HE SUNDAY if," ISO. Stone implements Used by the Oregon Indians They Have Been Found in Abundance Near Portland. J Their Uses. & & 'Sll&Si jHttsavss ! r -- ' SlallSfflE r NINETY-NINE years ago Lewis and Clark, In their descent,.o the Colum- J bla River, found many different tribes of Indians, each subsisting: upon such game as .the country produced, -with the addition of the run of salmon taken at the falls and the rapids along: the river each year- It was noticeable that stone implements were more commonly found below the Cascades than in the Upper Columbia region. Both sides of the river at the Upper and Lower Cascades, Sau vlc's Island and the Willamette Falls were noted places for their annual gatherings. The different kinds of rock material used in forming these stone implements would indicate that tribes from many parts of the Pacific Coast migrated to and from these fisheries, and from the broken im plements found strewn broadcast on the surface, compared with those thrown up by the plow, and found in crumbling banks along the streams, it would seem that there was a continuel strife and war for the mastery at the fisheries. It was very common in the early S0'3 to find In a pioneer dooryard, brought In. and thrown down, many fine stone implements, to be carried off by any curio collector or scientist that wanted them. Those that were plowed up look more ancient than the dark greasy ones on the surface, and the buried ones, aro almost always per fect. This was on account of the secre tiveness and selfishness of the Indian. If the mortar or pestle was too largo to be carried on a Journey, or if he did not in tend to return, he would break the pestle and punch a hole In the bottom of the mortar, rendering It useless, and leave it; otherwise he would bury it for future wants on return. Below the Oregon City Falls on the "Willamette, where the ' banks are being gradually undermined and arc falling away into the river's edge, may be found even today arrow points and stone- work ings from the ancient graveyard. Sau vie's Island was another rendezvous or place whero they held their big potlatchcs and conventional dance?. The early p!o neers found many places strewn with pkulls and bones of the Indians, together with largo quantities of stone implements. Captain Clark on visiting the Multnomah tribe, somewhere near the present site of the town of Milwaukle, was Informed by an old Indian, . who brought forward an Indian woman whose face was covered with smallpox pits, that some 50 years before a disease had been contracted that killed them off by the thousands, almost depopulating .the tribe of Multnomah. Hence It Is to be inferred that more In dians died by pestilence than by warfare. The location or tnls island at the Junc tion of the two rivers, with its many lakes filled with wapatoes, the greatest number of water fowl and other game in abun dance, made it an asylum of refuge for all tribes and explorers. A very large Indian god. carved out of basaltic ston and -weighing very nearly a ton. was found on Oak Island, and remained there until 6ome 35 years ago. when an ig norant tenant, not knowing or caring about its value, needed some stone to build a chimney and broke it to pieces, thereby destroying one of the largest and grandest pieces of stonework that Oregon ever produced. The Indians worshiped it. imploring it for rain or dry weather; for food, or success in Journeying to tne happy hunting grounds. Each and every stone implement or carving had its use. Mortars were for grinding food, the stone gods for religious worship, the round stone balls (shown In the Illustration) for gambling. The atone hammer was for breaking bark, as bark Is always preferred by Indians as fire wood. It blows up better and holds its heat longer. The round rocks with holes through the middle were arrow targets; the flat rocks with holes near the edge were net-sinkers. The instrument of tor ture was used by tying- the captive or bad doctor unable to cure his patient,' to a tree and Jabbing out his eyes. The round notch in the stone was to prevent the disfigurement of the nose. The carv ing of eagle heads, turtle heads, squirrel heads, etc, were matters of fancy on some work, for ornament or to te he he" about. The large gambling ball weighs 93 pounds, and is perfectly spherical. The owner, being a large powerful Indian of his tribe, would be pitted against a sim ilar Indian of another tribe. The wager was made by each tribe putting up everything- they had outside the clothes on their backs, consisting of horses, blan kets, skins, dogs, camp fixtures, etc. Holes were made In the ground at the proper distance, and the game was to roll each by turn the stone balls for the holes. The Indian scoring the greatest number of balls in the holes won. the win ning side carrying off everything in great glee and eclat, while tho losers were sul len, sour, broke and hungry. Indian John, or John Casino, described the game In his own way, as follows: "Kan-Itch kla-bop copa lllahe let yock wa. Nan-Itch kla-hop copa lllahe yah wa. Hy-u Slwashes. hy-u cullin, hy-u klns. hy-u Jetas lnati yock-wa. Hy-u Slwashes, hy-u cultln, ny-u ekius. ny-u ictas lnati yah-wa. "Spose you comtux hy-as skookum klosh-Slwash wake me-sah-chia yock-wa. Sdost tou comtux lnati yah-wa hy-as ; skookum hy-as klosh wake roe-sah-chle. "Hy-as skookum tlllicutn raamook okok , stone ict kla-hop copa lllaae Hy-as akoo j hum inatl Slwash maxnook okok Stone ' moxt, kla-hop copa illahe. lnati tlllicuma hy-as yi yi. to he hee. Ict kla-hop tllll cums hy-as sullox, hy-as poor, hy-as olo." The Btonehead, reflecting the facial ex pression of the baboon, with the eyes. Hps and mouth of the monkey tribe, is possibly evidence that our North Amer ican Indians are descendants of Oriental inhabitants, coming to this Continent at a very early date In their canoes, by way of the Aleutian Islands, and engraving In memorial stone data of ancient origin. At many places on Sauvle's Island and along the river bank, clam beds may now be found, covered in sand by the over flows, and many ancient shell beds from 2 to 12 inches deep, containing arrow points and other stone workings It is interesting to know the Indian process of manufacturing arrow points, and why so many are found broken. They procured obsidian rock or any kind of rock material that they can spall or break in sharp and fiat p'leces. selecting such bits or pieces as -will require least shaping. They have two sticks of bone, usually made from deer legs, about clx inches long, and placing the flat, flinty piece of rock between the two bones, they hold it firmly with one hand and with the other grip the outer ends of the sticks, and by prying" up and down they spall off bits of stone, each time going round -and I round until it assumes the required shape. I Many times, however. It Is broken I through the middle, and thrown away while another takes its place. Thus the perfect ones and the broken ones may be found together. Many of the islands In the Columbia and Willamette Rivers contain ancient clam- bakinc beds that are found rich with In dian curios when uncovered. One of these beds may be seen on the west side of the Vancouver Railway, Just after it crosses the first lagoon, it having been exposed. It shows the piles of shells from 2 to 12 inches thicK. ana was vi dentlv a dace of camping and a burial rround many long years before tho Lewis and Ularii exploration to me urt-KVu coun try. DR. DAV. RAFFETY. NEW YEAR FOR THE SCOTCH SCHOOLBOY Not Christmas, But the First Day of the Year Is the Time for Rejoicing. Painless Spanking. -Father (cutting the whip smartly through the air) See. Tommy, how I make the horse go faster without strik ing him at all? Tommy Papa, why don't you spank us children that way? Comparative Freedom. Atchison Globe. The widower whose children watch him closely is as ire as a bird compared with the bachelor who Uvea with m nW maid sister. Irx X-tUVJ. siow-going pari ul stuuuuu, which Is still known as Galloway, Ntjw Year's Is considered the most Important holiday of all the- yer. . Before reading- of the manner in which the Scottish schoolboy cele brates it, the American youth woald do well to look on his map and find among- tho numerous towns and vil lages situated on the bay and es tuaries of the Solway Firth, oue which is called Monniepool. There is an obscure tradition con nected with the name which was first given- to the famous trout stream in tho viclnltyof which Sir Walt-ar Scott laid the scenes of his novel, 'Guy Mannering-," and the caves" and ruined castles which he mentioned in thi3 book may be seen today by .ho in terested visitor. There is scarcely a hou3C in Mon- niepool that was not built centuries ago and that is not occupied by the de scendents of tho original owner. These anelent houses are constructed of great blocks of stone, laid together "dry." or without mortar. Tho roads and fences may also be said to speak of the solidity of the "Golvidlan" m'nd, being- of the same lasting- material. These roads, as 13 well known, are a perpetual monument to one of Scot land's sons McAdain whose name is world-renowned, and who was born and reared in -the Northern part of East Galloway. Not in that country, as In ours, 13 Christmas looked upon as a time for merrymaking and giving- of gifts, and Santa Claus Is an unknown person ality to the little ones of Galloway, but the coming of "Nevday" Is the talk of the whole community as Win ter advances. Sometimes . it is two weeks "this side" or prior to New Year's that the school children begin the round of homely pleasures which mark the season. This opening of the holiday time with them usually takes the form of a surprise to their teacher. The unrest which has been noticeable by him for a number of days, finally culminates in the absence of "several on a certain afternoon. If the teacher is forgetful of dates, he may be planning- a sound thrashing- for the- truants on their re turn. As tho afternoon wears on,, the latch of the inner porch clicks and tho door swings slowly and myster iouslv ODen. admitting: a huge "bubbly Jock", (gobbler), who struts into the room. After the laughter which his en trance provokes dies down a little, a shower of parcels, great ana smaii follow through the open door. Occa sionally one or two are shoved in and the teacher counts on something breakable; perhaps a vaso for "Mis-, thress" or a doll for the "wean," for he understands, of course, that this is all for his benefit, and that New Year's day is near. The bundles offend the gobbler, who struts and gobbles and pulls at tho strap which is held by an unseen hand, whose owner keeps out of sight In the entry, and whom the teacher ignores, understanding, too, that thl3 is part of the game of surprise. Sometimes one of the truant youths appears in fantastic dress and makes a presentation speech. In which the "meester" and. his wife are extolledj as worthy of iar better girts, ana it there are any bairns, they also come In for their share of praise, and the presents for each one specified. "An here's a pair o bonny bin mittles for little Annie, the very color of her een. Mithers been knitting them these twa months agone. If the lad reeling oft the presenta tion sneech is not rigged up in soma supposedly disguising character, he is blushing and embarrassed and blun ders over hl3 words; his schoolmates, however, drink in his stuttered sen tences with open-mouthed admiration and a chuckle of satisfaction Is heard even from the porch, where croucnes the owner of the hand holding tho turkey tether. The teacher responds heartily to tne speech and warmly thanks his schol ars for their substantial gifts, dwell ing at length upon Che good points of the "bubblyjock." which he remarks is "the finest a man e're picked a wing of. which is bringing the future into the present with a vengeance, with the turkey strutting, gobbling and dragging the great, strong wings, al luded to, in challenge to some in visible enemy. At the end of his -speech, a Scottish schoolmaster invariahly tells the tale of "The Carter and the Cheese," and finishes the oft-recurring ceremony by announcing that school is dismissed until after New Years- As a rule, the children stand very much in awe of their teacher, but tne gifts and speeches have a magic effect on their ordinary behavior, for in tne battle of snowballs that Immediately follows the close of school, the "mee ster" and his numerous and willing volunteers are set upon and pelted un mercifully and. laden as they are with the teacher's gifts, cannot punish their assailants. The snorts Indulged in at that sea son h-rthe young men of the country are enqally harmless, comprising coasting, skating and choosing follow ers for a CTeat battle of snowballs In which the leaders of the two opposing sides fancy themselves, and are Ilk ened by their adherents to the great historical chieftains of tneir country. Such games and pranks are indulged in almost without cessation save when they cat, sleep and pay "duty visits" to old and feeble relatives in adja Jacent towns, until New Year's eve, which throughout tho length and breadth of the land is known ,as "Hog many." C. I. RAVN. Plea for the "Dago.'f New York: Times. When the poor benighted "dago" gets his dag ger and his gun. And proceeds to "do" a member of bis race. When with base alloy he tampers with your Uncle Sammya "mon," And he "shoves the queer" with cunning and with grace When his rude, untutored spirit chafes beneath the lawful yoke Whato'cr his mind suggests he thinks he'lt do Then a wild. Insistent clamor echoes from, ths outraged folk. And it's "Back to 'sunny Italy with yout" Wherever there Is work to do, on track or la me uucu. To build the road or rear the towering wall, To get the labor finished, right on time, with out a hltob. Treat the "dago" to be kingpin of them, allt Then It's " 'Dago,' get & move on get your shovel and your pick: , He's the man that has to bear tho brunt of toll And he'll go to work in sun or snow -without a single kick. Just to wrest his scanty living from the soil. Oh, the "dago" Is a terror when he's cooped up in a town. For he kceDS the wires busy night and day; Sure, he doesn't care a- snapper lor the" law's judicial frown. And the "cop" In "Ginny-town" deserves his pari But you get tho "glnny" settled in a quiet little place. Far away from many others of .his dan. Ton examine him -quite careful, without .mal ice, face to face. And you'll find him much like- any other man. The Nun. Leigh Hunt. If you become & nun, dear, A friar I will be; In any cell you run. dear. Pray look behind for me. The rosea all turn pale, too; The doves all take the veil, .too; The blind will see the show; "What! you become a nun. my dear I'll not believe it no! If you become a nun, dear. The bishop Love will 'be. The Cupids every one, dear, "Will chant. "We. trust in thee!" . The Incense will go sighing. The candles fall a-dylng. The water turn to wine. -What? you go take the vows ray dear Sou may but they'll be mine. t