20 'HE SUKDAT OREGOXIAS, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 25, 1904. . . . . , ffiflBlfe m.:-T ipiHB recent trains from down Eugene I and .San Francisco way have been . bringing parties of college students, who had jolly tlnies with their songs and mandolins on the way north, and who jare going to enjoy their two weeks at tiome to the .fullest ostent- It is certain ly a disappointment', that Jhc Stanford (glee and mandolin clubs, whose entertain ments have been for two seasons one of thc most enjoyable events of Christmas iweek, should lavc decided to stay at 4hmo this vacation. A number of d Inn ens-ana" teas havo been fanned for this wepk. Among these a ea to be given at the Hotel Portland by Mrs. H. G. Bowers and Mrs. Allan Vright, in honor of Mrs. "Wright's guest, StCiPS Hlckefy. of Washington, D. C. The return engagement of Ben Greet &nd .bis company, in "The Star of Beth jjlsham." will have a strong interest to all friends of the Baby Home, as it is an nounced that a percentage of all tickets sOldby members of the Home board will B to the benelit of the institution one "ff th? most 'deserving of all "Portland's The members of the Home as follows, Mrs. ChaTles E. Slt- 4tn,Mrs: II F. RllcJV Mrs. -Norrls R. Airs. nanna.n nooerison, Airs. u. jo. JScott: Irs. David Dalglqlsh, Mrs. John StewaEL lrjlk:&. Akin, "Mr.' A. 'jL, jhon.- Judge H, 11. tforthup, parities, -board are ai , JL. Kee- alias Lucy ChambcrlRln returned on Thursday from Seattle, wnere she was Ie ilght fully entertained by Mxsfl H. X. Weln tatSln. Mis6 Chamberlain and Miss Austin, jat icxae, were guests 01 nonor on wca inesday evening at a dance given at the . Flrloch Club. The charming clubhouse ion Lake Washington Is as popular a ren dezvous for -the .young society people of iSoaltleas the '"VMaverly -links here, and .Mrs, Weinstelns entertainment was thor oughly enjoyed. The dances included .a icqUUion. and the favors were distributed arom a pally lighted Christmas tree. An "other rileasant attention tn M1m Ghambfir- $min during her stay on the Sound was' a .dinner at the Hotel Lincoln, given by Dr. Keith. One of the most dojlghtful of holiday jDHterUinmcr.ts was given by Mr: and lrs. J. Wesley Ladd on Friday evening, tr. Helen Ladd Corbett and Mrs. War den F. Houghton assisting the host and wostass. Bridge whist " was played at hrine tables, during th early part of the lisvoning. and later the guests went" into ..the dining-room, where Santa Claus dls itributedav aalleciioi, qt. .cocqulsltq Agifts. -a iiure "wre.. cBeeuingiy preiiy GCCOra Hons in the holiday colors, the table hav flng, as a centerpiece, a plojgh filled viMP u jurawn 03 oigm liny rcui- ' jr , -A dightful event Thursday evening iwa? 'an old - fashioned house - warmlgg g4von by ilrs. c H. Keen? to her- family friends. Tbo spacious halls and lofty rtomV lent tnemsolfes with peculiar" flt 'HBftff to" tho decorations of Oregon "holly, iBngliPh 'holly, myrtle and mistletoe which fxo coloring, Chrimmas cheer and beauty the scene. Mrs. Keene and her daugh Scrsdlspensed thoic hospitality, with trye eenifgrajie kndjRrarmfh. Amongthuse fproscinjU-wre Rose Eytlngo analierilaugh- Ucr. Mrs. John T. Raymond. Mrs. Mundt, iraBarr and Kenney and ToddHazen. tafned at.the Oregon Agricultural College at'Corvallls. These students, upon com pleting their studies, will proceed to thefr native land and engage, -under the direc tion of -the Indian organization, in the work of abolishing the caste . system, which for so many centuries has been such a terrible blight upon the millions of Hindu people. During the year, in ad dition to the usual income of the society in the way of annual dues, a contribution was receiver from Mrs. Howard, 0 Chi cago, III., amounting to $15Q, and another contribution from a resident of our own city amounting to ?T0. Upon entering on Its second year of active work the society Is very desirous to enlist every one who sympathizes with Its efforts In behalf of ancient India. The movement Is purely nonsectarian, and whatever funds are raised here are spent within our own state. Information as to the work of the society can be had by addressing any of its officers or members. Willamette 'Council 1983 Royal" Arca num, gave a Christmas tree social to 'its members Thursday, night,, at itts coun cil chamber in the Auditorium Half, '.the event proving, the best entertainment ever given by' the .council. The committee In- charge - Included, Mr. M. C Holbrook. Mr. II. S. Gaylord and Mr. W. P. C. Kelm. A large tree had been secured beautifully trimmed and hung with a myriad of miniature electric lights. The council held Its regular meet ing and initiated ten new members. After that session closed the Christmas tree function was put in full motion, Mr. Hdlbrook assuming the role of Santa Claus. An assortment of grotesque pres ents were distributed to 'each one- of the 125 members present. W. S. Spencer, deputy supreme regent, will install the officers -elected for 1905, at the regular session January 5. They are as follows: H. S. Gaylord, regent; M. C. Holbrook, vice-regent: W. W. Harder, past regent; W. P. C. Kcim. orator; W. B. Gadsby, chaplain; D. J. Coman. guide; E. J. Huf ford, secretary; B. F. Freeman, collector; C. A. Nolson. treasurer: William Fehrcn bacher, warden; F. C Houghton, sentry;. W. J. Holman, three-year trustee. After 50 years of harmonious wedded- life., Mr. .and Mrs. Thomas AVllkcrson Winnlford. -of Oakland, Or., celebrated their golden wedding on Monday. Decem ber 19. They, were surrounded by 25 of their children and grandchildren, only four of the entire family being absent. They were married at the homo of the bride's father. Joseph Bninncr. near Greenville. Tehn., Dec. 19, 1854, by Rev. L. C. Waters, in 1S71 they moved to Ore gon and for 31 years have resided at their present home. They were the happy recipients of a Jiumbor -of useful and appropriate gifts. The rooms and tables were nicely deco rated in gold and green and the dinner 'was served on the same snowy linen cloth which was used at their reception dinner. oO years ago, and has served at' all weddings In the family since. Alto gether ft was a most enjoyable day, an occasion -long to' oei rememDerea Dy au present. WInslow Meade Circle. Ladics-of the G.- A. R., have been giving a series bf after noon high teas, in honor of Mrs. Rebecca Small, department president of Oregon Ladles of '.tho G. A. R., and Mrs. Jennie Morrison Brown, past chaplain, depart ment of -Oregon. On Tuesday afternoon, at her Tiome on Stark street, ilrs. Jennie Wardlaw Lyon. National corresponding secretary, entertained. The rooms were tastefully decorated with Oregon holly, chrysanthemums and carnations-. ' Besides the guests of honor were pres ent officers and members of Winslow Meade Circle. Ladles of the Gi A. R. On "Wednesday afternoon Mr. an(t.Mrs. J. W. ,Riner entertained at Mount Tabor, and Thursday afternoon was pleasantly spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Van Orden, of Clovcrdale. City Point Circle, Ladies of the'G. A. R .entertained In honor of M.rjs. Small and Mrs. Brown, on Thursday evening. The 'Seniors' Sodality bf St. Mary's Church held its annual election last Sunday, choosing the following omcers: Prefect, Irs. Kate Cauley; assistant pre fects. Miss May Major nnd Miss Mary :Shlels; secretary. Miss Annie Stewart: "treasurer. Miss Marie Chambers: librar ian. "Miss Major; board of trustees. Miss jKate Cauley. Miss Marie Chambers and .Miss M. 5hlls. The Junior Sodali.ty's' gftlccri who were Prefesi. Mba Minnie Logus; .assistant rpreiects. jiifs Agnes oioner ana uss Th'A Hlnlclp: sprjotarv. Miss Mrv "MarpertT assistant secretary." Miss "An toinette Dlirber; treasurer," Miss Mar garet O'Shea. The Oregon Grape Whist Clnb. which Is noted for pleasant entertainments. spent a delightful afternoon on Thursday at the home, of Mrs. P. Planch. ,The Christmas season was prettily suggested with holly and Oregon grape decorations, and the score cards combined Christmas bells and four-leaved clovers for luck. Prises were awarded to Mrs. N. A. Mat--tbiot, Mrs. J. Marshall and Mrs. Cloyes. The dining-room was tastefully decorated with 'holly; and, red. and green Batlri rib bons, these being tied to a bell which was bung above the table,- and tied at the ends to tiny cupId favors. The next roeetln nl the' club will be with Mrs. M. B. Zeller. t The Auxiliary of Company H, Spanish American War Veterans, celebrated- the Sixth anniversary of organisation at the home of Mrs. Marcus Freeman, the day observed being also Mrs., Freeman's birthday. Refreshments w.erc daintily served at the close of an Informal pro gramme, which Included several charm ing songs by, .Miss Daisy- Freeman, a reading by Mrs. Paul, of Piedmont and brief talks on the .work, of the society, by Mrs. A. E. Hammond and Mrs. Diana McDonnell. . - Mrs. Aaron llzer entertained, the mu sical department of the Woman's Club on Thursday at her beautiful new home on Marshall street) In her-, usual hospitable manner. Mrs.' Holt, ,who recently ar rlved -in Portland, gave a- number of fine selections on the piano. Mrs. J. Smith sang a plantation so'ng. Mrs. George C. Flanders sang "Sing Me to Sleep, by Greene, and 'The Sweetest Story Ever Told." Mrs. Larowe gave a .recitation, The Schoolgirl," which was greatly applauded. Youner Men' Club, of the First Christian Church, held a pleasant so cial on Tuesday evening in tho parlt-rs of the church. Park and Columbia streets. An excellent programme was carried out. the address of tlio evening being given by Dr, J. H. Brlstow. The new officers elected for the year were as1 follows: President, G. .Cvcrt JJaTcer; vice-president. R. Lane Russell; sec retarr: O.- F. Fry: treasurer. A. - Mcscrve. Tuesday afternoon was the occasion for a merry gathering of young people at the home of Mr. and Mrs; Clarence Brown to celebrate the Sth birthday of Miss Florence Brown. Games were played and refreshments served. Among those-pres ent were Dorothy nd Allen Morrill, Flor ence and Jennie Parellus, Louise Whar ton. Marguerite Schauta, Ellen Hamilton, Madallne Cain. Bernicc Stlmson, Jack McGee, Robert Dunlway. Savier-Street Mission, under the direc tlon of the First Baptist Church, guv- a most pleasing Christmas entertain ment. Friday evening, at thv Miaiion. the jSoms being bright with ever grdBTand ferns. There was a Christ mas tree with appropriate elft.s. an-1 rv very charming programme of readings and music was well carried out. the affair being largely attended. On Wednesday evening the members of the First Christian Church gave a parcel shower in honor of Miss Maud Springer, who Is to be married December 2S-to Mr. George C. Watklns, of Astoria. Both of the, young people' have been members of the First Christian Church choir for sev eral. years. -and' are very popular. They received many gifts, some of them very beautiful and costly. C Brooks at his new home. Si3 East Davis street, on Saturday evening, De cember 17. in honor of his birthday. An enjoyable time was spent In playing whist. Mrs. A. Williamson. Mr. William son. Mrs. Brooks and Mr. J. E Elliott won the prizes. Refreshments were after ward served, followed by a delightful musical programme. A company of young people at Lewls toh. Idaho, gave a pleasant evening en tertainment recently, in honor of Mn an'd Mrs. Isaac Blnnard. music, games and dancing being enjoyed. Mrs. Blnnard, who was formerly Miss Rose Frcedmari, of this city, has ulrcady made many friends 'in hr new home. Mrs. Osmon 'Royal entertained the Ladles' .Aid Society of Grace M. E. Church. Wednesday afternoon, at the regular meeting of the society. Mrs C. A. Morden read an excellent p.iper on "Christmas Customs." and. Miss Wlsemftn furnished pleasing music. The Cavaliers gave oiie of their mo'sl delightful dapces on Friday evening, at Parsons Hall. The ball was iray wun Christmas holly and evergreen, and the vounir neoole danced to Parsons .orches tra's best music Mra. W. S. Ward and Mrs. J. R. Beam were patronesses. The New Gantury Club save a. dance at Parsons Hall on Wednesday eien Ing, the members-entertaining In tholr .characteristically pleasant way. A picasaiit event of 'Monday Yin'.ng was a dance given by Miss leffory at Parsons Hall. . a Mrs. Fred Seller entertained with an informal lunchebn Wednesday, in.iion or of Mrs. Blum, of San Francisco CELEBRATED THEIR S9TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY JDri Mn.-jand Mrs. Elnvre Rice gav a-sup- 4per at the Kotol Portland ,on Monday evonlng. after the Musin violin and song ! Ttocltal, jvenlprtalnlng very, -delightfully (n I Jranof of Mr. and Mrs. Ovide Musln. The jgnosts included Madame Grace Whlstlpr iMealck. Mr. Marion Green. Mr. Arthur j ipeVore. Mr. and Mrs. "Cecil Jl. Bauer, i mr. GHlaumc Koenig, Mr. H. Selmar I fMeyrowitfi - ' f , Miss -.Mabel Eleanor Ballard, who hs bon entertained frequently in PortlanB, kwas roaatiod. on, Wednesday ag Trinity C3inrcl?,Seatpe. tb Lieutenant 'Nelson E. glargotte. T S. A. The best man ana fisher; wercmqmber.? of the, Ar,tllleo rps"3tatloneda ForV ttawfon,' arid the tor?mjny was- performed by the Rev. Wll fMam H. Gowan. rector of Trinity. r .... m Invitations are out for a dance to be jrfYOH next Thursday evening by Mrs. G. J; LowJsta-.. honor of Mr., jand Mrs. Hunt LowTW T ' ' ' I . . . . ... " EVENTS OF THE WEEK. la.t Wednesday ovonlng the friends of Swaml Ram hold tholr annual meeting at ecrctany.s pflioe, room 700, Oregonlaji ildltig. Tnc following are the officers (elected for 'the .ensuing year: President, 3lcc Charles R. Bellinger; first vlco proaidfwt. Judge Llonol R. Webster; sec ond viC6-preIdent. Mrs. O. N. Denny. anB 5scri4ary-txeaFurer. William H. Galvanl. Judge Seneca Smith. Mr. A. C. Going and Mrs. - Preston Smith, with the .'Officials elected, constitute the executive board of .the Oregon Society .for, the emancipation ef India from caste slavery. Thisin6ve mcnt was Inaugurated hcrejust one-year ifcgo by Swam! Ram. a "Hindu monk1 ana Mlgh prietjt. "and former professor of hat ti pIJpophy "in the VnivorIty .of Pun 3abiE8sf India. -Through tlio Oregon so ty Is not very strong numerically, it l v ortijoiMC jnanagodo secure -two stu,- who is visiting here for a'faftr days. A dainty menu was served at a table exquisitely idecorated. WEDDINGS. ' Schneider-Bender. A nroftv wddintr was solemnized Wed nesday evening. Decern er 21, at 8 o'clock. by the Rev. J. Schauer, of the Gennap Lutheran Church, at the resiaence ot the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bender. 746 Clinton street, when their youngest daughter, Miss Paulino A. Ben der was married to Herman u. acnnci- dcr, the only son of Captain Schneider. Miss Mamie Hiffren acted as bridesmaid and Mr. Louis Bender, the brother of the bride, was best maxi. The bride wore a very charming gown of champagne eta mine over lavender silk, trimmed with rare old point lace, and parried a? bouquet of white- carnations-and -asparagus ferns. The bridesmaid wore champagne crepe dc chine over green silk, and carried a shower bouquet of white carnations. J. no house was prettily decorated with Oregon hollv and mistletoe. -Mr. ana .airs. Schneider will be at home to their inenas after January , at their residence, o5i East Twenty-second street. Bender-Howes. A verv pretty wedding occurre'd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Howes, TJnl versltyParkv. Tuesday evening. December 20, af S o'clocic,-whch; their only daughter. Louise D.. was "united in marriage to Everett C. 'Bender, Rev. J. T. Hoye. of the BaptUt Church, officiating. The bnae was daintily eowned in white Albatross, withTlace trimmings, and was attended by Edna Bender, sister of the groom. How ard Howes, brother of the bride, was best man. The wedding march was piayea Dy Eva Bum-, of Vancouver. Wash. The house was beautifully decorated with Ore gon grape and ferns. The guests consist ed only of relatives and Intimate rrienos. After congratulations a dainty supper Vas served, after which Mr. and Mrs. Benaer denarted to their own home, 1943 Fislce street. University Park, which was already prepared for them, where they are at home to their friends. Oberender-Kelly. The marriase of John W. Oberender and Miss Sereta Kelly, last Monday evening; at the manse of the First Presbyterian thoueh vers- oleasant occasion. Dr. E. P. Hill performed the wedding ceremony. The best man was Captain B. ran uoweii, of the' Portland Fire Department and the bridesmaid was Miss Bessie Datesman. Mr. and Mrs. Oberender left on their wed ding trip to Los Angeles, and on their re turn, shortly after Xew years, win me at their new home, East Thirtieth ana Madison streets. Mr. Oberender is a mem ber Qf the Southern Pacific Brass Band. Pio-Lewis. A ouiet home wedding took place at tho home of the bride's parents,-Mr. and Mrs. W. Cavanagh. corner East Twelfth and Washineton streets, at 6 o clock vv eanes- dav tevenlntr. the bride being Miss Hattie - - . ... t1 . T Cln -KK iewis ana metoum wiu u. well-known ana popular young peupie u the East Side.- Only' Immediate, relatives of the young people were present. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. G. W. Plumer. and afterward a bounttrui re past was served by the bride's mother. The rooms were tastefully decorated with Oregon holly. Mr. and Mrs. Plo will reside at 101 East Twelfth street Monish-Pence. A verv pretty home wedding, was solem nized on (Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. O. C. Buchanan. 551 East Sixteenth street when Miss Mona Pence, of Roann. Ind., was united In marriage to Byron Monlsh, of this city, by the Kev. George B. Van Waters, rector of St. David's Church. Miss Hazel Boost acted as bridesmaid and J. M. McAuley as best man. The.newly married couple received many beautiful gifts' from their friends. Mr. and -Mrs.. Monlsh will be at hpmo to their friends at No. 600 East Eighteenth street, after December. , ' , Barr-Clark. A quiet weddfng took place in the par lors of the Imperial Hotel Wednesday evening; when Miss Bertha " Grace- Clark became the wife , of Mr. James A. Barr, Dr. Edgar P. Hill officiating. - Only the Immediate relatives and close friends of the family were present. The. bride resided near Salem until the past year, during which she has made her home In Portland. Mr. Barr Is a well-known young man of Clatskanle. Or., where the young couple will return to a beautiful new home after a two months' trip through California and Mexico. , Fitzslmmons-Duly. On December 21 Miss Eva J. Duly and Charles B. Fltzslmmons were married at the residence of the bride's father. A. C. Duly. 'Tualatin, Or. Only" immediate friends and relatives were present. Rev. W. T. Kerr officiated. Klrschner-Cox. Mis? Laura J. Cox and Mr. Fred J. Klrachner were married on. Wednesday at the parsonage of St. James-English Luth eran Church, the pastor. Rev. J. A. Leas, officiating. Only a few Intimate friends were present. LADIES' OUTFITTERS ILVERFIELDS FOURTH AND MORRISOl ! The Silverfield Co., Extend Wishes to Their Many Friends and Patrons For a Very Merry Christmas and a Most Pros perous and Happy New Year Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Opens Tuesday December 27 Tliis beinf our first Clearance Sale since opening, pur large, new store, we intend making it the greatest ; in the way of valne giving. It seems surprising that an entirely new store, having "been open hut four months, should sacrifice their stock in a clearance sale, but such is exactly what we have decided to do, and are therefore applying the pencil to prices all over the store until a reduction of from 20 to 25 jer cent is made on the entire vstock. This should appeal to every economically inclined person as an exceptionally tempting offer, as there is not the least danger of buying an article from our stocks that may have been hanging on the racks for years. Our stock includes everything in the- way of wearing apparel for ladies, misses and children, and being exclusive ladies outfitters wo carry lines not shown by any other house. You will be fully repaid for calling early on Tuesday morning and always watching our windows, which will be filled to overflowing with the most tempting bargains during this great sale in which the warm weather has caused our "stock of Pur Coats to move slower than we anticipated. So we have made a liberal reduc tion on every Pur Coat in the store reductions that should result in a quick exodus of all our Pur Coats. - Every Article in the Entire Store at Almost ONE-FOURTH OFF Great Reduction Sale of Fashionable Fur Coats GENUINE NEW SEAL COATS, made of full skins, and lined in Skinner's satin and fancy brocaded silk; the latest style. Regular $50.00 too Off value, special pdUQJvJ GENUINE NEAR-SEAL COATS, with Alaska beaver collar, revers and cuffs, made in both the straight and blouse style, nicely CffyJ lined. Regular 75.00 values, special po?t-ev-J HANDSOME GRAY KRIMMER BLOUSE COAT, beautifully made and handsomely lined; cut in this season's most favored style. CR7 fR Regular $75.00 value, special i i CI BEAUTIPUL SOUTHERN BEAVER COAT, a most serviceable garment, nicely line'd and made in the latest style. Regular 80.00 CELT T value, special pJ i i O ALL COATS, INCLUDING "OUR GENUINE ALASKA SEAL COATS AT A RADICAL REDUCTION. STORE CLOSED ALL DAY TOMORROW Hoberg, Dr. Keefer, Charles Setts and Mrs. J. M. C Miller, with Mrs. Ella Jones at the piano. Miss Cornelia Barker, vio linist, will play Gounod's "Ave Maria." The Taylor-Street Sunday school will give their Christmas entertainment Tues day evening, December 27, beginning at 8 o'clock. An Interesting programme has been prepared, under the direction of .Mrs. Theodore Fesle'r. ..Mrs. C. A. fields will entertain, the new. Portland Act Union Tuesday evening. January 3, at her residence, 475 Pacific street. Hollpday avenue. vat which time Important business will be transacted. Members of the Young Women's Chris tian Association, Sixth and Oak streets, are planning for an" informal entertain ment, holiday week. The Concordia. Club will probably give an Informal entertainment holiday week. The parties of this club are always high ly enjoyable. The members of Company B, Third In fantry, O. N. G., will gi;e their New Year's dancing party- on .Prlday, De comber 30. MIt. AND MJIS. STEPHEN ROBERTS. GKEFBAiT. Or- Dec 24 cSpcdnl.) Stephen Roberts ana Ms wlf, Mary, subjects of hls sketch, recently celebrated their 59th weddlne anniversary at their home near this city. They sre early pioneers -of Oregon, 'narins come .r herewith the ,Rreat, IrarnlgT&tlon of iS52. which was memorable for the hard- h!ps endured ori account bf hostile Indians and the sparsely settled scotlons. through -which they passed between the Mississippi and the "Willamette. - Mr. Roberts was born In WaynaCounty, Indiana, on January 13. 1824. His Jather died In 1S2.V and his mother -took her raall Xainlly to Taswell County, Illinois when Stephen was. 3 years Wd. There, they Jived until -1831, when they started from Peoria for their Ions Journey across the plain. Mrs. Mary Roberts, whose maiden name was Tripp, was born in Athena County. Ohio. September 25. 1823. She went to Illinois at the age of 18. whfre i ' ' sh"e mcC Mr. Robe'rfs. They were married at Peoria. December 5, 1S43. ' p ., Starting, from Peoria-4n JS51. -upoKl their Journey to O?egon. they proceed- ; ed only as far as KanesvlUe. Ia., wherei they remained -until the next Spring. T hey arrived doTrri the Columbia in he Pall of 1832, and landed near the f mouth of the Sandy River on November 3 of that year. They spent their flrst ? Wlntenea'r Fairiew. -audUin 1653 thej- located yhe donation land. claim for many yedrsknown as the Roberts ranch on the Base Jlne betwee'n the 11 and 12Tmile posts. They lived there until 1692, when they sold the place and built themselves u& new Jiome.. about one mile west of Grcsharn. where they still reside? " ' ' " - ' . . " : '-! Tlielr union was Messed with 11 ghil'dren. of whom only. five are .now Hying. They arer'Jonn F. Roberts, of Grcsham: VT. A. Rotferts. of: Portland r'Mrsf A. . E.ojsrofp"ancom-eraSlfs;Ellcn.-Schram. of Highland; and D. M. Roberts, Mr. jand; Mrs. Roberta are still jn joying excellent health, and bid fair, to -Tlve many, year. ye,t. are able lo recount many thrilling episode of their Journey to Oregon -and of .their .llyes pince coming here. "The elder Mrs.. Roberts, who "carrieacrbss the plains'lth her. on, dicdhere In iS0S. COMING EVENTS. Oregon Lodge. No. 111. Degree of Hon or, will hold Its second annual reception to members of the order and their friends, on Wednesday evening, at Allsky Hall. An elaborate programme has been pre pared and a number of .novelties in the way of entertainment are In course of preparation. The affair will be In the nature of an amateur vaudeville show, but every number will be executed by prominent members of the order.- Thf commKtee managing the rehearsals and details for the event Is composed of Mesdamea I J; Elvers, K. E. Supple and N. Ward. No admission fee will be charged and-an. 'notation lscxtended to all members of the order and their friends." - A vers: , Pleasant sucpris. party , was tnderedrMiss Harriett Manning, at her homo. 3!D'-East Weldlcrstre-t. or Friday evening, in honor of her ISth birthday. Games, dancing and a dainty supper were features of the evening. Those present were: Mr. aud Mrs. George Manning. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Manning. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Noonan. Miss Harriett Manning. Miss Nellie Douglas, Miss Julia Burke. Miss Mae McCarthy. Miss Cecelia Eloomrv Mies Margaret Noonanv Miss MaeKellv and'Mlss Emily Byroni Messrs. A. Ward? F. Shields. A. Lynch. C. Has doff. W. Byron, J. Kennedy; R. Kennedy and E. Custls. " . Next Tuesday afternoon the Multnomah Club will give their junior classes a Christmas partv in- the club gymnasium. The arrangements are In the hands of Mrs. J. H. McCraken and Professor TCrb'hn. and the little ones are assured of a pleasant afternoon. A big Christmas tree, with lots of candy and refreshments, and dancing will be the order of the day. The Wednesday concert to be given at the Seamen's Institute this week Is to In clude "many excellent features among them being songs by 'Miss Ella'T'rances SOCIETY PERSONALS. Miss Elaine Dllley. Is visiting friends at Salem. . T ' Mrs. G. Holcomb has returned from Eugene. Miss Carolyn Kern Is spending .the holi days at Salem. Mr. Samuel Rosenblatt and family have left for the East. Miss May Withers, of Lebanon, Is visit ing Portland friends. Mrs. P. S. Davidson, Jr., has returned to her home In Hood River. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Murray left on Thursday for San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Johnson have re turned to their home -at Salem. Mrs. Edward Blythe, of Hood River, Is visiting here with Portland relatives. The Misses Jean and Man Gray, of Eu gene, came to the city on Wednesday. Mrs. John Klernan Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. B. Caswell, at Walla Walla. Mrs. Charles H. Hinges, of Salem, came to the city last weofc to hear Madame Gadskl. Miss Grace Martin, who has been vlslt-Ing-ln the city, has returned to her-home In Salem. Miss Lola Hannlgan is visiting her grandmother. Mrs. S. G. Hearn, at Har,- i i - j. 1 C. N. McArthur, of.RIckreall, is spendr Ing Christmas with his mother. Mrs. H? K. McArthur. I Miss Rose Pfunder has returned froml ! New York City, where sne visitea airs?- I wiiuam a. .uiicneu. ; Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Gevurtz will be ' at home to their friends on New Yearns day, at 7 isveret street. Cantaln and Mrs. T. H. Craig have given up housekeeping and are boarding for the President P. L. Campbell, of the Unl versltv of Oregon, arrived in Portland during the first of the- week. J. R. Latonrettc, captain-elect of the University of Oregon football team; visit ed-friends here during the week. . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Penland. of Pen dleton, are In Portland visiting airs. i'en land's sister, Mrs. W. P. Evans. "Tk Jean C. Slauson arrived homo fro ih T'nlversltv of Oregon on Wednesday to rpend the holidays. Er-Scnator Gcorce W. McBrlde and -vfr- -MeRrlfle have returned from the East, and are at the Hobart-Curtis. Mr.- and Mrs. James Steel are at th DIAMONDS ON EASY WEEKLY OR. MONTHLY PAY MENTS at Less than else where, for; cash. WATCHES A-small amount down, the balance $1.00 a week; you take your pur chase home when, making first payment- With every article we sell we give a certificate absolutely guaranteeing the quality and value of your purchase. DAN MARX, 74 Third Street Princeton, San Francisco, with Mrs. Steel's sister, Mrs. Ladd, of Maiden, Mass. The Misses Alice and Caroline Benson. of the University of Oregon, are spending the holidays with their parents at 320 Clay- street. Miss Hilda McElroy, who has been at tending school In Portland, Is spending the Christmas vacation at her home In Olympla. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Carter, who attended the annual meeting of the Oregon Histor ical Society, returned to Hood.-River on Tuesday. Mrs. W. H. Chetteii went to Salem on Thursday, and Is spending- the holidays there with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Collins. Mrs. J. B. Farwell. of Chicago, who has been visiting Mrs. F. D. Chamberlln, left Wednesday evening for California, where she will spend the Winter. Mrs. Prosper van Frldagh, who has been spending the past year with her daughter in St. Paul. Minn., is now at the nome 01 ner son, Paul van - Frldagh, 9TS oavier street, tnis city. Mr. George H. Sampson. Jr..' "electrics! I engineer of the Britannia. Copper Syn dicate, of British Columbia. Is spendlrg the Christmas holidays In Portland. Miss Bertha Alexander, who is attend ing school at St. Helen's Hall. Is spend ing the holidays with her parents. Mr and -Mrs., R. Alexander, at Pendleton. Carroll M- Hurlburt. Lewis A. MeAi thur and Carleton B. Harding arrived on Friday morning from the University or California tp spend the holidays at home Mr. and Mrs. Alva H. Averill- have given up their apartments at the 3rown. where they have stopped since their return from the East, and are now located In their new home in Holladay's Addition. A party of Stanford University students who are at home In Portland for the holi days. Includes: Plowden Stott. Alexander Chalmers. Arthur Rosenfeld, George Coen. Edgar GHem. John Riley, Kenneth Fel- FURS VERSUS FROST Next month King Frost hol'ds sway, and the Winter blasts will continue until the end of March. The only safety lies in fur garments, which we are now offering at the most tempting prices. With a good fur jacket, boa or stole, you will re main comfortable and cheerful dur ing the coldest weather. Let us show you some of our unmatchable creations never commonplace al ways distinct and chic. H.Liebes&Co, 288 MORRISON ST. Portland EXCLUSIVE MANFG. FURRIERS J. P. Plagemann, Mngr. Established 1870 Send for Catalogue y : ... G.P. ELIN & SONS 126 2d St., bet, Alder and Washington Alaska Sealskins LONDON DYE OUR SPECIALTY Persian Lamb Coats Astrachan Coats Otter and Beaver Coats Near Seal Coats Sable Stoles Ermine Four-in-Hands Chinchilla RIcas Mink Stoles Alaska Bear Boas White Fox Boas Sable Fox Boas . Fur PiHow Muffs, Fur Rugs, Robes BEST QUALITY. .NEWEST STYI.ES. LOWEST PRICES. LEADING, RELIABLE FURRIERS dcATa rrz. x.z rui busk ,iAuuiiinu AiiaiiA-