THE SUNDAY OBEGtQyiAff, PORTLAND, X&UAJKg 22, 1305. 15 APPLES GOING FAST Most of Desirable Stock Is Shipped From State, CALIFORNIA IS BEST MARKET Large Quantity Handled in the Sea son by a Portland Firm Stocks Held in Storage In the United States. The local apple market fe-flrm Xer good stock. The supply In the state is rapidly cleaning up and nearly all the desirable apples have al ready been shipped. The Hood Hirer supply Is running low and practically all the South ern Oregon crop has been disposed of. The few large lots remaining in Eastern Oregon are being tnored to Montana. Of aS total crop in the state of approximately 300,000 boxes, 100,000 boxes were shipped to Eastern points, the best being forwarded from New Tork to London, and about the same quan tity was sent to the San Francisco market. The movement toward the latter place has not yet ceased. California has been, the best outlet xor Oregon apples this .season, owing 'j iit- tiup xanurc m eiaic as enowing i -i i . 3 . . .. . ... I the magnitude of the apple-shipping Industry hero, It may be stated that a single firm of this city in the season now "drawing to -a close has shipped out of the state apples to the value cf $100,000. An estimate has Just been Issued by the In ternational Apple Shippers' Association of the nuantity of apples in storage In the United states, Canada and Nova Scotia on January 3, which places It at 9.707.445 barrels, as com pared with 3,462.508 barrels on January 1. 1904, or an increase of 244,937 barrels. In its estimate by states. It gives Oregon 95,000 bar rel. The figures, however, were collected In the Fall and on New Tear's day there was much smaller stock stored in the state The following Is the association's compilation or apples, both cold and common, held in the evcral states: 1905 Maine 240.000 New Hampshire 30.000 "Vermont 12.000 Machuietls 120,000 Rhode Wand 21.883 Connecticut 40.000 New York 1.398.337 New Jer.-ey 12,000 Pennsylvania ........... 139,975 Maryland 22.500 Virginia 8,750 1ew-t Virginia.. 26,925 Kentucky 31,300 Ohio 124.900 Indiana 113,b(0 I Ilnois 343.118 Mil hlgan 39.32 Wisconsin 21,000 I"wa 11.500 Kansas 30, Girt South Dakota 13.500 Washington, D. C 18.500 Missouri 194.075 1904. 240.000 20.000 3.000 47.7C9 8,000 4.000 1.296.400 1.000 172,000 35.000 no report 47.500 30.750 116,850 9S.3C0 486,200 45.617 26.100 6.173 10.000 no report 18,500 154.050 48.000 Nebraska 25.000 t'Morado 9.650 32.500 47.000 Minnesota .......... lioulrlana Arkansas ........... Texas .. Oregon New Mexico... .... . 63.330 4.500 44.125 3.000 . 95.000 no report 3.01 5.000 2.000 no report 1.050 STRONG FEATURES OF HOI MARKET. Future of Irices Now Rests Entirely With Growem. O.VEIDA. N T.. Jan. 16. (To the Editor.) This month has so Tar seen about 10.000 bales a' hops taken by dealers to fill January sales, while they liave mofctly been bought from spec ulators. This one feature causes a strong situation, as no one gets weak-kneed as quick as the speculator. As I understand the situation now, there are out one or two speculators left that are carrying any stock to speak of and after this month the dealer will have to go to the grower Xor the future wants. The whole situation today (now that the speculative feature is removed) lies entirely in the hands of the growers and If they hold rut until April or May they have everything to gain and nothing to lose. As It Is now a one-sided play, with every thing In the growers' favor, there is no io Mbillty of hops easing off In price more than Xrt-m. 1 to 3 cents at the most. There is every possibility of their going 10 to 20 cents lr pound higher. The London market advanced its .quotation r. shillings today, which in Itself Is a etrong feature There ar but 2500 bales left in New Tork State in growers' hands and very few in spec ulators hands. There have been 2500 bales bought from growers here in the past three weeks, o the grower of the Coast have not"i !ng to contend with now but their own ac tions for future development of market prices. I knew of two dealers that have 1800 bales - deliver in February and they have them a'l to buy yet. There are also some large . r liveries to be mado in March, much larger r-r'ibaMy than in February. "We should go Jrto the 1905 crop without a package of old Lone In existence. E. J. SMITH. WOOL MEN ARE CNEASV. Luke County Grower Fear Tariff Re vision. LAKBVIEAV. Or., Jaiu 21. (Special.) The tariff revision agitation is giving rise to some uneasiness in tho woel market. Lake -County -)iecpnin are watching the situation closely. and If the President succeeds In calling Con gress tegothcr before the 1905 clip can get Into the han4 of manufacturers, they fear a fall n the price. On the other hand, if It appears impe4ble for tho President to get an extra tension t aet en the tariff question before Oc- ober. kepmen leok for even better prices than are now effered. Judging from the ef forts at local buyers to pick up clips, there will be very little unsold by the time shearing c ommcneec. The Wlwrr wMt certainly be an open one. as there 1 no snow in the valleys and warm raiiiK prevail. There eems to be sufficient cmw fallteg in the meuittains to feed the mountain Htnnmt till late next Summer, which w.ll Inswe ge4 crops. Hawaiian Sugar at San l'mnckco. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 21. The arrival here of t"x first cargo of 15.000"bags of sugar from the HeBOtutu Sugar Company has caused drop of 10 cent . in the market price of beet i-ugar. The consignment was distributed hrec flrMo who reu.ed tu take part or Join he rergaMrtie of the Pacific Traffic &. Comtaarctal AcUllo. which is said to have hitherto cHtre)led the sugar MtuaUon here. and arc new aetlng on an independent basis. rOKTLAND MARKETS. Grain, ilour. 1'erd. Etc. WHEAT Walla Walla. SSe; blucstem. SSc; alley. S7c per bushel. FLOUR Patents. J4.65C4.S5 per barrel: Ktrntrht S4.3(KJ4.45: clears. S3.S53': Valley. si 1 1 4 Daxeta nard wlieat. $t(.5Off7.50; Uraharn. $3.5064; whole wheat. $4(J4.25: rye flour. iocbI. so; eastern, -o.iv. iwmvi, wr ,-ai.e. xl.00. BARLEV Feed, $22.50 per ton; rollod. 523.50 4J24J0. OATS No. 1 white. $l.S2"i1.35; gray. $1.33 t'-4o per cental. MILLSTl rKS a ran. isi per 100; miaoiuig?. $25. short. $21 . chops. U. S. Mill. $19: linseed dairy foods. $11?. linseed ollmeal. car lots. $29 per ton; lees than car lots. $30 per ton. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream, 90-j-r.und sacks. $6.75: lower grades, $566,25; oat meal, fleel cut. 60-pound saeke, $8 per barrel: 10-pound sacks, $4.25 per bale; oatmeal if round). 60-pound sacks. $7.50 per barrel; 10 pound racks. $4 per bale; split peas, 54 per 100-pound sack; 25-pound boxes. $1.18; pearl barley, $4 per 100 pounds; 23-pound boxes, f 1.25 per box; pastry flour, 10-pound ackc. $2.60 per bale. HAT Timothy. $14816 per ton; dorer. $119 12; grala; $U-12; cheat, $12613. Vegetables. Trait. Etc There vac a good active market for fruits anil vervfah'ec In the forenoon- HeeeiDtS were light. Several cars of California.' produce will' be offering Monday. VEGETABLES Turnips. 1 per sack; car rots, fl:. 'beets. 11.25; parsnips. fl-23; cabbage. California lfcc, Danish 2c; lettuce, head. 0c per dozen: parsley, 25c dozen; tomatoes. $2 per crate; cauliflower. $L902 per craw; egg plant. 10915a per- pound; celery. 60965c per dor en, peas. 10c per pound; beans, green. 12fcc: wax;. 11c; pumpkins, l&lfcc pet pound: peppers. He per pound; sprouts, 6c ONION'S Fancy, $L8592.23, Buying price. POTATOES Oregon, fancy, SOgOOc; common, buyers price; Merced, sweets, 24 191c; new California, 4c per pound. RAISINS Loose Muscatels. 4-crown, 7ie; 5-laycr Muscatel raisins. 74c; unbleached seed less Sultanas, 6Uc; London layers. 3-crown. whole boxes of 20 pounds, 31.S3: 2 -crown, J 1.75. DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated, 6S4 per pound; sundrled. sacks or boxes, none; apricots, lOgllc; peaches. 9910&c; pears, none; prunes. Italians, 485c: French, 2"493c; figs. California blacks, 5?c; do white, none; Smyrna. 20c: Fard dates. 6c; plums, pitted. 6c DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples 4-tter Bald wins. $1.25; Spltxenbergs, $L7592; cooking. 7585c; flgs, E5cf2.50 per box; cranberries, $9.60911 per barrel. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy, $2,759 3.75: choice. 2.75 per box; orange, standard. $1.3051.75; fancy, $L9092; mandarins, C0365S per box; tangerines. $ 1.5092 per box: grape fruit. 12.7503 per box: bananas, 5954c per pound; pomegranates, per dox. Batter. Eggs. Poultry, Etc The demand for most country produce was not good yesterday. Very few chickens came in, but this did not save some of the houses from carrying over coops. Ducks, turkeys and geese, on the other hand, moved welt Egg receipts were liberal, but the Inquiry was slow and the market was quoted very weak. But ter in some quarters is considered strong, in others weak. Supplies are not large. EGGS Oregon ranch. 27628c; Eastern. 24c per dozen. BUTTER City creameries: .Extra creamery. 309 22 Vic per pound; fancy creamery. 22H?2Cc State creameries: ancy creamers. -oauc; California, fancy creamery, 2562740; store butter, 1212c CHEESE Full cream twins, laigiac; xoung Americas. 14915"4c 12c; mixed chickens. llS12c; old roosters, I 1ft1ftUr do vonnr. llffllVic: SDrtncs. 14 to 2-pouna. 14 i&c; rj rouers. i to i-ponna, jo r'fv. HrMwul .hIMren 1S(f?14r- turlfera live. ?ioe: dressed chickens. 13&14c: turkeys, live. 17rl7c: do dressed. lS20c; do choice, 22 Siae: cerse. live, per pound. oac; ao dressed. ll124c: ducks, old. 86eJ.50: do young, as to size.; pigeons. i3i-". GAME Wild geeee, ou; maiiara quckb. $2.50S3; widgeon, X1.755T-: teal, l.w.sf'.-o. Meats and Provisions. BEEF Dressed, bulls. 2h&3&c; cows. 324e; country steers, 4t3c MUT-raji Dressea. DUiC per pouna. VEALDressed. 100 to 125. 8!a9c per lb.: tai to 200. rU0Gc: 200 and up. 465c PORK Dressed, loo to iwj, J"jc per pound; 150 and up. Cootie HAAlo xen lO 1 pgunus, 4-?tc per pouuu, 14 to 10 pounds, 22c: 18 to 20 pounds. 12c: California (nlcnlc). 9c: cottage bams, 9"4c: shoulders, 9c; boiled ham, 21c: boiled picnic ham. boneless. 14c BACON Fancy breakfast, ISc per pound: standard breakfast. 17c: choice. 15c: English breakfast. 11 to 14 pounds. lc; peacn Dacca. 13e SAUSAGE Portland ham. l-"rc per pouna; minced ham, 10c; Summer, choice dry, 17He: bologna, long, 5V4c; welnerwurst,-8c; liver, 6c: pork. 9c; blood. 5c; headcheese. 12',4c; bologna DRY SAL.kt.lJ UlSA'ia neguiar anon clears, 10c salt. 11c smoked; clear backs, 9Xc salt. 104o smoked: Oregon export. 20 to 25 pounds, average, lOVic salt, 1114c smoked; Union butts. 10 to 18 pounds, average. So lt 9c smoked. PICKLED GOODS Pickled pigs' feet. K-bar- rels, $5; U-barrels. $2.75; 15-pound kit, J1.25; pickled tripe, li-oarreis, o; -oarreu. .o; 15-pouna Kit. l.o; picaiea piga iocsucs. A-harrels. J6: l-barrels. S3: 15-pound kits. S1.50; pickled lambs' tongues. Vt-barrels, $9; i-harreis, a.iu; j-pouna mis, . T.Ann Kettle-rendered: Tierces. 9?ic: tubs. 10c: 50s, 10c: 20s. l0V4c; 10s, 10c; &s, lOHc KtandBrd nure: Tierces. 9c: tubs. 9Uc: 50s. 9Uc; 20s. 94c; 10s, 9?ic: 5s. 9c Compound: Tierces, 6"4c; tubs. 6ic; 50s, 6ic; 10s. 7lic; 5e, 79tc Groceries, Nuts, Etc. norPEE-Mocha. 26328c: Java, ordinary. 16 20c; Costa Rica, fancy. 18620c: good. 169 lec; ordinary, luuiic per pouna; umuiduis roast, cases, 100s. S13.50; 50s. S14; Arhuckie, $15.38: Lion. 315.33. nu:i-; imneriai jasu. no. i. o.otvt Southern Japan, 3.50; Carolina, 4Huc; brolcenhead. 2c KAT.Mnx Columbia mver. i-nouna tans. 51.75 per dozen; 2-pound tails, $2.40; 1-pound flats, LS5; fancy. l"fl-pound flats, $LS0: 4-pound flats. $1.10; Alaska pink. 1-pound tails, 85c: red, 1-pound talis, $1.43: sockeyes. 1-pound talis. $1.75; l-pouna nats, 21.00. JJSid'la-'to' nulaS' SoJlS- UlSZT ou.-S, -V HSrSLisrS: c S.Vtl5: irnldf.n C S5.55: fruit sugar. 56.13. ad vance over eack basis as follows; Barrels, 10c: Tifllf-tiarrels. 25c: boxes. 50c per 100 pounds. (Terms: On remittance wunin 10 aays, ocuuci "ic per pound; If later than 15 days and with in 30 days, deduct c per pound; no ais Mtmt &fter 20 davs.) Best sugar granulated. $5.95 per 100 pounds; mapie sugar, ioirrioc per pound. SALT California, $9.50 per ton; $1.30 per bale. Liverpool. 50s. $10.00; loos, sio: ws. ia .W hnlf rround. 100s. $5.25: 60s. 35.73. NUXs wainuis, a.?ic y inuuu uj c-am.. extra for less than sacK; urazu nuts. 10c; m h.rt rjecans. lumbos. 14c: extra large. 15c; almonds. L X. L.. 16Uc; chestnuts, Ital ians. 15c; Ohio, $4.60 per 25-pound drum; pea nuts, raw, sc per pwuau, iwuu, t;, yiu nuts, 1012c; niCKory nuts, c; conaauu, R.tafV Tver dozen. BEANS Small white, 9c; large white. 35ic; pink. SVic; bayou, umi, osc. Oil. rtASOLlNE Stove gasoline, cases. 214c: Iron barrels, 18c: 86 deg. gasoline, cases, 32c; Iron COAL OIL Cases, 2ic: iron Darreis, iosc; wood barrels, none: 63 deg.. cases. bar rels. 18c: Washington State test burning oils, ,rr,nt headllffht. i,tc Der gallon higher. T.iKKPEu 011 uaw. narreis. oc; cases, itvc Boiled: Barrels. 60c: cases. 61c; 1c less In '.Vl-fnllnn lots. TURPENTINB tjases, 00c; oarreir, 01c WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 74.c: 600-pound lots 74c; less than ooo-pouna lots. sc. Hops. Wool, Hides, Etc HOPS Choice. 2Sa20c: prime. 27c per pound. WOOL Valley. 19620c per pound; Eastern Oregon. 10917c; mohair. 252&c per pound for choice. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. 16 pounds and up. 1515Vc per pound; dry gip. No. 1, & to 10 noun's. 12c: dry calf. No. 1. under C pounds. 10c; dry saitea duus ana stags, one-mira less than dry flint: salted hides, eteers. sound. 70 8c; under 60 pounds and cows. 6lt7cs stags ana culls, sauna, invite; tup. sounu. u u ai pounds. 7c; under 10 pounds. 8c; green (un cdted). lc tcr Tound less: calls, lc per pound: horse bides, til tea. fi.inw- eacn; ory. each; colts hides, zoyooc eacn; goauuns. common,, ao&ioc eacn; angora, wnn wool on, 25c0$l TALLOW Prime, per pound. 45c; No. 1 ana grriw, sve-w Mining Stocks. NEW TOBK. Jan. 21. Closing quotations Adams Con. ...S .20 Little Chief $ .05 Alice tiOIOntario ........ 3.j Breece lSjOphir 6.00 Brunswick Con.. .OSiPhoenlx ... ... .08 Comstock Tun.. .OSlPotosi 10 Con. Cal. & Va.. 1.331 Savage Horn Silver .... 1.50 Sierra Nevada.. A'. lren Silver 2.00 Small Hopes ... .28 Leadville Con. .02Standard 1-50 BOSTON, Jan. 21. Closing quotations Adventure .$ 7.251 Mohawk $ 52.50 . 20.3S Mont. C. Si C 4.73 Allouei ...... Amalgamated . 73.8801d Dominion. 27.00 12.231 Osceola 94.00 16.75-Parrot 26.25 32.75lQuIncy 10.00 675.00!Shannon ...... 8.23 Am. Zinc . . -, Atlantic Bingham .... Cal. &. uecia.. Centennial ... 2l.50Tamarack .... 129.00 07.50! Trinity 8.00 10.00 U. S. Mining. . 22.75 60.50 V. S. Oil 10.63 11.00 Utah 42.23 5.23 Victoria 5.13 26.75 Winona 11.50 10.131 Wolverine 109.00 Copper Range. Daly West Dominion Coal Franklin ..... Granby Isle Royal e Mass Mining.. Michigan ..... 12.001 SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 21. Official oloslng quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: -Alta $ .031 Hale & Norcross.$1.40 Andes ... 1 Belcher . . .221 Mexican 2.10 Best. & Belcher. L05 Occidental Con.. .87 Bullion .22. Ophlr 6.25 Challenge Con. . Chollar ... . ... Confidence Con. Cal. & Va.. Con. Imperial . Con. New Tork. Eureka Con Exchequer ..... Gould Si Curry . .441 Overman ....... .23 Potosl .28 Savage .931 Seg. Belcher ... 1.65 Sierra. Nevada... .01t Stiver Hill .16) Union Con. 50iUtah Con. .221 Vellow 'Jacket .. .14 .38 .06 .43 .66 .61 20 Ixrodon Wool Sales. LONDON. Jan. 21. The offerings at the wool auction sales today amounted to 13.923 bales. Demand came from all directions, and com petition was keen. The large offerings were quietly sold at unchanged prices. Americans bought fine greasy merinos and good bright crosahrKs at rates In Tellers favor. A good selection cf scoareds was taken by home and German buyers at firm prices. France was an eager buyer of lamba wool. During the re mainder of the series 08,000 bales will be offered . ITheat -at, Tacoma. TACOMA. Jan. 21. Wheat unchanged, Blue- stem, 90c, club, 83c PRICE LEVEL GIVES WAY STOCKS WEAKEN ON APPEAR ANCE OF 1ANK STATEMENT. Large Expansion in Loans Believed to Be Preliminary to Great Project in Corporation Finance. NEW YORK. Jan. 21. There was a good deal of commotion and some confusion in tha active two hours of trading in today's stock market, but the important changes of the day were confined to a few stocks. The further buoyant rise In the Northwestern grangers was in connection with another rise In the North ern Securities' on the curb. The general level of prices, however, was maintained with dlffl- culty and gave way entirely on the appearance of the bank statement, disclosing an unex pected loan expansion of 934.474.700. This, is far in excess of any previous week's Increase in the loan Item during the history of the clearing-house and it was further notable for the fact that the Increase In loans has been made by the three or four largest banks In the clearing-house,' In which usually concen trated the greatest syndicate operations of the country's most powerful financial groups. Nothing has appeared on the surface to In dicate Into what channel this enormous exten sion of credits may be turned. There have been several bond sales during the week, but suffict tT acnr forproruon. of the loan expansion. Some part of the re- sources thus expended may have gone for the payment of maturing American railroad notes and bonds held abroad, and it Is known that w cmp.uj wau wr mc yurea vestors which are to fall due In a short time. But there will be room still for the supposi tion that .some great project of corporation finance is In progress or being worked out. Compared with this week's great loan in crease, that for the week ending January S3 last year comes nearest to an equal amount. when the bank loans Increased $30,663,300. The only other parallel occurred during the Spring of 3901 preceding the great flotation era, when for eeveral weeks the clearing house banks made increases In the neighbor hood of S30.000.000 in their loans. Today's stock market closed active and easy. Total sales, par value, S5,330,ooo. Dealings at the Stock Exchange this week have expanded to an average of over 1.000,000 shares a day, and the growth In the volume of the bond dealings has been more notable with an Increased health In the demand for Investment issues along with the continued activity In the more speculative bonds. But the tone of the stock market has shown much Irregularity and unsettlement. Tho volatile spurts la & few very active stocks have not carried the general list along Wth them, ana the special movements have se:-ved to beget doubt and suspend rather than encourage gen eral demand for stocks. The money market has been unruffled by all adverse Influences, such as the withdrawal of 10 per cent of the Government deposits from the National banks and the continued outflow of gold to foreign markets. But the heavy Influx of money from the interior to this point has been sufficient to glut the money market. By the falling off in railroad traffic and the easing of the car shortage, the gross earnings for the second week of January do not Te' tain the excess of recent showings over last year. The gold proauction xor American b for the year Just closed Is found to nave risen to a new high record. It Is believed that some light Is thus thrown upon the freedom of the outward movement of gold. With the value of our December Imports lifted to a record figure for a single month, and with tne enormous ehrinkage in the value or cotton ex ports by reason of the fall in. price, we i rde balance In our favor fell more than S4&000.000 below that of the uecemoer neeew-inir ihus exslalning much of the per- utent strength of the foreign exchange market. The eonflietlne Influences at work have acted - n.n,.clv &rent on the powerful . efforts " Price r,lther tban to mny-ao-Wve de- Plon and the undertone of the marxet nas lieen firm. T,e market for bonds has hroaaenea ma terially, marking the presence of abundant advanced per cent on call on the week. fiinctvn OTIOTATIONS. Closing Sales. High. Low. bid. ti,i,itM 3,200 87H 80S do referred 300 100 100b 03 AITOUC WWk""-" --T1C? nfli Baltimore ft omo.... o.ww jvwt do n referred . 96H Canadian Pacific 000 133 1334 1B rw iteu. HMVb 195 Central of N. J. & Ohio.. 2,000 4&H 49 48 nut.. r. 41,ivn ..... ..... 1 oo preterrea - Chi. Great Western.. 1.300 23H 23 23 Chi. Si Northwestern. 10.0O 22 1 1754 Chi.. Mil. & St. "sui 111 Chl. Term. & Trans., iu.iw do preferred 8,000 c a. a t st. 1 6.300 1KVL 14"-: J4H 2c 23 96 93ft 24U 224t, 4- 95i 23H Colorado & somnern. do 1st preferred 600 62 BlVt 6H 36t 2.400 371 364 do nreierrea.... Delaware & Hudson 600 1S4 16 183 339) Del., Lack. & West.. . Denver t Rio Grande 32 do preierrea ....... U5 4J: Erie 41T4 79H 634 40H 0 do 1st prererrea do 2d preferred 2,600 4 62Vi Hocking Valley 100 do prererrea - - Illinois Central 1.600 156.. 1WH 165;; 31 57tf 2S Iowa Central 3,000 31 30! do nreferred ow 10 Kan. City Southern.. 3.600 30 do nreferred .ww wr 6Si Louisville & Nashv.. Manhattan L. Metrop. Securities... 6.900 142U lMs 1V4 2.900 17m 1704 I704 73!i letropoiitan su 1,400 1164 116 800 23S 23 "i "900 "5 Mn 300 150 130 110 23 53 Mexican jenirai .... Minn, ir St. LOUis. - M.. St P. Si S. & M. do preferred Mleourl Pacific 944 106 C6 1,500 107H 103?; Mo.. -Kan. & Texas.. An nreferred ....... 300 32H 700 6CH 400 11.900 145U 3.400 44H 2.200 79 32 60S 42U 144 7SH 93 137 National of Mex. pfd. New Tork central... 143 N. T., Ont Si esu. 43 Norfolk & western.. Ar nrreerrerf .. 100 93 S3 137 75 Pennsylvania 12.300 138 P.. C, C Si -"Aii Reading .X $914 SSU do 1st prererrea f.... do 2d preferred..... 92 ST4 33H Rock Island Co. lO.itw 37Ti 36H "VlH do preferred Si St L. b. S. F. 2d pfd. 300 71 St. L. Southwestern, j.uw do preferred .-551; 264 62U 614 Southern ractnc 16,300 67 66U 2.100 1174 117H do preferred 1174 Southern Railway ... do preferred Texas Si Pacific Toledo, St L. Si "W.. 5.400 344 344 95 34H 300 97U 300 5 100 35 100 83H 49,900 120 34g 63, iis; 214 56 S3 ao preierTea Union Pacific 11ST4 do preferred 9S Val-tajih ...... ...... 400 21 H 21H do nreferred it"' 43 43 "Wheeling u. wic Wisconsin Central .. 100 181i 300 22 300 454 lSri 18 21 21 45H 45H do preferred Express companies- H 45H Adams - 23S American . 200 22414 224U 225 United States - IZO 100 243 243 245 Wells-Fargo ........ Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper Amer. Car : trounary do nreferred ....... American Cotton OH- do preferred ....... American Ice da nreferred American Linseed Oil do rref erred American Locomotive nreferred a... Amer. Sm. & Refining 11,300 S54 Af TTf Tf4rrt ....... 1.JW 11 1134 11314 it mil Amef. Snar Refining 1.500 143U 142 141U Am. Tobacco pf. cert. -1.000 93 924 4 Anaconda Mining . w iua iv 10 4 Srooklm Jt Transit 7,500 63 C2 900 47X1 46 200 19Si 19S 6H 464 Colorado Fuel & Iron Consolidated Gas.... JUS Corn Products - I'M do prererrea Distillers' Securities. General Electric .... B 37XJ 1SCU 1.100 S7J 400 1SS 1.300 22H 3711 International Paper.. 22H do prererrea International Pump.. do preferred ....... National Lead 38 300 24S .vio 43i IWV) 107 200 -364 400 S9U 24H 24U North American .... Pacific Mail People's Gas Pressed Steel Car.... 9SH 106H 1064 tax? tit do prererrea ....... Pullman Palace Car. 63 SO 243 Republic Steel ...... do Dreferred ....... SOO 100 16tl 60 16 69 Rubber Goods 261 do prererrea - Tenru Coal & Iron... 94U 1.500 TltJ 71 4 U. s. Learner do preferred ....... OO 13V 3.900 102T 102H. 102 V. S. Realty 6 TJ. 5. Rubber 900 36 36 .Ti 100 100 100 i no prererrea 17. S Steel. . . 30.700 SO 5H do prererrea 1&40Q IH HSi 94 Va.-CarrUna Chemical 200 ZS 334 35. do preierrea. ....... 9W 10194 w vw 100 75 74 7414 209 33 32-4 324 300 S:V 924 92J4 34 93 100 64 64 di 300 37"i 364 37 500 IS 174 ITU S8 500 34i 34 34 100 103 103 105 84 84 406 1S1H ISO, MO 380 SCVs 92 Western Union Total sales for the day; -CTTVSOQ shares. .BONDS. NEW TORK. Jan. 21. Closing quotations: TJ. a. 2a reg. ..IMS? Atchison AdJ 4. 85 U do coupon ...10454ID. & R. G. 4s..l01 TJ. 8; 3s reg. -.103 IN. T. Cent, lsts.100 do coupon 1044! Nor. Pacific 3s.. 77, TJ. S. new 4sreg.l304 do 4s ...105i do coupon ...1314So. Pacific 4s... 90 ii TJ. S. old 4s reg.lOSH Union Pacific 4. 103 do coupon ...103 H Wis. Central 4s. 914 Stocks at Load on. LONDON. Jan. 21. Consols Xor money. 87 16-16; consols for account. 68. Anaconda. 5""SlNor. & "Western SOS Atchison ...... 89 & do preferred .. 944 do preferred .103 One i Western. 434 Pennsylvania ... 704 Rand Mines ... 101. Bait. & Ohio ..105H Can. Pacific . .12GVi Ches. & Ohio .. 504 C at. "Western. 23H Reading -434 do 1st pref . .. 47 do 2d pref ... 45 C M. & St. P..179U DeBsers ... 17 So. Baltway ... 33 K D. i It. G .121 do preferred ..99 So. Pacific ..... 6Si Union Pacific ..122H do preferred ..100 U. S. Steel 30X do preferred .. 96 Wabash ... ...,22 do preferred ..44 do prefered . 7SU Erie 43 do 1st pref ... 81 do 2d pref ... C5 Illinois Central. 159 Vx L. Si N. 145 M.. K. & T. 33 N. T. Central.. 14714 Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW TORK, Jan. 21. Money on calL nom Inal; no loans. Time money, easy; 60 days. 2492i per cent; 90 days. 2193 per cent: six months, 33"4 per cent. Prime mercantile, pa per. 3HB4H per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with actual bus! " demand and at $4.85304.8333 for 60 days. Posted rates. $4.86 and $4.S8H. Commercial Dills. $4.64H94.N. Bar silver. COSc Mexican dollars, 474c Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds. eteady. LONDON. Jan. 2L Bar silver, firm, 27d per ounce. Money, 1H62 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 2"4 per cent; the rate of discount In the open market for three-months' bills Is 2442 9-16 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 21. Silver bars. 60?c Mexican dollars. 50c Sight drafts. Hc; telegraph drafts, 10c Sterling on Lon don, CO days, $4.85; eight, $4.8SJ. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the leading cltiea of the Northwest yesterday were as follows Clearinn. Ralaneea. Portland $349,719 $ 31,374 Seattle 7S3.CS4 202.794 Tacoma .. 415.527 40.192 Spokane 510.546 58,152 for the week were: Portland. Seattle. $ 672.070 873,932 72S.SS2 649.03S 713.732 763,684 Taioma. Monday ....$ 773.519 $ 312.950 Tuesilar 695.746 45T.OS4 Wednesdajj 793.515 e21.202 495.326 349.719 432.930 403.633 600.473 Friday Saturday .. 415.627 Totals ... .$3,731,027 $4,421,318 $2,742,617 Clearings for the corresponding week in for mer years were: Portland. Ren (fie Tim 1BOO ..XI. 606.879 Sl.55S.8t7 S JMO RM J0l 218.722 2.13S.012 1.238,019 1902 2.790.600 3.053,249 1.240.190 1903 3.347.253 8.533,274 2.193,8071 w a.BOT.SW) 4.6S1.627 2.244.963 Dally Treasnrr Statement. WASHINGTON. Jan. 21. Today's statement of the Treasury shows: Available cash balance J135.SS1.561 Gold . 39.543,837 NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT. Large Increase In Loans Probably Due to Syndicate Bqrrowlng. NEW TORK. Jan. 21. The Financier, dis cussing the weekly bank statement.! says: xne statement showed a good balance, the I sum of the gain in loans and o' cash being I only S25T.900 rreater than the (no-.V in Tfae expSLJ13loa ,n , 6, 474 700 was most llkelr larrelr due n miiini. was most likely largely due to syndicate bor rowing, though the principal banks were al most daily in the market with offerings loans at call, some considerable portion of which must have been placed: possibly also the rates for collateral loans for fixed periods may have induced borrowing by stock ex change operators If not by commission houses, fiie latter, however, to a moderate extent The cash galas were doubtless augmented through sub-treasury operations, including the return to the banks from Washington cf the pro ceeds of National bank note redemptions which have latterly been quite large The move ment of currency from the Interior also con tributed to the cash gala. The statement only partially reflected the surrender of 10 per cent of the public deposits under the November call, which matured last week, the reduction In this item being only $1,552,600 compared with the previous week. Interior banks have, however, effected sur render of their quotas of public funds through their New Tork correspondents. That the state ment was favorable, considered from the buy ers point of view, goes without raying. Lend ers, however, regarded It as unfavorable for the reason that It contributed to greater mone tary congestion. Comparisons show that eight banks expanded loans by $32,600,000 net; five banks gained $9,400,000 net cash. One of the banks showed an Increase of $15,000,000 in loans. The statement of averages of the clearing house banks of this city for the week shows-. Increase. Loans ....... $1,008,811,500 1.1G3.S15.200 $34,474,700 Deposits 44.633.100 69.400 1.909.900 S. 438.400 10.43S.300 11.163.775 723.473 1.112. COO circulation .... . 4Z.4Kt.700 Legal tenders 90.657.S00 224.692. E00 314.6S7.C0O 290.953.SOO 23.733.S00 28.979,250 Specie neserve "Reserve required.... Surplus ex-u. t. depones.. Decrease. LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices Quoted at Portland Union Stockyards yesterday. Receipts at the Portland Union Stockyards yesterday were S00 sheep. 250 hogs and 100 cattle. The following prices were quoted at the yards: CATTLE Best Eastern Oregon steers, $4 $4.23; cows and heifers. $3g3.23. v HOGS Best large, fat nogs, ja.oo; black and China fat $4.3034.73. SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Valley, $4.25S4.50. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Trices and Receipts at Omaha and Chicago. SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 21. Cattle Receipts. 200: market, nnchanged. Hold Receipts, 6500; market, shade higher; heavy. $4.6034.70; mixed. $4.i34.eo; lignt. $4.45tf4.62H: Pigs. $3.754J4.40; bulk of sales, $4.5584.624. Sheen Receipts. 14O0; market, easy: west ern yearlings. $5-2536.40; wethers. $3g5.tM; ewe. $4.25423.40: lambs. $S.50S7.50. CHICAGO. Jan. 21. Cattle Receipts. 200; eteady: good to prime steers, $3.7566.25; poor to medium. $3.73g3.60: stockers and feeders. S234jf4.25: cows. $1.23g4.40; heifers. $2Q5.10; canners, $L25B2.43; duus, $--1004; calves. $3.907. Hogs Receipts today. 13,0(X Monday, 40,000; strong and firm; mixed ands butchers, $4,439 4.65; good to choice heavy, $4.62H&4.70; rough heavy. $4.4594.53; light $4.40C4.37U; bulk of eales. $4.5064.60. , Sheep Receipt?, 2000; sheep, steady, firm; good to choice wethers, $343.50; fair to choice mixed. $484.90; Weera sheep. $4.2323.50: native lambs, $3.7367-23; western lambs, $5.76 e7.65. Coffee and Sugar. NEW TORK. Jan. 21. The market for cof fee, futures closed unchanged to only 5 points higher at the close, which was -steady In tone. Sales. 5LO00 bags. Including: March, 7.6087.65c: May. 7.90fJ7.ft5c; July, 8.10c; Sep tember, 8.33c: October, 8.40c; December, 8.50c. Spot Rio. quiet; No. invoice, 5T4,c: mild, quiet; Cordova. 10.13c Sugar Raw, strong; refining. 4c; centri fugal. 95 test, BUc; molasses. 4 He Refined. Arm: crushed, $65; powdered, $6.25; granu lated. 56.13. New Tork C el tan Market. . 'NEW TORK. Jan. 2L Cotton futures closed 5g6 points lower. January, 6.66c; February, 6.B0C; March. 6.73c; April, .T8c; May, 6.81c; June, e.S5c; July. 690c Westlnghouse Elec. CURED FRUITS ARE FIRM BUT DEMAND AT SAN FRANCISCO ' . RULES QUIETl -J Prunes of Forty, Fifty and Sixty Sizes Wanted for Export Apples Are Weaker. SAN -FRANCISCO, Cal.. Jan. 21. Special.) Nearly all lines of cured fruits are firm. but the market Is quiet and without special features. Stocks of peaches are very loir. The outward movement of prunes continues stow but steady. Forties, fifties and sixties are wanted chiefly for export Small sixes are still In demand. Raisins are qulef but the market la not settled and active Spring trade is expected. The local grain market was of a holiday characterowing to the removal of the ex- hange to the superb new ball which was dedicated with appropriate ceremonies AH spot business In cereals was at a standstill and cash quotations were unchanged. A few sales of wheat and barley options were made at advanced prices. Hay and feedstuffs were quiet The apple market, while not quotably lower. has a much weaker tone. Stocks have accu mulated as buyen are not inclined to pay the lately advanced prices and liberal receipts are expected next week. Oranges are slow, de spite the reduced price. All large dealers complain of lightness cf trade, which is at tributed to unfavorable weather for some time past Aside from extra fancy potatoes, which are In light supply and firm, the market for that product Is dragging, and easy, the lately ad vanced prices having checked the demand. Onloc9 are very firm. Butter Is higher grades. Cheese Is steady. Eggs are weaker. Receipts: 31,800 pounds of butter, 1500 pounds of cheese and 14.000 dosen eggs. vtiutrrABLES-Garlic, sgioc; green peas. 46c: string beans. &10c; tomatoes. $11.50; egg plant 88 10c POULTRY Turkey gobblers, 2 03 22c; roost ers, old, $4. COg5 : do young, $3.5OC50; broil ers, small. $2.503; large. $303.50; fryers. $4.50&3.&0; hens. 34.60S6.50; ducks, old, $4.50 63.50: do young. $637. CHEESE Young America, ll4S"24e; East ern, 13915c BUTTER Fancy creamery, 23c; creamery seconds. 21c; fancy dairy, 20c; dairy sec onds, 19c EGGS Store, 24ff25c: fancy ranch, 274c "WOOL-Lambs, l&318c TLVY-viieat $19613; whe and oats. $io I; barley. $94111 r alfalfa. $9811.50; clover, $ 14 60; stock. $37; straw. 45653c. MILLFEED Bran, $19.50g20.50; middlings. $25823. HOPS 1904, 27630c FRUIT Apples, choice, $1.75; do common. COc; bananas. 75c6-$2.50; Mexican limes. $4.50 J5; California lemons, choice, $2.50; do com mon, $1; oranges, navels, 12; pineapples. $1.5063. POTATOES Early Rose. .$1.3001.43: River Burbanks, 65690c; River reds. 53663c: Salinas Burbanks. $131.45: sweets, 90c$1.05; Oregon Burbanks. S0c6$1.30. RECEIPTS Flour. 7200 quarter sacks: bar ley, 2&55 centals; wheat 2SS4 centals: beans. 2CO sacks; com. 1SS centals; potatoes, 4000 sacks; bran. 8900 sacks: middlings, 555 sacks; hay, 1C60 tons; wool, 2S bales; hides, 437. MARKET WITHOUT SUPPORT. Gradual "Weakening- of Price In the Chi cago Wheat Pit. CHICAGO. Jan. 21. Weakness in the wheat market developed early In the session, and to ward the close all semblance of support was lacking. Influenced by a strong market at Liverpool, opening quotations showed slight gains. May being up 4jSc at $1.15461.15. For a time a leader of the bulls supported the market, but there were few purchasing or ders from other sources. Pit traders were moderate sellers. Toward the end of the first hour offrings Increased considerably and, with no Improvement in the demand, the market gradually weakened. Domestic news was gen erally favorable to the bears. Cash markets at all grain centers were very dull. The low point on May for the session was reached at $1.13T. The market closed weaK with aiay at $1.146-1.14K. The action of the wheat market was the 'principal factor in the corn pit May opened unchanged to a shade lower at 444645c. and closed at 4444J444c The volume of trading in cats was exceed ingly small and, following the action of other cTains. lower prices prevailed. May closed U6Sc down at 3O630Tic Provisions were firm on covering by shorts. At the close May pork was up 2jc at $12.77; May lard was up 7H610c at $3.9386.974; ribs were 5c higher at 30.7566.774. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. OpenA High. Low. Close. fav 11.134 $1.1334 $1.13T4 $1.14 July 9S?i .9S4 .97T .97H CORN. Januarr 42 .424 .42 .42 May 44H .43 .44H .44 July 45H .45 .43 June 304 .305, .SO .SUJi OATS. January t .SOU .3074 .30l .30'i May 31 .3i".s July 31 .31, .30 .Mt MESS PORK. January . ...12.53 127i 12. SO 12.33 12.75 12.57H 32.771$ May 12.75 LARD. January May ... July ... 0.674 6.75 6.674 6.75 6.90 6.974 6.87 571, 0.9TU . 7.00 7.074 .00 7.074 SHORT RIBS. January 6.50 6.53 6.50 May e-i-vs j.i-V4 July 6.S74 6.92H: 6.874 Cash quotations were as follows: U.UZ54 Flour Easy; Winter patents, f5.1O25.20: straights, $1.S0S3; Spring patents. $535.50; straights. $4.5084.90; bakers', $3.604?3.80. Wheat No. 2 Spring $1.12gl.l4H: No. 3. $1.0291.13; No. 2 red. ?1.15T401.1SS4. Corn No. 2, 42Jc; No. 2 yellow. 43c. Oats No. 2. 3054c: No. 2 white. 314S2t;c: No. 3 white. 3048314c Rye No. 2L 75c. Barley Good feeding, 37c; fair to choice malt ing. 4324 Sc. Flaxseed No. 1, $1.15; No. I Northwestern, $1.214. Timothy seed Prime. $2.30. Mess pork Per barrel, $12.534312.60. " Lard Per 100 pounds. $6.75. Short ribs sides Loose, $6.2506.50. Short clear sides Boxed, $6.5036.024. Clover Contract grade, $12.73. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels Wheat, bushels Com, bushels .. Oats, bushels .. Rye. bushels ... Barley, bushels S1.40O 148,000 3I1.0GO 123,300 3.200 63,500 29.200 113.600 94.700 3.9O0 24.900 Grain and Produce at New Tork. NEW TORK, Jan. 21. Flour Receipts. 22, 200 barrels: exports, 12,600 barrels. Dull and. barely steady; Winter patents. $5.5035.65; Winter straights. $5.235.40; Minnesota pat. ents. $5.8036.20; Minnesota bakers, $4.3&S4.63; Winter low grades. $3.4594.10. Wheat Receipts, 2900 bushels; exports. 40.- 0C0: sales. 2.600.000 bushels futures. .Spot barely steady; No. 2 red, nominal elevator. $1.19 t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth. $1.234 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 bard Manitoba. $1.114 f. o. b. afloat Options opened higher on firm. Liverpool cables, but later yielded on liquidation and absence of bull support closing HSIKc net lower, except September, which closed Uc higher on a late scare of shorts. May $1.1401.14 15-16. closed $1.144; July .$1.02 C1.02S. closed $1.0:; beptemotr tM493c. closed 95c. Hops Steady. State common to choice 1904. 291137c: 1903. 3003.1c : olds, 14c. Paclflc Coast 1904. 29336c; 1003, 30033c: olds. 1417c Hides Firm. Galveston, 20925 pounds. 18c; California, 21923 pounds. 19c: Texas dry, 249 30 pounds. 144c. Wool Firm. Domestic fleece, 32835c Grain at San Frucisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 2L Wheat and bar- lev firm. Spot quotations Wheat: Shipping. $1.4749 1.524: milling, fl.fi391.tu. Baney: reeo. 31.16481.174; brewing. $1.18491.20. Oats: Red. $1.4091.53; white. $1.42491.574: black. 11.5381.65. Call-board sales Wheat May. $L464; De cember. $L304. Barley, May, $; Decem ber, 97c Cora. large yellow, $1.236 1-30-European Grata Markets. LONDON. Jan. 2L Wheat cargoes oa pas- ).Wilin g5Hopk Established WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Floor sage, buyers Indifferent: English country mar kets, quiet but steady. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 21. Wheat firm: wheat and flour In Paris, quiet: French country mar kets, dull; weather' In England, fine but cold. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Jan. 21. The market for evaporated apples is without change. Com mon are quoted at 4tj34c. prime at 5&34c, and choice at 7c Prunes are not In large supply, but the de mand Is steady and the market shows little Immediate tendency toward Improvement though holders are not offering concessions. Quotations range from 2f?5c according to grade. Apricots are In steady- demand and firmly held with choice quoted at Rei04c. extra choice at ll(?12c. and fancy at 1215c. Peaches also are moving out in a moderate way with choice holdings around 94c, extra choice 10HS10XC and fancy, ll412c Metal Markets. NEW YORK, Jan. 21. There was no per ceptible change in the metal market. Copper continues firm, with lakeheld at 15.50c. elec trolytic at 13.37H15.50c and casting at 15 15.25c Tin is reported steady at 23.50 30c "Lead; firm. 4.604N.70C Spelter, quiet, at 6.20 36.20c Iron Is firm with no shading of con sequence reported. Dairy Produce at Chicago. CHICAGO. Jan. 21. On the produce ex change today the butter market was steadier. Creameries; 1929c; dairies. 18424c Eggs Firmer at mark, cases Included. 19 23c: firsts, 23c: prime firsts. 23c; extras, 27c. Cheese Steady, 11 12 c. Wool at St. LouU. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 21. Wool, nominal. Me dium grades, combing and clothing. 23?29c; light fine. l&S224c; heavy fine. 1418c: tub washed, 27g41c. QIVEJI LOVING-CUP. President W. M. Ladd, of Y. M. C. I , ' . m., uivcn ioKen or esteem. "W". 1L Ladd, who ten years ago last night became president of the Y. M. C. A., was presented with a handsome loving-cup last evening. The gift was from the members of the board of directors and executive force, and the presentation was made at Mr. Ladd's home. The loving-cup waa presented to Mr. Ladd by Robert Livingstone, who in a brief - ad dress spoke of the faithful and earnest work which Mr. Ladd had rendered the organization, j y Ready for Artillery. Company II added another victory to Its indoor baseball record last evening at the Armory by defeating Company C with a score of 30 to 10. At the first the game promised to be a hotly contested affair, but "C" showed team weakness and soon the last year's champions were snowing their score deeply under. Austin for "H showed up In the pitcher's box as he did last season, put ting 13 men out at the bat and gave no one a base on balls, while Pugh, of "C," struck out six and walked rive of "H's" men. A feature of the game was a home- run in the seventh Inning. Austin. Cramer. Smith and Ruffner did the best batting, for "H," and "West, Le Lewes and Cotterman for "C." The winning of last night's game places "H and the Battery on an even footing, each having won two games and lost Batteries: "H," Austin and Doble; "C," Pugh and Cotterman. Score by innings. H 5 2 1 4 3 7 6 C 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 2 30 4 110 AT THE HOTELS.. THE PORTLAND K G Bash, Or CltylW W Caurey, X T C E Bash.. Or CltytA G Dunn and wife. A W Burrell, Oaklndi Seattle J. Greenberg. NT H B Hopkins. X T W Rampton, Pocatel F G Wood and wife. Mr and Mrs Jos Jef Belllngham ferson. Jr. New T D Lipman, Seattle W W Jefferson, do H B Black, and wife. Miss F Paget, do USA H C Smart. do A Baer. San Francis B Rosenfeld. S F S D Campbell, Butte J F Nicholson. Chics Mr and Mrs Freund, E Kendfll, Agt Lewie Morrison J L McDonell and wf, New Tork H G Ayre, Baker. C E B McDanlel, Baker T E Pearce. Baker C Astoria. Or G J Well, Buffalo F D Smith. Baker C. J O Green, Chicago lO M Burke, Baker C W V R Powls. Illlnoii Mr and Mrs A Esberg, C Fletcher. S F San Francisco H Llndsey, S F E L Mlms and wife, Tonopah, Neb W Rosenblatt S F W C Hover. Ohio C W Hawkhurst. E F W F Mullen. Indpls J Balmer and family. K Gould, N T New Tork P L Campbell. Eugen Mrs Lockett, New T A G Clarke, Glendale W J Vandeveer. N T E E Redfleld. Glendl Miss J Balmer, N T J E Enyart Medford Miss I Balmer. N T A Hanenass. Spokne T C Smith, Jr. Salem G Gillespie, a f Mrs Mac rum, city G Hightower. Louisvi :C H Pomeroy, Seattle C B Haraden, Skagw H Karm, Seattle M Gilbert S F E Hobson, Astoria E C Schouel. St PauliR Llnderjierger. Asto E R MacDoElWd. B C J H Alhert, Salem B B Hinkley. N Y THE PERKINS. W M Pollock, For Gj Mrs Pollock. do Mrs McCurdy. Gr Rap Mrs Laughlln, L Grn L J Palmatur, HUlsbj W H Ahrce, 'do Mrs Brooks. La Gran Mrs- Wadsworth. Seat S Patterson. Duluth Mm. Ahree. do F D Butcher, city 1M S Smth. Cascad Aaron Fox. Troutdalel Edwin Sharpe. Tacm M Somner, Seattle III T Nolan, T Dalles J A Layeock, John Di J E Thornton. Ashln Mrs Lavcock. John DlA L Bratten. Ashland W K Newell, Dllley 1H Blackman, Heppnr Ed Brown, B IW M Colvig, Jacksnv Mrs Brown, do JC J Christopher. F A Anderson. Bcllln! St Louis 3Irs Anderson, do J Mrs Christopher, Catherine Endley, 1 St. Louis Belllngham F N Splcer, Antelope C E Gaddia. Rosebrg E C Classo, Antelope N W McComber. Chic C A Jamison, Rosebg Mrs Jamison. Rosebrg S L Payne. Vale J A Hilton, Vale Mrs A T Kelllher, Sa. E Hofer, Salem lem Mrs J M Sale. AstolE li Smith, Fossil N C McLeod. Elgin Clyde Glass. Fossil H V Gates. HlllsboroiL M Morris, Fossil Mrs Gates. HUlsborolG Edlund. Ashland A E Glng. Ilwaco J E McBrlde. Ashland John Erlckson, AstoP S Coffin. Roseburg E Clanton, T Dalles, F L Darrow, S F Grace Lundy, ArltngtlJ B Crostield. 1903 Mrs Cadwell, ArllngtiW T Sherry. T Dalls L B Hudson, Coburg iMra A Reed. Lautrll Mrs Hudson. CoburglH L Swaggart. Pendl A Bradburn, AntelpeJM Thatcher, For Gro S E McCurdy. G RapaB F Mulkey, Ashland THE IMPERIAL. Dr t W Harris, Eugn'E E Porter and wife. E A Holmes and I urass auey wife. Wallula C r snepara, Asniana Mrs M K Hall. La Gr May Hemenway. Eugl Sam White. Baker C! Benton Bowers, Ashltl C D Jessup, Salem W L Robb, Astoria C S Moore, Salem F R Swaney. La Grnd B Van Dusen. Astoria G B Johnson. Rainier R B "Fleming. Salem A L Berkly and wife. Chicago Phil Metschan. Jr.. Herpner L Ewers and wife. BFi E H Test. Ontario S 8 Theller, John D E W Davis. La Grnd; C T Bown. La Grand W J Church. La Grn F D JlcCulIy, Joseph F W Walton. Salt L A B McEwln, Athena J E Pelton, Ashland Mrs Smith. Pendleton S B Huston. HlllsbroMlss Smith. Pendlton Mrs Huston. do v alter Lyon, indepna n A stnmhv. Salem 'S L Hays. Corvallls J C Badham. N T 1 John Fulton, Corvallis C H. Hinges. Salens J J H" Dobbin. Joeeph Geo Dunsford. SalemjE F Falrchlld, San Fr A T Walt and wlfe.lW F Zwlek. Seattle 8ale IJ A Finch, Salem ins 1893 Chamber of Commerce F 31 Brown and wlfe.jB H Earle. S Carolina Salem , .THE ST. CHARLES. Chaa Curtis, Vancuvrjllrs P G Smith. Newb Ira Crawford iG Randall, New Era' A Bradshaw IE P Parker, Astoria A J Blgham, VancouvjA. Nelson. "Walla "Wal P A Frakes, ScappoosL Llvengood. Beavrt J H Thornton, city D A Mclntyre F L wotsier. Sprlngflj B C Scott, do M KIntzley. do J L VIckers. Ft Stvns E F Transue, do C R Cope, do Jas Stltt, do G R Mathers. G Vally J M Blackburn, N- Yamhill J v Doran. do D H Thomas, E F Shortlldge, Marshland Mrs Shortlldge, Marshland Ed Carraw, Rainier W F Meacharn. do John Bystearn, do C L Ransh. do E Ertkson. do F Kupec. do H Watson. do R A Parish. do L W Leach, do O Jorgehson, do W S Conner. Heppnr Alma Mitchell, Hillsb C C Small. Salem J T Peterson. "Wiscons F A Dieckhoff, Kelso Mrs Dieckhoff, Kelso O Ock'erman, Kelso R J Owen. Astoria F W Hudson. Eugena R E Keatley. Allover W G Chance, Tillmok Geo Chance. Tillmofc J A Larson, do Frank Andrews TUlra J F Bowman, Newbgi THE SCOTT. "Wm Brown. S F IW S Lea. Pittsburg E M Stein, S F Mrs G E McConnle, J E Dott and wife,) fcpolcane Seattle IP 1 Wood. Spokane S J Mahl. Seattle H Schlegen. Spokane Miss C Thompson, IS Jacobs, N Y Belllngham IT Jourdan and wife, John Leister, Pa San Gabriel. Cal H Aspden. Pa H N Kennedy. St PI Chas Boyse and wIfe,L E Staker. S F Tacoma lM G Flyn.'Phllomath M J Lynch. Tacoma G Bultman, St Paul "W C Hayden, St Paul Tacoma Hotel, Tacoma. American plan. Kates, $3 and up. f Hotel Donnelly, Tacoma. First-class restaurant in connection. SMITH At bis late residence. 460 Grand ave nue. January 21, 1903, Wilbur F. Smith, aged 37 years, 7 months and T daya, N. W. HALSEY & CO. BANKERS NEW YORK. SAX FRANCISCO. CHICAGO. We are pleased to announce that we have extended our facilities for serving our friends and the public generally by establishing an office In San Francisco, at the corner of California and Sansome streets, where we "will be represented by MR. CYRUS PEIRCB, for many years successfully engaged in the business of investment banking In Philadelphia. With nearly twenty years active expe rience in the purchase and sale of high grade Railroad, Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds, ample capital, affiliations with some of the largcit East ern financial institutions and an intimate knowledge of the entire Western portion of the country we are in a position to. purchase outright entire issues of sea soned bonds and to supply investment needs of financial institutions and private Investors. We shall engage in a general banking business and solicit deposits of funds awaiting investment, upon which interest will be allowed, but will not receive active accounts. Correspondence and personal interviews invited. N. W. HALSEfiT & CO. California and Sansome streets. San Francisco. January 1. 1905. -r- OE OMMISSION GRAIN and STOCK BROKERS We Chartie No Interest for Carrying Long Stock LUTE BUILUCfQ MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. X. K. Aldra. Cerrespondsntw Soob 2, Ground Floor, Cbamber of Commerce. The Goldfield (JJev.) News JAMES F. O'BRIEN, Editor. Tells "all that's new and true of the great est sold mining camp ever known." But eight months old. It has a National reputa tion for being alive and reliable. $5.00 per year; $1.2.' three months; sample copy, 10 cents. Send today. THE NEWS, GOLDFIELD. NJ3V. lit jnr rrjlot fr It. If hit cannot supply the WAHVEL. aeeentno other, hot send (tamp for U- lnttnttt hook mlwUt ElTCS mil cartlcnlars and directions in. Trainable to Urtlt. MARVEL CO., 41 Park Row. New Tork. Goldfield U80SS 52,700,000 The Big Elk Mines are right In tho cen ter of the Greatest Gold Field In the World. Ore values on our property assay $103.20. A small amount of treasury stock at 5o a share, cash or time. Par value, $1.00; non-asaessable. I reserve right to withdraw this offer without notice. Write lor pros pectus today, V YT. BAER EWING, 742 Italian-American Bank Building. San Francisco, Cal. Our Hand Book c i,Trade-Marks, xured through t notice In tha SOJSiMTlif'J.C . ORIENTAL TOUR 32nd Season. Leavlnc Boston in January for Egypt The Nile as far as Second Cataract; Pales tine, Greece. Italy, etc Party limited to 6. Everything first class. Addresr MRS. A. F. HARRIS. Nahant St. Lynn, Mass. MEN CDS TICUUM B Ei ELOPES Cares you without tasdlelaa of an weakness. Tart 00c 1 and urethral ohttructloaa. Mas ara anlckly rstored to health, aad acrsagtX axaas for book saalad t -fbaita A--UMMa Oh. o. a., ssssuk yruik. jgl Every Woman SKw.ll Is interested and sboaldkcow CVS VvWJHllla about tha wonderful WMi MARVtL WWriIn9 Spray wJBASSyi Tno New Ladles' Syringe! 3-Best Safest. Most; xw fin s jm