The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 26, 1905, PART TWO, Page 12, Image 12

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Members of Cabinet Among
the Number.
Commonwealths Are Planning to
Erect Fine Structures and Install
Elegant Exhibits at Lewis
and Clark Fair.
It was announced at Exposition heed
quartern yesterday that 12 states and
territories were to erect buildings on the
Centennial grounds. They are:
New York,
.T. VV. Flanagan, general agent of
n Southern Pacilic at Havuna, Cuba,
advise the PortlanJ Commercial Club !
tat after a conference with leading
ri'izens of Cuba, he can promise a
large party to the Exposition, Includ
ing among others Hon. Carlos Ortiz
fofflgny, secretary of state, and por
naps eomc other members of the Pres
ident'! Cabinet.
He further writes that the Expo
sition will be given .special notice in
all the Spanish editions printed by the
Southern Pacific Company, and tbe out
lock Is that the rond will be well re
paid. The Commercial Club began several
months ago making arrangements
with leading department stores
mroughqut the United States for the
auoptlon of a plan which would allow
the most popular school teacher in
several of the large cities of tno coun
try to visit the Lewis and Clark Ex
position. One of the great stores of
the Missouri Valley has determined to
take this matter up on the most elab
orate scale, which will result In the
distribution of some 40 trips and the
mo elaborate and extraordinary ad
- Ttiscment of the Exposition and this
part of tnc United States.
Favorable replies are being receiveJ
from many great stores, and the bene
r;ts thnt will accrue through this ar
rangement are almost beyond estimate.
Fine Buildings and Elaborate Dis
plays Are Promised by Each.
Twelve states are to erect buildings for
the Lewis and Clark Exposition, tho ma
jority of the state pavilions costing more
han $25,000 each. This announcement
v as made at Exposition headquarters
sterday afternoon, upon advices from
'ommissioner Mclsaac. who has been
working throughout the Middle West, and
who Is at present In Minnesota.
The Oregon building, of course, will be
the most pretentious of all state build
ings. Mrs. Jefferson Myers will be
hostess, and entertainmerwlll be given
on a grand scale. It will the object of
Mrs. Myers and of her husband, the
president of the State Commission, to
make every Exposition visitor weicome at
all times to tho State of Oregon building,
where the resources of the common
wealth will be displayed through photo-f-aphs,
drawings and literature.
The State of Washington building, for
-nbich an ample appropriation has been
made, will be one of the handsomest on
the grounds. Entertainments will be the
feature at this building, and Oregon's
sister state will make an effort to display
Ler resources in a manner that will ap
peal to guests.
The California building, which will cost
in the neighborhood of $50,000, will be In
the shape of the cross, each wing repre
senting one of the old missions In that
state, with a huge dome In the center, in
which will be placed a chime of mission
bells. Those who have seen plans -of all
tho contemplated state buildings declare
that the building to be erected by the
State of California will be more beautiful
and unique than any of tho others. The
people of that state, headed by Governor
Pardee, have taken a great and note
worthy Interest in the Lewis and Clark
t'ontcnnlal, and will make a good show
ing. California day, set for September
9, will see thousands of visitors from that
state within the Exposition grounds, and
the city will also be theirs. Appropriate
ceremonies will be held, and the Callfor
nlans will capture the Fair by storm.
Idaho, the little sister of Oregon, whose
financial state was not too poor to admit
of an appropriation of $35,000. is to have
a building that will reflect great credit on
that state. Jdaho is taking the Exposi
tion seriously; she recognizes the oppor
tunity which presents itself, and will do
all in hor power to let every Exposition
visitor know there is such a placo as
Utah is to have a building of unique de
sign, in which will bo housed a part of
the displays from that state, and where
natives will be entertained during their
visit to the Centennial.
Missouri is to havo the site first granted
tho State of Washington, and will con
struct thereon a building that will cost
$30,000. Missouri will attempt to repay
Oregon's Interest in the Louisiana Pur
hase Exposition, and will also attempt
to capture prizes by the score.
The Illinois building will cost $20,000, the
remainder of the appropriation from that
state to be used as an entertainment
fund. This state will make no display or
exhibit, but all Illinois people who visit
the Centennial will make their state
building their headquarters during their
stay in the city. There has already been
arranged a special excursion from Chi
cago, composed of four sections, the first
bearing Governor Deneen and his staff,
together with prominent politicians,
which will arrive in Portland In time for
th celebration of the day.
Wisconsin y'll have a creditable build
ing, in which a part of her display will
be housed. Governor LaFollette will be
present on the opening day, and has
stated that the Interests of Wisconsin
and Oregon arc identical in so many re
spects that Wisconsin cannot but do her
best to make tho Centennial a success.
Wisconsin Is expected to furnish her full
quota of visitors during the Centennial,
nd present indications arc that many
thousands will come to Portland from
that state.
Xew Tork Is lo croct a fine building,
and Pennsylvania will do likewise. Bids
'or the construction of the New York
building have been received and forward
ed to the New York State Commission,
and the contract will be awarded within
the present week. New York's executive
commissioner is now on his way to Port
land to superintend construction of the
Massachusetts will have one of the
finest state buildings on the grounds. Ex
ecutive Commissioner Falrbank Is at
present in Portland making arrangements
for the construction of his building. The
bids for this work will be opened tomor
row afternoon, and construction will be
gin at once, some of the material being
already on the Exposition grounds. Ari
zona will have but a small building-, but
it will be Interesting and reflect the re
sources of the territory.
He Telegraphs of the Prospect of
States Making Appropriations.
Colin H. Mclsaac special commissioner
for the Lewis and Clark .Exposition, in a
telegram sent to President Goode yester
day, gave the information desired con
cerning the participation of states
throughout the Middle "West The mes
sage of Mr. Mclsaac is very encouraging
to the Exposition officials.
A bill was introduced yesterday In the
lower houso of the state Legislature of
Minnesota appropriating the sum of $10,
000 for a representation at the Centennial.
Mr. Mclsaac is to meet with the com
mittees of both House and Senate next
week, and he wires that there la no
doubt about Minnesota's participation.
In Wisconsin the bill appropriating the
sum of $50,000 for a state building and ex
hibit has been reported favorably upon
by both committees, and Its passage is as
sured. "Wisconsin has asked to have a
day set aside as Wisconsin Day, and It
will probably be June 2. as Governor La
FoIIette and staff, together with members
of the House and Senate and the com
mercial bodies of Milwaukee, are coming
to Portland on special train to be present
at the opening exercises and for the pur
pose of dedicating the "Wisconsin building.
The- bill Introduced In the Legislature of
Illinois for the appropriation of S25.000 for
a building to be maintained at the Centen
nial has passed the Senate and will be
called up for passage in the House during
the present week. The passage of this
bill by the House Is assured, as the lead
ers are In favor of a representation, and
Governor Deneen has personally asked
the Legislature to make the appropria
tion. Governor Deneen will visit the Ex
position with his staff and members of
tho General Assembly on Illinois day, the
date for which has not yet been fixed.
The appropriation from Illinois Is for a
building and entertainment fund only,
no exhibit being made. The Illinois build
ing will be used ae headquarters for vis
itors to the Exposition from that state.
The committees of both House and Sen
ate in the Missouri Legislature have re
ported In favor of the bill Introduced re
cently appropriating the sum of $25,000
for a representation. Missouri appropri
ated $10,000 last year, and with this new
appropriation the sum. of $45,000 will be
at hand. Missouri will erect a state
building and make a complete and ex
haustive exhibit The state, will also havo
a special day designated, but it has not
been determined whether Governor Folk
will make the Centennial a visit.
During the present week, pending tho
decision of the Minnesota Legislature,
Commissioner Mclsaac will visit Bls
mark, N. D., for the purpose of conferring
with tho state commission regarding de
tails of the representation from that
state. From North Dakota he will go to
Oklahoma, where ho will endeavor to In
duce the Legislature to make a suitable
appropriation for the Fair. He will then
return to Minnesota to see the bill through
Its passage, and the following week will
devote his energies to making Kansas and
Nebraska see the light- It is thought that
these latter states will make a represen
tation when notified that sister states
have done so.
Dr. Hill Secures His Promise of an
Address on the Philippines.
ington. Feb. 25. Rev. Edgar P. Hill,
of the First Presbyterian Church of
Portland, was in Washington yesterday
and was introduced to the President by
Senator Fulton. Dr. Hill came to Wash
ington to secure lecturers to partici
pate in the educational convention to
be held In connection with the Lewis
and Clark Fair.
Sonator Fulton introduced him to
Secretary Tuft and after earnest so
licitation the Secretary virtually
promised to go to Portland the first
week in July and deliver a speech on
the Philippines. Senator Forakcr will
also deliver an address on Oriental
Requirements for Bids by Contractors
on Washington Building.
SEATTLE, Wash.. Feb. 25. (Special.)
Contractors who desire to bid on the
Washington building to be orocted at
the Lewis and Clark Exposition will
have a chance to examine the plans
and secure blueprints next Tuosday af
ternoon, February 2S, at the office of
the architects, Heidc & Nencuf, rooms
207, 208 and 209 Washington block.
First avenue. Seattle. The following
Information for the guidance of con
tractors is announced by the Commis
Contractors must address their bids
to Dr. J. J. Smith, president of the
Commission, and have them in the Se
attle office of the Commission. 504 Col
man building, by tho night of March 3.
Certified checks for 5 per cent of the
contract price must accompany bids,
and the successful contractor or con
tractors must, giye ..the .state ,auj.ln-
demnlty bond for the full amount of
the contract price. The Commission
will require that tho successful con
tractor or contractors shall complete
the interior of the buijding so that It
will be ready for occupancy by May 1
and have tho exterior completed in
every detail by May 16.
The contract price submitted by con
tractors must mean the building com
plete, as the Commission does not de
sire bills for extras turned In.
For the benefit of contractors resid
ing outside of Seattle, and who send
their bids to the Seattle headquarters
of the Commission by mail, the Com
mission suggests that they place spe
cial delivery stamps upon the same to
insure their safe delivery by the night
of March 3.
Union Pacific Arranges for Wide Dis
tribution of Literature.
Alfred Darlow, who has been in Port
land gathering material for exploiting the
Lewis and Clark Fair, has enough on
hand now to make the Fair known in
every corner of the country to which
knowledge of the railroad he represents
penetrates. He has a hundred and one
schemes by which he will, bring the name
"Lewis and Clark" before the -public at
tention. He will reach all classes of peo
ple and forco the attention of all.
His chief object in coming here was to
prepare a special folder, giving complete
information regarding the Fair, which
will be printed by the Union Pacific and
scattered far and wide. There are al
ready two small folders published by the
Union Pacific advertising the low rates to
the Fair, and the low colonists' rates this
Spring. These go out from all offices of
tho railroad in every letter.
This railroad has at Its command all tbe
resources of modern advertising. The
newspapers arc used extensively. There
have been many contracts made by the
Union Pacific already with large -dallies
for display advertisements of tho Fair,
and reading notices as well. News Items
are even provided. In the magazines the
railroad advertisements will also make a
feature of the Fair.
In the farm papers very extensive ad
vertising is done. The colonists' folders
also reach the same claas of people, and
the low rates are brought specially before
the attention of prospective settlers.
B. L. Lomax. general paseenger and
traffic agent of the Union Pacific, has
given instructions to all his agents to take
particular pain? to answer all Inquiries
regarding the Fair and to distribute Lewis
and Clark advertising matter as widely
as poeslblc.
For a Klondike Concession.
Articles of incorporation have been filed
for the Alaska & Klondike Mining Ex
hibit Company, which Is to have a con
cession at the Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion. The principal object of the com
pany is to conduct a concession called the
Klondike Mining Exhibit during the Cen
tennial. The exhibit is to be located at
tho entrance to the Trail and will be a
life-size and lifelike reproduction of one
of the famous Bonanza-Creek claims of
the Klondike. The owners of the conces
sion stato that they will make an hourly
clean-up of $10,000. and will present to
the visitors an actual scene of life la the
Wyoming Commission Appointed.
CHEYENNE, Wyo, Feb. 25. (Spe
cial.) Governor Brooks has appointed
tho Wyoming Commissioners to tho
Lewis and Clark Exposition as fol
lows: C. B. Richardson, Choyenne,
Commissioncr-in-Chlef; -W. C. Deming,
Cheyenne; Goorge Paxton, Evanston;
J. L. Baird, New Castle; B. C Buffiim,
Laramie. All except Mr. Buffum'servcd
as Commissioners at the St. Louis
World's Fair.
Secretary White Goes East.
Eugene D. White, secretary and goneral
manager of the Exposition Accommoda
tion Bureau, left Portland last night for
the East on excursion business for the
bureau, in the Interest of the Fair.
HU principal work will bo confined to
Omaha. St. Paul and Ohlcago'at this time.
Later the work of the bureau will be ex
tended farther East and South.
Exposition Notes.
Bids will be received until noon Tuesday
for the wiring of the Mining and Metal
lurgy building and the . Machinery and
Transportation palace.
M. D. Wisdom has been appointed super
intendent of livestock, and Is at present
entering upon his duties. Ho will cor
respond with exhibitors with a view of
sustaining Interest in the livestock com
petition to be given In connection with
the Centennial.
Sun Francisco day has been selected for
the second week in June, tho exact day
yet to be determined. The California pro
motion committee is arranging for a mon
ster excursion to be run from San Fran
cisco and way point? to reach Portland
for San Francisco day.
Secretary Reed has been notified that a
man has been addressing business men
throughout Portland, asserting that he is
Issuing an official colored plan of the
Exposition grounds. The plan Is not of
ficial. Secretary Reed declares, and b? Is
sued without authorization. The officials
deularo it la an unscrupulous advertising
Citizens at Work for the City's
Chief of Police Hunt Warns the Con
tractors That They Must Obey
the Ordinance Governing
Building Materials.
"In tie campaign for civic improvement
the police arc doing their share," said
Chief Hunt yesterday afternoon. "For
some time we havo had to contend with
contractors who persist in filling the
streets with sand, lumber and other build
ing materials. When the present cam
paign for civic Improvement began 1 de
termined to put an end to this nuisance,
and with this in view I have ordered
every patrolman In the city to warn all
contractors disobeying the ordinance gov-
crning such cases, and If matters are not
remedied Immediately to procure warrants
for the arrest of those who transgress.
There are several cases now pending, but
the majority of the contractors and build
ers have accepted tho warning In good
faith and are refraining from blocking .the
It Is noticeable that contractors through
out the city are obeying Chief Hunt's or
ders In this respect. Several places on
the East Side, along Grand avenue, where
building materials almost blocked the
street, were cleaned yesterday and ma
terials moved over the property line. In
the downtown district contractors have
hastened to obey the Chiefs orders, and
wherever new buildings are being con
structed the materials are being removed
from tho streets. The Civic Improvement
Federation has declared its intention of
prosecuting all contractors who disobey
the ordinances governing this matter.
It is expected that a mass meeting will
be called by tho Federation some time
during the present week, at which plans
for civic Improvement will be formulated,
committees appointed and the city divided
into districts, with a district chief and a
secretary to begin the work. The Federa
tion has a special ax out for Billboards
and declares that these unsightly pests
shall bo obliterated If there Is power to
do it. Property-owners whose buildings
bear large painted signs on the sides and
ends will be requested to have them re
moved. Property-owners who tolerate bill
boards on their premises w..l be asked to
order their removal, and have the boards
either replaced with painted fences or
leave the lot without inclosurc.
Weeds and tall grass have come under
the ultimatum and are doomed. Property-owners
throughout the city are al
ready cleaning up vacant lots, removing
the grass and weeds and burning the rub
bish. It Is the determination of the Civic
Federation that this shall be done In all
parts of the city.
In the vicinity of the Exposition grounds
there Is much activity among property
owners and tenants, and all seem to take
a pride In the labor of making their homes
appear presentable. It Is this locality
that tho Federation desires shall appear
particularly neat and clean next Summer,
and its desires are the wish of the peo
ple. However, tho entire city will be made
Into districts, and every district will be
expected to present as neat a front as
that In the vicinity of the Centennial
Portland Able to Care Comfortably
for Rush of Visitors.
As the months roll around and it Is
found more and more evident that the
Lewis and Clark Fair is becoming verv
well and favorably known throughout
the whole country, pessimists begin to
say that the town will not bo able to
hold tho crowds that come. Once the
samo pessimists said that nobody
would come and the Fair would be
a failure. The optimists saw to It that
the I' air should be well attended and
other optimists are now preparing to
reap the reward of providing room In
which to house the visitors when they
Portland will not lack for accommo
dations next Summer. The town will
not bo swamped. A very small por
tion of tho city, in fact, will be able to
handle the whole crowd. The accom
modation now existent could .tie
stretched to take care of threo times
tho population of -the city. There
never was a city In the world so over
crowded that it could not stretch In
definitely. The people of Portland have been in
the habit of living with plenty of
room. Flat and apartment dwellers
aro only beginning to become a class
hstfi. Jja,rirJ.jonay..liQjises are the
rule. Each of these bouses Is now
occupied by a single xfamlly. Each
contains on the average eight or nine
large rooms. The families now living
In them could rent four of theso rooms
and hardly feel the want. That. In
fact. Is what Is going to happen. Agents
say that in the last few months most
of the houses they have rented in the
central and northern portions of the
city have been taken with that ex
pectation. Into these private residences and
Into rooming and apartment-houses the
great proportion of the visitors will
go for accommodation. The hotels In
any Exposition city are only expected
to hold a very small proportion of the f
visitors. But even In the hotels there .
will be considerable room. The hotel
accommodations are now about double I
what they were a year ago. There is
the Oregon Hotel, at Seventh and
Stark, as well as several good-sized
private hotels, like the one at West
Park and Morrison, and all the three
and four-story brick apartment
houses which have spung up all over
the central portion or tho city.
The Araorican Inn Itself, on the Fair
grounds, will take care of more people
than any one hotel down town. And In
the Immediate vicinity of the Fair
preparations are novf being made for
the accommodation or many hundreds
of people.
There Is no doubt that the town will
be able to take care of its guests, even
If they should average 50.000 a day.
for there Is all of South and East Port
land In which to house them. It is
evidently not expected, however, that
any but tho central and northern por-
tlons of the city will be called upon.
Rents have increased thore on account
of the approach of the Fair from 20 to
40 per cent. There has been an Increaso
In rent everywhere, out the greatest
rise has been confined -to the two dis
tricts named.
With no vacant houses and the ho
tels always filled, evon In ordinary
times, it might appear to the pessimists
that the visitors would have to sleep
In the open meadows beside the Fair
or hook themselves by their coat-hangers
to the limbs of trees. But the
number of rooms which have been se
cured by the information bureau estab
lished by the Fair Board are sufficient
alone to accommodate any ordinary
Eating places, rather than rooms,
will make a demand on the town, and
that want is being filled far in ad
vance. Within the last three months
dozens of new small restaurants have
sprung up all over town, especially on
tho main thoroughfares lending toward
the Fair and In its Immediate neigh
Its Guests Are the Members of Other
State Organizations.
The Missouri Society entertained last
nisht at Kniphts of Pythias Hall, in the
Marquam building. To all that were pres
ent from the various state societies this
will be sufficient, but for the benefit of
others It may bo said that the citizens
who claim that state as their birthplace
know how to entertain visitors, and IC
their treatment of guests last night is
a criterion of their methods to bo pur
sued during th Exposition it is safe to
say that the society will not want for
A general Jnvitation was issued to the
members of all tbe state societies that
have been organized in Portland to be
present and at least a representative from
each stato was there. After the business
session, the following programme was
Piano solo, "Hark. Hark, the Lark."
Miss Alda Broughton: sacred solo, "Open
tho Gates," Mrs. J. -M. C. Miller: recita
tion, "A Class in Elocution." Miss Eu
genia Craig; violin solo. Miss Cornelia
Barker: remarks by President Arthur
Langguth, of the Michigan Society, Presi
dent W. T. Vaughn, of the Illinois Soci
ety; Thomas Richardson and J. C. More
land, of tho "Dixie" Society.
After tho programme, refreshments wero
served. During the business session a
committee consisting of Oglesby Toting.
William M. Davis and T. C Devlin was
appointed to confer with the directors
of the Lewis and Clark Centennial as to
the representation of Missouri at the Ex
position, and a telegram was sent to Gov
ernor Joseph W. Folk, asking his aid In
securing an appropriation for a state cx
hibiL Small Town Is Best.
It is our belief that in America we have
too many cities which are too large and a
country which Is too meagerly populated.
We prophesy a coming disintegration of
massed populations, and their distribution
In a more sane and industrially more de
sirable fashion.
The small town is next to the country.
It is a better environment for the young
man than Is the great metropolis toward
which so many turn their eyes- Trolley
cars, rural deliveries, trade catalogues
and mail order periodicals have done very
much to change the isolation which for
merly went with life In the country. It
Is Improving, and with it Improves the
condition of life In the small town. Here
tofore our young men have left the counr
try for the city. Some of them wore uo
Hged to go there to succeed in their
chosen line of work For the young man
who has a business career in view there
is possible as good a success in a small
In the throat r That
1 M '"
throat, tonsillitis. In the chest? Then bron
chitis, pneumonia, consumption.
Do not let your cold settle. Break it up! Drive
I it out! Ask your doctor the best medicine for
1 this. If he says Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, take it
at once. If he has anything better, take that.
e by the 3. C. -Iyer Co.. Loire 11, 3Iasa
Gj Alio manufacturer of
W AYER'S HAIR VIGOR Por the hair. AYUR'S PILLS For ecsstiratfea.
5 AYSR'Q SASSAPARILLA For tho blood.
city as he may hope for In a great one.
If he has not much money capital, his
personality, his character will more read
ily atone for that in a small town. This
is especially true of the professional man.
Indeed, any man of Intelligence may hope
for greater preferment in. the small cen
ters of population than in the large. As
to social life and the general decency and
comfort of passing through this vale of
tears as conditions exist even today and
they will be far better 10 years from now
a self-respecting family has ten times
better chance in a town of 10.000 to 50.000
inhabitants almost anywhere in America,
than It can by any possibility hope to
have in a city of the first class.
The small town is a better environment
In many ways. Not the least of Its de
sirable qualities is the fact that It is
closer to the out-of-doors. The man who
has a cottage of his own, with a horse
and a buggy, and a shotgun in some place
of a few thousand inhabitants. Is better
off as a man and a. citizen than one who
Is receiving a $20,000 salary In a city.
Field and Stream.
Would Build Electric Road.
Seneca Smith recently addressed a meet
ing in the Russellville School on the prop
osition to build an electric railway from
Portland to Fairvlew and Troutdale by
way of Montavllla. He and his associates
have Incorporated a railway company
with a capital stock of $10,000. not with the
expectation of actually building this road.
but for the purpose of making the neces
sary surveys and Inducing railroad mr-n
to Invest. Tn his talk to the farmers he
set forth his object la forming the cor
poration. He wanted to see an indepen
N his address on "A Word to Minis
terial Critics." which created a pro
found Impression at Temple Beth Is
rael Friday night. Dr. Stephen S. Wise
spoke In part as follows:
"It seems to be forgotten by those
who dispute the right of the preacher
to 'meddle In public affairs, that every
public matter involves a moral ques
tion. Whether the problem under con
sideration by civic, or industrial, or
racial, or National, or social, or politi
cal, or international, underlying it is
ever a moral and ethical problem. Shall,
then, the nine-tenths of the moral
problems that face us today be avoided
by the pulpit because they trench upon
the domain of public affairs?
"When, last Friday night, speaking
on The Reign of Lawlessness in the
Land.' I referred to tle story of the
perfidy of the men who had clothed us
with shame, though we had clothed
them wlthhonor, I dealt with a moral
question. When, some time ago, I dis
cussed tho industrial problem of child
labor and Its wrongs, I dealt with what
is fundamentally a moral problem.
When I spoke of the social pastime in
the guise of vulgar and unennobling
exhibitions In many of the theaters of
$500.00 Reward
I -ras born n. a Heine fans. I hmre isa2 genre rit
rncMsefl In. business. My greatest throucb Co-operation.
I took SI.SOO capital. tjpplie4 br FartaOM, IVoiaea.
PhrMcIans. Clerks. Olorjymoa. etc-. In Belfast, liaise,
andlaouJioneit. bat terr profitable bcainMe, earn and
pcltf them through BELFAST HATIOMAL BANK. 53.000 In
Cain dividend in the flrtt elx month, 3S5.000 In caad
dlvidenda-rithln ths next year, and 1n 18 months X paid
them In round numbers 3330.000.00 CASH.
Every $1 Earned $220.00.
rTT.iSSSSSSSFvmr S1 y4 Sf Sk in
at . .aw.1- mr a
B:f:T The diwdead. W b.
Ex-Pres. B. A M-LE.B. f already hare 4.000
stockholders In the C S.. Canada. Easlaad. Cuba. Mexico.
Handwlch Islands. Gibraltar, etc. I wane few more.
The shares are eolns fast. You csn Im et 31 erf IOO
monthly payments. It you wish. It will be safe and
w!l make it x-aw. Thli i is so t-rlch-qaicki scheme, no
F rensled JTnanc. ion will b met oa the lerel cad
treeted era the souare. I placo 30 years of untarnished
business retard behind that statement. I only ask you in
;cnroa interest to INYEsrOATE. Ton shall have all
the Proof yon want. References. BanV-ro, Bailor's 3Ien.
CbarchandPuhlio Officials, etc. Send your address on
& postal card. I will sends ZVpae book,
"A Guide io Full Pockets,"
MSJC. ,1 Will nay the postate. Don't be "ABrother to
the Or." Stop ploddlni. Lift your head Icraroonth to
ask taeto prove eYery alalement In this ad. This is your
opportunity, don't mlsa It. Don't wait it yon want some
thing better than yoa have not.
E. F. Hanson. Je-1M W. Madison Et.. Chicago. III.
Ache ail over? Feverish?
Chilly? Just coming down
with a hard cold? Where do
you suppose it will settle?
means hoarseness, sore
ATER'S AGUB CURE For tcalaxl aad Z8.
dent electric railway built from the West
Side to Troutdale, without connection
with any of the other companies.
Indiana Society Is Forming.
Since announcement was. made In The
Oregonian recently looking to the organi
zation of an Indiana Society, several
names have been enrolled In the records
opened by Messrs. Jaeger Bros., 290 Mor
rison street.
Aside from sentiment properly attach
ing to the Idea of home, Indianians may
consistently be proud of the state's record
In National history, and we can applaud
the loyalty of the Individual who, follow
ing his signature, under the heading,
"length of residence." wrote, "Born there,
thank God."
A list of names will be published In a
few days, and it Is desired that all should
promptly register.
Crary Woman Found on Street.
A woman, who gave her name to the
police as Helen Andellne. was picked up
by Ofllcer Patten at midnight last night
at Twenty-first and Irving streets In. a
demented condition. She had an infant
In her arms, and her actions aroused the
suspicion of people living in that locality.
She wa? taken to the City Jail.
Rich Man Injured in Accident.
NEW YORK. Feb. 23,-SIlas B. Dutcher.
president of the Hamilton Trust Company,
one of the wealthiest and most 'prominent
citizens of Brooklyn, was run down by a
cab today and severely Injured. The acci
dent occurred near tho Brooklyn City
Hall. His head was badly cut, but no
other serious injury was found.
our day, I dealt with a moral problem
When I spoke of International justice,
as Involved in peace and war, I dealt
with a moral problem. When, in a few
weeks. I shall speak on the great racial
wrong of the South, which has resulted
in the veritable disfranchisement of
the negro, I shall deal with a moral
problem. Moreover, as a teacher on
the Jewish pulpit. I hold that mine is
no priestly office that I fulfill, no sac
erdotal function. The rabbi of today
must do the work of the Hebrew
prophet of old. who Is not a foretel
ler but a forthteller, not a soothsayer
but a truthsaycr. not an uttcrer of
mysteries, but a preacher of righteous
ness. "When Gladstone addressed for the
first time his constituents at Manches
ter, after years of service a3 a repre
sentative of Oxford In Parliament. h
declared, 'I come to yen unmuzzled.' I
must remind you tonight that five years
ago I came to you unmuzzled. No man
and no woman, no men and no women,
shall muzzle or silence me. I stand in
this pulpit to speak the truth. a3 It was
given to me to see the truth. I will
not excuse. I will not palliate. I will
not lie. T must spenk the truth though
It displeases you. though it hurt your
friends, though It wound my friends."
will be paid to the person who
proven any statement la the fol
lowing adv. to be untrue.
Tbii is HISTORY. Rad
lika a f&lrrfcUe bnt it is
TRUE. I made poor
People rich. TI1C7 helped
me earn the richea. Jiut
read that ever ai!n. X
had 31,300. I earned
and paid ay rtockholdcrs
$330,000 incaihln IS
month. Every stock
holder got t.eir ahare.
That's my way of doing
nusincss. xou muit te
Here this utatemnnt is
T U E.tor. if I wero ltn.
x wouittn ten jou tco
place Trhere I earned the
ffiOQer. and the SANK
where it vrcs nsld.
I hare lAnrned the Kreat
Value of the rlsht SInd at
eo-cperab'on. learnoUhow
to tnnke xaoneyiMtlnan
hc-it. proQtiaie busi
ness firm -which, millions
aro m&do ererr yer.
I now havo a newbcil
nesa of the came kind,
only my field Is the world.
My plin one of extended
cooperation. Btorkhold
era everyvherq who can
lt: v aire Jae Information and