THE SUNDAY OBEGOXIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 18, 1901. 31 BUSINESS CHANCES. JENNINGS & CO. "Washington st Tel. Main 1SS ESTABLISHED 21 YEARS. The Place To Buy Roomlng-Housta And Business Chances Of All Kinds. Large LUt to Select From. We protect our clients. HAVE BUYERS FOR ALL SIZED HOUSER WE ARE MAKING SALES. lery flay. Our list of bargains exceeds thing we nave ever had. Don I think buying until you have Been us. We can . e you money. NNINGS &. CO 332 WASH ST. A FEW OF OUR f BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES. rooms near Depot, corner brick. $30,000 " modern brick. D. R. & bar. 16.500 " rtcam heat. E. lights... 17,000 third st, near depot 6.500 " good lease, E. lights 4,200 " stone Building, rent $160 2.000 " select board and room.. 4,500 elegantly furnished central 19.000 " rent $125. cor. brick. 1st st 3,000 " near Fair Grounds .. 3,000 " modern cor. on "Wash st. 4,750 "J rent $150. income $500... 7.750 swellost houso on 3d st-. 15.000 " lodging-house, income $350 2,750 " rent $125, includ. 4 stores 4,250 " steam heat, E. lights... 7.500 rent $00, clears $225 mo. 5,000 " new bldg., new furniture. 6,000 " transient, good Income... 4.500 " on 1st st., cor. brick 3,500 " rent $55. income $180... 2,000 " Iron beds, hair matrs. . . 3.500 " rent $100. good lodglng-li. 3,000 " cover Fair, central. 5,100 " Oth st., near Depot 2,500 good cor. bldg., clears 100. 3,000 " modern, fine furniture... 0,000 Income $400, good corner.. 3,500 " select board, steam, central 0.500 " rent $150. Income $450... 3,000 " IX furnished, clears $50... 1,200 " on Wash St., flno 4,300 Market st, rent $05 2.400 " income $130. ront $75... 1,700 " new bldg., new furniture.. 4.500 " rent $100, lease, inc. $400. 3.250 rent $60, income $100 1.850 " 11th at., near Washington 3.500 " electric lights, 6th, st... 2.400 " 3 years lease, Income $200 3,000 " Taylor, near W. Park... 2,300 Alder st.. .fine housekeepg. 1,800 " 17 furnished, on E. Side. 1.000 " with IS extra beds 1.500 " part housekeeping J. 800 " lease covers Fair 2.650 " fine rooming and transient 2,100 " boarding, close in 1,400 " clears $50 a month 1,100 " rent $25, clears $50 000 " 10th st.. new fur. new bldg. 1.200 " rent $30. part housekpg., 950 housekeplnc, N. Oth st... 1,400 " rent $50, Jefferson & 2d. 1.050 rent $60, Income $115... 1,350 " 20th ft., near Washington. 1.275 " fine fur. elec. lights...... 1,200 " elec. lights, furn. heat.... 1,150 " 2 years' lease, rent $43. . . 1,050 " furn. heat, very central... 1,000 " rent $25, Income $85 ..... S00 " 10 furnished on Mont gomery St., rent $40, a bargain 5S0 " furn. heat, seloot board ... 1,400 " lease, straight rooming ... 1.100 " income $72. rent $40... 1,100 " housekeeping, rent $30.. 950 " on Main, near 6th st ' 900 ' ront $45, income $85... 850 " furnace heat, gas 750 " housekeeping, rent $40... C50 " N. 9th st COO " well furnished, close in . . . 950 " on 5th St.. rent only $30.. 900 " 7th, near Taylor, low rent. 9J0 " 3d, near Madison, rent $22 900 ' fine fur. 3d st.. near Mill. 50 " good fur., very central... S50 " rent only $35, housekeepg. S00 " on 4th st., housekeeping. 750 " N. 14th st., housekeeping. J00 " clears $25. ltlh st 750 " board. N. flth, rent only $30 500 " good boarding, N. 3th... 500 " H. 4th, rent only $30 450 " close in; rent only $50... 350 " . rent only $20. lease 000 " on Yamhill st. rent $20... 650 " N. 10th. rent only $20 S25 " 6th. near Mill st 500 " Fine, near Oth st 800 ' steam heat. E. L. 000 We hav at least 50 other good bargains. LIST TOUR HOUSES WITH JENNINGS & CO. Nearly all the above have good leases and aro wll located. We have a large amount of money on hand, and will be glad to assist buyers at legal rate of Interest. JENNINGS & CO 332 WASH. ST. FIRE INSURANCE. We have agency for one of the oldest and most reliable fire insurance companies. JENNINGS & CO 332 WASH ST. BUSINESS CHANCES. Restaurant clearing $200 in a thriving town near Portland, everything netv in last two years. Price $2000. JENNINGS &. CO 332 WASH ST. Furniture business In good live town In Washington: 6tock will Invoice about $4500. situated In corner brick on main st,. will sell or lease building. JENNINGS & CO 332 WASH ST. HctI dining-room In this city, lease, rent $50. price $900. JENNINGS &. CO 382 WASH ST. onfectionery, ice cream and soda water, on Washington st.. fine chance for a couple. ct ladles. Prices reduced from $1900 to $1400. BITCHER SHOP in good Oregon town ... . . $1500 DELICATESSEN and--lunchroom. . . 850 C IGAR. CANDY and fruit store 1000 GROCERY in fine location, will In voice 2500 SALOON on one of the best streets.. 4750 GROCERY with living-rooms 47A FAMILY LIQUOR STORE in this city 3000 RESTAURANT, one of the best town 3250 GROCERY and feed store In suburbs. 120U WORKING interest in good sawmill. 1000 10 good saloon propositions and other good chances not advertised . JENNINGS & CO 332 WASH ST. 30-ROOM HOTEL. That is well located and making money, lias 70 steady patrons. Only $3000. includ ing saloon. JENNINGS & CO 332 WASH ST. $500 INVESTED WILL RETURN $5000 Wanted Person with $500 In each county in the United States to take an interest in tur business and represent us In his vlcln 1 ; will not require your time or interfero with your present business; you can clear $5000 first year and get an income for life; Ptrirtly reliable manufacturing business, raving the greatest money-making Inven tion since the cash register, linotype or tel ephone; only one person In a county can get In on this, so write quick. Address Nat X H. & P. Co.. 112 Michigan st, Chicago. SUCCESS IN GRAIN AND STOCKS. Absolutely the best and most secure invest ment ever offered to the public, Is the groin and stock market at the present mo ment Let us tell you how. Booklet "How to Speculate" and Morton's Famous Mar ket Letter, dally, mailed free. E. J. Morton & Co., Board of Trade, Chicago. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY FUR nlsb reliable information on business oppor tunities In the Northwest Coast Those de siring to engage in any kind of business are lnited to call at their offices. Ablngton bldg., for full details. The Ames- Mercantile Agency, Ablngton bldg. SALOON SPECIAL Owner will sell half-interest in his saloon to reliable man for $600. which is what the rtock and fixtures actually cost; no bonus for good will; his object is to have reliable partner In preference to hired help. Call Monday at 248 Stark fit CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY STORE. Living rooms, low rent: will sell at actual value; $350 cash today takes It. Call at store. 50 N. 6th st WANTED MAN TO PLACE MONEY MAK lng article on market which will pay 100 per cent on outlay; one who has time to attend to the business preferred. P. O. Box 120, Portland. CORPORATION CHARTERS. CONGRESS iaw for District Columbia; no taxes; lib eral; safe; cheap. U. 8. Legal Corporation. Washington, D. C. Representing $1,225, 000.000. GOLDFTELD SWORN TO REX OWNS 180 acres; digging and getting gold; owns assay office Pictures, sworn statements free. Goldfleld Rex Co.. 506 Made. Denver, Colo. EVERY $1 INVESTED IN OUR COMPANY will make you $10 and bring you an Income for life: send for full particulars. J. F. Lawrence. 112 Michigan st. Chicago. 111. FURNISHED ROOMING - HOUSE, 19 rooms, best location in city. Call 184 4th. J. Thwaites, photographer. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. TAFT & CO. . . 125-0 Ablngton Block Phone Main 156. We make a SPECIALTY OF ROOMING HOUSES, and have many of the MOST DESIRABLE LOCATIONS that are lor sale Good locations are going fast. Note our par-, tlal lUt below of both large and small ones. If these don't suit, call in: 50 ROOMS Steam heat. batb. gas and all modern Improvements: cheap rent; all vel vet carpets and solid oak furniture. This place is clearing above all expenses over $275 per month. $2000 cash will handle It. Lease. Price, $6S00. 50 ROOMS Hotel, rteam heat, new brick, building, strictly 'modern and up-to-date; house full of good people; cheap rent and long lease; clearing now $250 per. month; Price. $4175. ' v 46 ROOMS Beef-part of Morrison, st.; very cheap rent and good long lease. If you want a good transient house and a money-maker, don't fall to see this. Price for tula week only, $6000; part cash. 44 ROOMS New. modern pressed-brlck building; exquisite furniture and carpets; steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms; 5-year lease, rent only $175, including heat This house will pay b per cent a month on the Investment Price, $9000. 40 ROOMS Best location In the city; ele gantly furnished; rent only $200 per month; lease for two yeans; clearing now. over $300 per month; steam heat and all modern con. venlences; for a money-maker during the Fair this house cannot be beat Our price, $7500. , 40 ROOMS New brick, modern In every way, furnHhlnga very good; all hair mat tresses; for a quick sale we have reduded the price to $3475. 40 ROOMS Steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms, new house and all new fur niture, clearing absolutely above all ex- f lenses $200 per month; cheap rent and good ease, and beat location In -the city. Price $6000. 38 ROOMS Swellest place In the city; all Axrolnster carpets, golden oak and mahogany furniture; clearing over $200 per month; cheap rent and good long lease; bona fide reasons for selling; exclusively with us. Price for quick sale. $6000. 35 ROOMS Most elegantly furnished apartment-house in the city, now clearing about $200 per month; rent only $125; lease. Can bo -had now for $4500. 24 ROOMS Very choice location, new house, new furniture, furnace heat This Is ono of the neatest and cleanest houeea on the market; rent only $125; lease, $3750. 24 BOOMS New brick building, steam heat hot and cold water In every room: everything new and In good condition; good lease; rent, $115; big money-maker. $3Su0. 20 ROOMS Furnishings One; good, nice, clean house; two blocks Portland Hotel; lease, rent right; $2150. 12 ROOMS Very finely furnished, swell" lo cation, very reasonable; good income. This is exclusive. For partloulars call. 11 ROOMS On 10th st; rent $45; furni ture good; has good Income. $650. 9 ROOMS On Taylor st. choice location; 6 rooms rent for $S5; owner occupied 3 rooms; rent $40. Price, $850. 10 ROOMS 1 block from Portland Hotel, elegantly furnished, beet location In the city for transient .or steady roomers. To see this Is to buy. Price, $950. i LIST YOUR ROOMING-HOUSES WITH US LARGE OR SMALL. . WE CAN MAKE TERMS ON ANY OF THE ABOVE. . ALL TITLES -GUARANTEED. BUYERS Pi-.-.E AS WELL AS SELLERS. WE WANT 10 TO K-ROOM HOUSES; ALSO 20 TO 40. TAFT & CO. 122-3-5-6 Ablngton Block 106 Third St WE WISH YOU A HAPPY AND PROSPER OUS New Year. To make it a prosperous one for you we offer these special bargains: A nice family grocers', doing good casli business and low rtnt We offer this at In voice price. Wanted An active partner In a strictly cash businew; seller guarantees $150 '-per month profits. Lodging-house, 52 rooms, located centrally, good-paying proposition. Wc own this house and will give long lease to reliable party. We arc authorized on account of rfekness to sell a first-class confectionery store on Washington 6t: any reafonahle offer takes it If you are looking for a safe and profitable business In Portland, call and see us. We guarantee perfect title to all our sales We buy. sell and exchanged property; aleo do a general Insurance business. J. V. CREIGHTON &. CO., . 165 3d st, room A. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICB. . STAR INVESTMENT CO., 4 North 6th. Red 17S8. Lunch counter, lease; $350. Rooming-house, 17 rooms; $850. Saloon, 10 rooms above; $575.' Cigar stand, living roomsjNfcJOO. Oyster parlor, superb location; $1375. See us. Nothing but bargains. CORPORATION WHOSE PRODUCTS ARE handled by leading -wholesale and retail dealers want competent man to take man agement of branch office, salary $2500 per annum and commission. Energetic man should earn $6000 per annum. Must Invest from $1000 to $5000 in stock of company. Unquestionable references as to ability and integrity required. Address Box 536, Mad ison, Wis. THE STEWART SYSTEM EARNS FOR YOU $5 to $5000 weekly. Racetrack or pool room; small capital needed. System oper ated if requested. Commissions placed at racetrack. Write us today. Highest Com. Ref. The Stewart Co., 40 St Ann's Bldg.. San Francisco. SHOWMAN OF 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE, with $10,000 worth of show property, wants partner with money; have best location in city; don't answer unless you mean busi ness. S 33, Oregonlan. ONLY PERMANENT PROCESS OF PHO togrsphy on cloth, including outfit for mak ing photo cushion, covers; will teach the business to buyer and relinquish all rights; low pries, account sickness. D 41, Orego nlan. GREATEST MONEY MAKER AND THE biggest bargain in rooming-houses 52 rooms, finely furnlriied, best location in city, al ways full; lease, cheap rent. J 34, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE STORE IN TOWN OF FIFTEEN thousand, with high-class trade, doing good business with candy and Ice cream" manu facturing plant ft S3. Oregonlan. FOR SALE CONFECTIONERY AND GRO- cery; good location and good business; 5 Ilv ing-rooms: reasonable rent; lease; good Tea- aan for selling. N 34. Oregonlan. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE OF 44 rooms; only 15 minutes' walk from Portland Hotel: rent very reasonable; best of reasons for selling. K 41, care Oregonlan. HALF OR THIRD SHARE IN THE FINEST saloon, billiard and pool hall In Portland at a bargain to a good, live man. o m, ore gonlan GROCERY EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY; central; lease; low rent: first class and a good business; about $3000. F 34, Oregonlan SNAP CANDY, CIGAR AND GROCERY; new stock and fixtures; living-rooms rent $25; price $400. Call at 415 5th st FOR SALE BLACKSMITH SHOP. LOT AND tools; gooa location, good business, good In come. G. A. webb, Eiiverton, Or. BAKERY FOR SALE. SELLING ON Ac count of other business; excellent business. W. S. T. Derr.' Vancouver, Wash. TOR SALE 6 MA LL MILLINERY ESTAB llshment with good living rooms. Address for particulars. X 35, oregonlan. 9-ROOM BOARDING-HOUSE: RECEIPTS $180 montn; wen xurnianea; price $wo. owner. IF YOU WANT THE BEST U BLOCK XX the city for $3500, see J. M. Leezer, 606 commercial diock. FOR SALE LUNCH COUNTER OUTFIT complete, including range, counter and uten sils; $125. 246 3d. WELL - ESTABLISHED GROCERY FOR sale; good location, rent reasonable. R 34, Oregonlan. $6000 GENERAL MERCHANDISE STOCK for sale in gooa vaiiey town, s 34, ore. gonlan. WANTED A MAN WITH $150 TO INVEST In a prosperous business. D 35, care Orego. man. FOR SALE GROCERY STORE; GOOD trade and fine location. T 35, Oregonlan. BUSINESS CHANCES. O. C. R. ELLIS. J. H. GIBSON. ELLIS & GIBSON. BUSINESS CHANCES. REAL ESTATE. ROOMING-HOUSES A- SPECIALTY, " Room SI, 264 Morrison;' or 105 Third St If you want ,to buy or ;U a rooming house or other business, call at this office. We keep up to date on all propositions In our lice; can give you the benefit of eight years of experience in the rooming-house business; know every house In Portland thoroughly, and- If you want to buy one. It certainly la to your advantage to visit an office well established and entirely familiar with all features of the business. You will find on our list every desirable house that Is for sale, from 5 to 130 rooms: prices from $225 to $19,000.. Terms on any.- BOTH BUYERS AND SELLERS WILL' HAVE THEIR iNTERESTS CARED FOR IN EVERY DETAIL HERE. HEADQUARTERS FOR BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES AND CHOICE PROPOSITIONS. GREAT SNAP IN TRANSIENT HOUSE. CENTRAL' LOCATION. 22.Jrooma. all on one floor; all new within past year; every thing good; lease: pays over $150 a month net; price only $1850; terms. SNAP IN RENT 2S-room brick flat fur niture new and good, central location; big transient business; long lease, rent only $60; will pay for ltelf three times during Fair, and a small fortune afterward. Price $5000. See It CENTRAL SNAP 3G rooms on one floor, good brick building, heart of city: furni ture elaborate and the very best; lease at low rent. Best on market for $3500. SPLENDID BUY 15 rooms, beat central corner location, furnished good throughout business' weH established, paying $400 a month net; lease over Fair, rent $200. Price $5500: $3500 cash. MONEY-MAKER 24-room new brick; M steam heat and entirely modern throughout: water In every room; new and fine furni ture; lease, rent $110; price $4000; terms. Price, including saloon In connection, $5250. MODERN APARTMENTS 50 rooms, new building, new furniture end carpets beat In the city; steam heat, all modern; choice residence location; lease, low rent: income $600; $2300 cash, balance monthly. UP-TO-DATE LODGING HOUSE 39 rooms, new building, new furniture and the very best: team heat, water In all rooms; fine location for business; lease, reasonable rent Price $G0OO. easy terms. NEAR PORTLAND HOTEL 35 rooms, new and swell furniture, steam heat, mod ern building, every room worth $3 a day during Fair. Price $4500. CENTRAL BRICK 35 rooms, steam heat; lease, rent $160; pays $300 net Price $5000. IF YOU WANT A SMALLER PLACE. SEE THE FOLLOWING LIST: FINE BUY 10-room modern dwelling, near Portland Hotel: swell place; for quick sale reduced from $1500 to $1050. SNAP 14-room fiat, good furniture; rent only( $30: receipts $90: price $1000. HOUSEKEEPING SUITES 32 rooms In fine residence location, furniture new and good; lease; rent $115. It la a snap at $2200; terms. 26-room flat, good furniture, lease, rent only $S5; clears over $100 a month; $2SO0. 16 rooms, dwelling-house, choice location, rent $65: receipts S100; all good; $1250. 15 rooms, dwelling. . lease, rent $50, re ceipts $100; fine buy for $850. See It. 20 rooms, best location, steam heat fur niture fine and new. lease over Fair; $2200. 16-room flat central, lease, rent $25, re ceipt $100; snap at $900. 20-roojrt brick flat lease, rent $40: $1250. 10-room brick flat, lease, rent $30; $850. 15-room flat new furniture. - paying tran sient house, lease, rent $70: $1300; snap. 7 rooms, dwelling. 3 blocks from this office, rent $30, receipts $60: $450. 7-room modern flat fine location, furni ture new and good, rent only $27.50; $450. If you do not see what you want in the above lift call, for we can suit you. Cigar store, central and choice, $2000. Cigar store, good location, cheap rent, $115pi Cigar store, good business. $350. Lunch counter, rent $15. for $125. Restaurant, swell place, big business, $3000. ELLIS & GIBSON. Room 21, 264 Morrison st, S. W. Cor. 3d. GRAND OPPORTUNITIES OFFERED BY THE DUNN LAWRENCE CO. Rooming-houses and hotels. $7500 10 rooms, 10th -and Alder sts. $4250 28 rooms, 12th street, near Alder. $3000 17 rooms, Alder street close In. $2200 Excellent restaurant, Washington street $2000 23 rooms, 5th street swell locality and good business. $2000 Family grocery and confectionery store, near 11th and Morrison. $1600 Cigar and confectionery store, Third street $1000 Cigar. Ice cream and confection ery store. Washington street $600 6 rooms, reasonable rent, highly furnished. Apply 149 1st st PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS SE- cured or fee returned. Send model or sketch for free opinion as to patentability; send for illustrated guide toox; contains 100 me chanical movements and list of Inventions wanted; tells how to obtain and sell pat ents, etc Patents advertited for sale at our expense. Evans. Wllkens & Co.. Reg. ratent' Attorneys, 015 F st, Washington, iJ. u. f LEGITIMATE ENTERPRISES FINANCED. LEGITIMATE ENTERPRISES FINANCED. LEGITIMATE ENTERPRISES FINANCED. Loans arranged by bond or mortgage Corporate stock or bond Issue sold. Life Insurance policies purchased. Send for booklet "Capital: How to Secure It" ROBERT RUXTON. 32 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. WANTED MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF grocery business: no experience needed If bright and learn easily; would like "him to take third or half Interest in store at rate of $2000 for entire stock; other business reason for not being able to look after It myself. A. D. Clink, Rotwburg, Or. PARTNER WANTED Owner of a cash business will sell half Interest to energetic man at invoice price, which is about $1000. and arrange terms for payment; ho is Justified in guaranteeing mo business will pay purchaser at least $35 weeitiy. tail -Wa staric st. "GUIDE TO SUCCESS." Gives complete Information as . to what your money should earn. Our patrons are having big profits remitted to them weekly. Sent free with market letter. .The Logan -lioacn to., inc.. Ui la sane st, Chicago. CORNER FLAT 26 FURNISHED TRAN aient rooms, with two entrances; electric lights and lease, $1600; 9-room, well-fur nished flat over grocery, for $459. City Business Chance Agency, 228 1st st A SAFE INVESTMENT $200 will buy a cash business that will pay you $ia to weexiy; no mgnt or Sunday work; previous experience unnecessary. Call zisft utare st MANUFACTURING BUSINESS Reliable, energetic man wanted to buy in terest and attend to collection, etc.: $1000 required; pay you $iog monthly. Call 2tS btarK st. ROOMING-HOUSE. 10 ROOMS, NICELY furnished for housekeeping. In choice loca tion, paying well. $soo. Hatfield & Smith. room zz, uussei mag.. ioo 4tn st 15-ROOM HOUSE. NICELY FURNISHED, transient, steam heat, rent $50. lease till after the Fair. snoo. Hatfield & Smith. room 32. Rusjfei oidg., iea 4tn st 06-ROOM HOUSE. NEWLY FURNISHED. ViniMlnr- llMm nil lln.huli for $6000. Hatfield & Smith, room 22, Russel bldg.. 165 4th st FOR SALE OR LEASE HALF OR WHOLE of old and well established business In good Valley town; a fine business. Address box 07. Corvallls, Or. S350 DOWN AND $10 MONTHLY BUYS 11- .room. nice, well furnished, well located rooming-house: price $550.. See Gem Book Co.. 228 1st st FOR RENT-LOCATION FOR CIGAR STORE very central, with I-year lease. Call Mon day, 24S Stark ot WANTED GOOD-PAYING' ROUTE. LAUN- dry or others; also common pigeons. A Jo. Oregonlan. SMALL SECOND-HAND SAWMILL, COM- plete; less power. T 34. Oregonlan. GOOD GOING LUNCH COUNTER FOR SALE cheap if taken -at once. 242 2d rt. FOR BALE A GOOD-PAYING REBTAU rant at 272 Gllsan st, near 3d. FURNISHED ROOMS. BARROOM TO RENT. 450 Goldsmith st Phone 5232. BUSINESS CHANCES. EMPIRE INVESTMENT CO. Room' 9. Chamber, of Commerce. PHOE MAIN 6336. A "WORLD OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR GOOD INVESTMENT PROPOSITIONS. .TOE HAVE MANY GOOD CHANCES FOR LIT TCLE MONEY. WE SUBMIT A FEW BE LOW: 20 BOOMS 1 block from Portland Hotel, new carpets, good furniture. Price $1850. 22 ROOMS Fine location, rooma all full, big Income, rent right. Price $2500, 16 ROOMS Well furnished, good location, rooms full, cheap rent Price $750; part cash, balanco easy. , 10 ROOMS Fine -transient Ideation, extra good furniture, rent $45. Price $900. 5-ROOM COTTAGE New 90 days ago. owner musf go South, rent $25. Price $530. 31 ROOMS One of the best rooming bouses In Portland; fine sightly corner, steam, heat electric light, new furniture and car pets, cheap rent, long lease. Price $4250. 18 ROOMS Fine furniture, good, location, rent $60; the best buy-In Portland; par: cash. -balance payment Price-$750. 11 ROOMS Fine corner, best of "furniture, cheap rent, full of good roomers. Price $1250. ' 9 ROOMS New flat new furniture, rent $40; a chance In a lifetime. Price. $950. RESTAURANT. 39-CHAIR RESTAURANT .JUST FITTED UP. NEW OAK FURNITURE. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING US' THE XINE: ALL COMPLETE TO OPEN XTP AND MAKE GOOD MOEY. OWNER HAS THE BEST OF REASONS FOR SELLING. RENT ONLY $25. AN EXCELLENT OPENING FOR THE RIGHT PARTY. MAKE US AN OFFER. ' BARBER SHOP. 7 hydraulic chairs, fine mirror back. 2 bathtubs. 2 basins, best of plumbing, rent only $60 with lease over Fair; income about $600 per month. GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET. Orio of he best in Portland: delivery out fits, tools, etc., go; fine established buslnew with growing trade; present sales over $2000 per month. Investigate. CANDY AND CIGAR STORE With large lunchroom In rear, clean stock, good fixture; worth more mony, but will sell for $1000. BRANCH BAKERY. Near school, good outfit fine trade A SNAP. Rent $25. with living-rooms. Wo will cell this place Monday for $4C0. - GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE. 2 ncrea of land, new store building, dock warehouse, barn, general fltock with post office; general supply point for a large dis trict A chance seldom offered to buy a good paying business. Full Information at office cf EMPIRE INVESTMENT CO.. . Room 9. Chamber of" Commerce. BILLIARD HALL AND CIGAR STORE, choice location, fine trade, good leas. $1SS0. Restaurant, very central, fine trade. This is a map, $800. Cigar store, central, good trade, rent $20. A rare bargain. $350. OREGON ASSOCIATED EXCHANGE, 2SS Washington St FOR SALE COUNTRV STORE. GOOD buildings; U. S. Postofflce; good location in thickly settled community and good business proposition. For particulars and terms call on or address L. H. Smlck, Dlxonvllle, Douglas Co., Oregon. A RARE CHANCE FOR A NO. 1 CON Iractor, carpenter, concrete and cement, workers, to invest their time and labor, in one of the best business enterprises in the city of Portland. Call on Julius H. Alex ander. 180 Morrison st ROOMING-HOUSE FOR SALE. CENTRAL, with lease till after Fair: rent $35; part cash, remainder on monthly payments to suit customer if taken at once; sickness cause of selling; no agents. Phone Clay 533. FOR RENT TO THOROUGHLY RESPONSI ble party, with ample capital, large store room, most central and best located for cash trade; sieclally fitted for general merchan dise business. Address Box 344, Corvallls, Or. A GOOD FLOUR iULL IN EASTERN WASH ington, good-paying business; small capital required to operate; can be had on easy terms. Call and see me at 40 1st st., from December 19 to 22. A BARGAIN. Half -block on West Side: clcs in; 3 resi dences," 2 stores (brick); income $140 a month: muat be sold at onee; no agent; $14,000. Y 30. Oregonlan. FOR RENT LARGE HOTEI. GOOD CON dltion. centrally located in thriving col lege town; also the furniture therein for sale at a bargain. Address Box 344. Cor vallls, Or. MEN WITH CAPITAL TO INVEST IN ONE of the best business enterprises In the City of Portland; It will pay you to investi gate this. Julius H. Alexander, 1S6 Morri son st WANTED-$1000: RELIABLE BUSINESS man wants $1000 to open good-paying gro. eery- It will . pay you 12 per cent and money back after a year. C. Stadler. 369 Third st $5000 WANTED IN ESTABLISHED BUSI neaa paying 75 per cent a year; salary guaranteed: no experience necessary; open to thorough investigation. C 21. Oregonlan. 32 ROOMS. CORNER BRICK. BEST Lo cation, lease, bargain if taken at once; owner going to mines; no agents; buy di rect of owner. Address F 2S. Oregonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED BUSINESS MAN to represent corporation; salary $1S00 per year; must be prepared to take at least $lu00 worth of stock.. Addresa Q 2. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT FOR SALE WELL FUR nlshed; first-class location; long lease; bargain If taken this month; reason of sale, sickness; no agents. X 30, Oregonlan. FOR SALE THE CONTENTS OF A 125 room hotel In St. Louis.- Mo.: a rare chance for hotel men; Investigate this. Addresa Na tional Hotel, St. Louis. Mo. WE INCORPORATE AND FLOAT STOCK companies; we handle unlisted securities; loans negotiated. Horatio Gilbert Sz Co., Elllcott Square, Buffalo. HALF INTEREST IN ONE OF THE BEST paylng newspaper and Job offices on the coast; practical man with money only. D 33, Oregonlan. $350 FOR HALF INTEREST IN GOOD paying bueines; trustworthy man wanted; guarantee $25 a week; duties easily learned. N 28. Oregonlan. WANTED TO PURCHASE ONE-HALF OR whole Interest In established real estate and fire Insurance business; $3000 to $5000 cash. R 32, Oregonlan. WANTED A PARTNER WITH A FEW hundred dollars to buy half Interest In a good-paying saloon: mint during the Fair. O 32, Oregonlan. IF YOU "WANT YOUR LODGING-HOUSE or other property, sold without delay, give us a call. Phono Madison Real Estate Co., 302 Madison st WE HAVE A LIST OF DESIRABLE FARMS and some bargains in lodging-houses. Phone Main 50C6. Madison Real Estate Co.. 302 Madison st HOTEL BUILDING FOR SALE OR LEASE; new; water system; 15 rooms; good store front; central. X, 31. Oregonlan. FOR SALE: GROCERY- STORE. FINE Lo cation, cheap rent, long lease: reasons for selling. Call 394 E. Clay st. city. WANT STOCK OF MERCHANDISE IN Ex change for fruit ranch in California. F. L. Orkney, box 463, San Jose. Cat 50 FULLY PAID-UP SHARES IN THE Lewis & Clark Accommodation Bureau for sale theap. O 23, Oregonlan. $500 BUYS MILK BUSINESS PAYING $100 and expenses monthly. Call 1212 Ellsworth, Richmond Addition, Portland. $ 11 50-FURNITURE 16 ROOMS. HOUSE keeplng. clean, extra good; on car-line; slckneas. D 43, Oregonlan. FOR SALE HALF INTEREST IN MACHINE shop to good machinist or business man. Ad dri L 25, Oregonlan. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE. TWO blocks irom Fair Grounds. 813 Savier st Phone Main SCS2. FOR SALE MILLINERY- STOCK OF Fix tures on Washington st; good location. H 31, Oregonlan. $0008 ROOMS, BOARDING. ALL FILLED, close ip. near Washington; going away, c 43, Oregonlan. SMALL. MODERN. ESTABLISHED JOB printing office for sale: terms. L 32, Ore gonlan. HALF INTEREST IN GOOD OFFICE BUSI ner: fine chance for good roan. G S3, Qr gonlan. GOOD PAYING- LiAUNDRY ROUTE.- HORSE and wagon for tale. K 33. Oregonlan BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. LILLIAN DE KEATER & JOHNSON. 20 TEARS IN PORTLAND. ' WILL LOCATE YOU RIGHT. Room 20S. All sky Blk.. 3d and Morrison ets. Take Morrison-street Elevator. ' PHONE MAIN 6151. How is this for a bargain T Hcuse. 23 rooms, rent $100. two years' lease. 23 more new rooms to be added. Price, $2600. One of the best buys on market 24 rooms with board, now taking In over $600 per month, lease. Price $2700. This howe will bring $3500 before Spring. Up-to-date in everything nice.' One of the finest furnished houses In city, modern and naw. rooms all rented; big income. $4500. Investigate. 72 rooms, lease, good" mbney-rcake tran sient house. This house new on market, exclusive with ud.. 24 room?, fine transient very central; bar gain. 2500. 46-room hotel, finest location In city. In vestigate. 20 rooms, partly, furnished. $1275. Four' nice housekeeping house. good in come, reasonable prices. Room 20S. Allsky blk., 3d and Morrison sts. 13 rooms, nice house, well furnished. In come $112. rent $50; fine location; $1100. $10,000 will buy half-Interest in one of the best hotels In city; fine proposition. Fine hotel from 50 to 70 rooms. 26 rooms, good, nice, clean house: rent $So. Price $2500. Central and always full. House 0 rooms, beautiful new furniture; rent $40. Price $S0. 7 room?, ront $27.50, only $3C0. I have bouse.-, all alaas; all prices, can lo cate you according to amount o money to Invest Fine grocery store, with, bakery, cigar department.- confcctWacry. etc. rent $8; lease; doing nlee busliMSs: living rooms attached; furniture, all. for $1100. All kinds of business opportunities. Strang ers in city call. I will direct you right 20 years in Portland. Repair .shop, fine buslne: $400. Grocery store and confectionery, all for $400; Hvlng-roonM. Grocery store, also bake oven; nice 'place: $650. - . $2500 will buy grocery doing fine business; central. Can't list all. 20 years In Portland. Can save you money. LILLIAN DE KEATER & JOHNSON. Room .20S. Allsky Blk.. 3d and Morrison Sts. PHONE MAIN 6151. FORD'S BUSINESS CHANCES, INC. 185 4th. Clay 538. JOSEPH FORD, Manager. GREAT BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES 2S roomo, rent $83. lease, central 12100 12 room, beautifully furnished 850 16 rooms, a snap for some one 700 20 rooma .rent $5. lease, close In 2100 Nicely furnished 7-room cottage, will rent furnished or sell furnished. 00 ROOMS. VERY CENTRAL. GOOD FUR nlture. lease: nothing better in city? $3500. 3S rooms, choice location, fine furniture; a big income. 21 room?, good location, lease, receipts $140; sacrificing at $600. 9 rooma. good location, new furniture-$300. ORHGON ASSOCIATED EXCHANGE, 2S3 Washington St. $750 FOR HALF INTEREST IN RELLVBLB, established business; active and sober man wanted as partner duties easily acquired; owner well-known, reliable man; references exchanged. P 42. Oregonlan. $330 TO $500 AN EXCEPTIONAL OPENING Is offered a desirable party to take half in terest in a bona fide business; $25 a week guaranteed; references exchanged. O 42, Oregonlan. bPLilAL .NoXiCEs. Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS TO LAY ater pipe. Sealed proposals will be re ceived by the undersigned. City Clerk of tne Jity ot Aneraeen. Washington; up to -5 o'clock P. M. Wednesday. December 2R. 1904. for the laying of 140 pieces, more or less, of 12-inch cast-iron water pipe, from the north bank of the Chehalls River, across to the south bank of said river. Said oina being flanged, and to- bo laid so that when the pipe Is in position the top of the flanges will be nothing less than 3 feet 6 Inches below the bottom of the river be Eald pipe to be laid from about 325 feet east oz tne caat line of Fairfield street across the said river to Columbus street In South Aberdeen. All the pipe, knuckla Joints, bolts and rubber packing to be furnished by the city; the contractor to fur nish all appliances and labor, and to lay said pipe In a good and workmanlike man ner, to tne satisfaction of the City Coun ell or one In its behalf authorized Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check payable to tho City of Aberdeen, in the sum of 3200. as a guarantee that the bidder will if successful promptly execute a satisfactory contract and bond, according to the lawa of the State of Washington for tne laitniui periormanco of tne work. Said work to be paid for by warrants drawn on the water fund of said City of Aberdeen. The City council reserves the right to ra lect any or all bids. Dated Aberdeen. Washington. Nov. 26. Attest: P. F. CLARK. City Clerk. Miscellaneous. NOTICE. The Farmers' Fire Relief Assocltalon of Buttevllle, Or., has-been doing business for nine years. It has proven Itself to be one of the strongest most reliable, fair and square, as well as the cheapest mutual operating in this state. If you are a member you cannot do better than remain. IX you desire protection It will pay to In vestigate, this, the only strictly farmers' association in the state. Wo hereby notify the farmers of Multnomah. Washington and Clackamas Counties that J. J. Kern is no longer our agent; that we will not be responsible for him in any way what. ever. Tho secretary will be at Portland. Or., room 313. AUsky bldg.. Mondays and Tuesdays of each week In caso you wish to see him personally. By order of the " board of directors. Francis Feller, presi dent Henry L. Bents, secretary, Aurora. or., -ttoute .no. a. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WOV Earn, better known as Mr. A. D. King, has no connection with the A. D. King & Co. since June 11. Any person holding notes or papers signed by him before the above date mentioned please notify the A. D. King & Co. at once. Hereafter Chonr Lum. the. manager, will sign all notes or any other ooiigations oi me company. A. D. KING & CO.. CHONG LUM. Manager. NOTICE A MEETING OF THE STOCK holders of the Masonic Building Asso ciation will be held In the Masonic Tem ple on Friday, the 30th day of. December. 1004. at H o'clock A. 21.. for tho pur pose of electing a board of five directors and transacting sucn otner business as may legally come before such meeting. I. W. Pratt secretary. LOST AND FOUND. LOST ON FIRST FLOOR LIPMAN. WOLFE & Co. store, between 10 o'clock and noon. Saturday, a silver net purse containing $40 in gold. Finder will be liberally rewarded by returning to 221 snenock o4jg. LOST LADY'S UMBRELLA AND PITRSE. taken from seat in Park blocks between 3d and 4th: purse contained pair glasses. knife, small change. Return to address' on cards in purse; reward. LOST AN ELK EMBLEM IN SHAPE OF a backpin. Elk s head on open gold book. wltlf B. P. O. E.. one letter In each corner. Please return to Hansen, 26 N. 2d st. Reward. LOST-DRAFT FOR $1575. ISSUED BY Washington Trust Co.. Seattle, on U. National Bank. Portland. Reward for return to Herbert Adams. 550 SherlocK bwg. LOST MEERSCHAUM PIPE AND CASE on Front st.. between Alder and Oak st docks. Return to Oregonlan office. Reward. LOST A GOLD NECKCHAIN AND $2.50 gold piece. Reward. Phone East 1302 or leave at 144 Front st LOST ENGLISH SETTER DOG; ANSWERS to name of "Klm"; reward, returned 390 Morrison, or Main 115. LOST VALUABLE BLACK FUR BOA. SAT urday evening. Dec 17. Claim reward at 432 E. Morrison. LOST BET. 20TH AND QUIMBY AND 21PT and Pettygrove, long brown fur. Phone Red 1929. Reward. LOST A BLACK FUR. SATURDAY EVEN Ing. Finder please call by phone, Agnes Tillman. Main 2902. LOST POCKBT-BOOK WITH ABOUT $60 money and 4 keys; return 219 Burnsldc; reward. FOUND SMALL GOLD WATCH; NO ..INI tlal, Call evening, 023 B. Ash st; prove property BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accord ton Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD, S01 MARQUAM BLDG. accordion and knife plaiting and pinking. Art. STUDIO OF PAINTING, PYROGRAPHY and designing. Order work a specialty. 720 Mortmain bldg. M. F. Woods. Art Furnishing. HAND-CARVED CURIOS. EGYPTIAN CHAIR and brassware for sale. 344 Alder st. Assnycrs and Analysts. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 2CS STARK ST. Prices: Gold. $i; copper, $i: sliver. 50c. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYBR AND ANALYST; gold oust Dougoc -i53 ataric sc. Business Colleges. GREGG SHORTHAND TOUCH TYPEWRIT- tng. famous budget c-ooKKeeping, actual bust cca practice, positions found for graduates; day and night school. Holmes Business Col lege. Y. M. C A. bldg. Phone Mala 513. Carpenters and Builders. W. L. BUCKNER. office, store fixtures, general jobbing, contracting. 3oU :arK. .Black 914. GEO. Y. GORDON. COUNTERS, SHELVES, houses built and reDaltei. 20o 4th. Clay 174. Carpet Cleaning. Sanitary carpet cleaning, suction and com pressed air comoinea; carpets cieanea on floor wltnuut removal. Phone Main 5534. Chiropodist and Manicuring. WM. iDEVENY ii EST ELL E DEVENY. THE only scientific cniropoaists. pariors room ms Drew bldg.. 102 2d st Piione Mala 1301. This is the long-haired gentleman. He is I2u maa you are looking for. J. LINDELL. expert chiropodist all instru ments serilizea. iiarquam. Black 2850. FLETCHER'S ORTHOPEDIC PARLORS; CHI- ropody. 31U Allsky meg. lied 3056. Civil Engineers. PHILIP G. EASTWICK. C02 WORCESTER black Railroad, hydraulic, mining and gen. era! engineering. Clairvoyants. CLAIRVOYANT. 50 c 50 c 50c 50c 50c 50c THE VEILED PROPHETESS. BUDAH BERNIQUE. "DEAD-TRANCE MEDIUM. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. $15 COMPLETE LIFE READING. 30c. "I TELL YOUR NAME." , t So positive am I of my powers to tell tna past, preaent and future and exactly what you want to know that I will make . NO CHARGE! NO CHARGE! Unles you obtain perfect satisfaction and find me superior to all MEDIUMS. CLAIR VOYANTS and PALMISTS In this city. It may be of vital Interest to you to know the outcome of your present distress. The happiness of your future life may de pend upon the right, solution and proper advice. There are no mistakes In the predictions made by the great and wonderful Psychic You may wwh to know If It Is advisable to make a change in buslnes. in love. In marriage. "Can I obtain my hopes, my wishes, my ambitions?" "Shad I ever enjoy the luxuries of wealth?" "Can I trust my friends r "When shall I marry?" "How often shall I marry?" "Shall I ever be divorced?" , . . "Does another share tho love that right fully belongs to ma?" "If so. whom?" "Am I loved in return?" "Is there a rival la my love?" "When shall my love affair terminate In marriage?" "When shall my domestic troubles end?" "How can I make my 11 to and hctna happy?" "When shall my absent friend return?" "Why do I not receive a letter?" HOURS 10 TO S. DAILY AND SUNDAY. parlors. ntiA ;wrRTM.qrv. COR. 5TH. SAME FLOOR AS BOSTON DENTAL PAR LORS. PROF." VAN CORTLAND. 313 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 6TH ASTRO TRANCE MEDIUM. CLAIRVOYANT. PALMIST. Th r-.n.n t loin. ..I .Via Cnntf for 7 years. The name Van Cortland a uuuuie guarantee. 50c 50c This Week $15 Readings 50c 30c aatisiaction guaranteed or no lee accepted. At a glance, before you have a chance to what you came for. giving dates, facts and figures, names of absent and departed friends; he tells every wish of your life, how to gain success in love, courtship, marriage, divorce, whether you will be successful In uuaiucss, dives. moms, eic. no iuuuci n ujr uc jour ieur, nope uir muuiuuu, win on this gifted man and find relief; his de scriptions .of your friends and enemies are ua ttui as inougu tney stooa uciure juu. He tells whom and when you'll marry, set tles lovers' quarrels, positively mentioning your sweetheart's full name, reunites tho separated, no matter how long standing; he tells everything, good or bad; you hear the truth and nothing but the truth. WONDERFUL POWERS. It is universally conceded by deepest think ers of tho present age that Prof. Van Cort land has been endowed by nature with pro phetic powers to a degree hitherto unknown; keenly conscious of his great responsibility, he has honestly endeavored to let his light shine that all who aeek may find truth as, ho 3ees it Call and be convinced. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Dally and Sunday. PROF. VAN CORTLAND. 313 WASHINGTON ST. Also Private Entrance on Sixth st MME. DR. HERZOG. FROM BERLIN. Sci entific revealer. tells life from cradle to grave. Consultation on all affairs. Good ad vice, sure help, mistake Impossible; re stores lost love and unites aeDarated by sympathy; locates buried trea&ure. Fee. $1; letter. $2. 207 Park. Coal Dealers. GREAT WESTERN COAL CO., 441 HOYT. cor. 11th Miners and producers of washed lump and nut house coals. Lump, $U; nut $5. delivered within ono mile of yards; satlsl taction guaranteed. Phono Main 948. .. ..-.j.. a-jCED Si FUEL CO. PHONE Main 101S. Castlo Gate Coal, blacksmith coal, coke, charcoal. Office Front & Hoyt VULCAN COAL CO.. whoiesalo dealers, beat -coals; foundry and smelter coke. 329 B c Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal and general commbtEion merchant Front st. near Main. Portland, Or. Cash advanced on consignments; TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock biag. Portland, Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front and Davis sts., Port land, Or. Dancing. THE MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANCING, 269 14th. cor. Jeff. Class or private lessons. MRS. GRANT'S ADULT and children's classes. Western Academy. Morrison st, cor. 2d. Dyeing and Cleaning. H. W. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER and cleaner. 505 Jefferson. TeL Main 2513. Educational. Teacher in college preparatory branches; spe cialty languages. Suite 27. 187 17th. Fraternal Insurance. Girder of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of N. W.; protects the living. J. L. Mitchell. Sup. Sec. 612-615 Marquam bldg. Harness and Saddles. lHK BREYMAN LEATHER CO., WHOLE sale saddles and harness infra,, saddlery hardware, leather' all kinds. 72t74 5th st. .-. JkGF. LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLM sale saddles and harness mfrs.. leather and saddlery hardware. S0-U8 1st. Junk. Hides and I'elts. L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF hides, pelte, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and sacks. 342 Fron st. Lands. LAND SCRIPS. GENERAL LAND PRAC tlce. Collins Land Co.. Concord bldg. Marble and Granite. it ARBLE AND GRANITE 3IONUMENTS For bargains see Weeks; no agents; 20 per cent saved. At 720 Front, cor. Hooker. Northwest Viavl Co. LEWIS BLDG., PARK AND MORRISON STS. Call or send stamp for Health Book. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Leather and Findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Leather and findings; Stockton sole leath er and cut stock; full line Eastern Jum bos. 189 Front st THE BREYMAN CO.. LEATHER MFRS.. boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe storo supplies, leather of all kinds. 72-74 5tn. Medical. DR. PAUL CROMWELL, the colored special ist, sanatorium. 17 r. l-tn. cor. uuwn. Consult this old doctor and learn what your ailment Is. Letters promptly answered. Machinery. TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING. SAWMILLS. logging raacniner). iijutuuiit v'fea. vtw. ings of all kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th st B. TRENKMAN &. CO.. MINING. SAWMILLS, lni-Hm- -nnrhlnerv: hvdraulic nines, castings. All kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. THE H. C. ALBEE CO.. SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etc.. orana avc Massage. JUST OPENED THE LURLINE BATH PAR- lors; two young ladies rrom tne CAei, tor merly of sult& 2 and 25. the Marquam rooming-house; vapor, tub and electric baths, magnetic massage, manicuring and chirop ody; kind attention given patrons. The AualJ torium, suite 17. 208 3d at. YOUNG LADY, SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE vapor, cawnet oatn. magnetic treatment, alcohol rubs, salt glows: good attention glwn to patrons. The Raleigh, ttth and Wasning ton. Parlors 15-16. first floor. THE SNOWDEN BATHROOMS. 254 MOR- rwon st. cor. d. rooms 3 and 4. apor ana sponge baths, with massage; ab electric treatments; pleased to aee all old customers; also new ones. IF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS VAPOR bath and massage, try me; satisfaction guar anteed. 323 6th and Washington sU.. third floor, Ralelgn bldg.. iooms 26-27. HERE'S HEALTH TO THE MAN. EITHER young or old. who takes Persian baths to euro his cold. The Frances. W. Park and Morrlsor. Red 2S38. - VAPOR AND SPONGE BATH. MASSAGE and magnetic treatments by experienced young lady. 351 Morrison st. room 11 and 12. BATHS AND MASSAGE BY YOUNG LADY Aii.rlr Vnrnnam now thf Pnlrti 3d. room 2. VAPOR BATHS. MASSAGE. MAGNETIC and osteopathy treatment. 204 4th st. Room 17. FRENCH LADIES GIVE BATHS AND MAS- Osteopothy. DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARYLL T. SMITH, osteopathic physicians: graduate! Klrksvllie, Mo. 409 Oregonlan. -Phone Main 1242. Sani tarium. 614 4th. Consultation free. DRS. ADDIX & NORTHRUP. 416 DEKUM bldg. Phone Main 319. Examination tree. Palmistry. DR. - LYON. THE MOST WONDERFUL clairvoyant and psychic pallmst in the world, now sloping at the Klngaton. next door to Baker's Tneater: readings, $1. Paints, Oils and Glass. RA3MUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS. PAINTS, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d & Taylor. Rubber Stamps. p. C STAMP WORKS. 249 ALDER, TEL. Main" 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stcncns. Safe. 8 SECOND-HAND FIREPROOF SAFES, prices ranging from $25 to $130; 3 good second-hand bank safes for sale. Call or write S4 3d st. Portland. Or. ixifivV AND SECOND. LOCKOUTS OPENED; repairs. Diebold Agency, J. E. Davia, 66 3d, Shoe Manufacturers. ..r,4t ,t HERTSCHE CO.. SHOE MANUFAC tursrs. 9 and 11 N. 1st, Portland. Or. Spiritualists. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. . 50c. 50c. 50e. 50c. 30c. 50c, 50c. 30c. 50c SIR FRANCIS DRAKE, 303 WASHINGTON ST.. COR 5TH. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. SPIRIT MEDIUM. PALMIST. READINGS REDUCED TO 50c FOR 7 DAYS MY $13 CELEBRATED LIFE READINGS 50c. 30c. 30c, 30c. 50c, 50c I DO HEREBY SOLEMNLY AGREE AND GUARANTEE to make you no charge if I fail to call you by name in full, names of your friends, enemies or rivals. I prom ise to tell you' whether your husband, wife or sv-eetheart is true or false, tell you how to gain the love of the one you most desire, even though miles awny; how to succoed in business, speculation, lawsuits: how to marry tho one of your choice; how to regain youth, health and vitality. Removes evil Influence, cures drink habit; locates treasures.' cures all nervous dis eases, i How can I have good luck? How can I succeed in business? How can I make my home happy? How can I conquer my enemies? How can i marry the one L choose? How can I mary well? How soon can 1 marry? How can I conquer my rival? How can I make any one love me? How soon will my lover propose? How can I get a letter? . How can I get a good position? How can I remove bad influences? How can I control any one? How make distant ones think of me? How can I settle my quarrel? How can I hold my husband's love? How can I keep my wife's love? Slit BKANCiS DRAKE tells all and never asks questions. POSITIVELY NO EQUAL ON EARTH IN HIS PROFESSION. HOURS DAILY. 10 to 7. AND SUNDAY. 303 WASHINGTON ST.. COR 5TH. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STS. A1.KS WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium; all in trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, business, love, troubles; absent friends a specialty. 165 4tlt st. Russel bldg.; hours U-5. MRS. LADD FINNICAN HAS RETURNED: can bo consulted daily. 412 Aider, cor. 11th. MRS. STEVENS, spiritual life reader, scien tific palmint. 50c 343 Yamhill, cor. 7th. MRS. C. CORNELIUS. 303 Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison; sitting dally. Hood 4u3. iujtij. bOfHIA B. SEIP, Clairvoyant proph etess. Readings dally. SI 7th cor. Oak. Patent Lawyers. R. a WRIGHT, DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. T. J. GEI8LER. 530 CHAM. OF COM. U. and foreign patents a specialty. Stop Drinking. GUARANTEED cure; send 50c; tablet form; mailed In plain package; has cured thou sands. L. L. C. Co.. 417 Hayward bldg. S. F. Second-Hand Dealers. SUGARMAN & SONS, highest price paid 2d-hand furniture, stoves. 233 Front Red 3 173. Showcases, Bank and Store Fixture. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR. 6th and Hoyt; branch Seattle. Wash. i LuvMJ SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO., S4S 1st. near Market. Phone Black 3133. Storage. STORAGE! STORAGE! PLENTY OF ROOM, fireproof building, rates cheaper than the cheapest 26 Union ave. Phone Union 914. , Storage and Transfer. &AKJCS. PIANOS AND FURNITURE moved, packed ready for shipping and shipped: all work guaranteed: large 3-story brick fire proof warehouse for storage. Office 12S 1st C M. Olsen. Phone Main 547. C. O. PICK. OFFICE SS 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 506. "Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; com modious fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay sts. r i ED Bit K.KI.. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT st. household goods and furniture. plano3. trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 54 3D ST.. whoiesalo and retail. Send for catalogue. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency, 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & IiEWIS. WHOLESALE GROC ery, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Port land, Or.