The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 11, 1904, PART TWO, Page 12, Image 12

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Grand Jury Asks Judge George
About Statutes,
Body Given to Understand That the
District Attorney Is the Legal Ad.
vlser of the Grand Jury and
Should Be Consulted.
If any person Bhall. by any falsa pre
tenses, or by any privy or false tokon. or
with Intent to defraud, obtain or attempt to
obtain from any other person any money or
property whatever, such person thereof shall,
upon conviction thereof, be punished byJm
prlBonment In the Penitentiary not less than
one nor more than Ave years.
If any offlccr of this etate or of any county.
twn. or other municipal or public corpora
tions therein other than the Governor. Jus
tices of the Supreme Court, or members ot
the Legislative Assembly, shall willfully and
knowingly charge, take, or receive any fee
or compensation, other than that authorized
or permitted by law; for any official service
or duty porformed by such officer, or shall
rtlllfully neglect or refuee to .perform any
duty or service pertaining to his office with
Intent to Injure or defraud any one, or shall
nillfully neglect or refuse to perform such
duty or service to the injury of any one or
the manlfost hindrance or obstruction of
public Justice or business, tvhotber ouch in
Jury, hindrance or obstruction was particu
larly Intended or not, tuch officer upon con
viction thereof shall bo punished by Im
prisonment In the Penitentiary not less than
i,lx months nor more than one year, or by
Imprisonment in the county Jail not less
.,ien three months nor more than one year,
or by fine not less than 550 nor more than
f500, or by dismissal rom office with or
without cither or any of such punishment-
Jury Wants Information.
The grand jury desires information
concerning these statutes which, would
make it appear that something is doing
In the Tanner-Creek sewer scandal, and
other cases where Improvements have
been lmproperely performed, and con
cerning city officials who havo neglected
their duties or otherwise been guilty of
The first-mentioned statute might be
made to apply to dishonest contractors,
and the second to certain city officials,
provided there is any evidence to war
rant such steps being taken.
But nothing of this kind was before
Judge George, who was only asked -to
decide It a certain presentment referred
to him by the grand jury would. stand
legally. It seems, however, that there
was some confusion about It all. The
grand jury had In mind one section of
the statute and the District Attorney an
other, and Judge George declined to ren
der a decision until the grand jury had
consulted with the District Attorney.
Judge George took occasion to impress
the grand jury with the fact that the
statute made the District Attorney the
legal adviser, and very seldom was the
court called ' upon to pass upon such a
matter. After tho District Attorney had
passed upon a matter. If the grand Jury
was not satisfied, tho court might be
asked about it
Jury Comes Into Court.
Tho grand jury carafc Into court to
make a report, and Judge George, after
receiving, it, addressed the grand jury
concerning the presentment referred to
him the day previous, as follows:
"The evident lack of consultation with
the District Attorney compels me to say
to you that the District Attorney Is your
legal adviser in this matter. You should
take the matter to him and get his In
structions so that it might come before
the court through the proper channel.
F. M. Johnson, foreman of the grand
Jury, In response, said: "The court seems
to be misinformed in regard to this mut
ter. The Jury has consulted with the
District Attorney in this matter. We
have consulted for three or four days
with Deputy District Attorney Adams.
"We have talked the matter over and
Sir." Adams prepared this presentment
himself, and asked us to present the
case to your honor.
Mr. Adams, addressing the court, said:
"There Is still a little unexplained. In
presenting this to the court wo had in
viow a different matter. "We did not
havo both matters embodied in one. We
presented this presentment with the un
derstanding that when the court ruled
on it we would present the other ono."
Foreman Johnson then offered to pre
sent the other presentment concerning
.malfeasance and Judge George Advised
the grand jury to consult with the Dis
trict Attorney as Its legal adviser.
Berthold Breltbaupt, a draughtsman In
the City Engineer's office, was a witness
before the grand Jury yesterday concern
ing the TJnlon-avenuu fill, where Contrac
tors Faquet and Johnson are said to have
charged for more yards of dirt than they
It Is reported that the grand jury is
looking into the employment of outside
attorneys by the County Court Carey &
Mays have appeared in certain tax and
other cases for the county. The grand
Jury thinks tho District Attorney can at
tend to the work, and that the County
Court should not create extra expense by
engaging, outside attorneys.
Explosion of Tank of Glycerine Also
Caused Damage to Property.
explosion, of a tank of glycerine blew
to atoms three men, totally demolished
three boats, splintered a big raft of
Igorrotes Are Coming to Port
fand in 1905.
Dr. T. K. Hunt Anpounces That He
Will Bring a Colony of 300 Na
tives to the Lewis and Clark
Tho doss do bark!
The Igorrotes are coming to town.
Two of the Igorrotes were here yester
day, and at least 300 more will bo hero
next April, straight from the Province of
yelp of some luckless doggy went up from
an Igorrote camp as the animal went
down into the pot The Igorrote likes
chlckenand pig, too. and he hasn't a par
ticle more of sentiment about the dog
than about any other table dainty. One
of the practices observed by visitors at
St Louis was the sale of dogs teeth,
freshly pulled out of boiled skull In the
pot as souvenirs to the spectators.
From all which It Is clear that had" not
there been plenty of white people to buy
the savages would not have troubled to
practice such dentistry. Dr. Hunt had
enough of the showman's Instinct to per
jnlt the publicity of this feature.
"The newspapers wanted a sensation,
and of course that furnished It," said the
doctor yesterday. "But why shouldn't
they eat dog? In their own land they
raise rjee and sweat potatoes, chickens,
pigs and dogs. That's their food.
Dog Tastes Like Mutton.
'T have been with them several yaars,
and I have eaten dog more than once. In
deed, I am very likely to eat it again. If
I did not know what waa In the pot I
would say from the taste that It wag very
good mutton."
The doctor Is a native of.Ohlo. He went
to the islands in 1S3S as a contract sur
geon, and was later appointed -Civil Gov
ernor of the Igorrotes. He has learned to
speak their language, and, being a "medi
cine man," and very tactful withal, is
logs, smashed windows along Front
street and did much damage to prop
erty along the river front today.
Tho explosion occurred on the river
below the wharf, from causes which
will never be known. Three mon were
taking 200 quarts of explosive to Miys
vllle, where It was to have been used
In shooting wells. Their boats were
slowly making way down stream tvlun
the explosion occurred.
Kuropatkin Reports Encounters.
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec 10. General
Kuropatkin reports some unimportant en
counters during the night of December 8.
Russian sharpshooters " reconnoiterlng
south of Bentslapu, attacked a Japanese
post, bayoneted a number of Japanese
and took 11 prisoners, of whom only four
were wounded. The same night a num
ber of Japanese attacks were made on
Russian advanced intrenchments near
the railroad. They were all repulsed.
Bontoc, which Is 250 miles north of Manila,
on the Island of Luzon, which Is 'way
around the other sldo of the earth.
Then well may Mr. L.. Samuels rejoice,
for three whole villages of dogeatera
ought , to help some while they remain In
Portland. It will bo up to the dogs to
seek hiding places.
- Dr. T. K. Hunt, ex-Civil Governor of
Bontoc, and the man who has had chargo
of the Igorrotes at St Louis, was in the
city yesterday. Ha was accompanied by
Antonio, chief of the Igorrotes, and Cho
megma, who Is reputed to be one of thoso
said to be fast becoming extinct mammals
a truthful man.
Dr. Hunt came to make further arrange
ments about the Filipino exhibit for the
1905 Fair, and the savages came along to
have a look at Portland. Antonio will
report to his tribesmen, his words being
supported by the truthful Chomegma.
The dog-eating proclivities of these sav
ages formed one of the sensations of St
1 Louis. At certain hours the agonizing
regarded with tho greatest possible re
spect by the savages. He Is under 0,000
bonds to the Government for the safe
keeplngand return of the natives. If he
brings a great exhibit to the 1S05 Fair, as
now contemplated, his bonds will proba
bly be Increased. Speaking of the charac
teristics of the Igorrotes and his experi
ences among them, ho said:
"I havo never tried to rid the people of
any superstition they may have about the
danger of killing a medicine-man. The
reason is obvious. I prefer to live as long
as Dossrblc. But they are not badlv dls-
posed savages. They are monogamous.
moral and strictly honest It Has been a
matter of some worry to me that they
should not learn any of the dishonest
tricks practiced dally In America. They
think America a fine country, by tho way,
and will carry home a great report of it
"The spear is the weapon of the Igor
rote. He la a fighting man, hut has never
(Concluded on Pas M.)
MIm EmU K. McElroy, Secretary. Juio J. Tedulcord, V! co-President
MJs Sarah II. Rogers, President.
Glen A. Keep, Treasurer.
Miss lAura 51. Jones, 6ers?aat-at-Armt.
Mies Sarah Mitchell Rogers, one of the few slrls to receive the honor of being elected to the presidency of the class, entered the High School in September. 1901. and l
now enrolled in the Latin clais. She has earned and won the reputation of being a leader In all, of her classes, and one of the most popular glrla in the school. Htr election
was a tribute of the honor and esteem In which she Is held by "her -classmates.
The new vice-president Jesse J. Peddlcord, is a member of the English class, and Is one of Its Intellectual leaders. He has taken a prominent part In the To-Igel6n
Debating. .Society, which he a.1 present represents on the staff of the High School paper. yf '-
Miss Emily Kast McElroy. the eecretary. Is a member of the Itta class, and attained tho distinction of winning the alumni oralorial medal In the contest held at the
High School in 1802. She take an active part In the Pbllolexlan Debating Society. y-
Glen A. Keep, treasurer, has -won honors la his clans, that of English, and well deserve the commendation1" attested in -the election. - 'I v 'jt
Miss, Laura M. Jones, aergcant-at-arms, is a talented member of the Latin claw and very popular with" Us members. v '
Contract For Portage Road
Soon to Be Let,
McCabe Construction Company Doss
Not Come Forward With the Re
quire! $50,000 Bond, and Ne
gotiations Declared Off.
Bids will be called for at'dnce for build
ing the portage road and the contract -will
be awarded prohably within two weeks.
The McCabo Construction Company,
which was to have received the contract
failed to file the required $50,000 bond with
in the time specified, and negotiations be
tween that company and the State Por
tage Commission and the Open-River A3
soclatlon are off: The executive commit
tee of the association will meet at once.
The committee Is composed of Henry
Hahn, of Portland; Dr. N. G. Blalock, of
"Walla Walla; W. J. Mariner, of Blalock;
J. T. Peters, of The Dalles, and" J. a
Smith, of Shermin County. J. N. Teal, of
Portland, has been acting as' attorney for
the association.
The McCabe Construction Company, of
which A. J. McCabe, of Tacoma, Is the
chief member, had until last night to give
bond. The hour went by without Mc
Cabe's having made good.
Plans and specifications are all ready,
and bids will be received probably Inside
of ten days. Several contractors, when
asked yesterday how long It would take
them to figure on the specifications, re
plied three or four days would be suffi
cient, inasmuch as the work to he, dnnn la
simple. Collections of money by the Open-
ittver Association to pay for the road will
continue. The sum needed from that
source will be between $30,00 and 40.000,
which In addition to the $151,000 of the
Oregon legislative appropriation, will go
to the successful contractor. Tho con
tractor doing" the work will have to rely
on the good faith of the Open-River As
sociation for the extra money, but that Is
regarded as a good risk.
Create Protective, Association to Deal
With Advertisers.
The Publishers Frotectivo Association
of Oregon has been created In the city
during the past week and tomorrow will
have Its legal birth when articles of In
corporation will be filed with the County
The association has been formed for
the protection of tho weekly and month
ly publications of the state against the
advertiser who does not fulfill his con
tracts, and the unscrupulous and unau
thorized advertising solicitor who works
his gra.ft by false representations and
unlawful means;
A preliminary meeting was held a week
ago, at which time a committee on or
ganization and by-laws was appointed to
report at the second meeting fixed for
yesterday evening. The committee con
sisted of David N. Mosessohn, Scott Bo
zorth and Frank Liee. '
The membership will consist of all
publishers of bona fide periodicals in the
state, or their representatives. .The reg
ular meetings will be held on the sec
ond Saturday of each month. Each mem
ber of the association will run at the
head of his editorial page, the announce
ment that he is a member of the Protec
tive Association.
The officers elected at the meeting last
Closing Out Ends of Bolts Getting. Beady for
y Stock-Taking.
Suit and Extra Pants of Same
or Striped Material, to order for
2tfow is your opportunity to dress well at
small cost.
Overcoats to order for cost of material and
making. Too many woolens for tins time of year.
That's why. " ,
$6, $7 and 8 Trousers to order for 5, $6, $7
$8, $10 and $12 Fancy Vests to order for .$6, $7, $8
Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases.
Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits a specialty.
Garments to order in a day If required.
Samples mailed- Garments expressed.
lOS Third Street
night were: President, Scott Bozorth;
first vice-president. Frank Lee; second
vice-president, G. P. Keller; secretary
treasurer, David N. Mosessohn. The
finance committee will bo composed ot
tho foregoing officers, together with P. B.
Sullivan, T. R. Smith and J. C. Davidson.
A committee of membership was ap
pointed to consist of David N. Moses
sohn, P. B. Sullivan and M. D. Jacobs.
The finance committee will be composed
of M. M. Miles, It. B. Larsen and J. B.
Welch. The association will engage one
of the prominent lawyers ot tho city to
help" the board with any legal advice
which may become necessary in tho
transaction of Its business.
Mormon Apostles Summoned,
SALT LAKE, Dec. 10. Two apostles of
tho Mormon Church, John Henry Smith:
and Charles W. Penrose, were today
served with subpenas by United States
Marshal Heywood to appear before tho
Senato subcommittee in the Reed Smoot
investigation at "Washington. Apostle
Penrose Is ettltor-ln-ehlef of the Deseret
News, the official church publication.
Apostle Smith is a cousin of President
Joseph Smith. Apostle Smith was sub
penaed to appear before the subcom
mittee during Its hearing last Summer,
but at that time was too ill to travel.
Of the 35 or 40 subpenas sent the United
States Marshal for service In Utah and
Idaho, It is understood that so far tho
Marshal has succeeded In serving scarce
ly a dozen.
Will Not Take '05 Fair Position.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 10. B. Norton "White,
chief of the department ot admissions at
tho "World's Fair, announced today that
ho had declined the offer of the same po
sition at tho Lewis and Clark Exposition
in Portland, Or., next year.
Jlr. "White gave as his reason that ho
needs a rest from his labors in connection
with the "World's Fair.
Rescuers Reach Entombed Miners.
ELDORADO. III., Dec. 10. Rescuers
today reached the four men who were en
tombed yesterday In the Eldorado Coal
& Coke Company's mine and found them
dead. Tho bodies were brought to the
Positive Retiring Sale
Wo desire to announce the greatest sale of Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Underwear, Hosiery and Neckwear, etc.,
in the history of tile Northwest. We are positively determined to close out our entire stock in Portland, and
are prepared to make the most radical reductions to accomplish that end. Our lease and fixtures have heen
sold to 3). M. Gray, of Salt Lake, who will take possession within sixty days. As we do not want to move
any of our stock we have decided to give the public the benefit of the lowest prices on good honest merchan
dise over sold in Portland. It will pay you to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Special for Motormen and Conductors
$20.00 Uniform Suits -. $15.00
- 17.50 Uniform Suits.. . 13.50
20.00 Serge Suits 15.00
"We furnish buttons with all suits.
Special Black and Blue Serge Suits-. 9.40
Extra values in Soft and Stiff Hats, sold at $2.50
and $2.00, at.... . $1.05
Underwear Bargains
Blue and brown derby ribbed, garment 39
Natural wool, garment 59
Natural wool, garment 73
Blue and tan striped fine ribbed, garmont. . . . 79
Light-weight American silk, garment $1.19
Black and tan Cotton Sox, fast colors, pair. ... 7$
Black, camelshair and natural wool, pair 19
Black and natural, cashmere, pair 19
Fancy Lisle' pair 19
Imported Lisle, pair. . . . .,. . 28
Mocha and Kid Gloves, pair 87
Suspenders , ... r
25c Suspenders $ .15
50c Suspenders 39
75c Suspenders 59
In fancy boses, siutable for holiday presents,
$ .50 Suspenders i $ .35
1.00 Suspenders .............. ; 70
1.25 Suspenders g5
1.50 Suspenders . ... 1.15
Men 's fine Initial Handkerchiefs, box of 6. . .60
Neckwear Bargains
15c Bows for Turndown Collars, each 5
25c Tccks and Four-in-Hands, each 13
75c and 50c Tecks, Four-in-Hands and wide
ends, 3 for $1.00
Shirt Bargains
$1.00 quality stiff-bosom Colored Shirts, three
for $1.00
"Cluett" Colored Shirts 1.19
Monarch White Shirts 70
$1.50 Monarch White Shirts 1.00
$3.50 Sweaters
3.00 Sweaters
2.50 Sweaters
2.00 Sweators ...
1.50 Sweaters . . .
1.00 Sweaters ...
Suit Cases
$10:00 'Suit
8.75 Suit,
7.00 Suit
5.35 Suit
4.50 Suit
4.00 Suit
3.50 Suit
3.00 Suit
2:50 Suit
. 1.95
. 1.45
. 1.20
. .70
. V.50
. 5.95
. 3.85
. 3.40
. 3.00
. 2.55
. 2.05
All Loggers' Shoes reduced. Cutter's, Hanson's
''Three Lakes," and other makes. Special induce
ments to dealers. . - .