The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 29, 1905, PART TWO, Page 12, Image 12

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Many Lawyers Favor
New Constitution.
Others Oppose Calling a Con
stitutional Convention.
Friends of Initiative and Referendum
Declare It Is Planned to Abolish
the Amendment Views of
Prominent Attorneys.
The present constitution was framed
by a convention of CO delegates chosen
by the people In June, 1857. The con
vention lasted Irom the first Monday of
August of that year to September 18.
Jn November the constitution was rat
ified by the people, and went Into eftect
February 14. 1859, when the act of Con
gress admitting Oregon Into the Union
-was approved by the Tresldent.
Among those who have to treat dally
with the constitution of the state In their
business dealings, the proposal to call a
constitutional convention lor January,
1906, for the purpose o either amending
the present constitution or. drafting an
other, lb meeting with a great deal of
Interest and discussion.
So far as can be noted from the expres
sions gleaned here and there from men
who have made a study of the constitution
and what It provides, the concensus of
opinion seems to be that it is desirable
to call the convention, that it Is neces
sary to change the constitution In many
ways to make it conform to the changed
conditions of the present time. It is held
out that the constitution as it stands Is
out of date and rusty, that it makes it
necessary to ignore its provision in legis
lation now needed for the government of
the state and its institutions, and that its
provisions arc being ignored to the down
fall of its force and dignity.
There are those who hold two radical
views opposing one another. The first,
and by the great part the majority, as it
seems. Is made up of those who wish the I
instrument altered or replaced by a new
one. holding It to be out-dated and in
many ways obsolete. On the other hand
Is the minority, which takes the position
that the changes arc desired at this time
in order to kill the Initiative and referen- j
dum clause, and thereby take away from
the people in general their power over the
action of the Legislature.
Delegates to Be Chosen.
The supporters of the plan, however,
take the stand that the bill providing for
the election of delegates and the calling
of the convention has been drafted In a
Sanner which does away with all danger
unfairness to any political belief, since
it provides that the delegates shall be en
tirely the choice of the people at large.
This seems to be the opinion of the ma
jority, which is willing to concede great
fairness to the frame rs of the proposed
measure. '
It Is also called to mind, however, that
the present constitution makes no pro
vision for calling a convention, and that
under the provisions of the old instru
ment no convention could be called with
out first so amending the constitution
that it would be possible to provide for
the convention. Any other course, so
it Is held out, would be violation of the
constitution and not according to law, it
amounting in fact to a peaceable revolu
tion in the state unless all people agreed
In the wisdom of changing the document
at this time.
Attorneys in Portland are almost to a
man in favor of making the change. Some
of them state" their reasons, while others
simply say from their knowledge that
they think it would be best, and is In fact,
necessary that the change be made at the
present as the best time. To wait will
make it harder to change.
Constitution Needs Revision.
Senator D. J. Malar key Is very much in
favor of the proposed change, and will
do all in his power to bring about the
passage of the bill now pending.
'There are so many respects," he said,
"In which our constitution is suscepti
ble of improvement that I think it would
be wise to provide for the convention.
That body might enact the same constitu
tion now In existence, but I think after
we have had one for DO years It is -time
to make some changes in It. The condi
tions have changed and the present doc
ument does not cover the ground neces
sary It should be elastic enough to meet
the now conditions arising, and the old
one does not do It
"There are many reasons why such ac
tion should be taken. It has been sug
gested that the Jury system should be
changed, at least in civil practice, so that
a majority of Jurors would convict, or ba
able to return a verdict. It has also been
proposed to take the probate business
away from the county courts and create
the Superior Court, to take care of that
work, then the County Court could attend
solely to the business Interests of the
county. In the same way It would be
easy to enumerate at least twenty reasons
wny the change should be made.
'The proposed bill is very fair and safe
guards every avenue of danger. It takes
It out of the hands of the political par
ties ana puts the election of the dele
gates entirely In the hands of the peo
pie. in addition to this. 30 delegates
are given to the Supreme Court by an
pointment la order that 30 of the most
capable men in the state may be chosen
to help In making the constitution.
"Another thing that Is mentioned for
change Is the system of municipal legisla
tion. Under the present arrangement tho
time of the Legislature Is taken up with
tho consideration of charter bills and
other local measures which could Just as
well be delegated entirely to the care of
those localities most Interested.
"I think It would be a good idea to pro
vide for a legislative session every time
there was to be an election of-a United
States Senator, the duration to be 11m
Ited to 35 days and the business limited
. to the election alone. If the election
could not be brought about in that time
let the state go unrepresented In Con
grrss. The second legislative session
would be for the law-making and for this
the Legislators could be called together
rvery five years. This would do away
with much of the present useless legisla
tion. I think the convention should bo
Favored by W. D. Fenton.
W D. Fentbn said in answer to the
I have always been opposed to the
-ailing of a convention, but I think it
would be advisable at this time if it could
bo arranged without too much expense.
"I think the chief necessity is to provide
for the salary of the state officers and
to thus aboHslT the fee system. Then the
jurisdiction of the courts should be tc
districted, the probate business being
taken from the County Courts and placed
in the hands of a newly created Superior
Court. Besides these there axe many
other changes necessary. The conditions
have changed so that the constitution does
not meet the requirements of the time."
Constitution Should Be Elastic.
It. A. Lelter is also of the opinion that
some change should be made:
"I am In favor of calling a convention,"
he said, "for I think It Is necessary to
regulate the salaries of the state officers
and for many other reasons. Because a
constitution was once adopted is no sign
that It cannot be amended or bettered. It
should be elastic enough to meet the
changing conditions of the state, which
is not now the case.
"There is, of course, a danger that the
cranks might engraft a lot of undesirable
things on the new instrument, but I think
the convention could be controlled by the
sober-mlded men of the state and that
there would be no trouble."
Constitution Now Ignored.
Frederick V. Hoi man said:
"I think there should be a convention
called, though J. have always been op
posed to such procedure In the past. There
Is a danger of incorporating some craze
in the new measure, such as the initiative
and referendum, but that would not 4be
"We will have to have a new constitu
tion in a few years at the latest, and
now is a good time to commence to pro
vide for the work.
"I do not believe In treating the consti
tution with contempt, as Is being done by
the legislation of today. Measures are
offered at each Legislature which ignore
the provisions of the constitution, and I
believe in living up to the letter ot tho
general and main law.
"I think the salary question should be
settled and the fee system abolished.
There Is, however, no provision in the
constitution providing for the call of
convention, and I have held that the first
thing to be done would be to provide an
amendment to the constitution authorizing
the call of a convention. If that is not
done and a convention is called, it will
amount in fact to a peaceable revolution
In the state.
"In my opinion, It would be a good
thing to fiave a convention, though all
conventions are dangerous, if they fall
into wrong hands."
Governor Open to Conviction.
Governor Chamberlain is the only man
i-t the list who does not have u decided
opinion on the question.
"I have not read the bill carefully," ho
said, "and I would not like to make any
definite statement until I have done so.
and have listened to the arguments both
for and against. As a general proposition
I have not been in favor of it, for I do
not think it is necessary. I am. however,
capable of being changed in my opinion
by argument, and if the arguments are
sufficient I might think it to be neces
sary, and a good thing to call the con'
Favored by Judge George.
Judge George said: "I am in favor of
constitutional convention."
"I think a constitutional convention
should be hold." said John Van Zante.
"As It is now, we have a well-arranged
code, but many antiquated laws. If we
revise the constitution we can have up-
to-date lawy. For Instance, wc have
County Court for probate matters, and
In most states probate business Is trans
acted in the District or Circuit Court, but
under the Oregon constitution we are com
pelled to have a County Court."
Let Well Enough AJonc.
"I don't see why we should have a con
stitutlonal convention," said George W.
Joseph. "I think the present instrument
is good tsnough. and I believe In letting
well enough alone."
Alex Bernstein said: "A new constitu
tion Is not a necessity. Matters In tho
present Instrument could in many respects
be Improved upon. The question of sal
aries for state officers; increased number
of Judges for the Supreme Court and kin
dred subjects could be treated and the in
strument in such respects made more cer
tain and flexible! In trials by jury in
civil cases a provision to reach a verdict
The substitute bill for a constitutional
convention, reported favorably by the
Judiciary Committee ot the State
Senate, provide? that the constitu
tional convention shall be held at Sa
lem, January S, and that it shall con
tain 90 members. 30 of them from the
state at large, chosen by the Supreme
Court, and CO by the electors of the
state. The CO candidates are to be
nominated only by petition, and the
election la to be held June S, thjs year.
Of the 30 delegates, not more than two
thirds are to be members of one polit
ical party.
The apportionment of the CO Is to be
as follows:
.2! Lane 3
Lincoln ........ 1
Linn 3
Marlon 3
Marion, and
Clackamas ... 1
Morrow 1
Multnomah ....11
Polk 2
Sherman 1
Tillamook 1
Umatilla 3
Union 2
Wallowa 1
Wasco 2
Washington .... 2
Tamhllt 2
Benton ........
Curry and Coos 11
Gilliam, Sher
man, Wheeler lj
Grant 1
Harney and
Malheur ll
Jackson ..
Josephine ll
Klamath, Lake 1
A constitution as drafted by the con
vention Is to be submitted to the people
for ratification or rejection at an elec
tion to be held June , 1900, and the
convention Is to prescribe the form of
the questions that are to be submitted.
The bill appropriates $50,000 for defraying-the
expenses of the convention.
The delegates are to receive ?5 a day,
but suoh compensation shall not esceed
$300 for any delegate. They shall alto
receive ?3 for every 20 miles traveled In
going to and returning from the conven
tion. N
tutional convention," said John F. Lo
gaa "The present constitution puts the
Supreme Judges In the ridiculous position
of receiving only JCOOO per year salary,
and the Legislature to give them more
has to whip the devil around the stump
by giving them 32390 expense money per
year to go to Pendleton and hold a short
session of court there. These same
Judges are supposed to pass upon the
constitutionality of laws, when they
themselves are breaking the law in this
way. There arc inadequate provisions in
the constitution with reference to cor
porations. The inhibition against erect
ing public buildings except at Salem is
another thing. Negroes are not permit
ted to live In Oregon under our constitu
tion, and Chinese cannot legally hold
property. Cities should be classified so
that laws can be passed for cities accord
ing to their requirements. As it is now,
all laws have to bo general. There Is the
flat-salary bill covering the offices of Gov
ernor and Secretary of State. That Is
unconstitutional under the present meas
ure, we have a State Printer, and what
more need is there for a State Printer
than for a state horscshocr? Tho courts
should be rearranged so-that probate and
all other matters shall be handled by one
court. Our constitution will not permit
this change. Last, but not least, a con
stitutional convention ought to be held to
get rid of the initiative and referendum
Archaic Features Need Correction.
R. T. Piatt said: "The extreme diffi
culty of getting salutary amendments
enacted whenever there Is any powerful
opposition from any source leads me to
believe that any archaic features can only
be corrected by a constitutional conven
"I am not much of a believer in a con
stitutional convention tinkering," said H.
Piatt, "becauso the experience of most
states has shown that tho new one is not
as good as the old one. I think we should
amend the old one. Modern constltU'
tlonal conventions have generally incor
porated a lot of things that are really
legislative enactment, and should be left
to the Legislature. The only serious ob
jection to the present constitution is the
size of our Supreme Court."
Inadequate in Some Particulars.
Judge Charles H. Carey is another
one who thinks that there should be
some change in tho constitution. In
speaking of the matter he said:
'I am very heartily in favor of it.
for there are many changes needed.
have been very slow in making up my
mind that the convention should bo
called, but during the past two or
three years many reasons have im
pressed themselves upon me until '.
feel that even the most conservative
citizen will admit the necessity of
somo changes in the constitntion, to
adapt it to the present needs of our
I think the constitution can be re
vised by such a convention without
radically changing It In any of its
parts. The constitution in the main
is an excellent instrument, while to
tally inadequate in some particulars.'
C. E. S. Wood Opposed.
C. B. S. Wood sounded the battle cry
of those who are not in favor of the
convention in a few short sentences.
My idea, he said, "Is that If we
have waited so manv vcars to reform
the constitution, now that we have got
process for changing it through the
initiative and referendum, it would
not be wise to call the convention to
undo this work. I do not see any rea
son for a convention unless they intend
to do away with the initiative and ref
erendum clause. We now have a means
of changing tho constitution and re
forming it. The old constitution un
doubtedly needed amendment, for it
attempted to meddle in the field ot leg'
islation, but it is curious that they
want to amend It now when we have
moans or amending it put In our
Save the Initiative and Referendum.
Judge Thomas O'Day was a follower
of Mr. Woods In his ideas on the sub
ject. He feels deeply concerning- the
contemplated movement and was glad
to have an opportunity to express him
self on the question.
The object of calling the convention
is, as I see it. to do away with the
initiative and referendum." he said.
"In my opinion, the Initiative gives tho
people an opportunity to legislate,
which is a move In the right direction.
"The people who want to change this
condition are those who think that the
people are not capable of governing
themselves and they want to take the
Initiative away from the masses.
"But I think if they do get the con
vention. tho referendum will remain.
There is, in my opinion, more proba
bility of the Legislature being aboi
ished than that the initiative and ref
erendum will be repealed, and I am
opposed to any scheme which will abol
ish or curtail the initiative and refer
endum and through that act the power
of the people.
"I think the safety of this republic
lies In the fact that the entire people.
the real sovereigns, not only partici
pate in the government, but they par
ticipate in making the laws by which
the people are governed. For this rea
son and the danger to the initiative, I
do not think it wise to call a conven
tion." G. C. Moscr Favors Convention.
"I favor the convention," said G. C
Moser, "and think it would bo a good
thing. There are many defects In the
constitution which can be rectified by a
convention better than by amendment.
"Many things need to be changed.
We "are working under a constitution
that Is old and rusty and we would bo
able to draft a new one with the aid
of the experience of all the older and
larger states."
R. W. Montague had a wish that a
sincere spirit would be brought to bear
when the convention was called, if It
"Wa" If Called in Good Faith.
"If the convention was to be com
posed of high-class and representative
men,? he said, "it would be a good
thirfe to call it. There Is no doubt that,
the 'constitution needs to be amended.
The question then is whether to do it
by the slow process of the initiative
and referendum or by tho quicker
method of a convention- The extremes
on either side fear that the other power
will gain the ascendency in the con
vention and control it. If, however. It
is called in good faith it would prove
of great benefit, and I would be heart
ily in favor of 1L
Revision Is Now Needed;
T would consider the convention to
be not only proper, but essential." said"
W. M. Cake. "My judgment wouia do
that It would be admlssable. I regard
tho constitution very highly and think
it should bo considered in all legisla
tion and not ignored. Conditions are
much different now than they were 50
years ago and tho constitution should
be changed to meet the change in them.
Its dignity should bo preserved ana
upheld and recognized, and therefore I
think that a convention snouia do
called to revise it or amend It so that
it would be possible to hold it above all
other law in tho state."
Actor Takes Fall In
to Basement
Consla of Clyde Fltcli Coaaned
to Good Samaritan Hospital Ik
Serious Condition.
Our homeopathic pharmacy is complete in every detail,
and in charge of competent and experienced homeopathic drug
gists. A- full line of standard works on homeopathy free for
inspection of those who desire to consult them. Note our
popular prices for fresh, reliable remedies and. specif ics,
Luyties5 Celebrated Homeopathic Preparations
THOMAS FITCH, cousin of Clyde
Fitch; tho well-known dramatist, Is
In room 21, Good Samaritan Hospital. In
a delirious condition and seriously Injured
about tho head and body, due to Injuries
received by his having fallen through the
open door of the elevator and down the
elevator shaft at the Alisky building.
Third and Morrison, last Wednesday aft
ernoon. Thomas Fitch belongs to London.
England, and is leading man of the Julia
Romaino Company, presenting his play.
"Reaping the Harvest."
The members of the company pame
hero from Sacramento last Wednesday.
and, having a few hours to spare before
they took the train for Spokane, several
of them went on shopping expeditions.
Miss Romalnc had to make a business
call at the Alisky building, and Mr.
Fitch escorted her there. The afternoon
was just drawing toward dusky when
Mr. Fitch thought he would see If Miss
Roroalne had concluded her visit to one
of the upstairs rooms, and seeing, as he
supposed, the elevator cage standing on
a level with tho street, he stepped
through the open door toward the ele
vator and fell to the basement. The ele
vator cage really was at one of tho upper
floors. When the Injured man was picked
up, ho was Insensible, and It was seen
he was seriously hurt. On being conveyed
to the hospital, he was taken in charge
by Dr. Louis Buck, and otherwise cared
for by the Portland Lodge of Eagles, of
which organization he Is a member. It
will bo some time before Mr. Fitch is
sufficiently recovered to leave the hospital.
County Committee Holds Business
Session and Prepares to Act.
The county school exhibit committee
met yesterday In the offjee of County
School Superintendent Robinson. - A. F.
Hlrschner, chairman, presided. The ses
sion occupied the entire day.
After thoroughly discussing the county
exhibit plan It was decided to send copies-
to every teacher in the county along with
a circular letter of the educational exhibit
department of the state. This, In the
opinion of the committee, will result in
an aggressive movement in all school dis
tricts of the county. School officers and
natrons will be requested to co-operate
with the teachers in , common effort
to make the Multnomah County exhibit
as thorough as possible
But little over two months remain in
which to build and assemble the county
exhibit. All, it Is thought, will be un
usually active during that period. The
exhibit will be assembled in the office of
the County Superintendent and arranged
under the direction of tho county exhibit
committee. The Teachers' Progress Club
and the Principals' Association will de
vote their entire energies to the educa
tional districts during the next three
months and aid the forming of the ex
hibit In every manner. A great deal ot
interest Is being taken in the exhibit In
most of the county schools, and this will
probably be intensified from now on.
The exhibit will be so arranged as to
exemplify the course of study. It Is not
the intention of the committee to make
large exhibit, but rather to select that
which will show their plans to the best
advantage and materially contribute to
the educational cause In the Northwest.
Takes MJjcsell'a Pulpit.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Jan. 23. (Special.)
Rev. Mr. Lands bo rough, of Southern
Oregon, has accepted a call to tho pas
torate of the First Presbyterian Church.
of this city, and will assume his duties
about February 1. The new pastor is
Usual Prices. Our Prices.
. . .25a "Our Remedies Are -oz. . . .15c
1-oz 50c Perfectly Fresh. 1-oz 25c
2-oz.. . . .25c Liquids -Sent by Yz-dz. . . .20c
1-oz.... 50c mail l-oz ...doc
1-oz.... 50c Postage Free 1-oz.... 25c
An excellent external application for rheumatic
pains, sprains, contusions. 1 oz. 20 6, 2 oz.
For all lacerated wounds reqiuirng"bandaging
and for extensive suppuration, 1 oz., 20;
2-oz., 35.
An excellent plaster to be applied locally in
rheumatism, sciatica, each, 20.
One of the finest homeopathic dressings for
wounds, burns, bruises, chapped hands, sore
lips, 2 oz., 20; 4 oz., 35?; pint bottle,
For Sleeplessness, hysteria, etc. Positvely non
injurious, as it contans no opiates; 1 oz.,
A valuable remedy for constipation, 25, 50
Greatest homeopathic remedy for coughs,
croup, etc., per botjle, 25.
A positively non-injurious preparation for re
ducing weight. Never fails; bottle, 1.25-
For burns, bruises, pimples, fever sores, piles,
ulcers, chapped hands, barber's itch, boils
and sores of all kinds ; per box, 25(?-
For indigestion, heartburn, weak stomach, nau
sea and all the symptoms o'f dyspepsia, per
bottle, 25.
La Grippe Cure 50
Teething Powders, for infants 50d
"Worm Powders, safe and reliable 25
Pile Suppositories .-. .25
MANOLA, the great tonic and svstem builder,
bottle 90
The New Domestic Work on the Twelve
Contains over 300 pages. Price $1.00. Makes
prescribing easy. Postage free.
Luyties' Biochemic Case and Book
May families already using homeopathic
medicines have become interested in the Bio
chemic treatment of disease, and for them we
have a specially constructed case. This case is
handsomely made of oak, highly polished and
fitted withlock and key. It contains one
ounce bottles of each of the Twelve Tissue
Remedies in Powder or Tablets as desired.
TRY," $4.50.
aged about S3 years, and has a family.
Rev. F. H. Mixsell, ex-pastor ot the local
Presbyterian Church, Is now stationed at
South Bend. Wash.
Costly Pianola Piano Selected by the
Management of thr. Hobart Curtis.
A most beautiful quarter-sawed English
oak cased Planola-Plano of the latest type
has just been Installed by Ellers Piano
House at the Hobart-Curtls, this being
the sixth of these valuable Instruments to
be placed In Portland alone since tho first
of the year, and making altogether 17 ot
the Pianola-Pianos sold since January 1
by the Ellers House In the Pacific North
west, Only last week Mr. Bruce, man
ager of the Aeolian department, returned
from Spokane, where he succeeded In sup
plying four of the wealthiest homes there
with one each of the regular JlfiOO styles
of the beautiful Weber Pianola-Pianos.
Sales of the iletrostyle Pianola also con
tinue surprisingly large, and another 51500
Orchestrelle was sold In SeatUe yester
day. t
Money for Burbank's Experiments.
NEW YORK, Jan. 23. It has been an
nounced that the sum of 5100,000 allotted
by the trustees of the Carnegie Institute
to Luther BurbanK. the California agri
culturist, will be paid to him in annual
Installments of 110.000. This sum will
enable Burbank to devote his entire at
tention for. that period to experiments
with new grasses and vegetables, and it
is expected that he will relinquish, tem
porarily, his business Interests.
Many important discoveries have been
made by the Callfornlan at his home In
Santa Rosa during the past 25 years. He
has worked along the line of seeking
imperfect products in fruits, flowers, etc.,
In order to make them of full -value. He
claims there "is no weed which will nol
sooner or later respond liberally to good
cultivation and persistent selection."
by a less than unanimous number would
be generally approved. While it Is a grav
question, still. In view of the present tem
oerament of our people, there would be
liule danger and opportunity for many
improvements. '
Judge H. H. Nortbup takes the eon
servaUve view: "In some respects It
would be desirable to have the constltu
tlon of thfc state changed, but on the
whole, it Is a "most admirable document.
It has stood the test of nearly 30 years of
state government, giving good government
to the people of the state. I am naturally
conservative by naturo and fear that the
errors and extreme measures which would
creep into a new constitution would work
far greater evil to the people than the few
defects from which we now sutler. I am
most decidedly against a constitutional
convention. In fact, I believe If the meet
ings of the Legislative Assembly were lim
ited to four years, it would be a great
blessing. At every meeting of the Legis
lative Assembly there Is an attempt made
lo Increase the indebtedness of Ihe City
of Portland several hundred thousand dol
lars, and it Is usually successful. It Is
high time that the people stopped creating
public debts, and set themselves io the
work of trying to pay some that have
already been created. This debt-creating
business Is appalling."
"Nothing Is More Needed."
"Nothing Is ooVe needed than a coasti-
Blight's Disease and
Diabetes News
. San Francisco, Jan. 22, 1S05.
To Woodard. Clarke & Co.:
Dear Sirs: As agent for the Fulton
Compounds in Portland, there are some
facts in the Call office in this city that
should interest you and the editor of
The Oregonlan, as well as newspaper
men generally. We copy now from a
letter from Clifford House, ot the Call.
"That B right's Disease and Diabetes
are now curable It is well within the
province of some ot us in the Call office
to know that it Is true. Mr. Edward
Short, of this department, although
given up by his physicians as a victim
of Diabetes, got well. The mother of
one of the editorial staff has also re
covered from Diabetes. This was so
Hnrlnrc nf f hp 1 nine andd,caI
UUVIUI J VI llll JLi LUUIJ Surreal
and all diseases and weaknesses of men. due to In
heritance, habits, excesses, or the result of specinc
Every man who is afflicted owes It to himself and
his posterity to get cured safely and positively,
without leaving any blight or weakness in his sys
tem. We make no misleading statements or un
businesslike propositions to thfa afflicted In order to
secure their patronage. The many years of our suc
cessful practice in Portland prove that our methods
of treatment are safe and certain.
Call at our offices or write, and If wo And that you
cannot be cured we will NOT accept your money
UNDER ANY CONDITIONS and If To and you ara
curable we will guarantee a SAFE AND POSITIVE
CUIUS In Hie anorxest possioie nine, wuooui injuri
ous after-effects. Our charges will be as low as possiDie ior conscien
tious skU service. Consult us before consenting to
Inv surgical" Droccdure upon Important blood vessels and organs.
PEKUAL HOME TREATMENT. If you cannot call, writo us. Always
Inclose ten 2-cent stamps for reply. Y, OVTV
OFFICE HOURS t 8 A. M. to 8 P. II. 1 SU3TDAYS, 10 lo - o:L.l.
St. Louis feai.and Dispensary
Cor. Second and Yamhill Streets, Portland, Or.
The Master Specialist
of Portlaad, who cares
men only, who sne
pctUnU personally.
Twenty Years of Success
In the treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver,
kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, diar
rhoea, dropsical swellings. Brlghfs disease, ate.
Kidney and Urinary
Complaints, painful, difficult, too frequent, milky or
bloody Urine, unnatural discharges speedily cured.
Diseases of the Rectum
niles. nstuia. nssure,
bloody discharges, curea
Such as
ulceration, mucous and
without the knife, pain or
Diseases of Men
unnatural lossea.
coverca irom uiaocies. xnis was so j 1 . I Ulooa poison, gleeu, stricture, unnatural losses.
conclusive that I told a friend, in Du- 70?oUKhiv cured. No failure. Cure guaranteed. m ,
luth. Minn., who had Brlghfs Disease. youno SLklN troubled with night emissions, dreams, exhausting drains.
He recovered." thr,?in Sslon to society, which deprive you of your manhood. Ufttms
He" recovered.'
We will also add that ex-Supreme
Judge Bigelow, In the Call Building, is
a late recovery
Kindly call this important discovery
to the attention of your people. Pam
phlets herewith for all who ask.
Tours very truly.
The John J. Fulton Co.
TVhR to suspect Bright" Disease wtsJc
nr n without cause; puffy ankles, bands or
eyelids; kidney trouble .after the third
month: urine may show sediment; falling
vision; drowsiness,, one or. mart- of these.
excesses and strains have lost their j o
vnn . BifsivtiSK OR. MARRIAGE.
MIDDLE-AGED ME. who from
i",c ?",,bP, euVVd without MEKCUllV OR OTHER POISO.NOUS
DHCD5rSwSkcrTsh method ldclentiflc. He uses no patent nos- j
tmms or ready-made preparations, but cur6s the disease by thorough medical ;
SSment. His TNew Pamphlet on Pri-Tite Diseases sent free to all men who de. s
"We want every man that is suffering from any special disease
or condition t come and have a social chat with us and we will explain
to you a system of treatment which Dr. W. Norton Davis has developed
after over twenty's years' experience in the special diseases of men. It
is a tre.aaent that is "based upon scientific knowledge, and one which
time alone has proven superior to all others, inasmuch as it has been
tried by thousands and has proven successful If yon will call and
see lis, we will give yon FBEE OF OHABGE a thorough personal ex
amination, together with an honest and scientific opinion of your case.
If, after examining you we find your case incurable, we will tell you
so; if, on the other hand, we find your cassia curable, we will guarantee
A" CURE HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED, or you, may pay in monthly
payments should yotf desire.
We make NO CHARGE FOR MEDICINES, as they are always
included in nominal fee asked.
Instructive book for men mailed free in plain wrapper, sealed.
If you cannot call at office, write for question blank. Thousands
cured by home treatment.
The Leading Specialist of the Northwest. Established I8S9.
fi :?frwiv niSKASKS. Svnhllls. Gonorrhoea painful, bloody urine.
Stricture Enlarged Prostate, Sexual DebUlty. Varicocele . HydroceleKia
Office Honrs 0 A. M. to 5 P. 31. and 7 to S P. 31. Sundays and Holidays
10 A. 31. to 12 31.
Terms reasonable. All letters
Consultation fros and sacredly confidential. Call
Trribe their trouble. FATIEXT5 cured, at nome.
answered in Plain envelops.
DR. WALKER, 181 First Street, Corner Yamhill, Portland, Or.
Van Noy Hotel, 52 Third St., Cor. Pine, Portland, Or.