28 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAy, PORTLAITP, JiUAjRY 59 1&0S. .. - NEW TODAY. OILMAN Auction & Commission Co. S. L. N. GILMAN, AHctloaecr. Salesrooms, 413 "Washington street, t branch, to 108 Eleventh, with basements, famishing ample floor space for the proper dlsolajr of fine household furniture, -etc We are fortunate In having another very se lect lot of furniture consigned to us for sale by public auction, on Tuesday Next, Jan. 31, at 10 A. M., at Rooms 413 Wash- Ington Street. A large part of this fine furniture is direct from car (been used East), and very desirable In quality and styles. The fine upright piano trill be sold at this sale. Included in the list are elegant dining-room suites in genuine weathered and golden oak. with dining chairs to match In leather: fine leather library couch and rocker, in mahogany and leather; rolltop desk? lady's desk: library table: Roman seats; Morris chairs; armchairs; bedroom suite in oak. chlffonitires and dressers In blrdseye and natural -white maple; art rugs; squares; buffet, sideboard; tinted bedsteads, with springs, curled hair and other mattresses, pillows; odd armchairs, rockers, etc; center tables; stands; Jewel and Reliable gas cook, etoves; cook stoves; heating stoves: crockery: granlteware; couches. N. S. All the above-mentioned fur blture, which is only a small portion of what Will be eold Tuesday, la first-class, and buyers Will find this an excellent opportunity fo make purchases. Goods can be inspected Monday prior to sale, at rooms, between 2 and 0 o'clock. X. B. You will find that our representations in advertisements are fully upheld by the Koods on our floors. fi. L. X. GILMAN, Auctioneer. S.LN. OILMAN, Auctioneer Salesrooms, 413 Washington street to 108 Eleventh. Goods packed and shipped when requested. Storage furnished buyers. We make cash advances, hold sales at resi dences, and have three regular auction sales very week at rooms, 413 Washington street. We sell at. salesrooms, next Thursday and Friday, February 1 and 2, Each Day 10 A. M. For family giving up 'housekeeping, all the household furniture, etc, of large residence, in cluding the fittings of parlor, sitting-room, dining-room, library and kitchen department. Buyers who have not as yet attended our sales will be surprised at the quantity and quality of the household furniture placed upon our floors for sale, and the money they can save toy buying from us. Tou will find our goods fully equal or better than advertised, as we do not permit any misrepresentation in ad vertisements. Sales always begin at 10 o'clock A. M. Electric lighting and fine basement. S, L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. On Tuesday Next, Jan. 31st, at Baker's Auction Rooms, COR. ALDBR AND PARK. -VPi BELL. THE GENUINE MAHOGANY. BIRDSEYE MAPLE AND GOLDEN OAK FURNITURE OF TWO MODERN FLATS, comprising mahogany settees and rockers, with E11K orocateiie seats, center tames; nsauouinn rockers In weathered oak. with S Danish leath er upbolBtrrlngs; costly couches; Morris chairs; library chairs and rockers; library tables; com bination bookcase, with circular glass doors; bric-a-brac cabinet: lace curtains: costly por tieres; oil paintings; 9x12 Axmlnster and Smyr na rugs; Brussels carpets; ikxw b rencn-piate mirror, in gold frame; massive dining tables, one round with pedestal, one square with heavy twist legs; polished box-scat chairs. eldeboaras, cmna closet, wun circular cnas, ell in golden oak: dishes and glassware, lamps. etc, elaborate iron beds, with brass decora tions; best springs; nair ana wool mattresses; coose-feather Billows: best Quality comforters: Princess dressers in blrdseye maple and golden oak; bedroom stands and rockers en suite; bea room sets In antique finish; toiletware; hand some folding beds, with large mirrors on top; mantel beds: sewing machine: H. II. treasure! and other effects. ALSO UPRIGHT PIANu IN FINE CONDITION AND STELLA MUSIC BOX IN MAHOGANY CASE. WITH 03 PIECES OF MUSIC All on view Monday, Sale Tuesday, at 10 A. M. GEO. BAKER & CO.. Auctioneers. On Thursday Next, February 2 At BAKER'S AUCTION ROOMS, full assort ment of first-class furniture and carpets from jirHate residences, consigned for positive sale. bale at 10 A. M. GEO. BAKER & CO., Auctioneers. On Friday Next, February 3 At residence, NO. 20 B. 15TH ST.. COR. ASH. WE ARB INSTRUCTED BY MRS. S. V. XEELEY TO SELL THE FURNITURE AND CONTENTS OF HER 10-ROOM RESIDENCE, comprising couches, rockers, heavy library and center tables, dictionary stand, velvet and Brussels carpets, contents of six bedrooms. Including massive iron beds, all complete, with rprtngs and mattresses, odd. dressers and com' modes; bedroom seta bedding: toiletware: din Inc rtulte. viz.. sideboard, extension table and chairs, refrigerator, kitchen cupboard; heating juoves, cook, etoves ana otner enects, all in irood condition. SALE ON FRIDAY NEXT, AT JO A. 31. 51IAK1. GEO. BAKER & CO.. Auctioneers. On account of above Friday sale, we shall not hold our regular sale at salesrooms at 2 r. m. GEO. BAKER & CO., Auctioneers. Phone Black 1612. COTTAGES New four and five-room cottages at 0AKDALE On the Mt. Scott Division of the O. W. P. It. 11., ranging in price from $1000 to (1400. INSTALLMENTS LAMBERT & SARGENT, 404 E. Alder St. Mortgage Loans 5 andUpwards Beal Estate, City and Farm Insurance in All Lines A. H. BIBRELL, T0Z-S McKay Building. Third and Stark. THURMAN STREET Bet. 22d and 23d, South Side. 25x100 lot, 5750. 30x100 lot. $900. Cement sidewalk, sewer, water, gas. 1 mo roved treet. half cash, balance C per cent; on car une. near anotner. A. D. Marshall, 82 Third ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Our rwoords ar complete and up to data. ,v icmus abstracts promptly. M0BTGAGE LOANS On improved Portland Real Etrtat. CECUR1TX ABSTRACT TRUST CO. ZM-ZlS Chamber of Commute. GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 3IS Worcester Block General practice. Investigations. Jjtcte work. Special and periodical audits. Phone West 11. NOTIE TO TUB ENTERPRISING PUBLIC Having removed here from Lincoln. Neb- ii years ago. where I was employed for .several years a land examiner for the Security In vestment Co.. and having decided to make Portland my permanent home. I have opened n real estate, and business chance office at 233 Washington St., where I have for sale .houses ana lots, vacant lots, farm lands, roomlnc-heutee. restaurants, grocery stores. I consider my list all good propositions all wool and a yard wide. 1 respectfully ask for a part of your patronage. Motto: "Everybody a square oeai PHONE CLAY 1CS3. LOUIS C OTTO. HAVE TO SELL SIM will buy a lot that cost us $250. 'near Wrct ave. and MontavUl car line. See us now. J. L. WELLS & CO., 94 Grand ave. FOR SALE A FINE. NEW. WELL-BUILT S-room residence, K xl location. West Side: a. I modern improvements large attic and cement basement, cuxiw jot. u . -tre- soslan. NEW TODAY. RIVATE RESIDENCE Auction Sale Auction Sales For the Week by the fi 211 FIRST ST. "-Phone, Main 5C53. TUESDAY. JAN. 31. 10 A. 31 At their rooms. WEDNESDAY. FEB. 1, 10 A. M. Private residence. COO Montgomery st. (Take U. Car.) THURSDAY. TEB. :, 10 A. 3L, At their rooms. Tuesday, Jan. 31, and Thurs day, Feb. 1,at 10 A. M. We frill have at our rooms. 211 First street, the entire furnishings of a ten-H room house( formerly occupied by one or the prominent physicians of our city), re moved to our rooms, for POSITIVE SALS, account of remodelinir of bouse. Just to give you an idea of the nice things we vrere fortunate enough to secure. would mention: One solid oak bookcase, one solid oak combination bookcase and writing: desk, one solid oak 10-foot ex tension table, one very fancy spring-edge couch, upholstered with WHITE HAIK: several very fine rockers (one solid oak hand-carved), solid oak medicine chest, solid oak sideboard, two nice revolving office chairs, wardrobes, one glass cup board, kitchen treasure and kitchen ta bles, some very elaborate Iron beds and a lot of other nice things too numerous to mention In detail. As usual, there Is no reserve on anything in our rooms, a fact which our patrons are beginning; to notice and appreciate. gus A. iiOWTT, Auctioneer. Special Auction Sale At Private Residence, On Wednesday, February 1st At 10 A.M. We will sell without reserve tho entire contents of the beautiful furnished-tip resi- aence or the late cantain uroves. 503 Montgomery street. There are nine rooms full of up-to-date furniture and house hold goods, among which we will mention: une joajesuc range, blue-name stove, kitchen safe, ext. table, a lot o nice dishes and cranite ware, glassware, some very fancy vases and bric-a-brac, fine lamps, lace curtains, portieres, several nice rugs, 37 yards of WILTON carpet, brackets, center tables, large oil paint ing (by H. Boyer). mirrors, two sets of golf sticks and balls (imported), very fine upright piano, sideboard, ball and stair carpet, wardrobe, bedroom sets, a lot of nice pictures, library table, large kodak (complete outfit), large leather portman teau, dress suit case, ijllk hat case, leather grip, books In fact, everything that goes to make up a modern nne house. Ye bargain-hunters, be sure to report Wednes day, February 1, at 10 A 31.. at 509 Mont gomery street. By order of liua a luwit, Auctioneer. Main 5655 is the number: you ought to ring up if you have anything to sell or to consign ana you wish to get best re sults. Auction Sales By J. T. Wilson AUCTIONEER MONDAY, TOMORROW, At Salesroom, 180 First St., at 10 A. 1Y1. Grand sale of magnificent furnishings. comprising Wilbur cabinet, grand piano In walnut case (excellent Instrument), to be sold -at HAM. Lovely twice-folding bed. with French plate mirror; massive hall tree; bookcase, with curtain: bouse desk, dining-room suit, table chairs and carver; a select lot of rockers, chairs and center tables; elegant metal bed trimmed with brass In rich coloring; dressers, com modes, line springs and noss mattress, portieres, extra fine lace curtains, expen sive Morris chair, couch with fancy ve- lour covering, mantel beds, reed rocker. pictures, clocks, parlor lamp, dishes, glass ware, china cupboard, cup racks, kitchen treasures, kitchen tables, two steel ranges, several cookstoves. air-tight heaters, car penters tools and miscellaneous. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. TUESDAY'S SALE Trunks, Suit Cases and Valises At Salesroom, 180 First St. at 2 P. M. Commencing at 2 P. M. we will sell at public auction 50 trunks and a variety of suitcases, valises and grips. This is the stock lately damaged by lire on First street, removed to our salesroom for sale. We call your attention to the sale of this nne grade or trunks, etc.. which must be sold on this date. 2 P. M-, sharp. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY'S SALE At Salesroom, 180 First St., at 10 A. M. This, our midweek sale, comprises a fine assortment of parlor, dining-room, library and bedroom furnishings; also kitchen requisites, ranges, stoves, dishes and ' a varied assortment of other useful mer chandise. Sale nrompt at 10 A M. J. T WILSON, Auctioneer. FRIDAY'S SALE Groceries, Dry Goods and Miscellaneous. At Salesroom, 180 First St., at 10 A. M. We have decided to make a great siaugntering or the balance or this stock, which comprises men's suits, youths' suits and oants. collars .cuffs, shirts, ties. ladies' wrappers and Oxford ties. The gro ceries consist or nne liauan prunes in 30 pound boxes, beans, baking powder and otner groceries, etc N. B. We are buying all kinds of mer chandise, including bankrupt stocks house furnishings, etc. To expedite matters, phone Main 1626. or see J. T. Wilson, Auc tioneer. A. J. FARMER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER. Tou can save 20 per cent by dealing witn us. Note some of our prices: Fancy 3-crown rais ins pound. 5c; choice creamery butter, ier roil, ooc; extra cnoice creamery, per roil, toe; 1 package Scotch Oat. 10c. fresh Oregon eggs, dozen. 30c: fancy evaporated peacbes. sound. 10c; 8 pounds good rice. 25c; 1 pound Schilling baking powder, 35c; 1 pound Royal baking powder. 40c; I pound Arm and Hammer soda. So: 1 bar Naptba soap. 5c: 12 bars Royal Savon. 25c; potatoes, sack. JL15; 10 pounds sago or tapioca. xc: l pound .Enetisn breakfast tea. 15c; 16 pounds granulated su gar, boot. Si.oo; best ham. per pound. 13c: - cans Primrose cream. 15c; 1 sack good hard- wheat flour. 51-tW; 5-pound pall best lard. 50c; 10-round pall tcst lard. il.W: z bottles Sni ders catsup. 35c: 1 gallon good syrup, -40c; r combs noney. -oc. o pounds tancy Italian prunes, -oc: 4 pounds large Oliver prunes, zsc We deliver on the East Side Tuesdays and Fridays. KememDer tne number, rsi 3d corner Jenerson. rnone ilaln 403. ROSES Large, field-grown plants now ready for early planting- Caroline Testout. Duke of Edinburgh, Gloire de Margotten. Frau Karl Druschki. La France and other leading ex hibition and garden varieties. The Sibson Rose Nurseries Portland. Or.. Tempo ran office. 2S Concord Bldg. Temnorarv nhone. Main 194 Temporary oClce hours. 10 A It. to 12 noon. . NEW TODAY. CUT OUT THE RENT LEAK The best way to do It Is to com out to EVELYN, where we sell you a house and lot ready for occu pancy at rent rates and less. HO Ml AT RENT RATES Evelyn is the best and latest tract put on the market In the Mount Scott district. It is selllpg very fast. This district Is, by far out stripping every other suburb. Don't wait until too late. Take Mount Scott car on First street. Agent on ground. City office open even ings. GEO. W. BROWN Boom 203 Falling Building. Phone Main 2129. PROPERTIES FOR SALE BY C. K. HENRY WEST PAKK-ST. RESIDENCE. Flnemcd ern. well-built 12-room house; fine base ment, good plumbing; a very desirable and comfortable home in this choice location. MOUNT TABOR RESIDENCE. New, mod ern, well-built. large, handsome home. with ample grounds, at Mount Tabor. A beautiful, convenient home at a moderate price. WILLAMETTE I1KIGIITS RESIDENCE Modern, well-built. 2-storv handsome res ldcnce, commanding a fine view; nicely lo cated and very reasonable in price. IRVTNGTON RESIDENCE. New. 2-story, modern, -well-built residence of S rooms. bath, pantry, full basement, good plumb ing; with quarter diock; choice location and low In price. JOHNSON'S IUL.Ii RESIDENCE Large. 2- story. well-built home, on good location. commanding a fine view, on Johnson's Hill. Anyone wanting a nne home at tnis choice location should Inspect this, as it Is a bargain. EAST TAYXOR-ST. RESIDENCE. New, moaern residence, s rooms, nortnwes cor ner of East 29th and Taylor sts.; house Is well built, good basement, fireplace, all complete, and Is a bargain. WAREHOUSE SITES. Quarter block on 13th St.. fronting on the railroad; hajf block on 13tb et., half block on the East Side, fronting on tbe car line. If you want a warehouse site, large or small, call upon me before buying else where. BUILDING SITES. JOHNSOVS HILL. Choice quarter or half block in the best part of Johnson's mil. Anyone wanting an extra fine building site should inspect this. NINETEENTH STREET. Quarter or hall block In tbe best part of 19th st., facing east, and among the best residences In the city. HOLLADAVS ADDITION. Quarter or half block In different parts of Holladays Ad dition at low price and on easy terms. Persons wanting property of any kind wlU find it to their advantage to call upon CHARLES K. HENRY. 273 Stark st. fioxises For Sale 360 Joy Street Modern C-room, bay-window front, two story house; porcelain bath, enameled sink. etc.. etc.; Just completed and ready for Immediate occupancy: lot 50x100 feet: 100 feet from car line. Price $2250; easy terms. 662 Sch uyler St re e t New. modern, up-to-date C-room house. very pleasantly located; full 50xl00-foot lot. Price reasonable; terms to suit; 658 Schuyler Street A modern 8-room house: all convent ences; full plans at our oQce; an attrac tlve home for anyone. E. 8th and E. Flanders Southeast corner. 100x100 feet, with three good nouses, yielding gooa income; spe clal price. Wakefield, Fries Co. Phone, Main 1. 220 Starlc st. MEAD'S ADDITION The choicest 75x100 feet on Everett St.. bet. 22d and 23d eta, facing south. For sale cheap. NORTH PORTLAND SHOO 50x100: 21st St.. bet. Upshur and Vaughn; one-third down, balance 5 years. $1500 50x100; corner -ist ana upsnur sts.; same terms. $1000 50x100; corner 21st and Vaughn; same terms. $1000 50x100; Upshur St., near 2IsL $1500 50x100; Vaughn, bet. 22 d and 23d. $200055x100; Thurman. near 27th st. J 1500 19x105; Thurman. near 27th st S3750 100x100: cor. Thurman and 27th sts. $1500 each Lots on Savler st., between 24th and -6th sts. $1400 Choicest 50x100 feet. Willamette Heights. $1750 50x100 fL. near 23d sL North. $S500 100x100 feet, finest point on W1I lamctte Heights. F. V. ANDREWS & CO. Hamilton Bldg., 131 3d st. TeC Red 3192. DO YOU KNOW That Woodstock is 400 feet higher than the That this means purer air. more sunshine and better neaitn zor tne lonunate people That Woodstock also, has pure water, a fertile soil, school, churches, postoffice, . . a ( 1 T n t our xrvlfH? That lots are 100 feet square, every lot a corneri That we are selling these lots at $175 to $250;. $10 down and $10 per month? That we will loan you money to build and you can pay us in installments That NOW Is the time to take advantage Ol this great opporistuii) in muic u. uuiac Portland. Trust Company Of Oregon 109 Third Street NEW HOUSE n moms, all modern and In first-class con dition and right up to date, on E. Main, near 2Sth. See It: don't be deceived. Sell on monthly Installments. NEW COTTAGE 5 rooms and attic, all modern, first-class right up to date, at 757 East Davis street, near 22d. Don't make a mistake. See It; on monthlv Installments. A number of other first-class modern homes. See me about mem. F. W. TORGLER, 100 Sherlock bide. $1375 Takes It Nice lot. 27Hxl00 feet, on near 24th st All street improvements made. i niS IS &n uixuvum Kct a uuc building site in one of Portland's choicest residence districts for comparatively little money. C H. Korell. 251 Washington at. A RARE CHANCE A wholesale business which has been suc cessfully conducted for 20 years for sate. Required capital about $15,000. For fur ther particclara write to T 83, Orcgonian, ES NEW TO DAT. Stop Paying Rent Have- a home of vour own and save the money that you are paying out monthly to the landlord, uet a lot in a suburb where values are certain to double before Summer. RESERVOIR PARK Only 20 minutes on the Mt. Scott car.line from the heart of the city. The tract is all level and planted in fruit, streets graded and water piped to each lot. Terms $5.00 Down, $5.00 per Month Go. out today and see this prop erty and you will be convinced that there is nothing like it on the mar ket. Full particulars from agent on premises, or H. Metzger, owner, 226 Front Street. N. B. Lumber yard on the tract. FOR SALE BY IIARTMAN, THOMPSON & POWERS, Room 3. Chamber of Commerce. QOQKfl 6-room house. 50xl00-foot lot. at ImUUU oo,h a-,. E Salmon sts.: easy terms. onrt 6-room house. 60xl00-foot lot; ovw fireplace, furnace, cement floor, fine plumbing: all modern con veniences; East 16th St.. bet. Til lamook and Hancock sts.; easy terms. ClAflft B-room cottage. 30xl00-foot lot, "uu on the corner of Vancouver ave. and Beech St.; $300 cash, balance $15 per month. COOfin C-room house, new and modern. vOUU 50x75-foot lot. facing on Rodney ave.. near San Rafael St.; wjthin walking distance; easy terms. COKnn 8-room house. 50xl00-foot corner PUUUU t. 3oth and East Bumside: ce ment floor and furnace, modern plumbing; li cash, balance In stallments. conn 25x100 on Russell St.. Lower Al jpouuu bina- flne .t0re room below and 8 rooms above; rent for $40 per month. Q9nflft 5-room cottage. 50x100. on the 3UUU corner of Tillamook and E. 13th St.; plenty of fruit and flowers. 70ft 5-room new house, lOOxlOO-foot ' uu lot. 2 blocks from the Union-ave. car line, on Malloty ave. Oil ftftn 6-room house. 50x100-foot lot. on uxovJ Grand ave., near Beech sL C fiftft 50xl00-foot lot. on E. 17th. bet. V OUU Tillamook and Hancock utic cl inn 40xl00-foot lot. on Williams ave.. vAUU tiMr Tfllamoolr tr Una Inratlon for flats. S1Kn ror iota in oouin aunnysiac; iOU cash. $10 per month; each lot 50x j loo; streets graded and graveled IU and sidewalks. This property Is C Kan situated on south side of Haw v uuu thomc ave.. between 33d and 34th sts.; each lot 2 feet above grade. FARMS We want for prospective purchasers weU- Improved farms within a reasonable dis tance from Portland or substantial town In the Valley. Prices must be fair. Those desiring to seU will And it to their interest to write or call as soon as con vealent. City Properties PORTLAND HEIGHTS In this choicest residence district of the city we are offering One building sites at reasonable prices. But a few Tears hence lots will not be ob tainable, as the area Is limited and houses that are now being constructed are for per manent and elegant homes. We also have improved properties, both business and residence. In all parts of the city. To purchasers needing the assistance wo will lend 50 per cent of the sale price of our offerings, thus exemplifying our faith in what we seU. We solicit from owners, for sale or rent. their properties, promising cnerjetlo man agement of same. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 243 STARK STREET IRVING'S HARBOR VIEW $900.00 and up for lots near Steel bridge on Benton between Dixon and Dupont streets. W. H. Grindstaff 246 STARK STREET EACH PARCEL A BARGAIN $30,000 Quarter block. 3d at, paring over 10 per cent net. JS300 Washington st, SOxlOO ft. If Im proved, will produce large Income. JG000 Quarter block. Stephens Add., with 4 houses; rents SCO per month. S1000 "Tremont" 60x125 ft., with well constructed S-room house and good work shop: plenty of bearing fruit trees. $1100 "Seliwood" Full lot. with substan tial C-room house; one block from car. $1000 Corner lot. B. 19 and Stark sts. $1500 For lots In choicest portion of Port' land Heights. HART LAND CO., 107 Sherlock Bldg. PARR1SH, WATKINS & CO ESTABLISHED 1672. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE. RENTAL AND LOAN AGENTS. 250 ALDER STREET. JUST FINISHED Two five-room cottages: modern plumbing and plastering: East 30th and Everett, in Hawthorne's First Addition; fisw eacn. Van W. Anderson Room 201 McKar Bldg. Third and Stark. FOR SALE A lot with three houses on Lincoln street. bringing $50 per month rent; price $4100. Or will sell one bouse and fraction 01 lot sep arately. This is a bargain. PARRISn. WATKINS & CO.. 250 Alder St. 12th and Montgomery Party leaving the city offers his home. S rooms, with an modern improvements: run Inside lot; east front: for sale at an attrac tive price. A REALLY DESIRABLE HOME. AppI- Owner, ii 1. oregonian. $9000 Bargain 3 modern 7 - room housss and choice corner. 70x100 feet, near 17th and Kearney sts. C H. Korell. 251 Washington. Beautiful Home cMni.a.f irnr TVIlllnm it ftnrt Tin . TiHr- lfi50 "Rt lrav In that rila tricU Don't fail to see it. F. BRESKE. room Sherlock Bldg.. S3H 3d st. Will sell at-a sacrifice to clean gulp up. See me about this if you F. W. TORGLER, 106 Eh er Jock Bbtc NEW TODAY. University Park Occupies the central portion of the high plateau between the Willamette and Columbia Rivers. It is central to four miles of deep waterfront where docks, mills and factories are spring ing up as if "fay magic. It is the seat of the Columbia University. Such educational institutions have, in other places, built large cities. The Penin sula Lumber Co., on University Park waterfront, alone has a payroll of ?25,000 per month. If you have only little intelligence you know what such a payroll means to surrounding property. University Park property is advancing in value and must continue to advance as long as the population of Portland, Oregon, increases. Uni versity Park has the far-famed Bull Bun water, Portland public schools, electric street lights, building restric tion, liquor restriction and is the cen ter of about 6000 population. It is inside the city limits of Portland and has street-car communication with all the city for a 5-cent fare. Lots range in price from S60 to S300, according to size and location. Terms, one-tenth cash, balance $5.00 per month without interest. If you are seeking a home site or an investment it will pay you to investigate University Park. Francis L McKenna, Sole Agent, Uni versity ParkStatxon, Portland, Oregon. C SQnn Four flats and cottage, close to per cent on investment; call and Investigate. fiRnrt Two new modern houses, close to vUO"" .ti -L-.r-i- ..im. in vestment; good for a reliable in come. 570 fifl Three 6-room .modern houses, near v,uu RnrnalrlA hHitp. nn .M. al ways rented at good price; very desirable. $33( 350 Jew 6-room house, close in. on very desirable home. SSKfifl Nine-room house and corner lot. at 6 per cent; a great bargain. S2100 Six-room cottage In Central East balance on terms to suit. C9nn Fine. mo.ern 6-room house, with large attic and full tirum,nf u I inoaern conveniences; close to cars In Upper Alblna; very sightly; installments. Vacant lots from $150 to $500 In vartn.i parts of East Side. 22 acres of good fruit land lust on M nf city, for $150 an acre. A bargain for some one. WHALLEY. 013 McKay Bldg. Creamery butter 50c and 60c Beat creamery made ftv- Dairy butter 30s and 35c eggs, per ooien 25c and 30c Best sugar-cured ham ixc Picnic ham .. ioc Breakfast ba.con ...15c 5 pounds lard ...60c 50c tea 30e pounds Arbuckle coffee ....25c ava-Mocha coffee 30c All goods retailed at wholesale prices. LA GRANDE CREAMERY. 204 Yamhill at. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. A cozy cottage home of a rooms, on Mont gomery St., near Portland Academy; 40-foe: lot; terms if desired. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. ICO Third Street. $125 AND UPWARD FOR LOTS IN ARBOR rivers; Bull Run water, a beautiful view and attractive .surroundings are bound to make this one of Portland's most popular residence sections. $325 and upward for lots on Willamette Boulevard, overlooking river and Fair grounds. J. P. Kennedy. 221 Sherlock bldg. Residence, Arbor Lodge. Phones Main 1S56 and Union 1063. SEE MY BARGAIN LIST AND JUDGE FOR $1000 Fine corner lot on Portland Heights, beautiful view point; a bargain. $1250 and up for nice, new homes In Al blna and Mt. Tabor: Installment plait H. H. STAUB. 245& Morrison. Phone Red 2971. $3500 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, 50-FOOT jui. wo oiocu oi cax-une, aaai aide. $6200 8-room modern house, furnace, etc, 60-foot lot, good locality. Weal Side; part cash. A. C. PALMER. 41S Oregonian Building. $333 FOR SALE. OWNER LEAVING CITY on account sickness; win tell good 7-room house, two lots, furniture, five cords wood, chickens etc. East Side, between Haw thorne ave. and Richmond car lines, close In. If immediate sale.' $935. M. G. Grillin. 266 Stark et. TWO NEW HOUSES. 5 AND 0 ROOMS EACH. mwem, recently compietea, are one red for sale by owner at a bargain; small casa payment, balance monthly Installments; an excellent opportunity to secure a home. A. H. Birrell. 202 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. WILL SELL YOU FROM ONE TO FIVE acres on v. u. r. iiy. tro. trolley line-, a short distance east of Seliwood. on Install ments; prices from $150 to $2)Jo per acre. Knapp Si Mackey. room 2, Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON BEAUTIFUL NEW HOUSE of 7 rooms, basement and attic; finely fin ished and modern In every respect; cannot be duplicated for $1000 more than price, owner leaving city. 675 Clackamas. A BARGAIN HOME 4-ROOM COTTAGE, newly painted and papered; water In house: $150 worth of furniture; large lot. nne view; Mount Tabor; all for $550; easy payments. X 97, Oregonian. $1200 THE BEST BLOCK IN HAW- thorne First Addition, on z Everett st., An keny street-car line; price much leas than value; $1200. M. G. Griffin. 2G0 Stark at., opposite Chamber of Commerce. SNAP 4-room good cottage on car-line and Im proved street, near Brooklyn School; $700. HENKLE & BAKER, 217 Ablngton bldg. A FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOME. 9 ROOMS. full lot. recently completed, on E. Madison and 20th etsi. Is offered for sale at a very reasonable price. Apply owner, N 1, Orego nian. 5 ACRES CLOSE TO CENTER OF ST. JOHNS for $4000. one-third cash; can be subdivided in lots and sold xor ftwo. u. c Rogers, SL Johns. Phone Scott 3104. $5500 7-ROOM NEW AND MODERN HOUSE. 19th. near Loveloy; Just the right location and just the right price. L. W. Whiting & uo.. 403 ADington otag. GOING EAST WILL SELL TWO NEW houses in Holladay Park Add. for less than cost; easy terms. See owner, cor. 24th and Clackamas. FOR SALE THREE LOTS IN PORTLAND. Or. ;wlll sell cheap; or take a loan. Address at once owner. Miss Lanora E. Burnett. Se attle, wasa. $4500 NEARLY NEW MODERN 7-ROOM bouse; electricity, bath, gas; Improved streets. Owner, -1- iz. sutn st. HIGH. SIGHTLY LOT IN MILWAUKEE; 23 -minutes from Portland; $600. But this lot is an acre- Irwin. 12SVi Front. COMPLETED FEB. 15. NEW MODERN 6 room house, corner lot. gravel street, near Uavttinm. v, - nri j250O uh op rprm Y 2. Oregonian. FOR SALE NEW MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. M 1 . T.., CM. a, kimln Phone oglesby Young. Chamber of Com merce. A REAL" SNAP TWO ACRES ON CAR LINE; only piece In neighborhood nov In lots. Own er, r 100. uregonian. FLATS AND STORES. PAYING 15 PER cent; vacant ground for 3 houses; $2700 down. iain fTWEAP SIGHTLY V. BLOCK. TWO COT- tages. In excellent condition; will divide. Cau 326 i lltn- 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. $1850: SMALL payment down, balance monthly Phone East 073. CHOICE FRUIT LAND "NEAR CITY; PRICE reascaaDio. J 4. urecoaian. FOR SALS KEAX JCSXATS. WEST SIDE. 4 Business lot sxd good Improvements on 11th, near Morrison. This Is an opportunity for a society or lodge or any Investor to get inide property at a reasonable figure. The price will sell It Immediately;' 10 per cent Investment "and a few thousand dollars will handle It. Four corner flats, close In on 13th; new and paying 9 per cent net on $18,000. This is a fine buy. 50x123 with good house. 12th. near Main; lot worth the price. $6000. We have a fine corner on N. Hth that we can sell for $3000. We have Improved and unimproved lots In North and South Portland, suitable for homes. EAST SIDE. II acres in fruit, good house, barn, etc.. at Mt. Tabor, lees than $500 an acre; 3 acres, new house, good water. 3 blocks from ML Scott car. $2100: lots , and houses In Stephens Addition. East Portland. Alblna. Highland. Seliwood. and. in fact, any direc tion: small payment down, balance easy terms. NORTHRUP & KING. 210 and 211 Commercial Block. BAIS3AINS CITY PROPERTIES: $100 down, $5 monthly, buys new house and two lots In Stewart Park, on car line; $250. $100 down, $5 monthly, buys choice corner lot with concrete basement, two blocks from lo-mlnute car line; $375. New 5-room house and one acre level cul tivated land, on Mt. Scott car line. 20 min utes from heart of city; $900. 5-room house and choice corner lot. two blocks from car line In Sunnyside: $1000. Choice residence lots. 6 blocks from Port land Hotel, at bargain prices. OREGON ASSOCIATED EXCHANGE, 2SS14 Washington Street. $1600 BEAUTIFUL NEW MODERN 5-ROOM. cottages, small payment down, balance monthly. $3otO Sightly, elegant, new, modern, resi dence. West Side, small cash payment, bal ance monthly. $4500 Nice, new, modern Colonial S-room house. West Side, easy payments; several other nice new homes, 5 to 8 rooms, on easy terms. O. M. SMITH. 730 Chamber of Commerce. $200. .LOTS IN NORTH ALB IN A; NEAR new carbarns. $300 takes two full lots. Riverside. $400. three lots on St. Johns cars. Willamette-. $325. choice Iota In Maes ley Highland, bearing trees. Going and Hen dricks. The above for sale In monthly pay ments of $10. $1200. attractive 8-room house. North Irvlngton, 7th st. W. H. NUNN. 552 Sherlock blk. FOR SALE BY OWNER--ROOM SUBURBAN cottage, large cement basement, bath, fine large porch and lawn, with nae. ceimrnt walks; corner. Vi block; garden, berries, 20 young bearing fruit trees, outbuildings, aide walk to car, two block?. Cheap for cash or reasonable terms; ralgnt trade tor unim proved property. T 1, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Choice residence lot on Northrup St., near Twenty-third. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 103 Third street. NICE LITTLE HOME, 5 MINUTES WALK from electric car station, house, tarn, good well and one acre of land, several hundred strawberry plants, all cleared and fenced; an ideal place for chickens. Price $675. half cash. C. C. Wllye & Co.. Lents. Or., 5-cent tare. 160 ACRES. WITHIN IRRIGATION Dis trict, near Prlnevllle. $800; acreage tracts. 22 minutes from Portland, near car line. $125 per acre; semi-urban homes; Esta cada business and residence lots. $150. Ben Irwin. 128 Front. Phone Main 2370. A GOOD INVESTMENT $2350. PART CASH. balance on easy terms, win nuy corner lot. 50x100. with building containing two flats of 5 rooms and bath each; rents $23.ou, property rapidly Increasing in value. Geo. M.- Strong, 163 w. raric st. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME AT LAUREL- wood No. 2. on Mt. Scott car Une, from $400 up. You can pay us in monthly In stallments at same price you are now paying for nouse rent. Jvnapp & iiacKey. room 2. Chamber ot commerce. FREE LAND! FREb LAND I A chance to secure a home and males money; only cost Is for water right, which averages io per acre: under state control. For particulars write or call at office of Co lumbia Southern Irrigation Co.. 639 Wor cester blk. SOME FINE ACREAGE RIGHT IN CITY limits at Oregon City, and an 8-room house and a 3-story barn, very fine for trucking or chicken ranch; win sen or trade ror fort land property. A. R. Spreadborough. 841 Front St.. Portland. WE WILL BUILD YOU A HOME AT Laurelwood No. 2. on Mt. bcott car line. and you can pay us for it in monthly in stallments. The choicest addition on the line. Knapp & Mackey. room 2, Chamber of commerce. HOYT ST.. NEAR 23D. MEANS THE VERY best section of Nob Hill, and $3750 for a 7-room cottage we are offering there will strike you as reasonable in price, when you see it. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 408 Ablngton bldg. A GREAT BARGAIN 23 ACRES NEAR CAR line; 12 acres cultivated, good soli. This property was taken on mortgage and price is very low; will take part trade. See owner, room 4. zooft Morrison st. SMALL HOUSE AND LOT NEAR WASH- lngton st. for $6500; and one near 8th for $3500. cnance tor ciose investors, cau after Monday to see them. City Business Chance Agency. 23 xst st. LARGE LOT (80X100). LARGE. MODERN bouse. 10 rooms, finely bunt by a lumber man who knew how to do It, and close In per cent on the price. $12,000. L. W. Whit- Co.. 408 Ablngton bldg. $1600 CASH, $S0O ON EASY TERMS AT 6 per cent, most modern 7-room home In Sunnyside, cor. 36th and Salmon; owner going away, bee me today for a snap. pnone scott bjj CAPITALISTS WANTED TODAY. 2 TO 4 P. M., at Lewis and Clark Fair entrance; shown by R. W. Traver, 233 Washington; show cheap lots. FOR SALE CHEAP New 7-room, modern house, all conveniences, hard finished. 1 block from street-car. 2 blocks from Highland School: over 2 large lots. Particulars phone East 3104. FOR SALE CORNER LOT IN HOLLADAY Addition, with two modern t-room houses, attic and basement, furnace .in one house; price $5000; or will sell separately. II OS. uregonian. mn 3 a t Trpnnv fnT)'RTr' rnTTjni! gas, electric usui; picmcai .piace in upper Alblna; iJ minutes wuk to roruima; sen cfieap. 3)HJ aan iiaiaei sc. cor. jtoaney ave. FOUR MODERN FLATS. BUILT LAST year, close in on tn sr.. rent tor si&o or 15 per cent on the price. $12,500. L. W. Whit ing & CO.. 4U3 ADinKion mug. i! Dfinw itfircc nTW Trrvr vn fnr.n water, oriCK Dasemeai, uu c. .-utn St., . smitn, iu)2 iin su TWO MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSES. $1S50AND $1950; one 5-room cottage, $1150; small pay ment down, balance monthly. Phone East c75. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. w. I, electric line. O. R. Addltcn. Lents. Or. Take ML Scott car. 3c A FINE CORNER LOT FOR SALE CHEAP. cor. E. 7th and Wygant, near Highland School; by owner, cor. a. otn and wygant NEW. MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE. NEAR car-line, close In. East Side; very best mate rial and workmanship. E OS. Oregonian. FOR SALE LOT 50x150 AND S-ROOM house: $2600. Apply on premises. 297 Til lamook. bet. uiiuam and Rodney aves. K-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 50x100 (SUNNYSIDE) owner leaving country: price $1250; part on time It desired, ti. iw, uregonian. INSIDE LOT ON 17TH AND GLISAN FOR sale, reasonable price. Tne Ames Mercan tile Agency, ADington Diag. $1000 CORNER LOT. S. E. COR. HOOD and urover sts.. iuu ieei on xiooa su see owner. 211 Glbbs st. FOR SALE OR RENT AT $3 PER MONTH. quarter block, ii. lata and unsan sts. 60. care Oregonian. SEVERAL NICE IMPROVED LOTS. CHEAP. Central Alblna. L. M. Davis, owner. Mo hawk bldg.. city. 7-ROOM HOUSE -FURNISHED. 3 LOTS AND barn, two cows; price. uu. j. w.Tayior, ivannoe station. FINE SUBURBAN HOME AT MOUNT TA bor: win sen ior one-mui original cost. 9S. Oregonian. TOR SALE CHEAP TWO FINE RESI dence lota. 100x100. Inquire 281 Falling. Williams ave. vnR SALE-BY OWNER. NICE 6-ROOM house, full lot. near car-line. Apply 785 Brooklyn . FOR SALE TWO LOTS ON TILLAMOOK at.. 100 feet from Union ave. Inquire 49 9th st. K. Ui ACRES LAND NEAR GARDNER. OR. for sale or trade far city property.. D 93, Oregonian. WE BUILD "HOUSES. EASY PAYMENTS faraUh lots If desired. 812 Commercial bldx. FOR SALE REAL EST ATX. COME TO US FOR BARGAINS. $S500 for one of the most beautiful 90-acre farms to be found anywhere in the Vest; all fenced Into hpautlfii! fields: verv handsome 'buildings; modem conveniences, very rich sou; one mue railway station; oxuy vi nnies out. $6000 for a swell West Side home, close In. $2SO0 for a grand 15-acre place, rich soil, all nicely fenced into small fields, beautiful 5- room residence, fine barns and other build ings; one mile railway station, 11 miles out. gravel read. $2200 Charming home on Williams ave.. 6- room cottage, modern conveniences-, beau tiful lot; great anap. $1SOO Highly Improved 13-acre place near electric cars, S miles out. $1000 for a charming cottage home, beau tiful beyond description; one block electrlo car. St. Johns line. $95Q for a nice poultry ranch containing li lots. 4-room cottage, good barn and poultry house; three blocks electric car. one block schoolhouse. $400 for a nice 2-acre tract with living water: will make a very beautiful home; in Oak Grove. $350 for a full lot. 4-room cottage, con venient to cars on West ave. YOU WILL NEVER GET THE BAR GAINS UNTIL YOU SEE THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.. 149 FIRST STREET. EMPIRE INVESTMENT COMPANY. ROOM 9. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. PHONE MAIN 5336. If you want to sell or buy property list with us for quick rtsults. Here are a few of our bargains: Two houses. 15 and 17 rooms, new and up-to-date, full lot. splendid location. $8000. 7-room house and lot. Grant st.. $2650. 9-room house, full lot. Nob Hill location. $4250; $130O cash, balance 6 per cent. 5-room bouse, U-block, all kinds of fruit, fine barn. Seliwood ave.. $1500; $700 cash, balance at $10 per month. 5-room cottage and barn, lot 50xl47ii. $1509. New house and lot at Tremont. near station: lot 90x104; owner going East and will sell for $2500. i 5-room cottage, full lot. in Stevens Addi tion, on three car lines. $2500. 5-room cottage, full lot. In Stewart Park. $1000: $250 cash, balance $20 per month. Full 14-block. Holladay's Addition, cement sidewalks. $2750. 6 lots in Willamette Addition: must sell; owner must have money; $120 for 6 lots. $5000 BUYS FINE 7-ROOM HOUSE NEAR J4tn. an modern. $11,500 buys lot SOxlOO. fine house, 11th st. $7500 buys house of 10 rooms, lot 75x100, all modern, close In. West Side. Good 8-room house, fine basement, 2 lots, on car line. $2750. New 5-room house, modern, good lot, well located. Price. $1750; Installments. v 7-room bouse near Mt Tabor car line. 22d st. $1750; Installment. Fine 11-room house. 4 fine lots, all set to fine shrubbery: the best buy on East Side, Morrison st. Price. $6500: easy terms. CHARLESON & SMITH. Room 210. Alisky Bldg. Phone West 351. 7-room house and lot on E. 12th st $2,250 Lots on E. 12th ot Quarter-block on E. 22d and E. Davis. 1,500 Lot E. 19th and Broadway, easy pay ments 850 Lots In Hawthorne Ave. Addition. In stallments 200 Quarter-block. E: 14th and Weldler 1.400 Quarter-block, 12th and Prescott sts.. 600 Easy terms can be had on all of these properties. LAMBERT & SARGENT. 404 East Alder St. 8-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. CONVENIENT, San Rafael St.. near union, si&ou: terms. Two lots, main st. Seliwood. cheap. 7 lots In Sumptcr. single or In block. 3 lots In Portsmouth, near Portland: cheap. 7-room house. Just finished. E. Taylor and 30th; terms. A snap. House and 2 lots. E. Yamhill and 30th: fine carpet with house; car line; cheap and terms. CONSERVATIVE INVESTMENT CO., 40 Hamilton Block. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET A NICE new home, nearly furnished, close in. for little money, easy terms; house just com pleted; 4 rooms, plastered, besides wood storeroom; fine lot. 50x100. on Improved street; Bull Run water: price. $875; $100 down, balance $12 monthly. Better see It today; Ir may be sold tomorrow. Take Richmond car to 36th st.. one block north. 10S0 Division st. Phone Union 105. 7-ROOM HOUSE. VERY NICE. IN HARD- wood finish; must eell; also o-room cottage; can make terms to suit buyer. Phone Main 6278. '-ROOM HOUSE BATH. ELECTRIC LIGHT; desirable: E. 26th St.; lot 65 feet front; $500 cash, balance monaly payments to suit; a real bargain. Apply owner, O 1, Oregonian. GOOD SUBURBAN PLACE FOR SALE cheap; cnoice iruit ana Dernes; pan caon. Q 97. Oregonian. 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGEL SOUTH PORT- land: easy terms; xaw. i. ti. -xnompson & Co.. 223 3d. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, NICE LITTLE HOME; $1150: small payment down, balance mommy. Phone East 675. NEAT 3-ROOM COTTAGE; BARGAIN; $750; easy terms. 901 E. 8th North. Phone Union 4594. LOT 12. BLOCK 47. SUNNYSIDE. AT A sacrifice. A. D Marshall. 82 3d st. A FINE BUSINESS LOT NEAR CENTER OF city for sale; $10JOOO. B 3, oregonian. FOR SAEEJHOUSE ON EASY PAYMENTS. same as rent. 302 Madison. FOR SALE FARMS. 10 ACRES AT ROCKWOOD, 2 ACRES cleared, mostly all In fruit, 135 fruit trees; $800. 150 acres, 30 acres cleared. 7-room house, barn, 40 head of cattle, one span of horses, 2 wagons and all farm Implements. $10,000. 15 acres on the Section Line Road. 9 miles from Portland: 7 acres cleared; 3-room house: $2000. 40 acres, 35 acres cleared. In good state of cultivation, 11-room plastered house, stock and Implements go with the place, $7500. 34 acres on the Foster road, 3 acres cleared and 15 acres slashed: about $500 worth of cordwood on place; $1600. We have a choice piece of ground of 30 acres which is Just the thing to raise garden truck on. v 12U acres in Clark County, Washington; 25 acres cleared, barn and house. $1300. "LAMBERT & SARGENT. 404 East Alder St. FINE FARM. 160 ACRES. ALL IN CULTI vatlon; 30 head ot cattle, 3 horses. 80 tons of hay. all kinds of farming machinery, good orchard, fine dairy outfit, fair buildings, water piped to boude and barn, fine road, 12 miles from Portland. 650 . acres. 500 in cultivation, good build ings, near school, 4 miles from railroad sta tion, running water, fenced and croas-fenced; snap. Price, $22.50 per acre. l'JO acres, nearly all in cultivation, fine orchard, good buildings, would make a flna place to divide in small tracts; land adjoin ing sells for $300 per acre; near car lin. Price, $120 per acre. CHARLESON & SMITH. Room 210. Alisky Bldg. Phone West 361. EMPIRE INVESTMENT CO. Room 9. Chamber of Commerce. We have a fine list of. FARMS In Colum bia County, close to Portland; reasonable prices, terms to suit. ALSO small tracts in suburbs ofPortland and WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS AND. HOP LANDS. 640 acres In center of Deschutes Valley, all can be irrigated but 40 acres; title war ranty deed: $3.25 per acre. For further particulars call or address EMPIRE INVESTMENT CO.. Room 9. Chamber ot Commerce. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 160 acres rich bottom land, one mile from Kelso; 135 acres cleared; good 6-room house, large barn, new silo. 5 horses, 50 cattle, new mower, wagon, corn planter, plows, hay- y rake, steel harrow, new double harness, new cream aeyaiAiur, aim niiin. uicuai( buggy and harness and many other toois and Implements. Price only $7000, cash, balance mortgage at 8 per cent Interest. This is one of tne finest dairy ranches in the country. IMUS & WILLOUGHBY, Kalama, Wash. GOOD FARM OF 55 ACRES. 32 ACRES cleared. Ave acres good hops, and all good hop land; small old orchard; balance pas ture aijd good timber: running water on place; good 8-room house, with water piped into house; near school; 1 miles south ot Sherwood. Or. Good horse and buggy, farm machinery. $200 worth of furniture, two cows, chickens, hay, feed, potatoes, etc. go with place, at $4000. A. Murdock. Sher wood. Or. . ATTENTION! Do you know that Central Oregon has the best future of any place In the North west? Fine climate, good soli, plenty of fuel and lumber. Do not buy until you make investigation; land from $5 to $25 per acre. Write your wants to Riley Glrthoffer. Shanlko, Or. $2.50 AN ACRE AND UPWARDS FOR 22.000 acres of farming, dairying and fruit lands, lying in Benton and Lincoln Coun ties. Oregon, along the line of the Corvsllia & Eastern R. R. Will be sold in large or mall tracts. Terms on application. J. D. WILCOX. 202 Stark st. FARM FOR SALE 185 ACRES. 140 ACRES plow, 45 timber land: good improvements; valued at $3500; can be bought for $55 per acre; boat every day; two miles from town; good roads. Half down, balance 6 per cent, at your own time. Addrc&a Robert Sari, Dayton, Or,