A GENTLEMAN OK 40. OF O.VE OF THE lt famHle. who etc sire Use very bast ef lack references us to standing and abll- S r, tl a fn halrinr a Htu4A . ! the atneust of S150.G00. vasts to cor- frajroa who a mamsxeiDie la ay mat can t it fM.cy Us a cllt-cdire property with a isaa that J strictly up-to-date, and both he aa4 Ms jfoperty writ bear Inspection. Lidy meet Lave cood character, be Up-tO-dltte Brut ftf hiidnfM aVi)1lit Cwsin, GREAT KPBC3ALU3T COMING DR. W. AU- ....- f-... O CS tT. . V- - . ' .. . . .5- u . LUC Tvna iX3QUl AEBWtaa Fc Specialist of New York and Citos. "".Hi ptalcivrfy treat all defect cf . tx-Ji by hH celebrated Immediate proews. for . wee la Portland, commencing Febru- - auitcc 01. a-, oo, beiiing-mrscn tNUMISC. Wufcinrtan he U'Mt Vsrlr anil Jwa -t Advance engagements made at iixjbu i in oa. uffle bunding. '-.- RBADV: THE "MATRIMONIAL Regttttf- fer this month contains descrfp- - " iw locaj jaaies ana gemie- ubo with to marry. Prlee 10c. We iirv, arranged seventeen marriages rince January 1. Many wealthy residents of reea e.k poor, but kind and affection- twiapiiuoiui. interstate wtrocuo- Bwciny. ju.ii, l'oruana. 1UTL fl f mA ri,t- t.ilnnl .11 -I . " . work perfariacd at John Woodbury. New " . JHU wont esse at suae Ar. - a etaec. tne world s beauty king, meth ane eraHcred by Axe Holmes-Rlbbecke, the u tnunn siuuc urx;eon ana aerroaioi .i.. -t x-urtiinu piiysi t.nr. tor reference. Parlors, 364 Morrison. KADAJflJ VAUGHN. OriTT GRADUATE inn .toiog-.i m northwest, permanently TtSUHM MrfhntrV. nltflnn vrUM. et rrlrr ictn. rr r nlmDltL rnntra freckles and all blemishes. Dermatology usibi xor professional purposes, laird floor McKay bide d and Stark. Phone 1 VU. The CoaAeeaUal Agency Company Issues a M-iiT brfd to faithfully and honestly exe- t. reulrtsc tact and latesrlty. adjusted. t City Jtefereaccc. I'. O. Box 274. JT HOMES' WANTETk KlTrfnyvr. r-tnf IrrLfular. painful or stoppage, leuconhea ihlte aad ail diseases of womeru old or j&UEt. cured by old Dr. Kezsler. SUVx Vam rt.. Pbrtiand. Or. Private waitlnE-room Am moiu. uidtuuuvn iyvm. uui or wnw. V ANTED TO MEET RESPECTABLE LADY ' mufcl age. matrimonially inclined, by ran 7tvr vi ot reierenecs. Address i, uregootaa. WTALTlir LADIKS AND GENTLEMEN OF jenonmeat. aaxtus te marry; photographs j jijpvius jfr. xwi a v' i-anon city. XiADT W MMANS. MIDDLE AGE. WISHES a-natetaace of rrCa-d elderly senUeman; . BwiitiT, vi in", uregenian. KI f-BRLT LADY WILL KEEP HOUSE FOR bacheier farmer; to wages; nice IIA' B tlW TO PAY DOWN ON SMALL r- tatng-homr; bclance on raoatiily paj-nitots. I'tTKriVK Hlgh-lass. honest ork. charges rodTa(e. best references. V K. Oregonlan. FAOi AXD SCALP MARSACB AT TOUR name ics fteznor. 1ST nth. Phone Main 485S. aices. ciasmids, easj payment; open evening,. W. H. Lesh. 813 Dekum. Clay bSO. SALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DIS- Aiucr wi. rcoac iain toss. BUSINESS CHANCES. BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES. LILLIAN DE KEATER A. JOHXSOV. 30 Tears in Portland. V.'lll Loeate and i-reeci lour interests in Buying. TKMU fvc it TBifV ninn- CTRird aad Mrrioa Sic Phone Main GUI. 40 roens. famished; rr-nt $150: lease; rooms ' bw ea sarxet. ezeusive. 11 rooaw.'$GOO ra. balance $20 per month: Mil .b t'J Nice nsu boarders, 'inoeme over $100; $30 it- i o: fiM, HsrratB firww Unrr nlu fw.V W. 7 living-rooms; will Invoice rime itccaraiucii. owner caiiea away; A ; kinds r busiaess chancer 20 years in i wiuau. in iocate you right. Kaern 2QK. Allsky Block. Sd and Morrison. Xf. I' I tll -A T 1 ' 4hxft2-laeh circular saws and saw frame; leg cenjinrin wim neaa otocKS, ca M. fd carriage, belts, nulleyn. line xhrtn rtklng eepleU for a 10.000-foot dally ounnti peW $IP60. Address J. A. Moehnke. F R TJIK NEXT 3 DATS. GOOD BLOCK id Cr4i Mining Co. Mock. Marlon Co. THIS MmiUBV Yl a . flO (n ka.L- 'rf ukk taiiung plant this year: Immense ma lorcca 10 sacnnce. Answer ut-k if you want a potitlre snap. C OS. rrgosian. FTXf-JC OR BOND ISSUE REPUTABLE COR. Torat4xi. istnlnr. industrial yi- nllm.il wasted Have ry feeiMty for selling "omwm. nive particulars. I'. ' rm jiu iew 1 OTK uity. WfH LD TRADE GROCERY STORE DOING bk-c mn vusinera. en one of the best a i-rrts i the city, valued at $2500. for a i' wr rcwsBUHg-ueusc. Auaress v 3, Ore- RAKTKI- f.flnil Ticinnv vnr ctt t nery bukWitHw; no objection to email town, wuM buy an eatabUshed business If lo- '' i ii j. uregeman. EMPIRE XAOINO STAJ1LES ARE EARNING i-odd divMeads for their Investment. fr (Mtrtteulars. Hntftlre Company, 11 S3 Jxrv&WM). .i(w lore. "L,R A-E IN ST JOHNS. A BAKERY in. Tin: wiui a mxM tHJMBeis. well located. -ir raiww:, in nreiui caute or sell- ftgurer. tixaUtalng option trading. $20 raar- uw. uwwni urain tjo ir Yr ARK IVMCIN FOR A BFSINE6S td MMre $1000. call at 418 Oregoalan V ANTED- FOR f HE ItRKT PVPrtSi. ')e mymts out. American Brokerage numiin otcg, nn ana wash- frAUx rjs. LOCATION: WILL TEAEE ONE OF tu Uart rmers ea the East Side. The JaVMtmeat Cc.. 210-214 Ablngton. 10CH IS TOC-R WSESS FOR SALE? I CAN' - it m matter waere located. F. S. Kratlsg. 1 Marquam bldg., Portland. Or. FR SALS LEASE ON GOOD STOBr. YHIY rri WaskinctoB -t. The Healy In- vo k-ii Aoingtixi, iooh 3a et. OTH-NXPT DRUOSTORK IN GOOD. SMALL. Mar-by town, for $un0. or Invoice. City wmiim WCC -VSCPCy. J St. FIVE SALOON. WITH LEASE OVER FAIR; n sera4e reat. art down. $2800. City Busl- SALOO. COHNKR. CENTRAL. LEASE. ritZAiXllxMtTf 4l establlohed: parUculars. T- H Tmien i Ce . 228 3d. MOMK IIAKKKY ivn nri tiiicSt- with leare; centrally located; gctd trade." rOR SALE GROCERY. WITH LEASE best street la city, cheap. Address X s! i-rrBf.Bian ntfetrd. dean aad aea; will be fold cheap! WANTED PARTNER WITH $1000 IN GOOD- f-i vi wmhw. Arsr-u v a, wregonian. FAFTNER WANTED IN A WELL-ESTAB- " kuw san; im proposition; ln- GrM FALOON. MUST BE SOLD BEFORE I i,-60 1- a I am leaving dty; average BFVF CENTRALLY LOCATED CIGAR " iwa J. v. trelghton. I HAVE SHM TO IN'KST IN BUSINESS iT. wee ei i-sruwa; no agents. TVKVOULH. TK-7017G MAN WITH UNIM Hrvv''. and some taoney; salary. E 1. WANTED CAPJTAI. TO MANUFACTURE pi ir.niL 1 jw, oregonlan. 'K-lXTpD- LADY PARTNER WITH $00; -.. a-yyortuaity. j oregonlan. -'pR SALE Cl'EAP GOOD RESTAURANT S5 - w ii at rStS7ofT7iZS1:: BIAU' CAPITAL. jfcjfstXESS CHANCES. JENNINGS & CO. "THE PIONEERS." ESTABLISHED ISS3. ROOMING-HOUSEfe. ROOMXNO-HOUSEB. v ROOMING-HOUSES. BARGAINS IN .ROOMING-HOUSES. 20 rooms, fiat, clears $100 23 icw. reni tiM.. ...... x.er telcct board 3.600 select board and rooming.... L50 corner, close in 1.1 W0 11 10 rtnt $25. tZM down.. 000 good lease, electric llrhts.... 4.2O0 tons huildlng. Ttst JlfJO.... 2.600 fi5 CO 50 rcai cor. onn, m k.. 0,uw near Fair Grounds 3.008 4 rent flUO. Income $50C 7.750 lodging-house. Income $330... 2,750 rest 12S. Including 4 stores.. 4,250 45 4 40 28 new building, sew fcrsltuxe. COOii oa 1st st.. cor. brick.. 3,500 rent J 55. Income tlSJ 2,ath iron beds, hair mattresses... 3,M0 rent 5100. good lodging-bouse. S.0x 2S 28 25 ss SI SO zs 28 icoiae good corner..... rent $150, income S459 8.O0U on Washington sL. fine 4.500 Market su. rent J 05 2,vo income fvio, rtnt $75 1,700 23 2S rew Mac, new furniture..... 4.&00 rent 100. lease. Inc. JiW... 3.50 rent I'M. Income $11)0 LbiO Ilth st. near Wan&lngton... 300 25 25 24 s years' ltase. lncctne JOO. 3,J0y Taylor, near W. Park 2TO0 Alder st fine housekeeping.. l.bOO 3 WE DO THE BUSINESS WE HAVE THE BARGAINS. 19 part housekeeping..... IflM mvrm V. . 1.600 IS 2,(30 IS fine rcomlcg and transtenr, 2J03 IS IS wuibk ciose in.... 1.4O0 1.100 14 loth et.. new fur., new bldg.. 1.200 14 12 housekeeping. N. Cth st 1.400 20th. near Washington 1,275 rent $00. income $115 l.b&O electrio lights furnace heat.. 1.150 2 years lease, rent $45 1.050 11 11 11 11 11 11 uiuco ncai, very cccim... x,wvi 10 furnace "heat, select board... L400 10 10 uji-uiuo 4a, rent to. ....... i.iou bouBekeeplng. rent $30....... J50 on Main, near Cth st WO rent $45. income SS5 850 10 10 10 furnace heat, gas 750 10 housekeeping, rent $40.... 650 9 0 utii rent omy su.... 7th, near Taylor, low rent.. Sd. near M&dlson, rent $22 good furniture, very central., on 4th St.. housekeeping... W0 J?50 900 50 e 9 S 9 50 iiia aouseneepinR... 600 500 We have at least 50 other good bargains. LIST TOUR HOUSES WITH JENNINGS, Nealv nil 4V.. Km-. v.... c ncu 10C3UBQ. iuumn oi mosey oa hand, and will be glad to assist buyers at JENNINGS Si CO ,.S32a WASH. ST. Restaurant, clears $200 ,..$2,000 jruruiiure ovsmera. win invoice Transfer and coal bualnctis.. .......... 1,600 Fruit an.I poultry market 500 $400 cigar ftore for 250 ftaioon. brewerj' fixtures, for 800 Butcher shop and grocery 3,000 Oyster house, dally receipts $30 700 Restaurant, .scats SO 30 IKM'V. . ............. TLVW ra on m st.. jcafe 2,500 Dellcateesen and lunchroom............ S50 Cigar, candy and fruit fltore 1.250 oaioon on one ot the best streets 4,750 "'"tci j Kun ii vinK-roorna ............. 4 ltestaurant. on of the best In town.. 3.000 ill rtW Jtnlrvin TimnIM.n. not averxisea. JENNINGS & CO 332S WASH. ST. Kmi. uu uo uic m&rsei; invesugaie. f.-,.:- 4R mnma n-sll fnmlikl ... li.t-i land; clears $200 a month, $6000; $4000 down. Rnnmlnfr-VimiKM "ft .wim. .1.. riir month: rocl furniture: rent only S125: thll KirxTTi near. eierTne 1 1 r- n T. nni.. in .H.rrtr.m flnt ne TTnlnn TlMMf mm! 1(V1 inream w, only tw. heat, electric lights, porcelain bathe; Income Income $1500; will stand a thorough inrcstl- fiO-mnm fimltv hotel on e lln. n r.i. steam heat, electric lights, fine furniture: Income 900: iwmuiwnt Kta-iri- ursm --aa JENNINGS & CO 3S2H WASH. ST fimxn nrrriTTrTX-T-rita irvt mil V,i... . t.... n ...v uiuaa piker, very nanosome resiaence. tene ment house, barn, water works and out buildings; 12 acres strawberries. 1000 fruit trees, balance splendid garden land: team. iw--iuvui lurtaiicu imu close in; splen did opportunity to do business. lu-roorn lurnionea no use near City uiu tor luruicr particulars see the ULK.V-LAttHESCE CO.. nu',4 iirat Ktreet. CORPORATION WHOSE PRODUCTS ARE nanaiea ny leading wholesale and retail agement of branch office, salary $2500 per should earn $6000 per annum. Must Invest irom iow to loooo in stock of company. Unquestionable references aa to ability and uo, i ucoosm. MERCANTILE 'AND MANUFACTURING ousineso l-aruea wisnmg to engage In en- .... . wij uuuull val uable Information from the Amec Unnnill. Abuaty. a list ot oosa nae ousiness open ings in this city and adjacent country is open for Inspection at rooms of the Ames Mduwuic Agency, Aumgioa D,s. FOR SALE OR WILL EXCHANGE FOR gooo larm. a w-pouna roller, sifter system. waterpower Hour mill In most prosperous liart of Callfamln' ninAem mrtftinMt. e .. mill, door trade and entire outnut marketed iu vicinuy. Aaaress x. u. caener. Balls rvrry. sauu county, uuiiornla. wwmw. iiu-iu i wuuus-uuuac oi large w iiiuuiu. icac over rur; wv, wily nuuai v.zuuice Ageccy, --"f jfi t. WAKTETJ TIT WTPRTWr'P1n ftvivn man and propector. backing for Alaska kpiu liciua, nave gooa proposition for nertv trha will ftirnlxVi Tiaet- t WANTED GENTLEMAN PARTNER WITH wv ui uu; U4C-IWU uiicrcsL in a wcil- i-siBuireacu. pcics grocery; no previous ex perience necessary. Addresi G 87, Ore- cTonian. pnnprntr rnn cur ni' tpim- -n.- uiuiy uuuuiue. wua complete oaaery, brick . -.rvct u; nuurao, vjuicu cc own er. Wm. Ituu Wnodlawn hnVt-rr ". iii. uraiiug -w aiunuuy; cash ou 11., rgga a. DESIRABLE 20-ROOM HOUSE. BUSINESS cenier. won zuraisnco. rooms rull; cheap irai Jiu icuc, aiisv ivrooai nouse, i'ftGne attain oo-t. $5000 TO $100,000 FOR INVESTMENT IN cute inte-ca hjluhui tri VJCC3. 1 . lanfron. ssennnei map-., y nnVu tr-i. consin. SAWMILL. 20,000 CAPACITY; GOOD I.UM- wr-r umr-.ri una picmy avanasie umber: $3000. City Business Chance Agency, 223 111 !. FOR SALE GROCERY STORE AT END OF jui. iioor rcacrvoir car line; gCOd location; $1000 TAKES CASH BUSINESS NOW NET tlng $125 per month. J. V. Crelghton & Co.. iwn u, rwai a. WANTED TO BUY OR RENT SMALL SAW- 11. in w uu nmoer ana local traac Q UQ. wr wi ruutau. WANTED GOOD GENERAL XIEHCHiv. aise or traignt grocery stock. Address G. 1.. unau live RESTAURANT AND CIGAR STORE FOR rent. cor. Nlcolal and 26th sts.. dese to r mr fiTvunu. WOULD BUY ROOMING-HOUSE IF PRICE " iifcuii ivc liFcsuoo. ana price, ii su. urcgoaian. .FOR. SALE A LARGE. NEWLY PTtrvtbtt. ed roomlnr-hooee: no acent. Aitr.. 1 R0OM HOTEL. LOW RENT; WILL AC- ik. . uunu. ro. care uregoniaa. . . I VACANT SPACE FOR CIGAH STAND. BER- I iv A Alaxaader. 4 li. Cth. J THE SUNDAY OBEGOSIAy, PORTLAyP STAXUXBY St, ltd." BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. TAFT ft CO. 125-fl Ablngioa Block-Phone Mala 155. TVa TTaT-a e eurofiT-rt T TrVlfTVr. DESIRABLE LOCATIONS that are for sale. piruai list below nf hnih tarm smsJl uicw carl r uir -n in: TJ5 TtOOMS 'RT'li-r Tni"iTtnv- - m. t- rent ONT.v in,iHh. .'..-m n.. 9 jeans- lease. POSITIVELY clearing ove: $300 per month. Please call for farther pari Uculara. SO BOnue Tr..i 1 . 1 1.,. ,7 . ... UWIIll A11U up 10 uaici house fell nf ml ,1 - . T w & long lease: clearing now 1250 ier month: Ien Tu i,c - - - 46 nnovis-iiMt ai 1 .. . cheap rent and good long lease. If you want a crood mnaient km,. n n.i - maker, don't fall to see this. Price for this eo omy. foooo, part cash. 43 ROOMS BBTPk" Tltv vniT nper JcS'i"110, la the cRy. 2-year lease; rent ONLY 5125 oer maath. Thl. .nT la POSITIVELY clearlsg now above all ex penses SSLO Tver mnnth t ttrrw. n..t cash. ' 40 nnnus n.. 1- i i .1 i. ... aantlv funihet- ri -w . . . lease for two yearn: clearing now over $300 per month; steam hca; and all modem eon- t- 1 Vlor a money-maker during the Fair this house rannm h. K... . -. $7500. " """ 40 ROOVS-V.r hrtnV t. . I furnishings .very good: all hair mat ifcs.es; for a quick sell we have reduced the price to $3475. zs nnnvq v .i.n . ... ... ....... aest-herase in the city, now clearing about be had now for $4500. ' 24 BOOMS V.ir K.I.I. . . - .. w..fv L'uu'Jiu.i rirau nrat, hot and cold water in every room; evervthlnr new ml in -a .i.i . i lease; rent $115; big money-maker, $3S00. 24 nooiis-v.i-if .v.i. 1 ..1 hOUae. new fnnllnni r.i .... I . .. erne of the neatest and cleanest houses on mo nnncii rent only $Z2o; lease, $3750. 21 nonuL.vii furnished: .well """ ."VJf wl$25oa 125' 3 yer' lo A p,oll-a 21 ROOMS All .Tlr. ,1AIA in. cation, all Moquet and Axminster car pets; good hard furniture; chep rent; present owner has had the hmtn for 3 years. A gilt-edge buv for 2500. 20 nnovQ-rt..i i ii ... , class transient or steady roomers; rent $luO; clearing- rtwv n.n.1. 1 .v. ' Si!r yoUMSa make u 11,0 nionoy you want. i r.ee, $3200. 17 ROOMS Ven- Vinnae an' ne. fiirrllitr. Tight Iii the heart of the city, cheap rent and lease; if you want something EXTRA GOOD, get this for $1275. 17 ROOMS oenrrallv lnmi.il .nl one year lease: a uni.nHi.i hnv for tn-.n' part cash. 10 nOOMK rinn T,,.. 11 , 1. v.. j. iP-n"31- lease. Thla is surely a good buy at now. 12 ROOfK Van. fln.l r 1.1 I 11 1. caUoa. verj- reasonable: good Income. This us ucjiuiic: lar TiarTiriiiara eall 10-ROOM HOUSE New. rood furniture anrl n"T.: .IS! t0r 1 yer- Tb, ls a Eod ft ROOMS KlejTSntlt- fnml.V.- - ..t $45. with lease. Thl. la a fi T.'-i o .TP1WI DV r-T--rr. -r . . . - oiunt dcji jocauon on Washington At. Wrii-n -heon lease; will sell all or H Interest, "or will sell lease. Call for further particulars. DCT.1PJTPSBPV Ti.. l...l .... doing a rushing business, but must sell on account of sickness. A snap for $S50. EALTJOK Rett 1u-atlnn In IV.. -I. .Vi..n ji. i4u ius tease, ana maaing gooa money: t" c living-rooms ana witn zurniture. Goes for $3250. GENERAL MKRriT vnicp-. Q-mnr- rt country town, doing a nice business; Alek nea the cause for selling. This Is worth looking up. THE ABOVE. ALTTITLES GUARANTEED. BUYERS PROTECTED AS WELL AS SELLERS. WE Ti A TIT 10 TO IB-ROOM HOUSES: ALSO 20 TO 40. TAFT & CO. Ablngton Block 10S14 -Third St. PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS st; for free opinion as to patentability; eend for jiiiMUAicu c;uiuc uwh. coai&ins iw me chanical movements and list of inventions wanted; tells how to obtain and- sell it our expense. Evans, wiikens & Co.. Reg. .mirni Attorneys, bio f st.. Washington, v. 1- SEcrmrnES guaranteed by us are selling all over the world. Industrial aad mining promoters investigate. Companies incorporated. Wo provide bank and mer- f-antll refereny-er V.Haii.1 ti.i., .. i . i &. Trust Co.. S3-S5 New Montgomery at.. San soacuro, will. WANTED PRACTICAL BUSINESS MAN wiiu 4JUVU 10 uus ono-tnira interest is mnntif aeture of hip navlnc n. ... tlclr ; prefer man acquainted with whole salers m raciuc i.uui siates. Li uu. Ore- gonian. GINSENG IF TOU WANT SOMD INFOR- maiion vlooui uinseng sena ror "ily jitxr Book of Advice": It's free; also my Great Reed CitaloirUA for P n xriti. i 473, Rose Hill. N. T. GOOD GROCERY STORE. NICE HORSE and wagon, safe, cash register, computing rcales. etc.; low rent; will sell at hir- n-i.. count. Addrus Y 10. care Oreconlan. $1500 CASH WILL BUY THE VERY BEST . cum m v.., iuubi do soia im mediately. Call at office. Lee Automobile vai., lii auiu wiuci. rcriTiT TBtiPTi wrwi . . Iloaery business; best location In city; school book trade a specialty; long lease; a bargain. in. ,wiwiiiu k-ia4 uia. rflR RAT.P KVjIT.V TiT.iiinnrnr, , " ""v;wiiiji A.MJ " '"i nf, locaiea at 12th and itu lis. jars. XJ. jay, 225 11th at Phone Main 2733. WANTED PARTNER WITH $2000 TO joipt me in fair concession; will pat up ur uuuuuv, auio inoney-rasjcer. O 94. Oregonlan. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGAR STORE. ICE - . "J, 1 C' fc000 'UK. I1V- va saie. 3S) E. Burnslde. FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE vu.o " 1 vnuun m store. inauire Harry Tuttle. of Lang is Co.. Ut and An. lceny st. GROCERY FOR SALE CORNER ON GOOD street; a iiviag rooms; well established -great possibilities; price $1100. K 9C. Orel gonian. tdnftannrpRV ivn r-pvr. nr-c-... u. uwiuiut, c.wwi, u.iurti; aaiiy sales $20. Call evenings. 40S 11th. Phone Main in FOR SALE CHEAP PLANING-MILL. WITH sow musunj uiu c&uiuiisaea business at a bargain. Address Q 95, Oregonlan. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF FINE COR. ncr hocse, 10 rooms, 3 blocks Portland Ho tel. Call aftemoone. 221 W. Park. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF WELL-ESTArU nsncu uuiuicu tuauM: oincv. urac for rent. lti4 4tn st. raone day 538. FOR SALE BRICK HOTEL IN ONE OF Deit notu lowra oetween txruacd aad Sse. ramento. S 92. Oregonlan. $350 WILL BUY A NICE-PAYING BUSINESS Baker. 217 Ablngton bide. & FINE GROCERY STORE FOR SALE; REA roa 1 or cfiimc oc explained to buyer O 35. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 7 FRESH MILCH COWS. WITH ....... lumt. "Xiuuc ro JllTniltrin , ... or 763 HOCd St. FOR SALE-FOUR RESTAURANTS. LONG 1017. dty. i-osince box WANTED MAN WITH SOME MONEY TO mum-! new toy 11 no 1- nr. d jr. Ore- Party with some capital can, buy territory for &iuuc& uu ai IXH 1 Urtiw . TOR SALE UMBRELLA STORP- cmn-n ! reason for .Mnr r.n GOOD isCSINISS CHAN CHS. rrrPTRP TVVTrniVVT CO Room 9. Chejnber o Comnserce. i'liUXC MALN 33tL 20 ROOMS One hlnrV' from Mnl.l TVirtlin'. fine cprner house, gas. bath, good furniture and -carpets; aa excellent bay for $2000. bet owner most have money. We will catertala an ocer for this nice place. 32 TtOOilS Here lis nice corner horse and the hemt hnv tr T.TT n.ar fnr. nlrcre and carpets no old TRUCK; ctcam heat, electric lights: everything U of the nest; leaee orer the Fair. Price. $4500. A.TrkTtr rt it c... .. i.. ...v.. furniture and carpets way above the aver- sc, uue iiiue nai tor a nome; pan ensn. halaere mv mmm. TMk. 5-ROOM FLAT Modern. 00 corner, fnr- nlshed new less than 4 months sen: cas. bath: everything u of the bestf-cent $25; will mis unto piaco 101 -t.r. CONFECTIONERY AND LUNCH PLACE T'a.hlrrtnn. IHm. .v. l. If you want a nice little place for the Fair, don't let this slip by: rent $40, with lease uw 100 rur. r-nce cJ. " HARRER SHOP. ONE OF THE BEST 7-ckalr shops I In Portland., on mala street, making over S20O owing to dissolution of co-nartnerahln. vou can get thU shop at a very low price In- iiniijiuoa ii oince. x?l t nnrvn tiimihv uvniwi.iu-nui.i3b. IR wnmic tr.. . .1.. ture and carpets, house full of good paying rooms and boarders: Income now over $400 per month: jeni. $75. Owner nick and will ouuira mm lor aiiu. nrw 1 tttj 1 v-t- Fine location. North End, new outfit, new ....sjut uu luini.urr. new crocacry. ia. silver: rood trade: a good man ca coin money In this place; must sell by Feb ruary 1. lTlce reduced from $1000 to $SC0- GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE-Oa river, coneiaung qr general stock, postofflce auu auij funr, now more Duiiaing. aocs, WJtrehntTce t..m . n ... i . . lulce of Teal estate Is 7 fry reasonable: stock at Invoice. A chance seldom offered for a good paying business. Full Information at VU1XC. EilPinv. T vvi'CTifi-VTi r-ni Room 9, Chamber of Commerce. .....n. WW W 11UU1.1DCO V.ll.lliC Barber shop, choice -location on Washirtg- .wm ck., ..iic iitui;. Cigar and confectionery store on Washing ton lit. with a hit. trail. C1IWI Grocery, choice location on West Side; will iuuii-c aooui fisuv. PROPITABi .tj? nrr'rvri.Tjnr:ci.'e 22 rooms, fine furniture,, one block frcm Courthouse. $j50. 18 rooms, extra good furniture, one block irom Perkins Hotel. $1275. 14 rooms. xcod-raiiDK house. S750. 9 rooms, good turniUire, 2 blocks from i-oniana Jlotei; a gilt-edse buy. $230. OREGON ASSOCIATED EXCILVNQE, wasnington street. LEGITIMATE. ENTERPRISES FINANCED. M.UUU1A1II iiTl,rlfrtiaiia iJA.M-fiLI. LEGITIMATE ENTERPRISES FINANCED. mum urugea oy cona or mortgage t-uryurKie siock or DODQ issue sola. lusumuce policies purciiaseu. Hind for booklet, "CaDltal: How to Secure. It" ROBERT RUXTON. 32 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. I HAVE FOR SALE ONE. OF THE FINEST auca oi piling; lunoer in vreson; oic growth, very long, convenient location, near uk.,a. vji iiiAinciiti luicr, iv.enoiu land, about 4 miles from railroad; Umber man can dear $100 per acre handling this vmus, price,, iu per acre. u. tv. uronin, Oregon wty, ur. FOR SALE OR WILL EXCHANGE FOR good farm, a 50-barrel roller, titter system. water rmnrer finite mill l part of California: modern machinery; fine ...in, viuvi none auu enure output mancetea In 1clnlty. Address 1. D. Cheney, Balls. i.'iij, ouuu wouniy, i-aiuornia. lOU " ANT A ROOMING-HOUSE? BIG AD- verusements are sure to confuse and usually misrepresent. I have good list of bonaflde ua.fciu nnicn x wouia nae to snow and let you Judge their value. F. S. Keating. w .uiiiiuaiii Bias. CASH FOR YOUR REAL E8TATE OR uMtmess. no matter where located. If you desire a quick sale send us description rrr t: . uinnic.-n business Agency, 212c Sank of Commerce bldg.. Minneapolis, FOR SALE; f5000-18-ROOM FLAT. 2 STORE- .uviua, u iirins rooms, lower noor. lit living room, upper noor, good barn, 2 lots, JKg7a. corner Alnsworth and l'nton nve Vnr ipu call Phone East 587. Renting now for $33 a FOR SIT r m ivrrorcT tx- -n-t-r established machine shop; purchaser must be a practical machinist, competent to act as foreman. For particulars Inaulrc of xiruce . mrry. uregon ty, uregqn. PARTNER WANTED IN A BUSINESS IN which owner will guarantee" purchaser $150 a 'urn, iuv mjuireu, auiies easily leamra; this business ls open to your thorough Invcs- VOR SI I.P TTTTOxriTI lie I x-n T T.- I tj- i.tr 10-room residence; large and elegantly fin ished rooms; unexcelld for location or con . dltlons suited for first-class roomers; cash uujciu oniy. j. xi., i Aiaer. INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION WANTS PAR ty attend office: experience unnecessary: guaranteed $125 month: small Investment wrponiuoo requirea: invtatmcnt secured. n-.s jAorrison su, room 1. 20 ROOMS. GOOD LOCATION: ONE OP me otsi iransient nouses in tho city; must bo sold tomorrow: will make terms to suit jpuiuiwcr, investigate tan 31, featoa uiw.. va si. I AM EARNING $15 A WEEK- at unxcrt evenings; so can you. by simple mailor der plan; full working Instructions sent for 12c F. Wilson. 563 O'Farrell st., San "?J-CiSS OROCERI FOR SALE IN Willamette vnllev tntra .r wi 1.1. .v.i. . beat location In town; change of climate only ctiuiuj. Aoaresa it s j, uregosl&n. NOT IN THE ROOMING-HOUSE TRUST IF you desire an henest house at an honest price, see F. S. Keating, KM Marquani. 11 nave some gooa Dargains. Let me show thtm. BARGAIN FOR MONDAY FINE MODERN 9-room house, nice lawn, finely furnished. caoice locauon. lease. This is a snap for w., . rcumu uiaj.. a om ST, WE INCORPORATE AND FLOAT STOCK wvu... ii c nanaie nnusiea sccnrltles. ncgouatea. tioratlo Gilbert & Co., .i.w.k osuiuT, uucaio, x. 9pM HOUSE. WELL FURNISHED, partly housekeeping, running full, good Iol Hujti. wit, iouu. uatfield i diuiui. iosj ita il, room 22. CII.T.EDOEn OPFTVTV-r: tjvt t ivr- n..- of good appearance to engage In real-ertate buslne-3 oa small capltaL City Buslnesa wnance Agency, 25 1st It. lf0 ivn "pnvtwa tjttt rr . cm eat beet brokerage business in city; sUer Krarant-s 10 monthly. J. V. Creighton 4 --- V3 WU1 afVa WIVl'l'Tl DiDTin-n - I . w.. ..11.11. 1.1 n bliU-UTJlH. I llshed and navlnr hn..lne. .Wii t.,vC, quired; will bear Investigation. S D5, care Oregonlan. Address WE OFFER OUR DIVIDEND-PAYING OIL stocks; unique plan; employment with --.w., ."w wi mV. me Anaereon Co., OLD. ESTABLISHED GROCERY STAND nit urea, reasonable; stock at invoice: flrst- cy nipcct. a. s. oregonlan. WORKING PARpfER IN ESTABLISHED business; must have $500: will ell Interest y "m-r. u u. uregonian. Oil SALE-OLD ESTABLISHED MEAT market eales. $40 per day; party retiring auuai 1 m. uregoaiaa. HAVE FIRST-CLASS PATENT RIGHT; WILL u x. 1 iXi, pj oiuereace. xtf 17i.uiio .nam nun, UU i l. Htn. WANTED ACTIVE PARTNER IN ESTAB- iiai;cvi icauturinti exceuent location; rare -"sr. Auumw t iso, oregonlan. WANT Hi A RARTVPTR LV IT1T tnvi -...m. iiii uinrwi m 11 very, saie ana bearding 10-ROOM HOUSE. CENTRAL LOCATIOV wii furnished. $550. Hatfield & Smith, LODGING-HOUSE. 33 ROOMS. MODERN, STu 11 i-ui. rvnt in city; lease. PATENTS BOUGHT AND PLACED ON THE ..unci, icsiiuauc-uuiunj scnemes candled. a oi .iJ- GROCERY. FIRST-CLASS PROPOBITTOV central, lease. low rent; about $3000. R 2, VI LUuillli, TJlt sALib OC.LICATESSEN DOIXfJ good Dusinees. Acarees il 3, Oregonlan. PARTNER, HALF INTEREST SALOON. jGTH VACANT SPACE; LEASE. CIGAR STAND. "" - ""J. I T-r. ... ,r ....rTTT. I ESTABLISHED DRESSMAKING BUSINESS jerry & Alexander. 4 j.. eth. Kcsrxzss cxANcas, TM T-. T.TT- ITT- 4. 210-214 Ablngton Bldr. I0H Third Street, i-au.tt.- JiAiji ISM. ROOMPtG-HOUES FOB. SALS. W? rfrF s-vetal at.OT.M .1 ..1. a rooming-houses and handle the same only .7- miuain commiflsion. rnuiECT OUR CUSTOM ES9 AND SxlVSS THE TITLE OF EVERT 24 room. Tm mhimI' n I . et r Portland, nnnr rlH.r wi -.w. -""-i m j v imoi. cacaDKH lens in w rcoma. roost elegantly furnished and modern hocso in thfa Htr- iin rwt GO rnoma .(...vuiu . ...l. vi.t. . ly furnished, lease $200: good hall in con nection; can be made to pay half the renU This la a f -o , . n . . o- .uvaw iu. 43 mairu. mn.tlv ,ukar n mu. only $5300, ' 22 reoma ffrwl ,IMn . n n . I . v ..... 1 u fpoms. modem brick corner, partly fur- n., s"1 eu; cniy oouu. v iwisk. paruy xurnitneo. lease, zkjctjl ft) mom ..1 K,4IW .n ju nroo, boos cneap iranieni nouse. 400U. XQ moma hnt.l wttK . i.i...Mi ji rnora, spjcnaid furniture, lease: $sso. 11 rmmi iuhIv V. m. ..v..nin. t(iTn 111 rfwr-1 rnmfiiw hIm i rL. . i Several other irl hmua .a . T. Call and see our list. We have plenty of funds available to make good-siscd loans Cn any of these hmstr renatrahle In miv luvuiiiiy pajwenu. BUSINESS CHANCES. StorV if nmral n..w.t.. nl.. In ... Eastern town: lnvolco about $14,000, luucu counter, out ot town, clears T.imrh ennnter -l I a hipn Hoc ranch, good Dronoaltion for the rlrrit Grocery, city. $2500: another. $1500. THE HEALY INVESTMENT CO. nnnwivri-umterc IMCDtriv- rjTni.-T.r -r- rn Washlrgton bldg.. 4th" and Washington. DO YOU WANT A LARGE ROOM1NG- hocse? If 10, why not rent unfurnished piace and not pay 3 or 4 prices for people s . wi.ii. me. no i.. tz iqiov umurm mi cu ton oiog.. ot otn st. CORSETS MADE TO ORDER THE LATEST ini iiiui rooueis tor two. Dy jiacame us- TTlM Of lim irVanivfan. .ti.fln ,nC I . n iiugm, terms rettionsoie; saiisractioa guar. FOR RENT FINE BUSINESS LOCATION. encap. wan ail renton illdg.. 54 Otlt st. FOR SALE RESTAURANT; GOOD LOCA- tion; price sow. I. 3, oregonlan. ITNANCIAL. MOVVTV R1R KlT.lBTPn DTflDI C. cay can get It from us: no commission or ..... i.. iu aaYiuicc, 30 isortssge or maorser reaulred- DtimV vV1t- nnnlhl. nr uml. monthly In amounts from 1 and upwards, thus avoiding the payment of the whole amount out of any one payday; and have ii. lumui ume. 11 aestrea. -NELSON & HIND LET, 303 McKay bldg. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE noiaing permanent positions and responsible firms; easy payment and strictly confidea- fMT 1 1 1 "1 iT tnivo on personal property; rocalng-housea a spe- NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. fua AOiagtoa isuuaing. Oa In Droved city nrowrtT or tm- hniui.. .- u.uai toiniiv years ume with .nrlvllece to rcnav ill or na.t .1 in.n after one year. Loans approved from niani rn.ua money aavanceo as building progresses. uiiiiop mm up ana repiacea. mpn CT Q-T-Tjivrr- Financial Agent, 103 Second stl. near Stark. THE STAR LOM rn ret nn hfa note vrltr.r.11. ConfidentlaL Month, -month. Week. .t. w ui idu o (l.uo or S3.25 ??5pa-r 10 " $ ' or $335 or $1.5 etv xtepay to us .uo or $2.00 or $1.00 PRIVATE FUNDS SAFELY INVESTED-I "oaalZ whlh will neT ffi, "i!1 per annum. I personally examine all lands ou mien oiincu iui secuniy. io yeara ex perience; bet references. Phone 5fala 18S0. Aiiuicir i. wueicm, Atioraey at Law, 20-: THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 217 OREGO- '" iuuucy to reiiaoM ealeamea. trainmen, motormea. coaaucturs or ethar salaried employes. Jus; on his note. la sums of $10 to $100. Returnable in convenient MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPI n i;eirw;irrnvr. . 'if' .pay- -?f.' fii , C,V", vft.- L"!"pat ciUes. ""- -iay lias. LOANS ON THE EASY-PAYMENT PLAN TO gdentlaL Employes Loan Co..' room?. Tn Dekum. 3d and Wash. sta. Phone 224. T1IA VS TVrrilorST Plror trrrc- eTattel Trrt iUSAL mrltv t low r TT o .-'X T?,A.'T150?.6 -?r .9eT: 2 sums. all on real estate. Newtoa McCov roorr" iu,uw uiui-tuuii,- O-IEAB, 7 PEP cent oonos; appucauons received t.. part from $500 up. Interest guaranteed. A U-S. W . CfcU.ll.Lll. WOULD LIKFT THPT T.nixr nr. .v. butMnrata; Pcsttlon; no lu"i mai-cmaa reiercnces. x. l. Qre- fcuiumi. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND m ictuiiiies. lowest rates, s w vin. room 45. Washington bldg. Phone Hooa -lio. l!ltP.niiTi t ri . x-cr rnii-m . .... .U.U.IUIC, muui aa ccnatieis. eastern Loaa w.. i snerioca oiag.. m aad Oak. Clay 323. MONEY LOANED ON ALL KINDS OF SE- -u.i.j. umiuu-ai wui av specialty. W. if. iiuim. oo aaeriocK Due luoae Clay 523. IMMEpIATE LOANS TN SUMS FROM Sr. to i- -n all e-M-ttle T T L.t1 IU r TvaMrtnrThM": T-Ll7,.? OGL. - - iwiii; t.iay 13. TfBOM tSOO TO'400Q TCI T rilxr T" V ...i ...... . V rum- "t"!. 7c-"n ' ' " lrom Private HAVE S1300 TO 120OO TO I.OAW nvr i o T uo commission. Cat - rimrf a Innerf ft Tie e-nt Ir . . .- . . Sit. 1 noma. state agent Multnomah Co.. 40O Cium vT Six per cent money to loan oa Clackamas county laaos. .tu. t. miey. cos Cham. Com. PRIVATE FUNDS LOANB 50 PER CENT i.iuum. m. . j. nro. Aiisiry bldg. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS 5 AND o per etui. nm. utacoim, 2 yalllrtg bldg. 1500.000 TO LOAN AT 5 AV11 n Prn i-r-.-n . niu. . Bn, muni oui, tse mailing bidg. WANTED CAPITAL TO MANUFACTURE new a(icuny ot menu h i, oregonlan. PRIVATE PARTY makes rtai, personaL chat- iki ur n limy loooa. out jiarauam Cldg. $850 TO $1500 TO LOAN ON REAL-ESTATE irej. tern, --w . uregonian. LOST AND FOUND. LOST BET. VANCOUVER AND UNION ivcs.. oa naacocK. or caa liaiiei ets. gold brooch, amethyst setting; reward. 231 Han- LOST THURSDAY. SMALL. TERRIER nog. u(i oeao, aars boay. tan legs, foxed ears and talL Return to Anderson uroi. staoies; rewaro. KrRAYFn mnw pmstiea at- . Burns. E. 2bth-GIlsan stsi., one small brown j ..n. uuiic jaii, tau. iteward. LOST A LEATHER RltRSR ftv aTi-.T.n. bet. 2d and 4th. Finder please return to i-ao u. irccivB rewire LOST MULTNOMAH CT.TTTl -PTvr rroi-o bage. 5J-28-03 engraved oa back; reward at uregonian omce. x.VhJiX UF 1 BAY MARE; SORE. ON 1-u,n"rott otauoa. LiOST SMALL PURSE, CONTAININO $21 uu zceipt. rteturn to oregonlan; reward. PURSE FOUND. OWNER CALL AT THE Alder restaurant. 310 Aide " LOST - CCCXEn SPANTET Aiacr restaurant. Jill Aider St, LICENSE 453. Fwa MtKcL IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF ths UNITED om inr tlMincx or VTVgtm, IX, ICS JtlSt- trof tte ltatt o Charley Qross, bankrupt. fBC "two OtGekS cf Tne-ehrHa hetentnl n wit iw jroruana, ur.. ana can at SEee. Or., until 12 o'clock noon, of c"ij . Beparate oios are dceired for the two stocks of merchandise. eb deposit of 10 per cent must ac- CafelBiaT each hlA. The Hah. t. ..a jaci ay ui oios. xD inventories may ea seen at my once. Front and Anktny tt& and inspection of the stocks may be had at r vi locausns or tne same; R. L. v.u.it. iiutra ot me jKate or Charles tiznK: mnvninr rvtrt tj .i. ,.M; na, , HVtl. PofeRTTCICE racks. Wash. t... tfint X.'.i.j MiaW In ...Vi.. " '.,7 -i flce of Post Wtiarieiaiajter. - --- - .. .v- uuutiiiiis nun hfTMiri,a .b.lJ,ieit 19 Sin,a JUJtI 3 double mi i . t"u opecincations and fnU Information will be furnished by the "osi yuariermaster upon application. The any or all propojais. or any nart thereof. iSIkiS? .rST?tA!n,nff, PPOsals should be , , . .vvn mi lauuui mo, ana addreaeed to the Post Quartermaster. Van- NOTICPROPOSAIn5 FOR DRILLING A .k it inuiraiais win oe received by ii A ' council oi uonaoa, ail- liara County, Oreyon. on February l 1305. for the drilling of one well to secure a. water supply for said town. Bids must be stncuy in, accordance with the written specifications, which will be furnished up an application at the office of the Mayor. No proposals will be considered unless ac companied by a certified check: payable to the order of the Mavnr n rn..nn ..... fled by a responsible bank for an amount 'I H i io aggregate pro- ppsaL The right to reject any and all bids ls hereby reserved. By order of the .uuuui. u uuu x. jtetsacner. Aiayor. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE OF- utc ut me uirrjctor-generai. Lewis and Clark Exnoaitlon tin m nvini. evmary a, tuuo, iqr me erection and com- iiicwun oi r nrvproot one arts building on u&v"i"uii uruunas. r-ians and sDeclnca- tioni mif he aeen nt nwim t u.... ' 01U5., otn ana xornrjn sts. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE OF DM ot tne atrector-general, Lewis and ClarK centennial Exposition, up to 12 o docc noon, r coruary l. loos, for the con- Ktrtirtlon Of nlaaten Inol.Mi.. l bridge, on Kcnoirltlon Rmnna -Dion. i siviuniism ut nwiu u, ateams building. uiu jiuiiuua sircete. UNITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE x-uitimu. ui., uk. au. iuin. seaiec propos al u lit ha nM-.Uwl h.rw nn ...... tentrlon of 1ettv it month ne r..i...i.i. River, Oregon and Washington. unUI II A t T.-iniioi-r .11 HWK n7 i. - i..." ly opened. Intormatloa on application. W. w. i iuuvi, iuoj. xiugn. ilijcellaneous. FORTUXD. OR.. JAV ISM rr i Ti.,.nu- k.. .W.. ... . - . . ..... viuutu urn. in-- .Mime ui me stramer .uiuiAii. uuicibi numufr .uv.irti. oe cnangeu u auir. j. i. .raiterson. ijoiiecior ot tui- GOODS LEFT AT 411 MORRISON ST. WILL " aoiq tor repairs alter tD. 1. 1U03. BUSINESS DIKECTOKY. Accordion. Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD. 01 MARQUAM BL.nri- accardloa aad knife plaiting and pinking. Assaycrs and Analysts. MONTANA ASSAT OFFICE. 203 STARK ot. jrncea.: uoiq. copper. 31; silver. 50c PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANA- lyst; goid dust bought. 22SK Stark sr. Bos teres Colleges. GREGG SHORTHAND TOUCH TYPEWRIT - business practice: positions found for grad- uiy ana Bigai scnooi. lioimes nusl nesa College. Y. M, C A. bldg. Main 51X Carpet Cleaning. Sanitary carpet cleaning, suction and com- jncasco. air comoinea; carpets cleaned on rciauvaL niaia oJi. tia&l 2094. Clalrvoyaats. AilERICA'S NOTED CLAIRVOYANT EUGENE" HALE. 231-FIFTH STREET 231 50c SPECIAL FEE 50c Tells your full name. Telia what you" call for. Tells whom and when You will marry. No charge Unless satisfactory. You can be the judge. WOUld VOU know the future loon o. tal? Ste Prof. Kale Telt I,.-, n-..-. noys. perplexes, orriea you; tells what your ' ' i.v kuu il; nnutes you happy: trives namr.i Aatcjt fai-ta nf n.,- OUt VOU SDeaklnC a. wonl n. vom- r,-,. ft. u.c, lan, inunc. Ciluntrrj: ail Wltn- DevelocM me!!nmhtn in m ,t9n. nat.i.. astrology, personal magnetism in 2o days! Classes formtnc: locates hnrli irai. mines and valuable, ores. Overcomes weak- ucu, tuoiurcs vital ana magnetic force. Hours 10 A. M. to S P. M. Dally and Sunday. 231 VITTTW ?T"TT--t T--i-IT OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE. 50c SPECIAL FEE 5Cc THE GREAT. ONLY AND ORIGINAL $5 COMPLETE LIFB READING, 50c iiwuiu, UiAUlVUXANl. ROHV WITIT a rw-irrat i- vt-tt EDUCATED IN EGYPT AND INDIA. tvt .t.i: vnim vivp TELLS YOU WHEN AND WHOM YOU Positively mentioning your sweetheart's full ..m. Settlea InVA niMrr.1. tinrf n.Annl.. t I . u "u ma-tiTT- now long stancing. voyant Is acknowledged by preau and public the rreateat llvim. nii r. rr-t, . ..r' ,.t- DiuiL "" i'w-",v-' bbe tellS What Vnil eamn n- h-fr... nm. uws not asa questions, no mat ter What vour troilhte mo. k. Call and she will guide you with certalaty higher than human power. Tells you the HOITR5t Ifl TO U Tl 1 TT ..n ... ... PARLOUS Willi: VtnDTSrtV- ,A,V same FinnR Aa '...iwr. ,.r ' TSWC "vaiuil lb,ldla iTAXV- PHOP VA-M cnrjTT ivn RVOYANT AND PALm'isT, 23 PITT.!. T ier- nr-.mve 313H WARWtvriTnw nou' .rir HE WIT T. TL'f t -X,- VT.VA . . AGE. OCCUPATION AND WHAT YOli FOP THE MOMENT YOU ENTER HIS i-uiMjii UK CHARGE YOU NOT PRO'P lI'IVTmn CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST. 5gc-Wc pis Week $5.00 ReadIngs-50c-COc HE WILL TELL YOU YOUR FULL NAME, ,, ... AWXJ, iAA.urAiiu.,. Tells life from cradle to grave. Consulta- nun on an aaairs. good or bad. v.cuiu3 aiag., soajj ilorrlaon. MME. DR. HERZOG, FROM BERLIN. SCI- cuuiHi i.ireitr, tens me irom cradle to iiaTC uuuiuiuiiian on nil atTni i- -i Vice, sura heln ml.t.v. in.. hi-. stores lost love and unites separated by t- I-...- -! nn-r -r. , Chiropodist and Hani curia j-.' WM. D EVENT & ESTELLE D EVENT THE rrr vi3 riir"-1'13' iSrlor3 room txr, iu- -a st. i-none Main 5r . iong-nairea gentleman. iu. man jrou arc imKinr ta. Coal Dealers. UBEAT WESTERN COAL CO.. 4(1 HOYT cor. 11th Miners and producers cf wasned '"" iiii nut iiuuio coots. i,ump, $0; nut. - ueuverea witnia one mile of yards; satis- .uuu timinniCTB. jrnone iiain His. VULCAN COAT. CO wht...i. j . . ,.!.. i . "T ""ith, uest " , uianuijr ouu imeiter coae. 328 B st. Drewcxaklng. ivciaijui a xaaies xaiiortnir rtY.. -r... terns to measure. Allsky. hall too lax tZX Harness aad Saddles. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE. saie saaaies aad harness xifrs.. saddlery hardware, leather aU klada. 72I74 stB I at. "CHE OEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WH OLE- If" HERMAN 2CSTZGER, PDBCKA3KX OT hides. peUav tuxa. wool, raohair. tail&w. I4 rubber aad old metal and sostrai coainu sldh. znerchast. jrroat rt., aear Unfri. Fen- 1 . -. TATLOR. YOUNG A CO, SHIP XKOKMM PnrlVr.T'Trr "" f W ALLEN A LEWIS. COMMISSION" XtQ9 produce merchants. Front aad DvU sts. Portland. Or- Carpenters aad TtnlTrlpni. W. L. Buckner. offiea. store fixtures, irmnnl Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Black914. GEO. W. OORDON. COUNTERS, SHSTLVS bouses built and repaired. 2os 4th. Clay 174! Daaciar. MJ1S, GRANT'S adult and children's classes. Western Academy. Morrison et, cor. 2d. 23 14th. cdr. Jeff. Waltstng- a P9eIaltr. Djeinr; and CJeanlax. H. W, TURNER. PROFESSIONl, TITER and cleaner. 505 Jefferson. Tel. Main 23X3. Educational. PRIVATE LESSONS, FRENCH! GERMAN Latin. EngUsh. Suite 27. 1S7 lTth t Fraternal Insnraace. Order ot Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of N. W.: protects the living. J il Mitchell. Sup. Sac 612-015 Mayquam. bids" Jonlc, Hides aad Pelt. L. SHANK & CO., PURCHASERS OS hides, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers. metals and sacks. 342 Front st, Ijadj. LAND SCRIPS. GENERAL LAND PRAC tlce. CoIUna Land Co.. Concord bldg. Leather aad Finite. J. X STROWB RIDGE LEATHER CO ES. tabllshed, 1S3S. Leather and findings: Stock ton sole leather and cut stock; full lln Eastern Jumbos. 1S3 Front sc THE BREYMAN CO.. LEATHER MFRS." boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store supplies, leather of silt kinds. 72-74 5th. MachlBery. B TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING. SA.W mills. logging machinery: hydraulfe pipes. castings. All kinds repaired. 10 N7 4th, THE II. C. ALBEE CO.k SECOND-HAIID machinery, sawmills, etc 248 Grand ave. Marble and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS For bargains see Weeks; no agents; 20 per cent saved. At 720 Front, cor. Hooker Massage. LIFE 13 AS WE MAKE IT-PERSIAN MAS- ...o uiuauK, cieansea tho skin, acothes the nerves: Persian vapor, tub baths and massage. The Frances, 9th and Morrison. Red 2S3S. MASSAGE NEWLY FURNISHED FLAT exclusively for massage, magnetic, vapor and tub baths, by young lady with younxr lady assistant. 28U Stark st, bet. 4th and 3th. YOUNG LADY GIVES VAPOR, STEAM. AL cohol baths with magnetic treatment law face and scalp massage. Under new manazV ment. 145K uth st,. bet. Alder and MorrUon VAPOR AND SPONGE BATHS. MASSAGES nun wienu, oy experienced young lady. 351 Morrison stTrooms 11 and 12. , YOUNG LADY, JUST FROM ST. LOUIS. cialty. 110 a 4th at., rooms 8 and 9. REFINED YOUNG LADY GIVE3 TUHKIW fSSi1?" wltn "wsaeUc or massal? 1801s 3d. room 2. YOUNG LADY GIVES VAPOR BATHS AND massage. 313 Morrison, room a. Best treat meats In city. fcS.NCH LADIES GIVE BATH AND MAS Bage ueatmeat. 203 5th at. Mala 5935T Northwest Yiavi Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STST Call or send stamp for Health Book. Osteopathy. DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARYI.L T. SMITH. u.uiuiuui, piiysicins; graauatea Klrka vlle. Mo. 409 Oregonlan. jfhone Main 124" Sanitarium. 014 4th. ConsultaUoa free. DRS. ADD IX & NORTHRUP. 41& rjETrtrw bldg. Phone Main 349. Examlnatioa free. Patent Xawyers. R. a WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN ..vj , uuimicujciib wiifiwj. jjexum. T. J. GEISLER, 630 CHAM. OF COM.. U. JJ. Paints, Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbery, paints, oils. glass, sash aad doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Rubber Stamps. P. C. STAMP WQRKS; 249 ALDER, TSl! Main 719. rubber stamps, seals, stoncila. Safes. 3-INCH THICK WALLS. NOT FIRE-PROOF-Lockouts opened, repairs, steel celling, safes exchanged, Oiebold work. J. E. Davis. G6 3d. FOR SALE HALL'S SAFE NO. 301, USED but a few months. Inquire at 32S Washing ton at. Step Drinking. GUARANTEED cure; send 60c; tablet iorm; mailed in plain package; has cured thou sands. L. L. C ijo., 614 Grant bldg.. S. 3f. Spiritualists. TRANCE CLAHtVOTANT. COC, 50c, 50C. 50C, 50c. 50c, 60c. COc, 60c. STR 'PHaVctq nwivn 3035. WASHINGTON ST.. COIt. 0TH. - $5 COMPLETE LIFE READINGS, bOc THE MOMENT YOU ENTER HIS PAR LOR HE WILL TELL YOU YOUR FULL NAME: AGE, OCCUPATION. YOUR MOTH ER'S MAIDEN NAME. AND WHOM AND Mi HEN YOU WILL MARRY, and wnat you called for. without asking a question; wilt tell the name of your sweetheart or anything you want to know. He sends you away mucu wiser and happier than when you called. How can I have good luck? How can I succeed la business? How can i make my home happy? How caa I marry the one I choose? How can I marry well? How soon can I marry? How can I conquer my rival? How can I make on j one Hove me? How can I get a letter 7 How can I get a good position? 303tfe WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 5TB. MRS. WALLACE, 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S-, most reallable medium; all la trouble -call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, business, love, troubles; absent trlends hours 9-3. MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CONSUL1. ea dally at 412 Alder, cor. 11th. Mala tail. MRS. a CORNELIUS. 307 Allsky bldg 34 ana Mortmon. sittinga dally. Hood 403. MRS. STEVENS, spiritual life reader, sc'iea tlflc palmist. 5uc 2133 Yamhill, cor. 7th. Showcases, Bank aad Store Fixtures. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. 348 1st, near Market. Phone Black 3133. THE L.UTKE MANUFACTURING CO., COB, Uth and Hoyt. Phono Main 140S. Second-Hand Dealers, SUGARMAN fc SONS, highest price paid- 2d hand furniture, stoves. 233 Front. Red 3173, Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED. icu.ujf iur aniyyins ana scippea; ail work guaranteed; large three-story brick fire, proof warehouse for storage. Office, 123 lac. C M. Olsea. Phone Main 547. C. O. PICK. OFFICE, SS 1ST, BET. STARK a.uu um. . raw hod. x-ntnoa ana unuture moved and packed for shipment; commodious fireproof brick warehouse. Front Ss. Clay su. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT -uuuKbwiu swui ana xumitnre, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and an movable articles at reasonable prices. C F. HARDER. PIAN03 AND FURNITURE moved; rural ture. china and glassware packtd for shipping by experienced packers; all work guaranteed. Phone East 1B12. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 54 THIRD ST wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue. Typewriters. Now typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and "f"""! Acscy. iai star. Tel. 1407. Wholesale Graeen. - ate tot Bi, w 1 in-ea-nxilais I .i.. : ... OTlMiHn) ur.