2S THE SUNDAY ORE G OKI AN, , PORTLAND, DECEMBER IS, 1904. PROJECT IN FAVOR Experts Think Rational Irriga tion Works Desirable. WOULD RECLAIM VAST TRACT Henry E. Ankeny, of Eugene, Says the Klamath Region Contains the Very Best Area for Such a Beneficial Institution. That the Klamath region contains the ory best area in America for National irrigation works is the opinion of F. H. Jewell, chief of the reclamation bureau, and of other experts In the Interior De partment. Such is the report brought rom Klamath County by Henry E. An keny, of Eugene, who attended the con ferences of Major Isewoll and citizens rcnd land owners in the irrigable area ttiiree weeks ago. The land-owners -whose lands would be reclaimed under the proposed Govern ment project are unanimously In favor of tve Government's entering the field, says Mr. Ankony, and no serious obstacles etand in the way. If the Government's estimate of the cost per acre of'reclalm ing tho lRnd shall be approved by the land-owners, the reclamation bureau will proceed to carry out the project and will chargo the cost as a lien against the land. Such cost is to be paid back to the reclamation - fund in ten annual in Ftallments. the first one year after com 7tltlon of the project. Thenceforward the water and land rights are to be in separable and the irrigation works are to be conducted by Jand-owners, who, that purpose, have already formed a Tvater-usors association. Mr. Ankeny ppys that perhaps 75 per cent of. the irri gable lajid is in private ownership. Tho next step toward consummation of the project will be made by the reclama tion bureau, in submitting to the land owners an estimate of the cost. Major 2Cr-well announced that tho work could be cheaply done and that it would cer tainly not amount to more than 515 an a ie. and in all probability considerably less Mr. Ankeny says the land-owners -cre highly satisfied with that announce ment. Government engineers have been Cohering data since last Summer, and tv estimate will soon be forthcoming. Thereupon the Government will lay its rrop"slUon before the land-owners, and if they shall be willing to pay the cost, the Government will proceed with tho project. The money." said Mr. Ankony, "will come out of the reclamation fund and will be, in effect, a loan to the land owners, which they will pay back to the Government 11 years after completion of the project. This use of the reclamation ?und will cost them nothing, not even interest. Thus the Government will re claim the land more cheaply for them than any group or company could do it for themselves." According to the testimony of Mr. An kony, only three obstacles could hamper the project, and neither of them really exist first, apathy of land-owners, who, howevnr. have shown themselves intense ly eager; second, private irrigation com panies already in the field, two of which, however, arc willing to get out of the way and the third of which can be ousted by condemnation; and third, impairment of navigation by withdrawal of water irom Tule and Little Klamath lakes for draining land now submerged and for iTigating land now arid. But the last impediment, says Mr. Ankeny, will not bf encountered by a National project, Huse the general Government has ju risdiction over navigable waters. To a private company this would amount to a rrally serious difficulty because of inter state complications. The irrigable area lies in the basin of Klamath lakes and contains between 25.000 and 340,003 acres of land in Klamath Ounty. Oregon, and Modoc and Siskiyou Counties. California. Its rail connec tions will be with the Pokogama road, which runs up Klamath River from tho Southern Pacific. The waters of Lost Hiver which flow into Tule Lake will be stored in large lake reservoirs at the head of that stream in what are called lPRr and Horsefly Lakes. Surrounding Tule and Little Klamath Lakes a large" amount of submerged and swamp land will be drained and rendered tillable. Among the persons who have large swamp-land holdings and would be bene nted, are E. P. McCormlck, of Salem; State Treasurer Charles S. Moore, of Kiamath Falls, and Jerry Martin, of San Francisco, and there are smaller holdings in the hands of many other persons. Around Tule Lake the largest owiiers are the Jesse B. Carr Company. The private irrigation companies now in the field are three' in number. One of them, the Klamath Lake Irrigation com pany, of which Mr. Ankeny is president, would reclaim about 30,000 acres. Frank Adams is head of anotlier company. Both are willing to give way to the Govern ment, and are content with the Govern ment's offer of indemnity. But the Klamath Canal -Company, a California enterprise, has a big project of its own In view, and is reluctant to pull but. Mr. Ankony says that the reclamation bureau has been considerate of his Company's rights, as it is of all vested zights, and that he and his associates are satisfied. "If the work should be left to private enterprise," he remarked, "more than half of the land, which tho Government plans to reclaim, would stay useless for ever. Tho Klamath Canal Company could reclaim probably not more than 100,000 acres, whereas the Government proposes to make productive more than ' three times as much, at bare cost, and without charging interest against the land. Fur thermore, after the works are finished, the land-owners have control of the wa ter supply. This would not be the case if they had to buy their water from a private company. PEDEDEATI0N BOARD MEETS. Hears Report From Oregon Educa tional Display at St. Louis. At a meeting of tho Board of Federation of Women's Clubs, held at the home of "Mrs. I. Samuels, this week, Mrs. Rose H. Hoyt, presiding, an important report was received from Mrs. L. Blumauer, who ex amined the educational exhibit i at St. Louis. Mrs. Blumauer was requested to examine the Oregon display. She reported that, while the exhibit was representative and creditable, it was not prepared nor handled to the best advantage, and suf fered In comparison with the displays from California and pome other states. The Oregon exhibit, she said, was in large volumes and folios, and in such shape that it could not be examined by visitors. In this connection the board, by vote. decided to ask that the Federation be granted a representative on the committee on educational -exhibit for the Lewis and Clark Fair, and Mrs. Rose H. Hoyt was authorized to present the request to the Commissioners. Mrs. L. Altman brought up the question of getting tho public schools to open the assembly halls for lectures and educa tional entertainments, and spoke in favor of vigorous action in this direction. There was seme doubt as to the best course to take to bring about this result whether to present the matter to the annual meet ing of the taxpayers, or set -it before the Legislature. Rerefcnce was made to the sublic utterances of Jacob Rlis in his lec- tures favorable to the use bf the public Echools for educational proposes in the way of lectures and entertainments. The club emphasized the position Mr. Klis takes that the public schools belong to the children, and that one boys' club was bet ter than a dozen policemen's clubs. It was the sentiment of the board that there should be no cessation of effort un til the assembly halls of the public schools should be opened and used for educational purposes in the several communities. In addition to this business, the president held consultation with chairmen of several committees. SHE SOOTHES THE PAIN. Mrs. Woodcock Pays Visit to Police Matron Simmons. No longer does Police Matron Simmons feel the sting of recent accusations, placed against her by Ruth Osborne, and discred ited by all but a few. Yesterday after noon Mrs. M. L. "Woodcock, who conquered Chairman Baker, crossed the Continent and helped elect "Rosenfelt," and who has become generally famous by her campaign in behalf of the President, called at the City Jail and condoled with tho matron. So it' all right now. "The good matron, she says to me, you know, that this thing is all gossip, you see, she says, and there's nothing to it, she says. Now, then, when I came down here," Mrs. Woodcock commented, "I felted poorty sorrow for my old. friend,' the matron, you see. But, after talklri' with her, you know, I gotted over feelln' bad, you see, for the good matron she says she never paid a bit of attention to the stuff that old woman said about her. Well, I told her how, you see, that I was her friend. You see. she knew I helped elect Rqsenfclt, so when I told her that when people knew I was her friend they would not believe her guilty of hlttin any one, she seemed glad, you see." After arranging things nicely and tolling Matron Simmons never to fall to call on her in time of trouble. Mrs. Woodcock was taken to the ground floor in the ele vator and went on her way rejoicing. FABHERS' INSTITUTE. Will Be Held at Estacada Next Thurs day by the Grangers. Farmers of Clackamas and Multnomah Counties will attend an institute at Esta cada, next Thursday, December 22, hold under the auspices of the Oregon Agricul tural College. A hall has been rented by the Grangers for this meeting, and a large attendance Is expected. Professors from the Agricultural College will be present to make addresses on sub jects pertaining to farming, such as hor ticulture, dairying,, bacteriology, spraying and Btockfeoding. The institute will open at 10 A. M. and continue in the afternoon and evening-, closing with illustrated lec tures. DAILX METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Dec 17. ikilmum trawn. ture. 62 deg.; minimum, 48. River reading at 11 A. M.. 6.5 feet: chanire in nast 24 houn 0.5 foot. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 iL. 0.18 inch; total since September 1, 1004, 13.45 laches; normal. 15.74; deficiency, 2.29. Total sunshine December 10, 1004. 42 minutes: Dosslble. S hours and S mlnutra. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at 5 P. M., 30.30. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind. STATIONS. Baker City Bismarck Boise Eureka Helena Kamloop8, B. C. North Head Pocatello Portland Red Bluff ........ Roseburg ........ Sacramento ...... Salt Lake City.... San Francisco Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island ... "Walla Walla :88 T NW w Rain 14i0.00 20 Clear 138 0.O21 NW Cloudy 0.00 N SW Clear 4S T Cloudy 38! O.OOl 0 IClear 60 u.oi ciouay 138 T T G;E Cloudy 52 NW N N SB NW N SW S s Kain GO 0.00 Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy 54 0.00 40 0.00, 42 0.00 54 44 o.oo! 50 0.00 Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy r.ofn.oa! 610. OOj IS Light. T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Although the weather is cloudy and threat ening nearly everywhere In the North Pacific States, the rainfall during the last 12 hours has been light and scattering. The temperatures have risen slightly and are now above normal In all sections except East ern Oregon and Southwestern Idaho. The indications are for generally fair weatb- er in this district Sunday. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland at 8 P. M. for 2S hours ending at midnight, December IS: Portland and vicinity Partly cloudy, with possibly occasional light rain; westerly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Partly cloud, with possibly occasional light rain; westerly winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Generally fair. Southern Idaho Probably fair; cooler east portion. EDWARD A. BEALS, District Forecaster. AMUSEMENTS. ROSE EYTINGE Pupils prepared for stage, pulpit, platform or parlor. Either private lessons or class work. For time and terms, apply at 261 Thirteenth Street PHONE MAIN 1203. CLASSIFIED AD. KATES. "Booms," Booros and Board." "House keeping Rooms," "Situations Wanted," 15 words or lees, 15 cents; 16 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," SO cents for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc flrst Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half ; no further discount un der one month. IMPORTANT Tho low second-time rate on advertising that runs either in the classified columns, or under head "New Today." will be given only when advertising is Inserted on consecutive days. Dally and an day Issues. Advertising that is scheduled to appear at Intervals of one or more days apart will be charged for at full one-time rate each. In sertion. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, first Insertion: 10 cents per line for each additional insertion. , ANSWERS TO AD VERTISE JIENTS, ad dressed care The Orecenlan. and left at this office, should always be Inclosed In sealed en velopes. No stamp 'Is required on such letters. The Orcgonlan will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken through tho telephone. NEW TODAY. 9-ROOM MODERN HOME. JUST COM- pleted. for sale tor lees than cost of bouse, on account of owner leaving state. L. Thompson & Co., 228 3d. WANTED $900 ON FIRST-CLASS REAL estate security at Montavllla; no agents. Owner, coll 11 Ablngton bldg. 10 ACRES FOR LEASE ON CAR LINE. ALL in cultivation, good Improvements. L. E. Thompson Co., 228 3d. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. 41ST AND E. YamhllL $12. Apply Thompson Tieket Office, 12S 2d et WANTED CASCARA. GRAPE ROOT. Rosenberg Bros. & Co.. 20014 Washington. VIOLIN SCHOLARS WANTED. C59 NORTH rup st. MEETING NOTICES. HALL OF INDUSTRY LODGE. NO. S. A. O. L W. Members of this lodge are request ed to meet with Fidelity Lodge. No. 4, at Locus Hall. 91 Grand ave., this (Sunday) aft ernoon, at 1 o'clock, for the purpose of attend ing In -a body the funeral of Brother William H. Reader, chairman of the Grand Lodge Finance Committee, and Secretary of the Grand Lodge Extension Board. It Is hoped all members will attend. W. OTTO RUDY. Master Workman. Attest: JOHN W. PADDOCK, Recorder. FIDELITY LODGE. XQ. 4. A. O. U. W. Members are requested to meet at lodge room In Logus bldg.. on Sunday. Dec IS. at 1 P. M., sharp, from thence will proceed Jo the residence of our late brother. William H. Reeder. where the lodge will conduct the ritualistic funeral service of the order. Let all assist in saying a last tribute to a faithful member and officer. W. K. BENVIE. Master Workman, Attest: C. J. WHEELER, Recorder. HALL OF PORTLAND LODGE, NO. 27, A. "O. U. W. Members will meet at our lodgeroom Sunday. December IS, at 12 o'clock, to attend the funeral of our late brother, William H. Reader, from his late residence. E. Sth st.. near Mill. By order J.'H. TACKABERRY. Master Workman. Attest: T. H. FEAREY, Recorder. EUREKA COUNCIL. NO. 204. K. L. OF S.. will give tho second of .its series of prize, whist contests tomorrow evening In the Audi tortuni building. Admission. 10 cents. M. I JOHNSON. Cor. Sec. MACCABEES OF PORTLAND TENT NO. 1. r-'ineral of Sir Knight O. Matson will be held today at 2 P. II. from the church on Burn slda street between 10th and 11th, E. M. LANCE, R. K. FIDELITY LODGE NO. 14. D. OF H. Members are requested to attend the funeral services of our late brother. William H. Reader, at the family residence, 329 East Sth St.. on Sunday, Dec. 18. at 1:30 o'clock P. M. Attefrt: MARGARET REED. JULIA R. FLORY. Chief of Honor. Recorder. THE ARTISANS OF GOLDEN ROD AS eembly. No. 10S, of Sunnyslde. will give a 25c basket fecial at their hall, corner Thirty, fourth and Taylor. Games odd dancing. ' AH are Invited. ASTRA CIRCLE. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Members are requested to meet In Workman Hall. Thursday. Dee. 22, to vote on amend ment to Circle by-laws. COMMITTEE. MARRIED. HALSON-DUNCAN In Bakor City. Or.. De cember 12. 1004. MI?? Grace Duncan, of Portland, O.. and Matthew Halson. of Baker City. Or. DIED. RYAN At 235 12th St., December 17, 1904. Frank Ryan, aged 45 years. PAINTON December 16, 1004. at St Vin cent's Hospital. Eva. beloved wife of Charles Painton. Funeral notice later. Spokane pa pers ploace copy. FUNERAL NOTICES. READER Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral serv ices of the lato WlUlam H. Reader, which will bo held at the -family residence, 329 E. Sth et., at 1:30 P. M.. today. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. STILWELL At his late residence. In Mans field Addition. Dec 15. 1004. George H. Stll well. aged 66 years, 2 -month?. 17 days. Funeral will take place today, Dec IS. at 0 A. M., from F. S. Dunnlngs funeral chapel. 414 E. Alder St.. under the auspices of Sumner Post, G. A- R. Friends invited. MATSON In this city, Dec 10, at 2 P. M.. 387 Factory st.. Oscar Matron, aged 22 yearn. C months and 12 days; leaves father, mother and four sisters and two brothers Emma, Amanda Mrs. Bowman. Annie, Jal mar and Alexander. Funeral today (Sunday), at 2 P. M., from the Swedish Lutheran Church. MORRISS In this city on December '17. 1B04. Adeline Morrlss, aged 50 years, 1 month ana 24 daya, beloved wife of, Douglass A. Mor- ri3 ana mother of Mrs. Olive Ann MJlIer. Mrs Irey Cummlngs. Mrs. Lilly More grain, Mrs. Clara Bell Jack, Mrs. Minnie Ollne. Charles X.. William P.. Fred D.. Morrlss and Stella Morrlss. Funeral today (Sunday). December 18. 1904. at 12:30 P. M. from Holman'e chapel, 2 P.M. from Sylvan Schoolhouse. Relatives and friends respect fully Invited to attend. Interment, Sylvan Cemetery. DUNNING, McENTEE Js GILBAUGIL successors to Donning Campion, under taker and esabauners, modern In every de tail, 7th and line, l'buno Mala 30. Lady mnlttant. EDWARD HOLM AX CO, Undertakers and ecnbalmers, have moved to their new buiM lag. Third and Salmon. Lady "'-Bnr. Telephone No. 207. J. P. 37XNIXY & SON, Funeral Director-, cor. 8d and Madison. Office of County Cor ner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. a. . F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 4U East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone Ham 82, NEW TODAY. A. J. FARMER. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL grocer iou can save 20 per cent by dealing with us. Noto some of our prices: Choice creamery butter, per roll, 63o; extra choice creamery, per roll. C3c: 1 oackaee Seotcn Oats, 10c; potatoes, per -sack, $1; U,-bor cracsers, ouc; a pounas gooa rice, :c; l pound Schilling baking powder, 13c; 1 pound Jloyal baking powder, 40c; 1 pound Arm and Hammer soda. 5c: 1 bar NaDtha soao. 5c: 12 bars Royal Savon, 25c; 10 bars DlamonC C, 25c; 10 pounds sago or tapioca, 35c; 1 pound English breakfast tea, 15c; iu pounds granulated ougar, best, $1; best hams, per pound, 13c; 2 cans Primrose cream. 15c; 1 sack good hard-wheat flour, $1; 5-pound pall Desi iara, ouc; JU-pound pall best lard. 51: 2 bottles Solder's catsup, 35c; 1 gallon good syrup. 40c: new crop walnuts. Dound. 15e: 5 pounds fancy Italian prunes, 25c; 4 pounds large Silver prunes, 25c; lemon and orange peel, pound, 16c Wo deliver on the East Side Tuesday and Fridays. Remember tne numDer. -zai aa st., cor. Jefferson. Phone iiain 4US. FOR SALE 22 XEW HOUSES, 5 TO 8 rooms. In all parts of the city, smal cash payment down, balance monthly, little more than rent. 7 1-3 acres on car line. Ideal place for cmcKen rancn; nouse, nam, all fenced and running water. O. M. SMITH, 730 Chamber of Commerce. The Shaw-Fear Company 243 STARK STREET 1. specially prepared to offer substantial bargains from their large list of farms and city properties. Intending purchasers and Investors should lnvetlmLt t)n- nfrVi-ln-u before purchasing. Whether a Mock ranch, a Kram ana ircui larm, a nop larm, a well pay In ir business Dronertv. a cltv hnnv n building site, a choice mortgage security or a gooa rental property, you can certainly be interested. Call or write, advising them of what you van L nu mey win give you lull and ac curate information. They are also prepared to take charge of estates and otther properties, handling and disposing of same under directions of owner. They make loans on adeouate farm ami city securities, effect collections, exchanges, etc Any business committed to their care will receU-e prompt and careful, attention. Bank references given respecting their surname una ousinef8 metxious. GOOD Suburban Property Within street-car distance, to exchange for West Side residence; will pay difference in cosn. Am ine owner." nence no commission. Address A. Plymale, P. O. Box 104, Portland Or. JAPANESE GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BAMBOO FURNITURE Largest Stock Lowest Prices R. KOHARA CO. 351 MORRISON ST., NEAR 7TH. Three New Houses On the corner of Eugene and Williams ave.. of nrettv design, best of workm.mthln nnrt material, are nearly finished. These houses will be sold separate, at attractive prices and upon easy terms. They are open lor Inspec tion: see them. For particulars call upon F. 3d St. ABSTltACTS OF TITLE Our records are. complete and up to data. iuisna Kosiracis promptly. JiOHTGAGE LOANS On 'Improved Portland Real- Estate. EECX7RITY A1ISTKACT TRUST CO. 214-215 Chasaber ot Commerce. NEW TODAT. Auction Sales By J. T. WILSON AUCTIONEER Monday, Tomorrow, at 10 A. W. Auction Sale Extraordinary At Salesroom, 180 First Street Fine Bric-a-Brac, Pur Rugs, Cut Glass, Massive Fur niture, Curios, Etc. For proper dlsolay and pale there has been consigned to our salesroom the elaborate and costly furnishings of West Side residence, com prising, in part. 15 fur rugs, bear, wolf, wild cat, raccoon and Angora goat, witn neaaa complete, all nrlme hide: dainty pieces of bric-a-brac; Imported vases and Indian curios; roua oronzo ornaments; statuary: two pair deer antlers, with skull attached: desirable Jardiniere and pedestal; solid mahogany ped estal, with beautiful Jardiniere; mahogany rockera and tabourette; sofa cushions In leather and Oriental coverings; massive dining-room suite, with extra large sideboard. In rich carv ings; . 12-root extension table; tnis suite in solid antique oak: very select parlor and ban quet lamp; cutglass wine set; tumblers In cutglans; very odd caftor In solid' silver, with costly chlnaware: Dretty pictures: lace cur tains and hangings; French plate mirror; Im ported portieres; couches and lounges; an as sortment of dresser in different designs; metal beds; chairs; rockers; chiffonier, with oval mirror; bookcases and brackets for chlnaware. In Flemish oak; mantel beds; toiletware; lino leum; brooding cage, with four canaries: cost ly phonograph, with disk records; upright pi ano; body Brussels, velvet and wool carpets; kltchon requisites; Eclipse steel range; St. v;iair cook stoves; airtight heaters ana otner desirable furnishings. Note The finer goods will be fold first. In tending purchaser can Inspect goods morning of sale. Fine display In windows today at salesroom. ISO 1st, cor. Yamhill. j. t. wiuisurs, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY'S SALE At Salesroom, 180 First Street, at 10 A. M. Furniture, Carpets, Stoves INCLUDING PARLOR FURNITURE. DIN ING-ROOM furniture, bedroom furniture; Kircnen furnlshlnss. etc. Everything in this lino to be sacrificed at auction Ue. Don't stay away on account of small ad. You can not judge a book by the cover. Buyers and dealers that attend this sale will be aston ished at the fine assortment to be sold at auction. Wo will sell everything necessary for modern housekeeping. j. T. wilson. Auctioneer. FRIDAY'S SALE At Salesroom. 180 First St At 10 A.M. Great Pre-HoIIday Sale Christmas Toys, Groceries, Clothing, Etc. A varied assortment to select from. Including ladles' trimmed hats, men's outer and under clothing, and; hundreds of useful and orna mental chattels-. Note Our Friday's sales are becoming very popular with the economical. We attribute the success of theso sales to the great saving mace by patrons of our Friday's sales. Attend this ale and secure the bargains offered. N. B. If you want to sell your furnishings, etc., phone Main 1G26. or call at 180 let st. and see J. T. W ilson, the Auctioneer. GILMAN Auction & Commission Co. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer . Peremptory auction sale of all the Furniture, Rugs, Etc. Recently fitted up, removed for convenience of sale to Rooms (So. 413 Washington and Eleventh Streets, Tues day Next at 10 A. IV1. This furniture, which Includes tho neat fur nishings of 7-room flat, will be sold without reserve, on account of departure, 10 A. M., Tuesday, and tho sale affords, an excellent opportunity lor buyers of household furniture, S. Ij. X. GILMAN, Auctioneer. Auction Sales' Thursday and Friday, at Rooms 413 Washington & Eleventh Sts., 10 A. M. Each Day Of household furniture. Including, all the furni ture of East Side residence and other consign. ments. Cash advance. Consignments are received at any time. Phone Main 2473. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. H Special CiiristmasSaie Tuesday Next, Dec. 20th, at BAKER'S AUCTION ROOMS CORNER ALDER AND PARK. We sell the furniture and carpets from Mrs Thomas' residence. South Portland; also a large consignment of fancy rockers and tables, suitable for Nma presents, comprising: Ele gant parlor set, S pieces (must be seen to be appreciated); solid brass tables, with onyx tops: costly rockers, with Spanish leather and" cobbler seats: Quartered oak llbrarv tables: highly polished center tables; mantel mirror in gold lear, with eheii; handsome card table; brass vases: bric-a-brac; fancy china; Jardin ieres; mantel clock: pedestals and statuarv; mioses desk: handsome dining suite, viz., ex tension taoie. siaeDoara, cnairs, china closet, silverware, crockery, etc.; portieres: lace cur tains: table covers; enameled beds, with, brass trimmings, best Y Y springs, hair and wool mattresses, pillows and bedding; chtffonlcres: wardrobes; highly polished dreiscrs; dressing laoie in Kfnuen wut; xi. xi. ur&sure; neaiers. and other useful lots. Sale TUESDAY. AT 10 A. M. GEO. ISA Kfc.li Jc co.. Auctioneers. On Thursday Next at 10 A. M. ' On Friday Next at 2 P, M. We sell various consignments of household furniture, carpets, etc. GEO. BAKER & CO.. Auctioneers Phone Black 1842. FOR SALE: Worthinoton Compound Duplex Pump, second hand, A 1 condition. Size 10xl8Mxl4xlO. Deliver ing 875 gallons per min ute. Check valve,' lub ricator, etc., complete. Inquire A. W. Cocbraa, Orcgonlan Building. NEW TODAY- LOTS IN ST. JOHNS SOxtOO $150 $5 Down $5 a Month WITH EACH OF THESE LOTS SOLD WE WILL GIVE WRITTEN -GUARANTEE THAT WE WILL RE FUND PURCHASE MONEY WITH G PER CENT INTEREST PROVIDED THE LOT DOES NOT INCREASE IX VALUE 20 PER CENT DURING ONE YEAR FROM DATE OF PURCHASE. Free street-car tickets and plats. Hart man, Thompson & Powers 3 Chamber of Commerce Special Offerings: The following: are offered for a short time at a ntntHal nut...fin t i . - -lUuv..y.4 Hum hid iicreioiore aCtlial Cnjh nr It rnim.l.i..u ll warranting the sacrifices for immediate sales. FARMS 102 acre on Sandy road. 10 miles east of Portland, with stock and implements. S12, 000. v . E0O acres In Clackamas County, 170 rich bottom; 85 plowed, good house, new barn, etc, 832.30 per acre. i City Properties Nice cottage on Vaughn street, near Fair Grounds entrance, only 1400; half on time. New C-room house, Just completed, mod ern, furnace, etc, 7 lots on car line, only $2750 for a few days. New 7-room house and corner lot, 2 blocks from- East Ankeny car line, with shades, gas fix tures, only $3300; half on time. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 243 STARK STREET Would You Buy One of tho neatest and most modern homes In Portland, beautifully located, if you could set It at a bargain, and on terms? Wo hare it. House contains six rooms, double pantry. 4 closets. 2 linen closets, large bath, full basement, plumbing and fix tures of the finest grade and up-to-date, good furnace. House and grounds In ex cellent condition. THE LOCATION? Willamette Heights Affording a magnificent view of Fair Grounds. Portland. Willamette River and "V alley, a view that can never be obstructed. This place will not be on tho market Ions- ARE YOU INTERESTED? Portland Trust .Company Of Oregon 109 Third Street BUY NOW 5 and 6-room modern cottages, easy pay monts. Call and See My List Fair Grounds Vicinity beverai desirable lota at reasonable prices. Bargains In .Unimproved Lots In all parts of the city. A. H. BIRRELL McKay bldg. 3d and Stark. BARGAIN 28x100 5-room cottage with modern conveniences. E. Grant bet. 10th and 11th. orlce S1S50: have tenant who will lease same one year lor $15 per montn. cottage 005 Grant. Tele phone Alain 44. Direct Importation of Japanese Goods Brassware. Satsuma. bronie and all kinds of Bamboo Furniture - Largest Stock Lowest Prices K. N. KIRIYAjSIA & CO. 267 WASHINGTON' ST. $3.00 a Month Buys, a lot 50x100 at Stewart Park Select one today as an Xmas present, only a few lert. Take Mt. Scott car. Offlco on grounds. ' GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 318 Worcester Block General practice. Investigations. Estate work. Special and periodical units rhone West 11, Two Lots, $850 Corner iltimn AlO And A,bcrta st. These Utllull AVC. are e3E.tra choice lots and u" " . very cneap union ave. is fully improved and paid for. F. BRESKE. room 444 Sherlock bldg.. S3i 3d st. Mortgage Loans 5 and Upwards Heal Estate City and Farm Insurance in AH Lines A. H. BIKRELL, 302-S McKay Bulldlnr. Third and Stark. NEAR THE STEEL BRIDGE 51700 X. W. corner Crosby and Halsey sts $900 Fractional 30x75 on Halsey st., near Crosby. F. BRESKE. room 444 Sherlock bide S3U 3d st. Irvington Cottage Bright little home. Just finished, on Weldler st., must be sold. -45 Vi Washington, room 1. A SNAP $195 LOT 50x100 feot on E. Taylor st.. a few .blocks .east of Sunnyslder easy terms; will be sold without reserve. F. BRESKE, room 444 Sher lock bldg., S3s 3d st . At Half Price Swr good for factory or stable. F. BRESKE, room 444 Sherlock bldg. SEW TODAT. For Sale by Hart man, Thompson & Powers Cl'nri S-room house, luoxiuo xooi ioi ia iPAOUVr -tvoodiawn. 0 blocks from the car line. CI inn 6-room house, ouxjuu on urina 3i.UU ave near Beach street. CO 1ft 11 C-room modern house, 30x100 feet, 5"uu E. 10th st.. near Thompson. CO inn 7-room house. 40xl00-foot lot. on 3m1UU Eaat yamnin aL near East 30th. COTftfl 6-room new house. 30x100 foot lot "1UU on East lGth st. bet. Clinton and Division st. COKnn 5-room cottage. 50x100, on the 3mUUU corner of Tillamook and E. 13th: easy terms. COOnn C-room modern new house. 40x100- ijIWUUU foot lot. nr FnrAn strit near near Rodney "avenue. Fine attic, furnace 'and cement floor. jCQQflO ""rooni new house. Just finished. puUUU flrpnlnrc fitrnnr ppmrat floor. 50xl00-foot lot. bet. Hancock and Tillamook streets; easy Install ments. C.fnn 25x100 on Russell st.. Alblna. with rents for S40per month. SB200 8-room house, corner lot, 50x100, )UMUU pomnlelp tifl modern In evenr re spect; house cost 3000; corner 21st and Vaushn sts. SJIKOn S-room house. 115xl20-foot lot. 2 blocks from car line In Montavllla. SI lnO -10x125 on Williams ave.. near A1UU Tillamook st, fine location for flats. SfinnO 12-room modem house, close In on OUUU tjie West Side. South Sunnyside SOxlOO-foot lots. bet. 33d and 34th sts.. on Hawthorne ave. car line; ?450 to $530; $50 cash, $10 Der month. We are prepared to buy you a lot In any approved location, either on the East or west Side, and build you a house: small payment down, and monthly payments of 1 per cent of the cost. HARTMAJf. THOMPSON & POWERS, Room 3, Chamber of Commerce. HO IV1 ES FOR WORKINGMEN $5.00 Down AND $5 Per Month BUYS A HOMESITE IN RESERVOIR PARK No suburban proDertv offers such inducements to the homebuilder as this elegantly- situated tract. Take Mount Scott car to, Kern and Reser voir Park Station and so north a fev blocks and examine this property, and yon will be convinced that there is nothing on the market like it. For particulars apply to agent on tho premises, or H. METZGER, Owner, 226- Front St. argams NortK Albina Lot 2. block 9. 50x100 feet, good level lot. $225; lota I and 2. block 16. 100x100 feet, very choice. r $450. ParK Addition Eleven good lots, at $125 each. Central Albina Desirable building lot, S. E. cor. Skldmore and Gantenbein avenue, $150. Multnomah. 100x100 feet. S. E. cor. Falling et. and Minnesota avenue. $750. H. 21st and Glisan Sta. Fractional lot, containing 6600 square feet, nearly 1 1-3 lota, which we can sell today for $470. "Victoria Street 50x100 feet, lot 50 feet south of Hancock st. $S50. Washington St. 50x100 feet on the north side of Washington street between 13th and 14th streets. WaKelield, Friea & Co. Phone Main 14. 229 Stark St. HOMES FOR SALE BT C. K. HENRY. 273 STARK STREET. Willamette Heights Residence Modern two-story, well bultt, comfortable home, -comprising- nine rooms, full base ment, choice location, Willamette Heights. House Is in every particular desirable and good. Good furnace and fireplace and good plumbing. Full lot set to fine roses and shrubs. Anyone wanting a homo on Willamette Heights should Inspect this property, as it la a bargain. Ten-Room Residence Ten-room residence on the corner of Taylor and 13th st., new, modern, finely built house, ready for occupancy. Anyone wanting a large, flno home should in spect this. It la on a- full corner lot and Is a bargain. Eight-Room Residence Eight-room residence, new, modern, nicely built, with full basement, furnace, fire place, good plumbing, on nice corner lot. Northwest corner 20th and Taylor sts. House Is ready for occupancy and. Is a good one. Low price. Other huoses and lots In. different por tions of the c!,ty. State what you want and I- will try and provide It. CHARLES K. HENRY, . 273 Stark St. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $1100 BUYS FINE HOUSE, 11TH ST.. LOT SOxlOO; fine property on Yamhill; bringing $300 per month; must sell. Fine corner on 7th St., 2 good houacs, close in: price JOCOO. Fine property on 6th St.; rents for $120 per month; price $11,500. West Side; a real bargain. Three lots on Yamhill. 4 on Taylor, Eaat Side, all for $4750. Fine farm, 160 acres, near Falrvlew; all in cultivation, good house and bam. 30 head of cows.s 3 horses, lots of hay, all klnda of farming Implements; also dairy outfit everything goes. Price $15,000. CHARLESON & SMITH. Room 210. Allsky Bldg. FOR SALE. $2000.00. Strictly modern new home In one, of Port land's most beautiful suburbs; 2-story house, half block 'of ground, on car line; terms easy. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. 100 Third street. JF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SMALL IN veetment, two 6-room houses, on full lot. .rented for $35 each, on Kearney st. nar 22d. will suit you at $6750.- L. W. Whiting & Co.. 408 Ablngton bldg. HOYT ST.. NEAR 22D. MEANS A NEIGH borhood you'd like td live in, and a fine 7-room cottage at $3750 looks reasonable. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 40S Ablngton bldg. 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. ELECTRIC light. E. 2Cth et, convenient to car-Una; small cash payment, easy Installments; a real bargain. A. H. BIrrell. 202 McKay bldg. FOR SALE A NEW OrROOM HOUSE AND 100x100 feet, southwest cor. E. 14th and Pres cott sts.. on Installments, part down; a bar gain at $2600. Inquire on premises. WE WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES, $2000 to $10,000; also business properties. $5000 to $20,000. Have buyers. L. W. Whit ing Sz Co.. 40S Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE SIX-ROOM HOUSE. CHEAP; small payment down, balance monthly; Mon- tavllla. 17 Pearl st, or lol& 6th st. North. WEST SIDE 7-ROOM HOUSE. FIRST-CLASS. $5250; built for home; for safe by owner at co3t. Owner, R 35. Orcgonlan. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. YOUR -ATTENTION IS DESIRED, THAT WHAT WE OFFER MAY BE ADMIRED. $6000 A palatial 0-room residence and a neat 5-room cottage, with alt modern con veniences, furnace, gas, etc. very choice corner, elegant grounds, walking distance business center. $4S00 Swell S-room residence, magnificent grounds, E. Burnside, hear lath. $o2C0 12 large lots, containing over 2 acres of land, modern 7-room cottage, beautiful In the extreme. A place that must be seen to be appreciated, fronting on electric car line, 25 minutes ride from business center. $3000 For a magntflcent place within 10 blocks of the business center of the city; S-room residence, brand-new and modern, with full lot $2100 Beautiful 7-room residence, finished and furnished In elegant style, beautiful lot and a home grand beyond description, on E. Morrison st.. Sunnyslde. $2230224 acres, with 800 bearing apple trees, 200 cherry trees, over 300 pear, peach and plum trees, 4 acres strawberries. 4 acres in Logan and "blackberries. This place is dead sure to yield more than a $1300 net Income, and will almost pay for Itself In one crop. Fronting on the Willamette River, splendid dock and landing on the place, 50 miles from Portland. $1850 Very beautiful new and modern 5-room cottage, full lot, near E. Ankeny car barns. $1000 A very charming cottage home, over looking the Willamette River, 1 block from St. Johns electric cars, at Willamette. $300 Each for full 2-acrc lots, rich soli, nicely situated. 5 minutes walk Montavllla car line, no gravel. $300 3-acre chicken ranch at Clackamas Station. For absolute snaps In residence lots, oub urban acreage and river front acre tracts, farms, etc., apply to THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY, 140H FIRST STREET. $3000 BEAUTIFUL S-ROOM RESIDENCE, with 3 lots; swellcst location on Mount Ta bor; $200 down, balance monthly, like pay ing rent. $2350 Very nice, new 6-room modern 'house on Wllllama ave., lot 50x120 feet; $200 down, balance monthly Installment. $1250 Very nice, new 5-room cottage. Wil liams ave.; $100 down, balance $15 per month. H. H. STAUB. 245t& Morrison, room 12. Phone Red 2371. THE WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO.. SUITE 100-101. Sherlock bldg.. Portland, Or., phone Main 1446. We are dealing In prop erty of every description In and out of Portland. Or. We have over THIRTY rooming houses and hotels In the city, any number of rooms, any location, all prices. If you want to buy a rooming-house or ho tel. If you want to sell a rooming-house or any other property, call and sea us. Correspondence solicited. $3500 TAKES A GOOD BARGAIN ON E. Taylor; 6 rooms, bath and full basement; sightly location; easy- terms; or will rent same. $600010 rooms and full lot. West Side, close In. $2000 T rooms and full lot, convenient to Williams ave. car line, Income $17 per month; half cash. DAVIDSON. WARD f CO., 408 Chamber of Commerce. . FOR SALE. $2750.00. Hawthorne ave., strictly modern, two-story six-room house on corner; recently built and In excellent condition; lot worth $1200; house cost to build. $2000. A rare bargain. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. 100 Third street. AT STUART PARK 5-ROOM COTTAGE, lot 50x100, full cement basement and side walks, hot and cold water, toilet and bath, newly painted this week with two coats of paint. Why pay rent when you can buy a home at the same rate, $000; $250 cash, bal ance at $20 per month. Empire Investment Co., room 0, Chamber ot Commerce. 9-ROOM HOUSE, LOT 63x100, NEAR CAR line, will be told cheap and on easy terms. Several fine building lota In Southeast Port land; small payment down, balance month ly. Cheap lots at your own prices- and on your own terms In North Irvington. Whal ley, 018 McKay bldg. FOR SALE. $460 TO $730. Three choice building lots on car line. Ju?t cast of Sunnyslde; flve-mlnute car service; will advance money to build. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. 109 Third street. ACRE TRACTS WE MAKE A 8PECIALTY of handling acreage; we have tracts In side of city limits or outside; some are - directly on car line; all are accessible, one acre or more; prices very low; terms to suit. A. C Churchill & Co.. 110 Second street. FOR SALE, $200. Lots, on Union ave., 2 blocks south of Woodstock. Other lots In this locality, $200 to $500.- PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. 100 Third street. FOR SALE NEW, MODERN. 7-ROOM colonial house, corner lot, 4 blocks from Sunnyslde car line, 2 blocks from Mt. Scott line, close In, $500 cash, balance to suit purchaser. Owner. J. A. Gray, Uni versity Park. Phone Union 0301. 11-ROOM MODERN HOUSE AND LOT. 13TH. near Morrison: beautiful home on a 10 per cent Investment now. 160 acres. 25 mlle3 from Portland. 7 miles from railroad, at $5. Other bargain. F. O. Northrup. 210 Commercial block. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS SEE THAT grand 7-room house, with bath, full basement, furnace, and all modern conveniences; every thing in fine condition; new and up-to-date; only $4750. The Healy Investment Co.. 210 214 Ablngton, 100U Third st. STRICTLY MODERN NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE and 50x100 lot, near' Union and Williams ave. car lines; $1300, part down; will take good close-In lot not exceeding $800 as part pay. City Business. Chance Agency, 228 1st st. THE FAIR IS GOING TO HELP NORTH Portland, and we'll offer you a 6-room house on York st. for $2350 on the installment plan that will double In value before you can get it paid for. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 408 Ablngton bldg. TWO MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGES, WILL rent for $43 per month; SI feet frontage: gas, electric lights, lot3 of roses; will sell one or both; 15 minutes to Portland. 328 San Rafael st, cor. Rodney ave.. Upper Al blna. NEW MODERN 5-ROOM. BATH. PANTRY, toilet, basement. 50x100 lot, nice shade trees, first-class, not quite finished, for $650 cash. See owner, Joe Nash, In the white house at Nashvlilu Station, on the Mount Scott car. FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 FULL LOTS. 9 room house, barn, chicken-runs. 30 fruit trees; a fine suburban home. East Side; will tradei for good farm near Portland or good business proposition. R 33. Oregonlan. FOR SALE ONLY THE PARTY WHO wants a place for greenhouse, garden or suburban home need read this; tt acres in city limits, with good soli, living spring. Owner. 310 Chamber of Commerce. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS SUGGESTS GOOD neighborhood; a new. modern, 6-room hotwe, looks as well Inside as It does out. be cause It was built for a home; $4730. L. W. Whiting & Co., 40S Ablngton bldg. 4 HOUSES FOR RENT OR SALE ON easy terms, 4 to 0 rooms, furnished, if de sired. Phone Union 173. 1209 Division; take Richmond car. come two blocks to the left. $750O-FOR 5 ACRES WITHIN 7 BLOCKS OF Steel bridge; there are 10 lots on this tract on grade, now worth $750 each; balance suitable for factory purposes. 43J4 1st, near Ash. iN EIGHT-ROOM FIRST-CLASS MODERN house: best East Side location; furnace, gas. cement basement and walks; monthly pay. ments; $4000. H 35. Oregonlan. MT. TABOR BARGAIN 0-ROOM HARD-FIN-Ihed house, concrete foundation, fruit, well, etc.. easy Installments, at $1300. Room 1, Washington or 43tA 1st St.- 5-ROOM HARD-FINISHED COTTAGE, good condition, high and healthy, $750 cash: also a smaller cottage. Inquire of J. M. Fisher. 290 Morrison. $2300 BIG LOT. 90X100. MODERN 5-ROOM cottage, handsome lawn and close In on E. Morrison; Installments. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 408 Ablngton bldg. $1400 LARGE EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE NEAR Union ave.. lovely suburban home; worth $2200; owner going away; full lot.' B 42, Oregonlan. FOR SALE GOOD SUBURBAN PLACE: choice fruit trees and berries; nice view; will oell cheap; part cash. Address L 33, Oregonlan. CHOICE CORNER LOT ON S CAR LINE, well located for flats or residence, fine view. S. W. cor. Corbett and Glbba; low figure for cash. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains oa O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addition, Lents, Or. Take Mt, Scott car. 5c,