IS THE SUNDAY OREGOXIA-T, PORTLAND, JANUARY 22, .1905. FILE NEW CHARGE Grand Jurors Indict George Sorenson. PERJURY IS THE CHARGE Judge Bellinger Accuses Him of False Testimony. GIVEN IN BRIBERY TRIAL Jury Is Discharged, and Two of ltb Members Are Under Serious Sus picion of Having Been Secretly Influenced. Thr Federal grand jury broke its long silence a lght at 5:30 o'clock when it brought a -new Indictment into court charging Uoerge Sorenson with the crime of perjiy. Tli indfetmunt came hk the climax of an exciting morning s-ession of the Federal Court, at which Judge Bellinger recom mended that the testimony of Sorenson b rxanMited. and If Justifiable, an Indict ment twr erjury be returned against him. The action of the court took not only District Attorney Heney by surprise, hut the defendant as well, and the sitting enoed with pome dramatic features which for a long time haw been 'absent from the xtaid and islct chamber. Whri the court convened at 10 o'clock the Sorewou trial Jury appeared before Judge Hi'lliwser and reported that it was tl'i unable to agree on a verdict. The court dismlwed the men abruptly and sent fr Mr. Heney. When the District Attorney niHde his appearance. Judge Bel lnger wld: Testimony Manifestly False. " I Imvc Mnt for you, Mr. Heney. for the purpose of making a request. I de xlre that you present the manifestly false testimony of George Sorenson to the grand jury at your earliest convenience for such a tion as the grand jury may think proper to take in respect to it. I refer particu larly to his testimony with reference to acknowledgement of the George Howe deed of relinquishment. That testimony was demonstrably false. I am satisfied that his tOHtimony was equally false when he did not remember that he had made th fctatemetu to you that he did try to bribe John Hall." On the request of the court the truth fulness of Mr, Sorenson was investigated during the day and the indictment re sulted at the adjournment hour. The document tecltes that Sorenson was on trial Tor having offered a bribe of to John Hall, and that, being a witness In his own behalf he had testified that he had not offered John Hall any bribe, but .jias In the employ of Hall to shadow tbe defendants, Puter Watson. McKInley -nd Ware; that If the defendant had ever said anything to Hall which might have appeared to have been an offer, it was simply a report made by him to his em ployer and not made as a bribe. This the indictment charges to be false and perjured testimony. No Such P.erson as George Howe. The testimony Is further called Into question in relation to the statements of Sorenson when before Heney and before the grand jury. It is charged that he knew no one ever appeared before him to execute deed of relinquishment who bore the name of George A. Howe, while his testimony says that such a person did appear. It Is further held that his state ments before the court he had never tald that he had offered Hall a bribe were known to be false by the witness. On these grounds the jury returned a true bill against Sorenson. t'pon the indictment being returned, yp. Heney asked that the court issue a war rant for the arrest of the defendant and that he be placed under $4000 bonds to Insure his appearance. A bench warrant was Issued at C o'clock for the arrest of the thriee-lndlcted man. but he has not as yet been found, and it is not thought that the Marshal will be able to locate 1.1m before Monday, as he Is reported tojd have left the city for a short time. Sor enson Is now under 5S000 bonds on the two indictments pending against him, and when he has furnished the additional bonds he will have J12.OO0 pledged for his appearance at the coming trials. SORENSON JURY IS DISCHARGED Prosecution Suspects That Two Mem- berr Were Influenced. The Sort-nson bribery trial came to a close yesterday morning when the Jury' was discharged by Judge Bellinger, after having been out two nights and a day without being able to come to an agree ment Tho Judge. In discharging the men. was caustic in his arraignment of the motives whit-h would actuate the two men who we hanging the Jury. After the Judge had finished, Mr. Heney requested that all of the Jurors come to this private office on the second floor of the building, where he gave the two men who held out for ncqulttal such a grilling that both left the room amid the applause of the re maining ten. John Northup. of The Dalles, and A. G. Adkins are the two. men who have for a time defeated the course of justice, and both have escaped from prosecution for perjury. If they have escaped, by a very narrow margin. Neither of the men were asked at the time of their examination whether or not they "were friends of the defendant, though it was supposed that the were not acquainted from the other questions put by Mr. Heney. That the Jury was influenced seems self-evident, and it is supported by some startling local entanglements which have come to light. It was supposed at the time the Jury was Impaneled that none of the men were friends of either Soren son or any one connected with "the land frauds in any way. Since that time, however, JCorthup has admitted that he is an old friend of Sorenson" s and knew the family. Adkins. on the other hand, is a very good friend of Judge Alex Sweek. of the firm of Sweek Jc Long, the attorneys for the defense In the case. At the outset the vote was nine to thfee for conviction and later this changed to ten to two. where it hung. Before the flal. so It Is stated. Adkins was seen In the Chamber of Commerce building, on tbe same floor -with the Swc-ck & Long offices, and in conversation with a bare headed man who. so the informant says, bore a great resemblance tc Mr. Long, though not knowing the lawyer, the man was unable to swear to the identity. After the case had been sent to the Jury U is stated that a man had a conversa tion with Alex Swcck in hit; office, at which time the outcome of -the Sorenson i asc was discussed, and at this time Mr. Sweek Is alleged to have said that there would be no conviction bccaiute be bad a persona) friend on the Jury, as did Sor- cnson, and that these two men would hold out against a conviction forever. These circumstances lead the prosecu tldn to believe that the Jury was Influ enced even In the beginning, and an ef fort will be made to probe the question to the bottom to find out what the influ ence was. It 1s further stated that JCorthup re fused to abide by the ruling of Judge Bel linger on the law governing the case, but looked it up for himself, lie Is also said to have made the statement that it was nothing to offer a $5000 bribe. The statements of the members of the trial Jury were taken by Mr. Heney and will be offered to the grand jury. In' all probability, and-It would not be a sur prising thing if indictments for perjury were to be returned against both Northup and Adkins at an early date. . BUILT ITBST WAGONS Death of W. E. Harris, One of the Oregon Pioneers. W. E. Harris was born near Nashville, Tcnn.. and while quite a young man crossed the plains to California. oS years ago, then came to Oregon on one of the first calling vessels, the Emily Farnham, after i - s GEORGE SOKEXSOX, WHO IS INDICTED OX CHARGE OF PERJURY. which he settled In the little village of Buttevllle. Or. There he piled his trade, that of wagon making, and built the first wagons made In Oregon. Two years later he moved on to a donation land claim, one mile south of Aurora, where he has resided continually. His wife, nee Har riet Bonney, preceded him two years across the plains-. She died 26 years ago. Mr. Harris was a man of rare qualities. During hl6 5S years In Oregon he never made an enemy, and was highly respected in his neighborhood. He was known for his kindness and help to those In need. Mr. Harris- raised a family of two sons and four daughters W. E. Harris and H. E. Harris, of this city: Mrs. J. Peters, of Pendleton: Mrs. Alice Brown, of Klamath Falls; Mrs.-Florence and Mrs. Emma Ba ker, of Wilsonville. He came to "Portland to spend the holi days with his two sons?, and was stricken with paralysis while at the breakfast table at the home of his son, H. B. Harris, 71 East Eighth street. After lingering one week he died in the presence of all his children. Rev. W. S. Gilbert had charge of the services and made many references to the past life and high Ideals of Mr. Harris. Many friends and his neighbors were present at his burial In Lone Fir Cemetery. AT PUBLIC AUCTION. The B. B. Rich Curio Store Com mences Tuesday Afternoon. Commercing Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock and in the evening at 7 the B. B. Rich Curio Store will sell without reserve the entire collection of art goods and relics from all over the world. This will be a rare opportunity to secure art treas ures that have taken years to collect at a nominal figure. The sale will be con ducted by G. Lowit at the Curio Store. 123 Sixth street, near Washington. INQUIRIES AND ANSWERS. Inquiries' are often heard on the streets of our city, where is the best place to purchase gas and electric chandeliers, glassware. Lindsay burn ers, Welsbach burners, show-window and storeroom lighting apparatus. The answer Is at all times The M. J. Walsh Co. They also make a specialty of electric light wiring, ns piping and all kinds of repair work. See them at their salesrooms, 343 Washington street, corner Seventh, or phone them for estimates. Hood's Sarsaparllla ensures good diges tion and strength to tbe vitl organs, insist upon Hood's, William Uan-ii. REVIEWS GOOD YEAR Commercial Club Holds its'An- nual Meeting.. TO INCREASE MEMBERSHIP Reports Show Good Financial Footing and General Prosperity Through out Four New Members of Board Are Named. At its' eighteenth annual meeting last night the Commercial Club, aside from routine business, elected the following as members of the board of governors to serve a term of three years: L. 3 Fields, R. B. Miller, X. M. Smith, R. F. Praei and H. M. Cake. The reports of the president, treas urer and secretary were read tind show ed that the cash received during the year of 1904. exclusive of the exploita tion fund, aggregated $61,686.53. Ex penditures for the replacing of equip ment amounted to $2891.35, while $4700 was devoted to permanent fixtures. The sum of $822 was expended for public entertainments. One hundred and twenty-seven new members were admitted who. In Initia tion fees paid into the treasury $3170. The total net profit for the year Is estimated at $5000. During this year it Is proposed to in crease the membership, at present 695, to 1000, and it is hoped this may be done in six months. Next Saturday night the annual din ner will be held. It is expected that Governor Gooding, of Idaho, will at tend, as will Governor ChambeX'aln and Governor Mead, of Washington. Foundling Home Loses Children. PHOENIX. Ariz.. Jan. 21 -The Supreme Court today denied -the writ of habeas corpus In the case of the New York or phans brought to Clifton. Ariz., from COMPLAINS OF CAR COMPANY New Transfer System and Other Practices Cause Discontent. PORTLAND. Jan. 19. (To the Editor.) A few months ago Portland had two street-car lines or companies. The service was fairly good. The conductors and other employes were reasonably po lite and accommodating. The two lines were merged into one and within a few days thereafter u marked change came over the whole situation. An air of In difference to the Interests and comfort of the people showed Itself In every" de partment. Conductors that had always been uniformly polite and accommodating became exacting and uncivil. The go-ahead bell would often ring while passengers were getting on and off. not Infrequently throwing ladles to the ground and Inflict ing more or less Injury and humiliation upon them. Short and hasty answers would be given to civil questions; every thing showed that these servants were act ing tinder stress, under pressure from within. Men do not change from gentle men to boors in 4S hours without a great moving cause. More money must be made out of the same effort, at whatever cost. "The public be damned." Competition has been eliminated and the Consolidated does the rest. In a short time a placard was stuck up in one end of the cars in the archway of the roof, notifying the people that unless they asked for transfers when they paid their fares they forfeited their rights to a transfer. This notice is print ed, some portions of It, in large letters and some portions in letters so small that the best eyes can hardly make them out at the length of the car. Then the fun began. Persons would for get to demand transfers when they paid their fare, or perhaps concluded later to go to some other portion of the city, or would not see the notice, or perhaps could not read. On asking for a transfer they received an insolent answer, perhaps a reprimand and a refusal, with a pointing to the obscure notice in the gable end of the car. and the parties were forced to pay another fare. In this there seems to be method to increase earnings. That condition continues to this day. There is scarcely a car In any part of the city but what a scene is enacted over this outrage, and parties arts forced to pay two fares and the corporation Is ahead that much. Today, on an Upper Alblna car. three cases of this outrage took place two strangers going to St. Johns, that were not aware of the necessity of a transfer, and the writer. When I paid my fare, my attention was drawn to other matters, and it slipped my mind, as formerly transfers were not given out till the last end of the trip. A few minutes later I applied for a transfer and was insolently refused, and my attention was called to the notice WILL BE SOLD TOMORROW Four of the -Twenty-Four Sale Pianos Still Remain. All Braai New, Oaly Slightly Dam aged Cases. Practically a Third Off Prlcer r" ' It may create a great deal of wonder that we will consent to part with these pianos at these tremendous reductions when only a little labor would put them In perfect condition. But. as Is well known, it is the policy of Ihe Ellers Piano House to never sell a damaged piano at the price of a new one. In addition to this, our repair department now has Its hands more than full. and. as stated be fore, our celling In the main salesroom Is In danger of falling as a result of the wet ting It got through the bursting of a de fective water-pipe above stairs. It was the water pouring through our celling which damaged the pianos that we have been selling -at such tremendous reduc tions the past few days. The four that remain will go tomorrow. This sale, which commenced only last Friday morning, has created a, tremen dous amount of buying and purchasers have without exception been delighted with their bargains. Every Instrument is fully guaranteed and should any defect develop In the piano as a result of this accident, same will be cheerfully repaired without a cent of charge. Were It not for the crowded con dition of our floors and the fact that wo have promised the public to sell 24 pianos at these prices, we would not bother with selllnsr these four remaining pianos at the tremendous reductions. But these. prices will hold good for Monday. Only the earlv callers need hope to secure one of these pianos, as we do not anticipate: navtng one in tne store uy noon, raters Piano House, 251 Washington street, cor ner Park; Home of the Chlckcring. Weber. Kimball. Hazelton. Lester, Ho bart M. Cable. Story & Clark. Schumann and many other highest grade pianos. New York by foundling asylum officers and placed in Mexican families and later removed by force and since regularly adopted by the families through probate proceedings. The foundling home asked for the writ, claiming It had never lost legal guardianship. Upon announcement of the judgment leaving the children with their foster parents, the foundling homo gave notice of an appeal to the United States Supreme Court. NAMES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President of Traveling Passenger Agents Announces Appointments. Jay W. Adams, of Seattle, president of the American Association of Trav eling Passenger Agents, and Pacific Coast agent of the Nickel Plate Road, was a. Portland visitor yesterday. Mr. Adams, who was elected to pre side over the Traffic Association at the annual meeting in Mexico City a short time ago, has announced the appoint ment of his executive committee. It Is as follows and is composed of .repre sentative and well-known traveling passenger agents of the united States J. M. Cornell, of the Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe. at Chicago; W. T. Pratt, Wisconsin Central, at New York; B. F. Kelly. Wabash, at Buffalo; Xr. J. Roche. Denver & Rio Grande,, at Portland, and W. B. Hutter. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, at St. Paul. B. ,H. Trumbull, the, commercial agent of the Illinois Centra) In this clt,Svas appointed district deputy by President Adams for the Portland dis trict. It has been announced on the new letter-heads now being used by the as sociation in its official business that the annual convention for 1905 will be held In Portland during the month of Sep tember. Heretofore the time has not been stated, as it was left to the de clsion of the executive committee. CONTRACTORS' FIREPLACE APPARATUS. Contractors can at nil times find a complete line of hearth, floor and wall tiling at The M. J. Walsh Co., 343 Washington street corner Sev enth. They also carry a complete line of ash dumps, dampers, grates, frames and ash-pit doors, at very reasonable prices. Death of Mrs. Marshall. Mrs. Maud Ethelyn' Marshall, wife of Dr. A. E. Marshall, of this city, died Friday evening at the family residence. 704 Glisan street. Mrs. Marshall had been 111 nnlf i n-u1r r 1 .1 - . V. ' ... .....j m. . ut. vuu . ... t; lit UU1 111 In the dome of tbe car. I TpriitprnA kick, not against the conductor for h Is acting under orders but against his orders and his superiors. The company made IS cents on that deal. I deny, the people deny, the right of the company to maKe laws against the people ana innict punisnment on them for fail ure to comply with such laws. The mm pany has the transfer system, and when a passenger has paid his fare he has earned his right to a transfer and can legally demand It at any time whll on that car. It may be a convenience for tne conductor to give transfers when the fare is paid, and I am sure the people would gladly aid In bringing about and establishing this rule. If rrauixiHi in o civil and gentlemanly manner, but they wui not oe ordered to do so and fined for dj- any corporation mat ever existed. The street-car lines of Portland nr venn derfully favored. They have, a free right oi wav over the streets of this raDldlv growing city. They pay nothing into the city treasury for this ereat nrlvitnira granted them by the people, and at least fair treatment is due the people .for these concessions, vehicles of all descriptions are taxed hign for the privilege of trav ellng the streets, while the strwt-onr- company pays no such license, and the management snouid De at least jU6t and civil. oo xar. consolidation tins not beon an Improvement on the old competitive lines. School girls have' been forced to- continue their journey on foot from the St. Johns Junction through the rain because they had forgotten to ask for a transfer when fare was paid and they had no nlckeL I appeal to The Oregonlan because fre quent complaints to the management have been made by many for redress, without avail. If this condition of things continues the people will see to It that the system comes under their own control for all there Is in it. The company could not turn a wheel without a grant from the people, and the people will not long continue to be treated as if they were owned by their Inferiors and dependants. The people. I am sure, are willing to make it as easy and convenient for the conductors to make their collections as possible, but they are not willing to pay a forfeit for A slight forgetfulness. Con ductors, as a rule. I think, try to be gentlemen when not forced to be other wise by the management. "I have to obey order to bold" my Job. I got -a jackfng-up the other day for violating the order; and another conductor got laid off a week for doing the same," was the excuse of fered. W. HAMPTON" SMITH. Special Bargains in Boys' Department BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS, DICKEY CASSIMERES, the best wear-resisting fabric known, all sizes, 7 to 15 years, value $3.95 ' CO QC SALE PRICE . . L.JJ BOYS'- SCHOOL SUITS, our GREAT $2.50 values, Sale Price . SAILOR SUITS AT HALF $2.50 SAILOR SUITS $1.25 $3.00 SAILOR SUITS $1.50 $5.00 SAILOR SUITS $2.50 $ 3.95 OVERCOATS $2.95 $ 5.00 OVERCOATS $3.95 WHEN MOYER She was 27 years old and a native of Iowa. Her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Thompson. Tesidc at Silvorton, Or. The funeral services will be held at FInley's undertaking parlors .it 2:30 this afternoon and the remains will be cre mated. Besides her husband Mrs. Marshall Is survived by a daughter one year of age. v HELLO! Is That the M. J. Walsh Co.? Yes, ma'am. Will you please send up six of your new Lindsay gas burn ers, with Walco mantles, and place them In my parlor, dining-room and kitchen? This is how The M. J. Walsh Desks Go If you are going to want a desk of any kind for office or home, now is the time and at Calef Bros, is the place to buy. We have a complete line, ranging in prices froth $4.50 to $120. The desk here shown is solid oak. We are selling now for $22.50. We also carry office chairs, rugs, carpets and linoleum. You will 'get a square deal at Calef Bros. A Clean-Up The shrewd buyer knows that prices are lower now than at any other time. If you have not seen Calef Bros.' prices you have not seen the best place to buy. Just think of a firm that hasn't a dissatisfied customer. It means that we do the right thing, and we are that firm. Calef Bros. 130 Sixth Street DON'T DELAY If 70H bare Headache. If yoB have Neuralgia, If yea have Inflamed Eyelids. If you are tronbled rritb Dlxxlarxx, If jrou are tronbled Trltfa XervoasBess, If you are troubled frith Car-Sickaesa, OUR EYEGLASSES Have Helped Others Tuey May Help Yea ' OREGON OPTICAL CO. Fourth BBd Yamhill Street, Y. -X. C. . BbJIjUb 1.85 BOYS' OVERCOATS $ 6.00 $10.00 YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD Co.'s phone keeps up all day since se curing the agency for the new Lind say gus "burner. Ask your neighbor what they- are. To Afd Home Industry. There was a second meeting of the Woman's Labor League yesterday after noon at Drew Hall, with Mrs. L. A. Hel- Don't miss the opportunity to dress well at small cost We're closing out stocks on hand at greatly reduced prices to make room for new Spring goods. Suit and extra pants of same or striped material to order for $25.00 and $30.00. All garments to order for cost of material and making for the next ten days.' ' Full dress and tuxedo suits a specialty .Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases Garments to order in a day if required 108 Third Street . mar, tow MF OVERCOATS $4;95 OVERCOATS $6.95 IT'S SO THIRD AND OAK bock presiding. Women laborers and th wives, mothers and sisters of members ot the labor union were admitted to mem bership. There were a. number of neyr names added to the charter list of last week. The object of the league is tho patronage of home industry, and labor, and, as far as possible, the abolishment of alien labor classes. i .t