The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 22, 1905, PART FOUR, Page 37, Image 37

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Peck's Bad
(Hon. .George TV. Peck, ex-Governor of "Wis
consin, fofpierly publisher of Peck's Sun, au
thor of "Peck's Bad Boy," etc Copyright.
1905, by Joseji B. Bowles.)
GENEVA, Switzerland. My Dear Old
Man: By singer, but I would like
to be home now. I have had
enough of foreign travel; I don't see what
Is the use of traveling, to see people of
foreign countries, when you can go to any
large city in America and find more people
belonging to any foreign country than
you can find by going to that country,
and they know a confounded sight more.
Take the Russians in New York, the Nor
wegians of Minnesota, the Italians of
Chicago and the Germans of Milwaukee
and they can talk English, and you can
find out all about their own countries by
talking with them, but you go to their
countries and the natives don't know that
there is such a language as the United
States language, and they laugh at you
when you ask questions. I am sick of the
whole business, and would give all I
ever expect to be worth, to be home right
now, with my skates sharp.
I would like to open the door of your
old grocery and take one long breath, and
die right there on the doorstep, rather
than to live in luxury in any foreign
country- Do you know, I sometimes go
into a. grocery store abroad, and smell
around, in order to get my thoughts on
dear old America, but nothing abroad
smells as the same thing does in our
country. If I could get one more smell
of that keg of sauerkraut back of your
.counter, when It is ripe enough to pick.
I think I would break right down and
,cry for Joy. Of course I have smelled
'sauer-kraut over here, but It all seems
new and tame compared to yours. It may
be the kraut here is not aged enough to
'.be good, but yours is aged enough to
jyote and sticks to your clothes. Gee, but
I Just ache to get Into your grocery and
eat things, and smell smells, and then
'lay down on the counter with the cat with
my head on a. pile of wrapping paper and
J Co to sleep and wake up in America, an
'American citizen, that no King or Queen
ican tell to "hush up" and take off my
liat when I want my hat on.
You may wonder how we got out of
-Monte Carlo, when we had lost every
cent we had gambling. Well, we wondered
about it all night, and had our breakfast
sent up to our room, and had it charged,
expecting that when the bill- came in we
would have to Jump into the ocean, as we
had no gun to kill ourselves with. Just
-after breakfast a Duke, or something,
came to our room, and dad said it was all
off, and he called upon the Dakota, man
to make a speech on politics while dad
and I skipped out "We thought the
Duke, who was the manager of the hotel,
would not understand the speech, and
would think" we were great people, who
had got stranded.
The Dakota man started In. on a Demo
cratic speech that he used to deliver In
the campaign of '96, and in half an hour
the Duke held up his hands, and the Da
kota man let tip on the speech. Then
the Duke took out a roll of bills and said:
"Ze shentlemen is what you call bust. Is
It not so?" Dad said he could bet his life
it was so. Then, the Duke handed the
roils of bills to dad, and said it was a
tribute from the Prince of Monaco, and
that we were his guests, and whan our
stay was at an end automobile would be
furnished lor us to go to Jtsce, where we
could cable home for funds, and be happy.
Well, when the Duke left us, dad said:
"Wouldn't that skin you?" and he gave
the Dakota man one of the bills to try
on the bartender, and when he found the
money was good we ordered an automo
bile and skipped out for Nice. The chauf
feur could not understand English, so we
talked over the situation and decided that
the only way to be looked npon as a
genuine autoznobfttBts would he to wear
goggles and look prosperous and mad at
everybody. We took turns looking mad
at everybody we paseed on the road, and
-got it down so fine that people picked up
rocks after we had passed and threw
vthem at us, and then we knew that we
,wero succeeding In being considered
genuine, rich astcmofeQe tourists.
After we had succeeded for an hour or
two In convincing the people that we were
properly heartless and purse proad, dad
)r.aid the only thing we needed to make
the trip a success was to ran over some-
He said nearly all the American
itomobne tourists in Europe had killed
somebody and had been obliged to settle
id support a family or two in France or
Italy, and they were prouder of it than
would be if they endowed a uni-
(he trusted our chauffeur would not be
Jtoo careful In running through the coun
try, hut would at least cripple some one.
Well. Just before we got to Nice, and
ttarkness was settling down on the road.
)the chauffeur blew his horn, there was a
scream that would raise hair on Horace
SGreeIey8 head, the automobile stopped,
'and there was a bundle of dusty old
fctlothes, with an old woman done up in
-them, and we Jumped out and lifted her
MP. and there we were, the woman in a
Saint, the peasants gathering around us
with scythes and rakes and clubs, de
manding our lives. The bloody-faced
.woman was taken into a home, the crowd
Billy Grace and His Present
A FRIEND of Billy Grace presented
him with an automobile. Billy
does not think as much of that
friend as he did. but that has nothing to
do with the story of Billy's experience.
Billy told the story himself, but he did
not know It was going to be printed.
"Yes, a friend did present me with an
automobile," said Billy yesterday. "I
have no use under the sun for an auto
mobile, but under the circumstances I ac
cepted it. It came as a surprise. My
friend never told me Just why he desired
to make me a present of the tarnal thing,
and of course I could not very well in
quire the cause of his generosity.
"It was a beaut, as automobiles go,
with all the latest Improvements, double
speed gear, handsomely upholstered, and
having the speed of an express locomo
tive. "My friend said It was so simple In
construction that a child could run It.
The book of instructions says the same
thing. Well, perhaps it is because I am"
.too old and don't know as much about
children as I should know, that I had
uch a highfalootin time with the blamed
"My friend showi me how to light
the gas and start the machinery going.
Then gave me a few lessons on the
manipulation of the lever, which makes
the thing go fast or slow, back up or
Flop, as may be desired. There Is an
other lever by which you steer the auto.
Wc rede around town on the East Side
for a few blocks, and I could make it
go just where and when I wanted it to
go. It was so easy that I thanked my
friend several times during the trial trip
for the present.
"We returned to the place of starting,
find my friend said adieu and left me
the proud possessor of one of the finest
and speediest go-devlls west of the
Rocky Mountains.
"Before coming out on the main streets
and astonishing my friends, I thought I
would take a spin out into tho country
and become an expert auto, engineer.
"I did not like to go alone, so I tele
phoned a lady friend and asked her it
Bhe would like to go automobile riding.
Boy in a Foreign Land
held us, until finally a doctor came, and j
after examining the woman said she I
might live, but It would he a tight
squeeze. ve wanted to go on. Dut we
didn't want to be cut open with a scythe,
so finally a man, who said he was the
husband of the woman, came out with a
Hundred Teet With the Bope os
gun, dad got down on his knees and tried
to say a prayer, the Dakota man held up
both hands like it was a stage being held
up, and I cried. Finally the chauffeur
said. In' broken English, that the husband
would settle for 3100, because he could
pay the funeral expenses, get another
wife for half the money and have some
thing left to lay up for Christmas. As the
man's gun was pointed' at dad. he quit
praying and gave up the money and
agreed to send 350 a month for 11 years,
until the oldest child was of age.
Well, wo got away, alive, got Into Nice,
and the chauffeur started hack and we
cabled home for money to be sent to
Geneva, Switzerland. But, say; you have
not heard the EequeL A story that has a
sequel is always the best, and I hope to
die if the police of Nice didn't tell us that
wc were buncoed by that old woman and
that the chauffeur was In the scheme and
got part of dad's money. The way they
do it is to wait till dark, and then roll
the woman in the dust and put some red
Ink on her face, and she pretends to be
run over, and the doctor Is hired by the
month, and they average $500 a night,
playing that game on automobile tourists
from America. After the woman is run
over every night, and the money is col
lected, and the victims have been al
lowed to go on their way, the whole
community gathers at the bouse of the
Injured woman and they have a celebra
tion and a dance, and probably our chaf
feur got back to the house that night in
time to enjoy the celebration. I suppose
thousands of Americans are paying
money for killing people that never got a
Say, we think in America that we have
plenty of wayB to rob the tenderfoot, but
Started in oa a Democratic Speech.
they give us cards and spades and little
casino and heat us every time. Dad
wanted to hire a hack and go back and
finish that old woman with an ax. because
he said he had a corpse coming to him,
but the police told him he could be ar
rested for thinking murder, and that he
was a dangerous man, and that they
would give him 12 hours to get out of
France, and so, we bought tickets for
Switzerland, though what we came here
for I don't know, only dad said it was a
republic like America and he wanted to
breathe the free air of the mountains in
the home of the Swltzerkase.
Well, anybody can have Switzerland
if they want it. I will sell my Interest
cheap. The first three days we were here
everybody wanted us to go out on the
lake, said to be the most beautiful lake
in the world, and we sailed on it, and
rowed on it, and looked down into the
Certainly she did. Well, I would be
down after her in Just three minutes. She
demurred to that said I must give her
at least ten minutes to get ready. Well,
I waited eight minutes and then I lit
the gas and started the engine, got In
and pushed the starting lever to the
moderate speed forward notch, but It
didn't go.
"A boy and his dog were watching me.
The boy said I had better send and get
a livery team, to make it go. I was
somewhat out ot patience, and gave the
lever another yank, and the machine took
a sudden plunge backward and ran over
the dog. The boy escaped. I am sorry
for the dog. I didn't have anything
against him. I reversed the lever sud
denly and away went the machine down
the street, speeded up to sixty miles an
hour. I could steer all right, but it kept
me thinking fast. I violated the law
when I crossed the Washington-street
"As I turned the Resort-street corner
I thought of slowing down .and reached
for the slow-up lever, but I was passing
the Brooklyn School before the speed be
gan to slacken.
"By this time I was about ten minutes
behind the time I was to call for my
lady friend. I headed for her house and.
drew up to tho front gate in grand style.
She was waiting for me. I slowed down,
took a graceful curve like a boy cutting
the pigeon wing on skates, and sailed by
the young lady at the rate of IS miles an
hour. Something was wrong; the stop
lever had evidently slipped a- cog; the
auto refused to stop. I ran around the
block and came back. By this time the
speed had increased. I called to my
friend that I would stop the next time
I came around, and I came around all
right, but the auto and I were speeding
pome, I tell you. I was working the lever
to beat the band. I yanked everything
In sight, but I did not seem to catch
on to the right thing, because the auto
kept on moving. I called to her the sixth
time around that I wanted to get the
machine limbered up before taking her
in. The tenth time around I said that
I would be back In a minute, and I was,
but the young lady had gone Into the
clear water where It is said you can see
a corpse on the bottom of the lake 100
feet down. We hadn't lost any corpse.
except the corpse of that old woman we
run over at Nice, but we wanted to get
the worth of our money, so we kept
looking for days, but the search for a
corpse became tame after awhile, and we
gave It up. All we saw in the bottom of
Lthe lake was a cow. but no man can
weep properly over the remains of a cow,
and dad said they could go to the deuce
with their corpses, and we Just camped at
the hotel till our money came. Say, that
lake they talk so much about Is no better
than lakes all over Wisconsin, and there
are no black bass or muskellunges in it
The tourists here are Just daffy about
climbing mountains and glaziers, and
they talk about It all the time, and I
could see dad's finish. They told him that
no American that ever visited Switzer
land would be recognized when he got
sky. We went 100 miles or so on the cars,
passing along valleys where all the cows
wear tea bells, and it sounds like chimes
In the distance. It is beautiful in Switzer
land, but the cheese is something awful.
A piece of native Swiss cheese would
break up a family.
At night we arrived at a station where
we hired guides and clothes and things,
and the next morning we started. Dad
wanted me to stay at the station a couple
of days while he was gone, and play with
the goats, but I told him If there were
any places In the mountains or glaziers
any more dangerous than Paris or Monte
Carlo, I wanted to visit them, so he let me
go. Well, we were rigged up for discov
ering the North Pole, and had alpenstocks
to push ourselves up with, and the guides
had ropes to pull us up when we got to
places where we couldn't climb. I could
get along all right, but they had dad on a
rope most of the time, pulling him until
his tongue run out and his face turned
Dad Got Pom on His Knee.
blue. But dad was game, and don't you
forget it.
Before noon we got on top of a- glazier.
which Is the Ice of a frozen river, that
moves all the time, sliding towards the
sea. There was nothing but a hard Win
tcr, in Summer, to the experience, and we
would have gone back the same night.
only dad slipped down a crevice about
300 feet with the rope on him, and the
two guides couldn't pull him up, and we
had to send a lunch down to him on the
rope and one of the guides had to go back
to the village for help to get dad up. Well,
sir, I think dad was1 nearer dead than he
ever was before, but they sent down
bottle of brandy, and when he drank some
of it the snow began to melt and he was
warm enough to use bad language.
He yelled to me that this was the limit
and wanted to know how long they were
going to keep him there. I yelled to him
that one of the guides had gone for help
to pull him out, and he said for them to
order a yoke of oxen. I told him thaf
probably he would have to remain there
until Sprlng'opened "and that I "was going
back to America and leave him there, and
he better pray. I don't know whether
dad prayed, down there in the bowels of
the mountains, but he didn't pray when
help came, and they finally hauled him
up. His breath was gone, but he gave
those guides some language that would
set them to thinking If they could have
understood him, and finally we started
down the mountain. They kept the rope
on dad and every little while he would
slip and slide 100 feet or so down the
mountain on his pants, and the snow
would go up his trousers legs clear to his
collar, and the exercise made him so hot
that the steam came out of his clothes
and he looked like a locomotive wrecked
in a snow bank blowing off steam.
It became dark and I expected we
would be killed, but before midnight we
got to the station and changed our
clothes and paid off the guides and took
a train back. Dad said to me, as we got
on the cars: "Now. Hennery, I have
done this glazier stunt. Just to show that
a brave man, whatever his age. Is equal
to anything they can propose In Europe,
but. by ginger, this settles it. and now
I want to go where things come easier. I
am now going to Turkey and see how the
Turks worry along. Are you with me?"
"You bet your life." says I. Yours truly,
of a Go-Devil
house, and was watching me fron the
front window.
"By this time I was getting out of pa
tience, so I concluded to run the blamed
thing down and headed for the Virtue
mine. I knew the road, but when I got
out of town a few miles I tried to turn'
to the right, struck a rock and turned
to the left down a road I was not familiar
with. Any old road was good enough, so
we kept on. Pretty soon we came In
sight of a gate. It was one of these new
fangled barbed-wire affairs. I tried to
turn out of the road and head the other
way, but the wheels were in a rut. and I
had to keep straight ahead. We went
through that gate as though it wasn't
there, and It wasn't, either, after we
passed. A part of It caught on the auto
and came thumping down the pike after
us like, a tin can tied to a dog's talL
"I was having the time in my life.
but I was busy. There was only one
thing I could do with that machine.
I could steer It, and steer It well. I
traveled through some pretty rough
country, ran through a band of sheep
and only hit a few of them. The herd
er took a shot at me. but I was out
of range before the bullet got started.
"I ran through a pasture and stam
peded a herd of cattle, but still there
was no sign of the auto getting out ot
"I remembered that my friend said
that the blamed thing would run V.
hours without replenishing the gaso
line tanks. I was not 'going- to rido
about like that for a day. I wanted
to' stop anyway. I wanted to get out.
I could get out all right, but I did not
relish the way I would hit the ground
if I did. I had lost all my affection for
the auto. I was willing to give it to
any one who would head us off. Sud
denly there loomed up In front of me
two large haystacks. They were close
together not room for the auto to
pass through. A happy thought struck
me. I would beach the auto between
those etacks. I steered for the open
lng, bracing- myself just before we
struck. I went out over the dashboard
Just the same, but I struck the side at
one of the stacks and escaped without
scratch. The gasoline tank explod
ed when we hit the stacks, and X had
Just time to scramble est from between
them before the flre caught me. It
was a beautiful conflagration.
T watched the fire for a few mo
ments, and, as there was no one In
sight, I struck off across the country
for home, thankful that I was able to
walk. I suppose I will have to pay or
the hay, and am willing to pay for it.
because of the satisfaction I experi
enced in. watching, that blamed auto
burn up.
"My friend remarked at parting:
'Billy, you ought to be able to catch a
wife with that auto, and I acknowl
edged I had some hopes in that regard
myself, but I know now that my fond
est dreams have all .gone up in smoke
with the auto. No. my lady friend has
not phoned to inquire if I got back.
and from the expression on her coun
tenance tho last time I passed her home
I don't think I ever come
'A very good story,' said the man.
with the pencil and notebook. "It is
strange, nowever, mat i never nearn
about this present of a $2500 uuto until
now, when I have seen you overy day
during the past month."
Do you know" said Blllv. I was
thinking about -that myself. I was
pondering that matter In my mind as
I trudged back to town, and I said to
myself that I would Just bet I would
have to go out and haul In the charred
remains of that auto, beforo any one
would believe my story, and Just
then I woke up and realized I had been
dreaming. I have these to show that
I have had some kind of a terrible ex
perience." Then Billy displayed a pair
of nands. the palms of which wore full
of blisters, "and if you will step Into
my room I will show you how I blis
tered them."
The crestfallen story writer followed
Billy Into the next room, and there,
sure enough, was the evidence of his
terrible tussle with the auto. One of
the large iron bed posts of his $75 bed
was almost twisted off. "You can Just
bet. said Billy, T was going some
when I did that."
Millions for Game
of Golf
Eea-lsad Lead la Number of
Claba, Freaked Closely by
THE sum of nearly $50,000,000 is
expended yearly on the game of
golf, and ot this sum about a third is
spent by England and about a fifth by
Scotland. There are no fewer than
879 golf clubs in England alone. The
United States has 769, Scotland 63
Ireland 134 and Wales 43. There are
63 dotted over the Continent, and no
British colony Is without one, and in
many cases several links. In round
numbers there are 3000 golf links In
the world.
Estimates show that no less than
$15,000 has been sunk In each of these
clubs, and the preparation of their
courses, so that there has. been a total
permanent investment of about $45,
000,000. Few of thes clubs are run on
less than $5000 a year, and many of
them cost ten times that sum. The
revenue Is usually not entirely derived
from subscriptions. Profits on cater
ing and refreshments, green fees paid
by visitors who use the links and vari
ous other items swell the club's reve
nues and make them equal to the
strain put upon them.
Taking the average, .these 3000 .golf
clubs of the world cost about $20,000
each a year to run. The average mem
bership is about -00, and the average
subscription being $30, the total
amount paid in subscriptions by the
600,000 members of the 3000 golf clubs
Is near $20,000,000. But besides these
golfers there are many thousands un
attached, so. that, the entire gdlflng
population of the world is about 730,-
000, not including the professionals,
caddies and others who are Intimately
concerned. A short calculation will
show that with the club dues, extra
green fees, purchases of clubs and
balls and the many other expenses of
the player, prominent among which
are the railroad fares from residence
to links, it is inevitable that the golf
ers must spend at the very least $50
yearly. Many spend that sum, and
there Is one well-known amateur who
gives his golfing expenses at $3800
yearly. But at the modest average of
$50 yearly,, the 750,000 golfers would
spend among them $3,750,000 a year.
Then each of them possesses an outfit
the average cost of which is $20. Many
players use but seven sticks, and few
use more, but most players have at
least 12. Thus the golfing public has
sunk about $15,000,000 In the purchase
of clubs. One amateur confessed that
hlB 1-2 clubs were priceless, because he
could not replace them to his satlsfac
tlon, but that they cost him In actual
money $885.
The little ball has been the basis of
enormous business enterprises In both
England and America. Till lately the
ordinary gutta percha ball, which
comparatively cheap, was used, and It
formed an insignificant part of a play
era expenditures. But now the new
ball has a core of gutta percha strands
wound at a tension, and Its cost
much greater. Besides, it is easily
damaged and made unfit for further
play, so that comparatively few are
used for more than three or four
games. They vary In price from 2
to 75 cents, the-popular ball being that
at the middle price. The.average ama
teur spends about 75 cents a week on
balls, though many are known to
spend $5. But. averaging on the mini
mum, the golfers of the world fritter
away the sum of $28,125,000 on balls.
We Ain't a' Scalrt o' Pa.
J. W. Foley in New York Times.
Us boys ain't scalrt o" pa so much.
He only makes a noise.
An says he never did see such
On2aanaseable boys.
But when ma looks around I see
Just somethln' Ionr and flat.
An' always make a point to be
Some better after that.
Pa promises an promises.
But never does a thins;
But what ma says she does she does.
An when I ro to brine
Her slipper or her hair brush when
She says she'll dust my pants.
I think I could be better then
If I had one more chance.
Pa always says nex time 'at he
Will hare a word to say.
But ma she Is more apt to be
A-dohV right away:
Pa turns around at us an glares
As fierce as he can look.
But when we're out of sight, upstairs.
He goes back to bis book.
Ma doesn't glare as much as pa.
Or make as big a fuss.
But what she says Is law is law.
And when she speaks to us
She's lookln carelessly around
Fr somethln long an flat.
And when we notice It we're bounc
To be good after that.
So we ain't scalrt o pa at all.
Although he thinks we are;
But when we hear ma come an call.' -
No difference how far
We are away, we answer quick.
An tell her -where we're at.
When she stoops down an starts to clc
Uj sctnethln long and SaL
Thirtieth Lesson in Manual Training
SHELLAC varnish, or shellac, as it is
commonly called, is a solution of
shellac cum In alcohoL Pure train
alcohol only Is used for the best grades,
wood alcohol being substituted in tho
cheaper grades. These cheaper grades
should be avoided.' because they deterio
rate rapidly and do not produce a good
finish, besides being very hard to spread
evenly with the brush.
Shellac varnish must be brushed on
quickly, since the alcohol evaporates rap
Idly. It must also be diluted with alcohol
when necessary, until It will flow freely
and spread evenly.
Shellac varnish alone makes an excel
lent finish for either soft or hard pine or
for white maple, without the use ot a
filler. Three to six coats will be needed.
-and each coat, when dry, must be sand
papered . smooth with No. 0 paper before
another Is applied. The last coat Is not
sandpapered, but instead the surface is
cut down even and smooth with powdered
pumice stone and oil. A good quality of
machine or lubricating oil is the best for
this purpose and should be used freely to
keep the pumice stone wet and to pre
vent it from gathering Into lumps on the
rubber or on the surface of the work. If
the surface Is fiat use a small block of
pine wood, or better, of cork, over which
several thicknesses of Canton flannel
have been -wrapped. After cutting off the
higher projections dispense with the block
and hold the cloth in the fingers only. Tho
pumice will cut faster without the block,
but greater care must be taken to avoid
rubbing over and cutting the shellac from
the corners and angles ot the piece being
Shellac will not take a high polish like
varnish and is usually finished and pol
ished with the pumice and oil alone. To
work rapidly they must be used freely
and the condition ot the surface examined
often during the process by simply wip
ing off a small section with the flnccr or
a soft cloth.
Patching Varnish.
When rubbing varnish to an even and
smooth surface, even experienced rubbers
will sometimes rub through that is, rub
or cut off a'l the varnlsn down to the
bare wood. To patch such spots requires
time, patience and care. The f.rst coat
(in rccoating) must be put on so as to
cover the bare spots only, but as the shel
lac is very thin for some distance around
the spot, the second coat must be spread
around the first, and the third still far
ther on, adding a coat each day. but
sandpapering between coats with great
care to avoid scratching the rubbed sur
face of the shellac near-by.
Copal Varnish.
Copal, or furniture varnish, as It is
more often called. Is made of gum copal,
boiled Unseed oil and turpentine, com
bined by heat, being boiled together and
strained, after which it Is allowed to set
tle and ripen, often for several months.
before it Is ready to use.
rius varnish, unlike shellac, dries verv
slowly. owing to the oil which It contains.
so that each coat requires from two to
four days to dry and harden.
It must be used quite thin, so that It
will run freely from the brush, turpen
tine being added for this purpose, or bet
ter, tne varnish may be slichtlv. warmed
by placing the varnl3h cup over (not In) a
vessel of hot water. This last method.
when convenient. Is greatly to be nre-
f erred, as the raw turpentine wfien-dded-
wiu aesiroy mucn oi the smoothness and
gloss of the "Varnish.
Copal varnish Is applied dlrectlv In th
surface of the filler, and each successive
coat must De sandpapered smooth with
No. 0 paper before another is brushed
on. Three, four and even six coats will
be needed, according to the quality of the
finish desired. After the last coat hn
become dry and hard the whole Is rubbed
down even and smooth with pumice stone.
& & Oregon's Red Apple
HO has not heard, and frequently,
too. the announcement "Cotton Is
Is King!" Then some one claims
'Corn is King," and again comes the
cry. "All wrong. Wheat Is King," and 1
have no doubt that occasionally this Is
true, and many people think so. Just at
this time, when our Oriental friends are
getting away with the ,Moscovltes. It may
dc saia mat -Ktce Is King," especially
American rice, for the rice that feeds
the Japanese army today comes from
Louisiana, and while I do not wish to
say It boastfully, but when I was sta
tioned In that country several years ago,
I called the Japanese government's at
tention to the superiority of American
rice over Cochin China rice, which they
were using, costing no more, and Induced
them to make a trial, which proved so
successful that many cargoes have been
and are still being purchased In Louis
iana, and this rice has no doubt lent
strength, stamina and sticktoltlveness to
the little brown men. and which charac
terizes the Japanese successes; may they
not be pardoned for. believing that
"American Rice Is King."
But with us Oregonhns. the beautiful
red apple is King, and this belief 13
gradually being shared by the rest of the
world, as they are becoming acquainted
with our apples, thanks to the education
afforded by our extensive exhibits at the
great expositions held In the lost 12
years, beginning with the Columbian Ex
position at Chicago, and ending with the
Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St.
Louis, to which we hope to add the crown
ing sheaf at our National and Interna
tional. Centennial Exposition and Oriental
Fair this year. ,
I was asked to be one of the jurors on
horticulture, which, however, I gratefully
decllned, as Oregon was largely Inter
ested, and feeling confident that the Ore
gon apple would not only hold its own In
securing many gold medals, hut capture
the grand prize, as It had done at other
expositions, I feared that perchance some
of our less favored states mlsht think
undue influence was exercised to bring
about such results, more especially as
our red apples came Into direct com
petition with the apples from all the
famous apple regions of America, but
Oregon's red apples "Came, saw and con
quered." Now that the contest is finished and our
victorious representatives have returned
home, with the banner on which is In
scribed "Grand Prix" for most excellent
applet as to size, color and flavor, nailed
to Its masthead, may I be permitted to
add a word of explanation. Through my
acquaintance with the commissioners of
other apple-growing states, formed at
prior expositions, 1 was enabled to test the
very best of the various apples grown In
the famous districts ot the Ozark regions
of Missouri and Arkansas, the Blue Ridge
section of Virginia, the home of the now
famous Yellow Newtown Pippin, the
Osage and Orange Counties ot New York;
the Illinois and Iowa apples, and last but
not least, Michigan and Wisconsin, and
emphatically concur In the verdict of the
Jury awarding the grand prize to Oregon.
It is not an easy matter to Individualize,
but I feel confident that when I say that
the Esopus Spltxenberg stands at the
head of the list. I will have the Indorse
ment ot all apple lovers, and nowhere on
earth does this now celebrated apple
grow more perfect than In uor own Wil
lamette valley, fro or, u proof were
needed, was given at the Pan-American
Exposition, when Count Van Arnlm, the
Oil may be used as described 'for shellac, 1
but as copal is an oil varnish, it will re-
slst water, and the pumice stone will cut
much faster If water is used with It In
place of oil. The surface produced will
be equally smooth, but will have no pol
ish or gloss.
After cutting the varnish to a smooth,
even surface, all pumice must "be care
fully wiped off with a moist sponge and
the new surface of the varnish allowed
to dry and harden for one or two days,
after which alt remaining particles of
pumice are removed and the new surface
of the- varnish Is polished by using fine
powdered rotten stone and oil on a soft
wad of canton flannel.
When polishing with rotten stone the
last or finishing polish Is best produced
by small circular strokes ot the polisher,
and when the required polish has been
given to the surface all remaining oil
and rotten stone Is wiped off with a soft
cloth, and the final polish given with a
piece of soft chamois skin, continuing to
use the circular strokes in preference to
rubbing lengthwise or in one direction.
When polishing with rotten stone, lin
seed oil will produce a finer polish than
other oils, but It must be more carefully
wiped from all angles and corners, where.
If allowed to remain. It will catch and re
tain dust.
Powdered pumice stone Is sold, in sev
eral grades of fineness, and the finest only
should be used on varnish or shellac The
cost will be 3 to 4 cents a pound.
Pulverized rotten stone of the best qual
ity will cost from 5 to 8 cents a pound.
Both pumice- and rotten stone should be
bought only where varnish and other
wood finishing materials are sold, thus
insuring a good article free from dust and
The art of finishing fine furniture, pi
anos, etc., after they are made, as may be
inferred from the description and Instruc
tions given regarding varnishes and how
to use them. Is not only complicated, but
requires years of experience and practice,
and is far In advance of the work of the
varnlsher or painter who finishes the In-'
terlor of our houses.
Yet. with these facts before him, the
beginner may, with care and patience In
following hese simple directions, produce
a passably fair finish on articles made by
himself, and 'riarlng on which we wish
to emphasize tho following points:
First Water stain will dry In one hour;
oil stain requires 21 to 36 hours.
Second Filler must be rubbed off per
fectly clean from the surface and from
all angles and corners. It must then have
from24 to 4S hours to harden and dry.
Third Each coat of varnish or of shellac
must be dry and hard before another is
Fourth Each successive coat (except the
last) must be sandpapered smooth when
Fifth Each coat of shellac should have
about 24 hours to dry and harden.
Sixth Bach coat of copal (furniture)
varnish must have from two to four days
to dry and harden.
Seventh Shellac varnish does not resist
moisture: hence be sure to use oil, not
water, with the- pumice stone.
Eighth Copal, being an oil varnish, re
sists moisture; therefore may be rubbed
with pumice and water, to produce an
even surface.
Ninth Pumice stone will' cut much fast
er when used with water than when used
with oiL
Tenth When copal Is rubbed with pum
ice and water the finished surface, al
though even and smooth, will have no
Eleverith If "copal is rubbed with pum
ice and oil (instead of water) a beautiful
dead finish Is produced, which many per
sons prefer to a .bright, glossy polish.
Twelfth If a bright polish Is desired on
any kind of varnish. It must be polished
with rotten stone and oil, after being
cut to an even surface wlthpumlce stone.
Thirteenth Never use a block or holder
when sandpapering shellac or varnish of
any kind. Use the hand only.
Fourteenth Use a block when rubbing
caterer for the Waldorf-Astoria, came
in quest of apples for his renowned hos
telry, and after searching through the
Horticultural Palace, came to our sec
tion with some friends and pointed out
the high color of some of our Spltzen
bergs; overhearing his remarks, I said:
"They taste as fine as they look." and
the proof of the pudding is the eating
of It. I took up a handsome specimen
and against bis protestations, cut It open
tot divide. It was amusing to see their
expressions and hear their praises. He
then made himself known to me, and we
exchanged cards and he asked. "Where
can I buy such apples? Can't I buy
these?" I said. "Not very well, and be
sides, these apples came by express and
cost us $7.65 per box," when he quickly
answered, "I'll take 20 boxes right now;
the cost cuts no figure, as I want such
apples for our guests." I gave him sev
eral addresses to wire for some, which
he did. and secured a supply.
In this connection it may be stated
that all transplanted apples into Oregon
Improve to such an extent that when
ever they come into competion, invar
iably defeat the parent district In which
they originated; not only the Spltxenberg,
Desperate Situation of London's Poor
(Continued from Page 32.)
of the Atlantic has made him a very
rich man. Yet he Is a convinced Social
ist, a member of the Fabian Society, a
man determined to do all he can for his
less fortunate fellows.
Both he ahd his wife devote almost
their entire lives to social service on
business-like as opposed to sentimental
lines. One peculiarity of theirs Is that
they will never assist unless a man Is
absolutely "on the beam ends." So long
as he can help himself they do not con
this moment, when the problem ot
the unemployed Is becoming more and
more urgent, and solutions, both political
and economic, are being discussed, it Is a
good time to remind the people of the
work the Church Army Is doing to relieve
the prevalent distress. In the search after
more radical measures it would be a pity
to forget existing Institutions, and people
desiring to help Immediately could do no
kinder act than to assist the Church
Army In giving work to the unemployed.
Only a few days ago I visited the dis
tricts of Westminster and Finsbury.
where the Church Army Is operating.
Hundreds of starving men were standing
for hours waiting for enough work to
supply them with food and lodging. As
the price of two hours. labor they receive
a good meal and a bed for the night. It
will be seen, therefore, that the relief
given Is not pauperizing. The police ex
pressed themselves satisfied on this point,
and declared that the large majority ot
those relieved were real worklngmen and
not loafers. Some of them have been un
employed for months through no fauft of
their own. Trade Is slack and they suffer
In consequence.
It Is true that the Borough Councils are
employing extra labor In order to alleviate
the fearful distress, but the are unable
to employ more than a certain number,
and that is confined to inhabiaqts of their
down flat surfaces with pumice and oil. ;, ,
or water, only long enough to cut oft -the .
larger projections ot the -varnish. Then
use the hand alone to hold the rubber
Fifteenth Never sandpaper the last
coat use pumice stone, as directed. -
Note All articles finished with copftl
varnish can be cleaned and renewed, in j
appearance, after long use, in no way so. f it
well as to wash with a soft cloth ana
tepid water, to which a little mild, fir
soap has been added. No Injury will xc-.
suit, provided they are at. once wiped
dry with a. "soft cloth. To improve the
polish after the above, go over all sur
faces with a small piece of chamois skin
and a few drops ot olive oil, and finally
polish with a soft, dry chamois until ail
oil has been removed, especially from the
angles and corners.
Much of the foregoing Instruction
plies to the finishing of. wood on which al
fine, smooth surface and polish are de-"
sired. A very common but rough finish
may be produced by hrst staining iwnen
desired), filling and then applying two or
three coats of good varnish of any kjnd
and leaving the last coat in its natural
gloss, unrubbed. Such a finish may Ik
seen on the Interior hard woodwork ofj
many houses, and also on the cheap
Waxing Is the most durable, and tho i
most easily renewed of all finishes for
wood. Three or four generations ago near- ;
ly all the woodwork In the interior of
houses was finished with' wax. Tie wax
then used wa3 simply Beeswax, cut and
made Into aTjaste with turpentine, which
produced a soft finish .that would not drj.
hard, and required renewing very often.
Now that wax finish Is cc.rlng into use
again, not only for. floors, but also for
the better class of furniture," a wax pasts.
is oemg manuiaciurea wnicn. anes more
quickly than cooal Varnish. The "John- ii
son" and the "Butchers" floor and f urni-J
ture wax can be bought in one-pound tinaC J
at about 40 cents a pound, and this finish J
is recommended . to workers "in wood f orj
all their hardwood-work.
The preparation ot the wood for waxing
is the same in every way as when varnisl
Is to be used. For example, If the article
Is made of oak, and is to be finished an
tique In color, it is .first filled with an
tique filler, which must be tubbed off
clean, and polished. After hardening for
about 48 hours a coat of wax is rubbed
on with a cloth. After standing for ten
to 15 minutes the wax is rubbed in and
vigorously polished with a soft cloJ.h. In
21 hours this will be dry, when a second
coat Is applied In the same way -as the
first, and again well polished. V
The work of finishing is now complete
and after drying for a day it will be found
perfectly hard and will resist moisture and
hard usage much better than a varnish
finish. If the article is made of quartered
oak and the finish required Is golden oak.
first stain the wood with golden oak oil
stain, as directed for varnish finish. When
the stain Is thoroughly dry (43 hours
should be given) fill with the best golden
oak or antique colored filler, after which
two coats of wax, as directed above.
Flemish oak, weathered oak and other
colors re produced in the same manner
by first staining the wood, then filling and
lastly applying two coats of wax.
The whole process is so simple, and the
results so satisfactory, that no one. after
using the wax, will think of returning to
The use of wax is equally successful on
any of the hardwoods. When marred or
In any way Injured, the waxfiulsh
Ily renewed by rubbing on a little fresh
wax and repolishing as before.
For soft woods, particularly white pine,
shellac 13 better than wax, giving- a hard
surface the wood does not possess.
Note After coating with wax do not
let It dry too Ions before rubbing off and
polishing, or it will work very hard. Eight,
ten or at most, 15 minutes are sufficient,
the time depending on the warmth of the
Is King 40
but the Newtown Pippin, and even that
fine English apple, the Ruxbury Russet;
and again, all these famous apples show
peculiar characteristics, even in Oregon,
which Is due to the various soil and
climatic conditions. If grown In the Hood
River. Grand Ronde or Eagle Valleys or
higher plateau regions of Eastern Ore
gon, or the apple regions ot Southern
Oregon, they have a very high color, sus
ceptible to a fine polish, so much desired
by retailers; good flavor and superior
long-keeping qualities, especially adapted
for ocean transportation, while those
apples grown In the moister regions gf
the Willamette and tributary valleys excel,
In fragrance, and have a very fine aro
matic, winey palatableness, which makes
them the favorite with connoisseurs, who
delight in a. specially toothsome apple,
but do not possess the long-keeping nuall-
ties attributed to the apples grown
dryer and higher altitudes. These health
ful and superior characteristics are tne
reasons why Oregon apples are now
found on the fruit stands throughout the
United States, and have been sought after
by and shipped to all the civilized nations
of the world, which makes the Oregon
apple the king of kings.
sider him a fit object for their aid. Few,
though, who have touched bottom have
ever appealed to them In vain.
A short man, with pointed beard, a
very keen pair of eyes, and a sensitive
mouth. Mr. Fels suffers from the rest
lessness that so nttcn atinolra tVio vara
busy man. He seldom eits still for more
than a few seconds at a time, and he
talks with a fluency that is almost be
wildering. But he always has something
worth hearing to say.
own borough. Thus a great fluctuating
population which has wandered from place
to place in search of occupation is In no
way assisted. In this class I saw many
old soldiers, laborers, plumbers, painters
and able artisans; and It Is these men
whom the Church Army helps. Every
day 1600 of such homeless men have been
saved from spending the night in the
ftreets, frozen and starved. It Is impossi
le to see the terrible suffering caused, bs.
the cold and the scarcity of labor without
feeling the necessity of such relief as Is
given by the Church Army. This relief
must cease unless sufficient orders for
work come in. as It is most difficult to
dispose of the quantities of firewood made
by the men during the hour they work to
pay for their bed-ticket and food.
Surely such good work must not be al
lowed to suffer for lack of funds. I
therefore pray for help to alleviate the
terrible distress which exists at our very
doors, and to do so through the medium of
the Church Army, for thej have grappled
the question In a practical way and are
accomplishing a work for which there Is
the utmost need. The work of the Church
Army does not solve the unemployed
problem It Is a mere chip on a surging-
ocean yet If the Church Army had
depot in every borough, in every city
town, it would be enabled to save mar
human from suffering, sorrow and del
In Its hour, America, has listened i
cannot rich England? to the cries 61
starving souls.