The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 29, 1905, PART FOUR, Page 34, Image 34

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Newspapers From
Many States Pay Trib
utes to Its Effective
Exploitation of Lewis
and Clark Exposition
AMONG the states which, through
its representative press, have paid
tribute to the New Tear's Orego
Ttlan and the Lewis and Clark Centennial
Exposition, none have been more gener
ous than the great Empire State, removed
from Oregon by the width of the conti
nent. New York commercial men already
know the value of the Great Northwest,
New York newspapers are beginning to
sing the praises of this section of the na
tion, and the great New York public is
"beginning to grow interested to a great
degree, an interest that will result in a
world of good the coming Summer.
Tributes of the press of the State of
New York follow;.
New York Times: The Portland Orego
nlan, one of the best and most enterpris
ing newspapers of the Pacific Coast, has
issued a very attractive annual number
under date of January 2, devoted mainly
to setting forth the prospective attrac
tions of the Lewis and Clark Exposition
to bo held in that city from June 1 to Oc
tober 15 next. It is profusely Illustrated,
and will prove of value and usefulness to
all Interested in the Fair, and, in fact, to
readers generally. The Oregonlan says
that the Exposition will be opened free
from debt. The Federal Governmnt has
approprlatd 5475,000 for the maintenance of
the Fair, the State of Oregon $450,000.
citizens and corporations of Portland
$473,000. and several State Legislatures
Various amounts, swelling the total con
tributions and appropriations thus far to
Best Annual Number in Far West.
Buffalo Evening News: The Oregonlan,
published at Portland, Or., has Issued one
of the best annual numbers for 1805 pub
lished in the Far West- The distance it
has traveled through the great storms
which have swept over the continent and
the delay of a long journey lias not taken
any of the freshness from the wonderful
production. The illustrations of this num
ber cover every feature of the Lewis &
Clark Centennial Exposition that will be
held in Portland between June 1 and Octo
ber 15 next. The numerous illustrations
and the descriptive captions accompany
4ns these illustrations show very much
matter of interest. The Exposition, for
which $1,510,000 has been subscribed, will
be opened on June 1, entirely free from
This mammoth edition contains finely
written descriptive matter going into
every essential detail of the wonderful
progress of the State of Oregon and par
tlcularly the country surrounding the
great city of Portland. Much of the sue
cess of The Oregonlan is due to the
ability and energy of Managing Editor
E. B. Piper and his talented associates on
the paper..
Acres of Pages; Miles of Columns
Amsterdam Evening Recorder: Much of
our spare time the past three days has
been devoted to contemplating and men
tally digesting one of the occasional cx
panslon editions of The Portland Orego
nlan. consisting of acres of pages and
miles of columns to speak according to
the Impression It leaves upon the mind.
A large section of this publication is occu
pied with facts, descriptions, explanations
and illustrations of the vastly varied util
ities and attractions that are to const!
tute the Lewis and Clark International
Exposition, which is sure to be the
grandest spectacle of National impor
tance, from June 1 to October 15, of this
year, at Portland. Oregon.
Ithica News: The Portland Oregonlan
has Issued a superb "annual number" of
metropolitan size and completeness of
illustration dealing with the Lewis and
Clark Centennial Exposition to be held in
that city from June 1 to October 15 next.
Few people in the East realize the mag-
nltude of this great show, which Is to
celebrate the 100 years of growth follow
ing the discovery of the great Northwest
by President Jefferson s pioneer ex
Number Is a Revelation.
Albany Argus: As a samplo of the
hustle and enterprise of the wide-awake
"West; the annual number of The Orego
nlan of Portland, Or., issued on January
2, is a revelation to those who know little
of that distant part of the great republic
The annual "number of The Oregonlan Is
devoted to the illustration and booming of
the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposi
tion, which is to be held at Portland from
Juno 1 to October 15. There are 53 pages
to the special number, and they are pro
fusely illustrated with cuts of the Expo
sition buildings and scenery of that In
teresting part of the great "West.
Jamestown Post: The Portland Orego
nlan. the leading paper of Its state, cele
brated the new year by issuing a hand-
nomcly illustrated edition, tilled with mat
ter about the coming Lewis and Clark
Centennial Exposition, which Is to con
tinue from June 1 to October li. The
total appropriations lor this jfair are
Vtlca Herald - Dispatch: The annual
number of The Portland Oregonlan for
15CO contains matter that covers every
feature of the Lewis and Clark Centon
nlal Exposition, that will be held In Port
land between June 1 and October 15 next.
:t is elaborately illustrated ttnd gives
better idea of the coming Exposition than
any prior publication. The Exposition will
bring the best iPtuiiity for a Pacific
Coart trip over offered to Easterners and
transcontinental travel Is expected to
come near beating the record this year.
flourishing, Progressive Newspaper.
Syracuse Telegram: The Oregonlan, of
Portland. Or., has issued a handsome an
sua! number dealing with the Lewis and
Clark Exposition, to be held this year,
which raagnJneeatly advertises the event
and Is a credit te the flourishing and pro
gressive newspaper which Issues Jt. The
Exposition Mill be opened on June 1 en
tirely free from debt. This i a splendid
outlook for the celebration of the anni
versary of one of the meat picturesque
ard important events in our history.
Albany Tttne-Union: The Ttmes-Untea
is recetnt f the annual number for
iMC .if Tne Oregoftfctn. of Partlaad. Or
XL in is a muet attractive number and
contains Illustration covering every fen-
ture of the Lewis and Chirk Centennial
KxposHioa whteh i te be heM in Port-
land Iwm June 1 to October Ifc.
WaU-rtowH Standard: The Portland Or
eRoaian. oe f the bet newspapers pub-
lihcd on the Wem Coast. bfti lued
a itrge number Aerated to the attractions
of the .tmtog Lu1 and tturk KximsIiIm
te be befct in that illy Irom Juw to Oc-
tober. The Fair will bo otxMd frw from
debt and wtt! have at it Otepotsal JlX0r3
lr round nttmtwr. TM wtrofeer f The
Oregoniaa funHtnn aU the meenttal fact
c-nyrtcJ with ti orsaataattes and roaa-
wremem f the Kxpoetticx.
Bttff&le Exprtwt: The Nenr Yar tttttn-
lr uf The I'orttand Oosvmlan w& given
up largaljr tw t-Mtag Its raam f the
cemtog Lew and Clark gxpajitUon and
of what pfM a b" not Mviag In Ore-
gwi If the Kar eomox l The Ore-
gvntan ptotttros and article it W be -
an attraction worth coing even ! far as
to FerUa4 to oee. The special edition '
19 give evtdeaee of The Oregonlan's I
on protfperity j
Brooklyn ta4xnt-Cion: The Lewis
&14 (lark Fair, whieh ia to epon In Tort- J
land. Or . en the nm of Jne. Ik credits- j
r"-, lntrodue-i by a prill umber of
v Portland Morning -OregoTian 0 Si j
2&C. Frost picture act! rtct in pro- i
fusion the North Atlantic coast inhab
itant will learn that the Exposition Is go.
Ing to be a most agreeable and substan
tial affair; that the climate of the neigh
borhood, only five days travel from New
York, Is surpassingly delightful in Win
ter and In Summer; that the energetic
people of the Willamette Valley and other
parts of Oregon are causing the land to
blossom like the roses of Portland streets,
and are making money at it; and that
Portland itself Is the sturdy and self
reliant metropolis 'of a Northwestern
gateway to Oriental trade. The town had
population of rising 90,000 when the
last census was taken, and now claims
approximately l3a,ow, not an Incredible In
crease when former ratios of Its growth
are taken Into consideration. One of its
most creditable institutions is certainly
The Oregonlan Itself, which has been in
existence more than half of the century
since the explorers of Jefferson's time
first descended the Columbia River. . The
only fault which can be found with its
Exposition number Is the undue influence
It "will exert upon the New Yorker who
sees it, leading him at once to set aside
three or four weeks of next Summer's
leisure for a visit to a Fair of such merit
and a land of such charm.
One of the Greatest Newspapers.
Niagara Falls Cataract Journal: As is
the case in every live community, the
newspapers are beacon lights of Portland,
and The Morning Oregonlan has done It
self proud In a special edition of 52 pages
which it has issued, giving a veritable en
cyclopedia of facts about Oregon, about
the coming Exposition and about Port
land. Oregon has produced during the
year $S5,99,557 in material wealth and that
with a population estimated, at 525,000.
This sum is the showing of a. widely di
versified field of activity. With lumber
heading the list, the stato boasts of a
great hop crop. Manufactures are un
usual, the dairy products are large, and
the grain yield is the heaviest .per acre
found anywhere. The salmoa pack Is vast.
the livestock Interests have increased con
siderably, with a large output in wool
and mohair.
The Oregonlan newspaper itself is one
of the great, developments pf that coun
try. The paper was founded in 1850. and
It is now one of the great newspapers of
the West, with a general circulation. It
is housed in a fine building, has a press
with a capacity of 48,000 12-page papers
per nour, and it is evidently serving
well the 185,000 people of Portland, as
well as the people of Oregon, Washing
ton, Idaho. Western Montana and British
Columbia, having a total population of
The Oregonian and the Exposition
Command Wide-Spread Attention.
Springfiold (O.) Sun: The Portland Or
egonlan Is sending to its friends In the
East a sample of newspaper making in the
way of a. special edition which It got out
recently advertising the Lewis and Clark
Centennial to be held in that city begin
ning June 1. There Is no denying the
fact that the papers of the extreme West
can set the pace for their slower moving
contemporaries in the East, and The Or
egonlan Is in the lead of these Western
New Bedford (Mass.) Standard: The
Portland Oregonlan devotes Its fine great
annual number for 1M5 to an exploitation
of the proposed features of the Lewis and
Clark Centennial Exposition to be held
In Portland between June 1 and October
15 a subject of great possibilities, which
The Oregonlan is enterprising enough to
make the most of. Graphic articles and
effective illustrations make a fine paper
and do good service In advertising the
Exposition. Something over JLoOO.OW has
already been subscribed for the support
of the show.
Louisville (Ky.) Times: The Portland
Oregonlan's annual number for 1905 con
tains illustrations covering every feature
of the Lewis and Clark Centennial Expo
sition, which will open next June and
run till October. The- edition not only ad
vertises the Exposition, but also contains
Interesting articles and Illustrations de
scriptive of the resources of Oregon and
the Northwest. The paper compares fa
vorably with special editions of the New
York dailies. Colonel Harvey W. Scott.
editor of The Oregonlan was formerly well
known here. He Is a distinguished mom
ber of the old school of editors.
Duluth (Minn.) Herald: The Portland
Oregonlan of January 2 is a special num
ber of large proportions. Illustrating every
feature of the Lewis and Clark Centen
nial Exposition that Is to be held In that
city between June 1 and October 15 next.
The descriptive matter Is of much Interest
and any one desiring full Information re
garding this Exposition could do no better
than to secure a copy of this excellent
number. One feature of the Exposition Is
commendatory: It will be opened entirely
free from debt, and, while not as large
as some of Its predecessors, will be well
worthy of a visit.
Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser: The Ad
vertiser acknowledges receipt of The Port
land Oregonlan's annual number of 1905.'
The Illustrations of this number cover
overy feature of the Lewis and Clark
Centennial Exposition that will be held
In Portland between June 1 and October
15 next. There Is a vast amount of mat
ter of great public interest. The Exposi
tion will be opened on June 1 entirely free
from debt. The Advertiser wishes to re
peat Its often expressed admiration for Its
Oregon contemporary. It Is one of the
best and ablest papers published In the
; j
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FRIDAY. ....
npyHE Portland Oregonian's Annual for the new year ts one of Tji.w w( Lt 0 n-xu Te wc
I'rVA hest editad and best illustrated newspaper supplements thatfj June, after a ' ..on ,J,e first of
1 - . 1- .
area dutiher the holiday season anywhere m the West. ; ?
Paruivfcnfit attfehes'to this
f-rmfaWrf therein of every
i i- f.,:r.Lwhirh nnw its
T7..:, -i of'tfc. hW fair, either now m the course of erection
ijr soon to be completed, is pictured and -described in an adequate to ,ee and do when the b
manner. Furthermore, the paper dbnveys the cheering information The big i.Jt la a a , . b onv
lhat the exposition will be opened absolutely free from debt Already 3 jnent for ,t a, -cii for t,?"?'30
the sum of $1,510,000 has been subscribed by the United StatesUiVrtUnd's iwd.ns a
"Government, various State Legislatures and private corporations oi - -T
Portland. With this substantial stocktngful in hand and prospects t for hf
of "more coming, the Oregonian is justified in announcing that I ' -v ,
; financial difficulties will not be a feature of the fair's managing. A : -
vvj --'.-
jobs - si.--
yTE NEXT reccivcJ
e Mlntn, -
jfopy or ,...,
annual cumber.
every feawe . wUl toe held
ln Portland etweeo June
October 15 next.
- Portland.
where the
ves. O-at"5
And truly. TortUnd
.iraous by a
United States, and Portland may well be
proud to claim so able and sturdy a cham
pion. It Is not improper In this connection
to state that the Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion will be well worthy of attending.
Morrlstown (N. J.) Record: The Rec
ord Is In receipt of the annual number
of The Oregonlan, of Portland, Or. It is
a magnificent Issue, with full Illustrated
description of the forthcoming Lewis and
(Clark Centennial Exposition. Tho Expo
sition opens June 1, entirely free from
debt, with a million and a half raised by
subscription and appropriation for Its sup
port. The Oregonian Is a fine example
of the "Western way of doing things.
Freeport (I1D Bulletin: The Portland
Oregonlan published an extremely fine
and elaborate New Year's edition. It was
devoted largely to the coming Lewis and
Clark Exposition and contained many ex
cellent views of the big fair. Altogether
It was a very fine number.
Oregonian B.'azed the Trail.
Grand Rapids (Mich.) Gazette: The
Portland Oregonlan, published In the
splendid Oregon metropolis that has
grown from a village Into a great city In
one generation, has issued an illustrated
edition of 52 pages devoted to the world's
exposition to be held there this year,
celebrating the discovery of possibilities
In that region by the Lewis and Clark
exploring expedition. Many nations will
participate ln this first world's fair held
west of the Rocky Mountains. The Ore
gonlan Is In every respect metropolitan
at all times, but In this special number
produces apaper that would be creditable
to New York or Chicago. It Is the live
newspapers that have blazed the trail
for such rapid developments throughout
the Great West, and this Issue of The
Oregonlan illustrates the enterprise that
has made them what they arc.
Newark (N. J.) Advertiser: If the
Lewis and Clark Exposition, which is to
run In Portland. Or., from June 1 to Oc
tober 15, next. In commemoration of the
pioneers of the great Northwest, is to be
as big a thing for a show as the special
edition of the Portland Oregonlan. Issued
January 2 to tell about it. Is for a news
, .yrssaitlUk
i... JANUARY 20,
- 1
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n the West.." f
detailed ac-i
issue, because of the detailed ac-i
projected feature of the Lewis and f J
doors to'the wo rid next summer, il el
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paper, thon the Exposition will be a mon
umental affair. The Oregonian. which Is
one of the best and most enterprising
journals of tho Pacific Coast, has turned
out an issue in every way worthy of the
greatness of the country and the occa
sion it celebrates. There are 52 pages.
profuTCly Illustrated, a perfect library of
Information about the territory. Its de
velopment and its institutions and about
the Fair. According to one Northwest
contemporary the exposition will open
absolutely free from debt, the total ap
propriations and contributions amounting
thus far to J1.5I0.000. The Oregonlan's
special edition will prove valuable not
only to those who arc especially Inter
ested in the centennial celebration of the
Lewis and Clark expedition that opened
up a vast empire to settlement, but to
the general reader. It Is a notable piece
of newspaper enterprise.
Fall River (Mass.) Herald: The Port
land Oregonlan comes out of the West
with a. 52-pagc edition describing the
big Fair the city will hold this year. If
the spirit that animated the' newspaper
In getting out such a handsome edition
pervades the show which it Is Intended to
boom, thon the Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion will be well worth seeing.
Madison (Ind.) Herald: The Herald Is
In receipt of the Moming Oregonlan
(newspaper) for January 2. 1905. It is a
boom edition for Portland. Or. (its place
of publication) and deals with the prog
ress of the city from the early days and
with the great results that have followed
the Lewis and Clark expedition In the
Far "West. The paper has 52 pages, pro
fusely Illustrated.
Adrian (Mich.) Times: A copy of the
New Year's special Issue of the Portland
Oregonian has reached The Times and It
Is a delight to a critical newspaper man.
for It is as fine a dally publication as
can be Issued In the largest prlntTnc of
fices of New York or Chicago. This num
ber contains 52 pages and is devoted
largely to booming the world's fair to be
held ln Portland next Summer, on "which
nearly 52.000.000 have been expended al
ready. Fine cuts of the buildings are
given, showing graceful architecture and
ten. nd OI,i:snumbc
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rare'il!y prcDarerf-,
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pleasing views. The work Is done by
artists, and The Oregonlan has given the
cuts graphic presentation. Hundreds of
these pictures adorn the pages of The
Oregonian, seemingly regardless of cost.
Portland has about 100,000 Inhabitants
and must be alive to Its interests to sup
por such a fine newspaper, which would
be an impossibility In any Eastern town
of equal size.
Quebec Telegraph: The New Year's
number of The Oregonlan. published at
Portland. Or.. Is a voluminous and highly
creditable issue. Portlcular Interest is at
tached to it by the fact that several
pages are devoted to both Illustrating and
describing almost every feature of the
Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition
to be held in Portland between June 1
and October 15 next. The enormous sum
of $1,510,000 has been appropriated by the
Government and different State Legis
latures for the support and maintenance
of the exposition.
Houston (Texas) Chronicle: One of the
handsomest editions which the year 1905
will produce Is that of The Oregonlan.
which was Issued at New Year In the In
tcrest of the Lewis and Clark Exposition,
to be" held at Portland, beginning June 1
and ending October 15. The Oregonlan.
ono of the strongest papers of the great
Northwest, eclipsed Its previous excellent
record In Its exposition number.
Tiffin (O.) Tribune: The Lewis and
Clark Exposition will be held at Portland
Or.. June-October, 1905, and promises to
be a great exposition. The Oregonian of
that city has issued Its 1905 annual, which
Is a large edition filled with Interesting
matter pertaining to the industries of the
great "Western city.
Keokuk (la.) Gate City: The Portland
Oregonlan has Issued a splendid 52-page
annual edition devoted largely to the com
ing Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposi
tion which will be held In Portland June
1 to October 15 next. The number Is pro
fusely illustrated and contains a vast fund
of InteresUng Information concerning the
various attractive features of the Fair.
It augurs well for the success of the en
terprise that the subscriptions and appro
priations In Its behalf aggregate $1,510,000
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and that it is entirely free from debt. The !
Oregonian's special number Is a highly
creditable avaunt courier and well calcu
lated to enlist public Interest and support.
Newport (R. I.) News: That the Great
"West docs things In great ways Is shown
by the New Year's number of the morn
ing Oregonlan. of Portland. This Is a 52
page paper extensively illustrated with
drawings and photographs, many of
which are full-page, which give a good
Idea of Portland and the proposed Lewis
and Clark Centennial of the coming Sum
mer, which Is made a feature of the Issue,
It Is to be noted in the paper that on the
Pacific Coast they believe In the,-"boom
envelope." for a picture of one used to
boom the Centennial is printed.
Denver Republican: The annual number
of The Portland Oregonlan for 1903 gives
the first real hint of the possibilities of
the Lewi3 and Clark Centennial Exposi
tion, to be held in Portland next Summer.
The Oregonlan shows the vast resource's
of tho Northwest and publishes a financial
statement of the Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion which Is nothing short of remark
able. The Exposition will open June 1.
entirely free from debt. The total fund
subscribed so far Is $1,510,000. of which the
State of Oregon and the people of Port
land have subscribed nearly $1,000,000,
about equally divided.
' Milwaukee- (Wis.) Sentinel: The Expo
sition edition of The Portland Oregonlan,
issued January 2, 1905. was an especially
meritorious number of that excellent pa
per. It consists of 52 pages, many of
which are Illustrated with views of tho
Lewis and Clark. Fair grounds and build
ings. Portland City views and bits of Ore
gon scenery. The Oregonlan Itself Is one
of the best evidences of Far Western de
velopment and progress.
Praises the Trail.
Des Moines (la.) Leader: The Portland
Oregonian comes to hand with a very
handsomely illustrated cditlwn. in which
it announces that the time has now ar
rived when It Is proper to give attention
to the celebration that is to be held in
honor of the great discoveries of the Lewis
and Clark expedition of 100 years ago. The
Oregonian presents a very pleasing picture
of the scene which Is promised to the
coastwise visitor during the coming" Sum
Not to be outdone in originality, the
promoters of the Exposition have decided
that tho Midway of tho Columbian Expo.
sitlon and the Pike of the St. Louis Fair
shall be known as the Trail on the whole
a more happy selection than any that has
yet been hit upon. The Trail will have
the flavor of the mountains; and will
seem to be In some natural way a proper
part of a celebration in honor of the
great pathfinders of the NorthwcsJ. To
give the name a fitting setting, the Trail
is to extend along the shores of the lake
In an Irregular fashion where the din of
the tom-toms will be In some slight de
gree alleviated by the natural beauties of
Saginaw (Mich.) Evening News: The
Lewis and Clark Exposition has given oc
caslon for The Morning Oregonian, of
Portland. Or., to Issue a special edition
which merits the highest praise, as it Is
In every sense a credit to both publisher
and city. It is a large publication.
pages, and Is given over In a degree to
loyally exploiting the numerous advan
tages and beauties of the home city and
the coming Fair. The Illustrations are
numerous and convey a comprehensive
Idea of the ornate grandeur of tne ap
proaching exhibit. The Oregonlan 13 one
of the leading dailies Of the county, with
a magnificent home building and flrst-
class equipment, all of which combine In
making it a fitting medium for the im
mense field In which it circulates and
typifies the energy and "push" of the
great West, In which it made its initial
appearance "about 50 years ago. The paper
has grown up with the West untH It now
has a well-established reputation as being
the first In its class.
Jersey City (N. J.) News: The Eastern
er views the growth of Oregon as por
trayed ln this Illustrated Issue of The
Oregonian with amazement. He feels that
the world does indeed go faster than in
the early years of America's settlement.
To the young man he can only echo the
old advice, "Go west."
Bayonne (N. J.) Times: The Times is in
receipt of a 32-pago special number of The,
Morning Oregonian of Portland, Or. It Is
an inspiring example of journalistic en
terprise and modern methods. Many spe
cial articles In the edition tell Interest
Ingiy of the history and development of
that great Pacific State, in both of which
Tho Morning Oregonlan has played no
small part.
Youngstown (O.) "Vlndlcat6r: The an
nual number of The Oregonlan. of Port
land. Or., made Its appearance January 2,
and consisted of i2 pages filled with new:
matter and special features, among which
was a great amount of descriptive matter
and many half-tone Illustrations covering
even feature of the Lewis and Clark Cen
tennial ExposiUon to bo held ln that city
June 1 to October 13 next. The number Is
a most creditable one. showing The Ore
gonian to be In the fronk ranks of Amer
ican newspapers and evidencing the en
terprise of Its publishers, who bend every
"energy to give to Portland people a paper
that not only furnishes them news of the
day but advertises the city far and wide.
Lafayette (Ind.) Leader: The Leader Is
in receipt from Portland, Oregon, of
copy of the Morning Oregonlan, date of
January 2. It was forwarded here by
Furman Hoover, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Q. Hoover, of this city, and Is
paper that Is a credit. to any city in the
land. It goes far toward proving that the
art preservative Is on as high a plane In
the Far West as It Is ln the state of Old
Ben Franklin himself.
Copyright, 1005, by Lewi and Clark ExposiUon.
"cA Notable Piece of
Newspaper Enterprise
Merits the Highest
Praise PreviousEx-cellentRecordEclipsed"
Dj.i-.rstfU.Kii uisfatch: The New
Year edition of The Portland Orego
nlan, of which H. L. Pittock. a for
mer PIttsburgcr, Is manager, contatns
handsome Illustrations and descriptive
articles dealing with the Lewis and Clark
Centennial ExposiUon, to be Ijeld In Port
land between June 1 and October 15. The
Oregonian Is one of the most progres-
ive newspapers of the Northwest, and
this Issue Is ln keeping with that reputa
Wllkesbarre Record: The New Year is
sue of The Oregonian (Portland. Or.) con
tains o2 pages copiously Illustrated. Tho
Illustrations cover every feature of the
Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition
that, will be held at, Portland between
June and October this year. Accompany
ing the Illustrations Is much matter of In
terest with reference to tho Exposition.
which will be opened at a cost of $1,510.
000. This issue of The Oregonlan is a
splendid piece of newspaper enterprise.
ijcranton Tribune: The New Year num
ber of The Portland Oregonian is &. mag
nificent Issue of o2 pages, and a veritable
encyclopedia of the Pacific Coast Interests.
The illustrations cover every feature of
the Lewis and Clark Exposition, that will
be held in Portland between June 1 and
October 13 next, and are very Interesting.
The number Is' In every way worthy of
the enterprise of the hustling city, and
Its publishers are to be congratulated
upon the excellence of their work.
Franklin Evening News: The New
Year's number of The Portland Oregonian,
which covers every feature of the Lewis
and Clark Centennial Exposition, that will
be held In Portland between June 1 and
October 13 next, is chock- full of most In
structive, entertaining and historical mat
ter, all profusely Illustrated. In addi
tion, the number is a striking example of
what a thoroughly equipped and modern
printing establishment can do in a typo
graphical way
"Great Type of Journalism."
Lancaster Examiner: That great and
good type of Western journalism. The
Portland Oregonlan. comes to hand this
morning In the form of an extra number,
giving a history of Its town and state, the
progress and prosperity of last year and
the why and wherefore of the coming
Lewis and Clark Exposition. Not only do
we send a New lear greeting to our great
contemporary, but trust its celebration of
an early pioneer beginning will be as
complete as the paper itself, which now
exploits the show is aa perfect as the ma-
'chincry and brain of man can make it at
Braddock Herald: The Oregonian, of
Portland. Or., has issued its annual num
ber of 1905. The Illustrations of this num
ber cover every feature of the Lewis and
Clark Centennial Exposition, thatvill be
held in Portland between June 1 and Oc
tober 13 next.
Chester Times: The Oregonian devotes
a large part of the space of its annual
number to illustrations covering every
feature of the Lewis and Clark Centennial
Exposition, to be held in Portland be
tween June 1 and October lo. The Orego
nian Is undertaking a publicity bureau of
Its own In disseminating literature. In
formation, pictorial and descriptive, of
the coming exhibit, and the edition is a
superb Issue and shows that some novel
Ideas, have entered into the plans for this
great National celebration. Already over
$1,500,000 has been appropriated for the
York Dispatch: Oregon is a great state
and Portland Is a great city. When you
say "Oregon" you expect something out
of the ordinary. And that reminds the
Dispatch that The Oregonlan eends us 52
pages of excellent "copy." The Oregonlan
called It the "New xcar s number." and.
judging from the looks of our contempo
rary, the New Year opened auspiciously
in Portland.
Great Special Edition
San Jose (Cal.) Mercury: The edition of
The Portland Oregonlan 6f January 2 Is
one of which any newspaper in the United
States might be proud. It consists of 53
naires. of which 36 are devoted to the
Lewis and Clark Exposition and the
growth, conditions and prospects of Ore
gon, its metropolis, Portland, and the ter
ritory ln wnicn ire uregoman circulates;
the remainder, covering the usual news and
miscellaneous features of that enterpris
ing and complete journal. The text and
illustrations cover every feature of tho
Exposition and the varied Industries of
the Northwest. The illustrations are ln
some Instances full page, in others dou
ble page, besides many smaller cuts. They
arc excellently executed halftones. The
various articles are prepared with great
care and completeness in creditable liter
ary style. Our Northern neighbors have
dlnplayed commendable energy and ability
in organizing the Exposition, and this
edition of The Oregonian is a worthy set
ting forth of their efforts.
New London (Conn.) Day: In a special
issue devoted to the departments of the
Exposition, the Portland Oregonlan, one
of the most enterprising of the Pacific
Coast dally newspapers, has sent broad
cast a finely Illustrated edition, showing
not only the buildings and topographical
beauties, of the Exposition layout, but giv
ing an Immense amount of statistical
matter concerning the progress of Ore
gon from the time of Its discovery. The
Issue Is as complete as could be devised.
"Most Complete Newspaper."
Oakland (CaL) Ennuirer: The Ore
gonlan. issued under aatc of January 2,
is largely devoted to setting forth the
features of the Lewis and Clark Centen
nial Exposition to be held ln Portland be
tween Juno 1 and October 15 next. It con
tains numerous Illustrations and a large
amount of descriptive text with regard to
the Exposition, which Is already attracting
much attention. Incidentally, there Is
a deal of Information with regard to
the city of Portland, It3 commercial and
Industrial development, things which are
to be seen In Portland, together with a
description of the mineral, agricultural,
timber and other resources of the Pacific
Northwest. This special number of the
Orogonian is a most complete newspaper
and a credit to the publishers. Its wide
circulation will do much towards bringing
the Lewis and Clark Exposition to the
favorable attention of a wide constitu
ency of readers.
Manchester (Mass.) Cricket: We have
received from the publishers a copy of
the Portland (Or.) Morning Oregonlan of
January 2. A mammoth edition of 52
pages, and in every way a fitting expo
nent of the wonderful resources and re
markable development of that new coun
try beyond the Rockies. A large section
of the edition Is given over to the illus
tration and description of the forthcoming
Lewis and Clark Exposition, which has
been laid out on quite a grand scale, and
opens in Portland June 1.
Boston (Mass.) Traveler: It is seldom
that one gets an opportunity to. gain such
an expansive knowledge of the various
buildings, their architecture, and the gen
eral layout of the Exposition grounds as
Is afforded by the management of the
Portland Morning Oregonlan in its issue
of Monday. January - In a paper of 52
pages, filled with Illustrations and reading
matter devoted entirely to tho Exposition
and Its affairs, one can gain a complete
knowledge of the Exposition and its splen
did features