The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 22, 1905, PART TWO, Page 10, Image 10

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Pioneer Succumbs to Attack of
Attack Comes Suddenly and Unex
pectedly During Morning, Death
Following Later In the Day
First to Bring Flowers.
Preston Wilson Gillette, aged 79
years, succumbed yesterday to an at
tack of neuralgia of the heart after a
very brief lllruss. The demise of Mr.
Gillette came suddenly and plunges
Into profound sorrow his -widow and a
multitude bf friends.
Excepting a slight cold contracted
in the early part of the week Mr. Gil
lette's health until yesterday morning
was apparently of the best. He arose
us usual and while preparing for
breakfast complained of neuralgia in
the chest. It was not thought at the
time that the attack was serious and
although a physician was summoned,
he left Mr. Gillette to the care of his
At 4:30 P. M., Mr. Gillette was again
stricken, this time seriously. Ho passed
away at 4:45 P. M. A widow and one
son survive him. The funeral will occur
Monday with the Interment at Rlver-
lew Cemetery.
Mr. Gillette descended from French
Huguenot ancestry. He was born in
Lawrence County, Ohio, June 2, 1S25.
father was a nurseryman, and young
Gillette, alter acquiring such education
as was common in the neighborhood
bchools of his youth, learned the nur
sery business. The discovers' of gold
on the Pacific Coast led him to con
sider the question of removing to the
Far West, and on May it, 5S52, he sev
ered the ties of early youth and man
Mood, and started across the plains, via
St. Joscpli, Mo. After a weary Journey
with ox teams he arrived at "Fosters,"
near the Eagle Creek postoffice of to
day, in Cluckamas County, on Septem
ber 15
The first Winter in Oregon he spent
in Marlon County. In February, 185S, he
removed t Clatsop County, and settled
rear the site of Lewis and Clark's
Fort Clutsop," and made his home
mere until 1SC7. During these years
he conducted the nursery business,
having sent to his father for a good
assortment of nursery stock during the
rarly part of the first Winter after his
arrival. With posnibly one exception
he was the first to introduce cultivated
strawberries Hovey's Seedlings and
he red and yellow Antwerp raspber-
les. It is believed he brought the
first collection of ornamental plants to
Oregon, such as lilacs, honeysuckles,
c Aside from the Mission Rose,
there was but one other cultivated rose
in Oregon prior to the stock he secured
from the East via the Isthmus early In
3853. Mr. Gillette was a member of
the Legislature from Clatsop County In
the sessions of 18B2-64. and also of the
special session when the 14th amend
ment was adoptod. After removing to
Portland in 1S67 he was the subscrip
tion agent and traveling correspond
ent Of The Omgonlan for a number of
years. He then became prominently
T - T
Forty-Two Candidates Are Ad
mitted to Scottish Rite.
identified with the business interests
of Portland, and accumulated consid
erable property. On August 20, 18SS,
he was married to Miss Mary Mac
Cabe, by whom he has had one son.
who, with his mother, survives him.
He was an ardent Republican in po
litical faith, and was a frequent con
tributor to the press on matters relat
ing to pioneer days. For many years
he was a member of the Oregon Pio
neer Association, and became an en
thusiastic member of the Oregon His
torical Society during the first month
of its existence in 1899.
Woolen Plant at Eugene Wjll Be
Operated by Men From Union.
EUGENE. Or., Jan. 2L (Special.) The
woolen mill at this place, owned by the
Willamette "Valley Woolen Manufacturing
Company, has changed hands, and the
wheels that have been idle for nearly a
year will soon be moving again. The
property has been .purchased by J. P.
Wilbur and William Wrjght. of Union,
and the purchase price was .paid over
today to Receiver A. C. Woodcock and
the sale closed. Ten days ago these men
secured an option n the property, and
today the deal was completed and the
property transferred.
The purchase price Is not given out.
The new owners will begin at once to
overhaul the mill and put it In first-class
order, and declare their intention to be
ready to begin operation about May 1.
or as soon as the new crop of wool Is
ready for market. This is regarded as a
most encouraging business transaction
and 'the entire county Is glad to see a
prospect for resumption of active business.
May Not Get Postoffice After All.
WASHINGTON'. Jan. 2L Tho Postoffice
Department has withheld the issuance of
the wmmlsslon of X. S. Walpolc, whose
nomination as Postmaster of Pueblo.
Colo., was confirmed 11 days ago and
against whom 32 indictments have been
returned In connection with election
S. .
Crosno for tollector of Yaquina.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. The President
today sent to tfce Senate tho nomination
of Charles B. Crosno. of Oregou, to e
Collector of Customs for the district of
Yaquina. Or.
Inspector-General I. W. Pratt Extends
Welcome to 905 Class Al Kader
Temple Also Holds' Semi
annual Ceremonies.
The semi-annual reunion of the Ancient
and Accepted Scottish Rite, which was
held last Thursday and Friday, was . one
of the moat complete and sucpessfur In
the history of Scottish Rite Masonry in
the State of Oregon. There were 30 well
known members of Masonic Institutions
received into the Rite.
Some of the degrees were carried out by
recently organized teams from among
members of the Rite residing outside of
Portland. The work throughout was pos
sibly the best that was ever done here.
Especially fine were the . 15th and ISth,
2th, 30th and 33d degreea Philip S.
Malcolm, the presiding officer, and all
other officers are entitled to great credit
for having carried oat all the work so
successfully. In fact, it was the opinion
of many visitors from different parts of
the United States that nothing equal has,
been seen anywhere. In addition to the
large membership from all parts of the
state, there were visitors from different
states. Among these were: P. S. Hoyt,
Wyoming: G. R. Barret and J. W. Arm
strong, Alaska: H. J. Goff, North Dakota;
W. O. Bennett. E. R. Parks, G. W. Bab
cock, N. W. Howarth, Washington; M.
Voney, Missouri: E. W. Kiger, Indiana;
R. H. Smith and O. N. Eppley. Ohio: D.
L. Wiggins. T. E. Froehlich, Wisconsin.
At the conclusion of the 33d degree, Inspector-General
L W. Pratt extended a
hearty welcome to the 1905 class. The re
sponse in behalf of the class was made by
J. E. Worlein, who spoke of the appreciation-
on the part of the class for the
privilege of being received into the Scot
tish Rite. Both Mr. Pratt and Mr. Wer-
lcin were warmly applauded. Following
are the names of the 30 candidates:
Edgar Hollenbeck. Astoria; Theodore
B. Land, Coqulllc: O. O. Jennings. J. F.
Peebler, Will F. Anderson. Roieburg;
Thomas H. Crawford, Corvallls; Charles
V. Brown. Astoria; R. Ll Bewley. Sheri
dan; J. gowerman, Condon; Dean Bl an
chor d. Rainier: Will N. Barrett, Hills
boro; William B. Gadsby. Walter Gadsby.
Will H. Lang. FInley Morrison. Frank
Nau. Edwin D. Jorgensen. E. G. Jones.
F. W. Isherwood. Charles H. Precemeder,
James J. Gorman. J. Edward Werlcln, W.
H. Raymond. Louis Gerlinger. James G.
McCallum, Joseph M. Nickum, Joseph
Supple, A. Tilzer and John J. Kadderly.
of Portland.
Forty-Two Candidates v Received by
Nobles of Al Kader Temple.
The semiannual ceremonial of ' Al
Kader Temple. Ancient and Arabic Or
der Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, was
held last evening at the Masonic Tem
ple, corner Third and Alder. There
were In all 42 candidates who received
all that was coming to them at last
evening's remoTtial. Everything,
however, was xarrlcd put very success
fully, anC George H. Hill, the potentate,
and other young officers, the banquet
and other committees certainly did all
m their power to mate thls-ceremonlal
one of " the most successful ever held "by
Al Kader Temple.
There were many visitors, and, ot
course, all Portland Shrlners as. well as
many from all over the state, attended
the ceremonial. The decorations, as
well as the new features introduced tor
the first time, were perfect
The following- are the names and
residence of the 42 candidates who, af
ter the usual difficulties, crossed the
hot sands;
Louis Gerlinger, Portland; G. C 'Ful
ton. Astoria: W. "H. Lang. Portland;
.Walter Gadsby, Portland: Theo W.
Vreeland. Portland; R. E. L. Simmons,
Portland; Wallace McCamant, Portland;
A. C. Rushlight, Portland: W. E. Brock,
Pendleton; W. B. Barr, Portland; Jay
Bowerman. Condon: Charles V. Brown,
Astoria: Edgaxd Hallenback, Astoria;
A. R. Mendenhall. Portland; J. Fred
Peebler. Roseburg: F.-H. Isherwood.
Portland: James Joseph Gorman. Port-Iand:-Wllllam
B. Gadsby. Portland; W
H. Raymond, Portland; Theo T. Land,
Coquille; D. E. Melkel. Portland; Will
iam Nathan Barrett, Hlllsboro; J. M.
Nickum. Portland; E. G. Jones, Port
land; Frank E. Pearce (Hyland's Atten
tion) Homestead. Or.; Edwin D. Jor
genson. Portland; T. B. Kay.
Charles H. Hinges, Salem; J. J.
Kadderly. Portland; Albert Edgar
Beard, Baker City; A. B. McEwen.
Athena; D. L. Cartmell. for, Secretaries'
Temple; John H. Kolley. Portland: Fin
ley MorVlson, Portland: Fred Moore.
Ashland; John C Jameson. Portland;
AJ B. Wcatherford. Albany: E. W. Ames
bury. Portland; R. L. Bewley. Frank
Nau. Portland; James G-. McCallum,
Portland: George J. Currln. Heppner;
Frank E. Alley, Roseburg.
(Continued from Page 1.)
went on with the train and did not return
to Portland. From Dan Coman the bandit
also took money and a watch. He next
rifled Nicholson's pockets, getting 5100 in
gold, but missing a wallet Nicholson car
ried in his inner vest pocket, which con
tained a larger sum.
During the searching Athorton had ap
peared extremely nervous, and when the
bandit took from his pocket a long wallet
Rewards of J00 each for the arrest
and conviction of the men who partici
pated in the hold-up of the Spokane
Flyer were posted '.ate last night by
General' Superintendent J. P. 0Brin,
of the Qregon Railroad Ss. Navigation
The State of Oregon has a. standing
reward of ?300 for a man convicted of
complicity in the holding up of a train.
he began to- plead. The robber opened the
wallet and found that it contained, besides
some bills, a draft for $750. This he took
and then returned the wallet to Its owner.
While' this was going on the other two
bandits met Pullman Conductor John
Hayes In the carj Hayes had just fin
ished making his collections and carried
a arge sum of money on his person.
They went through Hayes' pockets and
relieved him of ,575 In cash and a watch.
The bandits then forced Hayes with their
revolvers to go back to the smoker. They
pushed him in and then the four with
drew to the door, keeping thefr victims
covered meanwhile. As they gained the
able one of them reached up and pulled
the air cord. The engineer answered with
a whlstlt- and the train Immediately be
gan' to slow down.
The bandits then made a rush for the
Ache all over? Feverish?
Chilly? Just , coming down
with a hard cold? Where do
you suppose it will settle?
That means hoarseness, sore
In the chest? Then bron-
I chitis, pneumonia, consumption.
I Do not let your cold settle. Break it up! Drive
1 it out! Ask your doctor the best medicine for
this. If he says Ayer s Cherry Pectoral," take it
at once. If he has anything bettertake.thata
T&t&B br tae J. C. Ayr Co.. JiowiU. 2M
Xiao maasftotarers of
In the throat?
throat, tonsillitis.
AYS&'S HITS VIGOR -For tte fcair.
AXES' 8 AGUE OCRS For ralarta asd ss.
rear platform', sprang from the train into
the darkness and made their escape. Sev
eral shots were fired at this time, evident
ly with an intention of frightening the
The train came to a stop and the mem
bers of the crew ran back to learn the
cause of the disturbance. They were
quickly told by the bandits' victims. J.
A. Rockwood. the ticket-exchanger, of
fered to return to -Portland, and SInnott
agreed to accompany him and tell the
story to the police. The men got off the
train at Thirty-fourth street and made
the return trip to the city, while the
"Flyer 'continued on her Journey, in
charge of Conductor William Dunn and
Engineer Charles Whipple, the regular
members of the crew.
Police Learn of th-5 Robbery.
SInnott and Rockwood Immediately made
their way to police headquarters, after
notifying the railway officials. When they
arlved at the station. Railway Detective
Fitzgerald was awaiting them. Briefly
they told their story. Captain Moore or
dered all detectives out, and the posse,
under charge of Detective Fltxgerald,
went to the railroad yards, where an en
gine was waiting to take them to the
scene' of Che robbery. Captain Moore sent
special officers to guard the bridges, and
detailed Detectives "Vaughn and Hillyer
to go to the Vancouver ferry. Other offi
cers scoured resorts in the North End and
other parts of the city. ' '
Pcsse Makes Thorough Search.
The posse very carefully searched the
vicinity where the men left the train. It
was Impossible to learn whether the ban
dits had horses picketed near the place
or not. Xo Indications o jiuch were
found. Part of the officers made their way
back to the outskirts of the city through
Sullivan's Gulch, carefully Investigating
on each side, but nothing important was
Every man who crossed the bridges
leading from the East Side was subjected
to a rigid examination. Suspects .were
hustled to the City Jail, where sweatbox
methods were resorted to, but without
Sinnott Tells the Story.
The best story of the robbery came, from
Roger B. Sinnott.
"We were talking in the smoking-room,
when I looked up suddenly and saw two
masked men standing in front of us," he
said. "They commanded us to throw
up our hands, and we did so. Then we
saw two other masked men pass the door
of the smoking-room and go, into the
sleeoer. While one of the two men who
were in the smoker covered'us with a re
volver, the other bgan to go through our
pockets. From" Atherton they took a draft
for 5730 and some other money. Norden
pleaded, for his diamond stud and it was
returned to him. The man who stood at
the door and appeared to be the leader
of the gang spoke several times, and
both men appeared to be cool and onto
their job.
"After they bad gone through us and
the other two haft robbed the Pullman
conductor and pushed him into the smoking-room
with -us, they all stepped back
into the aisle, and one of them pulled
the air-cord. As the train slowed down
they sprang off the rear platform, firing
several shots as they did so. The train
men came running back to learn the
trouble and we quickly told them. When
the train reached Thirty-fourth street I
got off with the ticket-exchanger and
came back to Portland."
Mr. Sinnott caught the 8:15 train last
night and finished his journey.
"A iran owes a great deal to his country."
"T?," answered Senator Sorphum. "and. It is
a lucky thins- for some of u tba our country
'can't foreclose." Washington St3r.
Top Ron E. Holmbcck. T. T. Ixujd. 3. 51. McJcbhu W. Xaeerwm. J. TV Peebler. W- H. lUjmsd. J. J. Kadderly. William B. Gadsby. C. V. Brows. .1. Supple-
Sreoad Row Fra&k Xnn. W. H. Lu(, Ir. A. Tilxer. . W. Iimi4. J. G. McCallum. K. I. Jerxeates. Walter M. Gadby. Jaaaea J. German. K. L. Seirlry.
Ixwcr Row SIttlrx) ImU Gerlisser, W. X- Barrett. T. R. Crawford. Hhtsria. X. 6. 3ae. TreaMext. J. E. Werlela, Secretary. XVa!eH?tarIa4). Dolh Blaacsard. ta!cy Morrison.
Photo by McAlpin.