THE SUNDAY JDBEGOISIAN, POBTLAND, aANXJAKY- 22, 1905. NO LAW AT PRIMARY Acts Regulating Nominations . Are Repealed, OLD PARTY PLAN IN FORCE Naming of Candidates for Portland Election Next Spring Will Not Be Controlled by - Statute. SALEM, Qr., Jan. 2L (Special.) Pri maries lor municipal elections in Oregon this Spring will be managed according to the old-time party system before the pri mary laws of 1S31 and 1901 were enacted. Both those laws were repealed when the direct primary law was enacted last June under the initiative amendment to . the constitution. The direct primary law provides that no elector can vote at primaries unless he has registered his party affiliation. Per haps only 5 per cent of the electors in the towns affected are so registered, and the 95 per cent will have no opportunity no to register until the Spring of 1206. Be cause of this fact, the Attorney-General of Oregon has held that the direct pri mary act will not be operative until after the registration of 1906. The Legislature will doubtless amend the law, so as to make It effective in municipal primaries 90 days after adjourn ment. But that will be after the Portland primaries, if any shall be held. The amendment could be made to apply to the Portland primaries by means of an emer gency clause, but the Legislature is not likely to put such a declaration Into the bill, owing to the opposition of political chiefs In Multnomah County, and of lead ers of the Direct Primary Nominations League, which promulgated the bill for the act. The former are hostile to the act, any how, while the latter contend that an emergency docs not exist because direct primary nominations in Portland are not necessary to the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety. As to Lockwood's Bill. But forth comes C. E. Lockwood one of the framers of the law, the self-same gentleman whose bill to amend and to declare an emergency was Introduced last week by Representative Capron and yanked out again by Capron when he per ceived its contents to depose and say that application of the law to the Port land primaries is necessary for the pres ervation of the public welfare and safety, because the preamblo of the law uses those very words. Mr. Lockwood In his Inside pocket has the words inclosed in blue-pencil brackets. They run as follows: "It is as necessary for the preservation of the public welfare and safety that there shall be a free and fair vote and an honest count, as well a secret ballot, at primary elections, as it Is that there shall be a free and fair vote and an honest count, in addition to the secret ballot, at all elec tions of public officers. ... It Is neccs essary for the public welfare and safety that every practical guaranty shall be provided by law to assure the people gen erally, as well as the members of the sev eral parties, that political parties shall be fairly, freely and honestly conducted. In appearance as well as in fact." v These words in the preamble, Mr. Lock wood says, were written by W. S. U'Ren, a high dignitary of the league, who, he declares, now goes back on them, announcing-that no emergency exists within the definition of the constitution. Law Not Yet Effective. The direct-primary law was Intended to take the place of the acts of 1891, which applied to municipalities of 2500 or more persons, and of 1901, which applied to cities of 10,000 or more inhabitants. With out amendment by the Legislature, it will not bo effective until after the registra tion of 1906. Two ways to amend are open ono to authorize new registration before the next municipal elections; the other to remove the registration require ment. The first alternative is followed In the bill now before the Legislature, Intro duced by Huntley of Clackamas. The other was followed In the bill of Lock wood, which was Introduced by Repre sentative Capron, last week, and with drawn soon after. The Huntley bill carries no emergency clause. Advocates of the second alterna tive aver that it Is necessary to the con stitutionality of the act, because as the act stands, registration of an elector's party affiliation Is prescribed as a neces sary qualification for voting at the pri maries. This requirement is held to "be contrary to the constitution. For encouragement of the educa tional conventions to be held in Port land this year at the Lewis and Clark Fair. Senator Loughary has Introduced a bill providing that County School Su perintendents may dispense with county Institutes In 1905, and that teachers who attend the educational meetings in Portland may be credited with Institute attendance. Senator Smith, or Umatilla, has In troduced a bill providing that County Courts shall appoint a bee inspector, when three keepers of bees, ask that such appointment be made. The bee in spector is to have power to examine .all hives and other bee-keeping-appliances and determine whether they arc infested with "foul brood" or other diseases to wiiich boos full nrey. Hives or other appliances condemned by the Inspector are to be destroyed by the owner, who will be subject to a fine of ?:.0 if he fails to obey the law. The bill provides no compensation for the bee inspector. For the care of wayward girls. Sen ator Malarkcy has introduced a bill for an appropriation of 510.030 nor year, the money to be paid to reputa ble institutions which engage in the work of supporting and reclaiming such girls. For each girl kept, the In stitution is to receive 5S4 por year. Senator Tuttle has introduced a bill appropriating ?S000 for Lewis and Clark memorial monuments, one to blT' erected at old Fort Clatsop and the other on the site of the old salt cairn, near Seaside. The money is to be ex pended under the direction of the Ore gon Historical Society. A similar bill has appeared In the House. No Change in Fishing Laws. OREGON CITY, Or.. Jan. 21. (Spe cial.) Forty-two fishermen of this vl c inity today petitioned the Legislature not to disturb the existing fish laws of the state. The petition, which will be preuonted to the proper committees through the Clackamas County dele gation, is as follows: OREGON CITY. Or.. Jan. IS. 1005. "V. the undrrslrnpd citizens and rreldents of the County of Clackamas, State of Ore son, rngagrd in Jihhliifr. do most rrFpfct fully represent that at r mefUns of thn fit-hermen of ald County of Claokama. hfld tho above dat the matter of If Relation for the protection and promotion of the nUlnc Industry of the state was thorough l discussed, and said meeting was unani mous in concluding that the fishtn? Inter ests would be best subserved by allotting the lews of ihe state regulatlnc said In dustry to remain a they now are, believing that a strict enforcement and observance of oor rrescnt laws would remedy all ex UUnc grievance and accomplish all that la necessary to' promote, . encourage and maintain said industry. And to that end we would petition your rrifnt tii. Trinile in the nresent flshlnc law I of the state. FOR RAILWAY. COMMISSION. Senator Russell Puts in Resolution, Calling for Its Creation. OLYMPIA, Wash., Jam, 21. (Special.) There are indications that the members of both branches of the Legislature m are Just spoiling cast their votes In favor of a railway commission bill. Today Senator Russell Introduced a con current resolution calling for greater dil igence on the part -of the House and Sen ate railroad committees In the considera tion of the railway commission bills al ready Introduced. The resolution was adopted by the Sen ate, transmitted to the House and adopt ed by that body without opposition. It reads as follows: Be it resolved, by the Senate, the House concurring. That, whereas the Legislature of the State of "Washington has been in session two weeks and the announcement of these several committees has been made for more than one week; and. Whereas. Since the time of convening of the Legislature there has been Inaugurated Into the executive chair of the state a man who Is whw In council, fearless In Ihe exe cution of his duties and faithful to tho promise made to his people; and, ' Whereas. There have been numerous re quests from ail parts of the state for the enactment of legislation providing for the appointment of a railroad commission, as surances having been made that such legis lation would be enacted; and, "Whereas, The Governor In his message to the Legislature recommended the enactment of such legislation, and expressed a willing ness to -sign such a measure and to ap point such a commission; and. Whereas," Among the first bills introduced at this session were bills providing for the establishment of such commission and the appointment of such commissioners; and. Whereas, Notwithstanding these facts there has been no call for a joint meeting of the committees to which these bills have been referred; therefore, be It Hesolved. by the Senate, the Houie con curring. That the committee on railroads and transportation of each department of this body be Instructed to meet In joint ses sion not later than Tuesday of next week for the purpose of considering the various measures referred, to the end that the promises made their constituents may not be regarded as political promises and the Legislature appear negligent in Its duty. "Eleven bills were introduced -in the House. They cover a variety of subjects. One Is an anti-cigarette bill; another ex tends the operation of the labor-lien law, and another provides for the furnishing of free copies of Supreme Court decisions to parties in interest. An appropriation bill by Lambert pro vides for the construction of a wagon road from Marble Mount, in Skagit Coun ty, to Barron, In Whatcom County, at a cost of J2p,000. The proposed road is In tended to give an outlet to the Slate Creek and Mount Baker mining districts. MANAGERS WILL PROTEST. In Anti-Railway Commission Fight, Lobby Will Have No Chance. SEATTLE, Wash.. Jan. 2L (Special,) Ben Campbell and James G. Woodworth, traffic managers respectively of the Great Northern "and Northern Pacific, may go before the railroad committees of the Sen ate and House when the railroad legisla tion now before those organizations is taken up. Under a joint resolution adopted by both. houses today, the Joint committee is in structed to begin work on the railroad bills next Tuesday. At the first meeting, as It Is now understood, both high rail road officials and the advocates of the radical commission measures will be In vited to appear. The railroads have avoided at this session any semblance cf the old-time railroad lobbies. Economical and political reasons dictated this action. The presence of a railroad lobby was con strued to be at once an Incentive to rail road enemies to begin an attack, and to those who regard a railroad lobby as easy picking to nestle up close to the paymas ter. When the railroad bills come up the managers will have to make their defense in a now manner. None of the big roads are'satlsfled with the radical Preston or Rockwell adapta tion of the Texas railroad commission bill. The Hill lines, at least, are willing to accept a conservative railroad commis sion, but Insist that on an investment of a few thousand dollars for salaries, a part of which the railroads themselves would pay In taxes, a commission should not be given a dominant voice In railroad management Serious objection will be raised to certain features of the bills. Among high officials of the Hill lines there Is a feeling that the railroad attor neys might create an unfavorable Impres sion at Olympla. since their presence in the past has been the signal for renewed activity on the part of the lobby. More over, it is argued the traffic department Is more familiar with conditions, and would be better able to present the rail roads case. Since Campbell and Wood worth are on the Coast, they may be asked to go before the committees, and there Is talk here that J. D. Farrell. as sistant to the president of the Great Northern, and C. M. Levey, assistant to the president of the Northern Pacific, may also appear before the committee. POISON IN COFFEE. -Land Trouble Said to Have Caused N. Elsea's Death. COTTAGE GROVE. Or., Jan. 2L (Spe cial.) The jury Impanelled this morning to hold an inquest over the remains of N. Elsea, who was found dead on his homestead yesterday, near Comstock. has been In session all day without arriving at a decision. Dr. Brookhart, of Drain, was sent for, and he said Elsea was evidently poisoned, as strychnine was found in his coffee. It has developed that Elsea had been having a great deal of trouble over the land that he located on. and that his life had been threatened. Elsea was at Comstock Thursday eve ning, and said a man drew a revolver on him, but he managed to get the drop on the man with his shotgun and made him drop the revolver and not attempt to pick it up until he (ElseA) got out of sight The poison must have been placed in the coffee during his absence. A postmortem examination will be held in the morning-. INDIANS FIGHT FIRE. Slight Blaze at Chemawa School Tests New System. CHEMAWA, Or.. Jan. 2L (Special.) The newly-Inaugurated fire system established last week was rlven n trial thl afternoon soon after 3 o'clock,' when fire broke out In the Mitchell Hall, the new boys dormitory of the Indian School. The damage was slight, being confined to the rear of the build ing where the boiler for heating water Is situated. The regulations recently posted were followed to the letter with fine results. Within two minutes after the alarm was sounded there was a stream of water on tho Arc as well aa several chemical streams. Perfect order marked the tire-fighting-. Superintendent Chal craft took charge of the work. NEW 'VARSITY REGENT. A. P. Sawyer Appointed, and A. J. Weisbach Is Made Aide. OLYMPIA. Wash.. Jan. 2L (Special) A. P. Sawyer, of Seattle, was today ap pointed a member of the board of regents of the State University, to fill out the unexpired term of W. E. Schrlcker. of La eonner. who resigned. Arthur J. Weisbach, for many years ALL SECURE LARGE CONTRACTS Representatives of Six Famous Factories In Portland Recently. Ellers PlaBa Hesse Preparla to Do a Large Bvsiaess Before aad Durlag the Fair. - In the past ten days Ellers Piano House has entertained no less than seven gen tlemen representing large Easter manu facturers, five being piano men whose fac tories produce some of the finest and popular pianos sold by Ellers Piano House, one was a "scarf man" and the other was here to take orders for stools and benches. Mr. E. E. Walter came in the Interests of tho Hobart M. Cable Company, whose factory, located at La Porte, ind.. Is con ducted upon the most progressive meth ods. The works are situated among green fields, adjoining the lovely little town that boasts of unusual railway facilities. The large army of employes of this factory have neat, attractive homes, and Mr. Ho bart M. Cable, whose piano bears his name, has recently succeeded In baffling the efforts of liquor dealers to establish saloons In the vicinity- of the factory. Each workman employed Is an expert In his own particular line and each is imbued with the policy of the house "always the best" Mr. W. N. Van Matre Is the president of the Schumann Piano Company, having a record of over S3 years of a most tri umphal career. His factory is located In Illinois, In the famous town of Rocktord. Among the many new and interesting ideas In piano-case designs. Mrt Van Ma tre Is showing the photograph of a "Mis sion Piano." The mission idea is carried out very minutely in every part of the case, and the effect Is exceedingly appro priate and picturesque. It Is Indeed sur prising how readily this style adapts It self to piano-casing. People who are so fortunate as to possess mission furniture will be glad to know that this style of piano will soon appear In Portland. Both Mr. Bdw. G. Hars, vice-president of the Lester Piano Company, and Mr. H. C Pressey, secretary of the same company, spent a couple of days In Port land. The Lester, the pride of musical Philadelphia, Is a piano that cannot be overestimated. Its fine tone and artistic casing are supplemented by unusual wear ing quality, making it a splendid school as well as home piano. It Is now found in many famous schools and musical con servatories. Twenty Lester uprights and two grands trere recently ordered by the Broad-Street Conservatory of Music, of Philadelphia, the home city of this piano, and 2i for the famous New England Con servatory of Music, of Boston. Mass. Mr. Chas. T. Kaffenbcrger, president of the firm of Kaffenberger &. Cantor, one of the largest manufacturers of fine piano scarfs In the country, was another caller at Ellers Piano House. The order ho car ried away for fine scarfs was simply as tonishing. Mr. L N. Hockett selling the Foster & Co. pianos, was also a visitor. The high reputation of the Foster piano, es pecially for musical excellence, has been won by making uniformly highest grade of instruments, this factory producing only one grade. The Foster piano has re cently been taken Into the Ellers family of fine pianos, and Is fast winning friends here amog both professional people and amateurs. Mr. H. C Churchill carried away an immense order for stools. The aggregate value of all the orders given these gentlemen is considerably over JIOO.000. In light of the fact that these orders were for only four of the 33 makes of highest-grade pianos carried by Ellers Piano House, It is evident that this popular concern Is preparing to do a tre mendous business during the present year. Store, 251 Washington street, corner Park. Other large establishments. San Fran cisco, Stockton and Oakland, CaL: Spo kano and Seattle, Wash.; Boise and Lew Is ton. Idaho. connected with the millUa In Tacoma. was named Lieutenant-Colonel and aide on tho Governor's staff. Insane, Says Supreme Court. BOISE, Idaho, Jan. 21. (Special.) The Supreme Court today formally declared J. C. Harvey Insane, and ordered him taken back to the asylum In Blackfoot. The writ secured by Harvey directed to tho asylum superintendent was quashed, and the unfortunate man win have to remain MrtSmjFE THERE TO GREET HIM agree xo iaxe care or him. His derange ment was not regarded by the court as of a serious nature, and It was agreed with the asylum superintendent that if any of Harvey's friends would undertake to care for him. he would be released and allowed to go to them. The court did not pass on the question of jurisdiction of the Onedia County com mitting magistrate, acting solely on the evidence presented as to Harvey's sanity. Steamer Pheasant Sold. NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C.. Jan. 1.. (Special.) An Important deal In shipping circles Is the sale of tho steamer Pheasant, a largo river boat plying between this city and Chilll wack, by the owners. J. A. Cunningham & Co.. to Captain H. Young, for the consideration of $7500. Captain Young will take the wheel at once, and the steamer will continue on this route. .. Doyle Is Not Responsible. SEATTLE. "Wash., Jan. 21. The state ment telegraphed from Washington under date of January 19 to the effect that the officers of the supply ship Culgoa were to be court-martialed as the result of a collision between that vessel and a mer chant schooner In November last was in MB. AND MBS. C B. error in the statement that Lieutenant Commander Robert IL Doyle was the commanding officer of the Culgoa. Com mander Doyle was relieved of the com mand of the Culgoa on August 1. 1304, by Lieutenant-Commander John H. Oliver, and has been in command of the receiving ship Philadelphia at the Puget Sound navy-yard since August 25, 19M. Protest Against "Hot Lake." LA GRANDE. Or.. Jan. 21. (Special.) Tho La Grande Commercial Club has sent a . strong request to the Union County delegation in the Legislature to use all honorable means to prevent a division of Union County. Since the removal of the county Beat from Union to La Grande, a strong fight is belng made for a division by the people of Union, and in smaller localities in that portion of -the county. The Union people say that they can get tho consent of 20 per cent of the residents within the district proposed to bo cut off. yiiiBBBBB.3flnA xk9Ss2bbbbbb& bbb.'! iuBBBW JE 1 WADE HOME AGAIN Pendleton Cashier Returns Af ter Year's Absence, Bankrupt Who Was Accused of De faulting Spent Many Months in Vain Search for. 'Health and Fresh Capital. PENDLETON. Or., Jan. 21. (Special.) After exactly one year's absence, C B. Wade, the defaulting cashier of the First National Bank, of Pendleton, has returned to the city. While It Is generally believed that Wade came back at the solicitation of his wire. It Is understood that his return was hastened upon the request of the District Attorney, who Issued a warrant for Wade's arrest several months ago. Pleadings of Intimate friends and the action" of the bank In settling a large por tion of the cashier's accounts, amounting to over jeo.OOO. are said to be tho cause of his nonarrest. Wade's physique Is al most wrecked, and only intimate friends arc permitted to see him. Colonel J. H. Raley. Nils attorney, tonight said: "Mr. Wade came back at the request of -friends WADE. OF rEKDIJETOX. and persons Interested in clearing up the financial trouble In which he became In volved a year ago. His creditors have, for the most part, been reimbursed, and no action will be taken against him. His return at this time Is simply to settle his financial dealings amicably." Wade was adjudged a bankrupt April R. ISM. with liabilities of $159,411 and as sets nearly fGO.CCO. His personal property was appraised at 115.493 and his real property at $44,500. He owned many shares in the Golconda and other mining proper tics, which were considered almost value less as assets. The proceeds of the sale of his property were but a small Item in paying off his Indebtedness, but the First National Bank came to the rescue of his creditors by settling with the heavi est losers. Wade was absent from Pen dleton a year to the very day. He spent part of the time In Honolulu, but returned last Summer to California, where he re mained until this week. 3dr. Wade passed through Portland yes i9IKr bbbbbbbV i!MBt iBbIbbbbbbb yv " s-r Boys' BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS, DICKEY CASSIMERES, the best wear-resisting fabric known, all sizes, 7 to 15, years, value $3.95 C9 Sale Price .... t-jJ BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS, our great $2.50 values guar anteed for 1 OC service ...... P -0 J SAILOR SUITS AT HALF $2r50 Sailors, sale price $1.25 $3.00 S&ilors, sale price $1.50 $5.00 Sailors, sale price $2.50 $ 10 Sailors, sale price $5.00 BOYS' OVERCOATS $3.95 OVERCOATS $2.95 $5.00 OVERCOATS $3.95 GIRLS' COATS AT SPECIAL PRICES BEN SELLING LEADING terday, but bis presence in the city was not generally known. Mrs. Wade was in the city during the Summer as -an agent of a life Insurance company. She soon returned to Pendleton, however, and has since been employed In the garment de partment of a dry goods store Through all the financial troubles which her husband has encountered. Mrs. Wade has bolstered his spirits, really preventing him from becoming a mental wreck. When Mrr Wade passed through Portland one year ago he was carried on a stretcher from the O. R. Sc. N. train to tho Southern Pa cific train, his wife staying constantly by hls side. LEWERS' NOVEL HONOR. Schooner Went From Puget. Sound to Gray's Harbor to Finish Load. ABERDEEN, Wash., Jan. 21. (Special.) To the schooner Robert Lewers belongs tlie honor of being the first vessel In the history of the Coast to take on part of her cargo on Puget Sound and then come to Gray's Harbor to finish loading. The Lewers is a large four-topmaster of 266 tons register, and carries about l.SCO.COO feet of lumber. She arrived in Port Gam ble early In December and filled her hold. She then sailed for Aberdeen, and after encountering a succession of heavy gales that stripped her of most of her sails, ar rived safe In port. The Lewers will sail Monday for Hon olulu, H. I. The schooner E. H. Jackson, loading at the Wilson Bros. & Co. mill, will carry the first load of lumber shipped from this- harbor for the Panama CanaL J. J. Moore & Co. have received a con tract from the Government for 3.300,000 feet, the bulk of which will be shipped from Gray's Harbor. FOR OLD MURDER. Ralph Gary Arrested on Charge of Killing Old Couple. SPOKANE. Wash., Jan. 2L Ralph Gary, a young engineer living at Hartllne. Wash., was arretted in his room about 3 o'clock this morning, charged with the murder of Judge J. A. Lewis and wife, whose mangled bodies were found at their home near Almlra, .December 21. 1502. Lewis' body was found in the house and his wife's wa-s hidden by the snow Tn a stock corral near by. They had been beaten to death with an ax and a club, robbery being the motive. -Gary's arrest Is based on an alleged confession to El mer Fushay. a Hartllne wclldlgger. Fushhy claims Gary said he murdered both victims, and that his conscience was troubling him. While the arrest has been made. Fushay'e story is not fully cred ited at Hartllne. SCHOOLTEACHERS. WIN. Newberg College Defeated by Mon mouth in Basket-Bail. MONMOUTH. Or.. Jan. 2L (Special.) In a well-played game of basket-ball last night, the State Normal School boys de feated their opponents from Newberg Col lege by a score of 22 to 13. The contest .was a tie at the end of the first half, but the local team held together and played better teamwork In tha second half. After the game the Young Women's Athletic Association of the Normal School gave a reception to both teams. The next home game will probably be with Wil lamette University. As three members of the team graduate at the midyear com mencement, the season for the Normal School will close February 1. NORTHWEST DEAD. Mrs. Jane E. Scales. PENDLETON. Or., Jan. 21. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Jane Elizabeth Scales, a pioneer woman of California and Ore gon, died at her home in this city yes terday, aged 73 years. Mrs. Scales was born In Fayette County. Pennsylvania, In 1827. Her par ents soon afterwards removed to Jollet, 111. In 1S47 she was married to John L. Scales, and 12 years later Mr. and Mrs. Scales came across the plains argams Department 5"Ja aaa ftBBBr 2jBBBHBaBaaff $6 OVERCOATS $10 OVERCOATS CLOTHIER DR. B. E. WRIGHT THE PAINLESS DENTIST 'Who can fill or extract any number of teeth without in flicting the slightest pain to the patient. The largest and hest-equipped dental office on the Pacific Coast. 342 y2 Washington Street, Corner Seventh Phone Main 2119. . to California, arriving" in the Fall of 1359. They resided in California until 1S89. when they removed to Umatilla County. Mrs. Scales was a hardy type of the pioneer woman, and was act ively connected with church work, be ing prominently identified with the First Presbyterian Church of this city almost up to the time of her death. Nine children were bprn to Mr. and Mr3. Scales, three of whom are liv ing. They are: Mrs. Lucinda Spencer, of Santa Rosa. Cal.- Charles H. Scales, of Arizona, and H. S. Scales, of Pendle ton. Her husband, John L. Scales. Is SO years old, and at the present time Is seriously ill. Mrs. Mary Fox. LA GRANDE, Or.. Jan. 21. (Special.) Mrs. Mary Fox. wife of C. L. Fox, a well known lumberman, died near this city yesterday of diphtheria, and was burled from the Baptist Church In this city to day. She was about 20 years of age and leaves, besides her "husband, two. children and brothers and sisters in this vicinity. Bricklayers' New Officers. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 21. The Bricklayers' and Masons' International Union here elected the following offi cer?: W. J. Bowen, N. Y., president; Thomas R. Preece, Chicago, first vice president; George T. Thornton, Wash ington, D. C, second vice-president; E. J. Brandon, San Francisco, third vice president: Thomas Izzard, Toronto, fourth vice-president; William Dob son, North Adams, IMass., secretary; Patrick Murray. Albany. N. Y., treas urer. Editor of the official journal, Burt Childs, St. Louis. Minneapolis was chosen as the next meeting place. Charges Justice Turner. SALEM. Or., Jan. 21. (Special.) Justice of the Peace H. II. Turner Is made defendant in a suit filed in the Circuit Court this afternoon, wherein he is charged with wilfully taking ad vantage of the feeble mind of an aged man named Owlngs, by making an un fair trade with him. J. H. AVIlson. a neighbor and friend of Owings, is, the plaintiff, and he alleges that Turner by misrepresentation traded a worth less piece of land for a farm valued at $1450. Postmaster Is Shot. NEWPORT, Or., Jan. 21. (Special.) Word has Just been Teceived here that Mr. Sharrott, postmaster and storekeeper at Lutjens. shot himself, whether accident or otherwise is not known. The bullet entered his neck below the chin, coming out under the right ear. BRIEF TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Dr. Livingston Farrand. professor of anthropology at Columbia University. New York, has been named as head of the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. Blood poisoning, caused by the pinch of a lobster's claw, has caused the death of Otto Zimmerman, a chef in a big Harlem restaurant in New York. At a meeting of the Paper and Wood Manufacturers' Association of Canada, it was unanimously resolved that every ef fort should be made to secure the enact ment of legislation to prohibit the export of logs and pulp wood. The United Society of Christian Endeav or has reports showing great progress in al parts of the word In 1501, especially In Africa. There are now more than 45,000 m .1 ' $4.83 $6.95 of the 63.000 societies in the United States and Canada, over 5000 new societies having been formed within two years. Fire at Fort Worth, Tex., yesterday de stroyed the John Ray Hardware Com pany's building- and contents. The Brown & Vera Paint Company, the Empire Dry Goods & Clothing Company and adjoining buildings were damaged. The total loss is $70,000. - The City Savings Fund & Trust Com pany's Bank, of Lancaster, Pa., closed yesterday, with deposits of about $r,000,000. NEGRO FIEND CONFESSES. Tells Story of Assault on White Woman, and May Be Lynched. RENO, Nev. 21. Levi Webber, the negro arrested yesterday, charged with fatally assaulting Mrs. James E. Harper, ha3 confessed his guilt. He was taken to the Carson Prison last night under a. heavy guard, and after reaching that place and recovering from his fright, made a complete confession, admitting- that he entered the Harper home Friday morning: and struck Mrs. Harper with an ax as she lay in bed with her children. He says that after he had dragged the almost lifeless body to the woodshed, ho became frightened and ran up the river, where he was found by a farmer and brought to town. He say3 he did not in tend to rob the house or commit a crim inal assault and has no excuse to offer. It is openly threatened that. If Webber is brought back, he will be lynched. He is a Carson negro and only a few days ago was liberated after serving a long jail sentence. Krupp's Miners Are Out. RUETTERSCHIED. Prussia. Jan. 21. The strike here is general, and includes the Krupp Saelzerneuack mine. A meet ing of miners pawed resolutions to con tinue the strike. There ha3 been no dis turbance. HE FOUND IT Just as Recommended. T bought a fifty-cent package oX Pyra mid Pile Cure from my druggist, and have used two-dollar packages since. I find them Just as you recommended them to be I have not felt the least sign of piles since using your remedy three months ago. If you want to use my name you may do so, as I do feel like a new man. I now have no trouble with the dreadful, aggravated disease. "I meant td write you sooner, but thought I would wait until I was cured.. I thank you for your wonderful Pile Cure. I was a great sufferer from plies." Fred Deerr. R. F. D. 4, New Brunswick, N J. Seldom. If ever, Is there any doubt about the effect produced by the use of Pyra mid Pile Cure, as is shown by the experi ence given above. Tho proprietors of this remedy have thousands of similar letters on file, and surely no better proof of the merit of the preparation could be asked: when it Is borne in mind that these let ters are wholly unsolicited, there Is cer tainly cause for pride in tfie remedy. Pyramid Pile Cure Is sold by druggists for fifty cents a package, and if yours hasn't it he will get It for you If asked to do so. Accept no substitutes, and re member there 13 no other remedy "Just as good." Every one Is urged to write Pyramid Drug Co.. Marshall, Mich., for their little book describing the causes and cure of piles, as It affords much useful information and is sent free for the asking.