The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 22, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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The Meier d& Frank Store
Clearance Sale -Every Article Reduced
"Peninsular" Stoves and Steel Ranges at Clearance Prices
The Meier (& Frank Store
Clearance Sale-Bvery thing Reduced
Artistic Picture Framing atOne-Fonr th Oif Regular Price
Trunks and Bags at Clearance Prices TrdJFIoor
Brass and Iron Beds at Clearance Prices Third Floor
"Willamette" Sewing Machines at Clearance Prices
Jewelry, Cat Glass, Silverware at Clearance Sale Prices
Principal Portland Agents for Biitterick Patterns and Publications Feb. Delineator Ready
The Meier Frank Store
Fourth week of The Great Annual Clearance Sale (every article
reduced) opens with a roster of values not lessened by a single
item, in fact, the list of special values is greatly extended More
and better bargains than ever before Tomorrow we take occasion
to make Cravenettes, Gloves, Laces, Linens and Kitchen Goods
particularly prominent r Seasonable- and staple Merchandise of
J every description is being offered at ridiculously low prices
Kitchen Goods Far Below Value
1- quart Coffee Pots 28$
l1 ..-quart Coffee Pots 32$
2- quart Coffee Pots 40$
21"-quart Coffee Pots 44$
12-quart Water Pails 72$
Mrs. Pott s Sad Irons, set $1.00
5-ho!e Mouse Trap 8$
U3ir Monkey Wrench 28$
Wire Toasters, each 1.5$
Lare Tin Water Pails, each 20$
Mopsticks. each 1.2$
Choppinj; Bowls, each. . . . . . .24
Chopping Bowls, each 1.5$
50e Tin Dishpans 40$
40c Tin Dishpans 32$
2oc Flour Sifters 20$
$1.30 Copper rim Wash
Boilers Si.20
$1.10 Copper bottom Wash
Boilers 88$
S-in., y-iu.. 10-in. jrlazed .lardiniers
marked at ....$1.50, 2.10, $2.60
Nickel-plated Tumbler and Tooth
Brush Holder 40$
Nickel-Plated Soap Dish for bath
room 40 $
Robe Hooks, in sets of 'A 48$
Metal Towel Rings, each 8$
18-inch Nickel Towel Bars.. 68
Metal Towel Racks, nickel-plated,
jrreat value .1.2$
Toilet Paper Holders '.....4$
All Cutlery at clearance prices.
2oc Scmb Brushes for 20$
40c Washboards for 32$
20c Japanese Teapots for 1.6$
10c Wire Potato Mashers, each 8$
6c Wire Potato Masher 4$
13e Esr Beaters for 1.2$
Ejsr Whips, each 2$
Prices on Kitchen Necessities that will
make housewives hurry to The .Meier &.
Frank Store bright and early tomorrow
morning Reliable, useful Housekeeping
Articles 'of all kinds at prices that will
make the big Basement Store hum with
business Make out your lists and come
while the assortments are all complete
Gray Graniteware Sauce Pans.
2-quart size for .32$ 3-quart size for. ...40$
4-quart size for. . . .48$ 5-quart size for. . . .'o2$
, 6-quart size for. . . .60$ S-quart size for. . . .72$
Lip Sauce Pans or Kettles.
- 2-quart for 19 :i-quart for 20$
4-quart for 24$ o-quart for 32$
1-quart Rice Boilers, reduced to, each 52$
1- quarl Rice Boilers, reduced to, each 60$
l1 2-quart Rice Boilers, reduced to, each 68$
2- quart Rice Boilers, reduced to, each 72$
3- qnart Rice Boilers, reduced to, each 92$
1- quart Granite Teapot at the low price of. . . .24$
1-qunrt Granite Teapot, at the low price of. .28$
2- quart Granite Teapot at the low price of. . . .32$
2,t-quart Granite Teapot at the low price oL..40$
(i-quart Teakettles 72$ S-quart Teakettles 80$
Bowl Strainer, each. 6?
2oe Extension Strainers 20$
Spout Tea Strainers, each... .4$
Cake Turners, each 8$
Wire Forks, each 4$
Can Openers, each 8$
Match Holders, each 4$
Corn Poppers, each 10
Stovelid Lifters, each 3d, 8$
Stove Pokers, each '. ..8$
Mincing Knives, each...S, 12
Clothes Hooks, dozen 1.2$
.$1.00 Wooden Wash Tubs, ea. 80
SOc Wooden Wash Tubs, ea. 64$
00c Galvanized Wash Tubs.. 72$
10x14 Drip Pans, each 1.5$
Cast-iron Skillet 40$
flOc Waffle Irons, each 72$
Hammers 8$, 10$,14$
20c Frving Pans 1.6$
500 Handsome New "Cravenettes"
on Sale for Three Days at Half Price
Our first half-price sale of Women's Raincoat sisbooked for
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday That the response will
be great is already an established fact Portland women
know The Meier &. Frank merchandise and values so thor
oughly that an announcement like this never fails to attract
throngs of eager buyers Half-price sales are every day
occurances at "cheap" stores that have acquired the "mark
ing up" habit Investigation has proven time and time again
that our regular prices are below the half-price sale values
of such stores That's why this is Portland's largest and best
garment store 500 of this season's leading styles in this
offering Our entire stock without reserve Women who
want a stylish, practical coat for rain, shine or traveling
wear will be quick to take advantage Olives, Oxfords,
grays, tans and cloth mixtures Belt backs or belt all around -
Braid, button, velvet and leather - trimmed
effects Shirred, plaited andyoke effects
Three times the variety of any store in town
Regular prices $12.50 to $50.00 Choice at
Mail orders will be carefully attended to
Great Petticoat Bargains
Sateen and cotton-finished Moreen Pet
ticoats, black and black and white
stripes. $1.30 A-alues. well
made, stylish skirt, $1.50 val. -?C
Good quality Alpaca Underskirt, flounce,
ruffle and stitched bands, tan, brown,
prays and black, $5.50- (SLA. L
$6.00 values Cpc.HrJ
Black and White Checked Alpaca Un
derskirts, deep circle LA Qi
flounce, great value at... -3rJ
Dressing Sacques in Eiderdown, Out
ing Flannel and Flannelette: plain or
figured: red, grays, blue and pink; this
season's best stj-les
$1.35 and $1.50 Values 89c Ea.
Women's Flannelette and Lawn Wrap
pers and Matinee Dresses, also long
Kimonas, light and dark ma- QO
terials, $1.30 to $2.75 values.. OC
All Silk and Wool Waists at Clearance
All Silk Petticoats at Clearance prices.
All Costumes and Wraps at Clearance prices.
Sale of Boys' Shoes
500 pairs Bo3's' and Youths' Shoes
in patent leather, vici kid, box calf,
and velour calf, hand-sewed, all
sizes, great valu'e
11 to 13, $2.25 value, pair 1.40
1 to 2, $2.50, $3 values, pair S1.65
2V2 to 6, S3, $3.50 value, pr. $2.15
$1.30 Copyrights, copy 70$
"Temporal Power," "The Vul
tures," "The Circle," "One
Woman," "Cavalier" and many
"Samantha at Saratoga," $1.00
value : 39$
Stories of A. Lincoln, $1 val 39$
"Letters From a Son to a Self-Made
Father," $L50 value 95$
Osford Series, gilt top, copy 16$
All Bibles, Testaments and Devo
tional Books at one-fourth off.
Picture Framing at one-fourth off
regular price.
Laces and Embroideries
Clearance Sale Prices that will induce vigorous baying in
the Lace and Embroidery Department Every yard in our
immense, stocks at a greatly reduced price Note the follow
ing extra special values you can't afford to miss
Fine embroidered Mull and
Linen Bands for Shirtwaists,
beautiful styles, 5 to 9 inches wide
pleasing variety--
Values up to $2.75 for 98c Yd.
Values up to $4.50 Yard for
$1.98 Yard
Spangled and Crepe de Chine
Robes, black, white and colored,
magnificent styles, p c ff
values up to $125. .PVUU
$35.00 Spangled and Lace Robes
in pretty styles, values extra-
33 $20.00
Flowered Chiffons, values q
up to $1.75 for, yd OVC
Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Era
broideries, 3 to 12 inches wide,
large variety of dainty designs,
values up to 65c "" t
vard. for. vard JC
Flannels at Clearance Sale Prices
7000 yards of Flannelettes in the very best patterns and col- q
ors. immense assortment of styles, "regular 12Mc val., yard. ..OC
25c Outing Flannel Skirt Patterns in the very best r
styles, great special value at, pattern , IOC
65c and 75c "Wool "Waistings, plaids and dots, desirable rtr
colorings, great Clearance value at, yard ..3UC
35c Snowflake Flannels on sale for, yard 27$
All Outing Flannels at low Clearance prices.
All Scotch Flannels at greatly reduced prices.
Eiderdowns and our entire stock of Flannels at Clearance Sale
prices. Supply your needs and effect a big saving.
Bargains in Table Linens
Matchless bargains Every item Linens of guaranteed qual
ity and superior styles at prices
below what inferior grades cost
you elsewhere Buy liberally
Hemstitched Satin Damask Traycloths:
35e values.. 28$ 50c values, ea.37p
60c values. .42$ 75c values, ca.55p
Hemstitched Satin Damask Teacloths
in handsome designs and fine quality:
$2 values, ea.$1.72 $3.50 values. 2.60
$3 values, ea.$2.20 $4.50 values. $3.70
Half-Bleach Satin Damask Table Lin
ens at extremely low prices this week.
Best patterns
$1.00 grade.. 88c $1.25 grade.. $1.04
$1.50 grade. .$1.23 Mail orders filled.
Full size Fringed Bedspreads, fine pat
terns, regular $2.00 j
grade, for, each p
Satin Marseilles Bedspreads, very large, handsome de
signs, $3.25 .grade, on sale for
Our $6.50 grade of fine-Satiu Marseilles Bedspreads, r e
magnificent quality and patterns 9n43rj
$7.50 Marseilles Bedspreads on sale for, each $5.95
Curtains, Upholstery Goods
Marvelous Extra Special Values for This Week
Rope Portieres, all colors, suitable- for doors up to seven feet wide,
desirable stvles
$6.00 values.. $4.35 $3.50 values. .$2.15 $2.00 values. $1.27
50-inch Ramie, suitable for furniture, covering and cushious,
five colors, great special value, yard
50-inch Cotton Tapestry, six colorings, regular 75c grade,
on sale at the low price of, yard k OUC
Figured and plain Cotton and Jute Reps, two-tone effects, 50 inches
wide, all colors, makes the best kind of plain por- yftr
tieres, $1.00 quality, for, yard. OC
Best $1.25 quality, on sale for, yard 9S$
50-inch Cotton Tapestry, very heavy, best wearing material for
furniture covering; five colors; small floral de- j AQ
signs; $2.00 value P 1
lo pattern of White Nottingham Lace Curtains, figured $p
4 a
all over, 54-in. wide, Zx yards long, $2.25 quality, pr.
ive patterns Scotch Lace Curtains. Arabian color, lead
glass center effects, 50-in. wide, 3A yds. long, $3 val., pr'
75c to $1.50 Dress
Goods at 39c Yard
Broken lines of Dress Goods, 75c
to $1.50 values, at 39c a yard, is
the very interesting extra special
bargain at the Dress Goods Counters
for Monday '.s selling, mixtures and
plaids, good styles.
The Clearance Said offers our en
tire stock of Black and Colored Dress
Goods, in the very best materials and
styles, at the lowest prices.
Cheney Bros Foulard Silks, 1905 styles, in dots and figures,
newest colorings, a superb display and every yard marked at Clear
ance Sale prices. Opportunity to buy your Summer Dress Silks at
a big bargain
79c Yard '89c Yard $1.09 Yard
Our entire stock of Black and Fancy Silks and Velvets marked
at low Clearance Sale prices.
Dress Trimmings at Clearance Sale prices.
Ribbons, Notions. Linings at Clearance prices.
Great Clearance Sale of Rugs
9x12 ft., $10.80
Always room in the home for an
extra Rug or two Few house
wives will pass by the following
splendid values Third Floor
Reversible and -washable Bath,
room Rugs, blue and white, red and
white, green and white
18x36 in.t $1.15 27x54 in.. $2
36x72 in.t Great Value, $2.80
500 manufacturers samples of Vel
vet, Axminster and Brussels Car
pets, all are VA yards 'long and
suitable for Rugs, best rt5
patterns and colorings, ea. .C
Empire Brussels Rugs, beautiful se
lections, size 9x12
feet, $20 value P I 0.0
Closing out 25 English Art Squares
attractive patterns and colorings
9 ft. x 10 ft. 6 in. $9.45
Extra super all-wool Art Squares Great values at
9x9 ft $7.29 9x12 9.72 12x12 S12.96
910-6 8.5110.6x12 ... 11.34 12x13.6 ... 14.58
6x9 Brussels Rugs, $7.25; 9x9 Brussels Rugs $9.85
Clearance Bargains in Domestics
5000 yards of 36-inch Lonsdale Long Cloth, marvel
ous Clearance value at, yard
100 dozen good, heavy Cotton Pillow Cases, size 42x
36 inches, wonderful value at, each '
5000 yards of Dress Ginghams, immense assortment
of patterns, 12c quality, -for, yard
45c-50c light and medium weight fancy White "Waist
ings in a b'ig variety of patterns, great value, vard.
3000 yards of superior quality Sheeting, 72-inch, yard 18
Advance Spring styles of "Wash Materials at Clearance prices.
New Homespun Silks, Dotted Silk Organdies, Flowered Chiffon
Organdies, Silk Stripe Voiles, Silk Dot Crepe's, etc.
Great .Sale of Gloves
Better GIoveBar gains than
ever before are here for
2 W conncxTtm'
1 w t Mrrex. ton cq
your choosing Perrins real
French KidGIoves,Goif
Gloves, Mittens, Etc., all at
low Clearance Sale prices
Pen-ins Real French Kid Gloves,
2-clasp, fancy embroidered backs,
black, white and all the leading
shades, sizes 5y2 to 7j best $1.50
values, on sale 1 9
for Dair
Perrins' "Lamure," 3-clasp real
French Kid Gloves, black, white
and all the leading shades, all
sizes, regular $1.75 2 AQ
values, for P
Perrins' best K. P. medium-weight "Walking Gloves, heavy embroidered
backs, P. K. seams, black, white and all the best colors j C? t SLQ
all sizes, $2.00 values for V
Perrins' extra quality Gloves, 3-clasp, overseam, silk embroidered backs,
all colors; best $2.00 values are on sale 11
for, pair P V
Women's and Children's Wool Golf Gloves, black, white, 1
red, gray; all sizes, pair
Women's wool and mercerized Golf Gloves, black, white, red, C
gray; 50c values for, pair JJs
Women's $1.00 silk lined Golf Gloves, all colors, pair 79$
Women's Silk Mittens; $1 val. 79; $1.25 val. 97$; $1.50 val. $1.17
Women's Wool Mittens, rair 17, 25cS 43$
50c Sheet Music Special 8c Copy
Greatest Sheet Music value ever offered Included in
this sale will be found the following popular pieces
Little Street In Heaven called
"Karrima." vocal and Instrumental.
"I'm on the Water Wagon."
-Blue Bell."
"Strolling on the Pike'
"Yankee Doodle Girl."
"Voice of the Flowers.'
"A Bit of Blarney."
"Curcut Parade."
from "Sultan of Sulu."
"Romany Kye."
"Burning? of Rome."
"My Alamo Love Tenderfoot."
"Panama Rae."
And hundreds of others.
"Village by the Sea."
"Down at the Baby Store."
"I May Be Crazy. But I Ain't No Fool."
"My Dear Luzon."
Sousa'd "Diplomat."
"Burning of Rome".
"St. Louis Rag."
"Missisaiupi Mamie."
"When the Sunset Turns
the Ocean Blue to Gold.
"Zenith," two-step.
"Little Rustic Cottage by the
"A Whispered Thought."
"Southern Reverie."
And hundreds of others.
New Spring Covert Coats
Just received by express our
third shipment of women's
tan covert Jackets for Spring
wear These jaunty tight
fitting garments will be in
greater favor the coming
season than ever before, in
fact, the demand already
exceeds the supply 75 came
to hand yesterday morning;
handsome Coats, tight-fitting,
collarless or with col
lar, rich plain effects, cloth
strapped or fancy stitched,
also velvet and braid-trim-
med styles 24-in., 25-in., 26-in., 27-in. lengths Splendid
variety for you to select from We've marked every one
of them at an unusually reasonable price, quality and style
considered $18.00, $20.00, $22.50, $24.00, $26.00
each $14.00 and $16.00 numbers were all sold out
before night More are expected in a few days