N 28 THE SUNDAY OKBGOXIAy, PORTLAND, JANUARY 1, 1903. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED Rooma In all ports of the cttr. Apply 220 Goodnough building. Exposition Accommodation Bureau. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Fair Corporation. Phone Main 0260. WANTED BT GENTLEMAN AND DAUGH ter, 3 or 4 famished or unfurnished rooms, private family preferred, south of Washing ton and -west of 4th: btnk references elves and desired. C 58. Oregonlan. "WANTED 2 OR S FURNISHED HOUSE Iceeplng rooms gas apd bath: must be central; references exchanged. A 01, Ore conlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED LOGGING ENGINE ABOUT lOx 12; must be up to date; give minute par ticulars and price on board cars or steam er. Coast Range Lumbering Co., Falls City. Or. "WANTED TO BUT DIRECT FROM OWNER, the furniture of a 10 or 12-room bouse; must be located, within four blocks of Portland Hotel and cheap for spot cash. R 60, Ore conlan. "WANT SHORT-TIME LOAN DIRECT FROM private party on furniture rooming-house 11 rooms, good Income; will pay reasonable com pensation. O 59. Oregonlan. "WANTED A PARTY TO RENT ON SHARES 20 acres of the best hopland In the state. Apply to S. M. Beard, of the Commercial .Bonk. "Vancouver, Wash. "WANTED SECOND-HAND HOSE CART by City of Toledo, Or.; state condition and price. Address Otto O. Krogstad. City Re corder, "WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." tS2 N. 3d. Phone Hood 017. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE TOU SELL your second-hand furniture. Portland Auction-Rooms. Phono Main 5655. HOP ROOTS "WANTED. PLEASE FOR ward sample bunch, price, etc. to room 313 Allsky bldg., Portland. Or. WANTED ROOMING-HOUSE FROM 10 TO 30 rooms; must be reasonable; state location and price. B 59. Oregonlan. "WANTED TO BUT SECOND-HAND donkey engine. H. Uhllg. Gresham, Or. R. F. D. route No. C. REFINED LADY TO BOARD TWO CHIL dren. Call or address Sunday and Monday, 464 E. Burnslde. "WANTED OFFICE DESK "WITH CHAIR and typewriter. Phone Main 23C3 or address P O. Box 137. "WANTED 1000 OLD FEATHER BEDS; highest cash price paid. 69 & 0th st. A. B. Mack. "WANTED GOOD HOME FOR BOT 8 TEARS old; terms must be reasonable. E 40, Ore gonlan. JL GOOD SECOND-HAND ROLLER-TOP desk; state size and price. H 48. Oregonlan. "WOMAN "WANTS DAY "WORK. "WASHING or any kind housework. Y 57, Oregonlan. "WANTED SMALL HOISTING ENGINE FOR pile driver. 324 Chamber of Commerce. "WANTED TO BORROW $500 ON FIRST class chattel security. A CO. Oregonlan. SHOES HAI.F-SOLED FOR COc AT HOLLA -baugh's, 207 Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. "WD CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phone East 2233. "WE PAT $30.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES. H. E. Edwards. 185-191 1st st. "WANTED THE CARE OF ONE OR TWO children. Phone East 1852. FOB RENT. Rooms. NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS. FROM $5 per month up; prices very reasonable; all modern conveniences. Call and see them. 414 Main St., cor. 11th. ONE WELL-FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, also two neat aleeplng-rooms; running wa ter, excellent bath. 271 7th ot.. bet. Madi son and Jefferson sts. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, bath, electric light, furnace heat; suit able for two; rent reasonable. 434 Burn Hide, cor. 11th. 168 12TH SUITE OF FRONT ROOMS WITH bay window, hot and cold water, suitable for two or more people; also smaller rooms, all well furnished. LARGE FRONT ROOM AND ALCOVE. FUR nlture new and elegant: $15 for two; $10 for one person; modern conveniences. 427 3d st. Main 4124. NEATLT FURNISHED FRONT. ROOM, downsthalrs. gas, heat; single. $10; two, $12. Aleo email room upstairs, cheap; central. 388 Taylor. NEAT FURNISHED ROOM INCLUDING heat, bath and phone; good neighborhood; references exchanged; price $5 per month. 851 Front. FOR RENT IN A PRIVATE FAMILY, UN furnlshed room, or will furnish to suit; gas, bath, phone, etc 591 Washington. FURNISHED ROOM. THOROUGHLT MOD ern. close In; private family: breakfast It desired. 529 Couch, bet. 15th and 10th. PLEASANT FRONT SUITE. SUITABLE FOR two or three; also single rooms; new house; four blocks south Hotel Portland. 250 eth. ONE LARGE AND ONE SMALL FURNISHED room, beautifully and centrally located, for gentlemen, in private home. Mam 4714. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT In modern house: reasonable to gentlemen only. Apply 592 2d at., near Sherman. WALKING DISTANCE FURNISHED rooms, private residence; $C, $8 month. In cluding bath, heat, phone. 292 10th. S05 UTH COMFORTABLY FURNISHED room with usual convenience?; 10 minutes' walk downtdwn; rent reasonable. LARGE. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman, private family, light, heat, bath. 551 Taylor. Main 2390. A WELL-FURNISHED ROOM. SOUTH front, suitable for two. modern conveniences; m private family, 'io nth. 324 HASSALO ST.. NEAR STEEL BRIDGE. East Side, nicely furnished rooms, modern convenience, private family. asm 1ST ST.. COR. YAMHILL SPLENDID o ly furaiehed rooms, suites and single; rea sonable; transient. Clay 755. THE ELM. 121 13TH. COR. WASHINGTON Newly furnished rooms, single or en suite, modern conveniences. THE DEXTER NO. 124 12TH. COR. WASH. Ington, nice comfy rooms, single, en suite, transient. Phone Green 480. 348 YAMHILL. NEAR PORTLAND HOTEL One large room, $1-; one small room $8; gas. bath. Call afternoons. FOR RENT TWO NEATLY FURNISHED bedrooms; modern conveniences; rent rea Fonable. Call at 210 7th Et. 471 JEFFERSON. NEAR 13TH BEAUTIFUL front room with private family, modern con veniences, location central. LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM FOR I or 2 gentlemen; modern conveniences; prt vatc family. 474 Yamhill. HANDSOME WARM ROOM WITH PIANO If desired, centrally and beautifully located: niMlmn.il nnlv Cth LARGE FRONT ROOM. GROUND FLOOR, well furnished, modern conveniences. 407 Stark, bet. 10th and 11th. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. 335 E. CTH 6t.. one or two gentlemen; 1 block from corner and restaurant; $4. FURNISHED ROOMS "WITH OR WITHOUT housekeeping prlvlllges; furnace heat; gas. Data. 2ttt Harrison st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. $3 PER week; hot and coia water; private family central. 394 Yamhill. THE TEMPLE LIGHT. WELL-FURNISHED room. wkh up. o; juiuui si., op posite xiwci ruruuiu. THE FRANCES. UNDER NEW MANAGE ment Rooms en suite or single. 1G2 W. Park and Morrison. 429 3D AN ELEGANT FURNISHED SINGLE room, private family; gas, bath, phone and NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM; MODERN conveniences; reasonable: gentleman; refer ences. ib -rayior at. FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD FOR gentleman in private xamily, close In. Phone'Maln 41S5. ONLY $6 PER MONTH SUITE OF TWO good unfurnished rooms with gas stove. aez E. Yamhill. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. $10; aito one . pw. cam, msi fciae, close in. -FCOBO 31SJQ iOiA- XTOR KENT. Rooms. - ROOMS NEW BUILDING. JUST COM- pietea; everything nret-ciuss ana tip-io-aatc;. furnace beat, phone and hath free, large par lor for use oi guests; hot and cold running water In each room. Don't fall to see this elegant house; rooms $15 .per month. 2u7 14ht st, near Taylor. THE AUDITORfVTM. 208 3D ST.. BET. TAX- lor and salmon, one Dlpclc soutb or inner Theater, new brick building, elegantly fur nished, steam heat, hot and cold water in room, porcelain bath, rooms with private baths, elevator; reasonable rates. HOTEL AVALON EUROPEAN) 413 WASH- ragton St., 4 blocks west ot the imperial Ho tel: newly furnished rooms, single or en suite: hot and cold water, steam beat, elec tric light, bath and all modern conveniences: tourists solicited. THE KNICKERBOCKER. 09 SIXTH ST.. near Oak New brick building, elegantly furnished rooms, steam heat, porcelain bath and every convenience; tourists and transient trade solicited. THE COSMOS. S. E. COK. 4TH AND MOR. rison; best down-town rooms in tne city; beat and service night and day; rates $3.50 per week and up, including bath; $1 day. FINELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. RUN- nlng water: strictly modern private bout; nice residence district; for man and wife or two gentlemen. 00 N. 21st. THE NEWCASTLE. SD AND HARRISON Elegant, up-to-date furalsaed and unfurnished housekeeping and other rooms; seat. bath, light free; reasonable prices. 201 ALDER. NEAR 3D ST. NICELY furnished pleasant rooms, new brick build ing, new good furnishings; transients, 30o to $1; $2.50 week and up. TWO PARTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. COU- ple without children; on car-line. East Side. Phone East 2040. ' THE MARQUAM HOUSE. 145 CTH ST. jtooms, single, en suite ana nouseiceeping. Phone Clay 1053. FOR RENT. 41 ELLA NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, with bath, heat and phone; very de sirable location. 248 SIXTH ST.. FOUR BLOCKS SOUTH Hotel Portland, sunny furnished room with private family. RYAN HOUSE. 209 OTH ST. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, en suite or single; oppo site city Hail. ONE OR TWO FURNISHED ROOMS; 12 minutes' ride from city; modern conveniences. 411 Broadway. $5 SMALL ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN; Dam, pnone; private xamiiy. zsu 4th st.. near Jefferson. 300 MADISON. BET. 5TH AND CTH VERT pleasant sunny front parlor to people em ployed days. LARGE FRONT ROOM IN STRICTLT MOD- ern Sat; private family. 309 Madison, near 6th st. BRIGHT. "WELL- FURNISHED FRONT room; heat, bath, phone, good location. 251 10th st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR GEN- tleman In private family; no children. Call 409 11th st. FRESH. SUNNY ROOM: PRIVATE FAM- liy; gas, ocai. iTusuutujic x.. ma iu, cor. Grant. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM "WITH BATH. for gentleman, in neart or city. 432 Wash ington st. LARGE. BEAUTIFUL PARLOR BEDROOM for one or two gentlemen; every convenience. 403 4 th st. FOR RENT A LARGE, NICELY FUR- nlsbed room In private family; $2.25 a week. 204 3d st. 1SS PARK ST. 2 NICELY FURNISHED rooms, one front, one side, one block Port land Hotel. TWO VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED front rooms, modern, rent reasonable. 375 Taylor st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. NEW nouse, an conveniences. a. uau. pnone East 2553. FOR RENT REASONABLE. 3 TO 9 NEW unfurnished rooms, ready by Jan. 15th. Call 185 Mill. 314 CLAY SMALL NEATLY FURNISHED sieeping-room, o minutes want from old postofflce. TO REDUCE EXPENSES. MODERN FRONT rooms near Steel bridge cheap. 294 El 1st et. North. ONLT $0 PER MONTH SUITE OF TWO good unfurnished rooms with gas stove. 382 Yamhill. FOR RENT LARGE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR two wuies cr Kcuucraen; very central. Main. UP-TO-DATE ROOMS, NEW BUILDING; $2.50 per week and upwards. 309 Jefferson. FOR RENT NEATLY FURNISHED rooms, gas. bath and phone. S08 Salmon. ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED: team beat. bath. gas. 209 14th. near Jeff. Hotel Butler. 409 Washington Elegantly fur nished rooms; tourist and transient solicited. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS AT 127 1st st., 3d floor, cheap. Inquire room 15. 233 UTH sr. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS with modern conveniences; terms reasonable. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM SUITABLE FOR one or two. close In. rent reasonable. 250 0th. LARGE FRONT ROOM. BATH. CHEAP. FOR ladies, close .In, East Side. 440 E. Oak. NICE FRONT ROOM. ALSO HOUSEKEEP Ing suite; close In. SO 10th, sear Stark. 80 W. PARK PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, small room also; reasonable, close In. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS "WITH TELE phone. bath, heat and light. 370 7th st. 160 10TH. NEAR MORRISON WELL-FUR-nlshed' rooms, furnace heat, gas. bath. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. $S AND UP. Call 221 W. Park. Phone Main 4054. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOM. USE of phone and oatn. &13 lamhill st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SU1T- able for two gentlemen. 343 10th st. 327 W. PARK-ONE NICE LARGE FRONT room, furnace heat, bath and phone. THIS T. M. C. A. HAS A FREE LIST, OF lumisiM rooms lu ii pans ci cuy. 730 IRVING--NICELT FURNISHED FRONT room, suitable for two gentlemen. ONE OR TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS on car line. 451 JZ. Anken? st. r'l nSlSHED ROOMS AT 221 10TH BT. cor. of Salmon. NICE LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR RENT. 2Sl4th st. Rooms With Board. ROOMS AND BOARD. If you want to room and board In the beat house in tne city call at tne ASTOR HOUSE. Everything first-class at exceedingly low rates, 201 7 in su. corner ot Aisairon. Tel. Main 0231. A NEATLY" FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR for married couple or ladles: desirable, mod ern, private and reasonable to permanent parties; good home cooking and conveniences. SSI Washington. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM AND AL cove, with or without board; private fam ily; homelike: suitable for two: refer ences. 500 GUsan, cor. 17th. Phone Main PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION-1GTH YEAH: rooms with board; use of sewing-room; u? of library; woman s Exchange. Address xrz. Anabel Russell, superintendent, 510 Flanders. ELEGANT OUTSIDE ROOMS. WITH FIRST- class board. 2 people. $40 and $45 month: electric light, steam heat, porcelain baths. The Linde.l Hotel, Market bet. Sd and 4th. GOOD ROOMS AND FAMILY BOARD FOR gentlemen, with free bath, phone and all modern and family conveniences. 271 lfcth St., near Northrup. Phone Main 3809. LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. IN modern Cat. . with board, for two young men; cam ana phone, -st loin, near Washington. 293 10TH NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for two; home cooking, furnace heat, porcelain bath, gas and phone; rea sonable. AND BOARD BT YOUNG MARRIED couple, walking distance to Fair Grounds: private family preferred. T 50, Oregonlan. NICELT FURNISHED ROOM "WITH BOARD. Two 5"oung ladles employed preferred: walk ing autanc: itt eacn. K .Vj. oregonlan. ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO YOUNG MEN at 464 E. Ankcny. ROOMS FOR RENT, WITH BOARD. 15 N 10th st. TOR RENT. Koecas Wi th Board. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO- tel, 105-107 10th it., cor. Morrison; there are s. lew vacancies, fine rooms, nicely furnished, steam heat throughout the bouse; porcelain baths, plenty of hot water, handsome dining-room; table and service first-class. OHIO OPENED UNDER NEW MANAGE- ment; great pains taken with every partic ular, " especially dining-room. Mrs. J. C "Wright. FRONT PARLOR. NICELT FURNISHED roc two gentlemen, with breakfast and din ner;, $18. 35 N. lbth. near "Washington. NICELT FURNISHED, CLEAN ROOMS AND gooa Doara: mocern conveniences; reason able. 021 Marshal. Phone Main 4110. HOTEL BROWN. 271 GRAND AVENUE rieasazii rooms, single or en tuite; elevator; bllllard-room; transients; both car lines. CHOICE LARGE ROOM. CENTRAL. ALL rooaern conveniences, good table. 394 Co lumbia at. Phone Main 2219. $20. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM with board and laundry, for gentleman. 408 11th. Phone Main 4120. ROOMS EN SUITE OR SINGLE. ALL MOD- era conveniences: table ana service first class. Waldorf. 147 13th. WANTED CHILDREN TO BOARD: GOOD home; mothers care; reasonable; references. Address box 81. Arleta, Or. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. WITH .BOARD; 10th. Phone Main 497L NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. PRIVATE lamuy. Doara it desired, call ICS 17th st., near Morrison. LARGE, NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM, WITH ooara ror one or two gentlemen. 275 day St., cor. 4th. v NEATLY FURNISHED PARLOR. SUITABLE -or two; wun board; reasonable. 2S4 Main st.. city. 328 5TH ST. ROOMS WITH BOARD. PRIV- ucge oi pnone, parior ana piano; ro per month. FURNISHED ROOMS "WITH BOARD; HOME cooKing, rjdgiisn family, zis 12th St., cor. Salmon. THE HARTMAN. 420 ALDER AND 70 "W. j-uraaicgie ana aouDie rooms with good board. 515 Morrison, desirable room, hot and cold water: few more table boarders taken. BY JAN. 1. LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH uovu; aiso single room. mK Jdornson-lOth. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. "WITH ALCOVE, niu uoaru iot itto or wrcc people. iEIi 13'Jt. 103 W. PARK NICELT FURNISHED rooms and board, modern, reasonable rates. THE OZARK. 225 11TH SI. ROOMS EN vt siugic. uhuu, uvl miu coia water. ONE LARGE AIRY ROOM. WITH OR "WITH- ai uuo.ru. c juse in. jast . im. FURNISHED ROOM. "WITH OR WITHOUT uvz.ro. as 4 in st. FURNISHED ROOMS "WITH BOARD, $20. Fl KNISHED ROOMS. WITH BOARD. 294 Clay. Flats. FOR RENT PART OF NEW FLAT. WELL furnished, to couple with references; house keeping privileges, furnace heat, bath, tele phone, light. 574 5th st. FURNISHED FLAT IN NEW MODERN resiacnce at 150 uaisey St., on riverfront. 2 blocks from Steel bridge. Phone East 2011. FOR RENT AFTER JAN. 15. FLAT OF & rooms, bath, gas furnace: nicely furnished; terms reasonable. 193 N. 15th st. 388 JEFFERSON FLAT OF FOUR ROOMS, furnished; gas, electric light, phone, bath, central location; references. FOR RENT NEW 4 -AND 5-ROOM FLATS; every convenience. Call 248 Stark st., or see owner. 472 Williams ave. DESIRABLE 5-ROOM FLAT. ROOMS FAC lng street: modern conveniences. 4S9 Wash ington, bet. 14th and 15th. LOWER FLAT 5 ROOMS AND BATH. WITH use of stable: 39th and Belmont sts. George M. Strong. 103 W. Park st. TWO NEW FIVE-ROOM MODERN FLATS, fronting river, block from Steel bridge. In. quire 288 Lorrabee. WELL-FURNISHED FLAT. FOUR ROOMS, lower floor, every convenience. 533 Fland ers, near 10th. FI..AT FOR RENT, 111 N. 1STH ST., IN qulre 115. two doors north. S 40. Ore gonlan. FfHNISHED FLAT FOR RENT. Apply at 420 Taylor. Phone Main 2023. FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED FLAT, no children; reference. 300 Grant st. FOR RENT 2 SIX-ROOM FLATS ON 13TH, near Market. Call 455 Market, Dooly. FOR RENT 5-ROOM LOWER FLAT. NEW. 42S 11th 0L Inquire 147 1st st. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO PARTLY FURNISHED OR UNFUR nlthed housekeeping rooms for rent. 071 Market-st. drive, near Ford st., In private xamuy. TWO CONNECTING ROOMS. HOT AND cold water, furnace heat, modern, private jiouee, nne tocauon, retereaces. .11 oy, ore- gonian. - WEST SIDE. WALKING DISTANCE. FIRST floor, two large unfurnished rooms with bath ana pantry. $15. inquire 449 3d St.. after noons. 430 YAMHILL ST. 2 ROOMS. SUITES, nicely furnished, modern conveniences, light housekeeping; gas stoves; reason able. THREE FURNISHED ROOMS. GROUND floor, modern conveniences, for two Demons: light and fuel, $18 per month. Phone Main FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES everything new. $10 per mo. and up. The Star. 230 Larrabee st.. near Steel Bridge. HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. NICELY FUR nlshed. $10 per mo. and up; phone and bath. Hotel Northern, N. 12th k Marshall. THREE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP. Ing rooms, ground floor; also single house- Keeping rooms, lis 14th, cor. Washington. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITH USE of kitchen, suitable for two ladles or man and wife. 2i3 Wheeler, cor. Clackamas. 645 WASHINGTON VERT DESIRABLE housekeeping, nicely furnished, gas range. pnone, eieciric ugni, oatn; no cniioren. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING, suitable for girls or young couple; references requires; private house. 10 E. th at. S. FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. UPPER OR lower furnished fiat, reasonable price, to responsible parties. J 44. Oregonlan. 389 OTH ST. NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping apartments. light front rooms. inone xam 42iU. O Healy. nicelt rnnsisHEn iinriPi-pmivn room, 2 blocks from car line. Phone and THE SINDA VIKTA. NEW if A VA?fP-v-T nicely furnished housekeeping and single rooms, -lit! oin, near ixmrinouse. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, suitable for four, lower floor; modern, very convenient; ccnirai; iisj I'arlt. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, bath, phone, light. 148 wnitaicer st. .pnone ia.ua 3009. 354 CLAY ET. 3 UNFURNISHED HODKE. keeping rooms, ground floor; separate en trance; no cnnaren; references. FRONT SUITE HOUSEKEEPEn'G ROOM3- very reasonable; ten minutes walk .from town. 440 5th st., cor. College. FOR RENT THREE UNFURNISHED rooms, rent cheap, centrally located. ground coor. rnoae f ront fcuo. 380 E. BURNSIDE THREE NEWLY PA "pered. newly furnished housekeeping1 rooms, sinic, gas; grouna noor. THE ELM. 13TH AND WASHINGTON Pleasant front rooms, furnished for house keeping; gas, bath and phone. THE KARO. 171 W. PARK NICE. CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms; also front TWO NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms; very convenient; rent $10 per monin. union are. soutn. THREE CONNECTING BAY-WINDOW rooms, closet, pantry, sink, laundry, bath. gas, . 39 ttasningion. THREE NICELT FURNISHED HAY-WIN. dow housekeeping rooms, water la kitchen. JTOR KENT, HoasefceeslBg- Rooms, THREE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE- keeping in new residence; gas. hath, phone, hot and cold water and sink in kitchen; two blocks from Steel bridge, on river front, at 18 Halsey st. Phone East 2011. 203 WASHINGTON. BET. FRONT 1ST UN- xurnissea noasexeepmg rooms; single, per month up; suites. $10 per month up; fur nished rooms, suites and single rooms, $1.50 per week up. Phone 448. FOR RENT TWO LARGE ROOMS WITH alcove, furnished, unfurnished or partly fur nished; gas, bath and laundry. In new house. 782 E. Salmon st., near 23d st. Call Monday. 2G8 MONTGOMERY. COR. 3D. SOUTH AT- iracuve suite lour nouseaeeping rooms, ami able for two couples; $12.50 'each per month; also parlor suite; central, bath, phone Main 4469. LAWNSDALE APARTMENTS, COR. 15TH ana Aiaer Elegantly furnished housekeeping suites, large rooms, gas range and sink in every kitchen. See them. 333 12TH-2 UNUSUALLY LARGE. LIGHT". completely furnished housekeeping rooms, first floor, private entrance, bath, gas, fur nace. Phone West 2427. TWO EXTRA LARGE HOUSEKEEPING rooms on ground floor, hot and cold water and use of bath; rent reasonable. 335 Mont gomery, cor. 7 th. 1 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room with small alcove for cooking; gas, heat, bath and free phone; reasonable. 442 Jefferson st. SUITE NICE PARTLY FURNISHED OR unfurnished rooms, fine place, with chicken-house, coops, etc, Mt, Tabor. Scott 3754. R. C Barter. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS FOR TWO PER- sons. West Side, ground floor, all modern conveniences, gas and fuel; $18 per month. Main 5542. TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSE- keeping rooms, strictly modem; also fur nished rooms. 549 Washington, flat B. Phone Main 5S94. SUITES OF TWO ROOMS EACH. COM. pieteiy rumis&ea; s;x per ween, raono Black 1717. 304 Front, bet. Columbia and Clay sts. 181 13TH SUITE OF HOUSEKEEPING rooms, first floor, well furnished. call mornings, bet, 9 and 12. THREE UNFURNISHED . ROOMS FOR housekeeping; modem house; no cniiaren. s&a EL Market, cor. Grand ave. THREE FURNISHED CORNER ROOMS. first floor, separate entrance, sink, bath, yara, basement, 435 Everett st. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- lng rooms, reasonable, with alcove; no chil dren. 420 11th st. South. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BATH and phone, with or without housekeeping. 394 Jefferson St.. upstairs. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BATH and phone, with or without housekeeping. 394 Jefferson St., upstairs. TWO PLEASANT FRONT FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; only $10; also otner rooms cheap. 243 N. 12th. "435 ALDER ST. NICELY FURNISHED convenient housekeeping rooms, central lo cation; also single rooms. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with phone. 104 N. 10th st.; call "Monday. Fl r.MSHED DOUBLE PARLOR WITH Pi ano, fireplace, dining-room, kitchen; rent, reasonable. 124 N. 19th. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, FURNISHED In single and suites, 372 oak, no chil dren. Phone Union 912. NICELT FURNISHED LOWER FRONT suite; piano, phone: also 1 single room; references. 384 Park st. $10 FOR 2 WELL-FURNI SHED HOUSE- keeping rooms. Dam, pantry, wooaroom, ground floor. 191 Park. UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON FIRST FLOOR. waier in Kiicnen: ibo iuihuucu iwms, ts, bath, phone. 485 Clay. TWO CONNECTING ROOMS, FURNISHED elegantly; modern, central, private fam ily. Phone Main 022S. TWO NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. Telephone, gas, bath. 440 Jefferson, cor. 12th. $11, ONE ROOM. FURNISHED COMPLETE for light housekeeping; gas, phone. 254 Montgomery, cor. 3d. 447 5TH, NEAR COLLEGE THREE ROOMS, completely furnished: new gas range, bath, phone, vacant today. $0 TWO FRONT ROOMS, FIRST FLOOR, furnished for light housekeeping. 1007 E. Madison, near S4th. 81 7TH. COR OAK BEAUTIFUL ROOMS, light housekeeping, or good business rooms; adults only. COMFORTABLE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing rooms In brick building. 95 Russell st,, Lower Alblns, E23 MAIN. BET. CTH AND ,7TH NICELT furnished Housekeeping rooms; Dam, gas, phone; no children. TWO NEWLT PAPERED ROOMS. FUR nlshed for housekeeping; fine location; central, phone. 229 11th st. 2 LARGE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms; heat, gas, bath and free phone. 442 Jefferson. THREE VERT DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms, large and completely furnished. 414 Main st. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, new house, modern, all conveniences. O E. Davis. keeping rooms; all modern conveniences. 283 jeserson st. THREE CONVENIENT FURNISHED HOUSD- keeplng rooms; teiepnone, gas and bath. zoo 12UX st. SWELL NEWLT FURNISHED HOUSE keeping suite, central, desirable location. 349 Morrison. 433 ALDER UNFURNISHED BASEMENT. gas plate and water in kitchen; use of bath ana pnone. 549 TATLOR ELEGANTLY FURNISHED 4-room fiat, electric lights, gas, stove, bath, CCW UUUK. TOR RENT 6-ROOM FLAT. COMPLETELY rurnisnea. au aunc&y or evenings u oau 04 7th. NICELT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent; private family; no children. 335 3d st. FIVE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS first floor, single or suites; bath, gas. phene, 255 11th. THREE ROOMS. COMPLETELT FURNISHED for housekeeping, hot and cold water. 592 first st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS-2 large. 2 smaller; phone and bath; reasonable. 320 4th. housekeeping rooms; close In. SO 10th. near FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED HOUSE- keepmg rooms tor rent. 100 First, cor. aeace. ICS 12TH PHONE MAIN 4003: DESIR able suite of furnished housekeeping rooms. 265 5TH. OPPOSITE CITY HALL. ROOM furnished ror light housekeeping; all conven lences. 325 12TH AND 70 N. 14TH 1 OR 2 LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms; no chll- aren. FOR RENT 3 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, walking distance. Phone 4044. THE TEMPLETON. 200 1ST FRONT housekeeping and single rooms; $1.50 and up; bath. ELEGANT FURNISHED OR UNFUR- nlshed rooms at 573 Main st. Phone Main 4000. NICE. COZY FRONT SUITE FOR COUPLE young ladles. $14. 108 W. Park. Call Mon day. WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madison House keeping rooms; transient; bath, electric light. S14 CLAY FURNISHED ALCOVE ROOM and kitchen; three rooms if desired; central. JUST FURNISHED. STRICTLT MODERN light housekeeping rooms. 3C9 Jefferson st. TWO SMALL. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms, ground floor, zss Jefferson sc. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clean, ground floor. 04 E. 9 th st- 2 NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR Uht - Incnlra 024 0th Et, FOR KENT. Koasekeeylnc TWO SUITES FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- lng. 3 rooms each; bath, laundry, phone; $a), $18. &35 YamhllU 400 WILLIAMS AVE., COR. HANCOCK oar rooms and kitchen; $10. U. mnner. Commercial block. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- mg rooms; also single rooms. 23o oin, corner Main at. TWO LOVELY ROOMS. PARLOR FLOOR: 3 upstairs, furnished for housekeeping; no chil dren. 354 Salmon. FRONT PARLOR AND KITCHEN: FINE locality: cu bath, nhone: rent 315. 242 Montgomery-id. FOUR ROOMS. WELL FURNISHED. RENT reasonable; suburbs. Phone Scott 1004. TWO FRONT ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR nouseaeeping. Mi jenerson. cor. oa. FOR RENT THREE FURNISHED HOUSE- ketping rooms; $15. 334 College st. CHEAPEST AND BEST HOUSEKEEPING suite, close In. SO 10th. near Stark. FOR RENT TWO OR THREE FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 155 N, 11th. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; price reasonable. 491 Everett sr. FOR RENT C-ROOM HOUSE. 027 THUR- man st. Inquire 623 Thurman. THREE PLEASANT. LIGHT UNFURNISHED rooms; U car. 302 Tillamook. HOUSEKEEPING AND FURNISHED ROOMS. 1T 11h r UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 352 Harrison st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; $S. PHONE MAIN inr Houses. $ 8.00 3-room flat, 20th st. $10.003 rooms, unfurnished. Benton st, $10.00 3-room house. E. 19th at. $10.00 5-room house. Tremont Station. $10.5O 5-room flat, furniture for sale. 28th St., West Side. $13.00 e-rcom house, Tremont Station, i 14. 00 6-room house. E. 11th st, $15.002 rooms, unfurnished. Jefferson st. $15.003 rooms, unfurnished. Washington at. $15.0O 7-room house. E. Harrison st, $10.00 -room cottage. 1st st, $18.00 7-room house, Hawthorne ave. $18.00 7-room house. E. Oak st, $20.00 5-room cottage, Harrison at. $20.003 rooms, unfurnished, E. Ankeny at. $20.00 3 rooms, unfurnished. Fargo st. J 20.00 8-room house. E. 27th at. $22.50 0-room new furnace-heated flat. E. 14th st, $25.00 5-room house. E. Ankeny st. $25.00 0-room new house, Larrabee at. $25.00 7-room house, E. Davis. $27.00 0-room house. 2d st,. West Side. $28.00 O-room new house, McMillan st $30.00 0-room new house, Lincoln st,, W. S. $30.00 O-room new house. McMillan st. $33.00 5-room new flat, 11th at,. West Side. $37.50 Oroom new house, furnace-heated, Kearney st. $37.50 6-room new flat, furnace-heated. 12th St.. West Side. H. El EDWARDS. 1S5-191 1ST ST. PARTIAL HOUSE LIST 50 Borthwlck st 6 rooms $15.00 737 Savler at., flat.... 0 " 15.00 674 Mill at..... 7 " 18.00 712 Brooklyn st 7 " 18.00 070 Hancock, furnished.. 6 " .... 23.00 055 Patton ave 10 " 25.00 260 Dixon st 0 " 20.00 770 Hoyt et 8 " 30.00 274 Hall st 7 " 30.00 353 Lincoln St.. new.... 6 " 30.00 203 McMIUen St.. new... 7 " 30.00 WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. 22fl Stark St. BEE THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY FOR HOUSES TO RENT. Beautiful C-room cottage, E. 8th and Couch sts.; $20 per month. Very lovely 7-room cottage, modem con veniences. 180 E. 37th St.; $16 per month. Nice 7-room house on Nebraska St., West Side; $15 per month. Apply 149 1st at. FOR RENT VACATED YESTERDAY. the neatest six-room bouse on the East Side; furnace, bath. gas. etc; 20 feet from L car and one block from river; fine view of harbor; healthy location. 225 Broad way, cor. Larrabee. DOUBLE 0-ROOM HOUSE ON BAST SIDE, furnished first class throughout; rent $18; lease any time anyone renting this house can have the furniture cheap. Great North em' Real Estate Co.. 8 Labbe bldg., Wash ington st. Phone Main 0122. FOR RENT NEW MODERN 7-ROOM house, full basement, tinted walls, window shades, gas fixtures large yard. 291 Will lams ave, near Halsey st. Apply at room 22, Cambridge, bide-, 3d and Morrison. IF TOU DESIRE TO RENT TOUR UN tenanted houses, flats, or rooms, list them with us; we do not let the moss grow on the steps; we rent them without charge. H. E. Edwards. 185 to 191 1st. WHT DISTRESS AND TIRE YOURSELF needlessly hunting houses, flats and rooms when by calling on us our man. Mr. Toung. will locate you without cost. H. E. Edwards. 183 to 191 1st. NINE-ROOM HOUSE. SOUTHEAST CORNER 17th and Columbia sts.; recently painted ana papered: gas. bath, hot and cold water: $25 a month. Inquire 434 Mohawk bldg. Main 1957. FOR RENT MODERN 7-RO'OM HOUSE; cement basement and walks; latest plumb ing; window shades, gas fixtures; -yard. Phone East 1817. 51 E. 10th st.. North. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. 229 GAINES ST.; $10. o-room cottage, 683 Belmont; $14. 0-room cottage. 750 E. Salmon; $20. F. W. TORGLER, 100 Sherlock bldg. A NEW AND f. "T MODERN COT- tage, with 0 rooms and basement, 801 1st st,; take S car to Glbbs. John F. Caples. aiulkey bldg.. cor 2d and Morrison. HOUSES FOR RENT. RENTS COLLECTED and property cared for. The Title Guarantee &. Trust Co.. 0 and 7 Chamber of commerce. urouna noor. -tin-street siae. A STRICTLT MODERN COTTAGE. SIX rooms, bath and basement. 224 East 2d st.. North, near Holladay ave. inquire Room 301, the Dckum. NEW MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE ON THE East Side. In a good location. $18. Inquire of Hartman. Thompson & Powers. 3 Cham ber of commerce. FURNISHED 0-ROOM COTTAGE. $17: bathroom, basement, 20 minutes' ride Mt. Scott line, Flrland .Station. Inquire 334 .asi j&orruon. JT MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE IN 1 it-class condition; cor. E. lth and Bel mont; rent $22.50. C." H. Korcll, 251 Washington. tW llrt A IV-nuu lcoiurA.t.,, wu. 13th and Taylor, brand-new, strictly modem. Phone East UT. or can ki jj. wasningion. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST., rents and insurance. Phone iiain 34a. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. UP STAIRS. CONSISTING OF 3 LARGE rooms, hall and bathroom. $8 per month. Including water. Ib4 Su. zid st. KADDERLT TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano "and furniture movers. Phona . Atain 1030. umce iiv ck S-ROOM HOUSE WITH ALL CONVEN- lences. West Side, a snap at i-tv. port land Trust Co.. 109 3d st. 590 7TH ST.. NEAR SHERMAN NEW. neat, flrst-cla394-room cottage; no children; 8-ROOM HOUSE. SUITABLE FOR TWO FAM- llles; lawn, fruit, on car line; .-vppij AZZ M. St., ua.i u. $37.50 TWO 0-ROOM HOUSES. WEST Side, furnace heated. H. E. Edwards, 185 to 191 1st. NEW 4-ROOM HOUSE. $12 A MONTH. 1 block south 43d and Hawthorne. Phona Scott 3245. 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. EAST 12TH and Pine; rent $17.50. C. H. Korell. 251 "Washington. 193 M'MILLAN ST.. TWO BLOCKS NORTH of Steel bridge; modern C-room house. Phone East 1530. C-ROOM COTTAGE; GAS. BATH. LARGE basement: mocern improvements. 43U Har rison. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. NEATLY FURNISHED central: $25. M. S. Rentery. Sherlock bldg. FOR RENT 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE to parties wiinout cniiaren. bit iiarsnall st. 188 10TH GOOD CLEAN 7-ROOM HOUSE: gas, bath, etc; $40. Inquire 393 Taylor st. FOR RENT A 6-ROOM COTTAGE, UNION ave.. near E. Market. $17. Phone Union 1101. FOR RENT 0-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE AT Sunnyslde Shce store, zro aanlngton st. HOUSE TO LEASE ON MORRISON ST., west Side. May. juw. o -io. uregonian. FOR RENT 7 ROOMS: BATH. HOT AND cold water $13. TU E. oax. cor. 23d. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. 206 wnitaker st. Apply ki iTom st. FOR KKNX. Hemes. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSS. NEAR STEEL oncge. .bast aice, per monto. jonn Jr. Sharxey. 201 Chamber of Commerce.- Pnone Main 180. 9-ROO K - -i FOR RENT. FURNITURE for sale. 327 W. Park. F&rehbed Seases. 294 10TH WELL-FURNISHED THOR- oughly modern six-room house. Telephone Main 2013. bet. 8:30 and 9:30 and 1:30 and 2:30. NICELT FURNISHED 5-ROOM COTTAGE, 7 blocks from Steel bridge. 320 Williams ave. Call Telephone Scott StSS. COMPLETELT FURNISHED 5-ROOM COT- iage; pnone ana bath; references; walking distance. 591 5th st. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT; urge grounas; good location; block from car. 401 12th at. NICELT FURNISHED MODERN HOUSE for rent. 8 E. 11th S. Call at 520 E. Ankeny. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE. ELEC- tric iignts, oath; central. Inquire 273 7th st. . 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FURNISHED, MOD- em. wun piano, close in. Call 231 Grant. FURNISHED 5-ROOM HOUSE AT 724 E. Jjumside. Apply at Oxford. 08 0th st. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE AT 231 .-s. -iia sju Apply at 225 W. Park at. LOWER FLOOR OF 3 ROOMS. MODERN. including piano. 4iH Columbia. FURNISHED HOUSE, 5 ROOMS. 109 uioos st. Apply alter today. Houses for Rent X-uralrnro far Sale. EXTRA FINE FURNITURE OF 12-ROOM nouse. $850: $a a month guaranteed by Lewis and Clark Accommodation Bureau for 9 rooms during Fair. This Is a bargain as I need the money; no agents; house on 5th st. car-line. 5 minutes ride from Washing ton; rent 333. O 47. Oregonlan. FURNITURE OF 10-ROOM HOUSE AND lease; must be sold' by 4th ot month, par ties leaving city on account of sickness; strictly business agents and inquisitive peo ple keep mumm. F 69, Oregonlan. 4-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT, CLOSE in; rent si:: per montn; furniture is an practically new and will be sold for $123 If taken at once. Call tomorrow at 013 Overton st,. bet. 19th and 20th. NEW HOUSE. 7 ROOMS. ALL APPOINT- menls modem, furnished In the latest and most elegant style; must be sold by 0th on account of sickness for cash. $350; rent, 330. L 58, Oregonlan. FLAT OF 7 LARGE LIGHT ROOMS COM- pletely furnished for three families. 544 Gllsan. cor. 10th. Rent $30; price. $600. No agents. Pnone Main 5453. NICE FURNITURE 11-ROOM HOUSE. GOOD location. Bargain it oougnt at once; parties are elck. must sell soon. 361 Alder, cor. Park. Phone Front 098. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 3-ROOM FLAT cheap; rent $15: electric lights and steam heat. Call flat 101, Burkhard bldg., E. Burn sde st. FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM HOUSE. INCLUD lng piano and sewing machine, near the Fair grounds. $650. Hatfield & Smith. 163 4th, room 32. ELEGANT NEW FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM cottage, newly papered, gas. cheap rent; close In; a snap. 380 E. Burnslde, BARGAIN IN FURNITURE OF 12-ROOM house If taken this week; lease; terms or cash; no agents. S CO, Oregonlan. FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR boic, xx; nouse lor renu jiaoress oa ti. 0th st, N., or Phone East 2970. FURNITURE OF A MODERN 0-ROOM FLAT for sale; price $173: flat for rent; close In. Call mornings at 4 Union ave. S. SHED HOUSE OF TEN ROOMS. SIX rented: gas; price $525. Phone Front 104. 322 14th. f FOR SALE EXCELLENT FURNITURE SIX room cottage, rent $12. 355 East Couch, cor. 3d. FURNITURE 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE for sale, rent $17.50. Call Monday, 423 10th' street. LEAVING THE CITT. WILL SELL MOST ly new furniture of 8-room house $400. 301 14th st. FURNISHINGS S-ROOM HOUSE. LOCATION right. Price $375; rooms rented. 3SS ,7th. FURNITURE FOR SALE, HOUSE FOR rent, $40. 6 N. 9th et. Winter and btrmmcr Resorts. HOTEL MOORE. CLATSOP BEACH. 8EA slde. will be open during Fall and "Winter. Stores FOR RENT HALF OF FINE STORE IN center of the retail section; to secure answer state clearly what you want. Ad dress Y 59. Oregonlan. CORNER STORE. GOOD BUSINESS LOCA tlon. catering to family trade; rent reason able. Inquire 209 Montgomery st. FOR RENT STORE BUILDING ANDTWO living rooms; good location. East Side? $20 Portland Trust Co.. 100 3d st. STORE IN THE BUSINESS PART. 25x100. with ball-room upstairs, suitable for lodging house, for rent, 187 Front, FOR RENT STORE. 23x180 FEET, NO. 140 Front st,. bet, Morrison and Alder. Apply to EL A. Ealdwln. 80 4th st. FINE DOUBLE STORE. NEAR FRONT AND Pine. L. L. Hawkins. Agent. 44S Sherlock building. PART FINE RETAIL STORE FOR RENT; art or Jewelry preferred. F 8. Oregonlan. WAREHOUSE SPACE FOR RENT: 100x100: freight elevator. S. e. cor. Cth and Oak. STORE. 25xS0. 270 5TH ST.. OPPOSITE CITT Hall. Apply upstairs; ring bell. STORES FOR RENT 2D AND SALMON. AP ply 310 Mohawk bldg. Offices. FOR RENT TWO VERT DESIRABLE front rooms, will be vacant soon In Ab lngton bldg. Inquire room 323. FOR RENT PART OF LARGE OUTSIDE office, well furnished. 324 Chamber of Com merce. OFFICES AND NEWLT FURNISHED lodge halls. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. PFTP 'VAVS OF'CE. ROOMS WITH DR. dentist, Lewis bldg.. 350 Morrison st. LARGE OFFICE ROOM AND DESK ROOM at 101 Sherlock bldg. Phone Main 1440. PERSONAL. SELECTIONS MADE. INTRODUCTIONS given honorable ladles and gentlemen, respon sible age. matrimonially Inclined. L 00. Oregonlan. THE WORST CASE OF PILES TIBLDS TO one box of E-ru-sa Pile Cure, the cure that cures while others think about it; $1.50, all druggists. 4 TO 10 DATS IS THE TIME REQUIRED for Barke Tonic to cure rheumatism, liver, bowel and blood troubles; 75c bottle, all druggists. DETECTIVES ALL KINDS OF INFORMA tlon secured; operatives of both sexes; high class work; write for prices, p. o. Lock Box 274. WOULD TOU MARRT IF SUITED? LA- dles list, with descriptions and photos. 10c; marry wealthy. Address box 5G4, Spokane Wash. BT PRESENTING THIS AD AT THE NEW Home office, 350 Morrison St., you can get a drophead Singer or White for $15.; oak nntso. We print your name on 30 calling cards, proper size and style. 25c; 250 business cardu, $1. Thrown & Schmale. 229 1st. Portland. Or. PLAIN. KINDLT BUSINESS MAN. AGE 42. wealthy, large Income, wants a good wife Address Curran. 1242 Wabash. Chicago. ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS. GOITER. SWOLLEV glands, cancers, tumors and moles perma nently cured. Dr. Vocse, 181 1st. TOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Accu rately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Phar. macy. 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d. TOU CAN SAVE 1-3 TO ON SUB. TO magazines. Send for free club list. Janes' Book Store, 291 Alder st. PALMER HENDRICKSON WE DO MISS you so; please come home or write to your anxious mother. TOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE TO CORRE spond with lady view to matrimony. Ad dress T 40. Oregonlan. I DETECTIVE High-class, nonest work, charges moderate; pest references, u 99, uregonian. PXR&ONAL. "WANTED INTELLIGENT. UBERAL-MIND-ed. unincumbered lady to Invest $500 and services In established growing office busi ceii which will average $20 daily profits: am. energetic youxur business man. of 30 years; have fine money-making proposition, and need such a lady as partner to develop busi ness which has unlimited possibilities. For particulars call room 40. Raleigh bldg., 323 Washington st-, Portland. . yAZA HOLMES-RIBBECKE. NEW INSTJ tute, refitted, fully equipped for all clasaea of work performed at John Woodbery's, -New York. Have your work done at home. Dr. A. L. Nelden. the world's beauty king, meth ods employed by Aza Hotaes-Rlbbecke. the only graduate plastic surgeon and dermatol ogist on this Coast. Portland's best physi cians for reference. Parlors. 304 Morrison. A REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR THE address of the following persons: Ethel Rowe. formerly of 200 First at.; H. A. Strange, of St Johns or University Park; Mrs. H. Hanke. who lived on a scow on Willamette River. Apply to S. A. McDon ald. 402 Washington st. Phone Main 4588. WE HAVE ARRANGED MORE HAPPY marriages In Oregon than all other similar concerns In the West combined: over 2000 correspondents in Washington and Oregon seeking marriage, many wealthy. Send 10c for "Matrimonial Register."' containing de scriptions Interstate Introducing Society, Box 1079. Portland. MADAME VAUGHN. ONLT GRADUATE dermatologist in Northwest, permanently removes birthmarks, pittlngs. wrinkles, cagglngs. scars, eczema, pimples, moles, freckles and all blemishes. Dermatology taught for professional purposes. Third floor McKay bldg., Sd and Stark. Phona Main 70S. 77 WOMEN WANTED SUFFERING FROM Irregular, painful or stoppages, leucorrhe (whites) and all diseases of women, old or young; cured by old Dr. Kessler, 230 Yam. hill st.. Portland, Or. Private waiting-room for ladles. Consultation free. Call or write. Inclose 10 2-cent stamps. DISEASES OF MEN. GONORRHEA. GLEET. SYPHILIS, BLOTCHES. OLD SORES. NIGHT EMIS SIONS. VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE and all affection of private organs permanently cured. Dr. Walker, 181 1st at. MONTHLY . IRREGULARITIES YIELD promptly to our painless method of treatment; w trea, diseases of women only; consultation free, private and strictly confldentlaL X Ra dium Institute. 162 1st, cor. of Morrison st. NO MAK OR WOMAN FEELS GOOD WHEN run down; Sexlne Pills build up aa no other tonics can. Price. $1. six boxes $5. with full guarantee. Address or call. J. A. Clemenson. druggist, cor. 2d and Yamhill, Portland, Or. YOUNG WIDOW. AGE 23, WITH $10,000; laar. --u, fou.uuu; iaay, 20, xia.uuu; Dlocde, 18. cash and beautiful farm. I seek honor able husbands for these. Confidential. Ad dress Mrs. W.. 097 Fulton St.. Chicago. 111. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 A raouia aeeps your doming cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on. rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. 347 Washington, opp. Co rd ray's- MIDDLE-AGED LADY OF FINE ADDRESS and good tact for business would like to take charge of rooming-house, with a view of matrimony. Address. Mrs. Miller, Apart ment 9, 928 -Ellis St., San Francisco. MRS. M. GILBERT. FROM LONDON ALL kinds of feathers and boas cleaned, curled, and dyed, best of work; satisfaction guaran teed. 150 1st. Portland. Or. Phono Red 3101. Residence. 249 Harrison. Main 4443. A WEALTHY AND ATTRACTIVE MAIDEN wants, without delay, kind husband to re. Heve her of business cares; no objections to honorable, capable poor man. Address Cook, 67 Flournoy, Chicago. MISTAKES OF YOUTH AND ALL FORMS ot weakness cured by Sexlne Pills. $1 a box. 6 for $5, with full guarantee. J. A. Clemenson. druggist. 2d and Yamhill sts.. Portland. Or. ALL OR PART OF COMPLETELY FUR nlshed lower floor In elegant comer house, three blacks from Portland Hotel; gas. bath, phone, heat, reasonable; single rooms, $8 up. 221 W. Park. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts Nerve Globules. One month's treatment. $2; 3 months', $5. Sent securely sealed by mail. Agents, Woodard. Clarke & Co., Port land, Or. MARRY WEALTH AND BEAUTY MAR rlage directory free; pay when married; en tirely new plan: send no money. Address H. A. Horton, Dept. 81. Tekonsha, Mich. VIM. VIGOR. VITALITY DU PONT ET Cle's Kola 'Tablets, nature's great tonic for either sex; 25c box by mall. Albert Bernl. 2d and Washington, agent. Portland, Or. LADIES ATTENTION! ORIGINAL FRENCH Tansy Wafers for sale by leading druggists; $2 per box; safe and reliable. S. G. -Skid-more & Co.. Special Agents. 151 3d St. HURRY. GENTLEMEN. AND GET Ac quainted with young ladles who wish to marry good husbands. Address N. W. Cor respondence Club, F 4S, OrSgonlane. REFINED LADY 45. NICE INCOME, pretty home, desires correspondents edu cated business men good position; object marriage. B 50. Oregonlan. MIDDLE-AGED WIDOW "WISHES TO meet an elderly respectable man with means and home; object, matrimony. Ad dress B CO, Oregonlan. LADIES WHO WISH TO MARRY HOME Iovlng men with homes and means Inclose 25c for names and addresses. Mrs. Belle Archer. Portland, Or., WEALTHY. RETIRED BUSINESS MAN, unincumbered, seeks appreciative wife. Ad dress Mrs. Cole, 1714 Chestnut, room 309, Philadelphia. Pa. MIDDLE-AGED WIDOW WISHES TO MEET an elderly respectable man with means and home, object matrimony. Address B 60, care Oregonlan. YOUR FORTUNE TOLD BY THE MOST Re liable clairvoyants; send blrthdate, dime and stamp. Profs. Carl & Rollln, 490 N. Clark St., Chicago. WEALTHY LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF refinement, anxious to marry; photographs and descriptions free. Box S " 64. Canon City, Colo. THROUGH THIS METHOD I HOPE TO FIND a husband. Who will answer? D 01, Orego nlan. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR homes. Ida Reznor, 127 11th. Phone Main 4838. $63 DRESS SUIT. GOOD AS NEW. SALE cheap; medium aize. 448 Yamhill st.. Mr. V. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 434 Alder st. Phone Main 4S32. LOST AND FOUND. PARTY WHO FOUND LADY'S GOLD HAT pln with initial R engraved on end. Friday night in Grand Theater, call up Scott 0S34 and receive reward. LOST LADY'S CHATELAINE PURSE. BE tween Olds & King's, Park st. and Morri son; $2.50 reward offered; return Ore gonlan. LOST BETWEEN 5 AND 7 P. M.. ON DEC. 24. a small leather purse containing $30 in gold. Return same to Oregonlan ana receive reward. LOST LADY'S GOLD FILLED WATCH, Hampton movement, Initials engraved on case, M. E. Leave at Oregonlan; "reward. LOST WILL PARTY PICKING UP PAIR black kid gloves in Empire Theater by teat No. A. E. 1 please call Scott 3011. Reward. LOST ONE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR CHARM Inscribed T. H. Ramsay, suitable reward return Oregonlan office. LOST LADY'S GOLD WATCH. BET. Co lumbia Theater and Fifth and Alder. Return 450 EL Clay; reward. WANTED PARTNER WILLING TO IN vest $300 In good paying business. Address Q CO. Oregonlan. LOST GOLD-MOUNTED ELK TOOTH NO. 320, L. G. D. Return Creamerle Restau rant. Reward. LOST GOLD RING WITH GOLD QUARTZ setting. Irving ton; reward. 340 North Union ave. LOST ENGLISH SETTER DOG. BLACK and white, one year old. Reward, 383 Tay Ior. - LOST JERSEY HEIFER, AGE TWENTY months. 1 horn broken off. Phone East 1004. LOST WATCH FOB AND LOCKET. WITH J. J. B. Call at 393 Grand ave. Reward. LOST BROWN COCKER SPANIEL. Li cense 1302; return 303 Alder; reward. FOUND WHITE BULL PUP. 306 2D. FINANCIAL. State funds loaned. O per cen. W. B. Thomas, state 'agent Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham. Com. Six per' cent money to loan on Clackamas County lands. E. F. Riley. 608 Cham. Com. PRIVATE FUNDS LOANED. 50 PER CENT Valutlon; low rates. W. 8. Ward, Allsky bldg.