The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 22, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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Foster's Friends Feel
aenatorship Fight Sees No Im
portant Change.
Tacoma Senator's Forces Are Now
Regarded as Trading Material, but
Dog-in-the-Manger Tactics
Are Expected.
OLYMPIA, Jan. 2L (Staff Correspond
ence.) The first -week of the Senatorial
light ended today with the firing still
confined to the skirmish line and no
damage of consequence to any of the
forces involved. Senatorial fights in this
state have always been protracted strug
gles and the one .now on promises to be
Tio exception.
In this great four-cornered contest the
early estimates of strength and weak
ness have proved to le fairly accurate.
Each of the respective candidates fell
short of the number of votes they claimed
for the first ballot, but in no case were
the trained politicians in closest touch
with the situation deceived. The aggre
gate claims of the leading candidates
called for about 30 more votes than there
were Senators and Representatives, and
the gauging of the actual strength by dis
tributing these extra votes by a system
of reapportionment enabled the more as
tute politicians to make a fairly close
forecast several days before a ballot had
been taken.
As has been freely predicted since the
primaries were held last Summer, the
Foster forces have put up the weakest
front In spite of the superiority of their
numbers. Had the Tacoma Senator been
able on the first ballot to cast the 50
votes which he has been claiming, he
would have been a much more formidable
candidate than any of the others, but
the organic weakness and general debil
ity of the Foster boom was disclosed as
soon, as the first ballot was taken. This
failure to make good worked havoc In
two directions. The showing made offered
no inducements for new men to come in
from the outside, and it also had a dis
heartening effect of the men who. by geo
graphical location were forced to remain
in the Foster ranks. There have been
numerous political miracles worked at
Olympia in the past, and there is, or
course, a possibility that others may be
worked and Addison G. Foster returned
to the Senate. Something on the miracu
lous order i3 necessary, however, to bring
about such an unexpected result and as
matters now stand the Foster strength
is tonight quite unanimously regarded in
the'llght of an asset for trading purposes
Instead of a possible foundation from
which a United States Senatorshlp can be
Combinations Are Needed.
At the same time it is recognized that
Enough of the Foster strength can be
held together for an indefinite -period to
make it a difficult matter to elect, unless
there is a combination formed by King
County with either Sweeny or Wilson.
This, of course, would mean the elimina
tion of Piles from the contest, and as
Sweeny has never shown any indications
of being a quitter, it would lay as origi
nally forecasted, between the Spokane
candidate and John L. "Wilson. That
"Wilson has some strong friends among
the Foster following, as well as the
secret support of the newspapers that are
ostensibly for Foster, was more clearly
than ever disclosed today, when the Ta
coma papers appeared without one word
of protest against the abandonment of
Foster by Representative Davis, of Che
halls, who yesterday voted for John I.
"Wilseon. As Stausell. of Stevens, was
unmercifully roasted for leaving Foster
for Sweeny, it is quite clear that while
an abandonment of Foster In favor of
Sweeny Is regarded as but little short of
r crime. It Is eminently proper that the
Foster strength should be weakened In
order to build up "Wilson. Davis was a
very important man in the southwest,
and his withdrawal from the Foster forces
was Incomparably more serious than the
withdrawal of Stausell.
Wilson's Strength a Problem.
This strength of Wilson, despite the fact
that it is not all in tangible shape, is one
of th? most perplexing problems of the
situation. The members of the Piles con
tingent are sore because Wilson will not
step aside and give their man an open
field and the Wilson people are positive
in their assertions that It would be an
impossibility for John L. to deliver a
hlngle vote to Piles, and that any at
tempt to do so would be followed by an
immediate stampede to Foster and
Sweeny. It is thus apparent that If the
Wilson strength and the Piles strength
are ever amalgamated it must be for
Wilson and not Piles. The same oil and
und water nature of the Foster and Piles
support precludes any" possibility of an
amalgamation of the interests of these
two candidates and each faction will do
everything possible to prevent the suc
cess of the other, the defeat of either be
ing regarded by the other as a victory,
even though the prize falls outside of
King County.
The Strain Tightening.
The factional lines, while quite clearly
defined throughout the week Just ended,
were not drawn taut as they will be dur
ing the coming week. There Is some
truth In the saying that it is easier to
catch flies with sugar than with vinegar.
it is also true that when the sugar
method falls the vinegar generally begins
to flow. The appearance of "sourness"
is "not yet noticeable between any of the
contestants except Wilson and Piles, but
there will be a tightening of the strain
next week, when some of the obstinate
candidates refuse to get out of the way
ixnd give the other fellow a chance. With
the leading candidates so evenly matched.
great difficulty, of course, will too experi
enced In convincing any of them that
is his particular duty to withdraw, but
It is generally expected that some signifi
cant changes will take place early next
Commission Bill Inconspicuous.- -
Two Important legislative features
which have thus far signally failed to af
fect the senatorial situation are the rail
road commission bill and the lumbermen's
combine, and from present appearances
it is doubtful about cither of them hav
ing any serious bearing on the big fea
ture of the session. It has already been
determined that Foster cannot command
the entire support of the lumbermen and
the attempt of the more radical railroad
commission men to use the Senatorial
cause as a club for beating recalcitrants
into line on the commission bill has been
far from successful. This is largely due
to the fact that the passage of the com
mission bill is a foregone conclusion, al
though there will be a wide difference of
opinion as to the kind of a bill It will be.
Olympia was practically deserted this
afternoon and it will be a quiet day to
morrow. From the Senate alone 16 mem
bers were absent from the joint session,
their, pairs being announced as follows:
Condon, voting for John Lu Wilson, with
Davis, for A. G. Foster;
Baker, for Charles Sweeny, with Van
de Vanter, for S. H. Piles;
Hemrich, for S. H. Piles, with LeCrone,
for A. G. Foster;
S. T. Smith, for S. H. Piles, with Sum
ner, for A. G. Foster;
Sharp, for A. G. Foster, with Palmer,
for S. H. Piles;
Tucker, for S. H. Piles, with Stewart,
for A. G. Foster;
Hutson,- for Charles Sweeny, with Clapp,
for A. G. Foster;
Kinnear. for S. H. Piles, with Hammer,
for A. G. Foster.
But a single ballot was taken in joint
session and the only changes were those
due to the absence of 31 members. The
result was: Foster 29, Sweeny 24. Piles 24,
Wilson 14, Jonese 7, Vorhees 7. Mr. Vor
hees received the "full Democratic votes,
Ear.les and Harpen, who had wandered
away from the fold yesterday, returning
to lend strength to the Democratic vote.
E. W. W.
Dairymen's Association Wants Demo
crat Retained as Commissioner.
OLYMPIA, Wash.. "Jan. 2L (Special.)
Before final adjournment today the State
Dairymen's Association took a hand in
politics by indorsing E. A. McDonald, the
present State Dairy and Food Commis
sioner, for reappointment at the hands of
Governor Mead.
McDonald is a Democrat and was ap
pointed eight years ago by Governor John
R. Rogers. When Governor McBrlde
stepped into office McDonald was allowed
to retain his position. There are several
aspirants for the place, and among them
Is Hazen W. Maynard. a dairyman of
Olympia, who has had entire charge of
the entertainment of the visiting dairy
men in Olympia during the meetings of
the association. Maynard wanted the in
dorsement of the association, but it is said
that McDonald, who has been here several
days, succeeded in organizing the conven
tion in his own favor, and that some sore
ness exists as a result of the association's
McDonald also succeeded in securing the
chairmanship of the legislative commit
tee, appointed today by the president, and
Maynard, who wanted a place on the
committee, was left off. The association
took the matter up before adjournment,
however, and added Maynard's name.
B. F. Reed, of Ellensburg. was re
elected president; James Dick, of Dun
geness, was elected vice-president, and
Mrs. C. Carmlchael, of Yakima, was re
elected secretary-treasurer of the assocla.
tion. This morning the association lis
tened to a prize essay prepared by a
senior student of the Washington Agricul
tural College, and read by Professor Nel
son of that institution, on the subject,
"Diseases of the Calf and Their Treat
ment." The other numbers on the pro
gramme were: "It Is a Three-fold Mis
take to Use or Rear a Dual-Purpose Cow
for Dairying or Beef." by J. P. Marks;
'Improvements on Nature, as Applied to
the Dairy Cow," by C. L. Smith.
The next convention will be held in Pull.
man if transportation can be secured;
otherwise the association will meet west
of the mountains.
Oregon Iron and Steel Company
Bringing Big Stone to City.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Jan. 2L (Special.)
By an order of the Circuit Court today.
Sheriff Shaver was directed to take
charge of the large meteorite, the sub
ject of recent litigation, and remove the
same from off the property of Ellis
Hughes, where It has been kept In a shed
for exhibition purposes pending the ter
mination of the suits as1 to its ownership.
Workmen for the Oregon Iron & Steel
Company, which has been awarded the
possession of the metallic mass, will be
gin the removal of the property Monday,
under the direction of Sheriff Shaver, who
is required to give a bond for the per
formance of the work. It is the purpose
of the company to have the meteorite
transported to Portland at an early date.
Expert Astoria Books.
ASTORIA. Or., Jan. 21. (Special.) The
ways and means committee of the City
Council today engaged William P. O'Brien
and Arthur Leberman to expert the
books and records of the several city
offices". In its report to the Council the
committee will recommend that in the
future the books be experted on January
1 of each year, in place of every six
months, as at present.
Mrs. Woodcock Is Hired by Senators Brownelland Nottingham to Spy Out Multnomah "Machine."
SALEM. Or., Jan. 21. (SpeciaL)
Mrs. M. L. Woodcock the lady
whose magnetism drew enough votes
from Parker to elect "Rosenfelt"
several times over, and whose person
ality puts such mightles as Frank C
Baker and Whitney I Boise in the
dense shadows spent last week at
Salem with the lawmakers.
Mrs. Woodcock exhibited a pay-check
for $33.16, drawn in favor of Mr. Wood
cock by R. C. Bell, of the Willamette
Iron & Steel Work, as evidence of her
solvency. Mr. W. did not know she
had eloped with the check, but she
wrote hubby a. letter from Salem, tell
ing him the precious paper was safely
hidden in the bosom of her dress, and
begging him to live on easy street till
her return.
Were the lawmakers delighted to
have her with them? To be sure, for
they beamed aU over. And so she had
to pay her fare up to Salem, did she?
Oh. that was too bad. What was the
price? Dear, dear, but Mr. Coman
must have been hard-hearted to col
lect that JL60. And she had expected
George BrowneU to write her a re
turn pass from the chairmanship of the
railroads committee. Well, that was
sad, not alone for George, but for Mrs.
George himself looked as if he had
never been so sorry in his life; yea.
verily, and cocked his feet tip on the
desk and peeped through them at Sena
tor Croisan. But Chairman Croisan
ItJJcant jawfl unit llmpqlf nlon
Importations m 4904 of
G. H. MTJMM & Cos
The GREATEST quastfty ev&r imported
by any brand i
the Champagne trade
House Thinks $100,000.Too
High for Fair Exhibit
Though Spokane Asks That Good
Showing Be Made, Washington
.Representatives Amend Ap
propriation Measure.
OLYMPIA. Wash., Jan. 21. (Special.)
About two-thirds of the members of
the House were in favor of reducing
the appropriation to the Lewis and
Clark Fair bill today to 575,000. The
deed was accomplished, and under sus
pension of rules the bill went to final
passage, and was adopted as amended
by a bote of 82 to 1. Crandall, of Pierce
County, voted against the bllL
For the purpose of considering the
measure, the House resolved itself into
a committee of the whole, and took up
the bill section by section. No changes
were proposed, except in phraseolosy,
until the appropriation clause was
reached. The amendment reducing tne
amount from 5100,000 to 575,000 was
introduced by Crane, of Spokane Coun
ty. Its first supporter was Lambert, of
Lambert had a bill in his pocket pro
viding for the construction of the Mar
ble Mount wagon-road at a cost of
525,000, and he also has part of the
burden on his shoulders of securing all
the Whatcom Normal School manage
ment wants. He did not mention these
matters specifically, but said there
were other matters that this session
must provide for. The Chamber of
Commerce of Belltngham had indorse!
an appropriation of 575,000. He be
lieved that amount was sufficient, and
favored thft amendment.
Bpokane Wants Exhibit.
Tne author of the amendment. Crane,
said that Eastern Washington wished
to be represented at the Fair in a
creditable mnnner. Over 290 members
of the Spokane Chamber of Commerce
present at the annual banquet In
dorsed an appropriation of 575,000. He
therefore believed that the sentiment
of Eastern Washington was in favor of
that amount, and that a creditable ex
hibit could be provided with that
amount of money.
Todd, of King County, called atten
tion to the overwhelming; vote of the
Senate in disapproving a similar
amendment introduced in that body.
He believed the commission should not
be hampered by lack of funds. It could
turn back any money not needed, and
he believed a commission would be ap
pointed that could be trusted not to
squander the money.
Maloney inquired if the gentleman
from King had ever heard of any
money similarly appropriated being
turned back.
Mr. Todd said he hud. that the St.
Louis Fair Commission did not expend
all the appropriation granted it. 1
Falconer, of Snohomish, said that the
St. Louis Fair Commission had accu
mulated J1S00 in expenses before the
appropriation became available. The
state had authorized the expenditure
of 575.000, and the amount was found
"Don't Stint," Says Houston.
"We can't afford to stint thj com
mission in the preparing of the state
exhibit." declared Houston, of King. "If
the state gave 575,000 for the St. Louis
Fair, It should be willing to give al
most any amount for the Lewis and
Clark Centennial in the amount of
good that will be accomplished by a
proper exhibit. Every railroad across
our state will carry its pro rata of the
thousands of visitors who will come
West to the- Fair. They will bring
money. Investors, settlers."
Houston's view was opposed by Kel
logg, of Stevens, who said that prob
ably jast as many people would travel
over the Washington roads whether
nor did his heart melt any more than
If of stone.
Mrs. Woodcock thought the lawmak
ers owed their country and herself
that $1.69. and told them so. plainly.
But they were very, very poor. Fact
was they couldn't get their $3 per
diem until they had finished thoir la
bors, and as for sacks well, none had
been seen yet. So each and every one
of them told her he was sorry and
pointed to the man at the next desk as
a person who was rolling in coin.
Yet she did not succeed in getting
back her $1.60. The return trip cost
her only 15 cents. How was it? Listen.
Mr. BrowneU felt a certain degree
of responsibility for Mrs. Woodcock's
presence at the capital. Had she not
gone to Salem expecting to see him in
augurated chairman of the railroad
committee? After the lady had camp
ed on his trail all week he dug down
into his pocket and brought forth 50
cents, which he presented to her on
condition that she would stay In Port
land during the rest of the session and
keep an eagle eye on the Multnomah
machine. Thinking Senator Notting
ham might also desire to be informed
of Jack Matthews and Judge Carey's
doings at the metropolis. Mr. BrowneU
asked him for a contribution to the
campaign fund. The appeal was .not
in vain, for Mr. Nottingham desired in
formation to the worth of 25 cents,
and forth from his pocket came a warm
Did Senator Carter desire to keep
tab on the Multnomah politicians at
Portland? No. not he. Nor Senators
Wricht, Haines. Whealdon and Bow
the lattery of
the state han an exhibit or not. He
thought 575,000 sufficient, inasmuch as
there was about 525.000 worth of ex
hibits left from the St. Louis Fair that
would be utilized.
McCoy, whose county is Interested in
road bills, and who as chairman has
the cares of the appropriations com
mittee to look after, thought the dif
ference between 575,0)0 and 5100,003
could be expended to better advantages
in rbad building.
Reed, of Pierce, thought 5100.000
would be conducive to extravagance.
No Educational Exhibit.
Crandall. of Pierce, said bills appro
priating 5875.0J0 had already been in
troduced, and the session was only two
weeks old. Personally, he favored 575,
000. Bishop, of Jefferson, Melcher, of Lin
coln, Kenoyer, of Whitman, and Davis,
of Kitsap, also favored the amendment.
An oral vote was taken on the
amendment, and It was declared car
ried. Tht only other amendment of
importance attempted was one by Mi
nard, chairman of the education com
mittee, who wanted 55000 of the ap
propriation reserved for an educational
exhibit. A short discussion resulted in
the defeat of the proposed amendment.
It did not receive even Mlnard's vote.
Without any other amendments the bill
was reported back to the House and
was placed on final passage.
It is said today that some of the in
fluential friends of the bill in the Sen
ate will fight a concurrence to the
House amendment. They believe that
when matters are explained through
the medium of a conference committee
as they were in the Senate dissension,
it may be possible to Induce the House
to recall Its amendment.
Lewis and Clark Appropriation May
Be $100,000.
OLYMPIA, Wash.. Jan. 21. (Special.)
The Lewis and Clark Fair bill will
not meet the fate its predecessor of
1903 did at tne hands of the Gov
ernor, for it is authoritatively stated
that Governor Mead will approve an
appropriation for the state's exhibit in
any amount between $50,003 and
$100,000. v
The Legislature of 1903 appropriated
$25,000 for preliminary work on the
exhibit of Washington, but the appro
priation was vetoed by Governor Mc
Brlde. The commission having in
charge the Louisiana Purchase Expo
sition exhibit and the Lewis and Clark
Centennial exhibit were made one,
however, and a great deal of work lead
ing up to the preparation of a credit
able exhibit at Portland has been ac
complished without the use of the
money the bill originally provided.
The Lewis and Clark bill has- now
passed the Senate after a failure of tho
attempt to reduce the appropriation to
$75,000, and if passed in its present
form will provide $100,000 for the
In view of the fight made in the Sen
ate and repeated successfully in the
House before the amount of the appro
priation, an effort has been made to
obtain an expression of the views of
Governor Mead on the subject.
The information obtained from the
Governor's office is to the effect that
personally he believes $75,000 would be
a sufficient amount to expend on the
exhibit. He expresses this view, how
ever, only as his personal opinion In
the matter, and "he has no desire to ad
vise the Legislature as to the sum that
shall be appropriated for the purpose.
If the Legislature sees fit to appro
priate $100,030, the veto power will
not be exercised.
As the House has reduced the appro
priation to $75,000. the fight will again
be transferred to the Senate, where it
must be concurred in, or again sent
back to the House.
Senate Bill Introduced to Pay for
Normal Schools.
OLYMPIA. Wash.. Jan. 21. (Special.)
That the state has never legally provided
for the payment of the cost of erecting
the Normal School buildings at Cheney
and Whatcom is a fact "unpleasantly
brought to the minds of the members of
the present Legislature by the introduc
tion of a Senate bill appropriating $3S,000
for the relief of B. F. Heuston.
The two buildings were paid for by the
issuance of warrants on .the Normal
School fund. This fund .was supposed to bo
er man. No, not they. Then would any
Democrat go in? Yes, one Democrat
would. Pierce was his name, from the
sage plains of Umatilla, and from his
pocket came another coin, almost as
warm as Senator Nottingham's.
So Mrs. Woodcock got $1. To this
she added 15 cents of Mr. W.'s money.
The total sum carried her to Oregon
City. Thence lier fare was paid by a
man named O'Neill, a very nice gen
tleman with a round face, she said,
whose first name, she believed, was
John, but was not sure.
Nor was Mrs. W.'s week of labor in
vain. If Senator Sichel's bill, which
prescribes the whipping-post as an
antidote for wife-beating, shall sur
vive the Legislature and the veto. Its
guardian angel will be Mrs. W.
But she feels aggrieved, for when
she tried to mount to the eminence
where Speaker Mills whacks with the
gavel and to sit in the cushtoned seat
where the preacher rests his bones
every morning before Invoking the
blessing of the Most High upon the
Representatives below assembled.
Speaker Mills objected. So did Presi
dent Kuykendall of the Senate, who
could find no room for her on his ros
trum. Nor could Mrs. Woodcock per
suade, the sweet-tongued orator of
Clackamas to intercede for her with
the Speaker or the President.
"I should like to do it." remarked
Senator BrowneU. whispering Into her
ear in his usually convincing manner;
"but for your own sake I must decline.
My example proves that it Is not well
to be brought Into too great prominence."
Copyright 1904. by
Hart Schafrhcr & Marx
created by the sale of lands granted to
the state for the maintenance of Normal
Schools. The bill providing for the Issu
ance of the warrants specifically provided
that they should never become a burden
upon the general fund of the state.
A bill similar to the one presented at
this session was introduced in 1903, but
never came out of the hands of the ap
propriations committee. Owing to the
clause in the original act providing that
the warrants shall never be payable out of
the general fund, the bill is presented as
a relief measure. Heuston is the attorney
for holders of warrants to. the amount of
cbout $0,000. The balance' of the $9S.00O'is
accrued interest.
In Quarrel Over Drilling Contest Will
iam Thome Is Fataljy Wounded.
BAKER CITY. Or.. Jan. 2L (Special.)
William Madden fatally shot William
Thorne about 12 o'clock last night in a
saloon at Bourne, this county. Both men
are employed in the E. & E. mine.
Madden Is a champion rock-driller, and
1t appears that the two men had trouble
over a rock-drilling contest. They met
at the Columbia saloon early in the even
ing, and engaged In a quarrel which re
sulted in a fist fight. Madden was worsted
In the encounter. He left the place and
went to another saloon, where he pro
cured a revolver, then' returned to the
Columbia saloon and shot Thorne. Mad
den was placed under arrest, and
brought to this city, where he was lodged
in the County Jail this a'fternoon.
A telephone messsage from Bourne late
this evening says that Thorne died about
5 o'clock this afternoon. He was uncon
scious most of the time after he was
shot. The officers were prepared to take
his statement of the trouble, but he was
not able to give it.
Thome was about 33 years of age. and
had been employed In the mines for sev
eral years. Madden recently came to
this county.
Man Charged With Stealing Tickets
Now Under Bonds.
LA GRANDE, Or., Jan. 21. (Special.)
John Doe was placed under $5,000 bond3 at
Huntington today to appear before the
Circuit Court charged with having robbed
O. R. & N. Conductor Anderson of a grip
containing his tickets, tass and necessary
articles to perform his duUes.
The robber got on at Huntington while
the train was headed for La Grande and
suddenly the bell was pulled, the train
stopped and soon after it was discovered
that the man had disappeared with these
Arizona Railroad Washed Out.
EL PASO. Tex.. Jan. 21. Eighteen
miles of the Tonto Railroad, between
Phoenix and Tonto Dam. in Arizona,
have been washed out by floods. The
road runs through a very rough sec
tion and was difficult and expensive
to build.
The best disinf ectant of all is snnlljbt.
It destroys by ita very brightness dl sorts
of 'terms and at the same rime Helps the
growth of pilots aad animal life. Dcobt
less all have noticed that mould irons
deling the night and in dark, damp cellars.
Bright sunlight quickly destroys germs,
mould or other organisms. That is why it
is best to let the sunlight into your houses
for its parifyinjrinfluence.
At the Invalid Hotel and Sargical Insti
tute. BuSalo, N. Y., Dr. Pierce, chief con
Bulun? suiyecn, started experiments, some
three years ago, with the Plnsen light in
conjunction with the X-ray in the treat
meat of diseases. He cot excellent results
therefrom, and was anion? the first to adapt
this remarkable core to many cases which
it was formerly supposed must c." uccessity
be treated by the knife.
Not only is Dr. R. V. Pierce notable for
his snrgicu achievements at his hospital in
Bufxalo, but nearly a third of a century aro
he discovered certain roots and herbs
which were n stare's remedies, and suc
ceeded in putting: them up in a form that
would be easily procered and ready to use.
This he called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery. It maintains the patient's nu
trition by esablimr him to eat. retain, direst
' and assimilate nutritions food. It over
I comes gsstric irritability and symptoms of
! indigestion, and in this way fever, night-
swciuj ccacucncs, crc sue a one away wuc
It fortifies the body ajpinst the Terms of
cocscmption, grip and malaria, it builds
up the tissues and puts on healthy flesh.
Those desiring' to knerw somethisg about
the body in health and disease, also medi
cine and sBxxery, without technicalities,
should read the "Common Sense Medical
Adviser," which csa be had for 31 cents ia
j-eeat ritsss for the cloth-bosad book.
tUf Dc K V. gks. JtaJfclo. X. T.
Clearance Sale
Men's Overcoats
Raincoats and Suits
These are NOT a line of goods bought up for this sale
only, but consist of our regular stock of the very best
goods, made by the famous tailors, Hart, Schaffner &
Marx and the Stein-Bloch Co.
Reduced to Ip 1 jm 1 D
Reduced to ;...Ip iTT.D
Reduced to $ 1 C. D
Four Schools Not Needed, Says
Senator Miller.
Linn County Legislator Has Bill to
Abolish Three Institutions An
other in House to Dis
pense With Two.
SALEM, Or., Jan. 21. (Special.)
Normal Schools promise to be an issue
in a hard fight In the Legislature and
already two bills have been introduced
for the purpose- of reducing the number
of schools and improving their stand
ard of work. Senator Miller of Linn,
who has always been a champion of
the common school, has Introduced a
bill which proposes that all but one
Normal School shall be abandoned.
Representative Caldwell of Yamhill
has introduced a bill for the discon
tinuance of those at Ashland and Drain,
leaving one' at Monmouth, in Western
Oregon, and one at Weston, in Eastern
The objection "to the present Normal
School policy is not only that it is a
scattering of effort, but that lt'furnlshes
material for logrolling In the Legis
lature. There being no general publio
demand for the continuance of all of
the Normal Schools, the Representa
tives from the counties directly affectod
secure their appropriations for Normal
Schools by supporting in return appro
priations for other institutions or en
terprises. Opponents of the present Normal
School system believe that if all the
Normal Schools but one or two were
abandoned and then the state an
nounced a definite policy of maintain
ing the remainder In a creditable, man
ner, trading on Normal School appro-,
priations would be at an end.
Money Is Wasted.
"The maintenance of four State Nor
mal Schools In Oregon is an injustice
to the people, because it is a waste of
money," says Senator Miller. "There
is economy in concentration, and wa
would not only save money by main
taining only ono such school, but could
furnish Normal students a much bet
ter opportunity to secure good educa
tions. If we had only one Normal to
support, we could equip it in first-class
style and make it compare favorably
with any in the United States A3 Ions
as we divide our appropriations none
of the schools will be equipped as they
should be.
"In the last ten years we have spent
$375,000 for Normal Schools, and at tho
last session we appropriated $88,000
for those educational institutions. At
Drain, Ashland and Weston we spent
$60.63C, furnishing instruction at those
three schools for perhaps 500 students.
I havn collected figures which show
that it the state were to abandon these
three schools we could pay the railroad
transportation of the students to the
Normal School at Monmouth, increase
tho faculty of that school as much as
necessary, and still save $40,000. This
is worth considering.
Serve as High Schools.
"As a matter of fact, these Normal
Schools are doing a large amount of
eighth-grade and high school work,
for which the state is paying. In the
I four Normal Schools of this state there
', are 630 students and only 289 of them
are doing Normal School work. I saeei
no reason why the state should provide
common schools or high schools for a
few eommunities at the expense of all
the people. ' If the state must maintain
a Normal School, let us have only one
and that one doing only Normal School
Other States With One School.
"Here is a list of states that have
only one Normal School, and I think
when our population of 413,000 is com
pared with theirs It should be apparent
that one Normal is enough for Oregon:
Popula- Normal
. Hon. Students.
; New Hampshire.. 411.5S3 110
, Rhode Island 428,556 200
i Colorado : 535.700 - 2S9
Montana 243.323 124
. Ltah 276.749 200
1 Maryland 1.1S8.044 355
I South Carolina 1,340.316 206
j Tennessee 2,020,616 575
1 Arkansas 1.311.564 65
.Nebraska 1.O66.300 630
Kansas 1.470.495 1S33
Wyoming 92.531 45
"Some of our Normal School build
ings were given to the state by local
education institutions, and when the
state ceases to use them for Normal
School purposes it will be all right to
give the buildings back to the several
communities, to be used by them as
local High Schools. Where the buildings-
have been erected at state expense
I believe the property should be turned
over to the common school fund."
C. F. White to Care for Interests f
Gray's Harbor Company There.
ABERDEEN. Wash., Jan. 21. (Special.)
It Is reported that C. F. White, who
has been manager of the Gray Harbor
Commercial Company's interests in Cos
mopolLs for years, will be transferred to
Seattle, where ho will have charge of the
Interests of the company at that point,
which are to be made extensive in every
department of lumber and real estate.
Mr. White is attending a meeting of the
.directors of the company In San Fran
cisco, and no confirmation of the report
can be obtained.
In connection with the rumors, it Is also
said that Patrick C. Looney, who has
been foreman at the Gray's Harbor Com
pany's plant, is to take the place of Mr.
White If the change Is made. It will be
good news for the unions of Gray's. Har
bor to learn that the company is con
sidering the messhouse problem with a
view of possible discontinuance.
Must Account for $'1200.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Jan. 21. (Special.)
R. L. and Columbus W Parrlsh have
been cited to appear before Probate
Judge Ryan and account forttfre where
abouts of cash, money and. notes, aggre
gating about $1200, belonging to the estate
of Patsy Kern deceased. The citation
was Issued today on the showing made
by other heirs of the estate that jU3t be
fore the" death of Mrs. Kern she was
known to be possessed of money and
other securities to the amount of $1200.
The complaining heirs allege that the
appraisers of the estate were unable to
find any trace of these assets in reporting
their inventory of the estate.
Started Fire In Car,
OREGON CITY, Or., Jan. 2L (Special.)
Charged with the wanton destruction of
personal property, three tramps giving
the names of Frank Rowan. Andy Buck-
Jand and Harry Nathlick, were today ar
rested and lodged In the City Jail. They
waived any hearing and will plead guilty
Monday before Judge, McBrlde, who will
pronounce sentence. The trio spent last
night In a refrigerator car, the property
of the Sduthern Pacific Company, in the
local yards, and this morning started a
fire within the car. As a result a. large
hole was burned In the floor.
Any Man Over Fifty.
You can interest any man over fifty
years of age in anything that will make
him feel better because while he may
not as yet have any posiUve organic dis
ease, he no longer feels the buoyancy and
vigor of twenty-five, nor the freedom "from
aches and pains he enjoyed in earlier
years, and he very naturally examines
with interest any proposition looking to
the Improvement and preservation of his
He will noUce, among other things, that
the stomach of fifty is a very different one
from the stomach he possessed at twenty
five. That greatest care must be exercised
as to what is eaten and how much of it,
and even with the best of care, there will
be Increasing digestive weakness with ad
vancing years.
A proposiUon to perfect or improve the
digestion and assimulation of food is one
which Interests not only every man of
fifty, but every man, woman and child of
any age, because the whole secret of good
health, good blood, strong nerves. Is to
have a stomach which will promptly and
cause blood, nerves, brain tissue and
every other consUtuent of the body is en
tirely the product of dlgesUon, and no
medicine or "health" food can possibly
create pure blood or restore shaky nerves,
when: a weak stomach is replenishing the
daily wear and tear of the body from a
mas3 of fermenting, half-dlge3tcd food.
No. the stomach itself want3 help, and
in no round-about way, either; It wants
direct, unmistakable assistance, such as
Is given by one or two Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets after each meal.
These tablets cure stomach trouble be
cause their use gives the stomach a
chance to rest and recuperate: one of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contains di
gestive elements sufficient to digest SOOO
grains of ordinary food, such as bread.
meat, eggs, etc
The plan of dieting Is simply another
name for starvation, and the use of pre
pared foods and new-fangled breakfast
foods simply makes matters worse, as
any dyspepUc who has tried them knows.
. As Dr. Bennett says, the only reason I
can Imagine why Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets are not universally used by everybody
who Is troubled In any way with poor di
gestion is because many people seem to
think that because a medicine Is adver
tised or is sold in drug stores, or Is pro
tected by a trademark, must be a hum
bug, whereas, as a matter of truth, any
druggist who is observant knows that
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have cured
more people of Indigestion, heartburn,
heart trouble, nervous prostration and
run-down condition generally than all the
natent medicines arid doctors" prescrip
tions for stomach trouble combined.