28 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 19, llJ05. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WB PAY YOU HIGHEST CASH PRICKS FOR your second-band furniture or anything you cannot use. Phone 5695. Portland Auction Rooms, 211 1st st TO EXCHANGE LESSONS ON THE PIANO, by teacher of state reputation, for meals at noon; walking distance. L 32. Oregonlan. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes: highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 02 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. $125 TV ANTED ON AMPLE REAL ESTATE security: private party will pay reasonable interest. X 24. Oregonlan. WANTED TO BORROW $1250 FOR 2 years at G per cent; real estate security. N 32. Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUT SECOND-HAND BAR ber chairs, all kinds. Apply G. N. W. Wil Kn Co., 72 Oth. SECOND-HAND FERTILIZER GRINDER and dryer, also cooking tank. D. Gravelle, general delivery. WANTED LOAN OF 51500 AT 7 PER CENT on improved real estate security. L 34, Oregonian. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tlc of all kinds. Phone East 2233. WANTED SECOND-HAND ROLLTOP DESK. Geo. M. Strong, 163 W. Park at. XE PAT 430.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES. H. E. Edwards. 165-101 1st et iOB KENT. Room. THE YAMHILL. 381 YAMHILL ST.-DO NOT locatf until you have seen our lovely fur nlsh?d rooms, single and en suite, hy the cla, week or month. I'hone Black 3322. THE COSMOS. S. E. COR. 4TH AND MOR rison; best down-town rooms in the city; heat and service night and day: rates 43.50 per nwk and up, including bath; $1 day. TO LET 1 UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOM down stairs and one furnished room up talrs, with gas, use of bath and phone. 28 E. 6th ft. N. (East 2835.) TOR RENTNEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS; gas. heat, bath, phone; easy walking dis tance; reasonable; gentlemen only. Ad dress 358 Larrabee st. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM WITH NICE home surroundings, good bath, phone, etc.; n-w house, four blocks from Hotel Port land. 250 Sixth. LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR one or two gentlemen; $5 and 40 pr month; bath and phone included. 511 Rodney ave., near Russell. 190 I2TH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR ONE FRONT suite; also one room; all modern conveni ences; private family. Call afternoons and evening. A ERY DESIRABLE SUITE OF TWO FRONT rooms-: also two single rooms: in private family right down town. 166 11th. near Mor rison. FURNISH ED ROOMS, WITH STEAM HEAT, bath, telephone, newly furnished; reasonable rent; references exchanged. Telephone Main 4503. AMERICAN HOTEL, NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, 125 Gth St., bet. Washington and Alder, new management. Phone Green 402. FURNISHED ROOMS WITHIN 1 BLOCK of main street car line, five minutes" walk to Fair Groundis; furnace heat. 313 N. 22d. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS TO rent, with or without board: every con venience; fine location. S E. 11th st Souili. 19 PARK. COR. OAK VERY PLEASANT front alcove, room, suitable for two or three persona; large closet, use of bath and phone. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR, private family, modern conveniences, very reasonable. 33 N. 19th, near Washington. PRIVATE FAMILY CAN FURNISH ROOM Rnd partial board, home comforts, for one or two Masonic gentlemen. K 25, Oregonlan. LARGE FRONT ALCOVE PARLOR. LARGE closet and balcony; steam heat, use of bath and- phone; strictly modern. Main 5894. ONE FURNISHED ROOM. WITH ALL COX venlencess for one or two ladles who are em ployed through the day. 450 Yamhill st. TWO NICBLY FURNISHED ROOMS. SU1T able for light housekeeping if desired. 570 Mill sL Must be seen to be appreciated. CLEAN AND NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS, by the day, week or month: also one sulte of housekeeping rooms, at 222 Crosby tt. THE KINGSTON FURNISHED ROOMS, 190, 3d, adjoining Baker Theater; $2.60 per weeic and up; steam heat. Phone Hood G57. YOUNG MAN OF GOOD CHARACTER DB slres a young man roommate; room cheap; good location. X 33, care Oregonlan. NICE,.. LARGE. FURNISHED ROOM. SU1T able for one or two gentlemen, 43 for one, $7 for two. 335 E. Gth t, cor. Mill. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOM; phone, gas. bath; good car service; reason able. 504 B. Pine. Phone East 326. THE RUBY, 251& ALDER. NEAR 3D ST. New brick building, pleasant rooms, nicely furnished for gentlemen; transients. LOVELY ROOMS. MOST DELIGHTFUL surroundings; meals optional; gas, bath, heat, phone. 874 Savler st. FURNISHED ROOM, WITH OR WITHOUT board, for one or two gentlemen. 214 N. Union ave. Phone East 1942. JNEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. LIGHT, heat, phone. cloBe in, near car line. 145 E. 12th, near Morrison Bt. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR, gas. heat, phone, man and wife, or 2 la dles. 331 11th. near Clay. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. BATH, gasv suitable for two; 3 blocks from Fair grounds, 410. 707 Vaughn. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; also other rooms, new and modern; near Steel bridge. 310 Crosby. THE TEMPLE. 343', YAMHILL ST.. OP pbalte Hotel Portland Nicely furnished rooms; rates reasonable. ROOMS, NICELY FURNISHED. NEW clean, two front, very reasonable, walk ing distance. 421 Gth at NICELY FURNISHED SUITE IN SELLING Hlrsch building; room to rent, furniture for sale. Inquire Janitor. THE ELM. 13TH AND WASHINGTON Newly furnished, single or en sulte; modern; tourists; special rates. FINE LARGE FRONT ROOM IN QUIET house: modern: reasonable; walking dlstarce. 403 4th. cor. Harrison. ROOMS. EN SUITE OR SINGLE. WITH board: modern conveniences. 631 Flanders Kt Phone Main 2312. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. ONE OR two persons. 168 13th at., near Morrison; references required. FRONT SUITE. ALSO SINGLE ROOM. PRI vate family: board near. 447 Montgomery j-t. Phone Main 739. FURNISHED ROOM WITH PRIVATE family; every convenience; close In. 24S 6th st. near Main. SOBS MADISON. JUST BELOW GTH TWO finely furnished rooms', folding beds, couches and home comforts. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; gas. phone and bath; reasonable; central lo cation. 231 5th ct. 3 GOOD ROOMS. NOT FURNISHED. NEW ly tinted, desirable residence, N. W. cor. Main and Chapman. 256 11TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM in private family, all conveniences, rent rea sonable, gentlemen. NEATLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. REA sonable: first floor. 61 N. 9th. near Couch. Phone West 434. 185 13TH ST. ELEGANT FRONT ROOM IN private family; strictly modern; central; gen tlemen preferred. PLEASANT ROOM. USE BATH. PHONE; gentlemen only. 129 10th st.. bet. Wash ington and Alder. YOUNG MAN. ROOM-MATE. MUST BE good, square fellow; references exchanged. 86 N. 15th st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, with shoves. 45 and $6 per month. 323 Wa ter, cor. Clay. 168 11TH NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, one aide room; bath, phone and electrlp lights, furnace. NICBLY FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR two gentlemen: central; gas, bath, phone. 204 12th at. TWO LADIES WILL FIND FURNISHED room and pleasant home; $7 a month. 344 Eugene st. NICE NEW FURNISHED ROOMS, BLEC trlc lights, bath, cheap. , 344 E. 2d at. North, cor. Weldler. FOR RENT. Room. FRONT ROOMS. Steam heat. Electric light. Porcelain baths. All brand-He. The Llndell. Market street. Bet. Third ana Fourth. EXCELLENT TABLE AND SERVICE. REASONABLE RATES. NEW LANGE HOTEL. European plan; electric lights and. bells, ste&zn heat and elevator; baths free to guests; rates 60c, 75c and 41 per day; special rates by the week. Elegant cafe and bar In con nection. Corner Cth and Washington sis. Sam Bauman, manager. F. Lange, prop. THE AUDITORIUM, 20St4 3D ST., BET. TAY lor and Salmon, one block south of Baker Theater Elegantly new furnished, ateum heat, hot and cold running water in rooms; free bath; rooms with private baths; ele vator: rate. 13.50 per week and up; 91 day; tourists solicited. NEW BUILDING, JUST COMPLETED, everything first-class and up-to-date: furnace heat, phone and bath free; large parlor for use of guests, hot and cold running water in each room; don't fall to see this elegant home. 207 14th at., near Taylor. HOTEL AVELON (EUROPEAN), 413& Washington St.. 4 blocks west or the Im perial Hotel; newly furnished rooms, single or on suit?; hot and cold water, steam heat, electric light, bath and all modern conveni ences; tourists solicited. SUITE OF NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for couple or 2 to 4 gentlemen; steam heat, gas, bath and telephone: fine location, i'hone Main 4503. 07 N. 20th at., near Wash ington SUITE OF NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for couple or 2 to 4 gentlemen; steam heat, gaa. bath and telephone; fine location. Phone Main 4603. 67 N. 20th St., near Wash ington. 18S PARK ST. 3 NICELY FURNISHED rooms, two front, one side; one "block Port land Hotel. THE GARLAND 621 WASHINGTON ST.; furnished rooms, new. up to date; rent very reasonable. 295 10TH NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; furnace heat, porcelain bath, gas, phone. Main 3S62. PLEASANT FRONT PARLOR ROOM. GOOD quiet location; terms very reasonable. 541) Morrison. FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY, modern conveniences. 31 E. 10th N-, near Burnside. FRONT ROOM. FURNISHED. SUITABLE for one or two ladles. 224 Mill st. Phone Main 4726. NICE FRONT DAY WINDOW DOWNSTAIRS room, 369 3d sr.; price reasonable; phone West 998. 48-NICB ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN; BATH, phone, private family. 2S7 -1th st., near Jefferson. 2 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN NEW flat. 320 7th st, cor. Clay; references re quired. NEATLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM WITH private family; $5 per month. 540;3 Williams avenue. GENTLEMEN WILL FIND PLEASANT room in new private home, close In. 348V& 6th at. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A FIRS1 -CLASS room, with private family, call at 527 T lor at. 403 HOYT ST. NEATLY FURNISHED rooms with stoves, 51. $1.50 and 41.75 per week. ONE LARGE ROOM. USE BATH. PHONE, parlor, for two; gentlemen preferred. 63 E. 7th 8t. CHEAPEST FURNISHED ROOMS. BOARD, housekeeping suites; close In. 86 Tenth at. ONE NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. CLOSE In. 446 Larrabee. L car llt.-. References. THE WILLAMETTE FURNISHED ROOMS, 1444 Sixth st.; rooms, 41.25 to 43 per week. Cheapest and best-located rooms In Portlana," 41 week up. Gllman. 1st and Alder sts. 295 SALMON ST., COR. 3TH CLEAN, light rooms; close in; reasonable rent. FURNISHED ROOM. MODERN CONVENI encea. Call at 415 Mill L Phone Main 3499. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS: BATH. GAS. 348 Yamhill. Call Monday from 1 ia C. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. CHEAP. 609 Johnson. Main 2980. Two car-lines. 160 10TH. NEAR MORRISON WELL-FUR-nlshed room, furnace heat, gas. bath. NICE. PLEASANT. SUNNY ROOM FOR gentleman at 195 13th, cor. Taylor. 428 YAMHILI, NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, hot and cold water, gas, phone, 410. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. TWO BLOCKS from Hotel Portland. 167 W. Park. 4 ROOMS FOR RENT. 182 LINCOLN ST.. furnished and unfurnished, cheap. THE Y. M. C. A. HAS A FREB LIST OP furaltfhed rooms In all parts of city. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT; bath, gas. close In. 2T11 7th st. ALCOVE ROOM, FURNISHED; ALSO SMALL room: 410 and 45. 534 Taylor st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM IN private family. 146 N. 16th at. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. INQUIRE at 431 Alder at. Portland, Or. ONE ELEGANT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, suitable for two. 343 10th L NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 207 6th St.. near Postofflce. 41 ELLA ST. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. Bath. gas. phone; fine location. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM. PHONE AND furnace heat. S6 N. 17th st. 389 ALDBR ST. LARGE FRONT ROOMS, with board; all conveniences. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR without board. 232 Caruthers. ROOMS-NICELY FURNISHED, CLEAN and bright. 195 16th street. 310 10TH ST. FURNISHED ROOM. ELEC trlc lights, bath and phone. 5 ROOMS FOR RENT. UNFURNISHED. 249 Meade st. South Portland. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; REASON A hie. 01 N. 9th, cor. Davis. NEAT FURNISHED LARGE FRONT ROOM, gentlement. 16S 12th st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR rent cheap. 281 4 th st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; phone, gar. 294 10th. BATH. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. Inquire 312 Clay st. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM. REASON able. 314 6th st. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. 174 ISta st. N. VERY NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS CHEAP. 275 Clay st. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM AT 509 RA lelgh et FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 101 E. 11th at. Roosoa With Beard. ELEGANT OUTSIDE ROOMS. STEAM HEAT, electric light, porcelain baths, find-class ta ble, two people. 440, 445. 459 month. Llndell Hotel, Market, bet. 3d and 4th. WANTED TWO GENTLEMEN TO ROOM together with board In private famllv; all home comforts: terms reasonable; very cen tral. P S3, care Oregonlan. LARGE FRONT ROOM. WITH BOARD: GAS and bath: suitable for two young men or man and wife: reasonable. S03 13th st. S. References exchanged. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board, in private family, for gentleman or man and wife; bath and phone. 443 W. Park et. NICE ROOM AND GOOD BOARD IN PRI vate family for couple or two gentlemen; bath, phone: close In. 173 E. 7th. cor. Yam hill. ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO GENTLE men; beat residence part of the city; strictly first-class; terms reasonable. Phone Main 4969. THB GLEN DORA Elegant, new residence ho tel; table the best; rates moderate; tpeelal rates to families. 19th, near Washington st TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board: home cooking; gas. bath, phone. The Ella. 655 Washington. Phone Black 956. ROOM AND BOARD WITH PRIVATE FAM lly; piano, bath, gentlemen preferred; block from car line. 604. E. Oak. Phone East 2314. FOR XKNT. Rooms With Board. FRONT ROOMS, Steam heat. . Electric light. Porcelain bath. All brand-new. The Llndell. Market stiet. Bet. Third and Fourth. EXCELLENT TABLE AND SERVICE. REASONABLE RATES. THB COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO teL 165-167 10th at, cor. Morrison; there are a few vacancies; fine rooms, nicely fur nished, steam heat throughout the house; porcelain bath, plenty of hot water, hand some dining-room; table and sen-Ice first class. THE LINDELL NEW FAMILY HOTEL, Market st.. bet. 3d and 4th; steam heat, electric light, porcelain baths; elegant out side rooms, with firal-claas board two peo ple, 445. 450 and 455 month. THE LINDELL, NEW FAMILY HOTEL, Market, bet. 3d and 4th. Electric light, gas, steam heat, porcelain baths, elegant outside rooms, flrst-ciass table. Very low rales. ONE NICE FRONT ROOM, FURNACE HEAT, bath adjoining; private family; with break fast and dinner; reasonable: one or two gen tlemen. 35 N. JSth, near Washington. TWO GENTLEMEN TO ROOM TOGETHER, private family; new house, modern conve niences, walking distance; also on two car lines; would give breakfast ir wanted. Phone East 2928. THE MANITOU. 261 13TH ST. HOME FOR fastidious people: two large handsomely fur nished rooms, steam heat, abundance hot water, excellent home cooking. Phone Main 1203. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 1 GTH TEAR: rooms with board; use of sewing-room; use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. Anabel Russell, superintendent, 510 Flanders. HOTEL BROWN. 271 U GRAND AVENUE Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; elevator; bllllard-room; transients; both car lines. QUIET FAMILY BOARDING-HOUSE; phone, bath; centrally located: terms reason able. 32 N. 11th. Phone Main 4806. PARLOR SUITE WITH BOARD FOR MAN and wife in private family; would not object to one child; good table. 445 7;h st. 408 11TH FRONT ROOM WITH BOARD and laundry. 420. private family; gas, phone and bath. Phoney Main 4126. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE for two, also one single room, with or without board. Call 223 W. Park. 28. 16TH. NEAR WASHINGTON NICELY furnished front room for two young men; board If desired; all 'conveniences. 410 SALMON ST. ONE OR TWO NICELY furnished rooms with light housekeeping privileges; central, reasonable. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH board, good home-cooking, reasonable, at 502 Clay. Phone, gas. bath. 392 SALMON WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, with or without board; all modern conveni ences. Phone Main 3051 FRONT ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO young ladies; price reasonable, walking dis tance. Phone Main G237. GOOD ROOM, BATH AND PHONE, PR1 vate family; breakfast if deal red: gentlemen preferred. 034 Belmont. ROOMS. SINGLE AND EN SUITE. IX quire at 150 11th St.; new management. Mrs. J. C. Wright. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE for two gentlemen, with board; gas, bath, phone. 581 3d st. ROOMS. EN SUITE OR SINGLE; TABLE and service first-class; modern conveniences. Waldorf. 147 15th. NICE CLEAN ROOMS AND BOARD. 2D and 3d floor: reasonable. G21 Marshall. Phone Main 4116. NICE FRONT SUITE. PORCELAIN BATH, ga. modern: alto single room vacant March 1. 594 Columbia. FOR FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD, borne cooking, bath, phone, call at 475 Washington et. ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO GEN tlemen. 440 per month. 321 7th st. Phone Main 33U0. LARGE FRONT ROOM, WITH BOARD. FOR two gentlemen or. man and wife; 435 a month. 449 Irving. BLAKELT HALL. 270 CTH ST. LARGE rooms, with flret-clasa board; fine location. Main 2631. 295 1 OTH NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS: home-cooking, furnace heat. bath, gas and phone. THE HAP.TMAN. 426 ALDER AND 76 W. Park Single and double rooms with good board. ROOMS WITH BOARD: GAS. BATH. PHONE, furnace heat, home table. 181 N. 10th. Main 4071. BOOMS. EN SUITE OR SINGLE. FIRST class board, modern conveniences. 265 Gth. 515 MORRISON DESIRABLE. LARGE room, 2 or 3 people; board. Phone Main 4314. THE OZARK. 225 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board, hot and cold water. WANTED FBW HIGH-CLASS' PEOPLE; private home, modem. Q 31, Oregonlan. LARGE FRONT ROOM: ALSO SINGLE room, with board. 395 Morrison-lOth. 216 12TH ST. FURNISHED ROOM. WITH board; home cooking; English family. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS; BOARD IF desired. 168 17th st. near Morrison. NICELY FURNISHED MODERN ROOMS, board if desired. 120 N. 17th at BOARD. ROOMS. TERMS REASONABLE. Phone Main 5000. 42S Stark st. ROOM AND BOARD. WITH BATH AND phone. 221 Morris st NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board. 420. 3&S 7th. Flats. ELEGANT fl-ROOM FLAT. ALL MODERN Improvements. 11th and Jefferson; rent, 437.60 per month; furniture for sale. 4350. Apply 1. Gevurtx & Sons, 173 1st at. 625 EVERETT BRAND-NEW. THOROUGH ly modern 5 room unfurnished .flat, possess Ing every modern convenience: steam heat. Apply Wellington Court, adjoining. TWO MODERN 5-ROOM FLATS. NEARLY completed; situated on Grand ave. and E. Davis Inquire room 212, Ablngton bldg. Phono Main 2926. NEW GYROOM FLAT. 435; YARD WITH roses; referencea required. Inquire 367 16th, near Montgomery. FOR RENT UNFURNISHED FLAT, 4 light, clean rooms. In new residence. 417. 092 2d at FOR RENT LOWER FLAT. WITH TARD. 262 Stout st. cor. Madison. Inquire 264 Stout "st 4-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED FLAT, lower floor; no children. Inquire 8 E. 12th North. TWO FURNISHED FLATS TO RENT. 3 and 5 rooms. 410 and 415 month. 33 E. 22 d. 5-ROOM FLAT. MODERN: REFERENCES; no children. Inquire 334 Salmon st 10 ROOM FLAT. FURNISHED. FOR SALE, with lease. 533 Washington at FOR RENT 4-ROOM FLAT, MODERN; RENT 415. 444 Rodney ave. FURNISHED FLAT FOR RENT. 113 N 18th street Housekeeping Rooms. DON'T RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS until you see those at 164 Park; free gas. bath, phone. FOR RENT 3 WELL-LIGHTED. CLEAN, modern, unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 433 7th st. ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING OR SINGLE; ONE large front room; gas. bath. 504 H Wash ington st. UNFURNISHED AND PARTLY FURNISHED rooms, newly papered. 264 4th et. opp. City Halt THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms In quiet neighborhood. Call 523 Couch st 240$ 5TH ST. 3 ROOMS. GROUND FLOOR: sink and water In kitchen; suite on second floor. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 201 N. 16th; Main 6S93; walking distance; use of bath. CHEAPEST FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suites, single rooms, board; close, In. 68 10th. FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS. SINK IN kitchen. 384 E. 7th st. TWO FURNISHED .HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; no children. . Et 172T, FOR KENT. HousekeeplBg Rooms. FIVE ELEGANTLY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms in beautiful home, every mod ern convenience, everything strictly up-to-date, large, beautiful lawn, very select neigh borhood; five minutes walk Oregonlan. Ad dress S 15, Oregonlan. THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR YAM hill New bouse, elegantly furnished apart ments. In suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water: gas range In each kitchen; steam heat and baths; free phone on each floor. THREE MODERN FURNISHED. NEW housekeeping rooms. Fargo at., close to car line; 425. Th!r Includes water, phone, gas range, gas for light and cooking, bath. tic. H. E. Edwards, 191 1st st SUITE OF TWO NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, strictly modern; three blocks from Portland Hotel. Call at 246 7th st. afternoons between 2 and 5. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms in nicest brick block on East Side; gas ranges, bath. etc. Logan bile, 10SH Union ave. Phone Union 3263. YOUNG LADY WISHES TO SHARE Ex penses of three furnished housekeeping rooms with lady or married couple; gooa location. R 31, Oregonlan. 79 PARK. COR. OAK TWO VERY CON venltnt housekeeping rooms, lower floor, large pantry, closet, basement and yard; use of bath and phone. HOUSEKEEPING SUITE OF 3 ROOMS, 410; all conveniences; block from Columbia Uni versity. Dickson. University Park. . Scott 1296. 5434 WASHINGTON ST. HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms: well furnished; light, conven ient; no children: bath, phone: brick clock. THB STAR HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. 4S per month and up; single room. 41 pw week and up. 230 Larrabee St., near Steel Bridge. 454 YAMHILL ST. -ONE LARGE. CONVENI rnt furnished, housekeeping room, ground floor; also single room; close In, nice location. TWO LARGE ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR housekeeping on the first floor: use of bath and laundry. 292 16th St.. near Jefferson. "08 EVERETT ST. LOWER. FLOOR. NEAT ly furtllshed housekeeping apartments, home like accommodations: residence locality. 412.5C-3 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, bath, phone, water, basement, walk ing distance, adults. Phone East J 130. ONE LARGE. CHEERFUL ROOM. COM pletely furnished for housekeeping; gas and phone; rent reasonable. 644', Gllsan. THREE LARGE FRONT FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, down stairs, modern conveniences, piano, 420. 548 Mill at. 187 CHAPMAN. NEAR MORRISON 4 UN furnished or partly furnished housekeeping rooms, running water; no children. 41.75 PER WEEK LARGE. CLEAN FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms, laundry and bath. 184 Sherman st. near Front FOUR ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING. WELL furnished; heat. bath, phone. 407 Stark, block from Washington, near 10th. TWO PLEASANT FURNISHED HOUSE kecplng rooms, with alcove: alHO one bed room. 67 N. Oth. Phone Main 3331. SUITE OF TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSB kecplng rooms, with gas stove furnished, only 41.75 per week. 362 E. Yamhill at. 510 TWO ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING. COM pletely furnished, new building, very con venient; Investigate. 304j Front. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSKKEEP lng rooms, modern, down stairs, 3 blocks Fair grounds, 420. 707 Vaiitfhn. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS, private residence. West Side: convenient, gas. bath, phone. Phone Main 4335. 402 4TH FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; quiet, respectable location: refer ences exchanged; reasonable. FOR RENT THREE WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, first floor, walking dis tance; reasonable. 592 2d st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FIRST FLOOR, electric lights, bath; nice yard, two blocks from Oregonlan. 361 Alder. 191 6TH DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEPING suite, half block from Hotel Portland; mod ern conveniences: 45 per week. 347 HALL VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS, completely furnished for housekeeping; every convenience: reasonable rent NEWLY. PAPERED. NEWLY FURNISHED two housekeeping roomn complete; rent 410 per month. 430 Qulmby st 250 7TH TWO OR THREE CENTRAL CON venlent. neat modern, housekeeping rooms: porcelain bath, steel range. NICE HOME IN PRIVATE FAMILY FOR one or two ladles: privilege of kitchen; rea sonable. R 22, Oregonlan. FURNISHED SUITE TWO HOUSEKEEPING rooms; sink, range, gas. bath, phone; also other rooms. 515 Yamhill. THE ELM. 13TH AND WASHINGTON Pleasant front rooms, furnished for house keeping; gas, bath, phone. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, gas, bath, phone and furnace heat 195 N. 15th, cor. Kearney. HOUSEKEEPING SUITE FOR RENT DOWN stairs suite, front rooms, bath and phone. 253 Gth st, cor. Madison. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, two blocks from car line. Phone Main 4505. 60S Water st 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, very convenient: also two large furnished single rooms. 392 4th st THREB UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, pantry, sink and water, two closets, rent 414. 443 5th South. TWO FRONT ROOMS, NICELY FUR nlshed. for housekeeping; gas. bath, phone. 235 12th st. cor. Main. 415 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, gas stove, gas light, bath; tele. Front 20S2. 902 Corbett HELLO! TWO FURNISHED HOUSE-KEBP-Ing rooms, cheap If taken now; modern. 395 Third, cor. Harrison. 308 13TH COZY HOUSEKEEPING SUITE; gas. bath and phone; convenient and reason able; near Columbia at ROOMS IN BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN RESI dence, near car, reasonable rent to couple only. Phone West 1602. 511 GLISAN NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping and single rooms, with bath, gas. Phone Main 3714. THREB LARGE UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms on Bast Side, with or without barn. Phone Scott 116. 435 MAIN ST.. COR. 12TH ROOMS, housekeeping and single, central location, modern Improvements. TWO OR THREE CONNECTING ROOMS, nicely furnished; large, light, convenient, close in. S31 14th st. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; also one large room for light house keeping. 2C9 Hall st 3 NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, strictly modern; gas.' bath and phone. 143 11th st THREB UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, second floor, new house, water, bath; 48. Phone East 2481. 435 ALDER UNFURNISHED BASEMENT, gas plate and water in kitchen; very pleas ant, central location. 3 COMPLETELY" FURNISHED LIGHT clean housekeeping rooms, with pantry, gas, phone. 406 4th st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping: bath, phone and furnace heat. 327 W. Park. 327 3D ST.. NEAR CL'AY LARGE FRONT room, ground floor, .furnished, light house keeping or sleeping. LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED ALCOVE room for light housekeeping; gas, heat, phone. 95 10th. cor. Stark. A NICELY FURNISHED SUITE OF IIOU5E keeping rooms; gas, phone, bath. 173 Itith st. cor. Yamhill. S OR 4 PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms: gas. bath, heat and, phone; brick flat 567 Irving st. THREE LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping: strictly modern; no chil dren. 501 Mill fit. 63 1ST. COR. PINE LOVELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms to respectable man and wife; no children. THE TEMPLETON. 20614 1ST CONNECTING front housekeeping and single rooms; bath, phone, transient 447 5TH FRONT ROOM FORs RENT; NO objections to light housekeeping; bath, phone; adults. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 155 N. 11th st FOR RKNT. Housekeeping Booms. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; gas.'' bath, phone. 4iO Jefferson at, cor. 12th. THREE FRONT ROOMS. FURNISHED. SUIT able for hou? ekeeping. No. 4 . Union ave. South. WITCH HAZEL, Front and Madison House keeping rooms; transient; bath, electric light. ONE OR TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for rent reasonable. 211. 2d. cor. Salmon. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, with phone. 104 N. 10th st. FOR RENT SUITE OF FURNISHED ROOMS, light housekeeping; adults only. 18S 13th st. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, all modern conveniences. 447 Main st. G-ROOM HOUSE. 418; ALSO FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping. 348 Tillamook st. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 240 Park st. cor. Main; call today. SUITES OF 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms. New Grant. 2d and Grant. THE LEWIS. 195 10TH ST. SELECT FAM Ily rooming-house. Phone Main 4334. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, with otione and bath. 60S E. Everett. 3S9 6TH ST. -WELL-FURNISHED House keeping apartments: light front rooms. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS reasonable. 32,i Front st. cor. Aali. 2 FURNISHED ROOMS. 4S TO 412. HOUSE keeplng or not 83 11th. near Stark. FOR RENT MODERN 3-ROOM COTTAGE. 266 Meade st Phone East 997. 3 ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. 307 Sheridan st; unfurnished. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 704 Glisan. near 22d st. HOUSEKEEPING AND TRANSIENT ROOMS. 92'i First St., and 205 Stark. . . TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS CENTRALLY located. Phone Main 1123. THREE ROOMS FURNISHED FOR HOUSE keeplng. 528 Market st. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSB-KEBPING rooms for rent. 229Vj 1st Bouses. BEFORE STARTING OUT HOUSE-HUNTING come direct to u?. We have the largest and best lot of desirable dwelling to rent In the city, and. chances are. Just the house ou are looking for. If there is a house in th city to rent, we know of It. and can save you time and labor. Following Is a partial list: BAST SIDE. 3 rooms, bath. Sellwood ft 4 7.00 3 rooma. bath. E. Washington st 10.00 1 rooms, bath, Woodlawn 11.50 5 rooms, bath, Woodlawn 10.50 3 rooms, bath. Eugene st 12.00 3 rooms, bath. Williams ave 12.00 C rooms, bath. E. 20th st 15.00 8 roms. bath. E. Harrison 1G.00 . 5 rooms, bath. B. Ash st 17.00 5 rooms, modern. E. Grant st te.M G rooms, bath. Williams ave 20. uO (2) 6 rooms, modern. Grand ave 22.50 rt rooms, bath. Wcidlcr st ;.50 H rooms, bath. Union ave - 2o.U 3 rooms, modern. Fargo st 25.00 2) 5 rooms, modern. Grand ave 25.0U G rooms, modern. K. Sth st 2.1.00 G rooms, bath. Broadway -5.00 6 rooms, modem. Hawthorne ave r.0.00 G room?, modem. Monroe st TiO.OO 5 rooms, modem, Holladay "O.OO rooms, modem. E. 17th , :w.00 8 rooms, modem, Williams ave X5.0O 14 rooms, bath. Alblna 35.(X) WEST SIDE. 2 rooms, bath. Bth st flOJO 5 rooms, bath. Meade st ;r.00 4 rooms, bath. N. 12th 18.00 5 rooms, bath. 2d 20.00 7 rooms, bath. 7th st 25.00 6 rooms, modem. Grant st 25.0O 7 rooms, bath. Front 2T..00 9 rooms, bath. Portland Heights :.0.0O 7 rooms, modem. 13th at '"5.00 8 rooms, modem. Mill st 33.0 7 rooms, modern. 22d st..... 10.00 10 rooms, modem. Harrison st 60O 13 rooms, modern, Jefferson st 0.00 Office hours 10 to 4. We cannot uuswer Inquiries over the phone. H. E. EDWARDS. 185 to 101 :.t i-t. FOR RENT BY THE DUNN-LA WRBNCB COMPANY Very" handsome 9-room house. 620 Front st; 430. Nice 8-room house, partly furnished. B. 33th and Washington sts.. Sunnyslde; 425. Beautiful 7-room cottage. 186 E. 37th st: 415. 4-room cottage, barn, poultry-bouses, incu bator and brooders: 14 lots; an Ideal poultry ranch: three blocks electric cars; Oak Groe; 410 per month. Cottages. 45 and up per monthT Apply 149ta 1st st. PARTIAL HOUSE LIST 504 N. 20Vi at 5 rooms 410.00 1060 Belmont st 5 " 10.00 750 Borthwlck at, new.. 8 " 15.00 293 N. 15th et H " I6.00 791 Corbett st" 7 " 1G.00 503 E. Grant st 6 16.50 670 Hancock, furnished. 5 " 20.00 360 Ivy at, new. (J " 20.00 955 Patton ave 10 " 25.00 461 Hancock st 8 " 27.50 349 Harrison at 10 " 50.00 WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. 229 Stark St. STRANGERS AMONG US AND OTHERS wishing desirable bouses to rent should come direct to us. where they will be shown the largest list of untenanted dwlllng-houses In the city; we maintain free a rental department where you will receive every attention, and a desire on our part to aid you In finding Just the house you aro looking for. Office hours 10 to 4. We cannot answer inquiries over the phone. H. E. Edwards. 185-101 First st. FOR RENT TO RESPONSIBLE PARTY, with small family, G-room, two-story house, large basement, furnace, gas. etc.. beautiful harbor view, one block from river and 50 feet from L car, 223 Broad way. FOR LEASE BLOCK OF GROUND, EAST Side of city, central location, on car line. Bui! Run water, sewer, stable for 4 horaes. Apply Goodnough &. Steams, Washington bldg. LOT 75X75. SUITABLE FOR SUMMER tent hotel, two blocks from Fair grounds; also one 100x100. Powers Furniture Co.. 1st and Taylor sts. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE COMPLETELY furnished; furniture for sale; good Invest ment; cheap rent; cor. 12th and Harrison; going away. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST., Rents and Insurance. Phone Main 343. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. 5-ROOM COTTAGE BATH. PANTRY, basement, chicken parkH. small fruits; near car. Miss GIrdwood, Tremont KADDBRLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone Main 1CS5. Office. 110 N. 3d st. UNFURNISHED. LOWER; COSY RESI dence. 6 rooms; large yard, fruit; 412. 1232 E. Yamhill: references. 410-5-ROOM HOUSE ON 21ST ST.. 6 MIN . utes' walk of Fair grounds. Towers Furni ture Co., 1st and Taylor. 12-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED LARGE yard; 20 minutes walk to Fair grounds. P 32,' Oregonlan. NICE 6-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN CONVEN tencea: large garden: close to car line. Ap ply 174 18th N. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 2 BLOCKS FROM CAR line; 4H. Hatfield & Smith. 165 4th au, room 32. FOR RENT NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSE. 4 large rooms, bath. gas. phone. 739 Wil liams ave. 435 MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT ON 7TH ST.. fine location. Powers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE.. MT. TABOR. JO PER month. Apply E. B. Hyatt, Wright's Music House. HOUSB OF 8 ROOMS IN GOOD REPAIR, gas and bath. Inquire 403 lOlli. cor. Har rison. 6-ROOM HOUSE, CLOSE TO CAR. FRUIT, berries, garden; 410 per month. Inqutre 22 14th st 427.50 FINE 6-ROOM COTTAGE ON GLISAN at. modem. Powers Furniture Co.. 1st and Taylor. - FOR RENT CLEAN. 5-ROOM HOUSE, closets and bath. 52G Clay st; inquire 520 Clay. FOR RENT-NEW MODERN SIX-ROOM houe. E. 17th and Stark. Inquire 87 E. 17th. FOR RENT TO SMALL FAMILY, 4-ROOM house. 70S Front st Inquire 714 Water st. SMALL FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED cottage at Montavllla. Phone Union 1458. G-ROOM COTTAGE. GOOD ORDER. E. SIDE, $14. F. W. Torgler. 106 Sherlock bldg. 7-ROOM HOUSE AT 497 MARKET ST. AP ply H. Schatz. 271 Morrison, room C 48-4-ROOtt COTTAGE. INQUIRE- 63 MIL waukle t FOR BENT. Houses. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FULL LOT: RENT, 412. Phone East 675. Furnished Houses. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED 9-ROOM HOUSK. five minutes walk Oregonlan; large, beauti ful lawn; everything strictly modem. Ad dress, with phone number, W 19, Oregonmn. FOR RENT A NICELY FURNISHED COT tage of 5 rooms until May 1. Call between 9 and 12 at 115 W. Park. cor. Washington: rent. f-t5 per month. FOR RENT COMPLETELY FURNISHED 5-room cottage; strictly modern: steel range sas stove. 147 E. Davis st. bet 7 and S. 4-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. 410 per month; 601 Edgar st. Apply 'to Ford's Business Chance Agency, 165 i 4th. LOWER FLOOR OF COMPLETELY FUU nlshed house to parties without children. 100 Cherry st., 3 blocks north of Steel bridge. FOR SALE HOUSEBOAT OF 5 ROOMS, completely and beautifully furnished; also gasoline launch. C 20, Oregonlan. 425 FOR THREE MONTHS. PARTLY FUR nUhed 6-room house; gas. porcelain bath. Phone Main 5840 or call 374'i 5th FOR RENT COTTAGE. SIX ROOMS AND bath. large lot; rent 416. Call 421 Hancock. Phone Bast 1S19. MODERN i-ROOM HOUSE, PARTLY FUR nlshed, two reserved rooms. 043 liolmont. after G P. M. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT; large grounds; good location; block from car. 401 12th at. FURNISHED COTTAGE FOR RENT. CALL betwenc 1 anil 3 o'clock. 412 Hall st. FURNISHED HOUSE WITHIN block of Portland Hotel, 205 Gth. ONE Houses for Kent Furniture for Sale. Before you sell your Furniture be sure and call up Main 5055, as we Positively pay the highest cash prices. FURNITURE 12-ROOM HOUSE. SUITABLE for one family or roomers, or will sell each floor separate as flats; every convenient, cheap for cash. 308 College; phone Front 084 : no agents. NEAR FAIR GROUNDS WELL-FUR-nlslicd 5-room house, rent $12. paying in vestment for rooms or residence, only ?275. City Business Chance Agency. 228 1st st. FURNITURE OF 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale with office building, rooms all full, good rents, two blocks from Oregonlan; a bargain Jf taken at once. Phone Front 698. -ROOM COTTAGE. MODERN IMPROVE mcnts. for rent, and the furniture of the same for sale. Inquire of owner on premises at 543 E. Oak, or phone Scott 4112. FOR SALE-5 ROOMS FURNISHED FOR housekeeping: will sell furniture just as It stands for 4350; rent 420; must sell at once. 2S8 Lincoln st. I'hone 3917. 14 ROOMS. GOOD FURNITURE. FINE lease, two blocks from the. Hotel Port land; house full: strictly no agents. Owner. 167 W. Park. SELL AT SACRIFICE. NEW FURNITURE of 10-room residence; upper floor pays rent; furnished complete for three families. S 32, Oregonlan. HOUSB FOR RENT. 418; PIANO. SEWING machine, range and furniture of 0 ' rooms complete for sale cheap. 4G7 E. Flanders. FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE Nicely furnished 3-room Hat Inquire 409 Yamhill st. Telephone Main G2G3. FURNITURE FOR SALE OF 8 ROOMS; NICE location for Fair, on car line; must leave city: bargain. L 33. Oregonlan. 12 ROOMS. FINE LOCATION, NEWLY furnished, well adapted for Fair; no agents. Apply 403 10th st. 9-ROOM HOUSE. COMPLETELY FURNISHKD In suites for light housekeeping; best location. Phone Main 4032. 10-ROOM HOUSE. FINE LOCATION. NICE ly furnished; 4850. Hatfield &Sm!th. 165'i 4th at, room 32. VERY NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMING house for sale; central; must sell at once. E 34. Oregonlan. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR sale; rent. 415; good location. F 33. Ore gonlan. FURNITURE 6 ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR 2 families; almost new; rent 22. 44 E. 7th N. NF.W FURNITURE OF A 5-ROOM FLAT. West Side, walking distance. 2484 Stark st. NICE CARPETS AND GOOD FURNITURE of an 8-room bouse for sale. Call 407 10th. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM FLAT. 401 1st st. flat A. Phpne Main 4452. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE; FURNI ture for sale. 542 6th st. tora. RENT 450, LIGHT INCLUDED. FOR THE best and most prominent comer in Portland for a cigar, fruit and stationery store, and must be taken before the 1st of March. Ad dress B 35. Oregonlan. FOR RENT STORK. 23xlSO FEET, NO. 140 . Front st. bet Morrison and Alder. Apply tott A. Baldwin. 86 4 th st FOR RENT TWO NICE STORES. FRONT, near Ash. Apply to L. L. Hawkins, 448 Sherlock bldg. FOR RENT FINE LOCATION FOR RES taurant; 200 roomers in same block. Phone Red 051. 3 STORES FOR RENT ONE FINE LOCA tlon for drugstore. Apply 310 Mohawk bldg. Offices. PART OFFICE AND DESKROOM FOR RENT To manufacturers' agent or other mercan tile man of good recommendation, half of a large-slzn office; light, heat and Janitor service Included. Apply room 517. Commer cial blk. Offices and newly furnished lodge balls, Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. Winter and Summer Resorts. HOTEL MOORE. CLATSOP BEACH. SEA slde, will be open during Fall and AVInter. FINANCIAL. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage Confidential. Month. -month. Week. 450 Repay to us 413.33 or 46.65 or 48.25 425 Repay to us 4 6. 65 or 43.35 or 41.05 515 Repay to us 4 4.00 or 42.00 or $1.00 210 M'KAY BLDG., 102 2D. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO., 217 OREGO nian bldg.. loans money to reliable sales men, trainmen, motormen. conductors or other salaried employes. Just on liU note. In sums of 410 to 4100. Returnable In con venient weekly or monthly payments. Pay ments suspended in case of sickness. Confi dential. No inquiries. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc., without security; easy pay ments; largest business In 49 principal cities. Tolman. 223 Ablngton bldg.. Clay 1758. $3 LOANS AND UPWARDS ON ALL KINDS of security, or to salaried people on their note; lowest rates; no publicity: no delay. 21S Ablngton bldg. Phone Red 1720. LOANS ON THE EASY-PAYMENT PLAN to salaried people; lowest rates; strictly confidential. Employes' Loan Co., room 716, the Deknm, 3d and Wash. sts. Phone 221. 45 LOANS AND UPWARDS. ON ALL kinds of security, without delay. Yf. A. Hatha way, room 10. Wash'gt'n bldg. Clay 1814. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45, Washington bldg. Hood 415. MONEY LOANED ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty; building loans a specialty. W. H. Nunn, 532 Sherlock blk. Phone Clay 529. t 1DIATE LOANS. LOWEST RATES ON furniture pianos and chattels. Eastern Loan Co.. 449 Sherlock bldg. Clay 528. State funds loaned. G per cent. W. E. Thom- . Viilfunmiili rv Ann f'l PRIVATE FUNDS LOANED, 50 PER CENT valuation: low rates. WI S. Ward, Allsky b. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas Co. lands. D. F. Riley, GOO Cham. Com. 4500.000 TO LOAN .Vr 5 AND 0 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, room 307. the Failing bldg. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS 5 AND 6 per cent. Wm. Denholm. 225 Falling big. PRIVATE PARTY makes real estate, personal, chattel, .salary loans. 504. Marquam bldg. FINANCIAL. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Any wace-earner needlnir money befors pay-day can get It from us; no commIs-j? sion or interest in advance; no mortgage utii Indorser required. Repay weekly. uiontniy.J or semi-monthly in amounts from 41 and 1 upwards, thus avoiding the payment ofJ the whole amount out of any one pay-daj , ana have six months' time, it desired. NELSON & HIND LEY. 30S McKay bldg. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE noiuing permanent positions and responsi ble firms; easy payments and strictly con fidential; aUo " CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a specialty. NEW ERA LOAN i TRUST COMPANY. 205 Ablngton building. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary security at low rates. C. W. Palette. 301-5 Fenton bldg. Phone Main 1383. PERSONAL. AZA HOLMES-RIBBECKB. GRADUATE utrmatologlst; sclentiho. teatural. corrtiction 1st, beau t irk r and restorer oi iuutnfUintss, inuy be consulted dully free; t-very uttllctiuu of the human tace and scali jaicceasluily tn-Hted; mature wrlnku-w, si-ar. biemlstuf. etc., .removed. Sanitarium ami s-ohool or der matology in connection. Panots .U4 Morri son, telephone Hood 2. JO-HE, A NATURAL MAGNETIC OIL FROM Texas; mot wondcrtul discovery of ac; puz-ies medical world; rhcumutuin. paraly sis, spinal affections. cryti.,ias, neuralgia, catarrn, cancer, burns, old jAma jl- ltl to tnb oil like magic; cures in S to 2 twjs; ;-amtie can, 50c, postpaid. Testimonials trie, .vgents wanted. M. B. Clinton, 51.1 E. touch M.. Portland. Or. i'hone Union ltliC HANDSOME. INTELLIGENT VOUNG WID OW, no children. 430,000 in her own name, will marry immediately and Uill furnish husband with capital to start business; no objection to honorable poor man. Address Mrs. Belmont. 30S Hampden bldg.. Chicago. 7 WOMEN WANTED SUFFERING FROM Irregular painful or stoppages, Ieucorrhca. twhite) and all diseases of women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Kessler, 23i! Yam hill st, Portland. Or. Private waiting-room for ladles. Consultation free. Call or write. Inclose 10 2-cent siumi3. HANDSOME. INTELLIGENT VOUNG WID OW, no children. $o.wo In her own name, will marry immediately and will furnisa husband with capital to start business. No objection to honorable poor man. Address Mrs. Belmont. 3Gb Hampden bldg.. Chicago. DISEASES OF MEN. GONORRHEA. GLEET. SYPHILIS. BLOTCHES. OLD SORES. NIGHT EMIS SIONS. VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE and all affections of private organs permanent ly cured. Dr. Walker. 181 1st st MEN ADDICTED TO HABITS WHICH DE stroy manhood: Send for my free treatise of home cure, showing how to cure weakness peculiar to men, varicocele, etc. Sent oealed in plain envelope. A. M. Todd. 408 16th st, Denver. Colo. MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD promptly to our painlesj method of treatment; we treat diseases of women only; consultation free; private and strictly confidential. X Ra dium Institute. 3d and Morrison. Allsky bldg. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES 41 A month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. 347 Washington, opp. Cordray's. YOUNG WIDOW. AGS 28. WITH 410.000; lady. 20. 450.O0O; lady, 25. 415.000; blonde. 18, cash and beautiful farm. I seek , honor able husbands for these. Confidential. Ad dress Mrs. W.. 697 Fulton at. Chicago. III. BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR AND CURE RHEU matism with Bark Tonic. It cures In 10 days: 75c a bottle at all drugstores. J. A. Clemenson. druggist, cor. 2d and Yamhill fits.. Portland. Or., wholesale agent. A WEALTHY AND ATTRACTIVE MAIDEN wants without delay kind husband to re lieve her of business cares; no objection to honorable, capable poor man. Address Cook. 07 Flournoy. Chicago. WE DESIRE HUSBAND FOR REFINED lady In Oregon, age 20, worth in own right 417.000; another, age 40. worth 400.000: widow, 24, worth two large farms. Home and Comfort. Toledo, O. MARRIAGE PAPER 12 PAGES. 10c; sealed; many wealthy; only Incorporated marriage bureau in the world: ninth year; reliable: bank reference. R. L. Love, box 1000. Denver, Colo. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts' Nerve Globules. One month's treat ment. 42: 3 months. 45. Sent securely sealed by mail. Agents. Woodard. Clarke fc Co.. Portland, Or. WEALTHY LADIES AND GENTLE3IEN of refinement anxious to marry; photo graphs and descriptions free. Box ij, 64, 'anon City. Colo. MARRY WEALTH AND BEAUTY; MAR riage directory free; pay when married; entirely new plan; send no money. Ad dress H. A. Horton. Dept. SI, Tckonsha, Mich. HANDSOME YOUNG MAN WITH MEANS, no bad habits, wishes to correspond with handsome, refined young ladles, matrimonlul ly Inclined. Box 403. Salt Lake City. Utah. VIM. VIGOR. VITALITY DU PONT ET Cle's Kola Tablets. Nature's great tonic for either sex. 25c box by mall. Albert Bern). 2d and Washington, agent. Portland, Or. MARRY HAPPILY AN'D TO YOUR AD vantage financially: build up happy home; we can aid you. Write us. stating age and sex. Mutual Book Exchange. Toledo. O. NAME THE BABY BOOK OF OVER TWO thousand names, valuable to everybody; send only 15 cents. National Mall Order Co.. G38 Mission st. San Francisco. Cal. LADIES. ATTENTION! ORIGINAL FRENCH Tansy Wafers for salo by leading druggists t 42-per box; eaf and reliable. S. G. Skid more & Co., Special agents. 151 3d st GENTLEMAN. 41. NOT HANDSOME NOR wealthy, wishes acquaintance of lady. Cath olic preferred; object matrimony: can givo best of references. Q 34, Oregonlan. EASTERN BUSINESS GENTLEMAN. -. good appearance, would like to meet lady with some capital; object matrimony; no triflers. Address G 34, Oregonlan. "MATRIMONIAL REGISTER." PRICE 10c. describes many residents of Oregon who seek congenial life companions. Interstate Intro ducing Society, box 1079, Portland. BEXINB PILLS, THB TONIC AND MAX hood builder. Sold by Clemenson. druggist, cor. 2d and Yamhill sts.. Portland. Or.; 41 box, G for 46, with guarantee. A WEALTHY MIDDLE-AGED GENTLE man wants home-loving wife: no objection, to sincere poor woman. Address Mr. John, 40S Ogden. Chicago. YOUR FORTUNE TOLD BY THE MOST reliable clairvoyants: send birthdate, dime and stamp. Profs. Carl & Rollin. J00 N. Clark st. Chicago- PRETTY COUNTRY GIRL, BRUNETTE, age 20 has 410.000, will inherit much more, wishes to marry. Curran. 1242 Wa bash. Chicago. GET MARRIED ONLY MARRIAGE weekly published: sample copy for stamp. Matrimonial Weekly. 331 Kearny at. San Francisco. Cal. WEALTHY GENTLEMAN, UNINCUM bered, seeks appreciative wife. Addre. Mrs. Cole. 506 Walnut, room 7, Phlladel phla. Pa. ' SELECTIONS MADE. INTRODUCTIONS Giv en honorable ladles and gentlemen, rcapon- slble age. matrimonially Inclined. Y 34, Oregonlan. HONORABLE GENTLEMAN. 30. DESIRES acquaintance lady who would appreciate country home: object, matrimony. V 18. Ore gonlan. MARRIAGE PAPER BEST PUBLISHED: contains advertisements of marriageable people: mailed free. B. Gunnells, Toledo, Ohio. A 10-CENT BOTTLE WILL- CURE YOUR, rheumatism; It cured me: no patent medi cine. A. G. Lyons. 931A 6th st. Portland. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Accu rately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Pharmacy. 227 Morrison, bet 1st and 2d. We print your name on 30 calling cards, prop er size and style. 25c: 250 business cards, 41. Brown &. Schmale. 229 1st. Portland, Or. LADIES. YOU CAN SAVE 50 PER CENT ON underwear, kimonas. fine waists, etc.; clear ance sale. Sing Chong Co.. 333 Morrison. LATEST NOVELTY IN RUBBER GOODS: rubber aprons, a household necessity. Sani tary Supply Co.. 503 E. Ankeny. cor. 10th. DISEASE CURED WITHOUT DRUGS OR knife; Weltmerlsm taught. Address Welt merlsm. 101 E. 36th st, city. POOR MAN. AGE 32. HAS GOOD BARITONH voice and business ability, wants wife; no agents. O 35. Oregonlan. MRS. M. S. SAVAGE. Dressmaker. 73 Lewis bldg. Main 4730. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT, YOUR homes. Ida Keznor. 127 11th. Phone Main 4853