The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 22, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Senator Smoot Has Hard Ques
tions to Answer.
Senate Committee Corners Him on
Choice Between Allegiance to the
Church and Country Plural
Wife for Insane One.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 2L Under rigor
ous examination concerning: his belief In
TMvtnn rAvtiaons. Senator Smoot today.
in the Investigation before the Senatevj
Committee on Privileges ana lecuoaa,
eaid that if he should receive a revela
tion from God commanding him to disobey
the Jaws of land he would leave his coun
try and go to some country -where the
laws of the land were not In conflict with
the laws of God- He .was asked what he
would do If the revelations commanded
him to remain in his country and violate
the laws, but he would not suppose the
case, saying, "The God I worship is not
such a God."
Nearly every member of the Senate
committee took part in the examination
of Mr. Smoot on tho subject of revelations
and the witness views proved highly in
teresting. He declared that revelations
may come to the president of tho church
that were of binding force, and then only
when they have been sustained by the
people at one of the regular church con
ferences. The examination today covered a variety
of subjects, including the belief of the
people generally on the subject of polyg
amy, the character of the teaching at the
religious classes and the use of the public
schools for tho conduct of such classes.
Attracted by the announcement that Mr.
Smoot would today continue his testi
mony, a crowd gathered early today. Sev
eral members of the committee who have
not been attending the hearing regularly
were present. Mr. Smoot was still suf
lering from the attack of Indigestion
which was responsible for an early ad
journment yesterday.
The Senator took the witness stand at
10:30, and before proceeding he made a
correction in his testimony concerning the
trials of Apostles. He said the quorum of
Apostles has the right to depose one of
its members, and the 12 Apostles are the
only quorum that has that right. Sev
eral other minor corrections were made.
3n carrying out the decisions of the quo
rum, the Senator said he does not under
stand that the minority must join with
the majority.
The first time he heard of the plural
marriage of Benjamin Cluff, president of
the Brlgham Young University, said the
Senator, was In 1902, when he was told by
Jesse Knight. The Senator said he had
heard from Mr. Knight that duffs new
plural wife was the daughter of George
Reynolds. Except for the Investigation of
the subject, looking to the dropping of
Cluff from the university presidency.
which was explained at the hearing yes
terday, the Senator said he had made no
further Inquiry. He said Cluff was re
moved a year later and was succeeded by
George Brlmhall, who, the Senator ad
mitted, was then living with a plural
wife. He said he was not present, but
would have voted for Brlmhall If he had
been at the meeting.
Different Kinds of PolygamisU.
"You consider tho position of president
of the university purely ecclesiastical,
then?" asked Mr. Tayler.
"I think It is."
"Then the rule laid down by you, which
would have controlled your vote for
Apostle Penrose, a poiyganust, -would ap
ply to the election 01 anmnaur
T think the same rule would apply
do not think I would vote for him for a
federal office. There are some polyga
mlsts I would not vote for, and some
that I would. I would vote for a man like
Brlmhall for a state office," answered the
The distinction he made was that Brim
hall had taken no plural wives since the
manifesto, but was living with a plural
wife for the reason that his lawful wife
was In an Insane asylum. He admitted
first that he believed Mr. Brlmhall was
violating tho spirit of the law, and,
pressed by Chairman Burrows, said thaJ
Brlmhall was also violating the "letter of j
the law." However, the condition of the
first wife was an extenuating clrcum
"What?" again asked Chairman Bur
rows, "Do you think It is an extenuating
circumstance for a man to marry another
woman and have children by her because
his legal wife Is In an Insane asylum?"
"No, I hardly think that."
"Have you any doubt about it? Do you
think it was an extenuating circumstance
because the first wife was Insane?"
"Perhaps I could put It as broad as
that. I think It would be."
Attorney Vancott Interjected that a man
could not get a divorce In Utah because
his wife was Insane.
Mr. Smoot was of the opinion that the
first Mrs. Brlmhall had two children. Mr.
Taylor read from a biographical sketch
to show that Brlmhall had said sx chll
dren. The witness was under the In
prwslon that Brlmhall did not marry his
second wife until after his first wife
wont to the asylum, but the biography
seemed to dispute the statement.
Are Revelations Binding.
"Do you believe the church still r ecelves
revelations from God?" asked Senator
"I believe the church can receive reve
"Who receives them?"
"I believe any good man can receive
revelations, but President Smith Is the
only man who can receive revelations
that would be binding upon the people
"Do you believe that any revelation
which might be given could te superior
to the laws of the land?" asked Senator
"I do not believe It would be superior
to the laws of the land."
"Then If you got a revelation from
heaven yourself, would you have to
obey It?"
"I believe if it was from God it would
be compulsory upon me to obey It. But
if it was contrary to the laws of the
country In which I lived I would move
to some other country, where I could
obey the laws."
"Do you believe that revelations are
ever given?"
"Well I have heard men testify bo.
but I could not say."
"What Is your belief?"
"I believe that God could do such things.
He did it In former days and could do It
Explaining further the extent to which
revelations were lived up to. Senator
Smoot said he remembered a revelation
being received for the establishment of
the "united order," and that Brlgham
Young, following out the Instructions of
that revelation, went from one end of the
state to the other preaching the estab
lishment of that order.
"And 1 know." he concluded, "that It
was never attempted nor lived up to by
the people, and today is virtually a dead
Senator Dubois asked:
"Do you mean to say that li a revela
tion was received by the president of the
church and submitted to the church
a member could disregard that and main
tain his fellowship and standing in the
"Oh. yes, I understand so."
Continuing. Senator Smoot referred to
the law of tithing. Ho knew there were
many members of the - who die-
regarded It, although it was a law of the
church. '
Mr. Smoot said he was sent on a mis
sion to England in 10. He said he did
not teach polygamy there, nor had he ever
done so In his .life.
Which Law Would He Obey.
In answer to Questions by Mr. Bever-
idge, he said that if the law of the church
and tho law of the land should come Into
conflict, then the law of the land Is
binding. Mr. Dubois asked the witness If
he should refuse to obey a revelation of
the church, whether he would be able to
hold his apostlesblp. The witness thought
ho would retain the apostleshlp. but max
he might be regarded as derelict In his
'What priesthood do you hold- asKea
Mr. Tayler.
"The Melchlzedech priesthood." an
swered Mr. Smoot, and continuing, he said
that that priesthood was the highest any
person can hold and that he understood
that Christ held the same priesthood.
There are two priesthoods In the church
the Melchlzedech and the Maronlc.
Mr. Tayler brought out from the witness
that in addition to the presidency of the
Provo Woolen Mills, he holds directorships
In a large number of important business
interests at Salt iake.
With Mr. Smoot's cross-examination un
finished, the subcommittee adjourned un
til Monday.
Leaders In German Reichstag De
nounce Coal Syndicate.
BERLJN. Jan. 2L Interior Secretary
von Posadowsky Wehner. replying today
to an Interpellation of the Agrarians in
the Reichstag as to when the new com
mercial treaties were likely to be laid be
fore the public, said the treaty with Aus-
rro-Huncarr wae not yet concmaea. e
expected to be able to reply further next
week. It Is understood unofficially that
the treaty Is on the verge of completion.
The Reichstag then took up tne com
strike Interpellation. Herr Duemer. Na
tional Liberal, said he had received tele
grams from the strike district narrating
the terrorism spread by the strikers
against working miners. In one case 28
miners complained that they were unable
to approach the mine for work, and in
another 22 were not allowed to work.
Herr Molkenbuhr. Socialist, replying to
Count von Buelows speech, denied that
the labor unions were primarily political
organizations. These organizations were
economic and served the same ends ror
laborers as do the trusts for the employ
ers. He asserted that the coal syndicate
purposely provoked the strike, in order to
raise coal prices, just as American trusts
initiate strikes to promote certain finan
cial manipulations. The speaker recom
mended the nationalization of the coal In
dustry eventually; not now, because Prus
sia already owns mines, which treated
the workmen worse and manipulated
prices more freely than the syndicate.
Dr. Stoecker made a speech which at-
.tracted many expressions of applause and
approval from his enemies, the Ioyallsts.
He had procured exact Information re
garding labor conditions In the mining
districts. Chancellor Von Buelow, he
said, was mistaken In saving that the
strike was due to Socialist agitation. "A
thorough inquiry among my friends has
not revealed a trace of such agitation,"
said Dr. Stoecker. "It social peace Is to
be preserved, sovereignty of the employer
must give place to constitutional rela
tionship between capital and labor. Kings
have had to put up with constitutions; et
the trusts do likewise."
"Herr Golhten, Moderate Radical, an old
mining engineer, asserted that the sym
pathies of the public must attend the
Herr Moelker, Prussian Minister of
Commerce and Industry, summarized the
speeches as convincing the mineowners
that public opinion was against them and
announced that the government was pre
paring a bill giving corporate rights to
labor unions and also a bill to organize
so-called labor chambers to represent the
Interests of 'labor in legal form. The gov
ernment, he said, hopes to Introduce both
bills before the end of the session.
Heavy Drafts to German Coal Mines
Owners Answer Their Critics.
BERLIN, Jan. 2L Drafts of police from
most of the Prussian cities and detach
xncnts of mounted constabulary are being
sent into the strike district today, but
only as a precaution, because no violence
Is reported.
The Mineowners Association, In conse
quence of the criticism of its refusal to
meet the strike committees, avers that
such persons represent only a part of the
workmen and possess no discretionary
power, thus conferences with them would
be purposeless.
The strikers answer by quoting the ut
terances of Emperor William to Herr
Grabler, a mlneowner. and his associates
during the strike of 1898 that, even If the
strikers' delegates represented only a part
or the worklngmen, "that makes no differ
ence, because an attempt to reach an un
derstanding has a high moral value."
May Hasten Chapelle's Resignation.
ROME, Jan. 21. It Is announced at the
Vatican that the authorities are surprised
at the fact that, contrary to the agree
ment, Arcnblshop Cbapelle, of New Or
leans, has not yet forwarded his resic
nation as apostolic delegate to Cuba. The
authorities are discussing the measures
to be adopted In the case of Archbishop
Belgian Coal at a Premium.
GEL.CHEN, Jan. 2L Few miners here
are working, and even the operatives who
live In the company houses are joining
In the strike. Several manufacturing es
tablishments have shut down, and others
are working short time because no coal Is
available. Belgian coal, delivered, is
quoted at $52 per carload. Hitherto the
price was $31.25.
Producing Very Little Coal.
DORTMUSi), Jan. zl About so per
cent of the coal operatives are striking.
and the mines are producing very little
coal. The Dortmunder Iron Works are
partly shut down. Excellent order pre
vails. The large mines of the Gelsen
klrchen Company, located at Marten, near
Dortmund, have only 15 per cent of their
men working.
Cures Colds and
Hard. Violent Cough-Short Couch
Hoarse Cough Hacking Cough Shaklnsr
Cough Dry Cough Sympathetic Cough-
Obstinate Cough Whistling Cough-Stub
born Cough Spasmodic Cough Tickling
Cough Croupy Cough Teasing Cough-
Irritating Cough Barking Cough Loose
Cough Nervous Cough Convulsive Cough
Deep, Hollow Cough Chronic Cough-
Winter Cough are all cured by Dr. Hum
Thrcvs "Seventy-seven."
77" breaks up Colds that hang oa Grip.
At Druggists, 23 cents, or mailed.
Humphreys Horoeo. Medicine Co., Cor.
Willi im and John BtreeU, New Tcrk.
Ian-of Congress on Rates to
Satisfy President
Mild Rider May Be Added to Some
Appropriation Bill Against Rebates
and Extending Powers of
Interstate Commission.
ington, Jan. 21. By announcing: that
there will be an extra session unless
there Is some legislation relating1 to
he curtailment of the privileges of
railroads and amendatory of the Inter
state Commerce law, -the President -will
probably drive Congress Into action
this session. That action Is likely to
take the form of some bill to be in
corporated In an appropriation bill as
an amendment. Of course It will be a
-rider," and out of order, but such
legislation has often been fastened
upon appropriation bills ncretoiore.
This amendment will no doubt be .of
harmless kind, directed against re
bates, and possibly give the Interstate
Commerce Commission some authority
to check glaring examples of rate dis
crimination. Probably this will not be enough to
satisfy the President, but It will show
that it is all that can be had at this
time. The President Is a reasonable
man, and will not undertake to secure
more than a compromise between what
he wants and what Congress is will
ing- to give, if there is doubt about se
curing- anything- more. All his life he
has been willing to take what he could
get in the way of reforms, and trust
to the next time to get a better ad
justment under more propitious clr-
As it seems to be practically settled
now that there will be no extra ses
sion for the tariff, and probabilities
point to some Interstate commerce
legislation of a mild character at this
session, the extra session talk is sub
siding. There really has not been very
much probability of an extra session
at any time during the discussion, be
cause Congress was opposed to it.
Party of Americans In Mexico Re
ceives Volley From Ambush.
NOG ALES. Ariz., Jan. 21. Four
Americans and one Mexican were am
bushed and killed by TaquI Indians on
Thursday afternoon, January 19, four
miles east of .Cobachi, 35 miles east of
La Colorado, State of Sonora, Mexico.
The bodies are now at La Colorado, and
will be brought to this place tomorrow.
The dead are: Dr. R. C Coy. of Chi
cago; John K. Mackenzie, of Chicago;
M. A. Call, of Toledo. O.; Walter Stu
blnger, of Kewanee, 111., and their Mex
ican driver, name unknown.
H. L. Miller, of Chicago, and a man
named Tolerton, of Salem, O., and a sec
ond Mexican cochero, escaped and made
their way to Cobachi, thence to La
Colorado. Miller was slightly wound
ed, but the other two were unhurt.
Dr. Coy and Mackenzie left Nogales
week ago yesterday for Torres
Thence, accompanied by other members
of their party, they went to Camp To
ledo, 75 miles east of La Colorado, for
the purpose of examining- properties
owned by a syndicate of Chicago men.
The party left Camp Toledo Wednes
day morning in two four-horse stages
on their return trip to La Colorado.
Coy. Mackenzie and Miller were In tho
first stage, which was driven by a
Mexican. In the second stage were
Call. Tolerton, Stublnger and a Mexican
The party bad Just emerged from the
hills and was entering Into the flat
country when a volley of shots was
poured Into the first party from behind
pile of rocks on the roadside. One
of the horses fell and the vehicle was
brought to a sudden stop. Coy, Mac
kenzie and the driver were killed al
most Instantly. The Indians poured an
other volley into the second stage, and
Call and Stublnger were shot dead.
Miller, Tolerton and the driver of the
second team Jumped to the ground and
fled, making a wide detour toward Co
bachi, where they arrived about 7 P. M.
A party was organized at Cobachi
composed of ranchers and vaqueros, and
took the trail at once In pursuit of the
Taquls, but failed to overtake them
however, and returned to Cobachi
bringing- the bodtes of the dead men.
The bodies arrived here today, accom
panied by Miller and Tolerton.
The Taquls stripped two of the
bodies of clothing, plundered the stages
of all the valuable contents, burned one
of the vehicles and fled to the moun
tains. Rings, watches and other Jew
elry worn by Coy and Mackenzie were
stripped from the bodies, but no mutil
ation was attempted. Mackenzie was
shot through the head and Coy through
the body.
After the bodies had been brought to
Cobachi Miller rode to La Colorado and
returned accompanied by 40 well-armed
men and took the bodies to La Colo
rado. Mackenzie. Coy and Call were married
men, and the former two resided In Chi
cago; Call In Toledo. O. Stublnger, a
young man of 27. is well known In No
gales. He accompanied the mining men
for an outing.
The party when attacked carried only
revolvers and shotguns. With these
arms the survivors of the first volley
managed to stand off the Taquls and
made their escape.
It is understood that the Mexican
government has ordered cavalry and
Infantry from Hermosillo to the scene
of the killing-, and it is stated that
General Torres will command the
troops in pursuit. of the Indians.
Governor Will Protect Americans.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 21. Secretary
of the Navy Morton has received a tele
gram from Enrique Creel. Governor of
Chihuahua. Mexico, saying: that he has
taken prompt measures to protect all
Americans in the section of country
where John K. Mackenzie was killed.
He thinks the danger Is now oyer.
Secretary Morton sent a personal in
quiry to the Governor concerning his
son-in-law, W. C. Potter, who started
for the Buhacrachio mines on January
S. This Is about 200 miles distant from
where Mr. Mackenzie met his death.
Call Was Prominent In Toledo."
TOLEDO. O.. Jan. 21. M. A. Call, who
was killed by Taquls In Mexico. Is a son-in-law
of E. W. Tolerton. a prominent at
torney here, and was Interested with
others in mines In the TaquI country- One
of the party returned from there recently.
Scarcely Enough Coal for Miners.
HERNE. Prussia, Jan. 2L Everything
is quiet here. The coal output is scarcely
sufficient for the miners' own needs. The
police have ordered the early closing of
saloons on payday. The Emperor's' birth
day celebration has been canceled.
Townsmen are contributing liberally to
support the strike
In the Gastron district almost all of the
mines are Idle. Several workmen have
been maltreated there, hut no rioting has
occurred. In the Rausel district a train-
load of miners at the Victor mine was at
tacked and shots were exchanged. Yes
terday & tree was laid across the railroad
tracks, and today there were Indications
of rioting. The gendarmes lowered their
side arms. They killed a man and Injured
a woman.
President Loubet Counsels Moderate
Policy, Which Will Be Followed.
PARIS, Jan. 2L President Loubet
this morning- sent for M. Rouvler and
invited him to form a new Cabinet. M.
Rouvler' replied that he would consult
wjth his friends and make known his
determination at the earliest possible
moment. This Is expected to lead to
the formation of a Rouvler Ministry,
after he has assured himself that he has
sufficient support to command a majority
in tne unamoers.
M. Rouvler remained at the Elysee
Palace for nearly an hour discussing
the situation. M. Loubet manifested a
desire to terminate the political dis
cussions which are serving to keep the
country in a Btate of excitement The
selection of M. Rouvler will therefore
be construed as an- effort to secure the
conciliation of the various elements
upon a less aggressive policy than
The President gave significant evi
dence of his desire for moderation dur
ing the visit of the parliamentary del
egation which expressed condolences on
the recent death of his mother. M.
Loubet said he never had greater need
of comfort and sympathy, and he was
glad of the opportunity to make an ap
peal to the representatives of parlia
ment for unity, concord and concilia
tion, which is so necessary today in the
.superior Interest of the republic and
the country.
During- the conference President Lou
bet asked M. Rouvler to secure the co
operation of M. Sarrlen, and after
wards M. Rouvler had a lengthy meet
ing with M. Sarrlen. This led to the
inference that M. Sarrlen will enter
the Cabinet, probably as Minister of Jus
tice. It is understood that IT. Rouvler in
sists on the government ratifying the
action of the Council of the Legion of
Honor in dismissing those making- se
cret reports on the lives of army om
cers. This may arouse a controversy
and cause delay. This afternoon M.
Rouvler called at the Foreign Office
and conferred with Foreign Minister
Delcasse. The tatter's retention at the
head of Foreign Affairs is considered
Dr. Obella Blynn, Pioneer Woman
Physician of Chicago.
CHICAGO, Jan. 2L Dr. Obella Blynn, a
pioneer among the women physicians of
Chicago, and 30 years ago a prominent
figure In the medical circles of this city.
is dead In the county infirmary at Dun
ning, after several years of III health.
which culminated In mental break-down
last April. She was CO years of age.
Dr. Blynn was a graduate of the "Wo
men's Medical College of Philadelphia,
and came to Chicago about the time of
the great fire. She was the first to advo
cate free public baths, was a "member of
the Chicago Medical Society and of the
Woman's Press League, and devoted much
time to T. w. C A. work. She had main
tained a large practice, but spent nearly
all of her income in philanthropic under
Kings. '
Confirmed by the Senate.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. The Senate
today confirmed the following nomina
tions: Robert "Watchorn, Commissioner of Im
migration at the port of New York.
Montana Grano Lamont, Dillon.
"Washington George D. C. Preuner,
Blaine; Olaf N. Erickson, Auburn; "Wil
liam P. Ely, Kelso.
Miners' Union Sues for Damages.
aggregating $221,000 were filed In the DIs
the officers of the Western Federation of
trlct Court at Cripple Creek today by
Miners. Nearly all of the prominent
mine-owners are named as defendants.
The complaints In each case charge the
defendants with Inciting rlollng last June
and ask damages for loss of "business and
actual damage.
Dr. Beckwith, Garfield's Physician.
NEW YORK. Jan. 21. Dr. S. R. Beck
with, who was President Garfield's fam
ily physician at the time of his assassina
tion, is dead at his cottage at Atlantic
City, after a long Illness. He practiced
some years ago In Cleveland and Clncln
Count Szapary, ex-Premier Hungary.
BUDAPEST. Jan. 21. Count Julius
Szapary. former Premier of Hungary,
and at one time President or. tne Hun
garian delegation, died today at Abbazla,
Butte Man Is Manager.
ANN ARBOR. Mich.. Jan. 21.-1. N
Maynard. of Butte, Mont., was tonight
elected manager of the university or
Michigan baseball team.
Few People Know How Useful It Is
in Preserving Health and Beauty.
Nearly everybody knows that charcoal
is the safest ana most enucient disinfect
ant purifier In Nature, but few real
Ize its value when taken in to the human
system for the same cleansing purpose.
Charcoal Is a remedy that the more you
take of it tho better: it is not a drug at
all. but simply absorbs the gases and im
purities always present In the stomach
and Intestines and carries them out of
the system.
Charcoal sweetens the breath after
smoking, drinking or after eating onions
and other odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effectually clears and lm
proves the complexion. It whitens the
teeth and further acts as a natural and
eminently safe cathartic
It absorbs the Injurious gases which col
lect in the stomach and bowels; It disin
fects the mouth and throat from the pol
son of catarrh.
All druggists sell charcoal in one form
or another, but probably the best char
coal and the most lor tne money is in
Stuai.s Cbarcoal Lozenges; they are
composed of the finest powdered willow
charcoal, and other harmless antiseptics
in tablet form, or rather In the form of
large, pleasant tasting lozenges, tne cnar.
coal being mixed with honey.
The dally use of these lozenges will
soon tell In a much Improved condition
of the general health, better complexion.
sweeter breath and purer blood, and the
beauty of it Is. that no possible harm can
result fromthe!r continued use, but on
the contrary, great inent.
A Buffalo physician. In speaking of the
benefits of charcoal, says: "J. advise Stu
art's Charcoal Lozenges to all patients
suffering from gas In stomach and Dow
els, and to clear the complexion and puri
fy the breath, mouth and throat: I also
believe the liver Is greatly benefited by
the dally use of them, they cost but 25
cents a box at drugstores, and although
in some sense a patent preparation, yet
I believe I get more and better charcoal
in Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges than In
any of the ordinary charcoal tablets.'
Was Alarmingly Afflicted With La Grippe,
The Grip Is Properly Termed
Epidemic Cataarh.
As Pe-ru-na Cures Every Form
of' Cataarh,
t Cures More Cases of Grip
Than All Other Remedies
There Is no remedy In the world that
meets the conditions produced by the
grip better than Peruna.
Peruna strengthens as it renovates.
soothes while It stimulates, heals as It
Peruna is not a purgative, or cathartic
or sedative, or stimulant, nor a vege
table or mineral poison.
It reaches the source of all -diseases
of the mucous membranes by Its action
on the vaso-motor system of nerves.
After-Effects of the Grip.
Every, person who has had la grippe
during the last year should take a. course
of Peruna. No one need expect perfect
recovery unless they do no.
The grip has produced a catarrhal In
flammation of the whole mucous mem
brane, and good health is impossible
until these are restored to a normal con
dition. This Peruna will do.
A great many remedies have been sug
gested for this condition from time to
time, but Peruna Is the only remedy that
has any substantial value In these cases.
It has never failed to give satisfaction
during 40 years' experience and still oc
cupies the unique position of being the
leading (If not the only) specific remedy
for the after-effects of la grippe.
No Time Like the Present.
If you are suffering from the after
effects of la grippe If you have become
discouraged In your attempts to cure
yourself with other treatments, take a
bottle of Peruna now.
A Reward of $10,000 has
bus, Ohio, as a guarantee that the above testimonials are genuine; that we hold
in our possession authentic letters certifying to the same. Every one of our tes
timonials are genuine and in the words of the one whose name Is appended,
These goods are made
by the well-known manu
facturers, Queen Muslin
Underwear Co., makers
of everything" in the line
The name of this corn
pany is all the guarantee required by those who know the reputation of the house.
Its work is all done according to a system and experience calculated to make a per
manent and favorable impression upqn every buyer of its products. No ready-to-wear
Undermuslin bears the stamp of quality and style that the Queen bears.
These garments are well made and trim
med with elegant Torchon, Valenciennes
and Smyrna Laces; tracked and hemstitched
with the best insertions. Must he seen to
he. appreciated.
"How do know that. Solomon was the
wisest man T' ' That's easy," answered Mr.
Dustln. Stax. "His wisdom la proved by his
extraordinary accumulation of wealth." Waah
inrtoa Star.
Cured by Pe - ru -
HON. W. H.
"W. H. Parsons Is ex-State Senator and ex-Special Judge of the Supreme
Court of Texas, and was also Brigadier-General lo Confederate Army. In a
recent letter from 925 H street, N. "W., Washington. D. C, this prominent
gentleman says:
' 'Upon the recommendation of personal friends and many strong tesi
monials as to the efficacy of Peruna in the treatment of the numerous
symptoms of the grippe with which I have heen afflicted for four months
past, I have been induced to undergo a treatment with this justly cele
brated formula. I feel a decided change for the better after using it only
one week.
"It Is especially good In toning up the stomach and has had a decided effect
upon my appetite. I therefore feel much encouraged that I am on the road
to complete restoration.
'My numerous friends in Texas, where I have had the honor .to command
a brigade of her "Veteran Cavalry In a four years' war, may accept this vol
untary testimonial to the merits of Peruna as a sense of obligation on my
part for Its wonderful efficacy."
A bottle of Peruna taken during the
beginning of the disease Is worth more
than a dozen bottles after the trouble has
become deep seated.
Pe-ru-na Cured When All Else Had
Miss Eugenie Lafortune. of 110 Berrle
street, Montreal, Can., writes:
"Peruna cured me of a severe case of
la grippe when nothing else had any
effect on me. Plve bottles did the work
and they were worth hundreds of dollars
for the comfort and health restored to
me. I therefore feel that the least I can
been deposited in the Market Exchange Bank, Colum
To Reduce the Best Stock of Under
muslins Ever Offered in This City
Banging from
$2.95, $1.95,
$1.49, 95c, 75c,
47c and ...34
Banging from
$1.98, $1.45, 99c,
75c, 50c, 45c, 25c,
23c 59
Banging from
$2.95, $1.75,
$1.49, 98c, 75c
to 49
CHEMISES Banging from $1.95, $1.75,
$1.25, 99c, 75c, 49C to 35
COBSET COVEBS Banging from $1.75,
$1.48, 83c, 49c, 43c, 29c, 25c, 23c, 15c
to 10
25c, 21c, 17c, 15c to 10
If yon can't buy the Queen TJndermuslins
from your home merchant send to us.
During this sale we will fill all mail
orders promptly and satisfactorily.
1'Marrtages. you know." remarked. Mlsa Eld
erletgh. "are made In heaven." "Ob. well,
cheer up," rejoined illflB Youngbud, consoling
ly. "Tou'Il probably go there sometime."
Chicago Kwx
do is to gratefully acknowledge its
Cured La Grippe in .Ten Days by Aid
of Pe-ru-na.
Mr. M. M. Bounds, Portalis, New Ilex.,
"Two years ago I cured myself of a
bad case of la grippe In ten days by the
use of your Peruna.
"We thank you for all your kindness,
and will ever remember your medicine.
My wife Joins me in sending our best
wishes for your success In healing the
All these garments are made qf the best
muslins and in every instance the cost of
the material is more than what we ask for
the garment. This sale will last all week.
First Bachelor Suppose you saw fomc beau,
tlful scenery coming over the Kockiet-.. What
was It like? Second Ditto It bad gray eyes
and brown hair and a blue. gown. It eat Just
across the aisle from me. Detroit Free. Prow;