THE SUNDAY OEEGOiJIAN, PORTLAND, 5TANUAET 22, 1905. 11 ISSUE IS AT AN END Controversy Over Philippine Exhibit Is Settled. DISPLAY IS NOW vASSURED For a Time Circumstances Made It Appear as Though the Philippine Representation Would Be Crowded Out. Yesterday afternoon President Goode, of the Lewis and Clark Exposition Cor poration, wired authority to St. Louis and Washington, D. C. for the shipment immediately of the Philippine exhibit, and by this order '"finis" Is written to a con troversy that has been taking place for the past few weeks concerning this dis play, a controversy which but for the prompt action of President Goode ana ihe directors might have resulted In no Philippine exhibit coming to the Centen sial. Back at the time when the Govern snent appropriation web allotted there mas a sum of $10,000 set aside for this representation, the money to be used In purchasing the display from the Philip pine Board of Commissioners, who owned the exhibit The purchase was to be made and the representation consum mated under the direction of the War Department- John C. Scofleld, the rep resentative of this Department on the United States Government Board, was sent to St. Louis to arrange for the pur chase of the exhibit. After carefully looking over the rep resentation at St. Louis and considering Important exhibits not made at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Mr. Sco fleld went back to Washington, stated to the President and the War Depart ment that a thoroughly representative exhibit could not be made for less than $15,000, and Interested the Oregon dele gation in the matter. Senator Fulton held a conference with President Roose velt and other officials, the outcome of which was that the appropriation for the Philippine exhibit and display was increased to the amount desired. Commissioner Scofleld then returned to St. Louis, and very carefully mado the purchases, taking great care that the representation should be complete in every particular and representative of the Islands. Upon his return to Washington he received a shock. It developed that during Mr. Scofleld's absence the allotment of space In the Government buildings had been made, and that tho Philippine display had cither been forgotten or ignored. There was no room for the display for which the Government had expended $15,000 and for which the people Interested in the Centennial had anxiously been awaiting. Conferences were Immediately held, but it developed that all the space "had been allotted to the several departments, that those- departments were making prepare. tlons to make oxhiblts to fill the space they had been allotted, and that nothing could be done in tho matter without re allotting the entire floor space in the buildings and causing a great deal of annoyanco and Inconvenience. Another conference was held to deter mine a way out of the difficulty. Then President Goode received a wire that caused another . shock. The message stated the circumstances and related that thero could be no exhibit from the Phil ipplnes unless the Exposition officials were willing to erect at their cost a special building for the representation, tho build ins: to cost not less than 57000. President Goode held a conference with his directors, who immediately came to tho conclusion that It would be Impossible for the corporation to erect such a build Ing. On the other hand. It was consld cred an act of Injustice, as the Govern ment appropriation set aside a certain sum for tho Philippine display and stated that it should be housed in a Government exhibit building. Communication was at once opened with Washington, and all day Friday and yesterday morning resi dent Goode kept the wires between Port land and the Capital hot with messages and replies. Ultimately a decision was reached. The Government announced that space would be re-adjusted and that there would be amnio room for the Philippine display in the forestry wing of the G6vernment buildings. Then President Goode wired St. Louis and Washington to ship the exhibit as soon as convenient, and the corporation will pay the freight. Offl cials of the Exposition arc at a loss to account for this action on the part of the Government and are inclined to look UDon It as an attempt at holdup. 2ow that the matter Is satisfactorily settled Riid the exhibit assured, all Is serene and the Centennial directors smile again. NO CONSTABULARY COMING. Insular Police of Philippines Will Not Be Represented. OIIEGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Jan. 21. According to Colonel Ed- -wards. Chief of the Bureau of Insular Af fairs, there will be no Philippine Con stabulary on duty at the Lewis and Clark Exposition next Summer. A letter was recently sent Colonel Edwards, asking for information in regard to the detail, and ho replied, saying: "It Is very unlikely that any constab ulary troops will be stationed at the Lewis and Clark Exposition:, in fact. It might bo stated definitely that such will not be the case." Asked today if his announcement was authoritative. Colonel Edwards replied that It was; that he had taken the matter up with Secretary Taft before making the above statement. ner of the amalgamation scheme sug gested by'PreSlJeat Wheelwright at the time of, and before, hlfl election as president of the Chamber. The room has been the headquarters or tne Port land Board of Trade and Mr. Lee now has his office thero. It Is not an nounced that any changes have been made In the organizations, but the niacins of the two offices In the same building and room leads to the belief that such a plan Is being formed and Is about to be put into operation. The permanent exhibit of the Cham ber of Commerce will be placed In the large room provided by the new home. Part of this exhibit is now at the of fices of the Chamber in the Mohawk building but the larger part is stored. owing to lack of room at the present quarters. In the new place there will be plenty of room for an enlarged exhibit, and it is said that the exhibit now being con ducted by the Oregon Information Bu reau at the Union Depot will be moved to-the Chamber of Commerce, add will be placed there permanently. If this Is done it will add greatly to the ex hibit of the Chamber of Commerce as the collection of resources gathered by Professor LeRoy and placed at the depot is very complete and Is rapidly growing larger than the rooms there can accommodate. WILL POEM HEW TROUPE. Edgar Baume and Miss Brandt to Appear in Leading Roles. A surprise was sprung in the theat rical situation in Portland, last night. when it was announced that a first- class company headed by Edgar Baume and Louise Brandt, under the manage ment of Lincoln Hart, will open a two weeks engagement at the Empire The ater, commencing February 1, and "will afterward open in Seattle. Tacoma and Spokane, continuing Indefinitely on the Pacific Northwest circuit. As Portland playgoers well know. Edgar Baume was leading man and Louise Brandt ingenue at the Colum bia Theater, and that Mr. Baume made als farewell bow last night at the Co lumbia. It was then supposed he was to rest for a few weeks in California, but Mr. Hart has Induced the popular leading man to accept a new engage ment In an unlooked-for quarter. Of all the ingenues that ever acted in any Portland theater, not one Is more pop ular and Jias so many warm, personal friends than Louise Brandt. Her abili ties are much beyond those of the average Ingenue, and these coupled with fine stage presence, cultured In telligence and finished enunciation clearly show that she Is -destined to rank high in the theatrical profession. In the opinion of those well qualified to judge, Miss Brandt will be In her clement as leading lady. Mr. Hart conferred with different theatrical managers here and In other cities, especially with Calvin Heiliff and George L. Baker, and John Cort, of Seattle, and arranged with them for the- theaters In towns to be played which arc controlled by tho theatrical syndicate. These men are now allied wita Mr. Hart in his new enterprise to the effect that the entire Pacific Northwest theatrical field, so far as all attractions, excepting road companies, are concerned, will be entirely con trolled by Mr. Hart's new company. The latter will, Jt is stated, be first class in every respect, and with the exception of Mr. Baume and Miss Brandt, will consist of San Francisco and Eastern people, who will be spe dally selected for the tour. It is not known yet what the opening bill at the Empire will be, but Mr. Hart says two excellent plays have already been secured. Tho enterprise Is noteworthy in this respect that it will give Miss Brandt the chance of her life and pave the way to her becoming a. star. Mr. Baume is already an actor of consider able experience, and has many admir ers both in this city and over a wide stretch of territory. KEW LEADING MAN ASETVES. Howard Gould Talks of Good Effect of Vaudeville Shows. "Did you think when you saw my name on the hotel register that I was the son of Jay Gould?" asked Howard Gould, the new leading man at the Columbia Theater when seen last night at the Portland Hotel. Assured that such a mistake had not been made, and that anyone who had lived in Portland a year would remem ber his connection with the Uolll-Morosco Company playing at the Baker last Spring. Mr. Gould spoke. He did not be gin by saying that he was "so glad to be back in Portland among friends, even If It did rain a bit now and then." That is the traditional way for a returned actor. or more especially actress, to begin when being Interviewed, but Howard Gould merely said: "Let's sit down and talk. I am game for any story you have to tell." Then he talked about everything except the stage, an unusual thing In an actor. But he did talk about the vaudeville shows and the effect they were having on the legitimate drama, and while express lng no opinion himself, said that Ben Greet, the English actor who made a thorough study of theatrical conditions while here, was very much interested In the vaudeville shows and expressed the belief to Gould that they were elevating rather than debasing to the public tasto; that they taught the public to discern be twecn good and bad acting and that in time nothing but the good would survive and the legitimate stage would have a vogue on the Coast such as it has never known. Mr. Gould has been engaged to play leading parts with the Columbia Stock Company. He made a marked succeSs when playing a seven-week engagement with the Neili-Morosco Company at the Baker and will be received by an audienco which knows his abilities. He will not play till a week from tonight. WOULD CLEANSE POLITICS. CONCESSIONS TO BE GRANTED Long List to Be Announced Passes and Badges for Workmen. The committee on concessions held an important meeting yesterday after noon and disposed of a great deal of business. Director of Concessions Waketlold will call another meeting this week, at which time a long list of concessions will be given out. It was determined that workmen working on concessions should be pro vided with passes and badges to be worn at all times. This order goes Into effect on February 1. The badges and passes for workmen will be Issued only on requisition by superintendents of construction or other Interested par-tics. GETS NEW HEADQUARTERS. WINTER WINDS Chap Tender Skins futicura And CUTICURA Ointment, the great Skin Cure, And purest and sweetest of emol' lients, are indispensable for winter rashes, eczemas, itchings, irritations, scalings, chappings, for red, rough, and oiry complexions, for sore, itcn ing, burning hands and feet, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for baby rashes, itchings and chafings, and for all the pur poses of the toilet, bath and nursery. CoaplaU trtihnttt (or ibt H inner, caniiitlsr of Cat! cur Saip, Oiciset, ud P1IU, price, tat Mt, Oat Dol lar, hut tx hxd of ill drerxbu. Fetter tc( JtCfcta. Coro 1 Ftcm. Bettsa. wr BtmA tor " H w t Car Wirier Esman." chairman shall constitute the county commit tee. The county committee shall labor for th candidacy of the best ars.IU.ble men at the primaries, shall pass upon the qualifications of those tv ho may aslc for, and cbsll recommend only such men i are hon-?raole and will promise to enforce evlstlng lairs and promote the principles of the league. The basis of their decision shall Li nj setiM be that of party, but entirely personal, covering by qualification, character and record. The executive committee shall be empowered to appoint a chairman for each precinct or com' blnatlon of precincts. As soon as all the parties shall have rsaJo their nominations, the 'county chairman shall coll a meetlnz; of the county committee to decide what recommeadaUci to tnako to members of the league. No nominee for a state or county office shall be recommended unless he receive at Iea;t two-thirds of the rotes of the counir commit' tee. In municipal elections, the recommeuCa tlon ehall be made by at least two-thirds vote of the chairmen of the municipal precincts. the county chairman presiding. When opposing candidates are equally ac cep table, no recommendation shall be made. When there are three or more candidates m the field and only part of !hr acceptable, preference ehall be given to the one on the strongest party ticket among thosi that are acceptable. When candidates are sartlatlr accentable the one most committed to desirable measures and or whose election there la the. stronger probability shall be recommends! rather than an ucoDjectiona&ie candidate who has no rea sonable nrobablUtv of belnr elected. When no acceptable candid lie has nominated by the dominant Dartles. the com mittee shall recommend the most acceptable candidate, without regard to probability or election. REPORT OF NEEDIEWORKERS Chamber of Commerce Secures Larger and Better Hall. The "Portland Chamber of Commerce has secured the main hall In the Chamber of Commerce building for Its headquarters, 4 and is now having the future home of the organization overhauled and put in shape for the installation of the office fixtures and exhibits of the Chamber. Many changes will be made in the present arrangement of the hall, and committee-rooms, offices and reception-rooms -will be provided! This saovc seems to be the forerun- New Non - Partisan Movement Is Launched by Anti-Saloon League. A new movement has been inaugu rated by the Anti-Saloon League. which Is declared to be strictly non partisan In Its alms and methods. It has been adopted by trie the head quarters committee and recommended for use throughout the state. It will not be applied so as to conflict In any way with the workings of the Munlci pal League of Portland. Tho outline of the plan Is as follows: The object of this voters' league Is to insure clean politics and good government by fecur ttiK the nomination and election of tee best available men to office, and through them, to secure right measures -and the enforcement of law. Thlji voters league shall be strictly non jiartlsin. and not commit Itself to any polit ical party as such, nor seek to overthrow any party organization; but to concentrate votes from all parties upon the best available candl dates for those offices which Involve the sup pression of the saloon, gambling and the so cial evil. Each member shall be free as an Individual to work outside ot the league for the Interests of any party. The headquarters committee of the AnU-Sa-loon League shall appoint a state chairman to serve one year, or until his successor shall have been appointed. The state chairman shall call a mass convention in each county, to which each church and affiliated body In the county shall be asked to send three spe cial representatives. The electors In this con vention shall appoint a county chairman and an executive, committee of from five to 13, or whom the county chairman shall be ex-oElcio chairman, and of whom, not more ihaa one halt shall be members of the nune ooUtlcal jMLrty. The executive committw and precinct Good Work Done by Portland Branch During Past Year. Isabelle Defries, secretary of the Port land branch of the Needle workers of America, submits the fourth annual re port for the year ending December 31. 1904 Articles received from 50 directors. H7, disbursed as follows: Baby Home. 100; Boys' and GlrW Aid So ciety. f37; Children's Home, 160: City Board of Charities. -1: Crittenden Home. 38; Good Samaritan Hospltsl. 43; House of Good Shep herd, 43; Home for Aged, 102; Patton Home; 35; Poor Farm. 106; Salvation Army Rescue Homo. 68; St. Vincent a Hospltsl. 61: St. AgnesC Baby Home. 7J; Volunteers of Amer ica, 31: Visiting Jfurse' Association. 75; pri vate cases, 227. Since January 1. 1003. 34 articles have been given to the Open-Air Sani tarium. The officers named are; Honorable presi dent. Mrs. H. W. Corbett: president, Mrs. J. S. Reed; secretary, Mias Isabelle Defries; treasurer. Miss Anna Cremen, Board of di rectors: Mrs. Alex Bernstein. Mrs. William Brewster. Mrs. W. T. Hamilton. Mrs. George H. Lamberson.. .Section presidents: First. Miss Henrietta Falling: second. Mrs. William Jones; third. Mrs. C. T. Schelhammer; fourth. MIm Katherine Glle; fifth. Miss Isabelle Defries: sixth. Mrs. George H. Lamberson; tevenlh. Mrs. W. C. Alvord; eighth. Miss Anna Cremen: ninth. Mrs. John Meek; tenth. Mrs. Clsra V. Garnett. PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Sophie Wolff, of Sllverton.lsthe guest of Mrs. Julius Kraemcr. 471 Main street. P. F. Castleman, who has been in California for the. past three months, has returned to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. C A. McCargar havo moved to their new home at 35S North Thirty-second street, . "Willamette Heights. The friends of Miss Jennie Golllngs, who recently returned from the South, will be pleased to learn that she is rapidly recovering from a severe at tack of blood poisoning. Gus in the Tolls. Gus. Banson went home last night and bent up his wife, so she says. She was not feeling well enough after the en counter to file complaint against him. so the police took him in and wrote down on tho docket "drunk but Gus will not be let off with a fine for the breach of the. peace inferred in the docketed charge, but will be up for assault and battery. Mohawk Building, Third and Morrison Sts. PORTLAND'S FASTEST GROWING STORE MOHAWK BUILDING THIRD AND MORRISON ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE Follow the crowd. Join the rush to the most genuine of all clearance sales. Just once a year such radical price cutting occurs. Price reductions that take in every department and touches every article in our entire store. The big sale is at its height. Come. Monday and Tuesday at the Bargain Square Located zt center of room, directly opposite Morrisoa-st. entrance. Extraordinary Values in Damask 'and Buck Towels. 25 dozen Damask Towels, size 19x44. 30 dozen Damask Towels, size 20x43. 26 dozen Damask Towels, size 20x45. These Towels are all pore linen, knotted fringe and hemstitched. Regu lar 30c, 35c and 40c values. YOUR CHOICE MONDAY 01 r AND TUESDAY AT : I 50 dozen pure linen Huck Towels, size 19x38 and 18x36. Regu- -t A n lar price 25c. SPECIAL FOR TWO DAYS AT It Reduced Prices on Comforts Blankets and Sheets Blankets, 11-4 size, twilled heavy fleeced cotton, extra heavy. 10 Sale price . I Blankets, size 11-4, half wool, silver gray, 5-lb. weight. Sale f O QA price Jl.jU Blankets, size 10-4, white wool, exceptional values. Sale CO OC price 4 J.OJ Comforts, full size, cotton filled, silkolino covered. Sale ,C1 10 price I I Comforts, size 81x90, cotton filled, heavy weight. Sale f 0 HO price 3 Beady-made Sheets, size 72x90-inch, extra heavy. Sale AAp price 44 L January Undermuslin Sale The generous assortments provided for this annual event are still in excellent completeness, and the hundreds, who have patronized it will testify to the genuine character of the Bargains offered. We quote ex amples of the price saving in this sale, and not a fictitious figure is here. NIGHT GOWNS Fine Cambric Hight Gowns, handsomely trimmed with lace insertion, embroidery, tucks and ribbons, best values in C 1 I 0 city at $L50. Sale price $ lL Tine Muslin Night Gowns, high neck, rolling collar, ftui length, neatly trimmed with embroidery, insertion and braid; exc ptional 77 values at $1.00. Clearance sale price ; lit COBSET COVEES Fine Cambric Corset Covers, trimmed with hem stitched and embroidery edge, etc Regular price 45c. 9Qr Sale price - LjL Fine Nainsook Corset Covers, full French style, trimmed with 4Qr dainty Val. lace. Regular price 65c. Sale price , . 4 JL DRAWEES of good quality muslin and cambric, umbrella style, trimmed with deep lace, tucks and insertion, exceptional values at IQr 75c. Sale price i 4jL PETTICOATS of extra quality muslin or cambric, made with deep flounce, trimmed with tucks, hemstitching and lace and (T1 -JO insertion. Best $1.50 values. Sale price .4 I . I J Further Reductions This Week on Suits, Coats, Jackets, Skirts, Waists and Wrappers JACKETS AND COATS. 5.00 and ?6.50 Short Jackets in Kersey and Cheviot. Your CO C A choice. ttJv 8.50 and 7.50 Short Jackets in Kersey and Coverts. Your. C Aft choice tIJ.UU 10.00 and 12.50 Short Jackets in Kersey and Coverts. Your C7 CA choice .Jrf.JU. 10.50 and 9.00 Tourist Coats in Kersey or Mixtures. Your f C 7C choice J WOMEN'S AND MISSES' -SUITS. 10.00 Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits, Fall styles. Sale g 15.00 Women's Tailored Suits, plain Cheviots and Mixtures. CA 7C Sale price M.lvJ 17.50 Women's Tailored Suits, best styles and materials. CIO 7C Sale price JlLiJ WOMEN'S SHIRTWAISTS. 2.50 and 2.25 Wool and Mohair Shirtwaists, all colors, fl Your choice 3J 1.50 and 1.25 Waists in Oxfords, Sateen, plain black or 7Cr white, at Iv WALKING AND DRESS SKIRTS. 2.50 Walking and Dress Skirts, in black dr colors. Sale CI AO price jJI.jO 4.50 Walking Skirts, plain cloths and fancy mixtures. Sale FLANNELETTE AND PERCALE WRAPPERS. 1.00 Flannelette Wrappers, good material, best styles. Sale gEj 1?25 Flannelette and Percaie Wrappers. Bargain price 98 Great reductions on all House Wrappers, Dressing Sacques, Kimonas, Petticoats, Knit Shawls and Furs. Limited Space forbids mention of the great many bargains offered this week. Splendid Bargains in Domestics Best American Prints, Indigo Blue, Reds, Grays, Black and Cp White. All first quality. Sale price ' Yard wide Percales, dark styles. Regular 12y2 quality. Sale Ol price ..... Mill Ends, extra heavy Outing Flannel, Pink and Blue - C. Stripes, worth 7c and 8c. Sale price . J- Apron Check Ginghams, Blue, Brown and Black. Regular 6V2C Alp grade. Sale price 4sL Yard wide bleached muslin, heavy and medium weight, soft rip finish, worth 8c yard. Sale price O4L Unbleached Sheeting, double bed width, heavy quality, worth "IClp 20c yard. Sale price IV2L India Linen, fine even thread quality. About 500 yards in this 71 lot, worth 10c yard. Sale price , 2 UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY THE AXNTJAIj RIDDANCE SALE of Hlsh Grade Caderircar aad Stoclclajra t store thaa kecplac pace Trlth ear other aaaaal successes, aad. all records are belaf; left far behind. These Extraordinary Uunderprlcings Are for Monday WOMEN'S RIBBED FLEECE VESTS AND PANTS, Regular 35c and 40c quality, reduced. An im mense quantity of new. crisp merchandise, direct from the mills; vests and pants for women. In white or fast colors, pinks or blues, garments are silk trimmed: pants made with French band: former prices 35c and 40c the garment, on sale tomorrow only at, each.. 10c IVOMEVS ALlVVOOI. VESTS OR PANTS, In fine Swiss ribs, colors black, scarlet or pink and blue: garments are strictly all wool, col ors are guaranteed, and sold all season at $1.25 each. We aim to close out the entire line tomorrow at less than cost per gar ment 7Bc WOMEN'S FINE CREAM-COLORED WOOL RIBBED UNDERWEAR. This lot ha proven one of the season's best sellers with us at $1.00 per garment. A dupli cate order placed weeks ago just arrived, too late in the season to sell in the regular way. so we place them at your disposal at almost half price, each 58a CHILDREN'S ALL-WOOL UNION SUITS. An offering in Union Suits for children: all sizes, in white or silver gray, garments are strictly all wool and regularly sold at 51-25 per suit extra special tomorrow at, each 78c WOMEN'S NATURAL WOOL UNDERWEAR, Best 75c grade: 100 dozen women's natural wool Vests or Pants, heavy Winter-weight gar ments; sold all season at 75c each. Too large a quantity on hand compels us to offer them at less than cost tomorrow, each S7c STOCKINGS FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Always something doing at the busy Stocking Counter. Tomorrow's quotations enable you to buy good, reliable Hosiery at the price, of Inferior grades. Note the prices all-wool Cashmere Stockings for--women, full fashioned, imported Hosiery, best 50c quality, on sale at. the pair ..................38c WOMEN'S ALLOVER LACE LISLE STOCKINGS A few of our select numbers, sold regularly at 50c and 60c the pair; a handsome line of pat terns offered for tomorrow only at. the pr.35e WOMEN'S ALL-WOOL CASHMERE STOCK INGS. C5c grade; 100 dozen heavy "Winter-weight all wool Oxford gray Stockings for women, in ribbed or plain Cashmere; less than wholesale cost tomorrow only at. the pair 2le INFANTS' CASHMERE VESTS. Best 25c and 35c quality Infants fine Cashmere Vests, made open down front, all sizes; on sale tonorow at. each ............ t 13o MEN'S1 UNDERWEAR Mem- Heavy Fleeee-LIaed Cettea Uaderrresr. in tan color, Clearance Sale price .43c Mps'k Flae Weel Underrrear. regular $1.00 and $1.25 grades. Clearance Sale price CSc Mea's Flae Awtrallaa Weel Uaderrrear. regular $1.25 and $1.50 grades. Clearance Sale.... 89c Mea's Best Grade Werlc Shirts, double stitched throughout. In light and dark colors. Clear ance Sale price - . .............45c DRASTIC MEASURES IN THE SHOE DEPARTMENT . We take lavealory Jaauary 28. We've but six selllacr days la vrhlch to reduce the stock. We are forced to take drastic measure. We will give the Shoe bayers or Portland the grandest opportunity they have ever had, even la our store, not to mention our competitors. Read the big list of offering carefully: WOSIEN'S 32JS0 SHOES, $1.27. Item 1 Women's extra fine vici kid and box calf Lace Shoes, with Military. Cuban and low heels; our regular $2.50 Shoes; for sir days $L27 "WOMEN'S $3.00 SHOES. J1.G9. Item 2 Women's fine vicl kid. box calf and vel our calf lace Shoes, with light and heavy soles. Cuban, concave and military heels, sale price 91.69 Item 3 B. P. Reed's $3.50 and S-i.00 Shoes In kid. box calf and velour calf welts and-turns: no more at any prlco when these are gone; sale price .J. S 1.1)9 Item 4- Brenaan &. White's Anvil Brand Shoes, while they last at 00c Item 5 Boys' $25 and $2JI0 fine box calf Lace Shoes with good, heavy oak soles, sale price . ....... $L50 Item 6 J. S. Nelson's S5.GQ Men's Fine Shoes in patent leather, vici kid. box calf and velour calf: bench-made; to close out the entire lot. only $X50 Many other Items equally as Interesting1 and real money-savers. NEW EMBROIDERIES These two words express a great deal- to' womankind, for where Is the woman who does not dclIjjBt in selecting; her own Undermnsllns and Trimming Embroideries T Our selection ef Trimming Emhrolderles this season is simply beautiful. New and exclusive patterns, bow-knot, floral, conventional. Irish point and wheel designs, with Insertions and Beadings to match. On sale now at Half Price. Embroideries, from 3 to 9 inches wide, 35c values, at 18c Embroideries from 2 to 7 inches wide, 25c values, at .r..lKc Embroideries from 3 to 5 inches wide, 15c values, at -. .8c Corset-CoTer Embroideries la pretty newpat- terns at special prices from 35c to 80c yard. WOMEN'S WINDSOR TIES ' In Silk Grenadines, all colors, 25c grade, for. each - 18c Silk Taffeta Ribbon, fully 4 Inches wMe, bright luster, comes In all the good colors,, only, yard - 14c GREAT GLOVE SALE 3 -clasp Undressed Kid Gloves LA. $1.50 Glove, sold elsewhere for $1.50; our price for Mon day only .... SOc Also our famous La France 2-clasp Kid Gloves, In all colors and sizes, special, pair. .....90c C lean-Up Sale ef Gelf Gloves Broken sizes and colors in the lot; our regular 35c Gloves, for Monday only, parr ..19c Extraordinary Offerings In Black and Colored Dress Goods To reduce our enormous stock of Dress Goods we will offer the following extraordinary In ducements. The prices have been cut to Kail and less 1 48-Inch Scotch Cheviot, trimmed, with small nub. consisting of solid colorings: entirly new Spring dress goods; regular value $1.50; clos ing out price 9Sc Inama Suiting, just received; all-wool mater ials in the latest designs; regular value $1.00; closing out price ......88c 45- Inch French CameUhalr. lustrous finish. In the very finest Imported wools; all. mannish, designs; regular value $2.00; closing out price L2S 46- inch JEtamlnes, all-wool fabrics,- in Spring weights, colors In navy, cardinal, brown, tan. reseda, green; regular value $1.25; closing out price ... - t. 76c 44-Inch Arm 11 re, another of the season's choicest suitings, in plain colors; regular value 85c; closing out price .48c 42-Inch Xansdowne, every obtainable design in these celebrated silk and wool materials; plaids, checks, shot and plain, colorings; regu lar value $1.50; closing out price $1.28 40-lnch Fancy Suiting, consisting of eight dif ferent lines In plain and fancy patterns; all colorings; regular value 50c; closing out price .- , 20c Four Extra Big Specials Together with our great Annual Clearance Sale prices In the BLACK GOODS SECTION. Special 1 K 2-Inch. Black Granite, ' extra heavy, one of the leading cloths of tho season, regu lar $1.40 value; special. 3 days, per yard. ,83c Special No. 2 o 2-Inch Black Broadcloth, beau tiful, soft. rich, satin finish, always in style, regular $1.25value; special 3 days, per- yd. 77c Special No. 3 46-Inch Black Arm are Cloth, hard, wiry weave, the kind that never wears out; regular 75c value; special. 3 days 43c Special No. 4 3S-Inch Black Poplar Cloth, me dium weight, so much used for shirtwaist suits; Bheds dust and lint; regular 30c value; special, 3 days, per yard 10c EXTRAORDINARY PRICE REDUCTIONS IN SILKS AND VELVETS. Great Stock-Reducing Sale now la progress Not a single piece reserved. The iollovrlapr list elves you an idea what to expect throughout the Department t 24-Inch Crepe de Cycne, in all the popular oven Ing shades; regular $1.00 grade; Clearance sale price ; . ,88c 10-Inch Pean de Sole, extra heavy double-face lustrous finish; regular' $1.50 grade; Clearance Sale price - S1J3 18-Inch Silk Velvets in a wide range of popular shades and black; regular1 $1.00. grade; Clear ance Sale orlce ....477c 10-Inch Pea a de Cygne in popular evening shades, fine satin finish, all silk; regular $1.00 grade; Clearance Sale price Sc 18-Inch Taffeta Silks, all silk, extra good weight. In a largo range of popular shades; regular S5c grade; Clearance Sale price 98e