IS 'THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY" FOURTH WEEK OF OUR ANNUAL THE SUNDAY OREGOJttA, PORTLAND, JANUARY 22, 1905. DISCOUNT TAG SALE During this sale you will fin4 10, 15, 20, 25, and 33 per cent Discount Tags attached to odds and ends in every department of this big store. This sale knows no rival. None can equal it for Furniture. Bargains TT is for the purpose of bringing customers that this advertisement has been written. It is for the purpose of inducing all who need Furni ture, to come to POWERS, that these tempting prices are named. It is"impossible to do the subject justice in a single advertisement. We couldlaot illustrate all the pieces nor tell the complete story, were we to occupy the entire paper. We extend you a most hearty invita tion to call, inspect our goods and learn the remarkably low prices at which they are being sold. This is an opportunity for houskeepers to add to their rooms long-needed pieces of Furniture. You'll never get it lower at any future sale here or elsewhere Solid Oak Dining Chair. Brace arms and open cane seat. Our'discount sale price 99c Colonial and Mission style in Chairs and Rockers mahogany, golden oak and weathered oak Ladies' Sewing Rocker,-solid oak, in wood or & 1 7C JkJ cane seat ft Combustion of fuel is possible only in a perfectly constructed stove. Every portion of the fuel that is combusti ble is burned in JEWEL stoves and ranges and every particle of the heat is utilized. The scien tifically constructed oval fire pot is an ad van t- age possessed only by JEWEL stoves and ranges. It entirely prevents the formation of "dead corners" and insures an even, clean, perfect-burning fire. JISWEL stoves and ranges have eVery improvement essential to perfect cooking or heating every feature that can add to their convenience, cleanliness and economy. They are made in a multitude of styles and sizes for every possible stove re quirement and for burning all kinds of fuel. Ask for JEWEL stoves and ranges you'll know them by the trade-mark. LARGEST STOVE PLANT IN THE WDRLDJ A large and complete 1 line of Iron Beds. All finishes, all colors ' and at money-saving prices This season's patterns in Folding Go-Carts and Children's Carriages at very low prices We have just received a lot of new things in Carpets and Draperies. Among them are Rugs and Carpets in Ingrain, Tapestry, Brussels, Ax minster, Wiltons, and many pretty things in Hangings. The Carpet and Curtain departments will command your particular attention "THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY" POWERS CORNER FIRST A$D TAYLOR STREETS This Rocker in quartered golden oak cobbler seat and polish finish $4.25 ARMY OF DOCTORS Great Throng Will Attend Medical Convention. 5000 VISITORS ARE EXPECTED Portland Physicians Are Already Making Plans for Reception and Entertainment of. American Medical Association. Of all the delegations that will journey from all parts of the country to hold their annual meetings at the Lewis and Clark Exposition, most people seem to be agreed that the most distinguished, learned and important visitors who will arrive here during 1905 will be the delegates and In vited guest of the American Medical As sociation, who will hold their sessions July 11-11, at buildings within the Expo sition grounds and elsewhere in this city. Famous surgeons from all portions of the United States will be here, and with them will be from other lands surgeons of In ternational reputation, men -whose names arc honored wherever the English tongue is heard, and that's the -world over. Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie is authorized as the special representative here of the presi dent of the American Medical Association to arrange all details for the approaching sessions of the association, and Is conse quently a very busy man. Five Thousand Visitors Coming. It is calculated that about 2500 members of the American Medical Association will make the trip to this city during the mem orable meetings, July 11-14, and that they will bring with them. Including their fam ilies and guests, about 5000 persons. It is too early yet to particularize the address es that will be delivered and give the names of those who are to speak, but suffice it to say that from the preparations already made the occasion will be fully as brilliant as any previous meeting of this historical and famous association. The latter has 50.000 members and only the du ties of their profession and the distance to be traveled prevents the whole body jour neying to Portland. The meeting will dif fer in this, that the association sessions will be divided Into a certain number of sections, each one under a distinct head. Some sections may probably have an at tendance of 30 or -40 delegates, while other sections may have"" BOO or COO. Meeting places for the different sections must be secured in this city within a radius of five to six blocks. The general sessions will be held in one of the buildings at the Expo sition, and other meetings will be held throughout the city. Sections of the Association. For instance, there are tbee sections that must be provided with separate ac commodations: Medical, gynecology, sur gery and anatomy, obstetrics, ophthalno- logy, diseases of children, nervous and mental diseases, cutaneous medicine and fcurgery. laryngology and otology, materia medlca. pharmacy and therapeutics, path- ology and physiology. Consequently a good deal of work devolves locally on Dr. K. A. J. Mac kenzie and those who are assisting him. But Dr. Mackenzie is more than a willing worker Inasmuch as he helped to win the convention, wnlch brought the meetings to Portland. The IjcuI committees are; Finance, meet ing places, hotels, general exhibits, social eptcrtalnments, registration, banquets, programmes and. publicity. bureau of information, new member ship, badges, and women's committee. Of these committees. Dr. K. A. J. Mac kenzie Is chairman ex-oftlclo. and so far these committees liave been ap pointed: Committee on arrangements Dr. William Jones, Dr. E. F. Tucker. Dr. Andrew C. Smith. Dr. George F. Wilson and Dr. A. J. Glesy; finance Dr. H. W. Coo, chairman. Dr. George F. Wilson and Dr. Andrew C Smith: hotels Dr. William Jones, chairman. Dr. R. C Coffey. Dr. W. H. Skene, Dr. C H. Wheeler, Dr. A. E. Mackey. and by courtesy, H. C Bowers; meeting places Dr. E. F. Tucker, chairman. Dr. George B. Story. Dr. H. F. McKay, Dr. J. J. Panton and Dr. D. H. Rand. A special meeting place will be furn ished for the house delegates, consist ing of 100 or more members, who will transact the parliamentary or busi ness affairs of the body. Social Entertainments Planned The social entertainments to be of fered tho American Medical Associa tion are being planned on a large and elaborate scale, and include trips up and down the Columbia River. To en able delegates to thoroughly appreci ate our river scenery, it has been ar ranged to hold one day's session on barges, and that steameVs will haul these barges down the Willamette and up and down the Columbia River. All the delegates will go on this trip. Letters being received from Associa tion members ask all sorts of infor mation regarding trips from this part of the country to Alaska and the Ori ent, and It is certain that many trip to foreign countries will be made from this port by medical visitors and others. Once touching the edge of the Pacific Ocean and after crossing the whole American continent, the Orient is naturally suggested. Accommodations Already Engaged. Satisfactory arrangements are being made with the hotels Jn town, especially with the management of the Portland Hotel, and the committees say that the Inside Inn. with its 600 rooms at the Ex position grounds, will be a great help. Already intending delegates are making, in advance, contracts for hotel accom modation in July. It Is more than likely that the Ameri can Medical Association, after meeting here in July, will cease to meet except in a permanent location, and that this location will be Chicago. The present president of the association Is Dr. J. H. Musser. of Philadelphia, Pa., and the president-elect is Dr. Lewis S. McMurty, of lyouisville. Ky. The general secretary is Dr. George H. Simmons, of Chicago, and the treasurer. Dr. Frank Billings, of Chicago. There are about 280 physicians and sur geons in a healthy city like Portland, and it Is safe to say that they and all the medical men of the Pacific Northwest will work together to make the 1905 meet ings in Portland of the American Medi cal Association, a great business and social success. OBJECT TO ASSESSMENT SUIT BROUGHT TO REVIEW AC TION OF CITY COUNCIL. Property-Holders Allege Cost of Im provements Is Irregularly Appor tioned, and Ask Relief. Sheriff of Hawaii Dismissed. VICTORIA, B. C. Jan. 21. Advices from Honolulu, dated January 32, received today, are as follows: Following the dismissal a few months ago of High Sheriff Arthur M. Brown, of the Territory of Hawaii, owing to dis closures made to Governor Carter by a Plnkerton detective, another blow was de livered today by the abrupt dismissal of Sheriff L. A. Andrews, of the Island of Hawaii. The new High Sheriff. William Henry, went to the Island of Hawaii a few day ago. armed with full powers by the Governor, and Sheriff Andrews removal followed. He Is not known to have been charged with any offense against the law, but he was personally un popular on account of alleged arbitrari ness and it is also stated that the illicit sale of liquor flourished In his bailiwick. He is succeeded by Sheriff I- M. Baldwin, of the Island of MauL A home cure for Eye troubles. Never fills to -win trtenas. usm ror laxaat use uult Murine don't smart. Sooth Xye-paic in the dead of Winter. Gale's Creek is the last" settlement on this side oC the mountains and Wilson's the first on the other side. Between lie 30 miles of uncommonly steep road and manv feet of snow. Mr. Wollaber says he docs not know the gentle art of keeping snowshoes off of each other or the science of standing upright on skees while scooting over the land scape, so he fears he will have to ride a hofsc over the narrow defiles and down the steep canyons to Wilson's. He will go out tomorrow to Forest Grove, proceed by buggy to Gale' Creek, nine miles out. and then look the situation over. He knows alreadr that he will be the only traveler b- Four suits to review the action of Vt . immrtn lrtiinrtfl In c f r o t ! Try - provement matters Wc filed In the j side the mallcarrier venturing into th State Circuit Court yesterday by Ralph somber, snow-laden forests over th R. Dunlway. attorney, representing va- naIfw- rtuous mountain road, rious taxnavers The reason It rains so hard at WU- James O. Spencer. James W. Cook. n's I f niost of the clouds that Fred Hustings and others dbject to fome J""" Utp 'hS. nl5L paying for the improvement of Missis- clr heads on that Jutting shoulder slppi avenue fropi Norrls to PrescotU V?" r 7St iTXt -Kmi- MANY BUILDING HOUSES INDICATIONS POINT TO ACTIVE SEASON AND MARKET. streets. the North and South forks of the Wil son purl in Summer and roar in Winter, rionm-n TXT nl lnnr 1? Dnlt. T. ! Feurerret ai sue to be relieved from and l8' i "f."quece; the payment of assessments for the im provement of Karl street from Mllwau k!e street to East Thirteenth street. John Mitchell, the Henry Welnhard estate, the Portland Trust Company and others ask to be relieved from the payment of assessments for the im- constant precipitation. It is no trick for the clouds to get up that far. They sail easily up a narrow canyon, but be yond that shoulder the peaks crowd close together, and only streamers and strings of clouds can get around Clouds sailing high, of course, go over rf." fc.u 1-...- 1.Z 1 " , the top. But most dump their con- Alblna avenue to Russell street. !nt3,th"lS?i?5 (S'' .- .? r William M. Kllllngsworth. the In- J?I? ?Jn,n H. n vestment Company. Frank M. Warren W"f,n 2. 0,6 ra,n,est Pot on the and others object to paying assess- j clUc d3U ments for the improvement of Union avenue from Alberta street to a point 100 feet south of the south line of the , Lewis Love donation land claim. i The suits are in the form of writs of review from the action of the Common Council in these matters. The members TRAINS TO BUN FASTER. Railroad Companies Arrange to Take Care of Heavy Travel. of the Council and the City of Portland jt jj, unofficially announced that tne are named as defendants. The assess- N-orthcrn Pacific has under consideration ments are asked to be set aside as 11-j . , , - ,. . , . legal for numerous reasons. It is al- I a new scnedule for Its Seattle trains which leged that the assessments were not ! shorten the running time between mode according to the benefits to be Portland nnd Seattle to slxihoure, making derived by the land, that protests of ! a gain of two hours In the time between property-owners were wrongfully over- j the two places. ana m some cases it is alleged The o. R. & K. Co.. so it Is said, will the land and improvements comprised f . ... tlm. vortift.i and Spokane from the present 16-hour trip to 12 hours. The Southern Pacific Company is also considering a faster train service between Portland and San Francisco for the Sum cannot be sold for the amount of the asesssment charged against the prop erty. Many alleged Illegal acts are com plained of. The amount of money in volved In these suits is nearly $20,000. Holds Rain Record Little Mountain Tottb Record Precipitation of 127 Inches. This la the result of the investigations which have been made by the traffic men In regard to the estimated attendance at i the Lewis and Clark Fair. It Is estimated i that the Northern Pacific will carry over t-ttf: tini.if nioM .v.. t--.- ! 500.000 DeoDle to Portland from points 1 rn. i t j ... v. I north of Portland during the time the Ex- 1 Coast Is believed to be in the heart position Is open to the public From what of the Coast Mountains, where It Is re- has been noted In the Southern Pacific puted to have rained 127 inches In the territory, that road should bring many past year. Just below where the two I inore than the Jsorthem line, for it has forks of the Wilson River come tum bling about the base of a huge shoul der of mountain that rises, forest-clad, for 2000 feet, lies Wilson Postoffice. and the local Postmistress has been the weather bureau gauger there. She has written recently to District Forecaster. Beals, of the Portland Weather Bureau, telling of the discov ery she has made, and it has been con sidered a matter of sufficient? conse quence to science of Athur B. Wollaber, local forecaster, to travel many miles a larger and more extended territory trl butary to it. The traffic over the O. R, & N. line from the East and over the Northern lines from the Eastern States Is problematical, and cannot even be ap proximated; but it Is so sure that there will be a very heavy traffic that the roads are planning for special trains and shorter schedule. It is also said that. In order not to con gest the trains and throw the service out of order, special sales day? will be made for each different section, so that the peo- through the mountain fastnesses and Ia4 SSnSTL fferSPtoeJ'anS'u.S deep snow to learn whether she has .e J0" at d,fcrent "m?- fnd thas madfi accurst mMKurnntc it ,l,SBIC l" companies nauuic ice large has. Wilson's has the record 'for lain. numbcrB ot crelonIat-t without delay. Mr. Beals has written her. asking ' explicit questions regarding her metb- LINGERING COLD. ?.?f S"m;frhve,fOU,2i W!ttol Oilier TrrBt. b,t or not. but her letters have told him i Qsickbr Cured by CBUBfeerlaM's CosgB Reasedjr. all about the discovery she has made: ! J.'i..LiL FJ?!? but nothing in answer to his questions, j rquhart of Z&hf?. 6at. "coulTh was t0 Mr V ollabcr will have to go and I very dry and harsh. The local dealer interview her personally and teach her I recommended Chamberlain's Cough: Jtem tha Governmenfo way of gauging the' edy and guaranteed It. so I gave it a rainfall, so she can be sure she Is right K1?:1",, ne?tcall .tu.e 11 JL1 "m,e next time. y ' I -believe Chamberlain s Cough Remedy ft t. i.v. , , . , i to oe tne oest i nave ever ueea- t It Is no joke to travel to Wllaousf remedy Is ior sale by all drarrteta. Large Number of Permits Issued, and Real Estate Market Stiffens Per ceptibly During the Week. Building activity took a brace rather sooner than was expected, after the first of the year, and the past week has been fruitful In building permits. Of the $S3, 373 worth of permits granted, none were for Iare buildings and most for residences costing from JpCO to X3X0. This is a good sign and shows that the same sort of activity in homebuildlng will continue this year as existed last year. The real estate market contained no sales of note, but a general stiffening in prices was noted. In the suburbs one can yet buy according to his pockets, but he must go farther out than formerly. while down-town property Is stlffer than it has been for many years. There have been no down-town sales of size, though tne market Is filled with bidders, as own ers are continuously holding off for better Inducements to selL Transfers for Week. January 14 J 13.727 January 16 13.228 January 17 v 10.593 January 18 '. 12.821 January i 14.9S2 January 20 20.827 January 21 19,241 Total . flIS.423 Permits for- Week. January 14 X 11.900 January 16 13.300 Januarv 17 16,200 January IS '. 4.200 January 13 18.275 January 20 21,500 January 21 20.S00 Total I S3.C HITCHnTGS STRIKES BACK. Swears Out Arrest Warrant for tha Woman Who Thrashed Him. John Henry Hltchings, attorney, has caused a warrant to be issued for the arrest of Mrs. Rose Hathaway, who so severely chastised him la John P. Kava- naugh's office Thursday. "Somewhat disfigured but still in the ring. Is what Hitchings says In ex planatlon of the result of his combat with Mrs. Hathaway. One of Hltchings' eyes is discolored and there is a long scar on the top of his nose. "That was not painted there?" queried one of Hltchings friends yesterday. "Xo," said John. "She ran her finger nail along that spot." "It Isn't fair to treat a limb of the. law that way." said another. "Kow did you get mixed up with her, anyhow?" "I didn't get mixed up with her. She got mixed up with me." "Did you sue her for damages?" "No: for a fee for $25 for services ren dered." "X wouldn't take that for $45," broke in another spectator. Hitchings states that Mrs. Hathaway employed him last Summer to find out what her husband. C. Lf Hathaway, who eonducts the Square Deal Brokers' Agen cy at. 123 Seventh street, was doing. Hitch ings employed two detectives, he avers, and obtained the required information, and Mrs. Hathaway paid the detectives but did not pay him. The attorney also says Mrs. Hathaway settled her differ ences with her husband, receiving S3X) cash. Recently Mra. Hathaway sold a lodging-house, and Hltchings thought it was a good time to collect his fee. He threatened suit, and Mrs. Hathaway agreed to a meeting In Mr. Kavanaugb's office to bring about a settlement. It is stated that she struck and bruised Hltchings because efae heard he had made , disparaging and insulting remarks con cerning her. Hltchings denies this and asserts that while be was explaining what services ho had performed for Mrs. Hathaway she in terrupted him, saying ho had talked a long time, to no purpose, and she was prepared to settle matters, and she jumped him, knocking him .off the chair 011 wmcn ne was seated, ana pusned mm against the walL He warded her off, and called her "a silly fool" and told her to behave herself. This only caused her to become more angry, and she renewed the assault with Increased vigor. During breathing spells he again called her a "silly fooL" HOME RULE FOR at.artta. C. B. Haraden Says People Should Make Their Own Laws. Mr. C. B. Haraden, who represents Ross, HIgglns &. Co., one of the largest mercantile concerns in Southeastern Alaska, having extensive business in terests at Juneau and Skagway and dealing all through the Yukon Ter ritory, is in Portland on a business trip. In an interview. Mr. Haraden said he considers Alaska one of the most wonderful countries In the world. and expressed himself as well-pleased with present conditions and the future outlook, and that what Is most needed is home rule under a territorial form of government. "We have, without doubt, 30,000 to 60.000 white people In Alaska at the present; brlgnt, pro gresaivo men scattered all over Alas ka, who are perfectly able to make laws and see that they are properly executed. The population Is rapidly Increasing and a home rule form of government would develop the coun try in a manner that would surprise the world, and I think the powers at Washington should give this matter immediate attention. There Is cer tainly no other place in the United States, and probably not in the world, that has as much mineral of all kinds as in Alaska, and the fish Industry would be simply enormous If properly perpetuated. We want home rule and believe "we are fully entitled to it. and with a very few exceptions the entire people demand it. Fairbanks, about 250 miles up the Tanana River, without doubt will be the camp this season, and everything points to a big rush there in the early Spring. The diggings around Fair banks are rich, without any question, and there Is no doubt but that it is destined to be a large camp for several years. Steyn Returns to Be a Farmer. PARIS, Jan. 2L Judge Steyn, former President of the Orange Free State (now the Orange River Colony) has left Paris for South Africa. He has become recon ciled to the changed conditions, and In tends to reside on his farm In- the Orange River Colony. No Sreakfbst Table complete "without The Cream of Cocoas. The Most Nutritious and .Economical Sherwood it Sherwood. Pacific Coast AgesU WHY DO YOU SUFFER? When the Great Chinese Doctor c. gee wo can cure you of any ailment by his powerful and harmless Chinese herbs and roots, which are un known to medical science of this country. His wonderful cures throughout the United States alone tell the story. Thousands of people are thankful to him for saving their lives from OPERATIONS Then why let yourself jffer? This famous doctor knows the action of over 500 different remedies that he has successfully used in different diseases. Tbe fellorrlBg: tmtiiHonlala from Trell-knovrn people tell of the iroa rferfal curative powers of Nature's own herbs and roots t Thomas Walsh, Tenth and Everett streets, city, cured of stomach trouble, two years' standing. Miss Helene.Enberg. 506 Vancouver avenue, city, suffered many years with dyspepsia of the stomach and lung trouble, and was said by doc tors to have incurable consumption. I am thankful to say, after five months' treatment of Dr. C. Gee Wo's remedies. I have fully regained my health and strength. I recommend all that arc sick to go and see him. Saved from operation: Mrs. Theresa George, 705 Fourth street, city I had suffered from inflammation of the womb and ovaries and female weakness, and tried many doctors, but all said I would die if I did not have an operation. I tried Dr. C. Gee Wo's remedies as" my last resource and am thankful to say that after four months' treatment I was entirely cured. He guarantees to cure Catarrh. Asthma. l.lver. Kidney, tung Trouble, Rheumatism. Nervousness. Stomach, Female Trouble and all private dis- Hundreds of testimonials. Charges moderate. If you are sick with any of tht above testimonials, then call and see him. Consultation free, v Patients out of the city write for blank and circulars. Inclose stamp. Address. The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 233 'rfSFZ.0 Stairway of i5iV Alder leadiag to mr occ