5T THE SUNDAY 0REG0!NIA2, PORTLAND, JANUARY 22, 1903. PRINCELY TRIBUTE TO AMERICAN MOTHERS Fushimi, Japanese .Imperial Prince, Declares Greatness Due to Educated Womanhood. ' ' KiiPsaBBB -Jk & VBfttEsHir bSBh ires BaBKjBBBBKBfcfa-' ivjufff ihbbKb PRINCE FUSXEMX. THE MIKADO OF JAP AM. THE EMPRESS OF JAPAN". IT was Japanese day at the St- Regis. The Mikado's colors were on the jmi, at tho Fifth-avenue portal, v 4Sternally the hotel was in a VfIWecause. of the presence of the flvj?ft?f the Japanese dynasty. His apiiMrial Highness. Prince Sad ana rl 'JEusnlml. For 15 long, nervous minutes I await the going up of my card, -which I immediately hope to follow. Then the hall-boy returns, and with ' bare-faced mendacity tells me, "The Prince ia out." I put a letter in his unwilling hand, which proves the open sesame to my Interview, and five minutes later I fol low my boy (who is grumbling aud ibly) und make my way willy nilly. through the surveillance of American officers and Japanese sleuths to the third floor that, because of its lux ury, is set aside for the entertainment of Princes. Truly Regal Splendor. Herroom yawns Into room in the t -Approved Occidental style: the f nrHtra of shining gilt; the dustleds CAjfchlJtrtd the speckless hangings; altk-e wHft their traditions. Soft l08tftWtendants whisper in half-au-dible tones and leave me to wait, not the pleasure of the Imperial Prince, but the solace of the Imperial "Go between." for His Highness does not speak English. Count Terashima pattered agilely over the velvet floor and pausing be fore mo made me a, grave low court esy. "His, Highness regrets," he began in precise and emphatic English. "But " "I know. I know," I urge feebly, but it Is the Prince I really want Count Terashima turned a doubtful eye upon my visit and narrowed his slanting lashes. I can hear the drum of my fingers as they twitched one against the other. Tho Count is a little 'above medium "height, has a wiry frame, and is about 35 years Of age: hia complexion is olie; he wears the conventional mus tache, stubby and of ebony black, and dresses in American fashion. He Is widely versed in diplomatic affairs and speaks English as one to the manor born: he is both vivacious and direct in his expression, and was serious at once. "You might ask me some questions. THE IMPERIAL PARTY OF PRINCE FCSHLMT. COUNT TERASHIMA STANDS OK THE I.EFT OF THE PRINCE. you know." he suggested, smiling suavely. "Of all that the Prince has found in civilization, what has impressed His Highness most?" It was an unforgivable blunder; I said it innocently, but the Count gavo me one withering glance, and I made a note of the hostile word "Civiliza tion," and straightway turned the con versation. "Civilization," echoed the Count, and his persistence dragged forth my apol ogy, the hated expression that I had tucked so carefully away. His eyes mirthfully twinkled, but his Hps were firm. "Has he studied our educational in stitutions?" I tried again. He was now ever so serious, but the face light ened up suddenly and ho said: "While His Highness lias been as tonished at your commercial energy, which 1 the most tremendous the world bas ever seen, that which has Impressed him most, because of Its vital influence upon the homo as well as the nation. Is the universal educa tion of your women. "Nowhere do you find the ignorant in this country: everyone deems to bj educated, and In trying to find the so lution of this astonishing condition, we have come to the conclusion that it' ia to the mothers of your race that you owe your prowess as a Nation. "We have lived too much in the tra ditional atmosphere, and have been so absorbed in our legendary lore that we have shut our eyes to the truth. Our women must mentally and physically be the companions of our men. and then we can nope for great strides in science and invention. "Heretofore we have preached sup pression, instead of expression of thought among our women. Resigna tion to duty whs the Japanese woman's law, and while I do not believe that the higher education always makes for happiness, yet it Is imperatlvo that prejudice must give way to progress. "America opened the door to tho com merce of the Occident, and the whole world has acknowledged that Japan is waking up. Wc have been sleeping for centuries, but recently a great change has come over the face of things in the Orient." Count Terashima spoke with conviction, and it was clearly to be seen that he now enjoyed tho subject. "We were waiting to be introduced by Uncle Sam. Now the Japanese' have to face new conditions which havo been thrust upon them by the enlightenment of the Western world. The same convic tion which made America is now stirring the pulse of Japan, for she realizes that to live she must fight, and has applied Western methods to benefit herself. "Every soldier who fights for Japan is ! imbued with this spirit. He feels that he must preserve his country, and his life Is nothing as a forfeit- We want knowl edge of Western ways.-and being the pro tege of the United States, we feel that your ways are best, your ingeniuty Is marvelous, and we want to. be converted by your educational system. "We are sending our sons and daugh ters to your institutions of learning, and they arc roturnlng to us to found schools in our empire. "Wc have schools for nurses and acade mies for Instruction in music, painting and for the accomplishments of the Western courts, and in the same schools they teach the traditional Japanese court ceremonies which, in juxtaposition, seem to say the least. Just a little Incongruous, but it all comes with our hunger for im provement, which will lift up the indi vidual as well as the nation. "Tho provisional central government has chosen Tokfo for the, center of edu cation, .and the best Institution, tho. Peeress "Academy, has her Imperial High ness, the Empress for patroness. These academies are'nbt qualified, however, for the technical training of women In the law- or medicine, and thosa .who are am bitious for these, professions, avail them selves of the menus' school. "As yet co-edueatlon is not popular in Japan, but we are conservative and must outgrow the prejudices "of a thousand generations, and this must be done through tjie practical channels of educa tional advancement. "We- do" not consider a religious train ing necessary In our "schools unless one wishes to prepare for the ministry, and then we have religious seminaries for that purpose: but we have mado educa tion compulsory, and while it is a hard method, it is, nevertheless, effective. "But over all and above all we believe the higher the education the better the motherhood, and since the mother is the first teacher through our most Impres sionable years, the better she is qualified to instruct, the stronger will be her in fluence upon the nation. Most of the schools are supported by private funds, and one of the most promising is that founded by Count OkUma; however, there are a number of free schools, and these will be Increased as soon as possible. We also have a normal school, preparing tcachera for our needs, and in all of these institutions we have American and for eign teachers. "On the whole, I would say that there never has been a time in our history when the awakening demands of our gov ernment seem to favor the education or our women in the lines of progress as they do at present. "Hl3 Highness believes that the norae is a secondary consideration. Country first, last and always with the Japanese. and that is why we so readily adopt your customs, which to us are extremely radi cal." The Count thought earnestly, and after some moments of silence ho said in a changed voice: "It is a matter or preservation witn us. we must fight to exist. As to' the in- fluenco upon th? home where conserva tism Is so deeply seated.- the effect of Occidental training will be nothing less than revolutionary." Still smiling sauvely. before he knew what I was thinking about of before I knew what he was talking .about, he naively said: "Silence is the first lesson and the most imperative perquisite In a Japanese wom an's deportment." He looked at' me with narrowing eyelids. "Silence?" I asked, brilliantly. "Silence he nodded 'knowingly, "your women are-not trained thus -in America." Resigned to Advanced Women. "No. and has it never occurred to you. Count Terashima. that your country 13 being rescued from a state of peace that you can never by any chance' regain'?" "That." said he. resignedly, ''we have not proven, we shall know in time, how ever, but Just now it appears to U3 that the American system of education, is best for our women because it appeals to us as being broad and yet distinctly femi nine; and we can get thfe knowledge uninfluenced by the religious sentiment." He rose to my Ieavetaking. and said thoughtfully: "We have the prejudices of thousands of years of continuous nationality, and we are conservative- beyond tho belief, of your people, therefore It will be no easy task to uproot our traditions; but Japan has been prompt to utilize the benefits of modern nations, and if the education of our women is a necessary step fo'r our ad vancement then prejudice must give way to progress. We must fight for our coun try at the sacrifice of all else, for Japan must live." (Copyright 1905. by Central News and Press Exchange.) ANNABEL LEE. 7MRS. DILLINGHAM SMITH PRO TEM By Richard Barker SKelton '40 L IT fefrl long been agreed at Surreygato j -frrc that there was something mys- I terious about the Dillingham Smiths. Where they came from or who they were 110 one seemed to know. A week after the Herringtons had vacated number 18. three big furniture vans had backed up to the door and unloaded the usual assortment of household goods. A nickel doorplace, bearing the name "Smith." had been fast ened In place, and thoso who took the palnB to inquire at the terrace office learned that number IS had been leased for two years by Mr. and Mrs. Dillingham Smith; that Mr. Dillingham Smltli was night editor on ono of tho papers which one It was not known and there the in formation ceased. Surreygate Terrace, to its last tenant, disliked this, sudden cessation of informa tion. It savored of exoluslvoness or worse. As a general tiling, tho people who came to tho terrace to take up their abode were intimate friends of tho for tunate coterie already domiciled there, and all their little ins and outs were free ly discussed. It was known in advance whether they kept a cook and a second girl, or only the cook; It was known ia advance how many children there were in the family, and whether or not they were troublesome: the probable amount of the family income was passed from mouth to mouth, and their skill at whist and euchre was a source of rejoicing or rrgret This was all as it should be. in t,jy-.l .ipe terrace- " crone ino ico p4-Hrrivils a standing even before Oity.C ae.'The paucity of dcflnito ln fimiUw .regarding the Dillingham Smiths was looked upon with decided dis favor. The new occupants of number 18 took up their residence in the terrace very qui etly. They made no efforts to become ac quainted with their neighbors, and, as they kept no servant, the kjtchea tete-a-tctes of the. terrace were favored by no authentic gossip concerning them. Surreygato Terrace, whose cosy little aparentments were leased only to married people, looked on the newcomers with de cided disapproval. Is a general way, everybody knew everybody else. They in terchanged sugar and coffee and molas ses; they exenangea receipts anq direc tions for jancyworjc; tney ran into ono mothers houses informally; tney were Oictea to jauy J Hue dinners ana auncn- s snq wnist parties. iae .uuunfrnam Smiths bade fair to be the death's head'at this feast of goodfcllowship. Of course, one and all, the other resi dents of the terrace called on the new ar rivals, and In comparing notes afterwards it was remarked that no one had been re ceived by both Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Some had found Mr. Smith, at home, and were Impressed by his quiet, gentlemanly bear ing and his evident regret that Mrs. Smith was not there to welcome them: while oth ers had been greeted by a tall, reserved woman, who Insisted that they must come again and meet Mr. Smith. Tct the Smiths returned none of these calls, and the terrace fairlr bristled with resent ment. The exduslvcness of the Smiths was. in Itself bad enough: but it was as nothing in light' of the other strango qualities that began to disclose themselves. Dillingham Smith and bis wife were never seen to gether. She never came to the door to bid him good-bye in that homely, affec tioaato manner the terraeoloved; she was never with him when he clipped the dimin utive lawn or trained the ivy which was creeping up the bricks of number 18; and when either of them left the house It was Invariably alone. Then. too. It was noted that after Mr. Dillingham Smith left for the city at precisely 6:39 each evening, not a light was to bo seen In number IS, and hot a sign of Mrs. Smith was dls cernablc What she did with herself dur ing the long evenings was a mystery. The Dillingham Smiths were the little leaven which leavened the whole lump. The humdrum life of the terrace was shak en to its very foundations by this gorgon of mystery n its midst. At the neighbor ly calls, at the little dinners, at the sol emn whist parties. Dillingham Smith, and his wife wero the absorbing topics of con versation. They had their defenders. It is true: hut these were In the minority, and, moreover, based their defense on the single obtrusive assertion that the Dilling ham Smiths minded their own business. This defense was woefully inadequate. Surreygate Terrace never demanded that people mind their own business. It would have utterly spoiled the Ideal existence there. Indeed. Surreygate Terrace rather favored people who didn't mind their own business too strenuously- That savored too much of prlglshaess. Various theories were advanced regard ing the residents of number 1S and sun dry rumors, which, like all such rumors, could never be traced to their beginnings, somehow got afloat. But the Dillingham Smiths contlnued the even (or perhaps un even) tenor of their ways, apparently un disturbed by criticism, friendly or hostile. 1 Surreygate Terrace shook its head om- J lnously. It disliked anything outside the ordinary narrow routine. Its own domes tic life was open to Inspection. It demand ed that other people's domestic life should be similarly free from mystery. That there was some sort of trouble between Dillingham Smith and his wife was glar ingly apparent, and domestic infelicity was tho one thing that Surreygate Torraco could not countenance. Tho probable cause of this domestic in felicity was suggested by Mrs. Jack Saun ders, who lived In number 11. to Mrs. Sam Hart, who resided In number 21. ono af ternoon as they embroidered doylies in Mrs. Hart's tiny parlor. "Three times in town this month," said Mrs. Saunders in a tone confidentially lowered, "I've run across Mr. Dillingham Smith twice on the street, and once at a matinee, and each time Mr. Dillingham Smith has been in tho company of a de cidedly stunning young woman." Mrs. Hart nodded comprehensively as she threaded a needle. "Ah," she said with a meaning glance at her companion. "I've wondered If, perhaps" She paused. "I knew, of course, there was some thing," said Mrs. Saunders with an air of finality. "And we always pride ourselves on having such eminently respectable neigh bors here at the terrace!" Mrs. Hart lamented. Thereupon they launched into a verbal flailing of Mr. Dillingham Smith that lasted until Mrs. Saunders went homo to supervise dinner. As she passed number IS, Mr. Dillingham Smith came down the steps. He lifted bis hat and smiled pleas antly, but Mrs. Saunders hurried past with the barest nod. As ho n eared the corner Mrs. Saunders turned and looked at the retreating figure long and thoughtfully. He was certainly ' very pleasant-faced and very gentlemanly I in bearing. He was eminent!' the type j of man who could enjoy a cosy little dln i ncr with the right people. She would I have wagered at odds that he played an 1 excellent hand at whist- He seemed. judged externally, the very sort of person ' to add to the jollity of the terrace. Per j haps, after all. everything was all right. I Perhaps she had judged him somewhat hastily. Still, it must be admitted that matters looked very black. And. anyway, why all this aloofness, this elaborate se clusion? That was something Mrs." Jack Saunders could neither understand nor countenance. She (ooked up at number IS. There was no light no sign of life. Where was Mrs. Dillingham Smith? Where, indeed? She wondered vaguely if her husband locked her in her room each night beforo he left for town? At heart Mrs. Saunders was disposed to be charitable. In her own homely phrasing she was wont to "give tho devil his duo." But somehow tho more she thought of Dillingham Smith, as she walked homeward, the more she realized that ho was beyond tho pale of her char itable sensibilities. In fact, by the time sho had reached her own door, Mrs. Jack Saunders was thoroughly convinced that Mr. Dillingham Smith was a monster. It was something like a week later that she again went over to Mrs. Hart's with her doylies. "Como in. dear," said Mrs. Hart, lead ing the way toward tho parlor. "You'ro Just In time to meet my cousin, Virginia." Mrs. Saunders glanced through tho open door and beheld a slight, graceful girl standing by the window. She gasped and clutched her hostess by the arm. "Come Into the dining-room," she man aged to whisper covertly. They went Into the dining-room, Mrs. Hart's eyes fixed in wonder on her friend's excited face. "That," said Mrs. Saunders dramatical ly, as tho door closed behind them, "Is the woman I've seen with Mr. Dillingham Smith." "Impossible!" cried Mrs. Hart. "It is," said Mrs. Saunders flatly. "Are you sureT' asked Mrs- Hart in. credulously. For a moment Mrs. Hart leaned against . "Absolutely." said the other. "Ask her If she knows him." the table, striving to grasp the meaning of it alL Then she led the way back to the parlor, where the girl was drawing on her gloves, and Mrs. Saunders was pre sented. After a few commonplace re marks, the girl turned to Mrs. HarL "I must run alqng. Cousin Evelyn," she said. "Don't forget us entirely." Mrs. Hart took a step forward. Her fingers were working nervously. "Virginia, dear, do you know a Mr. Dil lingham Smith?" she asked with a voice that was ominously steady. "Why, . yes," said the girl flushing "Have you heard about it?" "About what?" said her cousin. "About out our engagement," said the girl "It isn't announced yet. "Oh, I see now! Mamma has written you. Aren't 5-ou going to congratulate me?.' Mrs. Hart went white to her Hps; Mrs. Saunders was breathing In quick little gasps. "I shall congratulate you a little later, dear," said Mrs- Hart nervously. The girl gave the older woman a curious glance. Her big gray eyes were full of puzzled anxiety. "Do you know Mr. Smith?" she asked. "I've been greatly interested In in cr soma of his editorials." Mrs. Hart lied regally. "Oh!" said the girl. Her eyes looked a trifl frightened. "The way you asked about him rather startled me." she went on laughingly. "Well, good-bye. Cousin Evelyn and good-bye. Mrs. Saunders." The front door closed behind her and the two amazed women faced each other. "What on earth are we going to do?" Mrs. Saunders asked helplessly. "Do!" echoed Mrs. Hart, viciously. "Well, the first thing we'll do. we'll lay this whole wretched matter beforo Mrs. Dillingham Smith?" "Now?" said Mrs. Saunders: "Tes, now." said Mrs. Hart- "Come on. I'm going over to number IS and let Mrs. Dillingham Smith know just what sort of husband sho has. TJgh-h-h! It makes my blood boll!" The two women went out Into the soft afternoon sunshine, and without a word walked down the terrace. In grim silence they mounted the steps of number IS and rang the bell. Mr. Dillingham Smith himself answered the summons. 'Wc'd like to see Mrs. Smith," said Mrs. Hart In tones that would have chilled an Iceberg. "I'm sorry she's not in," said Mr. Dil lingham Smith. "Won't you coma in for a moment, anyway?" Mrs. Hart hesitated, and then suffered herself and Mrs, -Saunders to be led Into a tiny parlor, the counterpart of her own. "Wlwn will Mrs. Smith return?" asked Mrs. Hart stiffly. Mr. Smith shook his head and smiled deprecatlngly. "When a woman goes shopping t" he began. Mrs. Hart's face became yet more stony. No gladiator facing the beasts in the Roman arena looked more desperately courageous than did Mrs. Sam Hart at that moment. "Mr. Smith," she said very slowly, and with an Icy distinctness of enunciation, "I have a cousin named -Virginia Morris-." The4o was dead silence in the room. Mrs. Hart sat rigidly erect, her accusing eyes on the quel, clean-phayen faca of the young rnan before her, Mrs. Saun ders leaned forward In her chair, the bet ter to read In Mr. Dillingham Smith' face the effect of Mrs. Hart's words. The smilo vanished from his lips. A lit tle frown puckered his brow. "Yes?" was his politely non-committal query. "She has told me all." said Mrs. Hart in a manner not unlike that of a heroine in melodrama. Mr. Dillingham Smith rose from his chair. "Thla." said ho gravely, "is evi dently a matter for Mrs. Smith's atten tion. I will call her." "Then she is here?" Mrs. Saunders could not help exclaiming exultantly. "Yes, she Is here," he returned. "I'll send her down to you presently." Before cither woman could remonstrate he had slipped from the room, and they heard the stairs creaking beneath his as cending tread. For several minutes the two women sat silently In tho little parlor. Now and then Mrs. Saunders looked at Mrs. Hart and raised her eyebrows meaningly. Mrs. Hart responded with a slow shake of her head and an eloquent shrug of her shapely shoulders. Presently there was a little annunciator cough from the door. Both women turned and beheld Mrs. Dillingham Smith standing on the thresh old. They rose to their feet, but before either could utter a word a deep, even voice said: "Mrs. Dillingham Smith, having been discovered, begs to explain." At the same moment a hand was raised swiftly, the luxurious brown wig wa3 in continently whisked off, and Dillingham Smith, in faultless feminine attire, stood, before them. "What! what!" gurgled Mrs. Hart and sank into her chair. "I0rdy!" gasped the startled. MrA Saun ders, and sat down with quite as much precipitancy. They stared with incredulous eyes at the strange figure before them, and as In a dream they heard Dillingham Smith's proffered explanation: "You see. when the Harringtons moved out, I looked at this place and knew it would be the very thing for Virginia and ma when wo married In the Spring. So I rented it; then It was so quiet and, 90 cosy and so generally attractive hero, that I wanted to quit my dreary life in a modern bachelor apartment house and come here to live at once. But the agent told mc that only married people could live within these hallowed precinctsc Well, I'd had considerable training In playing feminine roles in the athletic club theatricals, and so Mrs. Diliinghani Smith pro tem came Into being. I certainly owe you and all the terrace, for that matter, every apology." "Oh, not at all." murmured the dazed Mrs. Hart vaguely. . "I think we owe you an apology," said Mrs. Saunders. "Oh, no, indeed," said he cheerfully. "But, I say, you won't give me away, will you? It's only a few months until May, and then there'll be a real Mrs. Dillingham Smith." "Rest assured we'll be very discreet." said Mrs. Hart. Sho turned to Mrs. Saun ders. "I think we'd better go straight to Virginia and explain our rather peculiar behavior of this afternoon." "So do I," Mrs. Saunders agreed heartily. "Oh, I say, will you let me go with you?" asked Mrs. Dillingham Smith pro tem. (Copyrighted, 1305.) Pantaloon's Choice. . Florence Wilkinson in Smart- Set. Ulysses and Kins Solomon. Prince Paris. Buy Cid Wer mighty persons, I have heard, and famous deeds .they did. Aye, some were Christian gentlemen; soma rrent to sea in ships: Some traveled far, like Prcster John; soma died for ladles' lips. Lord Caesar bled with nineteen wounds I think that was the number . And many a tall and clanking kins ?asf dono to death in slumber. Duke Agamemnon he was stabbed. "Gra- mercy!" he did cry. Count Hugo' had his head chopped oft i chilling way to die! Saint Louis was a holy man. and Attilat was bold; But, Ilko the twelve apostles, both went hungry and a-cold. Thu3, on the whole. I think I have no rea son for complaint That I was born poor Pantaloon and not a king or saint. S-3th, they were callant gentlemen, Pha raoh and Saladln; Tet. by my strip's, not one of them woula I choose to have been. I'd rather be poor Pantaloon, to get me a good wife. To lire at home and die in bed and lead an honest life. Mr. Trucklove Tou have a. beautiful voice, Miss Piper; I wish I could hear you sing very day. illss Piper Well really you'll have to speak to mama sr thl Is h aud cn. WahIngton Life.