THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 22, tlS0o. FOB. KENT. Boob. i NEW LANGB HOTEL. European plan; electric light and belli, team beat and elevator: baths free to guests; rates 50c 75c and $1 per day; special rate by the -week. Elegant care and bar in con nection. Corner ,0th and Washington sts. Sam Bauman, manager; F. Lange. prop. THE AUDITORIUM. 20S 3D SI.. BET. TAT lor and Salmon, one block south or Baker Theater, new brick building, elegantly fur Blshed. steam beat, hot and cold water tn room, porcelain bath, rooms with private baths, elevator; reasonable rates. LARGE ROOM. WITH ALCOVE. AND 3 windows, suitable for two: also smaller room, both neatly furnished. In Christian home, new bouse, bath, phone, gas, rent very rea sonable. 721 E. Madison. A GENTLEMAN DESIRING A BEAUTIFUL room In a new, modem home, centrally lo- , cated on "West Side, with all the surround ings of comfort and refinement. Address II 61, Oregonlan. 100 13TH ELEGANT FRONT SUITE OR single rooms, new house, modern, private family, piano, furnace heat, suitable for two or more, board close; references ex changed. 216 11TH ELEGANT LARQE FRONT AL- cove room, nicely furnished ror one or .two gentlemen, with private family; choice location. N. W. cor. 11th and Salmon; no sign. "V ELLINGTON COURT. COR. 1STH AND Everett, has a few looms and suites tor ladles, newly and handsomely furnished, pot eesslng every modern convenience; rcleieuces Tcqulred. SUITE OF NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for couple or 2 to 4 gentlemen; steam beat, gas, bath and telephone; tine locution. Phone Main 45v3. 07 N. 2irth St., near Wash ington. BEAUTIFUL LARGE, NEWLY FUR nlthed rooms, hot water, gas, furnace. Telephone Main 2331; opposite High School; board optional; reasonable. 404 Morrison. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE OR en suite, hot and cold water, euctrlc light. furnac cheat, home privilegeb, close to fair grounds, reasonable rates, lib uusan si. PLEASANT FRONT SUITE; ALSO SINGLE rooms: one furnished as parlor witn sleep ing couch; home privileges; new house, four Mocks from Hotel Portland. 250H an. THE COSMOS. S. E. COK. 4TH AND MOK. nson: best down-town room In tn city; heat and (service night and day; rates $J.jk per week and up, lncluaing bam; i aa. ONE LARGE, CLEAN. WELL-FURNISHED room, heat, running water, splenaid bain. Alio one email bedroom; very reasonable. 271 7th St.. bet. Madison and Jefferson. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms in nicest brick biock on East Side; gas range, bath, etc Logun cm.. luoJa Lnlon ave. Phone Union 3262. FOR RENT TO GENTLEMAN. SOUTHEAST corner rooms, furnished, 3 windows, piazza, gas, water, stove, private family; $lo month; reierence. K 80, Oregonlan. 3 LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. WITH hot and cold water, bath and phone privi leges. Call Monday, 288 13th St.. near Jef ferson. Phone .Main 5055. 181' 1ST ST.. COR. YAMHILL SPLENDID ly furnished rooms, en suite, single; bath. phone, reasonable: tourist and transient so licited. .Phone Clay 755. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR gentlemen or business women: modern con veniences; private family, no sign. Phone Front 748. 474 Yamhill. FOR RENT ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM. with modern conveniences, to one or two gentlemen; breakfast furnished; references exchanged. 327 Mill. TWO LARGE NICE FRONT AND BACK narlore to rent to two or four nice, refined business men; hot water; bath free; phone. X be, care Oregonlan. IPO 12TH ST.. BET. YAMHILL AND TAY- lor One front suite; also one room, suitable for two, all modern conveniences; private family, no sign. THREE BLOCKS OF LEWIS AND CLARK Exposition grounds; furnished rooms; bath, hot and cold water, with or without boaro. 05 vaug nn eu 309b MADSINON, JUST BELOW CTH SUN ny front parlor to parties employed days; will rent low until Spring; all modern con veniences. FOR RENT-LARGE FURNISHED ROOM OR a suite of rooms within walking distance of Fair grounds; references required. 74G Johnson. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. PRIVATE family, suitable for two working girls. $10 per month. Including breakfast. 30G Grant street. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, with gas. for one or two gentteroen; J8 per month. Apply 529 Yamhill near 16th. VERY NICELY FURNISHED ROOM (PAR- lor) with breakfast and dinner, for two young ladles, $20 each. 443 5th. cor. College. THE KINGSTON FURNISHED ROOMS, 1UOH 3d. adjoining Baker Theater; 52.50 per ncek and up; steam heat. Phone iiooa uoi. FOR RENT ONE OR TWO ROOMS IN FRI- vate modern house, bath and telephone. 2S)4 lGth. cor. Columbia. Phone Main 2&S9. THE ANKENY. 3491 ANKENY NEWLY furnished, steam-heated rooms, reasonable prices. Block west or Postonlce. ruc i ivri ttct i pTTDvicupn T?rv-krc en suite or single, with electric light ana stove. 247ii 5th. near courthouse. 324 HASSALO ST.. EAST SIDE. NEAR Steel bridge, nicely furnished rooms, modern conveniences; private famuy. ONE OR TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board. Sunnysltfe. quiet, private family; no children. P 53. Oregonlan. THE TEMPLE. 343'., YAMHILL ST.. OPPO- site Hotel Portland; nice, light, well-furnished rooms; rates reasonable. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GEN- tleman In new modern flat; gas, bath. phone, heat. 202 '.4 Clay. 407 STARK. NEAR 10TH WELL-FURNISH- ed room, ground floor, furnace heat, gas. all modern conveniences. DESIRABLE ROOM. SUITABLE ONE OH two gentlemen, new house, close In. modern conveniences. 245tj ttn. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SUIT- able for two gentlemen or man and wife. 14 11th. cor Burnslae. FOR RENT DESIRABLE FRONT ROOM. private family, with or without board; lady preferred. 340 nan. 207 !TH NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, also small one. centrally located. near Portland Hotel. FOR RENT A NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM In private family, reasonable, gas. Dam. phone. 50G Johnson. Fl RNISHBD ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN only, use or bath and phone, in private family. 513 Yamhill. 305 WASHINGTON FURNISHED single rooms, with stoves. J 1.50 per week up. Phone Hood 440. 447 STH .FRONT PARLOR CHEAP. LADY or gentleman, employed, use bath and phone; reference exchangea. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR two gentlemen, bath and fas. 432 jenerson. bet. 11th and 12th. 256 11TH NICELY FURNISHED ROOM IN rrivate family: all conveniences; rent reason able; gentlemen. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. VERY CEN- tral and reasonable for right party; bath. phone. 24 6th. FRONT PARLOR. FIT FOR TWO GENTLE men or ladles, $2 per week, bath and phone free. 432 7th st. ONLY SG PER MONTH SUITE OF TWO good unfurnished roams with gas stove. 3S2 E. YamhllL THE ELM. 13TH AND WASHINGTON Large front room, also single room. 32.50; board If desired. CLEAN. LIGHT AND AIRY ROOMS. WITH home comiorts. leiepnoae -uuin mm call 407 10th. nXK LARGE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. suitable for gentlemen or ladles. 48S Everett st. Main 1112. "Ml TTH TWO WARM ROOMS IN A BEAU- t If lily furnished home, very modem, with phone, gentlemen. 1G NICE ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN: bath, phone, private family. 2S7 4th st.. near Jefferson. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE for two, four blocks south of Hotel Port land. 250 Gth. Ft RN1SHED ROOMS. WITH GAS. BATH and phone. 305 Lincoln st. Fl RNISHED Main 3329. ROOMS AT 221 10TH ST FOR KENT. Rooms. UNFURNISHED ALCOVE ROOM: ALSO one furnished room; central. 211 11th. Phone Main 333. TWO UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOMS.' private family. Inquire 324 Front st., bet. 2 and 5 P. M. Sii SIXTH ST.. FOUR BLOCKS SOUTH Hotel Portland, sunny furnished room with private .family. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, MODERN, breakfast If desired; everything first-class. 552 Yamhill rt. . NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS CHEAP BJf week or month. No. 7 Union ave. North, near Burnslde. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. PRIVATE family: gas, hath and phone. 428 Yamhill, near 11th st. LARGE FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR two. two blocks from Washington. 406 Burnslde si. FOR RENT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, heat gas and phone, near Portland Hotel. 2CS 7th rU 79 PARK ST. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT alcove, suitable for two or three persons; phone, bath. FURNISHED ROOMS. NEW HOUSE. NEWLY furnished, all conveniences, jzj 14m, near Washington. RYAN HOUSE. 209 3TH ELEGANT!, x furnished rooms, en suite, single, -opposite City Hall. FOR RENT DESIRABLE FRONT PAULOIt; also small room, gas, nam ana pnone. wo Salmon st. IjTURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN. IN iprlvate family; aiso nouseaeepiajs reuuu. N. 17th st. 403 10TH NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS: desirable location; furnace heat. gas. bata; no children. LARGE FURNISHED PARLOR; ALSO TWO Ride rooms at J-i: bats, pnone ana gas. 231 5th t. THREE LARGE. LIGHT FURNISHED rooms: modern; private family; close In. 543 3d st. NEW. COMPLETED BY FEB. 1. 3 TO 12 unfurnished rooms; engage them now. 187 Mill st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. MODERN house: gentlemen preferred; references. 183 13th. WELL-FURNISHED COZY ROOM. REASON- able; private family; roommate wanted. Hall. 17.50 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. NEW house, private family, shone, gas. bath. 400 Seventh 205 11TH NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM; hot and cold water, heat, phone, bath; rent, $7. FURNISHED ROOM; $5; ALSO HOUSE- keeplng rooms. 414 Main st. UNFURNISHED THREE OR FOUR Phone, bath. 148 Whltaker. THE EARLE. 201 3D ST. NEWLT FUR- nlsbed rooms, transient. FURNISHED ROOM. GENTLEMEN PRE ferred. Call at 415 Mill. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT board. 42 N. 21st st. VERY NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. Cth, cor. College. Room With Board. 394 COLUMBIA ST. CHOICE FRONT suite; also room-mate for single room; cheap: modern conveniences; fine tame. Phone Main 2210. A NEWLY -FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE for two gentlemen or man ana wiie; aiso one single room, with good home coouing. Call 223 W. Park. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. BATH AD iolnlnc: also front parlor: private xamuy board if aesirea; reaaonaoie. so .oru low, near Washington. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. BATH. GAS, phone and heat; board If desired: private family. Phone Alain oiba. t-aii u nan dfcrs. VERY NICELY FURNISHED ROOM (PAR' lor) with breakfast ana dinner, tor two young ladles, $20 each. 443 3th. cor. College. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM AND BOARD for two who will room together; terms reasonable: private family. 711 &. -a u NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board; use of bathtub, pnone ana piano, .airs. Edward Busby. 328 cm at. roone -nam nan. HOTEL BROWN. 271fc GRAND AVENUE Pleasant rooms, single or en suns; bllllard-room; transients; do in car jidu. THE TENNESSEE. COR, 4TH AND 31ADI son Newly furnished, raoaern conveniences erst-class table ooara; reasonaoie. THE HESPERIAN. 533 MORRISON ST. Family hotel, rooms en suite or single. with board, hot ana cold water. rmRB 1CTPFM.Y TOHSISHED ROOM. SEC ond floor, rooaern conveniences, goou ooara. C21 Marshall, pnone Aiam we. PAYING GUESTS RECEIVED; TABLE first-class, private, modern noma; reierences. 120 loth North, cor. uusan. THP T-TAT 13TH AND WASHINGTON Large irom room, aiw ivuui board; modern conveniences. PLEASANT ROOM WITH BOARD, PRIVATE family, nice neighborhood, central locaucn. 487 a Ankeny. near nin. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOMS; MOD- ern conveniences, good location, ooara connection. 229 13th st. VERY DESIRABLE, NEWLY FURNISHED front room, witn gooa ooara; aiso xaoi board. 147 W. Park. LARGE. WELL - FURNISHED ROOMS, with board: modern conveniences, ibz lttn st. Phone Main 1049. NOTICE KOSHER! A KOSHER RESTAU rant will open at 08 N. 7th. near Davis, bun day, Jan. iw. 283 10TH NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. suitable for two; home cooking; modern. Phone Main 3&C2. 408 YAMHILL FURNISHED ROOMS WITH .board: also table board; reasonable rates. Phone west 743. FOR FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD, home cooking, bath, phone, call at 475 Washington st. FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD IN PRI vato boarding-nousc. mouern. o per week. S9 E. Sth N. THE ELM. 13TH AND WASHINGTON. CAN accommodate four at i. with room ana board; modern. 461 W. PARK GOOD BOARD AND ROOMS, j 5 per week; private family; walking dls tance; modern. LARGE FRONT ROOM. WITH uOAIiD Lath. gas. heat and phone, private lamtiy, 453 E. Pine. lCSt, 10TH LARGE. HANDSOMELY FU nlsfied xront room on di noor, ua ikmju table board. II WEEK SMALL ROOM. WITH UUAllU alio large room. .iAi wees; um. i-nune Union 41CG. BLAKELEY HALL. 270 OTH ST. PLBAS- and rooms, with nrst-ciats ooara, modern. Main 2631. t. PLEASANT. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH good home cooking, central, reasonable. 221 13th. FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD. $5 TO $0 per week. 602 Clay. Phone Main ixm. THE OZARK. 225 11TR SI. ROOMS EN mite or single, board, hot and cold water. BOARD AND ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO gentlemen. 202 14th St., cor. Taylor. 389 ALDEK ST. LAKGE PLEASANT FRONT rooms, with board, an conveniences. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board. 15 N. 10th.. cor. of Burnslde. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OK without board. 153 N. 13ln st. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT board. 750 Gantenbem ave., city. ROOMS AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY. Inquire 1S9 16th st.. near Taylor. LARGE FRONT ROOM. ALSO SINGLE ROOM with board. 3S5 Morrlson-lOth. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR without board. 189 7th st. DESIRABLE LARGE ROOM, hoard, modern. 265 Oth st. WITH FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD. 13th st, cor. Morrison. 151 N 11TH ST.. NEAR HOYT ROOM AMD board 5 per wK FOK KENT. Rooms With Boar. GET ON THE WAITING LIST And get an elegant outside room In the NEW LINDELL HOTEL annex. Market St.. bet. 3d and 4th; will be completed Feb. 1; 75 rooms, steam heat, electric light, gas. porcelain baths; first-class table; exceedingly low rates. I'D one jiain woi. - THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY- HO- teL 165-167 10th cor. Aierrlson; tnere are a lew vacancies; fine rooms, nicely furnished. team heat throughout- the house; porcelain baths, plenty of hot water, nanasome aimcg room; table and service first-class. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION I STH TEAR; rooms with board: use or sewing-room; u of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. Anabel Russell, superintendent. 010 Flancers. THE LINDELL. NEW FAMILY HOTEL. Market, between 3d and 4th. Electric ligni. gas, steam brat, porcelain baths, elegant out side rooms, first-class table. Very low rates. THE ARGYLE. 193 W. PARK. SERVES fine Sunday dinners. 35c Phone your or del. One room now vacant, first floor. suitable Ior two. Table boarders. LARGE FRONT ROOM AND ALCOVE. PR1- vate family, homelike, can accommodate one two gentlemen: ooaru it aesirea; -od HI1L C til. Oregonlan. THE HARTMAN. 426 ALDER. AND 7G . park fclnjie and double rom, with gooa ooara. 15 Morrison, desirable room, not and cold water: few more table boarders taken. rut. TWO 6-ROOM UPPER FLVTS. N. E. COR. th and Market sts.. brand-new. every mod ern convenience, separate furnaces; rental $40 month on three-year lease. Inquire own era. 400 commercial block. WEST SIDE UP-TO-DATE. FIVE-ROOM. new lower flat: large basement; permanent tenants; 925; adults. 7th and Grant. Open. 0614 TTH ST. 7 ROOMS: 542.50. 303 12th st., new nat; xss.oo. WOODWARD. 240 Stark st. Main 345. 6-ROOM MODERN FLAT. NEWLY FUR- nished, block from City Hall: references. Phone Main 3218. EW MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT. ONE BLOCK north Steel bridge, fronting river. Inqulrt 2SS Larrabee. S-ROOM MODERN FLAT. UNFURNISHED. Inquire flat A, Spvllla, 227 Market. Phone Main 516. FOR RENT S-ROOM FLA1. CLOSE IN. elegant furniture for tale. 2S0V4 Park. cor. Jefferson. TWO NICELY FURNISHED FLATS; PHONE and bath. S92 Jefferson st. FOR RENT ELEGANTLY FURNISHED room flat. 470 Taylor. FLATS FURNISHED. ONE $49. ONE $50. T S9. Oregonlan. 6-ROOM FLAT OF FURNITURE FOR SALE 435 Taylor. Housekeeping: Booms. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, OR WILL iurniaa to suit, nne new resiaence, very de sirable location, close in, on Bast Side, near all car lines, walking distance, all modern conveniences, furnace heat, electric light, wood for cooking, etc; price unfurnlsnea. 120; furnished. $25. Telephone East 1316. THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR YAM- mil New houue. elegantly furnished apart menu. In suites of 2, 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water: gas range in each kitchen; steam heat and baths; free phone on each floor. $16.50 At 1223 WILBUR ST.. WILLAM- otte Station, St. Johns car line, four alee rooms with piano and conveniences, to re fined, neat couple. Call after Sunday. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN business center, to responsible parties. Can furnish for housekeeping It desired; $16. 227b Washington st.; tel. Main 4347. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms In nice residence; modern Improve ments, suitable for man and wife. 420 East Grant. Phone East 110L UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, top floor, gas and water, larg hall; use of bath; rent low to steady tenant. 4H Union ave. North. THREE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms, hot. cold water in kltch en: bath, phone: no objection to children. 123 14th, corner Washington. FOUR UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; gas, bath, sink. large basement and yard; no children; cheap to right parties; close in. 10 su. 9th st. boutn. COZIEST -4 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS IN city, very convenient and nicely rurnlsoea. modern house, telephone, fine neighborhood. near Watblngto. Gtf N. 21st. 429 SALMON FRONT ALCOVE ROOM. closet, bath adjoining kitchen, pantry, fur nished complete for Housekeeping. Between 11th and 12th, on Salmon. TWO FRONT ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR light housekeeping; also single rooms, mod ern improvements: bam ana pnone. a- r 10th. cor. Stark. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED HOUSE- keeplng suite, including lights and water; sink in kitchen. 123 10th st, near wasmng ton st. FURNISHED ROOMS AND LIGHT HOLSE- keeplng rooms, with or without board; all conveniences, private family. 60S Jefferson street. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES everything new. $10 per mo. and up. The Star, 230 Larrabee St.. near Steel Bridge. HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. NICELY FUR nished. $10 per mo. and up; phone and bath. Hotel Northern. N. 12th & Marshall. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES; per month and up; new and clean. The Goldsmith, cor. Goldsmith and Alblna. aves. THE HEILER. 280 Grand ave. Fireproof brick, lighted with gas. and electricity; fur nished housekeeping suited ana single rooms. 2SG HOLLADAY AVE. THREE FUR- nlshed housekeeping rooms, entire floor, bathroom, same floor; everything modern. THE LINDA V1STA-NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping roomis with electric light, gas, bath and phone. 247'.i 5th. near Courthouse, UNFURNISHED ROOMS, GROUND FLOOR. large grounds, chicken-house, beautiful lo cation. Tabor Heights, rnone scon j.ji. 30$ 13TH COS4Y FURNISHED HOUSEh-tiif- Inc suite, .modern conveniences, reasonaoie no Eiumi tiuiuicu. a uuuc vmm. arts MAIN ST.. COR. 1LTIL ROOMS. HOUSE- keeping and tingle; modern, partly furnished flat at 313 14W st. X'none jaoin itim. THREE LARGE UNFURNISHED HOUSE- keeplng rooms, nicely located on East Sine car-line convenient, rnone scoit no. 4S7 TAYLOR ST. NICELY FURNISHED front suite; light housekeeping; modern con venlences; furnace heat, gas range. 345Vi WASHINGTON ST. THREE ROOMS, en suite, furnished, housekeeping; also two rooms; no children; bath, phone. $1.75 PUR WEEK LARGE. CLEAN FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms; laundry and bath. 184 Sherman, near FronL SUITE OF ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR housekeeping. $11 per montn; no cniiaren. 372h E. Oak. ITione Union 912. THREE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, witn. gas, nam ana heat, free phone. 442 Jertersun. 430 YAMHILL ST. NICELY FURNISHED front suite; light housekeeping; modern con veniences; gaa range, free phone. THREE CONNECTING HOUSEKEEPING rooms, running water and private entrance, very desirable. 395 Salmon at. TWO OR THREE NICE LARGE FURNISH ed housekeeping rooms, near Fair grounds; modern, private. 707 Vaughn. WELL - FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; modern conveniences: reasonable rent. 321 Eugene st. East 2305. NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPINO roomi in new modern Cat; gas. bath. Phone Main 2642. 292i Clay. TWO OR THREE NICELi FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, reasonable, two blocks from Washington. 29 N. 11th. WELL FURNISHED. LIGHT. COMFORTA lle room, with use of kitchen, pantry; mod ern conveniences. 331 14th st. THE COLUMBIA, 127 LOWNSDALE ST. Furnished housekeeping snHes, $9 a month up: all modern conveniences. TWO CONNECTING ROOMS, FURNISHED for housekeeping; convenient and central; rent reasonable. 229 11th st. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE FOR LIGHT housekeeping, references. 40S Main, no children. Phone Main 4927. r'OK KKNT.- H oatek eepisxT Rooms. 140 E. 34TH ST. 3 UICE UNFURN1SHEP housekeeping rooms, or as many as de sired; hot and cold water. Telephone East 2662. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 1 SUITE OF 3 and 1 of 2 rooms; elegant new furniture; every convenience. 414 3th. TWO ROOMS. NICELY FURNISHED FOR housekeeping, with bay winaow. gas, mu, phone. 235 12th. cor. Main. LARGE ALCOVE HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, suitable lor two. two blocks from Wash ington. 406 Burnslde st. FOR RENT UNFURNISHED HOL.SEKEEP lng rooms, new, modern, central, to two people. 4222 Jefferton su FOUR WELL-FURNISHED HOU3EKEEP ing roms. near Fair grounds; gas, phone, bath. 383 19th st. North. FOUR FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, modern, private family, adults only. Inquire 390 E. Morrison. TWO LARGE ROOMS FURNISHED FOR housekeeping, ground floor; bath, gas, phone and laundry'. 390 Park. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; also housekeeping suite; furnace heat, gas, bath. 200 Harrison st. ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping at 575 Main st.: heat. lights, bath. Phone Main 4660. 403 10TH THREE PARTLX FURNISHED rooms; furniture new; desirable locality; gas. bath, furnace beat. THREE UNFURNISHED CORNER ROOMS for housekeeping; sink in kitchen. 464H E: Burnslde, cor. Sth. TWO LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lnr rooms, ground floor; sink. 52U Raleigh, between 15th and llith. 314 CLAY TWO OR THREE FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping; also small siceping-room, central. 429 CTH ST. THREE DESIRABLE UNFUR- nisned rooms for rent; pantry, sink, bath. pnone ana Ttasement. ROOMS AND BATH. OAS. EVERYTHINU new; If wanting something extra nice, call ounoay. targo at. THREE CONNECTING FRONT ROOMS FUR- nisned for housekeeping. In private family; x-none Aiain 4fiu. W ANTED TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS ior nousekeeninc vounc counie. Addrrna i" j. j... iiM -inurman at. 410 SALMON ST. ONE OR TWO ROOMS with light housekeeping; privileges; all con veniences; reasonable. FOR RENT THREE LARGE UNFUR- ntshed roms. suitable for housekeeping; cen- o xverett st. TWO .FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, ground floor: sink. gas. phone. 254 jaomgemery. cor. 3d. TWO OR THREE LIGHT ROOMS WITH water; lurnlshed for housekeeping; phone. jisaioiQy at. 311fci u LIS AN NICELY FURNISHED nouseiceeping and single rooms, with bath, gar, phone Main 3714. 10 FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITH use of kitchen. 273 Whesler st-. 4 blocks irom aieei linage. 300, 4TH NICELY FURNISHED FRONT rooms for housekeeping; also single rooms; terms reasonaoie. 358 .6TH NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE- acepws apartments; iignt front rooms. x-none. jaain 4230. FRONT AND BACK SUIT COMPLETELY furnished for housekeeping; hot and cold water. 592 H 1st. SUITE OF WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE- keeplng rooms; gas, bath and phone. 483 Davis, near 14th. $10 TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, water and phone. 311 17th st. S. Phone Main 4174. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. light and clean; also two single rooms. 383 Davis, cor. park. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent; gas, bath, phone. 440 Jef- lerson. cor. lzin. GOOD FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cheap, close In. 86 lvm, near starx. lKUb. .frllUNT. ALCOVE ROOM FOR light housekeeping; gas, heat and phone. 95 iviu, cor. ol&tjc. THREE ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFUR- nisnea. witn use or kitchen. 232 Caruth- ers. cor. 2d at. 2 WEEK TWO LARGE HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished, bath, water, phone. Room oia st. 31 STH ST. TWO NICELY FURNISHED nouscxceping rooms, gas, phone and bath. ci j rcasonaoie. 4S5 ALDER NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE- aeeping ana other rooms, very convenient; DON'T RENT HOUSEKEEPINGS BOOMS nv. in you see mose at 164 Park, block west jioiei ronunc kEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; bath, gas, phone. 32S Main, bet. uu4 au iiu. 3 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rnnmi Y.t1m rii i . - iwu.j uuu tomorrow. u nm, COK. FLANDERS TWO FUR- nisnea nousexeeping rooms to parties with out cjiuurcn. THE TEMPLETON. 20CU 1ST FRONT housekeeping and single rooms, with bath and ciectnc iignt. 400 WILLIAMS AVE. AND HATfW'W rooms ana Kitchen; $10. C. Blrcher. Com- uirau Dioc. 3 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; launurr. Dam. phone Main 4363. 205 CTH THREE FURNISHED Hfiiisnxvp... mis oa ground noor; uae of piano; rent HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS IN SUITES. TWO iu vefcuiiii 6", oatn ana phone. TWO FURNISHED FRONT HOUSEKEEPING cook, ana gas range, . $12 and up. NEWLY FURNISHED FOU8 EKEEPING .wuu auu siusic rooms. 432 stark St., nS5 MORRISON TWO FRONT ROOMS FUR x. ?8? oou"leep!ng; ga. bath. Phono TWO AND THREE FURNISHED HOL'SE keeplng rooms, hot and cold water. 264 ill I MtUiC UKFCRKISHPn Dnnui!. Private house; gas. 329 San RafaeL Take THREE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeplng, with bath. $12 month. 633 John- NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms with phone and bath. 60S E. Everett sireei. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: GAS. BATH. Phone. 135 14th. cor. Alder. Call after 10 Am X., veki NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng suites; bath and phone. 547 Mor rison. 934 E. TAYLOR FURNISHED ROOMS FOR one or two; housekeeping if desired; reason aoie. TWO NICELY FURNISHED Hottsek-f-t-p. Ing rooms: bath, phone, gas. C3 N. loth st. WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madison Houre- aeepmg rooms; transient; bath, electric light. LIGHT HODSEKEEPIVfl Pnnr. Uedges or partial board. 269 14th. near Jeff. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED House keeping rooms, with phone. 164 N. 10th . TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, water, no cniiaren. J 03 j. 13m st. LARGE FRONT ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEP- inr. suite or slnrle. ar-u P- MoCTY, 204tj WASHINGTON ST. FURNISHED nouseiteepsng rooms. and i- per week. FOR RENT 3 UNFURNISHED HOUSE- keeping rooms. 'Inquire 186 Market st. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- lng rooms, very reasonable. 463 Taylor. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- Ing rooms; very reasonable. 46S Taylor. 2 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room i. $12 "per mo. 5SS Fettygrove st. CLEAN AND NEAT FURNISHED HOUSE- keeping and single rooms. 390 7th at. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, convenient. 64 EL 9th sC lOK KENT. Housekeeping: Rooms. FEBRUARY 1. THREE UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. West Side. Phone Main 6237. FOR RENT 6 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKBEP-lng- rooms; 912. with water. 633 4th st. 3 NICE FURNISHED ROOMS. GROUND floor, cheap rent. 487 E. Morrison st. ONE LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room, gas, bath and phone. 291 Hall su ONE HOUSEKEEPING SUITE; ALSO FUR nlrhed rooms, with gas. 23 N. 6th st. TWO PLEASANT ROOMS. HEATA LIGHT, phone, water. 2G2 14th st. Main 3593. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS TO responsible party. Phone Main 6249 THREE COMPLETE FURNISHED HOUSE-keeplng- rooms; central. 309 7th st. 2 NICE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Inquire 531 Morrison st. $12 SUITE OF NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping; rooms. 361 H 3d st. 3 PLEASANT. UNFURNISHED keeping rooms. 302 Tillamook. HOUSE- TWO UNFURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEP ing rooms en suite. 125 12m st. 20 Vi 5TH ST. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms; also single rooms. NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 81H 1st. Phone 32S3. A VERY FINE SUITE HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 2G5 Oth st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 155 .1. Jiia. Houses. $ fi. CO 6-room house. E. 18th st. iu.w-3-room bouse. E. 19th sL 12.50 6-room honw K "Tfith st 12.00 5-room flat. E. Belmont. ii.uv-i-nai no use. tz. .Harrison. 16.00 3-room flat. Market st.. West Side. 17.00 6-room house. Williams ave. 18.00 7-roora hoiue. E. Hawthorne. 20.C0 5-room cottage. Harrison at.. W. Side. -u.iaj o-room nouse, Clay st. 18.00 6-room house, E. Oth su 25.00 7-room house. N. 23d. 25.00 l-room flat. 14th sL. West Side. 25.00 8-room house. E. 44th st. 25.00 6-room house, Broadway. 2O.0O o-room bouse. N. 16th a:. 3O.00-r6-room house. E. Hawthorne. 35.00 6-room flat. Market st.. West Side. 30.00 9-room bouse. Portland Heights. 37.50 6-room flat. Jefferson St.. West Side. 35.00 6-room house. Clay st.. West Side. 40.00 7-room flat. Park St.. West Side. H. E. EDWARDS. 155-191 FIRST ST. PARTIAL HOUSE LIST 545 Park st 3 rooms. ...$12.00 333 16th St 5 " .... 10.00 568 Marshall st 5 " .... 16.00 503 E. Grant at 6 " .... 16.50 791 Corbctt st 7 " .... 18.00 303 Cherry st 6 " .... 22.50 rco ration ave 10 " .... 25.00 361 N. 19th eL. furnished.. 6 " .... 26.50 im naisey st .... zn.w 355 Lincoln St.. new 6 " 30.00 io Jioj-t st 8 " .... 25.W 111 N. 17th st 7 " .... 35.00 484 E. 17th st -. 10 " .... 35.00 WAKEFIELD. FRIES &. CO.. 229 Stark St. FOR RENT 7-room cottage, hot and .cold water, bath. sewer connections, electric lights, a com- ulete home. 186 E. 37th: rent cheap. Nice 7-room house oa eorasxa st.. west Side. $15. &-room cottage, ui x.. larxet, sja. .nvim mttairr. 463 E. Couch. S15. 3-acre poultry ranch, nice cottage, good barn, poultry house. Oak Grove. $10. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMFANX. 149Vi First StresL 6-ROOM HOUSE, FURNISHED. CLOSE IN. szo month. o-roonT nouse. xurmsnea. I4tn ana ui(saa streets. ROSE CITY REAL ESTATE & RENTAL AGENCY. 303 Ankeny at- Phone Main 0124, POSITIVELY PLEASANT PASTIME PLAC Ing people in houses, cottages or flats that please, we have all sorts of houses and In all localities, at all prices; If wc can't suit you. why you will have to mpve out of the city. Convince yourself by calling at ue- vurtx. cor. 1st and Yamhill. IF YOU DESIRE TO RENT YOUR UN tenanted houses, flats, or rooms, list them with us: we do not let the moss grow oa the steps: we rent them without charge. H E Edwards. 185 to 131 1st. WHY DISTRESS AND TIRE YOURSELF needlessly hunting houses, flats and rooms when by calling on us our man. kr. Young, will locate you without coat. H. E. Edwards. 185 to 181 1st. PLEASED PATRONS PLEASANTLT PURSU ing their wsy; they have baa an house hunting troubles settiea oy catling at ue rurtz Rental Agency. 1st and lamnlll. NOTHING NOTICEABLE NOWADAYS IN the rush for dwelling places, as Gevurtz places all who are in trouble as to nouses, cats or cottages, ui-.ii J ist su 7-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN AND DESIR ahl, E. 20th st.. near Division, convenient to car; rent reasonaoie. a. 11. uirrcii, McKay bids.. 3d and Stark. 6-ROOM MODERN HOU3EL NEAR STEEL brldra. East Side. 25 per month. John Sharker. 201 Chamber of Commerce. Phoo Main 160. OLD FOUR-ROOM HOUSE. WITH BARN and three-acre ore hard: 30tn and uawtnorne sts: $15. Otto J. Kraemer, Chamber of Commerce. 9-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. S. E. COR. 17th and Columbia: water, gas; bouse re cently renovated. Call 434 Mohawk. Main 1957. 6-ROOM HOUSE. 6S0 E. TAYLOR: $20. room house. 708 tz. iayior: aza. F. W. TORGLQR. 106 Sherlock bldg. $20-GOOD 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON a. A4n; Daw. pi, ducucdi; gooa location. Powers jrurniiure ist ana iayior. $23 NICE 6-ROOM HOUSE ON EAST SIDE. walking distance; casement, xurnace. gas. Powers Furniture Co.. 1st and Taylor. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST., rents and insurance. Phone aiam 34S. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. von RENT S-ROOM CORNER HOUSE; moucrn iiuuiuicuigumi .cut. a 13th st. N. Phone Scott 2432. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano and furniture movers. x-con Main 1683. Oface 110 N. 3d it. 69 N. 15TH-6 ROOMS BESIDES SERVANTS': gas. electricity, launary, elevator, Drake's. 205V; Washington. LOWER FLAT 5 ROOMS AND BATH. WITH use of stable: 33 in ana ueimont sis. ueorgs 1L Strong. 163 W. Park st. 135 MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE ON TTH ST.. gas, furnace. Dam, ciose in. .rowers fur niture Co.. 1st and Taylor. HOUSES, FLATS AND COTTAGES FOR rent in any part oi me city, .rowere furni ture Co.. 1st and Taylor. FOR RENT MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE ON Montgomery st.: rent $30. Inquire ais Montgomery st. $37.50-FINE 6-ROOM HOUSE. BATH. MOD- ern. on jenersou su x-ucr riuuiiiuc 1st and Taylor. K-TtOOM MODERN HOUSE. NEWLY PA iered. 614 E. 7tn souin; )twru. uatn. au Scott S21. FOR RENT SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE FOR rent cheap, inquire a rast ism ana -Mor rison .ts. vnrc RENT FROM FEB. 1. S-ROOM HOUSE. southeast corner ist anu jaeaae. inquire 706 lit. T.ROOM HOUSE ON EAST S1DEL WALKING distance, sia. uaiuciu c auiuu. a 4th U 6-ROOM COTTAGE: GAS. BATH. LARGE basement: modern improvement. ju nor. risos. FOR RENT MODERN S-ROOM COTTAGE. 487 E. Harrison at. Inquire HU Front st. ONE BLOCK HOUSE AND ORCHARD LN Alblna; $12. L Vanduyn. 270 Washington. FOP RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. LARGE YARD witn xruit mu. nub .iu. am ucii- su R,f0Eth4WIuiS- ix"heV rent $14 per month. Inquire SS Larrabee. A HOUSE OF SIX ROOMS. GAS AND bath. Inquire cor. in and Last ciay. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE FOR SMALL FAMILY. at 63 East 6th st. Norm, near Davis st. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE. INQUIRE at SGI E. Oak st. Phone East 1048. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. 60S E. ASH st. Inquire pnone :uain .kus. 4 9S S?K5? ;"DJ?A,n.Ua XO 4-ROOM "MODERN HOUSE. S10 PER MONTH. joe Nsah. as n vine station. FOR RENT 5-ROOM HOUSE. SUNNYSIDE. Phone East 25S2. iOK. RENT. Faralhed Houses. FOR RENT A NEW. MODERN EIGHT room house, thoroughly furnished, overlook ing the Fair grounds. Inquire on premises, 9S3 Raleigh St.. between 28th and 29th sts.. Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED MODERN home, every convenience, piano, machine, gas. Call Sunday. 753 E. Salmon St.; Ml Tabor car. Phone East 303S. FURNISHED HOUSE EIGHT ROOMS. GOOD location, easy walking: distance from center of town; gas and electricity; references. Y 33. Oregonlan. LOWER FLOOR OF A COMPLETELY FUR nlsbed bouse to parties without children. 190 Cherry st.. three blocks north or Steel bridge. " ENTIRE LOWER FLOOR. 5 ROOMS. Com pletely furnished, bath, gas, furnace, terms reasonable. 103 N. 15th. S-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED HOUSE, on car line. East Side, close in; $30 a month. 232 Stark st. NEATLY FURNISHED COTTAGE. FIVE rooms, rent reasonable. 320 Fremont St.; take Upper Alblna car. FOR TWO MONTHS 6-ROOM COTTAGE. with bath, corner E. 14th and Ankeny. Call 73 E. 14th. north. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT: large grounds; good location; block from car. 401 12th st. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT FOR 6 months. 251 N. 24th L Phone Main 3525. 4-ROOM COTTAGE. FURNISHED. Clay st. Houses fur Rent Furniture for Sale. ALL NEW. MISSION WEATHERED OAK furniture with Spanish leather cushions. Arabian curtains with Madras overdrapes and velour Interior draperies In living room and dining-room; one bedroom genu ine mahogany furniture; two others fine quartered oak; all enameled beds and felt mattresses; Wilton rugs throughout; new flat, best location. West Side. B 35. Oregonlan. 11-ROOM HOUSE TO RENT, FURNITURE for sale, two, blocks of Oregonlan; a money-maker If taken at once; a bargain, as parties are sick, must leave city. 363 Alder. Phone Front 608. 9-ROOM MODERN CORNER HOUSE; GAS. furnace, basement: moderate rent; furniture new; all sunny front rooms: very desirable location for boarding; $750. J 85, Oregonlan. FOR SALE FINE HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture. practically new, sufficient to furnlsn 6 rooms; terms cash or Installments; party must leave city. Address C 54. Oregonlan. ELEGANT FURNITURE. $750 CASH. IN bouse for rent; reasonable, new. close In. all modern conveniences. West Side; a bar gam If taken now. K 89. Oregonlan. NEW POLISHED OAK FURNITURE. AX- minster rugs, everything complete. fto: new, modern house, rent $20; four blocks form Fair grounds. B 90, Oregonlan. FOR RENT NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE NEAR St. Vincent s Hospital; furnace heat, grate, electricity and gas; matting, range and lino leum, all new, for sale. Main 22S9. LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS FOR 3 families, very cheap If sold soon: going away; cash or part cash; cheap rent. Call mornings, 544 Gllsan. NEW. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED MODERN 9-room Sat. oak furniture and best of carpets, a bargain; must sell Immediately; price $750. Call 387 4th. FINE FURNITURE OF 9 ROOMS. FULL of roomers; house to let to purchaser; also an 8-rjoom house at a snap. Apply at 328 Main st. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM CORNER FLAT, walking distance; good furniture and car pets; bath, gas, steel range. Inquire 415U 5th st. r-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE for sale. long lease: cheap rent: with nice lawn, fine neighborhood. Phone Main 3017. VAN HORN TRANSFER COMPANY FUR nlture and pianos moved with greatest care. Phone Main 1618; office 232 Stark st. $135- -Ft . I RE OF 3 ROOMS. STEAM heat, electric lights: rent $15. Call flat 101 Burkhart bids. Phone East 10SO. TWO WELL-FURNISHED HOUSES FOR sale, S and 0 rooms, cheap rent, good loca tion, no agents. Phone Front 1712. S-ROOM AND 6-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, furniture for sale, walking distance. 201 N. 10th st. Phone Main 5S33. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM COT tagc. cheap rent, with lease of house. 431 E. Ankeny. Phone East 170. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM COT tage. cheap rent, with lease of house. 431 E. Ankeny. Phone East 170. S-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT AND GOOD furniture for sale, suitable for two fam ilies. Phone Main 6395. FURNITURE FOR SALE for rent; 451 East Salmon; quire on premises. AND HOUSE a bargain. In- NEATLY FURNISHED 5-ROOOM COT tage; house for rent. 2SS Lincoln. Phone Main 3917. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 5 ROOMS, modern flat, cheap if taken at once. Phone West 1022. $150. IF SOLD AT ONCE: SUITABLE FOR rooms; business center, west Side. T 55. Oregonlan. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF ' 3-ROOM Address A. D.. house: central; reasonable. Oregonlan. 14-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE for tale; one diocx from Washington. ' 432 Stark st. ALL OR PVRT FURNITURE FOR SALE cheap If taken at once. 202 14th. cor. Taylor. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. RENT $16.50; FUR- nlture almost new; $200. Union 2421. 90 E. 8th. N. 4-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT AND FURN1- ture for sale cheap. 593 Spokane ave.. Sell wood. NEW FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM FLAT. WEST Side, walking distance; $400. 2484 Stark st. 8-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT AND THE FUR- nlture for sale cheap. Call at 251 Oth st. FURNITURE 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE; rent $40; no agents. 75 N. Oth st. Winter and bummer Icesorts. HOTEL MOORE. CLATSOP BEACH. SEA slde. will be open during Fall and Winter. store. FOR RENT FROM FEB. 1 THE FINEST location for a fruit and cigar stand in the . city. Apply to W. J. Burke. 181 Morrison St.. west end of bridge. , FOR RENT TWO HOUSES AND ONE NEW store building, one block from main entrance Fair grounds. Inquire 308 Fenton bldg. FOR RENT 13.000 ft. storage room In flrst clasa brick building, centrally located. For Information address S 53, Oregonlan. STORE-STARK ST.. BET. STH AND 6TH: will alter to suit tenant. Donald G. Wood ward. 246 Stark. TeL Main 345. FOR' RENT STORE. 25xlSO FEET. NO. 146 Front St.. bet. Morrison and Alder. Apply to EL A. Baldwin. 86 4th St. STOREROOM IN ST. JOHNS EXCELLENT location, rent reasonable. Si. Johns Land Co. Phone Union 3104 STORE, 271 FIFTH ST., OPPOSITE CITY Hall, with rooms In rear. Apply upstairs, ring bell. FOR RENT, COTTAGE GROVE. OIL. A FINE new storeroom; best location in town. P. O. Box 21L PART FINE RETAIL STORE FOR RENT; art or Jewelry preferred. F 8. Oregonlan. CORNER STORE. GRAND AVE. AND E. Pine. C. Blrcher. Commercial block. STORES FOR RENT 2D AND SALMON. AP ply 310 Mohawk bldg. FOR RENT ONE-HALF Washington st. OF STORE. 426 Offices. FOR RENT PART OF office, well furnlshsd. Z merer. LARGE OUTSID0 :t Chamber of Com. PART OF NICELY FURNISHED OFFICE. Room 101 Sherlock bldg. Phdne Main 1446. PJIRSONAL. LADY COOK OR LADY UNDERSTANDING cooking can take half Interest in a nice clean little restaurant with a respectable man alone: good, future; some capital re quired. C 90. Oregonlan. MARRIAGE DIRECTORY FREE. B. OVER dorf. Portland. Or, PERSONAL WANTED INFORMATION REGARDING the whereabouts or Cornelius uamti -c-Call. aged 26 last Fourth of July, who was taken trom St. Williams. Ontario. Oct. I.. 1883. by. his father. F. E. A. McCaU, who was last heard, of about 9 miles trom Roseburg. Oregon, having left Omaha, Ne braska, 1887, and may have taken., name of R. N. Shearer near Roseburg. Anyone who can furnish Information will please communicate with his mother, Mrs. F. K. A. McCalL St. Williams. Ontario. AZA HOLMES-RIBBECKE NEW INSTI tute. refined, fully equipped for all classes of work performed at John Woodbury's. New York. Have your work dona at home. Dr. A, L. Nelden, the world's beauty king, meth ods employed by Axu Holmes-Hlbbecke,' tne only graduate plastic surgeon and dermatol ogist on this Coast. Portland's best physi cians for reference. Parlors, 364 Morrison. IT HAS BEEN MY GOOD FORTUNE TO learn of a simple home treatment that ef fectively removes all taste for btrong dnntf. I have personally seen It used successfully in so many canes that 1 want every woman to know about it. Write to me today and I will tell you what It Is. Address Mr. H. A. Cousins. 207 6th St., Portland, Or. Phone Main U255. MADAME VAUGHN. ONLY GRADUATE dermatologist In Northwest, permanently removes birthmarks, plttings, wrinkles, laggings, scars, eczema, pimples, moles, freckles and all blemishes. Dermatology taugnt for professional purposes. Third, floor McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. Phons Main 706. 77 WOMEN WANTED SUFFERING FROM Irregular, painful or stoppages. leucorrne IwhlteiJ and all uf women, old or young, cuted by old Dr. Kcasler, 23ofe lam hill st.. Portland. Or. Private waiting-room for ladles. Consultation free. Call or wrlto. Inclose 10 2-cent stamps. THE O'NEILL LE PAGE INSTITUTE of dermatology, balr-dresslng. manicuring and beauty culture; complete or partial course given; diploma granted graduates; best reierenLes given. Strictly nrst-clasj work. 349 Morrison. Phone Black 1843. IF ANY PERSON WHO READS THIS No tice knows the whereabouts of Ray Carter will kindly notify W. J. Carter. Hubbard, Or., a very great favor will be acknowl edged and returned as far as possible. Ex changes please copy. " DISEASES OF MEN GONORRHEA, GLEET, SYPHILIS. BLOTCHES. OLD SOKES, NIGHT EMIS SIONS. VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE and all affections of private organs permanently cured. Dr. Walker. 181 1st .L MEN ADDICTED TO HABITS WHICH DE stroy manhood: Send for my free treatise of home cure, showing how to cure weakness peculiar to men. varicocele, etc. Sent sealed in plain envelope. A. M. Todd. 40a' 16th st.. Denver, Colo. SOME FINE ACREAGE RIGHT IN CITY HmlU at Oregon City, and an 8-room houje and a 3-story barn, very nne for trucking or chicken ranch: will sell or trade for Port land property. A. R. Spreadborough, 841 Front bt.. Portland. MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD promptly to our painless method of treatment; we treat diseases of women only; consultation free, private and strictly confidential, X Ra dium Institute. 162: 1st. cor. of Morrison st. YOUNG WIDOW. AGE 23. WITH $10.WO; lady. 20, $50,uuu; lady, 25, $15,uOo; blonde. IS. cash and beautiful farm. 1 seek honor able husbands for these. Conndentiai. Ad dress Mrs. W.. 697 Fulton sr.. Chicago. 111. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES-$1 A month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on. rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. 347 Washington, opp. Corctray's. YOUNG MAN OF CULTURE WITH MEANS, good income, wishes to correspond w(ih lady, aged 20 to 30; give full Information; object matrimony II mutually suited: con fidential; no agency. F 55, Oregonlan. A WEALTH Y AND ATTRACTIVE MAIDEN wants without delay kind husband to le lieve her of business cares. No objections to honorable, capable poor man. Addre&s Cook. 67 Floumey, Chicago. WE SEEK RESPECTABLE HUSBAND FOR maiden lady In Oregon, age 25. worth i05,uw. widow so, owns large farm: bachelor girl 35. worth $28.1)00,. and for others. Home and Comfort Toledo. Ohio. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts" Nerve Globules. One month's treatment, $2; 3 months'. -$5. Sent securely scalcu oy mail. Agents. Woodard. Clarke & Co.. Port land, Or. I DESIRE WIVES FOR MERCHANT IN California, age 59. worth $95,000; doctor in Oregon, age 36. worth $22,000; banker, age 48. worth $7o,o00. Family Circle. Toledo. Ohio. VIM. VIGOR. VITALITY DU PONT ET Cle'a Kola Tablets, Nature's great tcnic for cither sex; 25c box by mall. Albert Uernt, 2d and Washington, agent, Portland, Or. MARRY WEALTH AND BEAUTY; MAK riage directory free; pay when married; n tirely new plan; send no money. Address H. A. Horton. Dept. 81, Tekonsha. Mich. LADIES. ATTENTION! ORIGINAL FRENCH Tansy Wafers for sale by leading druggists; $2 per box; safe and reliable. S. G. kid more & Co.. Special Agents, 51 3d st. SEXIND PILLS, THE TONIC AND MAS hood builder. Sold by Clemenson, druggist, cor. 2d and Yamhill sts., Portland, Or.; $1 a box, 6 for $5. with guarantee. A YOUNG MAN OF 25, STRANGER, WITH some means, would like to make the ac quaintance of nice young- lady; object mat rimony. D 91, Oregonlan. GENTLEMAN WOULD MEET LADY. MAT rimonially Inclined, with some means, to start chicken ranch near city. . References. Y 52. Oregonlan. YOUR FORTUNE TOLD BY THE MOST RE llable clairvoyants. Send blrthdate. dime and stamp. Prof. Carl & Rollln. 490 N. Clark St.. Chicago. MARRIAGE PAPER NEW. 12 PAGES IOC. sealed; many worth $100 to $KO.O0o: itn year. Denver Corresponding- Ass n. Dept. 23. Denver. Colo. HANDSOME YOUNG AMERICAN GENTLE man desires acquaintance of colored young lady with little means; object matrimony. L 88, Oregonlan. SELECTIONS MADE, INTRODUCTIONS given honorable ladle3 and gentlemen, re sponsible age. matrimonially inclined. C 82. Oregonlan. WEALTHY YOUNG WIDOW. UNINCLM bered, seeks respectable husband. Adrtiu Jessie L'.. 415 W. Grand ave., Oklahoma City. O. T. WEALTHY LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF refinement, auxlous to marry: photographs and descriptions trie. Box S 64. Canon City. Colo. EASTERN WIDOW. 37. DESIRES Ac quaintance of honorable gentleman of means matrimonially Inclined. O 89. Ore gonlan. GEO. ANDERSON. EXPERT PIANO TUN cr Have Anderson do your work. Order care Flwher Music Company. 190 3d. Phone Red 962. THE WORST CASE OF PILES YIELDS TO one box of E-ru-sa Pile Cure, the cure that cures while other think about It; $1.50. all druggUts. 4 TO 10 DAYS IS THE TIME REQUIRED for Barke Tonic to cure rheumatism, liver, bowel and blood troubles; 75c bottle, ail oruggtsts. LADY OF BUSINESS EXPERIENl B wishes to borrow $350. good interest, from private party, matrimonially Inclined. F 80, Oregonlan. LADY OF 50 HAS $40,000. ALONE IN THE world, wants a good companionable bus band. AdJreas Curran. 1242 Wabash, Chi cago. DETECTIVES ALL KINDS OF INFOKMA tlon secured; operatives of both sexes, high class work: write for prices. P. O. Lock Box 274. MARRIAGE PAPER. WITH LARGE DE scrlptlve list with addresses and photos, mailed for 10c. 1322 5th ave.. Seattle. Wash. M UlRIAGE PAPER BEST PUBLISHED: contains advertisements of marriageable people: mailed free. B. Gunnella, Toledo. Ohio. LADIES. YOU CAN SAVE 50 PER CENT on underwear, klraonas. fine waists, etc.: clear ance sale. Sing Choag- Co.. 333 Morrison. M J. WHARTON. CLEANING AND BE pairing: gentlemen's and ladies' clothing.. 143it 1st st.. Portland, Or. Phone Ren 3163. We print your name on 30 calling cards, prop er size and style. 25c: 230 bustne3 cards, $L Brown &.Schmaie, 223 ist. i-ortiana. ur. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Accu rately and reasonably filled at Eysgell's Phar macy, 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d. WIDOW. AGE 31. WORTH $15,000. DESIRES honorable gentleman correspondent, oojecr. matrimony. Box 35, Toledo, Ohio. WELTMERISM. A SYSTEM OF HEALING disease without drugs or knife. Address Box 64, Sellwood. city. GOOD SALOON ON NORTH 3D; LONG lease, must selL See Nelson, drugstore, IQS North 6th.