The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 22, 1905, PART THREE, Page 20, Image 20

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    THE. aUDAt 0EG0ii4N, PORTLAND, SiUAB? 22, 1905.
I !
MfmllE week's programme of social af
I lalre wa3 well filled with delightful
home entertainments. Including also
some unusually Interesting church and
club events. A reception was held at th.e
Commercial Club on Monday evening by
the Equal Suffrage Association, In honor
of Miss Mary Chase,' president of the
"Woman Suffrage Association of New
Ilarniwhl! e.
The old ladles at the Patton Home and
a large number of their friends enjoyed
a musical and tea on Tuesday afternoon,
and among church affairs were the chafing
dish supper given by the Men's League
at the First Presbyterian Church, an In
formal musicale given on Wednesday by
the Sodality of St. Mary's Church and
the meeting on Friday afternoon of the
Women's Home and Foreign Missionary
Societies of Taylor-Street Methodist Epis
copal Church. The members had the
pleasure of hearing Bishop Moore give a
most Interesting talk on missionary work
of the church in Japan, whore, he says,
a ast amount of good la being accom
plished. -
An Informal dunce was given by Mr. and
Mrs. J. Wceley Ladd at the Hotel Esta
uida on "Wednesday evening, the host and
hostess taking their guests out on a spe
cial car from the city. About SO young
people wcro entertained and they en
Joyed the dance thoroughly. The music
was "by Parson's orchestra.
T.i- party included Mr. and "Mrs. Ladd,
Mr. and Mrs. John Kollock, Mr. and Mrs.
Morton lnslcy. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt Lewis,
Miss Burns. Miss Kathleen Burns, Miss
Patsy Bryan. Miss Nan "Wood. Miss Hazel
Dolph. Miss Alice Sibson. Miss EttaHon-
eyraan. Mlsa Inez. Karrctt, miss unanouc
Whalley. MIrs Flanders, Miss Lou Flan
'ders. Miss Miriam Strong. Miss Amy
Heltshu, Miss Laurie King, Dr. Herbert
,N'chols, Mr. John Careon. Mr. Whalley
Watson, Mr. Ed Urella, Mr. Harry Cor
bett, Mr. Marlon Dolph, Mr. David Hon
eyman, Mr. Rodney Gllsan, Mr. Frederick
Holman, Mr. Karl Spuhn, Mr. T. Scott
Brooke, Mr. David Lewis, Mr. Roderick
Macleay.Mr. Thales Linthlcum, Mr.
Chester Murphy.
Miss Laura Jordan Is bding entertained
at numerous informal affairs among her
friends on account of her coming mar
riage to Carl Lewis, which will take place
jit St. Mark's -Episcopal Church on "Wed
nesday evening at 8:30. Miss Jordan
Is one of the. moat delightful girls In Port
land society, one of the sort who is al
ways In demand to help the hostesses at
.afternoon teas and receptions, and who
receives a large amount of attention at
dances. So it goes without saying that
there are scores of friends -who regret that
Mr. Lewis Is going to take his bride to
Seattle to live.
Mrs. Walter Burrell gave a luncheon of
exquisite arrangement on Wednesday. In
.the center of tKe table was a large bowl
"of narcissus, clusters of violets complet
ing the decoration. Those present were:
Mm Whltesldes, Mrs. Ned Ayer. Mrs.
Warren . Houghton, Mrs. J. R, Stephens,
.Mrs. Rounsefell. Miss May Falling, Mrs.
'Gordon Voorhies. Mrs. Charles Chenery,
Mrs. J. K. Kollock,. Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd
and Miss Falling.
Mrs. Donald Maekay's luncheon on
Wednesday, given to a number of her
young .girl friend, was most delightful
In every particular. The guests who were
-o charmingly entertained were: Mies
Hazel Dolph Miss Ruth Maxwell, Miss
Army Heltshu. Miss Hazel Weldler. Miss
Kate "Woolsey. Miss Etta Honeyman and
Miss Maud Morey.
renditions, so that each one could inter
pret the story told In music, from the
gentle touching strains of the love-story
to the storm of passion. Miss Shelley
divl'ded with Mr. Mills the honors of the
evening with her elocutionary selections.
The Baraca class of Calvary Baptist
Church held its first annual banquet Fri
day evening. January 0, in their rooms
at the church. Well-directed remarks were
given by .Rev. W. E. Randell and Rev.
James A. Clarke. The Baraca male quar
tet entertained with a. couple of good se
lections. The menu served was delightful
to all. This class is the first National
organization in Portland and was attend
ed by 25 members.
Miss Zoe E. McClung entertained a
number of friends on Thursday evening
at the interesting game of whist. The
shorfors" were won by Miss Mae Van Al
stlne and J. Boost, the consolation falling
to L. Gils trap.
At her home, 229 Whitaker street. Mrs.
Willis Fisher, assisted by Miss Minnie
Hunter, delightfully entertained the Jolly
"Whist Club Friday afternoon, Januaxy
20. Many of the ladies were present and
enjoyed the fascinating and interesting
gamo of whist The prize, a handsome
piece of cut glass, was won by Mrs David
Campbell. One of the pleasant features
of the afternoon was the piano solo by
Mrs. Thornton and a vocal solq by Miss
Mrs. Frederick Hopkins charmingly en
tertained about 50 ladles with bridge on
Saturday, January 14, a number of her
friends who do not play dropping in later
in the afternoon. The prizes, consisting
of beautiful baskets of flowers, were won
oy Mrs. John Eben Young, Miss von
Dlstlnon, and Miss Tina Wilson. The
guests were -Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd, Mrs.
Warren Houghton. Mrs. Sydney Boise,
Mrs. Samuel Heltshu, Mrs. C. A. Dolph,
Mrs. Walter V. Smith. Mrs. Frank
Knapp. Mrs. W.'C. Alvord, Mrs. It. Lea
Barnes, Mrs. R. R. Hogue. Mrs. J. Fran
cis Adams, Mrs. John A! ns worth. Mrs. C
E. Chenery. Mrs. E. DcWitt Connell, Mrs.
James Laldlaw, Mrs. A A Morrison. Mrs.
Henry McCraken, Mrs. J. Frank Watson,
Mrs. Joe N. Teal, Mrs. WT. H. Warrens,
Mrs. Frederick Page, Mrs. John Eben
Young. Mrs. Walter Burrell, Mrs. D.
Shlndler. Mrs. Henry Green, Mrs. Morton
Ins-ley, Mrs. Henry Jones, Mrs. Robert
Livingstone, Mrs, John Kollock, Mrs. Da
vis, of Vancouver; Miss von Dlstlnon.
Miss Alice von Dlstlnon, Miss Amy Helt
shu, Miss Hlllyer, Miss Barrett, Miss
Eliot. Miss Charlotte Whalley, Miss Tina
Wilson, MI33 Mattle Hoyt, Mrs. siuir,
Mrs. Harrison Corbett. Mrs. George Tay
lor. Mrs. Pendleton, Mrs. Allen Wright.
Mrs. Will Hart, Mrs. Wight, Miss Cap
lln and Miss Myrlck.
The public installation of Guiding Star
Council, No. 132. Order of Pendo, last Sat
urday evening, was well attended and
proved a very Interesting occasion. The
degree team from Woodland. Washington
assembly. In the initiatory exercises, show
ing the ritualistic work to advantage and
pro1ng the efficiency of a well-drilled
team. A short programme followed, after
which refreshments were served and a
pleasant time spent in social converse.
Dancing finished tre evening's entertain
ment. The newly installed officers are:
Past counsellor. A Mutch; counsellor,
Mrs. F. E. Mutch; vice-counsellor. Mrs. J
Sharp; chaplain. Mrs. Johnson; secretary,
Mrs. R. L. Moudy; treasurer, Edward
Kaston; guide, Mrs. A. "Woelm; warden,
F. Reutheman; sentinel. A, Woelm; mu
sician, Mrs. A. Reutheman: trustee. Mrs.
L. B. Salmon.
The SwamI Ram Society met last Wed
nesday at the residence of Mrs. Preston
lng by the students, were delightful
features, as well as a recitation by
Miss Grace Hardman. The rooms
were decorated with Oregon holxy. About
550 guests were present.
Mrs. W. J. White entertained the staff
of Myrtle Union, No, 7L Order of Wash
ington,, at her home In Sellwood. on Tues
day evening. Progressive whist was
played-untll a late hour. A short- musical
programme was rendered, alter which
light refreshments were served. Those
present were. Misses Elvira Goergcns,
Florence Olson. May Moreland, Lena Ma
rin, Millie Miller, Marie Miller. Ada Bald
win. Messrs. Hugo Goergens. Harry
Goergens, George De Temple. John Ry
an, George McDonald, Balph James, Wal
ter White and Arthur White.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Stevens, of Se
attle, are spending: their honeymoon
in Portland. The bride was formerly
Miss Louise Hcapc, of Newcastle, Pa,
and Mr. Stevens, who Is a -graduate In
electrical engineering; at Syracuse
University, Is now constructing en
gineer on the U. S. S. Nebraska. They
will be at home In Seattle after Feb
ruary 1.
A beautifully appointed dinner was
givqn by Miss Grace Warren on, Friday
evening. The guests who enjoyed Miss
Warren's hospitality were Miss Haxel
Dolph. Miss Patsy Bryan, Miss Kate,
Woolsey. Miss Kathleen Burns. .Mr.
Marion Dolph. Mr. Torn Robertson. -Mt
Fred Strong, Mr. Holbrook and Mr. George
On Monday evening, January 16, at
their home. 174 East Sixteenth street, Mr,
and Mrs: P. W. Stewart cclcbrated-thelr
tenth wedding anniversary. Progressive
whist was played, the prizes being wop
"by Mrs. Culpan. Mr. Miller, Mrs. Tonj
llnson and McCallough. The dining-room
was prettily decorated in pink and green.
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Scott entertained
In delightful style on Friday, in honor
of the Christian Endeavor Society of
First Cumberland Presbyterian
Church. A pleas! nj? programme was
carried out, followed by "delicious re
freshments. The evening was highly
enjoyed by the young people.
The Daisy Whist Club was delightfully
entertained at the home of Mrs. S. W.
Hickllng on Monday evening, January
16. Prizes were won by Mrs. Orth and
Miss Anna Mathicsen. The club will be
entertained on Monday, January SO by
Mrs. Ed Gllman at her home In Uni
versity Park.
The members of the Young Ladies' Guild
of St. James English Lutheran Church
entertained very delightfully last Monday
at the home of Miss Grace Parelius. Mrs,
J. A. Leas, wife of the pastor, is presi
dent, and Miss H. A. Frederick is vice
president of the league, which is of recent
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Sewall leave
Monday evening for New York combining
pleasure with business. They will go by
way of California and the Southern States,
stopping over a short while at New Or
leans, Washington and Philadelphia. They
expect to arrive home again early In
Eureka Council. No. 204, K. L. of S.,
gave the third of its series of progressive
whist parties last Monday evening. Mrs.
L. D. Feeney and'L. H. Plymale. Mrs. A.
Seekatz and Mr. John E. Tllden won
prizes. The next open meeting will be a
masquerade ball to be given In February.
about 40 of their friends oa Friday, the
guests spending the evening very pleas
antly at 500.
Cox-Pflngtt. ..
William A Cox. of this city, the gen
eral agent for the Chicago & North
west Railway, was married at Louis
ville, Wednesday. January 11, to Miss
Josephine A. PlingsL The Courier
Journal has the following account: "A
handsome wedding was solemnized last
night at a o'clock at St. Andrew's Epis
copal Church, when Miss- Josephine A
Pflngst and.WlIUam A Cox were mar
ried by the Rev, Dr. John K, Mason.
The church was handsomely decorated
In mountain laurel and evergreens,
with palms and other growing plants
banked about the chanceL The pews
LrefierYed for the famlliesvadd closef
friends- wero marked Djr- cedar caught
with clusters of pink roses tied with
pink ribbon. . -The wedding music was
played by the organist. Miss Verona
German,- and Mr," Matthias Oliver, vio
linist. The bridal party entered -the
church led by - tpro of the . ushers,
George Haerlo. of Indianapolis, and
Douglas Dallam, of New York. The
-maid of honor, Mss Clara Pflngst, came
next, and wore a charming gown of
white silk mull over white taffeta silk,
and carried- 'pink roses. She was fol
lowed by two more ushers. Arno Mar
low Brown, of Philadelphia, and Lewis
Ml Webb, of Cincinnati The matron
of honor came next, Mrs. Frederick C
Finzer. and she also wore white silk
mull over whlto taffeta, and carried
pink roses. The little flower glrLMlss
Charlotte Pflngst Finzer, clad in white-
Paris rousline and lace, with pink tulle
sash, pink stockings and slippers and
carrying pink roses, immediately -pre
ceded the bride, who entered with her
"brother. Henry Clark Pflngst. The'J,
"bride wore, a beautiful" gown of white
.crepe de chine over white taffeta,
trimmed with Duchesse lace, and car
ried bride's roses. She wore the regu
lation tulle, veil. She was met at the
altar by the groom and his beat man.
John Anson Simmons. The ceremony
was followed by 'a handsome reception
at the bride's home. The guests at the
bride's table, "besides the "bride and
groom, were the following: Misses
Agnes Cox. Clara and Louise Pflngst,
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C Finzer, Mr.
and Mrs. George C. Haerle, Mr. Mat
thias Oliver, Miss Clara Ludorf. Mr.
Lewis Webb, Mr. Douglas Dallam, Mr.
Jack Simmons, Mr. Henry Pflngst and
Mrs. Josephine E. Pflngst. Among the
out-of-town guests present were the
following: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Franke,
Mrs. Agnes Ludorf, Miss Clara Ludorf,
Mr. and Mrs. George Haerle, Dr. Her
bert Woolen and Mr. Fred Holweg.. all
of Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. N. M.
Breeze. Lewis M. Webb, of Cincinnati:
Thomas S., Rattle. C. A. -Cairns, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert S. White, of Chicago; Arno
M. Brown, of Philadelphia; Miss Agnes
L. Cox, of Philadelphia, and -Douglas
Dallam, of New York.
On Wednesday evening. January 18.
the wedding occurred at Sclo of Miss Eva
Meyers to W. A. Ewlngs. The wedding
was a pretty event and was largely at
tended, the young couplo being among
the most popular of Sclo's younger gene
ration. The bride Is the sister of Jef
ferson Myers while the groom -is the
owner of the Sclo State Bank. Mr. and
Mrs. Ewlngs -wjll make their future hon?e
at Sclo where they have the good wishes
of the community.
Father O'Carroll, of Boseburg, who
was In the city last week, wua enter-,
tained by a number of prominent
Catholics. Father O'Carroll came to
Portland to make arrangements for
th: new hospital at Roseburg, In
charge of the Sisters of Mercy.
The monthly social" and -business
meeting of the San "Ureal Christian
Endeavor Society of the First Pres
byterian Church, Twelfth and Alder
streets, was held Monday evening, the
affair being well attended.
One of the mo3t enjoyable affairs o
At the joint ' Installation of Prospect
Camp No. 140. W; O. .V., Astra. Circle
and Winona Circle. Women of Woodcraft:
htid Thursday evening at Woodmen Hall,
Selllng-Illrsch building. "tlfe "following of
ficers were Installed Prospect Gamp J.
II Bush. C. C: C. O. John. advifor; C.
Scott banker; George W Tabler.
clerk: M. B. Smith, escort;- F. J. Shultz,
W.; K. D .Williams. a; 'J.. F. Jorgensen,
manager; W. J. Denny, physician. Astra
ircle Viola L. Hayes. G. N.; Helen
Crgory. adv.; Ida Ferrlll. M.; Alice
"V Hllleumler, B.; Ida Smith, -attendant;
Esther Vullleumicr. clerk; Viola Orts
chlld and'- Nathan Allen, managers; Mary
Collins. 1. S.; Inez Rice. O. S.; Mrs. Wis
dom, captain of guards: Julia Winston,
musician. Winona Circles-Marguerite Ry
an. G. N.; Grace Cawn, P. G.: Mattle
Patterson, adv.; "Mrs; Bird. B.;-Mrs. Pad
rtck. Att.; Bessie Ambrose, clerks Her
bert Hubic, captain of guards; Lizzie Hu
bic. I. S
William Reidt acted as installing offi
cer for the camp. and Mrs. J. A, Horsch
lcr for the circle. As a token of respect
and esteem MIm Viola Ortschild, the re
tiring clerk of Astra Circle, was present
ed with a beautiful ring set with diamonds
and emeralds. After an Interesting pro
gramme refreshments were served, fol
lowed by dancing.
The concert and literary recital given
by Charles F. H. Mills, pianist and vocal
ist, at the United Presbyterian Church,
Grand avenue.. Wednesday evening, was
attended by a large audience. Miss Mar
guerite Shelly was the reader. It was an
evening of music and elocution, and every
minute was enjoyed by tho audience, Mr.
Mills' jila.n.0 selections were greatly en
hanced by the verbal explanations- he
gave before each rendition, and parts of
On. Saturday evening, at 7;30 o'clock, at the home of Rev. B. S. -Mucklry, 3
Mills street, Portland, a very quiet weocftif took place, the contracting parties
belnc Mr. W. C Stumberg, a Vancouver business man, and Miss Tellca Mcckle, ef
Duluth, Minn. Mlsa Maclcle was bom in Duluth. but has been In Portland about
two j-ear. She. Is 23 years of ape. and from one of the foremost families. Mr.
Stumbcrs is S3 years of ase, and was born in Independence, Or. He was graduated
In the June class of IPOS from the Oregon Stat Normal School. He Is now in busi
ness in Vancouver, Wafh. After the wedding: tUe bride and. groom left for Van
couver, whore they will make their future home at H14 "West Eighth btrtct.
C. Smith, 429- Market street, with Judge
Webster in the chair. The programme
committee bad an unusual treat for tho
Hociety. This was especially so in the
musical selections as rendered by Miss
Mary Case, who has Just returned from
her studies in Boston and New York,
where she spent several years. Miss Case
Is not only a fine artist, but her contralto
voice of a range of three octavos is cor-
tainly of raot excellent quality. The ?a-
per on philosophy by Mrs. Hawkins and
the reading by Mrs. Preston C Smith
contributed very much to make the meet
ing pleasant and interesting. The next
meeting will be held on Wednesday, Feb
ruary 1. at the residence of Mrs. Hawkins,
SUfi Twelfth street.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. R, Andrews,
661 East Mjorrlson street, was the scene
of a pretty affair Saturday evening. Jan
uary 14. the occasion being the celebra
tion of the 16th anniversary of their mar
riage. The house decorations were very pretty,
those in file dining-room being of unusual
beauty. Smilax. carnations and satin rib
botis were combined In the table decora
tion. The electric lights shaded In pink
petals gave a delicate tint to the whole
scene. Progressive whist formed the
evening amusement. Mrs. C "D. Lowns
dale and Mrs. T. W. Johnston served
punch during the evening. At 10:80
o'clock dainty refreshments were served
at tete-a-tete tables.
Mr. H. W. Behnkc and Mr. I. M.
Walker entertained their students at
o. reception Friday evening. Miss
Sylvia Bryant. Miss Glendora Stewart,
L M. Walker and H. V. "Behnke re
ceived the guests. Music by Mr. H.
F Rodnty. Mr. Abe Dellar and Mc.
"Ralph Ruftner. besides vocal selec
tions by Miss Bessie Blclck and Mr.
Fre lerlck Vrooaian, and chorus sing-
last week was given in honor of Mrs.
Rosenthal, of Chicago, at the home of
airs. . bmitn. whist was one of the fea
tures of the afternoon. A'strlnc orehe
tra played, while a very dainty luncheon
was served, at which red and green were
me prevailing colors.
Parsons Hall was prettily decorated for
me occasion or the High School Frater
nlty Club's dance, given on Saturdav
ing. Many young people were present at
me pany. ior winch the patronesses were:
Mrs. F. M. Batchclor. Mrs. a S. Mastlck
ana .-sirs. j. 1 StrauhaL
-fv ory enjoyaoic evening was spent
last Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. H. S. Goldman In honor of the ISth
bjrthday of their daughter, Esther. The
panors were oeauuruuy decorated In
geen and yellow. Supper occupied the
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goode gave a the
ater party at the Manjuam on Monday
evening, and later a supper at the Port
land grill, chtortalnlng Mr. and Mrs. J.
Wesley Ladd and Mr. and Mrs. Luclas
Alien lewis.
The Tilllcum Club was nleasantlv
entertained Monday evening, at the
resiaeuce oi itr. ana Mrs. R. R. Gilt
nsr. .a ueugntlul programme being
camea out, jouowcd by a social hour.
St. Ann's Charitable Society entertained
In very pleasant fashion a few days ago
at the home of Mrs. John Kloaterman.
Whist was played and dainty refreshments
The Clover Art Club' met at the home
of Mrs. J. P. Wager on Saturday morn
ing. Mr. and Mrs, F. A, Nitchy entertained
In McMinnvllle. on January 3, Fred
J. Hees. of Dundee. Or., and Miss Lcona
A. Morand, of Portland, were married,
Judge B. F. Rhodes officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Newburg announce
the engagement of their daughter, Minnie
Louise, to Samuel C. Jagger. of this clty.
The Wedding U to take place the early
part of February.
The engagement Is announced or Miss
Emma L. Tackabery to Clarence B.
DeGrandpre. The wedding will take place
at' St. Lawrence Church, January 2$. at
5 o'clock A. M. No cards.
The members of the Scottish Rite are
with much pleasure looking forward to
their next or third at home to be given
at the cathedral on Morrison and Lowns
dale streets, Thursday, January 26, when
It Is expected a large number will be In
attendance. These entertainments are
open to all members and their sons and
visiting members, may procure admission
at the door.
Parsons full orchestra will provide ex
cellent music from S:3 till 11:45. giving
all ample opportunity of reaching home
in season. Some older members will havo
charge of the card rooms during th
evening, assuring pleasant hours to all
The entertainment committee purpose
having a Salem night before the close of
the season, when not only Salem mem
bers, but those of other near-by towns.
will be the guests of the evening. Tljo
cnmmlUcA lc nitant ns to the nature of thai
entertainment tor that special evening.
but judging from previous entertain
ments, the impression Is general that a
royal good time may be expected.
At the next meeting of the Woman's
Club Friday, January 27, the curren
topics department will have charge of the
programme, Mrs. A. C lie will presiding.
Anecdotes will be given by members of
the department. Miss Laura E. Warner
.will render a piano solo, her own com
position, entitled "Sacajawea." A sum
mary for the week will be given by Mrs,
A. C Newlll, leader of the department.
followed by a vocal solo by Miss Irene
Flynn. Mrs. Nina Larowc will give two
short poems on current topics. A vocal
solo by Miss Delta Watson and flve-
xnlnutc talks by the following members
will close the afternoons entertainment
"Mrs. Charles B. Andrews. Mrs. E. H.
Hubble. Mrs. Edttard Jaeger, Mrs. Nina
Larowe. Mrs. W. H. MarkclL Mrs B. S.
Pague. Mrs. C. E. Runyon and Mrs. D.
M. Watson.
The ladies of the Hlllsboro Lewis
and Clark Club gave a reception to the
business men of the town on Tuesday
evening, and addresses were made by
w. tu wehrung. S. B. Huston. Dr. S.
T. Llnklater. Dr. J. P. Tarolealc. W
Wall. L. A. Rood. F. M. Heldel and W.
IL Connell. Mr. Wehrung made the
principal address, advising the club as
to procedure in the various lines of ex
hlblts. -Mrs. F. J. Bailey gave a rc
port of the progress of the club'
work, and Mrs. "Ella ,Huston reported
on the work of the county exhibit. It
was advised that the cmb use every ef
fort to raise 53000 for tho county dls
play. The ladies served tea and
wafers at 4he cloaaofthe-meetlng.
Mr. and Mrs. V.'. H. Connell cela
brated their twenty-fifth wedding an
niversary at their home, on Third
street, Hlllsboro. last week, dinner
being served to Dr. and Mrs. Bailey
Dr. and Mrs. Llnklater. Dr. and Mrs.
Wood. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Connell. Mr.
and Mrs. R. Cave and Mr. and Mrs. C
E. Delcbrnan. Mr. Connell la retired
from farming his extensive land hold
ings north of town. Mrs. Connell is
daughter of the. late Jacob Hoover
prominent in pioneer nlstory of Wash
ington County. Six children were pros
ent Miss Anna. Hattie B., Grace, Le
titia, William Wesley and Bessie.
Wednesday evening of this week a
very pleasant surprise was tendered
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Keenan, the occa
sion being the twentieth anniversary
of their marriage. The evening was
pleasantly spent with songs and mu
sic, apd refreshments wre, daintily
served at a lat'e hour. The playlnir or
I 'I - - " ' ' i . . i 'I- JIJ ' "il i .1 Li. i. . i ..' i ii
Great Annual Clearance Sale
Continaes to offer the grandest bargains from the most up-to-date, stylish and
exclusive line of wearing app&rel and furnishings for ladies, in the City of Port
land. Every article in our entire stocK greatly reduced daring our Great
Clearance Sale.
The Greatest Selling of , The Greatest Savings on
At Clearance Sale Prices Can be procured in oar- Suit Salon on the second
t, - . . nt v floor. The stock is "both large and comprehensive,
of aTAI! SSL styles thcannot he procured elsewher?
ready for your selection. $750 WALKING SKIRTS $3.95
The Greatest Showing in the West Very stylish Walking Skirts, finely tailored and
o - . t . . -. , - - -p.-,,. handsomely trimmed, in the new mannish effects
Both in extent of vanely and in price. Every gar- of homesps and sergeS
ment perfect in quality, fit and workmanship. Very and gray; regular 7.50 values (TO QC
special prices on Pur. Jackets this week. for JOaJD
75c NecRwear 33c Silk Underskirts
A collection of the daintiest, fluffiest Neckwear Greatly Reduced
for ladies ever placed in a specif sale, the latest -ryg ave a splendid showing of Silk Skirts of
creations in Battenherg, lace, silk and chiffon collars, the finest materials, beautifully made and trimmed
tailored stocks and turnovers, hows and four-in- with heavy plaits and clusters of tucks. The best
hand ties. Never before have we offered such values 5?, tte city
as this sale includes ? 7'50 SlIk SkirtS 4'95
as tms sale includes. 8 50 sik Skirt3 575
75c Values 33c, 35c Values 23c, JJ-JJ giik skirts 7.85
r 12-50 Silk Skirts 9.6
25c Values 19c 15.00. Silk Skirts 10.65
'Home, Sweet Home," ended the enjoy
able entertainment.
One of the most delightful of recent
card parties was given by Mrs. Max
1elschner on Thursday at the Concordia
Club, In honor of Miss Heyinan, of Ta
coma. The game of SCO was played and
handsome prizes were awarded to Mies
Ackerman, Miss Harris and - Miss Mai
On Friday. January 27, at S P.' M..
the Ohio Society will entertain the mem-.
bers of the Pennsylvania Society In the
hall in the Marquam Building, eighth -
floor. The Invitation has been accepted
by the officers of the Pennsylvania So
ciety, and the members are urged to
Tho Central "Wbmen'3 Christian Tem
perance Union will meet at the home or
Mrs. Janney, 292 Clay street, on Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. The meeting wUl
be conducted by the temperance depart
. .
Ladles' Aid Society of First Presbyte
rian Church, Twelfth and Alder streets,
will hold an interesting meeting next
Tuesday in the church parlors. A full at
tendance is requested.
One of the New Century Club's most
enjoyable dances was given at Parsons
Hall on "Wednesday evening, with a large
attendance, and delightful muslcby Par
sons orchestra.
a .
The Bachelor Buttons will give the
fourth of their series tf parties at the
new "Woodmen Hall. East Sixth and
Alder streets, Thursday evening, Jan
uary 26.
Th. music department of the Portland
"Women's Club will meet with Mrs. "Gra-
ham on next Thursday, at 2:30. at tt
Tillamook street. A large attendance Is
Several entertainments will be given In
this city on Burns' birthday anniversary.
The young people of the First Christian
Church are planning to give a Hums
Scottish Rite Cathedral membership will
give an entertainment Thursday, Febru
ary 23. in the cathedral rooms. The af
fair promises to be a very delightful one.
Members of tho Gaelic School will en
tertain their friends? with a card party
and dancing next Thursday- evening in
the Allsky building.
Mrs. H. E, Judge and MIsb Julia Coman
will entertain the Girls Cinch Club on
Monday, January SO. at the home of Mrs.
The cadets at the Xewill Riverview
Academy will give a hop at the last of
the month or early In February.
The members of Company' C. Third'- in
fantry. O. X. G., will give their fourth
dancing party January 25.
An officers' hop will be an event of
the near future at the Hill Military
who have been visiting in the city, have
returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. C H. Park arrived from
Eugene on Friday.
Mrs. J. J. Murphy is visiting her sister,
Mrs. R. B. Caswell, at Walla "Walla.
Mrs. H. B. Miller arrived from Eugene
on Tuesday to make a brief visit In the
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cohen arrived from
Pendleton for a short visit a few days
Mrs. Henry Dickson, who Is a't St. Vin
cent's Hospital, Is reported to be recov
ering. Mrs. J. H. Parker and daughter. Miss
Phyllis, of Pendleton, are guests of Mies
Gerald Tuttle.
Miss Zora Forrester, who has been veryt
Jll for some time, 13 recovering at St.
Vincent's Hospital.
r Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Penland left yes
terday for Pendleton, after a month's
visit with relatlvea.
Mrs. Mott H. Arnold, of Eugene, at
tended the Madame Gadskl song recital on
Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Burke have re
turned from, a month's visit in San Fran
cisco and Los Angeles.
Mrs. Alex G. Riddell and sister re
turned Friday from a visit of two
months through California.
Mrs. R. A. Booth, of Eugene, is spend
ing a few days in the city, and will Join
Senator Booth later at Salem.
Mrs. W. E. Finzer, who has been visit
ing In Albany. Is now being entertained
at Woodburn by Mrs. E. M. Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson R. Myers, of
Honolulu, are visiting Mrs. Myers sister.
Mrs. John Gill, at 141 Twenty-third street.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L Jacobson,
formerly of Pendleton; Or., have been
in the city for the past few days vis
iting among friends. They are now
on their way to Bellingham. Wash.,
Yeomen dance, Jan.
in invitations.
iS. not 26tb, as
Mr. and" Mrs. E. C. Smith, of Pendleton.
Ladies' Tailoring College
265 Morrison St.
To be well dressed Is the desire of every
woman. How to be so Is a problem to
many. To meet this problem the Keis-
ter Ladles' Tailoring College was first
Instituted In St. Louis, it was openea
In one small room, and today occupies
an Immense building and employs many
comDetcnt teachers.
"Strictly tailor methods are employed In
cutting and drafting. The square and
tape line are the only articles used. This
system Is the result' of years oi stuay
and Is capable- of producing accurately
anythlnc shown in the pattern-booKs ot
today. Under the management of Miss
J. B. Gray, a teacher of broad experience.
a i branch school has been organized in
Portland at Hall 40u. on the fourth floor
of the Allsky building.
The oollege is thoroughly equipped to
teach ladles' tailoring and dressmaking
In all Its brancnes. ine room occupied
by the college is large and fitted with
individual tables, where designing, draft
ing, cutting, hasting and pressing may
be done.
Oa Tuesday afternoon of this week the
college will open, and Miss Gray will be-
happy to answer an inquiries concerning
the work. On that day. every lady will
receive a card entitling her to a shirt
waist pattern cut to measure. Write lor
Where they intend to make their fu
ture home.
Mrs. George Stenger will be at home
to her friends the first Thursday of the
month, at her home, 263& Thirteenth
Misses Edythe and Ella May, accom
panied by their brother, left Saturday
night for San Francisco and Southern
Mrs. E. C. Goodman has returned to
Portland after a visit in Walla "Walla with
he sisters, Mrs. George J. Guthrldgo and
Mrs. James Corless.
MItfs Stella Love, of Honolulu, whom
Miss Church has been entertaining, is
spending a few days at Brooks with her
cousin. Miss Mabel Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hare were called
away last week to Olympla, Wash., td at
tend the funeral of Mr. Hare's brother-in-law,
Thomas O'Connor.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gay.Lombard are
at the Hotel Portland, having Just re
turned from their honeymoon, which they
spent In Southern California.
Mrs. James Rodgers arrived from Seat
tle a few days ago. expecting to make her
home here. Mrs. Rodgers was accom
panied by her sister, Mrs. Lilly Winder,
who came to make her a short visit.
Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh has been
spending a busy week at Salem, where,
since Saturday evening, she has made
addresses on the subject of Christian and
temperance work at the Methodist Epis
copal Sunday school. Mrs. "Unruh re
turns to the city tomorrow.
Mrs. G. W. Mulks. 763 East Burnside
streets, gave a delightful farewell party
Thursday afternoon, as they leave shortly
for Los Angeles. The afternoon was de
voted to "500." Mrs. Fred Leinenweber
and Mrs. J. Wilson were the prizewin
ners. Those present were Mrs. W. F.
Amos. Mrs. Jameson, Mrs. Morrill, Mrs.
FIthian. Mrs. Leinenweber. Mrs. Keller.
Mrs. Hathaway. Miss Harder. Mrs. Well
will be found in our stock or will
be manufactured to your order. We
carry only the genuine Alaska Seal
skins, which we produce in correct
effects with a finish and style that
is found exclusively in our productions
in Mink, Chinchilla and other pop
ular Furs.
Highest cash price paid for all skins
H. Liebcs & Co.
Exclusive Manufacturing Furriers
J. P. PLAGE MANN, Manager
Furriers I
126 2d St., bet. Alder an'd Wash.
Leading and Reliable Furriers