29 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAjN', PORTLAND, DECEMBER 18, 1904. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. I1T50--THAT FOR A FUL.tr LOT ON 7TH this side river), dose in, covered with houws renting Cor $40. Looks cheap i a- 1 U ' 1 AV. Whiting & Co.. 408 Ablng- i b.ag. L M MODERN HOUSE. CORKER LOT. fcxno ft; $1700, $S0 down, balance $15 Z- montn. 1'none Bast 670. 1 PALE MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE, IN god repair. IrvIngtOR. near car line: one !- two lots. N S3. Oreconian. tv T.nrwiv nnTT a ntr tpnw rat.v h -My modem; sooth of "Washington st. r.er. -v a, isrcgoaian. TH PORTLAND SNAP 7-ROOM HOUSE a-3 lot. 50x100. No. 707 Front St.: $1750. Zi -3 AYashtngton, room 1. IN 'ME PROPERTY. AVBST" SIDE. LARGE jpe. 5 block Morrison bridge, cheap, wrier. Hall, 331 Stark. II 25x100 AND TWO HOUSES FOR SALE. bet Wash, and Alder, on Lownsdale. In Q ..Ire 128 Lownsdale st. M DERN S-ROOM HOUSE, "WILLAMETTE litlghts; no finer view in Portland; easy terms. Phone East 075. T EN DID HOUSE ON PROMINENT COR- sear Steei bridge; $4500. 245ft AVashlng room 1, or 4Sft lot. I, r?E AND LOT. HAWTHORNE PARK. " nh $5t; must sell; owner going away. W 36, 'Oregonlan. IN "OMR PROPERTY. 1W FEET. GRAND F.i- and Oak. with building. $1850. Owner, liall. 4 Stark. S7A00 THKBE MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSES, Ci-ce la; yearly Income $800; East Side. OFborn Hotel. jrOft-FOR ICO ACRES. "WITHIN 13 MILES i.". city; Al mil a ltd virgin timber. 43ft 1st , near Ash. r'VERYMBN ATTENTION LOT IN HEART r ' city. MiUabie for stable. Owner, X 44, , rrgonian. C 'HNBR K. TH AND EVERETT STS. Yliole r fractional lot. Owner. 60 E. 9th, N-Tth. 2s VT S-ROOM COTTAGE, BARGAIN, $750; ray term. 901 E. 8th N. Phone Union 4:w. 5 -0-HOUSE. X LOTS, HOUSEHOLD FUR - turc. cow. 1208 14th et. N.. Woodlawn. 1 It SALE-DESIRABLE 4 -ROOM COTTAGE r 4M awd E. Taylor, cheap; oasy terms. RE BARGAIN IN G-ROOM EAST SIDE use. $1560. Owner, V 35. Oregonlan. 5 -Of. -HOUSE. 10 ROOMS. TRBMONT; A " argaln. Apply 804 Fenton bMg. HOME CORNER LOT. 0 ROOMS!. J675 CASH. Berry & Alexander. 4 N. Cth. i JMT ST SELL NEW 7-ROOM COTTAGE; - ak offer. Phone Union 719. FR SALE S-ROOM HOUSE. A BARGAIN; $1350. Phone Scott 6869. MODERN C-ROOM COTTAGE, terms. Phone East 675. EASY FOR SALE FARMS. FARMS 175-acre improved farm, one of the best Multnomah County; will take some trade: $2i.W. 12W-cre improved farm on Nchalem; trade t- ' property in or about Portland. 35 acre. 2 arres cultivated; 1 horse. 1 Vungr. 2 com. 3 helfew". 2 hogs. 30 tons ha v ; good . house, with mill and tank; hot btmI com" water In house: water piped to I f m: 2 acres in strawberries. orcnard ; fronts r fine, level road ; 10 m lifts east of Port Jatid This te a nice home. "Will take a i aper place as part pay; $4500. 112 acre improved, on Tualatin River; fade far Portland property; $4000. 12ft screw, all itritt-class soil; 103 acres In " .h state of cultivation. 22 acres timber; fne S-room bouse, nice condition; large frame irn. wtUs rtio. amokehouee painted, frult- -r. woodshed, workshop. 4 acres choice 'rulta: one-third mile to creamery, store, f hool and church. 10 miles to Vancouver, in ';srk Couaty. Washington; one of the bCst 5b -ma la the state: $7500. 2 acres Improved, nice new house, 1 block f m Mt. Scott car-line. 11 acres nice land on East Side near Port land, trade In an part pay on a farm. 122-acre farm near Oregon City. $2450; trade for Portland property. loo acres, all choice land, no gravel, all 'need. 78 acres cultivated; new, modern house. S rooms, concreto basement, hall, pan-t-T cloeete. bath, porches, fine new barn. ,:(-ti and painted; 10 cows, 2 calvas, 8 hogs. 1 team, wagon, hack, cream separator, all farming implementc, 40 tons hay, 450 bushels r'atoea. elr., 10 mlliM from Portland, on a tn. kl road all way out. IVj miles from electric car; a verj' clveap farm. 91 acrpe., all good, level land; 45 acrea culti vated, house, bars, orchard; watered by wells ard stream, on good road, 10 miles west of Portland; $4550. IRS acre nice land, 1 mile from nice little f-wn on R. It., good land, some Improve ments ; enough chlttam bark to pay for land. "Will trade into Portland property and pay each difference. 1KO acre, all good roll, nearly all level. In (lark Count)-. Washington; running brook f water; SO acres fenced. 40 acres cultivated; 3 acraa orchard; good 7-room house; good barn. 82x114 feet, stanchions for 40 cows. W ill exchange for good property In Portland cr Vancouver. Fin fruit farm In California, trade for Oregon property. 11o-acre Eastern Oregon grain and stock farm, fine location, trade for a "Willamette A alley farm. S acres, nicely improved, choice tree fruits, vwyard. strawberries, raspberries and black brrrtec; nice house, well finished; barn: at tmk Grore. on Oregon City car-line; $4500. 170-a ere stock farm. 1C0 acres cultivated and meadow. 950 acres in pasture. GOO acres wooded; alt fenced, well watered; house, barns, etc: about 130 head cattle. 3 fine Href)rd bulls, team, wagon. Implements, feed In barns; 4 mllea to good Valley town. AVill trade. 10 acres Improved, with feed, flock and Implements. S miles east of Portland, for Portland property, $2000. Ml acres, 90 acres well cultivated; good fences; 7-room house, rustic and painted; good Xrame barn, orchard, watered by fprtsga, convenient to church and school: "Washington County; trade for Portland property; $2400. 4 acres 1 acre in strawberries. 1 acre In tree fruits: chicken yard; nice modern 5-room house; convenient to 5-cent car line; $2625. HENKLE &. BAKER. 217 AMngton bldg., Portland, Or. FOR SALE CHOICE LANDS, LOCATED near Springfield. Or., are offered on account of fatting health; 1038 acres, part m culti vation. Including 70 head of cattle. 3 dwell ings. 4. barns, orchard and farming imple ment; portion of the land suitable for hops; $25 per acre; part cash, balance to suit pur chaser. 00-acre farm, improved, and near lie above land, $25 per acre. Also 295 acres near Japper, a good stock ranch; $10 per For further particulars Inquire of B. H. ROBBERSON. S40 12th st., Portland. Or. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Farm of 107 acres; 95 acres In good Mate I cultivation, balance good timber; good bouee and barn, windmill and tank, good fencae; 12 head of milk cows; hay In barn tn winter stock; all farm Implements; will sei let a "bargain or exchange for Portland properly or stock of merchandise. Address owner. "W. A. Mcssner, Independence, Or. $25.0 PKR ACRE "WILL BUY 510-ACRB dairy farm, of level, rich, productlvo grate, grain and fruit land; living spring water no gravel or atone: luO acres In cultivation) 200 acres pasture land, all fenced; 2 houses. 2 bams. 1 large bearing orchard, 2 miles k. x. station, l mue to scnooi. 15 miles to Portland: good road. This farm can be di- Mded Tory nicely; terms easy. J. L. "Wells ''o.. 94 Grand ave. FOR SALB2000 ACRES SHERMAN COUN tv farm land, partly In Fall grain; good tious. bam. granary and other buildings; plenty of running wajer; 40 bead horses, some cattle and all necessary machinery: 5 miles from R. K. station; all for $20 per acre; one-tnira down, balance at b per cent, iong time. F 36, Oregonlan. CREAMERY FOR SALE. NEAR PORTLAND on railroad line, boiler and engines evcry- thlnc complete and in first-class working roer. machinery all new will be sola very cheap to an immediate purchaser, or will ex change for a mall farm. Great Northern Real Estate Co.. 8 Labbe bldg. Phone Main M22. C ACRES IN ONE TRACT. 2& IN AN- oiner. -room cottage on each tract, both r.ew. S blocks east ot Montavllla. all Al soil, fine for truck farming. Come in and make offer or these tracts. "Will make terms to suit buyer. Empire Investment ix., room v, chamber of Commerce. 0 ACRES OF FRUIT LAND. OPPOSITE Hood River, near Lyle, "Waeh.; all level: 10 arros cleared; running water; on county roan: is. j. Hufford, St. Johns. Or. 10 ACRES. 6 IN CULTIVATION, JUST ON eoge ot city: may be divided; fine land; near car Una; must be sold at some price. WfcaMey, 613 McKay bldg. FOR SALE 5 ACRES OF LAND. lYt miles from Lenta. V mile from car line: well lm. proved. Call on C. J. Mason. Gates' Cross ing. HOMXSTKAD RELINQUISHMENT FOR sale aheap; timber three to four million feet. See IC. P. Xlekan. Hotel Rhelnpfalz. 1R ACRE? GOOD LAND. 9 MILES FROM i'arstoaa, ureoK. iwusc, uarn, aii block ana FOB SALE FARMS. FOR SALE 316 ACRES, HOUSE AND BARN, 200 acres improved; orchard; fine location; good water, free from stone; price $28 per acre; this Is Al home. G. A. Webb, Silver ton, Or. Exceptionally fine Improved farm. 55 acras, east of Portland: electric ear. 227 Front. TO EXCHANGE. 10 ACRES AT HOOD RIVER. 6 ACRES IN cultivation; house, barn, chicken-house and orchard; for roomlng-houjie In dry- 40-acre farm, within G miles of Hlllsboro; for vacant lot on the East Side, close in. 40 acres, 10 mlleo east, some improvements, for city property. 43s 1st, near Ash. FOR EXCHANGE.FOR CARPENTER "WORK, fine 8-room house, modern in every way, con crete basement, full lot, well located, 2 blocks from Union ave. car; will take part payment In carpenter work near-by Imme diately. Call owner evenings. 652 Union ave. N. Phone East 2408. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR FARM, new S-room house, bathroom, pantry, hall, closets, porches, 35 bearing fruit treeo, all kinds of email fruit, barn, several acres of outside pasture and hay land fenced for use of it. F 41. care Oregonlan. FINE 20-ROOM UP-TOWN ROOMING nouse, clearing $99 month, to exchange for farm. Farm owners only inquire ot Gem Book Co., 228 1st v st. IMPROVED PROPERTY EAST SIDE, worth $2000, to trade for 9-roora house and lot, walking distance. "Will pay difference. M 33. Oregonlan. SECOND-HAND TALKING MACHINES OF all makes bought, sold and exchanged; bargains in second-hand machines and rec ords. 190 3d at. "WILL SELL 9-ROOM $2500 RESIDENCE. 10 per cent cash, 1 per cent a month and in terest, or take part in trade. R 43, Ore gonlan. "WILL EXCHANGE $3000 EQUITY IN modern residence this city worth $5000 for hardware or rroccry stock. X 35, Ore gonlan. "WANTED TO EXCHANGE FARM LAND OF Northern Idaho for Oregon land; will be nt Barr Hotel. Dec. 19, 20 and 21. M. O. Jensen. A GOOD-PAYING GROCERY BUSINESS IN suburb for sale or trade as part payment on a farm. "Whltten & Bryant, 718 Marquam building. "WILLAMETTE VALLEY IMPROVED FARM to exchange for rooming-house; pay differ ence. Sec Gem Book Co., 228 1st st. FOR VACANT RESIDENCE LOTS. A FIRST class modern residence. Holleday Park; value $4000. G 35, care Oregonlan. EXCHANGE "WEST SIDE LOT CLOSE IN. for diamond and cash, or acres. E 35. Ore gonlan. NEW G ROOM HOUSE; WILL TRADE FOR cigar store or lunch counter. E 41. Orego nlan. I HAVE SOME GILT-EDGE MINING STOCK to trade for diamond. H 41, care Oregonlan. LAND SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted, ready for immediat cse. LOWEST PRICES. E. T. Sl F. B. Riley. G08 Chamber Commerce APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP for securing tltlj timbered or agricultural land. IL B. Compson, 018 Marquam bldg. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE AND OTH cr guaranteed land scrip on hand ready to locate. Maglnnls & Son, 227 Falling bldg; FOREST RESERVE AND ALL OTHER scrips: general land practice. Collin Land Co.. Concord Bldg. FOR RENT FARMS FOR RENT SMALL HOUSE. SHEDS AND 7 acres of land on O. W. P. Ry.. 45 minutes' ride: will rent for cash or Improvements. J. A. Bradt, Gates Cronsinz. FEW ACRES SUITABLE FOR CHICKENS or small dairy, near Montavllla. house, bam, orchard. McCoy, 86 10th. near Stark. 5-ACRE TRACT, NEAR HIGHLAND; 5 room house, orchard, barns for rent. 1108 Union ave. WANTED REAL ESTATE. "WANTED 5 TO 7-ROOM HOUSE, EAST Portland; also 5 or 6-room bouse, Alblna. Taft & Co.. 122-3-5-G, Ablngton bldg. WANTED PIECE .OF VACANT PROPERTY near Fair Grounds, lea&e or purchase. Taft & Co.. 122-3-5-8 Ablngton bldg. WANTED TO BUY SMALL RAXCH, FROM 1 to 10 acres. In or near Portland, for $2000 to $5000. V 32, Oregonlan. WANTEDONE OR TWO VACANT LOTS IN Alblna; also In East Portland. Taft & Co., 122-3-5-6. Ablngton bldg. JOB SALE. Horses, Vehicle and Harness. NOTICE. All kinds of horses boarded and cared for in a first-class manner at the Red Front Stables'. Burneide and 15th sts., at reason able lates; this stable Is under new man agement and will be run as a first-class table. Wm. Reynolds, Prop. ALL KINDS OF HORSES. HARNESS AND vehicles for sale at the Red "Front Stables. 2G N. 15th St.; horses boarded and cared for In a first-class manner, at reasonable rates; this stable Is under new management. Wm. Reynolds, Prop. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF WAGONS to sell, rent or exchange; bring your horses and wagons to us; we will buy or sell on commission; no storage charged. Tomlinaon & Casfliday. 211 Washington st. WHITE WYANDOTTES. GOOD COW. WORK horse, cheap. Dell Elliott, 1 mile east Mt. Tabor Reservoir. TO BUY. SELL. RENT OR EXCHANGE, all kinds of vehicles. Hall Stable. 7th, cor. Stark. WOLFSTEIN buys and setit horses, wagons, harness, buggies, farm implements. 227 Front. LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AN 2D-HAND vehicles on Coast for sal or hire. 211 Wash. TWO HORSES AND WAGONS. DOING A good express business. Y 41, Oregonlan. FOR SALE FINE TRAP; COST $200; AT A sacrifice. Phone Main 2321. HORSE. 1200. AGE 8. $G5, double, single, city broke. 75 E. 16th st. FOR SALE CHEAP MILK WAGON WITH top. 284 Front at. Pianos. RICCA & PON. UPRIGHT. HANDSOMELY carved walnut case, In splendid condition; $105. Ellars Piano House, 361 Washington st., cor. Park. FOR SALE NEW PIANO. 3 MONTHS' LES eons in piano or voice to purchaser. West ern Academy of Music. 2d and Morrison. FINE PIANO FOR SALE; USED BUT LIT tie; bargain for cash. Call early, 582 Broad way, cor. N. 14th, East Side. KNABE. ROSEWOOD CASE, LARGEST SIZE, upright; $275. Ellers Piano House, 351 Wasn ington St.. cor. Park. SINGER OAK CASE. IN GOOD CONDITION; $138. Ellers Piano House, 351 Washington st., cor. Park. VERY FINE HIGH-GRADE UPRIGHT Pi ano for sale, used very little. X 26, Ore gonlan. $250 CASH WILL BUY $425 PIANO: USED a few weeks; roust sell at once. A 30, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE TWO PIANOS. ONE MAR tin guitar, furniture. 42H Main st. FOR SALE UPRIGHT PIANO; ROSEWOOD case, $125. 474 Alder st. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low priced Singer. V. S.. Domestic. Wheeler A Wilson and White: dropheads In oak and box tops. At Wheeler & Wilson and Domestic offlces. S. S. Slgel. agent. 335 Morrison st. FOR SALE TWO DROPHEAD SINGERS, oak finish. $15; one drophead White, oak, $15; one New Home drophead, $15; box tops, $5 to $10; cash or installments. J. S. Crane, 850 Morrison st. (Lewis bldg). Call this week. FOR SALE 50 PAIRS OF GOLDEN. SIL ver. Lady Amherst and Japanese pheas ants; a fine lot ot talking parrots, singing birds and Angora cats. Portland Bird Co., SO 3d, and 127 North 6th, near Union depo:. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elalerlte: It rolls, easy to lay; seeds so painting or coating; good otct old iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elaterlts Roofia: Co.. room 2, Hamilton bldg. Bargains In typewriters, supplies, office goods, rubber stamps, safe. Coast Co., 231 SUrk. FOR SALE. MlsceUanecuB- FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL llard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick-Balkt-CoUender, 49 3d st. FOR SALE CHEAP A 16-HORSEPOWER boiler and S horsepower engine. In good run ning condition. Inquire City Market, 2U5 First au NEW COLUMBIA GRAMOPHONE LARGEST size, 38-lnch aluminum horn and 75 10-lnch records; cost $135; $70 takes it. 27 Union ave. FULL-DRESS SUIT ELEGANT MATERIAL and superbly made; size 55, tor medium height; almost new and a bargain. 348 Main. SECOND-HAND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinds at lowest prices, cash or In stallments. Fisher Music Co.. 190 3d at. ANGORA GOATS AT A BARGAIN. 00 HEAD, inquire G. W. Sharp, N. Yamhill, or of owner, A. S. Watt, 746 E. Burnslde et. $12.50 20-FT. AWNING, 60-GAL. FORCE oil tank, grocer's coffee mill, tobacco cut ter, paper roller. A 41, Oregonlan. FOX TERRIER PUPS. BRED FROM PRIZE winners; appropriate Christmas presents. 208 Moade st. Phone Main 4820. FOR hALE 2D-HAND ENGINES. BOILERS, sawmills, pumps and general machinery, by H. C. Albee Co.. 248 Grand ave. TWO THOROUGHBRED SCOTCH COLLIE pups, males, yellow, sell cheap; going away. 269 Union ave., near Madison. FOR SALE TWO OIL PAINTINGS, 24x3G, Mt. Hood. Mt. Shasta: first-class work; cheap. T 43, Oregonlan. TWO SOLITAIRE DIAMOND RINGS; SELL reasonable or exchange for vehicles or har ness. Hall, 334 Stark. A VIOLIN, BOX AND BOW FOR $S.50; cost In any music store, $20. Uncle Myers, 143 3d St., near Alder. FOR SALE OR TRADE MEDUJM-SIZED safe, typewriter with desk, small diamond ring. 211 Washington. FOR SALE OR RENT ONE NEARLY NEW Remington typewriter at a bargain. Ad drcus 266 Park. city. ELEGANT THEATRICAL WARDROBE 'cheap, together or separately; 7 wigs. 311& Stark St.. room 208. PRACTICALLY NEW TYPEWRITER, SELL cheap or exchange for harness pr vehicles. Hall, 334 Stark st. FOR SALE-5 TONS CLOVER HAY. HAW thorno Stables, E. Cth and Hawthorne. Phone East 72. FOR SALE 5 ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms; all conveniences; in center of city. P 34. Oregonlan. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER FOR SALE cheap; in fine condition. For Information call 111 N. 3d. CHOICE FIR LUMBER BY THE CARLOAD. Addrers 326 El 7th N. or phone Union 1072. Portland. Or. FOUR FRESH COWS WITH CALVES, some' extra good, at GCS E. 21st st. Take Brooklyn car. HEYWOOD ADJUSTABLE BABY BUGGY, good condition, cheap. 290 E. 9th st. Phone East 25S4. WOULD SELL A PERSIAN LAMBSKIN coat cheap; 40 Inches long. V 41, care Ore gonlan. Moving picture film, sung sllaes. magic lan terns. T. P. Andrews. 109 Mont.. S. F.. CaL 1.000,000 HARD-PRESSED BRICK FOR sale. Howe's Brickyard, phone Union 173. 12 COWS AND HEIFERS CHEAP; ALSO 55, 40 and 15-acre farms; electric car. 227 Front. TWO CAGE CIRCUS WAGONS. ALL KINDS vehicles bought and sold. 211 Washington. MOVING PICTURE MACHINE FILMS AND slides for sale, McCoy. SO 10th. near Stark. PRINTING PRESS. 0xl0; NEARLY NEW; extra chases and rollers. Phone Main 0360. JERSEY AND HOLSTBIN COW, FRESH. 8 weeks; good milker; 5year old. 1032 1st st. Oliver typewriters. S. H. typewriters, all makes. Norris Safe & Lock Co., 84 3d st. BICYCLE CLOSING OUT SALE $40 WOLFF Americans' sow $25. 7th and Morrison. FOR SALE FULL-BLOODED JERSEY cow, fresh shortly. 350 Marguerite ave. FOR SALE ONE GOOD "DRAWER SEW Ing machine cheap. 147 Lownsdale st. FOR SALE THREE FRESH COWS, GOOD ones; prices right. 919 E. Yamhill st. FOR SALE FRESH MILCH COWS WITH or without calf. 1004 Mllwaukle st. ONE 54x12 TUBULAR BOILER, COMPLETE, cecond-hand. V 34, Oregonlan. FOR SALE CHEAP SET OF BAND UNI forms. 29 N. 11th, upstairs. FOR SALE THOROUGHBRED SCOTCH collie dog. S 42. Oregonlan. TOR SALE CHEAP RED FOX BOA AND muff. Phone Main 2325. FOR SALE POINTER PUPS. 9S3 WATER st. and Bancroft ave. FOR RENT PIANOS. UPRIGHT PIANO FOR RENT. $1.50 PER month; good order. Inquire room 5, Wash lngton bldg. NEW HALLET & DAVIS PIANO FOR rent. 305 Morrison st.. cor. 10th. HELP WANTED MALE. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS MORE THAN 30.000 appointments last year. Chances bet ter than ever. Thousands we have prepared have been appointed. Write for free circu lar. F 1. giving list ot positions, salaries, examinations, sample questions, etc.. to Na tional Correspondence Institute, Paclflo Coast Office. 927 Market St.. tsan Francisco. Cal. EXPERIENCED TRAVELING SALESMAN, two exceptionally good positions open for 1903 by large Cleveland Jobbing -house; salesmanship, energy and business ability will make the position permanent; general mercantile trade; high commissions with $35 weekly. W. S. Flnlcy Co., 00 Prospect St.. Cleveland, Qhlo. SALESMAN EXPERIENCED. TO FILL vacancy; exceptionally good position with old established house; for balance this year and next. Men who wish to make better than $3600 and expenses Investigate; specialty men preferred. Roebuck. 254 Hennepin, Minneapolis, Minn. DO YOU WANT TO IMPROVE YOUR Po sition, Increase your pay? Read our 80- page book, sent free; our mall courses In electrical and steam engineering helped thousands; students helped to positions. Electrical Engineer Institute, New York. SUCCESSFUL SALESMEN TO HANDLE line of staple specialties in Montana and Eastern Idaho on commission. Sell mer chants only. A valuable side line worth $3 to $10 a day to a good man. Give refer ences and experience. Address C 33, Ore gonlan. ' - THE ORIGINAL JOHN A. MOLER HAS opened one ot his famous barber colleges at G14 Clay st., San Francisco; special Induce ments this month; positions guaranteed; tui tion earned while learning. Call or write Chaa. Halstead. agent, 215 Morrison St.. Portland. EMPLOYED OR UNEMPLOYED IF YOU are a competent manager, salesman, tech nical or otflce man, wc can help you to a good position. Call or write for plan and booklet. Pacific Commercial Bureau, suite 45, Concord blk.. 2d and Stark. LOGGERS. MILL AND YARDMEN, LAB crcrs. city and country; men and teams, farmhands and milkers; restaurant and meto-bouse help; work of all kinds. Ca nadian Employment Co., 240 Burnsld and 22&H Morrison. Pbona Main 3074. WANTED PERSON TO CALL ON RETAIL trade for manufacturing house; local terri tory; salary $25, paid weekly; expense money advanced; previous experience un necessary. American House, Star bldg., Chicago. WANTED 10 MEN IN EACH STATE TO travel, tack signs and distribute samples and circulars of our goods; salary $75 por month, $3 per day for expenses. Kuhlman Co., Dept. D 10. Atlas Block, Chicago. WANTED BY ONE OF PORTLAND'S leading clothing merchants, from 10,000 to 20,000 circulars printed per week; also show cards and cloth sigiv. In exchange for merchandise. C 35. Oregpnlan. DRAMATIC. VAUDEVILLE, ACTING, STAGE dancing, sketches taught; terms reasonable: positions guaranteed. Newman' School of Acting, Raleigh bldg., 0th and Washington. WANTED CHORUS GIRLS, SINGERS, performers, pianists, etc., for Portland World's Fair; vaudeville circuit; musical acts, etc Newman's Vaudeville Circuit. Raleigh, 0th and" Washington, HELP WANTED MALE. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S ELECTION Insures an Increase In civil service appoint ments. Those intending to take the next examination should send to the Columbian Correspondence College, Washington. D. C, and secure its free civil service announce ment, containing dates, salaries, places for holding examinations and questions recent ly used by the Government. ANYONE .CAN START IN BUSINESS AT home, easily earning $50 weekly; no capi tal required; no canvassing; particulars for stamp. A. Davis & Co., 1523 Laguna St., San Francisco. WANTED A RELIABLE MAN IN EACH small country town to distribute circulars In bis own town at 35c per hundred or $3 per thousand. State Medical Institute, Seat tle. Wash. r 1 LEARN BARBER TRADE AT GILLETT. Teaches you Iree In shops; practical meth od: wages while learning: no fake barber college. 611 Commercial st.. San Francisco. YOUNG MEN EVERYWHERE. COPY LET ters. home evenings, $0.50 week. Send ad dressed envelope for particulars. Manager Dept. S 225, Box 1411, Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED A GOOD WORKING FOREMAN In manufacturing plant to Invest from $1000 to $3000, good security, good sal ary paid. E 33, Oregonlan. WE PAY $18 A WEEK. AND EXPENSES TO men with rigs to Introduce poultry com pound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 84, Parsons. Kan. WANTED MEN EVERYWHERE, GOOD pay. to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. WANTED AN ENERGETIC MAN FROM 25 to 35 years old. fair education, some business experience and knowledge of range riding. N 41, care Oregonlan. DETECTIVES EVERYWHERE. STEADY work guaranteed, experience unnecessary. Adj. Dept. American Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. WANTED TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR Oregon, capable roan to sell staple line to .country merchants. Rcdfleld, Houser bldg., St. Louis, Mo. $25 PER WEEK AND TRAVELING Ex penses paid salesmen to sell goods to gro cery dealers; experience unnecessary. Purity Co., Chicago. CIRCULAR AND SAMPLE DISTRIBUTERS wanted everywhere; permanent position; good pay. American union, Pontlac Bldg., Chlcago.- WANTED AN EXPERIENCED HARDWARE man to travel for established house. Intro ducing hand-saw line. Address A 34, Ore gonlan. WANTED BOTS TO DELIVER TELEPHONE Directories. Call at back door. West Park and Alder sts.. Monday morning at 8 o'clock. WANTED HUSTLERS TO TACK SIGNS, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. WANTED GOOD TRAVELING SALESMAN for wholesale house: headquarters Portland; glvo references. L 41, care Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SUBSCRIPTION solicitor far Al proposition. Apply Monday, 0 A. M 61G Chamber of Commerce. WE PAID ONE SALESMAN $489 COMMIS slons In one week. Pocket sample. D. T. Wctr White Lead Co., St. Louis. Mo. DETECTIVES EVER"! LOCALITY; GOOD salary, experience unnecessary. Inter-State Detective Agency. Milwaukee, Wis. WANTED BOY WITH BICYCLE; STEADY position to right boy. K. S. Ecvin & Co., Ltd.. 3d and Alder sts., cjty. CIGAR SALESMAN WANTED EXPERI enco unnecessary; good pay; Emanuel Co., Station "J." New York City. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE NEWLY opened; special Inducements to young men to learn trade. 267 Flanders. WANTED BOY TO FEED PLATEN PRESS, one with experience preferred. The James Printing Co., 22 Front st. EXPERT STENOGRAPHER WILL GIVE lessons In shorthand In exchange for French. P. O. Box 228. WANTED FIVE SOLICITORS. SALARY OR commlfsion $4 to $10 per day. 23 Labbe bldg., Portland. WANTED COMMERCIAL TRAVELER TO handle side line; state trip. L 34, Oregonlan Men wanted to learn barber trade. Barber College. 741 Howard st. San Francisco. FOUR GOOD SOLICITORS AT ONCE, good wages. Call 232 Stark st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SLAUGHTER- house butcher. Call Mam 805. YOUNG MAN FOR DELIVERY AND STORE work. 331 Washington st. DR. WALKER. 181 1ST.. CURES ALL Pri vate diseases of men. WANTED FIRST-CLASS BLACKSMITH helper. .JIS4 Front. HELP WANTED FEMALE. . LADIES TO DO PIECEWORK AT THEIR homes. Wo furnish all materials and pay Xrom $7 to $12 weekly; send stamped en velope to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroo st.. Chicago. WANTED 20 CHORUS GIRLS. SINGERS, performers, musicians, today; big salary; vau deville circuit; musical acts, etc Newman's Vaudeville Circuit, Raleigh. Oth and Wash ington. DRAMATIC. VAUDEVILLE, ACTING, STAGE dancing, sKctcncs taugnt; terms reasonanie; positions guaranteed. Newman's School of Acting. Raleigh bldg., Cth and Washington. LADIES $30 THOUSAND COPYING LET ters, no mailing to friends or furnishing addresses, stamped envelope particulars. U. S. Advertising Co.. Dept. 265, Chicago. LADIES HAVING FANCY WORK TO SELL, embroideries, Battenberg, drawnwork; also to do order work, stamped envelope. La dles' Exchange, 34 Monroe, Chicago. EXPERIENCED FORELAD1 FOR OUR factory manufacturing overalls and shirts. Apply, with references, to Clendenlng. Angllm i Co.. Seattle. Wash. A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; must be good cook; good wages to right party. Apply 228 Union ave., N near Holiday ave. LADIES EARN $20 PER HUNDRED writing short letters; send stamped en velope for particulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Cas sopolls. Mich. WANTED A YOUNG WOMAN STENOGRA pber for wholesale house; roust have had at least five years' practical work. M 42, Ore gonlan. 2 WAITRESSES. CHAMBERWORK. COM blned $15; others call. Cooks, domestics, canvassers; city; out. Drake's, 205H Wash ington. GIRL ATTENDING SCHOOL CAN HAVE good home In exchange for .assisting in care of 3-year-old child. 145 E. 12th., near Mor rison. I WANTED GIRLS TO LEARN MILLINERY whole course iaught In 1 month, $10. Ap ply at Hotel Brown, room 220. Tel. East 862. i WOMAN OF ABILITY. GOOD TALKER, TO manage branch of Portland business house town 5000; bond required. X 25. Oregonlan. k WANTED A GOOD GIRL OR ELDERLY lady for a good place out of town. Room 33, The Russell bldg., Monday. 165 4th st. WANTED A YOUNG WOMAN BILLING clerk and stenographer; Remington machine; must be experienced. N 42, Oregonlan. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages; references required. Ap ply Monday, 367 16th, near Montgomery. WANTED MILLINERY APPRENTICES and women to run sewing machines. Ap ply to Lowengart & Co., 92 Front st. LADY TO COOK IN RESTAURANT; NO short orders; family style cooking; good wages. 00 N. 3d., cor. Flanders. THE MEIEIr & FRANK STORE REQUIRES the services of good, bright, young ladles. 16 years of age. Apply, at one-. WOMAN OF ABILITY TO TRAVEL; MUST be unencumbered, of good address and will ing to work. J 41, Oregonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED OFFICE GIRL, capable of taking charge of a set of books. Address Y 32, Oregonlan. WANTED TWO LADIES, PLEASANT work, salary guaranteed; experience un necessary. 411 Morrison.' is WANTED HOUSEKEEPER TO GO TO Grants Pass at once: small family; salary $25. M 32, Oregonlan. WANTED IMMEDIATELY AT MME. Mc Clure's. two first-class walstfinlshers. Call Monday before 9. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; small family. Apply 570 E. Madison st., near 13th st. , HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADIES WANTED EVERYWHERE COPY- ing letters at home evenings or spars time and return to us; no mailing or canvassing. $0 weekly earned, materials free. Inclose self-addressed envelope for particulars. Guarantee Co., No. S 225, Oth at., Phila delphia. Pa. WANTED LADIES TO LEARN DERMA- tology, face and scalp massage, balrdress ing and manicuring, electrolysis, good po sition guaranteed when competent; partial or complete course given. 411 Morrison. LADIES, $7 TO $10 WEEKLY EARNED doing plain sewing at home. Material sent free everywhere prepaid; stamped address ed envelope brings particulars. Union Co., 1215 Filbert st.. Philadelphia. Pa. WOMEN TO SEW AT HOME. $9 PER week; materials sent everywhere free, steady work, plain sewing only. Send ad dressed envelope for full particulars. S. J. W-, Du Pont, Philadelphia, Pa. DOMESTIC HELP OF ALL KINDS CHAM bermaids. cooks. -traltresaesL nun a girls, second girls, housekeepers, housework. Sli to $30. Canadian Parlors. 226ft MorrUca. Phone Main 1823. LADIES EARN $10 WEEKLY COPYING letters at home; address stamped envelope for particulars. National Distributing Co., Albion. Mich. GIRL WANTED TO DO LIGHT HOUSE work, evenings and Sundays. 420 6th at. Phone Main 4233. EXPERT STENOGRAPHER WILL GIVE lessons in shorthand in exchange for French. P. O. Box 228. "WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, small family. 6S6 Tillamook. Phone Scott 6143. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. AP ply 451 10th. Call forenoons. WANTED A GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE work; 3 In family. 48S Clay st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. AP ply 693 Hancock St., Irvlngton. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Call at 292 Burnslde. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER, SMALL FAM ily. Phone East 133S. WANTED A TEACHER OF SPANISH. Y 34, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerks. YOUNG MAN DESIRES CLERICAL Posi tion; expert stenographer; accurate at fig ures; references furnished; experienced and competent. Q 31. Oregonlan. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED BOOK kecper and stenographer desires position as bookkeeper; . young man with, satisfactory record. 14 E. 7th st. BY YOUNO MAN. POSITION IN OFFICE OR clothing store; 7 years' experience bookkeep ing aud shipping clerk; good references.- R 29, Oregonlan. SOBER AND RELIABLE YOUNG MAN DE clres position as assistant bookkeeper or some kind of office work. K 43. Oregonlan. SITUATION AS CITY SALESMAN; Ac quainted with butcher and grocer trade; own rig; best reference. G 42, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN". WITH 7 YEARS' EXPERI ence in grocery business, wishes employ ment. Address X 33. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION IN BUSINESS OFFICE as collector and general otflce work; refer ences given. O 33, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEP- er. desires position; owns typewriter; good references. L 43. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WITn EXPERIENCE IN RE tall grocery business wants position on road. H 42. Oregonlan. POSITION WANTED BY A FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and general office man. P 33, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN DESIRES POSITION AS traveling salesman. Al references. M 43, oregonlan. POSITION WANTED EXPERIENCED IN grocery, good reference. It. C. Nelson, 103 East 12th. WANTED OFFICE WORK BY EXPERI enced bookkeeper; best references. R 42, Oregonlan. SITUATION - WANTED BY A REGIS tered pharmacist. K 31, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN. CARPEN ter, stranger In city, work of any kind; no oojection to going out or town; reliable, references. B 34, Oregonlan. POSITION ON ROAD FOR MAN AND wife, lady as demonstrator, gentleman as salesman or advertiser; experienced; refer ences. C 41, Oregonlan. TELEPHONE DRAKE FOR HELP; TEN waitresses, chambermaids, cooks, dishwash ers. 100 housework girls, housekeepers. 205 H Washington. YOUNO JAPANESE WANTS A POSITION as housework, porter, chamberwork, cook or dishwasher; city or country. A 33, Ore gonlan. WANTEDBY YOUNG MAN. 19. PLACE TO work as apprentice In bakery; references furnished. L. L. Parmenter, Hood River. Or. COOKS. EXPERIENCED, MARRIED COU ple. ages 24 and 21. would like position In , a mining or logging camp. T 41, Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION OF general housework, dishwashing: day work. Japanese Mission. Phone Clay 854. JAPANESE LABOR ASS'N CAN FURNISH domestic servants; farmer and all kinds of help. Black 992. 263 Everett st. YOUNG MAN. SPEAKING ENGLISH. GER man and French, wishes employment- Ad dress H 1, 235 Front st. WANTED WORK OF ANY KIND BY 3 young Japanese boy?. Address 43 N. 4th st, city. Phone Clay 872. YOUNG JAPANESE BOY WISHES Posi tion as a schoolboy. Address 244 Couch st. Telephone Black 152. P JAPANESE BOY WISHES TO WORK IN small private family and attend school. B 34. Oregonlan. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION dishwashing or general housework. Q 42, Oregonlan. YOUNG JAPANESE WANTS POSITION housework by the day or hours. Nlshl, 121 15th st. SITUATION BY A COLORED CHAMBER maid. 82 N. 9th St.. Portland. Or. Main 4356. Al BILLIARD AND POOL MAN. WITH REF erences, 12 years' experience. D 30, Orego nlan. ' BAKER GERMAN: ALL-AROUND: WANTS position; elty or country. N 32, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS man as head cook. J 35, Oregonlan. YOUNG JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION, general housework. P. O. Box 545. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER DESIRES position, duties light; good references. L 33, Oregonlan. Housekeepers. REFINED MIDDLE-AGED WIDOW DESIRES position as housekeeper for gentleman. Ad dress 414 10th st. Phone Main 3941. MIDDLE-AGED LADY WOULD LIKE Po sition as working housekeeper In respectable roomlng-houw. B 35, Oregonlan. A LADY WANTS POSITION AS HOUSE keeper for gentleman with or without chil dren. O 43, Oregonlan. WANTED BY YOUNG WOMAN, Posi tion as housekeeper, close in. F 43. Ore gonlan. POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER IN WIDOW er"s family. Phone Union 3207. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING PARLORS. ROOM 217. AUsky bids. Tailor-made suits and wraps of ll kinds. Jackets relined. Skirts bound and pressed for $1. Prices reasonable. DRESSMAKER WHO HAS HAD CHARGE of shop for 10 years wishes sewing by the day: satisfaction guaranteed. G 34. Ore gonlan. ' DRESSMAKER. RECENTLY FROM THE East, can take a few more engagements by the day; city references. Phone Eait 1183. LITTLE GIRLS' BUSTER BROWN DRESSES fancy corset covers, shirtwaists; reasonable price. 270 Market St.. bet. 3d and 4th. MRS. VAUGHAN. A COMPETENT DRESS maker. wants day sewing, . price $2.00. Phone Main 0025. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING DONE AT YOUR OWN home, $1.23 per day; best ot worK. I'none West 1393. SITUATION WANTED AS SEAMSTRESS and child's nurse; good reierences. vj o. Oregonlan. Domestics. GIRL OF 14 WILLING TO DO LIGHT housework can secure good home and small wages. 84 N. 16th st. WANTEDGOOD PLAIN COOK WANTS place to do housework; good wages. Phone East 1459. GOOD COOK WANTS POSITION IN boarding-house, best of references. Y 35, Oregonlan. RELIABLE JAPANESE GIRL WANTS Posi tion as nouseworx and cook, city. 1 33, Oregonlan. JAPANESE GIRL WANTS LIGHT WORK for board and room; wages no object. P. O. Box 543. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WANTS CHAM berwork In good boardlng-hous. H 34, Ore. gonlan. WOMAN WISHES HOUSEWORK BY THE day. Telephono Scott 2858. WOMAN WANTS TO DO HOUSEWORK BY the day. Phone East 23S5. Nurses. PROFESSIONAL NURSE WOULD LIKE A few more caees: maternity a specialty. Phone 1591 West. POSITION AS NURSE OR COMPANION TO an Invalid lady; can give references. N 43. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. GOOD HOME COOK WANTS POSITION, country or city; good seamstress: agree able and useful; no washing: wages $25. Address until Dec. 2S. Mrs. Mar Barfleld. Lents, Or. WAITRESS WITH YEARS' EXPERIENCE, good references, wishes position In first class restaurant. Phono West 201. or call at 69 ft Gth st.. room 12. REFINED. INTELLIGENT YOUNG LADY desires position as companion to elderly couple or Invalid; no objection to traveling. M 35, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS WORK by day, laundry work, cleaning or waiting with parties. Address G. Tellcpen. S03 Nel son st.. city. TELEPHONE DRAKE FOR HELP: TEN waitresses, chambermaids, cooks, dluhwash ers. 100 housework girls, housekeepers. 205ft Washington. AVANTED CARE OF SMALL CHILD; GOOD home; or work In office or wholesale store, by Swedish lady: best of references. Phone Scott 2904. EXPERIENCED LADY WISHES POSITION taking charge of rooming-house; references. Phone West 291. or call at 69ft 6th St., room 12. RELIABLE LADY WOULD LIKE TO TAKE care ot child In her home for small wages. Address D 45. pare Oregonlan. LADY WITH NICE SUBURBAN HOME, close to pchool. will take children, any age, to care for. V 33. Orexonlan. AN EXPERIENCED LADY WOULD LIKE management of rf oming-house or position as housekeeper. Y -14, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS COMPOSITOR: experienced; references exchanged. O 41, Oregonlan. YOUNO LADY WISHES TO WORK MORN ings and evenings for small .wages. Phone Main G395. YOUNG LADY. AGE 21, WOULD LIKE Po sition In candy store In city. S 41. Ore gonian. LACE CURTAINS NEATLY I)ONE UP. AT florae; nrsi-ciasn worK. 1'none union i FRENCH LADY WANTS TO DO WASHING and housecleanlng. Phone Clay 945. BY A WOMAN WORK BY THE HOUR; children cared for. Phone Clay 945. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED AND fancy Ironing. Phone Main 3740. HOUSECLEANINO DONE AND WASHING by day or hour. Phone East 2977. RESPECTABLE WOMAN WANTS DAY work of any kind. O 35. Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS $30 A WEEK GUARANTEED. Automatic washers sell themselves. Agent writes: "Exhibited sample to 10 women; took 10 orders." Time 45 minutes; profit over $50. Guaranteed to do a washing In 30 minutes; furnishes Its own power; re quires no labor: costs less than any other machine; free samples and exclusive terri tory furnished. Automatic Washer Co.. Station U. Chicago. $8000 YEARLY POSITIVELY MADE IN troduclng and appointing sub-agents for our Just patented fire extinguishers. S. Wills, Clntl.. made $890 one week; experi ence unnecessary. We give agents exclu sive territory, co-operate with them in every way, extend credit and offer grand opportunity to securo a fortune. Eagle Tool Co.. 156 Cincinnati. O. MEN AND WOMEN. HUSTLERS. WILLING to earn $2000 to $5000 a year, whether em ployed at present or not. Investigate this opportunity of your life; no capital re quired. Write today for particulars. The Fred Parker Co.. P. O. Box 13, Spokane, Wash. CASH IN ADVANCE EACH WEEK TO OUR salesmen; choice territory now open; write quickly for particulars; send references with first letter, and state where you want to work; outfit free. Address Washington Nursery Co., Toppenlsh, Wash. $3 PER SALE ON VITALOGY WE WANT 10 salesmen on beat book proposition ever offered; new plan for easy Introduction; city or country. Write Henry Bateman, city manager. Portland Vltalogy Association. AGENTS AND STREET MEN I AM wholesaling for cash all kinds of novelties and Jewelry. Office open all Sunday and 6:30 evenings, except Saturdays. Room 24. 2Q4ft 4 th st. Sam Ruby. LADY AGENTS MAKING LESS THAN $25 weekly should write for catalogue and terms; we start you In business and make you In dependent; outfit prepaid. Women's Ap- 1 parel Supply Co., Chicago. MOREY'S GAS. 1903 MANTLE. AIR-LIGHT. Sample expressed 65c (Natural gas 80c). Retail 41.25 and $1.50. Satisfaction or money refunded. Literature free. Morey, Inventor. Lagrange, I1L AGENTS MAKE $3 TO $10 A DAY FIT tlng glasses; big profits; our 24-page free eye book tells how; write today. Jackson Inn Optical College. College Place. Jack eon, Mich. ADVERTISING SOLICITOR. EXPERIENCED, reliable, aggressive: special edition; estab lished Coast publication; extraordinary change to make big money. Address J 33, Oregonlan. AGENT STATE OF OREGON OFFICIAL history St. Louis World's Fair; only high class men of good address need answer for personal Interview. Address H 33. Orego nlan. WHEN YOU HANDLE GUARANTEED IN vestments you make sales. That means $300 to $900 dollars monthly. High-class solicitors only. P. O. Box 1053, Portland. MY WIFE WORKED A LITTLE MAIL-OR-der scheme that cleared $10 per week. Copy of ad and full working plan 10c Harry Hill, 120 Sutter st.. San Francisco, Cat. GENERAL AGENTS, $20 TO $30 WEEKLY, every business man buys new vest pocket Invention, $3. Big holiday business. Stand ard Co., 1181) Spltxer, Toledo, O. AGENTS $3 DAILY SELLING "BEST" skirt supporter and waist holder; no sew ing or hooks. Model free. The Rockwood Co.. 144. Toledo. Ohio. AGENTS READ IN DARK NAMEPLATES. signs, numbers. 200 per cent profit. Sam ples free. Wright Supply Co., Englewood, 111. WANTED ENERGETIC PERSONS (MEN or women) to solicit orders: salary or com mission. Box 305, Portland. WANTED AGENTS, SALARY OR COM mlsslon. $3 to $7 per day. 23 Labbe bldg., Portland. FIRST-CLASS AGENTS WANTED AT once; line proposition. A 43. Oregonlan. AVANTED TO RENT. WANTED BY RESPONSIBLE PARTY, small family, gentleman, wife and son. mod ern 7 or S-room house, spacious yard; rent $35 to $40; must be best location. Address P 28. care Oregonlan. 15 TO 40 ROOMS WANTED BY CUSTOM er with money and good furniture In stor age See Gem Book Co., 228 1st st WANTED TO KENT. WANTED Rooms In all parts of the city. Apply 220 Goodnough bulldlnf. Exposition Accommodation Bureau, Under direction of Lewis and Clark Fair Corporation. Phone Main 6286. IVE HAVE MANY CUSTOMERS WHO WANT bonses. If you have a house to rent, sea us or send description. We make no cbarg far renting. H. E. Edwards. 187 1st st. WANTED HOME FOR QUIET. REFINED little girl of 12. Park School district, where she can have use of piano; will pay rea sonable board. Phone Main 603S. WANTED TO RENT FOR THE WINTER, furnished flat or dwelling, centrally locatea; no children; good references furnished. Ad dress M. W Oregonlan. 7-S-ROOM HOUSE IN SUBURBS, WITH 2 or more lots, not too far from car service, pay rent 6 months In advance. 245ft Wash ington, room 1. AVANTED LARGE, COMFORTABLE ROOM. with board, breakfast and dinner; private family preferred. F 42. Oregonlan. WANTED BY RESPONSIBLE PARTY. GEN- tleman and wife, 7-room house, best location, rent $35 month. P 43, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT PART OF STORE BY responsible pary engaged In Jewelry business. Address H 19, care Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED HOUSE. near Portland Hotel. Address A. 1, room 20S, Scott Hotel. LADY WISHES TO RENT PART OF COT- tage to elderly lady. 426 Beech st. Take Unlon-ave. car. WANTED PERMANENT ROOM AND board by lady employed during the day. C 42. Oregonlan. WANTED 3 OR 4 UNFURNISHED HOUSE- Keepinp rooms January 1; state price, uo, Oregonlan. WANT GOOD ROOM AND BOARD IN Ex change for high-grade piano. 3 43, Ore gonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED BY ONE OF PORTLAND'S leading clothing met chants, from 10,000 to. 20.000 circulars printed per week; also show cards and. cloth signs. In exchange for merchandise.' C 33. Oregonlan. XMAS" PRESENTS CLOSING OUT SALE of all books and stationery. Fine $2.50 illustrated 600-page books for 50c Book for old and young. Come see. The Gem Book Co.. 228 1st st. E. A. CLEM & CO.. 251 ALDER ST.. PORT land. Or. Mining securities bought and sold; stocks In producing properties a upeclalty; reliable corporations represented. AVANTED PARTNER IN OLD ESTAB llshed butcher business; capital required $500 to $700; this is Al for the right part no trlflers. T 35, Oregonlan. SMALL HOUSEHOLD SAFE. FIREPROOF and In good condition; must be reasonable! D 42. Oregonlan. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at ths "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phon Hood 51J. WANTED HORSES TO BOARD; STABLE near Grand av. and E. Stark; best of care at reasonable prices. Phone Black 3332. PARTIES DESIRING TO HAVE THEIR children boarded, nice home, terms reason able; references. 395 Salmon st. CASCARA TIMBER. IN BODIES NOT less than 5 tons; $15 to $20 per ton. Asa Gubser, Winlock. Wash. WANTED1 TO BUY SECOND-HAND BIL llard and pool tables; state price and loca tion. M 34, Oregonlan. AVANTED TO RENT MILK COAVS. AD dress J. Russell, 234 Dupont st. Phone East 2017. TAILORING WANTED WOULD Ex change fine upright piano. H 43. Ore gonlan. WANTED $2500 FOR 5 YEARS AT 7 PER cent; good farm security. 302 Commercial bldg. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 00c at HOOLA baugh's. 267ft Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. SPOT CASH FOR DESK AND OFFICE FUR nlture; must be cheap. L 42, Oregonlan. WANTED SECOND-HAND CASH REGIS ter; must be cheap. V 43, Oregonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tls of all kinds. Phone East 2233. WE PAY $30.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES. H. E. Edwards. 185-191 1st st. ROOMING-HOUSE. 15 TO 18 ROOMS; MUST have lease. Phone Hood 455. FOB RENT. Rooms. LARGE FURNISHED FRONT ALCOA"E room, suitable for two or three gentlemen. 141 13th St.. cor. Alder. FRONT ROOM. WITH ALCOVE; ALSO SIN gle room, nicely furnished, all conveniences, central. 528 Taylor' st. LARGE FRONT ALCOVE ROOM. ALSO single room, private family, central, rea sonable. 211 11th st. VERY DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED front alcove room. 189 14th. bet. Yamhill and Taylor; reference. NICELY FURNISHED. COMFORTABLE front room .good neighborhood, private family. 289 Grant st. THE ELM. 121 13TH. COR. AA'ASHINGTON Newly furnished rooms, single or en suite; modern conveniences. FINE ROOMS. PART FURNISHED OR UN furnlshed. nice location, Mt. Tabor. R. C. Barter. Scott 3754. 420 JEFFERSON-PLEASANT ROOM, FIRST floor. $12: room third floor, $5; modern plenty hot water. THE MARQUAM HOUSE. 140ft oTH ST. Rooms, single, en suite and housekeeping. Phone Clay 1653. NEWLY FURNISHED SINGLE ROOMS, $8 and $10. 20 minutes' walk; bath, gas, phone East 2073. 348 MAIN ST. ELEGANT ROOMS; EVERY convenience and comfort; very central prices reasonable. 248 SIXTH ST.. FOUR BLOCKS SOUTH Hotel Portland, sunny furnished room with private family. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR gentleman; bath, gas. 432 Jefferson, bet. 11th and 12th. NICELY FURNISHED ALCOA'E ROOM, suitable for two or three persons. 160 Parki near Morrison. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, suitable for 2; also roan and wife. 14 11th, cor. Burnslde. NEWLY FURNISHED SINGLE ROOM WITH batb. reasonable. 2S8 Jefferson St., opposite City Hall. FOR RENT ONE DESIRABLE FURNISHED room to two gentlemen: breakfast furnished. 327 Mill st. NICE LARGE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR 1 or 2 gentlemen: rent $7. 440 5th st., near College. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board. In private family. 42 N. 21st., near Washington. BAY-WINDOW ROOM. WELL FURNISHED, convenient to city. 2ft Grand ave. S.. cor. E. Ankeny. TWO WELL FURNISHED ROOMS, MOD crn conveniences. 407 Stark St.. bet. 10th and 11th. NICE FRONT ROOM, $15; ALSO SMALL hall room, $7; bath, phone, furnace heat. 251 10th. 5 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Newly papered. 389 N. 16th, ft block from car line. 16S 12TH FINELY FURNISHED FRONT room with bay window, alcove, hot and cold water. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, with bay windows; rents reasonable. 225 5th st. 79 PARK ST. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for 'one or two gentlemen; bath, phone. A LARGE. ELEGANT FURNISHED FRONT room: also single room. $0 for rent. 231 5th st. 168 11TH ST. LIGHT. PLEASANT ROOMS for $8 and $10; very central; furnace, electric light. 755 1RVTNG. COR. 23D ST. FURNISHED rooms, from $6 to $10; heat, gas, porcelain bath. 309ft MADISON. BET. 5TH AND 6TH FINE, ly furnished rooms, heat, bath and gas; $1.50 up. t