TLE SUNDAY O&E&ONLy, POlLAOT,. JTAHUARY 22, 1905. Sunday Services in Portland Churches Baptist. White Temple, corner Twelfth and Tay lor street. Rev. J. Whltcomb Brougher, D. D., pastor "One-Accord" prayer meet ing, 10:15 A. M. Morning service with sermon on "Jesus and the Multitudes," at VHSH A. M. Bible school. 12:10 P. M.; Young- People's meeting, 6:20 P. 5L: serv ices at 7:30 P. M., with sermon by Dr. Brougher on "If I Were a Young Man." Immanuel Baptist Church, Second and Meade atreets, Mead M. Bledsoe, pastor Preaching at 1030 A. M. by Evangelist W. E. Nelll. of Texas. Bible school. 12 M.; B. Y. P. U. meeting, 6:30 P. M.; preaching services, 7:80 P. M. Baptisms at close of evening service. Christian. First, corner Park and Columbia streets, E. S. Jluckley, pastor Sermon, 1030 A. M., op "Holding Down the Truth"; Bible school, 12:15 P. M.: preaching at 730 P. M. on 4The Battle Between Good and Evil": endeavor at 6:30 P. M.; Bible school at 12:15 P. M. Advent Christian Church, 250 Harrison street. Rev. Charles Haffenden, pastor Sunday school 10 A. M.; preaching 11 A. M.; praise service, 730 P. M., with ser mon. Christian Science. First Church ol Christ, Scientist. Scot tish Rite Cathedral, Morrison and Lowns dale streets Services at 11 A. M. and S P. M.: subject, "Love"; Sunday school -at close of morning service. Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Auditorium building. Third, between Tay lor and Salmon streets Sunday services. 11 A. M. and S P. M.; subject. "Love"; Sunday school, 11 A. M., in the reading rooms. Evangelical Association. First German Church, corner Tenth and Clay streets, Thco Schauer, pastor Wor ship and sermon, 10:45 A. M., and service at 730 P. M.: Sunday school, 9:30 A. M.; Y. P. A., IP. 1L Congregational. First. Park and Madison streets. Rev. E. L. House, D. D. pastor Morning serv ice, with eermon on "What the First Con gregational Church of Portland Should Do, As Answered by Drs. Hill, Brougher. Short, Muckley and House," at 1030 o'clock; service in the evening, with ser mon on "Noah's Carpenters." at 730 o'clock; Sunday school. 12:15 P. M.; Y. P. g. C. E. at 630 P. M. Pilgrim Chapel. Second street, near Lin coln. IT. A. Start, 'superintendent Sun day school, 930 A M. Latter-Day Saints. Church of Jesus Christ of L.-D, S.. Alisky building, Hall 400, corner Third and Morrison-Services at 11:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. People's Christian Union. Unity Hall. 162 Second street 11 A. M., individual interpretation of the Scrip tures, subject, "Our Children's Children." a study of the life of Joseph; 12:15 P. M., study class in life problems; 7:45 P. M., concert by Union Orchestra; 8:15 P. M-, science lecture by Mr. Coulter, subject, "Electricity and the Origin of Specie." Divine Truth Center. Divine Truth Chapel, corner1 Eleventh and Montgomery streets. Thaddeus M.. Minard, pastor Services at 11 A. M. Episcopal. Chapel of the Transfiguration, Sixth street, near Oak. Rev. W. R. Powell, chaplain Service and sermon, 11 A. M.; Sunday school, 9:45 A. M. St. Stephen's. Thirteenth and Clay streets, Rev. Thomas N. Wilson. rector Morning servico and communion, 11 o'clock: Sunday school, 9:45 A. M. St. Mark's Church. Nineteenth and Quimby streets. Rev. J. E. Simpson, rec torHoly communion. 8 A. M.; Sunday chooI. 10 A. M.; morning prayer and litany, 11 o'clock; evening prayer, 7:30 o'clock. Trinity -Chapel, Nineteenth street, near Washington, Dr. A. Al Morrison, rector Holy communion, 8 A. M,: morning serv ice. 11 o'clock; evening service, 7:30 o'clock; Sunday school, 9:30 A. M. Qt. Matthew's, corner First and Caruth ers streets. Row W. A. M. Breck In charge Holy communion and servico, 11 A. M.; Sunday school, 9:45 A. M. Methodist Episcopal. Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, cor ner Twelfth and Taylor streets, Gilbert Ward Dennlston. acting pastor 9:30 A. M., class meeting: 10:30 A. M., ser mon on "The Mission of Suffering;" 6:30 P. M.. Epworth League; 12:15 P. M.. Sun day sohool; 7:30 P. M., public Installation service of the Brotherhood of St. Paul. Taylor-Street Methodist Church. Dr. Francis Burgettc Short, pastor 9:30 A. M., rlafses; 10:30. morning services, subject The Mind's Measure of Christ;" 12:15 P. M.. Sunday school; C:30 P. M., Epworth League: 7:30. evening sermon on "The Inevitable Result of Sin." Epworth Church. Twenty-third and Irving, Rev. Henry T. Atkinson. pastor Sunday school, 10 A. M.; preaching. 11 A. M.. subject "The Mistake of the Mul titude; Epworth League, 6:30 P. SI., preaching. 7:30 P. M. on "One Woman's Influonce." Lutheran. St. James' English Lutheran Church, corner West Park and Jefferson streets, J. A. Leas, pastor Services. 11 A. M., with sermon: Sunday sunool, 10 A. M.; no evening servico. Norwegian Lutheran Church. 43 Four teenth street. North. Rev. J. M. Nervlg, pastor Services. 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.; Sunday school, 9:45 A. M. Methodist South. Him M. E. Church. South. 171 Second street. Rev. E. IL Mowre. pastor Regu lar service, 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.; Sun day school. 10 A. M.; Epworth League, 15:30 P. M. Presbyterian-. '"alvary Presbyterian Church, corner Eleventh and Clay streets. Rev. W. S. Gilbert, pastor Services. 10:30 A. M., with fcermon on "The Way. the Truth and the I4fe:' service?. 7:30 P. il.. with sermon n "The Closed Door:" special music. Missions. Berca Mission. Seconod and Jefferson streets. Rev. J. II. Allen, pastor Serv ice. 10:30 A. M.: address by Dr. D. W. Schwartz: preaching. 7:80 P. M.. under direction of Holiness Mission. United Evangelical Mission, Ruth's Hall. Savler struct, between Twenty-flrst and Twentyicond streets. H. J. Holzapfel, pastor Sunday school. 9:30 A. M.; Ger man preaching service. 10:30 A. M.; Eng lish prcaohing. 7:30 P. M. Spiritualists. Hirst Spiritualist Society. Artisans" Hall. Ablngton building Conference. 11 A. M.; fhlldron'R Progressive Lycoum. 1230 P. M.; Jccture, 7:43 P. M.. by Rev. G. C. I.ove and Mrs. J. N. Coulter. Unitarian. First Unitarian. Yamhill and Seventh streets. Rev. George Croswell Cressey, D. D.. pastor Services with discourse on Religious Liberty and Its Fruits." ll A. M.: Sunday school. 12:30 P. M.: Will lam G. Eliot Fraternity. 7 P. M.; Mr. ". H. Meussdorffer. Jr., speaks on "The Philippine Islands and People" at 7 P. M. Millennial Dawn. Millenial Dawn. G. A. R. Hall, north east corner Second and Morrison streets Services at 2:30 P. M. Y. M. C. A. Sunday club meeting. S P. M.. at Y. M. C. A. auditorium, 161 Fourth street The Oliphant sisters, of Chicago, will have charge of the meeting with addresses and songs to men. Half-hour concert by Coulter's orchestra. Zion. Christian Catholic Apostolic Church In .Zion, Rev. John Alexander Dowie. gen eral overseer: Rev. Charles A, Hoy, elder In charge, Alisky Hall. No. 201, second floor, corner Third and Morrison streets Junior meeting, 2 P. M.; services, 3 P. M.; subject. "The Power of God's Eternal TVord." Swedenborgian. Portland New Church Society, Sweden borgian, chapel 228 Sixth street Sunday school, 10:30 A. M.; lay service, 11 A. M. Volunteers of America. Barracks. 267 Ankehy street Special meeting Sunday evening at S P. M.; Sun day school. 3 P. M. EAST SIDE. Baptist. Second Baptist Church. Seventh and East Ankeny, Rev. S. C. Laphara. pastor Service, 1030 A. M.. with sermon; Bible school, 12 M-; Young People's Union, 6:30 P. M.; service, 7:30 P. M.. with sermon. Bethany Baptist, Sellwood Sunday school at 11 A. M.; preaching at noon and at 7:30 P. M. Central Church, Woodmen of the World building. East Sixth and East ider streets, William E. Randall, minister Service with sermon on "Believing Under Difficulties." 10:45 A. M.; Bible school. 12 M.; service with sermon on "Bribery or Merit." 7:30 P. M. Congregational. Highland Congregational Church, corner Prescott and East Sixth street North, Rev. A. M. Rockwood, pastor Sunday school. 10 A. M.; preaching service, 11 A. M., with sermon on "Duty Versus Inclina tion"; Junior Endeavor, 3 P. M.: evening service, 7:30, sermon on "A Binding Mes sage." Mississippi-Avenue Congregational, cor ner of Mississippi avenue and Fremont, Rev. C M. Smythe, pastor Sunday school, 10 A. XL; morning service, Jl o'clock: services, 7:30 P. M.; Christian Endeavor. 6:30 P. M. Hassalo-Street Congregational, East Seventh street North and Hassalo street. Rev. Charles E. Chase, pastor Services Tilth sermon at 10:30 A. M. and 730 P. M.; Sunday school at 12 M.; Christian En deavor at 630 Pt M. Sunnyside Congregational, corner East Taylor and East Thirty-fourth streets; Rev. J. J. Staub, pastor Morning service at 11 o'clock, with sermon on "The Bap tism of Fire" and children's sermon on "A Fine Position"; evening service at 7:30 o'clock, -with eermon on "Things That Last": Sunday school at 10 A. M.; Chris tian Endeavor service at 6:30 o'clock. St. John's Congregational Church, in Beckner's Hall 3:80 P. M.. preaching by Rev. J. J. Staub. University Park Congregational Church, Haywood Auditorium 3:30 P. M., preach ing by Dr. E. L. House. Laurel wood Congregational Church, Rev. C MacPherson, pastor Preaching at 7:30 P. M.; Sunday school at 3 P. M.; Y. P. S. C E. at 6:30 P. M. Episcopal. St David's Episcopal. East Twelfth and Belmont, Rev. George B. Van Waters. D. D.. rector Morning prayer at 11 A. Ml; Sunday school, 9:45 A. M.; evening service at 7:30. Good Shepherd. Sellwood and Vancouver avenues. Rev. John Dawson, rector Sun day school, 10 A. M.; morning prayer and litany at 11 A. M.; evening prayer and sermon at 7:30 o'clock. St. John's Memorial. Sellwood. Rev. W. R, Powell In charge Sunday school. 11 A. M.; evening service and sermon, 7:45. St. Paul's Church. Woodmere, Rev. W. R. Powell in charge Service and sermon at 4 P. M. Christian, Rodney Avenue, corner of Rodney avenue and Knott street. Albyn Esson, minister Service, with sermon, on "Conversion of Saul of Tarsus," at 11 A. M.; Sunday school. 9:45 A. M.; Young; People's Society of Christian Endeavor, 6:30 P.3L; service with sermon on "The Church That Christ Built" at 7:30 P. M. Central, East Twentieth and Salmon streets, Rev. J. F. Ghormley, D. D., pasl tor Preaching, 10:30 A. 1L. on "Posi tive Divine Institution"; 7:30 P. M.. evangelistic services: Sundav sr.hnni M.; Junior Endeavor, 3J20 P. M.; Senior jnaeavor, t:aa r. la, Methodist. Central Methodist Church, corner kusscu ana Jverby streets, Albina, F. Pretty Event at Brilliant Gathering ception Gossip of WASHINGTON, Jan. 16. (Special.) Diplomats of all ages, size and color, representing 38 countries and four continents, responded to an Invitation to the first evening reception at the White House for 1905. The home of Presidents was in gala array and brilliantly lighted for tho occasion. The suite of handsome state parlors were cleared of every superfluous article of furniture, and in lieu of the massed decoration of former j'ears. there were clusters of choice roses and carna tions, orchids and fern, from the Govern ment gardens. As a special mark of fa vor, the members of the diplomatic corps who, at this particular reception were the President's guests of honor, were in vited to enter the south door of the White House. This brought them at once to the waiting-rooms set apart for their use, and enabled them to more easily reach the blue room whore they were re ceived. All other guests entered the East door of the basement, slowly wended their way through the long corridors, di vesting themselves of their wraps en route to the grand stairway leading to the state parlors on the floor above. With 3500 people thus gathered there were necessarily old acquaintances to be renewed and new ties formed, so tho time was pleasantly jipent. not amid draughts, as In the days of the old White House, but In a comfortable atmosphere sur rounded by choice portraits of former first ladies of the land and specimens of bric-a-brac of each regime. Mounting the steps to the music of the Marine Band, they passed more rapidly through the palm-decorated white marble vestibule, where the red-uniformed band men were stationed, through the private and state dining-rooms Into the red par lor, where the single liae was formed, and then into the blueroom. where the presentation took place. Each, guest was Introduced to the President. Mrs. Roose velt and the ladles of the Cabinet in the order of their husband's precedence Mrs. Hay first. Mrs. Shaw next and then Mrs. Tart Mrs. Paul MortonN who, like Mrs. Taft. Mrs. Wynne and Mrs. Metcalf, made her iirst appearance in line at an official evening reception, was sandwiched between the wife of tho Postmaster-General and Mrs. Hitchcock. Miss Flora Wil son, as the hostess of her father's home. Is privileged to stand In tho place re served for the wife of the Secretary of Agriculture. She is now in Paris, and for the first time since Mr. Wilson's advent Into the Cabinet, nine years ago, was not In line. Mrs. Metcalf, the sole feminine representative of the Far West in the present Cabinet, is last on the list, as her husband has charge of the De partment of Commerce and Labor, the latest portfolio to be added to the Cab inet. The expression "behind the line." which In times past was Used to designate the location of those invited to assist unof ficially. Is no longer permissible, since the favored few are now stationed In the blueroom. In front of the receiving party, and only separated from It by a silken thread which indicates the way for sucsU L. Young, pastor Morning services, 10:30; Sunday school, 12 M.; evening services, 7:30; Epworth League service, 6:30 P. M. Trjnity. corner East Tenth-and Grant streets. Rev. Harold Oberg, pastor Services at 11 A. M. with sermon on "The Joys ot Yesterday"; services, with sermon. 7:30 P. JL, subject, ."Enthusi asm"; Sunday school, 10 A. M.; Epworth League, 6:30 P. M. Centenary M E Church. Ninth and East Pine. William H. Heppe, D. D., pastor Union services at 10:30 A. M., preaching by Evangelist Glllam; mass meeting at 3 P. M.; 7:80 P. M-, sermon by Rev. Mr. Glllam: Epworth League unites In services with B. Y. P. U. of Second Baptist Church at 6:15 P. M.; Sunday school. 12:15 P. M. Patton M. E., Michigan avenue and Alberta street, Asa Sleeth. pastpr Preaching. 11 A. M.; Sunday school, 12:15 P. M.; services, 7:30 P. M. -Presbyterian. Piedmont Chapel, corner Cleveland avenue and Jarret street. Rev. L. Myron Boozer, pastor Sermons by the pastor, 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.; Sunday school, 10 A. M. First Cumberland, corner Twelfth and East Taylor streets, Rev. E. Nelson Al len Service. 10:30 A, M. with sermon on "The Question of Divine Provi dence"; Sunday sohopl, 12 M.; Junior Endeavor. 3:30 P. M.; 6:30 P. M-. Senior Endeavor; sermon, 7:30 P. M. on "Sun shine and Shadow." Evangelical Association. First English Church, corner East Sixth and Market streets. Rev. G. W Plumer, pastor Worship, and sermon at li A. M.; Sunday school, 10 A. M.; Junior Alliance, 3 P. M.; revival meet ings at 8 P. JL United Evangelical. Second United, corner of Fargo and Kerby streets. Rev. J. Bowersox, pas tor Preaching, 11 A. M., on "The Pre rogatives of Abiding In Him," and at 7:30 P. M.; Sunday school. 10 A. M.; K. L. C. E.. 6:45 P. M. United Evangelical Church, St, Johns,. E. E. McVicker, pastor Preach ing at 11 A. M. on "The Christian, the Glory and Joy of the Faithful Minis ter"; Sunday school. 10 A. M.; Junior K. L. C. E, 2:30 P. M.; Senior K. L. C E. 6:45 P. M.; sermon. 7:30 P. M., on "The Justice of God." First United Evangelical Church, corner East Tenth arid Sheman streets. Rev. T. R. Smith, pastor Sup day school, 10 A. M.; service,-11 A. M.; Christian Endeavor, 6:30 P. M.; serv ices, 7:30 P. M. Lutheran. Bethania Danish Lutheran Church, corner Union avenue arid Morris street Sunday services, 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M.; Sunday school, 12 M. Our Savior's Norwegian Synod Church, corner East Tenth and Grant atreets, O. Hagocs, pastor Services, 11 A. M.; Sunday school, 9:30 A. M.; no evening service. Unlversalist. First Church. East Couch and East Eighth streets Sermon, 11 A. M., by Rev. I. M. Atwood; Sunday school, 12:15 P. M.: sermon at 7;30 p. M. African Methodist. A. M. E. Zion Church, Thirteenth and Main streets. Rev. G. E. Jackson, pas tor Services at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Episcopal. All Saints' Church, Twenty-second and Reed streets. Rev. Robert Hope, Ph. D.,' D. D., rector Sunday services at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. St. Andrew's Peninsula, Rev. John Dawson, rector Holy communion and sermon at 3 P. M. Reorganized Church, Williams ave nue and Day. street Preaching at 11 A M. and 7:3T P." M.; Sunday school, 10 A. M. Church of Our Savior, Woodstock- Sunday school, 2:30 P. M.; evening prayer and-sermon, 3:30 P. M. Friends. Friends Church, corner East Thirty- fifth and East Main streets, Edward D, Smith, pastor Sunday school, 10 A. M.; preaching, 11 A. M.; Christian Endeavor at 6:30 P. M.; evangelistic services at 7:30 P. M. by Evangelist Charles F. Weigel, of Kentucky. the White House at ?irst Evening Re- the National Capital. to pass after being presented to the Prcsl dent and receiving mrty. After passing from the Blue Room, distinguished men and beautiful women representing the great and small so clal lions of many states and nations assembled In the Green Parlor and tho East Room beyond, to exchange greet ings with eaoh other and to gaze upon the good clothes of their neighbors. The scene was the New Year's recep tlon with an evening setting, and under the Influence of the occasion everyone seemed to forget for the tlmo national and international differences. To some It was a farewell, to others it was only the beginning of their life at the Capital of the Great Republic According to rumor, this is the last diplomatic reception the Brazilian Charge d'Aitaires, Mr. Ferrelra, will at tend at Columbia's court for some time. as it is expected that he will be trans ferred to a Earopean post upon the ar rival of his successor, Mr. Nubisco, who is appointed to Washington from London. Mr. Nubisco will come, to this country as an Ambassador the first diplomat of that rank to represent a South American Republic at this capi tal and it Is said that our Government rather discouraged the action. Never theless. Brazil's decision to elevate her legation hera to an embassy will necessitate a similar move on the part of the American Government, and will result in making Mr. David E Tbomp son, of Nebraska, the American Minis ter to Brazil Ambassador to Rio Jan- iero. unless Congress should see fit to change its policy in naming Ambas sadors to all countries sending Am bassadors to Washington. Great Britain. Germany. France, Rus sia, Austria-Hungary, Italy and Mexico are the only powers having a personal representative now in this country, and in the cases of France and Germany tho hostess of the embassy is an Ameri can woman. The charity ball, for the benefit of the Children s Hospital, was the danc Ing event of the week, aqd though In Itself a very large affair, was a minla ture Inaugural ball, in that the price of a ticket was the only thing- to prevent the world from entering Into the dance. Mrs. William R. Mcrriam. wife of the former Governor of Minnesota, and Mrs. Rodgers wife of Admiral Rodgers. re eelved the guests in the red ballroom of the New Wlllard. where the Marine Band was stationed to alternate with the Engineers' Band In the pink ball room In furnishing the music of the evening. Horace Wescott. chairman of the floor committee, was assisted by Representa live Adams, Senor don Rodrigo d'AzpIroz, Hon. Butler Ames. Lieutenant Butler, Norman Bestor. Commander Boutakoff, of the Russian Embassy: Baron Bussche, of the German Embassy: Messrs. Charles L. Fitzhugh, Archibald Hopkins and "Ar thur Goldsborough; Hon. F. Burton Har rison. Hon. M. E. Olmsted. J. B. Hender son. Jr., Waddy B. Wood, Richard Weightman. Dr. Thomas Nelson Page. Senator Newlands, Assistant Secretary of 1 State Loomls, Dr. Alex Maxruderr Colonel Henry May, and half & hundred more prominent men of Use city. The Ut of Mtratesses of this sopular charity iaclud-ed the name of every wom an of note la the cabinet, t&e Diplomatic Corps, Supreme Court or Congressional circles. . Among those. entertaining dinner com panies who later attended the hall were the Commissioner ot Patents and Mrs. Frederick I. Allen. Their guests were the Chinese Minister, the Secretary of the Interior and Mrs. Hitchcock. Senator and Mrs. Knox, Mr. and Mrs. C H. Keep. Ma jor and Mrs. Denny, Mr. and Miss An drews, of Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Wads worth, and Miss Hitchcock Mrs. Chaffee, wife of the Chief of Staff. U. S. A., was hostess at one of the most largely attended of the week's afternoon receptions. She was assisted by Mrs. Hall. jars, .tsromwen, sirs. Shame, wives of officers In the. Army, and Miss Hitchcock, daughter of the Secretary of the Interior. Mrs. Chaffee w!! also be at home Janu ary 24. At Mrs. Cbatfee's, as well as everywhere. two or three Army wonien are gathered together, the restoration of tho canteen and the battle-royal now being waged be tween tne ladles of the Army and Navy League on the one hand, and the members of the W. C. T. U. on the other, was a topic of conversation. Mrs. Sternberg. wife of the former Surgeon-General of the Army, is president of the league, and Mrs. Clinton Smith, president of the local Drancn of the W. C. T. U. Both ladies declare- that the battle will be a fight to the finish, and as the halls of Congress are to be the place for the final skirmish, with Congressmen lined up on either side. me denouement promises to be most Interesting. It would be funny but for the seriousness of the subject under dis cussion. That keeps even the irrepressi- me man from having a merry Joke over the "to bo or not to be" of the Army can teen, as seen from the viewpoint of. the good women of Washington. ueneral and Mrs. Gillespie gave an at tractive dinner party this week, when they had as special guests the Secretary of War and Mrs. Taft. Invited to meet the Secretary and his wife were Justice and Mrs. Brown. General and Mrs. Fltzhuch. Admiral and Mrs. Higginson, Mr. and Mrs. wuuam. Jfneip Eno. Mr. and Mrs. Crop per, Mrs. Robert Gillespie and General Crozier. An interesting company invited to the home of Mrs. James F. Barbour for a bridge-luncheon on Tuesday Included Mme. Calvo. of Costa Rica; Mme. Perez, of Mexico; Mrs. Reuling and Mrs. Reed, of Baltimore: Mrs. Doueherty. of Phila delphia; Miss Helen Cannon, daughter of tne bpeaker of the Houso of Representa tives; Mrs. Preston Sands. Mrs. Belknap. Mrs. John Paul Jones, Mrs. X. S. Lin coln, Miss Morris, Mrs. J. S. Webb. Mrs. George Maryc, Mrs. Claude A. Swanson. Mrs. Shriver, Mrs. II. W. Fuller, Mrs. iTea Chapln, Mrs. Weston and. Miss GItUngs. Mr. John Drew has long been a stage favorite In "Washington, and his appear ance as the Duke of Killicranklo at the National Theater this week was the rea son for several smart box parties. Mme. Bonaparte was hostess" at one of these, having as her guests her son-in-law and daughter. Count and Countess do Moltke; Miss Mathilde Townsend and Mr. Jerome Bonaparte. Mr. and Mrs. C ran ford, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mcarnes and Miss Kauf- The new opera bags In evidence are quite reminiscent of the bepowdered and bepatched beauties of the ancient regime. A particularly charming specimen used as an accessory to a debutante s costume the other evening was in pastel shades of bluo and pink, with small satin bows to enliven the design. Golden bars at tho top and silken cords for the shirring made the tout ensemble as dainty as any thing ever conjured for the , bewitching Mme. Pompadour herself. GRACE PORTER HOPKINS. Photq-Histtprion of Vanishing Race (Continued from .Page 21.) baskets. The cigarettes, as well as the sticks, are painted tho colors of the cardinal points, and are carried out one by one, by tho different masked figures, to their respective cardinal points as a sacrifice or offering to the ffods. "The ceremony continues from day to day, the patient being sweated each day, with due respect to the cardinal points and none whatever for his strength. I should say that it takes a pretty strong patient to go through It -all, and surely a wealthy one. for he has to stand all the expense, includ ing feeding the immense throng which gathers for the final night. To. the av erage person, and the Indian as well, the last day Is the whole affair. The Indians from a distance have been rap- Idly gathering since the sixth day. By noon of today thero are probably 15,000 people In the camp. "Ceremony In the hogan, horse races. footraces, gambling, all sorts of amuse ment and recreation on every side. Great quantities of wood have been hauled and piled, up for the Illuminating fires. As soon as It Is dark the fires are kindled. These are In two rows, leaving an open avenue between. The spectators take their place between these two rows of fires, leaving the open court. Back of these are the mounted spectators. The early part of the evening is simply spent In gossip, visiting and perhaps a group here -and there gambling. By 9 o'clock the first set of dancers enter the dance circle, taking their places close to the hogan. The patient comes out, sprinkles sacred meal along the different figures, after which the dancing begins. These dances are a complicated series of movements. some one of their many dramatized stories. Dancers Proud of Their Feats. "The participants take great pride In the skill qf their dancing. The poorer dancers take their places early In the even Ing, and as the night wears on. the better sets of dancers take their places. These sets of dancers come from different parts of the reservation. Men who have danced together as sets for many years. One set after another comes on, just long enough between for the masks to be changed from one set to another. The last song to be danced Is the one which is known as the "Blue Bird" song. It matters not at what time of the night the "Blue Bird song would bo given, that would be the closing of the ceremonies. They usually plan to have this final set of dancers come on just at daylight, and the moment the song closes the people begin to depart. and In this particular case in 15 minutes after the dancers left the circle, you could scarcely see a Navajo. Into the great desert they had disappeared as they came one by one groups of six, ten. or a doz en." MARION MAC RAE. CONSUL UTT.T.TTB.' TO LECTURE Descriptions of War Scenes in Man churia Will Be Given. Consul-General Henry B. Miller yes terday sent to Will G. Steel 154 choice views of the Manchurian country, em- .mpsKyxx-ri. ROSE EYTJINGE TcpU yrapercd for stife. rulylt. riUtfonm or parlor. EJtbar jKival eiHM or claw work. Tor tin ul 8 ir at 261 Thirteenth Street raexx maix IMS. WITVTTRFr RHEUMATISM 11 1 LIY A DEMON OF FAIN TERRORS DISGUSTINGDANGEROUS they have little bodily comfort or pleasure during this season, for the time not spent in solute suffering is employed in "doctoring" and treating these miserable diseases. RHEU H ATI SM .is a deep seated disease caused by a sour, acid condition of the blood re sulting from bad digestion,, weak kidneys, poor bowel action, stomach troubles, etc. 'The poisons and accumulations which should pass off through the avenues of bodily waste act retained in the system, to be absorbed bv the , t ' , 4W - . - J - ' J . Thai? . mmm aitnnTcnf TnflrrTnafo-rr T7.1wmlo.i til uted to the different joints, muscles, benes and nerves of the body, producing the pain of Rheumatism. The muscles contract, the joints inflame and stiffen, pains shoot through the body, and every movement is ac companied with excruciating agony. The first breath of Winter brings on the symp toms, and at every exposure to cold or damp weather there is another attack. Plasters, liniments, oils, etc, do not reach the disease, wljich is in the blood, and valuable time is lost by experimenting with these, because all the while the poison is accumulating in the blood and the disease getting a stronger hold on the system, that may result in shattered nerves, weak heart or permanently crippled limbs. CATARRH, with all its loathsome and dangerous symptomsis fanned into life when cold weather comesj and the patient knows he must go through the winter "hawking and spitting," with dull headaches, an annoying, thin, watery discharge from the nostrils, and half sick feeling all the time. In vain, he tries washes, sprays and .inhalations, with onlv temporary relief,' because the trouble is in the blood and beyond the reach of surface treatment. The blood is filled with waste matter and catarrhal poisons caused by the inactivity of the organs, and if these are not $2tpll4 and the blood built up, the disease becomes dangerous and often leads to Consumption. S. S. S. is a perfect blood purifier and cleanses the blood of all poisons and impurities, and as it circulates through the body it nourishes and soothes the irritated nerves, acning IIP j Book containing information about either disease and any advice wished will be given by " our physicians without charge. jfjE SWIFT SPEGIFH3 COMPANY, ATLANTA, A. bracing scenes wnere the present war is transpiring:. Others will be brought up by Mr. Miller himself, who will per sonally superintend the making of the lantern slides to illustrate the lecturo which he will give on his return from Washington. This lecture, which will be for the benefit of the Mazamas, promises to be the event of the season, for Mr. Miller Is lately from the scene of war and can give thrilling descrip tions of operations there as well as an Interesting story of the native Ufa and customs. The event will be eagerly anticipated by all Oregonians, and the Mazamas are making great prepara tions for it. Mr. Miller goes to Washington this week, and It is his intention to ask for a transfer" to Toklo, as the climate of Manchuria does not agree with him; and his health requires a change. He will not be absent any length of time and it Is now thought that the date of his lecture will be early in February. Roosevelt to Take Another Degree. President Roosevelt, who is stated to have accepted the Invitation of Williams Callege to attend the commencement In June, will receive the degree of LL. D. The President will reach Willlamstown on June 20 or 21, and remain a day or two as the guest of President Henry Hopkins. He will then go to Cambridge to attend Ltt Phots at FRANCES MARIE Ae Four Years. 960 OvffeM Botitf. OMcs. Stamps to pay postage. ' " oK a-Li: ani ouakantkkd bx VVOODARD, CLARKE & COMPANY. ven when the body is strong and free from disease the blood pure and healthy and every member working in harmony with nature, the cold, bleak winds of Winter, its ice and snow are disagreeable, and we are glad to see the "Ice Jung" give piace to ppring wim its warm, pleas ant weather. There are many, however, who must, in addition to the disagreeable, unpleasant weather, bear the suffering and distress of Rheu matisni and Catarrh the terrors of Winter and muscles, joints and mucous membrane, and cures JtCneu matism and Catarrh permanently: and while it is thorough in its action, it is gentle and never leaves any -bad results. fc. o. o. builds up every part or tne system oy its nne tonic effect, increases the appetite, aids the digestion and pu,ts every part in good working condition. S. 3.& is purely vegetable, and does not iniure the system in the least commencement at Harvard an.d the twenty-fifth anniversary of the graduation of his class. MiTTEOKOlOGICAI. KEFOKT. PORTLAND. Jan. 21. Maximum tempera ture, 44. de?.; minimum, 33. River reading at 11 A. II.. 3.6 tt; change In past 24 hours, rise 0.4 foot. Total precipitation. S P. M. to 5 P. K., 0.03 inch; total since September 1, 10O4. 18.43 lnchs; normal, 24.23; deficiency; 6.S1. Total sunshine January 20. 1005, 3 hiura and 42 minutes; possible. 0 hours and 14 min utes. Baromefar (reduced to sea level), at S P. M., 29.80. "WEATHER CONDITIONS. A xnoder&to disturbance Is central this even ing off the Washington coast, moving slowly inland. Southeast storm warnings -were or dered displayed along the Strait of Fuca. at the mouth of the Columbia. River and along the Oregon coast at 10 A. M. this morning for high southeast shirting to southwest winds. High easterly winds have prevailed today along the "Strait of Fuca. and brisk winds along the coast. At Tatoosh Island, a mailmum veloc ity of B2 miles an hour from the east was reported. Light to moderately heavy rains have oc curred throughout the North Pacific States and in. Northern California, except In the more elevated portions of Eastern Oregon, Eastern "Washington and Idaho, where light snow fell. The Indications are for continued unsettled weather In this district Sunday, with rain west Grew PROVE IT. Little Frances Marie Knowlton Is the dautH ter of. Dr. E. IV. Knowlton, the dlscoyeret of this great hair-growing remedy, and her beauti ful hair was grown wholly by the use ef this treat tonic. This little girl had no mors hair than the areraKO child before using Danderine. while now1 she has the longest and most beautiful head of golden hair eTer possessed by a chill of her age In the world. Danderine makes the scalp healthy and fertile and keeps It so. It Is the greattst scalp fertili zer and therefore the greatest halr-producing-remedy 6yer dlscorttea. It Is a natural food and a wholesome medicine for both the hair and scalp. Even a 23c. bottle of It will put more genuine life In your hair than a gallon of any other hair tonic ever made. , "SLat i!I druggists, and lpl.00 per bottle. To show how si send a. Iartre who sends this advertisement to tfcr VuuMa. n KNOWLTON. C.. GhicSO. "With name knee?, from which. I -was enable to leaya JEj room for aT aral months. I was treated by two doetors-aa4 alse tri4 different kinds of liniments and medicines whipk emd to relieve me from pain for awhile, bat at he ua ilia I wax not any nearer getting well. One day while' reading a paper I saw an advertisement of S. S. S. for heamstlsSL. 1 decided to give it a trial, which I. did t once. After .1 had taken three bottles I felt a great deal better,, aad T still continued to take it regularly until 1 was eatirnly crnrecL X now feel better than for years, and I ckearfwlly reoooh mend S. S. S. to any- one suffering from Rheasiatifflft. 613 32d St., Newport News; Va. O. E. GILDXRSLEIYIT. Gentlemen : I had a bad case of Catarrh, ai4. 4d ta usual treatment of sprays and gashes witkoat aay benefit. Several doctors told me I could, not b cured. ! had a continual headache, my cheeks' had grows, purple, my nose was always stopped up, sny breath had a sicken ing and disgusting odor, and I ooughed incessantly. I heard of S. S, S. and wrote to you. Qa your recommen dation I commenced to use it, and after taking several bottles I was cured and have nevSr siaoe kad the slightest symptoms of the disease, I will always be glad, to reeom? to other sufferers. Respectfully, , 7th & Felix Sts., Si Joseph, Mo. STORK. of tha Cascad& and Tain or snow to the easi of this range of mountains. WEATHER FORECASTS. forecasts made at Portland at S P. M. fori 2S hours ending at midnight. January 22i Portland and vicinity Ram; brisk sotttheflyl winas. Western Oregon and Western JWashlortc Rain; brisk southeasterly winds, pTotirSly tnft.1 along the coast and shifting to southwejt, I Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and! luano itain or snow. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. to 91 a Wind, STATIONS. Baker City Bismarck ........ Boise Eureka Helena Kamloops. B. C North Head Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roseburg ........ Sacramento Salt Lake City... San Francisco ... Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island ... "Walla Walla. t88iO.02 1 4 T 44)0.04 Nj0.20 ! 41 T ISB NW Sf'SE 8) SB ot IClcrady Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Enow Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Snoft' cioudr cloudy Cloudy 34 .... 148 T 440.02; 54i0.00 SE iejsE WIO.Ol aw ,s 6BO. OS 44 T 10iS P6!o.o6 44,0.02 44'0.oll alp)! SB. 1210.041 isw Light. T trace. trme This Hair AND WE CAN in three thts, 218, SO cttti auicklv :it sunnV fr ti.. r and arMrc A J?-r"7