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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1905)
PBRT THREE PSGESr 17 TO 30 JpL. XXIV. POUTLAUD, OREGON, SUNDAY MOKNING, FBBEUABY 26, 1905. NO. 9. THE ' QUALITY SHOP Tkt'DirrertMV SUrc- 7he"Dlffenat 'SUre WasJ&laite Sts. Leading Store of Largest Stocks on the Pacific Slope. me m s J . JSZL Hourly Sales Monday For extra hourly specials sea MONDAY HORNING PAPERS. Wanted immediately Ten experienced saleswomen in the big Second floor Suit and "Wrap Salons. Apply to Superin tendent, Mr. Bell, on Monday. Personal F. M. Young, buyer for our la dies' furnishing, lace and ribbon stores, and M. Hansen, chief of the Undermuslin, Corset, Ward robe and Art Salons, returned last week from a six weeks' business trip to New York City. Mr. F. M. Hamburger, manager of tho Millinery Salons, is expect ed home this week from his semi annual Spring trip to New York City. Miss L. Bernard, the efficient manager of tho big Garment stores on Second floor, leaves New York today for home via New Orleans and California, arriving in about two weeks, making a tour of in spection of leading stores in F)tthern cities en route. Mr. King, of the firm, leaves early in March on his semi-annual trip East in the interest of the Silk and Dress Goods stores con nected with this establishment. Mr. J. C. Olds is now in the East on his regular Spring trip, selects ing his lines of China, Glass and Silverware, Bric-a-Brac, etc Jjot Fall. " " ' Mr. H. C. "Wortman, of the firm, is at the New York office, 438 Broadway, assisting Mr. Shipley, the resident buyer. He writes home: ""We will certainly 'put it all over' competition this year with the magnificent lines select ed.' ' As usual. Read, in another column of the change of management .in the Shoe Department. SEE MONDAY PAPERS FOR A HOST OP MENTIONS OP OTHER WONDERFUL SPE CIALS OF THE WEEK IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. WE DON'T LIKE TO HAVE OUR FRIENDS THINK WE'RE EASILY "SWELLED" But it is really pleasant to know that our efforts to do the best sort of storekeeping are appreciated by the great public, as such letters as the one below a fair sample of li8 niimhere -ri"vif lnilv sppm tn indicate. This from a prominent Ml siv.ipf.v Jadv at Aberdeen. Wash.: Aberdeen, Wash., Feb. 20, 1905. Messrs. Olds, Wortman & King, Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen: In reply to your-letler of recent date, will sa' that the dishes have been received. I scarcely know how to express my appreciation of your kindness in this matter. The dishes were not in the first ship ment, for I did not miss them the evening I unpacked them, but the next morning in looking over the lot 1 discovered that the fruit sau cers were not there, and immedi ately wrote you. I assure you that I appreciate your promptness in this matter and would like to say that this impresses me more favor ably with your store than ever. This was my first trading trip to Portland, and may I add my mite and say that I found your store the pleasantest and best in which to trade? Yours very truly. Signed "NEW ADMINISTRATION SALE" OF SHOES A Shoe Sale of Tremendous Importance to Every Individual in Portland Our Shoe Department Changes Management All present stocks to be slaughtered regardless of whether they've been in the store a week only, or a year. New Spring styles suffer equallj with the makes of the past season and there's little change in shoe styles, anyhow, for a year back. But we've changed managers in the Shoelore. MR. S. C. JAMESON Late of Boston and Providence Has been engaged and took charge last week of our big new Shoe Department. For oven 20 years the name of "Jameson" has been associated throughout all the East with the egression of "ONLY GOOD SHOES." Mr. Jameson owned and managed the largest and. leading shoe stores in Boston, Mass., and Providence, R. I., for years. His Boston store was not only the largest in that city, but the handsomest, finest fitted and most elaborately appointed of an- in America. Mr. Jameson is a designer and practical originator of the latest ideas now embodied in the finest makes of shoes in this country. Having disposed of his East ern interests we persuaded Mr. Jameson to take control of this great branch of our "AT YOER SERVICE." S. C. JAMESON. phenomenally growing business. "The best is none too good," is ever our motto, and in' presenting Mr. Jameson to our public, we can truly say, He is the best all 'round shoe man today in the United States, and safely challenge contradiction., Hundreds of Easterners will welcome Mr. Jameson to Portland as an old and valued acquaintance. The condition of assuming charge of our shoe business was that he should have AB SOLUTE control. His first order is, "Sell every dollar's worth of present stocks." We'll let him tell the rest in his own way., " WHAT MR. JAMESON SAYS: "While the present stocks of footwear in the store are well chosen and in splendid shape so far as makes, styles and sizes are concerned, naturally I do .not care to con tinue many lines of another buyer's choosing. The shoe stocks here are (by my own personal investigation) the peer of any in the City of Portland and yet I can better them. My policy will be to start all over new in my way, with stocks chosen by myself. In no other way will I assume the responsibility of making the improvements in hand. Therefore I propose to slaughter the present stocks regardless of whether they've been here a day, a month or a year. Spring business must be done with shoe lines picked by " Yours truly, "JAMESON." Therefore thousands of pairs of shoes fo men, women, misses and children will be sold this week at less than manufacturers' cost! In many cases at less than half! SUCH VALUES AS WERE NEVER SEEN" BEFORE IN ALL THE WEST. Ex tra salespeople, cashiers and wrappers for this great sale. Opens Monday at S A. M. WOMEN'S 55.50 DRESS SLIPPERS FOR $1.99. "Women's buckle "Adonis" Slippers, patent Ideal kll, also dull finish French matt kid buckle "Adonis" for house or street, hand sewed, welt, stylish military heels; regu lar values $5.00 and $5.50: special "New Administration Sa'e" price, pair $1.00 WOMEN'S $2.50 SLIPPERS $1.29. "Women's 2-,strap,- 5-sirap and cross-strap ' Sllnpejy; Rome beaded and. some plain: . lst uundu!riqd ideal K'tS 'Adonls'r and vlcl "kid, Blucher. Oxfords: regular values -$2.25 -and $2.50-": special "New Administra tion Sa.le' price, pair $1.20 470 PAIRS OF WOMEN'S TURKISH SLIP PERS AT 49c PAIR. Women's Turkish Slippers in red. tan and black; special "New Administration Sale" price, pair 40c WOMEN'S KID SLIPPERS 99c. A lot of women's red Jcld Slippers, satin bow over instep, hand turned; special "New Ad ministration Sale" price, at pair 09c WOMEN'S $3.53 SLIPPERS $1.99. A lot of women's vie patent kid Slippers, vpry stylish: regular value $3.50; special "New Administration Sale" price, pair $1.00 A POPULAR MAN'S SHOE AT A MATCH LESS BARGAIN PRICE! MEN'S $3.50 SHOES $2.49. Men's lace Shoes, box calf. Blucher cut, latest potato last, also men's velour and vlcl kid shoes. Blucher or .straight last, compara tively new goods, broken sizes to be dis continued; regular $3.60 shoes; special "New Administration Sale" price, pair. 92.40 GREAT BARGAINS IN BOYS' SHOES. Boys' lace Shoes, vlcl kjd and-'Velour calf, solid inner and outer soles, :soltd leather counter; "heavy 5rTi?ed lined arid .pawed.' -sizes' 9UO-13; special, pair. $1.19 Sizes 11 to 2;" ppuoial. pair - .'$1.20 Sixes 2H to-5Ji; speclul, pair. ......... ..$1.50 BOYS' $1.50 SHOES 79c 49 pairs boys' Shoes, solid real calf, -large and small sizes; regular values $1.-25 and $1.51; special "New Administration Sale" price. pair .., 70c Good, fashionable and even famous , makes of Shoes the best we have ever had to sell under p'rlce. SENSATIONAL BARGAINS IN WOMEN'S SHOES. IN THE "NEW ADMINISTRATION . SALE." WOMEN'S $3.50 SHOES $1.(59'. A lot of women's fine custom made button Shoes, patent and vlcl kid, black velvet top: a dressy street shoq: regular value $3.50; special "New Administration Sale" price, pair $1.00 WOMEN'S $1.00 SHOES $1.79. S9 pairs women's lace Shoes, kid foxed, dull mat kid tops, some on the comfortable foot form last, others ' on the round toe last: regular value $1.00; special "New Administration Sale" price, pair.', . . .$1.70 ' " ' IW$MEN'S'V$1.D0 SHOES $2.19. Women's lace Shoes. French enamel, dull matt kid top, stout soles. Goodyear sewed, dress street ahoe to wear without rubbers; regular value $4.00; special "New Adminis tration Sale" price, pair $2.10 WOMEN'S $5.00 SHOES $2.29. Women's lace and button Shoes, 211 pairs, hand-turned soles,, choice selected vlcl kid. made by the leading manufacturers In the Country: regular value $5.00; special "New Administration Sale" price, pair 92.29 WOMEN'S $3.50 "GLORIA" SHOES for $2.15. A lot of women's "Gloria" Shoes, dull box calf, plump weight, vlcl kid. extension sole3: regular value $3.50; special "New Administration Sale" price, pair 92.15 WOMEN'S $4.00 SHOES $2.29. "Women's lace Shoes. Goodyear welt, vlcl kid. medium round toe, military heel: regular value $4.00; special "New Administration Sale" price, pair $2.20 Women's $5.00 Shoes 59c ! 352 pairs women's lace Shoes, patent kid, vlcl ' kid,- .box-calf, velour calf and tan. vicL.kiL ! also clBth tops, kid foxed lace. Regular I value from $3.00 up to $5.00."New Adminls ! tration Sale price, per pair SOc ! WOMEN'S $3.00 SHOES $2.29. Women's high-grade lace boots, 460 pairs. 11 different styles, patent colt, box calf (dull finish) vlcl. kid and patent kid; regular values $4.00 and $5.0); special "New Ad ministration Sale" price, pair $2.20 UNPARALLELED BARGAINS IN WOMEN'S SLIPPERS. WOMEN'S $4.50 DRESS SLIPPERS FOR $2.49 Women's patent Ideal kid button Slippers, hand made, thin edge. Louis heel, nigh arch; very stylish; regular value $4.50; spe cial "New Administration Sale" price, pair $2.40 LARGEST AND LEADING GARMENT STORE WEST OP CHICAGO New Spring MILLINERY Nearly every vestige of the past season's millinery styles is lost in a myriad of new conceptions that re flect' unusual credit upon the orig inators. There's a decided newness about each style which you must see to fully comprehend the changes. To see the new hats- as they are shown in Paris and New York you must come here. We've fairly launched the Spring millinery season, and to leave a last ing impression that will endure througnout the entire season, we state Monday SPRING HATS FOR IMMEDIATE WEAR. An offering that should crowd our hat section and further enhance our millinery reputation. A line of handsome, new Spring shapes in silk and mohair braids, trimmed with wings and ribbon and soft shlrrlngs of silk. Splen did hats for early Spring wear; priced from $2.50 to $4JS0 A GREAT SPECIAL. IN FLOWERS. Flowers worth 50c for 22c Bunches of Roses. Lilacs. Violets and Rose Foliage just the thing with which to freshen up the Win ter hat If you don't intend to buy a new one just yet. Good 50c value; special at. the bunch... 22c 75c AUTOMOBILE CAPS FOR 39c Automobile Caps, in velvet and sorge cloth, colors, red. navy and brown; regular 75c value; special at, each .(....30c The Fashion Center of the Western Garment World In the WOMEN'S APPAREL SALONS--2d Floor Hundreds of New Arrivals . Daily The "Demi-Saison" Suits That's what Paris calls these first glimpses of fashions al ready "out" for Spring. Women's Tailored 'Suits almost cere monious in beautiful cloths and effects. A word of this store's tailor-made suits and wraps for women. Some women, who do not observe very closely, wonder why it is that our tailored garments hold their shape so much longer than the usual sort do not fall into unsightly folds and wrinkles as soon as the first freshness wears off. It is because we do not use trimmings to cover defects. Seams are carefully finished; tailor-stitching gives firmness where needed: every hidden part is looked after with the utmost care, even in the low-priced garments. Nothing Is skimped or slighted. Our wraps are out of the ordinary. They "have an air of re finement and excluslveness that suggests Paris at its best. The lines are easy and graceful; the materials and trimmings are as rich as one could desire, but are used with a degree of restraint that Insures harmony and artistic effect. Among the notables registered in the list of late arrivals are the trim, trig and jaunty ' In the March Silk and Dress Goods Stores South Annex First Floor. SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR THE WEEK FOUR GRAND SPECIALS. New 45-Inch, silk and wool crepe de Paris very dressy, with rich silky finish In following color assort ment. Cream, pink, cell, Nile, re seda, hunters and myrtle green, tans, biscuit, champagne, modes, browns, fose, copper, cardinal, mole, royal, Parsifal and navy; un equaled value at our regular price, $1.53; special for the week, per yard $1.18 New 54-Inch all wool Tailor Suit ings, In a grand assortment of colors, and all in neat mannish effects; splendid fabrics for street wear; special for the week at, per yard $1.00 New hard twisted Tailor Suitings, in neat striped and checked effects; all the swell street colors in the assortment; splendid values at our regular low price of 50c per yard; special for one week only, yd. .4ic NEW BLACK TAFFETAS. CUT IN PRICE FOR ONE WEEK. Tard wide, black, all pure silk Taf feta, with deep, rich, lustrous color: an excellent wearing grade for skirts, suits and lining Our regular $1.25 grade: other. stores advertise them as "$1.50 values:" special for the week only. yd.. 08c TAILORED STREET SUITS. In all the newest and most approved materials for Spring wear, most moderately priced. A nand some line ranging from $18.00 to $25.00 NEW TAN COVERT JACKETS In plain and boxy effects In the popular collarless - styles, or the smart English fly fronts $1250 to $2.1.00 NEW WALKING SKIRTS. In materials of alpaca, broadcloth, tweeds, serges and dressy, durable worsteds. Plain colorings In black, gray, blue, tan. brown. Severely plain tail ored or in the effective plaited or kilted ef fect $7.30 to $25.00 NEW DRESS SKIRTS In Etamlnes and Voiles with or without silk drops, with full graceful sweep and very latest modes and trimming effects. Just in from their New York makers. . THE SWAGGER NEW SHIRTWAIST SUITS No woman will care to call her wardrobe complete this season without at least one or two of these decidedly stylish and smart suits. Made in plain or the popular kilted effects in taffetas or pretty, fancy woolens. A choosing of green, blue, black, terra cotta or fetching fancy mixtures. - .- $12.5 to $50.00 EXTRA SPECIAL Sl'PERB .EVENING WAISTS FOR ONE-HALF PRICE. A remarkable opportunity offers this week for supplying the fancy evening waists for Spring and Summer social functions. We shall place on sale over 20i handsome evening waists, values ranging 'from $25 to $50. Superb creations of chiffons, chif fon taffetas, peau de soles and crepe-de-chines, in whites, blacks and delicate pinks, niles and blues. In all the dainty, beautiful trimming effects that fashion favors. As a stirring special value, HALF PRICE all week or until lot is closed. All the magnificent evening gowns and opera wraps that remain of the past season's showings and styles In these change but little you know at HAXiK PRICE OR LESS Etamlnes, albatross, chiffon taffetas, crepe-de-chines, nun's veiling and broadcloths form the materials, in pinks, blues, reds and champagnes and some dainty dotted In polka pattern. Choose this week at HALF PRICE SOME LESS EXTRA! Just in by express. New and exclusive STREET and CALLING GOWNS! The latest, new est models of that famous style dictator. Mile. Schroedcr $45.00 to $125.00 A GREAT SALE OF NEW SPRING Shirtwaists THE FIRST OF THE SEASON OF OUR FA MOUS SHIRTWAIST SALES. Women's Handsome New $3.75 Waists for $1.59 The materials are heavy mercerized cottons and Madras, in beautiful tiny floral and vine and spray designs in dainty colorings and conven tional designs In colors of 'materials, white and tans. The very latest styles, just received from New York. The mercerizing Is very heavy and rich, .giving to the waists all the appearance and beauty of heavy silk. Lavender, green and pink predominate in the figures on white grounds. Tans have heavy raised mercerized figures. All have white pique or fancy collars with tie. Values in the lot to $3.75. Special all day MON DAY ONLY, at $1.80 Great News for I. C School Scholarship Contestants In appreciation of the Interest shown in the J. C. School Scholar ship voting contest by our public, we have concluded to of per Another free SCHOLARSHIP Making two In all. The second scholarship to go to tho person standing second, on. the list at the close of the contest, Saturday, April 22, at 8 P. It This second, scholar ship will not Include the languages, however, but choice of every other course taught by the school. The first scholarship includes choice- of the full list Including languages. STANDING OF CONTESTANTS AT 5 P. M. YESTERDAY. Reginald Carter, Bell Boy, The Xortom 18,511 Arthur Taylor, M. fc A. Sho- gxen 122S Mae Hughes, Knight Shoe Co. . S53 Guy De Pue. Portland Delivery Co 4,323 Esther Carlson, Mason & Ear in na ........... 3,825 Charles Adler, Woodard, Clark & Co 3,780 Arthur Lindborg, JLladhorg: Grocery 3,003 Fred Murphy, Wester Electric Co 2y4S4 Janet Clark, Meier & Frank Co, 2,030 P. H". Sattln, Wadhams & Kerr Bros. ...... 3,068 59,047 Scattering : ..12,883 Total ...71,740 Domestics Dainty Wash Stuffs and the Beautiful White Goods for Summer First Floor. When you look at such white gooas as cue Swisses, zor instanee, j AGO iUVOI itH.U. uu maUd up with, and the new styles of skirt and. blouse ypu no longer wonder why another great "whita year Ib promlied but rath it, how- it coula be helped. The plain sheer cottona will b worn from now on, made np Into blouses, over colored slipa some of the girls aro making these Blips of sateen because. It washes bo well. Tnis list tells the synopsis of an Interesting story of the naweat in Spring favorite "Tab" fabrics, as ex ploited, at Portland's largest and foremost store this week. Richardson's pure Irish ltnn damask sets, with fun size ffl-nnac napkins. Sizes 2x2 yards; regular value $4.75; special, set .....$30 Sizes 2x23 yards, regular value, $5.50; special, set ..$449 Sizes 2x3 yards, regular value, $5.50; special, set ........... $4.09 Sizes 2x3 yaxd3, regular value, $6.00; special, set $4JS9 45o DAMASK 34c. Damask, turkey red and white blua and white, green and red, 68 In. wide, all fast colors; regular value 45c; special, yard........ 34c LINEN CRASH lOo YARD. Heavy all linen crash, 18 Inehea wide, brown or bleached; special at, the yard.. ....ISo SPECIAL VALUES IN NEW. WHITE GOODS. White embroidered Madras, exquis ite patterns; at, yard. .25c aad 35a White embroidered novelty waist lengths in all the newest -weaves; from each $1.50 to $10.00 Soft white India mull, very popular this season at, the yd.l5c,25c,35o White Japanese Linens; at, tho yard, ,....81.00, $1.35 Had $1.50 Fine linen Cambrics and sheer linen Lawns for embroidered shirt waists; from, yard.... 50c to $5.00 40c PERSIAN LAWN 29c. 2000 yards fine sheer Persian Lawn, 45 Inches wide; regular value 40c; special, yard 29c "Efleure," the new French novelty, a soft clingy fabric, that does not wrinkle; see new Jardiniere pat terns; exclusive with us; special at, yard 50c MOHAIR LUSTRE 25o YARD. Mohair Lustre In checked and striped effects, resembles the $1.00 woolen goods, crisp and firm as real mohair; special at, yard.. 25c SILK GINGHAMS 40c and 50c YARD Silk Ginghams in plain colors and fancy jacquard effects at, yard 40c, 50c LINEN SUITINGS 40c and 50c YARD French and Irish Linen Suitings, all " colors; at, the yard.. 40c and 50c CH ALLIES 35c YARD. Satin . stripe wool mixed Challies, dark, medium and light colorings. In choice designs; at, yard.... 35c New embroidered Voiles; at, the yard 18c New Scotch Tartan Plaids.; at. the yard 25c and 50c New French printed Tull; at, the yard $1.00 New Panama Suitings: at, yard 25c New Shantung Suitings; at yd.. 60c New Scotch, French and American Ginghams; at, the yard 10c, 12e. 15c nnd 25c ii ii i