THE SUKDAY OBEGONIAy PORTLAND, -JANUARY 22, 15. 29 PERSONAL. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT. YOUR somes, ica. teznor, izi inn. Pnose Main 4S5b Watches, diamonds, easj payments; open siciutto. . ii. ieeo. old ueaum. buf isa. DETECTIVE High-class, honest work; charges ji.uucruie; oeet reierences. v oi, urc-gonlan. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL. FEMALE DIS- cwn-o. wi jtioer m. i none joain FINANCIAL. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Any wage-earner necdlnc monev before nav. day can get it from us; no corumltslon or interest In advance; no wort cage or Indorser required. epay weciciy. monthly or tcmi' monthlv fn anmnntc r-nm l .....4 thus avoiding tho payment of the whole amount out of any one payday; and have (ii raonin lime, II aesireo. NELSON ic HINDLEY. S08 McKay bldg. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE maiKiii pobitions ana responsiDie firms: easy payments and strictly conndes- on personal property; ruomisg-bouses & epe- NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. Mo ADingtou Building. MONEY TO LOAN On improved city property or for building purposes. Any amount on 3 to 10 years time wild privuego to repay all or part or loan after one year. Loans approved from plaus ana money advanced as building progresses. -noncaireB iaKen up ana replace a. FRED H. STRON-O. Financial Agent, 103 Second st.. near Stark. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on ms note, witnout mortgage Confidential. Month. "4-month. Week, $50 Repay to us $13.03, or $6.65 or $3.25 $25 Repay to us $ 6.65 or $3.55 or $1.(15 $15 Repay to us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $L00 2a VTfAV m.nn irv vr THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 217 ORKGO nlan bids'., loans money to reliable salesmen, trainmen, motormen, conductors or other salaried employes. Just on his note, in sums of $10 to $100. Returnable in convenient weekly or monthly payments. Payments sua- pencea in caise oi sicaness. connoentlal. No inquiries. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIEn Pmpr r- teamsters, etc., without security; eaey pay- nrenuj wiirai uusiiiras m ia principal Cities. ioiman, oingiun mag. day 1768. LOANS ON THE EASY-PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people; lowest rates; strictly . con- WWlH kmu, BIS, X JiUUC ..t. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL tuilty, at low rales. C TV. Palette, 304-5 f CUUJU UlUfc. J. loOO. FOR SAL.B SEA'ERAL, GOOD FIRST MnRT. sratrea. 7 per cent Interest, from G0Q to $2000; no discount. O. 31. Smith, 730 Cham. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM S5 TO room 5. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PLVNOS AND other securities; lowest rates, s XV Xine room 40. Washington bldg. Phone Hood 475. IMMEDIATE LOANS. LOWEST RATES OV furnliu-e, pianos an dchattelh. Eastern Loan vj.. 11 j cfi"v ana uaic Clay 623. MONEY LOANED ON ALL KINDS OF S& Nunn, 652 Sherlock blk. Puone Clay 020. HAVE $1500 TO LOAN ON CENTRAL REAL Oregonlan. State fundu loaned. C per cent. Wj E Thdmur state agent Multnomah Co.. 400- cm i v Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas County lands. B. F. Riley. COS CwT rTJ PORTLAND RE.L ESTATE LOANS 5 AND u kuu nm. xcimoini, z iallinj: bldg. PRIVATE FUNDS LOANED. i PER CENT v. a. u aru. Allsky bldg. PRIVATE PARTY makes rtat. personal, chat- $500,000 TO LOAN AT 6 AND C PER CENT, wm. G. Beck, room 307. the Falling bldg. 61'.CIAL XWZICZS. Proposals Invited. NOTICE PROPOSALS FOR DRILLING A welL Sealed proposals will be received by the Mayor and Council of Condon, jGil llara County. Oropon, on February I 1005. for the drilling of one well to seeure a water supply for said town. Bids must be strictly in accordance with the written specifications, which will be furnished up an application at tho office of the Mayor. No proposals will be considered unless ac companied by a certified chock payable to the order ot the Mayor of Condon, certi fied by a responsible bank for an amount equal tp 10 per cent of the aggregate pro posal. The right to reject any and all bids Is hereby reserved. By order of the Council. John F. Rclsachcr, Mayor. BIDS "WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE OF- nce oi mo director-general of tho Lewis and C!ark Exposition up to 12 o'clock noon, Jan uary 23, 19U3. for the wiring of the Audi torium building. Plans and specifications may do 'seen at oiuce or director of xworks. Room 5. Steams building. BUSINESS CHANCES. A CORNER SNAP. SACRIFICED IF TAKELV at onc, clean, elegant furniture of D-room houso. moderate rent; house full. 81 7th, cor. Oak. ono block of Library; term3. 1A ANTED PARTNER WITH $2000 TO IN vest in large rooming-house, with lease, cen trally located; one who can take charge ot house. Address Q 8J, Oregonlan. DESIRABLE 11-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE, beet location in city; clean, well fur nished, reasonable rent; rooms all full; no agents. V 89. Oregonlan. AANTD-?10C0 AND SERVICES OF ACT ive young man to start profitable manu facturing enterprise, controlling exclusive rights. M 88. Oregonlan. $150 PARTNER; CAN HANDLE BEST-PAY- im; business. Portland, alone: investment ' secured. Investigate. 23Hj Morrison rt, room 1. FOR SALE SMALL BLACKSMITH AND wagon repair shop, located at 12th and Ever ett rts. Mrs. J. Jay. 225 11th st. Phone Main 27S3. ANTED PARTNER WITH $400 TO IN crcase business established 10 vears, paying frjm $200 to $400 monthly; references. R S3. Oregonlan. ALU ABLE MINE FOR SALE. OR WOULD exchange for Portland real estate. Addiess J A Farrington. general delivery, Portland. Oregon. RESTAl RANT, 18x24 FEET. LEASE, cheap rent; sale $650; first-class; fur rlshed. central location. D 90. Oregonlan. O H D BLOCK NORTH FAIRVIEW STOCK. Bclicmla district, for sale at a bargain; am orced to realize. Y S5. Oregonlan. WANTED- ENERGETIC MAN TO REPRE sent corporation: salary. $1SOO and commls-lon,- $1200 required. Lockbox 4s5. lftnM MOL'SE. FINE LOCATION: RENT $. good furniture, fine chance for live per son. 39 Russel bldg.. 1654 4th St. ABOUT $1600 WILL PROCURE A GO0D pajlng business on AVaslilngton St.. close In. Address X IK, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE 10 SUITES, NEW HOUSE AND furniture; good location; car lines; a snan Rocra 40. Hamilton block. P- YV NTED Al ADVERTISINi MAN WITH (.arltal. for Exporitlon proposition; money e-ured R 1K. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT FOR SALE law rent ad long lease; no agents wanted G 00. care Oregonlan. BILKNDID BARGAIN IN FURNISHED 10 room house, verj' low rent; Immediate sale -peratlve. 421 6th. FCR SALE GROCERY AND DEL1CATESS "3, dDlng a good cash business, at Invoice. 1 00. Oregonlan. F R RENT 8 ROOMS. UNFURNISHED 1U -"x-ks from Washington. Call 317 Fe'nton fc 3g S4 Cih. SNAP FURNITURE OF A 22-ROOM iTdElng-house. good location; owner leaving Cty. 263 5th. FOR SALE. S1000 FURNISHED 22-ROOM rooming-house, good place. Address X S9 Oregonlan. FOR SLE LEASE ON STORE ON WASH-r-igton St.. close in. Address V fK). car Ore- gsulan. A ;ST AU R A NT FOR SALE. GOOD BAR gain. Call at once. R SS. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 1 8-ROOM HOUSE; LEASE OVER Fair. snap. Address D S3. Oregonlan. CONSERVATIVE BUSINESS INVESTMENT small capital. R 61. Oregonlan. ' FOR SALE CHEAP THE GERMAN HOTEL 862 Frcat st. SMALL BUT COMPLETE LUNCHROOM FOR salt. Address T 90. Oresoniac. BUSINESS CHANCES. 60 ROOMS AN UPTOWN FAMILY HOTEL, on corner: earning about $1200 per month: lease; good furnishings and one or the belt buys in a. family hotel. Price. $5000. 30 ROOMS Fine location, good furniture and carpets. A SNAP. Rent $75. 3 years lease. Price for a speedy tale, $3000. 32 ROOMS Nearly all housekeeping. -good fair furniture, no vacant rooms, rent right. Price $2200. 40 ROOMS Furniture Al. rent $100. Ws 2 years. Price. $2500. 40 ROOMS Elegant new house and fur nishings, central. Al location; rent $200; steam heat, electric light. Price. $7500. 20 ROOMS Near Portland Hotel, new car pets, good furniture; you can buy this house and step into an Income of $100 per month. Make oCer. 18-ROOM BOARDING-HOUSE Close In. fine location, no vacant rooms; Income about $400 psr month, rent $73; sickness the cause of selling. Price. $1500. We have other good boarding-houses. RESTAURANT. Fine stand for night trade, new eak furai ture. sliver, linen, crockery, everything is of the best; rent $25, lease. This Is a Utile mint and can be bought right. Price 5S50. MILLINERY. Country town, good clean stock, no .ppV !tlon. lively town and a chance to maka good money. See owner at onr office. EMPIRE INVESTMENT CO. Room &, Chamber of Commerce MANUFACTURING BUSINESS. This business Is old established and making from $200 to $300 a month; everything open to tho fulleot investigation. STORE BUSINESS. Partner wanted by a thorough business man; experience unnecessary, but must be reliable; will require $1500, which Is fully secured; chance to make $160 to $200 a month. , SALOON. We have saloons for sale in all parts of the city from $430 up to $10,000. If wanting a saloon, don't fall to see us before buying and see our places. CIGAR STORE. Central and making plenty of money, but owner must sell; will take about $750. We have another good ono for $200. , RESTAURANT. Quite central place for $050: rare chance. LODGING-HOUSE. We have a special bargain In a 10-roem house: very central; any reasonable offer takes It Monday. PARTNER WANTED. Owner Is tired of hired help and wants a reliable partner; $200 required; will pay $20 weekly. BUYERS. ATTENTION! Are you looking for a. safe and profitable business opening In Portland? If so. we can offer you any number requiring an Invest ment of from $100 to $100,000. Every busi ness opportunity that passes through our office must .stand the closest Investigation and we can place you In store, factory, fco tL restaurant, office, cigar store, employ ment office, manufacturing business or. In fact, any buslnos you may prefer. WESTERN LAND CO.. 248i Stark St. O. C. R. ELLIS. J. H. GIBSON. ELLIS & GIBSON. BUSINESS CHANCES. REAL ESTATE. ROOMING-HOUSES A SPECIALTY. HEADQUARTERS FOR BARGAINS. AND CHOICE PROPOSITIONS. Room 21. 264 Morrison St.. or 1051: Sd st. All of "the desirable rooming-houses that are for sale In the city arc on our list. We can show you a house of any size, style or price from to 130 rooms, prices from $225 to $10,000; We arc thoroughly familiar with the rooming-house business and know all of the houses In Portland. Can hiAke terms on any and very easy terms on some. BUY NOW. DELAY'S ARE DANGEROUS. Albo have several well-located restaurants, cigar Mores, groceries and other business chances that will interest you If you are looking for a business opening. WK GUARANTEE NOTHING THAT WE CANNOT MAKE GOOD. AND LOOK CARKKULLY TO THE INTERESTS OF 1JOTH BUYER AND SELLER IN EVERY DETAIL. WATCH FOR THE ADS OF ELLIS & GIBSON. IT WILL PAY TOU. Room 21, 26 Morrison St., S. W. cor. 3d. GOLDFIELD 2 FOR 1. Two first-class mining companies digging and getting gold at Goldflcld. Ncv. Th Goldfleld Rex owning 180 acres, assay office; Mruck 589 ore. selling for 7 cents. The Goldfleld Bull Dog. owning 50 acres bet exclusive Inside property, s, Stringers Of ore ascay $15.4eO per ton. welling for 10 cents. Both stocks for 10 cents. This Is the best possible investment in the moat wonderful gold diggings. Fortunes arc being made every day at Goldfleld. Pictures, prospectus, whole -tory, free. Lansford F. Butler, Sec'y. 506 Mack Block, Denver, Colo. A FEW OF OUR ROOMING-HOUSES 23 rooms, must sell quick .....$2200 20 " a money-maker 2200 12' light housekeeping .......... 700 10 ' at a bargain 8l0 7 "' small but good 750 7 light housekeeping 5"0 17 " near depot 1)50 17 " all new 1500 Many others. F. S. KEATING, 604 Mar quam. HAVE YOU PROPERTY OF ANY KIND IN Oregon. Washington. Idaho or Nevada you want to sell? Do you want to employ help? Do you want to borrow money on real estate? Arc you manufacturing or raising something for which you want an Eastern outlet? Arc you looking for deni able lines to handle In these states? We can help you. Write us. Pacific States Pro motion Bureau (Inc.), 626 Commercial build ing. St. Louis. Mo. A STOCK OF GROCERIES AND FIXTURES ror sale in a good location In Portland; all new goods: will invoice stock fixtures and stock about $800: can carry much larger stock If desired; In & brick and rent very cheap; good reason for selling. T 54. Oregonlan. FOR SALE TO CLOSE UP AN ESTATE. I uuer ai a Bargain, curopieie cawmni, iO.OUU capacity, owning own timber and logging outfit; this Is a rare opportunity for party with limited capital. Address Estate, box 137. Portland. SALOON SPECIAL Well-known saloon man will sell half-interest In his well-furnished .saloon for $1200: rare chance for anybody, especially a stranger. Apply Western Land Co.. 24 SH Stark eU MANUFACTURING BUSINESS. GOOD OPEN- lng for a young man along this line; estab lished trade and first-class connection; should have about $200. The Ames Mercan tile Agency, Ablngton bldg. BIG MONEY $10 BUYS PUTS OR CALLS on io.WJ bushels wheat. No further risk. Fluctuation of 5 cents makes you $500. Write for circular. The National Commis sion Co., Pittsburg, Pa. WANTED A PARTNER WITH $2500 CASH for tug-paying Business; win invest $5000 against it on equal terms. Address G 87, Oregonlan. P. S. If you have not cash, pleas, don't reply. WANTED PARTNER FOR ONE OF THE best manutacturing businesses In city; goods established; $600 required; will guar antee $150 per month; money secured. B Sri, Oregonlan. RESTAURANT. SEATS 40 PEOPLE; FINE large -dining-room: cveryning new and first class; rent $25. lease three years. See this at once. City Business Chance Agency, 223 First st. WANTED BY BUSINESS MAN. LEGITI- matc business where 5200 to $2000 and serv ices will make good living; fuel and feed preferred. Address D SS. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A GOOD. PAYING GENERAL merchandise business, located Is Willam ette Valley. Stock $10,000. For particu lars write P. O. Box C7. Eugene Or. 100 LOTS FREE APPLICANTS SENDING stamp will receive deed of lot. size 25x100 feet, suburb New York. 20th Century Realty Co.. 6 Wall St.. New York. CONFECTIONERY. CIGAR AND ICE CREAM jriuiB, rosras, goou Business, well stocked, 1 cash kale, rent $28. CS0 EL Burn eide. PERSONS DESIRING A ROOMING-HOUSE win una 11 io ireeir advantage to call, at onct at room 32, Russet b'dg., 1G5U 4th St. A MONEY-MAKING PROPOSITION TO A druggist with an established burtness. For GROCERY. WITH NEAT LIVING ROOMS iuu e.w, uuse in; tOUU. City Business Chance Agency, 22S 1st et. DRESSMAKER FROM SAN FRANCISCO acsirra onMinucr ior partner: no capital required. G 9. care Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY SMALL RESTAURANT. mu parucmara. r 00. wregostan. A SMALL DELICATESSEN FOR SALE. AD dresa 11 SC. Oregonlan. KUSFXESft CHANCES. - JENNINGS & CO. "THE PIONEERS." ESTABLISHED 1SS3. SS2H WASHINGTON ST. The Placa Tor Buy R oomlng-Housea And Business Chances. Of All Kinds. Largo Llit to Select From. We Protect Our Clients. A FEW OF OUR BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES. 46 rooms, 20 " 15 - 23 " 11 10. " 9 60 " 130 65 " Ui " 50 " iH 45 " 42 " 40 " 28 " 35 " 33 .. . 26 " S5 I' S3 34 " 31 " 30 -5 " 23 " 28 " 28 25 " 25 24 -2 flit,, clears $200 Hat. clears $100 lease rent .$60... select beard select board and rooming.... corner, close lm rent $25. $250 down select board and room modern brick. D. R. & bar. good lease, electric lights.... stone building, rent $160.... rest $126. cor. biick. 1st su. near Fair Grounds.... rent $150, Income $500 lodging-house. Income $O0... rent $125, including 4 stores., rent tO-X clears S225 month., sew building, sew furniture., transient, good Income..... on 1st st.. cor. brick.... rent $55. income $lbu Iron beds, hair mattresses... rent $100. good lodging-house. 6th it, sear Depot income $400, good corner rent $150, income $450 on Washington fU. fine Marktt zt.,rent $65. ....... Income $130. rest $73 vew bldg., new furniture rtnt Slw. lease Inc. $100... rent $60. income 51 9a 11th St.. JHr.r Washington... 3 years Kate income $2t30. Taylor, near W. Park...... Alcer U. fine housekeeping.. J6.00C 1.550 3.600 1.750 1.000 500 4.503 16,500 4.200 2.000 3. WW 3.003 7.750 2.759 4.250 S.WO B.003 4.100 3.500 2.000 3.500 3,000 2.500 3.500 3.00J 4.509 ,4UJ 100 4.50 3,250 L5o 3.5M 3, WO 2.300 I. too WE DO THE BUSINESS BECAUSE VE HAVE TUB BARGAINS. 22 19 IS 18 16 16 14 14 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 a 9 9 J. furnished, on East Side.. part housekeeping Jas covers Fair fine rooming and transient.. bosrdlsg, cIom in clears $50 a month. .v 10ar t, new tur.. new bldg. . rent 520, part housekeeping.. housekeeping. X. 0th st 20th. near Washington st SOU. income $115 electric light-, furnace neat.. - 3 ears' lease rent $15 furnace heat, very central... rent $25. Income $S furnace heat, slect txwd... Income $72. rent $40 housekeeping, rent $30 on Main, near (Jth st rent $45. Income $S5 furnace heat, gaa.. ......... houiekeeplag, rent $40...... X. 0th t cn 5tn at., rent only $30.... 7tn. near Taylor, low rest.. Bd. near Madison, rent $22.. good furniture very central.. on 4 th at., housekeeping Ne 14th st. housekeeping... board. X. Ota. rent only $io.. E. 4th. rest only $30 close In. rent only $30 rent only $20. lease X. luth, rent only 520 1.000 l.bQO 2.05U 2.10U 1,409 1.109 1.20O U59 Uitxt 1.275 1,350 1,150 LO0O 1.000 81 L400 1.100 U50 U0Q S50 750 C50 600 900 'JV 900 50 750 soo UN 450 3W 900 We have at least 50 other good bargains. LIST TOUR HOUSES WITH JENNINGS tc CO. .elr,:f. il thabovc fcave good leases and are well located. t,.V ta0 Jrie .amount of money on legal rat- of Interest. JENNINGS & CO 332H WASH. ST. BUSINESS CHANCES. Restaurant, clears $20u $2000 ?.V?S,ture ""Alness, will Invoice: 4500 auillnery. old established uoo Transfer and coU business 1W0 EE?.11 .an1 WltT market ;.. 600 ioo cigar etore tor 350 Saloon, brewery fixtures, for bM Jiutchcr shop and grocery 3000 orocery. Invoice about 300 Oyster hcuse. dally receipts $30 7oo bo-room hotel, good lease ROOD Restaurant, seats SO jao Saloon on 3d st.. lease 5o0 Creamery and poultry business 200 Butcher shop in Oregon town 1500 Delicatessen and lunch room S50 Cigar, candy and fruit at ore 1250 Orocery. fine location. Invoice 2500 Saloon on one of the best streets 4750 Grocery with living-rooms 475 Family liquor etore In this city 3000 Restaurant, one of the best In town 0OU0 Grocery and feed store In suburbs 1200 10 good saloon propositions and other good chances not advertised. JENNINGS & CO -3224 WASH. ST. GOLDFIELD. NEVADA. W c own 100 acres. Rich ore found ad joining our properties. Mineralized dykes on our claims 20 feet wide. In Colorado we own 200 acres, and wo have Just made a BIG STRIKE OF ORB in our great depth-gaining tunnel. We have every natural advantage and cheap transportation. New Moffat It. R. runs by our properties. Wc own all. No debts. Every share gives ownership In all. Shares now offered at one cent. Xon-assewable Big advance coming. Everyone Is pleased and subscribing. Send for the whole btory. .Tlje Coldcn Sun Mining Company, 204 Klttrcdge bldg., Denver, Colo. PARTNER WITH SMALL CAPITAL AND service to Join In magazine work, already established and paying good returns; part ner to look after the office and collecting' must furnltt, n.r.P.nn.. 7 Ames Mercantile Association, 2d floor, Ablngton bldg., Portland. Or. SPECIAT. VAVI!Il"lfIi'mvr! TTcT-ri.r. Partner M, anted Only $500 required and owner will guarantee you at least $150 a month: duties easily learned; this business la open to your thorough investigation. West- STOCK OR BOND ISSUE. REPUTABLE v-.ii.umi, uuim, muusiriai or raiiroao, wanted. Have every facility for selling same on good commission. Give particu lars. P. 0. Box 1403. New York City. FOR SALE BEST 11-ROOM PROPOSI tton In city; modern house, best location, best income now and during Fair. Low rent with lease. Cheap from owner. J SC. Oregonlan. MONEY $5 A MONTH IN OUR SYNDICATE wu.4u. wine "f"" J"r iiaaas. Hundreds j'"iu. "i ju; rne ior partlouiais. American Petroleum Syndicate. 533 Broad way, N. Y. 1 A SAFE INVESTMENT Energeyc man with $200 can buy a busi ness and make $20 to $50 every week; pre vious experience unnecessary. Call 24S4 Stark st. 71 A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS WILL BUY a controlling Interest In a corporation op erating a manufacturing plant in Portland; fine prospects for future business. M 55 Oregonlan. $5000 BUYS HALF-INTEREST WELL Es tablished manufacturing plant now clear! nr above expenfts S900 monthly; $2000 cash nec essary. J. V. Creighton & Co.. 1C5U 3d st.. room A. WANTED RELIABLE PARTY TO TAKE Interest In cash business paying $300 and expenses monthly; $1500 required. J. v. Creighton - Co.. 1STH 3d st.. room A. A GOOD COUNTRY BLACKSMITH AND carpenter can learn of a first-class opening where he can build up a profitable busi ness, by addressing T 53. Oregonlas. EMPIRE RACING STABLES ARE EARNING splendid dividends for their investors. Write for particulars. Empire Company. 1133 and 11S5 Broadway. New York. BAKERY FOR SALE, ONE OF THE FINEST locations In the country: obliged to sell on account of sickness; doing fine business. L. SI. care Oregonlan. OLD ESTABLISHED GROCERY; GOOD stand, cash trade; sell at tnvolce: must leave town. fc61 Corbett. Take "S" car on 3d st. FOR SALE SMALL BUSINESS ON WASH ington tno'ney-maker during Fair; rea sons for selling, am going away. A SS, Ore gon lan. WANTED PARTNER IN ESTABLISHED office business; prefer man posted In lum bering business. X so. Oregonlan. WANTED TO BORROW FROM PRIVATE party $1300 for Cv years on improved city real estate. N 35. Oregonlan. PARTY WITH $500 TO $1000 CAN OBTAIN Interest in fine growing business and work ing position. O 55. Oregonlan. RARE CHANCE CIGAR STORE. WELL and centrally located. $800. J. V, Creighton & Co., 16o'z 3d st-. room A. $1000 BUYS HALF-INTEREST IN MAIL-OR-der business: no competition; full time re quired. G S6.1 Oregonlan. WOULD PAY-CASH FOR GOOD ROOMING houte; give address and particular. X JSS Oregonlan. FOR SALE STORE FIXTURES, COUX ters. shelving, glass cases, etc " J05 X 14th st. FOR SALE RESTAURAXT. CENTRALLY located; $000. L 34, Oregonlan. "WANTED GOOD MEAT SHOP. GOOD Lo cation. E 55, Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. TAFT & CO. 125- Ablngton Block-Phone Main 15. HOUSES, and have many of the MOST TiRSrr 1 TT 15 r ru fr-rniro Good locations art going fast. Note our ui mi www ot Dots large ana itnsu uuv. locsc atjs.i suit, call in: fat ON'LT $275. Including steam heat. 2 rcara lease POSITTVELr clearing over jtij uiraia. .rirose cau tor turiser par' Oculars. CO ROOMS-Central location, rent only $200 uiuuui, jtot icase turnisnea vry BOOMS BRICK. THE VERY BEST nvTv ciy. i-year lease; Tens w-"" per monm. inis souse is POSlTrVELY clearing now above all ex penses $350 per month. Price. $S50O: part 40 ROOMSBest location In the City, els- w . jcok- only fiw per oioum. lease for two years; clearing now over $370 ven nST"fcIor maey-makor during th 40 ROOMf? New hrlrt nmOra In vm "T. -furnliblcgs very good: all hair roat- .i. Ior omcK sen we hare reduced 50 ROOMS TTnt.l -... t..l.t. building, strictly modern and up-to-date: rilUIe.'uU of good people; cheap rent and long lease; clearing now $250 per coth. ROOMS-Best part of Morrison St.. .vry want, m wiw . 1 . " foa il to see this. Priea ;ur thu ivjwi pan casn. reRv(??.:SrMo2t e'ftnustly furnished apart- be kv vr- .vAi. l-- In35" J-t - "Id waur city: ha S"'.l-J'"0n n lb. for lo . Ti' .. ' amq management l'rice. $3750.- " 1 10 Sfi 32 ROOMS-Xice. large rooms- will K , money-maker durtr ,1,: t-.,. J. a ... mce, Ttrmxre- ... tten. verv vfreTTl,M4. BON Jo- lease Price only J3M0 1 " mm 8"" for $2000. Ttars Itae- A plck-uo howerury,:! T one of th.. n..iM LV ""v lnl ' the marker; nof? icjjj, J00. lease, rcr. $115; big money-maker. $3S00. ,Ln,?PJ'.SB"t on In city for hlgi 7ZT Z!f w -iy roomers; rent $100; clearing good money now and durine th Fair you can miiV .11 v. JT"w. UJ ?.n n Price, $3200. 1 )ou wau 1C ROOifsr: t ",i .. . . . . cheap nt. leTbU .uVlSy 10-ROOM HOUSE-New. good furalturo tut. 3 lelse t0T 1 y"- liTSS i ptr' '""ilshed: rent onl, Prtce. $K0. 13 nrsl"clii3 S- 9 ROOMS Furniture all good location very central; rent right. Price. $S5o' 17 ncnpiTccm.-v t-i . , itr. . -ki v v'1 locanon in tne city. 2f,f rVsa,,t)K ouslnws, but must soil on - oiwiuicsa. wv snap tor fs50. n-SM-S0'?-3?1 ,octton ! the city, cheap - nu roamng good money: Gonfo?J3250.S"r0Om Md W,lh GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE-Good country uyjrn. doing a, nice business; sickness ing ZzT t0r mBff- TnU u '00k- THEABOV!!1 ?ERMS -S AST OF HiUJJSfcF3 aUARAXTEED. BUYERS PROTECTED AS WELL AS SELLERST ALSO20toV TO"15-W0 HOUSES: TAFT & CO. 122-3-5-6 Ablngton Black. 10CH Third St. PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS SE- ,"yr rciurnca. ena model or sketch for free opinion as to patentability; send for Illustrated guide book; contains 100 me chanical movements and Hit of Inventions "wanted; tells how -to obtain and sell at our expense Evans. Wllkena & Co.. Reg. Patent Attorney. 615 F st- Washington. GREAT NORTHERN MINE. BLUE RIVER district. Limited amount of treasury stocU now selling at 25c; safe, responsible and highly profitable; a developed pro ducing mine; immediate returns on your money; can refer you to plenty of reli able people who have made personal In vestigation and bought stock; you cannot afford to miss the present opportunity. Call or address H. C Mahon, 215 Commercial block. Portland. LEGITIMATE ENTERPRISES FINANCED. LEGITIMATE ENTERPRISES FINANCED. LEGITIMATE ENTERPRISES FINANCED. Loans arranged by bond or mortgage Corporcto stock or bond issue sold. Life Insurance policies purchased. Send for booklet. Capital: How to Secure It." ROBERT RUXTON. 32 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. I HAVE FOR SALE ONE OF THE FINEST 120 acres ot piling Umber In Oregon; old growth, very long, convenitnt location, sear Buttevllle on WlllametU Biver. splendid land, about 4 miles from railroad; Umber, man can clear $100 per acre handling this - piling; price. $20 per acre O. W. Eastman. Oregon Cttr, Or. DISTRICT MANAGERS FOP. CASH REGIS ter business; entirely new, high-grade ma chines, automatically throws out exact change. Magnificent opportunities now open; over 100 per cent profit; capital required from $500 to $2500. William Bailey. 112 Dearborn st.. Chicago. BEST PAYIXG PAWNBROKERS' BUSINESS, established ten yeara, can bo handled for about $7000. This proposlUon will bear closest Investigation; will pay big Interest on Investment; owner baa other Interests ro qnlrtng hU whole attention. O 78, Oregcslan. RELIABLE FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL TO IN vest a few thousand dollars- in an estab lished wood-working plant and take charge of plant here or Eastern sales agency; oest of references given and required. Address Box 470. Chehalls. Wash. A BREWERY WISHIXG TO OPEN AX agency in Portland has secured location for saloon and office. Will back active man with our representative. If he can put In $2000 cash. Desire references. C 65, care Oregon Ian. WELL! THE BOOM IS ON! OUR cus tomers are having their profits remitted to them weekly by our "How to Speculate" plan. Why not you? Market letter and booklet mailed free. E. J. Morton & Co., Chicago. GREAT ACTIVITY IN WHEAT PRESENTS splendid opportunities far large profile $20 margins. loOO bu. 2 cents. Send for free book. Facts and Figures, explaining option trading. Osborn Grain Co., Minneapolis. Minn. CASH FOR YOUR REAL ESTATE OR business, no matter where located. If you desire a quick sale send us description and price Northwestern Business Agency. 312c Bank: of Commerce bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. GINSENG IF YOU WAXT SOME IXFOR maUon about Ginseng send for "My Xew Book of Advice"; It's free; also my Great Seed Catalogue for 1903. F. B. Mills, box 470, Rose Hill. X. Y. SHOEt STORE FOR SALE ONE OF THE best propositions in this line la Oregon; own r compelled to retire. Particulars given cn application to the Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablngton bldg. $250 WILL BUT HALF-INTEREST IN weii-ouDiaatu real estate oince; good part ner, splendid locaUon. large list; a. good proposition: investigate a 53, Oregonlan. FOR SALE SMALL PLANING MILL, well located, full cet Al machinery, together with bulldlur and stock of lumber. Address X 52.' care Oregonlan. FINE OPENING FOR MEAT MARKET: jew real, large lemiory. assistance from adjoining grocery. Woodstock Store. GOOD OPENING FOR A WOMAN" WITH xmau capital : an esiasushed business. Ad dress H SS, Oregonlan. BUSINESS CHANCES. , THE HEALT INVESTMENT CO. 210-214 Ablngton Bldg. 1CCH Third Street. PHONE MAIN 193. ROOMING-HOUSES FOR SALE. We give special attesUon to the cale of roomlng-hones and handle the same only upon a legitimate commission. " E ,F5CT OUR CUSTOMERS AND SRANTEE THE TITLE OF EVERY HOUSE SOLD THROUGH OUR. OFFICE AND OUR GUARANTEE IS GOOD. "ins. very central, cheapest lease- In DOvr clearing over $200 month; 63 rooms most elegantly furnished and modeias hoiSe in tela city. 310.000. 60 rooms, steam-heated corner brick, part ly furnished, lease $260; good hall In con nection: can be made to pay half the rent. Thts Is a great snap for $3230. only $55no m0stIlr new 'urPlture. rent $150; $U50 rootcs'' sood ch.eaP transient house; 95 rooms, modem brick corner, partly fur nished, good lease; only $5500. 30 rooms, partly furnished, lease. $1000. .ill roorni. select boarding and rooming. TO rooms, good cheap transient house $4000. 20 rooms, close to Fair site, only $1800. $2S00rO'3S' hotel with bar and dining-room, 14 rooms, partly housekeeping. $950. 10 rooms, new furniture, nice location. $750. Several other good houses not advertised, call and see our lUf. We have plenty of funds available to make good-slxcd loans on any of these housee repayable In easy monthly- payments. BUSINESS CHANCES. Stock of general merchandise in good Lanch .counter, out of town, clean $150 Lunch count- ltv 9 tn Hog ranch, good proposition for the right Grocery, city. $2500; another. $1500. THE HEALT IX VESTMENT CO. EMPIRE INVESTMENT CO. Room 9. Chamber of Commerce. PHONE MAIN 533S. Tte have a few choice rooming-houses for 5.Ie c-1 on 13 sood paying proposition, i ni swantee all Utles. We protect wm uujcr ana seller. 6-ROOM FLAT Steam heat Included In rent, elegantly furnished Aim!ntr mn brass beds, fine bedding, gas range: owner ;uui M at once fqce, part cash. $550. 5-ROOM FLAT Extra well turnUhed. on good corner, walking distance. The furni ture was all new leas than 4 months ago. 10 ROOMS Housekeeping, all new and good furniture; good location; big income A chance to make a good living on a small investment, race, W. 0 ROOMS Xlce corner location, very close in, iuraisnings way aoove tne average Rent, $30. Price, $900. 0-ROOM BOARDING-HOUSE Right In ". uuo corner nouse. gooa carpel ana lurniturc. .item only $00. Price, $IU0O. PHONE RED 173S. 4 NORTH OTH. We have vacaci spaces to leare. Wo have CO rooms, vacant orlck. We have several furnished cottage.. We have four good cigar stands. We havo three good saloons. We have farm and city property. Come and see tho old and reliable firm, Jow Is th" time for Investments. BERRY & ALEXANDER. Opposite P. O.. on 6th. CORPORATION WHOSE PRODUCTS ARK dealers want competent man to take man. ncrarm or orancn orace, salary $Z300 per '""" uiu commission. energetic man should cam $6000 per annum. Must In vest from JlftOrt to IMYVl In -.-! r .n,. pany. UnquesUonable references as to uuiui) aim integrity required. Address oox , Jdaaison. -wis. AN OPPORTUNITY IS OFFERED INVEST- w 01 suma 01 sau or more to underwrite the bOnd dth llhn! mtrvlr k,,i. .. superior amusement concession, at the Port- xiwiiion; great novelty, wonderful human interet; favorable terms from the .imposition. Aaaress is 80. Oregonlan. WANTED SUBSCRIBERS IN SUMS OF $250 wuic 10 me capital stock ot a superior amusement concession: great novelty, won derful human Interest; greatest net money earner of St. Louis World's Fair; favorable terms from Lewis and Clark Centennial. Ad- ure j w, vjregoman. OFFICE BUSINESS Partner wuiinl in urti...t.u.v.. 1 ness; owner will guarantee purchaser $230 every month and give any buslnes shouse In Portland for references: $1500 required; call i'iiwuii t nestern Ulna to., 218jj IF YOIT A nrr 7 lnxrivr? pnn i vtri vican. paying ousiness. good location, cheap rent, nice living rooms, everything up-to-date, I have a snap in a cigar, news and wu at ia-j Aiauison at. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS BLACKSMITH. ior carnage, wagon and plow work. A good chance for right party if he will take half interest In a well-established business. Address John Strlblch. Forest Grove. Or. $350 AND SERVICES SECURES INTEREST in new, lucrative manutacturing business; Lewi and Clark and other valuable con cessions secured; splendid prospects. Call Driver, 355 Alder. SEVERAL GENTLEMEN OR LADIES, WITH swic ixpiuti, to organize arts ana crafts as sociations: an interesting and profitable prop osition. For particulars address A 91. Ore gonlan. FOR. SALE ESTABLISHED HEAL ESTATE ana iiusicess cnanee office; on account of not being able to Stand Inside work. I will sell whole or part of my business. B SS. Oregonlan. LARGE COUNTRY STORE!. WITH P. O. anu meat route, invoice $5500. doing now $45 per day. last year $24,000; books open: make offer. E. N. Hall & Co., 102 1st st. NOT IN THE ROOMING-HOUSE TRUST IF juu fnue tu mines nouse at an honest price, see F. 8. Keating. 504 Marquam. I have some good bargains. Let me show them. CORPORATION CHARTERS Congress law wuiau; no taxes; lioerai; safe; cheap. U. S. Legal Corporation. Wash ington. D. C, represenUcg $1,223,000,000. LONG ESTABLISHED BOOK AND STA- uonery ousiness; Dest location In city; school book trade a specialty; long lease; a bargain. 612 Commercial block. WANTED COMPETENT MAN WITH $300 to taxe cnarge ot employment bureau depart ment of established corporation: guaranteed Investment. Q 90. Oregonlan. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR A GROCERY. iow acres nne yenow pine in central Oregon, good timothy land, five miles from sawmill. Address F 54, Oregonlan. I WANT A PARTNER, YOUNG MAN. GOOD cuumuuu, uiiul 4u lmprovea rancn ana have some capital; office work, with salary. O 63. Oregonlan. WANTED PARTNER TO BUY SHOOTIXG fcajici. uifi lauorj to oe mace; cseao rent: two years' lease Call 512 Columbia st., downstairs. 20-ROOM CORNER BRICK FLAT. EXCEL- irut location, rest Dig money-maker for the Fair. City Business Chance Agency 223 1st st. v WANTED PARTY WITH SMALL CAPITAL to join auvcrtiscrs in manmacturing a use ful agricultural Implement. F 53. Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY FIRST-CLASS REAL estate ana Business caance oiace; state price. Address P. O. Box 477. City. RESTAURANT. 20x60 FEET. 100 FEET rrom. main entrance 10 air grounds; rent paid for one year. L 52, Oregonlan. CIGAR. iRUIT AND LUNCH HOUSE, U block from Fair grounds: 8 rooms? rnt f-i- lease over Fair. N 52, Oregonlan. ' EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY IS OF- fered to mas with S75CO or more; best busi ness is the Weet. Q 31, Oregonlan. FOR SALE HALF INTEREST IN REAL estate, goou location, cscap, rent just start ing. Address. D 54. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A GENERAL MERCHANDISE store m toe country; uoing a good business Address D 71. Oregonlan. SALOON. LONG LEASE WEST SIDE. GOOD uuiiiira, tijt tosvuauic leaving City. Call 20S Clackamas. Alslna. SALOON FOR SALE. DOING GOOD Busi ness: must bt sold at csce: itim Call 47 North 6th st. BUSINESS LOCATIONS. 400 FEET FROM main cate of Fair crousds for .rn. S3 10th. near Stark. FOR SALE GROCERY. WELL ESTAB- llshed; gocd central location; price SHOO G 54, Oregonlan. NICE RESTAURANT, GOOD LOCATION, iui . rxfc.-niiiio oncv. Aoaress V o, Oregonlan. 4 FOR RENT CHOICE LOCATION FOR RES- umwii or cigaz- store, iu eta ou, near starx. Party with some capital can buy territory for quicx-aciuig articles, can et Wi Dekum. 8U3IXXS8 CHAXCES. -J? ROOK1XG-HOUSES. E KEATER A- JOHNSON. Boom 208, A! laky Block. Northwest Corner Third and Morrkon. OFFICK Pfrnvn vnv cti I have bouses, all alses. all prices. Can locate you according to amount of money to Without anv exceDtlnn. mmi Hnantirnt tr. nlhed house In city; $4500. SC000 or less Will handle house balance time. leas. - rooms, leaee. always full: good money- . ouw. r me transient. Bargain House. 25 rooms, rent si on? years.' lease: 25 more new rooms to be added fine location, lease. Prlc. $2600. Bargain One of the best buvs in citv. 5 rooms; over $300 monthly Income: lease. x-nce i.iw. ventral. . 22-room. very central. MC0 rest, house full is fine folding beds; lease: flee buy; all rented: $2600. 33 rooms, very" fine modern house, nice lo cation, xnis is elegantly rornlaaed: lease rent $153. Prior. STOfOT. 30 rooms, nlcelj- furnished: rent $125; must V seen to be anrtre?lii,i- ?.v 32 rooms, very elegant: this la a. veo fine uojjonunity ior maaing money; investigate luwuauiB price. GS rooms, modern, new furniture. 45-room hotel. modSrn. new. elegant. 45 rooms, fine location: InvesUgate. 27 rooms, very nice Income, .cheap rent icase-, central; pargxin, ssow. 20 rooms. ra.rtly fumlxhed: price. $1273. II rooms, very nice, corner house. $1000. 24 rooms, fine place. 21) boarders. $2500. Bargain One ot the best buys In city. 24 room; over sew montniy income; lease 22-room. very central. SI Ml n-nt hnuw full 16 fine folding beds; lease; fine buy; all rented: $26Gu. Very fine hotel proposition, central; dining- room win seat oO people; terms to suit exclusive . 9 room, rent 335. central: $675. 9 rooms. $20 rent; $750. 9 rooms, rent $35. central: $650. 13 rooms. Here's a bargain. Rent $50. nouse tagfA m $112; fine location: 31000. Repair shop, fine business: $400. Grocery store and confectionery, all for 4100: living-room. $2300 will buy grocery doing fine business: central. Lunch counter, central. $225. Fin delicatessen and restaurant; good bus iness; $500; cheap rent. Xlce restaurant, fine Dlac $1600. All kinds of business opportunities. Strang ers In city call. I will direct you risht 20 years In Portland. Can't list all. Come see us. LILLIAN DB KEATER &. JOHNSON. Room 208. Altsky Block. Northwest Corner of Third and Momson Phone Main 6151. WANTED CAPABLE MAN WITH $2000 cash to manage branch business for Urge, responsible manufacturing company; $150 per month salary ind all expense!', also extra percentage; Mte investment ana gooa per manent position; references required. lu Jones, 1107 Great Northern bldg., Chicago. FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE store with Postofilce In store. Inquire Harry Tuttle. of Lang & Co.. 1st and As keny st. I BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion PluiUng. MISS O. GOULD. 801 MARQUAM BLDG.; accorcion and knife plaiting and pinKing. Assayera and Analysts. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 20S STARK SL Prices: GoldV$l; copper, $1; silver. 30c PALL BAUMEL. ASSAY ER AND ANA- lyst; oia dust bought. 22SH Stark at. Business Colleges. GREGG SHORTHAND TOUCH TYPEWRIT- lng, famous budget bookkeeping, actual Dusiness practice; positions found for graa uates; day and night school. Holmes Bust ness College,Y. M. C. A. bldg. Main 513. Carpenters and Builder. W. L. Buckner. office, store fixtures, general GEO. W. GORDON, COUNTERS. SHELVES, houses built and repaired. 208 4th. Clay 174. Carpet Cleaning. Sanitary carpet cleanlnir. suction and com pressed air combined; carpets cleaned on noor without removal. Main 0534. East 2504. Chiropodist and Manicuring-. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVENY. THE only scientific chiropodists; parlors room 203 DrMP hMi- inn oj xkn. ll.l. 1361. This is the long-haired gentleman. tie is tne man you are looking for. Clairvoyants. THE GREAT. ONLY AND ORIGINAL BUDAH BERNIQUE. $15 COMPLETE LIFE READING. 50e TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. BORX WITH A DOUBLE VEIL. EDUCATED IN EGYPT AND INDIA. TELLS YOUR NAME. TELLS YOU WHEN AND WHOM YOU WILL MARRY. Positively mentioning your sweetheart's full Settles love quarrels and promptly re unites the separated, no matter how long Eiuuaing. London's most famous palmist and clair voyant is acknowledged by press 'and pub lic the greatest living DEAD TRANCE MEDIUM. She tells whnt vnil rnmn fnr Yimfnrm vn utter a word; does not ask questions, no uiaucr wnat your trouoie may De. Call and she will guide ou with cer tainty higher than human power. Tells you the truth, good or bad. HOURS 10 TO S. DAILY AND SUNDAY. PARLORS 201 MORRISON. COR. 5TH. SAME FLOOR AS BOSTON DENTAL PARLORS. 50 CENTS. FROF. VAN CORTLAND. . CLAIRVOYANT fD PALMIST. $15 FULL LIFE READING, 50c. 313 WASHINGTON. COR. tSTH. 50 CENTS. PROF. M'INTYRE, CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST. Reduced Charges. 50c 50c This Week $15.00 Readings S0c 50c Satisfaction guaranteed or no fee accepted. HE WILL TELL YOU YOUR FULY. NAME, AGE, OCCUPATION. Tells life from cradle to grave Consultation on all affairs. Gocd or bad. Cosmos Bldg., 2C8Vi Morrison. MME. DR. HERZOG. FROM BERLIN. SCI enUflc reveaier. tells life from cradle to grave Consultation on all affairs. Good ad vice, sure help, mistake Impossible; re stores lost love and unites separated by sympathy; locates buried treasure. Fee. $1; letter. $2. 207 Park. Coal Dealers. GREAT WESTERN COAL CO., 441 HOTT. u. ijui jiiucn ana prcaucers 01 wasnea lump and nut bouse coals. Lump, $6; nut, $3, delivered within one mile of yards; satls facUon guaranteed. Phone Main 948. WESTERN FEED AND FUEL CO. PHONE jiun iuio. vasue uate uoai. blacksmith coal, coke, charcoal. Otfica Front and Hoyt. VULCAN COAL CO.. wholesale dealers, best coais; zounary ana smelter coke. 320 B st. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF uiucs, jjciu, juts. wooi. inonair, taiiow. old rubber and old metal .and general commis sion merchant. Front st.. near Main, Port land, Or. Cash advanced on consignments: TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS ana commission merchants. Sherlock bldg Portland, Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION Avn produce merchants. Front and Davis sts. Portland. Or. Dancing. MRS. GRANT'S adult and children's classes. western Acaaemy. Jiornson st., cor. 2d. THE MATTING LY ACADEMY OF DANCING its mn. cor. Jen. waltzing a specialty. Dyeing and Cleasias. M. J. WHARTON. CLEANING ANn he. pairing; gentlemen's and ladles' clothln 140$3 1st st., Portland. Or. Phone Red 3163 H. W. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER uu wtttuti. rnig jcuerrao. lei. Main 2313. Educational. WILL GIVE PRIVATE LESSONS' IN HIGH scnooi or oruiuary prancnea; oacsward pu pils coached; German and mathematics taught: terms reasonable L 79. Oregonlan. PRIVATE LESSONS, FRENCH. GERMAN, xauu. uitiuik nunc 1 , 13 1 1 in a. Fraternal Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety ox -"- . . yrptects tne living. J. L. Mitchell, Sup. See. 012-015 Marquam bldg. Junk. Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF hides, pelts, wool. furs, tallow, old rubbers metals and sacks. 342 Front st- Marble and Grnnite MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS or Bargains see weens: no agents; 20 per cent saved. At 720 Front, cor. Hooker. BUSINESS DIRECTORY.. Harness ns4. Saddles, THE 3RETMAN LEATHER CO..' WHOLE sale saddles and harness mfrs.. saddlery hardware, leather all kinds. 72-74 5ta at. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddles and harness mfrs.. leather and saddlery hardware S0-S6 1st. " Landj. LAND SCRIPS. GENERAL LAND PRAC tlca. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. " Leather and Finding. J. A. STROWBRIDOE LEATHER QO Es tablished 1S3S. Leather and flndiags; Stock ton sole leather and cut stock: full Use Eastern Jumbos. 1S9 Front st. THE BRETMAN CO.. LEATHER MFRS.. boot and shoo uppers, findings, shoe -store supplies, leather of all kinds. 72-74 5th, Machinery. B. TRENKMAN fc CO.. MINING SAW mllls. logging machinery; hydraulic pises casUngs. All kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th THE H. a ALBEE CO., SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, ete 248 Grand, ave. Massage LIFE IS AS WE MAKE IT PERSIAN massage strengthens the muscles cleanses the skin, soothes the nerves; Porslan va por, tub baths, and massage; the FrancA 9th and Morrison. Red 2838. """- THE SNOWDEN BATHROO.MS. WITH AT tendants: vapor and steam baths: also mas sage and electric treatments. 234U Morri son at., cor. 2d, room 3, Star rooming-house YOUNG LADY FORMERLY OF RALEIGH Wdg.. gives steam baths and magnetic mas sage; otrtctly first-class. Call and be con vlneed. 145 6th St.. rooms 1-2. VAPOR AND SPONGE BATH. MASSAOH and magnetic treatments, by experienced and"?' Morrison at., rooms 11 YOUNG LADY. JUST FROM ST. LOUIS gives baths and massage; tub baths a snl clalty. 110-4 4th st.. rooms 8 and U. P OTSS JULIA ROSY GIVES EXCELLENT baths and massage; parlors Just opened t 2l&i Morrison, room a openea at SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE GIVEN. APPLY 555 5th St.: at your homes or the above number FRENCH LADIES GIVE BATH AND MA!5 aage treatment. 20S 5th st- Main 5035. NEW PARLORS AT 280',!. STARK ST bet. 4th and 0th. ' Northwest Vlavi Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON 3TjT Call or send stamp for Health Book. Osteopathy. DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARYLL T. SMITH osteopathic physicians; graduates Klrks vlle. Mo. 400 Oregonlan. Phone Main 14 Sanitarium. 614 4th. Consultation free DRS. ADD IX & NORTHRUP. 410 DEKUM uu6. i - xj. animation free. Patr.nt Lawyers. H. C. WRIGHT. DOSIESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; uunngement cases. ctH Dekum: T. J. GE1SLER. 530 CHAM. OF COM.. U. S. Paints, Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oil?. tinea, ouu imi ooors. v.or. za and Taylor. Rubber Stamps. P. C. STAMP WORKS, 249 ALDER, TEL. jwm no. ruDuer stamps, seals, stenells. 3-INCH THICK WALLS. NOT FIRE-PROOF. iockouui openca, repairs, steel celling, eafes exchanged. Dlcbold work. J. E. Davis. 68 3d. Second -Hand Dealers. SUGARMAN & SONS, highest prlco paid 2d- nana lurmture. stoves. 233 Front. Red 3iiJ. Spiritualists. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. 50c. 50c, 50c. 50c, 50c, 50c. 50c, 50c, 50c, 50c. 3034 WASHINGTON ST., COR. 5TH. $15 COMPLETE LIFE READINGS, 50c. THE MOMENT YOU ENTER HIS PAR LOR HE WULL TELL YOU YOUR FULL NAME. AGE. OCOUPATION, YOUR MOTH ER'S MAIDEN NAME, AND WHOM AND WHEN YOU WILL MARRY, and what you called for. without asking a question; will tell the name of your sweetheart or any thing you want to know. He sends .you away much wiser and happier than when you called. How ran I have sood luck? How can 1 succeed in business? How can I make my home happy? How can I marry the one choose? How can I marry well? How soon can I marry? How can I conquer my rival? How can I make anyone love me? How can 1 get a letter? How can 1 get a good position? 3034 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. BTn. MRS. WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reauaoie medium; all In trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, business, love, troubles; absent frlon'is a specialty. 1654 4th at., Russel bldg.. hours 9-5. MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CONSUL1- ea uany at 412 Alder, cor. 11th. Main 6173. MRS. a CORNELIUS, 307 Allsky bldg.. 3d ana Aiortison. sittings daily. Hood 403. MRS. STEVENS, spiritual life reader, scien- Showcases, Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR. 6th and Hoyt; branch. Seattle, Wash. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO., 343 1st. near Market. Phono Black 3133. Stop Drinking. GUARANTEED cure; send 50c: tablet form; mailed in plain package; has cured thou sands. L. L. C Co.. 614 Grant bldg., S. F. Storage and Transfer. SAFES, PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED pacKea ready for snipping and snippca; an work guaranteed; large three-story brick fire proof warehouse for storage. Oince. 123 lat. C. M. Olsen. Phone Main 547. C. O. PICK, OFFICE. 88 1ST. BET. STARK ana uaK. rnone sua. Pianos and tumiiure moved and packed for shipment; commodious fireproof brick warehouse. Front & Clay sts. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONU St.. household goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and ail movable articles at reasonable prices. C. F. HARDER. PIANOS AND FURNITURE moved; furniture, china and glassware packed for shipping by experienced packers; all work guaranteed. Phone East 1612. The Inauguration. ACCOMMODATIONS OF ALu KINDS FOR inauguration; also windows, oalconlcs and seats for parade Address J. E. Falling, 1229 Pa. Ave. Washington. D. C. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 64 THIRD ST., wnoiesaie ana retail, sena tor catalogue Typewriter. New typewriter, all makes, rented, sold and repaired, coast Agency. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN 4: LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERY. cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland, Or. LOST AND FOUND. LOST SCOTCH COLLIE. SABLE AND white, white collar, tip of tall, blaze In face, also white feet, long heavy coat; answers name of Lobo. Please return to H. Bcrger, 130 1st st. and receive reward. LOST OR STRAYED A BAY MARE ABOCT b years old. weighing 1100 pounds, about 104 hands high and of nervous disposition. Return to Nels P. Olsen. Woodstock. Oi.. and receive reward. LOST GOLD-MOUNTED WATCH CHARM made from Hon claws; my initials on one side; return to 122 3d St.. and receive re ward. H. E. Stemler. LOST PAIR GOLD-RIMMED GLASSES IN casc. Thursday afternoon, near 12th and Salmon. Return to 430 Salmon; reward. LOST ON FRIDAY. 20TK. A BUTTERFLY ring. ruDy ana pearls. Finder win receive reward by returning to 405 3d at. LOST SATCHEL CONTAINING CARPET- layers' tools. Please return to Meier & Frank, third floor. Reward. FOUND . VALISE. WITH CVRPET-LAY- rs tools. it me owner wisnes to nave It rail at 210 Clay st. LOST BROWN COCKER SPANIEL PUP". about 2 months old. Phone Hood 344 and receive reward. LOST STRING GOLD BEADS, BET. 13TR and otn. or W. O. W. Hall. 452 Morrison. Reward.