PART THREE PAGES 17 TO 30 VOL. XXIV. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 22, 1905. NO. 4i The 'Different Store" it Public Tea Room Seoond Floor. Under Auspices of Portland Y. W. C A., "Orrandma" Muara, Hostess. MENU, MONDAY, JAN. 23, '05. Tea. Coffee. Chocolate. Milk in Bottles. Chicken Soup. Fruit Salad. Hot Bolls. Ham Sandwiches. Bread and Butter. Sugar Cookies. Splendid and Unusual Millinery 'Values In the New Millinery Halls, 2d Floor Annex. New Hats, New Ideas, and Looking for New Customers. Satisfied that our hosts of old patrons -will surely come here to their store your store when in want of anything embraced in first rate millinery. Assortments here to day are equal to those in the aver age stores at "high season" this is an all-year-round millinery store. New advance styles are here also, and everything at the Clearance Prices. These extra specials for Monday and week of January 23d: CHILDREN'S 75c CAPS, 15c Children's Caps, assorted colors. Values to 75c; special, your choice, each 15 LADIES' 75c CAPS, 49c Ladies' Automobile and Tourist Caps, silk and wool, black, brown and mode, regular value 75c; special, each 49 9Sc FOR TRIMMED HATS WORTH TO $4.00 All ready to wear Hats, French Sailors, Tur bans and fancy shapes, in scratch felt, all colors, with contrasting shades, values to $4.00; special, your choice, each 98 UNTRIMMED SHAPES, 25c Ev ery untrimmed Shape, value to $3, special, each 25 A small line of French Flowers left, special at HALF PRICE. Every Ostrich, Plume, Tips, single and in clusters, breasts, pon-pons, wings and quills; special at just HALF PRICE. Women's and Children's Hosiery Bargains First Floor. Infants' fine ribbed black cashmere Hose, seamless, sizes 4Va to 6, pair .1.154 Children's fine ribbed black cash mere Hose, seamless, double knee, 25c and 30c value, pair 18 Children's double ribbed Winter weight black worsted Hose, seam less, value to 40c, all sizes; spe cial, pair 18 Children's black cotton Hose, seam less, double knee, sizes 6 to 9V; special, pair 10 Children's black part wool Hose, fine ribbed, sizes 6 and 7; 25c value 1 12V Children's black cotton Hose, fine and double ribbed seamless; good Winter weight; value to 25c; spe cial 12Va Boys' Ironclad Hose, fine ribbed. These are genuine ironclads, sizes, 7, 72, S, SV; 25c value, pair 18 A lot of women's fancy Hose, me dium and dark shades, dots and stripes, all sizes, 35c value, at, pair 19 "Women's black cotton Hose, seam less; good weight, 25c value; spe cial, per pair 17 Women's black cotton Hose, extra size leg, out sizes, 40c values for, pair 2o 'CONTRACT GOODS" Upon which manufacturers alone dictate price excepted. EVERY ARTICLE IN THE "BIG STORE" IS FORCEFULLY REDUCED Pitt h end Next to the Last Week of the Most Important Underpriced Merchandise Movement of the. Times! WaI! .SSS THAT IS MAEDTC- W HISTORY JN PORTLAND ST ORE-KEEPING-! -WHOEVER NEGLECTS TO PROFIT BTITS MYRIAD ECONOMIES IS UNMINDFUL OP THEIR DUTY TO THEMSELVES OR THEIR FAMILIES These are the days when the lowest prices of the year prevail. The volume of business accorded us the past four weeks of Clearance Season cer tainly demonstrates that we must have given a large measure of satisfaction to the purchasing public. We shall make the next two weeks that end the Clearance Sales for 1905 even more satisfactory to our public, if the lowest prices on the best obtainable or makable values are what our trading folk desire. Don't overlook the smallest item on this buUetin if you appreciate generous money savings. Notwithstand mg the fact that our Clearance prices are known to be lower throughout every department, for same quality of merchandise, than any other .house, not onlyin Portland, but in all the West, we are enabled, through circumstances, ko add to their economy inducements the foUowin rncomparable extra specials for the week of - G B ARG Al N MON DAY I A N IT A P Y 9 0f comse ?ou know thkt thousands more go uiilisteo-it's JHHUHKY AO these "et al." that we invite you to share Monday and week. REMARKABLE VALUES IN DOMESTIC AISLES-First Floor A MIGHTY AVALANCHE OP MATCHLESS BARGAINS uainty .New Tub Goods, Flannels and Ou Floor. A regular bonanza for the thrifty This is a rare opportu- ijBSfc nltyfor j Tr bourdln'g flMr SHEE S .KS Made of . thread JjKgB 4S& Vr values EESpPjJJj Wi 90 inches. in fabrics for home needs and pvptoJuv ttdot Rhuaic x:n. r t.j , m i -. m , Housewife and ho telkeeper. Housekeeping and hotel supplies lightly priced for the great Clearance Sale's fifth week: Special Clearance nrice. i-nch . . Size Slx90 inches. Special Clearance price.. 4lc Made of nice, smooth muslin, with center seam, size 72x90 inches. Only 600 sheets in this lot. Special Clearance Sale price. ca.SSc PILLOW CASES, Made of pood standard round thread mus lin, soft finished ironed and ready for use the best values for the price ever offered. About 150,000 of them, divided Into five dif ferent lots: LOT- 1 Our 12&c value. Special Clearance price, eacn -...9c LOT 2 Our 14c value. Special Clearance, price, each ijc LOT, 3 ?ur 16c value, -Special Clearance sale price, each xzc LOT 4 Our 17c value. Special Clearance Sale price, each LOT 5 Our 18c value. Special Clearance Sale price,, each ...... . x4e BEDSPREADS. Another new Hue of handsome Bedspreads just received to take the place of those which have been going out so rapidly since the great Clearance Sale Degan. SINGLE BEDSPREADS. . . Our 75c value. Special Clearance price, ea. .58c FOUR SPECIAL "VALUES IK BEDSPREADS. . at each 83c, $1.95, L23 and TWO BIG SPECIAL VALUES IN FRINGED BEDSPREADS with cut corners, for brass ocas, run oize. special Clearance nrW each, $1.50 and. .COLORED BEDSPREADS. Light blue, pink, dark blue and red. Special Clearance price, each $1.25 HUCK TOWELS.. Hemmed, good wearing quality. Nice and soft. Two sizes. 8!ze, 17x32 inches. Special Clear ance price, each 8c Size 18x36 Inches. Special Clearance price, each 1 ioc HEAVY ALL LINEN TOWELING. ' '" "For "Roller" Towels. Our 12Hc value. Special at, the yard 10c HEAVY ALL LINEN TOWELING. Extra heavyweight. Our 16c value. Special at, the yard....- 13c BLEACHED MUSLIN. Good strong quality, no starch or dressing, 36 inches wide. Special Clearance sale price, the yard g WHITE GOODS WORTH 20c FOR 10c 50 pieces of fine striped and checked dimi ties, nainsooks, lace striped lawns and fancy plaids suitable for children's and ladles' dresses and aprons: also used for curtains. Our 20c value. Special at, the yard 10c FLANNELS. SAXONY FLANNEL, WORTH 35c FOR 25c Good quality white Saxony flannel for child ren's wear. Our 35c value. Special at, yd.23c NAVY BLUE FLANNEL, WORTH 45c FOR 28c Navy blue, all-wool flannel, Oregon make, extra weight, for shirts, skirts and children's dresses. v Our 45c value. Special at, the yard Sc WAIST IN G FLANNELS, WORTH 60c FOR 39c Walstlng flannels of a specially fine, grade for waists and house dresses In all colors. Our 60c value. Special Clearance price, yd. 30c OUTING FLANNELS, WORTH 15c FOR 10c Printed outing flannels, good heavy quality, dark colorings in neat figures. Our 15c value. Special at, the yard ioc 5 c FOR OUTING FLANNEL. 10,000 yards of white outing flannel, full bleached, nice soft quality. Special Clearance price, the yard bc Portland's Largest, Leading Garment Store for Dressy Women GRAND SALONS-Second Floor. Starts Monday A Clean-Up Sale OP REMARKABLE IMPORTANCE TO EVERY WOMAN WITHIN SHOPPING DISTANCE OF PORTLAND. Suits, Waists and Wrappers of high grade at one-fourth to one-third less than other stores offer. This is a sale that so wholly overshadows any attempt at competition that the so called sales of others dwarf themselves into weak and. prac tically ridiculous imitations. We make these matchless offerings with the utmost enthu siasm, knowing that the careful planning with which we have prepared them will hring us a prodigious volume of business Monday and all week. It provides an opportunity-for women to purchase the very highest grade garments at a mere frac tion of their actual value. These few specials are not mere "leaders" only, hut representative values that exist through out the stock for you to judge the economies of this great sale. The Suits Women's $12.50 to $23.50 Street Suits, $6.93 A SALE SURE TO CREATE SENSATIONAL SELLING! These Suils are all from our own splendid stocks; strictly man-tailored street suits, and 'made up in first-class workmanship. All he favored materials, wanted colors and smart mixtures, in reigning styles, plain tailored and Jn all stylish trimming effects now in vogue A drastic clean-up of the lines of suits ranging in price from 312.53 to $28.50 (most stores $15 to $35) all in one lot about 253 at the wonderfully and ri diculously small almost gift price.... Hardly the fair valuation of the skirt alone SALE NO. 2 SUITS, TOO: Womenfs $33.50 to $62.50 Suits, $19.35 HIGH-GRADE EXAMPLES OF THE MAN TAILOR'S ART. These Suits are a gathering of the aristocrats of the suit stocks; handsome man-tailored models made up with exquisite .skill and expert workmanship. In smart street styles, cheviots, homespuns and serges in plain brown, black, gray and blue mixed color ings, newest Ideas in trimming effects and strictly plain tailored. This sale offers a chance to obtain a swell and expensive suit at the price of the cheapest grades ever car ried by this great "Style Store." Only about 160 in this lot Monday, and while they last, the usual fairly priced $38.50 to $62.53 values are offered at & choice for 918.S5 A bit of advice. Get an early cfiolce. Extra salesmen and fitters on hand. Women's Handsome $2.50 Housewrappers, Mon day 79c Factory made in attractive styles in latest models and trimming effects. Pretty per cale and flannelette materials and all new est, most wanted colorings and color com binations. Cut full, on latest approved pat terns. No skimped wrappers In the lot. All the product of one of the best factories in America. No sweatshop trash but splendid house garments made under sanitary con ditions and with perfect workmanship. Values in this offering up to $2.50. Choice Monday, and while they last, for TOc Another Great Waist Sale TES! TWO MONSTER SALES COMBINED IN ONE! MONDAY. AND UNTIL CLOSED, WOMEN'S HANDSOME $5.00 WAISTS l&8 Attractive and seasonable these waist sav ings. The waists are in tailored styles, ma terials arc -"French flannels, brllllantlnes and serges, colors blue, red, brown, tans and plain blacks. Superbly tailored and beau tifully made. Values up to $3.00 at a choice Monday and until sold, for, each 9198 Women's $3 Tailored Waists $1.19 Tailored styles in serge, flannel, .etamlnes and brllllantlnes. Plain colors in a line em bracing reds, blues, browns, tans and plain black, also some very smart attractive plaids. Made in splendid workmanship, very trim and Jaunty styles. Best $3.00 values. Monday and until sold. for. each $U8 The Matchless Values in This Week's SILK AND DRESS GOODS Fifth-Street Annex. First Floor. Is a revelation in real BARGAIN CREATIONS! and ably Il lustrates our absolute supremacy in selling of silks and dress fabrics. The sales thus far this month, have been the biggest for a similar period ever in the history of this house. This proves conclusively that we've made good every assertion. We nave prepared a list of bargains for this week that can but Increase the wonderment with which this sale has been viewed by all who have any knowlegde of the intrinsic value of such splendid, high-grade goods as are to be found in this offering. Fabrics of rare Individuality and character, typical of the Olds, Wortman & King store. We Illustrate the spirit of savings that rules the sale by the items told of below: LOT 1 Our regular $2.25 and $2 values in b and 56-Inch hard twisted tailor suitings and Imported English mohairs. Splendid, for street and shirtwaist suits. Special Clearance Price for this week, per yard 91.53 LOT 2 Novelty French and English Suitings, in illuminated Carrsnu plaids, enemies and Camelwm Suitings: the ver latest novelties shown In Europe; all at exactly half price. Regular $2.50 value, special, yard 91.25 Regular $2.25 value, special, yard 9L12$ Regular $2.00 value, special, yard fl.eo Regular $1.75 value, special, yard 9 .87 SALE vSL coops-jr And in the "Silk Store" LOT 3 Neat Tailor Suitings, 54-inch; im ported French camelsbair. 46-Inch; a large color and style assortment. Our regular $1.50 per yard values. Special Clearance Sale price for this week only, yard 7Sc LOT 4 52-lnch Tailor Suitings. Covert and Venetian Cloths; also 44-15-Inch Novelty Lace Voiles, all wanted colors in the lot. -Our Tegular $1.25 per yard values. Special Clearance Sale price, yard 60c LOT 5 Illuminated Tweed Suiting. Heather Scotch mixtures, in neat stripes, flaked and nubbed effects. These are being shown by other dress goods stores and called "cheap" at 69c and 59c Our Special Clearance Sale price only, yard 30c LOT 6 36-lnch all-wool Voiles. Serges. Twcdds, In plain and plaid effects. A grand assortment to select from. Our regular 50c qualities. Special Clearance Sale price only, yard 33c EXTRA SPECIALS IN BLACK GOODS FOR THE WEEK. Regular values $3.00 and $3.50 Novelty Silk and Wool Crepons and Silk and Mohair Novelties; the very latest novelties shown. Special Clearance Sale price, yard 91.79 Regular $2.50 and $2.25 values Novelty Ital ian Mohairs and Crepons; a splendid assort ment to choose from. Special Cleat ance Sale price, yard 91.39 Regular $1.75 and $1.50 52-Inch, all-wool and fast colors, consisting of Panamas, Can vas Cloths, Spangles and Novelty Cheviots: unequaled values at our regular prices. Spe cial Clearance Sale price, yard TZc Black French and German Black Broad cloths, the best-known grades. Specially priced for this week's selling: Regular $4.50 grade, 54-inch; special... 933 xteguiar .ju grace, at-incn; special... vsJ3 Regular S2J0 grade, 54-inch; special. . .92-33 Regular $3.00 grade, 54-Inch; special... 9XSr Regular $2.50 grade, -54-Inch; special... 92.90 Without fear of contradiction we state these are the best values offered, and the grandest opportunity to secure a handsome black suit ing at a big saving. SILK SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK. Prices cut deeper than ever. New lines put out on bargain tables. Bargains that can be found only at this, Portland's leading, reli able Silk Store. Imported black Swiss Taffeta at half price long as they last. Tou say: "Why Half Price on Staple Black Taffeta?" Plainly stated and to the point. We sell Bonnetfs Black Silks, the best in the world. We have no space for anything but the best. So Imported Swiss Taffetas go, starting Monday, at HALF PRICE. Regular $1.50 grade for, yard..... .....9 .75 Regular $1.75 grade for, yard... 9 .87 Regular $2.00 grade for, yard 91.OO Regular $2.50 grade for, yard 91.23 And black Satin Rhadam and Duchesse are placed on sale at HALF PRICE. Regular $1.75 values for, yard 9 7i Regular $2.00 values for, yard .91.00 Regular $2.25 values for, yard.: 91.12 Regular $2.50 values for, yard 91.25 SILKS ON BARGAIN TABLES! Specials on bargain tables In Silk Store Fifth-Street Annex. LOT 1 Consists of 36 and 29-Inch white India Silks, 21-inch black Taffetas, and a grand assortment of swell suit Silks. Special Clearance Sale price, yard 7c LOT 2 Consists of neat effects in Foulards. 27-inch white India Silks, black all-pure Silk Taffetas, and a big -line of smart suit Silks. Special Clearance price, yard 77c LOT 3 Consists of swell evening Silks, 27 inch colored Pongee, 27-lnch colored and black Taffetas, Cheney Bros.' Foulards. In neat, staple patterns; also a large assort-l "'Y. "- wjc newest ana oesc Silks found on the Coast. Special Clearance Sale price, yard. S7C For later, supplemen tary list of special values for tomorrow and week, see MONDAY morning and evening papers This Men's Store Sixth-Street Annex First iFloor. One of the hardest tasks we've had to perform in the upbuilding and bettering of our storekeeping has been to get the growth of this business balanced. Polks got the notion that Olds, "Wortman & King's was a woman's store and so it is of course, a woman's store, the best not only in Portland, but in all the "West But 'tis just as thoroughly A MEN'S STORE. The best in town. Men's goods, chosen by men experts in men's wear. Shown carefully and as men like to be shown, by men. Polite, obliffinsr fellows. In a store apart from women's goods, right handy to the 6th-street entrance. Manned by men, for men, and women who buy for men. In season and out we've advertised for men's trade for years told honest truths about honest goods for all sorts of men. For a time it seemed a hopeless case hopeless as butting down the end of our steel-frame building with your head. But after a while we won men's trade by the thou sands. And now, when we adver tise bargains like these for men, they come for 'em or send. They'll be here Monday in thongs, and all week, or send their wives, sisters, mothers, sweethearts. They'll all be here bet a cookie come and see. MEN'S EXTRA SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK OF MONDAY, JANUARY 23: Men's best $1.30 Undershirts and Drawers, in natural gray merino, special, per garment 70c Men's best 75c gray merino Shirts and Drawers in good serviceable weight, special, per garment.. .55c $1 SHIRTS 50c All remaining fancy Shirts, with stiff bosoms, best $1 grades, including such well-known makes as Griffon. Eclipse, Mon arch, special to close.. 50c $1.50 SHIRTS $1 All our $1.50 stiff bosom Shirts, including the best makes, special, each 91.00 $1 SHHtTS AND DRAWERS 73c Men's medium weight, natural gray merino Shirts and Drawers, non shrinkable. rib bottom, silk faced, regular value, $1.00, special.... 73c $1 NIGHT ROBES 69c Men's best quality outing flannel Night Robes, regular value $1, spec.-. 60c BOYS' 50c NIGHT SHIRTS 35c Boys' flannelette Night Shirts in soft warm fabrics and Winter weights, sizes 12 to 15, best 50c value, spe cial 33C 25c SOX15c Men's medium weight, seamless black cashmere Sox, reg-' ular value 25c, special, pair. ...15c SILK MUFFLERS HALF PRICE All remaining Silk mufflers in black, white and fancy colors, spe cial. ONE-HALF PRICE The famous Stuttgarter and Staley Underwear reduced during clearance, the only tlm of the vpar vnti fan nv-ifi yourself of cut prices on these well-known makes of undergarments. 'Mong Art Goods and Children's Wear Second-Floor Annex and Thorough fare Aisle. Ecru heavy Hardanger linen hem stitched doilies, centerpieces, lunch cloth and scarfs. Regular prices from 25c to $2.25. Special prices from 17c to 91.75 With many between sizes and prices at art department. Children's Bath Robes and Ki monas in plain pink, blue and car dinal or fancy striped In pink and white and blue and white, silk frogs; satin-bound at sleeves and collars, large wool cord and tassels, ages from 6 to 16 years. Regular prices from $3.50 to $5.03. Special prices from. .$3.33 to $3H