( THE SUNDAY OBEGOSIAN, BORrTBAND, DECEMBER 11, 190. s Nearly 800 Employes, 18 Cashiers, 84 Wrappers and Packers, 19 Delivery Wagons, 8227 Parcels Delivered Yesterday Holiday Crowds and Enthusiasm at The Meier Frank Store The whole establishment thrills with Christmas, immense stocks, magnificent displays of Holiday wares at every turn, the store a grand intern aiional exposition felts Christmas brightness Hundreds of thousands of gifts for young and old, all fancies, all needs, representing everything new and novel, everything that skill and ingenuity Jhas produced for presentation purposes from almost every country on the globe It's hardly necessary to say that The Meier &. Frank Store can serve yon to better advantage than any other Pacific Coast emporium It provides the greatest stocks of high-grade merchandise for your choosing, the lightest, brightest, best arranged shopping place for Holiday throngs Nearly 800 helpers and 19 delivery wagons to serve you promptly and to your entire satisfaction Great care has been exercised in the arrangement of Holiday goods departments so as to permit properly caring for the greatest number of buyers, this particuarly pertains to our Toy Department, largest and best in the city, everything in systematic order, making toy buying a pleasure Holiday goods purchased now stored free and delivered whenever you say The Handkerchief Annex 'Toyland" Is Santa Clans' Headquarters THI3U FLOOR On Second FloorReady Tomorrow The Great Holiday Handkerchief Annex opens on the second floor tomorrow A place where Holiday handkerchief buying can be done with comfort and dispatch A great budget of special values to interest you Women's unlaundered hand-embroidered and hemstitched sheer linen Handkerchiefs, regular 25c values at c g JUC and 50c THREE FOR "Women's demi-laundered hemstitched embroidered all-linen Handker chiefs, best 25c values at 3 for. . . Women's hemstitched and embroidered or scalloped edge Handkerchiefs, 50 styles to select from; great i values each C Women's Swiss Handkerchiefs, embroidered, scalloped or hem stitched edge, also lace trimmed, 100 styles to select e from; regular 35c values, for &?G Women's Linen Initial Handkerchiefs, -inch hems, all initials, great value box '. 500 dozen -women's fancy corners and plain hemstitched Siriss and Cambric Handkerchiefs, marvelous values e for each ' i C 100 dozen women's hemstitched linen Handkerchiefs, r; y and -inch hems, wonderful values at each OC Women's unlaundered sheer hand-embroidered initialed Hand kerchiefs, three styles of initials ; regular 25c fV values, for this sale at 3 for JUC 500 dozen Children's hemstitched all linen Handkerchiefs ea. .4 Armenian initialed Handkerchiefs, all initials, each 50 Pull line of Armenian Handkerchiefs at 50c, 75c, .$1.00 and $1.25 each. 65c Our Great Toy Store on the Third Floor is a childish world all by itself A matchless display of Toys, Dolls, Games, Wheel Goods and Mechanical Toys A showing superior in every way to any to be found in the Far West It is our most attractive "Toyland" thus for, and grown folks as well as little 'folks find much to please them Old Kris himself, hale and hearty, is here to greet the youngsters two $1.89 48c 34c Two games for the price of one six new ones to select from each one in a handsome paste board box "Duck On a Rock," "Baseball, " " Steeplechase, " "Yacht Race," "Messenger Boy" and "Criss-Cross," regu lar 75c value; remember, two games on each board Elegant Britannia Tea Set, 22 pieces, size of box 9xl4 niches ; regular 50c value Elegant Dressed Doll, removable clothes, closing eyes, 20 inches long, best $1.35 value, Q for this sale 7?C Conjuring Tricks a box full of them fun for young and old on a long Winter's evening, fQ 85c value, for J-7C Handsome Dressed Doll, celluloid head ; just the kind you want for baby; $1.25 value, 8?C Folding Laundry Set; zinc-lined tub, wringer, washboard, clothes rack, regular 60c 5Q value OVl, 15-key Upright Piano with candleholders; $2.o0 value 21c Doll Hammock, on stand; meas ures 46 inches when open; great special value at each Hip-Jointed Kid Body Doll, bisque head, flowing hair, 15- 'Jt'Jtf inch; 50c value Our "Florodora" Doll with sewed curly wig, trimmed with ribbon on side, one in a box, GCt regular 85c value, for OOC "Humpty Dumpty's" Greatest Show on Earth a practical, amusing set, 3 clowns, 2 ladders, one chair; regular Of $lr.2o value, for O Hip-Jointed Kid Body Doll, 12 inches long, bisque head, flowing hair, sold everywhere f at 25c: our price Doll Wardrobe Suits, dresses, coats, furs, shoes, stockings, un derclothing, jewelry, millinery, etc., etc. Third floor. Magic Lanterns brass globe shape with enamel frontpiece, 12 slides, regular $1.00 CA. value, for 0rC Passenger Train, consisting of iron engine, tender, three enam eled and gilt-striped coaches; $1.00 value, for 7f each tpC 11-inch Drum, nicely embossed; regular 85c value, each 0lC Printing Press with type and ink, regular 75c value, each 3 C 11-key Tuberphone, brass polish ed, regular, 60c value, yr for, each . . frOC Upright Steam Engine, steel boil er, whistle, iron stand, regular $1.25 value 4-piece Furniture Set, consisting of bed, bureau, wash stand and closet, 70c value, 49c We call attention to our display of Automobiles. Hand-Cars, Wag ons, Doll Cabs, Tricycles and Ve locipedes. Third floor . Free With Every Purchase With every purchase made in our Toy Department during the morning hours (8 to 12 A. M.) tomorrow and Tuesday we will give a 25c Air Ship freeThis interesting and amusing toy is the same as Santa Claus distributed two weeks ago, another large shipment having just been received Third Floor Beautiful Table Linens Make an exceptionally pleasing gift for the housekeeper. These values should tempt you : Hemstitched Satin Damask Tablecloths with one dozen hem stitched Napkins to match, size of cloth 2x2 C A AX yards, $8.50 value, for set .; ..tJfcO.'ffU 2x2i 2-yard Cloth, doz. Napkins, $10.50 value set 8.15. 2x3-jard Cloth, one dozen Napkins, $12.50 value set. .$8.90 Tea Hemstitched Satin Damask Cloths, handsome designs 36x36 In., 51.50 value, each... $1.18 43x45 In., 52.25 value, each $1.78 54x54 In., 53.50 value, each ...5155 Full line oC Hand-Embroidered Tea Cloths, grand patterns, big variety. $2.25 values. ...51.89 $2.75 values 52.34 $3.50 values. ...53.05 $2.50 values.. ..52.12 $3.00 values $2.45 $5.00 values. ...$4.30 Portland's Best Book Store Christmas Book wants .supplied at the lowest prices an immense library of read In matter suitable for young and old. These special values will Interest you: "The Table," Delmonlco's best cooking reelpesr-great special value at, rr copy 7JC Webster's School and Office Die- a t- tionary. copy rJC "Black Beauty," illustrated, holl- if. day edition HfDC "Audrey," by Mary .Johnston, copy.. ..75c New Oxford Series of 12mos.. 350 ifl titles, each IzfC New Gift Books "Out to Old 'Aunt Mary's," 51.C0; "Love Finds the JVay." 5L60; "Kitty Among the Roses," $1.C0, and many others. Clever Books of "Wit and Humor "Toasts and Tributes," "Business." "Follv for the "Wise," "Gilhooly Issues," all the latest copyrights at $L0S copy. 3903 Calendars in immense variety, lc to $15.00. Christmas Cards in many styles. Sale of High-Grade Comforters $3.50 Sateen Covered Eiderdown Comforters for, each $ 4.40 6.50 Mercerized Sateen Covered Comforters for, each ; 5.(5 7.50 French Sateen Covered Comforters for. each C46 12.50 Silk Covered Eiderdown Comforters for. each 10.15 17.50 Silk Covered Eiderdown Comforters for, each 15 00 25.00 Silk Covered Eiderdown Comforters for, each... 20 00 30.00 Silk Covered Eiderdown Comforters for, each 26.50 Lamps, Silverware, China, Etc. The Big Basement Store can help you select useful holiday gifts at saving prices as the following testifies Handsome Decorated Lrfimp. central draft, Ulobe and shade, great value. r complete at Decorated Lamp and globe. Xo. 2 burner, value extraordinary at the c 1 fo low price of only v VJO Beautiful assortment of Lamps and Electroliers at prices ranging from S4c to 550.00. Havlland China Dinner Set. greea floral decorated with gold finish, 100 coq c pieces. $47.00 value yJU J wj-piece aet. same as auove, 00 Kn :.&o value, at Pink Decorated Havlland Set- G0 pieces, $23.00 value 100 pieces, $31.50 value $7.50 Nickel dialing Dishes 5175-53.00 Beer Steins .$19.60 .529.75 ..55.S3 ..$2.25 i $33, 53.75-54.00 Fern Dishes $3.19 $2.25 silver-plated Cake Baskets $LS3 $3.00 plated Syrup Pitcher $2.59 4-piece Plated Tea Set $4.19 J2.50 Plated Pickle Castors 51.9S 20c to 60c Ribbons for 1 2c Yd We place on sale Monday a great special purchase of 0000 vards of all-silk double faced Satin Ribbon, odd lots or colors, but desirable for holiday purposes, trimming baskets, pillows, bows. Xmas table use. etc., 2 to 3 Inches i o wide. 20c to COc valueon sale for, per yard lC Holiday Reminders in Fancy Goods 1905 Diaries, 25c up to $3.00 Pancj' box Stationery, Hurd's, Eaton, Hurlburt's, Crane's and others, box, 50c up to $10.00 Dennison Xmas tag: to attach to your j?ifts, each 10 d and 15 Library Sets, a novelty for office or house.... $4.50, 5.00, $6.00 "Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens, each 2.50 up to 6.00 Paper Napkins, Holly design, per hundred 35 Crepe Paper Lunch Sets, Holly de signs, set : 25 Postal Card Albums. .75 to 3.50 Kodak Albums ,-10 to 3.00 Burnt Leather Albums, 25 to 2 "Baby" Ansco Cameras, gift for boy or girl, each 2.00 3Vox3y2 "Ansco" Camera. . .5.00 314x314 Folding Ansco 13.00 Pocket Kodaks 25e to 3.00 Manicure Sets in great variety. Dennison Sealing "Wax set, 25c to 2.50 "Gillette" Kazors, set 5.00 Just the thing for a man. Triplicate Mirrors 1 to 10 Sterling Silver Combs, Brushes and Mirrors, sets up to 20.00 Sterling Baby Sets 1.25 to 3 French Briar Pipes 75 to 10 Austrian Court Boxes big variety. Cigar Boxes. . . .2, 2.50, 3.25 Collar and Cuff Boxes, S1.50 to 4 Handkerchief Boxes. ..1.25 to 3 Ebony Militarv Brushes 1.25 to 3.00 Opera Glasses, pair, up to 20 Chatelaine "Watches. .3.50 to 15 Men's and Boys' "Watches. Brass Clocks, etc., etc Electric Novelties. Holiday Leather Goods A superb Holiday stock of Leather Goods for women and men Useful things that everyone will appreciate The showing is most complete and presents for your choosing the greatest assortments and newest ideas the markets of the world have produced Prevailing prices are most reasona ble A few reminders Men's "Wallets and Bill Books. In seal, walru, alligator and morocco, black brown and tan SOc to $10.00. Women's and Men's Card Cases, In brown, tan and black, walrus, seal and alli gator 0c up to 53.00. Playlnp Card Cases from 50c up to 51.30 each. Cigar Cases in red, blue, brown, tan, alligator, seal, walrus and alligator 30c up to $i.o0 each. , "Peggy from Paris" Bags black, brown and tan 75c to 510.00. ?ew line of Handbags, all colors, brald or strap handles, completely fitted, all leath ers J1.25 to 56.50. Novelty Hand Bags, exclusive styles 53.00 to 530.00. Leather Writing Cases. In black, tan and brown, all leathers 51 to 512.50. Combination Pocketbook and Card Case, all colors, styles and leathers Sac to 510.00. Shaving Pads 25c to 51.50 each. Burnt Leather Novelties In great vari ety. Collar and Cuff Boxes 50c to 5G.O0. Cola Purses 5c up to 52.00 each. Music Rolls 50c to 55.00 each. - Leather Dressing Oases In an immense variety of new styles, all grades, all leathers 5LO0 to 55.00. Complete Dressing Cases, with scissors, mirror, comb, brush, toothbrush, soap. "box. powder, bottle, nail file, etc., all leathers 15.00 up to 525.00. Traveling Sets In great variety, Travel ing Bags. Suit Cases. High-Class Silk Petticoats Reduced All our finest Silk Petticoats are marked at January prices We don't know of q single thing that would be more pleasing to give the madame or "best girl" for Xmas 514.00 Skirts for. 510.83 51G.OO-51G.50 Skirts for. 512.95 522.00 Skirts for $17.45 525.00 Skirts for 520.25 515.03 Skirts for 511.45 518.00 Skirts for 514.63 524.00 Skirts for. 518.45 52S.O0 Skirts for 521.25 520.00, 532.00, 538.00, 540.00 and 550.00 Skirts all greatly reduced. All Fine Evening Waists and Costumes at special prices. 1 - Goif Blouses and Norfolks "Women's and Children's Knit Golf Blouses and Norfolks, In red. white, navy and brown, are all marked at special sale prices. 51. a values for. 51.38 52.50 values for. 51.32 53.50 values for. 52.63 55.00-55.50 values for 53.95 52.00 values for.. 53.00 values for.. 54.50 values for.. 51.52 52.1S 53.45 Picture Spec'Is "Pharaohs Horses," In colors, framed in 4-ln. black frame, gilt trimming, size 20x20 Inches, 53.50 value, . jt at... $1.79 250 assorted Framed Pictures, , big vari ety, of subjects, frames and sizes, val ues '51. io to 53.50 each, your ro choice . yOC 52.23 Hand-Painted Framed Pictures, round openings, 2-In. frames, . Q great value Imitation "Water Colors. In wide brown frames, 6x9-ln.. best 50c values, at only OC 8c ..?.??:. 12c Medallions, mounted on wood, 15c values, each Hand-Colorefl Floral Photo Frames, iuxiz-in., zsc value.... Artistic Picture Framing to your or dernewest moldings, lowest prices or ders promptly executed. 5000 Holiday Rugs At Wonderfully Low Prices Third Floor Important news of a great Holi day sale of Ruga 5000 of the best kinds and styles are offered at the lowest prices of the year. 51.25 Axmlnsters, 18x36 in S3c 52.75 Axmlnsters, 27x60 in 51.S8 54.50 Axmlnsters, 36x72 ia 53.49 30x60 all-wool Smyrna, 53 val. .51.65 30x60 all-wool Smyrna. $4 val.. 52.17 27x54 Utopia Bugs, 54.50 val.. ..53.47 36x63 Royal Wiltons, 58.50 val..53.95 27x54 Royal "Wiltons. 54.75 val..53.45 27x54 Nubia Rugs, 52 value 51.47 Long-hair Angora Rugs 2 sizes 20x20, 52.50 value 51.93 24x36. $4.50 value 53.63 Sakal, Orientals, 30x60 In., ?6.50 val.. for 55.10- Our entire stock of magnificent Oriental Rugs at 25 per cent reduc tion from regular prices. Holiday Bargains in Furs Surprising reductions on our entire stock of furs oppor tunity to buy a beautiful fur coat, scarf or set at a saving of one-half on what equal grade and style costs you at the exclusive furriers The display is by far the largest we have ever made and comprises every new fashion every $1.98 $3.72 $6.55 $8.25 $9.25 kind of desirable skin bhort Cluster Scarf In Japanese mink, 6 tails, regular 53.00 values for this sale only a.... Short Cluster Scarx.s. in brown opossum, mink, 6 tails, regular 5.00 val uesreduced to the low price of Gray Squirrel aid Moleskin Neckpieces, handsome styles, regular 59.00 and 512.50 values on sale for Gray Squirrel and Moleskin Neckpieces, newest styles, 512.50 to 516.50 values on sale at the low price of Long Brown Marten Scarf. 6 talis, cord a nd ornaments, best 511.00 values on sale at the low price of Our Entire Stock Fur Coats Greatly Reduced Sable Squirrel Coat, fancy satin lining, a magnificent coat, selling at .Qr nn at 5150.00 regularly sale price p7.Uvl Astrachan Jacket, mink collar. 575.00 value, for..., 555.00 22-inch Electric Seal Jacket, 525.00 value, reduced to 525.0) 22-lnch Electric Seal Jacket. J3S.00 value, for , 529.23 Children's Fur Sets Child's "White Thibet Set, round muff and collar, regu- lar 53.50 value, reduced to 6HcCr Child's Fur Set In angora. 51.73 value, set 51.52 Child's Fur Set, In white coney, 51.75 value, set 51.33 Black Silks A Black Silk Dress Pattern makes an acceptable gift for an elderly lady; snecial prices on all grades this week. Black Peau de Soie ..98 S1.27 $1.37 S1.63 21- in., $1.25 value, yd... 23-in., $1.50 value, yd... 23-in., $1.65 value, yd. . . 22- iu., $2.00 value, yd... Black Taffeta Silks 20-inch, at, the yard 59 24-inch, at, the yard 83 27-ineh, at, the yard 97 36-inch ...$1.075 $1.19, $1.33 yard New Plaid Silks in beautiful de signs and colorings. Kid Glove and merchandise orders sold at the Glove Counters. Men's Smoking Jackets and Loung ing Robes in matchless variety second floor. Dressing Sacques and Robes Special holiday sale of onr entire stock lf Eiderdown Dressing Sacques and Robes for women, nurses and children; prettily trimmed, satin bound, heavy cord and tassel; all the best colors. $5.00 and $5.50 Robes for, each S3.95 All $0.00 Robes for $4.85 All $G.50 and $7.00 Robes for 5.45 All $7.50 Robes for. 5.95 All $9.00 and $9.50 Robes for... $7.25 AH Robes from $11.00 to $20.00 reduced in the same proportion. Dressing Sacques Reduced All $1.00 Dressing Sacques 78c All $1.50 Dressing Sacques Sl.lS All $2.25 Dressing Sacques $1.85 $3.00 and $3.25 Sacques $2.48 $1.35 Sacques 95 All $1.75 Sacques S1.42 All $2.75 Sacques $2.18 All $3.75 Sacques $2.78 Special holiday bargains in suits, cravenettes, tourist coats and silk waists.