25 xHE SUNDAY OKEGONIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 12, 1905. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS . WANTED TO MAKE MORE money than can be parsed n a salary Is untlrely dependent on one thing The tiling qualities ot the line. A wide experience in . agency marchandlslng convinced us that la dles outside garments, such as suit. wai6ts, hkirte, cape and raincoats, wait -the proper lln, and we opened an agewiy drpartmtnt lor that cla of merehandls. It was tu--cerfsful from the Mart, and l:a required continual enlargements, until now we ait prepared to handle order fium every town tn the country. We want permanent repre sentatives everywhere, both nien and women, to whom we will give exclusive territory. A mplete sample line will be furnished free with all necec nary supplier. Wv pay very liberally, and aid In securing ord-r. by ex tenive high-grade advertising. Full .psm.--ulars In free booklet. 252 Olie&ter & f ieui ins: Co., ITS State St.. Chicago. HEX AMD WOMex WANTED EVERY- 1 where to start buslnes of their own; can j clear $100 to $200 monthly: unlimited 1 field; new idea; large profits; 1" h&mples j and full working; plan, by mail. 50 cents. ! Address P. O. Box 039. Seattle. I SALESMEN WANTED: NEW PROPOSI- i tlon; commission and premium; outfit free: I good territory open: cash advanced on orders each week; write quick and end reference with application. Addros Washington Nure- ery Co., Toppcnlsh, Wash, i "W ANTED 2 GOOD r,ADY AGENT. TAKE j ord6ra from residents for nice line good. n. ' deliver!, only email imile to carrv; go. i commission paid, (.'all between 11 A. M. aii'I 2 I', M. today. 847 Taylor. Phone Main : r. ! $83 PER WEEK SELLING Ont NEW patents. free samples guaranteed agents answering this advertisement. Braham Co., 4100. Cincinnati. O. AGENTS READ IN DARK. NAME PL AT K.- lgns, numbers. 2Hi per cent profit. Samplea free. Wright Supply Co.. Bnglewood, 111. WANTED TO BUNT. rent. a. furnished, residence or rooming- house for rooming purposes during the 1905 Fair; rauHt'be veil located and suitttblu for first-class patronage; will guarantee good care of house and no children; beat of references given. Address il. Jfc W., j uui 1 j lie uaiicF, ur. WANTED Rooms In alt partb of the city. Apply 220 Go&dnough building. Exposition Accommodation Bureau. Under aii-ectlon of Lewis and Clark Fair Corporation. Phone Main 0266. B PERMANENT" RESIDENTS, 9 OR 10 room house on corner preferred, situated in boundary between. Washington and Clay sts.. west of Park St.. or between Washington sou Tliurman sts., west of lGth wt. Answer 38, Oregonlan. A 5 OR G-ROOM COTTAGE. WITH YARD, gas and bath; south of-Washington st; rent not to exceed $5; permanent tenant. Phone Main 2309. WANTED 5 OR 6-ROOM FURNISHED house, modern, light and centrally located: be.n of references; no children. Address F -1. Oregonlan. BY YOUNG LADY. EMPLOYED. ROOM AND board; no objection East Side; inun be reasonable. Phone East P-JOS. M. B., Belmont. IN OR ABOUT A LB IN A ROOMS AND board by two ladles; Kate orms and par ticular?; references exchanged. T is, Ore gonlan. WANTED TO RENT 10 OR 12-ROOM l'RI vate house, furnished or unfurnished; will pay $85 or more. -Address N -"0. care Ore gonlan FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms, lower floor; price and loca tlon; private family. M 21. Oregonlan. WAXTED TO RENT A BUILDIXG OX M'ashington st.. suitable for restaurant and bakery. T. J. Moore, 70 Park st. GENTLI3MAX WISHES TO LIVE WITH A private family; partial board; state terms. Apply Q 30. Oregonlan. JTLOERLY WOMAN WANTS BOARD AND room with private family, at reasonable rate. C 27, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT HOUSE AND LOT suitable for garden and chicken. A 27, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. "W B PAT TOU HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR your aecond-hand iur&itur or anything you cannot use.' Phone &S33. Portland Auction Rooms, 211 1st eL V ANTED FIRST-CLASS GASOLINE EX gln and machinery salesmen; give, reference; will pay liberal commlisiun. Address Q 21. oregonlan. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFy CLOTHING and faot; highest price paid: Call at Uu -Fair Deal." 62 N. 8d. Phone Hood B17. T ANTED WINDMILL AND TANK: ALSO wagon scale. Address Frank Michels. I ..lount TaDor. pnone union 3203. TOUNO LADY DESIRES PUPILS FOR violin or mandolin, evenings, reasonable. Inquire the Ohio. 130 11th. WANTED ROOMIXG-HOUSE, CLOSE IN, 12 to 20 rooms, no agents; state price. L 20. Oregonlan. WANTED SWILL AND REFUSE, FOR the removal. Erickeon Restaurant. 2d and Burnslde. WANTED A LOAN OF S40 OF IIUVATE party, 10 per cent Interest. W" Co, -Oregonlan. W ANTED TO PURCHASE TEAM OF 3000 pounds weight. Address B-20. Oregonlan. PRIVATE LOAN, $500 WANTED; BEST SE curlty and interest. T 29. Oregonlan. WB CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT. tie cC all kinds. Phone East 2233. WB PAT $30.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES. H. E. Edwards. 1S5-191 1st sc PRIVATE LESSONS IN GERMAN; STATE price. G 2S. Oregonlan. FOR KENT. Booms. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLE roen; gas. bath, phone and heat; $5. C71 E. Morrison st. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM; HEAT. GAS bath, phone; reasonable. S21 Eugene st" East 2303. CHEAPEST GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS board; housekeeping rooms; close in.- sa 10th near Stark. ' TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent. 127 11th sL. bet. Washington and Alder. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. RATES sonable. The Oakland House, 2l2i Madi son at. S10 10TH ST. ELEGANT- -FURXISHED rooms, electric lights, bath and phone; rea sonable. 79 PARK LARGE FROXT ALCOVE ROOM suitable for 2 or 3 persons; also smaller room. IKS PARK ST.-OXE LARGE FRONT ROOM, suitable for two. one block from Portland Hotel. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent: gentlemen preferred. Inquire S314 Mill street. ONE LARGE SLEEPING ROOM, S. W. COR. Ash and First, room 20. Call bet. 2-3 p. M. ROOMS. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING PRIV liedges or partial board. 269 14th, near JeS. 42S YAMHILL LARGE-. WELL-FURNISHED room; gas, phone; hot and cold water; $10. SUITE OF TWO FRONT ROOMS. ELHGANT ly furnished; bath, private family. 263 Clay. "CFVW VP4P! V rftMPr VTPn T--v r-r.r. niahed rooms, rent free to March 1. 185 Mill. ! FOR RENT-NICE FURXISHED ROOM FOR one or two -In private family. 103 N. 15th st. LARGE ALCOVE ROOM; ALSO BACKROOM, furnished; gas $10 and $5. 534 Taylor NICELY FURNISHED ROOM: BATH, IlghtF and phone. 474 E. Oak. East 235S. Cheapest and best located rooms In Portland. XI week up. Glim an. 1st and Alder eta. XICELT FURXISHED ROOM IX PRIVATE family. 5C per month. 528 Market st. N1BLT FURNISHED ROOM. WITH ALL modern conveniences. 410 Salmon st. 446 E. OAK-LARGE FRONT ROOM. BATH, suitable for two; cloee In; nesr cars. FOR RENT TWO LOVELY FRONT ROOMS, well furnished: alcove. 167 W. Park. FITRNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR RENT: gentlemen preferred. 612 Qulmby st. THKsT. M. C A. HAS A FREE LIST OP fcrnlsbo'l rooms tn all parts cf city. yiRXISHJ3D ROOM .FOR RENT. Bh su Call today. SOVi N. 1 OK RENT. ' Booms. KIXE NEW Single r en suite, t'weelaln batbf. Hani 1mm I.' Eieetric light. Firl-clas ixhU. KeuMtnable ttr. Thr Lindell. Market hireet, lieu 3d aM 4lU. , Phone Main 5501. NEW LANGS HOTEL. European piun; electric lights and belli, ueani heat and Hevatur; baths free to guests; rates 'We. 5c and $: per day; special ratet by the week. Elegant cafe and bar in con i.ection. Corner Clh and Washington (U. Sam Bauman. manager; F. Lange. prop. THE AUDITORIUM. 20S43 3D ST., BET. Taylor and Salmon, one block south of Baker Theater Elegantly new funtisbed, ten beat, hot and cold running water in roem; free bath: rooms with private baths; elevator; rates. o.u week and up; 1 ua ; tount: olioiied. NEW BUILDING. JUST COMPLETED. EV erj'tliing nr.l--lasa and up-to-date; furnace heat, piione aiiu ba:n tree; large parlor Xor ute tn guusiH, hoi nu.i cld i-unning water in each room: d.m i ia.ii to see thin ele UHitwrne. tt7 Hth t., near Taylor. THE GARLAXD-tCM WASHINGTON ST.. betwwii la:li Jvinl lth i-;. A j.ermaneni new and uioder.i apariHtoiil-tiuuf . t Ml-nb-hei fjtmir. 4tagle and f& utu; furnace Iwat, Hrctiic lignts iHtone,' Urg nay wm oiwti in each iov.ni. jtates imsinul. HOTEL AVALOX EUR-JPEAX). 4l3r V.'ASH- 1 ingtun M.. 4 blocl wctt oi tue liaptrial Ho. ; ti; :iewiy furnisaed :oamt. siage o- e ! fcuite. not and old water, sieam neat, el-e- tile lijrni. bath and all modern coMmenet; tourls solicited. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOMS, j goou location, new house, new furniture, ga. bath, furnace heat, electric lights: take Morrison or ManUuii-ti. cer. K. Taylor bt.. cor. IStii. l'hone E. "339. TO GENTLEMEN SOUTHEAST CORNER uom. furnlMied: heat, ga, water, pifizsa. winuows; 14 minutes fiom ;Jd and wash- . Ington ts.; references ; private family. J j -7. Oregoman. J NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH OR J without breakfast. r, new itonie in irv- i ington; eery modern -ninoe: two (lucks to vltlier csr line. Address R 'JH, oregunlau. SUITE OF NBVVLY FURNISHED ROOMS. fci table tor couple or to 4 gentlemen; attain heat, gds, bath and teiepbonr; flne location. Piione Main 4M3 C7 S. 2uth uu. near Wash ington. THE COSMOS. S. E. COK. 4TH AND MOR. ilcon; ben down-town rooms in tn city; beat and service night and nay; rates $3.60 ter weeic and up. including bath; $1 day. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH, in walking Ultanr to businw; hot nater and furnace; permanont poojdt. opjKWite High School. Main 2J!1. H Mortleon. PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS. NICELY FUR nlshed. new Iiouhc. four blocks from Ho tel Portland: home comforts; good butb, phone, .etc ZGfl'i Sixth. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM IX PRIVATE family very reasonable to party willing to play piano accompaniments balf hour even ings. Call 40U 11th tit. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED 3-P.OOM flat, three blocks from Hotel Portland. Fur niture for sale cheap. Inquire 204 Marquam bldg. Phone Clay Ct0. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS IN BRICK fiat. heat. gas. bath and phone; one block from car; rent reasonable. Call 067 Irving. Phone Main COSo. THE KNICKERBOCKER. ), 6TH, NEAR Oak New brick, elegantly furnished rooms; modern, rlngtc or u suite; transient and tourists solicited. LARGE FRONT ALCOVE ROOM. NICELY furnished; also large side room, vers- rea sonable; all conveniences. Mrs. Whltweil. K3 N. 10th st. CHOICE- ROOMS FOR ONE OR TWO MEN or man and wife, modern, new. cloe in for walking, private family. 422 E. Couch. East 22C7. LARGE FRONT ROOM, NEWLY FUR nlshed; bath. gas. Phone Main 5G33: pri vate family; $15 per month. 5li Wash ington st. 190 12TH ST., NEAR TAYLOR ONE FROX1 .mlte; also one room; all modern conveni ences, private family. Call afternoons and evenings. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM WITH OR without breakfast; bath, phone, electric and gas light; all conveniences. Phone Union 3301. THE RUBY. 231 H ALDER, NEAR 3D ST. New brick building, pleasant rooms, nice- ly furnished for gentlemen; transients. PRIVATE BEAUTIFUL ROOMS AND SUR roundtngs; ever' convenience; meals op tional. 874 Savler sU Phone, bath ana heat. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SUIT able for light housekeeping if desired. 370 Mill t. Must be' seen to be appreciated. THE KINGSTON FURNISHED ROOMS. lUOt, 2d, adjoining Baker Theater; (2.30 per week and up; steam heat. Phone Hood 037. NICE. CLEAN HOME FOR YOCXG MEN'; rooms suitable for two: rent reasonable; gas, bath and phone. 414 Main, cor. 11th. XICELT FURNISHED ROOM, MODERN conveniences, private family. Phone East 1437. 143 East 12th, near Morrison. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM TO rent, with separate entrance; private family; $5 iter month. 540' William ave. PLEASANT ROOM IN PRIVATE HOME, suitable for one or, two gentlemen: modern conveniences; close in. 24SH Cth st. FOR RENT SEPARATED YOR TOGETHER, two large, well-furnished rooms at 440 E. Clay at., near E. 7th; reasonable. 250 7TH BEAUTIFULLY FURXISHED. warm room for a gentleman; ahw suite housekeeping rooms; steel n.age. THE KARO. 171 W. PARK NICELY FUR nfshed front rooms, suitable for two; also furnished housekeeplng-'rooms. TWO NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, olose in, bath and phone, one block, from Portland Hotel. 3tU Yamhill st. NEWLY FURXISHED ROOMS IN A MOD. cm flat; steam heat throughout; prices rea sonable. Phone Main 3S94. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS; barn, phone and gas. 304 E. Pine. Phone East 32tl. Good car service. ICS 11TH ST. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM; one email room; choice location; reasonable rent; modern convenience. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED FROXT ROOM. Other rooms, new. modern. East Side. neat Steel bridge. 310 Crosby. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE family, all conveniences, rent reasonable, gentleman. 230 11th st. THE TEMPLE. 843,i YAMHILL ST., Op posite Hotel Portland Nicely futnlshea rooms; rates reasonable. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED LARGE front room, gentlemen preferred. 270 14th. opposite Hobart-Curtis. NEATLY FURNISHED. FRONT ROOM Phone and bath; convenient; reasonable. 107 N. 17th st. $0.00 NICE ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN; bath, phone: private family. .267 4th at., near Jefferson. FURXISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, with stoves, $5 and $6 per month. 323 Wa ter, cor. Clay. NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY FRONT ROOM private family, very reasonable. 225 Hall st. Call afternoon. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM FOR SINGLE gentleman or lady; gas, .phone, bath. 290 Jefferson U NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT, suitable for lady pr gentlemen. 330 5th, bath, phone. ONE FURNISHED ROOM FOR .RENT. $0. including heat, light and bath. 205 11th. near Taylor. LARGE FRONT ROOM, WITH ALCOVE, nicely furnished; bath. gas. $2 per wf-ek. 548 Taylor. FURNISHED ROOAIS; ALSO ONE SUITfc housekeeping rooms. 23 N. 6th at. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT; bath. gas. close In. 270U, 7th at. 41 ELLA ST. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. Bath, gas, phone; fine location. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. FURNACE heat, phone. S6 N. 17th st. A ROOM WITH ALL MODERN' CONVENI encea. 492 E. Burnslde et. 3S9 ALDER ST. LARGE! FRONT ROOMS, with board: ajl convenience. . 4273D-NICE WARM FURNISHED ROOMS; bath, phone, gas lights. tOK KKNT. Rooms. I NICE CONVENIENT ROOM. WALKING Dis tance, reasonable; heat, 'liath. gas. 31 Tay lor. Phone Main rail. SEVERA1 NICE. LARGE ROOMS. ONE rulle on ne liret floor: one suite hrusekeep lr.g rooms. C5 cth U RHli 1STH ST. NICELY FURNISHED rooms, every convenience; gentlemen: also large room for two. FURNISHED ROOM WITH PRIVATE . family; every convenience: close In. 248 0th aU. near Main. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE for - ladles or gentleman; gas bath and phone. 4V' 3th st. 1 FOR RENT THREE NEW UNFURNISHED ; rooms for light housekeeping. Phone Main j Zu Sheridan. FRONT PARLOR. USE BATH. PHONE: XO objection to light housekeeping: ure bath. ! phone. .447 Gth. XICELT FURNISH BD FRONT ROOM FOR rent. Sl 4th st. ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. Caruthers. LARGE UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOM. S54 Marshall. Uoomi, With Board. FIXE XEW Front rMin SlnicKe er en -Miltr; Porcelain bath.. Sleam hat. Electric light. Flrit-cltt! taW . Reasonable . The Llndeii. Market liet. Bet. 3d and- 41 j. Phone Main .'utll. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO tol, 1C5-1G7 10th st.. cor. Morrison; there are a few vacancies; fine rooms, nicely furnished, stuam heat throughout the house; porcclam bath, plenty of hot' water, handsome dining-room: table and service llrst clac WAXTED PARTY OF FOUR YOUXG men ar two young couple to share com forts of a modern home; every conveni ence: references given and required. L S. Orc-gonian. PORTLAND WOMEX'S UXION :6TH TEAK; -rooms with board: use of sewing-rooa; utt cf library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. Asabel Russell, superintendent. &10 FIancera. THE LINDELL. NEW FAMILY HOTEL, Market, between 3d and 4th. Electric light, gas. steam heat, porcelain baths, elegant out side rooms, rim-class table. Very low rates. ELEGANT OUTSIQB ROOMs. STEAM HEAT, electric light, porcelain batns, tirat-class ta ble, two people. $40. $43. $3u month. Lindell Hotel, Market, bet. 3d and 4 th. CLOSE TO BUSINESS WITH GOOD table; gas. porcelain bath and modern, nice frost wuile: terms reasonable. 304 Co lumbia. Main 221 M. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLB for two gentlemen or man and wife; also one single room, With good board. Call 223 W. Park. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, with or without board; modern conven iences. 302 Salmon sL. cor. 10th. Phoue Main 2051. NICE LARGE ALCOVE; ALSO SIDE ROOM, neatly furnished, flrst-c!as. home cooking; reasonable; free phone, bath and gas. 5c Clay. THB GLENDORA Elegant, new residence ho. tel; table the best; rates moderate; pecial raleh to families. I9tH, near Washington u THE ELLA. Several nicely furnished room with board; gss. bath, phone, heat. 635 Washington st. 426 ALDER ROOM FOR TWO GENTLE-' mon with board: 76 W. Park, single and double rooms with good board, home-cooking. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH BOARD, modern conveniences, walking distance to Fair Grounds. 7S1 Kearney. Main 0032. NICE ROOM AND GOOD HOME COOKING, price reasonable; phone and bath, use of sitting-room. 173 E. 7th, cor. Yamhill. HOTEL BROWN. 271H GRAND AVENUE Pleasant rooms, single or en tulte; elevator; tiUUrd-room; transients; both car lines. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board. The E41&. 633 Washington. Ratea reasonable. Phone Black 856. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board, for gentlemen or man and wife; bath and phone. 443 West Parle st. 651 E. MORRISON $4. WEEK. SMALL ROOM with board; also large room. $4.30 per week; heat, bath. Phone Union 1615. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, BATH AD jolnlng. private family, board if desired. U3 N. ISth. near Washington. LADY WOULD BOARD AND ROOM FOUR people, references, modern, central, reason able, cbofce location. 420 3d. NICE CLEAN ROOM. SECOND FLOOR. MOD ern conveniences; good home cooking. U21 Marshall. Phone Main 4110. ROOMS. EN SUITE OR SINGLE; TAB LIS and service first-class;, modern conveni ences. Waldorf,. 147 13th. 295 10TH NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS with or without board: modern conveni ences. Phone Main 3862. PLEASANT ROOMS WITH BOARD. HOME, cooking, furnace heat, gentlemen preferred. 181 N. 16th. Main 4371. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SUIT able for two, with board, all modern con veniences. 147 W. Park. 408 11TH ROOM. BOARD AND LAUN dry for gentlemen; $20; gas. bath and phone. Main 4126. ROOMS, WITH BOARD. BATH, GAS AND furnace heat: private family; walking dis tance. 433 Ti Pine. BLAKELT HALL. 270 6TH ST. LARGE rooms, with first-class board; fine location. Main 26S1. S94 ALDER. COR. 10TH ST. LARGS AL cove room, furnished, with first-class board; reasonable. THE ELM. 13TH AND WASHINGTON NEW ly furnished rooms; good home cooking; din ner 5 to 7. NICE PLEASANT ROOM AND BOARD; home cooking; private family; medern. 460 E. Davis. 1 FOR FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD, home-cooking, bath, phone, call at 473 Wash ington st HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FURNISHED and unfurnished, 104 North 10th t. with phone. LARGE FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR two or three, for rent with board. 13 N. 10th. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH good home cooking, central, reasonable. 221 13th. THE ELM. 13TH AND WASHINGTON NEW ly furnished room, modern; board if detlred. ROOM WITH BOARD: GAS, PHONE. FUR nace. batb. 531 Flanders st., corner 10th. PLEASANT FROXT ROOM WITH BOARD for two: nhone, gas and bath. 540 7th at. ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY for gentlemen. 300 N. 24th. cor. Pettygrove. THE OZARK. 225 11TB SI. ROOMS 12N kults or single, board, hot and cold water. LARGE FRONT ROOM; ALSO SINGLE room, with board. 305 Morrison-10th. 615 MORRISON Desirable, large room; two or three people; board. Phone 4314. GOOD SINGLE FRONT ROOM: GOOD board; close In. S6 10th. near Stark. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH home cooking, $5 a week. 3S8 7th. LARGE FROXT ROOM. WITH BOARD. 133 13th L. cor. Morrison. Flat. WILL RENT 5 COMPLETELY FURNISHED rooms reawKiable to party witling to board man and wife and child: select neighborhood walking distance. 461 W. Park. TWO MODERN 3-ROOM FLATS. NEARLY completed: situated on Grand ave. and E. Davis. Inquire room 212, Ablngton bldg. Phone Main 2020. FOR RENT FIVE-ROOM LOWER FLAT, uith yard, 262 Stout st. bet, Madison and Jefferson. Inquire 264 'Stout st. 5-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT. RENTS $16, with water: sell cheap if taken, this week. Call forenoon 373 E. Mill st. FOR RENT A NEW MODERN SIX-ROOMED flat on 13th, near Market. Call 230 13th st. Housekeeping Rooms. 447 5TH. NEAR COTTAGE TWO LARGE, light conrecting housekeeping rooms; bath, phone; adults. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Booms. FIVE- ELEGANTLY FURNISHED nOUSE keeping rooms In beautiful home, every modern convenience, everything strictly up to date, large, beautiful lawn, very -"elect neighborhood; 3 minutes walk Oregonlan. Addrc-is S 13. Oregonlan. am! a. lady employed in the day time, ana I with me; low rent and . expense; call and s-ee me Sunday or evening-- after 6 o'clock.. 305 4th st. THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH SI.. NEAR YAM bill New houe. elegantly furnished apart ments. In suites of 2, 3 and 4 rooms: hot and cold water: cu range in each kitchen; steam beat and baths; free phone on each floor. UNDER NEW MAXAGEMEXT-LARGE, nicely furnished lKu.-ekecplng rooms, single or en suite; also sleeping room-; ratvfc reason able. 14Vi Front, bet, Morrison and Abler. Telephone Red :!046. TWO. THREE OR FOUR PARTLY OR completely furnished housekeeping rooms in lower brick flat, block from car, all modern conveniences. 567 Irving, l'hone Main 0035. TO ADULTS. 2. 3 OR 4 PARTLY FU'R nlslied housekeeping rooms; modem; private family; reasonable; iH-rmaneni; walking dis tance. Phone East 141S. 4(JU E. Oak. ear ner 8th. FOR RENT FURXISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms In nicest brick block on East Slue; gas ranges, bath, etc Logan oik.. 105 ia Union ave. Phone Union 3263. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Front suite, large bright rooms, nicely fur nished, bath and phone; reasonable rent. 233 tUh at. corner Madtr)n. TWO OR THREE NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; all modern convenience.'-: downstair; 3 blocks from Fair grounds; $20. 707 Vaughn. THREE OR TWO ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping at 375 Main st.: heat, light?, bath. Phone Main 4660. Must be seen to be appreciated. . NICE BEDROOM AND ALCOVE LIGHT hous-ekeeplng. for lady employtd during day, walking distance, reasonable; bring refer ences. 426 11th st. 3 ROOMS AND BATH UPPER FLOOR OF nw home; newly tinted; xas for cooking, lighting and heating; new furniture; phone 353 Fargo at. UNFURNISHED CONNECTING ROOMS for housekeeping, newly tinted, modern house; no children. 386 K. Market, cor. Grand ave. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms; gas stove, teleplione, batb. on S car line. Telephone Front 20S2. 002 Cor bett sn. 70S EVERETT ST.. NEAR WASHINGTON Neatly furnished housskceplng apartments, with homelike accommodations; residence lo cality. DE HAVEN HOUSE 3 NICE LARGE light rooms, suitable for housekeeping, fur nlshed or unfurnished. 205 Stark, up stair... TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, very convenient; also single fur nished rooms: rent reasonable. 202 4th st. NICELY FURXISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, modern conveniences; In private family; light, beat, phone. 573 Irving at. SINGLE ROOM. DOUBLE BED. PER WEEK $1.50; 2 rooms housekeeping, neatly fur nished, light, $10 per month. 304 '4 Front. 3iS JEFFERSON THREE FURXISHED housekeeping rooms: ground floor: electric lights and phone; call Monday; reference. ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS. CANCER. TU mors. mole!-, goiters, swollen glands, per manently cured. Dr Vooce, 1S1 1st st. 2 NEW. LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for taking care of boy 5 yea old during day time. 121 Monroe, near Mississippi. 545 WASHINGTON ST. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, well furnished. light, convenient: no children; bath, phone; brick block. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. PAPER, painting recently, neatly furnished, bath, convenient, $10. 2'j Union ave. South. TWO LARGE ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR housekeeping, llrst floor, use of bath and laundry- 202 16th, near Jefferson. $1.75 PER WEEK LARGE CLEAN FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms, laundry aud bath. 184 Sherman at., near Front. YOUNG LADY OR MARRIED COUPLE TO share pirt of three housekeeping rooms; good location. J 26, Oregonlan. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, reasonable: gas. bath, telephone; single rooms, $1.50. 204 11th st. TWO LARGE UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms, ground floor, $S per month. IS5 Caruthers. Phone Main 0330. 347- HALL ST. VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS, completely furnished for iiousekeplng; mod ern conveniences; reasonable rent. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS IN BEAUTIFUL suburban home, near car; rent reasonable. For particulars phone West IStC 402 4TH FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING roohis, quiet, respectable location; refer ences exchanged; reasonable. THREE CONNECTING FRONT ROOMS, completely furnished for housekeeping; no children. Phone Main 4410. THREE LARGE UNFURNISHED HOUSE heeplng rooms on East Side with or with out barn. Phone Scott 11G. ONE OR TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEKP ing rooms, with large storeroom; bath, phone, private family. 433 Everett. FURXISHED OR UXF URXISIIED ROOMS IN -rlvate residence. West Side; convenient; gas, bath, phone. l'hone 4335. 347 MARKET i LARGE ROOMS. PANTRY, bath, furnished for housekeeping; wood and gas stoves; adults. 372 1ST 4 NEWLY PAPERED FURNISHED housekeeping rooms: sink In kitchen; $15; respectable people only. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, furnace heat. bath. gas. phone. 1SS W. Park st. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR FURNISHED rooms and housekeeping. Just drop In at 324 Front at., cor. Ash. 4S7 TAYLOR ST. NICELY FURNISHED Up per room, light housekeeping, furnace heat, gas, phone, bath, etc. ALCOVE SUITE WITH LARGE KITCHEN, running water, modern conveniences, fine lo cation. 3Jt0 Park st. 79 PARK-VERY DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms, .ground floor, large pantry, closet and use of basement. TWO OR THREE LARGE. LIGHT HOUSE-kee-plng room, close In, modern, private family. 513 3d st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITE AND single room. 168 13th. near Morrison; ref erences required. THREE OR FOUR FURNISHED OR PART ly furnished rooms, parlor floor, pantry, bath. W 27, Oregonlan. NKATI.T 4-ROOM FLAT. GAS. BA1TI AND phone; 5 minutes' walk to P. O.; no children. 325 7th st. South. THE ELM. 13TH . AND WASHINGTON Pleasant rooms furnished for housekeeping; gas, bath, pbone. FRONT PART OF A COTTAGE. FURNISHED or unfurnished: reasonable. 67 Albma ave, near Goldsmith st. 3 FURNISHED HOUESKEEPIXG ROOMS; gas. sink. Phone Main 6389. 254 Mont gomery, cor. 3d. 433 ALDER ST. UXFURXISHED BASE ment. water and gas plate in ' kitchen; central location. XICELT FURNISHED ROOMS AND HOUSE keeplng rooms; new, "pleasant and modern. 532 Yamhill ?t. 2'OV: 3TH ST. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, ground floor, water and sink In kitchen; suite on second floor. TWO LOVELY ROOMS. PARLOR FLOOR, furnished for housekeeping; no children. 354 Salmon. 3 LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, strictly modern: no children. 501 Mill st UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. IIOIISE keeplng and furnished rooms. Phone 1200. 251 Gth FU 2 LARGE ROOMS FURNISHED FOR LIGHT housekeeping: heat, bath and phone, 327 W. Park. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms. 691 E. Morrison. Phon East 2502. THREE ROOMS. GROUND FLOOR. FOR ihU-:iv-:-:ijhs , uiuui iiiouru. ot x. urn Si. NKELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, all modern convenience. 447 Main. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. 63 1ST, COR. PINE ST. TWO LOVELY FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms, water in kitchen; respectable, quiet couple, no children; rent, $14. THE TEMPLETON. 206a 1ST DESIRABLE front Housekeeping and single rooms; bath, transient. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, ground floor. 228 Columbia st.. bet. 1st and 2d. .DON'T RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UN tli you see those at 164 Park; 4 rooms, $25 month. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; gas, bath. 3S0 1st at., comer Mont gomery. TWO R003IS. FURNISHED OR UNFUR nished. centrally located. Phone Main WIS. Fl RNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; bath, phone, gas. 440. cor. Jefferson and 12 111 FURXISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. 1ST and 2d floors; bath. gas. phone. 515 Yam hill. ' FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ER rooms. 12 N. 17th" st. Phone Main 3703. WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madison House keeping rooms; transient: bath, eiectric light. TWO PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms; no children. Phone East 1727. 3 UNFURNISHHD ROOMS $10. WITH USE of bath; water free. Call 501 E. Washington. CHEAPEST GOOD FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng suites; close in. S6 10th, near Stark. SUITE OF HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR rent very cheap. Call up phone Front 805. FURNISHED LOWER FLOOR OF FINE i-orner house. Call afternoons. 221 W. Park. TWO CONNECTING ROOMS. FURNISHED complete for housekeeping, $15. 229 11th st. LARGS FRONT ROOM FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeplng. $8 a month. Phone- Main 4416. 433 MAIN ST.. COIL 12TH HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 1st floor, modem and reasonable. FOR RENT-ROOMS. WITH HOUSEKHEP lng for small family. 934 E. Tuylor st. THE LEWIS. 193 10TH ST. SELECT FAM Hy rooming-house. Phone Main 4334. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITE, bath, gas and phone. 44S Columbia. FOR RENT-ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPIXG: partly furnished. M Johnson st. 44 -T3 rXTTRNISHSD ROOMS; respectable adults. Apply Monday. FOR REXT FURXISHED HOUSEKEEPIXG rooms. 414 5th st. Houses. STRAXGERS AMOXG US AXD OTHERS wishing desirable houses to rent should come direct to us. where they will be shown the largest list of untenanted dwelling-houses In the city. We maintain free a rental department, whore you will re ceive every attention, and n desire on our part to aid you in finding jut-t the house you are looking for. Following is a partial list; EAST- SIDE. 6 rooms, modern. Woodlawn $10.30 3 " bath. East Madison st 12.00 3 " bath. Williams ave. 12.00 3 " bath. Eugene su 12.00 6 " bath. Mississippi ave 14.00 9 " bath. Belmont st 14.00 3 " bath. East 8th at. 16.00 " bath. East Clay st 20.00 6 " modern. Weldlcr st 23.00 6 " modern. East 8th st 23.00 0 " modoni, Broadway 25.00 0 " modern. Hawthorne ave. ... 30.00 6 " modem. Monroe st 30.00 8 " modern. Williams ave 33.00 6 " modern. Halsey st 35.00 WEST SIDE. 5 bath, Meade st 13.00 2 " bath. X. 12th st. 10.00 :t " bath. 4th st, 18.00 4 " bath. Front st 20.00 a " bath. Lincoln st 20.00 " modern. Portland Heights.. ;:0.00 7 " bath. Front su 23.00 4 modern. 14th st 23.00 0 " modern. 7th st 37.30 Office hours. 10 to 4. We cannot answer Inquiries over the phone. II. E. EDWARDS. 1S3-191 First street. COME TO US FOR HOUSES TO RENT Xew and modem 0-room cottage, 461 E. Couch st.. cor. 8th; $20. Handsome S-rooni residence, partly fur nished, large grounds. E. 35th and Washing ton sts.; $25. Magnificent new 5-room cottage, completely furnished. H. Gllsan; $22.50. Xlce 7-room, cottage, modem conveniences, 186 E. 37th st.; $15. Very fine 7-room house on 1st st car-line. Southern Portland: $13. ' Apply to the Dunn-Lawrence Co., 149?, 1st. PARTIAL HOUSE LIST 728 Kearney st,. 3 rooms $12.00 750 Borthwick st., 8 rooms 15.00 503 E. Grant st,. 5 rooms 16.50 791 Corbett st.. 7 rooms 18.00 670 Hancock St., furnished, 5 rooms... 20.0U 360 Ivy St.. now, 6 rooms 22.50 935 Patton ave., 10 rooms 23.00 401 Hancock su, S rooms 27.50 369 12th St.. flat. 6 rooms 10.00 WA ICEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. 229 Stark st. STRAXGERS AMOXG US AXD OTHERS wishing desirable houie.i to rent i-hould come direct to u-. where they will be shown the largest list of untenanted dwelling-houses In the city; we maintain free a rental department where you will receive every attention, nnd a desire on our part to aid you in rinding Just the bouse you are looking for. Office hours 10 to 4. We cannot answer Inquiries over the phone. H. E. Edwards. 1S5-191 First st. FOR RENT J. W. OGILBEE. ROOM 11. Hj'.i First st. 5-room. neat, modem cot tage, near Milwaukie St.. East Side. $15 per month; 6-room house, B. 18th and Tag art, $15 per month: 5-room bouse. East 12th st. near Pine. $12.30 per month. WHY RUN AROUND AND HUNT HOUSES when If you would go to Gevurtz. he would place you right? There were 7 people natletW yesterday, and you can do the same by call ing at 1st and YamhilL Phone Main 1280. Office hours from 12 to 6 P. M I. GEVURTZ & SONS ARB GETTING ALL the houses, cottages and flats in Portland. If you are looking for such, you will do well ir you call on them. They will locate you nicely. 1st and Yamhill. Office hours from 12 to 6 P. 31. 3!aln 1250. A TO RESPONSIBLE PERSON. MODERN T-room house In South Portland; all con veniences; with two full lots; no children, fc'oe owner. George Tazewell. 310 Moliaivk bldg. FIVE UXFURXISHED ROOMS IX XEW modem house, with prtvllt-ge of boarding with renters; rent very reasonable. Apply Monday or Tuesday after 5:30. 208 Xorth lotn. NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE. WITH ALL MOD rn conveniences. 20th and Pettygrove sts. ; short distance from Fair grounds; $21.50. Portland Trust Co., 109 3d at. 615 E. 25TH 5-ROOM COTTAGE WITH bath, stationary washtub. near .Clinton Kellj School. 1 block from car, $12. C. Blrcher. Commercial block. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK $T rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano and furniture movers. Pnoas Main 1685. Office 119 N. 3d it. FOR REXT 7-ROOM HOUSE. XEAR UXI verslty Park Station. J. W. Gray. 1623 Olin .. Phone Union 6301. S. E. COR 17TH AXD COLUMBIA 0 room house: gas. bath. Telephone 1937. or 434 Mohawk bldg. i-ROOM COTTAGE TO PARTIES WITH-' qut children; all modern conveniences. 571 Marshall st. DESIRABLE MODERN DWELLIXG. 635 E, Morrison, cor. 17th. Apply on premises ex cept Sunday. COTTAGE WITH FIXE YARD. FRUIT trees. 621 E. 13th. for rent cheap. Phone 803 Front. FOR RENT MARCH I HOUSE. 7 ROOMS modern: carpets and shades for sale. 235 Sheridan. NEW. MODERN. 6-ROOM COTTAGE, FIR land. Mt, Scott car line. $14. Inquire ac station. . 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE; RODNEY ave.. near Eugene st. 221 Eugene st, Eodt 23C5. FOR RENT NEW 6-ROOM MODERN house, E. 17th and Stark. Inquire 87 E. 17tb. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. 385 BENTON' ST., near Steel bridge. Inquire 233 Broadway. HOUSE AT 141 COOK AVE.. NEAR AL bina ave. Inquire II. Slnsheimer. 72 3d st. FOR RENT TO SMALL FAMILY. 4-ROOM cottage at Mt, Tabor. Pfcon Union 1942. FOR RENT SMALL COTTAGE. pOR. OF Hood and Grover sts. Phone Main 5302. FOR RENT. Houses.. 1G-ROOM FLAT, CLOSE IN. TRANSIENT; rent $30; speculative. Call today 22G& Morrison sL 6-ROOM COTTAGE, 6S3 BELMONT, $14. F. W. Torgler. 106 Sherlock bldg. SIX-R003I MODERX HOUSE. $1S; 5-ROOM cottage. $12. Phone East 675. Furnished Houses. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED NINE-ROOM house, five minutes' walk Oregonlan; large, beautiful lawn: everything strictly mod ern. Address, with phone number, W 19. Oregonlan. :i RESIDENCE. 595 LOVEJOY. cor. 19th. 11 room, three toilets, furnace, beautiful grounds. Inquire forenoons. S. E. cor. 13th and Irving sts.. upstairs. TOR RENT MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE, furnished. 3 rooms reserved. 292 Tilla mook st. Call 9 to 11 A. M.; on U car line. FOR SALE HOUSEBOAT OF 5 ROOMS, completely and beautifully furnished; also gasoline launch. C 20. Oregonlan. 5-R003I COTTAGE. COMPLETELY FUR nished. modern Improvements, cor. 12th and Harrison. Phone Main 3433. FURNISHED COTTAGE. GOOD LOCATION, rent reasonable. Inquire 294 10th and Co lumbia. Phone Main 40S7. rf-ROOM COTTAGE. NEATLY FURNISHED, porcelain bath, central location, $25. M. S. Rentcry. Sherlock bldg. COMPLETELY FURXISHED FIVE-ROOM modem cottage. Including piano. Apply Monday at 310 College st. XICELY FURXISHED 3-ROOM HOUSE, lawn, piano, gas stove, basement: no chil dren, l'hone East .969. FOR REXT FURXISHED UPPER FLAT 5 rooms, bath. Woodstock-Richmond car. 514 E. 21st. Scott 1985. FOR REXT NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSE, four, large rooms; bath, gas. pbone. 759 Williams ave. 6-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. 687 E. 21st. South. Take BrooKlyn car. Call Monday. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT: large grounds; good location; block from car 401 12th st. FOR RENT FOP. 6 MONTHS NEW MODERX 0-room flat: elegantly furnished,. 469 Jeffe: son. ' FURXISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE: ELEC tric lights; central. Inquire 273 ii 7th. FOR REXT PARTLY FURXISHED HOUSE until June 1. Address 187 E. 32d at. FOR REXT FURXISHED S-ROOM HOUSE for 3 months. 123 X. 23d st. FURNISHED HOUSE. PIANO. GAS. 923 E. Everett. Houses fur Rent furniture for Sale. BEAUTIFUL NEW 11-ROOM HOUSE. EV ery article two months in use. complete for boarders or private home; best location In city: close in; full of good paying roomere: will take one-half down, good lease, reasonable rent; $1200; no agents. K 30, Oregonlan. IRVINGTOX EXCEPTIONALLY DESIRA ble new hous. 6 rooms, furniture for tale, t mahogany davenport, cary chairs, etc.: oak dining-room set. range. chamr set. etc.; will rent or sell separately. 673 Clackamas. FURNITURE FOR SALE. CASH OR TERMS, all new: 5-room cottage, modern, newly fin ished, for rent: " everything new and very best: going out of city. Call or address 604 5th St.. city. 14 ROOMS. GOOD FURNITURE, FINE lease, two blocks from the Hotel Port land; house full; strictly no agents. Owner. 167 W. Park. ' FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 14 ROOMS, nicely furnished; slcknes cause of selling; good residence district; no agents. H 20, Oregonlan LOWER FLOOR OF COMPLETELY FUR nished house to parties without children. 190 Cherry St., 3 blocks north of Steel bridge. COMPLETELY FURNISHED TEN-ROOM house, modern; very central: 5 minutes walk from Postofflce. R 19. Oregonlan. NEW. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR rent, and furniture, used four months, for sale. L 26. Oregonlan. NEW 6-ROOM FLAT. MODERN, LEASE, through Fair: leaving city; elegant furniture; no agents. Main 3245. 7-ROOM FLIT, BATH. GAS AND ELECTRIC lights, fine furniture; $473. Hatfield & Smith, 165 4th st,, room 32. FOR SALE XEW FURNITURE OF 4-ROOM cottage; cost $350; will sell for $275. Call 345 Clay st. S-ROOM HOUSE. WELL FURXISHED. SUIT, able for two families or roomers. Telopnone Main 6305. FURNITURE 3-ROOM COTTAGE FOR SALE cheap; close in. on car line. A 26. Orego nlan. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR sale and cottage to let. 410 Hast Morrison. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF SIX-ROOM flat. 401 1st st.. flat A. Phone Main 4452. 3 ROOMS. RENT $9. FURNITURE FOR sale; a snap. Call at 515,: Jefferson st. Store?. A SNAP. Two stores for rent, suitable for restaurant and cigar and Trult stand, close to Fair en trance. Cor. 26th and Nicola 1. FOR RENT HALF OF STORE ON FRONT at., central location, suitable for ofRcei or storeroom. Address O 17. Oregonlan. ' FOR RENT STORE, 23x180 FEET. NO. 148 Front st,. bet. Morrison and Alder. Apply to H. A, Baldwin. 86 4tb st. FOR RENT HALF STORE OX WASH Ington St.: fixtures for sale. F 30, Ore gonlan. 3 STORES FOR REXT OXE FIXE LOCA tion for drugstore. Apply 310 Mohawk bldg. CORXER STORE. GRAND AVE. AND E. Pine. O. Blrcher, Commercial, block. Offices. PART OFFICE AND DESKROOM FOR RENT To manufacturers agent or other mercan tile man of good recommendation, half of a Urge-size office; light, heat and Janitor bet-vied induced. Apply room 317. Commer cial block. Offices and newly furnished lodge halls. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. Winter nnd Mumncr assorts. HOTEL MOORE. CLATSOP BEACH, SEA side, will be open during Fall and Winter. PilRSONAL. GREAT SPECIALIST COMING W. AUGUS iuj Pratt, B. s. M. D.. the world-famous American Face Specialist of New York ana Chicago, will positively remedy all defecu. of feature, every wrinkle and all facial blem ishes by his celebrated immediate process, for one week in Portland, commencing Febru ary 2U, at ju.tes 51. 52. 33. Selllng-Hlrsch building, Washington, beu West Park and loth sts.. where engagements can now b made. Phone Main 106. THB "MATRIMONUL REGISTER" FOR February, price 10c, describes over 100 resi dents ot Oregon and Washington who seek congenial life companions, many wealthy, both fwxe. wish poor but affectionate part- ners; 'Register' gives full particulars, also I address of Portlana reception parlors. Courte- j ous and nonorable treatment, speedy results , and absolute becrecy awnired. interstate In- ! troducmg buciety, Box I09. Portland. AA HOLMES-RIBBECKi. NEW INSTI tute. refitted, fully equipped for all classes of work performed at' Jonn Woodbury's, New York. Have your work done at borne. Dr. A. L. Nelden. the worla'a beauty king, meth ods employee by Asa HoUnea-Ribbecke, lbs only graduate plastic susgeon and dermatol ogist on this Coast. Portland's best physi cian for reference. Parlors, 364 Morrison. REMOVAL NOTICE MADAME VAUGHN, only graduate dermatoiogLt In Northwest, permanently removes birthmarks, pitting, wrinkles, cogging?, scars, eczema, plmpiea, moles, freckles and all blemishes. Derma tology taugat for professional purposes', ite movvd to suites 51. 52 and 5J, Selilng-Hlrscn bidg.. Uaanlngton at., bet. W. Park and 10th. Phone Main 706. IT HAS BEEN MY GOOD FORTUXE TO learn of a simple home treatment that ef. fectlvely removes all taste for strong drink. I have personally seen it &ed successfully in so many cases that I want every woman to know about it- Write to me today and I will tell you what It is. Address Mrs. H. A. Cousins. 207 6th st.. Portland, Or. Phone Main 6235. IXDIAX GIRL. HALF BLOOD, PRETTY, -educated, very wealthy, wants to marry a good white man. Curran. 1242 Wabash. Chicago. WHO'LL GIVE ME A JOB? ANY KIND Joe Jones, the barber. 306 3d st. PERSONAL. YOUR FUTURE TOLD FREE. THIS IS not a trial reading, but a tull and com plete reading. Uotng Into detail wnat you should do and what not to ao regarding an attairs of life. Advises on business, iovr. courtship, marriage and divorce. Old es tates, mortgages, wills and burled treasures. Whether your coming marriage or alxorct will be tor your naypiness or not. rienu name and birth date and 4 cents in stamp. Addrean Madame Boll Kalum. 33tJ Drexet bivd.. Chicago. A GENTLEMAN OF 40. OF ONE OF THE best farailui. who can give the very best of bann references as to standing ami abil ity, and as o having a slit-eoge property to the amount of $15o,0ou, wants to cor respond with a marriageable laay that can invest $50,(H0 in a giit-ectge property with a man that is strictly up-to-date, and both he and his property will bear inspection. Lady must have good character, be up-t-uate. and of business ability. N 87, Ore gonlan. WIDOWER. NO ENCUMBRANCE. 38. sober, good character, renned. Al roterence-. in mercantile business and living In EaMern Oregon, desires the acquaintance of sensible lady with some means, refined, domesticated (a member of protectant church rreferabb?). with view to matrimony; correspondence con fidentlal. Address full particulars to P M, Oregonlan. A HANDSOME MAN OR BEAUTIFUL women soon fade when they get weak or become nervous; Sexlne cures all forms or weakness; price $1.00 a box. or 6 boxes for $5; with full guarantee. Address J. A. Clemenson. druggist, cor. 2d and Yamhill sts., Portland. Or. P7 WOMEN WANTED SUFFERING FUOJX irregular, painful or stoppages, loucorine (whites) and all diseases of women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Kesslcr, 2ou',i Vani bill at,. Portland, Or. Private waiting-room for ladles. Consultation trt. Call ur writ, lncloie 10 2-ccnt stamps. HANDSOME. INTELLIGENT YOUNG WID OW, no children, $3.,w in her own-nam-, will marry Immediately and will funilau hut-band with capital to start business. ,u objection to honorable poor man. Auuress Mrs. Belmont. 368 Hampden blag.. Cntcago. BUSINESS MAN, MIDDLE AGE. TALL AND handsome, Jyortb $!0,ow, magnificent hoim-. dejirer. atJponco true and ailectionnte wit-, maiden lagy or wWow; no objections to wid ow with tjjnlldreii; money no object. Ad dress xielmynt, 4ic-U State st., Cnicugo. DISEASES OF MEN. GONORRHEA. GLEET. SYPHILIS. BLOTCHES. OLD SOKES. NIGHT EMIS SIONS. VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE and f all affections of private organs permanent ly cured. Dr. Walker, 181 1st su TWO RESPECTABLE YOUNG LADIES, strangers In city, wish to correspond wiiji refined business men or those homing aooi positions, age 20 to :!3; no others necU an swer; references exchanged; objeet niatri mony. X 27, Oregonlan. MEN ADDICTED TO HABITS WHICH DE stroy manhood: Send tor my free lrentl.se of home cure, showing how to cure weakness peculiar to men, varicocele, etc. Sent sealed in plain envelope. A. M. Todd, 4uS I6tn St.. Denver, Colo. A GENTLEMAN WHO CAN GIVE THE best of references In regard to character and busdnens ability wishes to meet nice, ie ftpectablc lady, between the ages of 30 and 4u. with some capital: object, matrlmonv 31 27. Oregonlan. MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD promptly to our painlesn method of treatment ; we treat diseases of women only; consultation free; private and strictly confidential. X Ra dium Institute, 3d & Morrison. Allsky bldg. YOUXG WIDOW, AGE 28. WITH $I0.0W. lady, 20, $30,000; lady. 25. $15,000; blonde. 18. cash and beautiful farm. 1 seek honor able husbands for these. Confidential. Ad dress Mrs. W.. 697 Fulton St.. Chicago. HI. DRESS SUITS FOR REX7. ALL SIZEa-$l A month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons tewed on, rips wwed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Til lur ing Co., 347 Washington, opp. Coruraya. BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR AND CURE RHEU matlsm with Bark Tonic. It cures In 10 days; 75c a bottle at all drugstore. J. Clemenson, druggist, cor. 2d and Yamhill sts.. Portland. Or., wholesale agent. MARRIAGE PAPER 12 PAGES. 10c. sealed. Many wealthy, only Incorporated marriage bureau In the world; 9th year: ab 3olutely reliable; bank references. 1: 1 Love, Box low. Denver. Colo. A WEALTHY. MIDDLE-AGED, HONORABLE American gentleman. lon-I, wants Imme diately a kind, home-loving wife. No in jection to sincere plain woman; Address Mr. John, 408 Ogden, Chicaj.. A WEALTHY AND ATTRACriVK MAIDEN wants without delay kind husband to. re lieve her of TMulnes cares. No' objection to honorable, capable, poor maw. Adorer Cook. 67 Flournoy. Cnlcago. JEE-POAL. R 1392. Ladles' Regulator. No Failure. Safe. Powerful. No Nausea. Price $1.00. What Women. Young or Old Should Know. free. Jee-Poal Remedy Co.. 519 Main. Cincinnati. O. I WANT THE ACQUAINTANCE OF MID-dle-aged lady. German preferred, good home for her. with about $1500 monev to start business; after that marriage, V 30. Oregonlan. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts' Nerve Globules. One month's treatment. $2: 3 months'. S3. Sent securely sealed oy mail. Agents. Woodard. Clarke & Co., Port land, Or. WE SEEK HUSBAND FOR REFINED young widow, age 25. worth $1S.H0. Bach elor girl, 33. worth $23,wX) In her own right, and many others. Home and Comfort, To ledo, Ohio. FINE-LOOKIXG GEXTLEMAX OF 32 wishes to correspond with lady of some means, between ages 45 to 60; object, mat rimony. Address Box 511. Aberdeen, Wash. MARRY WEALTH AXD BEAUTY. MAIt riage directory free; pay wiien married; en tirely new plan: send no money. Address H. A. Horton. Dept. 81. Tekonsha. Mich. VIM. VIGOR. VITALITY DU POXT ET Cle's Kola Tablets. Xature's great tonic for either sex; 25c box by mall. Albert Berni. 2d and Washington, agent. Portland. Or. LADIES. ATTENTION! ORIGINAL FRENCH Tansy Wafers for sale by leading druggists: $2 per box; sa'e and reliable. S. G. Skid mora & Co.. Special Agents. 151 2d at. SEXINB PILLS. THB TONIC AND MAN hood builder. Sold by Clemenson. druggist, cor. 2d and Yamhill sts.. Portland. Or.; $1 a box, 0 for $5, with guarantee. ILLINOIS LADY WORTH $33,000 DESIRES acquaintance of man capable of attending to her business. Object, matrimony. Lock Box B. Blue Island, III. YOUR FORTUNE TOLD BY THE MOST RK liablc clairvoyants. Send birth date, dims and stamp. Prof. Carl & Rollln, 49y N. Clark st.. Chicago. GENTLEMAN, 31. WISHES ACQUAINTANCE of Christian lady between 20 and 30; ro objection to poor girl; object, matrimony. F 20. Oregonlan. SELECTIONS MADE. INTRODUCTIONS given honorable ladies and gentlemen, re sponsible age. matrimonially inclined. A 30, Oregonlan. A FEW SLIGHTLY DAMAGED DROP-HKAD Singer sewing machines for sale cheap it bought at once. The Singer Parlor. 35 Morrisop st. WEALTHY LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF refinement, anxious to marry; photograpns. and descriptions free. Box S 64' Canon City, Colo. ' MARRIAGE PAPER BEST PUBLISHED" contains advertisements of marriageable people: mailed free. B. Gunnells, Toledo Ohio. MAYOR'S WALNUT OIL RESTORES GRVY hair to natural color; trial bottle by mall 60c. E. Mayor. 1624 Olin. Portland. Or.- We print your name on 30 calling cards, prop er siie and style. 25c; 250 business cards. Si. Brown & Schmale. 229 1st. Portland. .Or. LADIES, YOU CAN SAVE 50 PER CENT on underwear, ktmonas. fine waists, etc; clear ance sale. Sing Chong Co.. 333 Morrison. CONFIDENTIAL COMMISSION'S EXECUT ed. evidence secured, detectives and watch men. P. O. box 274. Portland. Or. YOUR PRESCRIPTION'S ARB MORE Accu rately and reasonably filled at Eyssell' Phar macy, 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d. GEXTLEMAX OF 35 DESIRES ACQUAIXT ance of widow, same age, unincumbered- ob jecU matrimony. S 27, Oregonlan. SERVICES OF A PRIVATE DETECTIVE can be secured by addressing P. 0 box 246. Portland. MRS. M. S. SAVAGE. Dressmaker. 73 Lewis bldg. Main 4730. FACE AXD SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR homes. Ida Reznor. 127 11th. Phone Main 4838. Watches, diamonds, easj payments; open evenings. W. H. Leah. 513 Dekum. Clay 839. DETECTIVE High-class, honest work, charges utwucaw. mi leictuiccs. v 00. oregonlan. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DIS eases. 434 Alder at. Phone- Main 4832. MRS. WHARTON. TAILOR REPAIRS. GEX tlemen and ladies' clothing. Hsu lit st.