltimore.
- "and Academy ot Music, Philadelphia.
Stage Manager -J. B. Wright
Treasurer H. aay F.ord
Friday Evening. April 14th. 1865.
Benefit and Last Night of Mto
The Distinguished Manageress. Authoress and
Actress. Supported by
Tom Taylor's crtebrated eccentric comedy, as
originally produced In America by Miss
Kien and performed by her for upward
of one thousand nights, entitled
Florence Trcnchard (her original character)
Mlsa Laura Keenn
Abel Murcott. Cleric to Attorney.... John Dyott
Asa Trenchard Harry Hawk
Sir Edward Trenchard T. C. Gourlay
Lord Dundreary - E. A. Emeroon
Mr. Coyle. Attorney J. Matthews
Lieutenant Vernon. R. X W. J. Ferguson
Captain De Boots ,...C. Byrnes
Blnney G. G. Spear
Buddicombe, a Valet J. H. Evans
John Whicker, a Gardener J. U De Bonay
Rasper, a Groom..
Bailiffs G. A. Parkhurst and L. JoTmaon
Mary Trenchard Miss J. Gourlay
Mrs. Mountchealngtoa Mrs. H. Muzzy
Augusta Miss II. Trueman
iaorgina r -Utss at Hart
Sharpe. n. r.u3
Skillet Miss M. Gourlay
Saturday Evening. April 15.
Beneflt of Miss Jennie Gourliiy, when will be
presented BouclcauH's Great Sen
" satlonal Drama,
Easter Monday, April 17, Engagement ot the
Youruf American Tragedian. Edwin
Adams," for Twelve Xlghtn Only.
The Prices of Adraiasion.-
OrchetrR 51.CO
Drew Circle and Parquette .75
Family Circle .23
Private Boxes $S and $10
J. H. Ford. Business-Manager.
Polklnhorn and Son. Printers. D St. n
7tb, Washington. D. C.
If Baby Is Cuttiag; Teeth.
Be ur and ts that old asd well-tried resa4.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, tor calldrca
teething. It soothes the child, softens tb gums,
allays all pais cure wind crlla and diarrhoea,