y - THE SUNDAY QBEGOSIAX, POBTLAjND, 29, 1003. 23 FO& SALE FAKMS. FARMS- - 256 acres, near Eugene, Or., one of .the best farms and bent-Improved liT Lane Coun ty . $42 per acre. 150 crfct. all level, rich bottom land, near Oregon City, fine Improved road all way out. good bull a In ss. orchard, running water; 525 per acre. 157 acres choice land, 75 acres river bottom land. 100 acres cultivated, house, bam. or chard, near Newberg, Or.; $40 per acre. 119 acres. 111 acres cultivated. 59 acres of which ' choice bottom land and 9 acres bcavcrdam. running, stream of water, two houses, large barns, all good, 6 acres In orchard, at R. R. station, convenient to Wcodburn. Sllverton and Mt, Angel; a very choice farm. $65 jer acre. 23 acre, well located In Washington Coun ty, good Improvements, splendid orchard. nar school: ft. F. D.. and the best of land; lhl week for $975 cahh: must sell. 1100-acrc Eastern Oregon stock farm, all well fenrrd, good building, orchard, "running water; 40 acres bottom land, 30 acres In alfalfa, irrigated; 1 mile to good town on railroad: some stock; all farm Implement; trade for farm In the Valley pr Improved acres sc near Portland. ITS acres. 150 acres highly cultivated, well fenced and eross-fenced. fine largo house, barns, family, orchard, watered by well, springs and stream; land corners to station on electric road; fronts on fine level drive road. 9 miles east of Portland; one of the choice farms of Multnomah County. 11 acres nice land. Bast Bide, near Port land. 100 acres, all choice land, no gravel, all fenced, 73 acres cultivated; new, modern house. 8 room", concrete basement, hall, pan try, closets, bath, porches, fine new barn, rustic and painted; 10 cows. 2 calves. 8 hogs, 1 team wagon, hack, cream separator, all farming Implements. 40 tons hay, 450 bushels potatoes, etc., 10 miles from Port land, on a fine level road all way out. lfe miles from electric car; a very cheap farm. Pine fruit farm in California, trade for Oregon property. 246 acres, all fenced. 80 acres cultivated; eplendld hour e at 8 rooms, plastered. 2 barns, watered by springs, orchard, SO miles south west Portlsnd. $5500. Four acre. 1 arre In strawberries, 1 acre in tree fruits, chicken-yard, nice mdoirn fJ-roora house, convenient to 5-cent car line; $2625. HBNKLE & BAKER, 217 Ablngton bldg., Portland, Or. XARM BIG SNAP; READ CAREFULLY 920 acres, 160 acres cultivated, 340 acres fine yeftow. and red fir timber, some level creek bottom, good for bops, part rolling bill land and all good soil; fine hill and moun tain outrange for flock; ctreams and springs la each field and pasture; good G-room house, 2 bam?, water piped to house and barn, hot and cold water In the house, all good out buildings, new electric road will run within fire miles of the farm, good community, xhool. fctore, church, free mall delivery and farmers' telephone In the neighborhood. 100 acres now in growing grain, 1 wagon, 1 hack, 1 mower, 1 rake, 1 steel harrow, 1 disc.. 2 plows, all tma!l tools; located in Benton County. Oregon, and conceded to bo one of) the best Atock farms In the Valley; Imme diate possession; reasonable payment down and ay terms on balance. The best propo sition now offered anywhere For an imme diate klIc, all goes as above described for $6500. HESKLB ft BAKER. 217 Ablngton bldg., Portland. Or. FARMS. FEW EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS JUST IN. r.65 ACRES Fine buildings of all kinds. 400 acres under cultivation, well fenced. 15 acres prunes, good drier; 1 miles from good town In Yamhill County. This Is an up-to-date place in every respect; easy terms; J 17 per acre. 348 ACRES Big barn, cheap house: 73 acres under cultivation. 100 ready for plow; lot small fruit; all good level land; 1 miles from good live town In Polk County; JIG per acre; terms easy. B0 ACRES All n cultivation, of which there are 25 acres of hops tn fine condition, all cleared and plowed; yield last year. 27.000 pounds; latest improved hophouse; one of the best yards and small farms In Polk County. 1H miles from town: railroad runs past place. Price only $6500. part cash. TAFT &. CO. 44-ACRE FRUIT FARM. PARTLY IN FRUIT and cultivation. 254 miles east of Newberg, 4 mile from More, railway station and good school; good nelghlorhood: terms, $2500, two- tniras down. j. i-. ieitingiii.. owner, ilex. uregon. ORCHARD ASSORTED FRUITS, FULL bearing, near Portland, good condition; 5 room hou5e. well, etc.; ready to make money: buy it and be your own boss, enap for some body; easy terms. Address A 'M, care Ore gon lan. FOR SALE-1000 ACRES NEAR DUFUR; 1C0 acres all wheat land, near Dufur; 480 acres near Nansene. 400 acres in cultivation; 200 acres near Nansene. 100 in cultivation; easy, terms. J. A. Douthlt, The Dalles, Or. 120 ACRES FOR SALE; HOUSE, BARN, small orchard, running water. SO acres cleared. 14 miles to etore, school, churches, 7 miles east Oregon City; $1500. A. L. Christopher, Gresham. Or. 80 ACRES RICH BOTTOM LAND NEAR Pleasant Home; easily cleared and put in cul tivation, on county road; running water; only $1000; a enap for the buyer. William Denholm, Failing bldg. A GREAT BARGAIN 545 ACRES OF YAM hlll land, right on railroad, half cultivated; too good to tell the public; only buyers wanted to call and learn particulars. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder st. 14 Vs ACRES FINE LAND; 23 IN CULTIVA tlon; 8 miles Portland, main county road; good house, barn, fine orchard, all kinds fruits, good living water, free mail. E 8S. Oregonlan. FOR SALE ICO ACRES ABOUT 40 MILES from Portland; owners living East; bar gain; also CO acres, or part of It, 9 miles from Vancouver; 2 acres In fruit trees. In quire 390 Everett st. 100 ACRES RICH LAND, CO ACRES EASY cleared; 5 miles from town; 1,500,000 feet timber, no improvements; price $500. Wluttcn &. Bryant. 718 Marquam Bldg. 26 ACRES FRUIT ORCHARD. CHOICE VA rietieti, fronting on lake near Columbia; a beautiful place and good Incomer easy of access; $2.50. Cook &. Co.. 251 Alder st. 20 ACRES TIMBER. 2H MILES FROM railroad and 25 miles from Portland; adjoin ing land raises 150 sacks potatoes to acre; for $385, part cash. L. Neul, 247 Halsey. 1200 ACRES FARM AND TIMBER LANDS, near Lakevlew and Klamath Fells; a little money will handle It. or might trade. See owner. P. A. Oecar. SL Charles Hotel. DO YOU WANT CASH FOR YOUR FARM or real estate, no matter where located? Write or call on F. S. Keating, 504 Marquam bldg , Portland. Or. IRG1NI .VEFARMS. ALL SIZES; PRODUCE all klnds"of crop., For health, wealth and Information, write Virginia Farmer. Dept. US. Kmporia, Va. OR J ALE 5 OR 10 ACRES. ALL IN FRUIT. 'u.I Wring; tu me from Vancouver. Wash. H A. Haseltine. owner. 2C4 Stark st.. Port land ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IMPROVED land? 7" acres near city. Apply 07 E. 9th N.. near Davis. Call forenoons. FOR RALE GOOD IMPROVED FARM NEAR Vancouver: oloe to railroad; easy terms. T SO. cure Oregonlan. FOR SALE 100 ACRES VIRGIN LAND: 19 miles from city. Se D. K. Budd about bargain. 110 1st st. ONE OF THE CHOICEST HOMESTEAD rlebU In the Hood River Valley for sale. N 3. Oregentan. $110-5 ACRES, ONE MILK EAST OF Lents P. O. R. Breyer. 539 Vancouver ave. FOR RENT FARMS. 20 ACRES FOR MARKET GARDEN. ON Oregon City electric line; running water. Adam H. G. Starkweather. Milwaukie, Or FOR RENT 5-ACRE TRACT, WITH 5-ROOM bittoe, all improved, on car line. See owner J F. Davis, St. Charles Hotel, city. ' FOR MINT FLACK FUITABLE FOR A mall dairy. Apply M. Mason Rres.. 4 1st and Div-ieton sts. Phone Seott 32SS. 1U ACRES FINELY IMPROVED. HOUSE l-arn. etc.; street -car line. L. K. Thompson ft i' 228 M. P LAND SCRIP. THREE 40S OF SCRIP THAT MILL TAKE uiw-urveyed land, with perfect negotiable title immediately to land selected; guaran teed and chaap. Address American Timber vumpany. Portland. FCKEST RESERVE- SCRIP. Approved, unrotrlctcu. ready for lmmedlau UK. LOWEST PRICES. B T. ft F. B. Riley. CuS Chamber Commerce. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. TIM bered. farm or grazing land, all sizes, lowest prices, II. B. Compson. 618 Marquam bldg. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE AND OTH. r guaranteed land scrip en band ready to locate MaginnU ft Son. 227 Falling bldg. LAND SCRIP FOR IMMEDIATE USE FUR nlithed. will take any Government land. Wltltten & Bryant. 718 Marquam bldg. FOREST RESERVE AND ALL OTHER crips, general land practice. Collins Land Cow. Concord bldg. TY",re again In the market with low-priced scrip. L. W. Whiting & Co., 408 Ablngton. TO X CHANGE. EXCHANGE $2500 HOME. FULLY FUR nlshed. drawing good rent, lawn, shade trees, flowers, barn, chicken-coop, woocbouse. cellar, in mining and smelting town;, for improved farm lana; must be good soil and good mar ket. Address L Ms, Oregonlan. EMPTY, STRICTLY MODERN 7-ROOM tvell-rocaiod residence, with fruit trees, to exchange, for good rooming-bouse; $2100. City Business -'Chance Agency, 228 1st st. SECOND-HAND TALKING JiACHINES OF all makes bought, sold and exchanged; bargains in second-band machines and rec ords. 190 3d st. 40 ACRES. GOOD SOIL. NO ROCKS. PART ly cleared; house and spring; adjoining Ore gon City. Addros Plumber, 4U2 Williams ave., Portland. IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY TO Ex change for rooming-house. Hatfield & Smith, JKSVi 4th St.. room 32. TWO .GOOD SUBURBAN LOTS TO Ex change for rooming-house and seme casn. B 3. Oregonlan. $50 VIOLIN FOR TYPEWRITER, ROLLTOP desk or large trunk of equal value. O 93, Oregonlan. WANTED TO TRADE TYPEWRITER 'FOR hand printing press. Address P 99, Ore gonlan. ACREAGE FOR HOUSE AND LOT OR VA cant lot; all or equity. O 2. Oregonlan. NEARLY NEW 3U-WAGON TO TRADE FOR express waon. Phone East 2209. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE BONA FIDE BUYERS FOR DE elrable West Side residence and business property. A customer wants lot, or cottage and lot. near 23d street. List with us for quick sales. Northrup & King. 210 and 211, Commercial block. WE WANT WEST "BIDE RESIDENCES, $2000 to $10,000; also business ptopertles, V5000 to $20,000. Have buyers. JU W. Whit ing ft Co JUS Ablngton bldg. WANTED A LOT OR 5 OR 6-ROOM HOUSE close in. East Side, must be a bargain for cash; state price. P 2. Oregonlan. WANTED HOUSE AND LOT IN OR NEAR Alblna; customer waiting. F. S. Keating, 504 Marquam bldg. WANTED TO BUY 6-ROOM COTTAGE, lull lot; state price and location. Q 96. Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY GOOD HOP OR FRUIT farm; give price and terms. S 1, Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY FARMS. FARM SMALL FARM. WITH HOUSE. 40 to 80 acres, O. W. P. car-line; must be cheap and easy terms. H 100, care Orego nlan. TIMBER LANDS. DO YOU WANT CASH FOR YOUR TIMBER land? Write, stating particulars or call. F. S. Keating, 504 Marquam bldg., Port land. Or. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles und "Harness. WORK TEAM. WEIGHT 2650, HARNESS, wagon, $95; good torrel mare, new harness ana top buggy, good for family, $115; span of nice bay xnaresG to 7, $123; sorrel team, weight 2700; $225; good saddle hone cheap; must be-sold. 1905 Stable, 122 Union, cor. Alder. WE ARE COMPELLED TO HAVE MORE room, and for the next' few days will sell buggies, wagons and vehicles of all kinds at a very low price; we have harness, saddles, wagons and horses for rent or sale. 211 Washington st. Tomllnson & Casslday. PAIR OF HORSES. 7 AND 8 YEARS OLD. weight 3100 pounds, are sound, work single or double; wilt-) be shown In haraeia to a load; also heavy harness and good second hand wagon. Call Regal Stables, 14th and Burnslde sts. Phone Main 4330. HAVING OPENED A fIrST-CLASS BOARD lng stable at 108 6th st. North, and made ar rangements with a first-class trainer Just from the East, we are prepared to take a few good horses to educate for track or road. McCormlck & Kiser. ALL KINDS OF HORSES. HARNESS, wagons and buggies for sale at the Red Front Stables; deliver horses for hire by the week or month. This stable Is under new management. Wm. Reynolds, Prop. Phone Main 1125. $45 BUYS BAY HORSE, 8 YEARS OLD. weight 1100 pounds, suitable for express or delivery work; also set of new express har ness; $12.50. Call Regal Stables. 14th and Burnslde sts. SNAP $150 BUYS BROWN MARE. WEIGHS 1170 pounds, 7 years old, perfectly sound and gentle: new Concord business buggy and harness, outfit can be seen at the Regal Sta bles, 14th and Burnslde ets . BARGAIN $100 BUYS TEAM WAGON AND harness, team is 8 years old. weighs 2400 pounds, hsrness is new. wagon Is in first class order; will sell separately. Call 23 N. 14th st. "UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE RED Front Stables board and cam for horses in a first-class manner: good livery and hack In connection. Wm. Reynolds, Prop, Main 1123. WILL BOARD A 'GOOD HORSE AND BUG gy In the best livery stable In the city for light pleasure-uso of rig. G. F. Handley, billiard parlors, 10th arA Washington sts. YOUNG HORSE, 1100 POUNDS: PONY, BUG gy and harness. Where the Montavlila car crosses Wlberg Lane, WAGONS AND OTHER VEHICLES FOR sale or hire; also horses. Hubert & Hall, 2C1 4'h. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND 2D-HAND vehicle's on Coast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. 18 HEAD WELL BROKE HORSES FOR sale. City Hall Sale Stables, 204 Fourth st. FOR SALE 2 CARRIAGES OR CABS; RUN three months. 2C4 Jefferson st., room 10. 10 HEAD OF HORSES FOR SALE AT MON tavilla Liver Barn. Phone Union 22. LIGHT OPEN BUGGY FOR SALE. NO. 7C3 E. Burnslde st. I'npne East 470. 24 HORSES FOR SALE AT 4TU AND BURN side. rUsos. FUE UPRIGHT PIANO. $135; PARTY needs money badly. See It at Fisher Music Co.. 190 3d st. $235 CASH BUYS $425 PIANO, USED FEW weeks; need money. A 52, Oregonlan. FINE-TONE PIANO AND NEW ORGAN; cheap. Q 9S. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. INSTRUMENTS OF WOODSTOCK BAND AT third of first cost; bass drum, snare drum. E flat trumpet (silver), lamy, B flat cor net, two B nat clarionets, one lamy, B flax baritone, three altos. B flat tuba. B flat tenor, two plccolas. slide trombone, three B fiat cornets (damaged), slide trombone (damaged). 12 music racks, music books, triangle; will sell the lot. or separately. Address Band Woodstock, or phone Union 20U2. Snap for dealer. TYPEWRITERS! TYPEWRITERS ! ! TYPE wrltors!!! Every make; new and second hand: prices lower than the lowest; spe cial bargains this week In Remingtons and Smith Ptemlers Bring us your repair work, we know how to do it right. Come and examine what we have, or address Portland Typewriter Exchange. 514 Mar quam Bldg., Portland. Or., or J. H. Dlck erwon or W. L. Murray. FOR SALE ONE-FOURTH INTEREST IN A patented tool that I am having made In the East by a large manufacturer wltti whom I have a contract to make and sell them and to pay me 10 per cent on all sales without a cent of cost to me; the tool will be gen erally used by everyone; we are now ready to ptacs them on the market; if you have cash, investigate at once. Phone Main 48S5. FOR SALE A LARGE QUANTITY OF empty Hour sacks. This article can be used to great advantage in the household for many purposes. For sale cheap in any quantity to purchasers; 50-lb. sacks. 25c per dox.; 100-lb. sacks, 50c per dozen. adfic Coast Biscuit Co.. 12th and Davis ets. DOBS YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elaterite: it rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over eld iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs.. Eatertta Roofing Co.. room 2, Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE AN IDEAL POULTRY RANCH; good house and barn, new henhouse, fine well and fruit, brook of running water near house, three miles from city limits; $300. See owner. Selling-Uirsch. room 14. FOR SALE NEW AND 2D-HAND BIL llard and pool tables: easy payments: we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern l-ar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender. 49 3d st. EIGHT MONTHS OLD WHITE MALE Pomeranian dog. one of rfee best-trained -and prettiest dogs In towh; price $15 If taken at once. Inquire of The Browns ville Woolen Mill Store FOR SALE. Xlsoeltaaecfa. GOOD FRESH JERSEY COW CHEAP; ALSO team of good horses, old harness and wagon, at $S5. Call Monday morning at place ad joining ML Tabor Reservoir on north. C J. Larson. FOR SALE TWO SHOWCASES. PLATE glass front and top beveled with -plate glass fixtures inside. 12 and 13 feet long, good as aw. Apply Roberts Bros.. 3d and Morrison. FOR A SHORT TIME WE CAN SELL YOU stock in the Humboldt mine at 23c a share; clean investment; nothing better; no gamble. See owner, room 40, Hamilton bldg. IRON BED SPRINGS AND MATTRESS. $5; dresierr French-plate glass. $6.50: writing desk, bookcaoe combined; $10. 507 Falling st.. near Williams ave. FOR SALE 6-FOOT SHOWCASE FRENCH plat top. two shelves; al&o Hairs fireproof safe, used but & few months. 320 Washing ton st FOR SALE A 3-TEAR-OLD HEREFORD bull, or will trade for one of same breed: to be seen at Union Stockyards, city. C Mlo singer. FRESH DURHAM COW. GOOD ONE AND few good barred Rock cockerels. First home west Beservolr No. 2, Section Line road. SECOND-HAND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinds at lowest prices, cash or In stallments. Fisher Music Ox. 190 3d It. FOR SALE LARGE SOLID WALNUT CY Inder secretary and bookcase combined. In good condition. Addres N 2. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A BRUNSWICK & BALKE pool table with cues and stand, counters, bottle and ball rack. Apply 53 1st st. FOR fcALE 2D-HAND ENGINES. BOILERS, sawmills, pumps and general machinery, by H. C Albea Co.. 248 Grand ave. DOUBLE-SEATED AUTOMOBILE. ALMOST new, cheap for cash, or will take smaller one in trade. P. O. Box 1040. 12-FT. IXL POWER WINDMILL. WITH foot gear, pump Jack and couplings, com plete,vcheap. S 98, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 10x12 AXMINSTER RUG: used only a few weeks: cost $35; will sell for $20. Call at 429 3d st. RESPECTABLE. PAYING SALOON LONG lease,, reasonable: 2 cash registers; reason, going away. Ill N. 3d. 160 CORDS FINE FIR. WOOD ON BANK river at Holbrook fcr sale or trade. 521 Morrison st. Ralston. PRIZE-WINNING WHITE PERSIAN MALE cat. fine pedigree. Inquire 221 13th. Phono Main 2CS7. ' CHEAP 700 CORDS BIG FIR WOOD, 4 foot lengths. Fred Voget. Salem, Or. Route 9. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER AND DESK, also safe for sale or trade. 211 Washing ton st. 125 YARDS BODY BRUSSELS CARPET, good as new, for sale cheap. Phone Main 2808. FRESH COW. WT?H CALF. FOR SALE. C. EIcfcMr. Center Station, Oregon City car line. Bargains tn typewriters, eupplles, office goods, rubber stamps, safes. Coast Co.. 231 Stark. A FINE. ALMOST NEW. $60 BICYCLE for $10. Apply at 608 Everett, near 21st. POME RAN I AX SPITZ: A GENUINE BBAU ty, male. 5 months old. Inquire 2C9 Clay. FOR SALE TWO GOOD FRESH COWS AT 068 E. 21st t. Take Brooklyn car. BUY YOUR WOOD AND COAL OF HOOVER, 313 Water st. Phone Main 4596. FOR SALE COUNTERS. SHELVING AND show-cases. 105 N. 14th et. FOR SALE FOX TERRIER PUPS, CHEAP. Box 31, Lents. Oi. TTF-TVP WANTED fAT.T, GOVERNMENT POSITIONS 30.000 Ap pointments last year. Chances better now. Thousands we have prepared have been ap pointed. Ry. mall and all other examina tions soon in every state. Write for free booklet F-l. giving list of positions, sample questions, etc. to National Correspondence Institute, Pacific Coast Ofilce. 927 Market St.. San Francisco, Cal. MANAGER WANTED ALL SECTIONS TO select agents for the famous "Game O Skill" Lawful everywhere, fills long-felt want, -takes place forbidden slot machines, operated with nickels; rented or sold on easy payments; 42,000 now In use; -sample aent on 30 days free trial. Write at once for particulars. Fairbanks Billiard Table Works. dek 73. Cleveland. Ohio. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE WE DO A legitimate business, and run a clean place, on sound principles, with ample financial backing. We give every student the ad vantage of learning the trade under a pro fessional barber, and we guarantee success to those who will try to learn. We want to and will Improve the art. 207 Flanders. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LOCAL REPRE sentatlve to appoint agents and supervise the ale of a high-grade office specialty. Just out. Indispensable to every user of tho phone. SMls on sight. Inclose stamp for full particulars. The Telephone Appliance Company. 705 Drexel bldg., Philadelphia. Pa. TRAVELING SALESMEN WHO DESIRE TO Increase their Income should investigate our proposition to salesmen. Our line Is staple, and we otter remarkable Inducements to the retail merchant. We have places worth $3000 per year up for five good men. De partment 509. 356 Dearborn si, Chicago. SKILLFUL SCHEME SALESMAN RETAIL er wins out and Is pleased; office or road position; nothing equal to It: $200 per week csn be made; can be used as a very profit able side line; samples Mght and furnished on references; correspondence confidential. Address Dept. A. Box 355. Chicago. MEN THE ORIGINAL JNO. A. MOLER'S Barber College. B44 Clay st.. San Francisco. Is the larrest, lightest and cleanest college in America; trade taught In 8 weeks; positions guaranteed; tuition earned while learning; expert Instructors: constant practice. Wn:s correct No. (644 Clay) for terms. FARMER WANTED. WITH SMALL FAMIIjY, for mv farm; must be experienced and up-to-date, a good worker and kind to stocx; a gpod home and pay to the right kind of man; wages $40 per month and farm truck included. Call via Gresham or write me, Troutdale. Or. A. T. Webb. THE PHOENIX MUTUAL LIFE INSUR ance Company of Hartford, an annual dividend-paying company, organized in 1S51, wants throughout Oregon experienced life Insurance agents or hustlers with refer ences. DO IT NOW. 317 Chamber of Commerce. A. B. KIRSCHBAUM & CO. WILL ENGAGE a thoroughly experienced and representative clothing salesman for the states of Oregon. Washington and Montana. Must have a rec ord of S50.000 net. shipping sales. Address Klrscbbaum. Philadelphia. THERE IS MORE DEMAND THAN EVER for competent ealewnen. bookkeepers, sten ographers and technical men, and we need men for many such positions now open. Pacific Commercial Bureau, suite 45, Con cord block, 2d and Stark. WANTED BOOKKEEPER BY LARGE MAN ufacturing and Jobbing house to take entire charge of office; must be therougniy profi cient and up-to-date and familiar with all labor-saving devices. Address in confidence T 2. care Oregonlan. LOGGERS. MILL AND YARDMEN. LABOR, era. city and country: men and teams, farm, bands and milkers, restaurant and mest-hctus help: work of all kinds. Canadian Employ, meat Co.. 249 Burnsld and 2264 Morrison. Phone Main 3074. EXPERIENCED TRAVELING SALESMEN by Cleveland jobbing house, to fill vacancy for 1905. High commission, with $35 week ly. W. a Flnley Co.. 90 Prospect st.. Cleveland, Ohio. PERSON TO CALL ON RETAIL TRADE. Established business. $26 and expenses paid weekly. Expense money advanced. Posi tion permanent. Previous experience not es sential. Address Trade Manager, 323 Dear born. Chicago. WANTED PERSON TO CALL ON RETAIL trade for manufacturing bouse; local terri tory; salary $25, paid weekly; expense money advanced; previous experience unnec essary. American House. Star bldg., Chi cago. WANTED THREE TRAVELING MEN FOR Oregon and adjoining states. No canvass ing, no books: staple line: experience un necessary. Salary $75 month, expenses and commik-sljn. Wltmer Co.. Bay City, Mich. WANTED INTELLIGENT. WELL-EDUCAT-ed roan, compensation $75 per month; must Invest at least $250; best opening In Port land for right party. Apply Immediately, 8 Labbe bldg.. 2d and Washington. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade. Coyne Bros. Co.. School of Practical Plumbing. Send for catalogue. Ad dresj 4S73-75 Easton ave. Si. Louis. Mo. WANTED HUSTLERS TO TACK SIGNS, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; good pay. Son Advertising Bureau. Chicago. TRAVELING SALESMEN WANTED GOOD ones quick, to sell our paint and varnish. Ebccsos & Co.. EL Louis. HKI.P WANTED MALE. A FEW CAPABLE SALESMEN STAPLE line, with strong Inducements. Something entirely new. High commission, with ex penses advances. Permanent. Sales Man ager. 23 w. Atwater st., Detroit. Mien. WANTED CITY SALESMAN ON COMMIS lon basis for short account system; one accustomed to- handling accounts in a re tall store. C Oregonlan.. WANTED A RELIABLE MAN E EACH small country town to distribute circulars In bis own town at 35o per hundred or $3 per thousand. State Medical Institute, Seat tle. Wash. YOUNG MEN EVERYWHERE, COPY LET ters. home evenings. $9.5o week. Send ad drosied envelope for particulars. Manager Dept. S 223. Box 1411. Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED LIFE-INSUR-ance agent, having more, than ordinary en ergy and tact, for assistant superintendent of agents In Oregon. - C 97, Oregonlan. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS; COMMISSION : Exposition publication, newspapers, maga xlnea. periodicals. Clyde's Advertising Bu reau. 638 Chamber of Commerce. LOCAL AGENT CAN SECURE EXCLUSIVE control of S. F. factory's output. Samples furnished. No risk. W. F. A. Co.. 8 Co lumbian building, San Francisco. HELP NEEDED-GOOD OPENING FOR live. neat, temperate man to engago In real estate business on small capital. City Busi ness Chance Agency, 228 1st St. MAN WITH SOME EXPERIENCE IN LIGHT machine work, similar to bicycle repairs; give reference; experience and wages ex pected. F 99, Oregonlan. WANTED BOY TO CLERK IN STORE; ONE who has had some experience In paints and oils preferred; state references and wages wanted. J 1, Oregonlan. WANTED MEN EVERYWHERE. GOOD pay. to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc. No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. WE WANT A LIVE. ENERGETIC. PUSH Ing solicitor; to the right man we'll present a money-making, legitimate proposition. S 99. care Oregonlan. WANTED SALESMEN; TO SELL ATTRAC tive proposition to general trade, season 1905. Can easily earn $3000 net. Lock box 97, -Cedar Rapids, Iowa. , SALESMAN WANTED TO SELL A "NEW preparation to saloon trade; good commis sion. Address, with reference. Manufacturer, P 87. Oregonlan. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS SOLICITOR FOR monumental work; must have experience and references. Address Watts Marble Works, The Dalles, Or. A TRUSTWORTHY. RESPONSIBLE MAN to drive delivery wagon for bakery: must be recommended; good wages. Apply L 95, care Oregonlan. $25 PER WEEK AND TRAVELING Ex penses paid salesmen to sell gooSa to gro cery dealers; experience unnecessary. Parity Co., Chicago. GOOD PAY FOR GOOD MEN SELL SICK and accident benefits; welllestabllsbed home Institution. New, popular -plans. 401 Mar quam bldg. CIRCULAR AND SAMPLE DISTRIBUTERS wanted everywhere; permanent position; good pay. American Union. Fontiac bldg., Chicago. WANTED ONE EXPERIENCED BPECIAL ty road salesman: good pay; no fakes. W. J. Lorack. sales manager, Iowa City, Iowa. WIDE-AWAKE SALESMAN OF GOOD AP pearance; must be hustler: no others need apply; 9 to 12. Room 25. 2636 Morrison. WANTED OPERATORS ON "SHIRTS AND overalls. Apply at Standard Factory No. 2, cor. Grand ave. and E. Taylor St. CIGAR SALESMEN WANTED EXPERI ence unnecessary: good pay. Emanuel Co., Station J, New York. SOLE CUT-RATE AGENCY S. F. BARBER Colleges; fare allowed. Chas. Halstead, 215 Morrison st., Portland. SALESMAN WANTED GOOD OPENINO for a good salesman. Call Monday, 310 Commercial block. WANTED TRAVELEG SALESMAN TO .sell fruits and produce as a side line. F 1, care Oregonlan. ANY PERSON TO DISTRIBUTE OUR SAM ples; $18 weekly. Empire. 4 Wells at., Chi cago, III. CARPENTER TO FURNISH MATERIAL and build house on installments. McCoy, 86 10th st. BARBERS I WANT TO BUY SHOP IN country town. Address P. O. Box 375. Port land. Or. PLUMBERS AND GASFITTERS WANTED. Apply to Robert Qillan, 413 Morrison st. Men wanted to learn barber trade. Barber College. 741 Howard St., San Francisco. BOY WANTED. GERMAN PREFERRED. Schraeders Bakery. Oregon City. Or. YOUNG MAN WANTED TO LEARN THE barber trade. 713 Powell st. DR. WALKER. 181 1ST." CURES ALL PRI vat diseases of men. SALESMAN. CITY. COUNTRY; BIO WAGES. 215 Commercial bile BRIGHT. ACTIVE BOY, WITH WIU3EL. 347 Washington. FOUR GOOD SOLICITORS AT ONCE. 232 Stark st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HOUSEWORK. HEPPNER (TICKET); OTH era. city; waitresses, $15 up (room), cham bermaids (select reference). Drake, 205tt, Washington. A GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR general housework; no washing, good wage. Apply today. C7 N. Park St., bet. Davis and Everett. WANTED GOOD. RELIABLE GIRL FOR general housework: two in family; nice loca tion; references. J. W. F.. 540 E. Ash, city. SCHOOL GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE work In exchange for room and board. Call 470 Hall, near 14th, or pbone Front 1733. WANTED AT ONCE RELIABLE. ENER getlc business woman, mature years, to take management of office. D 87. Oregonlan. WANTED GIRLS TO LEARN MILLIN ery; whole course taught in one month; $10. Hotel Brown, room 220. East 362. WANTED OPERATORS ON SinRTS AND overalls. Apply at Standard Factory No. 2, cor. Grand ave. and E. Taylor st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS DERMATOLOGIST: one who thoroughly understands the business. Address M ICO. care Oregonlan. WANTED COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER, stenographer and ofilce helper; clerk short time each day. J 3. Oregonlan. GIRL GENERAL HOUSEWORK; REFER ences. 731 Kearney, bet. 22d and 23d; car W or M. Phone Main 5388. WANTED SERVANT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: small family. H. B. Scott. 355 6th St.. cor. Mill. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE CARE of baby and assist In small family. Call at 594 E. Main. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work and cooking.. 161 24th st. Telephone Main 3116. WANTED LADY SOLICITORS. APPLY any day next week. Multnomah Institute, 66 6th st. WANTED G IELS AT PAPER BOX FAC tory. Front and Oak sts.; experienced girls preferred. WANTED COMPETENT CHAMBERMAID; none other need apply. 53 N. 18th et,, cor. Davis. GIRL WANTED. FOUR IN FAMILY; LIGHl work. E 2Sth and Kelly sts. Pbont East 214. WANTED NURSEGIRL FOR BOY, 2H years old; must sleep at home. 3S9 Alder. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN LIGHT housework for room and board. East 900. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, small family. 615 East Pine. cor. 16th st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages. Appltc 721 2d st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS WASHER AND Ironer Mondays. Phone Main 5756. YOUNG SWEDISH GIRL FOR GENERAL - housework. Apply at 409 Hall ft. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COOK. NO. 755. cor. Hawthorne ave. and 23d st. EXPERIENCED WAIST AND SKIRT HELP wasted. 314 The Dckum. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, small family. 262 12th. LADY AGENTS WANTED AT 309& 1ST sr., room D. WANTED A NEAT. COMPETENT COOK AT 295 12th at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADIES- WANTED EVERYWHERE COPY ing letters at home, evenings or spare time, and return to us. No mailing or canvass ing: $9 weekly earned; materials free. In close sett-addressed, envelope for particulars. Guarantee Co.. No. S 225 Ninth St.. Phila delphia, Pa. LADIES. $25 THOUSAND COPYING SHORT letters at home: material sent free every where. Send stamped addressed envelope Xor copy of letter and full particulars. East ern Co., 817 Heed bldg.. Philadelphia, Pa. LADIES. $7 TO $10 WEEKLY EARNED DO ing plain sewing at home; material sent free everywhere, prepaid. Stamped ad dressed envelope brings particulars. Union Co.. 1215 Filbert st-. Philadelphia. Pa. WOMEN to SEW AT HOME. $9 PER week. Material sent everywhere, free, steady work, plain sewing only. Send ad dressed envelope for full particulars. S. J. W. Du Pont, Philadelphia. Pa. LADY AGENTS MAKING LESS THAN $23 weekly should write for catalogue 4nd terms; we start you in buslnera and make ycju Independent; outfit prepared. Women's Apparel Supply Co.. Chicago. LADIES OF GOOD APPEARANCE TO TAKE orders for the largest Pacific Coast corset company. Permanent position; good pay. Address F. Wild U Co.. P. O. Box 74L Spo kane, Wash. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS CHAM bermalds. cooks, waitresses, nnrss girls, sec ond girls, housekespers. housework, $13 to $30. Canadian Parlors. 226H Morrison. Phons Main 1323. LADIES TO DO PIECEWORK AT THEIR homes: wo furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped en velope to Royal Co.. 34 E. Monroe St.. Chi cago. LADIES-$30 THOUSAND COPYING LET ters. no mailing to friends or furnishing address; stamped envelope, particulars. U. S. Advertising Co.. Dept. 849, Chicago. LADIES HAVING FANCYWORK TO SELL, embroideries; Battenberg, drawnwork; also to do other work. Stamped envelope. La dies' Exchange. 34 Monroe. Chicago.' $3.00 DAILY SELLING "BEST" SKIRT suppporter. No sewing, hooks or pins. Sam ple sent free on ten days' trial. 274 The Rockwood Company. Toledo. Ohio. COPYISTS WANTED. WRITING AT HOME; $25 per 100 letters sent us; stamped ad dressed envelope. Continental Wholesale Co., Manager B. T.. St. Louis. LADY STENOGRAPHER, fi 2. OREGONIAN. HELP WANTED mat.-k OK FEMALE. LADY OR GENTLEM-aJN OF FAIR EDU catlon for business p9sltlon: paying salary $12 to $20 per week .and board. Call or ad dress room 4. Hotel Barrie. WANTEDrrLADY OR GENTLEMAN. FAIR education-, to collect for large business firm; salary $15 per week and board, P 97, Oregonlan. MEN AND LADIES FOR LIGHT. STEADY . employment, salary guaranteed, $15 per week. Call 657 A 1st st. C A. Carter. WANTED SEVERAL PRIVATE STUDENTS In penmanship; well-known professional pen man. M 98. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookscepcrs and Clerks. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN. aged 26; 12 years experience In general merchandise business, principally hardware and groceries: can do anything from shipping-room to office work, ad writing and catalogue compiling. M 96, Oregonlan. A TRAVELING SALESMAN WISHES Po sition with liquor firm; well acquainted In Oregon and Washington. B 2, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED TRAVELING SALESMAN; can handle almost any line; best of refer ences given. Address Q 2, Oregonlan. POSITION AS MANAGER OF HOTEL OR restaurant in or out of elty; 20 years expe rience; Al reference. A 98 Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN DESIRES ANY KIND HON orable employment; good stenographer and ofilce man. H 97, Oregonlan. GENERAL OFFICE MAN. 6 YEARS' Ex perience; good references. S 97. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER WISHES position. E 100, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER WANTS POSITION. Y 3, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. ON ACCOUNT OF MY WIFE'S ILL HEALTH I am desirous of securing position In print ing office, on coast of Oregon. Am an all round printer; "no boozer"; nonunion, but would Join union If necessary. Would like to be there 1st of March. Best references. Address D. S. Johnson. Stevens Point, Wis. POSITION BY NEW YORK CHEF" COOK. 18 years practical experience, from leading hotels, clubs and cafes; good manager: best of references; willing to leave city. X 9a, Oregonlan. WANTED BY RESPONSIBLE MAN AND wife, capable of taking charge, roomlng hotve: must have work; references. Ad dress Q 87. Oregonlan. HUSTLING YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK; experienced in groceries, fruit and prod uce; egg lighter; references Al. Y 1, Or egonlan. MAN AND WIFE. REFINED AND CAPA ble, want home and work, city or country, rooming-house preferred. L 2, Oregonlan. JAPANESE T-ART1R lS5fWf ITtnv r AmtM. " nlah. domestics, servants, farmer and all ju&us oi aeip. xjiacic irj. 03 jsverett st. YOUNG MAN DESIRES POSITION INTER preter, speaking French, Greek. Italian, Spanish, Turkish. S. Strugo, Gen. Del. YOUNG MAN WANTS EMPLOYMENT: fair education; will work at anything In order to get a start. Y 97, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN DESIRES POSITION IN city; good habits and business experience; best of references. N 07, Oregonlan. FRENCHMAN. WELL EDUCATED. JUST coming to city, wants to give French lessons to private parties, H 1. Oregonlan. PRACTICAL PLUMBER WOULD LIKE Job In or out of town; first-class man; can figure all work. M 97, Oregonlan. YOUNG FRENCHMAN WANTS TO TEACH French in private families; moderate sal ary. S. Strugo, Gen. Del. WANTED BY MAN AND WIFE. COOKING, city or country, first-class cooking and pas try. K 2. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY A FIRST-CLASS carriage painter, letterer and striper. V 97, pregonlan. JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION; DO ANY work for noon for any store. Y. T phone Black 152. MIDDLE-AGED GERMAN OF GOOD HABITS eeeks employment. D 95, Oregonlan. SITUATION AS MILLWRIGHT. C 86. Ore gonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE, Bookkeepers and Stenographers. COMPETENT OFFICE CLERK AND 3TEN ographer; five years' experlsnce; nothing less than $75 per month. Address O 87, Orego nlan. WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG LADY TO do general office work; can use typewriter; insurance work preferred. K 99, Oregoznan. COMPETENT LADY STENOGRAPHER DE slres position: experienced; with best of ref erences. Address C 84, Oregonlan. POSITION AS OFFICE GIRL OR STENOG rapher: experienced: moderate wages. N. 497 Gantenbeln: phone East 887. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER DE sires a few hours work dally. B 93, Ore gonlan. Housek eepers. PLACE WANTED BY GOOD. COMPETENT lady, with child, as housekeeper. In exchange- xor room ana Doara. in small ramily. city. Address V 96. Oregonlan. HOUSEKEEPER COMPETENT. RELIABLE business woman desires position supervising or working housekeeper in rooming-house. 3 4, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED IN WIDOWER'S family by capable woman as housekeeper; can give first-class references. Phone Main 6231. MIDDLE-AGED LADY WISHES HOUSE keeplng, widow preferred, or will take charge of rooming-house. S 96. Oregonlan. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, WITH BOY NINE years, wants position housekeeper for wid ower. Phone 6392. Monday. AS HOUSEKEEPER FOR" SENSIBLE. RE fined man with home: pleasant home; no wages. N 99. Oregonlan. . EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER WANTS "position in rocmlng-nocs or hotel, V 1. Oregonlan. S. ACTUATION WANTJCD FEMALE. PLEASANT. CAPABLE LADY DESIRES Po sitions as housekeeper, companion or care or Invalid; will leave city; best of refer fiees. Phone Main 328L 86 Park st. LADY WITH NO INCUMBRANCE WOULD like position as housekeeper at good wages: mining town preferred; references asked and given. Y 33, Oregonlan. Dressmakers. MRS. L. KERLEY. 230 12TH ST.. BASE menf, will make cream wool skirts, in all the pretty pleated style, through the month of February, for $6. DRESSMAKING FOR LADIES OR CKIL drentrt your homes. Call Monday or even ings before 8. Phone Main 4641; ask for dressmaker. LADY OF 28. NEAT AT SEWING. DE alrcs position to leant dressmaking. Ad dress M 99. Oregonlan. AN EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WISHES jewing In families by the day or week. Phone East 3308. ' DRESSMAKING. SHIRTWAIST AND SUIT, by competent -naker3.-C"&; W. Shirtwaist Co.. 248 Sherman. DRESSMAKING SHIRTWAISTS. 75c: SHIRT walst suits, $3.50; skirts, $2; silk waists. $1. 320 Park st. DRESSMAKER, HAD CHARGE SHOP TEN years, wishes sewing by the day. D 2. Oregonlan. WANTED SEWING BY THE DAY; $1 PER day. Phone "Union 2792. SEWING BY THE DAY, FIT GUARAN teed. Phone. Main 6033. Domestics. WANTED PLACE WHERE 13-YEAR-OLD girl can assist with housework for board and attend school. Ladd or Harrison pre ferred. Address, with reference, erne week. F 2, care Oregonlan. GOOD. STEADY. REFINED YOUNO LADY wishes position as second girl In first-clsss family: references given. Address R 79. care Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS COOK IN PRIVATE faml,ly or boarding-house or general house work. Mrs. James Harrington, 414 Flan ders st. SITUATIONS WANTED 2 NICE NORWE gian girls, general housework, good families. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. GIRL WANTS LIGHT CHAMBER WORK or light, plain housework, out of town Tr ferred. 208 N 12th st. RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK Wednesday and Thursday only. Apply E. Morgan. 334 7th st. WANTED DOMESTIC SERVICE IN Ex change for home, and piano Instruction. Ad dress Box 995. city. WANTED-CHAMBERWORK. DISH-WASH, lng or care of Invalid. Address Mrs. Allen. 402 4th et. WOMAN WANTS SITUATION AS COOK IN private family or to do day work. K. 1, Oregonlan. WANTED PLACE AS SECOND GIRL OR housework. Miss Augusta Swonson. Phone East 830. ' WANTED PLACE TO HELP WITH LIGHT nousework and sewing. Phone Union 2792. GERMAN GIRL WANTS POSITION GEN eral housework: good cook. K 3. Oregonlan. YOUNG GIRL WANTS A SECOND PLACE; Is experienced. P 100, Oregonlan. GIRL WANTS A PLACE TO DO STRAIGHT chamberwork. L 87. Oregon. Miscellaneous. REFINED WOMAN SEEKS POSITION TO assist In light housework and needlework in small family where there are no young chil dren, in .return for comfortable home and small salary; to be as one of the family; or would be useful companion to lady or house keeper to gentleman: personal reference: dis engaged February IL T 93. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY A FIRST-CLASS cook In boarding-house or restaurant (German woman); call or address 71"& 6th St., room 42. WORK WANTED FOR CHAMBERMAIDS, waitresses, cooks, housework help: laundry, stores, ofllceo; everybody. Drake's, 203& Washington. REFINED EASTERN WOMAN OF ABILITY would like position of trust; would care for rooming hotel or restaurant. N 98, Orego nian. YOUNG LADY DESIRES SITUATION where she can have afternoons (1 to 4) and evenings free for school. L 99. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED. RESPECTABLE LADY would like position In rooming-house. Ad dress 2111a 2d. cor. Salmon, room 28. WANTED BY AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN to manage a rooming or boarding-house; can give best references. Phone East 2977. POSITION AS CASHIER BY LADY WHO has had several years experience; good ref erences. R 92. Oregonlan. . WOMAN WANTS WORK BY, DAY OR week; sleep home. Room 8, 223 Market st. YOUNG LADY ATTENDING BUSINESS college wants work for board. 232 11th st. LACB CURTAINS LAUNDERED AND FAN cy Ironing. Telephone Main 3740. WANTED WASHING AND HOUSE-CLEAN-lng. Phone Clay 208, room 12. WEEKLY ENGAGEMENT FOR WASHING on Friday. 210 Sheridan st. WANTEDAGENTS. WANTED AGENTS: OUR $1.00 BOX OF Medicated Toilet Soaps for 10 cents is the biggest money-making proposition ever of fered to agents. Sells on sight. No license required. Exclusive territory. Write today. U. S. Medical Ann.. Indianapolis, Indiana. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. MALE or female, to canvass from house to house. Scotch Thistle Complexion Soap, the largest commissions ever given In this line; send 25c for sample It you desire such. Address Scotch Thistle Soap Company, 1711 Berkeley St., Portland, Or. SALESMEN WANTED: NEW PROPOSI tlon; commission and premium; outfit free; good territory open; cash advanced on orders each week: write quick and send reference with application. Address Washington Nurs ery Co., Toppenlsh. Wash. SCHEMES AND FAKES OF AMERICA Book for mall-order men. agents and fakers; an energy-maker and braln-bright-ener; full of dollar-getting Ideas; 10c, post paid. Enterprise Book Co.. 622 Post at-, San Francisco. AGENTS $20 TO $50 WEEKLY SELLING popular new vest pocket invention. Free lessons In successful salesmanship make-experience unnecessary. Standard Co., 2S3 Spltzer, Toledo, O. AGENTS MAKE $3 TO $10 A DAY FIT tlng glasses; big profits; our 24-page free eye book tells how; write today. Jackson Ian Optical College, College Place. Jack son, Mich. j. AGENTS SEE OUR DOLLAR PROPOSI tlon first; sample prepaid, 35c Deal with manufacturers. Crew managers wanted. Davis Soaps. 350 Dearborn, Chicago. WE HAVE GOOD OPENING FOR LIVE man to engage in real-estate business on small capital; help needed. City Business Chance Agency. 223 1st st. WE PAY $18 A WEEK AND EXPENSES TO men with rigs to Introduce poultry com pound: year's contract- Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. C4. Parsons, Kan. AGENTS READ IN DARK. NAMEPLATES, signs, numbers. 200 per cent profit, Sam plea free. Wright Supply Co., Englewood. I1L $4.40 DAILY BELLING OXIDIZED MEDAL lion fob skirtllftera: acts like human hands; sample free. Acme Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. WANTED AGENTS TO CANVASS FOR flrst-clasa seller: exclusive territory. Ad dress P. O. Box 152, Vancouver, Wash. I WILL START YOU IN BUSINESS, sup plying scheme and first stock, for 20c. Arleta Mfg. Agency, box 75, Arleta, Or. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT COTTAGE ON WEST Side, close in. by family of adults; will guarantee best of care: would buy furni ture; don't reply unless you have modern house In good neighborhood. Phone Main 2363. WANTED-BY REPUTABLE PARTY NOW residing In Portland, a 6. 8 or 10-room fur nished house. East or West Side, close In. for two or three months during Summer. B 52, Oregonlan. WANT NICELY FURNISHED CLEAN ROOM-lng-house. $300 or $400. part cash, balance three months: owners answer: down-town or Fair district. G 99, Oregonlan. FltRNISHED OR UNFURNISHED 8 TO 10 room house; will buy all or part of fur niture; references exchanged. Phon Main 3C10. WANTED TO KENT. ORDER OF RAILWAY CONDUCTOR'S. 251 Alder street. Telephone Main 953, Desire the address of families and others having nicely furnished rooms for rent, preference will be gives those having bath accommodations, telephone, good; car service, etc. Rooms for use ot our visit ing merdaers In attendance on National Convention In May. E. A. Clem, secretary. WANTED Rooms In all parts ot the city. Apply 220 Goodnough building. Exposition Accommodation Bureau. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Fair Corporation. Phono Main 6266. GENTLEMAN TEMPORARILY IN THE city wants comfortable, homelike quarters, with use of piano, with or without boarct: state terms. B 99, Oregonlan. WANTED FEB. 10-BY TWO ADULTS, UN furnished or partly furnished 3 or 4-room flat or small cottage. Address, giving full particulars J 95, Oregonlan. WANTED HOUSE OF 6 OR MORE ROOMS, near business center: rent about $30 month, will buy furniture If suitable. J 07, Ore gonlan. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL . HOUSE-, work; Sunday dinner. 2 o'clock. Call 693 Marshall at., Wednesday, between 9 and 10. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Vi cinity 23d and Washington; no children, must be reasonable. G 1U0. care Oregonlan. WANTED BY A RESPONSIBLE PARTY, A modern tt or 7-room house, furnished or un furnished; references. Telephone Main 1425. GENTLEMAN WANTS NICELY" FURN1SH ed room In private family or widow's home, must be on West Side. J 98, Oregonlan. WANTED BY RELIABLE PARTY. FUR nlshed modern house, 8 to 10 room?, in north west part of city. K. 99. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT PLACE NEAR CAR line, with buildings, for small dairy or poultry. 269 Union ave. South. BUSINESS WOMAN WISHES WELL heated. fair-sized room, close In, about $12. . R 97. Oregonlan. WANTED 5-ROOM FLAT OR SMALL HOUSB for elderly couple; will pay $15 to 318. Phone West 1754. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED TO PURCHASE SO TO 40-TON standard-gauge four-wheel saddle tank loco motive for logging purposes, or six-wheel, with short-wheel base, might answer; also logging trucks wanted; give full particulars and state lowest price. P. O. Box 2080, San Francisco. WE PAY YOU HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR your second-hand furniture or anything you cannot use. Phone 5655. Portland Auction Rooms, 211 1st st. WANTED TO LEASE 30 TO 40 UNFUR nished rooms, suitable for rooming-house. . central location; state terms. Address O 100, care Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT OR PURCHASE TEAM of horses, weight not less than 1300 pounds each. Address T. W Robinson, Petklns Ho stel, city. WILL BOARD SMALL GIRL. FROM 10 TO to 12 years ot age; good home and piano; reference? exchanged. Address Q 73. Ore gonlan. PARTY TO TAKE PART CAR TO BAKER or Boise this week. Call 1232 Hawthorne, or address E. Whltmer, general delivery, city. WANTED ONE ROLLER-TOP DESK AND one typewriter desk, immediately; must be cheap and good. Address E 96, Oregonlan. WANTED -MILE OF RELAYING RAILS for logging railroad: also second-hand cars and locomotives. Address G 2, Oregonlan. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoesr highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." C2 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. WANTED A TEAM HORSES. WEIGHT about 2S0O pounds; must be in flrst-clasa condition. Answer A. N. S Oregonlan. WANTED SECOND-HAND BOILER, 40 TO 60 H. P.: state condition and full particulars. Address Box 137, Portland. WANTED AN ENGINEER'S TRANSIT, immediately. Apply evenings or address 303 Goodnough bldg. WANTED SHOWCASES AND WALL Fix tures XnT cigar-stand; must be hardwood. Phone West 2983. WANTED HOUSEHOLD GOODS, TOOLS OR goods oC any description; highest price paid. Prosser. 206 4th. WANTED GOOD. GENTLE RIDING AND driving peny. Phone Main 1274. James A. Clock. 252 Alder. WANTED PIECE OR LETTER WORK BY proficient lady stenographer. Address D 90, care Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY GOOD SECOND-HAND babr buggy; state price, with answer. D 100. care Oregonlan. INFANT OR CHILD TO BOARD; GOOD home, best care, reasonable. Scott 2973. 284 Crosby st. YOUNG MAN DESIRES ROOM IN PRIVATE family on East Side. Alblna. preferred. B "99. Oregonlan. WANTED SECOND-HAND FAIRBANKS v scales; weighs to 400 lbs.; state price, G 98. Oregonlan. WANTED A PNEUMATIC TIRE BUGGY; state condition and price. J 90, care Ore gonlan. WANTED GOOD INVESTMENTS IN LOCAL stocks; mining or Industrial. L 92, Orego nlan. WANTED A BULL DOG, THE UGLIER THE better; price and- particulars. D 93, Orego nlan. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 60c AT HOLLA baugh's, 267H Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. WB CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie ot all kinds. Phone East. 2233. WE PAY $30.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES. H. E. Edwards. 185-191 1st st. WANTED SECOND-HAND SMALL SHOW case. Address T 96. Oregonlan. WANTED SECOND-HAND SAFE. S 2. ORE gonian. FOB KENT. Booms. NEW LANGB HOTEL. European plan; electric lights and bells, steam heat and elevator; baths free to guests; rates 50c, 73c and $1 per day; special rates by the week. Elegant cafe and bar in con nection. Corner 6th and Washington sts. Sam Bauman. manager; F. Lange, prop. THE AUDITORIUM, 20SW 3D ST.. BET. TAT lor and Salmon, one block south ot Baker Theater, new brick building, elegantly fur nished, steam heat, hot and cold water in room, porcelain bath, rooms with privats bajths, elevator: reasonable rates. HOTEL AVALON (EUROPEAN). 413 WASH lngton St.. 4 blocks west of the Imperial Ho tel; newly furnished rooms, single or en suite; hot and cold water, steam heat, elec- trie light, bath and all modem conveniences; tourists solicited. WELLHiGTON COURT, FIFTEENTH AND Everett, has floor devoted exclusively to lady, bachelors; rooms handsomely furnished; possessing every modern convenience, with refined and elegant surroundings. NEW BUILDING. JUST COMPLETED; Ev erything first-class and up-to-date; .furnace heat, phone and bath free; large parlor for use ot guests, hot and cold running water in each room; don't fall to see this elegant home. 207 14th st,, near Taylor. TWO LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED rooms, centrally located; strictly respect able; very reasonable; housekeeping If de sired. Inquire room 40. 227 K Washington. THE COSMOS. S. E. COK. 4TH AND MOK rlson; best down-town rooms In the city: beat and service night and day; rates $3.50 per week and up, including bath; $1 day. LARGE. BRIGHT. AIRY ROOMS. FOUR block south Hotel Portland; bath and phone; reasonable rates. Call 253 6th st.. corner Madison; phone Main 1110. FOUR BEAUTIFUL ROOMS VSs NEW HOUSE Furnace heated, new furniture, walking distance. Take Morrison or Madison-street Bridge. SCO E. Taylor, cor. 13th. 13 E. 7TH ST. FRONT PARLOR ROOM, first floor; gas, wood stove, hot water; de sirable neignborhood; 2 gentlemen preferred; good board nearby; reasonable. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR gentlemen or business women; modern con veniences; private family, no sign. Phone Front 745. 474 YamhllL TWO WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS. EACH suitable for two; price $8 and $10 per month; ga- bath, phone. 274 Hall. cor.. 4th. Pbose Fhone Main 4311. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITH furnace heat, for one or two gentlemen. 86 N. 17th st. Call before 2 P. M. LARGE. NEATLY" FURNISHED ROOM, suitable for two gentlemen or ladles; $7; modem; housekeeping If desired. 440 Oth.