The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 22, 1905, Image 1

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PAGES ! T0 5
Destiny of Russia Now
Hangs on the Issue.
Workmen Determined
toTell Their Wrongs.
Will the Soldiers Shoot When
Officers Order?
St. Petersburg Wrought to a High
Pitch of Nervous Tension in
Expectation of Today's
GOVERNMENT Purely despotic Em
peror an absolute ruler, but lrrcspon
rlble for exercise of power by sub
ordinates. Quasl-lndepextdcncc main
tained in Finland and Inland.
rOLlCY Imperial expansion.
TERRITORY 8.60.:5 square mile.
POPULATION Estimated at 12!.O04,S14.
COMMEUCE-Exporu. 3429.S52.o00; lm-
- port.-. $:J75.82000.
;ftCHANT MAR1NE-303S tcssels,
aSytiaUns a gross tonnage of C33,t!l9.
ARStT PZriinel. 3.UIM1U. All eub
.'ccU liable lo draft. .
X AW Personnel, I''Joqsfep Ruseo-
REVENUE Derived rom various' tax c.
custom, postr, spirit monopoly, etc;
apprpsin rilri i73&."toQ0 annually!
FINANCES Ajincts. $907,516,000: liabil
ities, $K7.770,5OO.
EDUCATION Approximately 320.000,000
expended each for maintenance of
chooU. No advantages among moujtk
RELIGION RumI&'s established reli
gion is that of tbc Greek church.
BERLIN, Jan. 21 The TaCebIntt'
St. Petersburg: correspondent any he
learnt from the xtrlkers committee
thn 140.000 men will march to the
"Winter Pnlcce today and demand to
hnnd a petition to the Umperor alone.
Otherwise, he aya, they -will ntnrm the
pjtlnce and lire the city. Four reKlmentn
are declared to be In rendlncsa, but
they Mill not lire on the Ktrlkera.
ST. PETERSBURG. Jan. 22 (1:06 A. M.)
- Despite official assurances at midnight
that the situation was well in hand, and
that ample steps had been taken to pro
tect the vast Industrial section of St.
Petersburg and insure the safety of the
city, the sreatest uneasiness for today
pervades the entire population.
Picked troops arc stationed at various
points in ho city, and each house con
tains a miniature garrison with gend
armes in the court-yards and machine
puns ready for the first emergency. The
Winter Palace is strongly picketed, with
.Grand Duke Vladimir in command. Final
Instructions were Issued tonight.
Tho plan of the government is to pre
vent the workmen from coming to the
center of the city today by guarding gates
and bridges. A collision therefore is
believed to be more Imminent, and the
workmen themselves are thoroughly con
vinced that such is the case. But the
authorities maintain that the loyalty of
the troops Is beyond question, pointing
out that the only time Russian regiments
showed treachery was in the revolution of
1R21. when the guard regiments partici
pated, but they say that the troops then
were practically soldiers of fortune re
turning to Russia after the Napoleonic
wars, imbued with the revoluttonar!deas
of France. It is more fully rcallzed,ow
e er. that. If the troops mutiny or actually
join the workmen, the government will be
faced, not with riot, but with revolution.
Father Gopon Immovable
Father Gopon. at the request of Minister
of Justice Muravieff. went to the Ministry
of Justice Saturday and had a long lnter
Jew with II. Muravieff. at which the
Minister tried to dissuade him from his
ptigramme for Sunday. Father Gopon.
however, could not bo budged and at the
end of the Interview he left, saying:
"We must each do our duty according to
the light given us."
The plan of the workmen is to assemble
at three points, the Poutiloff and Oubo
kolt works and the island of Vasslll Os
trov, and march to the palace square.
They are fully convinced that the Emperor
will be there to receive their petition.
The representative of the Associated
Press went among many groups of the
"workmen, but found no one who expressed
doubt as- to the Emperor's meeting them.
All .-.poke of him most reverently and
they insisted that he is kept in Ignorance
of the- truth, and that once he has heard
of their grievances they will receive Jus
tice. They said that just what was want
ed was shorter hours and more nay. and
also more liberty, but the ideas of most
of Uo men on the latter point are rudi
mentary. They declared their peaceful
intentions and said they did not want to
right. They seemed to entertain no fear,
of being shot down.
. "The soldiers are on our side," said one I
of the leaders. iney may lire on mo
palace, but not on us."
Denounce Grand Duke Alexis.
No one o the workmen raised a voice
against the Emperor, though they did not
spare some of the Imperial family, espe
cially Duke Alexis, whom, with others,
they charged with being responsible for
Russian defeat In the war In the Far
-East, saying that they kept the Emperor
In ignorance of the true situation. Some
of them repeated current gossip about
Grand Duke Alexis and the Russian fleet.
"We know what happened In a theater
some time ago, when his mistress came on
the stage covered with jewels," said one
of the men. "The galleries hissed her
and the people called out:
"Take them off: they are not diamonds,
but drops of Russian blood.' "
Late tonight (Saturday) It was reported
that a strike had been declared In tho
mills In Finland, and rumors are that. It
blood is spilled, there may be serious ris
ings throughout the land. The rumors,
however, probably belong to the crop of
sensational stories with which the city Is
Private letters from Helslngfors were
received by the Associated Press tonight,
not giving the slightest intimation of a
movement against the Finns.
Father Gapon Says if Czar Refuses
Aid Strikers Must Fight.
ST. PETERSBURG. Jan. 21. The strik
ers are continuing their agitation with
unabated activity. Throughout the morn
ing they have been parading the main
streets in the center of thee ity and clos
ing every Industrial establishment.
The agitation hitherto has been carried
on with remarkable absence of actual
violence, the committee of the union hav
ing issued Instructions tha,t everything
be done as quietly as possible, and that
no personal violence be offered the police.
Street traffic In the leading thorough
fares Is hardly interfered with, the dem
onstrators filling the streets politely mak
ing way for passing sledges.
A list of the 174 works closed as the
result of yesterday's coercive measures
shows that every Industry Is Involved.
Including railway constuction ana" elec
trical engineering. In view of the prob
able failure of the elcctrlcarl supply for
stores and offices, householders are laying
In large stocks of candles. The public Is
nervous and excited, and the opinion Is
freely expressed that the government will
be forced to concede the demands of the
Father .Gopon. who was reported to
-have been kidnaped during the night. Is
at large this morning, going from place
tot place organising and directing every
thing. His dictum is that the meeting
shall take place on the palace square, no
matter If JtrjJt In iu massacre of the
men. He saysMuy must, be resolved to
do or die. V -
Draw t-ttstontc Parallel.
It Is noteworthy that the leader are
going back to tile French revolution for
their parallels. The deputation sent to
Tsarskoe-Selo was the march of the mob
to Versailles. The assemblage planned
for tomorrow is likened to the march of
the multitude wearing rvd caps of liberty
to the Tullleries lo present their demands
to Louis XVI.
While there is much talk that the
troops may be overawed by the mob,
the authorities do not manifest the
slightest apprehension on this score.
The Cossacks and the guard regiments,
they declare, can be relied upon. Two
regiments of infantry have also been
brought here from Riga. Nevertheless,
the authorities are extremely nervous,
realizing that blood once spilled, in the
present temper of the excited men,
spurred on by socialist agitators, it is
impossible to predict the end.
The Emperor's advisers, however, de
clare he must put down the agitation
with firm hands, and that if he yields.
Ruinous monetary burdens borne by
the people of Russia:
National debt 13.5n0.0O0.OO0
Annual Interest on debt... S0.O00.O0O
Expended on Siberian and
Mancburian roads 1.500,000.000
Taxes paid by peasants In
1900 60.000.000
Lom by industrial depres
sion In three years aw.OOQ.OOo
Loss by famines In five .
years preceding 1902 500.000.000
Elgtot famines, Ave since
1902. loss 200.0O0.0O0
Loss to tollers by ISO to 170
holidays each year 100.000.CVO
War loss to date 400.000.000
Expenses of Holy Synod,
annually 18.500.000
In relation to these figures, a well
known writer says:
"The simple truth Is. the Russian
peasant. 100,000.000 of him. Is, under
present conditions, slowly starving to
death. HI average earnings In the
central provinces are IT to IS copecks
(S to 0 cents) per day throughout the
vear. during the busiest harvest time
they rise to an average of 27 t- 33
copecks (13 to 16 cents) a day; during
the whole "Winter he - and his family
earn nothing. His diet consists ot meal,
flour and grits, cabbage and potatoes,
no meat, excepting three tiroes a year.
His diet Is Insufficient, and less than
In any civilized country. The hovel he
lles in is 2Vi yard leng and IS yards
high, harboring the whole family and
whatever cattle he possesses. These
data are taken from official sources.
"Is It a wonder that the Russian
peasant has morally and physically de
generated? That the women are Ira- 4
mornl. dreading maternity, and given t
to a frightful extent to infanticide? J I
That the men are nomads, leaving
wives and children for months, often
j ears, trying to earn something In town
or In far-away districts? That the re
cruiting In these central provinces chews
-progressively physical unfitness for I the
army? That the health of the women U
bad. and that the rate of Increase in
the population in this "black-earth belt"
has dropped to 0.26. against 1.5 In the
whole empire?"
as LouisXVl at Versailles, all may be
' lost. The pr&sent resolution of the
government Is not to give way. j
While many drunken rows have oc
curred and a number of men have been
Injured, no serious collisions have been
reported. An enormous nupber of ar
rests of known revolutionaries took
place during the night.
An nttempt will b made to close nil
the bakeries, in order to threaten the'
city with famine. Tho Tvorkaua. axe.
Father Gopon Begs He
May Hear People. J
He Asks Minister Mirsky to In
tercede for Masses.
If Czar Refuses to Meet His People,
Bond Between Them Will Be
Broken-lrrevocably Resolved
to Go to the Palace
PARIS, Jan. 21. Raaslan advice
through official channel are of the
nioiit somber character and refer to
the probable extension of the ntrlken
to Southern RummIu and Poland.
The view prevail here that the dis
turbance) are political rather than In
dustrial, and capable of developing a
Kltuattosi endangering the present gov
ernment. ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 2L Father
Gopon sent a letter to Minister of the
Interior Prince Svlatopolk-Mlrsky today
Grand Unite Michael, of Raaala, Leader
of the Autocrntlo Parly.
begging that Lmporor Nicholas appear
at the Winter Palace Sunday. The text
of the letter follows:
"Your Excellency Workmen of all
classes In St. Petersburg wish to see the
Emperor at 2 o'clock P. M.. January 22.
In the square at the Winter palace, in
order tot personally express to Him the
need of all the Ruslaan people. I am
assured by all workmen, my co-laborers,
comrades and even by alleged revolution
aries; that his majesty has nothing to
fear. Ills personal safety Is assured. Let
him come as the true Emperor, with
courageous heart, to his people tot ro
celve the petition from our hands that Is
demanded by regard for his own welfare
as well as for that of the Inhabitants
of St. Petersburg and of Russia. Other
wise the moral bond hitherto existing
between the Emperor and the people may
be broken.
"It Is your excellency's high duty to
the Emperor and the entire people of Rus
sia to communicate the foregoing to His
Majesty, the Emperor today without de
lay anr also the contents of our petition
attached hereto. Say to the Emperor
that I, together with many workmen and
thousands ot people of Russia, am ir
revocably resolved, with my faith In hlmf
to proceed to the Winter Paace in order
I bbbbW? --WSTrTaHBLBBIB jPy-jgvj i
that he may show his faith by deeds and
not by manifestos."
The document is. signed, by Father
Gopon id eleven representatives io the
workmen's union.
Father Gopon had a. long Interview with
Minister of Justice Muravieff' today and
the Minister took formal cognizance of
the demands of the strikers. "Father
Gopon said, that every -one must do his
duty and act according to his convictions.
Supreme CouYt So Rulecs on Vote
of Corporation Directors
BUTTE, Mont., Jan. 21. A Miner spe
cial from Helena says that the Supreme
Court has rendered a decision of great
Importance to corporations operating
In Montana, to the effect that directors
of corporations have no authority to
vote salaries to themselves. The de
cision is In the'ease of O. J. McCon
nell ct al. against the Combination
Mining & Mill Company. Charles D. Mc
Clure. Paul A. Fusz and others, on ap
peal from the District Court of Silver
Bow County, which awarded the plain
tiff Judgment for the amount voted by
the directors as salaries to themselves,
and involves about $16,000. The Su
preme Court says:
"It makes no difference whether the
trustees Intended to defraud the com
pany and the stockholders of the
amount of money appropriated for the
purpose of paying their . salaries or
whether they acted In the utmost good
faith. The rseult is exactly the same,
and whether the recovery of the plain
tiffs be put upon the ground of actual
or constructive fraud, they are entitled
to recover upon the facts shown in this
PacMc Coast.
C B. Wade, bankrupt cashier, returns ''to
Pendleton. Page 7.
Foster boom for Washington Senatorahlp feels
. effect of friends discouragement. Page .
Washlagton House cuts appropriation for Lewis
and. Clark Fair exhibit down to 375.000.
Page C. ,
Senate Milter advances argument why only
one State Normal School should be main
tlaned In Oregon. Page 8.
Municipal primary elections must now be held
a before primary laws were passed. Page 7.
Commercial aod Marine.
Stocks of shipping apples In state nearly ex
hausted. Page 15.
California cured-fruit market firm. Page 15.
Chicago wheat clones weak and lower. Page 15.
Stocks weaken on appearance of bank state
mraL Page 15.
New York bank statement shows large Increase
In loans. Page 15.
Additional steamer for Harriman's Portland
San Francisco line. Page 1.
Aragonla clears for Orient wlthK'OO.OOO cargo.
Page 14.
Portland and Vicinity.
Spokene Flyer Is held up by four masked
bandits. Pag? 1.
George Borensqn is indicted on charge of
perjury- Page 15
Gevernment officials problngnew land con
spiracy In which. Qncrdfpnnl-iaTr- again
chars! beins;:.-lnvGi(X Page 0.
Philippine exhibit Is assiu-rd'-tfor Lfcwls and
Clark Pair. Paice'- 11.
Statuary for Iis and Clark" Fair on the
way. Page 12.
llalons hold annual reunions. Page 10.
Property-holders bring action to review ac
tion ot City Council In authorizing- street
Improvements. Pafee 12.
Contract awarded for new exhibit palace at
the wls and Clark Exposition. Page 12.
P. TV. Gillette dies suddenly of neuralgia
of the lungs. Page 10.
Amateurs busy at tournaments. Page 23.
Sportsmen Interested In game laws. Page 23.
Career of Fighting Dick Hyland. Page 23.
Changea in football rules' agitated. Page 23.
McCreedle completes his 'infield and indica
tions point 'to a strong ball team. Page 23.
Feature and Departments.
Editorial. Pace 4.
Church announcements. Page 25-.
Classified advertisements. Pages 26-29.
Lyman's History of Oregon. Page S3.
Desperate situation of England's poor. Pags
Pen picture of the Southern Oregon coast.
Page 40.
Is hazing wrong? Page 41.
Mr. Dooley's letter. Tage SO.
Chief Joseph's female warrior. Page 35.
How the other half of the world lives. Page
Princely tribute to American mothers. Page 39.
Winter port In the Arctic Circle. Page 34.
Mrs. Dillingham Smith, pro tem. Page 38.
St. Johns Cathedral a world's wonder. Page 53.
England's Immigration problem worse than
ours. Page 44.
Peek's Bad Boy. Page 37.
Manual training lesson. Page 37.
Letters from a new Congressman to his wife.
Page 34.
Social. Pages 20-21.
Dramatic. Pages 1S-19.
Musical. Page 21.
Household and fashion. Puce. .38 and 33.
Youths- department. Page 42.
BuptoTi 'Open 'to1 Evic
tion on CariaL
Opinion of Major Langfitt May
Settle Question.
If Shown That Benefits to Commerce
.Will Justify Construction of Ce
liio Canal, Burton Will Agree
to Appropriation.
ington, Jan. 2L The fate of The Dalles
Celllo Canal' hangs In the balance. It has
not been turned down by the rivers and
harbors committee, neither has It been
adopted. It was discussed at some length
at the committee meeting today, but no
conclusion was reached. One thing, and
Just one thing, will bring about the adop
tion of this project. If Chairman Burton
and his committee can be convinced that
thli canal would be a profitable Invest
ment; that is to say. If It can be author
itatively shown to them that the benefits
M. Da Witt, the JBtrong Maa Who
May Become Chancellor of Russia.
to commerce that would accrue from the
construction of this canal would really
Justify the expenditure of 53,S00.09) of Gov
ernment money upon it. all personal ob
jections will be set aside, and some appro
priation will be made to begin work; but
if such proof from an authentic source
cannot be furnished, the Celllo Canal
project will be passed over, so far as the
present session Is concerned, unless the
Senate is able to force the House to ac
cept an appropriation against Its will.
Good Sum for the Jetty.
There has been some change In the situ
ation In the last few days, but It Is diffi
cult to describe what has taken place.
Chairman Burton will not talk, the mem
bers of the House committee have been
forbidden to tell what has transpired In
the committee-room, and the members of
the Oregon delegation are pledged to se
crecy. The old idea that there would
have to be a choice between Improving
the mouth of the Columbia River and
commencing the Celllo Canal seems to
have been lost sight of. and there is rea
ton to believe that the mouth of the river
will bo adequately cared for, regardless
of what Is done between The Dalles and
Celllo. This in Itself Is. a great conces
sion to the Oregon and Washington dele
gations, and places both projects squarely
on their merits.
" It is unfortunate that the Engineer
Board of Review never passed on the
Celllo Canal project, for-there Is no offi
cial opinion of record showing whether or
not a canal at thi point is justified by
commerce, present and prospective. The
onlj statements of this character on file
are those from unofficial sources In Ore
gon. Washington and Idaho, and the com
mittee regards these opinions as biased.
If. however, within the next few days It
Is possible to secure from some official
source, such, for example, aa Major Lang
fitt. a direct opinion that commerce real
ly justifies the expenditure of nearly JV
000.000. for the proposed canal, that opin
ion, it is believed, win sway the commit
tee. Without such opinion, the situation
aeems hopeless, at least so far as the
House Lj concerned, and it will be neces
sary to go to the Senate for the appro
priation. Other North-Coast Projects.
It Is understood that practically all other
Oregon Items have been agreed upon, but
no figures are obtainable, nor Is any
statement to be had as to which projects
have been dropped out altogether.
It Is believed the committee will author
ise an appropriation for dredging ouPuy
ullup waterway, in Tacoma Harborv23tI
mated to cost $240,000.
An effort is being made to secure an
other board to report 'on the Lakes Union
nnd Washington Canal. In the hope of
having the former adverse report set.
Major Langfitt Has Strongly Recom
mended Its Early Construction.
Major W. C. Langfitt is out of the
city at present and will not return for
four or five days. His views of the im
portance of the early completion of the
Celllo canal 1b thoroughly expressed.
however, in his last annual report. In
which he says:
"The construction of the whole work
should be placed under the contlnulng
con tract system, -as its early comple
tion Is of great importance and will be
of vast benefit to the inhabitants of
the immense territory drained by the
Columbia River."
Major Langfitt -is known to be thor
oughly In favor of the project for tho
early completion of the canal and. If a
decision on an appropriation rests upon
his advice. It Is practically assured.
The mutter of an engineer board
never having passed upon the justifica
tion for the canal as regards commerce
Is not as significant as it might seem.
So far there has never been a board
appointed which has even considered
the advantages to commerce resulting
from the building of the eanal. since it
has always been understood that no
comparison could be made. , It has al
ways been known, however, and report
ed by Government officials, that the
completion of the Celilo canal would
open a channel of commerce of ines
timoblfe value. .UiuUa,lfhcjnjmer
clal Interests directly connected but to
those bearing an indirect relation as
The engineer board of review, men
tioned in the dispatch, was appointed
for the sole purpose of modifying tne
Harts project for building the .Celllo
canal and approving- the- feasibility of
the project. This It did without con
siderlng the value to commerce of the
canal, since that apparently had been
a settled fact.
Major Langfitt's office has not as yet
received a request for an opinion as to
the merits of the canal" project, hut.
should such a question come before him
upon his return, he will undoubtedly
give a favorable reply.
Oregon Senator to Be Chairman of
Committee on Claims.
ington, Jan. 21. It was learned today
that Senators Alee and Kean, who are
in line for the chairmanship of the
committee, on claims in the next Con
gress, do not desire this place. If so,
that opens the way for Senator Fulton
notwithstanding that he is next to the
last Republican member.
Warren, the present chairman, goe3
to public buildings and grounds; Stew
art is not re-elected, Clapp will go to
Indian affairs, and Burnham will prefer
his present committee. Cuban relations.
The only other Senator ranking Fulton
Is Burton of Kansas, who for obvious
reasons will not be In line for the
This would make It appear that, when
he enters upon his third year In the
Senate. Fulton will hold one of the
most desirable chairmanships of that
body, very rapid promotion for a new
Land Office Issues Title to Nearly
12,000 Acres in Oregon.
ington. Jan. 2L The President has ap
proved and the General Land Office today
issued a patent to the State of Oregon for
the benefit of the Southern Irrigation
Company, of Portland, covering 11.640
acres of land known as List No. 1, under
the Carey act. This Is the first patent
that has been given to Oregon under this
law. W. B. Matthews, who was attor
ney for the State of Oregon In Us Klam
ath swamp land case, represented the
state in this transaction.
Prevalence on the Canal Zone May
Cause Exodus of Canal-Builders.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 2L Unofficial ad
vices received here from representatives
of the Government in the Panama Canal
JSone dated at the end of the first week
in January, are to the effect that, while
the current reports of the prevalence of
yellow fever on the isthmus are exag
gerated, the. pest does exist there, and
some apprehension Is expressed that. If
It continues to spread, there will be a
wholesale exodus of the canal builders.
The cases so far developed are said to
have probably been preventable, had
proper precautions been adopted.
Police Escort Working Miners.
BOCHUM. Jan. 21. The strike here is
general, and the few miners who are- at
work are escorted to and from tbc mines
by the police. A number of mines paid
December wages today, but there were no
Passengers on 0. R. &
IN. Fiyer Robbed.
Four Masked Men
Make Their Escape.
Watches, 'and Draft for $750
Included in Booty.
Robbers Board Spokane Flyer at East
Portland Station, Search Victims
in Walla Walla Sleeper, and
Then Stop the Train.
THE HOLD-UP Spokane Flyer." between
Bait Portland station' " and Twenty
eighth street, at 6:45 o'cIock.
THE VICTIMS Roger B. Slnnott. Ben
L Norden. Edward. Duffy. Dan J
Coman and E. E. Atherton. of Tort
land; J. D. Nicholson, of Chicago;
Pullman Conductor John Hayes, all
of whom were In the Walla Walia
THE BOOTY Draft for S750; several
watcheu; J13 in money.
THE PURSUIT Detective scoured the
country near scene of hold-up: posse
went to scene on engine; aridges and
ferries were guarded.
While the "Spokane .Flyer" was rushing
through thti darkness between East Port
land 'station , and Thirty-fourth street,
shortly beforfTT o'clock last night, masked
bandits Entered the rear door of the Walla.
Walla sleeper, the last car of the train,
and at the point of a pistol compelled the
occupants to deliver their valuables. The
robbers then stopped the train by pulling
tho air cord, sprang oft Into the night
and disappeared. They fired several shots
as the train slowed down and thus fright
ened away pursuit.
The victims were Roger B. Sinnott, Ed
ward Duffy. Dan J. Coman and Lcn L.
Norden. of this city; J. D. Nicholson, a
traveling man from Chicago, and E. E.
Atherton, also of this city. John Hayes,
the well-known Pullman conductor, was
also a victim. From these men the robbers
obtained a draft for $750, several watches
and about $150 in cash.
As soon as the robbery became known
at police headquarters officers were noti
fied to be on the alert, and a posse of po
licemen, detectives and railway officers
left on an engine for the scene of the robbery-
Officers guarded the bridges and
the Vancouver ferry. The posse spent the
night looking for evidence -at the scene of
the robbery and In searching throughout
the neighboring country.
Board Train at East Portland.
Train No. 4. known as the "Spokane
Flyer." left the Union Station on time, at
6:15 o'clock. The train crossed the bridge
and pulled. Into the East Portland station.
Four men were near the station at the
time, but made no effort to board the
train. It is thought that these four men
were the robbers and that they boarded
the train as It started to pull away
through Sullivan's Gulch.
As the train gained headway the rear
door of the Walla Walla sleeper, the last
car, opened suddenly and two masked men
entered the car. They both had revolvers
In their hands. They walked to the little
door leading Into the smoking-room In the
rear end of the sleeper, and covered Sin
Vot, Norden. Duffy, Coman. Nicholson and
Atherton with their revolvers. Both men
appeared to be about 5 feet 10 Inches high
and weighed about 160 pounds.
"Hands up!" commanded one of the two.
Those in the smoker, realizing that a
robbery was in progress, lost no time In
complying with the request. -As they did
so. they noticed two other masked' and
armed men pas3 the door of. the smoker
and go Into the sleeper proper.
Take Draft From Atherton.
In the meantime those bandits in the
smoker prepared for business. They went
about it coolly, as though they were old
hands. While one covered the victims the
other advanced and started to go through
the men's pockets. Slnnott was relieved
of all the money he had on his person,
something like $25. The robber then ad
vanced to Norden and took from hl3
pocket a small purse containing several
dollars. He noticed a diamond stud in,
Norden's shirt and started fo remove It.
"For God's sake, don't take that." ex
claimed Norden. "It belongs to my mother
and I wouldn't lose It for the world I"
The bandit who stood at the door then
spoke up:
"Let him have the diamond; take his
Norden's watch was removed, together
with the chain, and placed (n one of 'the
bandit's pockets. Then the robber turned
to Duffy. From Duffy he obtained some,
gold and slver coins. Just how much could
not be ascertained last night, as Tuffy
Concluded on Pags 10.)