THE-SUXDAT OKEGOSIAS, JASTrABY 22, 1905. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF THE OREGOXIAX'S TELEPHONES. Cematlng-Boom - Mala 6S7 Editor Main C3S Eund&y Editor ...Main City Editor ilaJn 106 Socifty Editor iUla CSS CocajxistriR-Rocm , ....Haln 685 Superintendent Building .......lied 232 Efcrt Side Office East 61 AMTJSEMKXTB. EMPIRE THEATER illth and Morrison sta) Matlr.ce at 2:15. tonight at .8:15, "NctUe the Jfewsslrl." COLUMBIA THBATER 4th and "Washington) -Matinee at 2:1C. tonight at 8:15, "The Crime or TmbofCj." STAR THEATER fPark and 'WasbtoKtoa) Continuous vaudeville, .2 to 10:30 P. M. BAKER THEATER (Third and Yamhill) Continuous vaudeville, "i30 to 10:30 P. M LYP.IC THEATER cor. Alder and 7th)-Con- tinuoua vaudeville from 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. Grange Officers Installed. At the annual meeting of Milwaukie Grange, Pa trons of Husbandry, yesterday, A. A. ilc Arthur, of "Warner Grange, lnrtalled the following: officers for the ensuing year: Master. Mrs. M. L. Roberts: overseer, H. A. Andrews: lecturer. Miss Kate Cafto (absent): steward, J. V James: assistant fcteward, Leo Duffy: chaplain, Joseph Dobbins; treasurer. T. R. A. Sellwood; secretary. Miss Delia Mullen; Ratekeeper, "VVlster Sellwood; Pomona, Miss Agnes Oliver; Ceres. Mrs. Maggie A. Johnson; Flora. Miss Maggie J. Johnson; lady as sistant steward. Miss Rosa Walsh. Fol lowinir the installation. H. G. Stark weather, retiring master, made a short talk, thanking the Grange for the support it had given him during the past year. Mrs- Maggie A. Johnson, retiring secre tary, reported all bills for the year paid and a balance In the treasurer's hand. The total membership was reported at 12S, with four new applications on the table. Mrs. M. Lv Roberts, new master, made a short talk admonishing the members to be vigilant during the year, and then named the various committees. During the year the Grange incorporated and started a building fund. Canadians to Organize. Tomorrow evening, at S:15 o'clock, a meeting of Canadians and their friends will be held In the small hall of the Young Men's Christian Association building, to talk over tha proposed formation of the Cana dlan Society of Portland. It is suggested that the society be organized to take care of matters connected with Canadian day at the Lewis and Clark Exposition, and that a permanent organization be effect' cd. If the me-nlng so desires. It Is not iiroposed to rent any clubrooms. and there will not be any benevolent, political or religious features connected with the or ganization. There are about 2000 Cana- dians and their descendants living in and around Portland, and It is believed strong society can be organized. The pro moters suggest that membership be open to men and women born In Canada, men and women who have married Canadians, and persons who have at least lived in Canada two years. A Solid Financial Institution. The existing prosperity and excellent future Inspects of Portland have Induced many substantial concerns to open their doors m thu city. Among them may be cited the Oregon Savings Bank, located in the Marquam building, at the corner of Sixth and Morrison streets. Capitalized at 5100,- 000, this house Is prepared to do a legltl mate, conservative and at the same time liberal banking buslt.ess in the full belief that results will Justify their establish ment in this city. They pay Interest on deposits, make loans on all valid secur ities and are untiring in serving the In tercets of their patrons to the full limit of their ability. The officers of the Ore gon Saving? Bank are: L O. Ralston, president: 'William Ralston, vlce-presl dent; W.. Cooper Morris, cashier, and Albert T, Smith and W. H. Moore, dl rectors. Sbwood to Havs Kotei.. Sellwood Is to have a J10.000 hotel, and it will be built near the oomer of Umatilla avenue and East Thirteenth street, west of the Nolf store. Articles of incorporation are being drawn up by D. M. Donaugh, with the capital slock placed at $10,000. The hotel will be two stories high, and an attractive structure. The incorporators are: John W. Campbell. R. W. Wilson. Dr. J. J. Sellwood, Theodore Nolf and D. M. Don augh. It "will be a frame structure. Plans are to be prepared at once, and work started on the building as soon as pos sible. The Incorporators are confident the investment will pay. Brotherhood of St. Paul Installa tion. A nubile installation of the officers of the Brotherhood of St Paul will be held in Grace M. E. Church on this (Sun- Gay) evening, at 7:30 o'clock, on which oc casion short and Interesting addresses will be made. Interspersed by musical se lections, under the direction of Professor Wilder, as follows: Organ, Fantatslc (T. 1-feybach); "Les Huguenots" (Meyerbeer) Larghetto (Donizetti); choir, "The Good Shepherd" (Nevln); "Hark, Hark, My Soul (H. R. Shelley); also selections by the Brotherhood Quartet The public Is cordially Invited. See "Council Crest" and live; 1200 feet above the city; so high that Portland Heights and City Park look like flat ground. View magnificent. Not only see ships going up and down the Columbia. St Helens, Mount Hood, but Salem and Capitol of state. View to the west unique. Beautiful valley and villages. See to the crest of the Coast Range, through whose gaps you can almost see the great Pacific itself. More beautiful than historic Look out Mountain. Take Portland Heights electric street-car any clear day. A Most Unique Sermon. Sunday morn ing the members of the First Congrega tional Church will have a sermon from five prominent pastors In this city. Drs, Hill; Short. Muckley. Broughcr and House will tell "What the First Congregational Church of Portland Should Do." Dr. House has invited the first four to state one thing they would like to have his church do, and he will comment on the same Dr. House's evening tppic will be ivoairs Carpenters." Mr. J. Campbell, who for years carried on a general transfer business In this city. has sold his entire outfit, business and. good will, to the Kadderly Transfer-Corn mission Co., which will bo pleased to serve promptly his numerous friends and. patrons, no North 3d st Phone Main 16S5. Henrt C. Prudhomme has been ap pointed manager for Oregon of the Na tional Life Insuranco Co.. of Vermont with offices In the Dekum building. This company is in its ssth year of an un broken and successful business. The best -show in the city today for the money. String orchestra music and French dinner, with wine, only $1, at Kicnarcs, cor. farlc and Alder. White Salmon, Wash. A few Winter guests can be accommodated at Mrs. Jen nle Jewett's. Modern conveniences. Cor respondence answered promptly. 1000 Unredeemed watches at less than one-half their former price; cash or in stallroents. The Portland Loan Office, 2d st. No Oxx Can Afford to Miss the rare money-having opportunity presented at Eoscnthars inventory sale. Ladies' Acxiliart. a. O. H-, will glv whist party and dance, 27th Inst, Alisky mas. Admission, sc. Rosenthal's. 119 Third street have launched the greatest shoe sale In the history of Portland. DON'T forget the bakers' grand prlxe uau at Merrtira Hall. Saturday. Jan. 2S. wc a coupie. For Sale. Inside real estate nettln per cent 405 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Frjeb dispensary for worthy poor. Tues. j. uuij., 01.. a x-. al. ol vrocent's Hosp.' B. and R.. homeopathlcs, now 207 Wash. Knight Drag Co., agents. 'Phone CSS3. Tbb Great Shoe Sale at Rosenthal's Is drawing crowds of eager buyer. Wise Brok dentists. Third and Wash.' Tnx the Cottage Waffle today. 146 6th, C. Ih Mack, dentist, room U Labbe bdg. Gamble Recital Company at the Sunday Club. The Ernest Gamble Re cital Company, which la making a concert tour of the Pacific Coast will appear at the Sunday Club meeting this afternoon, at S o'clock, and furnish music for the oc casion. Mr. Gamble Is considered one of the finest bassos on the concert piatiorm. Thls will make the Sunday Club session a particularly good one in a musical way. as the Ollphant Sisters are to have charge of the meeting. Successful Salesmen to handle strictly high-class staple specialty on commission in Oregon and Washington. Sell to mer chants only. Worth from $6 to a aay to a good man, as a side line. Article now handed by leading merchants this city. A radd seller. Give references and -ex perience. Address K 90, Oregonlan. Trunk Factory Gutted. Fire in the Northwest Trunk Factory. First street gutted the store and caused dam age to the extent of about zw last nigni at 7 o'clock. Firemen under command of Assistant Chief Laudenklos were able to quickly extinguish tho flames with a sin gle stream. The Ladies' Guild of the Chapel of the Transfiguration will give a tea at the house of the chaplain. Rev. W. R. Powell. 275 22d st North. Wednesday afternoon next from 2 to 5 o'clock. They "will be glad to receive all their friends. Workman Overcome by Gas. Joe Maggi was overcome with gas yesterday afternoon, while woiking at Seventh and Hoyt streets, and had to be taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital, where ho soon recovered. The elegant steel steamer Francis H. Leggett will sail Wednesday direct for San Francisco. Cabin, $12; second, JS; Las Angeles, cabin. $20; second. SM. Meals and berths free- Thompson. Agent 128 3d. SO Tons strictly first-claes Willamette Valley timothy to arrive Monday and Tuesday. Special prices from the dock. Kadderly Transfer-Commission Co., 110 N. Sd. Phone Main 16S5. Ladies and Gents' Solid Gold and Gold- filled Watches, left in our hands the past year; every one guaranteed; at unheard of low prices: cash or credit Marx & Bloch. 74 3d St. For Sale Millinery business. If you are seeking a place of this kind, all and sec the oldest milliner in Portland, R. Becker, 214 Third st. The Paris Hair Store, after having been remodeled by Messrs. Lewis & Clark, is open again for business at the old stand, 305 Washington st H. S. Peter's B. L. F.. No. 8; B. L. E.. No. 171, Brotherhood Overalls, 75c. Sold only by A. E. Dalglclsh, 554 Williams avc. The members of Company C. Third In fantry. O. N. G., will give their fourth dancing party January 25. Dr. L. M. Thornton. Dentist, rooms 202 and 203, the Marquam. Phone Main 6S4. Open evenings. Calumet Restaurant. 149 Seventh, serves fine dinner for 50 cte., Sunday, from 4 to 8 P. M. Concert Tuesday evening, at the Y. M. C. A., by the Ernest Gamble Company. Street Hats, SLOO; Children's Hats, 23c. At R. Backer's, 214 Third st Fine sealskin for sale at a bargain. Marx & Bloch, 74 3d st Ansley'8 1S05 envelopes. All dealers. Watch Wooster, 7th and Morrison. Dr. C. W. Barr, Dentist S17 Dekum. Dr. Swain. Dentist "U Dekum Bldg. BURNS ANNIVERSARY. A VARIETY OF EYES frames. Our prices you -will find reasonable. Necessitates a variety of treat-" ment no two can be cured alike of -whatever defects exist. Ton can't read through your neigh bor's glasses. The proper way is to consult a good oculist or optician "who can adjust the glasses or specta cles you need. Yos "will make no mistake in visiting us if there's anything -wrong with your eye sight. We charge sothing for testing your eyes and by the aid of scientific instruments can detect the slightest error. We handle only first quality of leiises and JAEGER BROS. Jewelers and Opticians 290 Morrison, Near Fifth I CONFIDENTIAL CHAT NO 110 I s s Did you ever stop to think that -with the exception of the heart the eye is the hardest worked part of the body? If to this already severe labor eye-strain from defective vision is added, seek relief from THE HOUSE THAT KNOWS HOW WALTER REED THE OPTICIAN 133 SIXTH STREET OREGONIAN BUILDING Opera Glasses, XOU cannot enjoy the theater with- out good opera glasses. We have some fine glasses at extremely low prices which you cannot afford to overlook bQfore purchasing. A call will convince you. The following programme has been ar ranged by Clan Macleay. No. 122. O. S, C for their concert at Arioa Hall. Friday. January Zi, at 8 P. M. Programme: 1 Overture. "Scottish Airs" Parsons Orchestra i. iniroauciory remarks . V" Chief A. G. Brown uonirauo soio, "uaiier Herrin" . Mrs. Walter Iteed 4 Tenor solo, "Afton Water" . - w,..A.Mr. Leon M. Jones a uancc. ocoipn reel 6 Soprano solo, "My liamc Is Where the Heather Bloom ---- .Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer Baritone solo. "Star o' Robbie AS?rns"v.V -V.-Mr- Dom Zan 8 Address, "Robert Burns . Rev. J. Whltcomb Broughcr 9 Dance, sword dance Masters W. McCormlck and Frank D'Arcy. 10 Quartet "A Highland Xad My Love 11 Dance, sailor's hornpipe... .'.".WW..""" v Miss Rosie Forbes 12 Contralto solo. "Angus Macdonald" . Mrs. -Walter Reed 13 Baritone solo, "Stirling Bridge" ,. - - Air. uom zan 14 Soprano solo, "Blue Bells of Scot land" Mrs. Rosr Riivh t- n nr- 15 Tenor solo, "Scots' Wha Hae" .;;,"; w"".:1""- Lon M- Jones 16 "Auld Lang Syne " Miss Leonora Fisher, accompanist The concert will be followed by a dance. Tickets. 50 cents .each, may be obtained from members or "at the door. WHKKTS TO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant fine, private apart, ments for parties. 203 Wash., near Bth. Finest Fronch dinner served In Port land, with wine. 50c Oxford Restau rant 68 Sixth street. Special chicken dinner today at Per kins Restaurant, 25 cents. D. M. Wat son, prop. Genuine French dinner with wine, 50 cents at No. 93 Fifth street, near Stark. Special chicken dinner today at Per kins Restaurant, 35c. D. M. Watson. D. J. Byrne. Will serve an elegant dinner today; regular prices. 145 First Main 235. SEWED SOLES, 75 CENTS. By the only Goodyear machine In Port land. Neater and better than hand work. Only best material used. Schwlnd & Bauer. 269 Tamhlll, between Third and Fourth. " 284 WASHINGTON STREET Between Fourth and Fifth MvUTACTURtiG- CPTCVJiS- P0ATUaOrOR& 2&4 WASHINGTON STREET Belweea Fourth and Fifth Two More In Stripes. SALEM, Or., Jan. 2L (Special.) Sheriff T. D. Taylor, of- Umatilla County, this morning delivered George Gordon and J. W. Wilson to the Warden of the Penitentiary- The former is to serve two MADAME MELBA STEINWAY PIANO . AMIORY. JANUARY 30 Soule Bros. Piano Co. STXTNWAY DEALERS. S72 and S7 atorriiea t, cor. W. Txik, yearrf for larceny from a dwelling, andj uie iaiicr Jja years ior ar3auu wiin a dangeroiR weapon. The co3t to the state for the transportation of these two men from Pendleton to Salem was CHINESE LABOR WANTED. Report on Labor Conditions in Hawaii Causes a Sensation. HONOLULU. Jan. 12. via A'lctoria, B. C. Jan. 2L (Correepondencj of the Associa ted Press.) L. E. Pinkham, president of the Territorial Board of Health, has suc ceeded Incurring up a commotion in Ha waii by the submission of an exhaustive report at the Instance of Governor Car ter, on labor conditions here. The inves tigation was made by three members of the Bulldere and Traders' Association and three of the Trades and Labor Coun cil. The conclusion reached by Mr. Pinkham Is that most industries other than sugar- raising cannot be successful, and the re- f port is generally regaraea as o?wg a oia to aid in opening the doors for cheap Chineee labor. The labor representatives have refused to sign the report at alL Brigadier-General Francis Monroe, Uni ted States Army, Is In Honolulu inspect ing the United States troops here, and also the places chosen for fortifications. The Tax Appeal Court of tho First Dis trict has decided that plantation agency contract, though of immenee value, arc not taxable, as they have no value at a sale. This decision, if It be sustained hy the Supreme Court to which appeal will be carried, will knock out a big source of income to the territorial treas "WHY? Why buy damaged or second-hand pianos when yob can get superior instru ments that arc new and perfect for less money at Meyers" Removal Sale? 74 Sixth street lion held today a committee, consisting of the principals of the several city tscbools. was appointed to outline a plan of preparing a Clatsop County educational exhibit for tho Lewis and Clark Exposi tion. The matter was taken 'ip at the suggestion of Miss Emma Warren. County School Superintendent, and the committee will be assisted by her In preparing the exhibit County Fair Exhibit. ASTORIA. Or.. Jan. 2L (Special.) At t meeting, of the City Teachers' Assocla- Constitutcs a large part of what is earned in this age of progress. Why not begin to rave today? It is early in the year and may be pay-day with you. One dollar will open a savings account here. It will help you to cultivate economy and thoughtfulcess1. if you will let It draw Into Its safe coffers a dollar or two each week. 4 per cent on deposits. Oregon Savings Bank SIXTH AND MORRISON STS. The Largest Clothing House in the Northwest Mail Orders Promptly -Filiedt Vh ts oek Offer fny SJ2.50, 5 or $18 'inter Overcoat in the Jfeduse: for This involves about 800 splendid Garments made of the most serviceable fabrics in all of the popular fashions. Many will buy to lay aside for next year's wear. NOTE: This week will be the last of our Great Annual Sale Every article in the house reduced except contract and agency goods. JAPAN CURIO --SALEs Overstock! Must be closed out, in all lines of curios, including ladies and gen tlemen's embroidered wrap pers, kimonas, cloisonne, bronze, satsuma, ivory, mat ting, toys; and hundreds of different designs of fine decorated cups and sau cers from 9c and upward. ANDREW KAN & CO. 287 MORRISON STREET. At CHICHESTER'S SNSttSH NNYR0YAL PILLS v 0riclal m4 Bilr 6 canine. aub aiTinuu. uKlcutunRW CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Its UCD ui Gold MtiCla taxn. m!td vh&Mutittwa. Tskono atker. KefoM Ktiimu SaW'uli.iu mad laKm- . bit of tnr Mnurut. r n3 e. n kubix Ut Pariltnlan, TenUaualala M " Keller tor Llea. tn Untr, Sj ro tmra M&iL. 1 0,O0 Tertavateli. SaUty- Kia&e Oil p;r. MmUm Square PM1LJU l'A- CURIO ANTIQUITIES YSSS NATHAN JOSEPH, Wholesale Deakr SOI MERCHANT ST.. Saa Fraodsco, California INDIAN STOKE, ARROW OR SPEAR POINTS, ReEcs, Works of Art. Idols, Indian War debt. Spears, Shields. Mats. Bassets. Bows. Arrows, Itolo. Wa Implements. SKULLS OF ALL NATIONS. ANTIQUE SILVER. FLINT GUNS. PISTOLS, BRONZES. COINS. Carnntnaay material. Nam Clothes, Aracr, War Medals. Scad for photographs. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. TWO NICELY FUItNISHBD FRONT ROOMS. Ufe of piano, bath and phone; one bloc): from Portland Hotel. 333 Yamhill st. inTiiiia Curnd to atfly Curod. ns I "pared for yoa send fan deacrip- tloa of. your case aad names of two asthmatic acSerers. FRANK WHETZEL.M.D., Pool. I. . tmiritun Enrs 8tja"ChlOK. FOR THE FOURTH WEEK OF OUR ANNUAL SALE 4 ti We have bunched several lines of BOYS' SUITS that were $3.50 W $4.00 and let them go for $2 45 A few lines of BOYS' OVERCOATS broken lines, go into bunch at same figure. New Hatsfor Men ..."The Salsbury" Spring Styles Are in and on Sale. FamousCIothingCo. COR. MORRISON AND SECOND STS. WHITE GOODS SALE "We sfre solnfr to make this extra special bartrain week. Every article In our store reduced. Onr prices are as low as those of any other house in the city. Wmn see our window aispiay. W&i &&zf- -M Clearance sale of matting. Best linen warp, regular til' ' 5ir9f,i price. 25c per yard; sale price 10c Is-rL. ivtrl hMt nn t'tn: markfit. lm-tn-Jate. laree size, reeular price 51.00 per Jar; sale price 60c Medium size, regular price 60c per jar: sale price.. 40c Young tender dry ginger Is the best goods for those who have a cold: will cure entirely. Regular price 23c per pound; sale price SOc "THE WESTERN IMPORTING CO. 1 63-170 FIFTH ST.. opposite Postoffice. 3i Chaa. B. Xounff, Pres. James 31. Kan, Gen. 3Igrr. PhqIbI St. Francis Va& 1 JtuCF 3m Fraccbca, Calif ora'i Wf, ' jbwjp Cm tn rst man fsr tu's Cj Z L2. rxzrj tt ttn Haiti St. Frai:Ii Jj I IUs at 7 eiJMr fctiil Ij ral W TEETH SPEQAL CUT RATES Boston Painless Dentists. Are now giving their annual CUT RATE PRICES on all dental work. Tha charges are less than college prlcaa. .and all work: done by onr painless ays tem and by specialists of 12 to 20 years' .experience. TEETH WITHOUT PWTES COAL WE SELL ALL THE LEADERS DIAMOND AUSTRALIAN ROSLYN NEW CASTLfc WASHED NUT BLACKSMITH Extract! njr Free. Exunlngttloas Trae. I Kirs' milan 35cGoId SllUass 7 i Sett CroTRu ...$3.&$lFull 8t Teetfa....M AiX. WORK GUABJlJiTKD FOB. TSX YEAHS. Have your teeth extracted without pain and replaced with new ones the same day. Come In at once and take advantage of low rates. Se sure yea ar In the right place. Boston Painless Dentists . Fifth aad aCenbex Streets I Zatrance 291-1 Morlion Street. uMuatesc unw coacera is lae wows 4 Full Weight and Prompt Delivery KING COAL CO. Frost aad Kearney fits. Main 1425 gchwab Printing Co, SZST iTOXK. XSjtSOtfjBLE PRICES 3 4 7K STAKE STXEET rt4iM9T- UAlUtX, UOCAOit or deapair UUil 6 Uuat do a talss till you m. mmbkm clearly what'a best by aid o tumniistite on Hassan Nature, on health, dtieass. love, marrlas and parentis. Tails what you'd ask a doctor, but don't Ilka to. 210 pases, illustrated. 23 cents; but to Intro duce it we sand on only to any adult tor po state. 10 cents. mLZ PUB. CO, 12 ast SSUx street. 'ew York, HOJlEOl'ATjnC KKMEDEES Complete stock, saoderete prices. Mall orders solicited. Catalogue free. WOODAKD. CLARKE & CO. Portland. Or. LAST WEEK Was a trade-winner for 113 in Women's Shoes. This week is going to he a hummer in Boys', Youths', Misses' and Children's. New lines added to those that have been on sale At Cut Prices Boys' Steel Shod, 2Y2 t 5Vz, regular price $2.00 cut price "Youths' Steel Shod, 1 to 2, regular price 1.75 cut price Little Gents' Steel Shod, 9 to lty2, reg. price $1.50 cut price Boys' Satin Calf, 2!2 to S1, reg. price ...$1.75 cut price Youths' Satin Calf, 1 to 2, regular price ..$1.50 cut price Little Gents' Satin Calf, 9 to 13V2f reg. price $1.35 cut price Boys' Box Calf, 2Y2 to Wz, reg. price $2.25 cut price Misses Vici Kid Lace, to 2, reg. price $2.00 cut price. ... Hisses Vici Kid Lace, IIV2 to 2, reg. price.. $1.75 cu price Child's Via Kid Lace, reg. price $1.50 cut price $1.00 and $1.35 $1.25 $1.10 $1.20 $1.10 $1.00 $1.75 $1.50 $1.30 $1.20 YOUJtS FOR GOOB OHILDBEN'S SHOES AT CUT PRICES, 283-285 MORRISON STREET