The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 11, 1904, PART TWO, Page 13, Image 13

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Chinese Crew for Minnesota
Cooped Up at Victoria,
Fear the Celestials Will Escape and
Join Their Countrymen in This
City How the Asiatics
Are Fed.
VICTORIA, B. C, Dec 10. (Special.)
James J. Hill has 172 Chinamen from
Hongkong cooped up in a pen at the
outer wharf here and watched by arm
ed guards until the arrival of his big
boat, the Minnesota, which is expected
about the end of the month, her boilers
willing. They are said to be now lean
ing at an alarming rate and the vessel
is making about eight knots an hour
along the South American coast.
The Chinamen In corral here were
hired In Hongkong as part of the crew
of the Minnesota, and consist of oilers,
firemen, deckhands, coalpassers, state
room and saloon servants, cook assist
ants and so on. They were the sickest
looking lot of Celestials ever landed
here when they marched down the
gangplanks of the steamship Empress
of India Wednesday night. The Em
press ran Into dirty weather off the
north coast of "Vancouver Island, and
for the first time since she has plied
across the Pacific was 24 hours late in
arriving here. The weather was simply
tremendous and the big white liner's
decks were a seething mass of green
seas and snowy foam for hours as she
plunged into the southeaster at full
speed, but making only six kjiots in the
teeth of the screaming hurricane. Con
sequently) all the Chinese for the Minne
sota were deathly sick and ate nothing
for three days.
Hence, when first chow-chow was an
nounced in the barracks at the outer
wharf there was a wild, joyous rush of
Chinese feet for the rice bowls and
chopsticks, and" the sticks were never
seen to move faster than they did that
night as the famished Chinks shoveled
the proteids into their vacant maws.
The contractor for the feeding of the
Chinamen is Tom Goldsmith, proprietor
of the Montana Restaurant, at the
wharf-head. The contract calls for
two meals a day. to consist of not less
than one pound and a quarter of No. 2
Chinese rice, with meat and fish. Gold
smith has added on his own account an
abundance of vegetables and Chinese
savories and relishes, of which John is
very fond.
The barracks where the Chinamen
aro penned is an old can factory, very
substantially built, with a four-inch
fioor, barricaded windows and an armed
guard perched on a platform that com
mands a view of every part of the hall.
The Chinese spread their mats on the
floor and cuddle up in their blankets,
and they are then to all Intents and
purposes occupants of the rose-pink
boudoir at the Waldorf Astoria. Out
side the front entrance of the coop is a
ten-foot fence ornamented at the top
with many lines of this season's barbed
wire, twisted and fill greed so as to
make quite an interesting puzzle for
any Chink that might take a Byrd-Page
Jump at the fence with felonious intent
to join his compatriots in Chinatown,
evading thereby the 5500 head tax re
quired by the Dominion government.
Around the top of the ten-foot fence
that surrounds this exercising and air
ing yard runs a narrow gallery in !
which paces, night and day. a sentry
with a loaded rifle and both eyes peeled
for vain tricks on- the part of the pris
oners. The kitchen is arranged on the
Chinese pattern. Three huge, shallow
copers contain the rice, minced pork
and cabbage and the Manchurian rag
out, with Tartar sauce, much affected
by tho Celestial gourmands. The men
are divided up into messes of 20, each
under Its own captain, and when the
signal is given each mess moves for
ward to seize the blue-and-white. china
bowls heaped high with toothsome viands.
The hint has been thrown out by what
is supposed to be a practical Joker that
one of the Chinamen who served his time
as a cabinetmaker in Pekin, and was an
expert in the construction of secret
drawors and recesses in desks and walls,
has a telescope augur and keyhole saw.
with which he intends to get out of that
prison. This has given some uneasiness
to the watchers, for a clever Chinaman
could quite easily, as he lay in his blan
kets at night bore the necessary bole
through the floor, then apply the saw.
with plenty of oil, loosen thus a square
large enough to accommodate tho fattest
of the bunch, and the rest would be easy.
Tho building rests on piles set in the
earth filling of the wharf, and once the
Chinese got through the floor planking,
there would be nothing In their way. It
is not likely, however, that there will be
one queue short when the Minnesota
Use Metlako's Power.
Tli? Regulator steamer Metlako was
brought down from the city levee to
Aider-street dock yesterday and put in
order to bo taken to The Dalles. She has
been chartered bv the contractors who
aro olearlng away Three-Milo Rapids pre
paratory to building the Portage Road.
Tho contractors will moor the boat in a
convenient location and make use only
of her boiler, using the steam for driving
its machinery.
Movements of China Steamers.
The China liner Numantla will leave
down tho river at daybreak this morning
with her big cargo for Oriental ports. It
is qxpeoted to get the Elleric away by
Tuesday at the latest. The loading of
this steamer has been delayed owing to
the nature of her cargo, some of which
is structural iron weighing six and eight
tons. The Elleric will receive half a
load here and will proceed to San Fran
cisco to complete her cargo.
Trans-Pacific Oil Steamer.
lli steamer Dakotah. just arrived here
from Shanghai, was formerly ongaged In
running petroleum cargoes in bulk from
Black Sea ports to India and China. She
Is said to bo the pioneer steamer of a
fleet of oil-carrying steamers to ply be
tween this coast and the Orient. Before
leaving with her first cargo she will havo
an oll-burnlng plRnt installed. Her carry
ing capacity Is D0Q0 tons.
Ship William F. Babcock Releaced.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 10. The Mer
chants Exchange has rocoived word that
thg ship William F. Baboock. from Port
Blakeley. which was libeled at Port
Blskoley for $35,000 by tugowners for
towing her into port, has been released
on an agreement to submit tho matter
to the underwriters.
Oil Steamer Wrecked.
COLOMBO. Ceylon. Dec. 10. The Brit
ish steamer Secundra, bound for New
York with a cargo of citronella oil, was
wrecked on the rocks while leaving Galle,
16G miles from Colombo, last night. Seven
of the arew were drowned.
wheat and 75 tons of miscellaneous cargo
for San Francisco and 50 tons of general
freight for Coos Bay.
The steamer Northland sails for San
Pedro this morning with S50.000 feet of
lumber. t
The steamer "Charles R. Spencer was
withdrawn from 'service yesterday. She
will tie up at the Victoria dolphins.
The Bureau of Navigation reports S3
vessels of 20,282 gross tons were built
in the United States and officially num
bered during the month of November. Of
these, 38 of 1,190 tons, were sail and 45
of 3092 .were steam. The largest of these
vessels were tho wooden schooners Ruth
E. Merrill of 3003 tons, Harwood Palmer
of 2885 tons, and Samuel J. Goucher of
2547 tons.
The lighthouse Inspector at San Fran
cisco gives notice that Point Dume whist
ling buoy, painted red and marked "Pt.
Dume" In black, about one-fourth mile
south by east, three-fourths east from
Point Dume, seacoast of California,
which recently went adrift, was replaced
in its old position December 6.
Marine Notes.
The steamer F. A. Kllburn left down
last night, carrying besides her passen
gers, -50,000 feet of lumber. 447S sacks of
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA. Dec 10. Arrived at 7:50 and lft
ip at 3:45 A. M. Steamer Geo. W. Elder,
from San Francisco. Arrived down at 9 A.
M. Barkentlne James Johnson. Condition of
the bar at S P. M., smooth; wind southeast;
weather cloudy.
San Francisco, Dec 10. Arrived Steamer
Columbia, from Portland; steamer 2. T.
Plant, from Philadelphia; ert earner Mackinaw,
from Tacoma. Sailed British steamer Wel
lington, for Ladysmtth; steamer Robert Dol
lar, for Seattle; steamer Alameda, for Hono
lulu; steamer City of Sydney, for Ancon.
Hoqulam. Wash., Dec. 10. Special.) Ar
rived Espada, from San Pedro for Aberdeen;
Charles E. Pane, from San FrancUco for Aber
deen; Philippine, from San Dkffo for Aber
deen; Olympic, from San Francisco for Ho
Young Women Renounce the Vorld
for a Religious Life.
In the chapel of the Monastery of the
Precious Blood, Mount Tabor, yesterday
morning, one young woman made her
.final vows renouncing the world and en
tering on a eeciuded religious life, and
three young women completed their no
vitiates. Miss Anna Heroack, the for
mer, will henceforth be known In relig
ion a? Sister Mary Immaculate, and the
novitiates were as follows: Miss Neva
Gravelines, in religion. Sister Mary of
Jesus; Miss Blanche Heroack, In religion.
Sister Mary of the Precious Blood: Miss
Bertha Fafard. in religion. Sister Teresa
of Jesus.
Archbishop Alexander Christie presided
at the religious professions of these young
women and received tho vows that pledge
them during life to religious meditation
and prayer. There was a largo attend
ance of members of the church and friends
of the young women who took their vows.
Rev. Father I. A. Brosseau assisted in
tho solemn and beautiful ceremony. Arch
bishop Christie addressed the young sis
ters and congratulated them- on the choice
they had made of a life of seclusion and
prayer. He said that in- the world, when
young women take the vows that take
them entirely out of the world during their
natural lives, it was supposed that they
had entered a sort of slavery, but the
archbishop declared that this was a great
mistake, for" these young women had en
tered on a life really of greater liberty
than had they remained la the world.
The archbishop made an interesting ad
dress on tho. meaning of the religious llfo
on which the four young women had en
tered, and the significance of the act on
the world.
"While wo are sleeping at midnight."
said the archbishop, "these young persons
will be engaged In prayer and religious
meditation for the salvation of the world."
The chapel was decorated In gold, it
being the golden jubilee of the immacu
late conception, and presented & beauti
ful appearance. At the close of the cere
mony the immediate friends and relatives
extended their congratulations to tho
young women and bid them farewell.
Attorney-General A. M. Crawford, of
Salem, Is at the Imperial for a short
Senator Jay Bowerman, of Condon, was
a Portland visitor yesterday, having
come to the city on legal business.
Squire Farrar, of Salem, Senator from
3tarioa County, was a visitor at the Im
perial yesterday for a few hours, having
come to the city to hold brief converse
with some of the politicians of Multno
mah County.
S. Benson, president of tho Benson
Lumber & Logging Company, left yes
terday morning for Seattle, where he
will attend a meeting of tho Logging in
terests of the Columbia River, Puget
Sound and Gray's Harbor districts, which
has for Its object an amendment of tho
constitution of the State of Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. John Annand have re
turned to Portland after a two months
tour of Eastern points. The World's
Fair was their objective point, but they
visited all promlpent centers and re
turned by way. of Canada. Mr. Annand'a
former home. Mr. Annand Is the Port
land manager of tho Postal Telegraph
Cable Company.
Author of Famous Campaign Song.
MADISON, Wis:, Dec 10. Orson E.
Woodbury, author of the campaign vsong
of 1840, .'Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too," Is
dead her at the ago of SO. He wrote
several other songs, was once a Wiscon
sin editor, and was one of the three
men that called the first Republican
meeting in Berlin, Wis., 4n 1S54I Mr.
Woodbury claimed that the Republican
party was organised there. Ho was
driven out of St. Louis during the Civil
War because of anti-slavery sentiments
expressed. .
The Old Biblical Term Suggests Good
Such remarkable changes can be
brought about by food properly selected
that the best physicians now look to the
rearYangcraent of a person's diet as one
of the most Important things.
A member of the Clinic Publishing
Co.. publishers of medical journals in
Chicago, writes as follows, and says that
he does not object to our using his name
"I wish to state a few facts which will
show to you why there is, and ever will
be In my heart, a most grateful apprecia
tion of Grape-Nuts as a life-giving, nerve
strongthenlng and health-restoring food.
"My eldest son, William R., was taken
with a severe attack of scarlet fever.
This left hint In a state of such utter
collapse and prostration of nerve force
and energy that be was unable to sustain
his own weight.
"A complication of troubles followed;
the kidneys became affected, and the
doctors all declared his case hopeless.
"Naturally the stomach was too enfee
bled to retain or assimilate aolid food,
and milk, beef tea, and the like, soon
became nauseating to 'him.
"Simply as an experiment a spoonful
of Grape-Nuts was suggested, and tried.
Its predlgested constituents seemed to
exactly suit my boy's case. Eureka! We
had indeed found iU
"He not only retained the food but rel
ished it and asked for more. From that
vers day he began to mend, and in three
weeks was convalescent. Gradually, from
mere skin and bones. Will has grown
ruddy, bright-eyed and manly, weighing
now. at 15 years of age, ovrr 120 pounds.
"Can you wonder that in our family
Grape-Nuts is considered almost as
'Manna from Heaven?' " Wot. R. Emery.
232 Foster Bt, Ravenswood, Chicago, 111.
Police Raid Opium Joint and
Capture Three,
Officers Turn on Searchlight and Go
Over Transom of Pine-Street
Dive, but Fall to Get
In a spectacular -raid on an opium den
at 271 Pine street at 1 o'clock this morn
ing, a pretty young woman giving the
name of Ruth Delano, and her home as
somewhere In Alblna, was taken into
cuirtody: With her was also arrested
Jack Slebert and Lo Hong, a Chinese.
Entrance to the den was gained through
a transom. The Inmates were discovered
by means of a searchlight, wielded by
Sergeant of Police Hogeboom. who led tho
raiding squad. With him were Policeman
Endlcott and Young.
It is believed the real keeper of the
opium den was not In, and that he Is
therefore still at large. It is thought,
however, that Lo Hung had some connec
tion with the place. He is charged with
being In an opium den and was released
on bonds of $100, put up by two friends.
Ruth Delano, as the young woman gave
her name ,was charged with being in an
opium den, and was turned over to the
care of Police Matron Simmons for the
Jack Slebert was'not found In the den,
but was approaching It through an alley
way, and the police believe him to be the
man who, the young woman states, was
sent out after opium. He was held with
out ball.
Sergeants Hogeboom and Siover guard
ed the den all night. It was locked from
the outside with a strong padlock. For
that reason, It Is believed by the officers
that the real proprietor was away. Not
having actual knowledge of the nature of
tho place, the police feared to make a
forcible entry, but after using the search
light, seeing tho people within with an
opium-smoking "layout" "In sight, they
went over tho transom.
Ruth Delano was found hiding under
the bed. She told the police this was
the first time she was ever In an opium
den. She said she did not smoke opium
and did not know whether she would
have done so had the raid not been made.
With the prisoners tha police captured
the complete outfit. The case will bo
called before Municipal Judge Hogue tomorrow.
T. B. Wilcox Is Chosen President of
It seemed as if some kind fairy had lift
ed her magic wand last night at tho
Arlington Club and had ransacked the
world of art to lend dignity and pleas
ure to tho annual election of officers.
President, T. B. "Wilcox; first vice
president, W. B. Ayer; second vice
president, R. I. Macleay; secretary.
TV. H. Duncklcy; treasurer, W. . A.
Mac Rae; directors Dr. K. A. J.
Mackenzie. William MacMaster, D. C.
O'Reilly, T. M. Stevens and Gordon
The banquetlng-room, with its soft, mel
low light and rich furniture, and the ar- j
usuviiy urrcmscu uluics ourci.v uuuiu not
have been seen outside New York or Bos
ton. The center table was covered with
an array of noble dishes, and there wero
ten smaller tables around the room, a la
buffet Nicholas F. Sargent, manager of
the Arlington Club. Is the skillful artist
who has arranged many banquets, and
surely he excelled himself last night in
tho .tempting display he presented.
Tho election of officers came first, and
then came the banquet. This is the menu:
Frogs Legs la Duboul.
Toke Point Oysters on pouble Shell.
Hot Game Pie, Arlington Club Style.
Cold Saddle of Rocky Mountain Sheep.
Saddles of South Down Mutton.
Wild Turkeys. Tame Turkeys. Tama Goose.
Buffalo Tongue. Ox Tongue.
M&yoa Capons. Country Pullets.
Canraeback Ducks. Suckling Pigs.
Mallard Ducks. Sweetbread Salad.
Wood and Teal Ducks. Chicken Salad.
English Snipe.. Arlington Salad.
Shrimp Salad. Artichoke Salad.
Boned Turkeys With Truffles.
Boned Capon With Truffles.
Vol au Vcuta la Sargauase.
Prime Ribs of Beef.
Royal Chinook Salmon.
Fruit Glace. Salted Nuts. Bon Bons.
Birque Glace. Fish House- Punch.
Mumm Brut Vintage 1SOS.
Cigars. Cigarettes.
New Methods Are Adopted by Night
It was the busiest week the police have
had for a long time. Thero was "some
thing doing" of more than ordinary na
ture nearly every day, so that the officers
were kept on the hop, skip and jump all
tho while.
At the beginning of tho week. Captains
Captains Bailey and Moore adopted
method of leaving Central Station and
inspecting city rreonally.
Captain Bailey inforces 1 o'clock clos
ing ordinance, securing conviction of
Ex-Policeman Olsson attempts suicide,
but will live.
Edward A. Kinsley- Is asphyxiated.
Marie Ogller lies down to die -whlla
Insane, but is found In time .to save
her life. -
Toung women rescued from North End
Robbers blow Pootofflce eafe at, Uni
versity Park.
Captain of Ramor.a robbed of $230.
Women taken from opium den.
Moore and Bailey, commanding the first
and second reliefs of police, respectively,
adopted a new system, and they now do
personal Inspection work throughout the
city, instead of relying entirely upon tho
sergeants and patrolmen. Captain Bailey
has made war on saloonkeepers who vio
late the early-closing ordinance, and suc
ceeded in having flvo fined $25 each, while
Captain Moore has done good work by
rounding up women who violate laws.
Monday night Sergeant Siover raided
rooms in the Esmond Hotel Annex, and
took two wealthy women and a man to
jail for smoking opium, and thoy were
fined 550 each in the Municipal "Court.
Ex-Policeman Frank Olsson attempted
to commit suicide, while temporarily in
sane, by cutting his throat with a knife.
He Is at St. Vincent's Hospital, and is ex
pected -to recover.
Edward A. Kinsley, aged 60 years, a
man cut off from wealthy relatives in tho
We make Christmas buying a pleasure and comfort to our patrons. The wide range, the beauty and prac
tical value of our holiday selections appeal strongly to people of good judgment. Shopping with us involves no
long and tiresome waits for change. Our salespeople are all experienced, capable and courteous. Little accom
modationsconsiderations and moderate profits have made ours the largest retail and wholesale Drug House in
this country. Our patrons of 40 years know that they will always receive full value at our counters.
It is astonishing
to note tho
great advance
during the past
year in the
beauty and
variety of
useful articles
into which Fine
Leather enters.
Suit Cases,
Handbags and
travelers outfits
made up in seal,
alligator, calf
and pigskin,
with Morocco
and silk linings.
plain and also fitted with ebony toilet articles
ranging in price from. . . .3.75 to $68.00
We are sole agents for the winners of the
gold medal at St Louis, the QUAKER CITY,
in richness of finish, beauty of design and per
fection of workmanship it has no superior.
We charge no fancy prices for Cut Glass; it's
a staple with us and as a result we probably
sell more than any house in the city.
5-inch Nappies "Priscilla" design S 1.50
Spoon Trays S 2.95
Ice Tubs S.95
Decanters, Angora design, plain or
handled 7.85
Buy your boy a Camera.lFor health, comfort
and personal safety it beats a shotgun. The
photographic work which a boy undertakes is
a liberal education in itself and all this applies
to girls it's not an expensive pleasure. We
give instruction free at all times and an
2-piece set Sugar and Creamer
Berlin design $ 4.50
Will cost:
51.00 for a Baby Ansco No. 1.
$2.00 for the No. 2.
5.00 for the 3x3y2. -L
$13.00 for the pocket folding.
Every one guaranteed to do perfect work.
In new shades of leather ' and styles -never
shown on the Coast. Our own importation.
In endless variety and styles. Erices range
from .....25c to $6.50
Collar, Cuff and Handkerchief Boxes
PLEASE REMEMBER We stamp initials
or name in gold on purchase from our Leather
Department free of charge.
Satchels, Medicine and Instrument Cases. Any
selection of this nature for your doctor may be
exchanged after Christmas if found unsuitable.
Gun Metal,
Center Vases, 8-inch, Carlisle design S 4.75
Tumblers, set of six....v S 3.4'5
Nut Dishes 1.00
Oils and Vinegars $ 3.50
Mayonaise Bowl, with plate, com
plete 8.50
Perfume Bottles $ 3.00
Sherbet Glasses, dozen S12.50
Punch Glasses, dozen S 9.75
Eight-inch Bowls, Starlight design.. 4.50
Celery Trays, Princeton cuP. S 4.65
Bonbon Dishes, Hamlet design $ 1.95
Finger Bowls, set of six 7.00
Knife Rest $ 1.85
Imported Art Pottery
In Vases, Jardlniers, Trays '
and Plaques
Rare Italian Porcelain.
Brass Candlesticks 35, 75d $1.25
BENARES BRASS Trays, oval, oblontr and
square $1.25, $1.90, $2.40
A Typewriter not a toy but a serviceable
writing machine; any child can use it. Three
stvle :
No. 1 $1.00
No. 2 $2.50
No. 3 ....$5.00
- Triplicate Mirrors
And Hand Glasses, heavy beveled French
plate, handsome ebony, oak ar. boxwood
frames ..$1.40, $2.25, $4.50, $7.00
Adjustable Shaving Mirrors
75, $1.90, 83.50
Fountain Pens $1.00, $2.00,82.50
Shaving Sets $1.25, $2.75, $4.25
Souvenir Postal Cards.
Eaton Hurlburt's latest designs at popular prices. Boxes each filled
with the finest of Paper and Envelopes in the correct tints and finish.
Handkerchief, Glove and Necktie Boxes
Prices for every Purse 35c, 50c, 65c, 75c
Woodard, Clarke & Company
Canadian money taken at full value. Free delivery to all parts
of the city. Complete Telephone Exchange with direct connection to
every department of our store.
Hast, suffered death by asphyxiation in
his room in a North End lodging-house.
Friday afternoon. He was a cripple and
died while asleep, a candJo setting flro
to his bed clothing and causing denso
Tuesday morning MIs3 Marie Ogller -was
found nearly dead on Beach street and
Gantenbeln avenue, where sho had Iain
down, -while insane, to die. She was re
moved to St. Vincent's. Hospital, where
sho Is recovering.
Wednesday morning, at an early hour,
robbers blew open the safe In the Post
ofQce at University Park, stole 520 worth
of stamps and some change .and made
their escape.
Friday morning the captain of the
steamer Ramona was robbed of $220. In
vestigation by Detectlvo Welner failed to
throw any light upon the guilty party.
Early yesterday morning W. Malta, who
runs a restaurant at 257 Couch street, was
assaulted by an unknown man, robbed
and beaten Into Insensibility. The amount
taken from him was $3.15. He reported
his experience to the police as soon as he
recovered sufficiently to wend his way to
the central station.
A diamond valued at $200 was stolen
from the locker of Frank C Houghten, an
O. R. & N clerk, in the Y. M. C. .A.
building. Thus far detectives have failed
to find it oc to apprehend the thief.
Two young women have been rescued
from North End dives and men guilty, or
at least charged, of living from tfielr
earnings and permitting them to remain
in saloons and disreputable houses, have
been arrested.
Still Debating Matter of Extra Session
to Revise Tariff.
WASHINGTON. Dec 10. No extraordi
nary session of Congress will be held next
Spring for a revision of the tariff. That
has been decided definitely. The ques
tion of an extraordinary session next Fall
Is in abeyance.
President Roosevelt announced this de
cision to several of his callers today.
Tho President said he had abandoned
any Idea of calling Congress Into ex
traordinary session in the Spring, as it
did not seem practicable to hold a session
for tariff revision at that time He in
dicated, however, that he might call a
session for next Fall, although no abso
lute determination of that point has yet
been reached.
In view of this decision, the President
told Representative Cooper, of Texas,
that ho had decided to make a Southern
trip. next Spring.
See the New Stock 'of Musical Gift Goods
Mandolins $2.50.
Guitars $3.00.
Banjos $4.00.
Violins $2.00.
Accordeons $1.00.
Phonographs $5.00.
Music Boxes $1.00.
These are our lowest prices.
Zithers $1.00.
Concertina $1.00.
Mandolettes $1.00.
Music Stands 75c.
Music Bolls 50c.
Sheet Music 10c.
Other goods at other prices.
For Wife, Mother, Daughter
tSister or Sweetheart
B7 this Sign
you may know
and will find
Singer Stores
These Machines
are never sold
to dealers.
Only from Maker
to User
A. small payment down, the rest at
convenient intervals.
Fcmr different Kinds and a wide'
range of prices to suit. '
Select No w Delivery when wanted
Get the Best and you get the Singer
402 Washington St. 354 Morrison St. 540 Williams Ave., East Side