35 SCORES OF LETTERS COMMEND THE OREGONIAN'S ENTERPRISE. THE SUNDAY 1 OJtEGOSIAS, PORTLAND, JANUARY 29, 1SG5. Representatives of Great Railway Systems, Publi cations and Other Cor porations All Send Their Congratulations. AolIE (rm wau ad waimt m Tho New Yr"a Orrftmm Sn the rr tfce niiuy. imtm f jr- mm Ms wiicynw, have peered the im5 aM harts m! xte N'atfwi bj4 fraa tfcfr DmMm f Cat. Letters f rem great raMsuay iMwm, irem imlitUa Unm. rts aftrsmerwlal tmttof. fj-m every rt f M7rat M KatssraMy- NMwrrulM tiki iwotT j s-ptcit f (If wwn' a-ad tte twwwys re;ala. mvcfe rr the same. It is a very creditable T. V. Lee. general pa!eiiger agent of tlt Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Rattraad Company, writes as Mln: Ort rntn PiiMtiM Compass. PartUnd. Or. CfUmrn : Rr4ytec to J"ur persaaal fvr f January X I tc l vW that I -t with much tMcreM the New Tw'i Or-sBUn fer 11K. Yaw rr preLaUtr amsre mt the rrt Inter- 1 take la your wuntrr. havtac spent a Usee pertlen ot ar Hfe there. and I hare en heptor that fenuoe uM mtte en me sufSolemlr to enable me te pui at a portion f ny time w-Mh raw In tsxt !Mwe. 1 rd jw paper wlih much latere!. aa4 h- be doct but that the Pair wtM W a crd suae, and The Orrre&ian hu alwara keen a rrasd newspaper. Et&eerety rour. T. W. LBE. J. R. Kathren. mt the Pabst Brewing Company, mi Milwaukee, Wis., writes aa I tu Id receipt f your eourtreu faww of JaMtary . alo copy of The Qresenlsn. wkjlafc 1 hare looked orer with much lnlrr- Or. Dear Sir: I have received as librarian of the Howard Memorial Library and the New Orleans Public Library copy of your lree of Monday, January 2. It Illustrates very thoroughly the marvelous development ot the country first described to the world by Lewis and Clark. I feel sure that the energy of your citizens will make a suc cess of the Exposition. Tours very truly. WILLIAM BEER. Librarian. Frera Walter Baker & Co.. manufac turers of chocolate and cocoa prepara tions, Boston: ' Orscanlan Publishing Company. Portland. Or. Gentlemen: We thank you for send ing us a copy of the New Year's number of The Oregonlan. with Illustrations and de Mrlptlve matter of the Lewis and Clark Exposition. It Is a roagniaeent specimen of newspaper enterprise, well up to the best that has been dene by the big dallies In this coun try. Truly yours, WALTER BAKER & CO. From the Natural Food Company, of Niagara Falls. X. Y.: The Orezenlan Publishing Company. Port land. Or. Gentlemen: We thank you very much for yours of the 10th and for your kindness In sending to us the copy of your C . it.ec MSClure. Phillips &. Co. 44. Co CastTwcwtvThird Sthcct. New Yobk. t-OMDOM Orrict MAST.,es Mouse January 17, 1905 Vat (Orcgonian Publishing Co . , "Portland Ore. t " ' "' iBaair Sirs: Perait us to conplincnt you on your excellent, issue of Kew Year's. 4 It is a wonderful paper to have got out. and it is a great pleasure to us to be one of a great jaessfecfr who are doubtless telling you the same thing. Very truly yours, tivr swiwum nr. ttmmt m44 tiw 4aMr N. MimMt. h Owl r iiunm iali ' (Jw mmmurr ir OMs Itasliniad. wirRw ('-- M In rlm tm HaMma m 4i: I fcxr iwr tiaa r tw a, i-r situ satst, me wr. a4 sjka.sk y4s vy c T re eral- sasMssMag a nwJx- Illuttrates Country's Development. HWsaai tMr. Wmtrnttmn ( Uh Itowwl Mamarlal Ltttrar. mi N- OrMusa. t wMeh a cap' tf Tk Nw Yarn Ore.M ta was nsWM, aekiMw4lp rucntftt la t lsHMff matuer: PaMsl- Mratag Oeegwasaa. ParUaaa. Xw Vars lie Th tim. eatved and ra with eoniMerahle Interest. iur very truly. TIIK NATt'RAI. FOOP COM PANT. K P. Oinirfad. AdvrrtMag Manager Prm the Hayiver DlstMMnK Company, of UMytN. O-: Oroinn PahMMtlng Cumpany. Partlaad. Or. CtoatlenteR: The writer has received XaTor af January 7. also copy of the THE DENVEOEPUBL1GAN -4 BY THE REPUBLIC Afil PUBLISHING CO., Strt iKt The anhttd! sucter cf the Portland Oresonlan for 1SIC fjlt-M the firt real blat of the posdbltttiea of the L'l an4 Clark Ccatcra&Ul czpoeltkiB. to b bcM in Porl lisd next MBmnr. . Tfcr Orecsuc thews the vast rraources of the North west as4 jHMh a financial state in est of the Jls 4afl Oltr: expertowa which nothinc &hrt of reaarkahte. The expoaltwa i opea Jttae 1. osUrw free from iaW. c wui teas muKiwod M ZOT IS Z ;.!., ef M'hfeh 3 the stile of OrrCa and the peopfe of Portlsad have eebj rm Sr . tn ie tDasfiingtoafiUmes 3n ftlftcr 52 Gdtrn fla;fth-9?eu iaqitnumnter bttngt ber .SRoxnin Orc eonba In 3JottIanb,Orc.f mbtn jaI rttrrt -5tIufltottontn cine OFuIIc Wn in iertijcnfttt Krttltln Cbtr bie (3fddte btr Grfotfdjarig bti fetntn KDtbtDtiitnS feit btn Zatn tsortS.tni unb dlart unb ubtc n , bit glanitnbe (Bnf ftidlur.g be jtI6n. 355 hcib i ft 'outq bte im lenimenbm Gommer flctifinbtrftT Internationale 2u5pnunB in 5orlIanb, retl jtigtn foil, a3 btr 3torb jflcn in Uitn isi Glanbe it, naci icntn bcibn SRannttn btncnnt unb bie 9ieu iarinummet btS arcabnltn 3Iallt3 bienl bi 3n?i f"t bo8 gro0e llhternemtn rcpaganba gu mottn, in trDotraginber SBrife- . - . JB o lii 1 1 1 cm miff arr537c2Iboo tcxTn a jo d inr.CT.ia northtsxst. Pc&IUted Srrstsi: a&4 fioEday. 8 Lewis and Clark. The Orpaiaa. ( Portias. Ore umJU ovt aa iostseas s.oA srtisde Xrv Yoar mirsbex Ths la not sr prfeiag. for it Im a pajwr aecsstoaed t doinc largp thlags veil. Thcrt is no re&sos why It ahoald cot- For raaay far k has i3 the oae not aWe raal oT the Northu-est. aad has ta wHh as4 been aa Index tm the )swrHy of that srtSon. The ie possesses espedal laterest lec& of the eeaplete prospectus ft forth of the Issvns a&4 ClarV Bx potluoa va4ch is to opea oext tum awir. Work oa this cJcasUc eaterprlte has fcooe oa QitietSy for there was ao 4esire tm atake It appear to compete in toy aaaxr with the fair at St. L&aste Now that the latter is over. OrgM wsts all the world to kaow wihoc has ifm. dose it has aot boea ihn parpos of pro metotK mi ibe Lewis and Ctark Bx asuiuo to aU6spt the St Loota u.tM mi saaaatt4e The Korthwets sthow wH he naore o re part and yet te Its way. as eoapiete. It wJM II iHtdratr the szwwth of a mighty qu&r n of this laa4. and he partkrslaily Mkc(nnHe because the average dU im Mvtar t or the Rocky Moos taftaa kaows less about that c)earter iihaa aboK Maacbwrta. There U ooa noa k,ook1f4c? thai k is oa the map, lot Ks rltataUr rharaeteristfo. re MMsroos. tti &aaib saiesoor. ka ed MaMocal statsje. ks eck an4 cxiil IX atttgeace. Ms hroad and hArtr aocftal kfe. Ms resUMe&s spirit at oairnctaad iu fn ld Americai tah hve yet to i revealed to him. lie owes to bms4f that ho so to he hoM as4 to learn. Porttxsd is a fresh water port more tJsaa eae btsored zslitsi tiosa the Pa otnc it is a solid city, modern, crow- las. the commercial heart of Oresoa. Kanhw tsrotta. ar " ha. Son a tf I JV - Hill Tt. Pk tlci pt ma ilac bat Sfte aXjexn JJxrrfc Sime l ir All tht News That's Fit to Print." jh M'BUSHED EVERY DAT IN THE TCAItJ3 Ht THE NEW YORK TIMES COMPANY, j U .Times itfiux!. New Yorfc City. .j TV- Paruaiwt Oregsnian. on of th bnt and , et eteprtlns newspapers ot I'm- Tacitlc .Coast, fas ttturd a tty attractive 4nnul rtuixmir under date of Jtn. 3. det-cted plainly to tlUrg lenh th pFospectH attnLr-tlor of the Lewis siwl (IsrV EsrcIUon to be-bH in thst rtir trow Jwtte 1 ! 0t. 15 rny It I and urltM?wn tn eW lntrrled In th fslr. snd. In fact. t readers g.nrrsJIr The Or.cnnlan 1 ays tSst tfce nrcHln vtH hr rnr4 free' frm tltto- Ti Tedetal CtvernD-! ha tp-' rvtlt4 flT.VW r.r ie fnsln-e of tc tulr. s)i Stte f Oregon .oyt. rHIt.n? and rortrat4mk PortUn-l tl"XC. and t Saate V.gtat4m arlu imnwiit. ,elllr tb total ramrthtttlonf aad apprsprlsUon thus , far to 1I.54U toHtoit jBcdljJ bfe. r tat Set tb 1 ha 31 ON DAY, JAN 16, X905. EXPOSITION NUMBER. Morning Oregonlan Makes a Special ! Lewis and Clark Issue. Is connection, with the Ltwls and Clark exposition, w&lch U to open n June 1 ot ttibt year at Portland. Or. and run until Oct 15. the Morning Ore gajiicri has shown Its enterprising spirit by issuing & 51-psge descriptive edition 4 of the oorolriir exposition. Th edition i contains ranoramie and birds-eye views t of the fair grounds and buildings as Itb- will appear at the opening of the ex position Every page Is Cnely lllus . trate1 wiih naif-tone cuts showing the t varlaus buildings, details of the orni t mrntal work upon them, laterlor view HMmbers ot tha board ot directors and general management, the fountains, tho gfuad stairway, twulevarda. the lake. I rcolpture, various exhibits, fanciful full l page Ulustrauons of the vision of Lewis I and Clark vhen they am aw the ; wcetern shores 100 years ago, and of . tbo realization of their vision. The l pfrnj)uvr miner very complete ana r T covers every feature of the coming ex- ! -r4ition- so thai those lntertel cm Aread all about the plans for the big irair. the first -to be held -weft ot the . sjfcockles. i New Year's Oregonlan for 1003. You are certainly to be congratulated on the Issue In question. Yours very truly. THE HAYNEIt DISTILLING COMPANY. T. TY Crosby. Manager Advertising Dept. What One Firm Did. The following letter from the Portland branch of a great firm tells what one firm did through the medium of the New Year's Issue: Editor Oregonlan, City. Dear Sir: In common with other business firms In this city we mailed many copies to persons In the East, as the best means ot keeping them advised of the -wonderful progress of the "Oregon Country." as so fully set forth In your valuable New Year edition. We are In receipt o a letter from our New York house under date January 9, In which they say: "Copy of The Oregonlan which you sent us was received Saturday, the 7th lnst. It certainly Is a very creditable Is sue, and contains much valuable informa tion regarding climate, business conditions and resources. of the West. The prospectus of the. Lewis and Clark Exposition Is also Interesting. Would It be possible for you to approximate the cost of an exhibit." Again in a letter under date the 16th lnst. the treasurer writes: "The NeW Tear edition of The Oregonlan con tained much detailed Information regarding the Lewis and Clark Exposition. We note that you will Investigate aa to cost of hav ing a booth and will be glad to share the expenso providing the cost Is reason able." In view of the great work being done not only In the Issue ot the great New Year edition, but every day In the year, for the upbuilding ot this section of our country, we feel that the least we business men can do is to express our appreciation of the same and the splendid work It is constantly doing for the Northwest. Very respectfully, : RALSTON COX & CO. From the Rock Island Skirt Company, of Rock Island, 111., comes this tribute: Oregonlan Publishing Company. Portland. Or. Gentlemen: We acknowledge receipt of your .favor ot the 9th lnst., and also cf several copies of The Oregonlan received today. We thank you for your courtesy In sending the numbers, and will compliment you upon tl'e appearance and character of your publication, particularly that of January 2, which is a Jc eidedly creditable piece of journalism. Youra. very truly. ROCK ISLAND SKIRT CO.. J. W. Parker. The Christian Woman's Board of Mis sions sends this tribute from the head quarters at Indianapolis: The Oregonlan. Portland. Or. Gentlemen: Your annual number for 19u5 has reached us. and Is certainly a fine Illustration of newspaper enterprise. With best wishes for the success of The Oresonlan and the LewU Arid Clark Centennial Exposition. I am. sincerely yours, MRS. HELEN E. MOaES. The Dry Sole Company, of New York, has this to say concerning the New Year's edition: Portland Oregonlan Publishing Company. 'Portland. Or. Gentlemen: Permit us to thank you for the complimentary copy of The New Year's Orezenlan for 19M5. This Issue is of special Interest on account ot the descriptions at the Lewis and Clark Exposition and other Information relative to tlx Northwest. We shall take pleasure In reading the paper care, fully. Your, very truly. DRY-SOLE COMPANY, John J. Corcoran. Jr., Treasurer. Insurance Companies Join in Praise. The Equitable Life Insurance Company of the United States, writes as follows from the New York headquarters: Oregonlan Publishing Company.. Portland. Or. Gentlemen: I beg to say. In reply to your letter ot January 3, and aim that addrefned t Mr. Jordan, our Comptroller, that we both thank ou for vending us a copy of your New Year's Oregonlan. and shall look forward with pteaiatre to perusing the same. With the com pHreents of the season. I remain, yours Very turly. GERALD K. SHOWN. ' Superintendent. From the People's Popular Monthly, of Des Moines. Ia.. comes this tribute: Morning Oregonlan, Portland, Or. Dear Sir: Your favor of January together with a copy of The Oregonlan. nu received In due time. I was very much Interested In the ex cellent issue of your publication. We shall be pleased to hear furthtr from you and to rc civc any information jou have to give regard ing the eoming Expotlon. Yours, very truly, THE PEOPLE'S MONTHLY COMPANY. A. M. Piper. From the office of the Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg: Oregonlan. Portland. Or. Dear Sir: The copy f The Oregonlan mentioned in your personal letter of January 4 has been received. I have found It a very Interesting publication, and wlnn to thank you for placing it before me. Very truly yours. K. VAN DUSEN. Chief Arslstant G. P. A. Mr. B. N. Austin, general passenger agent of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, writes as follows: 1 beg to acknowledge receipt of yours of the M lnst.. also copy of the New Year's edition of your very excellent paper. I wish to compliment you very highly on this splendid edition, which is most creditable, both In Illustrations and Its descriptive mat ter. I believe that a liberal distribution of this edition In the East will accrue very largely to the bssent of tho Lewis and Clark Exposition. From McClure's Magazine, New York: We beg to thank you for your favor of the 4 th Inst., and for the copy of The New Year's Orrgenlan. which we also received through your courtesy. The Hamilton-Brown Shoe Company, of Sl LouI., which employs 5000 people, and has a capacity of 31.000 pairs of shoes dally, writes as follows: Oregonlan' Publishing Company. Portland. Or. Gentlemen: We wish to thank you for sending us a copy of the New Year's Ore gonlan. which has not yet been received. When we do receive It we will take great pleasure In looking it over. We are glad to have been able to place an advertisement In your paper of our last year's business, and trust to be able to do ro next year, and believe wc will derive a great deal of benefit from same. Our busi ness In the Northwest has been steadily In creasing, and wc feel very kindly toward the people of that section. Trusting the Exposition will be a big suc cess, and wishing you a prosperous year, we remain, yours very truly, HAMILTON JBKOWN SHOE CO.. By W. C. Teasdale. Jr. Other newspapers are wont to praise, as this letter testifies: Managing Editor Portland Oregonlan. Portland. Or. Dear Sir: I beg to hand you clipping from the editorial columns of the Birmingham New of January H. with re gard te your recent New Year's edition. It was a very fine paper. With best wishes for a prosperous year. I beg to remain, yours very truly. ELI P. SMITH. Vlce-Prea. and Associate Editor Birming ham (Ala.) News. P. W. Pummili. Philadelphia division passenger agont Northern Pacific Rail road, writes most interestingly: Truthfully rpeaklng, mere. words are Inade quate to convey the feeling of enthusiasm I fafc upn beholding Portland. Or., and Its en vironments for the first time. I had never been West before, and hardly expected tbe glad hand of hospitality which greeted me. I arrived en what is known as a Winter's day In the Bast, but found on every hand flowers and sunshine. Too much cannot be said of the good which has been accomplished by the Oregon Devel opment League and the Portland Commercial Club. This great Lewln and Clark Exposi tion, which will be held at Portland cum menelng June 1. I'JCO. and tbe fulfillment of which, I understand. Is only one of your great undertakings. I Investigated thoroughly on my visit to the grounds, and I freely say no exposition ever held will be as Interesting to the public at large as this. N exposition given In America, aside from the exhibits, such as agricultural, foreign, liberal arts, forestry, mining, metallurgy, ma chinery, electricity. etv. ever had such natural attractions surrounding It. the Columbia River and snow-capped ranges far exceeding In pano ramic beauty any scenery of the far-famed old country. I made the trip over the Northern Pacific Railway In company with Mr. A. M. Cleland. G. P. A., and upon my return to Philadelphia I wrote him a letter which contained my im pressions, after I had left Eastern Washing ton on my way to your city, from which I extract the following: iraa cast ot the Cascada, we rod oa to i the climax ot wealth and beauty, the Puget Sound country, through Impenetrable fore sis ot almost Inexhaustible timber, fir. hemlock and pine, all giants and the largest In the world, arriving at the dream city of tho Pacific Coast. Portland. Or., crossing the home ot the salmon, the moot beautiful river in the world, the Nile of America, the Columbia River, the entire train being carried across on a ponderous steam ferry, the largest of Its kldn. the trip requiring 30 minutes." "Portland, from ber heights, lies spread out before you, with the river intertwining, a picture too gorgeous to grasp, even if cne had unlimited time, the city of eternal Summer, where flowers bloom the whole year, and yet. seemingly to complete the charm, those homes of eternal snow surround It, rising like sil vered clouds Mount Hood. Mount Rainier, Mount Baker, and great ranges of whltecaps. Here the ultimate object of our visit was reached, a visit to the site of the Lewis and Clark Exposition to be held during the Sum mer of 1003. "Tbe Exposition Is situated on flower-strewn terraces, rising from a lake In the foreground and extending back to their heights of Port land, held as it were In a frame of Nature's more artistic handiwork. Easy of access to visitors, the buildings are on a massive seal, particularly the Forestry Building, formed of monarch of the forest. 25 and 30 feet In circumference. This Exposition possesses more natural advantages and beauty, and while built on an extensive scale will not be too much so to become tiresome, as has been the case with the expositions ot America held hereto fore, and the excellent hotel service of Portland can take care of all who visit there next Summer." ' Other letters by the hundred have been received. The Chicago. Milwaukee & SL Paul Railway praises The Oregonian's New Year's edition and promises to do great things In advertising the Lewis and Clark Centennial. The Southern Pacific compliments The Oregonlan on its enterprise and states that the road Is not getting out a piece of literature but what mentions Portland and' the coming Exposition. Brown. Spear & Company-, of San Fran cisco, acknowledge the superiority of The Oregonlan as a newspaper and an adver tising medium. "It Is a magnificent paper and is to be congratulated on the wonder ful showing it has made for the North west," is the tribute of this company. The Lehigh Valley Railroad Company acknowledges that it is glad to get the information concerning Xhe Centennial that Is in the New Year's edition, and states that The Oregonlan rivals any newspaper in the nation. The Denver Post states that The Ore- Marvelous Development of Pacific Northwest and Bright Outlook for Lewis an d Clark Exposition Command Respect gonlan's annual stands equal to that of, any newspaper in the Nation. The editor of the Locomotive Firemen's Magazine writes a letter full of praise and says Illustrations of the Exposition in Tho Oregonlan will be. reproduced In hl3 publication. The Houston Dally Post writes that th edition la creditable to a great and rep resentative conservative newspaper like The Oregonlan. And numerous others, too numerous to mention, write to say that the edition that has come out of the West is equal to any that ever came out of either East or West. It is a prominent point of near ly every letter that the New Year's Ore gonlan preached to the world the- impor tant and surprising fact that the Exposi tion will open free from debt. - - L-17 KearM?Z4 Jan. 17, 1905 Oregonian Publishing Co. , " - ft'i y Portland, Ore. ". : :'-v r . Gentlemen: - - . . Your personal letter of January ith and .the copy of the New Year's Oregonian for 1905 reached me m due season, but I have not unr.il now had an opportunity to congratulate ybu upon the com prehensive manner' m which you have set forth the attractions or the Lewis & Clark Exposition, -and Oriental Fair, in this issue. T am much obliged to you for favoring me with a copy and have turned it -over to Mr. J. K. LeBaron, Editor- of The Four-Track News, who will be glad to have it for his reference library. You will be pleased to know that in the February number of The Four-Track News we will devote .two full pages, in the advertising section, to the" Lewis & Clark Centennial, and we shall from time to time have other items of interest on this subject in the reading section of the magazine. With best wishes, and assuring you that tne new York Central Lines will be glad to aid you in making a. success of your enterprise, I am f very truly yours, Gen. Pas. Agt. 02 f J SI 'GtfXLA.? - HAr January 11, 1905. T 4.. MORNING. OREGONIAN8 Portland, Ore. Dear Sir: I have your favor of the wtl lnst. advising that you would mail copy of tht XNEW YEAR'S OREGONIAN" to me and I want to -hank you for your kindness . I have enjoyed .looking oVer, the paper and want to compliment, you on the splendid issue ycu have gotten out, -it is certainly interesting and1" full of meat. From all accounts you are going to have a splendid exposition and I believe one that will be of great benefit to Portland and. that section, and I hope that the f.ondest expectations of the originators will be fully realized.' . . Yoiirs Truly, Ass't G. P. A. -11