The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 22, 1905, PART TWO, Image 9

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- PAGES 9 TO 16
4 f
NO. 4.
Upman , Wolf te StCom paivf.
"Our Great Sale:" Its Fifth Week
This coming week will be a worthy successor to the earlier weeks of Our Great Sale. The pricecutter has been
working overtime and his labors have resulted in a series of special offerings that are well worth your while coming
to see. Every home or personal need can now be filled at the lowest prices of the entire year every article in
the store belng-sharply reduced in price.
In the Notion Store
5000 Boxes Havcnola Shoe Polish for all black
leather; 10c regular, special ". . .5
"DRY SOLE" Applied to the soles makes shoes
waterproof; regular 25c, special 18.
Great Rucking Sale
"We "place on sale in the Dress Trimming Store to
morrow. Black and White Chiffon Ruchlngs at very
low prices.
S .25 qualities at..., .in J .65 qualities at S .40
$ .75 qualities at.... -30 $1-11.25 qualities at.S .7.
SL.50 qualities at 71.00 51.75 qualities -at....1.25
$2.00 and $2.50 qualities at $1.50
In the Picture Store
Quite the most sensational special our great Picture
Store has offered 5000 pretty colored Pictures
Very special at, each o
Last Week of
Garment Gutting
and Fitting
Special Values From the Dress Goods Store
That Merit the Most Enthusiastic Response
The special prices enumerated below, coupled with free cutting and
fitting by Miller and Miller will make this week a long to be remembered
one to all those who participate.
While everything in the Dress Godds Store is reduced in price, various
reasons combined to force prices much below the average reduction level in
many instances.
Some of these instances get detailed mention.
Music Store
Great Special
for Monday 27 C
In Black and White, the Hit of the
Sweet Adeline.
Down at the Baby Store.
Hannah, Won't You Open That Door.
He Was Only a Private, That's All.
My Little Irish Canary.
When Kate and I Were Coming
Through the Rye.
Just an Ever Loving Little Girl.
Talc of an Old Black Crow.
Snowball Sammy.
Goodbye, Nellie, Mine.
Like a Star That Falls From Heaven.
A f For figured brilliantines,
mohair, armurcs, all wool
henriettas and crepe Egyptas, 3S
inches and 40 inches wide that sold
always at 65c.
HQ- For all-wool voiles, mohair,
brilliantines, crepe Egyptas,
etamines and mistrals 44 inches to
50 inches wide, that sold for $1.00.
QO For dotted Sicilian, mohair
27 O' Sicilians, all-wool henriettas
and voiles, granites-and sangliers-r-44
inches to 4S inches wide, that sold at
.$1.25 and $1.50.
$15 to $25
Imported Robes
We place on sale tomorrrow 26
imported French Robes in crepe,
boutonne, lace etamine, bordered
Panama, Scotch novelty weaves,
etc., that were $15.00 to $25.00
at, each 5.00
Miller & Miller will cut and fit
these free.
$1 to $2 Zibelines 59c
Final clearance of all zibelines,
solid' colors, mixtures and novel
ties; $1.00 to $2.00 val; at 59
Black Goods
rjA For all-wool cheviots, storm
w serges, figured English mo
hairs and crepe albatross 38 inches
and 40 inches wide; sold always at 50c
to 75c.
OQ. -Fr black unfinished wor
OtJW stcds, mohairs, crepe, silk
and wool crepe de Parisj mohair, nov
elties, etc 40 inches to 54 inches
wide; sold always at $1.00 to $1.50.
tyvy Imported mohair, pru-
nellas, English broad
cloths, mohair, melrose, mohair Sicil
ians and brilliantines 44 inches to 54
inches wide; sold always at $1.50 to
Sale of Curtains and Curtainings
Splendid time for buying home decorating and furnishing needs at
much less than regular prices. Inventory preparations have disclosed the
presence of broken lines, large lots, etc, which we wish to dispose of. You
profit like this:
Very Special ! Scotch Lace Curtains
The 51.00 quality on sale at $ .70
75c to 51 Madras, on sale at r.Oc Jhe 51.30 quulity on sale at
nor ta si ; silk string Mn.iras at nx. 200 Quality n sale at 1.CS
sue to 5t.-a biiK btnpe .Madras at The 5, 5o quamy on j,. nt a,,s
J2.G0 Art Madras on sale at $1.00 The 13.00 quality on sale at SJ3i
51.53 to 52.10 Scotch Madras at 05c The .50 quality on sale at 2.711
"Se Art Tleklne- and Cretonne nt -U.r- Tnc S'00 Quality on sale at .'. 3.10
-jc Art ucKinff ana cretonnes Thc S5 0() qualIty on sale at 3
v Couch Covers Very Low
Curtain Rods Special
Oriental Tapestry Couch Covers, three
r yards Ions and 60 inches wUe:
5c Brass Extension .Rods on sale at 4c ?j Jjfflig 5i::::::::SI
JOc Brass Extension Rods on sale nt 7c The 57.00 quality on sale at ZJr,
20c Brass Extension Rods on sale at 15c TflriftT-l TTfllf
25c Brass Extension Rods on sale at ISc nft , r , 'z. C . a-aiA
, , . , A The 51.00 Tapestry Goods on sale..:. 50c
40c Brass Extension Rods on sale at 20c Tne s,.50 Tnpestry Goods on sale.... 75c
50c Brass Extension Rods on sale at 30c Thc $-.00 Tapestry Goods on sale.. $1.00
A Great Triple Sale of Women's Suits!
The woman who has room in her collection for another Tailor-Made Suit will find rich
choosing at very little cost here tomorrow. We guarantee every one of the garments involved
in this sale to be of this season's make. We offer :
$20.00 to $27.50
Tailored Suits at
$30.00 to $35.00
Tailored Suits at
$37.50 to $45.00
Tailored Suits at
You Can Buy First-Glass Watches Here at First Cost
Everyone of these Watches will give the highest satisfaction, because they are fitted with American movements,
which are celebrated throughout the world for accurate time.
Watches for Men
fAf K tZ( Men's 7-jewel Elgin or Wal
Al ?JUOVJ tham movements. In lS-slze
iiunung premier gom-iuied cases; an ex-,
traordlnary value.
At Rfi Men's 7-jewel .Elgin or Wal
Al f IiUU tham movement. In lS-size.
20-year Remington case; one of the grandest
watch bargains ever offered.
At 1 Q? Men's 7-Jewcl nickel Wal
Ab tpiUtOci tham movement in 16-:Slze.
25-year Boss gold-fllled case; ar. extraor
dinary bargain. ?
At C1 7 R f Men's 11-jewel Waltham
fx movement, in H-karat solid
gold. 16-slre case; a very extraordinary bargain.
Misses' and Women's Watches
Elegant enameled watches. In blue, red
and green, fltted with guaranteed move-'
Regular 56.30, extraordinary value f-i.OO
Regular 57.50, extraordinary value.... S4.S9
Regular 5S.50. extraordinary value fZO
Women's 20-year gold-filled hunting case,
fitted with American movement; extraor
dinary price for this sale $7.00
Women's 14-karat Boss 23-year gold-filled
case, fitted with 7 -Jewel Elgin or Waltham
movement; extraordinary price for this
sale is $11.33
Watches for Boys
' We are showing a remarkably broad as
sorltnunt of watches for boys" use. They
all will keep ilmej and are sold at .remark
ably low prices as these two specials bear-witness.
At ft1? n Boys' nickel case.
XXV OUC Watches, made by
waicn company,
lent timekeepers.
teed timekeeper; a great value.
X. B. All other watches are on sale at
equally low prices.
Guaranteed to be excel-
At 1 1 R Boys' Watches, nickel
Ab fiao stem wnd anJ seL A gl
It's a pretty safe assertion to make
that we haven't seen the last of the
cold weather. Even if you buy now
and Jack Frost gives us the go-by
you've made a good investment for it
will be many a day before you are
offeree-bargains like these:
$6.50 BLANKETS 5.00. -
These are a wonderful value. Made
of pure Oregon wool; full double-bed
size; pink or blue border.
$3.00 COMFORTERS 2.65.
Sateen covers, filled with finest
white cotton, full five pounds.
$1.75 COMFORTERS $1.33.
Silkoline tops, finest white cotton
S6.00 BLANKETS $4.75.
11-4 size Wool Blankets, in tans and
grays, extra heavy, a very substantial
hard-wear resisting blanket.
$2.50 COMFORTERS $1.98.
Silkoline Covers, fille9d with finest
white cotton, two weights, four and
five pounds.
$2.00 COMFORTERS $1.59.
- Silkoline tops, finest white cotton
w far j
Government Officials on
the Trail. ;
Conspiracy to Acquire300,000
Acres Is Investigated.
It Is Alleged That Senator Mitchell,
BInger Hermann and F. P. "
Mays Were Partle3 to
the Scheme. .,
Will Senator Mitchell have to face an
other indictment for fraud against the
Government? It is rumored, and the ru
mor seems to have firm foundation, that
he will, and that perhaps it will be not
one additional indictment, but twotwh!ch
will yet come out of the hands of the
Federal grand Jury.
Mention has been made of thc Blue
Mountain Reserve and the conspiracy to
defraud the Government out of lands sit
uated In Its confines, and with this con
spiracy the names of Senator Mitchell and
Representatives Williamson and Her
mann havo been linked.
But it is another deal which is now
claiming the attention of those, who are
supposed to know something o what
will happen, and this time it is a larger
one than has yet been mentioned, more
far-reaching and all-embracing. In Its
conception it contemplated the acquisition
of more than 2CO.000 acres of land situated
In all parts of the state where the finest
timber was to be found. It meant, if 1
carried to completion, the accumulation
of more than $300,000 by those who engi
neered the scheme.
In this deal, it is alleged. Senator
Mitchell, BInger Hermann, F. P. Mays
and others yet to be named were to. and
did. take a prominent part. It was car
ried through partially and large sums
were realized from the transaction and
still large amounts are yet due. unless
stopped In transit by the uncovering of
the conspiracy.
It Is said that this conspiracy is along
similar lines with those already brought
to light. It flourished In the. vicinity of
Roseburg. in Southwestern Oregon,
through Middle Oregon and to the east.
And It Is also supposed thc knowledge
that this matter is being probed by the
Government officials has a great deal to
do with the homecoming of Oregon's
senior Senator at this time. It is called
to mind that Senator Mitchell was ap
prised of a telegram of the indictment
impending In the first Instance, and It Is
said that a similar circumstance has in
tlon of the coming indictment on this now
conspiracy charge has been sent to Seit-
! ator Mitchell and that he is coming hero
to see what can be done in that direction
more than for the desire to have an Im
mediate trial between now and April 10.
the date set for the opening of tho Spring;
In relation to the story that the Senator
would return to demand the trial llr.
Heney has written the following state
ment explaining his. attitude on the ques
tion: Portland. Jan. 21. iTo the FVHtor.j Ye3ter
dny'o OreKiinlan contains a tiatrment from
Washington to the effect that Senator Mitchell
will retunj here to Insist upon-an early trial
because information has reached him that
the. prosecution 1 la no hurry to hrlns hint to
trial, and that an official very closely- connect
ed with the prosecution of the land-fram
cases Is raid to have advised friend's In thl.
city that Senator Mitchell would not he
brought to trial for at lat a year. If anr
person made such a statement. It Is utterlr
rrlthout foundation. The prosecution refrained
from causing the arrest of either Senator illtcbr
ell or Congressman Hermann becauas both of
them expressed anxiety to reach Washington,
to attend to public business. As the next,
term of court will commence on the 10th da t
of April. 1905, and aa neither Senator Mitchell
cot Congressman Hermann Indicated any de
sire to return hero for trial prior to the next
termxof court. Judge Bellinger discharged tho
Jurors In attendance upon this term of courts,
on January 19. The newspapers had pre
Tlcvs'jr announced that Senator Mitchell might
take his seat, and that Congressman Hermann already taken his seat. As prosecuting
officer. I concluded to await the adjournment
of - Congress before pressing their cases fot
trial. I am ready and more than willing to
lve.each of these gentlemen a speedy trial,
and the prosecution will urge the trial of
their eases at thc earlist day the court can
take them up In the next term, commenctn-c
Apih 10, 1SW5. and no postponement what
ever will be asked for by the Governments I
am more anxious to complete the trial of these
aets and return to my own private business
than Senator Mitchell, or any other defendant
can possibly be to obtain a trial.
Pleasant Banquet of Portland Alumnf
of the University of Oregon.
Thlrty-slx guests .attended the second
annual dinner of the Portland Alumni of
the Unfversity of Oregq, held last night
at the Commercial Club, and it was one
of those plea&ant occasions that only the
hearts of college men know. Homer D.
Angell was toastmaitcrf and discharged
the duties of his office with credit.
The menu:
Pacific Bine Point.
Green turtle a. VAnslaia.
Olives. Celery.
Royal Chinook grille.
Potatoes. Jnllenne.
Spring turkey broiled.
Sweet romme de terre.
Fresh picked crab.
Glace a la Valenclenne.
Cake. Cheese. Cafe Kolr.
A Duvall Haut Sauterne.
A Duvall Cabernet.
Cigarettes and cigars.
Just as what Barrie calls "the reign of
My Lady Xlcotinc" arrived speechmaking
began. President P. L. Campbell, of the
University of Oregon, spoke on "The Uni
versity and the State," and other speeches
delivered were: "Future of the Univer
sity," by Frederick V. Holman; "Th
Alumni." by Whitney !. Boise; "The
Lawyer as a Factor in the Community."
by Jerry E: Bronaugh, and "P.elation of
Medical and Literary Departmente," by
Dr. S. EL Joseph!. Among those to whom
credit for the success of the gathering i.i
due is Dr. Homer I. Kecney, president of
the Alumni of the University of Oregon.
Those present:
President P. L. Campbell. Professor Joan
Straub. Judge A. L. Frazer, Walter Grlffen. of'
Kugene; Dr. Homer I. Keeney. Homer D. Aa-
all probability come to pass now. DIs- r-Eeu. Dr. i.. x josepni. treaencK v. noiman.
patches from Washington state that the i Whitney L. Boise Cade- PweD. O. A. ik-
Senator has about decided to come home ' nder; 5rouch- f-To"raa,n5'
oh otrw of ht trior, Dr. Ralph C. Walker. Dr. Frank M. Taylor.
mnH T wu. nnrf Jrr,mnlat- trlal Tht C. A. Woody. George Lawrence. Jr. es-
Is taken as significant here. It is noted
that the decision was not reached until
after-the court had dismissed the jurymen
impaneled to try the land-fraud cases, and
that it would be necessary now to have a
special venire prepared for this case and
this alone. Business presses upon the
officers of the Government, the grand jury
investigations are not as yet finished, and
there Is not now time to try the case with
out either stopping the work of thc jury
or neglecting it for the preparation for
the trial.
These things taken Into consideration,
it Is therefore thought that the' lnforma-
ter G. Hulln. H. E. Jforthup. Dr. Edward P.
Geary. Dr. Elbert EL Cable, Dr. Condon C.
McCormack. Dr. EL II. Thornton, V. A. Mc
Xary. Clinton X. MeArthur. Frva W. Mulkey,
Clarence B. Sewell. Alfred Aya," James R.
Greenfield. J. C Veazle ' r. Charles E. Hawke,
A. King Wilson. Jay H. Upton, B. B. Haaej,
Jerry E. Bronaugh and Dr. J. R, Barber.
Agricultural BUI Completed.
WASHINGTON", Jan. 21. The House
committee on agriculture today practi
cally completed work on the agricultural
appropriation bill antj will report It on
Important Notice
The coining week ends the engage
ment of Miller & Miller, the expert
cutters and fitters of women's gar
ments. We cannot too strongly urge
every woman who has dresses to make
to avail herself of the free sen-ices of
these experts from New York
Coupled with this free cutting and
fitting we offer for the coming week
our entire stock of Dress Goods and
Silks at reduced prices.
Splendid Bargains in the Silk Store
75c Colored Taffetas 59c
Ninteen inches wide, full assortment of
light and dark colors.
$1.25 Peau de Soie 85c
Twenty-one inches wide, soft finish,
extra good value.
The New Foulards
Wc announced a week ago that we had
new Foulards on display. The response
was great. Ready again tomorrow
with an enlarged showing; special at
79c, 85c, $L05 and $1.10
Arnold Constable Taffeta
The only Black Taffeta which will stand
the wear test to your satisfaction.
Soc grade, 19-incb, special 73
$1.00 grade, 24-inch, special S5
$1.25 grade, 27-inch, special SJ1.05
$1.50 grade, 36-inch, special.... $1.30
THE I-1TE E. M. ARTHUR. -' . V - .
Funeral senates over the remain of E. M. Arthur, who did suddenly last; "week
In Seattle.- will be held here this afternoon, at 2 o'clock. In tbe chapel- ot'Hqlman's
undertaking establishment. Mr. Arthur, who was CO years-old at jtheiime, ' of his
death, and unmarried, was very well known In Portland, havlngjlved here 'for 20
years. He had only recently gone to SeatUe to be connected wlth"the cordage
factory belonging to the Portland Cordage Company, when he died. After the
funeral, the remains will be cent to Oakland, Cal for burial. His family, of whom
there I now living only Mrs. George Bailey, of Oakland, a sister, owns a lot In a
cemetery there.